Fastening &joining

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Fastening Studs and Pins to Plates 20-2
20- 10
Fastening Precision Gear-Plates 20- 14
Bonding Sheet Metal with Adhesive 20- 1 6
20- 1 8 7 Ways to Assemble with Adhesives
Glass-to-Metal J oints 20-20
Simplifying Assemblies with Spring-Steel Fasteners 20-22
Spring-Steel Fastener 20-24
Snap Fasteners for Polyethylene Parts 20-27
Plastic Snap-Fit Design Interlocks 20-28
Fasteners that Disconnect Quickly 20-30
More Quick-Disconnect Linkages 20-32
8 Detents for Clevis Mountings 20-34
8 Control Mountings 20-36
18 Ways to J oin Honeycomb Panels 20-38
12 Ways to Anchor Heavy Machines 20-42
Design Details of Blind Riveted J oints 20-44
16 Ways to Align Sheets and Plates with One Screw
For Better Grip-longer Holes in Sheetmetal
Bolts Get Help Against Shear
10 Ways to Conceal Fasteners
Attaching Motors to Instrument Gearheads
Fastening Studs and Pins to Plates
Ten removable and five permanent methods for fastening studs that provide pivots
for linkages, act as stop pins, or register of parts in assembly.
D. Mascio
( A ) (Bl
Fig. &-(A) Shoulder screw in threaded hole may
have slotted head. Thickness of mounting plate
should be at least equal to thread diameter-
especially if design does not allow thread to protrude
or to be cut flush. (B) Loosening of screw can be
prevented by having plastic pellet inserted into body
of thread, or patented, self-locking threads.
P/ate, Sleeve Washer
1 ]L..&u
- Li nkage
Fig. 3-Standard bolt and nut can be used to hold
movable linkage by using sleeve to prevent binding
when screw is tightened..
Sprlng r i b
Fig. 5-Quick assembly is obtained
with spring rib washer but slippage
may occur with high loads. Also stud
is difficult to disassemble.
\$\I I
Fig. &-Shoulder screw in unthreaded hole requires
nut and washer. Plate can be any thickness.
Loosening of screw is prevented by lock washer
or by using a lock nut.
Taper or cutter pin p , u
Washer - - -
( 6)
Fig. 4-Where end play is permissible, stud can
be retained by (A) unthreaded shoulder pin and
snap ring; (B) washer and cotter or taper pin.
Wedging effect of taper pin prevents end play if
pin is properly located.
Anchor nut,
Fig. &Threaded rod provides for
axial adjustment in sheet metal as-
semblies by clamping plate beiween
two nuts (usually lock nuts).
Fig. 7-Anchor nut enables should-
ered stud to thread into thin sheet
metal when only one side of plate
is accessible.
Fastening &Joining
Fig. &Sheet metal nut and stand-
Fig. io-Stud with tapped hole
ard screw make simple fastening
is retained in thin sheg metal
for small mechanism assemblies. standard stud threaded on both ends. with standard screw.. Hole can
Nut can be recessed.
be tapped all the way through.
Fig. g-hserts with tapped hole pro-
vide seat in plastic or soft metal for
Inserts are retained in plate by vari-
ous patented methods.
OriIled or indented
I t - -
Fig. 11-(A) Shoulder stud is pressed into hole
in plate. Holding power can be improved by
using brazing ring or (B) having groove pressed
on the shank by licensed manufacturers.
- Countersunk pl ate
Direction of
countersunk hole
Before ri veti ng Af t er riveting
Fig. 13-Stepped-up stud does not reduce shear
area at junction of pin and shoulder (as in Fig.
12 A). Therefore, for same pin diameter shear
strength is higher. Also, when stud is used as a
stop pin, head of stud resists shock loads which
may cause stud in Fig 12 (A) to pull out.
Arc or flame
Fig. 12-(A) Riveted shoulder stud in clearance hole
is center drilled for ease of riveting. Plate counter-
sunk for flush riveting. (B) Riveting over sheet metal
will not be flush unless (C) metal is indented.
or precision
n Stock7
I 3 Knurled"
Fig. l4-(A) Press-fitted dowel pins can be used for
small sizes up to + in. dia.-precision stock for
larger diameters. Press fit is also obtained with
knurled pin (B) or with patented items such as
grooved pins, slotted tubular pins, spirally rolled pins.
Fig. 15-(A) Special studs for welding allow dissimilar
metals to be welded, which is frequently impossible with
resistance welding. Special gun for welding creates Iittle
heat, therefore no distortion. (B) Flame welded studs have
fillet around bottom.
16 Ways to Align Sheets and Plates
with One Screw
Federico Strasser
Two Flat Parts
L- 1
a Ret ai i ed slug
1 Dowel s. . .
2 Retained sl ugs. . .
3 Al i gni ng tube . . .
act as pins, perform same function
accurately align two plates, prevent
shear stress in fastening screw. as dowels; are cheaper but not os
Two pins are necessary because accurate.
screw can not act as aligning-pin.
fits into counterbored hole through
both parts. Screw clearance must
be provided in tube.
. MiNed channel.
4 Abutment . . .
provides positive, cheap alignment
of rectangular part.
5 Matching channel . . .
milled in one part gives more eficient alignment than abut-
ment in preceding method.
Formed Stampings Assembl ed wi t h Flat Parts
---Bent ffonge
6 Bent f l ange. . .
performs similar function as abut-
7 Narrow slot . . .
receives flange or leg on sheet
7 - 1
ment, but may be more suitable metal part, allows it to be 8 Bent lug . . .
where machining or casting of abut- mounted remote from edge of
ment in large part i s not desirable
or practical.
(A) fits into hole, aligns parts simply
and cheaply; or (B) lug formed by slit-
ting clearance hale in sheet metal keys
parts together at keyhole.
other part.
Fastening 8t Joining
l egs
\ /
9 Two legs . . .
formed by lancing, align parts in manner similar to re-
tained slugs in method 2, but formed legs are only an
alternative for sheet too thin to partially extrude slug.
10 Aligning projection . . . .
formed by slitting and embossing i s good locating
method, but allows o relatively large amount of
play in the ossembly.
Fl at Parts and Bars
- Wosher
12 Nondrcular end . . .
on bar may be square (A) or
11 Knurled end . . . 0-shaped (B) and introduced into
of round bar (A) has taper which digs into a similarly-shaped hole. Screw and
edge of hole when screw is tightened; this washer hold parts together os
gives accurate angular location of bar or before.
sheet. (B) Radial knurling on shaulder is
even more positive.
13 Transverse pi n . . .
in rod end fits into slot, lets rod e;ld
Dowel, be round but nonrotatable.
15 Dowel . . .
is simple, efficient method of preventing rotation if
rod dio is big enough.
14 Washer over square rod end . . .
has leg bent to fit in smoll hole. Washer hole is square, prevent-
ing angular movement when 011 three parts are assembled ond
fastened with screw and washer.
