Dist 20 Sep Newsletter

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to be in attendance.

Our Month ends with the VFW

Birthday celebration at Post
8541. I look forward to seeing
everyone there as we
celebrate our
accomplishments and our
Thank you all for what you
do. Everyones hard work is
certainly deserving of the
title All American. Let us all
keep striving for excellence.
We are all here for each
other. Do not hesitate to
reach out to anyone in the
district with any needs or
concerns. Also remember to
send all info on upcoming post
events to our District
Adjutant. Together we will
ensure maximum exposure to
help each post succeed.
When you get a chance, be
sure to thank our Adjutant/
Chief of Staff Doug Brown for
the great Job he is doing. I
dont think most people
understand how much time
and hard work he puts in. I
also appreciate the hard work
He, Tony Lobello, and the
other line officers put in on
all of the special projects.
Thank you both for the
outstanding dedication and
commitment to our veterans.
Larry Sanders
District 20 Commander
All American
District 20 is still at the top
within the Department of
Texas. I want to thank
everyone for their hard work
and dedication. Our District is
extremely busy. On almost
any given day we have
representatives at any
number of events. That does
not even include Post events
happening across the district.
It is very important for each
and every post to be active
outside of their physical
building. If we fail to be
active in our communities, we
fail at our mission.
Now is the time for us to be
visible in the community. As
we approach the end of 2014
the calendar seems to fill up
faster. There are a number of
VPRs, special events, and
regular holidays. We are also
quickly approaching the
deadline for our scholarship
entries. These are all great
opportunities to present the
VFW to others in person. Now
is the time when each
individual post can show the
community who we are and
what we do. If we are doing it
right, our membership will
seem to increase on its own.
If, we do it right.
All of our Post Inspections are
taking place during the month
as well. If there are any
questions regarding the
inspection, please feel free to
reach out to myself or any
other Post or District Officer.
District 20 is one team. No
one should think twice about
communicating, asking
questions, or seeking advice
from another comrade in the
September 25th the U.S.
ARMY San Antonio Area
Recruiting Battalion has
invited District 20 to
Breakfast. The Battalion
Commander wants to partner
up all of our Posts with local
ARMY Companies. This can be
a huge advantage to the post.
These Soldiers want to help
the local veterans. They also
have a group called the San
Antonio Community Action
Committee. The committee is
made up of representatives
from many sectors of
business, politics, and
education. This is exactly the
kind of partnership we should
all want to grow. I am
expecting all District Officers,
Chairman, and at least one
representative from each post
From The Commander
Te x a s
Vet e r a n s o f
F o r ei g n Wa r s
Di s t r i c t 2 0
S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 4 V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 2
Upco mi ng
Di s t r i ct
Ev ent s
Labor Day
Sept. 1st
V-J Day
Sept. 2nd
Patriot Day
Sept. 11th
Festival Sept.
Day Sept. 19th
Post 1533
Sept. 22nd
District C of
A Sept. 23 at
Post 8936
with ARMY
Battalion Sept.
Ride at Post
837 Sept.
Sept. 27th at
Post 8541
District Commander
Larry Sanders
P a g e 2
One click,
one call, one
text one
Veterans Health Care System External
Stakeholder Meeting
Suicide Prevention Month Partner Outreach
One small act can make a
difference in the life of a
Veteran or Service member
in crisis. Thats the U.S.
Department of Veterans
Affairs (VA) message this
September in observance of
Suicide Prevention Month.
Join VA and organizations
and individuals across the
country in spreading this
message and showing how
