Exercitii Cu Present Simple Si Present Continuous

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Exercitii cu Present Simple si Present Continuous

1. Puneti verbele din urmatoarele propozitii (Present Simple) la interogativ si negativ:

1. She talks too much.
2. I understand you.
3. You play the piano very well.
4. I always believe you.
5. He remembers my phone number.
. !hey live in "ucharest.
#. He has a hot bath every day.
$. I trust my %riend.
&. I have lunch at one o'clock.
1. Ea vorbete prea mult.
2. Te neleg.
3. Cni la pian foarte bine.
4. ntotdeauna te cred.
. El i amintete num!rul meu de telefon.
". #ocuie$c in %ucure$ti.
&. El face o baie fierbinte n fiecare 'i.
(. )m ncredere n prietenul meu.
*. +au ma$a de prn' la o ora unu.
2. Puneti verbele din urmatoarele propozitii (Present Continuous) la negativ si interogativ:
1. It is rainin(.
2. I am havin( a walk.
3. He is tellin( the truth.
4. You are typin( a letter.
5. !hey are swimmin( in the river.
. )y %riend is wearin( a new dress.
#. )y mother is restin(.
$. *e are studyin( +n(lish.
&. ,nn is knittin(.
1-. !he child is learnin( to play the piano.
1. ,loua.
2. -ac o plimbare.
3. El $pune adev!rul.
4. .actilografiai o $cri$oare.
. Ei no!t n ru.
". ,rietena mea poart! o roc/ie nou!.
&. 0ama $e odi/ne$te.
(. 1oi $tudiem limba engle'!.
*. )nn tricotea'!.
12. Copilul nv!a $! cnte la pian.
3. Puneti verbele din paranteze la Present Simple sau la Present Continuous:
1. I .not (o/ shoppin( because it .rain/. m not going raining
2. *hat you .do/ on Sundays0 Do you do
3. He usually .drink/ co%%ee but now he .drink/ tea. drinks drinks
4. In +n(land it o%ten .rain/. rains
5. I .not like/ that boy. Dont like
6. He usually .speak/ so 1uickly that I .not understand/ him. speaks dont
7. You .like/ this book0 do you
8. You .dream/ at ni(ht0 Yes2 I .dream/ every ni(ht. do you dream dream
9. I can't answer the phone now because I .cook/. Im ooking
1!. How you usually .(et/ to work0 I usually .(o/ by bus2 but now I .take/ a ta3i
because I am late. do you usually get go Im taking
11. !he mana(er can't receive you now as he .have/ an interview. is "a#ing
12. You .write/ to 4ohn now0 Yes2 I .be/. I always .write/ to him on his birthday.
are you $riting am $rite
13. *here you .hurry/0 !o the theatre2 as I .not want/ to miss the %irst act. Do you
"urry dont $ant
14. She always .borrow/ books %rom me and never .remember/ to (ive them back.
%orro$s remem%ers
15. You .(o/ to work every day0 Yes2 o% course2 e3cept Saturdays and Sundays. go
16. *hy you .smoke/ so much0 do you smoke
17. *ho you .wait/ %or0 I .wait/ %or 4ohn2 but he is late2 as usual. are you $aiting
Im $aiting
18. I always .have/ a rest a%ter lunch. "a#e
19. *hat you .think/ o%0 I .think/ o% my mother 5ust now. &re you t"inking Im
2!. You .know/ what time is it0 Do you kno$
4. Traduceti in limba engleza:
1. Iarna nin(e.
2. 6uminica el nu se scoala devreme.
3. +u nu studie7 seara.
4. 8e %aci0 8itesti sau privesti la televi7or0
5. Secretara tocmai bate la masina un re%erat.
. +a mer(e la cumparaturi s9mbata.
#. ,cum imi %ac temele la en(le7a.
$. :u;mi place ca%eaua.
&. 8e carte citesti0
1-. <a ce ora se scoala 4ohn dimineata0
11. 8e %aci tu in 7ilele libere0
12. 8ui ii tele%one7i0
13. +l nu mer(e la scoala cu metroul2 mer(e pe 5os.
