Outside Reading Project Ideas

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Outside Reading Project

Choosing the novel:

The book must be at the students level and never have been read by the student
before this project. The book should be approximately 200 pages in length. If you
have any questions or concerns, please check in with Mrs. Sulser.
1. Once you have chosen the book, you need to fill out a register sheet for
the book and turn it in. This will be due in two weeks.
2. You will complete one of the following projects outside of class. You will
receive a list of a wide variety of projects to choose from, however, if you
would like to do something that is not on the list, please discuss it with the
teacher first. Also, even though certain projects may really appeal to you,
remember to make sure the project you choose will work well with the
novel you read.
3. Projects that require a performance or presentation of some sort such as
creating a video or audio recording need to be between 5-10 minutes in
length. Written projects need to be between 3-5 pages in length.
4. When choosing projects that involve drawing, you absolutely may NOT
copy the book cover or any pictures found in the book. This involves no
creative thinking on your part whatsoever and will not be given credit.
5. You must follow MLA format when turning in your project. You must cite
the book and other works, if used for the project, with a works cited page.
6. You will also be required to fill out the Book Information Sheet included in
this packet. It will be turned in the same day as the project.
Physical Appearance (neatness, organization, color, etc) 5 points
Spelling and Grammar 5 points
Content and Detail (to what extend does this project prove to me that you
read this book? Does the final product reflect well thought-out ideas and
demonstrate your understanding of the novel) 20 points
Completed Book Information Sheet 10 points

