ar40771-LingBaoGold 2008

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G r o w t h I n n o v a t i o n P r o g r e s s G r o w t h I n n o v a t i o n P r o g r e s s

Annual Report 2008 年報

二零零八年報 Annual Report 2008

Corporate Information 2
Financial Highlights 4
Corporate Profile 6
Chairman’s Statement 7
Management Discussion and Analysis 10
Profile of Directors, Supervisors and 19
  Senior Management
Corporate Governance Report 23
Report of the Supervisory Committee 33
Directors’ Report 36
Independent Auditor’s Report 43
Consolidated Income Statement 45
Consolidated Balance Sheet 46
Balance Sheet 48
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 50
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 51
Notes to the Financial Statements 53
Five Years Summary 136
2 Corporate Information

Directors Alternate Authorised Representative

Poon, Lawrence Chi Leung (ASCPA, HKICPA)
Executive Directors
Xu Gaoming (Chairman) International Auditor
Wang Jianguo KPMG
Lu Xiaozhao
Jin Guangcai PRC Auditor
Liu Pengfei Peking Certified Public Accountants
Zhang Guo
Legal Adviser
Non-executive Director DLA Piper Hong Kong
Wang Yumin

Principal Bankers
Independent Non-executive Directors
Bank of China, Lingbao City Branch
Niu Zhongjie
Agricultural Bank of China, Lingbao City Branch
Wang Han
China Construction Bank, Lingbao City Branch
Yan Wanpeng
Industrial Bank, Zhengzhou Branch
Du Liping
Bank of Communications, Zhengzhou Branch
Liu Shengmin Share Registrar and Transfer
  (Chairman of the Supervisory Committee) Office for H Shares
Meng Fanrui Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited
Guo Xuchang Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor
Zhu Yusheng Hopewell Centre
Yang Bo 183 Queen’s Road East
Hang Zhanping Wanchai
Jiao Xiaoxiao Hong Kong

Audit Committee Registered Office of the Company

Yan Wanpeng (Chairman of Audit Committee) Xin Village, Yinzhuang Town
Wang Yumin Daonan Industrial Area
Niu Zhongjie Lingbao
Wang Han Henan
Du Liping The PRC

Joint Company Secretaries Principal Place of Business in

Poon, Lawrence Chi Leung (ASCPA, HKICPA)
Hong Kong
Qi Haihua
Room 1902, 19th Floor
MassMutual Tower
Qualified Accountant
Poon, Lawrence Chi Leung (ASCPA, HKICPA)
38 Gloucester Road
Authorised Representatives Hong Kong
Jin Guangcai
Qi Haihua

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Corporate Information 3

Stock Information
Stock Code : 3330
Listing Date : 12 January 2006
Issued Shares : 297,274,000 shares (H Shares)
472,975,091 shares (Domestic Shares)
Nominal Value : RMB0.20 per share
Stock Name : Lingbao Gold
Website of the Company :

Investor Relations
Mr. Poon, Lawrence Chi Leung
Hong Kong Office
Room 1902, 19th Floor
MassMutual Tower
38 Gloucester Road
Hong Kong
Email: [email protected]

Ms. Qi Haihua
PRC Office
Xin Village, Yinzhuang Town
Daonan Industrial Area
The People’s Republic of China
(Postcode: 472500)
Tel: (86-398) 2296880
Fax: (86-398) 8860-166
Email: [email protected]

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

4 Financial Highlights



3,000,000 2,844,560

2,500,000 2,234,975

1,500,000 1,223,429


2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Profit Attributable to Equity Shareholders

219,836 222,270




2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Financial Highlights 5

Sales Analysis by Products

1.4% 4.0%


2007 2008

77.5% 76.9%

Gold bullio Siver Copper products

Copper foils Copper cords Sulphuric acid

Capital Resources

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Total assets 809,907 1,055,462 2,774,925 3,400,303 4,085,156

Cash and cash equivalents 76,506 117,861 431,647 389,651 575,478

Bank and other borrowings 294,750 405,420 938,270 1,303,131 1,738,430

Shareholder equity 337,715 492,618 1,516,213 1,672,046 1,703,437

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

6 Corporate Profile

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. (“Lingbao Gold” or the “Company” and together with its subsidiaries,
the “Group”) is listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock
Exchange”) since 12 January 2006.

The Group is an integrated gold mining enterprise in the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”), and is
mainly engaged in gold mining, smelting and refining. The products of the Group are gold, silver, copper
products, copper foils, copper cords and sulphuric acid. The Shanghai Gold Exchange certified the Group
as a standard gold bullion production enterprise. The Group’s mineral resources are scattered in the
PRC regions of Henan, Xinjiang, Jiangxi, Inner Mongolia, Gansu and Kyrgyz Republic with 55 mining
and exploration rights with a total area of 1,310.84 sq. km. The total gold reserve and resources as
at 31 December 2008 was approximately 125.49 tonnes (approximately 4,034,597 ounce). In 2008,
approximately 14,001 kg (approximately 450,143 ounce) of gold was produced with the profit for the
year amounting to RMB106,761,000.

The objective of the Group’s strategy in the future is continuous expansion, to become the leading
integrated gold mining enterprise in the PRC and gradually promote our brand in the international
market. The Group will focus on the exploration and expansion of production scale and continue to
acquire gold resources with potential, in order to increase the self-produced gold and gold reserve and
resources and enhance the Group’s self-sufficiency rate.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Chairman’s Statement 7

Dear Shareholders, I. Production Scale of the Mines

I am pleased to report the profit before tax of the Operated by the Group
Group of RMB122,244,000 for the year ended In 2008, Lingbao Hongxin Mining Limited
31 December 2008, representing a year-on-year Liability Company successfully completed
the reconstruction of its processing plant,
decrease of 63.9%. Profit for the year of the Group
and thus the Group now has the ability to
amounted to RMB106,761,000, representing a
process molybdenum. The acquisition of a
year-on-year decrease of 52.2%. Earnings per
100-tonne/day processing plant by Chifeng
share of the Group was RMB0.14. The decrease in Jinchan Mining Company Limited (“Chifeng
profit of the Group in 2008 as compared with the Jinchan”) further expanded the production
previous year was mainly attributed to the sharp capacity of the Group. In addition, Full Gold
fall in prices of silver, copper and sulphuric acid Mining Limited Liability Company (“Full
in the second half of 2008, which had a negative Gold”) also completed the ore-processing
impact on the earnings of the Group. test, which laid a solid foundation for the
construction of a processing plant.
After discussion by the board (the “Board”) of
directors (the “Directors”) of the Company, the In respect of smelting, after the relocation
Directors do not recommend the payment of any of the fine-smelting workshop, the
integrated management of refinery and
final dividend for the year ended 31 December
smelting operation was achieved. The fully
automated flow process further enhanced
our production capacity and the quality of
Review for the Year 2008 our gold bullion.
In 2008, the international gold price rose to a
closing price of approximately US$882 per ounce II. Expansion of the Group’s Resources
from an opening price of approximately US$841 In 2008, after acquiring Hejiagou mine
per ounce. Gold price approached the historical region, the Group already paved the
high of approximately US$1,032 per ounce in way for effective control of the in-depth
the first quarter of 2008, mainly aroused by the deposits of Xiaoqinling Mountain. The
dumping of US dollar and the sharp increase of Group also acquired the entire interest
global commodity prices. Crisis in the international in Lingbao Wason Copper-Foil Co., Ltd.
financial market, which was triggered by the (“Wason Copper-Foil”), which is principally
engaged in the further processing of
financial storm that raged in the second half
copper products. Meanwhile, a rigorous
of 2008, led to credit crunch, downturn of
inspection and data collection on mineral
economies, and plummeting of the stock markets
resources in provinces such as Xinjiang,
and the bulk commodity markets. Among the Gansu, Qinghai, Hunan, Yunnan, Sichuan
four major products of the Company, namely gold and Jiangxi was carried out. In overseas
bullion, silver, copper and sulphuric acid, three of operations, the Group acquired mining
them (silver, copper and sulphuric acid) underwent rights of Istanbul Gold Mine in the Kyrgyz
severe price decline, therefore the gross profit Republic. Currently, the Group controls
margin of our smelting segment suffered a severe seven major development bases, including
impact. Lingbao, Nanyang Tongbai, Jiangxi Wuyuan,
Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia Chifeng, Gansu
Tianshui and Kyrgyz Republic.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

8 Chairman’s Statement

III. Continued the Efforts in Exploration Business Outlook of 2009

to Increase the Group’s Reserves In 2009, the Group will accelerate its overseas
Lingbao Gold continued to strengthen its expansion, optimise its financial structure,
technological management, and enhance strengthen its corporate governance, implement
its geological fundamental works. In stringent cost control, and improve its production
2008, the geological investigation design and operation, in order to tackle the current
of 5 gold mines in Xinjiang, including economic crisis. Our first priority is to expand
Kangcun Copper Mine, Hamijiyuan Mine, production capacity of mining, to focus on
Shuangqing Copper Mine, Aketubai Mine, exploration and expansion of resources in prime
and Tikebulakexi Mine, were completed. regions, to tighten cost control and to improve
Exploration activities in the neighbouring quality management. For the Group, 2009 is full
area of the Chifeng Jinchan and geological of challenges, opportunities, pressure and hope.
inspection and drilling in Xiaobeigou
The business strategies of the Company in 2009
Multi-Metal Mine of Chifeng Lingjin in
Inner Mongolia were in progress. In Jiangxi
Province, the geological investigation for
1. To focus on gold production while
the Jinjingdong Mine (owned by Jiangxi
diversifying our operations. The Group
Mingxin Mining Company Limited) and
will accelerate exploration of its mines,
the neighbouring area of Shanzaoling
strengthen exploration efforts and ensure
Mountain (owned by Wuyuan County
maximum effectiveness in order to build
Jincheng Mining Company Limited) were
up its gold reserves. To secure rapid
completed. In addition, the systematic economic returns, the Company will also
geological investigation in the mine area increase exploration capacity, raise selection
of the Shangshanghe River (operated by standards, expand production plants, and
Tongbai Xingyuan Mining Company Limited) ensure satisfactory operation rate and
was carried out, and the exploration design recovery rate.
in its neighbouring area was completed.
2. To implement stringent cost control to
IV. Environmental Protection improve management efficiency. The
By sticking to the operational policy of Company will enhance its corporate
“Safety First, Emphasis on Precaution and management by implementing the so-called
Integrated Management”, the Company “6 guaranteed and 4 lower” measures as
implemented accountability system for follows: guaranteed quantity purchased
safety and environment protection. In from mines, guaranteed quantity leached
2008, there was no significant liability issue from plants, guaranteed operation rate,
against the Company due to its meticulous guaranteed recovery rate, guaranteed mines
inspection on rectification tasks. grade and guaranteed annual production;
and lower loss rate, lower depletion
ratio, lower production cost and lower
administrative expenses. The Company aims
to increase corporate efficiency through
implementation of above measures, so
as to tackle the current economic crisis

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Chairman’s Statement 9

3. The Company will accelerate the Appreciation

development of gold mines in Kyrgyz On behalf of the Board, I wish to express our
Republic to yield good returns as soon sincere gratitude to all the shareholders for their
as possible. To achieve this goal, the support and trust, and to the management and all
Company needs to reduce unpredictable the staff for their dedication and hard work over
risks and make overseas gold mines as a the past year.
significant supportive factor, so as to lay
a solid foundation and create a buoyant By order of the Board
environment for the future development of Xu Gaoming
the Group. Chairman

4 The Company will continue to recruit Hong Kong

experts, to introduce excellent, professional 24 April 2009
and highly educated experts, among whom,
those who are specialised in technology,
securities, capital operation, foreign
trade and management are our most
important assets. The Group will establish
and complete an expert evaluation and
assessment system, and will improve its
management measures and assessment
mechanisms, so as to attract the real
experts to join, to stay and do good job
for the Group. The Company will also offer
more training for staff at different levels
and positions, so as to improve the quality
of our staff.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

10 Management Discussion and Analysis

Review of Business and Prospect Given that raw materials accounted for over 80%
In 2008, the Group produced approximately 14,001 of total production cost, the Group intends to
kg (equivalent to approximately 450,143 ounce) increase its self-produced output of mineral sand
gold, representing an increase of approximately through acquisition and expansion of mining
1,009 kg (equivalent to approximately 32,440 operation, thereby uplifting the overall production
ounce) or 7.8% as compared with the previous and operation targets so as to minimise the risks
year. The Group’s turnover for 2008 increased associated with the raw materials purchased from
by 25.1% to approximately RMB3,559,089,000. outsiders.
The profit for the year was approximately
RMB106,761,000, representing a decrease of 1. Mining Segment
approximately 52.2% as compared with the
previous year. The Company’s basic earnings Turnover and production
per share decreased to RMB0.14 in 2008. The Our mining business mainly comprises the
decrease was mainly attributable to decline in sales of gold concentrates and compound
commodity prices in the second half of 2008, and gold. Most of the gold concentrates and
this adversely affected the profit of the Group. compound gold were sold to the Group’s
smelting plants as inter-segment sales.

The following table sets forth the analysis

on the production and sales volume of the
mining segment by product category:

2008 2007
Approximate Approximate Approximate Approximate
production sales production sales
Unit volume volume volume volume

Gold concentrates kg 1,711 1,650 1,912 1,864

Compound gold kg 1,222 1,228 1,039 1,039

From: Henan region 128 119 241 241

    Xinjiang region 728 748 519 519
    Inner Mongolia region 366 361 279 279

Total kg 2,933 2,878 2,951 2,903

Total ounce 94,298 92,530 94,875 93,334

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Management Discussion and Analysis 11

The Group’s total turnover of the mining Capital expenditure

segment for 2008 was approximately During the year 2008, the Group’s
RMB517,966,000, representing an increase capital expenditure was approximately
of approximately 11.6% from approximately RMB539,924,000, representing a decrease
RMB464,056,000 in 2007. During the of approximately 12.5% from approximately
year, turnover of gold mines in Henan, RMB617,378,000 in 2007.
Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia represented
approximately 56.1%, 28.3% and 15.6% The Group’s capital expenditure mainly
of the total turnover of the mining segment relates to the construction of mining shafts,
respectively. The production volume of purchase of exploration rights and mining
compound gold increased by approximately rights.
183 kg to approximately 1,222 kg while the
production volume of gold concentrates Prospect
decreased by approximately 201 kg to In view of global financial crisis and the
approximately 1,711 kg. This was mainly fluctuation in gold price, Lingbao Gold will
due to the commencement of production of continue to explore gold mines, such as
Henan’s Tongbai Xingyuan Mining Company Lingbao Nanshan Mine Region, Hongxin
Limited (“Tongbai Xingyuan“) in July 2007 Mine Region, Xinjiang Habahe, Nanyang
and the construction of the new processing Xingyuan and Jinchan in Inner Mongolia,
plant in Xinjiang mining region with a to conduct geographical and geological
daily processing capacity of 1,000 tonnes exploration for mineral deposits and to
of mined ores, which together brought research on mineralization across these
greater contribution to the Group’s mining regions. Meanwhile, the Group will also
operation in 2008 and led to an increase in continue to improve the gold production
the gold production. capacity in our gold mines, and to further
reduce the cost of extraction and supply.
Segment results The Group will complete the plant
The Group’s results of the mining construction project of Full Gold Mining
segment for 2008 was approximately Limited Liability Company (“Full Gold”) in
RMB33,816,000, representing a decrease of 2009 and planned to commence production
approximately 57.2% from approximately in late 2009 as scheduled.
RMB78,971,000 in 2007. The segment
result to segment turnover ratio of the
Group’s mining segment in 2008 was
approximately 6.5%, resulting in a decrease
of approximately 10.5% from approximately
17.0% in 2007.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

12 Management Discussion and Analysis

2. Smelting Segment
Our smelting plant is situated in Henan Province, and is capable of processing gold, silver, copper
and sulphur. Its main products include gold bullion, silver, copper products and sulphuric acid.
The following table sets forth the analysis on the production and sales volume of the smelting
segment by product category:

2008 2007
Approximate Approximate Approximate Approximate
production sales production sales
Product Unit volume volume volume volume

Gold bullion kg 14,001 13,956 12,992 12,803

ounce 450,143 448,696 417,703 411,626

Silver kg 40,157 22,521 40,005 37,601

ounce 1,291,078 724,067 1,286,191 1,208,900

Copper products tonne 12,193 11,344 9,940 8,771

Sulphuric acid tonne 177,491 176,824 150,846 149,397

Sales and production The daily processing capacity of the Group

The Group’s total turnover from the smelting is approximately 960 tonnes of gold
segment for 2008 was approximately concentrates, and the utilisation rate for
RMB3,527,681,000, representing an production was approximately 100%. This
increase of approximately 23.4% from resulted in an increase of approximately
approximately RMB2,859,283,000 in 2007. 7.8%, 0.4%, 22.7% and 17.7% in the
Such increase was principally attributable to Group’s production volume for gold, silver,
the increase in the sales of gold bullion as copper and sulphuric acid respectively
a result of an approximate 14.0% increase as compared with the previous year.
in selling price of gold bullion as compared During the year, gold recovery rate was
with the previous year, and an increase in approximately 96.5%, silver recovery rate
sales volume of 1,153kg to 13,956kg in was approximately 73.1% and the copper
2008 from 12,803kg in the previous year. recovery rate was approximately 95.2%.
The Group continued to maintain the
recovery rates at a high level.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Management Discussion and Analysis 13

Segment results Our principal capital expenditure relates

Our smelting segment results for 2008 to the smelting plant’s construction work,
was approximately RMB241,840,000, purchase of equipment with regard to
representing an approximate 16.6% decrease its expansion projects, and upgrading of
from approximately RMB290,129,000 in production equipment.
2007. The segment results to segment
turnover ratio of our smelting business in Prospect
2008 was approximately 6.9%, decreasing For smelting segment, the Group will
by approximately 3.2% from approximately continue to increase gold production,
10.1% in 2007. to strengthen production and operation
management, to improve raw material
Capital expenditures quality, to stabilise raw material
During the year 2008, the capital procurement, and to reduce smelting cost to
expenditure of the Group was fully leverage on the recent high gold price.
approximately RMB68,116,000, a decrease Meanwhile, we will monitor copper price
of approximately 56.3% from approximately in the market, actively to carry out sales of
RMB155,827,000 in 2007. copper, and will conduct market survey for
sulphuric acid, to maximise sale.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

14 Management Discussion and Analysis

Financial Condition

1. Combined Operating Results

The Group’s sales analysis by products is shown as follows:

2008 2007
Sales Unit price Sales Unit price
Amount volume RMB per Amount volume RMB per
RMB’000 kg/tonne kg/tonne RMB’000 kg/tonne kg/tonne

Gold bullion 2,743,352 13,956 kg 196,572 2,208,327 12,803 kg 172,485

Silver 76,991 22,521 kg 3,419 113,936 37,601 kg 3,030

Copper products 394,151 8,074 48,817 472,587 8,771 53,881
tonnes tonnes
Copper foils 161,535 2,249 71,825 – – –
Copper cords 48,973 940 52,099 – – –
Sulphuric acid 142,846 176,824 808 55,637 149,397 372
tonnes tonnes

Turnover before sales tax 3,567,848 2,850,487

Less: Sales tax (8,759) (5,927)

3,559,089 2,844,560

The Group’s turnover for 2008 was approximately RMB3,559,089,000, representing an

approximate 25.1% increase as compared with the previous year. Such increase was mainly
attributable to the increase of approximately 24.2% in the sales of gold bullion, as a result of the
increase in our average selling price and quantity of gold bullion sold of approximately 14.0%
and 9.0% respectively during the year.

During March 2008, the Group has acquired the entire interest in Lingbao Wason Copper-Foil
Co., Ltd (“Lingbao Wason”) for a consideration of RMB27,900,000. Lingbao Wason is principally
engaged in production of copper foil and copper cord. During 2008, production volume of copper
foil and copper cord were 2,330 tonnes and 1,013 tonnes respectively; sales volume of copper
foil and copper cord were 2,249 tonnes and 940 tonnes respectively.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Management Discussion and Analysis 15

Cost of sales Other net gain/(loss)

The Group’s cost of sales for 2008 was The Group’s other net gain for 2008 was
a p p ro x i m a t e l y RMB3,177,792,000, approximately RMB31,992,000 and net loss
representing an approximate 32.9% increase of approximately RMB4,494,000 for 2007.
from approximately RMB2,391,647,000 Such variance was mainly attributable
for 2007. Such increase was principally to the realised gain from derivative
attributable to the increase of approximate financial instruments of approximately
30.1% in the cost of raw materials, to RMB45,421,000.
RMB2,621,018,000 as a result of the
increase in production capacity, the growth Selling and distribution expenses
of purchase volume and the increase in gold The Group’s selling and distribution
price. Owing to the rise in gold price, the expenses for 2008 were approximately
unit purchase price of gold concentrates RMB19,881,000, representing an increase of
increased by approximately 16.4%, that is, approximately 38.6% as compared with the
from approximately RMB152,000 per kg in previous year. Such increase was principally
2007 to RMB177,000 per kg in 2008. attributable to the commencement of
production in Tongbai Xingyuan in July
Gross profit and gross profit margin 2007 and the acquisition of Lingbao Wason
The Group’s gross profit and gross profit in March 2008.
margin for 2008 were approximately
RMB381,297,000 and approximately 10.7% Administrative expenses and other
respectively, representing a decrease of operating expenses
approximately 15.9% and a decrease of The Group’s administrative expenses and
5.2% respectively as compared to 2007. As other operating expenses in 2008 were
a result of the decrease in copper and other approximately RMB174,082,000, representing
metal prices, the Group had recognised an approximate 27.7% increase from
an impairment loss on inventories of approximately RMB136,329,000 in 2007.
approximately RMB36,112,000 during the The increase was mainly attributable to the
year. expansion of the production and operation
scale of the Group.
Other revenue
The Group’s other revenue for 2008 Finance costs
was approximately RMB18,180,000, The Group’s finance costs in 2008 was
representing an approximate 87.3% approximately RMB115,262,000, representing
decrease as compared with approximately an approximate 13.4% increase from
RMB142,861,000 for 2007. Such change approximately RMB101,613,000 for 2007.
was principally attributable to the fact The increase was principally attributable to
that the Group terminated the acquisition the increase in bank and other borrowings of
of Shaanxi Jiusheng in 2007. Due to the approximately RMB435,299,000 for the year
termination of the proposed acquisition, ended 31 December 2008 as compared with
the Group received a compensation of the previous year.
RMB112,900,000 in 2007.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

16 Management Discussion and Analysis

Profit attributable to the Company’s loan of approximately RMB1,738,430,000

equity shareholders with interest rates ranged from 4.86% to
The Group’s profit attributable to our equity 6.93% per annum, of which approximately
shareholders in 2008 was approximately RMB1,280,000,000 was repayable within
RMB108,166,000, representing an one year, approximately RMB455,160,000
approximate 51.3% decrease from was repayable after one year but within two
approximately RMB222,270,000 in 2007. The years while approximately RMB3,270,000
net profit margin for 2008 was approximately was repayable after two years. The gearing
3.0%, representing a decrease of 4.8% to ratio as at 31 December 2008 was 42.6%
that of approximately 7.8% in 2007. The (31 December 2007: 38.3%) which was
Company’s basic earning per share was calculated by total borrowings divided by
RMB0.14. The Group does not recommend total assets.
the payment of dividend for the year.
3. Security
2. Liquidity and Financial Resources As at 31 December 2008, the mining
The Group generally finances its acquisition right of Istanbul Gold Mine amounting to
and operations with internally generated RMB145,328,000 at carrying value and the
funds and interest bearing borrowings. The ordinary shares of Full Gold were pledged
cash and bank balances as at 31 December for the borrowings from the National
2008 amounted to RMB575,478,000, of Development Bank.
which 8.1% was denominated in Hong
Kong dollars. 4. Material Acquisition
On 27 February 2008, the Group acquired
The shareholders’ equity of the Group the mining right of Istanbul Gold Mine
as at 31 December 2008 amounted to located in Kyrgyz Republic at a cash
RMB1,729,131,000 (31 December 2007: consideration of US$25,300,000. For details
RMB1,698,383,000). As at 31 December in relation to the acquisition, please refer to
2008, the Group had current assets of the announcement of the Company dated
RMB1,854,974,000 (31 December 2007: 27 February 2008.
RMB1,866,436,000) and current liabilities
of RMB1,785,865,000 (31 December 2007: 5. Market risks
RMB1,554,953,000). The current ratio was The Group is exposed to various types of
1.04 (31 December 2007: 1.20). market risks, including fluctuations in gold
price and other commodity prices, changes
As at 31 December 2008, the Group had in interest rates and exchange rates.
total outstanding bank loans and other

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Management Discussion and Analysis 17

Gold price and other commodities price freely convertible and the currency would
risk fluctuate against a basket of currencies. The
The Group’s turnover and profit during PRC government may take further actions
the year are affected by fluctuations in and implement new measures on free trade
the gold prices and other commodities of Renminbi.
price as all the products are sold at the
market prices with fluctuation not subject Apart from the above, the Group is also
to the control of the Group. We have exposed to exchange rate risk primarily
not used and strictly prohibit the use of through bank deposits and other payables
commodity derivative instruments or futures that are denominated in a currency
for speculation purpose, and all commodity other than the functional currency of
derivative instruments are only used to the operations to which they relate. The
minimise the potential price fluctuation of currencies giving rise to risk are primarily
gold and other commodities. Hong Kong dollars, United States dollars
and Japanese Yen.
Interest rate
The Group is exposed to risk resulting from Fluctuations in exchange rates may adversely
the fluctuation in interest rates on our affect the value of our net assets, earnings
debt obligations. The Group undertakes and any dividends we declare when such are
debt obligations for supporting capital being converted to Hong Kong dollars.
expenditure and general working capital.
Our bank loans bear interest rates that 6. Contractual obligations
are subject to adjustment made by our As at 31 December 2008, capital
lenders in accordance with changes of the commitments, including the construction costs
relevant People’s Bank of China (“PBOC”) not provided for in the financial statements,
regulations. If the PBOC increases the were approximately RMB176,184,000,
interest rates, our finance cost increases representing an increase of approximately
accordingly. In addition, to the extent that RMB152,702,000 from approximately
we may need to raise debt financing in the RMB23,482,000 as at 31 December 2007.
future, upward fluctuations in interest rates
will increase the cost of new debt. As at 31 December 2008, our total future
minimum lease payments under non-
Exchange rate risk cancellable operating leases amounted to
The Group’s transactions are mainly approximately RMB2,205,000, of which
denominated in Renminbi. Fluctuations in approximately RMB768,000 was payable
exchange rates may affect the international within one year, approximately RMB1,104,000
and domestic gold price, which may impact was payable after one year but within five
our results of operation. Renminbi is not years, and approximately RMB333,000 was
payable after five years.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

18 Management Discussion and Analysis

7. Contingent liabilities
The Company has given guarantee to a
bank to secure facilities of RMB100,000,000
(2007: RMB Nil) granted to a subsidiary and
such facilities have been fully utilised at 31
December 2008.

