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Guide to Microturbines

Guide to Microturbines
Bernard F.Kolanowski, BSME

Lilburn, Georgia

New York and Basel
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Kolanowski, Bernard F. Guide to microturbines/Bernard F.Kolanowski p. cm. ISBN 0-88173-
418-7 (print)ISBN 0-88173-426-8 (electronic) 1. Gas-turbine power-plants. I. Title.
TK1076.K66 2004 621.199dc22 2004046904
Guide to microturbines/Bernard F.Kolanowski.
2004 by The Fairmont Press, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and
retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Fairmont Press, Inc. 700 Indian Trail, Lilburn, GA 30047 tel: 7709259388; fax: 7703819865
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sISBN Master e-book ISBN
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While every effort is made to provide dependable information, the publisher, authors, and editors
cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions.
I couldnt have written this book without the encouragement of Mr. Bill Payne, former
editor of Cogeneration and Competitive Power Journal, and his recommendation to the
publisher to see such a book published. I hope Ive confirmed Bills confidence in me.
To my considerate wife, Mary Beth, who allowed me to take time away from her to
accomplish this.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Introduction and History of the Microturbine

Chapter 2

Design Goals and Achievements for the Microturbine

Chapter 3

Dual Mode Operation

Chapter 4

Operational and Environmental Characteristics

Chapter 5

Markets for the Microturbine

Chapter 6

Manufacturers of Microturbines

Chapter 7

Operating Histories

Chapter 8

Realism in the Future


Appendix A

Case Histories of Microturbines in Various Applications

Appendix B

Installation Standards for Microturbines

Appendix C

Microturbine Power Conversion Technology Review




The following companies and individuals have contributed to this book:
Mr. Robin Mackay
Bowman Power Systems
Capstone Turbine Corporation
Elliott Energy Systems
Ingersoll-Rand Power Works
Turbec AB
Toyota Turbine Co.
ALM Turbine Co.
Orkas Energy Endurance and Dr. Ake Almgren
Mr. J im Clyde

Chapter 1
Introduction and History of The
I WAS THERE at the birth of the microturbine. North American Co-generation was
owned by Herb Ratch who knew Robin MacKay and J im Noe, two engineers that had left
Garrett Corporation after it had merged with Allied Signal. Robin and J im decided to
form a company to develop a small gas turbine that might be useful in the automotive
market. This was in 1988 when NoMac Energy came into being.
Funding was important to NoMac and they decided to solicit a grant from the Gas
Research Institute for those funds. Robin asked Herb to help prepare the proposal to the
GRI and as I was then representing North American Cogeneration, they solicited my help
in doing some of the writing. A prototype machine had already been manufactured by
NoMac and I not only held many of the key component parts in my hands, I saw the first
microturbine in operation at NoMacs facility. Little did I know that some 10 years later
the microturbine would be such an instrumental part of my future.
Its believed the word microturbine evolved from the fact that it is a true gas turbine
demonstrating all the characteristics of a gas turbine, but simply smaller in power output.
No formal boundary exists as to when a gas turbine becomes a microturbine or vice-
versa. However, it is generally accepted that zero to 300 kilowatts is the range of the
microturbine. Pratt & Whitney gave this credence when they developed their 400
kilowatt unit and called it a mini turbine!
NoMacs company evolved into what is today the Capstone Turbine Company
headquartered in Chatsworth, CA. While Capstone is rightly considered the originator of
todays microturbine, it was not until December of 1998 when commercially available
and reliable units were finally marketed. An elaborate article in the April 1, 1996 issue of
Fortune Magazine prematurely touted the advent of this pint-sized power house. False
starts plagued Capstone, mostly in the power electronics area, before they finally solved
the problems. After all, getting 60 hertz, AC current from a generator spinning at 96,000
rpm was no mean trick.
So, the microturbine is a recent development. The vast majority of gas turbines today
are jet engines, turboprops or turboshaft engines. Renowned for their high power to
weight ratio, extreme reliability and low maintenance, these engines dominate the aircraft
industry. Derivatives of these turbines drive electric utility generators, power pipeline
compressors and propel ships. A separate class of industrial gas turbines is used in power
generation and other heavy duty applications. Almost all of these industrial gas turbines,
however, are rated in the thousands or tens of thousands of kilowatts with more than a
few over a hundred thousand kW. The microturbine has many big cousins, but it is a gas
turbine extolling the same advantages as those brawny brutes.
The one noted advantage, however, is the ultra-low emissions that the microturbine
emits. One disadvantage is that the small size of the compressor and turbine wheels limits
the component efficiency, holds down the pressure ratio and prevents the turbine wheel
from being internally cooled. Thus, the efficiency of a small, simple cycle gas turbine is
well below that of a reciprocating engine14% vs. 40%. Small production quantities
have meant relatively high prices compared to the 100-year-old reciprocating engine that
is installed in virtually every moving vehicle driving down the highway. These two
factors have limited market penetration.
The primary application for small gas turbines has been in the aircraft industry. Most
commercial and military airplanes use pneumatic starters to start their jet engines or
turboprops. Most air conditioning on these aircraft is air cycle and requires a source of
clean, oil free, compressed air. Simultaneously electric power is needed. Accordingly, gas
turbines were developed that have oversize compressors that can be bled to provide the
needed compressed air. At the same time the gas turbine drives an alternator through a
reduction gearbox to provide electricity that is typically 400 hertz.
When these auxiliary power units, APUs, are installed in an aircraft, the low weight,
low maintenance and high reliability overcome any concerns about high cost and fuel
consumption, especially since the operating hours are few.
In the early 1960s The Garrett Corporation adapted two of their 85 series APUs to run
on natural gas and drive 200 kW generator sets. Equipped with exhaust heat boilers, they
were installed in one of the early gas turbine-driven cogeneration systems. With the
concept proven, Garrett then developed the 831 series industrial gas turbines that were
derived from their 331 series turboprop engines. Initially rated at 218 kW, the rating was
eventually increased to 515 kW. Several hundred of these units were installed in a wide
variety of cogeneration systems. Reliability was extremely high and systems were
installed to provide precise power for the central computer systems of United,
Continental and Western airlines as well as the United States Air Force Automated Data
Weather System and also at a savings and loan institution.
The Boeing Company designed some of the first small gas turbines during World War
II. This was an exercise to learn the characteristics of gas turbines when Boeing started
the design of the B-47. Although this was a six engine jet propelled bomber, it was
originally planned to be a turboprop. Hence, Boeings small gas turbine had an output
shaft. Indeed, this was the first free turbine engine. Separate turbine wheels drove the
compressor and the output shaft. Thus, the output shaft speed could be varied all the way
down to stall.
The U.S. Navy noticed that the Boeing 502s were primarily stainless steel and
aluminum and thus had no magnetic signature. They purchased several hundred for mine
sweepers. During the late 1950s and early 1960s, Boeing pioneered many gas turbine-
powered applications such as anti-submarine drone helicopters, an oil cementing truck, a
bulldozer, fire engines, a fire boat, high speed launches, army tanks and even an
Indianapolis race car. Two were delivered for installation in a Thunderbird and a
Fairlane. Many were used to provide compressed air to start 707s, DC-8s and other
aircraft that did not have auxiliary power units.
Guide to microturbines 2
The first cogeneration system powered solely by gas turbines was installed at Southern
California Gas Company in their Downey, CA, facility in 1962. The two gas turbines
were Boeing 502s rated at 140 kW each.
Boeing even developed a 100 horsepower outboard motor. It was a technical triumph.
It weighed 100 pounds less than the 80 horsepower conventional outboards that were the
largest in production in those days. It also burned less fuel. However, Boeing was not in
the consumer products business and the outboard program was terminated and three years
later Boeing sold their gas turbine business to Caterpillar
During the 1960s many automobile companies developed prototype gas turbines for
automobiles. Rover was the first. Chrysler put fifty units out in the field for testing.
General Motors and Allison built several different models. Ford drove a truck across the
United States powered by their gas turbine. Daimler Benz, Volkswagen, BMW, Toyota,
Nissan and others all built gas turbines. To solve the fuel consumption problem,
automotive gas turbines used heat exchangers to pre-heat the air going into the
combustion chamber using the normally wasted heat in the exhaust. These heat
exchangers were sometimes recuperators but more often regenerators. Whereas a
recuperator is a simple fixed boundary heat exchanger, a regenerator is a wheel that
rotates through the exhaust picking up heat, and through the compressor discharge where
it preheats the air going to the combustor.
Regenerators are compact and effective. However, they are usually ceramic and have a
problem with cracking. They also have a sealing problem as the wheel rotates through
both atmospheric pressure exhaust and high pressure compressor discharge air. Problems
with the regenerator, cost of production and turbo lag killed the automobile gas turbine.
Turbo lag was a particular challenge. To lower fuel consumption when an automobile
was stopped in traffic or at a red light, the rpm was lowered. When the light changed to
green, power was limited until the turbine spooled up which could take several seconds.
You can imagine the cacophony of horn sounds behind a turbine powered vehicle.
The most interesting vehicular gas turbine in those days was the Ford 705. It was
essentially a turbocharged, recuperated gas turbine. It achieved an efficiency of over
36%, which was better than the diesels being sold in those days. However, it was not
really a small gas turbine in that the two versions were rated at 300 and 600 horsepower.
Unfortunately, cost was a problem and Ford reverted to conventional regenerated gas
The survivor in small gas turbines was The Garrett Corporation Garrett was one of the
Signal Companies. When Signal merged with Allied, Garrett became part of AlliedSignal
Aerospace. When AlliedSignal bought Honeywell and adopted the Honeywell name,
Garrett became part of Honeywell.
The two largest divisions of Garrett were the ArResearch Manufacturing Company of
Arizona located in Phoenix, and the AiResearch Manufacturing Company of Los Angeles
originally located in Los Angeles and later in Torrance. Phoenix was the dominant
manufacturer of small gas turbines with many tens of thousands of units installed as
auxiliary power units on board aircraft and in ground carts. The 831 series gas turbines
discussed above were built by Phoenix. However, it was Torrance where the precursors
to the modern microturbine were developed.
Torrance was by far the largest manufacturer of aerospace environmental control
systems. They are used for air conditioning and heating commercial and military aircraft.
Introduction 3
Most of these units are air cycle and include high efficiency compressors and turbines
mounted on fluid process bearings commonly known as air bearings. These bearings
require no lubricants and no outside source of compressed air.
Torrance also built high-speed generator, high-speed refrigerant compressors,
recuperators and gas turbine control systems. With support from the gas industry and the
Department of Energy, Torrance used their expertise to develop prototypes of a radical
new 10 ton heat pump in the 1970s. A 12 horsepower, natural gas fueled, recuperated gas
turbine was used to drive a centrifugal refrigerant compressor which replaced the
electrically driven compressor in a conventional heat pump. To keep the refrigeration
system hermetic, the gas turbine drove the compressor through a magnetic coupling. To
eliminate the need for a natural gas compressor and to enlarge the components so that
they could be more efficient, a subatmospheric cycle was used.
In a conventional recuperated cycle gas turbine, outside air is compressed, preheated
in the high pressure side of a recuperator, heated to higher temperature in a combustor
and expanded through a turbine wheel, which powers both the compressor and the load. It
then enters the low pressure side of the recuperator where heat is transferred to the high
pressure side of the recuperator.
Subatmospheric cycles are different in that outside air enters the high pressure side of
the recuperator first. The air is preheated in the recuperator, further heated in the
combustor and expanded into a partial vacuum in the turbine, which drives both the
compressor and the load. As in the conventional cycle, the air then enters the low
pressure side of the recuperator where heat is transferred to the high pressure side of the
recuperator. The air then enters the compressor, which sustains the partial vacuum before
being discharged to atmosphere.
The conventional cycle and the subatmospheric cycle use essentially the same
components. Both are Brayton cycles, the difference being where the air enters and
leaves the cycle. The key advantage of the subatmospheric cycle is that the combustor is
at, or very slightly below, atmospheric pressure. Thus, natural gas at normal delivery
pressures will flow into it and there is no need for a fuel gas compressor, which is
expensive and generally inefficient.
The second advantage is that the power output is reduced by a factor approximately
equal to the pressure ratio. Thus, in a very small gas turbine the compressor and turbine
are significantly larger and therefore have higher component efficiencies. In larger units,
this becomes a disadvantage as the power available for a given piece of turbomachinery
is reduced. Another way to look at subatmospheric cycles is that its performance is
essentially the same as that of a conventional cycle that is operating at altitude.
Prototypes of the 10-ton heat pump achieved high levels of performance. They also
demonstrated the feasibility of the subatmospheric cycle. The power unit was the first
example of a gas turbine designed for production that ran on air bearings and required no
lubrication and no source of compressed air. These bearings are ideally suited for high
speed machinery where there are no gears because the load is driven at the same speed as
the gas turbine. No power take-off is needed to drive an oil pump. Indeed, there is no oil
pump, no oil sump, no oil cooler, no oil changes and no need to top off or check oil
levels. Similarly, with no water cooling requirements, elimination of open or closed water
cooling systems and the attendant treatment, pump and maintenance problems were also
Guide to microturbines 4
The prototypes proved the concept and demonstrated the performance. Unfortunately,
government studies erroneously claimed that natural gas would be in short supply and
that the price of natural gas would dramatically increase relative to the price of electricity
This would cripple the economics of gas fueled heat pumps and the program was
discontinued. The fact that natural gas prices and electric prices followed the same curve
in many parts of the country was mitigated when most public utilities were regulated and
could not readily change their rates despite higher fuel costs. In this day of de-regulation
of power companies, that factor would be less of a hindrance to marketing natural gas
fueled technology.
Smaller, three ton heat pumps were also developed at Torrance for the residential
market, but suffered a similar fate even though the concept included a bottoming cycle,
which increased the output and the efficiency by about fifteen percent. Because the cycle
was subatmospheric, the exhaust discharged out of the compressor. The exhaust was hot
because of the heat of compression. Thus liquid refrigerant from the heat pump could be
pumped up to pressure and vaporized in the gas turbines exhaust. It could then be
expanded through a turbine wheel that would be mounted on the back of the refrigerant
compressor. The turbine wheel would then discharge the expanded refrigerant into the
same condenser that the refrigerant compressor discharged into. As both wheels used the
same refrigerant, small amounts of leakage did not matter.
The method of starting such a system was interesting. In a conventional gas turbine-
driven generator set, the generator can be used as a starter motor. But there was no
generator in this concept. However, there was liquid refrigerant and a refrigerant turbine
wheel. Thus liquid refrigerant could be contained and heated until it vaporized using an
electric resistance hater. This vaporized refrigerant could then be suddenly released to
flow through the refrigerant turbine wheel causing it to spin up. As the refrigerant turbine
was connected to the gas turbine through the magnetic coupling, the gas turbine would
also spin up and would start.
When the energy crisis eased and it was realized that natural gas would be available,
Torrance started on the design of the Advanced Energy System or AES. Basically, it was
a recuperated gas turbine-driven generator set rated at 50 kW. It used a conventional
rather than a subatmospheric cycle. The rotating group consisted of a permanent magnet
with a compressor wheel mounted on one end and a turbine wheel mounted on the other
end. The rotor group ran on air bearings so no lubrication was needed. Other than cooling
fans and a fuel pump or natural gas compressor, this assembly was the only moving part
in the system.
With an eye on fuel consumption, the AES had a recuperator. This heat exchanger
transferred heat from the hot turbine exhaust to the compressed air entering the
combustor. Thus the combustor needed less fuel to bring the air up to the required
temperature. Fuel consumption was cut roughly in half compared with a gas turbine
without a recuperator. However, there was still a lot of heat left in the exhaust. Making
use of this energy for heating or cooling a building or for an industrial process such as
drying could raise the system efficiency up into the 80% range.
Prototypes ran well. However, the Signal Companies merged with Allied and became
AlliedSignal, as mentioned above. The Garrett divisions in Torrance and Phoenix became
part of AlliedSignal Aerospace. The non-aerospace, non-military projects were
terminated and the AES became an APU where it was installed in an army tank as a
Introduction 5
demonstration. Interestingly enough, AlliedSignal returned to this field several years later
to develop the Parallon microturbine, the rights of which were sold to General Electric.
Robin MacKay had been instrumental in many of these programs. At Boeing, he
initiated, sold and installed the cogeneration and oil field systems. He also worked on the
outboard motor. At Garrett, he was responsible for most of the cogeneration sales and
developed the concepts for the two subatmospheric gas turbine programs and the
Advance Energy System. He wrote numerous papers and held several patents.
MacKay took early retirement from what was now AlliedSignal and contacted J im Noe
who had been in engineering at Garrett, had worked with MacKay on several projects and
held various patents on air conditioning and on subatmospheric gas turbines. Thus was
the start of NoMac in 1988. Fortunately, AlliedSignal was gracious enough to grant
NoMac licenses to some of the patents that had been issued to MacKay and Noe while
they were at Garrett but were now assigned to AlliedSignal. The key patent licensed was
the one for the residential heat pump that Garrett had designed but not built.
The company was very small. For the first five years it consisted of MacKay and Noe
plus, intermittently, one engineer, one draftsman and one secretary. NoMac relied heavily
on outside consultants for detailed design and analysis. NoMac also entered into joint
venture with Tiernay Turbines called MTN Energy Systems. MTN stood for MacKay
Tiernay Noe. Eventually, this joint venture was dissolved.
The original objective was to develop the residential heat pump with funding from the
gas industry. The market for residential heat pumps and air conditioners was estimated to
be in the six million units per year range. The projected coefficients of performance
(COP) were 2.0 in the heating mode and 1.6 in the cooling mode. Thus, the units, if
successful would have offered dramatic savings in both energy consumption and energy
cost when compared with the best available units at the time.
A derivative version was also to be developed. The magnetic coupling and the
refrigerant compressor and turbine were to be replaced with a generator. The objective
was to build small generator sets in the three to six kilowatt range with the first
applications aimed at the recreational vehicle market.
The gas industry was very enthusiastic about the potential of a very efficient gas
fueled air conditioner. They were somewhat less enthusiastic about a very efficient gas
fueled heating system that would only use half the gas that the best residential furnace
then available used. Accordingly, the decision was made to increase the rating to 25 tons.
The new markets were to be commercial establishments such as stores and factories
where lots of air conditioning but very little heating would be needed.
With the increase in size, the subatmospheric cycle became less attractive and a
conventional positive pressure cycle was used. An analysis was also made of the potential
for an air cycle heat pump using principles developed for and commonly used on aircraft.
J im Noe had been one of the principal designers of these systems at Garrett.
One of the problems encountered was that the air cycle system optimizes at a lower
speed than the gas turbine. This means that both systems should not share a common
shaft. The answer was to use the gas turbine to drive a generator that was electrically
Guide to microturbines 6
connected to a motor driven, air cycle heat pump. By having a different number of poles
on the generator and on the motor, the two units could operate at different speeds. The
gas turbine-driven generator set evolved into what is now the Capstone 30 kW
Various contracts for demonstration or study were received. They were from Southern
California Edison for air cycle heat pumps, GRI for recuperators, NASA for recuperators,
California Air Resources Board for low emission catalytic combustors and Ford for a
generator set to keep batteries charged on an electric vehicle.
In 1993, venture capitalists invested in NoMac and the company took off. Renamed
Capstone Turbine Corporation, it has shipped several thousand microturbines that have
accumulated over three million hours of combined operation as of early 2003. Some of
the early 1999 units have exceeded 35,000 operating hours without overhaul. They are
currently rated at 30 kW and 60 kW with 200 kW in development. Typical applications
include cogeneration, hybrid electric vehicles, precise power and distributed generation.
Many are used in oil fields where they operate on casing head gas that would normally be
flared. They are also used in landfills where they operate on the low Btu gases that are
generated by the decomposing garbage. Sewage treatment plants using the anaerobic
digesters give off methane gas in the 500600 Btu/cubic foot range that can be burned in
a microturbine with the waste heat put back into the digester in the form of hot water.
Multiple units are common and the electronic controller can handle up to 200 units
operating in parallel.
Today, Capstone is by far the dominant manufacturer of microturbines. While
AlliedSignals Parallon unit as marketed by Honeywell has been withdrawn from the
marketplace, others such as Bowman Energy Systems, Ingersoll-Rand Power Works,
Elliott Energy Systems and Turbec are currently manufacturing microturbines and their
products as well as Capstones are covered in subsequent chapters in this book.
Introduction 7
Chapter 2
Design Goals and Achievements For the
SINCE WHAT IS NOW the Capstone Turbine Corporation became the first marketable
microturbine it is proper to know what goals were sought after when this turbine was
developed for commercial operation.
The design team broke the components of the microturbine into three distinct areas:
1. Fuel System
2. The Engine
3. The Digital Power Controller

Capstone wanted a versatile machine, able to burn a variety of fuels. They envisioned
both gaseous and liquid fuels could be burned in this turbine, just as many different types
of fuels were being burned in the larger gas turbines. Since the gas turbine is a mass flow
machine vs. the reciprocating engines which are a volu-metric machine, the designers
realized that as fuel quality varied the mass of gas entering the combustion chamber had
to vary. That meant the fuel system had to be designed to handle different masses of fuel
Further, it was not just the quality gaseous fuels such as natural gas and propane
they wanted to see burned, but also the low quality fuels coming out of land fills and
digester plants, methane laden, but often accompanied by non-combustible gases such as
carbon dioxide, and nitrogen. Therefore, for a gas turbine that was designed to burn
420,000 Btu/hour of a fuel type, and produce a nominal 30 kWh, the quantity of gas
varied with the quality of the gas. For instance, natural gas is nominally rated at 1,000
Btu/cubic foot. To burn this gas, the fuel valve had to have the ability to pass 420 cubic
feet per hour of fuel to the combustion chamber.
However, for a land fill gas having only 300400 Btu/cubic foot heating values, the
amount of gas that has to be introduced to the combustor is 1400 cubic feet per hour at
300 Btu/cubic foot and 1050 cubic feet per hour at 400 Btu/cubic foot. The unit still
produces the nominal 30 kWh of electricity. Therefore, the fuel proportioning valve must
be larger to handle this higher volume of gas entering the combustor.
Microturbines, like any gas turbine, require higher pressure fuel to the combustion
chamber to match the pressure to which the supporting compressor pressure ratio
produces. In the Capstone Model C-30 a nominal 55 psig fuel pressure is required when
burning 1000 Btu/cf natural gas vs. as high as 70 psig fuel pressure when burning low
Btu/cf gas as found in landfills and digesters. Any decrease in these fuel pressures will
result in lower electric power output. Unlike its reciprocating brethren, gas turbine
engines do not compress the air/fuel mixture in the combustion chamber but must rely on
external compression to provide the proper combustion pressure. In the reciprocating
engine the action of the piston in an enclosed volume provides the desired pressure ratio.
Consequently, reciprocating engines can burn natural gas and low Btu gases with low
inlet pressures and usually require no external compression.
Fuel cleanliness is also important in the gas turbine. Spinning at 96,000 rpm, the
Capstone C-30 cannot tolerate moisture droplets in the fuel stream nor any solids. Any
moisture contained in the fuel must be at least 18F above its dew point anywhere within
the fuel connections and the system between the microturbine fuel inlet and microturbine
fuel manifold block.
Fuels coming from digesters, landfills gathering systems, oil field flare gases and the
like may contain elements harmful to the turbine. While hydrogen sulfide is often present
in such gases, the Capstone microturbine can tolerate up to 7% H
S in the gas stream
without fear of corrosion affects. Generally, H
S is prevalent in oil field flare gases while
the bio-gases, the proscribed term for digester and landfill gases, may have small
percentages of H
S while containing moisture and siloxanes.
The term, bio-gas, refers to the biological conversion of waste material to methane in
an anaerobic digestion of organic waste materials. Anaerobic refers to a process that
occurs in the absence of oxygen. Digestion refers to a biological process performed by
microbes or bacteria (commonly known as bugs), which accomplishes the digestion of
food. The bugs consume the organic waste material, rendering its solid residue essentially
inert. The process occurs in the presence of water, ideally with the temperature and pH
controlled to optimize the digestion reactions and the health of the bugs. The primary
product is methane (CH
), accompanied by carbon dioxide (CO
). Typically the gas ratio
is 60:40, 60% methane to 40% carbon dioxide.
Siloxanes may be indigenous to these bio-gases. Siloxanes are compounds containing
the structural unit R2SiO where R is an organic group or hydrogen and SiO is silicon
oxide. Not all bio-gases contain siloxanes as their presence depends on the material that
is decomposing on whether silicon is present. Siloxanes are used extensively in consumer
products to act as a volatile dispersant agents to help evenly spread organic based
specialty chemicals. Deodorant, lipstick and makeup, plus many other products use
siloxanes. As man-made compounds that typically are washed down the drain or thrown
in the trash, siloxanes are always found in landfill and wastewater treatment plant
digester gas. Not all digester plants contain these throw away items. Digesters are finding
common use in dairy and hog farms as manure digesters, breweries and ethanol plants
Design goals and achievements 9
and food processing plants. When siloxanes are present in the gas stream it behooves the
installation of microturbines to remove such contaminants. Otherwise, the silicon, under
high temperature, forms a glass like coating on the components of the microturbines
power wheel blades and entrance to the recuperator. This coating will limit the power
output of the turbine as well as its life.
Siloxane removal equipment consists of the adsorption of the siloxanes in the pores of
graphite media. One such filter is manufactured by Applied Filter Technology (AFT) and
can respond to the gas analysis with different pore sizes and structures as well as layering
them differently for each biogas to optimize overall performance.
Figure 2-1 shows a typical flowsheet for biogas fuel preparation.
Capstone wants to see a limitation of 5 ppb or 5 parts per billion by volume for
siloxanes. Since this is the detectable limit for siloxanes it means the fuel must contain no
detectable level of siloxane. When detected, filtration equipment must be installed in the
fuel stream ahead of the turbine.
Liquid Fuels
The Capstone microturbine can also burn liquid fuels, specifically diesel and kerosene.
However, other liquids have been tested such as fish oil and other more exotic liquids
from various processes. Heating value, purity, viscosity and moisture are the determining
factors as to whether the more exotic fuels can be burned.
For diesel fuel the calorific value in the HHV table is 19,900 to 20,000 Btu/pound.
Kerosene is the same. Viscosity ranges from 1.3 to 4.1 centistokes for diesel and 1.0 to
1.9 centistokes for kerosene. Diesel fuels approved are ASTM D975 No. 2-D and 1-D as
well as their counterparts in low grade sulfur content. Kerosene is
Guide to microturbines 10

Figure 2-1. Typical Flowsheet for
Biogas Fuel Preparation
per ASTM D3699 1-K and J IS K2209.
To be considered as a possible fuel for the microturbine, liquid fuel properties should
fall into the specifications shown in Table 2-1. Table 2-2 shows limitations for liquid fuel
When considering new fuels to be burned in the microturbine Capstone evaluates three
1. Combustion System Evaluation Concerns
2. Fuel System Evaluation Concerns
3. Microturbine (Engine) Evaluation Concerns
Design goals and achievements 11
Table 2-1.

Maximum Minimum
Kinematic Viscosity-centistokes 14 1
Specific Gravity @ 68F 0.95 0.75
Cloud Point F 18
Pour Point F 18
Flash Point F 150 100
Calorific ValueBtu/lbm 20,000 15,000
Vapor Pressurepsia 3 0
Initial Distillation Point F 350 250
Final Distillation Point F 700
Table 2-2.

Maximum Minimum
Free water @ 68F % mass 0.05 0
Particulate Sizemicrons 2.0 0
Particulate Quantityppm mass 5.0 0
Sulfurppm mass 10,000 0
Chlorineppm mass 1,500 0
Fluorineppm mass 150 0
Ashppm mass 100 0
Sodium+Potassiumppm mass 0.5 0
Vanadium, Calcium, Lead & all Other contaminantsppm mass 0.5 0
Combustion System Concerns include the fuel type that may affect the stability of the
combustion system. Fuels highly diluted with inert items, as well as different liquid fuels,
may have degraded stability at low power levels. Liquid fuels especially in the
atomization ability has a significant effect on stability Fuels containing significant
amounts of hydrogen and acetylene may result in flashback and combustion system
Combustor life may be affected when fuels with significant amounts of carbon
monoxide and acetylene are burned. High combustor temperatures are the result. Liquid
fuels with poor atomization qualities will also result in reduced combustor life.
Some fuels have inherently higher emissions levels. Liquids will generally have higher
levels than natural gas. Since temperature of combustion and NO
production are
synonymous, fuels containing significant levels of carbon monoxide and acetylene will
produce more NO
. Atomization ability of liquid fuels will also affect NO
Guide to microturbines 12
Vapor lock with liquid fuels containing high vapor pressures will occur in the fuel
injectors resulting in rough running and nuisance shutdowns.
Fuel System Concerns include the gaseous fuel temperature which may raise
concerns regarding liquid formation, high vapor pressure, high density and high viscosity.
Damage to the materials of construction may also occur with high or low temperature
extremes of the fuel.
Fuel contaminants, additives, as well as some hydrocarbons may corrode or attack
critical fuel system components. Fuels containing water and high hydrogen sulfide
amounts may lead to even more severe corrosion effects. Condensed water or ice will
result in fuel system malfunction causing eventual shutdown. Gaseous fuels temperature
should be maintained at 18F above the dew point of water throughout the fuel system.
Fuel valve limitations affect what fuels can be burned as discussed previously in this
book. Extremely reduced volumetric heating values may not allow full power operation
due to flow control valve limits. Conversely, fuels with too high a heating value may not
be adequately controlled at low power operation.
Capstone incorporates a Rotary Flow Compressor in its Model C-30 which boosts the
inlet gas pressure to required combustion chamber pressure. Any of the excesses listed
above may have an adverse effect on this component causing premature failure. Too low
an inlet pressure may cause air leaking into the gas fuel supply and run the consequent
risk of an explosive mixture. Reduced bearing life in the ball bearing RFC will also occur
with too low an inlet pressure. Since Capstone has introduced the foil bearing RFC, some
of the above concerns no longer exist, but air leakage should still be avoided in the foil
bearing RFC as well as any external fuel gas booster compressors.
With liquid fuels, the deviation of the liquid fuel density from the parameters noted in
the above table may result in incorrect metering of the liquid fuel, and/or other fuel
control issues. High fuel viscosity may result in increased heating of the fuel pump
internal components affecting performance and cold start problems due to its effect on
atomization will also occur. Lower fuel viscosity may result in increased internal leakage
of the fuel pump which may adversely affect the fuel metering accuracy, especially under
low flow conditions.
Further, liquid fuel pump life may be adversely affected by the fuel viscosity, fuel
lubricity, and fuel temperature in addition to any contaminants in the fuel that are outside
of the requirements detailed within this chapter. Water is equally concerned with freezing
causing fuel blockage and shut down as well as biological growth in fuel system
components, especially the fuel filter.
Microturbine Engine Concerns deal with damage to the hot end components caused
by excess fuel contaminants such as sulfur. Liquids found in gaseous fuels can cause
turbine hardware damage. Surge may occur when attempting to burn fuels with low
heating values. Surge is capable of destroying the engine components.
It is notable to observe that the concerns for combustion system and fuel system far
outweigh the concerns for the engine itself. This is a tribute to the ruggedness of a gas
turbine in general and that of the microturbine especially.
Design goals and achievements 13
The typical microturbine engine consists of the rotor, the combustion chamber and the
recuperator. The rotor contains the permanent magnet generator which is surrounded by
the stator. Also mounted on the rotor is the compressor wheel and the turbine power
wheel. In the case of many of the microturbines the rotor is supported by air foil bearings
which require no liquid lubrication. An air foil thrust bearing is also used. In the case of
the Capstone microturbine the components are as shown in Figure 2-2.
The one piece rotor as shown in Figure 2-3. is about 18 long and contains all the
dynamic parts of the microturbinethe permanent magnet generator on the right, the
compressor wheel in the center and the power turbine wheel shown on the left. It rotates
at 96,000 rpm at full speed and kilowatt production.
The foil/air bearing is so called because it has air foil shaped segments that lift as air is
introduced into the microturbine upon start up rotation. The shaft is suspended in space
by an air cushion created by the foils. The only time the shaft comes into contact with the
air bearings is when the unit is at rest. Upon shutdown the rotor is grabbed electrically
to prevent coast down of the rotor thereby preventing any rubbing of the shaft on the air

Figure 2-2. Capstone Microturbine

Figure 2-3. One Piece Rotor
Guide to microturbines 14

Figure 2-4. Foil/Air Bearing
ings. The obvious advantages of this construction is the elimination of an oil system and
its associated sumps, pumps, piping, filters and the necessity of frequent oil changes.
Atmospheric air is introduced to the microturbine upon start up, which is
accomplished electrically either by the connection to the grid or via batteries. Air enters
to the left of the unit as shown in Figure 2-2 and goes across the generator portion of the
rotor, cooling it as it passes, and into the compressor wheel. The air is compressed to a
higher pressure before entering the recuperator and subsequently, the combustion
chamber. The recuperator is a heat exchanger that allows the compressed air to be heated
by the products of combustion thereby picking up significant efficiency points.
As the now superheated air enters the combustion chamber, fuel is introduced at the
same pressure as the compressed air55 to 75 psig depending on the size of the unit and
the type of fuel being introducedignited via an igniter and the subsequent combustion
introduced high temperature and high pressure gases to the power wheel. The power
wheel supplies the power to produce the electricity from the generator and the energy
needed to compress the air.
The hot gases leave the power wheel at elevated temperatures1100Fand pass
through the other side of the recuperator, cooling the exhaust gases while heating the
compressed air. The exhaust gases exit the turbine at approximately 600700F and at
basically atmospheric pressure. For optimum performance the microturbine exit pressure
should not exceed 8 water column.
At a full power running speed of 96,000 rpm, the microturbines production of 1600
hertz AC power requires the conversion of that frequency to usable 50/60 hertz AC. That
accomplishment is discussed in the next section.
Design goals and achievements 15

Figure 25. Recuperator type heat
In 1996 and the early part of 1997 Capstone believed the design was ready for
commercial launch. The beta unit was called Charlie and about 100 units were sold
and placed in operation.
Economic pressure from investors as well as the exuberance of the then CEO caused a
target date of December, 1997 as the launch and it would be announced at the Power Gen
conference in Dallas, Texas during that month.
During the early part of 1998 it became evident that there were too many problems
with the design. It was decided to cancel the Charlie program and to buy back most of the
units. The problems were not with the engine or the fuel system, but with the power
electronics. Some blamed the problems on the fact that the early Alpha units were
designed for 25 kWh output while the Charlie units had grown to 30 kWh output without
any change in the power electronics system. Some units were left in the field to continue
to test out the power electronics system with new components. This was called the B3
program. Six months later it was agreed to shut down all units.
Guide to microturbines 16
However, the B3 program continued in house recognizing the symptoms that were
causing the problems were from outside interference. Transients from the grid would
cause the units to just stop. The sensitivity of the system to such transients as well as
lightning storms indicated the system was not robust enough to ignore such transients.
The B3 program added more control logic, improved software and generally beefed up
the hardware to recognize the new power output. The new system was more robust
concluding in the current system of a pure sine wave of power output, total ignorance of
utility or outside influenced transients which resulted in the product todaya totally
reliable power electronics system.
There are two basic types of microturbines as related to power electronics modes. The
one discussed so far is the single rotor type where the generator is a permanent magnet
incorporated into the single rotor as shown in Figure 23. It is that rotor configuration
that requires the power electronics system to derive 50/60 hertz AC current output. At
96,000 rpm the 1600 hertz frequency needs to be toned down. First, that AC power in
rectified to DC power and then inverted through a Digital Power Controller to the 60 (or
50) hertz AC output.
The other type microturbine is one in which the power wheel is on a separate shaft.
This configuration is often referred to as a split shaft turbine. The power wheel transfers
its output to a conventional two or four pole generator via a gear reducer at 3600 or

Figure 26. Ingersoll-Rand Power
Works Microturbine
Design goals and achievements 17
1800 rpm. It is this type of generator that is used in reciprocating engine-generator
systems and while it is proven robust technology, it will need synchronizing equipment
and discrete protection relays in order to be connected to the electric grid. Whether the
gear reducer will prove to be a high maintenance item, along with its supporting
lubrication system, remains to be seen by compiling operating hours in the field.
As opposed to the split shaft design, the use of an inverter has several advantages.
Using a bi-directional inverter the generator can be motored at the start up. The inverter
eliminates the mechanical gearbox and the maintenance related to it. The power
electronics and the microprocessors used for control can also be used to provide most of
the protection relay functionality. By taking voltage and frequency from the electric grid
the synchronization is by definition automatic. Thus the need for separate
synchronization equipment as well as the need for discrete relays for voltage and
frequency protection is eliminated. The power electronics can be used for power factor
correction and in many other aspects provide flexibility impossible with the other
concept. One disadvantage of the power electronics is conversion losses and reduced
robustness. However, as discussed in Capstones false start, the robustness of the
power electronics continues to improve and with those improvements, this disadvantage
will go away.
The automatic synchronization of the power electronics design also lends itself more
directly to the feature of Stand-alone capability. In other words, the full time power
generator can also become a standby generator in the event of an electric grid power
outage. This is often called dual mode operation.
Guide to microturbines 18
Chapter 3
Dual Mode Operation
To BE ABLE TO OPERATE in the stand-alone mode, the microturbine system will need
a voltage and frequency source. Generally, an electric battery provides this source. Since
the battery shall provide energy for the start up as well as handle power transients, the
battery is oversized and used to only 20% of its capacity. The transient capability is
needed since in the stand-alone operation the microturbine must follow the power
demand of the load. This power demand can change faster than the microturbine can
respond. The battery is used to bridge the power demand change with the response time
of the turbine to ramp up or down.
Before understanding the full import of dual mode operation it is incumbent to know
the working of the grid connected system. The microturbine is designed primarily to
safely produce power in parallel with an electric utility. Protective relay functions inside
the microturbine system ensure that power production is possible only if the utility
waveform meets preset standards. A start command is given to the microturbine and this
causes power to be drawn from the utility which starts the turbine engine. The system
then outputs power per the power level setting, synchronized to the utility waveform.
The microturbine can be controlled to follow the demand load by instituting a power
meter device in the control logic. This power meter senses system power needs and
causes the turbine to slow down to meet those needs without exporting power to the grid.
Not only does exported power bring little or no economic benefits, most utilities impose
restrictions on exporting power. The microturbine accepts meter data signals for forward
power flow, a +pulse, and reverse power flow, a pulse at a rate propor-tional to the
power flow at the control point where the meter is attached. Using these signals the
microturbine will dynamically adjust its output power level to insure that no power flows
back to the utility. This application is called Load Following.
Power meters with KYZ outputs are required and are commercially available from
such suppliers as ABB, Schlumberger, GE and Siemens.