one act can encourage
Veterans, Service members,
and their loved ones to seek
confidential support from
the Veterans Crisis Line.
The Veterans Crisis Line
connects Veterans and
Service members in crisis
and their families and
friends with qualified,
caring VA responders
through a toll-free hotline,
online chat, or text-
messaging service. Call 1-
800-273-8255 and Press 1,
chat online at
Chat, or text to 838255 for
free, confidential support
24/7/365. If a Veteran or
Service member you know is
showing signs of crisis, you
can open the door to
Veterans Crisis Line
This Suicide Prevention
Month, help raise awareness
of the Veterans Crisis Line.
Learn how you can help by
first floor, room
J114. Light refreshments
will be provided by
Veterans Canteen Service.
Thank you for your
participation in our
meetings, and we look
forward to seeing you. We
would also appreciate any
The Audie L.
Murphy Campus
meeting will be
held on September
25, 2014 from
3p.m. to 4p.m. The
meeting will be
held in the
Command Center,
suggestions and/or ideas on
how we can best serve you
and improve our mission.
Please RSVP via email at
[email protected]
ov by September 16,
2014. Questions, please
contact Office of Public
Affairs at (210) 617-5274 or
(210) 617-5218.
TX Veterans of Foreign Wars District 20
P a g e 3 V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 2
Commander Larry L Sanders Post 2041
SR. Vice Cmdr. Robert Martinez Jr. Post 8111
Jr. Vice Cmdr. Jesse Dominguez Post 8541
Quartermaster Edward C. Torres Post 4815
Adjutant/Chief of Staff Douglas Brown Post 9174
Chaplain Jack Steel Post 12041
Inspector Albert Martinez Post 9186
Judge Advocate Tony Vasquez Post 76
Surgeon Kevin R. Smith Post 2059
1 Year Trustee Jose Duran Post 7108
2 Year Trustee Jose L. Rodriguez Post 8936
3 Year Trustee Leonard A Layman Post 9174
Service Officer Bruce Alford Post 837
Officer of the Day John A. Rodriguez Post 9186
Guard Roy Gill Post 8111
Public Affairs Tony Lobello Post 837
Voice of Warriors Armando Sanchez Post 8397
Teacher Award John (Pat) Clark Post 4676
Public Relations Pablo C Rodriguez Post 8397
Historian Clarence Soignet Post 6970
Homeless Vet Gilbert Uriegas Post 1533
Youth Programs Jordan Towers Post 9174
Ritual & protocol Daniel Medrano Post 9186
VAVS Carlos Vela Post 12041
VOS Liaison Tish McCullough Post 4676
VOS Co-chair Gil Cadena Post 7108
Sam Houston POST 76
Highland Hills Southeast POST 837
Motor Transport POST 1533
Judson POST 2059
Universal City POST 4676
Sgt. William J. Bordelon POST 4700
Harlandale Memorial POST 4815
Atascosa County POST 4853
Security Service POST 6012
Poteet Memorial POST 6970
Helotes POST 7108
Michael W. Elben POST 8111
R.E.L. Bob Willie POST 8397
James B. Sprague Memorial POST 8541
Wilson County Memorial POST 8555
San Antonio Westside POST 8936
Lackland POST 9174
Manuel Alvarado POST 9186
Lytle Memorial POST 12041
Editor: Douglas Brown
Asst. Editor: Tony Lobello
P a g e 4
focus on gathering
suggestions and
ideas about
reaching out to our
Afghanistan and
Iraq warriors
Voice Of Warriors
them in the transition
process and helping them
reintegrate back into the
work force or connect them
with the proper service
officers for help with claims
and other V.A. issues
waiting for them here at
I need your help to get
the word out in your
communities and especially
in your families and VFW
posts. We all have a friend
or relative still wearing the
uniform or recently
separated that needs this
type of guidance. If you, or
someone you know, is
willing to join me in my
efforts, please email me at
my personal email
[email protected] so
we can set up a meeting
and put our ideas on paper
and into action.
I have been given another
chance at life through
helping other veterans
through troublesome times
and has been very
rewarding on a personal
level. I look forward to
meeting with each and
every one of you in our new
endeavor. Thank you and
may God bless you and your
families now and always.