8. Human resources
In 2008, the average number of employees
of the Group was 4,339. The Company
highly treasures its human resources
and offers competitive remuneration to
employees and provides employees with
training programs.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Profile of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management 19


Executive Directors

Mr. Xu Gaoming(許高明先生), aged 50, chairman and an Executive Director. Mr. Xu completed
a postgraduate course in politics and economics at Shaanxi Normal University(陝西師範大學)and
obtained a MBA degree. Mr. Xu has 30 years’ working experience in the mining and smelting industry
and has overseen several smelting technology improvements. He was appointed as the chairman of
the Company in June 2004.

Mr. Wang Jianguo(王建國先生), aged 50, general manager and an Executive Director. Mr. Wang
completed a course in facility management at Zhengzhou Aviation Industry Management Institute(鄭
州航空工業管理學院)and is an assistant environmental engineer. He has 27 years’ working experience
in the mining and smelting industry. Mr. Wang was appointed as a Director and general manager of
the Company since June 2004.

Mr. Lu Xiaozhao(呂曉兆先生), aged 46, deputy general manager and an Executive Director. He
completed a course in mining engineering at Shenyang Gold Institute(瀋陽黃金學院). He is a mining
engineer and a registered senior consultant with over 23 year’s working experience in the mining and
smelting industry. Mr. Lu was appointed as a Director and deputy general manager of the Company
since September 2002.

Mr. Jin Guangcai(靳廣才先生), aged 42, deputy general manager and an Executive Director. He
completed a postgraduate course in politics and economics at Shannxi Normal University(陝西師
範大學). He has approximately ten years’ experience in the mining and smelting industry. Mr. Jin
was appointed as a deputy general manager of the Company in May 2003 and a Director in October

Mr. Liu Pengfei(劉鵬飛先生), aged 34, deputy general manager and an Executive Director. He
completed a course in corporate management at Henan School of Financial and Economics(河南省
財經學院). Mr. Liu has more than 17 years’ experience in the mining and smelting industry. He was
appointed as a Director and deputy general manager of the Company in January 2009.

Mr. Zhang Guo(張果先生), aged 42, deputy general manager and an Executive Director. He
completed a course in mining engineering at Baotou Steel and Iron College(包頭鋼鐵學院)and
obtained the qualification of mining engineer. He has more than 19 years of experiences in the mining
industry. Mr. Zhang was appointed as a Director of the Company in January 2009.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

20 Profile of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

Non-executive Directors

Mr. Wang Yumin(王育民先生), aged 49, a Non-executive Director. Mr. Wang obtained college
education. He is currently the general manager of Lingbao State-owned Assets Operation Limited
Liability Company. He was appointed as a Non-executive Director of the Company in January 2009.

Independent Non-executive Directors

Mr. Niu Zhongjie(牛鍾潔先生), aged 41, an independent Non-executive Director. He is an executive

director of Vision Finance Capital Limited, a licensed corporation under the Securities and Futures
Ordinance which is engaged in advising on merger and acquisition and corporate finance. Mr. Niu
obtained a master degree in business administration. Mr. Niu has extensive experience in equity capital
markets. He was appointed as an independent Director in June 2005.

Mr. Wang Han(王瀚先生), aged 45, is currently deputy principal of Northwest University of Politics
and Law(西北政法大學)and an arbitrator of Court of Arbitration of China International Commerce
Chamber(中國國際商會仲裁院). Mr. Wang obtained a bachelor degree from Northwest Normal
University(西北師範大學)in 1984, a master degree in laws from Northwest University of Politics & Law
in 1987 and a doctor degree in laws from School of Law at Wuhan University(武漢大學)in 1998. Mr.
Wang was appointed as dean, deputy dean and faculty officer and various other positions in Northwest
University of Politics and Law. In addition, he is also a legal consultant to Shaanxi provincial government,
Xi’an municipal government and Baoji municipal government and an arbitrator to various arbitration
committees. Mr. Wang is also writer of various publications mainly on law-related topics. Mr. Wang
was appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director of the Company in January 2009.

Mr. Yan Wanpeng(閆萬鵬先生), aged 43, is currently the chief accountant of Henan Investment
Company Group. Mr. Yan graduated with a bachelor degree and qualified for certified public
accountant, certified asset valuer and senior accountant. Mr. Yan was appointed as an Independent
Non-executive Director of the Company in January 2009.

Ms. Du Liping(杜莉萍女士),aged 45, is currently a professor of School of Economics and

Management at Northwest University(西北大學). Ms. Du obtained a bachelor degree in economics
from Northwest University in 1984 and obtained a master degree from School of Management at
Northwest University in 1987. She became a professor of Northwest University since obtaining her
master degree. She is also an independent director of Xi’an Food and Beverage Company Limited (a
company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange), a committee member of Xi’an Trading and Commerce
Bureau, Xi’an Tourism Bureau and Xi’an Association of Traders, and a consultant of various organizations
such as Xi’an China Tourism Group. Ms. Du was appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director
of the Company in January 2009.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Profile of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management 21

Supervisory Committee and Supervisors

Mr. Liu Shengmin(劉勝民先生), aged 50, a Supervisor and chairman of the supervisory committee
of the Company. He has been the chairman of Wason Copper-Foil since 2004. Mr. Liu studied chemical
engineering in Zhengzhou College of Technology(鄭州工學院)from 1978 to 1982. Mr. Liu was
appointed as chairman of the supervisory committee of the Company in January 2009.

Mr. Zhu Yusheng(朱育生先生), aged 52, a Supervisor. He is currently the deputy secretary-general
of Sanmen Xia Municipal CPC Party Committee and the chairman of Sanmen Xia Jin Qu Group Company
Limited. Mr. Zhu completed his undergraduate studies in economics and management at the Party
School of the CPC Central Committee(中央黨校)in 1995 and he graduated with a master degree
from Shaanxi Normal University(陝西師範大學)in 1999. Mr. Zhu was appointed as a Supervisor of
the Company in January 2009.

Mr. Meng Fanrui(孟凡瑞先生), aged 54, a Supervisor. Mr. Meng is a senior economist in the PRC.
He is the chairman and general manager of Henan Xuanrui. He was appointed as a Supervisor of the
Company in September 2002.

Mr. Guo Xuchang(郭續長先生), aged 47, a Supervisor. He completed his study of the economics
management post-secondary course at Henan Provincial Committee Party School of the Chinese
Communist Party(中共河南省委黨校)in 1995. He has been the chairman and general manager of
Lingbao Guoshi Mining since September 1999. Mr. Gao was appointed as a Supervisor of the Company
in September 2002.

Mr. Hang Zhanping(杭占平先生), aged 46, a Supervisor. He is currently the chief of the sales team
of Qiang Ma Gold Mine. Mr. Hang was appointed as a Supervisor of the Company in January 2009.

Mr. Yang Bo(楊波先生), aged 41, a Supervisor. He is currently working in the quality testing section
of the smelting branch of Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. and has been working in this section since 1992.
Mr. Yang was appointed as a Supervisor of the Company in January 2009.

Mr. Jiao Xiaoxiao(焦瀟霄先生), aged 26, is currently the deputy officer of integrated office of the
Company. Mr. Jiao graduated with a degree in Chinese language from Henan University(河南大學).
Mr. Jiao was appointed as a Supervisor of the Company in January 2009.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

22 Profile of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

Senior Management

Mr. Xing Jiangze(邢江澤先生), aged 41, financial controller of the Company. He is a registered
certified public accountant, certified tax agent, senior accountant, senior consultant and economist in
the PRC, having over 15 years’ experience in finance, accounting and auditing. Mr. Xing was appointed
as the financial controller of the Company in January 2009.

Ms. Qi Haihua(戚海花女士), aged 39, joint company secretary and secretary to the Board of
Directors, is responsible for the company secretarial and investor relations affairs of the Company.
Ms. Qi graduated with a bachelor degree in English Literature from Zhengzhou University(鄭州大
學). Ms. Qi joined the Company in June 2004 and was the manager of the securities department of
the Company. Ms. Qi was appointed as the secretary to the Board of Directors and the joint company
secretary of the Company in November 2008.

Mr. Poon, Lawrence Chi Leung(潘之亮先生), aged 34, joint company secretary, chief financial
officer and qualified accountant of the Company, is responsible for company secretarial, financial
and accounting management, and investor relations affairs of the Company. Mr. Poon graduated
from Monash University, Australia, with a bachelor degree of Commerce. He is a certified practising
accountant of CPA Australia and a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Mr. Poon has over 10 years’ experience in auditing, accounting and finance. Mr. Poon was appointed
as the qualified accountant and the joint company secretary of the Company in March 2007.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Corporate Governance Report 23

Being one of the largest integrated gold mining

Director Position
companies based in PRC, the Company is
committed to continually achieving high standards
Mr. Xu Gaoming Executive
of corporate governance practices and has put in
  Director and
place a set of well-defined corporate governance
procedures to ensure the transparency of the
Mr. Wang Jianguo Executive Director
Company and protect the overall interest and
Mr. Lu Xiaozhao Executive Director
rights of shareholders as well as employees.
Mr. Jin Guangcai Executive Director
Mr. Liu Pengfei Executive Director
After listing of its H Shares on the Stock Exchange
  (appointed on 7 January 2009)
on 12 January 2006, the Company has fully
Mr. Zhang Guo Executive Director
complied with the requirements under the Code   (appointed on 7 January 2009)
on Corporate Governance Practices (the “Code”) Mr. Xu Wanmin Non-executive
set out in Appendix 14 of the Rules Governing the   (resigned on 7 January 2009)   Director
Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Mr. Di Qinghua Non-executive
Kong Limited (the “Listing Rules”) except for the   (resigned on 7 January 2009)   Director
code provisions A.2.1 (division of responsibilities Mr. Qi Guozhong Non-executive
between the chairman and chief executive officer)   (resigned on 7 January 2009)   Director
and A.4.2 (directors appointed to fill a casual Mr. Wang Yumin Non-executive
vacancy be subject to election by shareholders at   (appointed on 7 January 2009)   Director
the first general meeting after appointment). Mr. Ning Jincheng Independent
  (resigned on 7 January 2009)   Non-executive
The Board   Director
The board of directors (“Directors” and the Mr. Wang Yanwu Independent
“Board” or “Board of Directors”) is the executive   (resigned on 7 January 2009)   Non-executive
organization of the Company and shall be   Director
responsible for formulating and executing the Mr. Zheng Jinqiao Independent
operation plans and management decisions of   (resigned on 7 January 2009)   Non-executive
the Company as well as establishing the overall   Director
strategic direction of the Company. Its duties Mr. Niu Zhongjie Independent
include evaluating the performance of senior
management and supervising the system of the
Mr. Wang Han Independent
Company. The Board of Directors has to act
  (appointed on 7 January 2009)   Non-executive
in the best interest of the Company and its
Mr. Yan Wanpeng Independent
  (appointed on 7 January 2009)   Non-executive
The composition of the Board of Directors are set
out in the following table:
Ms. Du Liping Independent
  (appointed on 7 January 2009)   Non-executive

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

24 Corporate Governance Report

Pursuant to the articles of association of the employment relationships with the Company,
Company (“Articles of Association”), the term there is no any financial, business, family or other
of appointment of the Directors (including the material relationships amongst members of the
non-executive Directors and independent non- Board.
executive Directors) shall be three years and the
Directors are eligible for re-election. The chairman The Company has established various internal
of the Company, Mr. Xu Gaoming, and the other control systems which allow the Board of Directors
five executive Directors have been engaged in the to maintain high standard of corporate governance
management of gold mining business for years in the management of the Company. To ensure
with extensive experience. They are responsible that the Board of Directors performs its duties
for the business management of the Company, effectively, the management is required to submit
formulation and implementation of important business and financial reports of the Company to
strategies, making daily business decision, and the Directors regularly.
coordination of overall business operation.
Directors would make further enquiries if they
All of the Directors can give sufficient time and require further enquiries than information
attention to the Company’s affairs. volunteered by management. The Board of
Directors has separate and independent access
Non-executive Directors and independent non- to the joint company secretaries, qualified
executive Directors possess wide expertise and accountant and other senior management at all
are able to give professional advice in various times to conduct informal discussions. It is at the
aspects such as law, accounting, finance, tax, Company’s expense for the Board of Directors to
equity capital and industrial and commercial contact the auditors, lawyers or other professionals
industries. The non-executive Directors would to obtain independent professional opinions when
participate in Board meetings of the Company to appropriate. Management are regularly reminded
bring an independent judgment to bear on issues by the joint company secretaries that they have an
of strategy, policy, performance, accountability, obligation to provide the Board and its committees
resources, key appointments and standards of with adequate, complete and reliable information
conduct. In addition, they would take the lead in a timely manner. All Directors have access to
in Board meetings where potential conflicts of board papers and related materials which will
interests arise. They also have to scrutinise the enable the Board to make an informed decision
Company’s performance in achieving agreed on matters placed before it. Steps are taken to
corporate goals and objectives. respond to enquiries raised by Directors as fully
as possible.
Independent non-executive Directors are expressly
identified in all corporate communications that For the year ended 31 December 2008, the
disclose the names of the Directors. Board of Directors of the Company held eleven
meetings to discuss and approve various important
The Company has received annual written matters. All such meetings were convened in
confirmation from each of the independent accordance with the Articles of Association. The
non-executive Directors to ensure they are in table below lists out the attendance of each
compliance with Rule 3.13 of the Listing Rules Director at the Board meetings held during the
in respect of their independence. Apart from year up to the date of the report. The attendance

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Corporate Governance Report 25

illustrates the attention of the Board of Directors given an equal opportunity to speak. In addition,
to the management of the Company’s affairs. Directors are given an opportunity to include
The matters processed by the Board of Directors matters in the agenda. Minutes of Board meetings
in the meetings are all recorded, and the relevant and meetings of Board committees record detailed
records are kept pursuant to relevant laws and concerns raised by Directors and dissenting
regulations. views expressed. Minutes of Board meetings and
meetings of Board committees would be kept
The number The number by secretary and such minutes are opened for
of Board of Board inspection at any reasonable time on reasonable
meetings that meetings notice by any Director.
the Director that the
was entitled Director Attendance If a substantial shareholder or a Director has a
Director to attend attended (%) conflict of interest in a matter to be considered
by the Board which the Board has determined to
Mr. Xu Gaoming 11 11 100 be material, the matter would not be dealt with
Mr. Wang Jianguo 11 11 100 by way of circulation or by a committee but a
Mr. Lu Xiaozhao 11 11 100 Board meeting would be held. Independent non-
Mr. Jin Guangcai 11 11 100 executive Directors have no material interest in
Mr. Xu Wanmin 11 11 100 the transaction would be present at such Board
Mr. Di Qinghua 11 11 100 meeting.
Mr. Qi Guozhong 11 11 100
Mr. Ning Jincheng 11 11 100 With respect to the re-election of newly
Mr. Wang Yanwu 11 11 100 appointed Director, the Company has complied
Mr. Niu Zhongjie 11 11 100 with Paragraph 4(2) of Appendix 3 of the Listing
Mr. Zheng Jinqiao 11 11 100 Rules, which permits the Directors who have been
appointed to fill a casual vacancy of the Board be
Prior to each regular Board meeting, the eligible for re-election at the next annual general
management of the Company shall submit meeting of the Company. As such, Code Provision
materials relevant to the affairs to be discussed A.4.2, which requires the re-election to take place
in the meeting to the Board of Directors. Notice at the next general meeting, was not adopted.
convening the regular meeting shall be sent to
the Directors at least ten days before the meeting Every newly appointed Director would receive
so that arrangements can be made to attend a comprehensive, formal and tailored induction
the meeting. Documents required for the Board on the first occasion of his appointment, and
meeting shall be sent to the Directors at least subsequently continuous briefing and professional
three days before the meeting, to ensure that development would be arranged to ensure
enough time is given to the Directors to review the that he/she has a proper understanding of the
documents and get prepared for the meeting. operations and business of the Company and that
he/she is fully aware of his/her responsibilities
The Board meeting is chaired by the chairman under statute and common law, the Listing Rules,
of the Company to ensure that sufficient time is applicable legal requirements and other regulatory
allocated to the consideration and discussion of requirements and the business and governance
each matter in the agenda and each Director is policies of the Company.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

26 Corporate Governance Report

Board Committee The principal terms of reference of the audit

The Board of Directors has established four committee are: (a) to suggest recruiting or
committees. Each committee has its terms of changing external audit organization; (b)
reference, including the review of matters of to supervise the internal audit system of
extraordinary nature, giving suggestions to the the Company and its implementation; (c)
Board of Directors and making decisions on behalf to facilitate the communication between
of the Board of Directors relating to such matters internal audit and external audit; (d) to
when appropriate. review the financial information and its
disclosure; (e) to inspect the internal control
(1) Audit Committee system of the Company and to audit major
The audit committee of the Board of connected transactions; (f) to develop and
Directors is a body specifically set up by implement policy on the engagement of an
the Board according to the resolutions external auditor to supply non-audit service;
of general meetings and shall mainly (g) to review and monitor the external
be responsible for the communication, auditor’s independence and objectivity
supervision and inspection of internal and and the effectiveness of the audit process
external audit. in accordance with applicable standard.
The audit committee would discuss with
After our listing, the Company has been in the auditor the nature and scope of the
full compliance with the requirements of audit and reporting obligations before the
Rule 3.21 of the Listing Rules. audit commences; (h) to monitor integrity
of financial statements of the Company
The audit committee comprises of five and the Company’s annual report and
members. Any former partner of KPMG accounts, half-year report and to review
should be prohibited from acting as a significant financial reporting judgments
member of the audit committee. Pursuant contained in them. In this regard, in
to the Code, an independent non-executive reviewing the Company’s annual report and
Director specializing in accounting will be accounts, half-year report before Corporate
the chief member who will be in charge of Governance Report submission to the Board,
the work of the committee. The committee the committee would focus particularly
now comprises of the following members: on: (i) any changes in accounting policies
and practices; (ii) major judgmental areas;
Mr. Yan Wanpeng (Chairman of the committee) (iii) significant adjustments resulting from
  (appointed on 7 January 2009) audit; (iv) the going concern assumptions
Mr. Wang Yumin (appointed on 7 January 2009) and any qualifications; (v) compliance with
Mr. Niu Zhongjie accounting standards; (vi) compliance with
Mr. Wang Han (appointed on 7 January 2009) the Exchange Listing Rules and other legal
Ms. Du Liping (appointed on 7 January 2009) or regulatory requirements in relation to
Mr. Zheng Jinqiao (resigned on 7 January 2009) financial reporting; and (vii) members of the
Mr. Wang Yanwu (resigned on 7 January 2009) committee would liaise with the Company’s
Mr. Ning Jincheng (resigned on 7 January 2009) Board of Directors, senior management and
Mr. Xu Wanmin (resigned on 7 January 2009) the qualified accountant and the committee
must meet, at least once a year, with the

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Corporate Governance Report 27

Company’s auditors; (viii) the committee Details of audit committee meetings held
would consider any significant or unusual during the year are as follows:
items that are, or may need to be, reflected
in such reports and accounts and must give Number The number
due consideration to any matters that have of meetings of meetings
been raised by the Company’s qualified of audit that
accountant, compliance adviser and committee Director Attendance
auditors; (i) to discuss with the management Director in 2008 attended (%)
the system of internal control and ensure
that management has discharged its Mr. Zheng Jinqiao 2 2 100
duty to have an effective internal control Mr. Xu Wanmin 2 2 100
system; (j) to consider any findings of major Mr. Ning Jincheng 2 2 100
investigations of internal control matters Mr. Wang Yanwu 2 2 100
as delegated by the Board or on its own Mr. Niu Zhongjie 2 2 100
initiative and management’s response;
(k) to ensure co-ordination between the In 2008, two meetings of the audit
internal and external auditors, and to committee were held. On 22 April
ensure that the internal audit function is 2008, the audit committee met with the
adequately resourced and has appropriate international auditors to discuss the general
standing within the Company, and to scope of their audit work. On 22 September
review and monitor the effectiveness of 2008, the audit committee reviewed the
the internal audit function; (l) to review the Company’s interim report for the year
external auditor’s management letter, any 2008. In addition, the audit committee
material queries raised by the auditor to had reviewed the financial statements for
management in respect of the accounting the year ended 31 December 2008 before
records, financial accounts or systems of the announcement of the Company’s
control and management’s response; (m) annual results. During the discussion, the
to report to the Board on the matters set audit committee had reviewed key areas
out in Code Provision C.3.3; and (n) to be in which management’s judgment applied
responsible for other matters as authorized for adequate provision and disclosure, and
by the Company. internal control policies.

The terms of reference of audit committee (2) Strategic Committee

are kept at the registered office of the The strategic committee of the Board is
Company. a body specifically set up by the Board
according to the resolution of the general
The audit committee has been provided meeting and shall mainly be responsible
with sufficient resources to discharge its for conducting research and giving advice
duty. regarding the long-term development
strategies and material investment decisions
of the Company.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

28 Corporate Governance Report

The strategic committee comprises of (3) Nomination Committee

seven Directors, with one independent The nomination committee of the Board
non- executive Director pursuant to the of Directors is a body specifically set up
implementation measure. The committee by the Board according to the resolutions
now comprises of the following members: of general meetings and shall mainly
be responsible for making suggestions
Mr. Xu Gaoming (Chairman of the committee) regarding the selection of the Directors and
Mr. Wang Jianguo managers of the Company, choosing and
Mr. Lu Xiaozhao making suggestions relating to the selection
Mr. Jin Guangcai (appointed on 7 January 2009) standards and procedures.
Mr. Liu Pengfei (appointed on 7 January 2009)
Mr. Wang Yumin (appointed on 7 January 2009) The nomination committee comprises of
Mr. Niu Zhongjie (appointed on 7 January 2009) the following members, a majority of which
Mr. Xu Wanmin (resigned on 7 January 2009) are independent non-executive Directors:
Mr. Qi Guozhong (resigned on 7 January 2009)
Mr. Wang Yanwu (resigned on 7 January 2009) Mr. Wang Han (Chairman of the committee)
  (appointed on 7 January 2009)
The principal terms of reference of the Mr. Wang Yumin (appointed on 7 January 2009)
strategic committee are: (a) to conduct Mr. Niu Zhongjie
research and make suggestions concerning Mr. Yan Wanpeng (appointed on 7 January 2009)
the long-term development strategic plans Ms. Du Liping (appointed on 7 January 2009)
of the Company; (b) to conduct research Mr. Ning Jincheng (resigned on 7 January 2009)
and make suggestions concerning the Mr. Zheng Jinqiao (resigned on 7 January 2009)
material investment and financial proposals Mr. Wang Yanwu (resigned on 7 January 2009)
which are subject to the approvals of the Mr. Xu Wanmin (resigned on 7 January 2009)
Board of Directors and the general meeting
pursuant to the Articles of Association; (c) The main duties of the nomination committee
to conduct research and make suggestions include: (a) making recommendations to the
concerning the material capital management Board on the Board’s scale and composition
and assets management projects which in accordance with the operating activities,
are subject to the approvals of the Board scale of assets and shareholding structure
of Directors and the general meeting of the Company; (b) studying the criteria
pursuant to the Articles of Association; (d) and procedures for the election of Directors
to conduct research and make suggestions and management personnel and making
concerning other significant events that recommendations to the Board thereon;
influence the development of the Company; (c) seeking for the right candidates for
(e) to carry out inspection concerning the the position of Directors and management
implementation of the above matters; and personnel; (d) reviewing the candidates for
(f) to be responsible for other matters as the position of Directors and management
delegated by the Board. personnel and making recommendations
thereon; (e) reviewing other senior
No strategic committee meeting was held management proposed to be appointed by
in 2008. the Board and making recommendations

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Corporate Governance Report 29

thereon; and (f) undertaking other tasks as Ms. Du Liping (Chairman of the committee)
delegated by the Board.   (appointed on 7 January 2009)
Mr. Wang Yumin (appointed on 7 January 2009)
The nomination committee would hold a Mr. Niu Zhongjie
meeting to discuss the appropriateness of Mr. Wang Han (appointed on 7 January 2009)
the candidates and consult the chairman Mr. Yan Wanpeng (appointed on 7 January 2009)
about their proposals relating to the Mr. Wang Yanwu (resigned on 7 January 2009)
nomination of other executive Directors Mr. Zheng Jinqiao (resigned on 7 January 2009)
and have access to professional advice Mr. Ning Jincheng (resigned on 7 January 2009)
if considered necessary. The criteria for Mr. Xu Wanmin (resigned on 7 January 2009)
selection include professional qualification,
industrial experience and academic The main duties of the remuneration and
background. review committee include: (a) formulating
and making recommendation to the Board
Written notice of the intention to nominate on policy and structure for remuneration
a candidate together with the respective packages or proposals according to the
resume would be delivered to the Board for major areas, duties and importance of the
its consideration and approval. management position of Directors and
senior management and the remuneration
In 2008, no meeting of the nomination for relevant positions of other relevant
committee was held. enterprises; (b) establishing criteria,
procedures and major assessment system
(4) Remuneration and Review for performance assessment and major
Committee proposals and systems for awards and
The remuneration and review committee punishments; (c) reviewing the performance
of the Board is a body specifically set up of duties and conducting annual
by the Board according to the resolutions performance assessment of the Company’s
of general meetings and shall mainly be Directors and senior management; (d)
responsible for formulating the review monitoring the implementation of the
criteria of and conducting review for the Company’s remuneration system; and (e)
Directors and senior management of the undertaking other tasks as delegated by
Company, as well as formulating and the Board.
reviewing their remuneration packages and
proposals. It is accountable to the Board. Moreover, the remuneration and review
The committee would be provided with committee has to review and approve
sufficient resources to discharge its duty. the compensation payable to executive
Directors and senior management in
The remuneration and review committee connection with any loss or termination
comprises of five members, the majority of their office or appointment to ensure
of whom are independent non-executive that such compensation is determined in
Directors. The members are as follows: accordance with relevant contractual terms
and that such compensation is otherwise
fair and not excessive for the Company.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