16 Double sheet thickness . . .
allows square or hexagonal locating-hole for shaft
end to be provided in thin sheet. Extra thickness
can be (A) welded (B) folded or (C) embossed.
For Better Grip-Longer Holes
in Sheetmetal
In Steel or brass, depth of a threaded hole should be at least half its width,
and in zinc or aluminum the right ratio i s 2/3. If the metal i s too thin,
here's what to do.
Federico Strasser
BENT-OVER SHEET doubles depth of holes
near edge. Sometimes one more bend, for
triple depth, is possible.
PROJECTION-WELDING fuses lugs on nut
(A) to sheet. Flanged nut (B) for spotwelding
has pilot rim to locate it on hole.
PATCH OF SHEET or plate, for a longer
thread, serves holes away from edge; needs
at least two rivets or welds to keep it from
turning. Larger pieces cover group of holes.
CLIP slips over edge of sheet, and positions on
hole when pilot rim springs into place. Extra
cutout next to hole allows installation away
from edge.
Fastening &Joining 20-7
FLOATI NG NUT snaps into square hole and
allows misalignment of bolt. If the thread
strips, replacement i s easy.
6 Slat
STAKED NUT fits i n relieved hole. Relieving
nut makes it easier to stake. Squeeze on clinch
nut forces sheet to flow under tapered rim.
Slots i n ri ng keep nut from turning..
TAPPED HOL E snaps into sheet and
grips it between flange and hump.
Screw forces prongs apart so hump
presses even harder on sheet. Slot
digs into side of hole to prevent turn-
ing. Another version si ts flush.
Square-shape plastic grommet, which
doubles as insulator, cannot turn i n
square hole. Screw must make i ts own
threads in smooth grooves, as i t wedges
grommet tightly i n place.
DOUBLE-DUTY NUTS also act as rivets. Blind fastener
( A) requires special tools; other blind fastener (C) doesn't.
Nut (U) bites into sheet when wrew tightens down on
11calr. and bends i t ovei'.
Bolts Get Help Against Shear
Especially when they are loose, clamping bolts or screws encounter side
loads they weren't meant to carry. Here are ways to stop bending and
to align parts as well.
Federico Strasser
DOWEL PINS hold against small loads at temporary
or semi-permanent joints. For joints taken apart more
often, use tapered pins; they come out easier. Where
a dowel pin flts in a blind hole, it can't be knocked out
so must be drilled and tapped to take an extractor.
Fancier types carry a threaded rod on top which sticks
out of the hole. As a nut is tightened down on it, the
pin lifts out.
KEY is pin laid flat between two parts. Although round
pin i s easier to install than the rectanguI ar key, it l ets
parte; shift when the bolts loosen even slightly.
RI BS lock extruded
further preparation.
boss fits into hole
On cast or molded parts, integral
which is either molded or drilled.
Fastening &Joining
BUSHI NG i s split so that i t fits tightly yet doesnt need
a reamed hole as a dowel does. Solid bushing replaces
it when high side loads would compress a split bushing.
BOSS on extruded hole becomes a built-in bush-
ing when used to locate and hold a sheetmetal
RABBET takes high loads and gives precision fit,
rabbet also locates gasket between pipe flanges.
\ I /
CAST LUGS or welded bars provide shoulders as hefty
as a more expensive recess would, but dont have same
clean look.
20- 10
10 Ways to Conceal Fasteners
How to improve appearance of instrument panels by hiding screw heads.
Frank William Wood J R
T h e appcarance of an otherwise good-looking instru-
ment panel is often spoiled by screw heads distributed in
an uneven pattern across the panel surface. The follow-
ing designs illustrate methods of improving appearance
by subduing and concealing fasteners. In some cases,
applications of these designs will not only improve
appearance but also will reduce fabricating and assembly
costs. Sometimes you get tamper protection as well,
1 DOUBLE-DUTY SCREW attaches chassis to panel,
i s concealed by handle . A bonus i s reduced fabri-
cation and assembly time.
3 TAPPED INSERT pressed into panel Is some-
times more economical than blind-tapped panel.
2 BLIND HOLE i n panel conceals screw. Thi s method
is best suited for thicker panels, when adequate
depth can be obtained without close tolerances.
4 RECESSED SCREW HEAD is concealed with an
epoxy resin before panel flnish is applied. To pre-
vent loosening of screw, the panel should be
threaded. Thi s thread, i n conjunction with staking,
locks the screw securely i n position.
Fastening &Joining 20- 1 1
5 OVERLAY PANEL conceals all front-panel hard-
ware. Overlay panel offers no support for compo-
nents and in many cases is attached with pressure-
sensitive adhesive. All markings and nomencla-
ture for controls can be carried by this panel.
6 ORI ENT SCREW-HEAD SLOTS in same direction
to subdue detracting appearance of screw heads.
7 MATCHI NG HARDWARE FI NI SH to that of the
panel effectively subdues hardware appearance. A
familiar example of thi s is the black oxide finish
commonly used on panebmeter screws.
cially available for use on steel panels. Or, alter-
natively, special brackets can be used.
9 SNAP-IN PLUG BUTTON fits into counterbored 10 SHEETMETAL STI FFENER FLANGES can be
recess to conceal screw head and also provide cor- integral, as shown here, or separate when panel
porate or product identity. material cannot be formed. Sheetmetal screws
hold panel.
20- 1 2
Attaching Motors to
InstrumCnt Gearheads
Methods include servoclamps, screws, pins, adapter plates
and half-rings, plus an eccentric mounting.
f r ank William Wood J R
I nstrument gearheads are increasingly useful in com-
plex servo cquipinent where space is at a premium.
Motors to drive the gcarheads are usually mounted in
line with thein and must be reliably and economicaIly
attached. Sketchcs show some of the various methods
possible. The method chosen for a particular design
is dctermincd by configuration of the motor, the type of
input plate on the gearhead, or a combination of both.
Housing Rear plate
Motor pinion Reiahing Cap
Installation should be simple-it should not rcquirc
disassembly of gearhead; connection should not loosen
under vibration or shock, should not increase diameter
of gearhead, should provide adjustment in high-preci-
sion requirements, and should provide necessary envir-
onmental protection at point of attachment (keep
dust, nioisturc, ctc., from entering gearhead). Backlash
adjustment is also a desirable feature to include.
Gearbead housing
Pin after adjutuy
for minimum back/asb
Mofor pinion i
fvariab/e center)
Adapter plate
These d h h on adapter
be eccentric
1 TYPI CAL GEARHEAD and motor using plate con-
2 MOTOR IS MOUNTED on eccentrically bored adapter
struction gearhead. plate to permit backlash adjustment. By rotati ng
adapter plate, backlash can be reduced to nlinimuln
between motor pinion and gearhead input gear.
