Course Outline - Fall2014 CIVL 4220

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University of Manitoba Fall 2014

Department of Civil Engineering CIVL 4220

Course identification
Course name: Geotechnical Design
Prerequisites: CIVL 3730, GEOL 2250
Lecture hours: 8:30 AM 9:45 AM Tuesday, Thursday
Tutorial hours: 2:30 4:20 PM Monday

Instructor: Marolo Alfaro, PEng, PhD
Contact information: Room E1-368, Phone: 474-8155
Office hours: By Appointment

Teaching Assistants
Teaching Assistant(s): Bahador Barbod; Earl Marvin De Guzman
Contact information: [email protected]; [email protected]

Course description and learning objectives
The course introduces students to the principles of geotechnical design. It builds on the preceding courses GEOL
2250 Geology for Engineers and CIVL 3730 Geotechnical Materials and Analysis. The Geology course provided an
understanding of the geological framework in which geotechnical design is undertaken. This was followed by Ge-
otechnical Materials and Analysis course that detailed compression and strength properties of engineering soils. It
will be appreciated that geotechnical materials are quite different from engineered materials such as steel, concrete,
and asphalt. We can consider the philosophical difference wherein engineering properties must be measured rather
than specified. The analysis component presented "tools and techniques" for analyzing typical geotechnical engi-
neering projects. Students were introduced to high quality commercial software for finite element analysis of stress-
es and deformations as well as to limit equilibrium analysis of slope stability.
This final core course, Geotechnical Design synthesizes this broad understanding of geology, material properties,
and analysis into methodologies that can be used for designing solutions to geotechnical engineering projects.

Learning Outcomes
The student should be able to:
1) synthesize the broad understanding of geology and material properties that can be used for designing solutions to
geotechnical engineering.
2) plan, interpret and examine field investigation/laboratory testing programs to obtain the necessary soil and site
3) design geotechnical infrastructure including shallow foundations, deep foundations, excavations, embankments,
dams, earth retaining structures and remediation of engineered and natural slopes.

In order to complement the course material with case histories of local practice, guest speakers will be invited to
give presentations on completed engineering works, presenting details on the engineering process from conceptual
design to final construction. The guest lectures are considered part of the course and examinations will cover mate-
rials presented.

Course web site
Desire2Learn (D2L) Learning Management System

Required Textbook
Budhu, M., Soil Mechanics and Foundations (3rd Edition), John Wiley and Sons, 2010.

Lecture Notes on Geotechnical Design prepared by Drs. J. Graham and J. Blatz

As much as possible, material in the course will conform to recommendations in the Canadian Foundation Engineer-
ing Manual (4th Edition, 2007, Canadian Geotechnical Society) and the National Building Code of Canada, 2010.
Additional material will be taken from Peck, Hanson, and Thornburn: Foundation Engineering (Wiley), Coduto:
Foundation Design (Prentice Hall), and Bowles: Foundation Analysis and Design (McGraw Hill). Some of these
materials are available in the U of M Libraries.

Assignments/projects reports
Numerical problems will be assigned regularly. They have to be submitted on the indicated due date. Late
assignments will be assessed a 10% reduction per day late to a maximum of 50% at 5 days late after which a mark of
zero will be recorded unless written justification is provided or an extension is agreed to by the student and professor
prior to the submission date. Solutions will be provided after the assignments are marked. You are also required to
undertake group projects to design foundations and earth structures.
Please understand the importance of conscientiously completing assignments as an aid to understanding the course
work and preparing for the examinations.

Term tests
Mondays, 6 Oct and 10 Nov 2014, 2:30 - 4:20 PM, Rm. E2-130. Closed book exam. Formulas provided.

Final exam
To be arranged by Student Records Office. Closed book exam. Formulas provided.

Assessment method
There are two components of this course: lecture and tutorial sessions. Two lectures (Tuesday and Thursday) will
be given each week at 1 hour and 15 minutes each lecture session. There will be two mid-term examinations (1 hour
and 50 minutes each) contributing 30% of the final grade, and a three-hour final examination contributing 40%. If
for legitimate reason you miss a midterm exam, the weight of that exam will be added to the weight of the final exam.
Students are required to achieve a passing grade in the individual, supervised assessment component of the course
(combination of two midterm exams and final exam).
You are required to attend tutorials on Monday afternoons (1 hour and 50 minutes). The tutorial sessions are done
to reinforce the lectures (that is, they concentrate on solutions to problems) and additional explanations. Tutorial
sessions also involve the use of commercially available computer software. Numerical problems will be assigned
regularly. Submission of all the Assignments will contribute 10% of the final grade and the group design report con-
tributing 20%.

The Faculty of Engineering expects regular attendance of all students at lectures and tutorials. Attendance will be
taken to monitor this information. If the number of unexcused absences recorded against a student in any one course
exceeds 10 percent of the number of course hours (including mandatory lectures and tutorials), the course instructor
may report the case to the Dean of Engineering and inform the student of potential debarment. If the students at-
tendance or work continues to be unsatisfactory, the instructor has the authority to initiate procedures to debar the
student from attending classes, handing in assignments, and from final examinations and/or from receiving credit.
Such cases shall be reported to the Faculty Council of Engineering at the first opportunity. Students so debarred will
have failed that course and will have to repeat the course in the case that the course is compulsory. (University of
Manitoba General Academic Regulations 7.1 & Faculty of Engineering Academic Regulations 3.2)
The undergraduate calendar defines plagiarism as taking ideas or words of another person and passing them off as
one's own. In short, it is stealing something intangible rather than an object. It will be considered plagiarism and/or
cheating if you copy the answers of another student in any examination or take-home assignment. Plagiarism or any
other form of cheating in tests, examinations or take-home assignments is subject to severe academic penalty (e.g.
suspension or expulsion). A student found guilty of contributing to cheating is also subject to serious academic pen-
All unclaimed assignments become property of the Faculty of Engineering and are subject to destruction. All la-
boratory reports and assignments must have a completed Assignment/Report Submission Declaration form as a
cover page.
Course notes are the intellectual property of the instructor. These notes cannot be copied, distributed, shared, or
posted on any websites without a written permission of the instructor.

Additional information
Please check your D2L Portal Server for periodic announcements and updates.
Teaching assistants are available for consultation only during their office hours. Appointments outside their office
hours may be arranged with them under special circumstances. Teaching assistants will arrange later their office
hours and locations. Students should not be consulting teaching assistants in their office to avoid disruption to other
graduate students who share office space.

Detailed course content
Estimated Textbook
Course Content Lecture Hours

1 Site Characterization 6 hours Chapter 3
1.1 Planning of site investigation
1.2 Drilling and sampling techniques
1.3 In-situ testing
2 Shallow foundations 9 hours Chapter 12
2.1 General bearing capacity equations
2.2 Settlement calculations
2.3 Allowable stress design and limit state design
3 Deep foundations 9 hours Chapter 13
3.1 Pile capacity from laboratory test soil parameters
3.2 Pile capacity from in-situ test soil parameters
3.3 Pile group capacity
4 Earth retaining structures 9 hours Chapters 15
4.1 Earth pressure theory
4.2 Gravity retaining walls
4.3 Flexible retaining walls
5 Natural slopes and embankments 6 hours Chapter 16
5.1 Stability of slopes using computer solutions
5.2 Stability of slopes using chart solutions

Total 39 hours

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