Figure 3-1. Typical Load Following
In stand-alone mode, the microturbine solely supports the load, providing required
voltage, active and reactive power. Stand-alone capable microturbines are equipped with
a battery and battery controller. The battery is used for both starting the microturbine and
supplying transient energy to connected loads.
Often, it is necessary to power some loads prior to the micro turbine reaching the
capability to power external loads. Typically, fuel booster compressors are one such load.
Without the proper fuel pressure to the combustion chamber, the microturbine will not
function and with 55 to 90 psig pressures required, the local gas supplier is loathe to
supply that high pressure into the customers building. Hence, an auxiliary load controller
(ALC) manages segregation of the loads to first start the fuel gas booster compressor and
then the microturbine.
The combination of grid connect and stand-alone modes is called dual mode operation.
This term refers to a microturbines ability to operate both in parallel with the utility or
isolated from the utility in stand-alone mode. Manual transfer between these modes of
operation may be accomplished with a manual switch. However, since transition from
one to the other configuration is most beneficial when this is done automatically, an
automatic dual

Figure 3-2. Stand-alone Mode
showing ALC Device
mode controller (ADMC) is necessary.
The ADMC serves as a transfer switch and as an intertie disconnect between the grid
and the load. Any load downstream of the ADMC is termed the critical load. It begs
logic to know that most microturbine installations, just like any standby generator, is
usually not sized to handle the full load of the facility. Therefore, dedicated or critical
loads are identified and supported by the standby generator, whether that generator is
truly a standby unit or a full time power producing generator now operating in standalone
In grid connect mode, when a grid outage occurs, the ADMC circuitry senses the
outage and opens a motorized switch, isolating the microturbine and load from the utility.
Guide to microturbines 20
Since the electric utility wants assurance that a total disconnect has occurred from its
now dead lines, a time delay is necessary when the ADMC senses grid outage and
before the microturbine can come on line under battery influenced power. This time delay
may be anywhere from 30 seconds to 30 minutes. Therefore, an Uninterruptible Power
Supply (UPS) system may be needed to support loads that cannot stand this time
interruption, such as computer systems or safety lighting.
Figure 3-3 shows the complete system when an ADMC is involved. The ADMC
senses grid power outage, the ALC starts the auxiliary load (fuel gas booster compressor)
and the ADMC switches over to battery power to start the microturbine. Note that
multiple microturbines can be controlled from this system.
When multiple turbines are connected to a system, a Power Server device can monitor
load and cause matching of the power demand with the power output from the bank of
turbines. This device can slow the turbines down in unison, or cause one or more turbines
to be shut down completely and re-started when power demand rises. Up to 100
microturbines can be controlled in this fashion.
When grid power is restored, the ADMC senses grid power, and reverses its operation
by shutting down the turbines and then restarting them in grid connect mode. While the
shut down to stand-alone mode time is controlled more by the utility than the
microturbine technology, the re-establishment of turbine power to grid connect mode is
being shortened with the goal of seamless transition. Of course, all of this is predicated
on the turbines being hot during the transition.

Figure 3-3. Typical Automatic Dual
Mode Control Schematic
Dual mode operation 21
Chapter 4
Operational and Environmental
A MICROTURBINE IS first a gas turbine and therefore follows the laws of physics
where its performance is concerned. Being a mass flow machine as opposed to
reciprocating engines which are volumetric machines, the gas turbine is more susceptible
to changes in air density than the reciprocating engine. The gas turbine industry has set
the inlet air temperature rating at 59F for determining performance. Therefore, when a
microturbine is rated at 60 kWh output it is at 59F inlet air temperature. Variations from
that temperature will cause changes in the power output of the turbine. Figure 4-1 shows
the affect higher inlet air temperatures have on kilowatt output.
Note that the Efficiency curve is the top line while power output is the bottom line. In
this case the Capstone Model C-60 microturbine will continue to put out 60 kWh up to
80F, but the efficiency starts to drop after the 59F rating point. At 100F the power
output of this turbine is at approximately 54 kWh. Below 59F one would expect the
power output to increase beyond 60 kWh since the air is more dense. However, the power
electronics within the turbine prevent more power from being generated. In jet engines,
where power is measured in thrust, the denser the air the more thrust (power) is produced.
Elevation Considerations
Elevation also affects turbine performance since the higher

Figure 4-1. Relationship between
ambient air temperature and power
& efficiency production in a 60
kilowatt rated microturbine.
the elevation the less dense the air and the same de-rating phenomenon takes place. A
rule of thumb is that for every 1000 feet above sea level, performance loss is 3% of full
load rating. This elevation de-rating is often offset by the cooler average temperatures at
the higher altitude. However, both inlet air temperature and elevation considerations must
be accounted for when determining the power output at any given condition.
Back Pressure Considerations
Since stationary microturbines may be connected to exhaust stacks, heat recovery
equipment or duct work for directing the exhaust gases to a drying furnace, it is important
to know the relationship of power output vs. back pressure on the turbine exhaust. Figure
4-2 shows the decay in power and efficiency as the back pressure, measured in inches of
water column, increases. Power output is maintained up to almost 7 water column and
then decreases while efficiency starts minor decreases almost immediately. Capstone puts
a maximum of 8 water column back pressure limit to prevent damage to their turbine.
For sizing ducts that will be attached to the exhaust of the microturbine various factors
go into calculating system backpressure, including
Anticipated length of the duct run
The diameter of the duct
Number of bends in the duct
Type of material used which determines roughness and friction factors.
Operational and environmental characteristics 23
The Darcy Equation can be used to estimate friction loss as a function of duct diameter,
duct length and exhaust velocity:
Hf=(f L/D+C)(V/4,005)

Where Hf =head loss due to friction in water
f =non-dimensional friction coefficient (0.2 for clean round metal ducting)

Figure 42. Affect of Exhaust Back
Pressure on Turbine Performance
L= length of duct, ft.
D= diameter of duct, ft.
C= dynamic loss constant (0.16 for each 90 elbow;
0.57 for each backflow damper
V= velocity of exhaust, ft/min.
Starting and Stopping Considerations
Most microturbines can start and stop relatively fast. The time from a start command
until power starts being delivered is about 30 seconds. Full power is reached in a couple
of minutes. During the first phase of the start-up the microturbine consumes power for
motoring the turbine.
Stopping the microturbine generally takes a couple of minutes from the stop command
until completely stopped. The time is required for a controlled cool down of the engine,
since a significant amount of thermal energy is stored in the recuperator and must be
removed. Emergency stops as opposed to normal stops, require shorter sequences. Since
the turbine is operating on air bearings, it is not prudent to allow the turbine to come to a
rolling stop. This would place undue contact of the shaft with the air foil bearing causing
Guide to microturbines 24
premature wear. Therefore, the rotor is stopped electrically before that rubbing contact
can be made.
Environmental Considerations
There are two categories of emissions. The first category is air quality related emissions
which include pollutants such as NO
(nitrogen oxide); SO
(sulfur dioxide); CO (carbon
monoxide; particulate matter (PM); and volatile organic compounds (VOC).
The other category is emissions related to global warming, i.e. so called greenhouse
gases, which include CO
(carbon dioxide), CH
(methane), N
O (nitrous oxide) and the
very powerful greenhouse gases that are not naturally occurring such as SF6 (sulfur
Microturbines generally have very favorable air quality related emission
characteristics thanks mainly to the fundamentals of lean-burn concept and relatively low
turbine exhaust tempera-tures which helps control NO
production. These very low
emissions eliminate the need of any catalytic exhaust gas cleaning. This technology has
made the microturbine exempt from air quality permitting in most, if not all, Air Quality
Management Districts in the United States.
Natural gas fired reciprocating engines usually need catalytic exhaust gas cleaning to
meet stringent emission standards. Diesel reciprocating engines need, in addition to
catalytic exhaust gas cleaning, particle traps, but may still come short of meeting the most
rigorous emission standards.
Table 4-1. Example of NO
emissions for
stationary power generators.
Equipment NO
lb/MWh Comment
Diesel reciprocating engine 3.029.5 Catalytic exhaust cleaning
Natural gas reciprocating engine 1.626 Catalytic exhaust cleaning
Gas turbine 0.33.8 Combined cycle (CCGT)
Microturbine, natural gas <0.5 Capstone and Ingersoll-Rand
Microturbine, diesel <.22 Capstone
Engines operating on fossil fuel generate greenhouse gases such as CO
. The key to
minimizing the CO
emissions is the efficiency of the engine. Microturbines by
themselves are less efficient than reciprocating enginesapproximately 30% vs. 40%
respectively. However, in Combined Heat & Power applications this disparity in
efficiency is mitigated since the lower efficiency of the microturbine will generate more
usable heat than the reciprocating engine. Therefore, the overall amount of CO

production is virtually equal between the two types of engines.
Methane, CH
, is over 20 times more negative than CO
as a greenhouse gas.
Consequently, capturing methane from landfills, digesters in waste water treatment
plants, oil field flares, agricultural decomposition, etc., for burning in both microturbines
and reciprocating engines is one method of reducing methane into the atmosphere.
Operational and environmental characteristics 25
Microturbines appear to be more flexible in burning the lower quality, contaminated
methane coming from those sources than reciprocating engines. The Capstone turbines
ability to burn up to 7% by volume of H
S (hydrogen sulfide) without deleterious affect
is one example of that flexibility since H
S is often found in many of those sources.
The guaranteed emissions levels for a Capstone microturbine operating at full power
are shown in Table 4-2.
Part load operation will increase these emission levels, but the Capstone turbine has
the ability to remain under 9 ppm NO
levels, and lower, down to about 30% of full load
Noise Considerations
The primary noise sources from most microturbines are from the engine/generator
assembly. Secondary noise sources are the electronics cooling fans, inductors in the
Digital Power Controller. Vortices generated by the airflow create acoustic pressure
fluctuations. Turbulence noise is generally broadband in nature and is typically most
significant in the 1,000 to 5,000 Hertz octave bands in small gas turbine engines.
Other sources of noise internal to the microturbine are blade passing tones generated
by compressor and turbine blades and electro-mechanical noise created by the interaction
of the magnetic fields in the generator which is then transmitted through the stator into
the stator housing. This latter noise is tonal in nature and is strongest at one and two times
the rotational shaft speed1600 hertz and 3200 hertz in the case of the Capstone
Combustion noise is most prevalent in the simple cycle (non-recuperated) engine near
the exhaust side of the engine and is usually in the 400800 hertz range. While additional
noise can be created by structural vibrations due to the excitation of the natural
frequencies of the engine and engine supporting structures, the air bearing support in
microturbines provide a very soft bearing support so that vibration transmittal into the
engine structure is minimal.
Table 4-2. Typical Emissions Levels for
Capstone Microturbines
Component Emissions

(ppmV @
15% O

(ppmV @
18.3% O

[lb/kW/hr] [lb/hp-
[gm/GJ ] [gm/hp-
HC 9 3.96 1.77E-04 1.32E-04 0.080 22.29 0.060
CO 40 17.63 13.73E.04 10.24$.04 0.624 173.33 0.467
9 3.96 5.07E-04 3.79E-04 0.231 64.07 0.172
+HC 6.84E-04 5.10E-04 0.311 86.36 0.232
1.69E+00 1.26E+00 766.0 2.13E+05 5.72.0
1.60E+01 1.19E+01 7270.0 2.02E+06 5420.0
Guide to microturbines 26
It is through the acoustic paths that noise is transmitted from its source to the outside
of the microturbine package. The three primary acoustic paths are inlet noise, exhaust
noise and case radiated noise. Capstone has designed and installed inlet hoods to help
attenuate inlet noise and commercially available exhaust silencers can attenuate exhaust
noise. As stated above, case radiated noise is minimal in the Capstone, air bearing
supported turbine.
Noise measurement made on Capstone units shows an average of 65 dba or less on a
10 meter radius. The model C-30 has a high frequency pitch at the very point that is most
sensitive to the human ear, while the C-60 unit has no such frequency anomaly and is
easily incorporated into hospitality sensitive sites.
Operational and environmental characteristics 27

Chapter 5
Markets for the Microturbine
THE MICROTURBINE has been earmarked as the logical generator for distributed
generation due to its modularity, compact design, low emissions, no vibration, low noise
levels and very low maintenance.
If you are in the electric power industry as a utility, equipment supplier or a user of
electricity you have heard the wordsDistributed Generation. What exactly does that
mean? A good definition is, the integrated or stand-alone use of small, modular
electric generators close to the point of consumption.
Thats fine, but is it viable? In other words what do I as a consumer of electricity get if
my electricity comes from a distributed generation module? The integrated part of the
definition usually means the generator is interconnected with the local utility. The stand-
alone part of that definition means that I may not be interconnected with the utility, or, if
I am, I may be able to still have electricity if the utility power should fail. This latter
aspect does give me value in that I will still be able to operate while my neighbors and
competitors may not.
The U.S. electric power system is among the most dependable in the world achieving
over 99% reliability. However, that number can be challenged in the future as
deregulation gains a greater foothold. In a regulated industry the provider is rewarded
with better rates as he spends capital to improve his service. A deregulated company may
not be so prudent especially if he feels there is no competition to drive his customers
Furthermore, reliability is not just of the generating system, but also the delivery
system. There is a real concern that the distribution lines feeding our homes and factories
are deteriorating faster than they are being upgraded. Reliability to one person is of
marginal concern while to others it is critical. The reliability jargon speaks in terms of
nines. Ninety-nine percent reliability is two nines. What this means is that system that
is 99% reliable suffers 3.7 days/year of down time. To carry that further, three nines
means a downtime of 9 hours/year; four nines53 minutes a year; five nines5
minutes/year; six nines32 seconds per year and seven nines (99.99999%)3
The cost of an outage to a homestead is not nearly as critical as to an outage to some
companies that depend on usage to earn their income. For instance the following shows
how some types of businesses value their power:
Cellular Phone companies $41,000/hour of down time
Telephone Ticket Sales $72,000/hour
Airline Reservations $90,000/hour
Credit Card Operations $2,580,000/hour
Brokerage Operations $6,480,000/hour
Obviously, most of these types of companies have planned back up power to keep their
critical needs operating in the event of a power outage.
So, reliability is the value proposition of the stand-alone capability of distributed
generation. And, Value Proposition is the byword to any cost of implementing distributed
generation. Another value to DG might be a savings in the cost of running transmission
and distribution (T & D) lines to your project if it is not currently served by a utility.
With real estate becoming more scarce in the normal utility service areas your project, be
it a housing development, a new production factory, a golf course, an amusement park or
a shopping arcade, the cost of T & D may be so exorbitant that an on site generation
system may be the best value. In that case not only would the T & D expenses be
deferred and eliminated, but so would the ongoing rates the utility charges for that
electricity. The rub here, however, is that the utilities are in the business of selling
electricity and realize that your project will not forever be the lone tree standing in the
plain, but soon part of a forest of new infrastructure that will easily support the T & D
charges imposed over a greater number of users. Consequently, the utility may lower
those expenses for your project just to insure themselves of customers in the future.
Therefore, it may be that a second value proposition is needed to make your project
work with DG in spite of utility marketing ploys. That second value proposition could be
Combined Heat & Power (CHP). Thomas Edisons first central station generating plant
employed combined heat & power when he built a district heating system to use the
waste heat from his engine to supply heat and hot water to his neighbors. Of course, the
NIMBY process (Not In My Back Yard) precludes central stations from being located in
populated centers, so CHP is rarely found in large central station power plants.
But, in a distributed generation system it is practical and possible to incorporate CHP
which can provide space heating, domestic hot water, and chilled water for air
conditioning to the facility, as well as heating neighborhood or municipal swimming
pools. Since transmission losses in delivering electricity amount to 710% of the
generated power, DG systems avoid those losses. With the conversion of fuel to
electricity being in the 35% area, i.e. 9,700 Btus of fuel to deliver one kilowatt hour of
electricity (3,415 Btus), the value proposition of CHP raises that efficiency to well over
80%. When the cost of heating and air conditioning are intro duced to the value
proposition, distributed generation combined with CHP becomes an instant winner in
returning the investment to such a system.
The technologies of today lend themselves to such systems. Since environmental
concerns will be a factor in implementing DG, the microturbines, small reciprocating
engine driven generators, fuel cells and photovoltaics all meet local air quality
management district requirements, albeit with catalytic conversion systems on the
reciprocating engines. Medium sized gas turbines also show promise in meeting air
quality needs. The microturbine field encompasses proven technology in the 60 to 100
kWh sizes and sizes up to 250 kWh are soon to be marketed. These systems allow for
Guide to microturbines 30
multiple units to be operated under one master control and are ideal for modular clusters
in whatever facility or development is contemplated.
While fuel cells and photovoltaics are still not being mass produced, their costs may
be prohibitive in returning a reasonable investment in all but housing developments
where 20-year paybacks could be tolerated. However, at installed costs of $1200
$1500/kWh for microturbines and packaged reciprocating engine cogeneration systems,
the returns on investment are in the 4-year and less payback arena.
The term spark spread is often employed to determine if an on site generation
system is viable. Thats the spread between the cost of the local utilitys energy and
demand charges vs. the cost of fuel and maintenance to operate an on site system. In
California and the North East, that spread is sufficient to make straight DG viable even in
areas now served by the local public utility.
The discussion on reliability lends itself to DG implementation for not only stand by
power but the combination of full power with standby capability, often referred to as
Dual Mode. In those cases the on site generator would be connected to the grid and a
transfer switch device would sense a grid failure and bring the generator back on line in a
stand-alone mode. There may be a delay in accomplishing this therefore a UPS
(Uninterrupted Power Supply) device may be needed in the form of batteries to allow for
the momentary down time of the generator. This delay is needed in order to confirm to
the utility that the on site generator has been disconnected from the grid. This differs
from pure standby generators that are never connected to the grid, but react to a grid
That being the case, interconnection agreements are required by the utility. This has
created technical, economic and procedural barriers to a smooth implementation of DG.
Utilities want to be assured that the proper protective relays are in place to prevent a
supposedly dead power line on their system from becoming alive when working on
the line. Most technology manufacturers have these protections and anti-islanding
devices built in to their system electronics. Many have pre-certified their technology with
the local utilities to prevent duplication every time a new system is installed.
The cost of the interconnection agreement is to cover the utilitys time to study the
project and insure the safety and propriety of the system. An on site meter may be
required to measure the output of the generator in order to determine the cost of any
departing load charges or exit feesa charge per kWh that seemingly pays the utility for
the privilege of not supplying electricity but having enough running reserve to back up
the on site generator should it go down. Standby charges are also imposed on the
nameplate rating of the generator. These can range from 1.00/kW per month to as high as
$8.00/kW per month. So, a 300 kW generator may cost the company as much as $2400
per month to be connected to the grid. Many of these barriers are being mitigated by
negotiations as well as legislation in various states.
As late as J uly, 2003, a new entity was formed in San Diego, CA called Regional
Energy Policy Advisory Council. It was formed by disparate members such as
Qualcomm, a manufacturer of wireless phone technology; Utility Consumers Action
Network, an energy lobby; the City of San Diego and a small business trade association.
The purpose of the group is to investigate and develop a regional energy future different
from the one envisioned by SDG&E the local de-regulated public utility. The council
members have signaled their commitment to break with an energy planning paradigm
Markets for the microturbine 31
they say is dominated by a utility with interests that sometimes might not be the same as
the publics. With just one dissenting vote the 13-member panel rejected the option of
becoming an advisory panel to SDG&Ea role favored by the utilityand instead
moved forward with its own regional energy plan.
This Regional Energy Policy Advisory Council would like to see an energy system
based on clean, renewable sources of power, many of which could be built in the county.
The proposed energy authority would function in much the same way as a municipal
utility district. These districts have generally provided lower rates and more reliable
service in recent years than such investor owned utilities as SDG&E, PG&E and
Southern California Edison. The regional power authority would also have the power to
float bonds and construct power projects. It would rival SDG&E and its parent company,
Sempra Energy, which also is planning an array of power projects within the region.
According to the article which was written in the local San Diego paper, the Union-
Tribune the council has set ambitious energy targets calling for 40% of the regions
energy to come from renewable sources such as wind power and sun by 2030. It also
wants to reduce per capita consumption of natural gas in an effort to break the
dependence on fossil fuels. No mention of cogeneration was made which in itself can be
considered green energy from that portion of the energy created by the waste heat of
combustion. While SDG&E is a member of this new Council, its parent is betting heavily
on a scenario for the future that does not involve renewable energy technologies. SDG&E
is saying that improvements to the transmission lines can boost the regions electric
reliability by allowing the company to tap cheaper electricity generated elsewhere. That
elsewhere may be from their new gasfueled power plants in Mexicali, Mexico;
Bakersfield, CA, and western Arizona.
None of the SDG&E plans appears to favor or include Distributed Generation since
these new plants would transmit power through the existing improved grid.
Conversely, none of the Regional Energy Policy Advisory Council plans specifically
states an inclusion of DG, but its likely some DG would be involved from the early
reports. The Council must believe that between now and 2030 the cost of the wind and
sun powered technologies will compete favorably with more conventional power
generating equipment on a cost/kWh basis, otherwise the goals of the Council will be
hard pressed to demonstrate reduced prices of electricity to consumers.
It is this authors thinking that with such a controversy brewing between the
aforementioned Council and the first de-regulated major utility in the United States that
DG will show its mettle to both sides of this equation and become a major player in
solving this regions cost and reliability issues.
Combined heat & power, cogeneration, is a natural market for the microturbine since it
delivers the greatest amount of waste heat compared to other engine technologies. Its
modularity and ability to be multi-packed into systems containing up to 200 individual
units can provide significant power and heat to serve kilowatt and megawatt sized
Guide to microturbines 32
Since economics is the driving force behind any project the value proposition of CHP
is excellent. Utilizing the waste heat from the turbine the overall thermal efficiency of the
microturbine CHP system ranges from 75 to 90%meaning that for every Btu of fuel
input to the turbine 75 to 90% of the fuel input will emanate in useful work. The key
factor in any CHP system, therefore, is the ability to utilize the waste heat on site in the
form or hot water, chilled water, hot air, or in some cases, steam.
An example of the overall thermal efficiency attainable using microturbines in a hot
water producing application is:
Produce a net of 348 kWh of electricity using six (6) 60 kilowatt units
Consume 48.24 therms of natural gas to operate the turbines
Produce 29 therms of hot water energy at 120F
Thermal efficiency=Kilowatts of electricity+Useful thermal energy/Fuel

% =348 kWh3415 Btu/kWh/100,000 Btu/therm +29 therms hot water divided by 48.24 therms of
fuel input
% =11.88 therms of electric power +29 therms of hot water
=40.88 therms divided by 48.24 therms of fuel input
% =40.88/48.24=84.74 % thermal efficiency
If this same facility were using utility power which generates one kWh for every 9700
Btus of thermal input, and produced 29 therms of hot water in a hot water heater which
has an efficiency of 75%, the net thermal efficiency would be:
Fuel Input=9700 Btu/kWh348 kWh
=3,375,600 Btus or 33.75 therms

To generate 29 therms of hot water in a heater with 75% efficiency requires 38.67 therms
of energy.
So, the combined thermal input to generate 348 kWh of electricity and 29 therms of
hot water is 72.42 therms (33.75 therms equivalent for electricity +38.67 therms for hot
But, we can generate the same amount of energy in a cogeneration plant that consumes
48.24 therms of energy. The difference in fuel input is 72.4248.24=24.18 therms saved
with a cogeneration plant per hour of operation. Over an 8760-hour year the accumulated
savings in energy is over 211,000 therms per year.
While hot water is a major component of a CHP system, the next universal energy
need besides electricity is chilled water for air conditioning. Using absorber chiller
technology, where a heat source causes the evaporation of a liquid under vacuum
resulting in the evaporation/condensation process, heat is removed from circulating
water. This water, chilled to as low as 41F, is piped to air handlers to provide building
air conditioning. Absorber chillers can use natural gas, hot water, steam, or hot exhaust
gases to create the heat source for the evaporation process.
Microturbines, with an exhaust temperature near 600F, can use that exhaust heat to
power the absorber chiller. For every 60 kWh electrical output, approximately 21 tons of
chilled water at
Markets for the microturbine 33

Figure 5-1. Example of Efficiency of
CHP vs. Conventional System.
4144F can be produced. That eliminates the need for converting the waste exhaust heat
to hot water first before sending it to the absorber chiller. Reciprocating engine driven
generators produce hot water from the engine coolant and that hot water can be used to
power hot water driven absorber chillers.
These same absorber chillers can also produce hot water for hydronic space heating
systems by diverting the exhaust gases from the chilled water section to the hot water
section thereby utilizing the technology year round in climates that require both air
conditioning and space heating.
Using the exhaust gases from microturbines directly into a drying chamber is another
example of CHP. The cleanliness of the exhaust gas allows this type of process to be used
in applications where large gas turbines with a less clean exhaust cannot be employed
without gas clean-up.
Bio-gas is the term used to describe methane production from the decay of organic
material. Typical bio-gas producers are landfills and anaerobic digesters. In the former
case the decomposition of organic matter that has been placed in a mature landfill and
covered with dirt starts to form pockets of methane gas that can be recovered by drilling a
pattern of holes in the landfill and connecting the holes to a piping system connected to a
vacuum system to literally suck the methane out of the landfill. This procedure is often
done to prevent free methane from finding its way to the surface and causing air
pollution. The resultant collected gas is sent to a flare where the methane is burned.
Depending on the efficiency of the flare the destruction may not be complete and the NO

produced may be a pollutant in itself.
Guide to microturbines 34
Collecting that gas and putting it through a clean-up system to remove moisture,
particulate matter and other contaminants, such as siloxanes, the resultant methane can
then be directed to a combustion engine or turbine to produce electrical energy. The Btu

Figure 5-2. An Array of
Microturbines Furnishing Exhaust
Heat to a Hot Water Fired Absorber

Figure 5-3. A Direct Exhaust Fired
Absorber Chiller Taking Exhaust
Gas From a Microturbine
Markets for the microturbine 35
content of landfill collected gas ranges from 300 Btu/cubic foot to 450 Btu/cubic foot.
Carbon dioxide usually makes up the remaining volume of gas possibly mixed with some
hydrogen sulfide and water vapor.
Here, again, the microturbine excels. J ust like any gas turbine the microturbine can
tolerate the inferior quality of the gas with more forgiveness than a reciprocating engine.
While hydrogen sulfide up to 7% by volume can be safely burned in a Capstone
microturbine, siloxanes should be removed regardless of whether turbines or
reciprocating engines are incorporated. Siloxanes are the result of silicone materials
decomposing in the landfill. The most common source of those silicones is from the
many cosmetics and beauty products that are discarded. Combined with oxygen, the
silicone turns into siloxane and when burned as part of the methane can form glass like
coatings on the internal parts of the turbine or engine. The recuperator of the turbine is
especially susceptible to such a glass coating as is the leading edge of the turbines power
wheel. Carbon filtration is recommended to re-

Figure 5-4. Major CHP Components
in Producing Chilled Water for Air
Guide to microturbines 36

Figure 5-5. An Example of Using the
Direct Exhaust from Microturbines
for Chemical Drying.
move these contaminants.
Refrigerated dryers and gel mesh separators are used to remove the water that is
present in landfill gas. Efficient condensate removal systems are imperative in insuring
removal of the collected moisture without allowing air to enter the system. Particulate
traps are used to collect any solids that may carry over from the collection system. Often,
reverse osmosis systems are used to remove the carbon dioxide from the methane if a
more pure fuel is desired, but reverse osmosis is an expensive process. There are
specialty companies that engineer and manufacture skid mounted clean-up equipment for
this service.
Anaerobic digesters also generate methane from the waste product of the bugs that
literally eat the solid carbonaceous material that comes into a typical waste water
treatment plant. The Btu content of the methane in such a digester plant is usually higher
than that of landfill methaneapproximately 500600 Btu/ cubic foot. Again, moisture
removal is imperative as is any siloxanes found in the system. A gas analysis is a must in
determining the quality of the gas and the contaminants it contains so removal can be
accomplished to prevent excess maintenance and down time to the microturbine or
reciprocating engine.
Since a digester plant operates most efficiently under a higher temperature, the waste
heat from the microturbine can be used to generate hot water that is put into the digester
to accelerate digestion. Thus, a CHP system is used quite commonly in this type of
application. Similarly, the exhaust gas from the heat exchanger can further be utilized as
a drying medium to dry sludge from the waste water treatment plant. This could be called
a tri-generation system.
Since the fuel is free in both landfill and digester gas systems, the value proposition
is quite high. In both cases the gas is collected to prevent air pollution and the extra
expense to clean it up for combustion in a turbine or engine is a one time capital charge
vs. the ongoing purchase of fuel. While digester applications are also CHP applications
Markets for the microturbine 37
the return on investment is quite a bit higher than that of landfill applications where

Figure 5-6. Typical Biogas Clean-up

Figure 5-7. Two Microturbines
Exhausting Into An Air/Water Heat
Exchanger At a Waste Water
Treatment Digester. The Fuel Gas
Booster Compressor Is Shown on
The Left
Guide to microturbines 38

Figure 5-8. Typical Flow Diagram
Showing Digester Gas Used To Fuel
Microturbines With Waste Heat
Recovery Hot Water Going Back to
Digester. Note Elimination of Flares
is limited since no hot or chilled water is needed at a landfill. Consequently, the excess
power that is generated, after sufficing the on site needs, must be sold to the local utility
and often the avoided cost price is quite low.
Another form of free fuel is in the oil fields where natural gas is often a by product of
oil production. That gas is often flared since no collection system for gathering and
storing the gas was put in place. Since most oil field operations require pump jacks or
downhole pumps to bring the oil to the surface, electricity is used to operate those pumps.
By implementing flare gas burning microturbines to generate electricity, the oil field
pumps can run
Markets for the microturbine 39

Figure 5-9. Fifty Microturbines
Installed at a California Landfill
Burning 350 Btu/Cubic Foot Gas.
1.5 MW of Electricity Produced.
with no grid connected power saving the cost of providing the transmission lines to the
remote oil fields. Most flare gas is natural gas at normal heating values and little, if any,
clean-up equipment is needed. Since the Capstone microturbine can tolerate up to 7% by
volume of H2S, no hydrogen sulfide removal system is required.
One unique feature of the pump jack operation is the regenerative power developed on
the down stroke of the pump. The microturbine cannot tolerate this back feed of
electricity and a capacitor device must be installed to absorb this regenerated electricity
when the turbines are operating in a stand-alone mode. If grid connected, the grid absorbs
the regenerated electricity.
Guide to microturbines 40

Figure 5-10. Typical Examples of
Microturbines in Flare Gas
Recovery. Note the Pump Jack in
the Lower Right.