Fastening &Joining 20- 13
/ s e f s c r e w
!---. ---3
j Motor
c. - - . .
tuining cup
,Hdf rings
20- 14
Fastening Precision Gear-Plates
Dont waste high-precision gears; design their mounts to provide accurate alignment
even with unskilled assembly. Aim for rigidity too. Here are some tricks of the trade.
Frank William Wood J R
Fastening 8t Joining
20- 15
20- 1 6
Bonding Sheet Metal with Adhesive
Tabs, lugs, rivets, folds, and other reinforcing methods should always accompany adhesive
when the bonded parts are metal.
Federico Strasser
Notches /et , ,
be formed more
occuro fely
Lonced and formed / ugs l
Load L ood
Not recommended Best desi gn
. .
. .
. . .
. . .
Bad Good
Fastening 8t Joining
20- 1 7
\ I
Eyelets, ri vet s or spotwelds
folds moke ribs
. .
Poor Better Best Best
20- 1 8
7 Ways to Assemble with Adhesives
Adhesives have come into their own now, so why not use them to greater advantage
in mechanical and electrical assemblies?
Eugene J . Amitrani
Fastening &Joining 20- 1 9
' .
Podd/e connec for $
* 4
* -
j Adhesive method
- g * *
$ 9
f + ? 4 * * &
L l I
< I I ,
SCRE,WS A + N ~ L Q C K WA S H ~ R S ~ ' ~
~ shown by dot t ed l i nes I n sket ch :
, hesi ve t o at t ach components.
can be el i mi nat ed lly using ad-
' 4 V E R3VF7S.Ab TIME by usi ng
I adh$ive to f ast en r i b b o n p He t o
connector-board.. Dis&qmMy i s ~ ~
not easy, though. J j
, I
, a
, *
1~ . I ,
' *
1 ! ; I / $
$ * $ I
' / I I '
+ I
Conventfunal method
. +
* I
Whq not +hi$? * .
RUBBER BUMPERS 'usualiy neei f t o
be speicially $haped and fitted i nt o
a hol e i n the: camponent.iAUheslve
can si mpl i f y such assemblies.
ehmiho fed
! 1
, 1 _
I ^j . _
PlAtsU HINGES-are f requsnt l y used
in i nr; t rument cases. Adhesive saves *
bot h hardware and time spent in
maki ng Sure al i gnment k accurat e.
Glass-to-Metal Joints
Five ways of joining glass and metal to keep thermal
stresses to safe levels.
Robert H. Dalton
1 < r i
Qou ble-$lazed? wi ngow 'bohded ta metal
cement combined 'wiih astiestog tape' jotns?
glass'and t rbefalbipe ' '
>r i
< 1
* I
Fastening &Joining 20-2 1
1 2
Fused glass
Saled-beam lamp has thin flexible metal
cap fused to glass
I *
- * il
J * " I
Lok-peltin'g * solder glass minimizes
hekt dahage to mating parts
* I
-9 $ -,* d
r 7 E L
$ 7
* <
Metailized edge of glass window i s'
11 soldered to flexible metal frame
tal -qap soldered 'to large-area
dtglhsg surface * 1
> * " + $
Simplifying Assemblies
with Spring-Steel Fasteners
Since annealed spring steel can be stamped, twisted, or bent into any desirable shape
and then heat-treated to develop spring characteristics, it can be designed for multiple
functions in addition to that of fastening. Shown below are 16 ways in which spring-steel
fasteners can be used to. . . . .
Arched prongs
Pre-l ocked position
Fi g. 4
FIG. 1-Multiple-purpose flat spring has stamped hole
helically formed to accept adjusting screw. Replaces a
locknut, bushing with internal threads and spring blade.
Screw adjusts gap of contacts thus changing duration of
current flow. Application: thermostatic timing control
unit of an automatic beverage percolator.
FIG. 2-Spring-steel clip firmly holds stud of control knob
while allowing it to turn freely on its bearing surface.
Clip is removed by merely compressing spring arms and
pulling off stud. Replaces screw and machined plate.
FIG. 3-Floating clip, which snaps in place by hand, re-
duces hole misalignment problems by permitting sufficient
shift of mounting holes to offset normal manufacturing
tolerances of main parts. Replaces welded T-shape nuts.
F k . 4-Twin-hole nut removes need for hand wrench in
hard-to-reach location and replaces two nuts and lock-
washers. Combined force of arched prongs and base when
nut is compressed creates high resistance to vibration
loosening. Application: gas burner assembly of an auto-
matic household clothes dryer heating unit.
FIG. 5-Push-on nuts (A) easily press over studs, rivets,
tubing and other unthreaded parts. Their steel prongs se-
curely bite into smooth surfaces under load. Application:
( B) triple-hole push-on ring on a flash bulb reflector.
FIG. "Previous method of assembling desk calendar
(A) required seven parts: wire guide, spring clip, plate,
two bolts and two nuts. Multi-purpose spring clip ( B)
replaces above although using same retaining principle.
Fastening &Joining 20-23
compensate for hole or part misalignment; prevent vibration loosening;
eliminate parts; speed assembly; permit fastener removals; tock on
unthreaded studs; and permit blind installations.
FIG. 7-Expansion-type fastener permits blind installation
where access is from one side of an assembly only. Inser-
tion of screw (A) spreads fastener arms apart thus pro-
ducing a wedging effect i n the hole. Dart-type fastener
(B) can be quickly snapped i n place; one common appli-
cation is attaching molding trim strips to auto panels.
FIG. &End clips pressed by hand on panel edges have
barbed retaining leg which either bites into the metal or
snaps into a mounting hole. Applications: (A) sheet
metal screw and J -clip with arched prongs compresses
insulating material between panels; ( B) bent leg of clip
acts as spacer between two panels t o support sheet of
insulating material; ( C ) barbed-leg-clip retains wires
without need for mounting hole; (D) S-clip spring-steel
fastener secures removable panel i n inaccessible position.
FIG. 9-Tubular-type fastener has cam-like prongs which
spring out after insertion to hold fastener i n position.
Applications: (A ) radio dial pulley; ( B) attaching auto-
motive name plate to panel.
FIG. 10-Special-function fasteners for quick assembly
and disassembly of components. (A) Wire harness clamp
using torque and slot principle; ( B) dart-shaped clip for
attaching coils and other parts to electronic chassis.
Spring-Steel Fasteners
This i s the first of a series of articles on special fasteners.
Future articles will cover cold-formed and quick-operating
fasteners, plus new fastening ideas.
Ted Black
Spring-steel fasteners are versatile and low
in cost. The steel is bent, twisted, and
pierced, sheared and drawn into almost
any desired shape to form a one-piece
fastener that combines the functions of
several ordinary fastening components,
reducing fastening costs.
Spring clips are a major class of spring-
steel fasteners and are particularly useful
as light-duty fasteners. They are self-re-
taining units, needing only a hole, flange
or panel edge to clip to. Their inherent
springiness makes them resistant to loosen-
ing by vibration, and tolerant of tolerance
buildup and misalignment.