14. 6e ce deschi7i %ereastra0
15. ,desea citesc carti en(le7esti.
1. +a isi %ace ba(a5ul.
1#. 89t de des le scrii parintilor tai0
1$. 89nd mer( la mare imi place sa inot mult.
1&. 8lientul tocmai isi ale(e o pereche de panto%i.
3n 4inter it $no4$.
5unda6 /e doe$n7t get up earl6.
+ do not $tud6 at nig/t.
8/at are 6ou doing9 :eading or 4atc/ing T;9
T/e $ecretar6 i$ <u$t t6ping on a paper mac/ine.
5/e goe$ $/opping on 5aturda6.
1o4 +7m doing m6 Engli$/ /ome4or=.
+ do not li=e coffee.
8/at boo= are 6ou reading9
8/at time doe$ >o/n 4a=e up in t/e morning9
8/at do 6ou do at 4ee=end$9 +n 6our da6$ off
8/o are 6ou calling9
?e doe$n7t go to $c/ool b6 $ub4a6@ /e 4al=$.
8/6 are 6ou opening t/e 4indo49
+ often read Engli$/ boo=$.
5/e7$ pac=ing.
?o4 often do 6ou 4rite 6our parent$9
8/en + go to t/e $ea + li=e to $4im a lot.
T/e cu$tomer i$ <u$t c/oo$ing a pair of $/oe$.

Exercitii cu Past Tense Simple si Continuous
1. Puneti verbele din urmatoarele propozitii la Past Tense Simple:
1. I sleep until & o'clock every day. I slept until 9 olok yesterday.
2. He meets 4ohn on Sundays. I met 'o"n on (unday.
3. You speak +n(lish well. )ou spoke *nglis" $ell.
4. You drink too much. )ou drank to mu".
5. You ask too many 1uestions. )ou asked too many +uestions.
. I play %ootball. I played ,oot%all.
#. I own two umbrellas. I o$ned t$o um%rellas.
$. I like to have a co%%ee in the mornin(. I liked to "a#e a o,,ee in t"e morning.
&. !hat sounds interestin(. -"at sounded interesting.
1-. I always make cakes on Sundays. I made akes on (unday.
1. Puneti verbele din urmatoarele propozitii la negativ si interogativ:
1. He thou(ht about you.
2. !hey drank all the wine.
3. I hated him.
4. He chan(ed his library book every day.
5. I sold my car.
. *e worked very hard.
#. He came home late.
$. I en5oyed travellin(.
&. He translated the te3t.
1-. He %orbade her to do this.
1. Puneti verbele din paranteze la Past Tense Simple sau Continuous:
1. *hen you .come in/2 I talk on the phone. $ere oming
2. *hen I %irst .meet/ him2 he .work/ in a bank. met $orked
3. *hile he .learn/ to drive2 he .have/ an accident. $as learning "ad
4. ,s I .write/2 someone .rin( up/. $as $riting rang up
5. *here you .(o/ when I .meet/ you0 $ere you going met
. *hat you .do/ this time yesterday0 $ere you doing
#. *hen I .enter/ the classroom2 the teacher .write/ on the blackboard. entered $as $riting
$. *hen I .arrive/2 she .have/ dinner. arri#ed $as "a#ing
&. !his time last Sunday2 I .watch/ a %ilm on !=. $as $at"ing
1-. He suddenly .reali7e/ that he .not wear/ his (lasses. reali.ed didnt $ear
1. Traduceti in limba engleza:
1. Soarele nu a apus la ora $ aseara.
2. ,i dormit bine noaptea trecuta0
3. Ieri nu am mers la ba7inul de inot.
4. );am sculat t9r7iu ieri dimineata.
5. 6uminica trecuta prietenii mei au 5ucat sah.
. Ieri pe vremea asta ploua.
#. 8e %aceai martea trecuta la ora # dimineata0
$. )a pre(ateam sa mer( la %acultate.