Figure 5-11. Microturbines
Providing Electricity from Coal Bed
In Wyoming, coal bed methane is generated during the mining operation. This
methane is of a quality that can be used as fuel in a microturbine to generate electricity
that operates the machinery, including the de-watering pumps, associated with the mining
operation. The microturbines are generally stand-alone units that provide this electricity
without grid interconnection.
Markets for the microturbine 41
Peak Shaving is the application of on site power production during times of peak power
usage, and therefore higher power costs, in order to alleviate that high cost of power.
Utilities support this type of application in order to weather the high usage periods when
their power grid is operating at its peak power production. This usually occurs in the
summer time when air conditioning loads are high in warm climates and can also occur in
cold climates during peak heating season.
Microturbines lend itself well to Peak Shaving because of their modularity, low
emissions, ease of starting and stopping, and no vibration therefore no extensive
installation requirements.
The value proposition of peak shaving is usually not as great as that of the other
applications mentioned above, but since power reliability is also a consideration during
those periods of high electrical usage, the dual mode facet of microturbines is often
employed to insure a steady and reliable source of power in the event of a rolling
blackout or power outage. This may be considered an insurance policy and therefore the
return on investment is incalculable until a power outage occurs. As discussed in the
distributed generation section, certain industries require this insurance to protect
themselves from severe loss of income.
Guide to microturbines 42
Chapter 6
Manufacturers of Microturbines
manufacturers of microturbines producing these mini power plants. They are:

Bowman Power Systems

Capstone Turbine Corporation

Elliott Energy Systems

Ingersoll-Rand Power Works

Toyota Turbine Systems

Turbec AB

Each will be discussed individually.
Bowman offers an 80 kWh unit microturbine totally enclosed in an acoustically treated
package for indoor or outdoor operation. Bowman focuses on the CHP market and have
built into the enclosure the exhaust to water heat exchanger.
The Bowman Model TG80RC-G produces 80 kWh of electricity with a net electrical
efficiency of 28% and a potential system efficiency with CHP of 75% while producing
low temperature water. The unit incorporates a permanent magnet generator, which
Bowman refers to as a turbo alternator, mounted on a common shaft with the compressor
wheel and turbine power wheel. The rotor uses oil sealed bearings and oil lubricated
bearings thereby requiring an oil system, with an oil cooler and oil filter. The power
electronics are air cooled. The recuperator is external to the main engine with piping
taking the compressed air out of the casing into one side of the recuperator while the
turbine exhaust is piped to the hot side of the recuperator. High frequency electricity is
produced which is brought to 50/60 cycle
Bowman advertised emissions of 25 ppm of NO
corrected to 15% O
. Major
inspection of internal parts is anticipated at 25,000 hours and to date the high time unit is
approximately 10,000 hours. Bowman anticipates 40,000 hours of operation before major
overhaul. The package was not UL listed as of February of 2003.
Some of the listed features of the Bowman unit are:

Figure 6-1. Bowman Model
TG80RC-G Microturbine
Fully integrated package
Stainless steel waste heat boiler
Single shaft engine rotor
Utility start
Excellent power quality via the power conditioner
Stand-alone capability
Variety of gaseous fuels i.e. natural gas, LPG, propane and butane
Quiet operation70 dba at 1 meter
Bowman Power Systems was founded in 1994 and pioneered in microturbine technology
and cogeneration. Their early product was a 45 kWh unit in 1994. They use a Comp Air
sliding vane compressor for fuel gas pressure boosting. They feel that the external
recuperator is more easily by-passed if higher exhaust temperatures are required. To date
approximately 60 Bowman systems have been installed but Bowman anticipates a huge
Guide to microturbines 44

Figure 6-2. The Bowman TG80 CHP
Packaged Unit
all microturbine market potential of 40,000 to 60,000 units per year by 2008 mainly in
cogeneration, distributed generation, resource recovery and stand-alone units. Recently
Bowman Power Systems signed a marketing agreement with Kohler Co., the
manufacturer of reciprocating engine generators for stand by service. Approximately
15% of Kohlers 44 distributors have taken on the Bowman line in 2003.
Interestingly, Bowmans engine is supplied by Elliott Power Systems in an OEM
relationship. Conversely, Bowmans power electronics is used by Elliott in their
packaged microturbines. A 60 kWh unit is planned to be developed and operational
sometime in 2003.
Capstone Microturbines have been used as the focus point of this book since they have
the most experience of any of the current manufacturers of microturbines. Founded in
1988 and marketing successful units since 1998, Capstone has over 2500 units in the field
and over 4,000,000 hours of combined operation of microturbines.
Presently, Capstone markets the C-30 and C-60 units, nominal 30 and 60 kilowatt
units. The published performance of each unit operating on natural gas is shown in Table
Manufacturers of microturbines 45
Both units are exempt in California from the Air Quality Management Districts
permitting requirements.
Capstone advertises the main features of their microturbines as follows:
Air Bearings requiring no lubrication
Air cooled electronics requiring no water cooling
Ultra low emissions of NO
, CO
Pure sine wave power output
Multi-Packing of units up to 200 units
Single rotor design, only one moving part
Table 6-1.

C-30 C-60
kWh @ Iso rating 30 60
Efficiency (LHV) 26% 28%
Heat Rate (LHV) 13,100 Btu/kWh 12,200 Btu/kWh
Electrical Output 480360 480360
Fuel Usage 433,000 Btu/hr 804,000 Btu/hr
Production <9ppmV@15% O
<9ppmV@15% O

Exhaust Energy 310,000 Btu/hr 541,000 Btu/hr
Noise 65 dba @ 33 feet 70 dba @ 33 feet
Weight 1052 pounds 1671 pounds
Dimensions 28.1"W52.9"D74.8"H 30"W77"D83"H
Dual Mode Yes Yes
Liquid Fuels Yes No
Bio-Gas Yes No
UL Rated Yes Yes
IEEE 519 Yes Yes
Guide to microturbines 46

Figure 6-3. Capstone C-30
Manufacturers of microturbines 47

Figure 6-4. Capstone C-60
Minimal maintenance requirements
Utility approved protective relays
Pre-certification for utility interconnect
Digital power controller
Vibration free, quiet operation
Weatherproof enclosure for outdoor installation
Rooftop siting
Built in display and user interface
Factory installed modem for remote monitoring and operation
Load following capability
Multiple gaseous fuel capability by changing fuel index number
Capstone advertises the maintenance requirements on natural gas as air and fuel filter
changes every 8,000 hours; injector(s), igniter and thermocouple changes every 16,000
hours; major overhaul in 40,000 hours (minimum). Capstone indicates that based on
normal labor and parts costs, the units enjoy a $0.005/kWh (1/2 cent/kWh) maintenance
Capstones high time unit as of mid-2003 is approximately 39,000 hours on one of the
first units placed in commercial operation in late 1998 with no adverse affects being
noticeable that a rotor change is imminent. The air bearings have shown no wear on a
recent inspection of that unit and the recuperator, which was thought to be the weak link,
also shows no need for replacement.
Guide to microturbines 48
Capstone has announced plans to introduce a 200 kWh microturbine in 2004. A $10
million dollar grant from the DOE in 2002 has helped Capstone fund this project. While
no specific details of the larger microturbine have been published, Capstone hopes to
maintain the same benefits and excellent robustness in the 200 kWh unit as exemplified
in its present line up of microturbines.
Ingersoll-Rand Company builds their microturbines in a separate division called IR
Energy Systems headquartered in Davidson, NC. Ingersoll-Rand shows two models
currently being manufactured, the Model 70 SM and the Model 250 SM.
Physical dimensions of the Model 70 are: 71"L43"W87"H. Weight is 4850 pounds.
The functionality of the IR microturbine has some basic differences from other
microturbines due to its split shaft design and more conventional generator. Air is drawn
into the inlet of the unit and compressed and then passes through the recuperator that
captures the heat from the escaping exhaust gases to pre-heat the compressed air before
entering the combustion chamber where it is mixed with fuel. The resultant rapidly
expanding gases provide the power by passing through the blades of the turbine wheel to
drive the compressor and then through a second turbine wheel called the power turbine. It
is the free power turbine, rotating at approximately 44,000 rpm, that drives the
conventional two pole generator through a gear reducer.
The rotor is suspended on proven oil lubricated bearings as is the gear reducer.
The hot gases can then enter the optional hot water heat exchanger to capture the
waste heat and turn it into hot water in a typical cogeneration application.
The recuperator is of IR design incorporating features of the typical plate and frame
heat exchangers but with added design
Manufacturers of microturbines 49

Figure 6-5. Ingersoll-Rand Model 70
Microturbine (Note the Gear Box
Just Above the Generator)
features to overcome the fatigue and durability problems associated with that type of heat
Ingersoll-Rand has taken a page from its own book, the KG2 two megawatt gas
turbine to develop the Model 250 SM microturbine to deliver 250 kWh of electricity.
Ingersoll-Rand touts its main features and benefits as:
Industrial grade reliability
Ten-year system life
Military grade recuperator
Integrated fuel gas booster compressor
Rugged induction generator
Low emissions <9ppm NO
& CO
Quiet operation
Guide to microturbines 50

Figure 6-6. The Ingersoll-Rand
Microturbine Gas Flow Diagram
Showing the Split Shaft

Figure 6-7. The Ingersoll-Rand
Model 250SM Shown Both With &
Without Enclosure. Physical
dimensions of the Model 250 are:
Manufacturers of microturbines 51
126" L 76"W89.5" H. Weight is
9000 pounds.
Electrical Performance*
Characteristic Specification
Nominal Electrical Power (5) 70 kW @ 59F
Maximum Electrical Power (5) 92 kW @ 0F
Voltage 480 VAC
Frequency 60 Hz
Type of Service 3 phase; wye, 4-wire ungrounded
28% LHV including fuel-gas booster Electrical Efficiency LHV (2)
29% LHV without fuel-gas booster
13,550 Btu/kWh including fuel-gas booster Heat Rate HHV
13,080 Btu/kWh without fuel-gas booster
*At ISO Conditions (59F @ sea level, 60% RH) unless otherwise noted
Figure 6-7a. Performance
Characteristics of the IR70
Fuel versatility with various gaseous and liquid fuels
Bio-gas operating capability
Proven oil lubricated bearings
It is advertised that the IR Power Works turbines are suitable only for indoor operation.
Elliott is a fully owned subsidiary company of Ebara Corporation of Tokyo, J apan. The
Elliott microturbine was developed in Stuart, FL, and is currently assembled there. Elliott
offers its Model TA-100 package as shown in Figure 6-8.
Electrical Performance*
Characteristic Specification
32% LHV without fuel-gas booster Electrical Efficiency (2)
31% LHV including fuel-gas booster
11,900 Btu/kWh without fuel-gas booster Nominal Heat Rate HHV
12,200 Btu/kWh including fuel-gas booster
Nominal Heat Rate LHV 10,700 Btu/kWh without fuel-gas booster
Guide to microturbines 52
11,000 Btu/kWh including fuel-gas booster
250 nominal @ 59F without fuel-gas booster
240 nominal @ 59F with fuel-gas booster
Electrical Power kW (15)
>300 @ 0F
Voltage 480 VAC
Frequency 60 Hz
Type of Service 3 phase, wye, 4-wire ungrounded
0.50% nominal voltage Grid-isolated Regulation (steady state)
0.3 Hz frequency
10% nominal voltage max Transient Handling (recovery within 3 seconds)
5 Hz frequency max
*At ISO Conditions (59F @ sea level, 60% RH) unless otherwise noted
Figure 6-7b. Performance

Figure 6-8.
Turbo Alternator Specifications
Performance: Cooling System Emissions, Natural Gas
105 kW (+/3) Engine Oil Cooled <41 PPM @
15% 0

Electrical Output

Alternator Oil Cooled <24 PPM
Turndown 100% Inverter Air Cooled
54.1 mg/MJ
Manufacturers of microturbines 53
29% (+/1)
3,200 CFM 52 mg/m
15% 0

1.49 lbs/MWhr
Fuel Consumption (ISO Rated
Exhaust System 0 48 grams Bhp
22 SCFM Outlet Size 10

0. 1258
(@ 1,235,506 Btu/hr.) LHV Rated Back
0 In wc <24 PPM @
15% 0

Max. Back
5 In wc <14 PPM
Thermal Output (Hot Water) 51.9 mg/MJ
172 kW/587,036 Btu/hr. Fuel Supply 50 mg/m
15% O

05 PSIG 1.56 lbs/MWhr
Water Inlet Temp 120F/49C 00.345
0.50 grams Bhp
Water Outlet
Flow 60 GPM Lubrication System
Total System

>75% Oil Type Mobil SHC
Exhaust Gas
Temperature 535F/279C
Engine Specifications Oil Capacity with Filters Flow 1.9 lbs./Sec.
Manufacturer Elliott Energy
5 US gal-
(19 L)

Model TA-100 Oil Filter Spin On
Type, 3
Batteries 12VDC min.
Type Recuperated
Gas Turbine
Battery Quantity: (2 Wired in
Pressure Ratio 4 to 1
Without Gas Compressor
Fuel Type Natural Gas
Guide to microturbines 54
Figure 6-8a. Elliott Model TA-100
Microturbine Package

When Elliott first decided to enter the microturbine manufacturing business in 1993 their
first thoughts were for a small gas turbine driving a conventional generator through a
reduction gear. The concept, in their opinion, required many moving parts and did not
take advantage of the low maintenance costs that microturbines were purported to offer.
Consequently, Elliott decided to take advantage of high speed alternator and inverter
technologies to increase the electrical efficiency of the turbine and reduce maintenance
Note that in the cross section of the Elliott TA-100 the shaft is supported on oil
lubricated bearings requiring oil lubrication with the associated oil supply system.
This configuration is typical of the majority of the microturbine manufacturers i.e. a
single moving part with one shaft supporting the generator, compressor wheel and turbine
power wheel. Elliotts speed is 68,000 rpm vs. Capstones 96,000 rpm. As mentioned in
the treatise on Bowman Power Systems, the Elliott engine is used by Bowman in their
unit with Bowmans power electronics used in the Elliott package.
Manufacturers of microturbines 55

Figure 6-9. Cutaway of the Elliott
TA-100 Microturbine

Figure 6-10. Schematic of the Elliott
Guide to microturbines 56
Elliott has had many false starts in the marketing of their product. At one time General
Electric had been a partner with Elliott, but due to the inability to bring the unit to
market, that partnership was dissolved and Ebara, who had a small stake in Elliott,
became the full owner of EESI.
Turbec, a consortium between Volvo and ABB, builds a 100 kWh, packaged
microturbine with built in hot water heat exchanger for the CHP market.
The development of the Turbec unit was begun within Volvo in the late 1980s when a
40 kW prototype was built. This unit was demonstrated in the hybrid automobile in 1992
with a microturbine-battery system. Within Volvo a 100 kW unit was built for the truck
and bus markets.
Volvo realized that the hybrid vehicle market was somewhat

Figure 6-11. The Turbec T100 CHP
Packaged Microturbine
limited while power generation showed virtually no limits. Since the power electronics to
bring such a unit into that market was needed, the partner that Volvo sought was ABB,
who could provide that technology. Thats when the partnership moved from Volvo to
Turbec in 1998.
The Turbec unit shows similarities to the Capstone and Elliott/Bowman systems in
that it has a single rotor design with built in recuperator. However, the package also
incorporates the air to water heat exchanger for hot water production, something
Capstone only developed in 2003.
Turbec considers its more important features and benefits in the way in which they
integrate the recuperator to increase the electrical efficiency; their combustion technology
Manufacturers of microturbines 57
leading to very low emissions for gaseous as well as liquid fuels; and their overall
robustness of the engine. To date, Turbec does not have a unit capable of operating
without grid presence, i.e. stand-alone, since the European market has not called for such
features. Also, due to the overall weather conditions in Northern Europe, the T100 is not
suitable for outdoor application.
While Turbecs advertised NO
emissions of 15 ppm is a bit higher than that quoted
and guaranteed by Capstone and

Figure 6-12. The Turbec T100 CHP
Ingersoll-Rand, they are working on catalytic combustors to achieve levels as low as 3
ppm with a higher turbine exhaust temperature into the catalytic combustor of 1350C
using ceramic technology. Todays metallic microturbine is typically around 1000C.
The Volvo influence in automotive catalytic combustors is evident here.
Turbec believes that the single shaft engine with high speed generator has completely
different characteristics compared to a two shaft engine. The advantages for the high
speed generator are cost, reliability, and quality of electricity.
While Turbec is a European company it desires to enjoy a key marketing presence in
the United States. It envisions the CHP and DG markets as key to becoming one of the
leading microturbine companies in the world. To accomplish this goal requires a rather
large market share. However, some of the barriers to this goal are some of the utility
certifications required in the U.S. for interconnection such as IEEE519 and UL
underwriting, neither of which Turbec has as of mid 2003.
Guide to microturbines 58
Table 6-2. Turbec T100 CHP Performance
General Identification
Usage: Indoors
Width 870 mm (33.9)
Height 1,900 mm (74.8)
Dimensions of CHP unit:
Length 2,920 mm (115)
Weight: 2,000 kg (4470 lb)
Gas turbine
Compressor type: Centrifugal
Turbine type: Radial
Type of combustor: Lean pre-mix, low emission
Number of combustors; 1
Pressure in combustor: 4.5 bar (A) 65 (psia)
Number of shaft; 1
Nominal speed: 70,000 rpm
<9 litre/6,000 h operation Consumption of lubrication oil:
(<304.9 ft oz 76,000 h op.)
Electrical data
Voltage output: 400 VAC alt. 480 VAC, 3 phase
Frequency output: 50 Hz alt. 60 Hz
Fuel requirements
Pressure min/max*: 6/8.5 bar (g) 87/123 psia
Temperature min/max*: 0C/60C (32F/140F)
3850 MJ /kg Lower heating value:
*without fuel gas compressor
Fuel gas compressor
Gas suction pressure: 0.021.0 bar (g) (0.314.5 psi)
Compressor type: Scroll compressor
AC power supply 345525 VAC, (50/60 Hz)
Noise level 75 dBA at 1 m (3.3 ft)
Dimensions: Width 610 mm (24)
Manufacturers of microturbines 59
Height 1,070 mm (42)
Length 1,370 mm (54)
Performance data
Net electrical output*: 105 kW (3)
Net electrical efficiency*: 30% (1)
Net total efficiency*: 78% (1)
Fuel consumption: 350 kW (1,194,000 Btu/h)
Net thermal output (hot water): 167 kW (5)(570,000 Btu/h)
Exhaust gas flow: 0.80 kg/s (6,350 lb/h)
Exhaust gas temperature: 85C (185F)
Water inlet temperature: 50C (122F)
Water outlet temperature: 70C (158F)
Noise level: 70 sBA at 1 meter (3.3 ft)
Volumetric exhaust gas emissions at 15% O
100% load
<15 ppm/v=32 mg/MJ fuel
CO: <15 ppm/v=18 mg/MJ fuel
All performance data at ISO conditions and at 100% rated load
(Fuel gas compressor power consumption excluded)
This simple and rugged design of the T100 power module provides for a durable operation during
many years. Expected lifetimes of main components are listed below:
Gas turbine engine: >60,000 hrs
Recuperator: >60,000 hrs
Combustor: >30,000 hrs
(some parts <30,000 hrs)
The preventive (scheduled) maintenance is divided into two different categories:
Interval (h) Outage (h)
Inspection 6,000 24
Overhaul 30,000 48
Guide to microturbines 60
Toyota is a relative newcomer to the microturbine business introducing their 50 and 350
kilowatt units as pictured below.
The Toyota microturbine is not yet marketed in the United States, or in any other
foreign country, as of August 2003 and no plans have been announced as to when its
overseas introduction may be made.

Figure 6-13. Toyota Turbine
Systems Model TTS-50
Cogeneration Package

Figure 6-14. Toyota Turbine
Systems Model TTS-300
Cogeneration Package
Manufacturers of microturbines 61
Chapter 7
Operating Histories
THIS CHAPTER DISCUSSES some of the operating histories in various applications of
microturbine technology. It is not meant to highlight any one manufacturer but to show
the different venues in which microturbines can be deployed.
This company had been hit by frequent power problems and wanted a more reliable
power supply as well as lower energy costs. Further, the owner also wanted a more
environmentally friendly impact compared to traditional utility power and on-site gas
heating. The solution was the microturbine installation with a high level of redundancy.
Harbec installed twenty-five (25) Capstone 30 kilowatt microturbines with a total
nominal 750 kW max electric output and up to 52 therms of hot water output. This
project was commissioned in 2000.
To achieve high energy efficiency, 20 of the microturbines are connected to air to
water heat exchangers to produce hot water and some steam. Part of the hot water is used
during the summer to supply an absorbtion chiller.
The units are dual mode, thereby able to produce electric and thermal energy in the
event of a utility power outage. Even though grid connected, the units are Harbecs
primary source of electrical energy.

Figure 7-1. Harbec Plastics Factory
Array of a Microturbine
Cogeneration System
This company has a need for direct heat in their brick-drying kiln. By installing two
Bowman 80 kilowatt TG80SC, simple cycle microturbines fueled by natural gas, they
were able to match the desired kiln temperature by using the exhaust from the micro-
turbines directly into the kiln. Being simple cycle, i.e. non-recuperated, the exhaust
temperature is over 1000E Almost twice as much natural gas is used to fuel the
microturbines, but is offset by the natural gas the kiln required while producing 160
kilowatts of electricity.
The velocity of the exhaust gases maintain good thermal pattern configuration within
the kiln thereby increasing the throughput of bricks while saving energy. The kiln exhaust
gases are recycled, i.e. returned to the process as warm input air. The
Operating histories 63

Figure 7-2. Two (2) 80 Kilowatt
Microturbines Supplying Direct
Exhaust Heat
total thermal efficiency of the system is over 90% and the resultant payback was about 2
years. The system was commissioned in September of 2001.
Four million cucumbers per year are the beneficiary of a 100 kilowatt cogeneration
installation at a greenhouse in Sweden. Powered by a Turbec T-100 unit with an
integrated hot water heat exchanger plus an additional heat exchanger to reduce the
exhaust gas temperature before spreading it in the greenhouse, the overall thermal
efficiency is above 90%. Thanks to the heat and the CO
from the microturbine the
cucumbers grow 30% faster.
Despite relatively low electric prices the combination of increased cucumber
production due to the hot water and CO
, as well as offsetting relatively high natural gas
prices, the system enjoys a 4.2-year payback. It was commissioned in August of 2001.
Guide to microturbines 64

Figure 7-3. A One Hundred Kilowatt
Microturbine Cogeneration System
Operating in a Greenhouse in
As discussed in previous chapters, biogas is the name given to methane production
emanating from anaerobic processes from biomass, wastewater, landfills, livestock
manure and agricultural waste disposal. Since these sources are renewable, power
produced from biogas is considered a renewable energy.
A landfill in J amacha, CA, utilizes four (4) Ingersoll-Rand Model 70S microturbines
each producing 70 kilowatts while burning gas with as low as a 30% methane content.
Less than 10% of the electric power produced by the project is used to satisfy on-site
requirements of the landfill. The remainder of the power is sold to San Diego Gas &
Electric Company under a long term power sales agreement. The project was aided by
securing a California Energy Commission grant to assist in financing.
Operating histories 65

Figure 7-4. Microturbines Operating
at a Landfill in Jamacha, CA.
Besides the four microturbines the project incorporates a 200 scfm blower/refrigeration
skid which pressurizes the landfill gas and reduces moisture and other impurities in the
raw gas being collected. Switchgear and a 480v/13.8kv step up transformer and a plant
control computer which allows remote monitoring and operation also make up the
installation. The project was commissioned into commercial operation in J anuary 2002.
No payback period was advertised.
Conversely to the landfill application, methane from waste-water treatment plants
which use the anaerobic method of digestion, produce a higher Btu content of waste gas,
use all the electricity produced by on-site generators and cogeneration is evident by the
need for hot water inside the digester to accelerate digestion.
In addition to the economic benefits, the environmental benefits of capturing the
methane are very significant. Methane is a greenhouse gas over 20 times more negative
for global warming that carbon dioxide.
Guide to microturbines 66

Figure 7-5. Five Microturbines at a
Waste Water Treatment Plant in
Many oil and gas exploration and production sites represent significant opportunities for
resource recovery by capturing the waste gas emanating from such oil operations that
usually are burned in a flare. Whether vented or flared, the gas is not only a waste of
energy but also an environmental problem. While large gas turbines and reciprocating
engines are used at multi megawatt site, microturbines are extremely suitable for smaller
and dispersed sites.
This application is very demanding as the sites are frequently remote, weather
conditions vary and the gas is not conditioned. Containerized enclosures are common.
The low emissions from microturbines may add to the value proposition due to local
environmental restrictions or penalties for venting or flaring this waste gas.
Well head gas from offshore drilling platforms can be burned in small microturbines
to produce power aboard the platform. With the microturbine so tolerant of H2S and
other contaminants,
Operating histories 67

Figure 7-6. Skid Mounted Two-Pack
of 30 kW Units in Alberta, Canada
only moisture removal is needed to clean up the gas. Using the on-site fuel is a major
advantage at remote sites since the alternatives of supplying diesel fuel to the site can be
very cumbersome and expensive.
In the picture shown in Figure 7-7, the C-60 is near the edge of the platform in the rear
on the left, while the C-30 is the smaller unit on the right. Redundancy of units is
advisable to insure no interruption of power supply
Microturbines are not necessarily suitable for emergency standby power since start up of
<10 seconds is required in most instances. This market is dominated by diesel fueled
reciprocating engines whose only requirement is to come on line during a power outage.
Y2K was an example of depending on this type of power in the event the turning of the
calendar to year 2000 created
Guide to microturbines 68

Figure 7-7. A Capstone C-60 and a
C-30 on an Oil Rig in the Mexican
major upsets in grid power. Of course, that did not happen and many of those standby
engines are still in inventory somewhere.
However, microturbines can be successfully used when both standby power and peak
shaving is the goal. Peak shaving is when the utility supplied power is very expensive at
the peak of power usage. This is usually during the afternoons during the summer and
early evening and morning during the winter. Utilities recognize the high demand by
charging more for power during those times. Therefore, on-site generators can have a
significant value proposition by operating during those peak periods. However, since
the microturbine can also operate during a grid outage, it can act as a source of standby
power as well. Diesel units are limited to a certain number of hours of operation per year,
usually 200 hours, due to the pollution they spew during operation. Although the
switching time for a microturbine is usually 2 minutes, a small UPS system can get the
client through those two minutes for the critical loads, i.e. computers and emergency
lighting. Rather than purchase a 200 kW diesel generator for $125,000, purchase three (3)
60 kilowatt microturbines complete with standby features for about $175,000 and have
continuous power available when the value proposition allows.
Operating histories 69
A lesser known application for microturbines is Power Quality and Reliability. VAR
support is one of the more common solutions incorporating the need for better power
quality. VAR=reactive power. VAR support is a popular abbreviation for reactive power
compensation. The main purpose of VAR support is to reduce electric losses and to
increase power line capacity.
Reliability can be enhanced by using multiple units as well as by combining the
microturbines with grid power. For example, in

Figure 7-8. A 4-Pack of
Microturbines Installed at an
Electric Distribution Substation
cases of a weak electric grid with frequent interruptions, customers may choose to have
microturbines be the primary source of power for prioritized loads and let the grid be the
As mentioned in Peak Shaving, the ability of the microturbine to operate as both full
power and standby power, the use of these units with UPS systems can provide seamless
transition to on-site power in case of a grid outage.
Power quality is also a feature of the microturbine with power electronics as its main
power producing feature. The pure sine wave produced by such technology is important
to sensitive power users in this age of technological gadgets.
Guide to microturbines 70
This is where the microturbine was thought to be the main source of application. Toyota,
Turbec and Capstone to a large degree started their respective microturbine development
for automotive applications. High power density, ultra-low emissions without any
catalytic converters and the potential for low maintenance were factors contributing to the
interest in microturbines for automotive use.
Presently, only Capstone is active with microturbines for automotive use. More
precisely, they target heavy-duty hybrid electric vehicles for urban traffic, e.g. buses and
other fleet vehicles. Their ability to operate even on diesel fuel while still meeting the
most stringent emission requirements, compact design, low maintenance and long life are
attractive attributes of the microturbine for this market.
The system configuration is series hybrid, i.e. the electric power for the propulsion of
the vehicle comes from an energy source which in almost all cases is a battery. The
microturbine is the on-board battery charger and provides range extension. In many cases
the system is optimized in such a way that the vehicle can operate without interruption
during day time and then recharged during night time using grid power.

Figure 7-9. Example of Hybrid
Electric Vehicle Use of
The lack of oil lubrication in the Capstone microturbine, thanks to air bearings, provides
a simpler system with less maintenance to make this application a decided winner.
Operating histories 71
The phrase, hybrid systems is a popular but not completely accurate description of
combined systems with a microturbine and another power generating device. The
purpose, of course, is to achieve a significantly increased electric efficiency. This
application is at an early stage but examples exist where two supposedly different energy
producing technologies are operating together to accomplish the goal. The National Fuels
Research Center in Irvine, CA, is demonstrating a system using a Siemens-Westinghouse
100 kilowatt solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and an Ingersoll-Rand microturbine. The fuel
cell gives off waste heat that the microturbine uses to generate another 100 kilowatts of
electricity. No internal combustion occurs within the microturbine.
Guide to microturbines 72

Figure 7-10. Examples of Hybrid
Electric Vehicle Usage by
Fuel Cell Energy has demonstrated as system using their molten carbon fuel cell (MCFC)
and a Capstone simple cycle microturbine.
Operating histories 73
These combinations of fuel cells and microturbines provide the most common aspect
of hybrid system. They rival the combined cycle gas turbines for efficiency, exceeding
the 55% electric efficiency of those plants. With no internal combustion the cleanliness
of these hybrids is ultra clean meeting any Best Available Control Technology in
existence. Of course, the high cost of the fuel cell is still the major drawback to hybrid
systems. The 200 kilowatt system at the National Fuels Research Center cost over 16
million dollars or over $80,000 per kilowatt, but it was and still is an experimental
Other hybrid configurations are possible with the emanation of heat as the necessary
by-product in order for hybrids to work.

Figure 7-11. Molten Carbon Fuel
Cell Operating with a Capstone
While microturbines have only been successfully marketed since 1998 and are considered
a young technology, the fact that individual companies have experienced over 4,000,000
combined hours of operation and close to 40,000 hours of operation on several systems,
the robustness of the microturbine has been proven.
The companies that came after Capstone showed the need for integral CHP systems
was marketable and Capstone followed suit. Larger engines are needed and the industry
is responding thanks to DOE grants to Capstone, Ingersoll-Rand and GE (a company that
Guide to microturbines 74
is not included in this book since they are not yet in production) to produce a 200
kilowatt unit in Capstones case and the already marketed 250 kilowatt unit in I-Rs case.
Increased efficiency is also being sought with Turbec leading the pack with their T-
100 exceeding 30% electric efficiency, but the Advanced Microturbine Program funded
by the DOE in 2001 is targeting 40% electric efficiency. If and when that is achieved it
will rival the electric efficiency of the reciprocating engine.
While microturbines now burn most fuels that are commonly found, including the
tough low Btu fuels found in the biogas field, other fuels are being investigated such as
hydrogen and ethanol.
Lower emissions are being sought in order to comply with even more demanding
future standards. Californias 2007 emission standard is very close to a zero emission
level. It will most likely require catalytic combustion techniques although in actual tests
of the current microturbines, less than 3 ppm of NO
is being demonstrated, even though
guarantees of less than 9 ppm are offered. Capstone recently decided not to certify their
C-30 to meet California Air Resources Board (CARB) standards, yet the C-30 was the
very unit that the Air Quality Districts in California exempted from regulation due to its
clean burning aspects.
As these goals are attained and the microturbine market increases, as predicted by
Bowman and Turbec, the cost per kilowatt of these Mighty Minis will come down and
the proliferation of microturbines will meet early predictions in all the applications
discussed here.
Operating histories 75
Chapter 8
Realism in the Future*
THIS CHAPTER DISCUSSES the use of microturbines to provide a low cost, high
efficiency, precise power system. It should be extremely reliable even though it
eliminates the need for a redundant generator set.
Many devices such as computers cannot tolerate even short interruptions in the supply
of electricity or even slight deviations from rigid quality specifications for power. Many
manufacturing processes such as semiconductor fabrication have similar requirements.
Power interruptions or poor quality power can result in loss of data, computers going off-
line, damage to hardware, loss of in-process product, delayed product deliveries and other
The most common solution to providing continuous high quality power is to use a
static uninterruptible power system. Generally, this system rectifies utility power to direct
current and then inverts it back to the required frequency, either 50 Hz. or 60 Hz. Thus
the critical loads are isolated from any transient spikes or problems on the utility buss. A
stored energy source such as batteries float on the dc buss allowing the system to ride
through interruptions for typically five to fifteen minutes. This permits the critical loads
to be shut down in an orderly manner or gives time for standby generator sets to be
started and brought on line
An alternate solution is to dispense with the static system and use generator sets to
provide precise power to the critical loads and only to the critical loads. Thus the critical
buss is isolated from utility problems such as switching transients and lightning strikes as
well as from in-house problems such as power surges or voltage dips caused by motor
starting inrush. Generally this has meant the installation of an n+1 system. In other
words, one more generator set than is necessary to meet the maximum load is installed.
Thus, if a generator set fails, the remaining generator sets can still handle the load.
A major deficiency in n+1 systems is the increase in capital cost due to the
redundant generator set. Thus if two generator sets can handle the load, three must be
installed for roughly a 50% cost increase. A worse case occurs if one generator set can
handle the load. Then the addition of a redundant generator set essentially doubles the
cost of the hardware, the installation and the floor space.
A second deficiency is that the generator sets do not operate at their full rating as they
must always be prepared to increase power to handle the required load when a generator
set fails. Indeed, if one generator set can handle the load and two are installed, the two
generator sets must operate at no more than half of their rating if they are to be able to
pick up the full load when a generator set fails. With conventional single shaft, gas
turbine-driven generator sets, this has meant a dramatic decrease in fuel efficiency.

*A paper, Precise Power Systems, by Robin Mackay, September 2002.