The field of application of spring clips
is a broad one, including automobiles,
home appliances, hi-fi and electronic
equipment, toys, aircraft and office equip-
Dart type spring clips (Fig 1) have
hips that engage within a hole to fasten
two sheets or panels. Dart clips are popular
for fastening printed-circuit boards and
1. Dart clips
, Frame
Removable panel
/Sponge rubber
nameplates. Other shapes fasten cables,
tubes and wires.
An advantage of dart clips is easy re-
movability; therefore, minimum dis-
assembly damage. Their retention power
can be varied by changing the length and
thickness of the clip legs.
Stud-gripper spring clips (Fig 2) are
designed to grip unthreaded studs, pins,
rivets and tubes. The studs can be of
circular cross section, as is usually the case,
or of square or D cross section.
Generally, the stud gripper has two or
more prongs that permit the clip to be
forced down on a stud. Such grippers resist
removal. Any back pressure against the
clip causes the bite deeper into
the stud.
Some stud grippers use a split tubular
sleeve to grip the unthreaded stud or rivet.
Such clips provide a secure lock, yet allow
panels to be separated for service.
Cap push-on stud grippers are used on
Circuit component
Door seal
Fastening 8t Joining 20-25
2. Stud grippers
Push-on type
Ball-stud type
For round
studs only
Tubular type
For round or
D-shaped studs
3. Cable, wire and tube clips
Cable clips
I*] - 5
For hardened
round studs only
For round or
D-shaped studs
For hardened
round studs only
axles, shafts or rods, or as stud-end covers.
Quickly installed, they eliminate the need
for special machining or threading opera-
tions or cotter keys.
Wire and tube clips (Fig 3) are de-
signed to grip into a hole or plate, or retain
a wire or tube. They can be employed on
existing parts and assemblies without a
design change.
U-shape clips are used for assembling
cover panels or as inexpensive hinge re-
tainers. s-shape clip scan clamp onto a part
while clamping a panel or a flange of B
component. C-shape clips provide a com-
pression action that can hold plastic knobs
firmly to steel shafts and permit them to
be easily removed.
Spring-steel nuts (Fig 4) ace single-
thread engaging locknuts stamped into
various convenient shapes. Available de-
signs include flat, arched-back nuts; W-
shape nuts with turned-up ends; self-re-
tained, self-locking nuts; single-thread
nuts for use in cavities; high-torque nuts
with out-of-phase threads to increase vi-
bration resistance; and nuts that cut their
own threads into diecast metal or molded
plastic studs.
Some spring-steel locknuts have threads
in which the thread-engaging portion is
helically formed in true relation to the
pitch of the screw thread. These nuts have
straight sides and hexagonal shapes for
easy handling and positive rundown. Also
useful are spring nuts designed to retain
a shiftable nut to provide rivetless reten-
tion of nuts on plates (Fig 5).
4. Springsteel nuts
Flat nut W-nut Leg-leveling U-nut Short-throat U-nut
,* <. :-:.:..
@ .,.:;,. ..:;:::
Regular locknut Washer locknut
5. Clip-on nuts and nut retainers
Flat round pushnut Removable pushnut
Clip-on nut Clip-on nut retainer
Clip-on nut retainer
Fastening 8t Joining 20-27
Snap Fasteners
for Polyethylene Parts
I t ' s difficult to cement polyethylene parts together, so eliminate extra
cost of separate fasteners with these snap-together designs.
Edger Burns
Parollel FL.
tRound hole
L ?//E V / / / / / A
( 0 ) Cored hole
!ole formed
shutting of f
mo/d cavity
Recfangular hole
\ /
WALL-END SNAP is easier to remove from
the mold than the ejector-pin snap. The best
length for this snap is '4 to % in.
( b ) "Shut-off'' hole for female snap
f or different PL.
EJECTOR-PIN of mold B cut to shape of
snap. Ejected with the pin, the part is slid off
the pin by the operator.
fem?le snop
As /orqe as
possiLVe - to
reduce tearing
or permonent
T SNAP locks with a 90-deg turn. To pre-
vent this snap from working loose, four small
ramps ate added to the female part.
OPEN SNAP relies on an undercut in the
mold and on the ability of the polyethylene
to deform and then spring back on ejettion.
Plastic Snap-Fit Design Interlocks
in Unique and Useful Ways
Snap-on caps and latches are deceptively simple, but were evolved using good
engineering design. Heres a recent study.
In response to the often-heard suggestion
that snap fits are not dependable because
they have a tendency to pop out, Dr.
William W. Chow of the University of
Illinois in Urbana has developed (and
presented in an ASME paper) an analytic
method for predicting snap-in and snap-
out forces. His conclusion is that a well-
designed snap fit cannot be easily pulled
out, and has certain advantages over other
For example, a screw fit can vibrate
loose, a press fit depends on friction and
strain to hold, and a sonic weld is per-
The snap tit is a simple mechanical
interlock whose pull-out force can be hun-
dreds of times larger than the push-in
force. It takes careful selection of the slope
of the bevel on both the entering lip and
the withdrawal lip. The extreme is a cap
or latch that snaps on easily, but locks on
permanently-like a fish hook.
We asked Chow how he solved the
design problems. He said he first examined
the simplest case of a cantilever-type snap
with zero friction. Next, the same snap was
analyzed with the effect of friction. The
results then were generalized to cover all
kinds of snaps.
The calculatlon. Assuming zero fric-
tion (p=zero) the snap-in force is related
to the spring rate of the snap by the tangent
of the lead angles and the interference (see
accompanying cantilever drawing as an
With zero friction, snap-in force Fi =
F, tana, or K i tana. Snap-out force Fo
=F, tan 8, or K i tanp, where:
p =coefficient of friction
F, =snap force, the force that reduces
K =spring rate of the snap
a =lead angle
p =return angle
i to zero
i =interference
The smaller the lead angle, the easier it
is to assemble the snap. The smaller the
return angle, the less force is needed to
disassemble the snap. When the return
angle is 90 deg, the snap is self-locking.
When the return angle is greater than 90
deg, the interference is a barb.
With friction, the tangent term becomes
a more complex function of the lead angle,
a, and the coefficient of friction, p:
The analysis also applies to hollow
cylinder snaps and distortion snaps, but
the spring rate has to be figured according-
ly. Spring rate of a snap is defined as the
snap force, F, that is required to reduce
the interference to zero, divided by the
interference. The spring rate for a hollow
cylinder snan is the total force in the
Force Fi =6, (sin
+p Os
(cos a p sin a)
Force Fo =F, (sin @ +p cos 8)
(cos p - p sin 8)
radial direction, FLdivided by the increase
in radius, irad:
Hollow cylinder
snap cover
snap cover
These snap-flt designs are typical of what can be done using the accompanying
calculation techniques. The example worked out isfor simple cantilever
Fastening & Joining 20-29
interference at the bump, [bump:
Kcyl = -
' r od
&is, = 3i;b
Snap-in snap-out forces. The next
snaps. The distortion-type lid is a variation
of the hollow cylinder snap, and mates
with a smaller cylinder with three bumps.