30 Corporate Governance Report

Besides, the committee would review The remuneration and review committee
and approve compensation arrangements had considered the annual salary review as
relating to dismissal or removal of Directors well as bonus plan of Directors and senior
for misconduct to ensure that such management of the Company for 2008.
arrangements are determined in accordance
with relevant contractual terms and that Breakdown of the Directors’ and the
any compensation payment is otherwise supervisors’ remuneration for the year
reasonable and appropriate. ended 31 December 2008 are set out in
note 9 to the financial statements.
The remuneration and review committee
will also ensure that none of the Directors Securities Transactions by Directors
or any of their associates is involved in The Company has adopted the Model Code for
deciding his own remuneration. Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed
Companies (“Model Code”) as set out in Appendix
The remuneration committee makes 10 of the Listing Rules as the code of conduct for
available its terms of reference, explaining securities transactions by Directors. The Company
its role and the authority delegated to it has made specific enquiry to all Directors and
by the Board, and copies of the terms of Supervisors, who have conformed that they have
reference are kept at the registered office complied with the Model Code in 2008.
of the Company.
The Board has established written guidelines for
In 2008, one meeting of the remuneration employees who are likely to possess unpublished
and review committee was held. Attendance price sensitive information in respect of their
of individual members of remuneration dealings in the securities of the Company.
and review committee to the committee
meeting in 2008 are as follows: Chairman and Chief Executive
The Code Provision A.2.1 states that the roles of
number of The chairman and chief executive officer should be
meetings of number of separate and should not be performed by the
remuneration meetings that same individual.
and review member of
committee committee Attendance The chairman is responsible for ensuring that
Director in 2008 attended (%) Directors are properly explained on matters
discussed at Board meetings and reliable
Mr. Wang Yanwu 1 1 100 information have been received by Directors.
Mr. Zheng Jinqiao 1 1 100
Mr. Ning Jincheng 1 1 100 Mr. Xu Gaoming is the chairman and chief
Mr. Xu Wanmin 1 1 100 executive officer of the Company and has
Mr. Niu Zhongjie 1 1 100 considerable industry experience. Thus, there is
a derivation from the Code Provision A.2.1. The

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Corporate Governance Report 31

Board is of the view that it is in the best interests suggestions to the Board of Directors. Moreover,
of the Group to have an executive chairman so chief financial officer shall be responsible for
that the Board can have the benefit of a chairman giving advice to the Board of Directors regarding
who is knowledgeable about the business of the the disclosure of notifiable transactions, connected
Group and is capable to guide discussions and transactions and price-sensitive information.
brief the Board, in particular, the non-executive
Directors, in a timely manner on various issues Joint company secretaries
and developments of the industry. In addition, The joint company secretaries shall be directly
the Board believes that this structure can assist responsible to the Board of Directors. They are
the Group to implement decisions promptly and responsible for ensuring that the proceedings of
more efficiently. the Board of Directors are complied with, making
appropriate disclosures regarding the interests of
Management Functions securities of the Directors and giving advice to
The Board is responsible for formulating and the Board of Directors regarding the disclosure
executing the operation plans and management of notifiable transactions, connected transactions
decisions of the Company as well as establishing and price-sensitive information. The joint
the overall strategic direction. When the Board company secretaries act as the principal channel
delegates its management functions to the of communication between the Company and
management, clear directions will be given and the Stock Exchange. They also assist the Board of
management will report to the Board on regularly Directors in realizing and strengthening corporate
basis. The Board reserves most of the powers governance practices in order to enhance the best
and delegates routine duties to management interest of the Company and the shareholders.
including bank loan arrangement. There would
be a periodic review of the arrangement. Financial Reporting
Management must obtain prior approval from the Management provides financial information with
Board before making decisions or entering into explanation to the Board to assist the Board in
any commitments on behalf of the Group. assessing the financial position of the Company.
Financial statements are the responsibilities of
Chief Financial Officer Directors. The Board has to present a balanced,
Chief financial officer of the Company is clear and understandable assessment which
responsible for the preparation of the interim extends to annual and interim reports, other
and annual financial statements in accordance price-sensitive announcements and other financial
with the Hong Kong Accounting Standards and to disclosures required under the Exchange Listing
make sure that the results and financial position Rules, and reports to regulators as well as to
of the Company are disclosed in an accurate information required to be disclosed pursuant to
and fair manner. Chief financial officer of the statutory requirements.
Company shall also be responsible for contacting
the auditors regularly. The duties of the chief The reporting responsibilities of KPMG, the
financial officer also include reviewing the financial international auditors, are stated in the Auditor’s
risk management of the Company and making Report on pages 43-44 of the Annual Report.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

32 Corporate Governance Report

There was no material uncertainty that may cast Voting by Poll

significant doubt on the Company’s ability to At the upcoming 2008 annual general meeting
continue as a going concern. The Board has taken of the Company to be held on 18 June 2009
the same view as that of the audit committee the procedures for conducting the poll will be
in relation to the appointment of KPMG as explained. The procedures for demanding a poll by
international auditors of the Company. the shareholders are incorporated in the circular
accompanying this report.
Auditors’ Remuneration
During the year, the fees charged to the accounts Each substantially separate issue will be proposed
of the Company for KPMG and Peking Certified by separate resolution at the forthcoming general
Public Accountants for statutory audit services and meeting, the committee heads will be available
non-audit related services including agreed upon to answer questions at the general meeting, the
procedures and review of financial statements level of proxies lodged on each resolution will be
amounted to approximately RMB3.40 million and indicated, and the balance for and against each
RMB582,000 respectively. resolution will be disclosed at the commencement
of general meeting. The chairman of the meeting
Internal Control will also explain the procedures for demanding a
The Company has established various systems poll, and then answer questions from shareholders
for internal management, so as to safeguard at the commencement of the general meeting.
the assets and shareholders’ interests of the
Company and maintain a high standard of
corporate governance for the management of
the Company. To further strengthen its internal
control, the Company conducts regular meetings
with its auditors, lawyers and other professionals
to obtain independent and professional advices
for the improvement of the Company’s internal
management system.

Investor relations and communications

with shareholders
The Company highly values its relationship with its
investors and shareholders. It maintains amicable
relationship with investors, fund managers and
shareholders through one-on-one meetings,
road shows, seminars and on-site inspection by
investors, thereby allowing investors to have a
better understanding of the Company’s financial
position, production operations, management
decisions, overall strategic directions and latest

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Report of the Supervisory Committee 33

1. Meetings of the Supervisory violations of the laws, regulations

Committee during the and articles of association or any
Reporting Period act which would prejudice the
In 2008, two supervisory committee Company’s interests.
meetings were held by the supervisory
committee. ii. Inspection of the Financial
Status of the Company
2. Independent Work Report of In 2008, the Supervisory Committee
the Supervisory Committee reviewed the financial system
In 2008, aiming at protecting the interest and position of the Company
of the Company and the shareholders, and considered that the financial
the supervisory committee seriously report for 2008 truly reflected its
performed the duties in accordance with financial position and operating
the Company Law of the PRC (“Company results. In 2008, Peking Certified
Law”), Securities Law, Listing Rules and Public Accountants, the local
other relevant rules and regulations and auditor, and KPMG, the international
the Articles of Association of the Company, auditor, audited the Company’s
comprehensively monitored aspects such annual financial statements and
as the Company’s capital operation, issued unqualified auditor reports,
operating management, financial position which have been reviewed by the
and the fulfillment of obligations by senior Supervisory Committee without any
management. After a serious review, adverse opinion.
members of the committee unanimously
agreed to the following: iii. Acquisition of Assets
In this reporting period, the Company
i. Legal Compliance of the acquired a mining right of Istanbul
Company’s Operations Gold Mine located in Kyrgyz Republic
The Board of the Company and acquired 100% equity interest in
conscientiously carried out various Lingbao Wason.
resolutions according to the relevant
resolutions in general meetings, The Supervisory Committee
during which its decision-making considered that: no behaviors
procedures were in compliance constituting insider dealings had
with the relevant requirements of been found in the acquisitions of
the Company Law, Listing Rules assets by the Company, nor had
and the Articles and Association. any situations happened that would
It also set up rules and systems for harm the interests of the Company
internal control, project investment and all shareholders.
management approach, connected
transactions, resources purchase and
project tendering management. None
of the officers, including directors
and managers, were aware of any

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

34 Report of the Supervisory Committee

iv. Connected Transactions A total of seven electricity supply

After review and examination, contracts were entered into between
the Supervisory Committee was Lingbao Electric and the Company for
not aware of any behaviors in the supplying electricity to the Company
Company’s connected transactions on 30 July 2006, 15 September
that would prejudice the Company’s 2007, 26 November 2007, 21
interest, and noticed that the waiver January 2008, 30 January 2008, 11
in relation to the old electricity February 2008 and 10 October 2008
supply agreements had expired. respectively. The electricity supply
The Group had entered into several contracts are valid for a period of
new electricity supply agreements three years. Under these electricity
during the period from September supply contracts, upon expiry of
2007 to October 2008, but the their respective terms, the contracts
Company failed to timely comply will continue to be in force upon
with the requirements of reporting, written confirmation by both parties.
announcement and independent Pursuant to these electricity supply
shareholders’ approval under Chapter contracts, the Company shall make
14A of the Listing Rules in respect full amount payment to Lingbao
of the transactions contemplated Electric before the 25th day of each
under the old electricity supply month.
agreements and the new electricity
supply agreements. Lingbao Electric is a company
incorporated in the PRC and is a
Continuing Connected promoter of the Company. Lingbao
Transactions Electric holds approximately 2.26%
Lingbao Electric Company (“Lingbao equity interest in the Company as at
Electric” or “Lingbao Electric Bureau”) the date of this report. Accordingly,
(靈寶市電業總公司) supplies electricity Lingbao Electric is a connected
to the Company on an ongoing basis, person of the Company under the
as the supply of electricity is essential Listing Rules and the transactions
to the operation of the business of with Lingbao Electric constitute
the Group. continuing connected transactions.

For the year ended 31 December

2008, the annual electricity fee paid
by the Group to Lingbao Electric
amounted to RMB69,423,000.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Report of the Supervisory Committee 35

The above continuing connected

transactions have already been
approved by the shareholders in the
extraordinary general meeting held
on 1 April 2009.

For details, please refer to the circular

dated 12 February 2009 issued by
the Company.

v. External Guarantees
Details of guarantees given by the
Company as at 31 December 2008
are set out in notes 33(d) to the
financial statements.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

36 Directors’ Report

The Directors have pleasure in submitting their Financial Statements

annual report together with the audited financial The profit of the Group for the year ended 31
statements for the year ended 31 December December 2008 and the state of the Company’s
2008. and the Group’s affairs as at that date are set out
in the financial statements on pages 45 to 135.
Principal Place of Business
Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. (the “Company”) Transfer to Reserves
is a company incorporated and domiciled in the Profits attributable to equity shareholders of the
People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) and has its Company, before dividends, of RMB108,166,000
registered office at Xin Village, Yinzhuang Town, (2007: RMB222,270,000) have been transferred to
Daonan Industrial Area, Lingbao, Henan, the PRC reserves. Other movements in reserves are set out
and its principal place of business in Hong Kong in note 32 to the financial statements.
at Room 1902, 19th Floor, MassMutual Tower, 38
Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Dividend
A dividend of RMB0.10 for 2007 was paid during
Principal Activities the year. At the board meeting held on 24 April
The principal activities of the Group are the 2009, the Directors do not recommend the
mining, processing, smelting and sales of gold payment of any final dividend (2007: RMB0.10)
and other metallic products in the PRC. in respect of the year ended 31 December 2008.

The analysis of the principal activities of the Fixed Assets

operations of the Company and its subsidiaries Movements in fixed assets during the year are set
(the “Group”) during the financial year is set out out in note 15 to the financial statements.
in note 20 to the financial statements.
Share Capital
Major Customers and Suppliers As at the date of this report, there was a total
The information in respect of the Group’s sales of share capital of 770,249,091 shares of the
and purchases attributable to the major customers Company which includes:
and suppliers respectively during the financial year
is as follows: Approximate
Percentage of Number of total
the Group’s total of shares share capital
Sales Purchases

Domestic shares 472,975,091 61.41

The largest customer 76.8% H Shares 297,274,000 38.59
Five largest customers
  in aggregate 87.1%
Total 770,249,091 100.00
The largest supplier 12.5%
Five largest suppliers
  in aggregate 31.8% Details of the movements in share capital of the
Company during the year are set out in note 32(c)
At no time during the year have the Directors, their to the financial statements.
associates or any shareholder of the Company
(which to the knowledge of the directors owns
more than 5% of the Company’s share capital)
had any interest in these major customers and

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Directors’ Report 37

Purchase, Sale or Redemption of Biographical Details of Directors,

Shares of the Company Supervisors and Senior
There was no purchase, sale or redemption of the Management
Company’s securities by the Company or any of Brief biographical details of Directors, supervisors
its subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December and senior management of the Company are set
2008. out on pages 19 to 22 of the annual report.

Directors and Supervisors Highest Paid Individuals

The Directors and supervisors of the Company for During the year, the relevant information of the
the year are as follows: five individuals with the highest remuneration
in the Group is disclosed in note 10 to the
Directors accounts.

Executive Directors Remuneration

Xu Gaoming, Chairman The Company has a remuneration committee to
Wang Jianguo, General Manager formulate compensation policies and determine
Lu Xiaozhao, Deputy General Manager and manage the compensation of the Company’s
Jin Guangcai, Deputy General Manager Directors and senior management with reference
Liu Pengfei, Deputy General Manager to their duties, responsibilities, performance and
  (appointed on 7 January 2009) results of the Group.
Zhang Guo (appointed on 7 January 2009)
Directors’ and Supervisors’ Service
Non-executive Directors Contracts
Xu Wanmin (resigned on 7 January 2009) Each of the executive Directors has entered into
Di Qinghua (resigned on 7 January 2009) an executive director service agreement with the
Qi Guozhong (resigned on 7 January 2009) Company for a term of three years commencing on
Wang Yumin (appointed on 7 January 2009) 7 January 2009. Each of these service agreements
may be terminated by either party with not less
Independent Non-executive Directors than six months’ prior written notice.
Ning Jincheng (resigned on 7 January 2009)
Wang Yanwu (resigned on 7 January 2009) Each of the non-executive Directors has been
Niu Zhongjie appointed for a term of three years commencing
Zheng Jinqiao (resigned on 7 January 2009) on 7 January 2009. No remuneration is payable to
Wang Han (appointed on 7 January 2009) the non-executive Directors.
Yan Wanpeng (appointed on 7 January 2009)
Du Liping (appointed on 7 January 2009) Each of the independent non-executive Directors
has been appointed for a term of three years
Supervisors commencing on 7 January 2009.
Gao Yang (resigned on 7 January 2009)
Meng Fanrui Each supervisor has entered into a supervisor
Guo Xuchang service agreement with the Company for a term
Peng Jinzeng (resigned on 7 January 2009) of three years commencing on 7 January 2007.
Lei Mingyang (resigned on 7 January 2009) The service agreement may be terminated by
Liu Shengmin (appointed on 7 January 2009) either party with not less than six months’ prior
Zhu Yusheng (appointed on 7 January 2009) written notice.
Hang Zhanping (appointed on 7 January 2009)
Yang Bo (appointed on 7 January 2009)
Jiao Xiaoxiao (appointed on 7 January 2009)

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

38 Directors’ Report

Under these deeds, no remuneration is payable to For the year ended 31 December 2008, the annual
the supervisors. electricity fee paid by the Group to Lingbao
Electric amounted to RMB69,423,000.
No Director or supervisor has a service contract
with the Company, which is not determinable by
The independent non-executive Directors of the
the Company within one year without payment of
Company have reviewed the continuing connected
compensation, other than statutory obligations.
transactions and are of the opinion that: (1)
Continuing Connected Transactions these transactions are within the ordinary course
Lingbao Electric (also known as Lingbao Electric of business of the Group; (2) these transactions
Bureau) supplies electricity to the Company on are conducted on normal commercial terms,
an ongoing basis, as the supply of electricity is or where there was no sufficient comparable
essential to the operation of the business of the transactions to judge whether they are on normal
Group. commercial terms, on terms no less favourable
to the Group than terms available to or from (as
A total of seven electricity supply contracts have
applicable) independent third parties; and (3) these
been entered into between Lingbao Electric and
the Company for the supply of electricity to the transactions are conducted in accordance with the
Company. These contracts were entered into on relevant agreement governing them on terms that
30 July 2006, 15 September 2007, 26 November are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the
2007, 21 January 2008, 30 January 2008, 11 shareholders of the Company as a whole.
February 2008 and 10 October 2008 respectively.
These electricity supply contracts are valid for a The auditor of the Group has confirmed to
period of three years. Under these electricity supply
the Board of Directors in writing that (a) The
contracts, upon expiry of their respective terms,
transactions have been approved by the Board of
the contracts will continue to be in force upon
written confirmation by both parties. Pursuant to Directors; (b) The transactions have been entered
these electricity supply contracts, the Company into for considerations consistent with the price
shall make payment to Lingbao Electric in full by charged for comparable transactions that were
the 25th day of each month. identified by management; and (c) The transactions
have been entered into in accordance with the
In respect of the above new electricity supply terms of the respective agreements and documents
agreements, the Group failed to comply in governing the respective transactions;
time with the reporting, announcement and
independent shareholders’ approval requirements
The Group’s continuous connected transactions
under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules in relation
to transactions under the existing electricity supply were passed at the extraordinary general meeting
agreements and transactions under the new held on 1 April 2009. The annual caps of the
electricity supply agreements after the expiry of above continuous connected transactions shall
the exemption. not exceed RMB77,500,000, RMB89,100,000, and
RMB93,600,000 respectively for the three years
Lingbao Electric is a company incorporated in the ending 31 December 2011.
PRC and is a promoter of the Company. Lingbao
Electric held approximately 2.26% shareholding
For details, please refer to the circular dated 11
in the Company as at the date of this report.
Accordingly, Lingbao Electric is a connected person February 2009 issued by the Company.
of the Company under the Listing Rules and
the transactions with Lingbao Electric constitute
continuing connected transactions.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Directors’ Report 39

Directors’, Supervisors’ and Chief taken or deemed to have under such provisions of
Executive’s interest in shares SFO) or which were required, pursuant to section
As at 31 December 2008, the interest and 352 of the SFO, to be entered in the register
short position of each Director, Supervisor and referred to therein, or were required, pursuant
chief executive of the Company in any shares, to the Model Code for Securities Transactions
underlying shares or debentures of the Company by Directors of Listed Companies as set out in
or any associated corporation (within the meaning Appendix 10 of the Listing Rules, to be notified
of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance to the Company and the Stock Exchange (for this
(“SFO”) which were required to be notified to the purpose, the relevant provisions of the SFO will be
Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to interpreted as if applicable to Supervisors) were
Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including as follows:
interests and short positions which they were

Approximate Approximate
Number of percentage of percentage
domestic the total of the total
Name of Director/ Relevant shares held issued domestic issued
Supervisor entity Capacity (Long position) share capital share capital

Mr. Meng Fanrui the Company Interest of 18,000,000 3.80% 2.34%

(孟凡瑞先生)   controlled
  corporation (Note 1)

Mr. Guo Xuchang the Company Interest of 12,250,000 2.58% 1.59%

(郭續長先生)   controlled
  corporation (Note 1)


1. Henan Xuanrui Assets Company Limited (“Henan 2. Lingbao Guoshi Mining owns approximately 1.59%
Xuanrui”) (河南軒瑞產業股份有限公司), a promoter of interest in the Company as at the date of this report.
the Company, owns approximately 2.34% interest in Mr. Guo Xuchang (郭續長先生) owns approximately
the Company as at the date of this report. Mr. Meng 78.8% interest in Lingbao Guoshi Mining and together
Fanrui (孟凡瑞先生) owns approximately 61.6% interest with his wife Ms. Yang Yuqin (楊玉琴女士), hold 100%
in Henan Xuanrui and together with his wife Ms. Ma of the shareholding in Lingbao Guoshi Mining. Under
Xianting (馬仙婷女士), hold approximately 96.1% of section 316 of the SFO, Mr. Guo Xuchang (郭續長先
the shareholding in Henan Xuanrui. Under section 316 生) is deemed to be interested in the Shares held by
of the SFO, Mr. Meng Fanrui (孟凡瑞先生) is deemed Lingbao Guoshi Mining.
to be interested in the Shares held by Henan Xuanrui.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

40 Directors’ Report

Substantial Shareholders interest in shares

As at 31 December 2008, so far as was known to the Directors, the following person, other than the
Directors, supervisors and chief executive of the Company, had an interest in the shares of the Company
as recorded in the register required to be kept under section 336 of the SFO:

percentage Approximate
of the total percentage of
Number of issued domestic the total
Domestic Shares Capacity share capital share capital

Lingbao State-owned Assets Operation 373,840,620 Beneficial owner 79.04% 48.54%

  Limited Liability Company
  (“Lingbao State-owned Assets”)
  (Notes 1 and 2)

Sanmenxia Jinqu Group Company Limited 37,698,784 Beneficial owner 7.97% 4.89%
  (“Sanmenxia Jinqu”)

Notes: Save as disclosed above, as at 31 December

2008, so far as the Directors are aware, there
1. In addition to its direct interest in 373,840,620 domestic
are no other persons, other than the Directors,
shares, Lingbao State-owned Assets has an indirect
interest in the Company through its equity interest
supervisors and chief executive of the Company,
of approximately 43.4% in Lingbao Gold Machinery who had interests or short positions in the shares
Limited Liability Company (靈寶市黃機械有限責任公 and underlying shares of the Company as recorded
司), which in turn holds approximately 21.1% equity in the register required to be kept pursuant to
interest in Lingbao Jinxiang Motors. Lingbao Jinxiang Section 336 of the SFO.
Motors is a promoter of the Company, which held
approximately 1.7% shareholding in the Company as
at the date of the report.

2. Mr. Wang Yumin (王育民先生), a non-executive

Director, is the general manager of Lingbao State-
owned Assets.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Directors’ Report 41

Directors’ and Supervisors’ Pre-emptive Rights

Interests in Contracts There are no provisions regarding pre-emptive
No contract of significance in relation to the rights under the Articles of Association of the
Company’s business to which the Company, its Company and related laws of Hong Kong and
subsidiaries or its jointly controlled entities was a the PRC, which would oblige the Company to
party and in which the Directors or the supervisors issue new shares on pro-rata basis to the existing
of the Company had a material interest, whether shareholders of the Company.
directly or indirectly, subsisted at the end of the
year or at any time during the year (excluding the Policy on Income Tax
Directors’ and supervisors’ service contracts). The Company and its subsidiaries basically paid
PRC corporate income tax at a rate of 25% of its
Directors’ and Supervisors’ Rights assessable profits according to the relevant laws
to Acquire Shares or Debentures and regulations in the PRC. Details of the Group’s
Apart from disclosed under the paragraph headed income tax information are disclosed in note 9 to
“Directors, Supervisors and Chief Executive” above, the account.
at no time during the year was the Company, its
subsidiaries or its jointly controlled entity, a party Closure of Register of Members
to any arrangement to enable to the Directors, The register of members of the Company will be
the supervisors and their respective spouses or closed from Tuesday, 19 May 2009 to Thursday,
children under 18 years of age of acquire benefits 18 June 2009, (both days inclusive), during which
by means of acquisition of shares in, or debentures period no transfer of shares will be registered. In
of, the Company or any other body corporate. order to qualify for attending the forthcoming
annual general meeting, all transfer documents
Interests of Directors in Competing accompanied by the relevant share certificates
Business must be lodged with the Company’s H share
During the year and up to the date of this report, registrar in Hong Kong, Computershare Hong
none of the Directors has any interest in business, Kong Investor Services Limited at shops 1712 to
which competes or may compete with the business 1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s
of the Group under the Listing Rules. Road East, Hong Kong (for holders of H shares)
or the registered office of the Company at Xin
Bank Loans and Other Borrowings Village, Yinzhuang Town, Daonan Industrial Area,
Particulars of bank loans and other borrowings of Lingbao, Henan, the PRC (for domestic shares), no
the Company and the Group as at 31 December later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday, 18 May 2009.
2008 are set out in notes 28 and 29 to the
financial statements. Litigation and Arbitration
As at the date of this report, there was no material
Charitable Donations litigation and arbitration for the Group.
Charitable donations made by the Group during
the year amounted to RMB1,579,643 (2007: Public Float
RMB425,000). Based on the publicly available information and the
best of knowledge of the Directors, the Company
has maintained sufficient public float at the latest
practicable date prior to the issue of this report.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

42 Directors’ Report

Compliance of Code of Conduct

None of the Directors of the Company is aware
of any information that would reasonably indicate
that the Company did not meet the applicable
code provision set out in the code on Corporate
Government Practices for any period from
1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008.

Five Years Summary

A summary of the results and of the assets and
liabilities of the Group for the last five financial
years is set out on page 136 of the annual

Confirmation of Independence
The Company has received from each of the
independent non-executive directors an annual
confirmation of independence pursuant to
Rule 3.13 of the Listing Rules and considers all
the independent non-executive directors to be

KPMG retire and, being eligible, offer themselves
for reappointment. A resolution for the
reappointment of KPMG as auditors of the
Company is to be proposed at the forthcoming
annual general meeting.

For the year ended 31 December 2008, no foreign
shareholder who is not resident of the PRC is liable
for Individual or Enterprise Income Tax, Capital
Gains Tax, Stamp Duty or Estate Duty of the
PRC in relation to their holding of shares of the
Company. Shareholders are urged to consult their
tax advisers regarding the PRC, Hong Kong and
other tax consequences of owning and disposing
of H shares.

By order of the board

Xu Gaoming

Hong Kong, 24 April 2009

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Independent Auditor’s Report 43

Independent auditor’s report to the shareholders of

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd.
(Incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability)

We have audited the consolidated financial statements of Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. (the “Company”)
set out on pages 45 to 135, which comprise the consolidated and company balance sheets as at 31
December 2008, and the consolidated income statement, the consolidated statement of changes in
equity and the consolidated cash flow statement for the year then ended, and a summary of significant
accounting policies and other explanatory notes.

Directors’ responsibilities for the financial statements

The directors of the Company are responsible for the preparation and the true and fair presentation of
these financial statements in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards issued by the
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the disclosure requirements of the Hong Kong
Companies Ordinance. This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal
control relevant to the preparation and the true and fair presentation of financial statements that are
free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate
accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.

Auditor’s responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. This report
is made solely to you, as a body, and for no other purpose. We do not assume responsibility towards
or accept liability to any other person for the contents of this report.