Correspondingly, microturbines must either operate at much higher speeds than is
optimum for efficiency if they are going to be able to assume the increased load when a
generator set fails or they must use stored energy such as batteries to assist in picking up
the increased load.
However, the proper use of microturbines removes the need for a redundant generator
set and that is the subject of this paper. The vast majority of microturbines in the field
today consist of modest sized gas turbines that drive generators that operate at the same
speed as the gas turbine. These very high-speed generators operate at dose to 100,000
rpm to produce power at very high frequencies in the 1600 Hz range. As this frequency is
too high for most applications, a power conditioning system is needed. The generator
output is rectified to direct current and then inverted to conventional frequencies such as
50 Hz. or 60 Hz.
The concept presented here proposes to have two inverters fed by the rectifying power
supply. The first or critical inverter would feed the critical loads and the second or non-
critical inverter would assist the electric utility in feeding the noncritical loads.
It is common practice to use bi-directional inverters for both the rectifying power
supply and the output inverter. In applications where the output is to be paralleled with
the utility grid, this permits the power conditioning system to operate in reverse when the
gas turbine is to be started. Thus utility power can be rectified to direct current by what
would normally be the output inverter. Correspondingly, what would normally be the
rectifying power supply can then invert the direct current and provide alternating current
to the gas turbines generator that now becomes the starter motor.
Microturbines like conventional generator sets can usually operate in two separate
modes. They can parallel with the utility grid and deliver a fixed amount of electricity to
the utility buss. They can also operate in a stand-alone mode in which case the amount of
electricity that they deliver matches the load that they are supplying and vary as the load
Figure 8-1 shows the equipment and the wiring connections. In all figures, the control
wires are shown in light dotted lines. In figure 8-1, the power wires are shown in heavy
solid lines. In the remaining figures, only the wires transmitting power are shown and
they are shown in heavy solid lines with arrowheads to indicate the direction of power
Figure 8-2 shows the normal operation of the system. The gas turbine fuel control
would be set in grid-parallel mode and provide a fixed amount of fuel and therefore a
fixed amount of power from the generator. This is the most common mode of operation
for any generator set operating in parallel with the utility grid. Generally the setting
would match the maximum continuous power specified by the manufacturer for specific
conditions such as altitude and inlet temperature noting that changes in conditions might
change this fuel setting. Most gas turbines would therefore
Realism in the future 77

Figure 8-1. Wiring connections
operate at their most efficient power setting and achieve the maximum possible load
The critical inverter would operate in stand-alone mode providing high quality power
to the critical loads. The output of the inverter would follow the load as the critical loads
change. The output would be isolated from electrical problems on the noncritical buss.
The non-critical inverter would operate in grid-parallel mode providing power to the non-
critical loads in conjunction with power from the electric utility. This inverter power
would reduce the amount of power being purchased from the electric utility or in rare
cases feed power back into the grid.
As the power output of the gas turbines generator is fixed, the total power produced
by the two inverters would also be fixed. Thus if the critical load increased, the power
delivered to the non-critical buss by the non-critical inverter would decrease and vice
versa. This would happen automatically using signals from current transformers on the
generator output and on both of the inverter outputs. The output of the non-critical
inverter would be adjusted to match the output of the generator set minus the output of
the critical inverter with appropriate corrections for efficiencies and any parasitic losses.
This is a similar to the control techniques used by any microturbine paralleled with the
Figure 8-3 shows the operation of the system during a utility power failure. If the
utility power failed, the non-critical inverter would disengage from supplying power to
the non-critical loads.

Figure 8-2. Normal Operation
Guide to microturbines 78
This would reduce the load on the gas turbine. The gas turbine fuel control would change
from fixed power or grid-parallel mode to stand-alone mode and act as a conventional
generator set does when operating in stand-alone mode and not paralleled with the utility
grid. The only loads on the system would be the critical loads, as the non-critical inverter
would no longer be providing power to the non-critical buss. The gas turbine generator
would then load-follow the critical loads and provide high quality power. When utility
power was restored, the non-critical inverter would parallel with the utility grid using
conventional techniques. The gas turbine fuel control would revert to fixed power and
normal operation would resume.

Figure 8-3. Utility Grid Failure
Figure 8-4 shows the operation of the system if the gas turbine were to fail or if the
fuel supply were to fail. The gas turbine would stop and the generator would cease to
produce power. Then the bi-directional non-critical inverter would reverse its function.
Instead of taking power from the power supply and delivering alternating current to the
non-critical buss, it would take power from the electricity utility and power the critical
inverter. Thus the critical inverter would operate in stand-alone mode and continue to
provide quality power to the critical loads without interruption. The critical loads would
still be isolated from utility or in house electrical problems. As soon as the gas turbine
could be restarted, normal operation would resume.
Figure 8-5 shows the operation of the system during restarting of the gas turbine.
Power from the utility grid is rectified to direct current in the non-critical inverter and
then inverted back to variable frequency, variable voltage current in the power supply.
This power is used to start the gas turbine with the generator acting as a starter motor.
This is common practice for starting microturbines where utility power is available. If
utility power is not available, batteries can provide power to the direct current buss and
the power supply can provide the appropriate power to start the gas turbine. This is
common practice for starting microturbines where utility power is not available.
Realism in the future 79

Figure 8-4. Gas Turbine Failure

Figure 8-5. Restarting the Gas

Figure 8-6. Critical Inverter Failure
Figure 8-6 shows the operation of the system if the critical inverter fails. The critical
inverter operates in phantom parallel with the grid so that the critical load normally has
the same voltage, frequency and phase angle as the utility grid. Thus the critical load can
Guide to microturbines 80
be transferred to the grid through the use of a static bypass switch. However, the non-
critical inverter is still operational and being fed by the generator set through the power
supply. Therefore, the non-critical inverter would feed the critical load through the
bypass switch. The output of the non-critical inverter would then be isolated from the
grid which would continue to feed the non-critical load.
Figure 8-7 shows the system being bypassed as might be necessary during system
maintenance. Note that during normal operation, the critical inverter would operate in
phantom parallel with the utility grid. In other words, the frequency and phase of the
output of the critical inverter would be identical to that of the utility grid. Thus, in the
event of a complete system failure, the critical loads could be transferred to the utility
grid without interruption. This transfer could be facilitated by the use of static switches in
the bypass.
This system has several advantages over the n+1 system described above. It is less
expensive to buy because one gas turbine is eliminated. It is more fuel-efficient as the gas
turbine operates at higher loads. The utilization is higher because of the additional power
delivered by the non-critical inverter. The power delivered to the non-critical buss
reduces the electric utility bill. Finally, the system offers additional reliability in that it
can operate from either of two energy sourcesfuel from pipelines or storage, or
electricity from the utility.
The above description assumes that the system is based on a single microturbine
powering a single power supply which in turn powers two inverters, one for the critical
load and one for the non-critical buss. However, it should be noted that there are
numerous microturbine installations utilizing multiple microturbines in which the
electrical output from their inverters is paralleled.

Figure 8-7. System Isolation
Correspondingly, it is feasible use multiple microturbines and parallel the critical
inverters to feed the critical loads while paralleling the non-critical inverters to feed the
non-critical buss.
Figure 8-8 shows a three-unit installation but essentially any
Realism in the future 81

Figure 8.8 Three-unit Installation
number of units could be paralleled. A single bypass switch is shown which could
connect the utility to the critical loads in the event of a system failure or if system
maintenance is required. It is also feasible to have individual bypass switches for each
unit, which would generally act simultaneously.
The precise power system as described above is patent pending and is used here with
permission from Mr. Mackay. It is his desire to see this innovation incorporated into a
commercially operating microturbine system in the near future.
Guide to microturbines 82
This book would not be complete without an introduction to the unique microturbine
design of ALM Turbine, Inc. that is building a prototype unit in 2003, but has not yet
produced a commercial version.
They are developing a new technological approach to increasing efficiency and
performance over conventional microturbines by utilizing Exhaust Gas Recirculation
(EGR), with counter rotating turbines and a novel blade cooling technology. They
envision efficiencies of up to 40%. Another innovation is to control the power by varying
the density of the combustion gases via recirculation. This approach makes the ALM
engine highly scalable and provides better responsiveness to sudden load and speed
changes. Stable efficiency over a broad range of loads is accomplished making this
design suitable for vehicular use.
The gas turbine engine EGR recirculation ratio is about 6 to 1, meaning that only 1/6
of the total gas flow is introduced as new flow. The remainder is already combusted
gases. With less air flow being added to the flow duct, less NO
is produced. ALM feels
that the NO
level will be <5 ppm. Other goals are to produce from 50 to 300 kWh from
the same unit, again by varying the density of the gases via recirculation. ALM hopes to
introduce their product in the $600$700/kWh sales price.
Realism in the future 83

Figure 8-9. The ALM Turbine
Cutaway and the Fluid Density
Control System
Guide to microturbines 84

Figure 8-10. An Overview of the
Recirculation Cycle in an ALM
The history of the microturbine through 2003 encompasses only a scant 5 years of field
and production experience. With all manufacturers contributions less than 3000 units are
presently operating around the world. Yet, with one major manufacturer ceasing
production in 2002, Honeywell Corporation, new entries have come into the market such
at Turbec, Ingersoll-Rand and Toyota. Honeywell has not specifically advertised the
reasons for pulling out of the market. They had over 300 units in operation and pulled all
of them out of the field, reimbursing the clients for their expenditures, and literally
destroying the units. Inability to meet low NO
levels and unable to show maintenance
intervals that were acceptable seem to be the main reasons for Honeywells decision. The
irony that Honeywell acquired Allied-Signal companies, the very birthplace of the
microturbine via Robin Mackays and J im Noes alma mater, Garrett Corporation, is of
curious interest.
Some luck is involved in how and when a new product is brought to market. Capstone
nearly pulled the plug early in the game when a unit at Ontario Hydro had a fuel valve
fail that inundated the turbine with natural gas when it was shut down. The hot metal in
the microturbine started a fire inside the turbine which could have blown with disastrous
results. The power electronics controller failed and the fuel proportioning valve had an
open signal when sensing a shut down causing fuel to enter the unit when the unit was
actually in a shut down mode. Capstone corrected that flaw by installing a secondary
solenoid valve and the new electronic logic is a normally closed fuel valve. A mature
company could have survived a disaster, while a young company like Capstone probably
could not have, so luck was with the company at that instance.
Realism in the future 85
General Electric supposedly has control of the Honeywell microturbine design as part
of the dissolution of the merger talks that occurred between those two companies in 2002.
GE is purported to be looking at coming into the microturbine market either with a
modified Honeywell design, a new design, or an acquisition of an existing microturbine
company. Certainly Capstone, the only stand-alone microturbine company presently in
the market-place, with significant cash in the bank, an enviable history of installations
and 4,000,000 combined hours of field operation would be a perfect target for a company
such as GE to investigate.
The last chapter of microturbine evolution has yet to be written.
Guide to microturbines 86

Included here are actual operating microturbines in a variety of applications which
demonstrates the versatility and markets in which these machines can be used.
1. Plastics Manufacturing Plant
2. Metal Plating Facility
3. Campus Swimming Pool
4. Hotel
5. Supermarket
6. Waste Water Treatment Plant
7. Community Pool
8. Coal mine
9. Landfill Methane Recovery
10. Natural Gas Liquefaction Plant
11. Administration Building
The report on U.S. Installation, Operation and Performance Standards for Microturbines
was prepared under the auspices of the DOE for a comprehensive review of codes and
standards applicable to the safe installation and operation of microturbines in commercial
and residential buildings.
In this study, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is performing a technology
review to assess the market for commercially available power electronic converters that
can be used to connect microturbines to either the electric grid or local loads.

Appendix A
Case Histories
Quick Facts
Number of Units:
25 Model C-30, 30 kWh microturbines
Electrical Output750 kW
Heat Output 1.5 MW
Additional Equipment:
Power Server Device to Monitor Electrical Load
Air to Water Heat Exchangers
Absorber Chiller
Installation Purpose:
To provide reliable electric power and eliminate outage costs
To provide thermal output to drive heating and cooling systems
To deliver better total fuel efficiency
To reduce environmental impact
* Yields 36% net energy cost reduction
* Produces a simple payback of 2.5 years.
YEARS OF INCREASINGLY FREQUENT power problems culminated in a string of
grid outages and other power events that hit this manufacturer hard in 1999. Something
had to be done. Since even a momentary outage was as damaging as a lengthy one,
standby generation alone was not an adequate solution. A battery UPS my have improved
power reliability but would have increased the already high electric costs. The solution
also needed to instantaneously follow the load to meet the facilitys varying needs. Often,
30% swings in power needs would occur. The onsite system must be a continuous source
of quality power to the facility with some level of redundancy.
Since Harbec is an ISO 14001-certified facility, Harbecs president was committed to
designing an environmentally benign onsite system. This commitment led away from
reciprocating engine technologies, even those fired by natural gas, as NO
emissions from
reciprocating engines are many times higher than the best-in-class generating
technologies. Thus Harbec investigated various technologies including wind power, fuel
cells and microturbines.
Harbec wanted a solution that recovered as much of the input energy as possible. They
envisioned a system that would capture exhaust heat and put it to valuable use for space
heating, process drying and power free air conditioning via absorber chilling. While
attracted to the renewable energy supply represented by wind and the potential high
efficiency and low emissions of fuel cell prototypes, economic analysis clearly revealed
that microturbines, offered the best up-front and ongoing value for clean, continuous
onsite power. The result was an array of 30 kWh microturbines with air to water heat
exchangers and hot water fired absorber chiller. The array of microturbines and heat
exchangers is shown in Figure A-1. Figure A-2 shows the absorber chiller.
To Generate Chilled Water for Air Conditioning
In this array, 25 microtubines were installed, 20 of which were

Figure A-1. Microturbines and Heat
Exchangers at Harbec
Appendix A 91

Figure A-2. Absorber Chiller Taking
Hot Water from Microturbines
mated to five heat recovery exchangers. Water is heated to 210F. Five of the
microturbines provide redundancy for electrical production. In the winter, the hot water is
routed to the ventilations system as well as radiant floor heating built into the concrete
slab of the facilitys warehouse area. In warm and humid weather, the heated water fires a
200 ton absorption chiller to air condition and dehumidify Harbecs warehouse and
production areas without adding any appreciable electrical load. Humidity control also
eliminates the cost of drying raw materials in humid weather.
This system went into full operation during the summer of 2001. The microturbine
array provided full-time operating power to all facility loads, including the starting and
stopping of several motors as large as 60 horsepower, while the exhaust heat fired the
Carrier absorber chiller delivering a constant supply of dry chilled air to the facility.
These microturbines provide uninterrupted power to Harbecs fa-cility and follow the
load needs for many processes and machines within the facility. Power outage costs and
downtime are eliminated with these Dual Mode units. Exhaust is clean with less than 9
ppm NO
being emitted, which is less than half that per kWh emitted by generators of the
local utility. Maintenance on the system is expected to be minimal. After a full year of
constant operation, the only scheduled maintenance is an air filter change and a quick
visual inspection of key system components.
Appendix A 92

Figure A-3.
Quick Facts:
Number of Microturbines Four (4) 30 kWh, natural gas fired units
Electrical Output112 kWh @ ISO
Heat Recovery240 kWh or 845,000 Btu/hr
Additional Equipment
One (1) Air to Water Heat Exchanger
Installation Purpose
To offset grid electricity usage and cost
Improve power reliability
To meet stringent emerging and proposed boiler NO
To derive value-added benefits of direct exhaust drying of sludge
Annual estimated savings of over $57,000
Projected 4-year simple payback
Reduction in waste weight and volume as well as savings in drying costs
Appendix A 93
Faith Plating began operations in 1918 in Hollywood, CA. With movies, came cars
and with the most popular models came chrome plated, ornately adorned bumpers and
accessories. Faith Plating emerged as a leader in vehicle related plating.

Figure A-4. Chrome Plated Vehicle
Essential to Faith Platings operations has been the need for a reliable supply of
electricity and hot water. External factors threatened the business in 200 1:
Power shortages racked California, triggering blackouts and higher costs
The EPA issued new emission restrictions on hot water boilers
The Assistant General Manager of Faith wrestled with these issues and decided to take
action by installing four (4) 30 kWh microturbines which would mitigate the high cost of
electricity as well as providing power during grid outages. He had heard about
microturbines while driving to work one morning from a radio broadcast. Similarly, the
creation of hot water for the plating tanks would reduce the natural gas required for that
process and qualify the facility for the attractive energy rebates the State of California
Appendix A 94
was offering for cogeneration systems. The low emissions of the microturbines reduced
Faith overall NO
emissions to comply with the stiffer EPA requirements. The savings in
emission controls that would have been required on Faiths boilers are not accounted for
in the overall savings.

Figure A-5. Two of the four
microturbines providing electricity
and hot water to the facility. Note
the ductwork providing clean,
outside air to the inlet of the
The Dual Mode capability of the microturbines; allow switching between grid-parallel
and stand-alone operation in the event of a grid outage. The microturbines have black
start capability which enables them to start up even if they had been down when a grid
failure occurred.
All of Faiths plating tanks were converted from conventional boiler operation to the
new heating loop from the air to water heat exchanger installed as part of the
cogeneration project. The loop runs at 170F to 190R Each 14,000 gallon master tank
holds plating solution, liquid metal in a sulfuric solution. Nickel, copper and chrome
plating tanks must be maintained between 110F and 190F depending on the metal.
Thermostatic controls on the tanks monitor proper temperature levels. Like other
continuous process manufacturers, Faith Plating is reliant on dependable electrical power.
Grid interruptions mean ruined work-in-progress along with costly downtime to clean
and restart processes. The four microturbines provide 60% of Faiths needs during peak
periods, sufficient to keep the facilitys critical areas in operation during a grid failure
and providing a slashing of utility bills of about $5,500 per month on electricity and a net
average of $1,500 per month for the gas bill (after accounting for the natural gas burned
to operate the turbines).
Appendix A 95

Figure A-6. Drying of Sludge Waste
via Waste Heat
A further savings accrued by using the exhaust flow from the air to water heat
exchanger to dry the waste sludge material collected from the plating tanks. By reducing
the weight and volume of the sludge, the cost of removal was reduced both by
eliminating the electric dying previously employed and the cost of sludge disposal.
So, what started as a radio blurb ended up in a major cost reduction program for Faith
Plating by utilizing microturbines and cogeneration.
Quick Facts:
Number of Microturbines
Two (2) 30 kWh with integral heat recovery
Electrical Output60 kWh @ ISO
Heat Recovery120 kW or 422,280 Btu/hr.
Installation Purpose
To serve hot water needs of an Olympic sized swimming pool
To generate onsite electrical power
To reduce emissions from the traditional heating sources
Appendix A 96
To provide SAIT students a hands-on learning opportunity in distributed generation
and cogeneration
Reduced energy costs
An estimated 55% reduction in CO
An estimated 97% reduction in NO
For over 90 years the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology has built an
international reputation in technical education from World War I era courses in steam
engineering and motor mechanics to todays diverse curriculum encompassing
engineering, information technology, health sciences, applied arts, business
administration and apprenticeship trades. SAIT showcases various technologies giving
students hands-on training with innovative systems.
Since SAIT was heating its Olympic sized pool with conventional hot water heating
equipment and its electricity to run the pumps and other electrical needs was purchased
from the local utility, a cogeneration system would seem to fill the economic as well as
the intrinsic needs of the institution, i.e. teaching. The Institute already has a curriculum
known as epicenter, a Center of Technology Development that trains the next generation
of power engineers. Cogeneration would fit nicely into that curriculum.
Two (2) 30 kWh units, each with integral waste heat exchangers now supply the 60
nominal kilowatts of electrical energy while supplying over 4.22 therms/hour of heat
energy for the pool.
The local microturbine distributor, Mariah Energy, developed a secure web-based
dispatch, control and monitoring gateway via the microturbines open communication
protocols. Consequently, the triple gate supervisory system provides continuous data
and enables Mariah to operate the systems in thermal load following, i.e. modulating
power output to maintain constant temperature in the hot water loop. A secondary
controller operates a mixing valve to regulate pool water temperature.
Saving money, saving the environment and helping educate the technology
professionals of the future, this microturbine installation achieves many important goals
Overall thermal efficiency is over 80%. The recovered waste heat is used to heat the
million liter pool as well as serve the domestic hot water
Appendix A 97

Figure A-7. Two (2) 30 kW
Microturbines with Integral Air to
Water Heat Exchangers

Figure A-8. SAITs Million Liter
Swimming Pool Heated by
Appendix A 98
needs of food services, showers and a Zamboni room The electricity goes to the Campus
Centre, which houses a hockey rink, sport courts and a weight room offsetting energy
SAIT would otherwise have to buy from the grid.
Although the purpose of the project was to reduce energy costs, reduction of cost
volatility was a key component of the decision according to officials at SAIT. Because
approximately 65% of the fuel used in the system would have been burned in SAITs
boilers, the value of the power is effectively 65% hedged against future fuel price
Quick Facts:
Number of Microturbines
One (1) 30 kilowatt unit
Electrical Output30 kWh @ ISO
Heat Recovery42 kW or 142,000 Btu/hr.
Installation Purpose
To augment existing boilers with heat output to accommodate peak hot water demand
To generate electricity for onsite use
To provide data for EPRI/NRECA/DOE Distributed Resource Group
High reliability and system compatibility proven for hotel operations
Hot water availability boosted by 20%
More than 13,000 hours of near-continuous operation
Ability to operate critical electrical needs in the even of a grid outage
Hot water needs drive the majority of cogeneration projects and what better place to
implement that technology in facilities that use hot water for guest rooms, laundries,
kitchens, pools and spas. In other
Appendix A 99

Figure A-9. Hotel in Fargo, ND
Using Cogeneration
words, a hotel. Most hotels already use natural gas for the heating process of water, but
there is a way to improve fuel efficiency and the bottom line by turning that natural gas
into more than just hot watercogenerating electricity and hot water.
Gas fired boilers supplied hot water to 200 rooms in this hotels two story wing. The
system was overtaxed during peak accommodation periods and during these occupancy
spikes the hotel had to also address the hot water needs of the laundry and kitchen. It
appeared that rather than just install another boiler, to investigate cogeneration as a way
to mitigate electrical costs while supplementing hot water needs. Since hot water was the
priority, it was determined that the installation of a 22 kW AO Smith electric water heater
would be the optimum solution. The electricity generated by the microturbine would run
the electric water heater when it was needed and any excess electricity would be
distributed throughout the hotel via the main electric panel.
The clean exhaust heat generated by the microturbine was looped into the hotels
commercial grad boiler via the air to water waste heat
Appendix A 100

Figure A-10. Kilowatt Microturbine
with Air to Water Heat Exchanger
exchanger and applied to the 1000 gallon hot water storage tank serving the laundry and
kitchen. With simple site requirements, low noise output, small footprint and zero
vibration, the microturbine system was sited near the laundry/kitchen storage unit.
Other than maintenance on the systems internal gas compressor, the system has run
smoothly for more than 13,000 hours as of mid 2003. The dual mode controller allows
the microtubine to operate in the event of a power outage by the grid supplying electricity
to critical hotel areas such as front desk, lighting, reservation system and guest hallways.
The internal gas booster compressor maintenance can be eliminated by implementing the
manufacturers foil gas bearing unit as a retrofit.
Quick Facts:
Number of Microturbines
One (1) 30 kilowatt unit
One (1) liquid based desiccant dehumidification system
One (1) 480v/220v transformer
Electrical output30 kW
Heat Recovery55 kW or 188,000 Btu/hr
Installation Purpose
Appendix A 101
To lower interior humidity and increase perishables shelf life
To generate electricity for peak shaving for power cost savings
To drive desiccant system with waste heat from the microturbine
To reduce greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions
Successfully lowered store humidity to extend shelf life of perishables which
constitute 80% of the markets revenue
Regenerates desiccant system with exhaust heat of microturbine engine
Lowers fees paid to electric utility
Overall energy efficiency of 70% is attained
Two factors loom large at every supermarket: a large inventory of perishable goods
and a large need for electricity to stock and sell those goods. Food quality is critical to a
grocers carefully balanced profit margins. The very air inside a market plays a key role.
Maintaining the right humidity level extends shelf life, satisfying customers and the
bottom line.
Similarly, because refrigerators and freezers are fundamental to food quality, a
supermarket cannot reduce refrigeration needs to cope with higher peak power costs.
However, it can choose a more affordable, supplemental electricity source when grid
power is at a premium.
The Seiyu Supermarket enhanced their product shelf life while reducing their power
costs by employing two distinct technologies: 1) the microturbine and 2) a Meidensha
MioSpectruni desiccant de-humidification system. The microturbine supplies electric
power to the store while its exhaust heat produces hot water for the desiccant
dehumidifier. An internal air to water heat exchanger drives a hot water based desiccant
dehumidification system manufactured by Tohoku Earth Clean. This system is integrated
with the supermarkets air conditioning unit and lowers the in-store humidity to maintain
maximum freshness of Seiyus perishables.
The hot water exiting the desiccant system enters the Meidensha unit at 176F. The
water is sent back to the desiccant system at 194R In a representative cycle ambient
relative humidity was 58%, with ambient temperature of 82F. Air exiting the desiccant
dehumidifier for store circulation measured 20% relative humidity and 85F at a volume
of 68,000 cubic feet per hour.
Since the microturbines output power is 480 volts, a step down transformer was
installed to meet the stores 220 volt electric panel through which the generated
electricity was distributed. Since J apans peak power rates escalate to 400 to 500% of
normal rates, the microturbine system displaces a portion of that power.
Meidensha developed the MioSpectrum system, an integrated combined heat and
power generator based on the 30 kilowatt microturbine. An OEM relationship exists
between the microturbine manufacturer and Meidensha and is partly responsible for the
over 300 microturbines currently operating in J apan.
Appendix A 102

Figure A-11. Combination Air
Conditioning and Desiccant
Dehumidification System

Figure A-12. Combination Air
Conditioning and Desiccant
Dehumidification System
Appendix A 103

Figure A-13. The Microturbine is
the Core of the Meidensha
MioSpectrum System
Quick Facts:
Number of Microturbines
Three (3) 30 kWh units
One (1) Air to Water Heat Exchanger
One (1) Fuel Gas Booster Compressor
One (1) Set of Gas Pre-Treatment Equipment
Electrical Output90 kWh @ ISO
Heat Recovery205 kWh or 700,000 Btu/hr.
Installation Purpose
To reduce power costs
To provide heat to maintain temperature needs of digester
To utilize the waste digester gas as a free fuel
To reduce emissions formed during biogas combustion
By utilizing the free fuel produced as part of the digestion process over 15% of the
facilities electricity usage is produced.
Emissions of NO
and methane were reduced vs. standard flaring practice
Provided rapid Return on Investment
Appendix A 104
Qualified for State grant money by producing clean, onsite power via cogeneration
In December of 2000, the San Elijo J oint Power Authority Water Reclamation Facility
saw energy costs triple in a single month. This led to the investigation of onsite power
production by utilizing the waste methane gas that is produced as a byproduct of
anaerobic digestion. While reciprocating engines were proven in this field, the Facility
felt that the higher cost of maintenance for that technology indicated looking for a better
way to proceed. Microturbines provided that better way. The lower emission levels of
microturbines were a plus.
Digesters use heated tanks that use microorganisms to break down waste solids and
create biogas. San Elijo had been flaring this biogas and since the primary component of
this gas is methane it can be readily used as a fuel. Allowing any methane to escape into
the atmosphere can be ruinous as methane is 20 times as destructive as carbon dioxide as
a greenhouse gas.
Biogas is generally wet and potentially has contaminants that can pose a problem to
fuel gas booster compressors as well as the generators themselves, be they reciprocating
engines or microturbines. Hence, adequate clean up equipment is needed to remove
moisture and contaminants such as siloxanes that are commonly found in digester gas.
Siloxanes are compounds of silica that find their way into sewage via discarded cosmetic
products and other commonly used household products. Those silica compounds, when
exposed to the heat of combustion in an engine using this gas for fuel, can form glass like
coatings on the internal components of the engine. Over time, those coatings will
drastically impede the performance of the enginereciprocating or microturbine. Other
contaminants such as hydrogen sulfide are tolerated by the microturbine up to 7% by
volume and pose no operational problems.
Three (3) 30 kWh microturbine units were chosen for the job as an optimum match for
the biogas being generated, the power generated and for the heat needed in the digesters
Since the biogas is generated at low pressure, basically atmospheric, and the turbines
need 70 to 90 psig combustion chamber pressure, fuel gas boosters are needed to
compress the digester gas to
Appendix A 105

Figure A-14. San Elijo Waste Water
Treatment Plant Microturbines

Figure A-15. Fuel Gas Booster
Compressors at San Elijo Waste
Water Treatment Plant
operating pressure. Normally scroll or sliding vane type compressors are utilized for this
Appendix A 106
The facility is experiencing savings in electricity costs of $4,000 to $5,000 per month
according to the Facilitys plant manager with a payback of capital costs, including the
clean up gas treatment equipment, of three to four years.
Quick Facts:
Number of Microturbines
One (1) 30 kWh unit
One (1) Air to Water Heat Exchanger
Electrical Output30 kWh @ ISO
Heat Recovery74 kW or 253,000 Btu/hr.
Installation Purpose
To reduce recreation center energy costs
To create a more flexible and efficient pool heating system
To lower on site emissions
A 96% energy efficiency was attained
30% energy cost savings
Over 13,000 hours of runtime including one full year of uninterrupted service
Actual NO
emissions of less than 3ppm
It is a basic law of thermodynamics that fuel will not completely convert to energy.
There will always be losses and inefficiencies. Inefficiency is also an important economic
concept. Inefficient use of a core commodity hurts the bottom line. In power generation,
there is an intersection of thermodynamics and economics: a systems energy efficiency
rating versus return on investment and profitability. The ratios become more favorable as
efficiency increases. Typically, conventional generator systems yield energy efficiency
from 25 to 40%, meaning substantially less than half of the purchased fuel becomes
usable energy. Improving that ratio requires something beyond a conventional approach.
Utilizing Combine Heat & Power, i.e. cogeneration typically achieves 70 to 90% total
system efficiency.
However, Bosbad, a 400,000-gallon community pool in Putten, Netherlands, did not
stop there. An incredible 96% total system efficiency was achieved!
The Netherlands natural gas utility, Gasunie, identified the Bosbad facility as an ideal
fit for a microturbine system. The large, indoor/outdoor pool previously employed one
central boiler. Gasunie proposed a cascade system: a 30 kWh microturbine functioning as
a baseload unitboiler number onewith eight (8), small, high efficiency boilers to
supplement higher winter heating needs. With heat as the primary focus, the
microturbines electricity production would be used for loads such as pumps and lighting,
the divident that would reduce the facilitys total energy expenditures.
Appendix A 107

Figure A-. The Bosbad Community
Pool in Putten, Netherlands
In winter months when the facilitys indoor pool is in use, the winter loop which
includes the secondary boilers and a beat exchanger, is periodically activated. In heating
the indoor pool and the building housing it, the microturbines energy efficiency is 87%
as measured by Gasunie. During the summer when the outdoor pool is in operation, the
microturbine is the sole boiler with its thermal output directly heating the water. During
this season, energy efficiency is a record-setting 96% per Gasunie verification. Overall,
the Bosbad facility has achieved a 30% reduction in energy costs.
Emission levels were measured on site for NO
production and it was found that while
the manufacturer guaranteed 9ppm of NO
, actual emissions measure less than 3 ppm.
A further milestone was reached when the Bosbad microturbine became Europes
longest running microturbine with more than 13,000 hours of operation punctuated by a
one-year block of uninterrupted runtime. This is typical of microturbine required
maintenance, i.e. filter changes after9,000 hours of operation.
Appendix A 108

Figure A-17. The Microturbine and
Heat Exchanger Setup at Bosbad
Quick Facts:
Number of Microturbines
Five (5) 30 kWh Units
Methane Collection System
Ductwork and Blowers
Electricity Output150 kW @ ISO
Exhaust Recovery3.4 lb/sec mass flow
Installation Purpose
To cut greenhouse gas emission via methane combustion and CO
To demonstrate coal mine methane recovery technology
To test CO
sequestration via exhaust injection
Highly effective elimination of coal mine methane
Hot exhaust gases are driven back into mine liberating more methane for power
Onsite electrical generation powers facility loads and generates revenue
Low maintenance and low emissions
For half a century, the Sumitomo mine in Akabira, J apan, supplied coal to a
burgeoning J apanese economy, reaching an ultimate depth of 3,900 feet to produce nearly
80 million tons of coal. The mine was closed in 1994 as more natural gas was used to fuel
J apans industry.
However, the abandoned mine continues to discharge coal mine methane (CMM), a
highly potent greenhouse gas 20 times more destructive than CO
. CMM also presents
Appendix A 109
explosion hazards, demanding constant management and dispersal. According to
Sumitomo officials, Akabira released nearly 3.5 billion cubic meters of methane prior to
its closure. An estimated 900 million remain. Even though production has ceased,
Sumitomo knew their responsibility did not.
Flaring is a common practice to burn off methane emissions from mines, oil wells,
landfills and wastewater treatment plants. Around the

Figure A-18. The Akibira Coal Mine

Figure A-19.
Appendix A 110
globe scores of such sites have switched from flaring to combusting their waste methane
with microturbines, which eliminates the gas with far fewer emissions than flaring. The
waste gas becomes fuel for the microturbine system, eliminating the methane far more
effectively and creating two other valuable dividendscreation of electricity and heat
without using any commercial fuel. In other wordscogeneration.
Sumitomo created a closed loop system that eliminates the maximum amount of
coal mine gas with the lowest possible emissions of methane, carbon dioxide and
nitrogen oxides.
The five (5) microturbine array takes in 30% of the mines total methane discharge.
Electricity from the microturbines powers a series of pumps and blowers that extracts
methane gas from the mine. Surplus power is exported to a nearby factory. The methane
travels to a pumping and compression plant before going to the microturbines. Exhaust
from the five microturbines is collected in a common manifold and driven down the shaft
via a dedicated system of fans and ducts. Carbon emissions from the exhaust are
permanently sequestered in remaining coal seams, releasing more methane as the mineral
pores preferentially take up the CO
. This is the final step in the closed loop process,
liberating more methane to maintain the continuum.
Sumitomo Coal Mining is considering this closed loop approach for other locations,
multiplying the possible revenue and tangible environmental benefits on a wider scale.
Quick Facts:
Number of Microturbines
Fifty (50) 30 kW units
Gas Compression, Drying and siloxane removal system
Electricity Output1.3 MW net
Installation Purpose
To combust landfill gas more thoroughly with lower NO
emissions than flaring
would produce
To generate electricity from a renewable fuel source
Generates up to 1.3 MW of electricity from renewable waste fuel
Reduces annual NO
emissions by more than 10,000 pounds
Destroys methane, a powerful greenhouse gas that is 20 times more damaging than

Lower maintenance needs compared to conventional biogas fueled engines
Lopez Canyon landfill was closed in 1996 but was still discharging methane from the
decades of layered trash buried and decomposing there. A collection system was
capturing this methane and other toxic gases and directing the gas to a flare system that
was resulting in many tons of NO
and other emissions being released to the atmosphere.
In a unique cooperative partnership between the Los Angeles Department of Water
and Power (LADWP) and the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD),
Appendix A 111
fifty (50) microturbines were installed at the landfill to use the generated methane as a
fuel to produce 1.3 MW of electricity which LADWP distributes throughout its
marketing area.
Landfill gas is low in methane contentabout 300400 Btu/cubic foot, compared to
1,000 Btu/cubic foot for natural gas. Further, it has moisture and contaminants in the gas
that require significant gas pretreatment before going to the microturbines for
combustion. Moisture removal is accomplished via refrigerated air dryers chilling the gas
to 40F and condensate removal systems, while the more severe contaminants such as
siloxanes are removed via carbon granule filtration. After moisture removal the gas is
heated to 18F above its dew point to prevent any further moisture condensation. All
other gaseous components are destroyed in the microturbines combustion chamber.
Microturbines are proving to be a practical and cost-effective technology for biogas
applications from landfills to anaerobic digesters at waste water treatment plants and
agricultural/livestock facilities. Microturbines offer vastly reduced scheduled
maintenance compared to conventional reciprocating engine driven generators, they are
designed to operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per week at full load and produce 95% less
contaminants to the atmosphere. This latter statistic is what won particular favor for the
SCAQMD, the worlds most stringent air quality management organization.