Armando G. Sanchez
Senior Vice Commander
VFW Post 8397
All American Voice of
Warriors District 20
Fellow Comrades,
My name is Armando G.
Sanchez and I am an OIF/
OEF veteran. I have been
asked by our District
Commander Larry Sanders
to take lead of a very
important task in bringing
together a committee to
recruit and retain our
younger veterans returning
from our recent combat
will focus on
and ideas
about reaching
out to our
and Iraq
warriors in
order to assist
This is the first facility of its kind in the entire country. It is being sponsored by the Student
Veterans of America (SVA), as well as the Department of TX VFW. District 20 will have areas
available for recruiting. It would be nice to have a large presence. The expected
attendance is 600-1000 people.
P a g e 6 V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 2
On Saturday September
6, The VA sponsored a
mental health summit
at Morgans
Wonderland. Several
departments of the
South Texas Veterans
Health Care System,
reps from the Vet
Centers, Mental Health
and Research from
UTHSC, The San Antonio
Veterans Coalition, The
Veterans of Foreign
Wars, Wreaths Across
America, and several
family support
organizations were
the year to Cadet Chief
Master Sgt. Michael Parks.
The Lackland cadet
squadron also held their
change of command
ceremony along with their
annual awards. Comrade
Rodriguez was asked to be
their guest speaker and
District 20 officer of the day
John Rodriguez presented
two certificates to
outstanding cadets of the
Lackland Civil Air Patrol.
Presentations made were for
Cadet Officer of the Year to
second Lieutenant Joseph
Regalado, and Cadet NCO of
spoke on military
honors and on his
theme to students
learn your lessons
Corporation is a public
TV broadcast station
like the BBC in England.
The special aired
Sunday, September 7,
2014 in Norway,
Denmark, and Sweden.
Wayne Jones, retired
Marine, new member of
Post 76, was the
veteran interviewed.
Sorry, he already has an
District 20 provided an
Iraq veteran for the
Norwegian Broadcast
Corp. to interview as
part of a special they
did on the effects of
the Iraq War. The
Norwegian Broadcast
District 20 Members at
The VA Mental Health
Summit networking with
other groups at the event
Norwegian TV Interview
Civil Air Patrol Awards
A Look
back on
Dist. 20 Officer of the Day John
Rodriguez with Cadet NCO of
the Year Michael Parks
P a g e 7
I have asked
Commanders to
encourage more
both within their
Post and the
District 20 Chaplain
Jack Steel
From Our Chaplain
It is great to be able
to report progress
toward my goal for the
year to draw post
chaplains in District 20
together into a personal
professional relationship
to enable greater
effectiveness in our
mission for the
organization. I got out to
several posts and
support events; including
the District 20 Ladies
Auxiliary welcoming
event for their
While serving as
Chaplain at the District C
of A meetings I was
honored to be a part of
the affairs of our
organization. I have
collected contact
information for chaplains
from each of the post
and asked commanders
to encourage more
communication. I hope
to see a few new faces
at up-coming VPRs and
other events.
I ask you to join me in
prayer for our veterans,
active duty and reserve
military members, and
our government leaders.
Consider stretching your
faith to assist your post
to reach its goals by
getting involved. Reach
out to a fellow veteran
and their family to assist
them, help them feel
the fellowship of
I want to send you all
a blessing. Thank you so
much for your service
and your continued
dedication. May God be
with you and your
family. Remember those
who served beside us
and before us to
preserve that noble ideal
that binds us all together
and makes our Nation so
Jack Steel
TX. V.F.W. District 20
from the VFW and
American Legion will be
drivers. Commander
Sanders is all over this
one. Will keep you
informed as it develops.
World Car stated, Few
efforts World Car has
undertaken over the past
three decades has meant
more to us than the
Heroes Driving Heroes
initiative. Its debut will
have a direct and
positive impact on the
everyday lives of our
a new program to
provide transportation
for disabled vets in
District 20 to be able to
keep medical
appointments, get
groceries and
more has
started and is
presently in
the works.
Should be a
great help to
many people.
servicemen and women,
a vital segment of the
population of our own
Military City, USA
where one in every five
individuals is a veteran
and all of America. We
are proud to do what we
can to facilitate better
lives for those who
served our country and
now find themselves in
Be on the lookout for
more details!
The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families
and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs re-
sponders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text.
Veterans and their loved ones can call 1-800-273-8255 and Press
1, chat online, or send a text message to 838255 to receive confi-
dential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Sup-
port for deaf and hard of hearing individuals is available.
P.O. Box 27791
San Antonio, TX 78227-0791
Phone: 210-870-4526
Email: [email protected]
The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S.
is a nonprofit veterans service organization
composed of combat veterans and eligible
military service members. Texas District 20 has
more than 8,400 members in 19 posts in San
Antonio and the surrounding area.

Our Mission is to foster camaraderie
among United States veterans of overseas
conflicts. To serve our veterans, the military,
and our communities. To advocate on behalf of
all veterans. Ensure that veterans are respected
for their service, always receive their earned
entitlements, and are recognized for the
sacrifices they and their loved ones have made
on behalf of this great country.
Texas Veterans of Foreign
Wars District 20
#1 District in the VFW
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