&. In timp ce imi cautam pasaportul am (asit aceasta %oto(ra%ie veche.
1-. "aietii 5ucau carti c9nd l;au au7it pe tatal lor intr9nd in casa.
11. +i au ascuns imediat cartile si si;au scos manualele de scoala.
12. 89nd te;ai intors de la munte0
13. 89nd ai cumparat acest televi7or0
14. Ieri mi;am pierdut manusile.
15. "atea un v9nt puternic c9nd am iesit din casa.
1. >nde ti;ai petrecut concediul vara trecuta0
1#. Ieri m;am sculat devreme2 mi;am luat micul de5un si apoi am plecat la scola.
1$. ,cum doua 7ile am ca7ut si mi;am rupt piciorul.
1&. Saptam9na trecuta am %ost bolnav si nu am mers la scoala.
2-. +l a dat primul e3amen saptam9na trecuta.
21. 8ine a c9sti(at meciul alaltaieri0
22. In timp ce ploua2 eu conduceam masina spre Sinaia.
1. T/e 5un didn7t $un$et at ( la$t nig/t.
2. .id 6ou $leep 4ell la$t nig/t9
3. Ae$terda6 + didn7t go to t/e $4imming pool.
4. + got up late 6e$terda6 morning.
. #a$t 5unda6 m6 friend$ pla6ed c/e$$.
". T/i$ time Ae$terda6 it 4a$ raining.
&. 8/at 4ere 6ou doing la$t Tue$da6 at & in t/e morning9
(. + 4a$ preparing to go to College.
*. 8/ile + 4a$ loo=ing for m6 pa$$port + found t/i$ old p/oto.
12. T/e bo6$ 4ere pla6ing card$ 4/en t/e6 /eard t/eir fat/er entering t/e /ou$e.
11. T/e6 immediatel6 /id t/e card$ and pulled out t/eir $c/ool teBtboo=$.
12. 8/en 4ere 6ou bac= from t/e mountain9
13. 8/en did 6ou bu6 t/i$ T;9
14. Ae$terda6 + lo$t m6 glove$.
1. +t 4a$ beating a $trong 4ind 4/en + 4al=ed out of t/e /ou$e.
1". 8/ere did 6ou $pend 6our la$t $ummer9
1&. Ae$terda6 + got up earl6@ + /ad m6 brea=fa$t and t/en + 4ent to $c/ool.
1(. T4o da6$ ago + fell and bro=e m6 leg.
1*. #a$t 4ee= + 4a$ $ic= and + didn7 go to $c/ool.
22. ?e gave t/e fir$t eBam la$t 4ee=.
21. 8/o 4on t/e matc/ t/e da6 before 6e$terda69
22. 8/ile it 4a$ raining@ + 4a$ driving to 5pain.
Exercitii cu Present Perfect Simple si Continuous
1. olositi Present Per!ect Simple in locul in!initivelor din paranteze:
1. *here you .be/0 I .be/ to the market. "a#e you %een "a#e %een
2. You .water/ the %lowers0 have watered
3. He 5ust .leave/ home. "as /ust le,t
4. I .lend/ him some money today. I "a#e lent
5. !here isn't any train service because the en(ine ? drivers .(o/ on strike. "a#e $ent
. *ould you like a cake0
#. :o2 thank you2 I 5ust .have/ one. "a#e /ust "ad
$. I already .see/ this %ilm. "a#e already seen
&. He .not come/ home yet. "asnt ome "ome
1-. I .not be/ to the seaside this year. "a#ent %een
11. I .buy/ a new house. You must come and see it. "a#e %oug"t
12. You .visit/ the =illa(e )useum0 "a#e you #isited
13. You ever .eat/ caviar0 "a#e you e#er eaten
14. I .not write/ to my %riend %or three months. "a#ent $riten
15. It .not rain/ since 6ecember. "asnt rained
1. You ever .drive/ a car0 "a#e you e#er dri#en
1#. He always .rely on/ his %riend. "as al$ays relied
1$. You .read/ Sorescu's last book0 "a#e you read
1&. You .pay/ the telephone bill0 "a#e you payed
2-. He .not (o/ to bed yet. hasn't (one