Figure A-20. Installation of Fifty
(50) 30 kWh Microturbines at Lopez
Canyon Landfill
Appendix A 112
Quick Facts:
Number of Microturbines
Two (2) Units, one 60 kW unit and one 30 kW unit
One (1) Air to Water Heat Exchanger
One (1) Desiccant Wheel Dehumidifier
Electrical Output90 kW @ ISO
Heat Recovery58 kW or 200,000 Btu/hr from 30 kW unit.
Installation Purpose
To reduce electric grid demand through peak shaving
To create non-electric air conditioning through CHP
Produced more than 19,000 hours of highly reliable service
Reduced energy cost by offsetting grid purchased power
Reduced maintenance cost versus other generator technologies
Reduced emissions versus other generator technologies
Located 10 miles south of Minneapolis, Minnegascos Dakota Station liquefies and
stores natural gas during spring and summer off-peak months when commodity gas prices
are lower. The station buys electricity under an energy and demand rate schedule. The 30
kW unit, with heat recovery and desiccant dehumidification, produces space beating in
the winter and reduces cooling needs in the summer via the desiccant wheel by removing
moisture from the air. The 30 kWh unit was installed in load following, grid connect
mode and produces virtually all the electrical needs for the facility during three quarters
of the year.
The 60 kWh unit was brought on line to provide standby power for the stations
propane refrigeration system, keeping 6,000,000 gallons of propane at 50F. This unit
has logged more than 8,000 hours of runtime.

Figure A-21. The Minnegascos Gas
Liquefaction Plant in Minnesota
Appendix A 113
The 60 kW unit employs the Time of Use feature which programs the microturbine
to run during the day when electric rates are higher and to shut down at night when the
rates are lower.
Management at the plant comment that this system is an amazing combination of great
design, good economics, high reliability and environmental sensibility. It certainly assists
in the bottom line of controlling our costs of operation. The public expects Minnegasco to
stand for energy efficiency and we put our technology where our mouth is.
Number of Microturbines
One (1) 30 kW Unit
Electrical Output30 kWh @ ISO
Installation Purpose
To protect against grid outages
Ensures non-stop data network/telecom operation via 24/7 onsite power
Small footprint and sound signature
Minimal scheduled maintenance
Mandating an alternate source of power support for its data/ telecom system, Boeing
Co. of Houston, Texas required 20 kilowatts of power for six hours duration. UPS
batteries and genset engines were the conventional choice, but not the best fit with the
companys requirements. Emissions and vibration, as well as noise, would be difficult to
Opting for a different power solution Boeing chose to install a 30 kW microturbine in
a pre-existing concrete enclosure near the buildings loading dock. The microturbine
showed its versatility in being able to be installed in a close quartered situation.
The data/telecom system utilizes dual power inputs: one from the microturbine and
one from the grid. In the event of a grid power outage, the microturbine ensures
uninterrupted service. If the microturbine goes
Appendix A 114

Figure A-22. Microturbine Installed
in Small Room
off-line, the utility grid is the backup source. Boeing required no special emissions or
hazardous materials permitting thanks to the microturbines ultra low emissions and air
cooled/air bearing design. The small footprint and lack of vibration allowed the
installation in the small room.
Appendix A 115

Appendix B
Installation Standards for Microturbines
August 2000
Prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC0676RL01830
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland, Washington 99352
This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United
States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor
Battelle Memorial Institute, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or
implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or
usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that
its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific
commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or
otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or
favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof, or Battelle Memorial
Institute. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or
reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.
As the nature of energy and electricity demand changes in the post-internet economy,
demand for a variety of distributed energy resources (DER) growsnatural-gas fired
microturbines are just one of a suite of new power generation products entering (or soon
to be) the U.S. marketplace. Developing an environmentally benign, efficient and cost-
effective technology is paramount for all DER developers. But without the
manufacturing, performance, installation and operation codes & standards necessary to
support that technology, deploymentand ultimately financial successmay be delayed
for years.
Microturbines are typically single shaft machines (one company is developing a twin-
shaft) with the compressor and turbine mounted on the same shaft as the electrical
generator. It therefore consists of only one rotating part, eliminating the gearbox and
associated moving parts. This direct-drive, high-speed design has enabled manufacturers
to create a more reliable compact power plant than traditional engine generator sets.
Codes and standards that regulate the safe performance of microturbine generators in
or near buildings outside traditional utility jurisdiction will fall into one of three realms,
and have been separated into chapters within this report.
Manufacturing Standards involve the materials, design and construction of a single
unit, commonly referred to in the C&S industry as the box. Microturbines do not
currently have a manufacturing or performance standard by which each unit can be
evaluated. Underwriters Laboratories has listed one companys product under UL 2200,
Stationary Engine Generator Assemblies. The standard is under review for
modifications to include microturbines by reference.
Installation and Operation Standards address electrical- and fire-safety, and life-
safety requirements such as emergency backup systems for life-support operations or
mission-critical systems. UL 2200 is most relevant here, as is EGSA 101, NFPA 37, 101
or 110, IEEE 519 (harmonic distortion) or ASME B133.8 (noise emissions).
Interactions Between the MT Unit and Other Building Systems include fire
protection, egress, ventilation, electrical shock protection, and fuel supply. The building
code official will want to see sufficient space around, access to, and protection of the MT
unit to ensure public safety under all conditions. Historically, wide-scale power
generation technologies have been owned and operated by regulated utilities and have not
been subject to local code requirements. However, in 2000, the International Building
Code declared that utility-operated facilities not owned byand dedicated tothe utility
will fall under local code jurisdiction. Currently, no technology-specific code structure
exists for the installation and base load operation of microturbines by private nonutility
parties in commercial or residential buildings.
In such cases when a technology is not specifically referenced in the applicable code
documents, code officials may disallow the installation and operation of that unit.
Building officials may require specific tests to demonstrate alternative compliance;
performing the necessary site-specific studiespossibly requiring modifications to the
installationcan increase the installed cost of a unit beyond any reasonable expectation
for return on investment. Further, with 44,000 state and local code jurisdictions in the
United States, the absence of any reference in the national code bodies may kill
altogether the early prospects for the mass deployment of a new energy technology such
as microturbines.
This report reviews the codes and standards applicable to the safe installation and
operation of microturbines in commercial and residential buildings. It provides an
overview of potential regulatory roadblocks, as well as recommendations for further
action that may be undertaken by the U.S. microturbine community
This report does not attempt to provide a technical review of any manufacturers
product, nor does it involve any technology-specific analysis (i.e., comparing the output
current grounding design of one manufacturer, against UL 2200 requirements for
Stationary Engine Generator Assemblies).
This study did not find that additional standards are required for building code
officials to accept microturbine installations when external to a commercial or industrial
facility. However, a general lack of education among code officials on the differences
between DER installations and traditional backup generators, is in fact hampering the
Appendix B 118
deployment of microturbines. A general education program for building code officials is
in order. The report closes with the recommendation to pursue a performance standard
specifically for microturbines, and for those applications most relevant to the emerging
DG marketcombined heat & power, premium power quality.
Codes and standards that regulate the safe performance of microturbine generators in or
near buildings outside traditional utility jurisdiction will fall into one of three realms:
manufacturing specifications and design requirements of the unit or system (i.e., the
installation and operation
interactions between the microturbine unit and other building systems, structures, or
life-safety issues.
Historically, wide-scale power-generation technologies have been owned and operated by
regulated utilities and have not been subject to local code requirements. However, in
2000, the International Building Code declared that utility-operated facilities not owned
byand dedicated tothe utility will fall under local code jurisdiction. Currently, no
technology-specific code structure exists for the installation and baseload operation of
microturbines by private nonutility parties in commercial or residential buildings.
In such cases when a technology is not specifically referenced in the applicable code
documents, code officials may disallow the installation and operation of that unit.
Building officials may require specific tests to demonstrate alternative compliance;
performing the necessary site-specific studies-possibly requiring modifications to the
installationcan increase the installed cost of a unit beyond any reasonable expectation
for return-on-investment. Further, with 44,000 state and local code jurisdictions in the
United States, the absence of any reference in the national code bodies may kill
altogether the early prospects for the deployment of a new technology.
1.1 MicroturbineDefinitions
Microturbines are typically single-shaft machines (one company is developing a twin-
shaft) with the compressor and turbine mounted on the same shaft as the electrical
generator. It therefore consists of only one rotating part, eliminating the gearbox and
associated moving parts. This direct drive high-speed design has enabled manufacturers
to create a more reliable compact power plant than traditional engine generator sets.
The fuel of choice is natural gas delivered at pressures exceeding 55 psi (this
requirement may go as high as 90 psi), although low-pressure gas can be boosted with
centrifugal or scroll-type compressors. Systems can operate on propane as well, which
requires on-site fuel storage.
Virtually all MTs are installed with recuperators to achieve 2830% electrical
efficiency. Unrecuperated MTs generally run at 1417% efficiency (LHV). The
recuperator is a heat exchanger, transferring heat from the exhaust gas to the discharge
air. Before it enters the combustor, the exhaust gas is reduced to near compressor
Appendix B 119
discharge temperature and the compressor discharge air is heated to near turbine exhaust
gas temperature. The heat added to the air reduces the amount of fuel required to raise the
temperature to that required by the turbine.
The electrical output is a high-frequency AC (15004000 Hz, 3-phase). The voltage is
rectified and inverted to a normal 3-phase 50 or 60 Hz. In most systems, the power
inverter and the alternator are used as the turbine starting system. In some cases two 12-
volt batteries provide system power; those without black start capability (e.g., capable
of starting independently) require AC power from the grid for their initial starting
1.2 Methodology
This report was prepared by analyzing manufacturers specifications against the most
common industry sources for design, manufacturing, performance, installation and
operation standards for electrical equipment installed in the United States. The following
agencies provided primary or secondary information in this report:
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers,
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
Electrical Generating Systems Association (EGSA)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE)
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
National Evaluation Service (NES)
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
Building codes and manufacturing and installation standards were not developed with the
intent of regulating the generation and distribution of electricity (considered to be a
function of regulated utilities). Nor were the codes developed to regulate the generation
and possible distribution of electricity by others. Insurance companies, lenders, building
owners, tenants, occupants, and the general public expect buildings to be safe places. The
code official is charged with protecting health and life-safety in buildings. He or she also
is charged with enforcing codes as they currently exist. Because existing codes and
standards were not written with specific requirements for generation and distribution of
electricity by microturbine products, trying to apply them to technologies they were not
intended to address places the enforcing agency (most likely a municipality) at risk for
liability in a life- or property-threatening event.
Appendix B 120
Where there is no clear direction from codes and standards, there is potential for
differing interpretations. These differing interpretations lead to differing installation
requirements that can significantly impact both costs and length of time between
purchase and operation. In evaluating a proposed installation design, particularly when
submitted under the code provision alternative methods and materials, a code official
may require that the design undergo extensive engineering analysis and specialized
testing before granting approval.
For the various codes and standards to formally mention DG products, the lag-time is
approximately three years. Most national model codes operate under a three-year revised
publication cycle. To avoid future code-related conflicts, changes proposed for a specific
code must be fully integrated and coordinated with other codes. Where possible, code
change proposals should address the full range of DG products. Uniform requirements for
grid interconnection for all DG products would be preferable to requirements that vary by
product. DG manufacturers, utilities, and others should work together on codes and
standards issues to develop code change proposals for uniform requirements that will be
adopted by the national model code agencies. The alternative could be a maze of
requirements that serves as another barrier for design professionals, contractors, utilities,
and code officials. Collaboration and cooperation can produce uniform code requirements
that expedite the installation of DG products.
This chapter provides an overview of the U.S. standards and codes most likely to be
relevant to microturbine technologies. Voluntary consensus standards are summarized in
Section 2.1; model codes are discussed in Section 2.2.
2.1 Voluntary Consensus Standards
Voluntary consensus standards are documents that can be used or referenced to ensure
uniformity in the testing, rating, evaluation, or design of products, materials, and other
items. The term consensus is used to describe general agreement but not necessarily
unanimity on a particular issue. Standards generally are referenced or transcribed within
model codes. Standards also usually are focused on a specific aspect of the subject of
2.1.1 Types of Standards
Product testing standards or test methods provide for the uniform testing and
evaluation of a product or material. One example is a test to determine the combustion
characteristics of various building materials (rate of flame spread, smoke emission
profile, etc.). Although other documents establish the maximum acceptable values for
these effects, a uniform test is necessary to determine these numbers irrespective of
material, so different materials/products can be compared fairly.
Rating standards address the performance of a specific product or material. An
example of a rating standard is one for air-source heat pumps developed by the Air
Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI). Such a standard allows all such
equipment to be tested and rated so the output at various input and ambient conditions
can be measured and results equitably compared from manufacturer to manufacturer.
Appendix B 121
Other examples in this category include tensile strength and/or flexibility of a stated
material (concrete).
Minimum acceptable design or construction standards typically do not involve
testing or rating a specific product, but rather the attributes required in a specific building
design. For this reason the systems interacting within-and reacting tothat design may
prove to be difficult to quantify. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.(ASHRAE) Standard 90.1 consumed a decade of
analysis, debate and open meetings before establishing criteria to represent an energy-
efficient commercial building.
Voluntary consensus or industry standards are neither legislation nor regulations.
However, these standards might be adopted into law by federal, state, or local agencies.
Until adopted, they are as the name impliesvoluntary. As new technologies, products,
or processes are developed, new standards typically rise to cover testing, rating, and
Circular A119 of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget requires federal
government agencies to use voluntary standards for regulatory and procurement
purposes, when appropriate.
2.1.2 Standards Developers
The following paragraphs provide brief descriptions of organizations most involved in
the development of standards related to the power generation industry. These
organizations do not write the standards but provide the protocols and process support for
standards development. While staff members provide the necessary support functions, the
actual development and maintenance of a given standard and technical interaction with
those who comment on that standard are performed by volunteers who represent a broad
range of interests.
Although the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) coordinates standards
initiatives within the United States, there are those who do not use ANSI processes. In
addition, there are standards 2.3 initiatives in many other countries as well as at the
international level. These may be known to ANSI, especially where the U.S. has some
involvement in the international level activities. If information on standards development
is desired, ANSI should be contacted first, followed by a contact to the likely standards
generating organization, trade association representing the technology or issue in
question, and manufacturers or others involved with the subject area. The National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is another source of information on
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
ANSI is the dominant developer of consensus standards in the United States today, with
over 13,000 consensus-based national standards in existence. ANSI is the sole U.S.
representative of the two major non-treaty international standards organizations, the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and, via the U.S. National
Committee (USNC), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). ANSI is also
one of five permanent members to the governing ISO Council, and one of four permanent
Appendix B 122
members of ISOs Technical Management Board. Through its ISO representation, ANSI
has the authority to vest Technical Committees (TCs) in concert with international
standards-making bodies.
U.S. standards are frequently presented for consideration (through ANSI) to the ISO
or IEC where they are adopted in whole or in part as international standards.
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE)
The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers,
Inc.(ASHRAE) is a 50,000-member international organization with chapters throughout
the world. The society is organized for the sole purpose of advancing the arts and
sciences of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration for the publics benefit
through research, standards writing, continuing education and publications.
Through its membership, ASHRAE writes standards that set uniform methods of
testing and rating equipment and establish accepted practices for the heating, ventilation,
air-conditioning, and refrigeration (HVAC&R) industry worldwide, such as the design of
energy-efficient buildings. The Societys research program, currently more than 100
research projects worth nearly $8 million, investigates issues such as identifying
environmentally benign refrigerants. ASHRAE organizes broad-based technical programs
for presentation at its semiannual meetings and co-sponsors the International Air-
Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition, the largest HVAC&R trade show in
North America.
ASHRAE writes standards and guidelines in its fields of expertise to guide industry in
the delivery of goods and services to the public. ASHRAE standards and guidelines
include uniform methods of testing for rating purposes, describe recommended practices
in designing and installing equipment, and provide other information to guide the
industry. ASHRAE has some 87 active standards and guideline project committees,
addressing such broad areas as indoor air quality, thermal comfort, energy conservation
in buildings, reducing refrigerant emissions, and the designation and safety classification
of refrigerants.
Of most importance to the microturbine development community, ASHRAE
Technical Committee 9.5 is currently studying the possibility of developing a standard
for cogeneration systems. It is vital that the microturbine community be involved in this
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME International) has been involved
in the development of codes, standards, and conformity assessment programs since 1884.
The organization maintains and distributes 600 codes and standards used around the
world for the design, manufacturing, and installation of mechanical devices.
ASME B133 is the ASTM-referenced standard for gas turbine procurement; included
within this family of standards are subcommittees on fuels, performance, controls and
auxiliary equipment, maintenance and reliability, and sound emissions. These standards
were developed in the 1980s and have not been updated to include microturbines.
Appendix B 123
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) is a not-for-profit organization
that provides a forum for standards development for materials, products, systems, and
services. From the work of 132 standards-writing committees, the ASTM publishes
standard test methods, specifications, practices, guides, classifications, and terminology.
The ASTMs standards development activities encompass metals, paints, plastics,
textiles, petroleum, construction, energy, the environment, consumer products, medical
services and devices, computerized systems, electronics, and many other areas. ASTM
Headquarters has no technical research or testing facilities; such work is done voluntarily
by 35,000 ASTM members throughout the world.
More than 10,000 ASTM standards are published each year in the 72 volumes of the
Annual Book of ASTM Standards. These standards and related information are sold
throughout the world.
Electrical Generating Systems Association (EGSA)
The Electrical Generating Systems Association (EGSA) is the association for on-site
power generation. Its members include manufacturers, dealer/distributors, manufacturers
representatives, consulting engineers, and others interested in the on-site power-
generating industry and the components of electrical power-generating systems. The
association develops educational materials, conducts seminars, publishes the bimonthly
magazine Powerline, sponsors technical meetings, and devel-ops national standards
involving the use of on-site power. In addition to these inter-industry standards, the
EGSA works to develop performance standards for equipment and components specific
to its industry.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE)
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) is a not-for-profit
association and has more than 330,000 individual members in 150 countries. Through its
technical publishing, conferences and consensus-based standards activities, the IEEE
produces 30% of the worlds published literature in electrical engineering, computers,
and control technology, holds annually more than 300 major conferences, and has more
than 800 active standards with 700 under development.
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
The National Electrical Manufacturers Association develops standards for electrical
component or original equipment manufacturers. The organization publishes 200+
standards for
building equipment
diagnostic imaging and therapy systems
industrial automation
industrial equipment
Appendix B 124
insulating materials
lighting equipment
power equipment
wire and cable products
NEMA standards are commonly cited in DOD regulations, the National Electrical Code,
UL standards, and DOE standards for electric motors. NEMA is also a founding member
of CANENA (Council for the Harmonization of Electrotechnical Standards of North
America), a trinational organization devoted to harmonizing NAFTA-member standards
for electrical equipment.
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is an international, nonprofit,
membership organization founded in 1896 to protect people, their property and the
environment from destructive fire.
The NFPA publishes the National Electrical Code, the Life Safety Code, the Fire
Prevention Code, the National Fuel Gas Code, and the National Fire Alarm Code. The
organization operates in 100 countries with 65,000 volunteers and staff.
NFPA codes most commonly referenced by local code officials include
NFPA 1, Fire Prevention Code
NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems
NFPA 54, National Fuel Gas Code
NFPA 58, Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases
NFPA 70, National Electrical Code
NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code
NFPA 101, Life Safety Code
Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) is an independent, not-for-profit product safety
testing and certification organization. Founded in 1894, UL has five testing laboratories
in the United States and subsidiaries in Mexico, Denmark, England, Italy, India,
Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and J apan. The organization also has numerous
international, affiliate, and representative offices, as well as field representatives located
throughout the world. Most significant for the microturbine community, UL 2200 is the
product standard by which microturbines are currently being rated.
UL-Canada Mark
Through the provisions of agreements between UL and Canadian certification
organizations, UL clients can receive UL and Canadian certifications with one submittal.
These agreements provide for the reciprocal acceptance of test results and cover a wide
range of products.
UL has been granted Certification Organization (CO) and Testing Organization (TO)
accreditations for Canada by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). ULs CO
Appendix B 125
accreditation encompasses all of its facilities that handle both certification and testing,
and all of its product categories and programs. By virtue of this accreditation, UL can
evaluate products intended for the Canadian marketplace to Canadian National Standards
and Codes, and authorize clients to label those products with the UL Mark for Canada.
2.1.3 Consensus Standard Development Process
A new technology, government directive, or other phenomenon may create the need to
test, rate, or otherwise evaluate something that has not been addressed previously. An
example is the development of ASHRAE Standard 90 dealing with building energy
efficiency in 1975. This was a direct response to the Energy Crisis and the need
expressed by some states for criteria on energy conservation that could be incorporated
into their building codes.
Once the need is identified (and a draft standard developed by some interested entity
as a strawman), the individual or organization with the greatest desire for
standardization will seek out a standards developer and request the developer to initiate
standards development. In the case of ASHRAE, the organizations Standards Committee
makes the decision to establish new Standards Project Committees/ Within the NFPA,
the Standards Council makes the decisions on new projects.
The standards developer, typically with help from the standards instigator, will draft a
title, purpose, and scope (TP&S)for the standard. These establish the framework for the
standards project. This document, along with an expression of the need for the standard,
is then considered by the committee that has such approval authority (Standards
Committee, Standards Council, and so on). These committees may also consider conflicts
with other existing standards and the scope of the project as it relates to the goals and
objectives of their organization.
2.2 Model Codes
Model codes are just as the name impliesmodels of a code that anyone (typically
federal, state, or local agencies) can adopt to address design, construction, and operation
of buildings and facilities. Without a model code, each adopting entity would have to
develop its own unique criteriaa costly, time-consuming, and easily outdated process.
Model codes are written in enforceable language that meets the needs of the enforcement
community. Model codes are written in a prescriptive manner so that the requirements are
easily understood. Model codes usually present detailed prescriptive criteria and then
allow alternative materials, methods or equipment based on performance equivalency.
They contain minimum requirements that are needed to protect the health, life-safety,
and welfare of the public. Issues such as carpet quality would not be addressed within a
model code, although the fire characteristics of the carpet would be addressed.
Model codes are not legislation or regulations, nor are they standards as described in
Section 2.1., but when formally adopted, they do become enforceable law. Model codes
rely on standards developed by others and refer to them as needed. A model code
provides the regulatory framework under which a standard can be referenced.
Model codes offer an equal opportunity to all to participate in the development and
revision process. Anyone can submit a code change; publication of code changes is
Appendix B 126
available to all who request copies and open hearings are held, in which the merits of
each proposed change are debated. The code officials vote on what they consider
acceptable changes, based on oral and written testimony, and changes are finalized every
year. This contrasts with the standards development process, in which it is possible to
intervene in the process of development and publication through numerous comment and
appeal processes.
Within each of the model codes, numerous subject areas are covered. And revisions to
one subject area may impact (or be affected by) other areas. For example, studies have
shown that energy could be conserved in some climatic locations if cathedral ceilings did
not have to be ventilated. The building code mandates such ventilation and overrides the
energy code. The use of photovoltaic shingles may be impacted by provisions in the
building code for roof coverings. The mechanical code contains provisions for the safe
installation of ground source heat pumps, which could adversely affect the deployment of
that equipment. The fuel gas code has, in some instances, precluded the installation of
high-efficiency gas heating equipment because it did not meet the venting requirements
contained in the code.
The national model building codes generally incorporate by reference other model
codes and standards as establishing the requirements for specific equipment installations
or systems such as electrical, fuel gas, mechanical plumbing, and fire protection.
Provisions of the building codes apply to the construction, alteration, moving, demolition,
repair, maintenance, and use of any building or structure. State and local amendments
may expand the scope of the national models to include such specific issues as emissions,
air quality, noise levels, and other siting concerns.
Model codes are important because they form the basis for the vast majority of federal,
state, and local building construction regulations in the U.S. New York state and city,
Wisconsin, Chicago, and Dade and Broward Counties in Florida are a few government
entities that continue to write their own codes. There are over 44,000 jurisdictions
(county, city) in the U.S. that could adopt and enforce codes. Even at the state level
(about 25 states have statewide codes) writing and maintaining a building code is a time-
consuming process. The model codes provide efficiency and uniformity for these
potential customers.
A code mandate to install specific devices (i.e., smoke detectors) can have a profound
impact on product sales for a particular industry. Conversely, excessive installation and
test criteria within a code, for certain products or equipment, can have the opposite
negative impact on an industry.
2.2.1 Types of Model Codes
Building construction regulations provide the minimum requirements that a building
and its systems, materials, and equipment must meet, and may vary by county, state or
federal jurisdiction. The charter of building codes is to safeguard life or limb, health
(occasionally property), and public welfare by regulating and controlling the design,
construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy location and maintenance of all
buildings and structures and certain equipment specifically regulated [Uniform Building
Code (ICBO), International Conference of Building Officials (1997)].
Appendix B 127
2.2.2 Model Building Code Developers
Historically, model building codes were developed by three regional organizations
outlined below: ICBO, BOCA, and SBCCI. The three regional model codes often had
overlapping and contradictory building requirements, increasing the difficulties
developers faced in managing production and equipment acquisition costs. In the 1994
the three model code groups agreed to work cooperatively within a single code
organization to develop national building guidelines (see ICC below).
As previously noted, the NFPA also develops documents that employ code language
and as such could be classified as model codes. Because these documents are
developed by a standards organization, they are not thought of as model codes even
though they are formatted, adopted, and used in much the same way as model codes.
NFPA 70 and 54 (National Electric Code and National Fuel Gas code) are two examples.
International Building Code 1997International Code Council (ICC)
In 1994 the model code groups formed the ICC and set out to develop one set of model
codes. This family of international codes (I-codes) includes but is not limited to Energy
Conservation, Fuel Gas, Mechanical, One- and Two-Family Dwelling, Plumbing,
Building, Fire, and Residential. Currently the ICC is on schedule to publish in final form
all ICC codes by 2000. However, adoption of the ICC codes by jurisdictions will be a
slow process, because many jurisdictions must adhere to specific schedules, or must
continue to use existing codes until there is justification for change. The regional model
code groups will continue to operate. While cooperating within the ICC, they will
continue to compete in serving the building and code communities as they have in the
past (through education, plan review, and other member services).
Uniform Building Code 1997International Conference of Building
Officials (ICBO)
The Uniform Building Code has been the dominant choice for adoption and enforcement
by mid-western and western states including Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota,
South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Idaho,
Washington, Oregon, California, and Alaska. Provisions of the code shall apply to the
construction, alteration, moving, demolition, repair, maintenance, and use of any building
or structure. This building code references other codes for specific systems such as
electrical, HVAC, plumbing, and fire protection. It does not specifically reference
microturbines, nor place special restrictions on structures that might house or support
National Building Code 1996Building Officials and Code
Administrators International (BOCA)
With the exception of New York, the states of the northeast extending south to include
Virginia, West Virginia, and Kentucky, have traditionally been considered the territory of
the National Building Code.
Appendix B 128
Standard Building Code 1997Southern Building Code Congress
International (SBCCI)
The Standard Building Code has been the predominant code for southeastern states
including Louisiana, Arkansas Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia,
Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi.
2.3 State Authority
Model codes are developed at the national level, but they have no legal authority until
individual states or local governments adopt them. Some states have a mix of national
model codes; some states have none because there is no authority to adopt a code on a
statewide basis. In the latter situations, local jurisdictions may elect to adopt the code of
their choice and make local amendments. Some states have passed legislation that
establishes the code that jurisdictions must adopt if they elect to adopt a code. This
promotes uniformity and consistency across jurisdictional lines within the state and
facilitates compliance and inspection.
Developers of new power generation technologies, whose products may be installed in
non-traditional IPP locations (residential and small commercial facilities), will need to
develop an industry standard for their product, lobby for its adoption/reference in the
national model codes, and then work with state agencies to have the model code adopted
and enforced. This is a long-term effort for which the DOE already has state outreach
programs in place to provide assistance.
As noted in Chapter 2, voluntary consensus standards are developed by a variety of
organizationsjeanThese standards then may be referenced by model codes and adopted by
state or local government organizationsjeanIEEE, ASME, ASTM, and NEMA are
particularly active developers of consensus standardsjeanAlthough no manufacturing
standards currently exist for microturbine generator sets as a complete, separate product,
several standards from these organizations are relevant to the components of
Underwriters Laboratories has worked with microturbine developers to list their
product as an alternative to UL 2200, Engine-Driven Generator SetsjeanBeyond this,
options currently available to the microturbine community include:
request for revisions or additions to UL 2200, providing design specifications for
development of a manufacturing or design standard specifically for microturbines by
one of the standards-developing organizations mentioned earlier
third-party testing and certification (see chapter 6), which may be acceptable to many
code authorities.
The microturbine industry is not the first among DG developers to address code issues for
technologically advanced onsite generation. The U.S. fuel cell industry has successfully
developed a consensus standard, ANSI Z21.83, Fuel Cell Power Plants, which evaluates
Appendix B 129
the construction safety and performance safety of a fuel cell power plant using natural gas
or liquified petroleum (LP) gasjeanIn addition, fuel cell installations now are referenced
in the National Fire Code.
PTC 50, Fuel Cell Power Systems Performance, contains methods and procedures for
conducting and reporting fuel cell system testing, instrumentation to be used, testing
techniques, and methods for calculating and reporting results.
3.1 ASME/ANSI B133, Gas Turbine Procurement
This suite of standards deal with procurement standards for gas turbines in industrial
marine and stationary power applications. They are not currently considered applicable to
3.2 UL 2200, Stationary Engine Generator Assemblies
This is the standard currently used by third-party testing organizations to list
microturbines, although it is not an ASME- or IEEE-equivalent manufacturing or
performance standard. It deals almost exclusively with electrical safety
issuesjeanCurrently microturbines are not referenced by name; however, UL is reviewing
their work performed for manufacturers to identify which sections will require revision to
make allowance for microturbine systems.
As currently written, UL 2200 covers stationary engine generator assemblies rated 600
volts or less installed and operated in non-hazardous locations in accordance with NFPA-
37, Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas
Turbines; NFPA 99, Standard for Health Care Facilities; and NFPA 110, Standard for
Emergency and Standby Power Systems.
Because UL 2200 is essentially a safety standard, it contains practi-cal requirements
for the design, construction and installation of any engine- or turbine-generator
assemblyjeanNone of the basic performance data given for the microturbine designs
being considered in this review is in direct conflict or in direct violation of this standards
requirementsjeanHowever, sections that address the prime mover (historically an IC
engine) will require a comprehensive review for microturbine combustors, inlet
temperatures and gas pressure, electrical output, etc. Please see chapter 4 for additional
information on UL 2200 as a safety standard.
Underwriters Laboratories (UL), the Electrical Generating Systems Association (EGSA),
and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) have developed standards most
relevant to microturbine installations. Those three standards are summarized in this
4.1 UL 2200, Stationary Engine Generator Assemblies
Appendix B 130
This standard deals almost exclusively with safety issues in relation to electrified
equipment. It does not cover any mechanical performance standards of the prime mover
and ancillary equipment. Currently microturbines are not referenced by name in the
standard, although this is the central document by which third-party testing organizations
are listing microturbine products as safe for operation.
The requirements spelled out in this standard cover stationary engine generator
assemblies rated 600 volts or less that are intended for installation and use in ordinary
locations in accordance with the National Electrical Code, NFPA-70; the Standard for the
installation and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines, NFPA-37; the
Standard for Health Care Facilities, NFPA-99; and the Standard for Emergency and
Standby Power Systems, NFPA-110.
These requirements do not cover 1) generators for use in hazardous (classified)
locations; 2) uninterruptible power source (UPS) equipment; or 3) generators for marine
The contents of UL 2200 are in terms of the following sections:
Construction of the UnitConsists of essential features for general protection,
controls, accessible circuits, and other mechanical and electri-cal subassemblies. Section
34 at the end of this part deals with requirements for Protection of Service Personnel.
This part of the standard mandates, among other requirements, a minimum thickness of
the cast metal enclosures and sheet metal enclosures of the generator assemblies; a
minimum thickness for nonmetallic enclosures (UL 746C); flammability limits (UL 94);
and minimum thickness and maximum area requirements for glass-covered openings.
Mechanical SystemsConstructionDeals mainly with fuel systems and exhaust
Mechanical SystemsPerformanceDeals with several testing requirements,
including tests for harmonic distortion, voltage and frequency fluctuation, salt sprays,
grounding impedance, overcurrent protection calibration, and impacts, among others.
Markingdetails and instruction manual
Manufacturing and Production TestsProduction-Line Dielectric Voltage-
Withstand Test
Outdoor-Use UnitsRequirements for these units supplement and, in some cases,
modify the general requirements given above.
Standards for ComponentsLists the UL standards with which components of the
generator sets must comply.
Because UL 2200 is essentially a safety standard, it contains requirements primarily
focused on electrical output safety performance measures that are mandatory for the
design, construction and installation of any engine- or turbine-generator assembly. None
of the basic performance data given for the microturbine designs being considered in this
review is in direct conflict or in direct violation of this standards requirements.
4.2 EGSA 101P-1995, Performance Standard for Engine Driven
Generator Sets
The requirements defined in 101P were compared with specifications of a manufacturers
turbo alternators, either available or planned, with nominal outputs in the 45-kW to 200-
kW range, and also with specifications for a 30-kW device.
Appendix B 131
The primary conclusion is that 101P is currently incomplete as a performance
standard. It contains a mixture of qualitative, quasi-quantitative, and fully quantitative
requirements together with tutorial sections that express no requirements. While it might
be considered a baseline from which to develop a performance standard, it lacks
sufficient detail to be useful. Finally, as 101P relies extensively on other referenced
standards, it should be asked whether or not it represents redundancy.
Subsection 8.2 provides the greatest concentration of quantitative performance
requirements within this standard. Of note, however, is the lack of cross-referencing all
the other standards listed in Section 2. This appears to be an incomplete standard for
determining the adequacy of a microturbine installation and operation.
4.2.1 Applications Criteria
Modes of OperationSomewhat advisory in declaring the operating modes of the
generator set must be considered when the purchaser negotiates requirements with the
equipment supplier.
Generator Set Rating DefinitionsSubsections 3.2.1 through 3.2.4 define the terms
Emergency Standby Rating; Limited Running Time Rating; Prime Power Rating; and
Industrial Rating. The Prime Power Rating requires a minimum momentary overload
capability of 10%.
Application ClassesSubsections 3.3.1 through 3.3.4 define four application classes
and their associated, progressively less severe, qualitative requirements on frequency,
voltage, and waveform.
Criteria of UseSubsections 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 distinguish land use from marine use.
Classification of OperationSubsections 3.5.1 and 3.5.2 distinguish the character of
Single Unit Operation from Parallel Operation.
4.2.2 Prime Mover
Engine ConfigurationRequires assurance from the manufacturer that the engine is fit
for service. Requires engine conformance with EGSA 101S and ISO 3046.
Engine TypesStates focus of the standard is predominantly diesel but applies
generally to gas turbine, gasoline, or natural gas engines.
4.2.3 Generators (Alternators)
Design StandardsRequires generators be designed to meet appropriate sections of
NEMA MG1 and IEC 34. Note: The latter was not listed in Section 2. This subsection
refers to maximum temperature rise defined in NEMA MG 1 and torsional compatibility
of generator set components.
RatingsEquipment rating stated in kW or kVA at assumed minimum power factor
of 0.8 lagging and at specified voltage and current.
4.2.4 Voltage Regulators (See EGSA STD 100R)
ApplicationDefines when VR is needed.
Appendix B 132
Voltage SensingMay be single or 3-phase.
Voltage Adjustment5% of nominal rated voltage
Voltage Regulation AccessoriesCovers in 6.4.1 through 6.4.5 parallel operation,
motor starting, under frequency protection, over voltage protection, and electromagnetic
interference. Two of these are hard requirements (provision for reactive droop
compensation and under frequency protection); the other three appear to be purely
4.2.5 Control and Monitoring Panel
ConfigurationRefer to 101S.
ConstructionMust conform with applicable NEMA and ANSI standards.
InstrumentationLegibility recommendation for scales and metering accuracy
requirements (2% for ac electrical instruments and 10% for engine
Current RatingCurrent carrying capacity requirements for conductors and
components (should be sufficient for service).
Identification of ComponentsGeneral good human factors design requirements for
component identification
Electrical Protection-Requirement for short-circuit protection and recommendations
for other related practices, including some that belong in 7.5.
4.2.6 Complete Generator Set
Terms and ExpressionsDefines quantities measured by representative voltage strip
chart (8.1.1) and frequency strip chart (8.1.2). No requirements, just definitions.
Unit Starting and Load AcceptanceContains three requirements: 1) emergency
(must be started, on line and under load in 10 seconds or less); 2) standby (must be
started, on line and under load in 1 minute or less); and 3) additional starting aids (use of
aids; e.g., engine coolant and battery temperature control, glow plugs and/or oil heating)
under severe conditions.
Rated PowerThe generator set must be capable of producing its rated power at
rated frequency, voltage, and electrical power factor, corrected to standard ambient
conditions per SAE J 1349.
Governor Performance for Application ClassificationsContains definitions and
quantitative requirements relating to frequency regulation.
Voltage RegulationSubsection requires steady state VR no more than 2%
between no load and full rated load (per EGSA 100R). It also defines requirements for
random voltage variation and voltage sensitivity to temperature. Subsection
provides advice on the tailoring of self regulated alternator voltage.
Excitation Support System (Optional)Defines 2.5 per unit exciter current
requirement when applicable.
Unbalanced LoadsRecommends keeping unbalance to less than 20%; connecting
no more than 1/3 of nominal kVA rating to any one phase of a 3-phase system and
requirements for delta, delta-delta or open delta connections together with voltage
unbalance limits.
Appendix B 133
Waveform and Telephone Influence FactorDefines maximum allowable
harmonic content and telephone influence factors for application classifications listed in
Section 3.3.
OverspeedThe generator should tolerate 25% overspeed for 10 seconds without
damage. Overspeed protection should activate at 20% over maximum rated synchronous
Engine Cooling SystemDefines cooling water temperature limit under specified
conditions of antifreeze content, ambient temperature, elevation and radiator air-flow
Engine Air CleanerDefines type and performance requirements for engine air
4.3 ASME B133.6, Gas Turbine Ratings and Performance
This standard was originally developed to provide a performance rating system for
installation sites that do not have sufficient data on ambient conditions to use the
manufacturers ratings. Because it was last updated in 1994, it does not currently apply to
the microturbine products commercially available today.
4.4 NFPA 37, Standard for the Installation and Use of Stationary
Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines (1998)
NFPA 37 concerns the installation of engines for stationary power. NFPA 99 references
NFPA 37 in the text and NFPA 110 references it in the appendix. Textual references
make the standard mandatory. Appendix references are for information only. The
International Mechanical Code (IMC) also references NFPA 37 for engines powering
equipment and appliances.
Chapter 2 gives requirements for mounting, locating, and housing engines. Persons
quoting generator sets requiring conformity with NFPA 37 should be aware of Par. 3
3.1(b) and (f). These often overlooked clauses requires lubricating oil over temperature
shutdown (b) or indication (f) for engines over 100 horsepower.
Chapter 5 is the reference for liquid-fueled engine fuel tank and daytank installations.
This chapter gives some details, such as a table for day tank steel thickness, but
frequently references NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code. Chapter 4
does the same thing for gas-fueled engines and references NFPA 54, National Fuel Gas
Code and NFPA 58, Standard for Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases.
Chapter 6 covers exhaust piping and chimneys. It gives details for safe exhaust piping
routing and installation. Examples are material of wrought iron or steel and drains for low
points in the line. For chimneys, the standard references NFPA 211, Standard for
Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents and Solid Fuel Burning Appliances.
NFPA 37 has only seven pages of text but be especially aware of Chapter 10,
Mandatory Referenced Publications. It lists some 13 additional standards that must be
reviewed for each installation. 4.7
4.4.1 NFPA 37 ScopeSize Limits
Appendix B 134
The previous 7500-horsepower limitation in the scope of the standard has been removed.
There is no minimal horsepower threshold for engines or gas turbines so microturbines
would be subject to the requirements set forth in this standard.
This standard applies to fire safety for the installation and operation of stationary
combustion engines and gas turbines. It also applies to portable engines that remain
connected for use in the same location for a period of one week or more and that are used
instead of or to supplement stationary engines. For engines used in essential electrical
systems in health care facilities, also see NFPA 99, Standard for Health Care Facilities.
For engines used in emergency power supplies, also see NFPA 110, Standard for
Emergency and Standby Power Systems.
The term combustion gas turbine as used is inclusive of microturbines and, therefore,
the standards requirements apply to microturbines. The standard does not address the
electric generating component of the microturbine generator unit.
Chapter 3 of the standard addresses general requirements for engine locations (in, on,
and outdoors near buildings), electrical installations in rooms containing engines (NFPA
70 by reference), engine wiring, and other general installation requirements (reference to
applicable NFPA codes and standards), and to those portions of existing equipment and
installations that are changed or modified establishes requirements for locating
microturbine engines in, on, or near buildings.
Chapter 4 addresses gas piping and references NFPA 54 for systems at service
pressures of 125 psig and less and NFPA 58 for LP-gas systems. It prescribes the
minimal components of a gas train for engines as containing a manual shutoff valve,
regulator, low-pressure switch, automatic safety shutoff valve, automatic control valve,
manual leak test valve, and high-pressure manual reset switch with exceptions. Boosters
or compressors, if used, shall be approved for the service intended and receivers, if used,
must be stamped as complying with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
Chapter 5 addresses Class 1 liquid fuels such as gasoline, gasohol, and alcohol, and
liquid fuels other than Class 1 such as diesel fuel, fuel oils, jet fuel, and kerosene. The
only microturbine concern in this chapter is a statement that LP-gas systems in the liquid
phase must be installed per NFPA 58.
Chapter 6 presents general requirements related to lubricating systems and some
requirements specific to gas turbine oil reservoirs. Technologies not employing
lubricating oil reservoirs would have no interest in this chapter.
Chapter 7 addresses engine exhaust systems and clearances to combustible materials
for exhaust gas temperatures less than 1400F that would apply to microturbine
Section 4 of Chapter 8 imposes control and instrumentation requirements on gas
turbines. Each engine must be equipped with an automatic engine speed control, an
automatic main speed control and overspeed shutdown control, a backup overspeed
shutdown control that is independent from the main control, an automatic engine
shutdown device for low-lubricating oil pressure (with exception), provisions for shutting
down the engine from a remote location, provisions for shutting down, from a remote
location, lubricating oil pumps not directly driven by the engine, an automatic engine
shutdown device for high exhaust temperatures (with exception), and a means of
automatically shutting off the fuel supply in the event of a flameout. The starting
sequence must include a purge cycle.
Appendix B 135
Chapters 9 and 10 address operating and emergency instructions being readily
accessible to personnel operating or maintaining the engine. Individuals responsible for
the operation and maintenance of the engine should be familiar with the procedures.
4.5 NFPA 110, Emergency and Standby Power Systems
The emphasis of NFPA 110 is on reliability, performance, testing and maintenance. The
NFPA Standards Council has ruled that NFPA 110 is primary to the NEC and NFPA 99
in these matters. NFPA 110 is much more specific with regard to generator-set
installations than other codes.
NFPA developed the standard primarily for use by permitting authorities who needed
a comprehensive guide beyond the various uncoordinated requirements in other codes. It
addresses only the generator set and transfer switch. This standard was under contentious
development for almost a decade, and any changes proposed for additional equipment
can expect to be challenged.
The standard covers performance requirements for power systems (power sources,
transfer equipment, controls, supervisory equipment, and all related electrical and
mechanical auxiliary and accessory equipment) providing an alternate source of electrical
power to loads in buildings and facilities in the event that the primary power source fails.
Section 23. Classifications of Emergency Power Supply Systems
The standard classifies EPSSs as Types, Classes, Categories, and Levels.
Type indicates the maximum time in seconds allowed before the EPSS assumes the
load. Thus, for a Type 10, the system must be fully operational within 10 seconds.
Class indicates the minimum time in hours that the EPSS will operate without
refueling. Class 2 represents a system designed to operate for 2 hours.
Level defines the importance of the installation to life safety. Level 1 defines
requirements for applications where failure could result in serious injury or loss of human
life. Level 2 defines applications that are less critical to life. Level 3 refers to all others.
No requirements for Level 3 are in the standard.
Levels 1, 2, and 3 are roughly equivalent to Emergency, Legally Required Standby,
and Optional Standby in the NEC.
Unique to NFPA 110 is the requirement for prototype testing of the generator set. The
supplier must show proof of performance under normal and adverse conditions before
installation; this avoids problems otherwise not discovered until the installation startup,
or later.
The standard requires about a dozen visual safety and shutdown indications at the
generator set. It also calls for remote audible alarm for any of the conditions. It calls for
prealarms where early attention might avoid a system shutdown.
During testing the system must perform all functions with results observed and
recorded. Paragraph 513.2.5 calls for a two-hour full nameplate kW load test. The test
need not be at rated power factor if the factory test was at rated power factor.
Immediately after the load test and a five-minute cooldown, the system must demonstrate
that it can pick up full kW load in one step.
Appendix B 136
4.6 ASME B133.8, Gas Turbine Installation Sound Emissions
This standard gives methods and procedures for specifying the sound emissions of gas
turbine installations for industrial, pipeline, and utility applications. Included are
practices for making field sound measurements and for reporting field data. This standard
can be used by users and manufacturers to write specifications for procurement, and to
determine compliance with specification after installation.
Some microturbine manufacturers have used this standard as a baseline for their
products noise profile. As it was originally written for larger gas trubine systems,
however, the allowable thresholds outlined in this standard may be higher than those
required by a municipal authority in a commercial or multi-unit residential setting.
Issues that may attract the attention of local building permit authorities include fire
protection, egress, ventilation, electrical shock protection, and fuel supply. The principal
codes that apply are outlined in this chapter. Figure 5.1 presents the most common
installation requirements a microturbine generator set may be subject to in a commercial
5.1 NFPA 7099, National Electrical Code
The purpose of the National Electrical Code (NEC) is the practical safeguarding of
persons and property from hazards arising from the use of electricity. It covers
installations of electric conductors and equipment within or on public and private
buildings or other structures and conductors and equipment that connect to the supply of
electricity. Historically, it has not controlled installations under the exclusive control of
electric utilities for the purpose of communications, metering, generation, control,
transformation, transmission, or distribution of electric energy. Such installations shall be
located in buildings used exclusively by utilities for such purposes, outdoor on property
owned or leased by the utility, on or along public highways, streets, roads, or outdoors on
private property by established rights such as easements.
Many NEC requirements, important to on-site power, lie buried in articles not obvious
by their titles to have relationship to generators. The
Appendix B 137

