Class Viii: Comparing Quantities - 2
Class Viii: Comparing Quantities - 2
Class Viii: Comparing Quantities - 2
1. Find the ratio of the following.
(a) Speed of a cycle 15 km per hour to the speed of scooter 30 km per
(b) 5 m to 10 km
(c) 50 paise to s 5
!. "on#ert the following ratios to percentages.
(a) 3 $ %
(b) ! $ 3
3. &!' of !5 students are good in mathematics. (ow many are not good in
%. * football team won 10 matches out of the total number of matches they
played. +f their win percentage was %0, then how many matches did they play
in all)
5. +f "hameli had s -00 left after spending &5' of her money, how much did
she ha#e in the beginning)
-. +f -0' people in a city like cricket, 30' like football and the remaining like
other games, then what per cent of the people like other games) +f the total
number of people are 50 lakh, .nd the e/act number who like each type of
&. * man got a 10' increase in his salary. +f his new salary is s 1,5%,000,
.nd his original salary.
0. 1n Sunday 0%5 people went to the 2oo. 1n 3onday only 1-4 people went.
5hat is the per cent decrease in the people #isiting the 2oo on 3onday)
4. * shopkeeper buys 00 articles for s !,%00 and sells them for a pro.t of
1-'. Find the selling price of one article.
10. 6he cost of an article was s 15,500. s %50 were spent on its repairs. +f it
is sold for a pro.t of 15', .nd the selling price of the article.
11.* 7" and 67 were bought for s 0,000 each. 6he shopkeeper made a loss
of %' on the 7" and a pro.t of 0' on the 67. Find the gain or loss percent
on the whole transaction.
1!. 8uring a sale, a shop o9ered a discount of 10' on the marked prices of
all the items. 5hat would a customer ha#e to pay for a pair of :eans marked
at s 1%50 and two shirts marked at s 050 each)
13. * milkman sold two of his bu9aloes for s !0,000 each. 1n one he made
a gain of 5' and on the other a loss of 10'. Find his o#erall gain or loss.
1%. 6he price of a 67 is s 13,000. 6he sales ta/ charged on it is at the rate of
1!'. Find the amount that 7inod will ha#e to pay if he buys it.
15. *run bought a pair of skates at a sale where the discount gi#en was !0'.
+f the amount he pays is s 1,-00, .nd the marked price.
1-. "alculate the amount and compound interest on
(a) s 10,000 for 3 years at 1!.5' per annum compounded annually.
(b) s 10,000 for !.5 years at 10' per annum compounded annually.
(c) s -!,500 for 1.5 years at 0' per annum compounded half yearly.
(d) s 0,000 for 1 year at 4' per annum compounded half yearly.
(e) s 10,000 for 1 year at 0' per annum compounded half yearly.
1&. ;amala borrowed s !-,%00 from a <ank to buy a scooter at a rate of
15' p.a. compounded yearly. 5hat amount will she pay at the end of ! years
and % months to clear the loan)
10. Fabina borrows s 1!,500 at 1!' per annum for 3 years at simple
interest and adha borrows the same amount for the same time period at
10' per annum, compounded annually. 5ho pays more interest and by how
14. + borrowed s 1!,000 from =amshed at -' per annum simple interest for
! years. (ad + borrowed this sum at -' per annum compound interest, what
e/tra amount would + ha#e to pay)
!0.7asude#an in#ested s -0,000 at an interest rate of 1!' per annum
compounded half yearly. 5hat amount would he get
(i) after - months)
(ii) after 1 year)
!1. *rif took a loan of s 00,000 from a bank. +f the rate of interest is 10' per
annum, .nd the di9erence in amounts he would be paying after 1.5 years if
the interest is
(i) compounded annually.
(ii) compounded half yearly.
!!. &. 3aria in#ested s 0,000 in a business. She would be paid interest at
5' per annum compounded annually. Find
(i) 6he amount credited against her name at the end of the second
!3. Find the amount and the compound interest on s 10,000 for 1.5 years at
10' per annum, compounded half yearly. 5ould this interest be more than
the interest he would get if it was compounded annually)
!%. Find the amount which am will get on s %04-, if he ga#e it for 10
months at 1!.5' per annum, interest being compounded half yearly
!5. 6he population of a place increased to 5%,000 in !003 at a rate of 5' per
(i) .nd the population in !001.
!-. +n a >aboratory, the count of bacteria in a certain e/periment was
increasing at the rate of !.5' per hour. Find the bacteria at the end of !
hours if the count was initially 5, 0-,000.
!&. * scooter was bought at s %!,000. +ts #alue depreciated at the rate of
0' per annum. Find its #alue after one year.