The spring rate, Kdis, is three times the
force at each bump, Fb, divided by the
drawing shows examples of cylindrical
The product of K and i gives the snap
force, and the product of the snap force
and the tangent of the lead angles gives
the snap-in and snap-out forces.
Return angle
Cover or latch.
Pivot point or hinge
Construction Mating component -
F e a d angle
Y ' Assembly force, Fi
Force to bend
cantilever, Fs
Free body analysis
antilever design with hinge issimplest configuration for mathematical analysis
3asic stress-strai n equati ons for snap-fit el ement s
rate, K
e( q3
4 L
y (
Tapered cantilever I
Thin-wall cylinder
Stress. o
3 E i t
2 L 2
i t
Strain* E interference, i
Typical snap-in and snap-out forces are
in the range of 2.5 to 250 Newtons (about
0.50 to 55 Ib). Interferences are usually
between 0.25 to 2.5 mm (about 0.010 to
0.100 in.). If: the coefficient of friction is
0.15; the lead angle is 30 deg; the in-
terference is 1 mm; and the spring rate is
5000 N/m; then the equation shows that
snap-in force is 3.98 Newtons.
The table lists some approximate spring
rates for three simplified spring geome-
tries: a uniform cantilever; a tapered can-
tilever; and a thin-walled hollow cylinder.
Referring to the free body drawing of
the cantilever: force acting at the in-
terference consists of a normal component,
F,,, and a tangent component, Ff(friction).
Since all the forces meet at one point, the
summation of moments and forces equals
zero: M =0; and F =F,, +Fs +F, +
Fi =snap-in force
F, =snap force, the force needed to
F,, =normal force at the interference
FJ =friction force at the interference
F,, cos CY - Ff sina - F, =0
Ff =0.
reduce interference to zero
=IJ F,,
Consider the x-component:
F, = Fs
cos a - p sin CY
Consider the y-component:
F,, sin CY +Fi =0
Fi = F, (sin a +p cos a)
Combine the x and y. and we're back
F, =ps (sin CY +p COS a)
(cos a - p sin a)
F, =F, (sin p +p COS 0)
(cos p - p sin p)
And, if friction is considered negligible, Fi
=F, tan a; and F, =F, tan p.
Widely applicable. Snap fits for
plastic are common in closures for fill
pipes, bottles, container walls, and other
applications where positive closure is
needed but tools aren't readily available.
Cap and plug manufacturers such as
Caplugs/Protective Closures (Buffalo,
N.Y.), Niagara Plastics (Erie, Pa.), Clover
(Tonawanda, N. Y. ) , Sinclair & Rush
(St. Louis, Mo.), and Heyco (Kenilworth,
NJ ). employ the principles in many prod-
ucts they offer.
Caplugs, for example, features internal
beads i n certain of its cap closures, so that
they snap into place and hold against
vibration. J i m Rooney, president of
Niagara Plastics, points out that a popular
material is low-density polyethylene.
Fasteners that Disconnect Quickly
Ideal for linkages, these quick-disconnect designs can simplify installation and
maintenance because no tools are needed.
Frank W. Wood J R.
Smoff round-head drive pin
could be added t o hold
sleeve when linkage is
BALL JOINT and spring sleeve provide snug
universal motion when hole i n center of sleeve
snaps over base diameter of ball. Ball diameter
n must always be less than that of the mating arm.
Shouldered rod
SPECIAL COTTER PIN can be removed more
easily than conventional cotter pins. Although
limited by rod diameter, pin is reusable. Light-
duty applications only are recommended.
Assemb /y
be disconnected only when head and slot are
aligned. Phase the linkage to avoid alignment
of slot arid head; otherwise it may work free.
W and D same
Fastening &Joining 20-3 1
Formed wire
retainer I s
eosier to remove
Grooved rod P
GROOVED ROD and retaining rings, while not
having the freedom of motion of previous de-
sign, are simple and inexpensive to make,
Double grooves are usually necessary.
c i - -' \
' 1 '
! b
To remove
: I -,
FORMED ROD in hole or slot allows disasseni-
bly only when the rod is free to be manipulated
out of the arm. Slot design has play, which may
or may not be advantageous.
RETAINER CLIP and formed rod are ideal
when production quantities are high enough to
warrant tooling costs necessary for clip. But
the clip is relatively easy t o make.
More Quic k-Discon nect Linkages
These methods of fastening linkage arms allow them to be disassembled without tools.
Snap slides, springs, pins, etc, are featured.
Frank W. Wood J R.
Ends of cl p pressed
connecting rod be adjusted merely by
squeezing the end of the clip together to
remove grip. This fastening is not recom-
n mended for insulated rods.
pressed info linkage arm
gether make a common fastening method
for many mechanisms. Its sometimes wise
to tie pin to a member so that the pin will
not be lost.
comprise a bayonet type of fastening -
reliable only when pinned rod wont turn
during operation, when alignment miry
let pinned arm work free.
Spring -loaded balls
willrecess io permit
pin to go through
yoke and linkage
Fastening &Joining 20-33
Ass em b fed
provide a fastening method with no loose
parts to handle. Snap slide is commercially
available, or can be easily fashioned in the
model room.
will not allow relative movement between
rod and other linkage member unless the
hoss is free to rotate on its arm.
Groove in linkage rod
for sealing screw
,Boss welded in posi/ion of
can be fasfened for free
NYLON ROD COUPLER allows typical
ball-and-socket reedom combined with
the self-lubricating properties of nylon.
If load becomes excessive, the nylon will
yield, preventing damage to linkage.
8 Dentents for Clevis Mounting
When handles are mounted in clevises they often need to be held in one or
more positions by detents. Here are ways to do this.
Irwin N. Schuster
Spring cavity ,
I _ -
. - I _ --. ~ - - - _ - _ 1
C L MS MACHINED frbm hexagonal Stock-
can be drilted to receive a bail detent, which
acts in Cammed surfaees cast in handle,
CAST OR MILLED clevis features an adjust-
able tensioning device, which varies the fol-
lower load. Handl e can be extruded section.
WELDED CLEVIS is relieved to improve
spring characteristic!. Piinched holes receive
steel rivet liead which acts as the detent.
CAST HANDLE is drilled to accept a com-
mercial bullet catch, which detents i n the
milled internal surface of the clevis flanges.
Fastening &Joining
_ _ -
- - *
Corner turned
MILLED CLEVIS accepts ball-bearing fol-
lower, actuated by a spring, which seats
against a pivot pin in the bar and rod handle.