Figure 5.1. Typical Installation
Requirements for Microturbine
Generators in Commercial Settings
1. Component or OEM manufacturing and system integration: relevant
standards from ANSI, ASHRAE, ASME, ASTM, EGSA, IEEE,
2. NFPA 37, sections 84.12, combustion gas turbines must be installed
with (1) an automatic main speed control and overspeed shutdown
control, (2) a backup overspeed shutdown control independent from
#1, (3) automatic engine shutdown device for low lubricating oil-
pressure (exempt when unit is constantly attended), (4) remote engine
shutdown capability, (5) remote lubricating oil pump shutdown
capability, (6) remote shutdown capability for high exhaust
temperatures, and (7) automatic fuel shutoff during a flameout.
Additionally, the turbine starting sequence shall include a purge cycle
that produces a nonflammable atmosphere in the turbine and exhaust
system prior to introduction of the fuel. (section 84.2)
3. NFPA 37, section 44.3, unattended engines shall have both a zero
governor-type regulator installed AND an auxiliary shutoff valve
installed ahead of any flexible connector to other controls.
4. NFPA 37, sections 62.14, requirements for gas turbines utilizing an
oil lubrication system.
Appendix B 138
5. All fuel gas systems utilizing service pressures under 125 psig must be
installed and operated in accordance with NFPA 54, the National Fuel
Gas Code. Fuel piping must be steel or other metal, and in compliance
with NFPA 30, Flammable and
Combustible Liquids Code. Piping protection is outlined in MSS
SP-69, Pipe Hangers & SupportsSelection and Application.
6. All pressure-boosting equipment must be certified (by stamp) for
design, construction and testing according to ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division I.
7. NFPA 37, section 35.3.13, all wiring and batteries must be protected
from arcing and shorting. Note: all wires, with the exception of ignition
or microprocessor wiring and thermocouples, must be stranded
annealed copper.
8. Enclosurealthough NFPA 37 does not specifically address
enclosures, the local building inspector will probably require (1) the
cabinet to meet NEMA standards for explosion-proof enclosures, and
(2) the integrated unit (prime mover, generator, pipes and wires and all
controls & valves) to be protected from natural elements (wind, sun,
precipitation, detritus) and vehicular impact.
9. NFPA 37, section 31.4.1 (outdoor installations): unit must be a
minimum of 5 ft. from any combustible walls and bldg. openings. Also
NFPA 37 section 32, foundation to be made of non-combustible
10. NFPA 37, section 31.3.1, same minimum space (5 ft.) and foundation
requirements as outdoor installations.
11. ASHRAE HandbookFundamentals (1993) is recommended
reference for design of exhaust air discharge system.
12. All LP gas systems (liquid or vapor phase) must be installed in
accordance with NFPA 58, Standard for the Storage and Handling of
Liquid Petroleum Gases. The Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Code, API (American Petroleum Institute) 620, Design and
Construction of Large Welded Low-pressure Storage Tanks, may also
13. Grid Interconnection (standard currently under development by IEEE
SC 21, Richard DeBlasio, chair)
14. Local zoning ordinances (definition of hazardous materials and
relation to residential zones, distance to property line and rights-of-
way, access by local fire and safety authorities, etc) may need to be
consulted in some areas.
15. Fire ProtectionLocal building inspectors will require a fire risk
evaluation be performed for each installation with respect to design,
layout, and operating conditions of the unit. From that analysis the
inspector may require any or several of a variety of fire protection
systems (portable vs. fixed systems, foam or gaseous extinguishers,
automatic sprinklers or dry chemical fire suppression systems).
Appendix B 139
NEC does not have an article on portable power sources, yet requirements exist in
Articles 210-Branch Circuits, 230-Services, 240-Overcurrent Protection, 250-Grounding
and 305-Temporary Wiring. Article 517 has important requirements for emergency
systems in health care facilities.
Because on-site power must be compatible with utility-furnished power, many of the
requirements of other articles also apply to on-site power. For example, Article 2505
tells what systems must be grounded. These requirements apply, with certain listed
exceptions, regardless of the ownership of the power-generation unit.
5.1.1 Article 700, Emergency Systems A
Article 700 has five parts. Most important to the emergency power source are Parts A,
General, and C, Sources of Power. The following items are of particular importance to
onsite generators:
Article 700 covers emergency systems that are legally required and classed as
emergency by the governmental agency having jurisdiction or by other codes
(hospitals, public facilities, missioncritical infrastructure such as air traffic control
towers, etc.)
Tests at maximum anticipated load must be witnessed, performed periodically, and a
written record maintained.
Other loads (including peak shaving) can be served if an automatic load management
system ensures adequate emergency power.
Automatic transfer switches must prevent inadvertent interconnection of normal and
emergency sources (but can be bypassed).
Audible and visual signals must indicate (1) any disturbance of the emergency power
source, (2) that the battery is carrying load, (3) that the charger is not functioning, or
(4) that a ground fault exists. 5.4
In the event of an emergency, current must recommence within 10 seconds and can be
from storage battery, generator set, uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system, a
separate service, or individual equipment for emergency illumination.
A generator set driven by a prime mover must have automatic or black start capability
with a minimum of 2 hours full-load fuel supply on-site, unless there is a low
probability of simultaneous failure of both the fuel delivery system and the electric
A starting battery must have an automatic charger independent of the generator set. A
15-minute time delay is required before shutdown of the set.
5.1.2 Article 701, Legally Required Standby Systems
Article 701 refers to applications less critical to life, such as heating and refrigeration
systems, communications systems, and industrial processes. The NEC itself does not
require standby systems, but outlines the requirements should some other authority
specify one. This generally includes illumination and/or power. The requirements are
somewhat less stringent than those for Article 700.
A major difference between Article 700 and 701 is that 701 does not require standby
circuits to be in separate raceways. It does not require any indication for ground faults,
Appendix B 140
and it allows 60 seconds to start the standby power system, rather than the 10 seconds
required by 7002.
5.1.3 Article 702, Optional Standby Systems
Article 702 briefly addresses standby systems intended to protect private property, where
life safety does not depend upon the performance of the system. Typical installations
include industrial and commercial buildings, farms and residences. The note specifically
mentions heating and refrigeration, data processing and communication systems, and
industrial processes. Only permanently installed equipment applies; it does not apply to
portable generator sets.
The equipment is required to simply have sufficient capacity to supply the loads
intended for simultaneous operation. It does require a transfer switch. Signals are
required, where practicable, for showing derangement of the source and the successful
assumption of the load. Article 702 does not require any testing or keeping of records at
installation or periodically afterward.
5.1.4 Article 705, Interconnected Electric Power Production Sources
Article 705 covers installation of one or more electric power production sources in
parallel with a primary source of electricity such as a utility or on-site electric power
source. The code addresses some issues related to grid-connection but these requirements
were not developed around microturbine technology and cogeneration applications.
Efforts to establish uniform and consistent requirements for protective features specific to
microturbine and other DG technologies that electric utilities would accept should focus
on this code.
70512, Point of Connection Requires interconnection at the service disconnecting
means. Two exceptions apply. One, if the system qualifies as an integrated electric
system and complies with all provisions of Article 685. Two, if the system non-utility
sources total more than 100kW or more than 1000 volts. The second exception also
requires assured maintenance and supervision and protective safeguards.
70522, Disconnect Device Requires an accessible disconnecting means for each
power source. (Utilities may require that this device be accessible to linemen and may
require that the on-off position of the device be visibly verifiable.)
70540, Loss of Primary Source Requires that upon loss of the primary power source
the on-site source automatically disconnect from the primary source. It shall also not
reconnect until the primary source returns.
5.1.5 Article 445, Generators
Article 445 has few if any requirements that most generator manufacturers do not meet
with a standard product. It has the usual requirements for enclosure, protection of live
parts and nameplate markings. It does require over current protection but allows a wide
choice of methods including inherent protection.
5.1.6 Other Articles
Appendix B 141
3056(a) Ground Fault Circuit-Interrupters (GFCI) Temporary wiring requires GFCI
for receptacles. The exception, however, exempts portable or vehicle-mounted generators
not more than 5 kW, provided both lines are insulated from the frame and all rounded
surfaces. The system must have an equipment ground. Some authorities, including some
generator set manufacturers, question the safety of an ungrounded system, however this
section permits it.
2505(d), Separately Derived System. This section requires grounding a separately
derived system meeting the requirements of 2505(b). A generator may or may not be a
separately derived system.
A fine-print note explains that an on-site generator is not separately derived if the
neutral is solidly interconnected to a service-system supplied neutral. Such generators
should not be separately grounded. Other generators are separately derived and must be
grounded if they can be grounded at 150 volts or less to ground or supply 480/277 volts.
51765(b). Requires the alternate source of power to be a generator set located on the
premises. In this case the NEC does not depend on any other code to require an
emergency system and a generator set. Similar requirements are in other sections of
Article 517 for other health care facilities. Strictly speaking, Articles 480-Storage
Batteries and 690-Solar Photovoltaic Systems also concern on-site power sources. We
will not try to cover those articles. Those systems are outside the scope of this
5.2 NFPA 101, The Life Safety Code
This code deals with life safety from fire and similar emergencies. It addresses
construction, protection, and occupancy features necessary to minimize danger to life
from fire, including smoke, fumes, or panic. A minimum criterion for the design of egress
facilities to permit prompt escape from buildings has been established, along with other
considerations related to life safety.
Chapter 5, Means of Egress
Chapter 5 of the Life Safety Code is the chapter most pertinent to microturbine product
developers. Section 59 outlines the general requirements for emergency lighting; 5
9.2.1 requires emergency illumination for a period of 1.5 hours. Illumination must be an
average of 1 foot-candle; illumination may decline to 0.6 and 0.06 at the end of the 1.5
The section refers to NFPA 110 for installation, testing, and maintenance of the
generator set. The standard mentions only emergency lighting and exit signs. (It refers to
other standards for fire detection equipment, fire alarms, elevators, and escalators. Those
standards frequently will call for fire detection, alarms, and one elevator to be on the
Chapters 830 tell whether emergency lighting is required for each specific
occupancy. For example, in Chapter 10, New Educational Occupancies, Section 102.9
requires emergency lighting in all interior stairs, corridors, and normally occupied spaces.
Appendix B 142
In general, schools, most health care facilities, places of assembly, correctional
institutions, hotels, dormitories, apartment buildings, and certain mercantile buildings
require emergency lighting of means of egress.
5.3 Fuel Gas Codes
Of all the safety codes, these are some of the most necessary. They rank with the NEC in
their importance in saving lives.
5.3.1 International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC) 1997
This code was developed to supplant national fuel gas codes and is recognized by the
three regional building code (BOCA, ICBO, SBCCI) organizations in the United States.
As of J anuary 1, 2000, this will replace the U.S. National Fuel Gas Code (NFPA 54, from
ANSI Z223.1).
The IFGC applies to the installation of fuel gas piping systems (design, materials,
components, fabrication, assembly, installation, testing, inspection, operation, and
maintenance), equipment fueled by gas (installation and combustion), and related
accessories (ventilation air and venting) for
systems using gas at an operating pressure of 125 psi or less (covering all
LP gas piping systems operating at 20 psig (gauge) or less
flammable gas-air mixtures operating at 10 psig.
The code specifically does NOT cover:
portable LP gas equipment (unless connected to a fixed piping system)
farm equipment
raw material (feedstock) applications
oxygen-fueled cutting and welding systems
industrial acetylene and acetylenic compounds, hydrogen, ammonia, carbon monoxide,
oxygen, and nitrogen
industrial fuel processing (petroleum refineries, pipeline compressor/pumping stations,
refinery tanks, natural gas processing plants)
chemical plants where flammable or combustible liquids/gases are used in or created as
a byproduct of a chemical reaction
liquid natural gas (LNG) installations
power plants
proprietary (utility-owned) items
temporary LP gas systems at a construction site
vehicular LP and natural gas systems
systems operated by gas LDC
general building design and construction.
It is vitally important to note that Section 108.7.2 gives code officials the authority to
disconnect any energy source supplied to a building (or other structure regulated by this
code) that is deemed hazardous or unsafe. Written notice gives the building owner 24
Appendix B 143
hours to disconnect, and, in the case of immediate danger to life or property, the code
official can immediately disconnect without prior notice.
Section 304, Combustion, Ventilation and Dilution Air Applies when 1) gas-fueled
equipment is installed inside a building, and 2) the equipment requires air for
combustion, ventilation or dilution of flue gasses from within the building. Direct venting
to the outside overrides this section.
Chapter 4, Gas Piping Installations Chapter 4 establishes criteria for the
minimum/maximum pipeline sizes for a given appliance, construction materials, shut-off
valve locations, metering devices, etc. There is nothing in this section that specifically
prohibits the installation of a microturbine unit.
Chapter 5, Chimneys and Vents This section covers the installation, maintenance,
repair, and approval of factory-built chimneys, chimney liners, vents, connectors, and
masonry chimneys. Every fuel-burning appliance is required to discharge all combustion
products to the outdoors. Section 501.8 lists exempted equipment, of which microturbine
units do not qualify (e.g., clothes dryers, cooking ranges, refrigerators, counter
appliances, etc.)
Microturbines, if subjected to this section, will be declared a category III or IV
appliance. In residential applications, the venting system would default to the
manufacturers listed equipment. In commercial or industrial applications, a chimney,
ventilating hood, and exhaust system all would be required.
Chapter 6, Specific Appliances
Section 615.1, Engine and Gas Turbine-Powered Equipment, requires that
permanently installed equipment powered by internal combustion engines and turbines be
installed in accordance with the manufacturers installation instructions and in
accordance with NFPA 37 (Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines).
5.3.2 NFPA 54, National Fuel Gas Code
This is the governing code used by many local gas utilities and officials of federal, state,
and local governments to judge the acceptability of fuel-gas installations. Many appliance
manufacturers as part of their certified installation instructions also reference the code.
5.3.3 NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, and
NFPA 58, LP-Gas Code
These two standards address the storage and handling of fuel liquids and, as such, do not
impact the first-generation microturbine products.
5.3.4 International Mechanical Code2000
The International Mechanical Code regulates and controls the design, construction,
quality of materials, erection, installation, alteration, repair, location, relocation,
replacement, addition to, use, or maintenance of mechanical systems that are permanently
installed and utilized to provide control of environmental conditions and related
processes within buildings. The owner or agent shall be responsible for maintenance of
mechanical systems. To determine compliance with this provision, the code official shall
Appendix B 144
have the authority to require a mechanical system to be reinspected. Code officials should
be educated on microturbine application and operation to minimize re-inspections.
Section 920 requires that gas turbines, including fuel storage and piping, meet the
requirements of NFPA 37. Permanently installed equipment powered by the turbine must
be installed in accordance with the manufacturers installation instructions and in
accordance with NFPA 37.
Chapter 12 provides requirements for hydronic piping systems that are a part of a
heating system and requires that potable hot water systems meet the plumbing code.
Certain CHP installations may involve these requirements. Chapter 13 governs the
installation, modification, and maintenance of fuel-gas piping systems. The applicability
of this code to piping systems extends from the point of delivery to the connections with
each utilization device and includes the design, materials, components, fabrication,
assembly, installation, testing, inspection, operation, and maintenance of such piping
systems. NFPA 54 is referenced for testing, inspecting, and purging gas piping systems.
Until a national consensus standard is available for microturbines, developers can employ
third-party testing organizations to certify the safety and operability of their product. Test
results and design specifications are compared against a suite of existing codes and
standards related to the product.
The drawback to this method is twofold: 1) without a national standard referenced in
the model codes, every local code jurisdiction can require a battery of additional tests and
design reviews, or may not permit the unit at all; and 2) education of code officials lasts
only as long as that official in that office.
This chapter provides brief outlines of the most common testing and certification
organizations in the United States.
6.1 CSA International
CSA International (formerly the American Gas Association Certification Labs) provides
product certification, management systems registration, and information products. The
organization is a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) by the U.S.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Certification is recognized by
federal, state, provincial, and local authorities.
Certification options include the following:
Category CertificationManufacturer arranges the tests, at own facility or at another
approved facility. Manufacturer documents the results and determines whether the
product meets the necessary requirements.
Shared CertificationManufacturer performs the testing and prepares the
Certification Report, which is then reviewed by CSA. CSA examines the product,
reviews and validates the data, and may spot-check the testing process before granting the
appropriate certification.
Witness TestingProducts are tested at manufacturers facility by own staff, but in
the presence of a CSA International representative. Based on the results of the testing, the
Appendix B 145
CSA International representative then prepares the Certification Report and issues the
Certification Letter.
Model CertificationManufacturer sends product samples to CSA International for
testing at its laboratory. CSA International then writes the Certification Report and, if the
product qualifies, issues the certification.
6.2 Intertek Testing Services
Intertek Testing Services Scania, formerly known as the Electrical Testing Laboratory,
provides independent third-party commodity sampling, inspection, testing,and related
marine surveying services to the petrochemical, fertilizer, coal, mineral, agricultural, and
related industries.
ITS Quality Systems tests electrical and electronic goods from toys to telephones to
appliances and medical equipment for product safety, electromagnetic compatibility, and
both absolute and relative product performance. ITS also inspects and tests textiles,
clothing, carpets, and consumer. The lab also provides assessment and registration
services to the ISO-9000, QS-9000 (automotive), and the ISO-14000 (environmental)
6.3 Hartford Steam Boiler
The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company (HSB) is the worlds
oldest (circa 1866) and largest insurer of power, process, and production equipment. The
organization provides the following services:
ASME Code Inspection ServicesAn Authorized Inspection Agency (AIA)
accredited by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) for the inspection
of boilers, pressure vessels, nuclear components and process and power plants. Services
also include Pressure Vessel and Piping Design, Finite Element Analysis, and Quality
Assurance Program Development.
Department of Transportation ServicesHSB offers assistance in complying with
U.S. Department of Transportation and Canadian Transport Commission regulations for
tank trucks and other devices/cylinders used in over-the-road and rail transportation.
International Codes and Standards ServicesBoth local and international codes
and standards consulting, including inspection and technical training services.
Third-Party Inspection ServicesHSBs Technical Resource Support Group
ensures that the manufacture and/or installation of equipment by vendors meets the
appropriate standards and specifications.
Pressurized Equipment TestingHSBs Pressure Equipment Technologies provide
inspection surveys, testing, and condition evaluation of critical powerhouse equipment
including boilers, deaerators, and pressure vessels. The surveys evaluate the physical
conditions of the equipment and provide a detailed report with outlined recommendations
for corrective actions and life-expectancy projections.
6.4 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
Appendix B 146
Services available from Underwriters Laboratories Inc. are detailed in Chapter 2 of this
6.5 National Evaluation Service
The National Evaluation Service, Inc. (NES) is an independent, not-for-profit
organization that conducts a voluntary program of evaluation for building materials,
products and systems. NES produces technical reports that describe a building
construction material or product, together with a list of conditions necessary for
compliance with each of the model codes, as promulgated by Building Officials and Code
Administrators International, Inc. (BOCA), International Conference of Building
Officials (ICBO), and Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. (SBCCI) as
well as the International Codes of the International Code Council (ICC).
The National Evaluation Service is a member of the World Federa-tion of Technical
Assessment Organizations (WFTAO), founded to accelerate the dissemination of
technical information regarding performance testing and certification of new
technologies. The organizations members represent 14 countries, including Australia,
Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Hungary, Israel, Italy, J apan, New Zealand, South
Africa, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Potential barriers to the acceptance of microturbine products exist in current regulations,
codes, and standards in four primary areas: emissions control, grid interconnectivity,
zoning, and noise control.
7.1 Emissions Control
Regulations for the control of emissions are in place at federal, state, and local levels.
7.1.1 Federal Regulations
The Clean Air Act (1963) and its amendments (1965, 1967, 1970, 1977, and 1990)
provide the critical statute for restrictions on electric generation technologies. Title I
establishes national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) that prescribe the maximum
permissible concentration of pollutants allowed in ambient air. Specifically, the Act
requires the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish standards for six
criteria pollutants:
carbon monoxide (CO)
nitrogen oxides (NO
sulfur dioxide (SO
particulate matter (PM)
Appendix B 147
In general, the responsibility for reducing air pollution levels has been assigned to the
states. Each state is required to develop a State Implementation Plan (SIP) providing for
the implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of measures to attain the ambient air
standards by the deadlines prescribed by the Clean Air Authority (CAA). The EPA has
oversight authority for each states SIP and may direct a state to revise its SIP if
Two elements that a SIP must contain are federal New Source Performance Standards
(NSPS) and New Source Review (NSR) rules. The NSPS specify maximum pollutant
emission rates for various processes, including combustion equipment. The EPA has
assigned such performance standards for SO
, NOX, and PM. NSPS are based on the
level of control that can be achieved by the best demonstrated technology. NSR rules
govern the permitting of new emissions sources and are triggered if a new source emits or
has the potential to emit at an annual rate specified by the NSPS.
NSR rules distinguish between attainment and nonattainment areas with less stringent
Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) rules applying to attainment areas. The
trigger for PSD rules is 250 tons/year for any regulated pollutant. Nonattainment areas
are differentiated in classes based on severity of ambient pollutant concentrations:
marginal, moderate, serious, extreme, and severe. NSR thresholds for nonattainment
areas are indicated in Table 7.1.
To construct and operate a new power plant or DG facility (or to make major
modifications to an existing plant) within a nonattainment area, the owner needs to obtain
a permit from the state environmental agency if NSR levels are exceeded. The NSR
process requires the owner to analyze alternative locations, sizes, production processes,
and control techniques, and to demonstrate that the plant benefits outweigh its
environmental and social costs. Facilities also are required to have control technology
that meets the standard for lowest achievable emission rate (LAER). The control
technology required to meet LAER is established by each state on a case-by-case basis
for each emission source as it is permitted.
Furthermore, the owner of the plant is required to purchase offsets for each criterion
pollutant that is in nonattainment. The EPA requires that emission offsets provide a
positive air quality benefit to the area. Owners are therefore required to obtain more than
one offset for each unit of pollutant emitted. The offset ratio depends upon the extent to
which the region is in nonattainment. This offset requirement has promoted the
establishment and trading of emission reduction credits for NO
and volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) among industries in 12 states.
The process for reviewing new facilities is slightly different in attainment areas. In
these areas, owners also are required to obtain a permit to construct and operate new
plants (or to make major modifications to existing plants), to ensure that new pollution
sources do not make the region slip into nonattainment. These PSD permits require a
review of the air quality impacts of the proposed facility.
Table 7.1. NSR Thresholds for Nonattainment
Pollutant Area Threshold (Tons per
Appendix B 148
Designation Year)
Marginal 100
Serious 50
Ozone precursors (NO
, VOC)
Severe 25
Inhalable Particulate Matter (Pm10) and Pm10
Precursors (NO
, SO
, VOC)
Moderate 100
Carbon Monoxide Serious 70
Nitrogen Oxides, Sulfur Dioxide Any nonattainment
New plants are required to install best available control technology (BACT) for all
pollutants regulated under the CAA. The control technology required to meet BACT is
established by each state on a case-by-case basis for each emission source.
Historically, less stringent controls apply to existing electric utility facilities in
attainment areas due to grandfathering statutes. This provides clear advantages when
competing with new sources that require specific emission controls as specified by NSPS
(Biewald et al. 1998). This situation may be changing as a host of new regulatory
initiatives could result in more stringent controls for existing facilities, especially coal-
fired facilities. These controls could have a significant influence on the cost of power
from coal-fired facilities, making them less attractive in a competitive marketplace.
A DG project, particularly one based upon hydrocarbon combustion such as a
microturbine, could be impacted by a suite of other federal laws, including
Clean Water Act (1987)
Resource, Conservation and Recovery Act (1976)
Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970)
Toxic Substances Control Act (1976)
Endangered Species Act (1973)
Coastal Zone Management Act (1972)
Historic Sites Act.
7.1.2 State Regulations
Each state is responsible for implementing programs that conform to the mandates of the
federal CAA and associated amendments. Progressive states with areas experiencing
severe air quality problems (e.g., Los Angeles) have implemented even more stringent air
quality standards than current federal mandates. Regardless of the criteria, the
responsibility for implementation and enforcement falls on air pollution control officials
at the local level.
The potential for diverse state requirements can lead to inconsistent requirements that
pose barriers or opportunities for microturbines. Differing requirements could allow more
centralized power generation technologies (combined-cycle gas turbines) to choose
which state had the least stringent requirements, while the power could be transmitted to
the demand location. Conversely, inconsistent or uncertain requirements might be an
Appendix B 149
added incentive for construction of distributed generation capacity that has low air
contaminant signatures (renewables, fuel cells) not subject to state permitting regulations.
7.1.3 Local Environmental Regulations
Based on the projected emission signatures of microturbines, it is anticipated that federal
regulatory requirements for NSR will not be triggered; local agencies will therefore be
the primary regulatory authority overseeing microturbine installations relative to
environmental concerns. Depending on the attainment status of the local area, permitting
thresholds specified by Air Pollution Control Districts (APCDs) may limit the operating
schedule or emission limits of a microturbine if a predetermined power rating is
exceeded. In addition, control technologies may be required. If the permit thresholds are
not triggered, microturbines will be exempt from local air quality regulations. It is likely
that permitting requirements will change over the next several years. However, these
changes may broaden the regulatory envelope to include microturbines.
7.1.4 Emission Signature of Microturbines
Of the different air and liquid (e.g., contaminated cooling water, oil seepage) emissions
associated with microturbines, air emissions will have the greatest influence on a
projects permitting. NO
and CO
emissions are the critical emission categories, given
their magnitude for conventional electric generation technologies. Although SO
also is
an important emission category for traditional electric utilities, SO
emissions are
expected to be negligible in microturbines.
The air emission signatures of selected DG technologies are shown in Table 7.2. These
values are based on theoretical calculations or laboratory source testing (Cler and
Lenssen 1997; NREL 1995). The actual emission signature for each technology is design-
specific and dependent upon various locational criteria.
Fuel cells, with their electrochemical process of producing electricity, have the
cleanest emissions profile, followed by microturbines and reciprocating engines,
respectively. With the exception of CO
, microturbines also exhibit generally low
emissions for all classes of regulated pollutants.
Table 7.2. Emission Profiles of Selected DG
Pollutant, lb/MM Btu Distributed Generation Technology