21. How lon( you .live/ here0 "a#e you li#ed
22. I .live/ here %or one year. "a#e li#ed
1. olositi Present Per!ect Simple sau Continuous in locul in!initivelor din paranteze:
1. He .%ish/ %or two hours but he .catch/ nothin( yet. "as %een ,is"ing "asnt aug"t
2. *e .know/ each other %or several years. "a#e %een kno$ing
3. !he radio .play/ since # a.m. I'm tired o% it. "as %een plaing
4. I .shop/ all day and I want to have a rest now. "a#e %een s"opping
5. How lon( you .wear/ (lasses0 "a#e %een $earing
6. I .cook/ all the mornin(. "a#e ooked
7. How many dishes you .cook/0 "a#e ooked
8. *hy you .be/ in the (arden so lon(0 "a#e you %een
9. I .water/ the %lowers. "a#e $atered
1!. He .sleep/ %or 1- hours now. It's time we woke him up. "as %een sleeping
11. I .ask/ you to clean your room %or two days. *hen are you (oin( to do it0 "a#e %een asking
12. +ver since that woman came to work here2 she .try/ to make trouble. "as %een trying
1. olositi Present Per!ect Simple sau Continuous sau Past Tense Simple in locul
1. I .lose/ my pen. You .not see/ it anywhere0 "a#e lost "a#ent you seen
:o2 I haven't. *hen you .use/ it last0 "a#e you used
2. Your ever .try/ to (ive up smokin(0 "a#e you e#er tried
Yes2 I .try/ last year but I .not succeed/. tried didnt sueed
3. You .see/ your mother this week0 did you see
:o2 she .leave/ %or "rasov a week a(o. le,t
4. You .be/ out o% work lon(0 "a#e %een
5. I am not out o% work now. I .(et/ a 5ob last month. got
. I .wear/ my hair lon( since I .be/ a little (irl. "a#e %een $earing $as
#. She .chan(e/ a lot since I .see/ her last. "as "anged sa$
$. I .do/ a lot o% work since I .(et up/ in the mornin(. did got up
&. !he child .play/ the piano since I .return/ %rom school. "as %een playing returned
1-. It .rain/ since we .leave/ "ucharest. "as %een raining le,t
11. He .be/ very ill since the holidays .be(in/. "as %een %egan
1. Traduceti in limba engleza !olosind Past Tense Simple sau Present Per!ect Simple sau
1. 8ine te;a invatat sa vorbesti en(le7a at9t de bine0
2. >nde ti;ai petrecut vacanta anul acesta0
3. );am (9ndit adesea sa;mi iau carnet de conducere.
4. 6e c9t timp inveti en(le7a0
5. =remea s;a incal7it in ultimul timp.
. +l este ministru de doi ani.
#. !raduc un te3t de doua ore si nu l;am terminat inca.
$. +l a scris numai doua scrisori de c9nd a plecat in strainatate.
&. >n copil a spart (eamul. !rebuie sa;l inlocuim.
1-. :in(e de doua ore.
11. ,m mers pe 5os 1- km p9na acum.
12. )er(em pe 5os de la ora 3.
13. 6e c9nd mi;am cumparat masina2 am mers arareori pe 5os la slu5ba.
14. <a ce te;ai uitat0
15. , %ost un accident.
1. 8u cine ai votat la ultimele ale(eri0
1#. :u am mers la vot. ,m stat acasa si nu am re(retat nici o clipa.
1$. ,i va7ut 7iarul de a7i0
1&. , plecat 4ohn0
2-. 6a2 a plecat acum o ora.
21. !i;ai luat de5a micul de5un0
22. 6a2 l;am luat la ora $.
23. ,i mai %ost in acest oras0
24. 6a2 am petrecut o luna aici2 acum doi ani.
