Rosary - Virgin Mary

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Sign of the Cross

In the name of the Father, + and of the Son, and of
the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Apostles Creed
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of
heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His Only
Son, our Lord, ho !as "on"eived by the Holy
Ghost, born of the #irgin $ary, suffered under
%ontius %ilate, !as "ru"ified, died, and !as buried,
He des"ended into hell, the third day He arose
again from the dead and as"ended into heaven and
sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father
Almighty. From then"e He shall "ome to &udge the
living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the
Holy Catholi" Chur"h, the Communion of Saints,
the forgivness of sins, the resurre"tion of the body
and life everlasting. Amen.
Our Father
Our Father, ho art in heaven, hallo!ed be 'hy
name( 'hy )ingdom "ome( 'hy !ill be done on
earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread( and forgive us our tres*asses, as !e forgive
them !ho tres*ass against us( and lead us not into
tem*tation(but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Hail Mary
Hail $ary, full of gra"e, the Lord is !ith thee.
+lessed art thou among !omen and blessed is the
fruit of thy !omb, Jesus. Holy $ary, $other of
God *ray for us sinners no! and at the hour of our
death . Amen.
,Laudate Dominum Liturgical Editions
Glory e to the Father
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the
Holy Ghost. As it !as in the beginning, is no! and
ever shall be, !orld !ithout end. Amen.
Fati!a Prayer of Reparation
Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins and save us from
the fires of hell, bring all souls to heaven es*e"ially
those !ho most need thy mer"y . Amen.
Hail Holy "ueen
Hail holy -ueen, mother of mer"y. Hail. our life,
our s!eetness and ho*e. 'o thee do !e "ry *oor
banished "hildren of /ve , to thee do !e send u*
our sighs. mourning and !ee*ing in this vale of
tears. 'urn then most gra"ious advo"ate thine eyes
of mer"y to!ards us and after this our e0ile sho!
unto us the blessed fruit of thy !omb, Jesus, O
"lement, O loving , O s!eet #irgin $ary.
V. %ray for us, O Holy -ueen of the 1osary.
R. 'hat !e may be made !orthy of the *rom2
ises of Christ.
Let us *ray.
O God, hose only begotten Son, by His life,
death, and resurre"rtion, has *ur"hased for us the
re!ards of eternal life3 grant, !e besee"h 'hee, that
as !e meditate u*on these mysteries of the $ost
Holy 1osary of the +lessed #irgin $ary !e may
both imitate !hat "ontain and obtain !hat they
*romise. 'hrough the same Christ our Lord.
'he angel Gabriel
a**ears to $ary ann2
oun"ing that she is to
be the $other of God.
$A1CH 45
The Annunciation
At Gethsemane Jesus
*rays as He "ontem2
*lates the sins of the
HOL6 'H71S8A6
Agony in the Garden
Jesus rises glorious
and immortal three
days after His death.
/AS'/1 S798A6
The Resurrection
/li:abeth greets $ary(
;+lessed art thou
among !omen and
blessed is the fruit of
thy !omb;.
$A6 <=
The isitation
Jesus is "ruelly s"ou2
rged until His morti2
fied body "an bear no
Scourging at the !i""ar
Jesus as"ends into hea2
ven forty days after His
The Ascension
'he #irgin $ary gives
birth to the 1edeemer
of the !orld.
8/C/$+/1 45'H
The #ati$ity
A "ro!n of thorns is
*la"ed on the head of
CH1IS' 'H/ >I9G
%ro&ning &ith thorns
'he Holy Ghost des"2
ends u*on $ary and
the A*ostles.
The !entecost
'he +lessed $other
*resents the "hild Jesus
in the tem*le.
F/+17A16 498
The !resentation
Jesus "arries His heavy
"ross u*on His shoul2
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%arrying o' the %ross
'he +lessed $other is
united !ith her divine
Son in heaven.
'H/ ASS7$%'IO9
A7G7S' =5'H The Assu()tion *Aug +,th-
'he blessed $other
finds Jesus in the
F/AS' OF 'H/
Finding in the Te()"e
Jesus is nailed to the
"ross and dies after
three hours of agony.
GOO8 F1I8A6.
The %ruci'i.ion
$ary is gloriously
"ro!ned -ueen of hea2
A7G7S' 4498
The %oronation
IF 6O7 %71CHAS/8 'HIS
Rosarium Virginis Mari
OFF /+A6 O1 8O9LOA8/8 I'
F1O$ A96 O'H/1 SI'/
6O7 CO7L8 HA#/ O+'AI9/8 I'
FO1 F1// A98 F1O$ I'S O1IGI9AL CO$%OS/1
Laudate Dominum
Traditional Rites and Prayers
Holy Mother Church
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