WIRE HANDLE acts as spring and foll(rwer
in sheetmetal clevis, in which cammed'sup-
faces and positive stops are made by bending.
8 Control Mountings
When designing control panels follow this 8-point
guide and check for.. .
Frank W. Wood J R.
. . . LOCKING. Control will stay fixed in spite of vibration
or attempts t o force shaft too far. Washer at right has two
tabs; one fits in :he panel, the other in the control bushing.
Left washer has a boss which fits into a cutout in the panel
and around a pin projecting from the control body.
. . SEALING against dust or wa-
ter. Boot seals between shaft and
bushing and between bnshing md
panel. With control behind panel
rubber grommet seals onlyone piace.
. . . HAND-ROOM at front of the panel.
Space knobs at least one inch apart. Extend-
ing knob to save space puts it where the oper-
ator can bump into it and bend the shaft.
Best rule is to keep shaft as short as possible.
. . . rrHOT7r CONTROL KNOBS. One ap-
proach is to ground them by installing a brush
against the shalt. Anlother solution is to isom
laie the control by an insulated coupling or a
plastic knob having recessed holding screwsc
I . . . ACCESSIBILITY behind the panel.
Easy access reduces down time and mainte-
nance costs especlatly if one man can do most
jobs alone. Here, technician can't replace a
warning light without dismantling other parts.
i--r ~ - ~
.!R$Sb?lNb tb-datdhcmtrols to panel
maF$s. ,For dud4 adjudtmhnt a Set-Screw
1s earn*. w erh matchirrgis crigirat amr e -
bie.q vernier t oqpligg permits more acqurate
I , ' 1 1
; ~ ,j [ / I
, I '
' I
I l l
t s p u
18 Ways to Join Honeycomb Panels
A design guide to aid selection among mid-panel and panel-rib joints, spar-panel intersections,
and edge-member attachments.
Frank J . Filippi & Boris Levenetz
Ever-increasing use of honeycomb-sandwich structures in
many different products, including missiles, has revealed
a lack of basic design information for these structures.
The designers problem is always: What is the best way
to join panels without sacrificing much of their strength?
There are two basic approaches to joint design: The
pictorial design approach, used extensively; and the analytic
design approach, used less because of lack of time. Thc
pictorial design procedure is mainly concerned with opti-
mizing one type of structure such as honeycomb sand-
wich. Analytic design seeks to achieve the best load trans-
fer at the lightest weight, irrespective of the type of struc-
ture necessary to accomplish the transfer. I n this digest
the pictorial approach is presentcd. In any joint dcsign.
however, productibility is the major factor influencing final
selection. The design engineer must recognize that his
skills are currently at the mercy of the production engi-
neer who must reduce the design to a producihlc article
at a reasonable cost.
A mid-panel joint must be designed to carn bending.
shear, coniprcssion, and tension loads. The shear loads
require connection of the panel corcs, sincc the core is the
only element able to transmit shear forces perpcndicular
to the panel. For applications not involving shear loads,
joining thc cores is not mandatory, but is very desirahlc for
joint stabilization. The ideal joint would have corcs and
faces welded together, providing necessary ties for proper
load transfer. I t can not, howcvcr, bc produced becausc
of inaccessibility of the core for welding. A producible
and analytically satisfactory joint, Fig. 1, shows the joint
bcfore the welding operation as prepared for joining. Hie
now-accessible core is welded to the web, thc joint is
closed, and a fusion weld picks up the faccs and wcb. Ihc
addition of the wcb guarantees a good shear joint for thc
core, while the thickened facing compensates for the loss
in strength from the fusion welding operation. Although
soine deformation of the core is encountcrcd, good shear
transfcr is still possible.
blucli of the brazed hone! comb sandwich manufactiircd
today is niade from precipitation-hardcnable stainlcss
stcels. As a result of heat treatment, these steels exhibit
a net growth arcraging 0.004 in. pcr in. Unfortunatcl!,
thc fact that this growth is ncithcr consistcnt n o r csactly
Weldedpriar f a
brazing or cbem
1 Resisfonce welded \Fusion welded
/Cover plafe
, \
/ '/riser/
Dense core sandwich
prcdictablc results in dinicnsional discrcpancics of the
heat-trcated parts. Machining a panel edge before weld-
ing gives a tncasurc of conipcnsation for erratic growth
and should he considered as necessary design practice along
at l ast two adjacent edges of any precipitation-liardcilable
steel sandwich.
\Vhcrc \vclcling access is from onc side only, the joint
Fastening & Joining 20-39
, Corruaation
x Rib
Spol welded
Densified core
LT Doubler
Chem milled
size. Within limits, growth compensation is possible
with this joint. Welding the cover plate to the panels
as the last operation completes the joint.
A mechanical joint, admittedly heavier yet, is shown in
Fig. 3. Essentially a tongue-and-groove joint, the tongue
portion is a sandwich bar of densified core, its faces de-
signed to carry the longitudinal loads of the panels. The
bar may be mechanically attached, or brazed in place as
shown. The mating portion of the joint i s brazed with
a U-channel edge member through which the mechanical
attachment is made.
becomes more cumbersome. A solution is presented in
Fig. 2 that is satisfactory except for the incumbent weight
penalty. The panels are brazed with the edge members
extended beyond the net part size and trimmed to final
The panel-rib joint must maintain the integrity of the
original panel and transfer any additional loads, in most
cascs a shear-flow, from the rib into the panel, where this
load is distributed between both faces. Fig. 4 shows a
,- Cover plate
joint which theoretically would meet these requirements.
I'he corrugation transfers the rib loads into the outer
face of the panel and also makes a link between the
honeycomb cores. This joint is plainly difficult to pro-
duce because of the accessibility and welding problems.
The solution shown in Fig. 5 would be easy to make but
extremely inefficient because of the discontinuity of the
The design in Fig. 6 meets design requirements and
is producible. I t is best to make the brazed joint without
the web, then attach it by subsequent welding. The panel
then becomes essentially flat, greatly simplifying the braze
fixturing and production sequence. The doubler shown
on the drawing may be seamwelded, brazed, or chemically
milled as an integral part of the facing. A variation of
this design, Fig. 7, shows attachment of a honevcomb
sandwich rib to the panel. The U-channel is welded to
both pieces to effect the joint with a minimum of manu-
facturing problems.
A mechanical joint, if acceptable for the application, is
quite simple. as shown in Fig. 8. Thc rib is directly at-
tached to a densified core insert which provides rein-
forcement for the countersink and for the bolt-crushing
forces. The doubler between rib flangc and panel provide
better distribution of compression and shear loads.
llie function of this joint is to transmit shear loads
from the panels into the spar and to assist the spar in
carrying the bending loads by loading an effective width
of the panel in tension or compression. The theoretical
joint in Fig. 9 incorporates all necessary elements for
correct load transfer. Unfortunately, the unreasonable
welding requirements make it almost impossible to produce
with current knowledge. The production people would
prefer to make the joint as shown in Fig. 10. The
limitation of this design is the inability to satisfactorily
vary the spar cross-section as loading changes.
