30 Points of IRS Control Over 501-C-3 Churches

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The passage discusses the IRS rules and regulations that churches must follow if they register as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the IRS. It also discusses arguments for why churches should not register with the IRS.

The passage lists 30 points of control the IRS has over churches that register as 501(c)(3) non-profits, including requirements around incorporation, creed, governance, doctrines, finances, employment, and more.

Arguments mentioned include that registering gives the government power over the church to tell it to stop activities like using cleansing water. It is also said that registering is the end of the church's ability to heal people freely and that the government would stop it from operating.

30 points of IRS Control Over 501(c)(3) Churches

From the book The Master Mineral of the Third Millennium by Jim Humble 2011

Let me show you some of the rules these churches come under when they sign up.
Remember, you come under these rules only if you sign up to be non-profit with the
IRS because Congress can make no laws regulating churches.
This is a summary of IRS rules. They are not conveniently listed in any central
location the IRS has them scattered in numerous documents assembled under
different regulations.
Source: Pastor Greg Dixon of the Indianapolis Baptist Temple, a church whose
property was seized right after the 2000 election on the orders of the outgoing
Clinton administration.

1. Church must have a distinct legal existence -- it must be incorporated.
2. It must have a recognized (approved) creed or form of worship.
3. It must have a distinct form of ecclesiastical government (e.g., General Conference, board of
governors/trustees, etc., and state/local organizations, etc.)
4. It must have a specific code of doctrine and discipline.
5. It must have a denominational history.
6. Ministers must be ordained by the Church Corporation (in order to serve in a pastoral capacity).
7. Ministers must be educated at a state-accredited college or university in order to be ordained.
8. Church must have an Employer Identification Number (EIN) assigned by the IRS, in order to
employ ministers.
9. Pastor must receive a Social Security number in order to be employed by the Church.
10. To be tax-exempt, the Church must verify that it is a nonprofit organization.
11. The Church must be engaged in activities that serve the public trust.
12. Church must be able to answer to the IRS as to its daily financial activity (ledgers must be open
for government review & approval).
13. Books and records must be available to the IRS for inspection at any time.
14. Church must inform the IRS as to who serves at the church (Deacon, Elder, Treasurer, Teacher,
Janitor, etc.) regardless of compensation or lack thereof. (The IRS wants the names of those who
voluntarily serve the church.)
15. Church must inform the IRS of identity of almsgiving recipients. (This is presumably to reduce the
amount of assistance they get by modifying compensation received through welfare, SSI, WIC,
AFDC, etc.)
16. Church must report to the IRS all gifts sent to missionaries amounting to $500 or more. (Also a
taxation measure, as per form 1099).
17. Only use the IRS-approved fundraising methods. (The IRS determines which methods are
acceptable for raising funds.)
18. Must answer to the IRS for any sermon or organizational position which is critical of the IRS. (So
the IRS can penalize the church or pastor for stepping out of line.)
19. Must give unreserved submission to the civil magistrate pertaining to all laws (federal, state and
local), including issues of public policy (abortion, homosexuality, assisted suicide, equal employment,
education, gambling, pornography, abortion, etc).
20. Church must actively promote racial mixing in marriage (miscegenation).
(This has to do with the promulgation of state marriage licenses. Marriage historically existed as an
ecclesiastical certification, and is supposed to be protected by the free exercise clause of the 1st
Amendment. Anything that involved intermarriage was, in the early days of the US, subject to
licensure on the grounds that slaves could do nothing without permission. This was the back door
which the government has used to promote the licensure of all marriages.
The church has become an accomplice in causing married couples to have a third party in their union
without their knowledge or consent. All forms of licensed activity may be regulated by the state,
including the fruits of marriage your children. This is how state child welfare agents get away with
legally violating peoples 4th Amendment rights!)
21. Pastor cannot enter the public debate about the licensure of ministries. (Ministers must be
licensed by the state in which they intend to practice, unless ordained denominationally, in which case
the pastor may preach anywhere the denomination has an established presence.) The same
arguments about licensure apply here as with #20; it is a violation of the free exercise clause with
regards to Christian ethics. Ministers are answerable to God first to be licensed is to put the state
before God.
22. Pastor cannot enter into any activity opposing public policy on any issues, e.g., abortion, assisted
suicide, education, taxes, gambling, pornography, homosexuality, abortion, parents rights, etc.
23. Pastor cannot solicit church members participation in any activity opposing public policies (such
as the aforementioned).
24. Pastor cannot support legislation upholding parents rights or other measures that would
strengthen the sovereignty of the family over the states interest in the progeny of a licensed marriage.
25. Pastor cannot proselytize against the promotion of homosexual lifestyles, abortion, gambling,
pornography, and other lifestyle options, et cetera.
26. Pastor/Church cannot advocate state and U.S. constitutions or the Bill of Rights as the supreme
law of the land.
27. Pastor cannot enter into sermons that criticize national public issue policies, such as the drug
war, POWs & MIAs, increasing federalization of criminal statutes and police powers, etc.
28. Pastor cannot oppose public education, its policies, or its shortcomings (Outcome Based
Education); or promote private education above public education; or promote particular educational
policies and programs.
29. Pastor cannot publicly declare that people should obey God above or before the government.
(Compare the apostle who said, We should obey the laws of God above the laws of men.)
30. Pastor cannot publicly criticize the actions of the government in the implementation of public
policy (e.g., promoting sex education, etc.)

Our Ministers of Health must realize that we must not sign up with the government
in any way. God does not need permission from governments to exist or to have his
Churches in the land. Although we are not religious, we are spiritual and we are a
church that is, a group of people gathered to do some service to mankind. There
are other definitions of a church but that is a legitimate legal definition.
Every government wants to regulate and control the churches, but if a church will
just begin operation and not sign up with any of the governmental people that come
by, we normally will not have a problem.
All we are doing is healing people. We are not selling MMS, the Cleansing Water of
the Church.
If we were to sign any of the registration forms that they promise will protect us from
harassment, it would be the end of our ability to heal people. The government would stop us.
We would have given them the power to tell us to stop using our Cleansing Water.

In the beginning, before we have the money to oppose them, we may have to
sometimes sign their registration forms but that should not be done if we can
prevent it. If at all possible, we should just start each Church chapter and begin
healing people. If we can get a few people healed before the government really
starts pushing, that will be a definite help when we go to court. It will also
help to keep the government from bothering us.
Eventually, as soon as the Church can afford it, we will provide any of our
Ministers with lawyers that will invoke common law or other past laws to prevent
us from signing any government papers at all.
We will definitely stand behind our ministers with Church money and we will
continue to heal mankind.

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