25. +i lucrea7a la aceasta casa de un an si nu au terminat;o inca.
Exercitii cu Past Simple si Continuous
1. Puneti verbele din paranteze la Past Per!ect Simple:
1. ,%ter they .%inish/ dinner2 they drank some co%%ee. "ad ,inis"ed
2. She said she already .be/ to +n(land. "ad %een
3. He asked me whether I .meet/ 4ohn be%ore. "ad met
4. She discovered her child .not tell/ the truth. "adnt told
5. He told me he .catch/ some %ish on that day. "ad aug"t
. ,t 3 o'clock on @riday2 I .return/ %rom school. "ad returned
#. !he house was much smaller then he .think/ at %irst. "ad t"oug"t
$. !he %ire .spread/ to the ne3t buildin( when the %iremen arrived. "ad spread
&. *e were shocked to hear she .not pass/ the e3am. "adnt passed
1-. !he child .eat/ all the cakes be%ore his mother became aware o% it. "ad eaten
1. Puneti verbele din paranteze la Past Per!ect Continuous:
1. *hen I le%t home2 it .rain/ %or one hour. 0ad %een raining
2. *hen we met them2 they .wait/ %or the bus %or hal% an hour. "ad %een $aiting
3. *hen I arrived home2 mother .cook/ %or two hours. "ad %een ooking
4. *hen she sat %or the e3am2 she .study/ the sub5ect %or a week. "ad %een studying
5. *hen I ran( her up2 she .write/ letters %or one hour . "ad %een $riting
. *hen she decided to have a rest2 she .clean/ and .dust/ %or 5 hours. "ad %een leaning
#. ,%ter 4ane .swim/ %or hal% an hour2 she %elt chilly. "ad %een s$imming
$. *hen I called on her une3pectedly2 I reali7ed she .have/ a party. "ad %een "a#ing
&. *hen we reached the top2 we .climb/ %or # hours. "ad %een lim%ing
1-. *hen we arrived at Sinaia2 somebody told us it .rain/ %or hours. "ad %een raining
1. Puneti verbele din paranteza la Past Per!ect Simple sau Continuous sau la Past Tense
1. !he pro%essor .speak/ %or 1- minutes when I .enter/ the hall."ad %een speaking entered
2. ,%ter 4ohn .listen to/ the news bulletin2 he .(o/ downstairs to have dinner. "ad listened $ent
3. He .tell/ me he .be/ to the theatre the day be%ore.told $ent
4. *e .ask/ him what countries he .visit/. &sked "ad #isited
5. He .learn/ +n(lish %or two years be%ore he .(o/ to +n(land %or the %irst time. "ad learnt $ent
6. She 5ust .(o/ out when I .call at/ her house. "ad /ust gone alled
7. !he river became deeper a%ter it .rain/ heavily %or a %ew hours. "ad rained
8. ,%ter 4ohn .leave/2 she .tell/ me they .be/ %riends %or %ive years. le,t told "ad %een
9. ,%ter we .walked/ %or an hour2 we .reali7e/ we .lose/ our way. $alked "ad reali.ed lost
1!. *hen I .%ind out/ he .(et married/2 I .rin( up/ him and .con(ratulate/ him. ,ound "ad got
married rang "im up ongratulated
1. Traduceti in limba engleza !olosind Past Per!ect Simple sau Continuous sau Past Tense
1. )i;a parut rau ca il 5i(nisem.
2. +l mi;a multumit pentru ceea ce %acusem pentru el.
3. 6e indata ce a terminat de scris lucrarea2 a inm9nat;o pro%esorului.
4. +l nu %acuse nimic inainte de a;mi cere mie s%atul.
5. 6e indata ce au plecat musa%irii2 am mers la culcare.
. 89nd am a5uns la statia de autobu72 mi;am dat seama ca imi lasasem poseta acasa.
#. Secretara mi;a spus ca directorul vorbea la tele%on de o 5umatate de ora.
$. +i mi;au spus ca locuiau in @ranta din 1&$-.