A good design is one that incorporates an independently
produced spar to which the panels are welded, Fig. 11.
A shear web is introduced between the sandwich and the
spar as prwiouslv discussed before the elements are
welded together. This layout shows a honevcomb sand-
wich spar web riveted to the spar caps with high-shear
rivets. If welding from one side only is necessary a
method similar to one previously described (4) is appli-
cable, as shown in Fig. 12. The shear transfer is over the
short flange of the edge member and cap flange which
must have the rigidity to take the shear load in bending.
The cover plate takes forces only in the plane of the outer
facing sheet.
Again reverting to a mechanical joint, Fig. 13 is a
composite of two types of panel connection to the spar
cap. The double joint takes all kinds of loads effectively,
while the single joint is able to take shear perpendicular
to the panel and loads in the panel of the outer panel
facing only. Another interesting variation of a mechanical
spar joint enables a simplified approach to joining the
Fastening &Joining
(12)-l'ivotcd J oints . . . Mctliod at lcft is satic-
factor! for Ion.-cost colislllilcr products there SOI I I C
I)indiiiq ('all be tolerated i i nti l the joint tvnrkc i n.
'l'hc one ~ I I O \ V I I .;ccond f rol n tlic lcft is pcrliap
best, because tliere is wine small clearance I)etweei1
the rivet head arid the wall.
(13)-Washcrs . . . If a iiictallic wction is to 1)~:
asseiiibled to a wftcr iiiakrial, a washer may bc
necessary to pro\ idc the iiecessary rigidity f or clincli-
ing actioii. 'The soft material should he outside tvitli
the aaslier rintlcr tlic rivet liead. f.'or conventional
a'iscin1,lics eitlicr \ v a ~ is practical.
(14)-'I'iglit J oints . . . Sincc hlincl rivets exert co~i -
sicIcm1)Ie gripping force when clinclied, tlic joillt
slio\vii sccoiid froin lcft is inilmctical. Coiiverscly.
either of cxaiii~ilcs ill nliicll 3 sirigle rivet is eln-
d may prove :IS satisfactory ax the one with
innltiplc rivets.
(15)-Miikq)le Asseinblies . . . One, two or inore
comlioiients o r sections can be riveted to a base
panel with a siilgle rivet, provided they call bc
niounted from the front, or the base section is ac-
cessible froni tlie rear or nndcrneatli.
(Ifj)-Straps and Clanips . . . A blind rivet call lie
used to asseiiil)le straps, clainps, and similar 1ncni-
Iiers aroi i nd a cc~iiilx)iiciit. .\llowaiice must 1)c made
for tlie sqtiecziiig actioii on tlie clamp.
(17)-IIoi1sings and Panels . , . Of the iiiaiiy ways
to construct a horising or panel, the ones shown
here are perhaps tlie most coiiinion. Examples: left
-a double-channel scctioii forming thc joint to
which the panels are asseiiibled and riveted; center
-a back-up stringer with a finishing strip inserted
between mating panels; right-a base angle with
riveted panels and a finishing strip between the gap.
111 selecting tlic design, consider cast, appearance,
streiigtli a d thermal expancion.
(IS)-Weatlierproof J oints . . . It's difficult to pro-
dricc a pressiirc-tight riveted joiut, 1mt reasonalily-
nioistrire resistant, \veatIier-tiglit assemblies have
lieen evolved.
(19)-Extruded Sections . . . Blind riveting is coin-
inon, liecansc of the limited access and clearances i n
most extriided sections. Iiigidity of the joint at
right is far grcatcr than that at left. Setting against
unsupported iiitcrnal projcctioiis is scldoin recoin-
(20)-Conipressible Materials . . . Compressible ma-
terials do not provide a firm bnse for the setting
action, and tlie rivet may tear throogli. Use of a
formed slecvr or hnshiiig, or a \rasher and back-up
phte can due tks yc~hLe~n..
(2l)-'I'iit1iiig . . . Vor iiiasiiiiriiii rigidity, klie rivet
slioiiltl not cxteiid tlirotigh both 1~111s of tubular
iiicni1)crs. 'I'he rivet will set IAind against the cr~rvccl
inlier nall section, or the tul hg can lie flattened
to increase tlie contact arm.
(22)-l'lastie Members . . . l'referahly, the rivet
sliorild be set agaiiist a nictallic rather than a plastic
nieinlxr. Ilowcver, tlie rivets are being set siiccess-
fully against iiiany molded and extruded plastic$,
whicli resist setting pressure without cracking.
(23)-Blind Iioles or Slots . . . Clinching tht rivet
against tlie side of 3 blind liole or ilkto and against
a milled slot, interscctiiig Iiolc, or internal cavity iq
pos\il)le I )c~iiisc of the clinching action of the rivct.
.Y K
Goskeis Sealer
Good Good VeryGood Good Very Good Good
Sleeve Back-up Washer
Unsotisfoctory Good Good
Unsotisfoctory Good
Good Unnecessary
Depends on Good Good
12 Ways to Anchor Heavy Machines
Machine design i s not really finished until anchoring and leveling methods have been decided.
Here's a selection from which to choose.
louis Dodge
Wove shaDe Sow c u t and open L- ShODe
Hook Rog-bolt end
round strop '
Fl at strop B
Expansion s/eeves
of sl otted stee/
.qjy ;K
or sof t meto/ . : : . .
f i r s t pour
Fastening 8t Joining 20-43
Hale dri f ed Spf i t nut Macbine pedesffff
or orecast / /
ffecfion of boft
provides smoN aojust-
f or vorious bofe
machine frome
Vi ew of bl ock only '
Design Details of
Blind Riveted Joints
Tool Clearance
Cl earances and Al l owances
(1)-Tool Clearance . . , \linimum allowable dis-
tance froma dl or proicction to tlic rivet-liole
ccnterlinc i \ critical, should l)c cl~ccked against tool
spe(.itications. 1)eptli of a cliaiinel or cylindrical
wctinii likewise limits the application if the
i \ inserted as slioivn. Ilowevcr, tool extensions can
ofteii be employed, and tlic noscpieceof tlic tool
can be extended by as iiriicli as an inch.
(2)-Edge Distance . . . Idroiii the standpoint of
( 2) ( 3) joint strength, the recommeiided distance from the
rivet ccnterline to tlie edge of a sheet should not
I x lcts tlian twice tlie rivet diameter. If joint
r@@ I. ( A 1 4 (8)
Edge Distance
Rivet Spacing
Sotisfactory Best
Head Hole Back Ciearonce Length
Poor Good Goad Poor Good Good
(8) (9)
L urge
(101 (I I
Sotis- Good Count- Capped Good Good Sotis- Satis-
foc tory ersunk factory factory
Thick and Flush J oints Pivot J oints
Thin Sheets
Poor Good Good Unsatis- Good Good
(14) (15)
(13) foctory
Washers Tight J oints Multiple Assen;blies
streligtli is secondary. this dimension can l1c greatly
rcdiiced. Example: the rivet frmctions ody to hold
a bracket or coniponcnt i n position.