Microturbine 0.40.21 119 0.11 0.0006
Internal Combustion Engine (Gas) 3.1 110 0.79 0.015
Internal Combustion Engine (Diesel) 2.8 150 1.5 0.3
Fuel Cell 0.003 1 0.0204
Source: NREL (1995); Cler and Lenssen (1997)
Appendix B 150
7.2 Grid Interconnectivity
The most contentious and expensive portion of any microturbine installation is the units
relationship with the local electrical distribution system and the end-users current
electric service provider. Most microturbine installations are not currently designed to
provide 100% of peak load, and the owner/operator of the local electrical distribution
company, or LDC, is expected to allow the microturbine to connect for grid-parallel
operation and to provide backup service, should the unit fail. (In the vast majority of
customer cases today the LDC still owns the generation capacity serving that customer,
as well).
The prospect of introducing thousandsor hundreds of thousandsof independently
operated electricity-generating units onto distribution feeders gives rise to a variety of
safety, system stability, and competitive issues. IEEE SCC21 has convened under
Richard DeBlasio of NREL to develop P1547, Standard for Distributed Resources
Interconnected with Electric Power Systems. The consensus standard is expected to be
completed by 2002 and will provide performance requirements for safety and system
(grid) stability, including
prevention of out-of-range voltage, frequency, harmonics and power factor
disconnection for faults
prevention of transient magnification
limitation of DC injection
limitation of voltage flicker induced by the generator
prevention of disruptions on the utility system
provisions for isolation
integration with existing grounding system
control of directional power flow
prevention of islanding beyond point of common coupling
prevention of re-energization beyond the point of common coupling
detection of loss of grid: voltage or frequency disturbances 7.7
single-phase fault detection for three-phase interconnection
feeder reclosing coordination considerations
regulators: power system and distributed generator voltage regulators, potential
overvoltage conditions of islanded operation
combination of harmonics and current imbalance
voltage flicker
characteristics and properties of distribution transformers
technology documentation
electric power system documentation.
7.3 Zoning Ordinances
Zoning ordinances were developed to provide minimum standards for protection against
incompatible uses on adjacent properties. In addition, zoning ordinances promote the
Appendix B 151
health, safety, and general welfare of the inhabitants of a given municipality, or protect
and conserve the value of the property within that city. For this purpose, the height,
number of stories, size of buildings and structures, size and width of lots, the percentage
of lot that may be occupied, the size of yards, courts and other open spaces, parking
structures, the density of population and the location and use of buildings, structures and
land for trade, marine business, industry, agriculture, residence, or other purposes may be
Although zoning ordinances generally do not address either standby or continuous-
duty powergeneration systems in residential or commercial districts, it is possible that the
advent of widespread DG systems in residential zones will require a review of the zoning
literature, particularly what constitutes a prohibited use (any use which is injurious,
noxious or offensive by reason of the emission of odor, fumes, dust, smoke, vibration,
noise, lighting or other cause). Some local zoning ordinances are much more intimately
involved in local building codes, including egress and fire protection measures. For this
reason, it is possible that municipal planning departments will perceive the DG unit as a
substantial alteration or addition to the existing use of a build-ing, and require a zoning
review as part of the permitting process.
The Building Codes Assistance Project (BCAP) has created an online forum for
discussion of residential and commercial model energy codes. The purpose is to facilitate
exchanges of information relating to energy codes. To subscribe, send an email to:
[email protected]. with the word SUBSCRIBE in the body of your
7.4 Noise Level
Noise level is a municipal issue and varies by jurisdiction. In general, this should not
present a hurdle for microturbines. As an example, Capstones Model 330 is rated at 65
dBA at 10 meters, while many outdoor sections of air conditioners and heat pumps are
rated at 78 to 82 dBA.
The review of standards and codes documented in this report forms the basis for the
conclusions and recommendations presented in this chapter.
It appears that microturbine generator sets can comply with the existing model codes
for installation and operation, despite the lack of any reference to their technology by
name. However, as detailed in Chapter 2, as additional microturbine products enter the
marketplace it will become increasingly important that they are referencedby namein
the model codes, a process that must begin with a manufacturing or system integration
standard. Several vendors have already approached Underwriters Laboratories for
certification of their product under UL 2200. This will give the industry certification for
electrical safety and ease the local permitting process in many jurisdictions. But UL 2200
is a standard, not a model code. The National Electrical Code, Mechanical Code,
International Fuel Gas Code, Life Safety Code, and International Building Code must all
Appendix B 152
eventually be modified to reference, if not microturbines, then onsite power generation
systems that include microturbines.
Over the past several years the fuel cell community has been successful in developing
performance and installation standards that will be referenced in the year 2000 editions of
the model codes. This effort was coordinated by the U.S. DOE, and can be used as a
roadmap for other distributed generation systems.
Of equal importance, the entire industry of advanced, onsite power generation
technologies need performance and reporting standards that can be referenced by federal,
state and local authorities for operation permits, emissions evaluation and credits and
energy-efficiency incentives. To this end, the U.S. Department of Energy should
investigate support for a microturbine-specific performance standard, and for those
applications most relevant to the emerging DER marketcombined heat & power,
premium power quality.
And despite the absence of any referenced code barriers to microturbines, a general
lack of education among code officials on the differences between DER installations and
traditional backup generators, is in fact hampering their deployment. A general State
education program, providing code officials with hands-on experience and an opportunity
to explore DER technologies before they receive a permit application, would support all
stakeholders in the U.S. DER industry.
Appendix A Selected IEEE Standards Relevant to Onsite Power
421.11986 (R1996) IEEE Standard Definitions for Excitation Systems for Synchronous
421.21990 IEEE Guide for Identification, Testing, and Evaluation of the Dynamic
Performance of Excitation Control Systems
421.41990 IEEE Guide for the Preparation of Excitation System Specifications
5051977 (R1996) IEEE Standard Nomenclature for Generating Station Electric
Power Systems
6651995 IEEE Guide for Generating Station Grounding
6661991 (R1996) IEEE Design Guide for Electric Power Service Systems for
Generating Stations
803.11992 IEEE Recommended Practice for Unique Identification in Power Plants
and Related FacilitiesComponent Function Identifiers
9281986 (R1991) IEEE Recommended Criteria for Terrestrial Photovoltaic Power
9291988 (R1991) IEEE Recommended Practice for Utility Interface of Residential
and Intermediate Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
P929, D10 Feb 1999 Draft Recommended Practice for Utility Interface of
Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
10461991 (R1996) IEEE Application Guide for Distributed Digital Control and
Monitoring for Power Plants
11451999 IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation and Maintenance of Nickel-
Cadmium Batteries for Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
Appendix B 153
11501991 (R1998) IEEE Recommended Practice for Integrating Power Plant
11591995 IEEE Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality
12621995 IEEE Recommended Practice for Qualification of Photovoltaic (PV)
13461998 IEEE Recommended Practice for Evaluating Electric Power System
Compatibility with Electronic Process Equipment
C37.90.1 IEEE Standard Surge Withstand Capability (SWC) Tests for Protective
Relays and Relay Systems
C37.95 IEEE Guide for Protective Relaying of Utility-Consumer Interconnections
C62.41 IEEE Recommended Practice on Surge Voltages in Low-Voltage AC Power
519 IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in
Electric Power Systems
Appendix B EGSA Standards
Under the purview of the Power Generation Components Subcommittee.
EGSA 100B-1997Performance Standard for Engine Cranking Batteries Used
with Engine Generator Sets
Contains requirements for rating, classifying, applying, installing and maintaining
engine cranking batteries.
EGSA 100C-1997Performance Standard for Battery Chargers for Engine
Starting Batteries and Control Batteries (Constant Potential Static Type)
Contains requirements for voltage and temperature limits, application and accessories
for charging engine cranking batteries.
EGSA 100D-1992Performance Standard for Generator Overcurrent
Protection, 600 Volts and Below
Contains performance specifications for circuit breakers, field breakers, thermostats,
thermistors and other temperature detectors.
EGSA 100E-1992Performance Standard for Governors on Engine Generator
Contains classifications, performance requirements and optional accessories for
generator set engine governors.
EGSA 100F-1992Performance Standard for Engine Protection Systems
Contains performance specifications for engine control systems including
temperature, level, pressure and speed sensing.
EGSA 100G-1992Performance Standard for Generator Set Instrumentation,
Control and Auxiliary Equipment
Contains requirements for generator set engine starting controls, instrumentation and
auxiliary equipment.
EGSA 100M-1992Performance Standard for Multiple Engine Generator Set
Control Systems
Contains performance requirements for manual, automatic fixed sequence and
random access generator set paralleling systems.
Appendix B 154
EGSA 100P-1995Performance Standard for Peak Shaving Controls
Contains requirements for parallel operation and load transfer peak load reduction
EGSA 100R-1992Performance Standard for Voltage Regulators Used on
Electric Generators
Contains application and performance requirements for generator voltage regulators.
EGSA 100S-1996Performance Standard for Transfer Switches for Use with
Engine Generator Sets
Contains classifications, applications and performance requirements for transfer
switches for emergency and standby transfer switches.
EGSA 100T-1995Performance Standard for Diesel Fuel Systems for Engine
Generator Sets with Above Ground Steel Tanks
Contains application and performance requirements for diesel fuel supply systems
with above ground steel tanks for diesel engine driven generator sets.
Under the purview of the Power Generation Systems Subcommittee.
EGSA 101G-1994Glossary of Electrical and Mechanical Terminology and
Contains definitions of terms specific to the on-site power industry.
EGSA 101N-1992Standard Nameplate Design for Engine Generator Sets
Guidelines for the information that should be included on the nameplate of a
generator set.
EGSA 101P-1995Performance Standard for Engine Driven Generator Sets
Contains classifications of use, prime mover configuration and ratings, and
performance requirements for complete generator sets.
EGSA 101S-1995Guideline Specification for Engine Driven Generator Sets,
Emergency or Standby
Guideline specification in blank form for preparing specifications for emergency or
standby generator sets.
EGSA 109C-1994Code Listing: Safety Codes Required by States and Major
A listing of national and international codes and standards adopted by U.S. states and
selected major cities.
Referenced Code Organizations
The National Building Codes (NBC)
Building Officials and Code Administrators International (BOCA)
4051 West Flossmoor Road
Country Club Hills, IL 604784981
(708) 7992300
The Uniform Building Codes (UBC)
International Conference of Building Officials ICBO)
5360 South Workman Mill Road
Whittier, CA 90601
(213) 6990541
Appendix B 155
The Standard Building Codes (SBC)
Southern Building Code Congress International (SBCCI)
900 Montclair Road
Birmingham, AL 35213
(205) 5921853
The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company
One State Street
P.O. Box 5024
Hartford, CT 061025024
Tel: (860) 7221866
Fax: (860) 7225106
ASME International
Three Park Avenue
New York, NY 100165990
800-THE-ASME (U.S./Canada)
E-mail: ASME InfoCentral
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
1791 Tullie Circle, NE
Atlanta, GA 303292305
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
11 West 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
1916 Race Street
Philadelphia, PA 191031187
Federal Specifications (FS)
General Services Administration
7th & D Streets
Specification Section, Room 6039
Washington, DC 20407
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Batterymarch Park
Quincey, MA 02269
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
333 Pfingsten Road
Northbrook, Il 600622096
Electrical Generating Systems Association (EGSA)
1650 S. Dixie Highway, 5th Floor
Boca Raton, FL 33432
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
445 Hoes Lane
P.O. Box 1331
Piscataway, NJ 08855
Intertek Testing Services (ITS) Canada Ltd.
1055 West 14th Street, Unit 600
Appendix B 156
North Vancouver, BC, Canada V7P 3P2
Tel: (604) 9844231
Fax: (604) 9861205
Email [email protected]
Appendix B 157
Appendix C
Microturbine Power Conversion Technology
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
In this study, the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is performing a technology
review to assess the market for commercially available power electronic converters that
can be used to connect microturbines to either the electric grid or local loads. The intent
of the review is to facilitate an assessment of the present status of marketed power
conversion technology to determine how versatile the designs are for potentially
providing different services to the grid based on changes in market direction, new
industry standards, and the critical needs of the local service provider. The project
includes data gathering efforts and documentation of the state-of-the-art design
approaches that are being used by microturbine manufacturers in their power conversion
electronics development and refinement. This project task entails a review of power
converters used in microturbines sized between 20 kW and 1 MW.
The power converters permit microturbine generators, with their non-synchronous,
high frequency output, to interface with the grid or local loads. The power converters
produce 50- to 60-Hz power that can be used for local loads or, using interface
electronics, synchronized for connection to the local feeder and/or microgrid. The power
electronics enable operation in a stand-alone mode as a voltage source or in gridconnect
mode as a current source. Some microturbines are designed to automatically switch
between the two modes.
The information obtained in this data gathering effort will provide a basis for
determining how close the microturbine industry is to provid-ing services such as voltage
regulation, combined control of both voltage and current, fast/seamless mode transfers,
enhanced reliability, reduced cost converters, reactive power supply, power quality, and
other ancillary services. Some power quality improvements will require the addition of
storage devices; therefore, the task should also determine what must be done to enable
the power conversion circuits to accept a varying dc voltage source. The study will also
look at technical issues pertaining to the interconnection and coordinated/compatible
operation of multiple microturbines.
It is important to know today if modifications to provide improved operation and
additional services will entail complete redesign, selected component changes, software
modifications, or the addition of power storage devices. This project is designed to
provide a strong technical foundation for determining present technical needs and
identifying recommendations for future work.
This section considers the high-speed generator designs that are used in microturbine
systems and the power electronics (i.e., power converter) that generally interface with the
generators to develop the necessary 3-phase, line-frequency voltages.
2.1 Microturbine Generators
The highest efficiency operating speeds of microturbines tend to be quite high, often
exceeding 100,000 rpm. The speeds are generally variable over a wide range (i.e., from
50,000 rpm to 120,000 rpm) to accommodate varying loads while maintaining both high
efficiency and optimum long-term reliability. The microturbine drives a high-frequency
generator that may be either synchronous or asynchronous (or non-synchronous). The
caged rotor design in asynchronous (or induction) generators tends to make it a less-
costly alternative to synchronous generators. Synchronous generators contain a magnetic
rotor that is designed to use either rare earth permanent magnets or coils with additional
hardware for delivering current (e.g., slip rings, brushes). Although asynchronous
generators are somewhat rare in the industry, they are the generator of choice in wind and
hydro generation applications.
Power requirements to the generator vary depending on the design. A synchronous
generator with a wound rotor assembly will require dc power for energizing the rotor
poles. An asynchronous generator in most microturbine applications will require a 3-
phase current to the stator at a frequency correlated well to the rotational speed so that
power is produced.
Appendix C 159

Ingersoll Rands microturbine
makes use of a high-speed gearbox
instead of a high-frequency power
In conventional applications, synchronous generators have an advantage where they can
be connected directly to the grid if speed is properly regulated. This is generally* not the
case in high-speed microturbine applications. For all generator types, a 3-phase, high
frequency voltage, typically in the range of 1,000 Hz to 3,000 Hz, will be developed that
must be converted to line frequency before the generated power becomes usable.
2.2 Power Converter Design
Figure C-1 shows a general diagram for a microturbine generator system followed by a
power converter and a filter. The ac/ac power converter essentially converts high
frequency ac to 50 or 60 Hz ac.
*An exception will be seen later where one manufacturer chose to use a conventional low speed
generator after gearing down the turbine speed.
Figure C-1. General microturbine diagram.
The power converter can also be designed to provide valuable ancillary services to the
power grid or microgrid. These services may include voltage support, sag support, static
Appendix C 160
volt-amp-reactive (VAR) compensation, load following, operating reserve (e.g., spinning
or non-spinning), backup supply, and/or start-up power for the microturbine or other local
microturbines. Voltage support is common for griding-dependent operation while load
following is used for grid-connected operation. Operating reserve capability may or may
not be recognized by the local electricity provider depending on their current tariffs and
the capabilities of the microturbine installation. The availability of backup supply and
start-up power varies not only by microturbine manufacturer but also by what options
may be purchased with the microturbine. For this reason, it will become a topic of
discussion in contacts with manufacturers (see Sect. 3.3).

Figure C-1. General microturbine
2.2.1 DC Link Converter
The most common power converter topology that is used for connecting microturbines to
the grid is the dc link converter. Figure C-2 shows a microturbine generator feeding
power to an active rectifier circuit (or, alternatively, a passive rectifier) followed by a dc
link and inverter circuit.
The high frequency power from the generator must be converted to dc before the
inverter can reconstruct a three-phase voltage supply at lower frequency required for grid
connection. A controller manages the operation of the active rectifier and inverter
circuitry by ensuring that functions such as voltage following, current following, phase
matching, harmonic suppression, etc. are performed reliably and at high efficiency. The
controller may be mostly on-board, pc-based, a processor linked to a pc, etc., depending
on constraints and factors such as desired microtur-
Appendix C 161

Figure C-2. Simplified diagram of a
dc link converter.
bine packaging, desired versatility, type of available features, and the
sophistication/maturity of the system design.
2.2.2 High frequency link converter
Another type of power conversion circuit that is of high interest is the high frequency link
converter (HFLC). Figure C-3 shows a microturbine generator feeding 3-phase power to
a rectifier and the dc is then fed to a high frequency, single-phase inverter so that a
compact, high frequency transformer can be used. The secondary of the transformer feeds
an ac/ac converter that takes the single phase, high frequency voltage to produce a 3-
phase voltage at a frequency and phase needed to make a direct connection to the grid.
Although the HFLC requires a higher part count, the circuit provides several advantages
The use of a transformer for robust isolation
The high frequency inverter permits the use of compact, high-frequency transformers
The use of a transformer permits the easy addition of other isolated loads and supplies
via additional windings and taps
The circuit eliminates the need for static transfer switches
Ancillary services can be provided with control software changes and additional
Adding additional hardware is easier
Appendix C 162

Figure C-3. Simplified diagram of a
high frequency link converter.
Thus, a well-designed HFLC that is controlled by software could potentially provide
unique characteristics (e.g., additional voltages, isolation/protection) to the microturbine
owner. The system may offer certain advantages for growing with the needs of the owner.
No microturbine manufacturer is presently marketing generation systems using an HFLC.
The data gathering effort will try to identify any development efforts or other
experimental programs involving HFLC or any other unique or innovative power
converter topologies.
2.2.3 Cycloconverter
A cycloconverter or a matrix converter could be used to connect the microturbine
generator to the grid instead of using a rectifier and an inverter. These converters, as
shown in Figure C-4, directly convert ac voltages at one frequency to ac voltages at
another frequency with variable magnitude. For this reason, they are also called
frequency changers. The disadvantages of these converters are that they have double the
number of switches compared to the dc link approach and they do not have a dc or ac link
to store energy. Without energy storage in the converter, any fluctuations at either side of
the converter will directly influence the other side. In addition to this, it is not possible to
connect a battery or any other power source to these converters unlike the dc link
converter or the HFLC.
A cycloconverter can still be used for microturbines with the high frequency link
inverter. Instead of converting the generator voltage to dc and then to high frequency ac,
a cycloconverter can directly convert the three-phase ac voltage to single-phase high
frequency ac voltage.
Appendix C 163

Figure C-4. Simplified diagram of a
The data gathering effort performed in this study was conducted from December 2002
through March of 2003. Information was obtained through a variety of means including
Internet searches, inspections of microturbines, review of microturbine manuals, and
conversations with company engineers.
3.1 Information Needs
Questions were sent to microturbine power converter manufacturers and developers from
several companies. Examples of the questions are provided in Appendix A along with
descriptive text explaining precisely what information was being sought. This section
lists the types of information the data gathering effort was designed to obtain.
The types of information that were sought during the data gathering effort include the
Generator Type and General Description
Asynchronous vs. synchronous
Packagingpower converter location
Turbine speed range
Modes of operation (e.g., stand alone, grid connect)
Power rating
Cost of power converters
Manufacturer/supplier identification
Appendix C 164
Power Conversion (technical)
Determine if the converters are pulse-width-modulated or if they use a commutated-
pulse architecture (i.e., line commutated inverter)
Identify type of circuit topology
Determine the switching frequency
Determine internal circuit control (onboard microprocessor or a computer with
Determine if there are concerns with electromagnetic interference (EMI) and harmonic
Types of ancillary services/special features provided by power converter
Required accessories
Other features
Component issues
Determine if the architecture uses MOSFETs vs. IGBTs or pn diodes vs. Schottky
Determine how close the switching devices operate to their maximum ratings
Identify the operating/maximum temperatures
Identify the heat removal method
Determine how much fault current may be developed and for how long
AnalysisDetermine whether hardware changes would be needed to expand the ability
of the system to provide grid support (i.e., ancillary services) or if they can be
accomplished with just a change to the processor or software.
As with many inquiries sent to industry, a rapid and enthusiastic response is a rare
exception. Engineers, marketing, and sales personnel are generally overworked and
unable to devote time to preparing 7 responses, even if they see some potential benefit in
doing so. However, this data gathering effort had an additional challenge in that the
industry it sought to query is young, struggling for survival, addressing numerous urgent
problems, and very sensitive to releasing technical design-related information. In
addition, the early production microturbines now in service, including mechanical
systems and power converters, have experienced reliability problems. Although the
contacts made with manufacturers were not designed to probe for such information,
responders may somehow feel that full admission of such matters was expected. One
power converter manufacturer, after considering the information request, simply declined
to respond without offering any explanation. In spite of these challenges, reasonably
complete results were eventually obtained by perseverance, seeking out alternate contacts
from companies, inspecting local production microturbines, and reviewing literature (i.e.,
including owners manuals and training manuals).
Appendix C 165
3.2 Manufacturers of Power Converters
This section presents basic information relating to domestic and foreign power converter
manufacturers whose products are, or can be, used in microturbines in the size category
from 20 kW and 1 MW. This study will, in later sections, focus primarily on domestic
manufacturers; this is necessitated by the fact that detailed design data, which is quite
difficult to obtain from U.S. manufacturers, will be more difficult (i.e., essentially
impossible) to obtain from foreign manufacturers.
It becomes very evident just how new the microturbine industry is when one considers
all of the manufacturers that are either marketing their products as of the last few years,
are taking orders for soon-to-be introduced products, or are strictly in the development of
products. Even the oldest manufacturers are just beginning to see their products arrive
at the first major overhaul point. At best, the reliability calculations for microturbines and
the associated power converters are now becoming less theoretical and more based on
actual in-service data.
Table C-1 provides a list of all known power converter manufacturers and/or
microturbine manufacturers. It indicates their relevant product or development activity,
whether their power converters are an in-house design and production effort, and
additional notes or comments. The table indicates that a number of microturbine
manufacturers do not produce their own power converters for a number of reasons. For
instance, Elliot Energy Systems purchases all of the power converters used in their
microturbines from Bowman Power Systems, and Ingersoll Rand Energy Systems uses a
gearbox that enables them to use conven-
Appendix C 166

Figure C-5. Capstone
microturbine60 kW.
tional induction and synchronous generators that connect to the grid/ loads without the
use of a power converter (see Sect. 3.3.2). Although the parent company of Elliott Energy
Systems, Ebara Corporation of J apan, is reportedly becoming a new supplier of power
converters to Elliott, it is too early to report on how these power converters might differ
from those supplied by Bowman.
Turbec produces a Model T100 105 kW combined heat and power (CHP)
microturbine that uses a dc link power converter to convert the generators high
frequency output to useful power. Turbec markets primarily to Europe with distributors
in Italy, Switzerland, France, UK, Ireland, Denmark, and Germany; therefore, this studys
consideration of Model T100 is somewhat limited. However, several unique features/
characteristics that merit consideration are briefly summarized in Sect. 3.3.
Appendix C 167
Table C-1. Power converter and/or microturbine
manufacturers whose products are in
production and available on the market
Manufacturer Product or Development
Producer of

Ballard Ecostar power converters
from 10 kW to 1 MW
Yes, for other
Fuel cells are Ballards
main product line
Bowman Power
Turbogen family of
microturbines ranging from 25
kWe to 80 kWe
Yes Supplies converters to
Elliot Energy Systems,
Capstone Turbine
30 kW and 60 kW
microturbines (200 kW
microturbine under
Yes Integral module; DOE-
AMP b participant
Cummins 30 kW and 60 kW
No Basic microturbine
systems are obtained
from Capstone
Elliott Energy
Systems, Inc. owned
by the Ebara
Corporation (J apan)
35 kW, 60 kW, and 80 kW
microturbines, products have
used Bowman power
converters; however, the Ebara
Corp. is an emerging supplier
No Supplies mechanical
microturbine systems to
Bowman Power
Ingersoll Rand Energy
70 kW PowerWorks
microturbine (no power
converter used), larger units
NA (see text) DOE-AND participant,
gearbox is used to
reduce rpm and to
facilitate use of low
speed generator.
Turbec AB (owned by
ABB & Volvo)
Model T 100 is a 100 kW
microturbine marketed almost
exclusively to Europe
Yes Modest sales in U.S.;
not fully included in the
present study
Xantrex A wide range of power
converters are available for any
type of generator. applications
For other
No present microturbine
(a) Indicates whether the power converters are an in-house product,
(b) DOE-AMP=Department of Energys Advanced Microturbine Program, not all participants are
involved in development of power electronics and therefore not all are listed.
Appendix C 168

Figure C-6. Capstone (30 kW)
opened to show major assemblies.
Table C-1 also lists some manufacturers, such as Ballard and Xantrex, who market
versatile power converters designed for use with renewable energy generators (e.g., wind,
solar) and other types of distributed generation applications. These applications are
distinct primarily because they need not accept a high-frequency output from generators
such as used in microturbines. Although Ballard and Xantrex have also developed
products capable of converting power from high-speed microturbine generators, they are
not currently marketed.
Table C-2 lists the companies that are currently developing a microturbine and/or
power converter(s). In some cases, the companies are pursuing almost 100% product
development research activity with technology demonstrations planned within a year.
Although the companies listed in this table do not presently market specifically
Appendix C 169
microturbine power converters, most appear to be quite notable for the high degree of
innovation they are using to attain versatile, new products.
Table C-3 provides the Internet addresses for the full list of vendors presented in this
3.3 Data Provided by Manufacturers
This section provides information on power converters provided by five primary
manufacturers of power converters. The information will include a summary of general
features, operating parameters, ancillary services, special features, power quality, circuit
topology, and other circuit details including component types and thermal specifications.
A short summary of industry needs is also provided. The second subsection will consider
important companies also meriting special consideration because of the unique features
of their design and/or because they offer an alternative design approach.
3.3.1 Primary manufacturers
Based on the information presented in Section 3.2, the final list of companies in the U.S.
market who are presently producing and marketing power converters suitable for
distributed generation (i.e., not just microturbines) is quite small. It includes the
Ballard (provided power converters for Honeywell microturbines in 1998)
Bowman Power Systems
Capstone Turbine Corporation
Xantrex (no presently marketed microturbine application)
General Electric (GE), which is well along in their development of a relatively large
microturbine, was also helpful in providing information and is included in this data
summary. Ballard has developed a 110 kVA microturbine system (i.e., power converter
system) that the company says is capable of operating in grid and stand-alone mode with
all the grid connect and retry strategies in accordance with IEEE 1547.* Xantrex, which
has developed a wide range of power converters that can be used
*IEEE 1547 is the Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power
Systems (See Sect. 4.1.2.)
Table C-2. Potential power converter and/or
microturbine manufacturers who are now in the
R&D phase of product development
Manufacturer Product or Development
Producer of