We conducted our audit in accordance with Hong Kong Standards on Auditing issued by the Hong
Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Those standards require that we comply with ethical
requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the financial
statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures
in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including
the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to
fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to
the entity’s preparation and true and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design
audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing
an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the
appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by
the directors, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

44 Independent Auditor’s Report

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis
for our audit opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of affairs
of the Company and of the Group as at 31 December 2008 and of the Group’s profit and cash flows
for the year then ended in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards and have been
properly prepared in accordance with the disclosure requirements of the Hong Kong Companies

Certified Public Accountants
8th Floor, Prince’s Building
10 Chater Road
Central, Hong Kong

24 April 2009

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Consolidated Income Statement 45
For the year ended 31 December 2008

2008 2007
Note RMB’000 RMB’000

Turnover 3 3,559,089 2,844,560

Cost of sales (3,177,792) (2,391,647)

Gross profit 381,297 452,913

Other revenue 4 18,180 142,861

Other net gain/(loss) 5 31,992 (4,494)
Selling and distribution expenses (19,881) (14,340)
Administrative expenses and
  other operating expenses (174,082) (136,329)

Profit from operations 237,506 440,611

Finance costs 7(a) (115,262) (101,613)

Profit before taxation 7 122,244 338,998

Income tax 8(a) (15,483) (115,669)

Profit for the year 106,761 223,329

Attributable to:

Equity shareholders of the Company 32(a) 108,166 222,270

Minority interests 32(a) (1,405) 1,059

Profit for the year 32(a) 106,761 223,329

Dividends payable to equity shareholders

  of the Company attributable to the year:

Final dividend proposed after the balance sheet date 12 – 77,025

Basic and diluted earnings per share (cents) 13 14 29

The notes on pages 53 to 135 form part of these financial statements.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

46 Consolidated Balance Sheet
At 31 December 2008

2008 2007
Note RMB’000 RMB’000

Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 15 826,253 634,551
Construction in progress 16 445,198 302,451
Intangible assets 17 556,335 362,112
Goodwill 18 38,882 38,882
Lease prepayments 19 86,870 36,940
Other investments 21 10,504 10,504
Investment deposit 22 80,000 80,000
Non-current prepayments 26 135,376 45,334
Deferred tax assets 23(b) 50,764 23,093

2,230,182 1,533,867

Current assets
Inventories 24 711,333 591,443
Trade and other receivables, deposits
  and prepayments 25 545,958 663,360
Available-for-sale investment 21 – 40,000
Current tax recoverable 23(a) 22,205 –
Cash restricted for use 29 – 181,982
Cash and cash equivalents 27 575,478 389,651

1,854,974 1,866,436

Current liabilities
Bank loans 29 1,280,000 599,861
Unsecured debenture 28 – 580,000
Trade and other payables 30 464,403 346,666
Loan from ultimate holding company 31 23,800 –
Current tax payable 23(a) 17,662 28,426

1,785,865 1,554,953

Net current assets 69,109 311,483

Total assets less current liabilities 2,299,291 1,845,350

Non-current liabilities
Bank loans 29 455,160 120,000
Other loan 28 3,270 3,270
Other payables 30 111,730 –
Deferred tax liabilities 23(b) – 23,697

570,160 146,967

NET ASSETS 1,729,131 1,698,383

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Consolidated Balance Sheet 47
At 31 December 2008

2008 2007
Note RMB’000 RMB’000


Share capital 154,050 154,050

Reserves 1,549,387 1,517,996

Total equity attributable to equity

  shareholders of the Company 1,703,437 1,672,046

Minority interests 25,694 26,337

TOTAL EQUITY 1,729,131 1,698,383

Approved and authorised for issue by the board of directors on 24 April 2009.

Xu Gaoming Wang Jianguo

Executive director and chairman Executive director

The notes on pages 53 to 135 form part of these financial statements.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

48 Balance Sheet
At 31 December 2008

2008 2007
Note RMB’000 RMB’000

Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 15 476,284 439,496
Construction in progress 16 113,444 109,075
Intangible assets 17 19,616 22,778
Lease prepayments 19 29,474 8,623
Investments in subsidiaries 20 622,951 437,725
Other investments 21 10,504 10,504
Investment deposit 22 80,000 80,000
Non-current prepayments 26 36,079 8,097
Deferred tax assets 23(b) 23,007 14,824

1,411,359 1,131,122

Current assets
Inventories 24 644,524 553,604
Trade and other receivables, deposits
  and prepayments 25 456,345 655,579
Amounts due from subsidiaries 20 611,202 402,480
Available-for-sale investment 21 – 40,000
Current tax recoverable 23(a) 20,424 –
Cash restricted for use 29 – 181,982
Cash and cash equivalents 27 260,508 322,781

1,993,003 2,156,426

Current liabilities
Bank loans 29 1,280,000 599,861
Unsecured debenture 28 – 580,000
Trade and other payables 30 237,576 288,446
Current tax payable 23(a) – 15,737
Amounts due to subsidiaries 20 27,505 8,531

1,545,081 1,492,575

Net current assets 447,922 663,851

Total assets less current liabilities 1,859,281 1,794,973

Non-current liabilities
Bank loans 29 150,000 120,000
Other loan 28 3,270 3,270

153,270 123,270

NET ASSETS 1,706,011 1,671,703

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Balance Sheet 49
At 31 December 2008

2008 2007
Note RMB’000 RMB’000


Share capital 154,050 154,050

Reserves 1,551,961 1,517,653

TOTAL EQUITY 1,706,011 1,671,703

Approved and authorised for issue by the board of directors on 24 April 2009.

Xu Gaoming Wang Jianguo

Executive director and chairman Executive director

The notes on pages 53 to 135 form part of these financial statements.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

50 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
For the year ended 31 December 2008

2008 2007
Note RMB’000 RMB’000

Total equity at 1 January 1,698,383 1,543,871

Movements in equity arising from

  capital transactions:

Capital contributions from minority shareholders 32(a) 1,154 8,000

Capital returned to minority shareholders 32(a) – (367)
Gain on deemed disposal of subsidiary 32(a) (392) –
Exchange difference on translation of
  financial statements of overseas subsidiaries 32(a) 250 (3,959)
Acquisition of minority interests 32(a) – (10,871)

1,012 (7,197)

Net profit for the year:

Attributable to:
  – Equity shareholders of the Company 108,166 222,270
  – Minority interests (1,405) 1,059

106,761 223,329

Dividend declared and approved

  during the year 12(b) (77,025) (61,620)

Total equity at 31 December 1,729,131 1,698,383

The notes on pages 53 to 135 form part of these financial statements.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 51
For the year ended 31 December 2008

2008 2007
Note RMB’000 RMB’000

Operating activities
Profit before taxation 122,244 338,998
Adjustments for:
  – Gain on deemed disposal of subsidiary 5 (392) –
  – Negative goodwill 5 (12,437) –
  – Net realised gain on financial
    instruments at fair value 5 (45,421) –
  – Net unrealised loss on financial instruments
    at fair value 5 856 –
  – Depreciation 7(b) 102,245 64,217
  – Finance costs 7(a) 115,262 101,613
  – Interest income 4 (5,612) (12,844)
  – Impairment losses on:
   – trade and other receivables 7(b) 2,539 624
   – purchase deposit 7(b) 4,726 8,367
   – intangible assets 7(b) 2,781 –
   – inventories 24(b) 36,112 –
  – Net loss/(gain) on disposal of property,
    plant and equipment 5 2,315 (2,581)
  – Amortisation of lease prepayments 7(b) 1,637 724
  – Amortisation of intangible assets 7(b) 43,181 26,532
  – Compensation income 4 – (112,900)
  – Dividend income from unlisted securities 4 (420) (280)
  – Foreign exchange differences 29,177 10,211

Operating profit before changes in

  working capital 398,793 422,681

Increase in inventories (129,708) (138,250)

Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables,
  deposits and prepayments 233,460 (59,574)
(Decrease)/increase in trade and other payables (92,718) 26,614

Cash generated from operations 409,827 251,471

PRC income tax paid (101,729) (124,071)

Net cash generated from operating activities 308,098 127,400

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

52 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the year ended 31 December 2008

2008 2007
Note RMB’000 RMB’000

Investing activities
Interest received 5,612 22,512
Gain on settlement of financial instruments
  commodity derivative contracts 45,421 –
Decrease in restricted deposits 80,386 414,416
Payment for purchase of property,plant and equipment  (84,784) (88,236)
Proceeds from disposal of property,plant and equipment 2,356 14,617
Payment for construction in progress (202,667) (307,045)
Payment for purchase of intangible assets (112,224) (67,921)
Payment for purchase of net assets 35 – (3,108)
Payment for acquisition of a subsidiary 36 (13,284) (145,381)
Payment for purchase of minority interests 32(a) – (10,871)
Payment for investment deposit – (80,000)
Return of investment deposits – 130,000
Payment for deposit of mining right – (3,290)
Payment for available-for-sale investments – (40,000)
Proceeds from disposal of available-for-sale investments 40,000 –
Payment for non-current prepayments (181,699) (42,433)
Placement of restricted cash – (263,604)
Release of restricted cash 181,982 81,622
Dividends received from other investments 420 280

Net cash used in investing activities (238,481) (388,442)

Financing activities

Proceeds from new bank loans 1,615,160 1,261,893

Repayment of bank loans (667,770) (1,505,490)
Capital contributions from minority shareholders 1,154 –
Proceeds from unsecured debenture – 580,000
Repayment of unsecured debenture (580,000) –
Interest paid (87,249) (62,425)
Other borrowing costs paid (4,154) (2,320)
Dividend paid to equity shareholders of the Company (73,255) (60,180)

Net cash from financing activities 203,886 211,478

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash

  equivalents 273,503 (49,564)

Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 27 294,692 347,265

Effect of foreign exchange rate changes (2,784) (3,009)

Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 27 565,411 294,692

The notes on pages 53 to 135 form part of these financial statements.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Notes to the Financial Statements 53

1 Significant accounting policies

(a) Statement of compliance

These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with all applicable Hong
Kong Financial Reporting Standards (“HKFRSs”), which collective term includes all
applicable individual Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards, Hong Kong Accounting
Standards (“HKASs”) and Interpretations issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified
Public Accountants (“HKICPA”), accounting principles generally accepted in Hong Kong
and the disclosure requirements of the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance. These financial
statements also comply with the applicable disclosure provisions of the Rules Governing
the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Listing
Rules”). A summary of the significant accounting policies adopted by the Company and
its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Group”) is set out below.

(b) Basis of preparation of the financial statements

The consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2008 comprise
the Company and its subsidiaries.

The measurement basis used in the preparation of the financial statements is the historical
cost basis except that financial instruments classified as available-for-sale securities (see
note 1(e)); derivative financial instruments (see note 1(f)); property, plant and equipment
and construction in progress (see note 1(g)) are stated at fair value as explained in the
accounting policies set out below. These consolidated financial statements are presented
in Renminbi rounded to the nearest thousand.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with HKFRSs requires management

to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies and
reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. The estimates and associated
assumptions are based on historical experience and various other factors that are believed
to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis of making
the judgements about carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent
from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to
accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised if the
revision affects only that period, or in the period of the revision and future periods if the
revision affects both current and future periods.

Judgements made by management in the application of HKFRSs that have significant effect
on the financial statements and estimates with a significant risk of material adjustment in
the next year are discussed in note 39.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

54 Notes to the Financial Statements

1 Significant accounting policies (continued)

(b) Basis of preparation of the financial statements (continued)

In preparing the financial statements, the directors have considered the future liquidity of
the Group in view of its bank loans which are repayable within one year with an aggregate
amount of RMB1,280,000,000 as at 31 December 2008. The Group had cash and cash
equivalents amounting to RMB575,478,000 as at 31 December 2008. Therefore, additional
funding will need to be obtained by the Group to ensure its ability to repay the borrowings
as and when they fall due. The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2008
are prepared on a going concern basis as the directors are of the opinion that the Group
will be able to obtain continual financial support from its principal bankers to finance its
future working capital and financial requirements and will be able to meet its financial
obligations as and when they fall due given that:

(i) the Group has been actively negotiating with its principal bankers to secure
continual financial support. Following the maturity of short-term bank loans
totalling RMB420,000,000 subsequent to the year end, the Group obtained bank
loans with an aggregate amount of RMB740,000,000 of which RMB310,000,000
are repayable within one year with maturity dates from January to March 2010 and
RMB430,000,000 with maturity dates from March 2011 to February 2012 up to the
date of approval of these financial statements;

(ii) according to an announcement dated 19 December 2008 issued by the Company,

the Group has been actively discussing with its principal bankers to issue a
medium-term debenture for an amount of approximately RMB680,000,000 for a
period of three to five years. The Company is now making application to the bankers
after obtaining its shareholders’ approval on 4 February 2009. Proceeds from the
proposed issuance of the medium-term debenture will be used for repayment of
the Company’s existing short-term bank loans; and

(iii) as at 31 December 2008, the Group had total available banking facilities amounting
to RMB2,995,160,000 of which RMB1,260,000,000 has not been utilised.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Notes to the Financial Statements 55

1 Significant accounting policies (continued)

(c) Subsidiaries and minority interests

Subsidiaries are entities controlled by the Group. Control exists when the Group has the
power to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity so as to obtain benefits
from its activities. In assessing control, potential voting rights that presently are exercisable
are taken into account.

An investment in a subsidiary is consolidated into the consolidated financial statements

from the date that control commences until the date that control ceases. Intra-group
balances and transactions and any unrealised profits arising from intra-group transactions
are eliminated in full in preparing the consolidated financial statements. Unrealised losses
resulting from intra-group transactions are eliminated in the same way as unrealised gains
but only to the extent that there is no evidence of impairment.

Minority interests represent the portion of the net assets of subsidiaries attributable to
interests that are not owned by the Company, whether directly or indirectly through
subsidiaries, and in respect of which the Group has not agreed any additional terms
with the holders of those interests which would result in the Group as a whole having a
contractual obligation in respect of those interests that meets the definition of a financial
liability. Minority interests are presented in the consolidated balance sheet within equity,
separately from equity attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company. Minority
interests in the results of the Group are presented on the face of the consolidated income
statement as an allocation of the total profit or loss for the year between minority interests
and the equity shareholders of the Company.

Where losses applicable to the minority exceed the minority’s interests in the equity of a
subsidiary, the excess, and any further losses applicable to the minority, are charged against
the Group’s interest except to the extent that the minority has a binding obligation to, and
is able to, make additional investment to cover the losses. If the subsidiary subsequently
reports profits, the Group’s interest is allocated all such profits until the minority’s share
of losses previously absorbed by the Group has been recovered.

Loans from holders of minority interests and other contractual obligations towards these
holders are presented as financial liabilities in the consolidated balance sheet in accordance
with note 1(r).

When the Group acquires any minority interests, no fair value adjustment is made to the
identifiable net assets acquired. The excess of the purchase price over the carrying value
of minority interests acquired is recognised as a component of equity. Where the Group’s
interest in a subsidiary is decreased without losing control, any gain or loss on the partial
disposal or deemed disposal is recognised as a movement in equity.

In the Company’s balance sheet, an investment in a subsidiary is stated at cost less

impairment losses (see note 1(j)(ii)).

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

56 Notes to the Financial Statements

1 Significant accounting policies (continued)

(d) Goodwill
Goodwill represents the excess of the cost of a business combination over the Group’s
interest in the net fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent

Goodwill is stated at cost less accumulated impairment losses. Goodwill is allocated to

cash-generating units and is tested annually for impairment (see note 1(j)(ii)).

Any excess of the Group’s interest in the net fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable assets,
liabilities and contingent liabilities over the cost of a business combination is recognised
immediately in profit or loss.

On disposal of a cash generating unit during the year, any attributable amount of
purchased goodwill is included in the calculation of the profit or loss on disposal.

(e) Other investments

The Group’s and the Company’s policies for investments in equity securities other than
investments in subsidiaries are as follows:

Investments in equity securities are initially stated at cost, which is their transaction
price unless fair value can be more reliably estimated using valuation techniques whose
variables include only data from observable markets. Cost includes attributable transaction
costs. These investments are subsequently accounted for as follows, depending on their

Investments in equity securities that do not have a quoted market price in an active market
and whose fair value cannot reliably measured are recognised in the balance sheet at cost
less impairment losses (see note 1(j)(i)).

Investments in securities which do not fall into the above category are classified as
available-for-sale securities. At each balance sheet date the fair value is remeasured, with
any resultant gain or loss being recognised directly in equity. Dividend income from these
investments is recognised in profit or loss in accordance with the policy set out in note
1(s)(iii) and, where these investments are interest-bearing, interest calculated using the
effective interest method is recognised in profit or loss in accordance with the policy set
out in note 1(s)(iv). When these investments are derecognised or impaired (see note 1(j)
(i)), the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised directly in equity is recognised in
profit or loss.

Investments are recognised/derecognised on the date the Group commits to purchase/sell

the investments or they expire.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Notes to the Financial Statements 57

1 Significant accounting policies (continued)

(f) Derivative financial instruments

Derivative financial instruments are recognised initially at fair value. At each balance
sheet date the fair value is remeasured. The gain or loss on remeasurement to fair value
is charged immediately to profit or loss.

(g) Property, plant and equipment and construction in progress

Property, plant and equipment are stated in the balance sheets at cost or revalued amount
less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses (see note 1(j)(ii)). The cost of an
asset comprises its purchase price and directly attributable costs of bringing the asset to
working condition and location for its intended use.

The cost of self-constructed items of property, plant and equipment includes the cost of
materials, direct labour, the initial estimate, where relevant, of the costs of dismantling and
removing the items and restoring the site on which they are located, and an appropriate
proportion of production overheads.

Construction in progress represents property, plant and equipment under construction and
equipment pending installation, and is initially recognised in the balance sheet at cost.
Cost comprises direct cost at construction. Capitalisation of these costs ceases and the
construction in progress is transferred to property, plant and equipment when the asset
is substantially ready for its intended use, notwithstanding any delays in the issue of the
relevant commissioning certificate by the relevant authorities in the People’s Republic of
China (the “PRC”).

No depreciation is provided in respect of construction in progress. Upon completion

and commissioning for operation, depreciation will be provided at the appropriate rates
specified below.

When proved and probable gold reserves have been determined, costs incurred to develop
gold mines are capitalised as part of the cost of mining structures. All other expenditures,
including the cost of repairs and maintenance and major overhaul, are expenses as they are
incurred. Mining exploration costs, such as expenditures related to locating gold deposits
and determining the economic feasibility, and the costs of removing waste materials or
“stripping costs” are expensed as incurred.

Subsequent to the revaluation pursuant to the PRC rules and regulations in connection
with a restructuring of the Company in 2002 (the “Restructuring”), which was determined
based on depreciation replacement costs basis, property, plant and equipment are carried
at revalued amount, being the fair value at the date of the revaluation, less subsequent
accumulated depreciation and impairment losses (see note 1(j)(ii)).

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

58 Notes to the Financial Statements

1 Significant accounting policies (continued)

(g) Property, plant and equipment and construction in progress (continued)

When an item of property, plant and equipment is revalued, any accumulated depreciation
at the date of the revaluation is restated proportionately with the change in the gross
carrying amount of the asset so that the carrying amount of the asset after revaluation
equals its revalued amount. When an item of property, plant and equipment is revalued,
the entire class of property, plant and equipment to which that asset belongs is revalued
simultaneously. When an asset’s carrying amount is increased as a result of a revaluation,
the increase is credited directly to shareholder’s equity as a component of the revaluation
reserve. However, a revaluation increase is recognised as income to the extent that it
reverses a revaluation decrease of the same asset previously recognised as an expense.
When an asset’s carrying amount is decreased as a result of a revaluation, the decrease
is recognised as an expense in profit or loss. However, a revaluation decrease is charged
directly against any related revaluation surplus to the extent that the decrease does
not exceed the amount held in the revaluation reserve in respect of that same asset.
Revaluations are to be performed with sufficient regularity such that the carrying amount
does not differ materially from that which would be determined using fair value at the
balance sheet date.

Gains or losses arising from the retirement or disposal of an item of property, plant and
equipment are determined as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the
carrying amount of the item and are recognised in profit or loss on the date of retirement
or disposal. Any related revaluation surplus is transferred from the revaluation reserve to
retained profits and is not reclassified to profit or loss.

Depreciation is calculated to write off the cost or valuation of items of property, plant
and equipment, less their estimated residual value, if any, using the straight line method
over their estimated useful lives as follows:

Buildings 2 – 30 years
Plant and machinery 4 – 12 years
Transportation equipment 8 years
Office and electronic equipment 5 – 10 years

Included in property, plant and equipment are mining shafts located at the mining sites.
Depreciation is provided to write off the cost of mining shafts using the units of production
method based on the proven and probable mineral reserves.

Where parts of an item of property, plant and equipment have different useful lives, the
cost or valuation of the item is allocated on a reasonable basis between the parts and
each part is depreciated separately. Both the useful life of an asset and its residual value,
if any, are reviewed annually.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Notes to the Financial Statements 59

1 Significant accounting policies (continued)

(h) Intangible assets (other than goodwill)

Expenditure on research activities is recognised as an expense in the period in which
it is incurred. Expenditure on development activities is capitalised if the product or
process is technically and commercially feasible and the Group has sufficient resources
and the intention to complete development. The expenditure capitalised includes the
costs of materials, direct labour and an appropriate proportion of overheads. Capitalised
development costs are stated at cost less accumulated amortisation and impairment losses
(see note 1(j)(ii)). Other development expenditure is recognised as an expense in the period
in which it is incurred.

Intangible assets are not amortised while their useful lives are assessed to be indefinite.
Any conclusion that the useful life of an intangible asset is indefinite is reviewed annually
to determine whether events and circumstances continue to support the indefinite useful
life assessment for that asset. If they do not, the change in the useful life assessment
from indefinite to finite is accounted for prospectively from the date of change and in
accordance with the policy for amortisation of intangible assets with finite lives as set
out above.

(i) Mining rights

Mining rights are stated at cost less accumulated amortisation and impairment
losses (see note 1(j)(ii)). The mining rights are amortised to profit or loss using the
units of production method based on the proven and probable mineral reserves.

The Group’s mining rights are of sufficient duration (or convey a legal right to
renew for sufficient duration) to enable all reserves to be mined in accordance with
current production schedules.

(ii) Exploration rights

Exploration rights are stated at cost less accumulated amortisation and impairment
losses (see note 1(j)(ii)). The exploration rights are amortised to profit or loss on a
straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of 1 – 3 years.

(iii) Exploration and evaluation assets and mining development assets

Exploration and evaluation assets are stated at cost less impairment losses (see
note 1(j)(ii)). Exploration and evaluation assets include exploration and development

Exploration and development costs include expenditures incurred in connection

with the exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources before the technical
feasibility and commercial viability of extracting a mineral resource are demonstrable
and expenditures incurred to secure further mineralisation in existing ore bodies
and to expand the capacity of a mine. Expenditure during the initial exploration
stage is written off as incurred.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

60 Notes to the Financial Statements

1 Significant accounting policies (continued)

(h) Intangible assets (other than goodwill) (continued)

(iii) Exploration and evaluation assets and mining development assets (continued)
When it can be reasonably ascertained that a mining property is capable of
commercial production, exploration and development costs capitalised are transferred
to mining development assets and amortised using the units of production method
based on the proven and probable mineral reserves. If any project is abandoned
during the exploration and evaluation stage, the related exploration and evaluation
assets are written off to profit or loss.

(i) Lease prepayments

Lease prepayments represent purchase cost of land use rights in the PRC’s governmental
authorities. Land use rights are carried at cost less impairment losses (see note 1(j)(ii))
and are charged to the profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the respective periods
of the rights of 50 years.

(j) Impairment of assets

(i) Impairment of investments in equity securities and trade and other

Investments in equity securities (other than investments in subsidiaries: see note
1(j)(ii)) and other current and non-current receivables that are stated at cost or
amortised cost or are classified as available-for-sale securities are reviewed at each
balance sheet date to determine whether there is objective evidence of impairment.
Objective evidence of impairment includes observable data that comes to the
attention of the Group about one or more of the following loss events:

– significant financial difficulty of the debtor;

– a breach of contract, such as a default or delinquency in interest or principal


– it becoming probable that the debtor will enter bankruptcy or other financial

– significant changes in the technological, market, economic or legal

environment that have an adverse effect on the debtor; and

– a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of an investment in an

equity instrument below its cost.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Notes to the Financial Statements 61

1 Significant accounting policies (continued)

(j) Impairment of assets (continued)

(i) Impairment of investments in equity securities and trade and other

receivables (continued)
If any such evidence exists, any impairment loss is determined and recognised as

– For unquoted equity securities that are carried at cost, the impairment loss
is measured as the difference between the carrying amount of the financial
asset and the estimated future cash flows, discounted at the current market
rate of return for a similar financial asset where the effect at discounting is
material. Impairment losses for equity securities are not reversed.

– For trade and other current receivables and other financial assets carried at
amortised cost, the impairment loss is measured as the difference between
the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future
cash flows, discounted at the financial asset’s original effective interest
rate (i.e. the effective interest rate computed at initial recognition of these
assets), where the effect of discounting is material. This assessment is made
collectively where financial assets carried at amortised cost share similar risk
characteristics, such as similar past due status, and have not been individually
assessed as impaired. Future cash flows for financial assets which are assessed
for impairment collectively are based on historical loss experience for assets
with credit risk characteristics similar to the collective group.

If in a subsequent period the amount of an impairment loss decreases and the

decrease can be linked objectively to an event occurring after the impairment
loss was recognised, the impairment loss is reversed through profit or loss. A
reversal of an impairment loss shall not result in the asset’s carrying amount
exceeding that which would have been determined had no impairment loss
been recognised in prior years.

– For available-for-sale securities, the cumulative loss that has been recognised
directly in equity is removed from equity and is recognised in profit or loss.
The amount of the cumulative loss that is recognised in profit or loss is the
difference between the acquisition cost (net of any principal repayment and
amortisation) and current fair value, less any impairment loss on that asset
previously recognised in profit or loss.

Impairment losses recognised in profit or loss in respect of available-for-sale

equity securities are not reversed through profit or loss. Any subsequent
increase in the fair value of such assets is recognised directly in equity.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

62 Notes to the Financial Statements

1 Significant accounting policies (continued)

(j) Impairment of assets (continued)

(i) Impairment of investments in equity securities and trade and other

receivables (continued)
Impairment losses are written off against the corresponding assets directly, except
for impairment losses recognised in respect of trade debtors and bills receivable
included within trade and other receivables, whose recovery is considered doubtful
but not remote. In this case, the impairment losses for doubtful debts are recorded
using an allowance account. When the Group is satisfied that recovery is remote,
the amount considered irrecoverable is written off against trade debtors and bills
receivable directly and any amounts held in the allowance account relating to that
debt are reversed. Subsequent recoveries of amounts previously charged to the
allowance account are reversed against the allowance account. Other changes in
the allowance account and subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written
off directly are recognised in profit or loss.

(ii) Impairment of other assets

Internal and external sources of information are reviewed at each balance sheet
date to identify indications that the following assets may be impaired or, except in
the case of goodwill, an impairment loss previously recognised no longer exists or
may have decreased:

– property, plant and equipment;

– construction in progress;

– investments in subsidiaries;

– pre-paid interests in leasehold land classified as being held under an operating


– intangible assets; and

– goodwill.

If any such indication exists, the asset’s recoverable amount is estimated. In addition,
for goodwill, intangible assets that are not yet available for use and intangible assets
that have indefinite useful lives, the recoverable amount is estimated annually
whether or not there is any indication of impairment.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 63

1 Significant accounting policies (continued)

(j) Impairment of assets (continued)

(ii) Impairment of other assets (continued)

– Calculation of recoverable amount

The recoverable amount of an asset is the greater of its net selling price and
value in use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are
discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects
current market assessments of time value of money and the risks specific to
the asset. Where an asset does not generate cash inflows largely independent
of those from other assets, the recoverable amount is determined for the
smallest group of assets that generates cash inflows independently (i.e. a
cash-generating unit).