Project Ideas:
1. Childrens story
Turn the novel you read into a childrens story by retelling the plot in a simple
way with vocabulary appropriate for youngsters. Make sure your creation looks
like a childrens book, complete with a hard cover, an appealing book jacket with
the title and author, and colorful illustrations above and below your writing. Do
NOT use lined paper, and make sure all writing is either typed or written neatly
with a black marker.
2. Write your own scene
Write a scene that could have happened in the book you read, but didnt. Be sure
to write in the same style as the author. On a separate page, include a brief
explanation of what has occurred up until this point in the novel and give a
general description of the characters. In a second paragraph, explain why you
made the changes you did and how they would have affected the outcome.
3. Map
If the book you read involves a number of locations within a town, country or
geographical area, create a colorful map. First make a list of all the locations
houses, stores, streets, parks, lakes, etc. mentioned in your books setting. Then
draw the map showing a birds eye view of the area. Label each location. Below
the map, create a legend with a list of all the locations. Include a one-page
description explaining each item on the map and what important events occur at
each location. Make sure your map has lots of details, is colorful, and is large
enough to be seen clearly. All writing should be done in black ink or markers.
4. Comic Book
Create a comic book based on the novel you read. It should have an illustrated
cover with the title and author and be comic book size. Inside retell the story
using dialog and descriptions of setting and characters. Put your writing in
bubbles. Create colorful illustrations that help tell the story.
5. Magazine
Create a magazine that depicts the major events, controversial issues, and
significant themes developed in the novel you read. Your project should
realistically portray a professional magazine. All articles in your magazine must
be typed and arranged in columns. If you cut and paste the columns onto the
page, Xerox the final product. You will need a colorful front cover with the name
of your magazine, date of edition, a picture that relates to your most important
article and short descriptions of the kinds of articles featured in your magazine.
Remember, EVERYTHING in your magazine needs to be related to the novel
you read. You can have a Dear Ann Landers section with letters from
characters asking for advice about their problems and responses of advice,
articles related to significant events in the novel, advertisements, and anything
else you might find in a magazine.
6. Newspaper
Create a front page to a newspaper that is devoted entirely to the book you read.
The front page should look as much like a real newspaper as possible with
writing in columns, headlines, a newspaper title, the main articles, etc. On the
second page, you can include a variety of different kinds of features including
horoscopes for each character, Dear Ann Landers letters, comic strips,
advertisements, personal ads, an obituary section, or anything else you might
find in a newspaper. Everything you include, however, must be based on events
and characters in the book you read. Articles must be typed.
7. Scrapbook
Create a scrapbook for one of the main characters that reflects the many events
that occur to him or her in the novel you read. You can include photographs,
letters, post cards, telegrams, a family tree, newspaper article clippings,
memorable items or anything else you can think of that you might find in a
scrapbook. If you include objects or photographs, be sure to write captions below
describing what they are or whats going on and their significance to the
character. Create a nice cover for your scrapbook. On the inside, paste an
information sheet identifying the full name of the character, his/her age (guess if
you dont know), birth date (if known), where he/she lives, and any other
important information.
8. Movie Preview
The book you have read has just been made into a movie and you have been
hired to create an interesting, attention getting preview that will make
moviegoers all across the country want to come see this new release. Prepare a
script, practice and then videotape short scenes to be used for a preview.
Remember previews should not reveal whole scenes, but instead, give us quick
glimpses of what the movie is about. Use an attention getter at the beginning of
your preview by having a narrator ask a question, describe a situation, etc. (just
like when you write an attention getter for the introduction of an essay). Add
appropriate background music that fits the mood or atmosphere of the overall
movie. Be sure to videotape an interesting visual design of the title (to be shown
at the end of the preview) and mention the actors and actresses who star in the
feature film. (Turn in the script with this project!)
9. Photo Album
Seek out friends, family, teachers and classmates with a camera, ask them to
pose in positions and places that reveal events in the novel you read, then shoot!
Make sure your pictures are not just of people smiling and saying cheese though.
Your pictures need to reveal EVENTS that occur in the novel. Use small props
and costumes in your pictures to help identify who each character is and what is
going on and try to choose models that resemble the characters. Once you have
your pictures, arrange them in a photo album in the order the events occur.
Below each, write a caption that explains who the people are, what is going on in
that particular scene.
10. Model of the Setting
If the place where the story takes place is a significant part of the story, create a
model of the setting. Create your model in either a large box, on a piece of
cardboard or a piece of wood. Be sure to make it as realistic as possible. Include
lots of details in your model that demonstrate events that occur in the novel you
read. You may also want to include characters from your novel on the model you
create. Label each place. On a piece of paper, write at least a one-page
description of the setting and its significance to the rest of the story.
11. Storytelling
Turn the novel you read into an oral story that you tape on a cassette. Do NOT
read from the novel, but instead, retell the story in your own words. On your tape,
before you actually begin your story, introduce the title and author. Be sure to
use appropriate tone and volume as well as special sound effects to help make
your story more exciting! You might even want to use music. Develop a different
voice for each of the main characters that spoke in your story. (Ex: If you were
telling the story Little Red Riding Hood, when you came to the part where Little
Red says, My what BIG teeth you have, you would speak in a high-pitched
voice and then switch to a much deeper, rough voice when the wolf responds,
All the better to eat you with.) You will obviously have to skip parts of the story
because a novel is very long. Create a script to use when you tell your story.
Turn in the script with your tape.
12. Letters
Write a series of letters that the characters may have sent to each other during
the course of the novel. The letters need to reflect each characters personality.
Begin each letter with a greeting and end it with a closing. Write from the first
person point of view. Place your letters into a cover that you create, organizing
them in the proper order. On the first page, include an information sheet
identifying the full names of the characters, their ages (guess if you dont know),
where they live, their relationship to each other, and any other important
13. Movie/Book Comparison-Contrast Essay
After reading the book, watch the movie version. On a piece of paper, type the
name of the movie, year it was made, and the names of the stars playing the
characters (it should look like a program). Attach this paper to your essay. You
will need to type a five-paragraph essay comparing and contrasting three things
between the movie and the book. Use specific details. You may write in first
person. I expect you to share your opinion about which version you preferred and
why. Please double space the essay and use size 14 font.

Teachers Name:
Book Information Sheet
1. Title: ______________________________________________________
2. Author:_____________________________________________________
3. Describe the setting of the story: _________________________________
4. Describe the main character: ___________________________________
5. Describe the central conflict of the story: __________________________
6. Describe the resolution of the conflict:_____________________________

7. In five sentences outline the plot of the story:
Sentence 1:
Sentence 2:
Sentence 3:
Sentence 4:
Sentence 5:
8. State the theme of the story: ____________________________________

9. Describe in detail why you liked or disliked the story: _________________

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