(3)-Rivet Spaciiig . . . I liis also is a fimctioo of
application arid strength requirements.
(4)-lIead Clearance . . . Standard head dimensions
vary with rivet size. Ilciglit and diameter Cali readily
he determined from specification sheets. Vrcquently,
the work can be countersunk, or tlie joint designed
to prevent interference with mating sections.
(5)-Hde Clearance . . . Permissibleclearance de-
pends on ivlietlier thc fastencr grips tllc wall or
cl i nch . iiiidcriieatli. 111 tlic lattcr cxc, ovcr~izccl
lioles are less critical, and onedocs not clepcnd on
wall cniistrictioii to prcveiit brcakout.
(6)-Back Clearance . . . Distance fromflat of the
liead to end of the uiiclinclied rivet determines the
required back clearance-not dimensions after set-
ting. These values shouid take into account the
maximumcombined material thicknesses.
(7)-Rivet Length . . . There is a delicate balance
behveeii joint thickness, mandrel-head dimensions,
the cold-working propcrties of tlie rivet material and.
( i f coiirse, the sliank dianicter of a blind rivet. On
the otlier hand, one length ran be nsed for a wide
. For any use bcyond the
tabulated data, actual limitations slionld be deter-
mined by test.
General Design
(8)-Angles and Formed Sections . . . ,\void obstruc-
tions to the tool, which should sct flush on the
work. rhus, the poor joint reqiiircs a special off-
set tool, iiiay still be inacccssible. Reversethe rivet
aiid set fromthe other side, or reduce the length
of the angular section.
(9)-Cliannel Sections . . . For adequate tool clear-
ance, set from the undersideof the clianncl or widen
the scction. h tool extension niay he used to rrach
iiititle tlic section, I i i i t makes the tool soniewhat
iiiorc awk\vard to Irairdle.
(10)-Thick and Ihin Sheets . . . If theres a choice,
its best to set the rivet against the thicker inaterial.
Kivets of this typecan be set against 0.030 in. and
tliinner aliuninumstock.
(11)-Flush Joints . . . h truly Rushsurfacecan be
obtained only by couiitersinking the outer wall or
plate. Dimpling generally is not recommended be-
C~J USK of tlie possibility of the rivet not fully bot-
toming arid setting against the hole edge. A
smooth, watertight, but not completely Rusli sur-
face ic n1,taiiied hy cnrintersinking 2nd capping tlie
Fastening 8t Joining
(12)--l'ivotcd J oints . . . hlctliod at left is satis-
factory for lo\\,-cost colisuincr products wlrere sonic
Iiindiiiq ('311 bc tolcrated i i nti l tlic joint norkc i n.
'1'11~oiic &o\vii sccontl f r c m tlic. lcft i i pc'rlialx
hest, Iiceause there i s mi i e siiiall clearance I)etu?ceii
the rivet head and tlie wall.
(13)-W-ashcrs . . . If ' 1 iiictallic section i s to hc:
asseii~bled to a softer inaterial, a washer niay be
Iicccssary to pro\ ide the lie 'ary rigidity or clinch-
ing actioir. 'I hc soft material should he outside wit11
the washer under tlic rivet liead. 1,'or con~en tioiial
assciiiblics eitlicr way is prdctiG11.
(l-fj-'I'ight J oints . . . Sincc Idi i i d rivets cxert coii-
sidera1)le gripping force when clinched, the joint
slio\zii second froin left is im1xactiraI. Coiiwrcely,
either of csaiiiplcs in wliicli 3 single rivet is em-
ploycd ma!- prove :IS satisfxtory a7 the onc with
innltiplc rivets.
(15)-Mnltq)le risseinblies . . . One, two or more
con\poncnts or sections caii be riveted to a base 01-
panel with a siligle rivet, provided they can be
mounted from the front, or the base section is ac-
cessible froni the rear or iindcrneatli.
(I6)--Straps and Clanips . . . A hlind rivet call be
used to asseirilile straps, clamps, and siniilar iiicn1-
hers aroi i nd a co1111~~111ciit. ,\llowance must be iiiadc
for the sqiiecziiig action on tlie clainp.
(17)-Ilonsings and Panels . . . Of the many ways
to construct a liousiiig or panel, the oiics shown
liere are perhaps tlie most coninion. Exa~nples: left
-a double-channel scctioli forming the joint to
which the panels are asselribled and riveted; center
-a back-up stringer with a finishing strip inserted
between mating paneIs; right-a hase angle with
riveted panels and a finishing strip between the gap.
111 selecting tlic design, consider cost, appearance,
strength and thermal cxpaiision.
(Ili)-Weatlierproof Joints . . . It's difficult to pro-
duce a prcss~"rc-tiglit riveted joiiit, hi t reasonably
inoistrire resistant, \\-catlier-tiglit assemhlies have
1)een evolved.
(19)-E+truded Sections . . . Bliiid riveting is corn-
111011, hecansc of the limited access and clearances in
niost extrrided scctions. Rigidity of the joint at
right is far greater than that at left. Setting against
unsupported iiiteriial projcctioiis is seldom rccoiii-
(ZO)-Conipressible Materi:ils . . . Cornprcs,ible nia-
tcrials do not provide a finii base for the setting
action, and blie rivet inay tear throagh. Use of a
fornietl sleew or hnshiiig, or a \\.asher aiid back-up
plate can solve this prohlein.
(2I)-'l'ihing . . . 1:or iiiaxiiii~iiii rigidity, the rivet
di (~i i l t1 not csteiid tlirorigli botli walls of trihrilar
iiiciiilicrs. 'l'lie riwt 1\41 sct hliiid ag:iinst the c~ir-vcrl
inlier wall section, or the tubing can he flattened
to iiicrease tlie contact area.
(22)--Plastic Members . . . Preferahlv, the rivet
should be x t agaiiist a nictallic rather than a plastic
iiienilxr. IIowcver, the rivets are heing set swcess-
fully against many molded ai d extruded plastics,
whiclt resist setting ~iressiire n~itliout cracking.
(23)-Bliiid Iioles or Slots . . . Clinching tht rivet
agaiiist tlie side of a blind hole or into and against
a niilled slot, interscctiiig Iiolc, ar inlernal cavity is
posilile IJCClllSc of the cliiiching action of the riiyt.
Good Good VeryGood Good Very Good Good
Sleeve, Back-up Washer
EE5 (19)
Unsatisfactory Good
Unsatisfactory Good Good
Good Unnecessary
Good Depends on Good

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