AeroVironment No firm microturbine project
yet, has Power Electronics
Module (PEM)
Yes Solar products, iPower
Appendix C 170
DTE Energy
ENT 400 kW microturbine to
be added to internal
combustion generator line
No Power converter will
be purchased from
Turbo Genset
General Electric,
Global Research
Center & GE
Developing microturbine for
175 kW (ultimately, 175350
kW) and power electronics
Yes DOE-AMP participant
Northern Power
Research into development of
advanced algorithms and
modular circuit designs; may
enable seamless transitions
Plans to
produce power
Nothing announced yet
to industry prior to
completing work on
SatCon Power
Developing a wide range of
power conversion systems for
all types of distributed
Unknown Storage systems also in
Turbo Genset Developing a 50 kW
microturbine and power
converter system
Yes Microturbine will be
sold to DTE Energy
(a) Indicates whether the power converters are a product of their in-house design efforts.
(b) DOE-AMP=Department of Energys Advanced Microturbine Program, not all participants are
involved in development of power electronics and therefore not all are listed.
Table C-3. Manufacturers and internet URLs
Manufacturer Internet URL
Bowman Power
Capstone Turbine Corporation
Cummins Northwest Inc.
DTE Energy Technologies
Elliott Energy Systems,
Inc./Ebara Corp.
General Electric (GE)
Ingersoll Rand Energy Systems
Northern Power Systems
SatCon Power Systems
Turbec AB (owned by ABB &
Turbo Genset
Appendix C 171
in microturbine applications, has also provided information.
The investigation of Capstone power converters was performed using (1) responses
from the company, (2) information obtained through visits to three research sites** where
Capstones are used, and (3) a review of Capstone documentation. All of the above
companies were asked in a series of questions to provide details pertaining to (1) their
microturbines (or the microturbines from other manufacturers that make use of their
power converter), (2) technical aspects of the power converters, (3) technical issues (e.g.,
power quality), and (4) electronic component details.
Table C-4 provides information on the microturbine generator type, packaging, power
converter switching frequency, features and manufacturer. The most detailed information
is listed under the two current manufacturers of microturbine power converters, Bowman
and Capstone. Detailed information for GEs product was also obtained because they are
well along in developing a specific microturbine product. Clearly among the
manufacturers, power converter designs are being directed for use with synchronous
generators although Xantrex indicates that they are also willing to adapt designs to non-
synchronous machines. Current power converter products are modular and integrated into
the microturbine; however, for GEs 175 kW design, external packaging of the converter
is planned. Power converter switching frequency is generally up to 8 kHz for the different
manufacturers, although Xantrex designs may use much higher frequencies.**
A key feature indicated in Table C-4 is that all of the manufacturers use some type of
reprogrammable digital control system for the power converters. This provides a
potentially needed level of versatility that may become critical in the future (see Sect.
4.1). The modes of operation generally include stand alone (i.e., for supplying power to
local loads only) and grid connect, which must be synchronized to the grid. The GE
microturbine is planned for grid-connect operation only. Switching between modes is a
major issue. The quality or speed of the transitions from one mode to another varies from
manufacturer to manufacturer and also depends on the mode to which the unit is being
switched (see Sect. 4.1). The transitions generally cause a voltage interruption. This can
**Project staff inspected a 30 kW Capstone microturbine at the CHP Integration LaboratoryA
National User Facility at ORNL, a 60 kW Capstone at the High Temperature Material Laboratory
(HTML) at ORNL, and a 30 kW unit at the EPRI PEAC Corporation in Knoxville, Tennessee.
**Higher switching frequencies generally come with a power de-rating penalty.
Table C-4. Microturbine manufacturer,
operating parameters, and general features
Subject Ballard Bowman and

Type of
used in
Synchronous Synchronous Synchronous
May be used
synchronous or
Packagingof Modular circuit Integral Integral Power Not currently
Appendix C 172
overall unit packaging packaging converter in
nearby cabinet
integrated in
speed range
68,000 rpm
12K50K rpm NA
48 kHz 8 kHz Unknown =8 kHz
=5 kHz
218 Ez
depending on
power level
Modes of
of transfer
Stand-alone &
Stand-alone & -
grid-connect with
& grid-
connect with
(see text)
Grid connect
Stand-alone &
only when grid
V drops)
Type of
Digital signal
Digital signal
processor by
for operation
in different
Unknown Optional dual-
mode switch
required for grid
required for
mode and
black start
(see text for
NA Uninterruptible
power supply
required for
black start of
Power rating
of power
10 kW to 110 kW 60 kW and 80
30 kW and
60 kW (200
kW future)
175 kW @
from 5 kW to 1
No microturbine
product or
application at
Elliot Energy
Capstone General
product or
application at
of power
Ballard Power
Bowman Power
Capstone General
Cost of
Depends on
~$30,000 for
the 30kW
TBD when
product is
introduced into
$70/kW to $
1,000/kW for
depending on
Power converters supplied by Bowman Power Systems
Appendix C 173
be a significant problem in many of todays applications in industry and in the
commercial sector. Only Ballard claims to have completely seamless transitions;
however, this must be demonstrated in a microturbine system and made available in the
commercial market.
The Capstone microturbine has stand-alone and grid connect modes with automatic
switching between them. Transferring from grid connect to stand alone takes 2 to 4
minutes while returning to grid connect takes only 5 seconds.
The Capstone can be used with other accessories than the battery listed in the table.
For instance, Capstones Dual Mode Controller contains a utility disconnect and will
allow automatic switching between grid connect and stand alone modes. Up to 20 units
can be MultiPacked (paralleled) as a standard feature, and up to 100 can be MutiPacked
using the optional Capstone Power Server. The purchase of an external power meter will
facilitate operation with reverse power protection and load following.
Table C-5 lists the various types of ancillary services that the power converters are
capable of supplying to the grid. The listing also includes a few special features of
interest such as operation by remote control and monitoring device and communications
that support operation of multiple microturbines in a parallel configuration. A review of
Table C-5 shows that, with the exception of Bowman/Elliott and GE, the power converter
manufacturers claimed an extensive list of ancillary services and special features. The
analysts strongly suspect that in some cases, claims may have been made on a more
theoretical basis (i.e., making claims of potential capabilities). Therefore, some level of
caution is advised in considering the implicit claims indicated by the table. However, this
is essentially a moot point for the purposes of this study, since the primary goal of the
study is to determine exactly thisthe potential features of the microturbine power
As indicated above, the Capstone load following service and reverse power protection
feature require the use of an accessory (i.e., an external power meter called the pulse
issuing power meter).
Table C-6 shows a summary of the microturbine power converter topology, the type of
switching components used, key thermal specifications, cooling method, and power
quality concerns (if any). For all manufacturers, the table indicates many similarities
including a dc link topology, pulse width modulation (PWM) waveforms in the inverter
output, and some type of forced air heat sink arrangement (except for
Table C-5. Microturbine ancillary services and
special features
Subject Ballard Bowman and

Capstone Turbine
Voltage sag
Yes Possible Yes
Static VAR
Yes Can select 1.0 to
0.6 leading/lagging
power factors
Possible Yes
Appendix C 174
Load following Yes Yes Yes
Operating reserve
(spinning or non-
Yes Yes
Backup supply Yes Yes Yes
(without external
Yes Greystart available
provided gas is
present and oil is
Yes Yes
Yes Yes Yes Yes
(operation in
parallel with other
for up to 10
units in
Yes Yes, using the
standard MultiPac
Others Reverse power
protection (in Elliot
therefore an
assumed feature of
Peak shaving,
Reverse power
protection, and
(following a fault)

Power converters supplied by Bowman Power Systems
Ballard, which uses liquid cooling). Certain topics, such as how close the switching
devices operate to their maximum ratings, proved to be too sensitive to result in any
significant response from the companies. The filtering referred to in the bottom two rows
of the table has proved effective for all manufacturers in producing an output waveform
that does not produce EMI, sinusoidal in shape, and often with lower harmonic distortion
than found on the local grid.
Regarding the type of circuit topology, GE provided additional details regarding their
175 kW power converter. The 3-phase, two-level active IGBT power electronic bridge
converts the 3-phase, high-frequency generator voltage to dc. The voltage on the dc link
is regulated by the active rectifier and it feeds a 480V, 3-phase, IGBT inverter. The dc
link voltage is also monitored so that turbine loading/speed can be adjusted according to
the apparent inverter loading of the dc link. 15
GE also supplied additional details regarding how close the switching devices operate
to their maximum ratings. Obviously, this depends on the output voltage of the generator
and other factors such as load and speed. GE follows general design rules of 10% voltage
margin for the main power electronics. This may seem to be a tight margin but, in reality,
how appropriate it is can be determined only from the design details.* GE is still
developing the overall circuit control strategy and will be operating the power conversion
electronics for the first time in the spring of 2003. GE will be assessing device stress as
well as other system operating points, and their test results will determine whether the
Appendix C 175
bridge is correctly used and rated. GE states that sophisticated junction temperature
techniques are used to maintain device temperatures within published limits.
The final question asked of manufacturers was what they would
*GE is currently using 1400V parts with about a 900V dc Link. GE attempts to apply 10% extra
margin after all worst case control and transient effects have been accounted for. Hence, device
switching transients will be added to the 900V link voltage before the margin is applied. The
switching transients can be controlled by altering the gate drive characteristics and stray bus
It is possible to require less margin if higher performance bridge topologies (buswork) and controls
are used. Manufacturers apply margin based on their experiences, control complexity and response
(i.e., ability to control the dc Link Voltage during input/ output transients) and power electronic
bridge design. It is very advantageous for an equipment manufacturer to achieve a higher rating or
extra performance over a competitors product by developing their own philosophy for rating and
application capability
Table C-6. Microturbine circuit topology,
components, thermal specifications, and power
quality concerns
Subject Ballard Bowman and

Identify circuit
DC link
DC link
DC link
DC link
converter (see
details in text)
source dc:
Identify type of
Pulse width
Identify type of
power devices
in inverter
(IPM) by
IPM using
by Powerex
IGBTs or
IPM by
devices operate
how close to
Confidential No information
Dependent on
factors such as
load and speed
(see text)
ambient T
40C 45C 50C 40C without
45C (min. is
Maximum Unknown 150C 115C 125C 150C (not
Appendix C 176
device junction
Method of
cooling of
Force air
cooling with
Force air
cooling with
Force air
cooling with
Force air
cooling with
heatsink or
water cooled
overload current
300% of peak
rated for 2
200% for 1s,
150% for 10s,
125% for 30s,
and 110% for
This design
parameter is
Depends on
Filtering and
Both are used Both are used Both are used Filtering
included for
harmonics and
Both may be
Power quality
No EMI or
No EMI or
No EMI or
Harmonics well
below IEEE 519
levels will
meet IEEE 519
No EMI or
Power converters supplied by Bowman Power Systems
like to see from the Government or industry (e.g., product, component) that would be of
help to them. The responses shown in Table C-7 were obtained from Ballard, GE,
Capstone, and Bowman Power Systems.
Table C-7. Present industry needs from the
perspective of power converter manufacturers
Manufacturer Needs from the government and/or industry
Ballard Ballard states that they would like to see funding for high-voltage/current
silicon carbide diode development.
Bowman and
Bowman Power Systems indicated that it is desirable to have a sustained
incentive, either by way of a fund or a geographic-supported region, which
developers could rely upon over a number of years to provide a proving
ground for the technology.
Capstone Turbine
Capstone indicated that they would like to see continued development and
adoption of interconnection standards.
General Electric GE stated that they would like to see the implementation of codes and
standards to improve and accelerate technology acceptance.
Appendix C 177
Xantrex No response
3.3.2 Alternative design approaches of interest
Turbec ABs mostly European product has a number of interesting features worth
reviewing. Their T100 microturbine is rated at 105 (3) kW, has a nominal speed of
70,000 rpm, and is designed for operation indoors only. The unit provides CHP with a
gas-water, counter-current flow heat exchanger providing a 122F to 158F temperature
rise. The net electrical efficiency is 30% while the net total efficiency is 78% (assuming
full use of the heated water). A two-pole permanent magnet high-speed generator feeds
500 VAC, 2333 Hz to a dc link converter that produces 400 VAC, 3-phase, 50 Hz or
alternatively 480 VAC, 60 Hz. The converter can be operated in reverse to use the
generator as a starter motor for the microturbine. A power module controller (PMC)
controls and operates the entire electrical system. The T100 features a communications
connection that permits the operator to monitor and control the microturbine from a
remote location.
It would be unfair to consider the challenge of power converters seamlessly
transitioning before and after grid outages without also considering how one alternative
microturbine approach already performs this function with relative ease. Ingersoll Rands
synchronous generator, which uses a high-speed gear box instead of a power converter,
features a switchgear package that includes two motorized breakers that act to isolate
segmented loads from either the microturbine or the facility distribution system. One
breaker is used to connect the microturbine when it is synchronized. The other, upstream
breaker acts to isolate the microturbine/segmented load combination in an intentional
island. When the electrical protection system detects a grid failure, the upstream breaker
is automatically opened and the microturbine assumes all power man-
Appendix C 178

Figure C-7. Front control panels of
Capstone and Elliott microturbines
agement to the loads. This transition occurs without any loss of power to the loads. When
the protection system detects that the grid is back to normal, another seamless transition
is made to return to grid parallel operation.
3.4 Notes on Other Connection Technology
Microturbines produced by companies such as Bowman, Elliott, and Capstone, can be
operated in a standalone mode to supply local loads or connected directly to the grid. The
internal circuitry provides effective filtering for EMI and harmonic distortion and ensures
that the microturbines 3-phase power is fed into the grid synchronously. There are
various options for interfacing small power sources to the utility. This section describes
one such solution, called the GridGateway.
This 240V (up to 7kW) residential interconnection system, which consists of two
DSP-controlled double pole relays, acts as a transfer switch by connecting and
disconnecting a distributed generation system to the grid and/or load. It senses the three-
phase grid and generator voltages and disconnects the distributed generator in cases of
under/ over-frequency, under/over-voltage, and over-voltage THD. The fault limits 19 for
voltage and frequency can be set by the user through a graphical user interface on a
computer, which communicates with the unit through a serial port.
Appendix C 179
The power to the control circuitry of the GridGateway system comes from both the
generator and the grid; therefore, if either of them fails, the unit will continue to function.
The system can operate in four states, utility only, no connection, distributed generator
only, or parallel operation. When it is turned on, the distributed generator switch is open,
isolating the generator from the load and the grid. However, the grid switch starts in the
state it was last in, before power was turned off.
According to the manufacturer, EPRI-PEAC, this interconnection system can be
connected to the power meter and will be ready to operate in half an hour because of its
plug-and-play capability.
The GridGateway technology uses relays instead of solid state devices. A concern
with relays is that they could potentially get stuck, which may cause undesirable
problems to the generator, the load, or the grid. Tests need to be done in order to evaluate
system performance and whether the reliability of the relays is adequate without
additional protection in case of failures. If this system passes the tests fundamentally
intact, it could be used as a transfer switch complementing the utility interface converter.

Figure C-8a. Elliott microturbine
(80 kW) opened for servicing
Appendix C 180

Figure C-8b. View inside front cover
of Elliott
This section summarizes findings from Section 3, discusses the present status of
microturbine technology, describes various technical needs, and discusses aspects of
system reliability from the perspective of a fledgling industry.
4.1 Status of Power Converter Technology
This section discusses microturbine operating modes and the voltage interruptions that
accompany switching between modes, the present status of software used in the digital
controllers, and the need for universal interfaces and standard communications. The final
discussion focuses on the full range of ancillary services that microturbines can be made
to provide. The section states how manufacturers should be encouraged to make various
services available and how certain ones might be standardized.
Appendix C 181
4.1.1 Operating modes and transitions
The present, conventional microturbine designs, when in the stand-alone mode, act as a
voltage source to local loads. That is, the digitally controlled power converters regulate
voltage and frequency while supplying current as needed by the load. However, the
designs do not regulate voltage well enough to share reactive power flow. The
microturbines are all operated at essentially the same voltage. When the microturbines
are in the grid-connect mode, they act as a current sources, that is, they follow the voltage
and frequency of the grid, and regulate the current, or power output, to a preset value.
That value can either be constant, or it can load follow if desired.
None of the microturbines that is presently available in the market provides seamless
switching between operating modes. This may be acceptable early-on in this emerging
industry, but it will not be acceptable in the long term if greater market penetration is to
occur. At a minimum, adaptations should be made to the system designs so brief voltage
drops during switching can be bridged reliably.
4.1.2 Software used in the programmable digital controllers
The digital control schemes for the controllers were found to be versatile in all cases.
This was an encouraging finding since, given the necessary sensors and controls, the
controllers can be reprogrammed to provide a number of new features and services to
both the user and the grid. Given this situation, the study considered the present status of
the software now in place.
Capstone, as an example, provides two systems that aggregates their microturbines
and provides services. With both systems, the microturbine is either operated in the stand
alone mode as a voltage source or in the grid connect mode as a current source. The
power electronics hardware is capable of regulating both current and voltage
simultaneously, but the control system is not presently programmed to perform this task.
This is because the Capstone philosophy is to supply a product that meets IEEE 1547.
IEEE 1547 states that the microturbine, or other distributed generation device, is not
allowed to impact voltage. In reality, this may only limit a group of several microturbines
operating in parallel assuming a reasonably stiff voltage in the feeder. Therefore, this
standard requires that, in the grid connect mode, microturbines do not regulate voltage,
they only follow the grid voltage. Thus, the microturbines cannot be used for distribution
system voltage regulation at this time.*
Bowmans power converters operate not only with permanent-magnet, high-speed
alternators (microturbines), but also with wind generators and fuel cells. The Bowman
units presently provide voltage regulation and power factor control. However, when the
units are in the grid connect mode, the inverters acts as a current source only similar to
the Capstone Unit.
4.1.3 Universal interface/communications
In researching the ability of microturbines to operate in parallel, it was found that there is
generally some level of capability in this area without purchasing special interface or
communications accessories. It was also apparent that, as the number of units that a
customer wishes to operate in parallel increases, one or perhaps two different controllers
Appendix C 182
are necessary. The question of compatibility of microturbines from different
manufacturers working together in large numbers is, at best, uncertain due to the lack of
any type of universal interface. An example of two necessary interconnection accessories
from one manufacturer is provided
*For the same reason, the several microturbines operating together cannot be used for voltage
support at the end of long feeders. The microturbines are also capable of supporting voltage by
reducing load, but this also is would not be allowed.
The first Capstone control system is the Capstone Remote Monitoring System
(CRMS). The CRMS allows you to communicate locally with up to 40 microturbines.
The microturbines are daisy chained together using their serial ports and an RS 232
ethernet connection. One turbine is the master and the rest are in the slave mode. Data
provided from each microturbine includes control panels, strip charts, trend graphs, event
alarms and automation panels. The load cycle and scheduler automatically starts, stops,
and commands power to the micro turbines locally or remotely. The event monitor logs
starts, stops, and faults. The turbines can be controlled to provide a set power level or to
load follow. If they are load following, a compatible power meter must be purchased
which provides a pulse count. The CRMS will load the turbines for the maximum fuel
efficiency point. If a site has several Capstone turbines, the only additional need is for the
software to run them with the CRMS.
The second system offered by Capstone is the Power Server CPS 100. The CPS 100
integrates up to 100 turbines into a single generation system with one point of control.
The CPS100 contains a microprocessor which provides high speed networking via one
RS-232 connection or a modem. There is also internet command via TCP/IP. There is an
interface to the power meter so that control can be load following/peak shaving and dual
mode (grid connect/stand alone). The CPS100 will load the turbines for the maximum
fuel efficiency point. The CPS100 will also balance runtime so that all turbines are run at
the same number of hours over time. There are also analog and discrete inputs for
communications from other plant equipment.
4.1.4 Proposed requirements for ancillary services
As can be observed from the vendor data summarized in this report, there is not a
standard on what electrical services the manufacturers provide. The analysts of this study
believe that some of these services should be provided without extra accessories and
others made available as options. Initially, manufacturers should be encouraged to make
various services available. This may quickly lead to those same services being expected
by potential customers.
Recommended or required services:
1. Stand-alone and grid-connect operation modes and seamless switching between them
in subcycles without voltage interruption.
Appendix C 183
2. Blackstart capability to start the microturbine without the external grid and whenever
3. Remote controllability, so that the microturbine system can be controlled and
monitored by a computer or a control panel without the need of actually being
physically next to the system. This also brings the possibility of internet monitoring
and control. It can also give access to the utility to control the system to prevent
antiislanding and to de-energize it remotely for maintenance and repair.
4. Onboard, reprogrammable microprocessors, so that the firmware can be upgraded
easily, maybe even by the user, remotely.
5. Communication or the ability to operate with others so that numerous microturbines
from the same or different manufacturers can be connected to each other and
controlled by the master unit (one of the microturbines). As an extension to this point,
with the cooperation of the converter manufacturers for other alternate energy sources,
microturbine systems should be able to communicate with the other alternate energy
6. Modularity or flexibility to add any additional hardware for optional services without
taking everything apart.
Optional Services:
1. Voltage sag support
2. Static VAR compensation
3. Load following
4. Backup supply
5. Operating reserve (spinning or nonspinning)
The reason for including voltage sag support and static VAR compensation at an option
level is that not all applications need these services; however, it is strongly recommended
that these services be included since they can be implemented with just some additional
software code and, if needed, they could contribute even with the microturbine off.
Especially, considering the predicted possible increased importance of non-active power
in the near future, static VAR compensation would be crucial option to have.
4.2 System Reliability in an Emerging Industry
This section provides an early assessment of reliability in domestic microturbines. This
assessment cannot yet be based on any type of quantitative evaluation, but rather, based
loosely on certain industry events and product operating conditions that seem to be
creating clear signals that are relevant to reliability.
4.2.1 Reliability issues
The microturbine industry is essentially new, where manufacturers are either marketing
their products as of the last few years, are taking orders for soon-to-be introduced
products, or are strictly in the development stage of new products. Even the oldest
Appendix C 184
manufacturers are just beginning to see their products arrive at the first major overhaul
At best, the reliability calculations for microturbines and the associated power
converters are now becoming less theoretical and more based on actual in-service data.
However, a more realistic perspective shows subassembly designs that have been
corrected for design weaknesses, often more than once, and field upgrades that alter any
attempts at accurately tracking performance of the affected subassemblies.
Although this study was not intended to explore failures, multiple reports were heard
concerning failures of power converters, EMI filters, and other systems. There are also
many reports of aggressive actions taken by the manufacturers to correct problems in the
field to maintain the highest degree of customer satisfaction and keep company reputation
untarnished. The failures, the redesign process, and aggressive implementation of
upgrades are all typical processes that take place when technologically complex products
are introduced into the market.
Section 4.2.2 will explore some possible root causes for some of the failures that have
been experienced in the microturbine industry to date.
4.2.2 Operating environment
In the course of this study, it was observed that the present micro turbine manufacturers
and vendors market their product to be located in outdoor locations where the
microturbine cabinet and internal packaging (if any) are the only type of protection that
the electronics have from the outside weather conditions.
The power converter electronics in the Capstone microturbines are packaged in a
ventilated metal box located under the mechanical portion of the microturbine. The metal
box is enclosed in the main cabinet of the microturbine. Air enters through a filter at the
lower portion of the cabinet front through horizontal slits and travels a short distance
before entering into the power converter box. The air is forced through the box with fans
and exits at the opposite end. Some air flow can occur through these openings even when
the microturbine is shut down. Such air flow would be partially impeded only by one or
more air filters depending on the microturbine design. The Elliott microturbine design
does not include the box located internal to the cabinet thus providing even less
protection to the converter circuit.
The power converter electronics and digital control circuitry used for microturbines
are both quite elaborate and sophisticated. It is unusual to see this type of electronics
located in a semi-open cabinet located outdoors in the open because of how this might
impact reliability. It is always a significant design challenge to have complex circuitry
located in an uncontrolled, outdoor environment operate reliably. Looking throughout
industry, examples of electronics routinely used in outdoor ambient conditions protected
only by a cabinet/enclosure are few:
Electronics used in vehicles
Traffic light controls
A portion of the electronics operated by electric utilities
Portable electronics such as for communications
Appendix C 185
Although the above electronics are specifically designed to operate in severe ambient
conditions, they are not fully valid comparisons. Many of these are better protected than
in the microturbine example given above. For instance, a computer in an automobile may
be enclosed in a nearly air-tight enclosure that would reduce the potential for
condensation. Similarly, traffic control electronics may be enclosed in a box designed
with a rubber seal. In these cases, the potential for condensation due to daily
environmental cycles is significantly reduced.
In situations where microturbines are frequently shut down, left idle for hours or
longer, and started up, there could be a potential for condensation inside the cabinet
depending on changes in the ambient temperatures and humidity levels (e.g., daytime
conditions vs. night conditions). Long idle periods during humid weather could cause
moisture to be absorbed in certain components degrading insulating materials. In
addition, some components (e.g., screw-down wire terminals) or cabinet surfaces may
experience corrosion or become tarnished due to moisture.
The microturbine industry is not oblivious to these concerns. As indicated in Section
3.3, Turbec ABs T100 microturbine is designed for indoor installations only. Although it
takes its air from an outdoor intake, that occurs only when the unit is operating (i.e., the
power electronics would be warm precluding condensation). Additional design work and
careful testing over time would be required to permit outdoor installations with greater
exposure to the elements.
The fact that the microturbines are generally operated continuously outdoors is helpful
from a reliability standpoint since component heating tends to keep surfaces dry and the
ventilation prevents excess heat. The main concern during operating periods may be
unusually hot, humid summer days; however, the use of conservative design margins and
built-in thermal protection should prevent failures from occurring.
In the future, several ancillary services will be provided by a local, automated response,
as opposed to system operator dispatch. The primary services that will be provided on a
local basis include: reactive power supply and voltage control, black start, regulation,
energy imbalance, network stability, spinning reserve, and load following. Each of these
services requires that power be exported to the grid.
Gaining the ability to export power to the grid will require that the power electronics
converter and interface control both voltage magnitude and phase angle. It would be
necessary to control the electronics quite rapidly, in response to sensed local conditions.
In addition, the capability to synchronize quickly will be needed. Finally, the power
electronics would have to be capable of accepting power from a storage device such as a
battery or ultra-capacitor because a microturbine is not capable of responding quickly.
Other microturbine technology needs, both present and future, are the standardization
of interconnection and communications so that many units, even from different
manufacturers, can be operated together in parallel. Power converters could benefit
immediately from the introduction of silicon carbide (SiC) switching devices into the
market due to their ability to operate at higher temperatures and other attractive
characteristics discussed below.
Appendix C 186
The following topical discussions provide examples of useful re-search and critically
needed tests that ORNL strongly recommends in support of the emerging microturbine
industry. The following discussions offer strong technical justification for believing that
these projects, if pursued, would provide significant cost savings and benefits to the
manufacturers of power electronics.
1. Control of real and reactive power in grid connect or stand alone mode.
At the present time, power electronic converters used on microturbines operate in either
voltage mode or current mode. Voltage mode is used when the microturbine is in stand
alone, not grid connected, and the voltage level is set by the user. Current mode is used
when the microturbine is grid connected. The current level and the power factor (for
some manufacturers) are set by the user. As discussed above, it is desirable that the
power electronics be capable of controlling both the real and reactive power. Voltage
regulation cannot be provided without this capability, and reactive power will circulate
among generators in a small-stand alone grid unless the reactive power is controlled.
One approach to resolving this issue would be to develop an enhancement to an
existing power converter system so that it is capable of controlling voltage magnitude and
phase angle (real and reactive power) in both the stand-alone mode and the grid
connected mode. A project could be designed to evaluate the ability of the power-
conditioning unit to enable real and reactive power sharing and to perform voltage
regulation. The goal would be for voltage regulation to be provided in both the stand-
alone and gridconnected modes. A project could be designed to test a power conditioning
unit installed on a microturbine that has connections to both a local load and the
distribution system. The work would evaluate, verify, and characterize the ability to
perform voltage regulation under both operating modes.
2. Seamless transition from grid-connect to stand-alone mode in subcycles
In grid-connect mode, the utility interface works in current control, but in stand-alone
mode it works in voltage control. To switch from one mode to the other, the microturbine
and the interface could be shut down and then started in the other mode. This causes an
undesirable voltage outage or brief fluctuation. A better alternative is a seamless
transition without interrupting voltage production. Many manufacturers 26 offer
seamless transition in their products but, in reality, it occurs in a few cycles causing
voltage fluctuations. In some products, the transitions range from a few seconds to a few
The goal should be that the seamless transition from grid-connect to stand-alone
modes and vice versa occur in a short, sub-cycle time. For this reason, research is
required to come up with an algorithm to decrease the seamless transition time with
minimum voltage distortion.
One approach would be to develop an enhancement to the existing Bowman power-
conditioning unit so that it is capable of synchronizing frequency with the distribution
system and changing control modes seamlessly. A project could be designed to test the
device on a group of power sources and loads with a distribution system connection. The
work would evaluate, verify, and characterize the ability to do a seamless transfer.
3. Ganging microturbines with other microturbines and different energy sources:
Appendix C 187
In many applications, microturbines in the field will be required to work in parallel with
other microturbines or different energy sources such as fuel cells, diesel generators,
photovoltaic systems, batteries, etc. Presently, only a few commercially available utility
interfaces for microturbines, such as Capstone units, have a feature for connecting several
microturbines together (other energy sources not included), and these mostly require
extra accessories. However, this feature should be a standard built-in function of a
general utility interface, and it should also include the ability to be ganged with other
energy sources.
Three approaches are possible for the ganging of different energy sources. In the first
approach, the output voltage of each energy source is converted to dc or high frequency
ac. Then, these outputs are connected in series or parallel as required and converted to
60Hz with a dc link converter to be connected with the grid and/or to feed loads.
In the second approach, the output voltages of each energy sources are converted to dc
and are connected to a multilevel inverter again to be connected to feed loads or directly
to the utility grid.
In the third approach, each microturbine connects to the grid separately from the
others relying wholly on their grid- or load-connect interface electronics. However, this is
inconsistent with the approach we envision to enable the supply of ancillary services.
Further enhancements are desirable where grid and/or load connection is coordinated
instead of relying on multiple independent connections.
More research is required to evaluate the pros and cons of these approaches and to
investigate the possibility of alternative solutions for ganging microturbines and other
distributed energy resources.
Additional insight into solutions for the above issues can be gained by leveraging on
other research being performed at ORNL on several different power electronics
applications. The results of the following projects can be directly or indirectly applied to
the microturbine power converters:
1. Integrating numerous solid oxide fuel cell modules: This project focuses on ways to
connect fuel cell modules for higher power generation.
2. Military generator sets: This project is for the analysis, design, and building of
mobile military generator sets for the Army.
3. Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV): Several projects are ongoing in the research and
development of new power converter topologies, novel electrical machines, and
their control. This also includes a system-level study of the benefits of SiC-based
power devices on hybrid electric vehicle applications.
The experience gained from all these projects will be useful in microturbine applications.
For example, the first project will provide answers to the similar problem of paralleling
microturbines with each other and with other distributed generators. Additionally,
experience from military generator sets and HEV power converters and electrical
machines will be directly applicable to microturbine systems.
4. Ability to interface with energy storage devices.
The existing power converters from various manufacturers are capable of accepting a
constant dc input. However, the voltage from many dc sources is variable such as from a
fuel cell or an energy storage device (e.g., battery or ultra-capacitor). A dc-to-dc
Appendix C 188
converter is needed. If the energy storage capability was available, the power converter
could provide very high, short-duration power to start motors and supply fault current.
This would make small systems much more viable and practical when operating in a
stand-alone mode.
One approach to developing a dc interface would be to enhance an existing power
converter so that it is capable of accepting a variable dc voltage input. A project could be
designed to test the device on a group of power sources and loads to evaluate the ability
to start motors, provide fault current, and regulate voltage during normal system
5. Silicon Carbide switching devices
Recently, silicon carbide- (SiC-) based power devices have been drawing increasing
attention because of their superior characteristics compared with silicon- (Si-) based
power devices. SiC-based power devices possess the features of high voltage, high
power, high frequency, and high temperature operation in a smaller package. A SiC-
based power converter would have the benefits of reduced losses, higher efficiency, up to
2/3 reduction in the heatsink size, smaller passive components, and less susceptibility to
extreme ambient heat. Microturbine power converters would certainly benefit from
utilizing SiC-power devices. The response from Ballard regarding what they would like
to see from the Government or industry that would be of help to them was, Funding for
High-voltage/Current Silicon Carbide diodes. This response provides strong
confirmation of the importance of SiC in this industry.
Further work is required to demonstrate the system-level benefits of SiC devices on
microturbine power converter applications.
Appendix C 189

absorber chillers 48, 50, 51, 52, 53
air bearings 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 66, 68
Allied Signal 5, 9, 10, 12, 108
Allison 4
ALM 106, 107, 108
ANSI 152, 162
AQMD 36, 66
ASME 154, 162, 168, 172
ASTM 154
auxiliary load controller (ALC) 28

Ballards 210, 211
bio-gas 15, 50, 86
BOCA 160
Boeing 3, 4, 9
Bowman 12, 63, 64, 65, 66, 76, 78, 84, 96, 208
Brayton cycle 6

Capstone Turbine Corporation 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 24, 26, 31, 33, 37, 39, 63, 66,
67, 68, 69, 76, 78, 83, 88, 89, 90, 91, 96, 108, 109, 208, 210
catalytic gas cleaning 36
Caterpillar 4
Combined Heat & Power (CHP) 36, 43, 47, 49, 50, 79
COP 10

Darcy Equation 33
digesters 14, 15, 16, 36, 55, 57, 58
Distributed Generation (DG) 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 79
dual mode operation 26, Ch 3, 44, 62, 83, 119

Ebara Corporation 72, 208
EGSA 154, 164
Elliott 12, 63, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 208
emissions 38

Faith Plating 116, 117, 118, 119, 120
Ford 4, 5, 11
Fuel Cell Energy 95
fuel cells 44, 93

Garrett 1, 3, 5, 9, 11, 108
General Electric 9, 96, 109, 211
General Motors 4

Harbec 113, 114, 115, 116
Holiday Inn 122, 123, 124
Honeywell 5, 12, 108, 109
hybrid electric vehicles 92, 94
hybrid systems 93, 95
hydrogen sulfide 15, 37, 52, 88

ICBO 160
ICC 160
IEEE 155
Ingersoll-Rand 12, 25, 36, 63, 69, 70, 71, 72, 86, 87, 93, 96, 108, 201
inverter 25, 26

J im Noe 1, 9, 10, 11, 108

landfills 14, 15, 36, 59, 86, 87
liquid fuels 16, 18, 19
Lopez Canyon 136, 137, 138n

mini turbine 2

National Fuel Research Center 93, 95
natural gas liquefication 138, 139, 140
NEMA 155
Netherlands 131, 132, 133
NFPA 155, 168, 169, 170, 172
nitrogen oxide 19, 35, 36
noise 37
NoMac 1, 10, 11
North American Cogeneration 1

Index 191
Parallon 9, 12
peak shaving 62, 92
PG&E 46
photo voltaics 44
power quality 91, 94
Pratt & Whitney 1
precise power 97

recuperator 4, 6, 9, 20, 23, 52, 68, 69
regenerated electricity 59
regenerator 4, 5
Regional Energy Policy Advisory Council 45, 46
reliability in nines 42
resource recovery 58, 60, 61, 62, 88
Robin McKay 1, 9, 10, 97, 108
rotary flow compressor 19, 20
Rover 4

San Diego Gas & Electric 46, 86
Sempra Energy 46
siloxanes 15, 16, 50, 52, 55
South Alberta Institute Technology 120, 121, 122
Southern Cal Edison 11, 46
Southern California Gas Company 4
standby charges 45
Sumitomo Mining 134, 135, 136

thermal efficiency 47, 48, 85
Tokyo, J apan 125, 126, 127
Toyota 63, 81, 82, 108
tri-generation 55
Turbec 12, 63, 77, 78, 80, 81, 85, 96, 108, 208

UL 156, 163
UPS 29, 44

VAR 91

Waste water treatment 128, 129, 130

Index 192

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