– Recognition of impairment losses

An impairment loss is recognised in profit or loss whenever the carrying

amount of an asset, or the cash-generating unit to which it belongs,
exceeds its recoverable amount. Impairment losses recognised in respect of
cash-generating units are allocated first to reduce the carrying amount of
any goodwill allocated to the cash-generating unit (or group of units) and
then, to reduce the carrying amount of the other assets in the unit (or group
of units) on a pro rata basis, except that the carrying value of an asset will
not be reduced below its individual fair value less costs to sell, or value in
use, if determinable.

– Reversals of impairment losses

In respect of assets other than goodwill, an impairment loss is reversed if

there has been a favourable change in the estimates used to determine
the recoverable amount. An impairment loss in respect of goodwill is not

A reversal of impairment losses is limited to the asset’s carrying amount

that would have been determined had no impairment loss been recognised
in prior years. Reversals of impairment losses are credited to profit or loss in
the year in which the reversals are recognised.

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64 Notes to the Financial Statements

1 Significant accounting policies (continued)

(j) Impairment of assets (continued)

(iii) Interim financial reporting and impairment

Under the Listing Rules, the Group is required to prepare an interim financial report
in compliance with HKAS 34, Interim financial reporting, in respect of the first six
months of the financial year. At the end of the interim period, the Group applies
the same impairment testing, recognition, and reversal criteria as it would at the
end of the financial year (see notes 1(j)(i) and (ii)).

Impairment losses recognised in an interim period in respect of goodwill,

available-for-sale equity securities and unquoted equity securities carried at cost
are not reversed in a subsequent period. This is the case even if no loss, or a smaller
loss, would have been recognised had the impairment been assessed only at the
end of the financial year to which the interim period relates.

(k) Leased assets

An arrangement, comprising a transaction or a series of transactions, is or contains a lease
if the Group determines that the arrangement conveys a right to use a specific asset or
assets for an agreed period of time in return for a payment or a series of payments. Such
a determination is made based on an evaluation of the substance of the arrangement and
is regardless of whether the arrangement takes the legal form of a lease.

(i) Classification of assets leased to the Group

Leases of assets under which do not transfer substantially all the risks and rewards
of ownership of the Group are classified as operating leases.

(ii) Operating lease charges

Where the Group has the use of assets held under operating leases, payments
made under the leases are charged to profit or loss in equal instalments over the
accounting periods covered by the lease term, except where an alternative basis is
more representative of the pattern of benefits to be derived from the leased asset.
Lease incentives received are recognised in profit or loss as an integral part of the
aggregate net lease payments made.

(l) Trade and other receivables

Trade and other receivables are initially recognised at fair value and thereafter stated at
amortised cost less allowance for impairment of doubtful debts (see note 1(j)(i)) except
where the receivables are interest-free loans made to related parties without any fixed
repayment terms or the effect of discounting would be immaterial. In such cases, the
receivables are stated at cost less allowance for impairment of doubtful debts.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 65

1 Significant accounting policies (continued)

(m) Inventories
Inventories are carried at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

Cost is calculated using the weighted average cost formula and comprises all costs of
purchase, costs of conversion and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories to their
present location and condition.

Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less
the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale.

When inventories are sold, the carrying amount of those inventories is recognised as an
expense in the period in which the related revenue is recognised. The amount of any
write-down of inventories to net realisable value and all losses of inventories are recognised
as an expense in the period the write-down or loss occurs. The amount of any reversal of
any write-down of inventories is recognised as a reduction in the amount of inventories
recognised as an expense in the period in which the reversal occurs.

(n) Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash at bank and on hand, demand deposits with
banks and other financial institutions, and short-term, highly liquid investments that are
readily convertible into known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant
risk of changes in value, having been within three months of maturity at acquisition.

(o) Income tax

Income tax for the year comprises current tax and movements in deferred tax assets and
liabilities. Current tax and movements in deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognised in
profit and loss except to the extent that they relate to items recognised directly in equity,
in which case it is recognised in equity.

Current tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable income for the year, using tax rates
enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date, and any adjustment to tax
payable in respect of previous years.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities arise from deductible and taxable temporary differences
respectively, being the differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities
for financial reporting purposes and their tax bases. Deferred tax assets also arise from
unused tax losses and unused tax credits.

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66 Notes to the Financial Statements

1 Significant accounting policies (continued)

(o) Income tax (continued)

Apart from certain limited exceptions, all deferred tax liabilities, and all deferred tax assets
to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which
the asset can be utilised, are recognised. Future taxable profits that may support the
recognition of deferred tax assets arising from deductible temporary differences include
those that will arise from the reversal of existing taxable temporary differences, provided
those differences relate to the same taxation authority and the same taxable entity, and
are expected to reverse either in the same period as the expected reversal of the deductible
temporary difference or in periods into which a tax loss arising from the deferred tax asset
can be carried back or forward. The same criteria are adopted when determining whether
existing taxable temporary differences support the recognition of deferred tax assets arising
from unused tax losses and credits, that is, those differences are taken into account if
they relate to the same taxation authority and the same taxable entity, and are expected
to reverse in a period, or periods, in which the tax loss or credit can be utilised.

The limited exceptions to recognition of deferred tax assets and liabilities are those
temporary differences arising from goodwill not deductible for tax purposes, the initial
recognition of assets or liabilities that affect neither accounting nor taxable profit (provided
they are not part of a business combination), and temporary differences relating to
investments in subsidiaries to the extent that, in the case of taxable differences, the Group
controls the timing of the reversal and it is probable that the differences will not reverse
in the foreseeable future, or in the case of deductible differences, unless it is probable
that they will reverse in the future.

The amount of deferred tax recognised is measured based on the expected manner of
realisation or settlement of the carrying amount of the assets and liabilities, using tax
rates enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets and
liabilities are not discounted.

The carrying amount of a deferred tax asset is reviewed at each balance sheet date and
is reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits will be
available to allow the related tax benefit to be utilised. Any such reduction is reversed to
the extent that it becomes probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 67

1 Significant accounting policies (continued)

(o) Income tax (continued)

Current tax balances and deferred tax balances, and movements therein, are presented
separately from each other and are not offset. Current tax assets are offset against current
tax liabilities, and deferred tax assets against deferred tax liabilities, if the Company or
the Group has the legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current
tax liabilities and the following additional conditions are met:

– in the case of current tax assets and liabilities, the Company or the Group intends
either to settle on a net basis, or to realise the asset and settle the liability
simultaneously; or

– in the case of deferred tax assets and liabilities, if they relate to income taxes levied
by the same taxation authority on either:

– the same taxable entity; or

– different taxable entities, which, in each future period in which significant

amounts of deferred tax liabilities or assets are expected to be settled or
recovered, intend to realise the current tax assets and settle the current tax
liabilities on a net basis or realise and settle simultaneously.

(p) Interest-bearing borrowings

Interest-bearing borrowings are recognised initially at fair value less attributable transaction
costs. Subsequent to initial recognition, interest-bearing borrowings are stated at amortised
cost with any difference between the amount initially recognised and redemption value
being recognised in the profit or loss over the period of the borrowings, together with
any interest and fees payable, using the effective interest method.

Commodity-linked interest-bearing borrowings are subsequently remeasured at fair value.

Changes in the fair value of such borrowings are recognised in profit or loss.

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68 Notes to the Financial Statements

1 Significant accounting policies (continued)

(q) Provisions and contingent liabilities

(i) Contingent liabilities acquired in business combinations

Contingent liabilities acquired as part of a business combination are initially
recognised at fair value, provided the fair value can be reliably measured. After
their initial recognition at fair value, such contingent liabilities are recognised at
the higher of the amount initially recognised, less accumulated amortisation where
appropriate, and the amount that would be determined in accordance with note
1(q)(ii). Contingent liabilities acquired in a business combination that cannot be
reliably fair valued are disclosed in accordance with note 1(q)(ii).

(ii) Other provisions and contingent liabilities

Provisions are recognised for liabilities of uncertain timing or amount when the
Group or the Company has a legal or constructive obligation arising as a result of
a past event, it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required
to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made. Where the time value
of money is material, provisions are stated at the present value of the expenditure
expected to settle the obligation.

Where it is not probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required,

or the amount cannot be estimated reliably, the obligation is disclosed as a
contingent liability, unless the probability of outflow of economic benefits is remote.
Possible obligations, whose existence will only be confirmed by the occurrence
or non-occurrence of one or more future events are also disclosed as contingent
liabilities unless the probability of outflow of economic benefits is remote.

(r) Trade and other payables

Trade and other payables are initially recognised at fair value and are subsequently stated
at amortised cost unless the effect of discounting would be immaterial, in which case
they are stated at cost.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 69

1 Significant accounting policies (continued)

(s) Revenue recognition

Provided it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Group and the revenue
and costs, if applicable, can be measured reliably, revenue is recognised in profit or loss
as follows:

(i) Sales of goods

Revenue is recognised when the title to the goods and the related risks and
rewards of ownership are passed to customers, the Group will not execute the
right of supervision and control over the goods, either the proceeds are received or
entitlement of proceeds is evidenced, and the cost of sale of goods can be estimated
reliably. Revenue excludes value added tax or other sales tax and is after deduction
of any trade discounts.

(ii) Delivery service income

Delivery service income is recognised when the related service is rendered.

(iii) Dividends
Dividend income from unlisted investments is recognised when the shareholder’s
right to receive payment is established.

(iv) Interest income

Interest income is recognised as it accrues using the effective interest method.

(t) Government grants

Government grants are recognised in the balance sheet initially as deferred income when
there is reasonable assurance that they will be received and that the Group will comply
with the conditions attaching to them. Grants that compensate the Group for expenses
incurred are recognised as revenue in profit or loss on a systematic basis in the same
periods in which the expenses are incurred. Grants that compensate the Group for the cost
of an asset are deducted in arriving at the carrying amount of the asset and consequently
are recognised in profit or loss over the useful life of the asset.

(u) Employee benefits

Salaries, annual bonuses, paid annual leave, contributions to defined contribution
retirement plans and the cost of non-monetary benefits are accrued in the year in which
the associated services are rendered by employees. Where payment or settlement is
deferred and the effect would be material, these amounts are stated at their present

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70 Notes to the Financial Statements

1 Significant accounting policies (continued)

(v) Borrowing costs

Borrowing costs are expensed in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.

(w) Translation of foreign currencies

Foreign currency transactions during the year are translated at the foreign exchange rates
ruling at the transaction dates. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign
currencies are translated at the foreign exchange rates ruling at the balance sheet date.
Exchange gains and losses are recognised in profit or loss.

Non-monetary assets and liabilities that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign
currency are translated using the foreign exchange rates ruling at the transaction dates.
Non-monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies that are stated at
fair value are translated using the foreign exchange rates ruling at the dates the fair value
was determined.

The results of foreign operations are translated into Renminbi at the exchange rate
approximating the foreign exchange rates ruling at the dates of the transactions. Balance
sheet items are translated into Renminbi at the foreign exchange rates ruling at the
balance sheet date. The resulting exchange differences are recognised directly in a separate
component of equity.

On disposal of a foreign operation, the cumulative amount of the exchange differences

recognised in equity which relate to that foreign operation is included in the calculation
of the profit or loss on disposal.

(x) Related parties

For the purposes of these financial statements, a party is considered to be related to the
Group if:

(i) the party has the ability, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries,
to control the Group or exercise significant influence over the Group in making
financial and operating decisions, or has joint control over the Group;

(ii) the Group and the party are subject to common control;

(iii) the party is an associate of the Group or a joint venture in which the Group is a

(iv) the party is a member of key management personnel of the Group or the Group’s
parent, or a close family member of such an individual, or is an entity under the
control, joint control or significant influence of such individuals;

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Notes to the Financial Statements 71

1 Significant accounting policies (continued)

(x) Related parties (continued)

(v) the party is a close family member of a party referred to in (i) or is an entity under
the control, joint control or significant influence of such individuals; or

(vi) the party is a post-employment benefit plan which is for the benefit or employees
of the Group or of any entity that is a related party of the Group.

Close family members of an individual are those family members who may be expected to
influence, or be influenced by, that individual in their dealings with the entity.

(y) Segment reporting

A segment is a distinguishable component of the Group that is engaged either in providing
products or services (business segment), or in providing products or services within a
particular economic environment (geographical segment), which is subject to risks and
rewards that are different from those of other segments.

In accordance with the Group’s internal financial reporting system, the Group has
chosen business segment information as the primary reporting format and geographical
segment information as the secondary reporting format for the proposes of these financial

Segment revenue, expenses, results, assets and liabilities include items directly attributable
to a segment as well as those that can be allocated on a reasonable basis to that segment.
For example, segment assets may include inventories, trade receivables and property,
plant and equipment. Segment revenue, expenses, assets, and liabilities are determined
before intra-group balances and intra-group transactions are eliminated as part of the
consolidation process, except to the extent that such intra-group balances and transactions
are between group entities within a single segment. Inter-segment pricing is based on
similar terms as those available to other external parties.

Segment capital expenditure is the total cost incurred during the period to acquire segment
assets (both tangible and intangible) that are expected to be used for more than one

Unallocated items mainly comprise financial and corporate assets, interest-bearing loans,
borrowings, tax balances, corporate and financing expenses.

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72 Notes to the Financial Statements

2 Changes in accounting policies

The HKICPA has issued a number of new Interpretations and an amendment to HKFRSs that are
first effective for the current accounting period of the Group and the Company. However, none
of these developments are relevant to the Group’s and the Company’s operations.

The Group has not applied any new standard or interpretation that is not yet effective for the
current accounting period (see note 41).

3 Turnover
The principal activities of the Group are mining, smelting, processing and sales of gold and other
metallic products in the PRC.

Turnover represents the sales value of goods sold to customers, net of sales tax and value added
tax. The amount of each significant category of revenue recognised in turnover during the year
is as follows:

2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000

Sales of:
  – Gold 2,743,352 2,208,327
  – Other metals 681,650 586,523
  – Others 142,846 55,637
Less: Sales taxes and levies (8,759) (5,927)

3,559,089 2,844,560

4 Other revenue
2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000

Bank interest income 4,414 9,023

Other interest income 1,198 3,821

Total interest income on financial assets not at

  fair value through profit or loss 5,612 12,844
Compensation income (note 25(f)) – 112,900
Delivery service income 7,789 8,787
Government grants 1,700 4,470
Scrap sales 2,124 3,550
Dividend income from unlisted securities 420 280
Sundry income 535 30

18,180 142,861

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Notes to the Financial Statements 73

5 Other net gain/(loss)

2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000

Net realised gain on financial instruments

  at fair value 45,421 –
Net unrealised loss on financial instruments
  at fair value (note 25(e)) (856) –
Net (loss)/gain on disposal of property,
  plant and equipment (2,315) 2,581
Negative goodwill arising from
  business combination (note 36) 12,437 –
Gain on deemed disposal of subsidiary (note 32(b)(viii)) 392 –
Net foreign exchange losses (23,392) (7,371)
Others 305 296

31,992 (4,494)

6 Staff costs
2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000

Salaries, wages and bonuses 103,991 81,714

Staff welfare 7,502 5,005
Contributions to retirement benefit schemes 8,188 4,570

119,681 91,289
Less: Staff costs capitalised into construction in progress (4,737) (3,601)

114,944 87,688

Pursuant to the relevant labour rules and regulations in the PRC, the Group participates in
defined contribution retirement benefit schemes (the “Schemes”) organised by the relevant local
government authorities whereby the Group is required to make contributions to the Schemes
at the rate of 20% of the eligible employees’ salaries. The local government authorities are
responsible for the entire pension obligations payable to retired employees.

The Group has no other material obligation for the payment of pension benefits associated with
those schemes beyond the annual contributions described above.

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74 Notes to the Financial Statements

7 Profit before taxation

Profit before taxation is arrived at after charging/(crediting):

2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000

(a) Finance costs:

Interest expense on bank advances wholly
  repayable within five years 61,708 63,408
Interest on unsecured debenture 24,891 6,661
Interest on other loan 139 115
Net realised and unrealised loss
  on commodity-linked interest-bearing borrowings 17,909 28,458
Interest expenses on financial liabilities measured
  at amortised cost 6,461 –
Other borrowing costs 4,154 2,971

115,262 101,613

Finance costs on financial liabilities measured at

  – amortised cost 96,752 70,108
  – fair value 18,510 31,505

115,262 101,613

(b) Other items:

Amortisation of lease prepayments 1,637 724
Operating lease charges in respect of properties 2,624 5,139
Research and development expenses 1,325 1,400
Net impairment losses on:
  – trade and other receivables (note 25(c)) 2,539 624
  – purchase deposits 4,726 8,367
  – intangible assets (note 17) 2,781 –
Pollution discharge fee 1,740 1,877
Environmental rehabilitation fee 12,776 5,584

Auditors’ remuneration
  – audit services 3,245 3,928
  – other services 400 891

Amortisation of intangible assets (note 17) 77,536 97,884

Less: Amortisation capitalised into exploration
  and evaluation assets (34,355) (71,352)

43,181 26,532

Depreciation (note 15) 103,348 64,801

Less: Depreciation capitalised into
  construction in progress (1,103) (584)

102,245 64,217

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Notes to the Financial Statements 75

8 Income tax in the consolidated income statement

(a) Taxation in the consolidated income statement represents:

2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000

Current tax – PRC income tax

Provision for the year 71,348 136,874
Over-provision in respect of prior year (4,400) –

66,948 136,874
Deferred tax
Origination and reversal of temporary differences (51,465) (28,647)
Effect of change in tax rate on deferred tax balances – 7,442

15,483 115,669

(b) Reconciliation between tax expense and accounting profit at applicable tax rates:

2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000

Profit before taxation 122,244 338,998

Notional tax on profit before taxation, calculated

  at the PRC income tax rate of 25% (2007: 33%) 30,561 111,869
Effect of different taxation rates used
  in other jurisdictions 5,374 –
Tax effect of non-deductible expenses 5,273 1,235
Tax effect of non-taxable income (3,214) (1,279)
Tax effect of unused tax losses not recognised 1,489 –
Reversal of temporary differences recognised
  in prior years (18,993) –
Effect on opening deferred tax balances resulting
  from a change in tax rate – 7,442
Over-provision in respect of prior year (4,400) –
Others (607) (3,598)

Actual tax expense 15,483 115,669

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76 Notes to the Financial Statements

8 Income tax in the consolidated income statement (continued)

(b) Reconciliation between tax expense and accounting profit at applicable tax rates:


(i) On 16 March 2007, the Fifth Plenary Session of the Tenth National People’s Congress passed the Corporate
Income Tax Law of the PRC (“new tax law”) which has taken effect from 1 January 2008. As a result of
the new tax law, the statutory income tax rate applicable to the Company and its subsidiaries is 25%
from 1 January 2008 onwards.

(ii) The provisions for PRC income tax is based on a statutory rate of 25% (2007: 33%) of the assessable
profit of the Company and its subsidiaries in the PRC as determined in accordance with the relevant
income tax rules and regulations of the PRC. Taxation for subsidiaries outside the PRC is charged at the
appropriate current rates of taxation ruling in the relevant countries.

(iii) The provision for Hong Kong Profits Tax for 2008 is calculated at 16.5% (2007:17.5%). No provision for
Hong Kong Profits Tax is made for the year as Lingbao Gold International Company Limited did not earn
any income which is subject to Hong Kong Profits Tax.

(iv) The provision for Kyrgyzstan Profits Tax for 2008 is calculated at 10%. No provision for Kyrgyzstan Profits
Tax is made for the year as Full Gold Mining Limited Liability Company did not earn any income which is
subject to Kyrgyzstan Profits Tax.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 77

9 Directors’ and supervisors’ remuneration

Directors’ and supervisors’ remuneration comprises of payments to directors and supervisors by
the Company and its subsidiaries. The remuneration of each of the directors and supervisors of
the Company is as follows:

Year ended 31 December 2008

salaries, Contributions
allowances to retirement
and other benefit
Fees benefits schemes Bonus Total
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Executive directors
Mr. Xu Gaoming – 480 5 165 650
Mr. Wang Jianguo – 432 5 149 586
Mr. Lu Xiaozhao – 336 5 116 457
Mr. Jin Guangcai – 336 5 116 457

Non-executive directors
Mr. Di Qinghua – – – – –
Mr. Qi Guozhong – – – – –
Mr. Xu Wanmin – – – – –

Independent non-
  executive directors
Mr. Ning Jincheng 100 – – – 100
Mr. Wang Yanwu 100 – – – 100
Mr. Zheng Jinqiao 100 – – – 100
Mr. Niu Zhongjie 120 – – – 120

Mr. Gao Yang – – – – –
Mr. Meng Fanrui – – – – –
Mr. Guo Xuchang – – – – –
Mr. Peng Jinzeng – – – – –
Mr. Lei Mingyang – – – – –

Total 420 1,584 20 546 2,570

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78 Notes to the Financial Statements

9 Directors’ and supervisors’ remuneration (continued)

Year ended 31 December 2007

salaries, Contributions
allowances to retirement
and other benefit
Fees benefits schemes Bonus Total
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Executive directors
Mr. Xu Gaoming – 904 4 – 908
Mr. Wang Jianguo – 814 4 – 818
Mr. Lu Xiaozhao – 633 4 – 637
Mr. Jin Guangcai – 633 4 – 637

Non-executive directors
Mr. Di Qinghua – – – – –
Mr. Qi Guozhong – – – – –
Mr. Xu Wanmin – – – – –

Independent non-
  executive directors
Mr. Ning Jincheng 100 – – – 100
Mr. Wang Yanwu 100 – – – 100
Mr. Zheng Jinqiao 100 – – – 100
Mr. Niu Zhongjie 117 – – – 117

Mr. Gao Yang – 633 4 – 637
Mr. Meng Fanrui – – – – –
Mr. Guo Xuchang – – – – –
Mr. Peng Jinzeng – 75 3 – 78
Mr. Lei Mingyang – 45 1 – 46

Total 417 3,737 24 – 4,178

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Notes to the Financial Statements 79

10 Individuals with highest emoluments

Of the five individuals with the highest emoluments, four (2007: five) are directors or supervisors
whose emoluments are disclosed in note 9. The emoluments in respect of the other individual
(2007: Nil) is as follows:


Salaries and wages 603

Contributions to retirement benefit schemes 11
Bonuses 50


11 Profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company

The consolidated profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company includes a profit of
RMB111,333,000 (2007: RMB216,709,000) which has been dealt with in the financial statements
of the Company (note 32(b)).

12 Dividends

(a) Dividends payable to equity shareholders of the Company attributable to the

2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000

Final dividend proposed after the balance sheet

  date of RMB Nil per ordinary share
  (2007: RMB0.10 per ordinary share) – 77,025

The final dividend proposed after the balance sheet date had not been recognised as a
liability at the balance sheet date.

(b) Dividends payable to equity shareholders of the Company attributable to the

previous financial year, approved and paid during the year
2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000

Final dividend in respect of the previous financial year,

  approved and paid during the year,
  of RMB0.10 per ordinary share
  (2007: RMB0.08 per ordinary share) 77,025 61,620

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80 Notes to the Financial Statements

13 Earnings per share

(a) Basic earnings per share

The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on the profit attributable to equity
shareholders of the Company of RMB108,166,000 (2007: RMB222,270,000) and the
weighted average number of 770,249,000 ordinary shares in issue during the year (2007:
770,249,000 ordinary shares).

(b) Diluted earnings per share

The diluted earnings per share for the current and previous years is the same as the basic
earnings per share as there are no dilutive ordinary shares during the years.

14 Related party transactions

Particulars of significant transactions with related parties during the year ended 31 December
2008 are as follows:

(a) Non-recurring transactions

2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000

Loan from ultimate holding company (note 31) 23,800 –

The loan is unsecured, interest-free and repayable on demand.

(b) Recurring transactions

2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000

Purchase of electricity from Lingbao Electric

  Company (靈寶市電業總公司), an equity
  shareholder of the Company 69,423 51,903

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Notes to the Financial Statements 81

14 Related party transactions (continued)

(c) Transactions with other state-controlled entities in the PRC

The Group is a state-controlled entity and operates in an economic regime currently
dominated by entities directly or indirectly controlled by the PRC government
(“state-controlled entities”) through its government authorities, agencies, affiliations and
other organisations.

Transactions with other state-controlled entities include but are not limited to the

– sales and purchase of goods and ancillary materials;

– rendering and receiving of utilities and other services;

– purchase of property, plant and equipment; and

– obtaining finance.

These transactions are conducted in the ordinary course of the Group’s business on terms
comparable to those with other entities that are not state-controlled. The Group has
established its buying, pricing strategy and approval process for purchases and sales of
products and services. Such buying, pricing strategy and approval processes do not depend
on whether the counterparties are state-controlled entities or not.

Having considered the potential for transactions to be impacted by related party

relationships, the entity’s pricing strategy, buying and approval processes, and what
information would be necessary for an understanding of the potential effect of the
relationship on the financial statements; the directors are of the opinion that there are
no transactions that require disclosure as related party transactions.

(d) Key management personnel remuneration

Remuneration for key management personnel of the Group, including amounts paid to
the Company’s directors and supervisors as disclosed in note 9 is as follows:

2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000

Short-term employee benefits 3,606 5,564

Post-employment benefits 34 34

3,640 5,598

Total remuneration is included in “staff costs” (see note 6).