&. :u ti;am tele%onat pentru ca am cre7ut ca plecasesi in strainatate.
1-. +i au calatorit in multe tari dupa ce s;au casatorit.
+ 4a$ $orr6 t/at + offended /im.
?e t/an=ed me for 4/at + /ave done for /im.
3nce /e /a$ fini$/ed 4riting t/e paper@ /e /anded it to t/e teac/er.
?e /ad not done an6t/ing before /e a$=ed for m6 advice.
3nce t/e gue$t$ left@ + 4ent to bed.
8/en 4e got to t/e bu$ $tation@ + reali'ed t/at + /ad left m6 pur$e at /ome.
T/e $ecretar6 told me t/at t/e manager 4a$ on t/e p/one for /alf an /our.
T/e6 told me t/at t/e6 /ave lived in -rance $ince 1*(2.
+ /aven7t called becau$e + t/oug/t 6ou 4ere gone abroad.
T/e6 traveled to man6 countrie$ after t/e6 /ad got married.
Exercitii cu timpurile Future"
1. Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul uture Simple:
1. I .know/ the results in three days' time.
2. You .be/ in <ondon tomorrow.
3. You .reco(ni7e/ him when you see him0
4. I .remember/ this day all my li%e.
5. I am sure you .like/ this book.
. He .be/ pleased i% you invite him.
#. I am sure I .succeed/.
$. You .remember/ to post my letter0
&. I hope I .pass/ the e3am.
1-. You .not %ind/ a solution i% you don't know the whole truth.
1. Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul uture Continuous:
1. !his time ne3t month2 I .swim/ in the sea.
2. *hen you reach Sinaia2 it probably .rain/.
3. 6on't rin( her up at $ o'clock p.m. She .watch/ !=.
4. You .need/ the vacuum cleaner tomorrow or may I borrow it0
5. I am sure when I arrive home2 the baby .cry/.
. <et's hurry to the beach. !he sun .rise/ in 1- minutes.
#. He .study/ all day tomorrow.
$. !his time ne3t day2 we .climb/ the mountain.
&. !omorrow mornin( at $ o'clock2 I .have/ break%ast.
1-. 6on't e3pect me home %or dinner2 I .work/ at the o%%ice till late at ni(ht.
3. Puneti verbele din paranteze la timpul uture Per!ect Simple sau Continuous:
1. In a week's time2 we .take/ our e3am.
2. I .%inish/ readin( the newspapers by lunch time.
3. :e3t year2 they .be married/ %or 25 years.
4. I% we don't hurry2 the sun .rise/ be%ore we reach the beach.
5. "y the end o% the season2 one hundred thousand people .spend/ their holidays at the seaside.
. "y the time you come home2 I .cook/ %or two hours.
#. *hen I take the e3am2 I .read/ all the books on the biblio(raphy list.
$. "y the be(innin( o% ne3t week2 I .work/ on this paper %or a month.
&. "y 5 o'clock2 you .see/ all the e3hibits in the museum.
1-. "y the end o% the month2 I .pay o%%/ all my debts.
4. Traduceti in limba engleza !olosind unul din tipurile de viitor:
1. A9na anul viitor pe vremea aceasta2 vor %i economisit 5 milioane.
2. 8e %aci m9ine dimineata la ora 110
3. =oi vi7ita t9r(ul international.
4. ,m cumparat o masina de scris si voi invata sa bat.
5. A9na la s%9rsitul lunii2 voi %i va7ut acest %ilm de 5 ori.
. !renul va %i plecat inainte de a a5un(e noi la (ara.
#. A9na la ora 12 ea va %i terminat curatenia in casa.
$. =ineri2 intre orele 12 si 12 ei vor avea ultima ora de en(le7a.
&. +l va studia in biblioteca luni de la ora 1 la 5.
1-. 6in cau7a (revei so%erilor de autobu7e multa lume va mer(e pe 5os la slu5ba2 m9ine.
11. >ite ce am cumparat la o licitatieB
12. + un obiect %rumos. >nde il vei pune0

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