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82 Notes to the Financial Statements

15 Property, plant and equipment

The Group
Office and
Mining Plant and Transportation electronic
Buildings shafts machinery equipment equipment Total
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

At 1 January 2007 101,405 97,818 163,981 38,421 8,148 409,773
Additions 14,873 3,820 66,634 12,911 7,411 105,649
Transfer from construction in
  progress (note 16) 110,675 57,942 111,255 – 1,698 281,570
Through business combination
  (note 36) 18,966 16,665 9,072 299 81 45,083
Purchase of net assets (note 35) 627 – – 336 304 1,267
Disposals (739) (5,150) (3,408) (5,502) (1,517) (16,316)

At 31 December 2007 245,807 171,095 347,534 46,465 16,125 827,026

Cost 154,678 122,650 310,009 42,747 15,689 645,773
Valuation–2002 24,422 48,445 37,525 3,718 436 114,546
Valuation–2005 66,707 – – – – 66,707

245,807 171,095 347,534 46,465 16,125 827,026

Accumulated depreciation:
At 1 January 2007 6,469 42,132 56,675 9,327 3,055 117,658
Charge for the year 10,294 18,419 28,896 5,323 1,869 64,801
Through business combination
  (note 36) 3,737 8,308 2,159 75 17 14,296
Written back on disposals (29) – (2,103) (1,822) (326) (4,280)

At 31 December 2007 20,471 68,859 85,627 12,903 4,615 192,475

Net book value:

At 31 December 2007 225,336 102,236 261,907 33,562 11,510 634,551

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Notes to the Financial Statements 83

15 Property, plant and equipment (continued)

The Group (continued)
Office and
Mining Plant and Transportation electronic
Buildings shafts machinery equipment equipment Total
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

At 1 January 2008 245,807 171,095 347,534 46,465 16,125 827,026
Exchange adjustments (238) – (507) (285) (9) (1,039)
Additions 13,710 28,863 44,501 7,794 2,260 97,128
Transfer from construction
  in progress (note 16) 64,163 50,424 23,702 – 827 139,116
Through business combination
  (note 36) 18,238 – 47,201 806 298 66,543
Disposals (1,082) (733) (4,272) (2,747) (3) (8,837)

At 31 December 2008 340,598 249,649 458,159 52,033 19,498 1,119,937

Cost 249,804 201,204 421,670 48,989 19,062 940,729
Valuation–2002 24,087 48,445 36,489 3,044 436 112,501
Valuation–2005 66,707 – – – – 66,707

340,598 249,649 458,159 52,033 19,498 1,119,937

Accumulated depreciation:
At 1 January 2008 20,471 68,859 85,627 12,903 4,615 192,475
Exchange adjustments (15) – (19) (14) (1) (49)
Charge for the year 17,542 25,396 51,049 6,315 3,046 103,348
Through business combination
  (note 36) 266 – 1,762 22 26 2,076
Written back on disposals (240) (127) (2,158) (1,640) (1) (4,166)

At 31 December 2008 38,024 94,128 136,261 17,586 7,685 293,684

Net book value:

At 31 December 2008 302,574 155,521 321,898 34,447 11,813 826,253

Had property, plant and equipment been carried at cost less accumulated depreciation, the
historical carrying amount as at 31 December 2008 and 2007 would have been as follows:

2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000

Buildings 298,392 221,433

Mining shafts 155,267 101,924
Plant and machinery 303,821 246,599
Transportation equipment 31,686 31,245
Office and electronic equipment 11,789 11,472

800,955 612,673

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84 Notes to the Financial Statements

15 Property, plant and equipment (continued)

The Company
Office and
Mining Plant and Transportation electronic
Buildings shafts machinery equipment equipment Total
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Cost or valuation:
At 1 January 2007 82,629 83,672 141,696 24,506 4,762 337,265
Additions 69 – 4,180 5,797 1,984 12,030
Transfer from construction
  in progress (note 16) 71,634 43,503 120,500 – – 235,637
Disposals – – (1,150) (2,497) – (3,647)

At 31 December 2007 154,332 127,175 265,226 27,806 6,746 581,285

Cost 63,203 78,730 227,701 24,088 6,310 400,032
Valuation – 2002 24,422 48,445 37,525 3,718 436 114,546
Valuation – 2005 66,707 – – – – 66,707

154,332 127,175 265,226 27,806 6,746 581,285

Accumulated depreciation:
At 1 January 2007 4,638 39,341 49,579 7,930 2,460 103,948
Charge for the year 6,500 6,843 22,174 3,329 1,117 39,963
Written back on disposals – – (905) (1,217) – (2,122)

At 31 December 2007 11,138 46,184 70,848 10,042 3,577 141,789

Net book value:

At 31 December 2007 143,194 80,991 194,378 17,764 3,169 439,496

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Notes to the Financial Statements 85

15 Property, plant and equipment (continued)

The Company (continued)

Office and
Mining Plant and Transportation electronic
Buildings shafts machinery equipment equipment Total
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Cost or valuation:
At 1 January 2008 154,332 127,175 265,226 27,806 6,746 581,285
Additions 1,679 – 16,076 3,840 1,541 23,136
Transfer from construction in
  progress (note 16) 15,137 41,845 17,288 – 179 74,449
Disposals (477) – (2,968) (2,343) – (5,788)

At 31 December 2008 170,671 169,020 295,622 29,303 8,466 673,082

Cost 79,877 120,575 259,133 26,259 8,030 493,874
Valuation – 2002 24,087 48,445 36,489 3,044 436 112,501
Valuation – 2005 66,707 – – – – 66,707

170,671 169,020 295,622 29,303 8,466 673,082

Accumulated depreciation:
At 1 January 2008 11,138 46,184 70,848 10,042 3,577 141,789
Charge for the year 8,115 14,308 30,993 3,413 1,359 58,188
Written back on disposals (186) – (1,513) (1,480) – (3,179)

At 31 December 2008 19,067 60,492 100,328 11,975 4,936 196,798

Net book value:

At 31 December 2008 151,604 108,528 195,294 17,328 3,530 476,284

As required by the relevant PRC rules and regulations with respect to the Restructuring, the
property, plant and equipment, and construction in progress as at 31 May 2002 were revalued
for each asset class by 亞太(集團)會計師事務所有限公司, a firm of independent valuers registered
in the PRC, on a depreciated replacement costs basis. The surpluses arising from the revaluation
of certain property, plant and equipment, and construction in progress of RMB28,939,000
and RMB3,076,000 respectively were credited to capital reserve while deficit arising from the
revaluation of certain property, plant and equipment of RMB17,833,000 was charged as an
expense for the year ended 31 December 2002. The revalued amounts serve as the tax base for
future years for such assets.

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86 Notes to the Financial Statements

15 Property, plant and equipment (continued)

The Company (continued)

For the purpose of the listing of the Company’s shares on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
Limited (the “Stock Exchange”), the properties of the Group were revalued as at 30 September
2005 by Sallmanns (Far East) Limited, an independent firm of valuers. The valuation gave rise to
a revaluation surplus of approximately RMB2,467,000 from the carrying amount of the buildings
at that date. The revaluation surplus was incorporated in the Group’s consolidated financial

In accordance whit HKAS 16, subsequent to these revaluations, which was based on depreciated
replacement costs, property, plant and equipment are carried at revalued amount, being the
fair value at the date of the revaluation less any subsequent accumulated depreciation and
impairment losses. Revaluation will be performed periodically to ensure that the carrying amount
does not differ materially from that which would be determined using fair value at the balance
sheet date.

16 Construction in progress
The Group The Company
2008 2007 2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

At 1 January 302,451 254,533 109,075 145,594
Exchange adjustments (1,288) – – –
Additions 277,068 318,861 78,818 199,118
Acquisition through business
  combination (note 36) 6,083 14 – –
Purchase of net assets (note 35) – 10,613 – –
Transfer to property, plant and
  equipment (note 15) (139,116) (281,570) (74,449) (235,637)

At 31 December 445,198 302,451 113,444 109,075

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Notes to the Financial Statements 87

17 Intangible assets

The Group
Shanghai Exploration
Gold and Mining Mining Exploration
Exchange evaluation development rights rights
trading rights assets assets (note (b)) (note (b)) Total
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

At 1 January 2007 820 138,520 11,484 71,476 15,423 237,723
Additions – 24,043 – 8,171 51,852 84,066
Through business
  combination (note 36) – – – 41,830 31,677 73,507
Capitalisation of amortisation – 71,352 – – – 71,352
Purchase of net assets
  (note 35) – 5,187 – – 32,891 38,078

At 31 December 2007 820 239,102 11,484 121,477 131,843 504,726

Accumulated amortisation:
At 1 January 2007 – – 5,296 27,355 10,194 42,845
Through business
  combination (note 36) – – – 1,155 730 1,885
Charge for the year – – 1,198 25,334 71,352 97,884

At 31 December 2007 – – 6,494 53,844 82,276 142,614

Net book value:

At 31 December 2007 820 239,102 4,990 67,633 49,567 362,112

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88 Notes to the Financial Statements

17 Intangible assets (continued)

The Group (continued)

Shanghai Exploration
Gold and Mining Mining Exploration
Exchange evaluation development rights rights
trading rights assets assets (note (b)) (note (b)) Total
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

At 1 January 2008 820 239,102 11,484 121,477 131,843 504,726
Exchange adjustments – – – (19,359) – (19,359)
Additions – 58,431 – 195,109 6,004 259,544
Capitalisation of amortisation – 34,355 – – – 34,355

At 31 December 2008 820 331,888 11,484 297,227 137,847 779,266

Accumulated amortisation:
At 1 January 2008 – – 6,494 53,844 82,276 142,614
Impairment loss (note (e)) – 2,781 – – – 2,781
Charge for the year – – 2,897 40,284 34,355 77,536

At 31 December 2008 – 2,781 9,391 94,128 116,631 222,931

Net book value:

At 31 December 2008 820 329,107 2,093 203,099 21,216 556,335

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Notes to the Financial Statements 89

17 Intangible assets (continued)

The Company
Gold Mining Exploration
Exchange rights rights
trading rights (note (b)) (note (b)) Total
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

At 1 January 2007 and
  31 December 2007 820 50,139 447 51,406

Accumulated amortisation:
At 1 January 2007 – 24,170 421 24,591
Charge for the year – 4,011 26 4,037

At 31 December 2007 – 28,181 447 28,628

Net book value:

At 31 December 2007 820 21,958 – 22,778

Gold Mining Exploration
Exchange rights rights
trading rights (note (b)) (note (b)) Total
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

At 1 January 2008 and
  31 December 2008 820 50,139 447 51,406

Accumulated amortisation:
At 1 January 2008 – 28,181 447 28,628
Charge for the year – 3,162 – 3,162

At 31 December 2008 – 31,343 447 31,790

Net book value:

At 31 December 2008 820 18,796 – 19,616

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90 Notes to the Financial Statements

17 Intangible assets (continued)

The Company (continued)


(a) Included in intangible assets of the Group are assets related to mines which are not operative as at 31 December
2008 with a carrying value of RMB496,871,000 (2007: RMB289,889,000). These assets are not subject to
amortisation until they are placed in use.

(b) The Group’s mining rights and principal exploration rights are as follows:

Mine Location Expiry date

Mining rights:
Lingjin One Mine Lingbao, Henan December 2021
Lingjin Two Mine Lingbao, Henan December 2014
Hongxin Gold Mine Lingbao, Henan August 2012
Duolanasayi Gold Mine (note (d)) Habahe, Xinjiang July 2018
Tuokuzibayi Gold Mine Habahe, Xinjiang August 2017
Kaqia Gold Mine Wushi, Xinjiang September 2009
Shangrao County Jintian Industrial Shangrao, Jiangxi November 2010
  Company Limited Gold Mine
Shanzaoling Gold Mine Shangrao, Jiangxi June 2011
Chifeng Jinchan Mining Company Chifeng, Inner Mongolia January 2010
  Limited Gold Mine
桐柏興源有限公司上上河金礦 Nanyang, Henan October 2012
桐柏興源礦業有限公司 Nanyang, Henan April 2011
Istanbul Gold Mine (note (c)) Kyrgyz Republic February 2017

Exploration rights:
Harqin Banner Shijiaxiang Shuiquangou Chifeng, Inner Mongolia April 2010
  Gold Mine
林西縣小北溝銀多金屬礦 Chifeng, Inner Mongolia May 2010
甘肅省天水市麥積區橋礦金礦 Tianshui, Gansu May 2010
喀喇沁旗十家鄉城南山金礦 Chifeng, Inner Mongolia May 2010
喀喇沁旗龍山鄉達子營金礦點 Chifeng, Inner Mongolia May 2010
甘露池金礦普查 Tianshui, Gansu April 2010


(i) The Group was in the process of applying for extension of the certificates of certain of its mining or
exploration rights. The relevant rights and exploration and evaluation assets have an aggregate carrying
value of approximately RMB53,948,000 as at 31 December 2008. The directors are of the opinion that
the Group is entitled to lawfully and validly occupy or use the above mentioned intangible assets.

(ii) The amortisation charge for the year ended 31 December 2008 is included in “cost of sales” and “other
operating expenses” in the consolidated income statement of the Group.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 91

17 Intangible assets (continued)

The Company (continued)

Notes: (continued)

(c) Istanbul Gold Mine

As disclosed in the circular of the Company dated 24 April 2008, the Company entered into a co-operation
agreement (“Co-operation Agreement KR”) on 27 February 2008 with the Government of Kyrgyz Republic, Full
Gold Mining Limited Liability Company (“Full Gold”, the Company’s subsidiary), China Road & Bridge Corporation
(“CRB”), China Development Bank and Xinjiang Lingxi Investment Company Limited (“Xinjiang Lingxi”). Pursuant
to the Co-operation Agreement KR, in consideration of payment of a restoration fee of a public road within the
territory of the Kyrgyz Republic amounting to US$25,300,000 (equivalent to RMB180,705,000) by Full Gold to
CRB, Full Gold will acquire the mining right of the Istanbul Gold Mine from CRB. CRB is responsible for the road
restoration work which has to be completed in 3 years by May 2011. Full Gold estimated that the restoration fee
will be paid to CRB in accordance with the progress of the restoration work.

At the date of acquisition, the mining right is recognised on the consolidated balance sheet at its fair value of
RMB164,687,000. As at 31 December 2008, payable of this mining right amounting to RMB158,741,000 of which
RMB74,101,000 and RMB84,640,000 is recognised as current liabilities and non-current liabilities respectively.

(d) Duolanasayi Gold Mine

The Group had successfully extended the mining right of Duolanasayi Gold Mine for a period of five years to 1 July
2018 for a consideration of RMB26,920,000. The consideration is settled in six instalments. The first instalment of
RMB5,630,000 was settled on 3 September 2008. The second to fifth annual instalment of RMB4,300,000 each
will be payable on or before 3 September of each year starting form 2009. The final instalment in an amount of
RMB4,090,000 will be payable on or before 3 September 2013.

As at 31 December 2008, other payable of respective mining right for RMB21,290,000 is recognised of which
RMB4,300,000 and RMB16,990,000 is recognised as current liabilities and non-current liabilities respectively.

(e) During the year ended 31 December 2008, the carrying amount of certain exploration and evaluation assets was
written down by RMB2,781,000 (2007: RMB Nil) as the related exploration projects have been suspended.

18 Goodwill
The Group
2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000

At 1 January 38,882 4,824
Additions (note 36) – 34,058

At 31 December 38,882 38,882

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92 Notes to the Financial Statements

18 Goodwill (continued)

Impairment tests for cash-generating units containing goodwill

Goodwill is allocated to the Group’s cash-generating units (“CGU”) identified according to
business segment as follows:

2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000

Mining 38,882 38,882

The recoverable amount of the CGU is determined based on value-in-use calculations. These
calculations use cash flow projections based on financial budgets approved by management
covering a five-year period. Cash flows beyond the five-year period are extrapolated using the
estimated rates stated below. The growth rate does not exceed the long-term average growth
rate for the business in which the CGU operates.

Key assumptions used for value-in-use calculations:

2008 2007
% %

Gross margin 30 30
Growth rate 3 5
Discount rate 8 13

Management determined the budgeted gross margin based on past performance and their
expectation for market development. The weighted average growth rates used are consistent with
the forecasts included in industry reports. The discount rate used is pre-tax and reflect specific
risks relating to the mining segment.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 93

19 Lease prepayments
The Group The Company
2008 2007 2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

At 1 January 37,819 9,229 8,875 9,128

Through business combination
  (note 36) 14,657 29,314 – –
Additions 38,153 – 21,757 –
Less: Amortisation (1,637) (724) (470) (253)

At 31 December 88,992 37,819 30,162 8,875

The Group The Company

2008 2007 2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Lease prepayments 88,992 37,819 30,162 8,875

Less: Current portion of lease
     prepayments included
     in other receivables, deposits
     and prepayments (2,122) (879) (688) (252)

86,870 36,940 29,474 8,623

The Group’s and the Company’s leasehold land are located in the PRC. The Group and the
Company was formally granted by the relevant PRC authorities certain rights to use the land on
which the Group’s and the Company’s factories and infrastructures are erected for a period of
50 years.

20 Investment in subsidiaries
The Company
2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000

Unlisted shares, at cost 622,951 437,725

The amounts due from/to subsidiaries are unsecured, interest free and have no fixed terms of

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94 Notes to the Financial Statements

20 Investment in subsidiaries (continued)

Details of the subsidiaries at 31 December 2008 are as follow:

Percentage of and fully
Place of equity attributable paid-up/
Type of incorporation to the Company registered
Name of company legal entity and operation Direct Indirect capital Principal activities
% % ’000

Xinjiang Baoxin Mining Limited liability The PRC 80 20 RMB10,000 Sales of mineral products
  Company Limited   company
  (“Xinjiang Baoxin”)

Lingbao Hongxin Mining Limited liability The PRC 80 – RMB3,000 Exploration and processing
  Limited Liability Company   company   of gold; sales of mineral

Akesu District Xindi Mining Limited liability The PRC – 100 RMB10,000 Mining and exploration of
  Company Limited   company   mineral reserves
  (“Akesu Xindi”)

Jiangxi Mingxin Mining Limited liability The PRC 80 – RMB5,000 Production and sales of
  Company Limited   company   precious metal products

Habahe Huatai Gold Limited Limited liability The PRC 83.3 16.7 RMB9,800 Mining, processing
  Liability Company   company   and smelting of gold,
  (“Habahe Huatai”)   production of gold
  products, sales of
  gold bullion products,
  machinery, equipment
  and components for gold

Tongbai Xingyuan Mining Limited liability The PRC 100 – RMB17,000 Geological exploration of
  Company Limited   company   mineral reserves
  (“Tongbai Xingyuan”)

Shangrao County Jintian Limited liability The PRC 100 – RMB38,000 Mining and exploration
  Industrial Company Limited   company   of mineral reserves,
  processing and smelting
  of gold, further
  processing and sales
  of gold products

Chi Feng City Zheng Ji Limited liability The PRC 80 – RMB5,000 Processing of metallurgy
  Mining Limited Company   company   products, sales of
  mineral products

Lingbao Gold International Limited liability Hong Kong 100 – HKD50,000 Investment holding
  Company Limited   company

Wuyuan County Jincheng Limited liability The PRC 100 – RMB500 Sales of mineral products
  Mining Company Limited   company

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Notes to the Financial Statements 95

20 Investment in subsidiaries (continued)

Percentage of and fully
Place of equity attributable paid-up/
Type of incorporation to the Company registered
Name of company legal entity and operation Direct Indirect capital Principal activities
% % ’000

Chifeng Jinchan Mining Limited liability The PRC 100 – RMB20,000 Mining and exploration
  Company Limited   company   of mineral reserves
  (“Chifeng Jinchan”)

Chifeng Lingjin Mining Limited liability The PRC 80 – RMB40,000 Mining and exploration
  Company Limited   company   of mineral reserves

Lingbao Yixin Mining Limited liability The PRC 80 – RMB3,670 Mining and exploration
  Limited Liability Company   company (note i)   of mineral reserves
  (“Lingbao Yixin”)

Full Gold Mining Limited Limited liability Kyrgyz 82 – SOM33,300 Mining and exploration
  Liability Company   company   Republic   of mineral reserves
  (“Full Gold”)

Tianshui Hongwu Mining Limited liability The PRC 74 – RMB1,000 Mining and exploration
  Development   company (note ii)   of mineral reserves
  Company Limited
  (“Tianshui Hongwu”)

Lanzhou Lingjin Mining Limited liability The PRC 100 – RMB1,000 Mining and exploration
  Limited Liability Company   company   of mineral reserves
  (“Lanzhou Lingjin”)

Beijing Fushengda Limited liability The PRC 100 – RMB10,000 Investment holding
  Investment   company
  Company Limited
  (“Beijing Fushengda”)

Lingbao Wason Copper-Foil Limited liability The PRC 100 – RMB27,900 Processing of copper
  Company Limited   company   products
  (“Lingbao Wason”)

Ha Mi Jiachang Mining Limited liability The PRC 100 – RMB27,900 Mining and exploration
  Investment and   company   of mineral reserves
  Company Limited


(i) Lingbao Yixin was acquired by the Group in June 2007. Pursuant to the sale and purchase agreement, the Group
is entitled to an amount of initial profit which is equivalent to the Group’s investment cost in Lingbao Yixin. Profit
generated thereafter is shared between the Group and the minority shareholder on a 55%: 45% basis.

(ii) Tianshui Hongwu was acquired by the Group in November 2007. Pursuant to the sale and purchase agreement,
the Group is entitled to an amount of initial profit which is equivalent to the Group’s investment cost in Tianshui
Hongwu. Profit generated thereafter is shared between the Group and the minority shareholder on a 60%: 40%

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96 Notes to the Financial Statements

20 Investment in subsidiaries (continued)

As at 1 January 2007, the Group held 83.3% equity interest in Habahe Huatai and 80% equity
interest in Xinjiang Baoxin, which holds 100% equity interest in Akesu Xindi. On 27 November
2007, the Group acquired the entire interest in Beijing Fushengda which then held the remaining
16.7% equity interest in Habahe Huatai and 20% equity interest in Xinjiang Baoxin for a
consideration of RMB13,200,000, satisfied in cash. The Group’s equity interest in Habahe Huatai,
Xinjiang Baoxin and Akesu Xindi therefore increased to 100%.

As at 1 January 2007, the Group held 80% equity interest in Tongbai Xingyuan. On 20 September
2007, the Group acquired the remaining 20% equity interest from Mr. Zhou Yudao and Mr. Xu
Zhongjian for a consideration of RMB4,000,000. After the acquisition, Tongbai Xingyuan become
a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Group.

The excess of the purchase consideration over the carrying value of minority interests acquired
in the above transaction of RMB858,000 are charged to other reserve in consolidated equity
(see note 1(c)).

21 Other investments
The Group
and the Company
2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000

Non-current investment
Unlisted available-for-sale equity securities, at cost 10,504 10,504

Current investments
Unlisted available-for-sale equity securities, at fair value – 40,000

Non-current unlisted available-for-sale equity securities represent the Group’s 5% equity interest
in a PRC domiciled enterprise which is mainly engaged in geological exploration, mining,
processing, sales of gold, as well as research, development, production and sale of artificial
industrial diamonds. There is no quoted market price for such equity securities and a reasonable
estimate of the fair value could not be made without incurring excessive costs.

On 24 December 2007, the Group entered into a principal-protected fund management contract
with financial institution in the PRC whereby principal amount of RMB40,000,000 was placed
with the financial institution for investment management at 31 December 2007. A gain of
RMB667,000 was resulted upon the expiry of the contract on 19 April 2008.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 97

22 Investment deposit
Investment deposit represents RMB80,000,000 deposit paid to an independent third party,
Beijing Jiuyi Investment Company Limited (“Beijing Jiuyi”) for exclusive rights to certain mining
assets in the PRC. On 21 May 2007, the Group has entered into a co-operation agreement (the
“Co-operation Agreement”) with Beijing Jiuyi to acquire 56.25% interest of a company with
mining assets situated in Gansu Province, the PRC. Following the expiry of the Co-operation
Agreement, the Group has entered into a supplementary agreement on 6 March 2009 to extend
the expiry date to 30 June 2009. The amount is unsecured, interest-free and repayable when
the relevant exclusive rights expire. The directors of the Company consider that appropriate
procedures have been taken by the Group to assess the viability of the potential mine and expect
that the deposit would be recovered through the conversion to relevant equity interest in the
mining company.

23 Income tax in the balance sheet

(a) Current taxation in the balance sheet represents:

The Group The Company
2008 2007 2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

PRC income tax

  (recoverable)/payable (4,543) 28,426 (20,424) 15,737

PRC income tax

  – Recoverable (22,205) – (20,424) –
  – Payable 17,662 28,426 – 15,737

(4,543) 28,426 (20,424) 15,737

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98 Notes to the Financial Statements

23 Income tax in the balance sheets (continued)

(b) Deferred tax assets and liabilities recognised:

(i) The Group

The components of deferred tax assets/(liabilities) recognised in the consolidated
balance sheet and the movements during the year are as follows:

Depreciation for doubtful
in excess of Pre- debt, salary
related Amortisation operating and other Tax
depreciation of other expenses employee losses Financial
allowance intangibles written off benefits (note) Inventories instruments Total
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Deferred tax
  arising from:
At 1 January 2007 (1,292) 661 166 6,312 5,650 – – 11,497
  to profit or loss 4,535 5,668 (166) 2,979 (3,328) 5,871 5,646 21,205
Acquisition through
  business combination
  (note 36) (3,882) (25,681) – – – (4,119) – (33,682)
Purchase of net assets
  (note 35) – – – – 376 – – 376

At 31 December 2007 (639) (19,352) – 9,291 2,698 1,752 5,646 (604)

At 1 January 2008 (639) (19,352) – 9,291 2,698 1,752 5,646 (604)

  to profit or loss 9,169 24,979 – 4,127 7,316 11,306 (5,432) 51,465
Acquisition through
  business combination
  (note 36) (641) (889) – 2,518 – (1,085) – (97)

At 31 December 2008 7,889 4,738 – 15,936 10,014 11,973 214 50,764

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Notes to the Financial Statements 99

23 Income tax in the balance sheets (continued)

(b) Deferred tax assets and liabilities recognised (continued):

(ii) The Company

Depreciation for doubtful
in excess of debt, salary Pre-
related Amortisation and other operating
depreciation of other employee expenses Financial
allowance intangibles benefits written off Inventories instruments Total
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

At 1 January 2007 (747) 1,839 5,754 166 – – 7,012

Credited/(charged) to profit
  or loss 955 31 968 (166) 378 5,646 7,812

At 31 December 2007 208 1,870 6,722 – 378 5,646 14,824

At 1 January 2008 208 1,870 6,722 – 378 5,646 14,824

Credited/(charged) to profit
  or loss 147 265 5,272 – 7,931 (5,432) 8,183

At 31 December 2008 355 2,135 11,994 – 8,309 214 23,007

The Group The Company

2008 2007 2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Net deferred tax asset

  recognised on
  the balance sheet 50,764 23,093 23,007 14,824
Net deferred tax
  liability recognised
  on the balance sheet – (23,697) – –

50,764 (604) 23,007 14,824


Tax losses will expire within 3 years for tax losses of Full Gold and 5 years for companies incorporated
in the PRC.

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100 Notes to the Financial Statements

24 Inventories

(a) Inventories in the balance sheets comprise:

The Group The Company
2008 2007 2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Raw materials 396,558 353,567 393,027 352,837

Work in progress 48,769 35,600 11,260 7,030
Finished goods 228,553 162,279 224,253 163,990
Spare parts and materials 37,453 39,997 15,984 29,747

711,333 591,443 644,524 553,604

(b) The analysis of the amount of inventories recognised as an expense is as

The Group
2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000

Carrying amount of
  inventories sold 3,141,680 2,391,647
Write down of inventories 36,112 –

3,177,792 2,391,647

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Notes to the Financial Statements 101

25 Trade and other receivables, deposits and prepayments

Trade and other receivables, deposits and prepayments comprise:

The Group The Company

2008 2007 2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Trade receivables 57,050 58,918 24,002 58,918

Bills receivables 66,531 34,050 30,713 34,050
Less: Allowance for doubtful
     receivables (2,342) – – –

121,239 92,968 54,715 92,968

Other receivables, deposits and

  prepayments 56,155 42,654 33,919 34,873
Less: Allowance for doubtful
     receivables (2,302) (2,105) (2,105) (2,105)

53,853 40,549 31,814 32,768

Purchase deposits (note 25(d)) 211,651 119,510 211,651 119,510

Less: Allowance for non-delivery (13,093) (8,367) (13,093) (8,367)

198,558 111,143 198,558 111,143

Derivative financial assets (note 25(e)) 4,137 – 4,137 –

Deposits for derivative
  financial instruments (note 25(e)) 59,471 – 58,421 –
Amount due from Beijing Jiuyi
  (note 25(f)) 108,700 418,700 108,700 418,700

172,308 418,700 171,258 418,700

545,958 663,360 456,345 655,579

All of the trade and other receivables, deposits and prepayments are expected to be recovered
within one year.

At 31 December 2007, an amount of RMB35,639,000 included in trade receivables was

unsecured and interest-bearing at rates with reference to one year borrowing of the People’s
Bank of China.

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102 Notes to the Financial Statements

25 Trade and other receivables, deposits and prepayments (continued)

(a) Ageing analysis

An ageing analysis of trade and bills receivable (net of impairment losses for bad and
doubtful debts) as of the balance sheet date is as follows:

The Group The Company

2008 2007 2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Within 3 months 81,680 66,933 27,483 66,933

Over 3 months but less
  than 6 months 37,944 26,035 25,870 26,035
Over 6 months but less
  than 1 year 1,395 – 1,142 –
Over 1 year 220 – 220 –

At 31 December 121,239 92,968 54,715 92,968

The Group requests customers to pay cash or settle by bills in full prior to delivery of
goods. Subject to negotiation, credit term of a maximum of 180 days is only available for
certain major customers with well-established trading records.

(b) Trade and bills receivable that are not impaired

The ageing analysis of trade and bills receivable that are neither individually nor collectively
considered to be impaired are as follows:

The Group The Company

2008 2007 2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Neither past due nor impaired 119,624 91,910 53,353 91,910

Less than 1 year past due 1,615 1,058 1,362 1,058

121,239 92,968 54,715 92,968

Receivables that were neither past due nor impaired relate to a wide range of customers
for whom there was no recent history of default.

Receivables that were past due but not impaired relate to a number of independent
customers that have a good track record with the Group. Based on past experience,
management believes that no impairment allowance is necessary in respect of these
balances as there has not been a significant change in credit quality and the balances
are still considered fully recoverable. The Group does not hold any collateral over these

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Notes to the Financial Statements 103

25 Trade and other receivables, deposits and prepayments (continued)

(c) Impairment of trade and other receivables

Impairment losses in respect of trade and other receivables are recorded using an
allowance account unless the Group is satisfied that recovery of the amount is remote, in
which case the impairment loss is written off against trade and other receivables directly
(see note 1(j)(i)).

Movement in the allowance for doubtful receivables during the year are as follows:

The Group The Company

2008 2007 2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

At 1 January 2,105 3,123 2,105 3,116

Impairment loss recognised 2,539 640 – 640
Impairment loss written back – (16) – (9)
Uncollectible amounts
  written off – (1,642) – (1,642)

At 31 December 4,644 2,105 2,105 2,105

At 31 December 2008, the Group’s and the Company’s trade and bills receivable
of RMB4,644,000 (2007: RMB2,105,000) and RMB2,105,000 (2007: RMB2,105,000)
respectively were individually determined to be impaired.

(d) Purchase deposits

Purchase deposits represent the amounts paid by the Group in advance to suppliers to
secure timely and stable supply of mineral sand for the purposes of refining in future
periods. The directors of the Company consider that appropriate procedures have been
taken by the Group to assess the capabilities of the suppliers to supply mineral sand and
expect that the purchase deposits would be gradually recovered through future purchases
of mineral sand from the respective suppliers.

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104 Notes to the Financial Statements

25 Trade and other receivables, deposits and prepayments (continued)

(e) Deposits for derivative financial instruments

The Group has placed deposits of RMB59,471,000 (2007: RMB Nil) with independent
futures trading agents for commodity derivative contracts entered into in the normal
course of business primarily to protect the Group from the impact of price fluctuations in
gold and copper commodities. The notional amounts of the Group’s commodity derivative
contracts were as follows:

The Group

Future commodity contracts

  – Buy 43,642
  – Sell 193,426

The net unrealised loss on the Group’s commodity derivative contracts remeasured at fair
value as at 31 December 2008 recognised in profit or loss for the year then ended are
as followings:


Derivative financial assets 4,137

Derivative financial liabilities (note 30) (4,993)

Net unrealised losses (note 5) (856)

(f) Amount due from Beijing Jiuyi

On 4 December 2007, the Company has entered into a termination agreement (the
“Termination Agreement“) with Beijing Jiuyi to terminate the proposed acquisition of
Shaanxi Jiusheng Mining Investment Management Company Limited (“Shaanxi Jiusheng
Acquisition”). Pursuant to the Termination Agreement, Beijing Jiuyi shall repay the
investment deposits of RMB305,800,000 and pay a compensation fee of RMB112,900,000
(see note 4) to the Company for the failure to reach a definitive agreement for the
Shaanxi Jiusheng Acquisition. The aggregate amount of RMB418,700,000 shall be paid/
repaid by Beijing Jiuyi to the Company in three instalments before 31 March 2008.
RMB310,000,000 was received by the Company in 2008. An extension agreement (the
“Extension Agreement”) was signed between Beijing Jiuyi and the Company on 30 June
2008 and the repayment date of the remaining RMB108,700,000 was postponed to 31
December 2008.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 105

25 Trade and other receivables, deposits and prepayments (continued)

(f) Amount due from Beijing Jiuyi (continued)

The Company’s directors have considered whether Beijing Jiuyi has the ability to repay
the outstanding amounts to the Company and they have been actively negotiating with
the management of Beijing Jiuyi. Based on the discussions between the management
of Beijing Jiuyi and the Company’s directors, the Company’s directors consider that
the outstanding amount is fully recoverable. In addition, following the expiry of the
Extension Agreement, the Company has entered into a supplementary agreement
(the “Supplementary Agreement”) with Beijing Jiuyi on 12 April 2009 to further
extend the repayment date. According to the Supplementary Agreement, the remaining
RMB108,700,000 shall be settled by Beijing Jiuyi in two instalments, the first instalment
in an amount of RMB50,000,000 settled before 30 April 2009 and the second instalment
in an amount of RMB58,700,000 settled before 31 October 2009.

26 Non-current prepayments
The Group The Company
2008 2007 2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Deposits for purchase of property,

  plant and equipment and
  construction of mining shafts 103,539 36,212 17,448 8,097
Deposits for acquisition of mining
  and exploration rights 26,756 9,122 13,550 –
Deposits for acquisition of land
  use rights 5,081 – 5,081 –

135,376 45,334 36,079 8,097

27 Cash and cash equivalents

The Group The Company
2008 2007 2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Cash at bank and in hand 575,478 389,651 260,508 322,781

Restricted deposits# (10,067) (94,959)

Cash and cash equivalents in the

  consolidated cash flow statement 565,411 294,692

# The Company’s H shares were successfully listed on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange on 12 January 2006.
The Group raised RMB865,379,000 (net of related expenses) from the offer. The proceeds from the offer is
placed in designated bank saving and deposits accounts. The deposits can only be used for the specified purposes
stipulated in the Prospectus dated 30 December 2005. As at 31 December 2008, the amount of cash and bank
deposits placed in the designated accounts amounted to RMB10,067,000 (2007: RMB94,959,000). The balance
will only be released after the approval from State Administration of Foreign Exchange was obtained.

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106 Notes to the Financial Statements

28 Interest-bearing borrowings

(a) The analysis of the carrying amount of interest-bearing borrowings is as

The Group The Company
2008 2007 2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Current portion:
Bank loans (note 29) 1,280,000 599,861 1,280,000 599,861
Unsecured debenture
  (note 28(b)(i)) – 580,000 – 580,000

1,280,000 1,179,861 1,280,000 1,179,861

Non-current portion:
Bank loans (note 29) 455,160 120,000 150,000 120,000
Other loan (note 28(b)(ii)) 3,270 3,270 3,270 3,270

458,430 123,270 153,270 123,270

(b) Significant terms and repayment schedule of non-bank borrowings

(i) Unsecured debenture

The debenture is denominated in Renminbi, unsecured and bears fixed interest rate
at 5.44% per annum. The debenture is repaid on 16 October 2008.

(ii) Other loan

The Finance Bureau of Lingbao (靈寶市財政局) granted the Company a fifteen-year
loan for the construction of a new smelting plant in Lingbao City, Henan Province,
the PRC. The loan is unsecured and interest-bearing at a rate with reference to
the 1-year deposit rate of the People’s Bank of China plus 0.3% margin. The loan
principal is repayable in eleven equal annual instalments with the first instalment
commencing from December 2009.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 107

29 Bank loans
At 31 December 2008, the bank loans were repayable as follows:

The Group The Company

2008 2007 2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Within 1 year or on demand

  (note 28(a)) 1,280,000 599,861 1,280,000 599,861
Over 1 year but within 2 years
  (note 28(a)) 455,160 120,000 150,000 120,000

1,735,160 719,861 1,430,000 719,861

At 31 December 2008, the bank loans were secured as follows:

The Group The Company

2008 2007 2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Bank loans
  – secured 205,160 174,861 – 174,861
  – unsecured 1,530,000 545,000 1,430,000 545,000

1,735,160 719,861 1,430,000 719,861

At 31 December 2008, a bank loan of the Group of RMB205,160,000 was secured by the mining
right of Istanbal Gold Mine with carrying amount of RMB145,328,000 and the ordinary shares
of Full Gold.

In September 2007, the Group obtained commodity-linked interest-bearing bank loans from
a bank, the repayment of which is determined with reference to the gold price quoted by the
Shanghai Gold Exchange on the date of repayment. The bank loans are stated at fair value and
changes in the fair value are recognised immediately in profit or loss. At 31 December 2007,
the bank loans with an aggregate amount of RMB174,861,000 were secured by pledges over
the Group’s and the Company’s bank deposits totalled RMB181,982,000. The bank loans were
fully repaid during the year ended 31 December 2008.

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108 Notes to the Financial Statements

30 Trade and other payables

The Group The Company

2008 2007 2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Trade payables 145,321 98,050 141,568 71,465

Other payables 182,432 176,893 56,740 158,259
Payable for mining rights
  (note 17(c) and (d)) 78,401 – – –
Salary and welfare payable 23,893 34,441 13,907 23,585
Accruals 13,764 16,064 11,795 13,919
Interest payable 9,541 10,053 2,515 10,053
Dividend payable 3,770 1,440 3,770 1,440
Receipts in advance 2,288 9,725 2,288 9,725
Derivative financial liabilities
  (note 25(e)) 4,993 – 4,993 –

464,403 346,666 237,576 288,446

Non-current other payables

Payable for mining rights
  (note 17(c) and (d)) 101,630 – – –
Payable to a minority
  shareholder 10,100 – – –

111,730 – – –

The amount payable to a minority shareholder is unsecured, interest-free and repayable on 1

April 2011.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 109

30 Trade and other payables (continued)

(a) Included in trade and other payables are trade creditors with the following
ageing analysis as of the balance sheet date:
The Group The Company
2008 2007 2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Within 3 months 133,813 88,558 132,849 63,907

Over 3 months but less than
  6 months 6,337 4,689 3,744 4,094
Over 6 months but less than
  1 year 3,938 1,410 3,935 1,318
Over 1 year but less than
  2 years 73 1,467 41 1,305
Over 2 years 1,160 1,926 999 841

145,321 98,050 141,568 71,465

(b) Current trade and other payables comprise:

Included in other payables of the Group and the Company as at 31 December 2007 was
an amount payable to the National Social Security Fund of RMB80,942,000. In accordance
with the relevant PRC government regulations, Lingbao State-owned Assets Operation
Limited Liability Company, Sanmenxia Jinqu Group Company Limited and Lingbao Electric
Company (“Selling Shareholders”) are required to dispose of a portion of its ordinary
shares in the Global Offering and pay the net proceeds of the disposal to the National
Social Security Fund. The Company received the net proceeds on behalf of the Selling
Shareholders and an amount of RMB80,942,000 is paid to the National Social Security
Fund during the year ended 31 December 2008.

31 Loan from ultimate holding company

The loan with a principal of RMB23,800,000 was provided by Lingbao State-owned Assets
Operation Limited Liability Company (靈寶市國有資產經營有限責任公司) and assumed by the
Group upon the acquisition of Lingbao Wason during the year ended 31 December 2008. The
loan is unsecured, interest-free and repayable on demand.

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110 Notes to the Financial Statements

32 Capital and reserves

(a) The Group

Attributable to equity shareholders of the Company

Share Share Statutory Capital Exchange Other

capital premium reserves reserve reserve reserve Retained Minority Total
(Note (c)) (Note (i)) (Note (ii)) (Note (iii)) (Note (iv)) (Note (v)) profits Total interests equity
Note RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

At 1 January 2007 154,050 827,931 74,945 32,334 – – 426,953 1,516,213 27,658 1,543,871
Profit for the year – – – – – – 222,270 222,270 1,059 223,329
Dividend approved in
respect of the
previous year 12(b) – – – – – – (61,620) (61,620) – (61,620)
Exchange difference on
translation of financial
statements of overseas
subsidiaries – – – – (3,959) – – (3,959) – (3,959)
Acquisition of minority
interests – – – – – (858) – (858) (10,013) (10,871)
Restatement of profit
appropriations for
prior years (vii) – – (335) – – – 335 – – –
Capital contributions from
minority shareholder (vi) – – – – – – – – 8,000 8,000
Capital returned to
minority shareholders – – – – – – – – (367) (367)
Transfer to reserves (ii) – – 23,326 – – – (23,326) – – –

At 31 December 2007 154,050 827,931 97,936 32,334 (3,959) (858) 564,612 1,672,046 26,337 1,698,383

At 1 January 2008 154,050 827,931 97,936 32,334 (3,959) (858) 564,612 1,672,046 26,337 1,698,383
Profit for the year – – – – – – 108,166 108,166 (1,405) 106,761
Dividend approved in
respect of the
previous year 12(b) – – – – – – (77,025) (77,025) – (77,025)
Exchange difference on
translation of financial
statements of overseas
subsidiaries – – – – 250 – – 250 – 250
Capital contributions from
minority shareholders (viii) – – – – – – – – 1,154 1,154
Gain on deemed
disposal of subsidiary (viii) – – – – – – – – (392) (392)
Transfer to reserves (ii) – – 8,477 – – – (8,477) – – –

At 31 December 2008 154,050 827,931 106,413 32,334 (3,709) (858) 587,276 1,703,437 25,694 1,729,131

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Notes to the Financial Statements 111

32 Capital and reserves (continued)

(b) The Company

Share Share Statutory Capital
capital premium reserves reserve Retained Total
(Note (c)) (Note (i)) (Note (ii)) (Note (iii)) profits equity
Note RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

At 1 January 2007 154,050 827,931 73,369 32,334 428,930 1,516,614

Profit for the year – – – – 216,709 216,709
Dividend approved in
respect of the
previous year 12(b) – – – – (61,620) (61,620)
Restatement of profit
appropriations for
prior years (vii) – – (345) – 345 –
Transfer to reserves (ii) – – 19,605 – (19,605) –

At 31 December 2007 154,050 827,931 92,629 32,334 564,759 1,671,703

At 1 January 2008 154,050 827,931 92,629 32,334 564,759 1,671,703

Profit for the year – – – – 111,333 111,333
Dividend approved in
respect of the
previous year 12(b) – – – – (77,025) (77,025)
Transfer to reserves (ii) – – 13,784 – (13,784) –

At 31 December 2008 154,050 827,931 106,413 32,334 585,283 1,706,011


(i) The share premium represents the difference between the total amount of the par value of shares issued
and the amount of the net proceeds received upon the global initial public offering. The application of
the share premium account is governed by sections 168 and 169 of the PRC Company Law.

(ii) PRC statutory reserves

Transfers from retained earnings to the PRC statutory reserves were made in accordance with the relevant
PRC rules and regulations and articles of association of the Company and its subsidiaries incorporated in
the PRC and were approved by the respective boards of directors.

The Company and the subsidiaries incorporated in the PRC are required to transfer 10% of their net
profit, as determined in accordance with the PRC accounting standards and regulations, to the statutory
surplus reserve (the “SSR”) until the reserve balance reaches 50% of the registered capital. Subject to
certain restrictions as set out in the relevant PRC regulations, the SSR may be converted to increase the
share capital of the company, provided that the remaining balance after the capitalisation is not less than
25% of the registered share capital.

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112 Notes to the Financial Statements

32 Capital and reserves (continued)

(b) The Company (continued)

Notes: (continued)

(iii) The capital reserve, primarily represents the surpluses arising from the revaluation of certain property,
plant and equipment, and construction in progress as required by the relevant PRC rules and regulations
with respect to the Restructuring of the Company on 31 May 2002.

(iv) The exchange reserve comprises all foreign exchange differences arising from the translation of the
financial statements of overseas operations. The reserve is dealt with in accordance with the accounting
policies set out in note 1(w).

(v) The excess of purchase consideration on acquisition of minority interests over the carrying value of the
share of net assets acquired and are charged to other reserve.

(vi) The contributions represented assets contributed by minority shareholders upon establishment of a
subsidiary in 2007.

(vii) The Group adopted the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise (2006) (“new PRC Accounting
Standards”) and other regulations promulgated by the Ministry of Finance on 15 February 2006 effective
from 1 January 2007. Appropriations to statutory surplus reserves for prior years were restated due to
the change in net profit arising from the prior year adjustments following the adoption of the new PRC
Accounting Standards.

(viii) As disclosed in note 17(c), the Company has signed a Co-operation Agreement with third parties in order
to acquire the mining right of Istanbul Gold Mine. Pursuant to the Co-operation Agreement, the Company,
CRB and Xinjiang Lingxi are required to contribute SOM27,306,000 (equivalent to RMB5,259,000),
SOM3,330,000 (equivalent to RMB641,000) and SOM2,664,000 (equivalent to RMB513,000) to Full Gold
as share capital respectively. The Company setup Full Gold, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Group, with
share capital of SOM166,000 (equivalent to RMB32,000) on 7 June 2007. The remaining share capital of
SOM33,134,000 (equivalent to RMB6,381,000) was injected into Full Gold in March 2008 by the Company,
CRB and Xinjiang Lingxi and the Company’s interest in Full Gold was diluted from 100% to 82%. Such
dilution resulted in a gain on deemed disposal of subsidiary amounting to RMB392,000.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 113

32 Capital and reserves (continued)

(c) Share capital

2008 2007
Number Number
of shares RMB’000 of shares RMB’000

Registered, issued and

  fully paid:
  Domestic state-owned shares
   of RMB0.20 each 472,975,091 94,595 472,975,091 94,595
  H shares of RMB0.20 each 297,274,000 59,455 297,274,000 59,455

At 1 January and 31 December 770,249,091 154,050 770,249,091 154,050

The holders of Domestic shares and H shares are entitled to receive dividends as and when
declared by the Company. All Domestic shares and H shares are ordinary shares and rank
pari passu with the same rights and benefits.

(d) Distributability of reserves

According to the Listing Rules of the Main Board of the Stock Exchange, the amount of
retained profits available for distribution to shareholders of the Company is the lower of
the amount determined in accordance with the PRC Accounting Rules and Regulations
and the amount determined in accordance with HKFRSs. At 31 December 2008, the
amount of retained profits available for distribution was RMB585,283,000, being the
amount determined in accordance with the PRC Accounting Rules and Regulations (2007:
RMB476,971,000). After the balance sheet date, the directors do not recommend the
payment of a final dividend for the year ended 31 December 2008 (2007:RMB0.10 per
share, amounting RMB77,025,000). This dividend has not been recognised as a liability
at the balance sheet date.

(e) Capital management

The Board’s policy is to maintain a strong capital base so as to maintain investor, creditor
and market confidence and to sustain future development of the business. The Board of
Directors actively and regularly reviews and manages its capital structure to maintain a
balance between the higher shareholder returns that might be possible with higher levels
of borrowings and the advantages and security afforded by a sound capital position,
and makes adjustments to the capital structure in the light of changes in economic

Consistent with industry practice, the Group monitors its capital structure on the basis of
a net debt-to-adjusted capital ratio. For this purpose the Group defines net debt as total
debt (which includes interest-bearing loans and borrowings, trade and other payables plus
unaccrued proposed dividends, less cash and cash equivalents). Adjusted capital comprises
all components of equity less unaccrued proposed dividends.

In order to maintain or adjust the ratio, the Group may adjust the amount of dividends
payable to shareholders, issue new shares, return capital to shareholders, raise new debt
financing or sell assets to reduce debt.

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114 Notes to the Financial Statements

32 Capital and reserves (continued)

(e) Capital management (continued)

The net debt-to-adjusted capital ratio at 31 December 2008 and 2007 was as follows:

The Group The Company

2008 2007 2008 2007
Note RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Current liabilities:
  – Trade and other payables 30 464,403 346,666 237,576 288,446
  – Bank loans 28 1,280,000 599,861 1,280,000 599,861
  – Loan from ultimate
holding company 31 23,800 – – –
  – Unsecured debenture 28 – 580,000 – 580,000

1,768,203 1,526,527 1,517,576 1,468,307

Non-current liabilities:
  – Other payables 30 111,730 – – –
  – Interest-bearing borrowings 28 458,430 123,270 153,270 123,270

570,160 123,270 153,270 123,270

Total debt 2,338,363 1,649,797 1,670,846 1,591,577

Add: Proposed dividends 12(a) – 77,025 – 77,025
Less: Cash and cash equivalents 27 (575,478) (389,651) (260,508) (322,781)
     Cash restricted for use 29 – (181,982) – (181,982)

Net debt 1,762,885 1,155,189 1,410,338 1,163,839

Total equity 32 1,729,131 1,698,383 1,706,011 1,671,703

Less: Proposed dividends 12(a) – (77,025) – (77,025)

Adjusted capital 1,729,131 1,621,358 1,706,011 1,594,678

Net debt-to-adjusted capital ratio 102% 71% 83% 73%

There were no changes in the Group’s approach to capital management during the

Neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries are subject to externally imposed capital

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Notes to the Financial Statements 115

33 Commitments and contingencies

(a) Capital commitments, representing purchase of property, plant and equipment

and intangible assets outstanding at 31 December 2008 not provided for in
the financial statements were as follows:
The Group The Company
2008 2007 2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Authorised and contracted for 176,184 23,482 1,500 –

Authorised but not contracted for 624,106 369,737 131,410 147,373

800,290 393,219 132,910 147,373

(b) At 31 December 2008, the total future minimum lease payments under
non-cancellable operating leases are payable as follows:
The Group
2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000

Within 1 year 768 402

After 1 year but within 5 years 1,104 926
After 5 years 333 505

2,205 1,833

The Group is the leasee in respect of a number of properties under operating leases. The
leases typically run for an initial period of one to ten years, with an option to renew the
lease when all terms are renegotiated. None of the leases includes contingent rentals.

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116 Notes to the Financial Statements

33 Commitments and contingencies (continued)

(c) Environmental contingencies

To date, the Group has not incurred any significant expenditures for environment
remediation and is currently not involved in any environmental remediation. In addition,
the Group has not accrued any amounts for environmental remediation relating to its
operations. Under existing legislation, management believes that there are no probable
liabilities that will have a material adverse effect on the financial position or operating
results of the Group. The PRC government, however, has moved and may move further
towards more rigorous enforcement of applicable laws and towards the adoption of more
stringent environmental standards. Environmental liabilities are subject to considerable
uncertainties which affect the Group’s ability to estimate the ultimate cost of remediation
efforts. These uncertainties include: (i) the exact nature and extent of the contamination
at various sites including, but not limited to mines, concentrators and smelting plants
whether they are operating, closed and sold; (ii) the extent of required cleanup efforts;
(iii) varying costs of alternative remediation strategies; (iv) changes in environmental
remediation requirements; and (v) the identification of new remediation sites. The amount
of such future costs is indeterminable due to such factors as the unknown magnitude of
possible contamination and the unknown timing and extent of the corrective actions that
may be required. Accordingly, the outcome of environmental liabilities under proposed
or future environmental legislation cannot be reasonably estimated at present, and could
be material. The Group paid normal routine pollutant discharge fee of RMB1,740,000 for
the year ended 31 December 2008 (2007: RMB1,877,000).

(d) The Company has given guarantee to bank to secure facilities of RMB100,000,000 (2007:
RMB Nil) granted to a subsidiary and has been fully utilised at 31 December 2008.

34 Financial instruments
Exposure to gold price, other commodity price, interest rate, credit, liquidity and currency risks
arises in the normal course of the Group’s business. The Group is also exposed to equity price
risk arising from its equity investments in other entities or financial products. These risks are
limited by the Group’s financial management policies and practices described below.

(a) Interest rate risk

The Group’s interest rate risk arises primarily from long-term borrowings. Borrowings
issued at variable rates and at fixed rates expose the Group to cash flow interest rate
risk and fair value interest rate risk respectively. The management monitors interest rate
exposures and will consider hedging significant interest rate risk should the need arise.
The Group’s interest rate profile as monitored by management is set out below.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 117

34 Financial instruments (continued)

(a) Interest rate risk (continued)

(i) Interest rate profile

The following table details the interest rate profile of the Group’s and the
Company’s net borrowings at the balance sheet date.

The Group The Company

2008 2007 2008 2007
Effective Effective Effective Effective
interest interest interest interest
rate rate rate rate
% RMB’000 % RMB’000 % RMB’000 % RMB’000

Net fixed rate borrowings:

Bank loans 6.29 480,000 5.40 389,861 6.29 480,000 5.40 389,861
Unsecured debenture – – 5.44 580,000 – – 5.44 580,000
Less: Deposits with bank – – 3.00 (46,704) – – – –

480,000 923,157 480,000 969,861

Net variable rate borrowings:

Bank loans 5.87 1,255,160 6.05 330,000 5.86 950,000 6.05 330,000
Other loan 4.23 3,270 4.17 3,270 4.23 3,270 4.17 3,270
Less: Cash restricted for use – – 0.72 (181,982) – – 0.72 (181,982)
Less: Cash and cash equivalents 0.53 (575,478) 0.89 (342,947) 0.35 (260,508) 0.91 (322,781)
Less: Interest-bearing
accounts receivables – – 7.47 (35,639) – – 7.47 (35,639)

682,952 (227,298) 692,762 (207,132)

Total net borrowings 1,162,952 695,859 1,172,762 762,729

Net fixed rate borrowings

as a percentage of total
net borrowings 41% 133% 41% 127%

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118 Notes to the Financial Statements

34 Financial instruments (continued)

(a) Interest rate risk (continued)

(ii) Sensitivity analysis

At 31 December 2008, it is estimated that a general increase/decrease of 100 basis
points in interest rates, with all other variables held constant, would decrease/
increase the Group’s profit after tax and retained profits by approximately
RMB9,446,000 (2007: RMB2,238,000). Other components of consolidated equity
would not be affected by the changes in interest rates.

The sensitivity analysis above indicates the instantaneous change in the Group’s
profit after tax (and retained profits) and other components of consolidated equity
that would arise assuming that the change in interest rates had occurred at the
balance sheet date and had been applied to re-measure those financial instruments
held by the Group which expose the Group to fair value interest rate risk arising
from floating rate non-derivative instruments held by the Group at the balance sheet
date, the impact on the Group’s profit after tax (and retained profits) and other
components of consolidated equity is estimated as an annualised impact on interest
expense or income of such a change in interest rates. The analysis is performed on
the same basis for 2007.

(b) Credit risk

The carrying amounts of cash and cash equivalents, deposits, available-for-sale investments,
trade and other receivables, prepayment and deposits represent the Group’s and
the Company’s maximum exposure to credit risk in relation to these financial assets.
Substantially all of the Group’s and the Company’s cash and cash equivalents are held
in major financial institutions located in Hong Kong and the PRC, which management
believes are of high credit quality.

The Group’s exposure to credit risk is influenced mainly by the individual characteristics of
each customer. The default risk of the industry and country in which customers operate
also has an influence on credit risk but to a lesser extent.

The Group’s and the Company’s major customers are Shanghai Gold Exchange and other
metallurgical companies in the PRC, which accounted for significant amounts of the
Group’s and the Company’s total operating revenues during the year. The Group and the
Company have no significant credit risk with any of these customers since the Group and
the Company maintain long-term and stable business relationships with these customers.
Normally, the Group does not obtain collateral from customers.

At the balance sheet date, the Group has a certain concentration of credit risk on trade
receivables as 35% (2007: 60%) and 76% (2007: 99%) of the total trade receivables was
due from the Group’s largest customer and the five largest customers respectively.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 119

34 Financial instruments (continued)

(b) Credit risk (continued)

In addition, the Group made purchase deposits of RMB198,558,000 (net of provision)
(2007: RMB111,143,000) at 31 December 2008 to suppliers to secure its supplies of
mineral sand which is the major raw materials in the smelting process. The balance
represented 10.5% (2007: 6%) of the total current assets at 31 December 2008. The
Group believes that the purchase deposits will be recovered through purchases from these
suppliers in future periods. In the event that these suppliers ceased to provide mineral
sand to the Group, the Group may expose itself to significant credit risk arising from
the recoverability of the purchase deposits and hence the profitability will be adversely

As at 31 December 2008, the Group made investment deposits of RMB80,000,000 (2007:

RMB80,000,000) for exclusive rights to acquire with mining assets in the PRC. The balance
represented 2% (2007: 3%) of the total assets at 31 December 2008. The directors of the
Company consider that appropriate procedures have been taken by the Group to assess
the viability of the potential new mines and expect that the deposits would be recovered
through acquisition of the mines and relevant mining assets.

At 31 December 2008, the Group was also exposed to credit risk in respect of other
receivables of RMB108,700,000 (2007: RMB418,700,000) due from Beijing Jiuyi (see note
25(f)). This exposure to credit risk is monitored continuously by the management.

The maximum exposure to credit risk without taking account of any collateral held is
represented by the carrying amount of each financial asset in the balance sheet after
deducting any impairment allowance. The Group does not provide any other guarantees
which would expose the Group or the Company to credit risk.

Further quantitative disclosures in respect of the Group’s exposure to credit risk arising
from trade and other receivables are set out in note 25.

(c) Commodity price and foreign currency risk

Gold price risk arises from the risk of an adverse effect on current or future earnings
resulting from fluctuations in the price of gold. The international gold market is
predominately priced in US dollars which exposes the Group to the risk that fluctuations
in RMB/US dollar exchange rates may also have an adverse effect on current or future
earnings. The Group is also exposed to certain by-product commodity price risk.

A number of products, including derivatives, are used to manage the gold and copper price
risks that arise out of the Group’s core business activities. Commodity derivative contracts
are entered into with independent futures trading agents and commodity-linked financial
instruments are used by the Group to manage these risks. Details of commodity derivative
contracts entered by the Group are disclosed in note 25(e) to these financial statements.
At 31 December 2008, there is no outstanding gold loan contract (2007: 900kg).

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120 Notes to the Financial Statements

34 Financial instruments (continued)

(c) Commodity price and foreign currency risk (continued)

All the revenue-generating operation of the Group are transacted in RMB, which is
not freely convertible into foreign currencies. On 1 January 1994, the PRC government
abolished the dual rate system and introduced a single rate of exchange as quoted by
the People’s Bank of China (the “PBOC”). However, the unification of the exchange rate
does not imply convertibility of RMB into Hong Kong dollars or other foreign currencies.
All foreign exchange transactions must take place through the PBOC or other institutions
authorised to buy and sell foreign exchange. Approval of foreign currency payments by
the PBOC or other institutions requires submitting a payment application form together
with relevant documents.

With the authorisation from the PRC government, the PBOC announced that the PRC
government reformed the exchange rate regime by moving into a managed floating
exchange rate regime based on market supply and demand with reference to a basket of
currencies on 21 July 2005.

Apart from the above, the Group is exposed to currency risk primarily through bank
deposits and other payables that are denominated in a currency other than the functional
currency of the operations to which they relate. The currencies giving rise to this risk are
primarily Hong Kong dollars (“HKD”), United States dollars (“USD”) and Japanese yen

(i) Exposure to currency risk

The following table details the Group’s and the Company’s exposure at the balance
sheet date to currency risk arising from recognised assets or liabilities denominated
in a currency other than the functional currency of the entity to which they relate.
For presentation purposes, the amounts of the exposure are shown in Renminbi,
translated of the financial statements of foreign operations into the Group’s
presentation currency.

The Group

Exposure to foreign currencies (expressed in Renminbi)

2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Non-current prepayments 61,684 – 20,379 – –

Cash and cash equivalents 178,080 10,067 – 4,604 94,959
Trade and other payables (135,004) – – – (89,942)
  other payables (38,314) – – – –
Bank loans (205,160) – – – –

Overall net exposure (138,714) 10,067 20,379 4,604 5,017

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34 Financial instruments (continued)

(c) Commodity price and foreign currency risk (continued)
(i) Exposure to currency risk (continued)

The Company
Exposure to foreign currencies (expressed in Renminbi)
2008 2007
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Cash and cash equivalents 10,067 – 94,959 –

Amounts due from/(to) subsidiaries – 74,406 (140) 10,462
Trade and other payables – – (83,594) –

Overall net exposure 10,067 74,406 11,225 10,462

(ii) Sensitivity analysis

The following table indicates the instantaneous change in the Group’s profit after
tax (and retained profits) and other components of consolidated equity that would
arise if foreign exchange rates to which the Group has significant exposure at the
balance sheet date had changed at that date, assuming all other risk variables
remained constant.

The Group
2008 2007
Increase/ Effect on Increase/ Effect on
(decrease) profit after (decrease) profit after
in foreign tax and in foreign tax and
exchange retained exchange retained
rates profits rates profits
% RMB’000 % RMB’000

USD 3 (3,790) 10 414

HKD 3 200 10 852

JPY 5 764 – –

Result of the analysis as presented in the above table represent an aggregation of

the instantaneous effects on each of the Group entities’ profit after tax and equity
measured in the respective functional currencies, translated into Renminbi at the
exchange rate ruling at the balance sheet date for presentation purposes.

The sensitivity analysis assumes that the change in foreign exchange rates had
been applied to re-measure those financial instruments held by the Group which
expose the Group to foreign currency risk at the balance sheet date, including
inter-company payables and receivables within the Group which are denominated in
a currency other than the functional currencies of the lender or the borrower. The
analysis excludes differences that would result from the translation of the financial
statements of foreign operations in the Group’s presentation currency. The analysis
is performed on the same basis for 2007.

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122 Notes to the Financial Statements

34 Financial instruments (continued)

(d) Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will not be able to meet its financial obligations
as and when they fall due. The Group’s approach in managing liquidity is to ensure, as
far as possible, that it will always have sufficient funding to meet its liabilities when due,
under both normal and stressed conditions, without incurring unacceptable losses or risk
damage to the Group’s reputation.

The Group closely monitors cash flow requirements and optimising its cash return. The
Group prepares cash flow forecasts and ensures it has sufficient cash for the servicing of
operation, financial, and capital obligations. This excludes the potential impact of extreme
circumstances that cannot be reasonably predicted, such as natural disasters.

The following table details the remaining contractual maturities at the balance sheet date
of the Group’s and the Company’s financial liabilities, which are based on contractual
undiscounted cash flows (including interest payments computed using contractual rates
or, if floating, based on rates current at the balance sheet date) and the earliest date the
Group and the Company can be required to pay:

The Group

2008 2007
Contractual undiscounted cash outflow Contractual undiscounted cash outflow

More than More than Balance More than More than Balance
Within 1 1 year but 2 years but Sheet Within 1 1 year but 2 years but Sheet
year or less than less than More than carrying year or less than less than More than carrying
on demand 2 years 5 years 5 years Total amount on demand 2 years 5 years 5 years Total amount
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Unsecured debenture – – – – – – 604,891 – – – 604,891 580,000

Bank loans 1,342,149 169,224 152,242 257,609 1,921,224 1,735,160 617,135 120,916 – – 738,051 719,861
Other loan 138 138 415 4,233 4,924 3,270 136 409 1,158 2,589 4,292 3,270
Non-current other payables – 61,931 51,710 – 113,641 111,730 – – – – – –
Current tax payable 17,662 – – – 17,662 17,662 28,426 – – – 28,426 28,426
Trade and other payables 476,434 – – – 476,434 464,403 346,666 – – – 346,666 346,666

1,836,383 231,293 204,367 261,842 2,533,885 2,332,225 1,597,254 121,325 1,158 2,589 1,722,326 1,678,223

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34 Financial instruments (continued)

(d) Liquidity risk (continued)

The Company

2008 2007
Contractual undiscounted cash outflow Contractual undiscounted cash outflow

More than More than Balance More than More than Balance
Within 1 1 year but 2 years but Sheet Within 1 1 year but 2 years but Sheet
year or less than less than More than carrying year or less than less than More than carrying
on demand 2 years 5 years 5 years Total amount on demand 2 years 5 years 5 years Total amount
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Unsecured debenture – – – – – – 604,891 – – – 604,891 580,000

Bank loans 1,328,650 151,298 – – 1,479,948 1,430,000 617,135 120,916 – – 738,051 719,861
Other loan 138 138 415 4,233 4,924 3,270 136 409 1,158 2,589 4,292 3,270
Current tax payable – – – – – – 15,737 – – – 15,737 15,737
Amounts due to subsidiaries 27,505 – – – 27,505 27,505 8,531 – – – 8,531 8,531
Trade and other payables 237,576 – – – 237,576 237,576 288,446 – – – 288,446 288,446

1,593,869 151,436 415 4,233 1,749,953 1,698,351 1,534,876 121,325 1,158 2,589 1,659,948 1,615,845

(e) Business risk

During the year ended 31 December 2008, the Group’s supplies of direct materials from
independent third parties for smelting represent 90.6% (2007: 88.2%) of the Group’s total
direct materials, in which, the top five suppliers in 2008 represent 31.8% (2007: 24.3%)
of the Group’s total direct materials. Although the Group believes that it maintains good
relationships with its suppliers, there can be no assurance that its suppliers will continue
to sell to the Group on normal commercial terms as and when needed. In the event that
these suppliers ceased to sell to the Group and the Group could not secure other sources
of supply, the Group’s turnover and profitability will be adversely affected.

(f) Equity price risk

The objective of equity risk management is to manage and control market risk exposures
within acceptable parameters, while optimising the return on risk.

The Group and the Company are exposed to equity price changes arise from available-for-sale
equity securities and other investments held which are unlisted investments. Unquoted
investments are held for long-term strategic purposes. Their performance is assessed at
least annually based on the information available to the Group and the Company, together
with an assessment of their relevance to the Group’s and the Company’s long-term
strategic plans.

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124 Notes to the Financial Statements

34 Financial instruments (continued)

(g) Fair value

Financial assets of the Group and the Company comprise cash and cash equivalents,
deposits, trade and other receivables, other investments and amounts due from subsidiaries.
Financial liabilities include trade and other payables, short and long term bank loans, other
interest-bearing borrowings and amounts due to subsidiaries. The amounts due from/to
subsidiaries are unsecured, interest-free and have no fixed terms of repayment. Given
these terms, it is not meaningful to disclose its fair value.

The fair value of commodity-linked interest-bearing borrowings is determined based on

the gold price quoted by the Shanghai Gold Exchange at the balance sheet date.

The fair value of available-for-sale financial assets is determined by reference to their

quoted bid price at the balance sheet date.

The fair value of payable for mining rights are estimated as the present value of future
cash flows, discounted at rates with reference to six-month London Interbank Offered
Rate plus 1.8% margin.

The fair value of non-derivative financial liabilities, which is determined for disclosure
purposes, is calculated based on the present value of future principal and interest cash
flows, discounted at the market rate of interest at the balance sheet date.

The fair value of derivative financial liabilities and assets is marked to market using open
market prices.

All other significant financial assets and liabilities are carried at amounts not materially
different from their respective fair values as at 31 December 2008 and 2007 due to the
nature or short-term maturity of these instruments.

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Notes to the Financial Statements 125

35 Purchase of net assets

For the year ended 31 December 2007

In 2007, the Group acquired 80% equity interest in Lingbao Yixin from Mr. Liu Kuanliang and
Mr. Ma Bin, the entire equity interest in Beijing Fushengda from Mr. Chu Yan and Ms. Zhao Li,
an 74% equity interest in Tianshui Hongwu from Mr. Liu Zhiwu, Mr. Liu Hairong and Ms. Liu
Haimel, and entire equity interest in Lanzhou Lingjin from Tianshui Hongwu.

These companies hold primarily exploration rights of unexploited rutile mines and had no
established infrastructure or significant mining equipment at the date of acquisition. The
underlying set of assets acquired was not integrated in forming a business to generate revenues.
As such, the directors are of the opinion that the acquisition of these companies is a purchase
of net assets which does not constitute a business combination for accounting purposes.

The aggregate acquisition consideration was RMB26,724,000 satisfied in cash. The aggregate
amount recognised at the acquisition date of their assets and liabilities are RMB62,117,000
and RMB35,393,000 respectively. The acquired companies did not generate any revenue since
acquisition and have recorded an accumulated loss of RMB1,560,000 since the date of acquisition
to 31 December 2007. If the acquisition had occurred on 1 January 2007, the acquired companies
would have recorded an accumulated loss of RMB2,237,000 for 2007.

The directors considered that the total purchase consideration paid represented the fair value
of net assets acquired and the fair value of exploration rights, which is presented as intangible
assets below, is considered as the excess of fair value of net assets acquired over the fair value
of net tangible assets acquired.

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126 Notes to the Financial Statements

35 Purchase of net assets (continued)

For the year ended 31 December 2007 (continued)

The acquisition had the following effect on the Group’s assets and liabilities.

Acquiree’s net assets at the acquisition date:

Carrying Carrying
values prior Fair value values upon
to purchase adjustments purchase

Property, plant and equipment (note 15) 1,267 – 1,267

Construction in progress (note 16) 10,613 – 10,613
Intangible assets (note 17) 21,211 16,867 38,078
Deferred tax assets (note 23(b)(i)) 376 – 376
Inventories 48 – 48
Trade and other receivables, deposits
and prepayments 3,752 – 3,752
Amount due from Habahe Huatai 367 – 367
Cash at bank and in hand 7,616 – 7,616
Trade and other payables (11,876) – (11,876)
Amounts due to shareholders (23,517) – (23,517)

Net identifiable assets 9,857 16,867 26,724

Total purchase price consideration 26,724

Satisfied by:

Cash 10,724
Other payables 16,000


Cash at bank and in hand acquired 7,616

Cash consideration paid (10,724)

Net cash outflow in respect of the

  purchase of net assets (3,108)

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36 Business combination
For the year ended 31 December 2008
On 24 March 2008, the Group has acquired the entire equity interest in Lingbao Wason from a
third party at a consideration of RMB27,900,000 satisfied in cash. The aggregate amount of its
assets and liabilities recognised at the acquisition date are RMB243,487,000 and RMB203,150,000

Lingbao Wason contributed revenue of RMB210,507,000 and net loss of RMB5,547,000 to

the Group since the date of acquisition. If the acquisition had occurred on 1 January 2008,
the Group’s revenue and net profit for the year ended 31 December 2008 would have been
RMB3,600,815,000 and RMB100,569,000 respectively.

Acquiree’s net assets at the acquisition date:

Pre-acquisition Recognised
carrying Fair value values on
amount adjustments acquisition
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Property, plant and equipment (note 15) 61,902 2,565 64,467

Construction in progress (note 16) 6,083 – 6,083
Lease prepayments (note 19) 10,529 3,555 14,084
Inventories 21,955 4,339 26,294
Trade and other receivable, deposits and
prepayments 117,766 177 117,943
Cash at bank and in hand 14,616 – 14,616
Deferred tax assets/(liabilities) (note 23(b)(i)) 2,562 (2,659) (97)
Bank loans and other loan (73,800) – (73,800)
Trade and other payables (127,441) – (127,441)
Current tax payable  
(1,812) – (1,812)

Net identifiable assets 32,360 7,977 40,337

Negative goodwill arising from
the acquisition (note 5) (12,437)

Total purchase consideration 27,900

Satisfied by:

Cash 27,900

Cash at bank and in hand acquired 14,616

Cash consideration paid (27,900)

Net cash outflow in respect of the

acquisition of subsidiary (13,284)

The excess of fair value of net assets acquired over purchase consideration is recognised as
negative goodwill in the consolidated income statement. Such negative goodwill was primarily
resulted from low purchase consideration which is the highest bidding price in the public auction
on 19 March 2008.

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128 Notes to the Financial Statements

36 Business combination (continued)

For the year ended 31 December 2007

During the year, the Group has acquired the entire equity interest in Chifeng Jinchan from Mr.
Zhao Meiguang, Mr. Ren Yiguo and Mr. Gao Bo at a consideration of RMB146,000,000 satisfied
in cash. The aggregate amount recognised at the acquisition date of its assets and liabilities
are RMB150,552,000 and RMB38,610,000 respectively. Chifeng Jinchan contributed revenue
of RMB58,641,000 and loss before tax of RMB9,860,000 since the date of acquisition to 31
December 2007. If the acquisition had occurred on 1 January 2007, the Group’s revenue would
have been RMB2,854,518,000 and net profit would have been RMB217,710,000.

Acquiree’s net assets at the acquisition date:

Pre-acquisition Recognised
carrying Fair value values on
amount adjustments acquisition
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Property, plant and equipment (note 15) 16,302 14,485 30,787

Construction in progress (note 16) 14 – 14
Intangible assets (note 17) 1,981 69,641 71,622
Lease prepayments (note 19) 1,279 27,409 28,688
Inventories 5,653 12,482 18,135
Trade and other receivable, deposits
  and prepayments 98 589 687
Cash at bank and in hand 619 – 619
Trade and other payables (4,928) – (4,928)
Deferred tax liabilities (note 23(b)(i)) – (33,682) (33,682)

Net identifiable assets 21,018 90,924 111,942

Goodwill arising on acquisition (note 18) 34,058

Total purchase consideration 146,000

Satisfied by:

Cash 146,000

Cash at bank and in hand acquired 619

Cash consideration paid (146,000)

Net cash outflow in respect of the

acquisition of subsidiary (145,381)

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Notes to the Financial Statements 129

37 Segment information
Segment information is presented in respect of the Group’s business segments. Business segment
information is chosen as the primary format because this is more relevant to the Group’s internal
financial reporting.

Business segments
The Group comprises the following main business segments:

Mining – Gold mining and mineral ores processing operations of the Group.

Smelting – Gold and other metal smelting and refinery operations of the Group.

Processing – Copper processing operation of the Group.

Turnover and contributions to the Group’s profit from principal activities during the year, after
elimination of all material inter-company transactions, are as follows:

Mining Smelting Processing elimination Unallocated Consolidated
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Year ended 31 December


Revenue from external

  customers 1,729 3,347,650 209,710 – – 3,559,089
Inter-segment revenue 513,995 169,606 – (683,601) – –
Other revenue from
  external customers 2,242 10,425 340 – 5,173 18,180

Total 517,966 3,527,681 210,050 (683,601) 5,173 3,577,269

Segment result 33,816 241,840 (3,516) 11,093 5,173 288,406

Unallocated operating
  income and expenses (50,900)

Profit from operations 237,506

Finance costs (115,262)
Income tax (15,483)

Profit for the year 106,761

– trade and other receivables – – 2,539
– Purchase deposits – 4,726 –
– intangible assets 2,781 – –

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

130 Notes to the Financial Statements

37 Segment information (continued)

Business segments (continued)

Turnover and contributions to the Group’s profit from principal activities during the year, after
elimination of all material inter-company transactions, are as follows: (continued)

Mining Smelting elimination Unallocated Consolidated
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Year ended 31 December


Revenue and expenses

Revenue from external

  customers 107 2,844,453 – – 2,844,560
Inter-segment revenue 461,942 – (461,942) – –
Other revenue from
  external customers 2,007 14,830 – 126,024 142,861

Total 464,056 2,859,283 (461,942) 126,024 2,987,421

Segment result 78,971 290,129 (4,700) 126,024 490,424

Unallocated operating
  income and expenses (49,813)

Profit from operations 440,611

Finance costs (101,613)
Income tax (115,669)

Profit for the year 223,329

– trade and other receivables – 624
– purchase deposits – 8,367

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Notes to the Financial Statements 131

37 Segment information (continued)

Business segments (continued)

Mining Smelting Processing elimination Unallocated Consolidated
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

As at 31 December 2008

Assets and liabilities

Segment assets 1,919,490 1,015,128 345,786 (3,001) – 3,277,403

Unallocated assets 807,753

Total assets 4,085,156

Segment liabilities 591,611 165,214 158,206 (3,001) – 912,030

Unallocated liabilities 1,443,995

Total liabilities 2,356,025

Other segmental

Capital expenditure
  incurred during the year 539,924 68,116 147,294 – 4,927 760,261
Depreciation and
  amortisation for the year 137,956 33,744 8,258 – 2,563 182,521

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

132 Notes to the Financial Statements

37 Segment information (continued)

Business segments (continued)

Mining Smelting elimination Unallocated Consolidated
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

As at 31 December 2007

Assets and liabilities

Segment assets 1,274,426 1,049,836 (44,463) – 2,279,799

Unallocated assets 1,120,504

Total assets 3,400,303

Segment liabilities 97,979 227,332 (44,463) – 280,848

Unallocated liabilities 1,421,072

Total liabilities 1,701,920

Other segmental

Capital expenditure
  incurred during the year 617,378 155,827 – 4,599 777,804
Depreciation and
  amortisation for the year 136,997 24,247 – 2,165 163,409

Geographical segments
The Group’s turnover and operating profit are almost entirely derived from the gold mining
and smelting business in the PRC. Accordingly, no analysis by geographical segment has been

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Notes to the Financial Statements 133

38 Immediate and ultimate controlling party

At 31 December 2008, the directors consider the immediate parent and the ultimate controlling
party of the Group to be Lingbao State-owned Assets Operation Limited Liability Company, a
stated-owned enterprise established in the PRC. This entity does not produce financial statements
available for public use.

39 Accounting estimates and judgements

Key sources of estimation uncertainty

Notes 18 and 21 contain information about the assumptions and their risk factors relating
to valuation of goodwill impairment and fair value of financial assets. Other key sources of
estimation uncertainty are as follows:

(i) Reserves estimates

As explained in notes 1(g) and 1(h), mining shafts, mining rights and mining development
assets are amortised using the units of production method based on the proven and
probable mineral reserve.

Engineering estimates of the Group’s gold reserves are inherently imprecise and represent
only approximate amounts because of the subjective judgements involved in developing
such information. There is Chinese system, which is the national standard set by the PRC
Government, regarding the engineering criteria that have to be met before estimated gold
reserves can be designated as “proved and probable”. Proved and probable gold reserve
estimates are updated at regular basis and have taken into account recent production
and technical information about each mine. In addition, as prices and cost levels change
from year to year, the estimate of proved and probable gold reserves also changes. This
change is considered a change in estimate for accounting purposes and is reflected on a
prospective basis in related depreciation rates.

Despite the inherent imprecision in these engineering estimates, these estimates are used in
determining depreciation expenses and impairment loss. Depreciation rates are determined
based on estimated proved and probable gold reserve quantity (the denominator) and
capitalised costs of mining shafts, mining rights and mining development assets (the
numerator). The capitalised cost of mining shafts, mining rights and mining development
assets are amortised based on the units of mineral ore extracted.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

134 Notes to the Financial Statements

39 Accounting estimates and judgements (continued)

Key sources of estimation uncertainty (continued)

(ii) Impairments
In considering the impairment losses that may be required for certain of the Group’s assets
which include property, plant and equipment, construction in progress, pre-paid interest in
leasehold land, intangible assets, goodwill and investments in its subsidiaries, recoverable
amount of the assets, need to be determined. The recoverable amount is the greater of
the net selling price and the value in use. It is difficult to precisely estimate selling price
because quoted market prices for these assets may not be readily available. In determining
the value in use, expected cash flows generated by the assets are discounted to their
present value, which requires significant judgement relating to items such as level of sale
volume, selling price and amount of operating costs. The Group uses all readily available
information in determining an amount that is reasonable approximation of recoverable
amount, including estimates based on reasonable and supportable assumptions and
projections of items such as sale volume, selling price and amount of operating costs.

In considering the impairment losses that may be required for current receivables, future
cashflows need to be determined. One of the key assumptions that has to be applied is
about the ability of the debtors to settle the receivables. Despite that the Group has used
all available information to make this estimation, inherent uncertainty exists and actual
write-offs may be higher than the amount estimated.

(iii) Inventory provision

Inventories are carried at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Net realisable value
is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated cost
of completion and the estimated cost necessary to make the sale. In estimating the net
realisable value, future cashflows need to be determined. One of the key estimates that
has to be made is about the future selling price, it is possible that the recent selling price
is not indicative of the future selling price. Any increase or decrease in selling price would
affect profit or loss in future years.

(iv) Depreciation
Other than the mining shafts, mining rights and mining development assets, property,
plant and equipment and intangible assets are depreciated on a straight-line basis over
the estimated useful lives of the assets, after taking into account the estimated residual
value. The Group reviews annually the useful life of an asset and its residual value, if any.
The useful lives are based on the Group’s historical experience with similar assets and
taking into account anticipated technological changes. The depreciation expense for future
periods is adjusted if there are significant changes from previous estimation.

(v) Recognition of deferred tax assets

Deferred tax assets carried forward are recognised and measured based on the expected
manner of realisation or settlement of the carrying amount of the assets, using tax rates
enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date. In determining the carrying
amounts of deferred tax assets, expected taxable profits are estimated which involves a
number of assumptions relating to the operating environment of the Group and requires
significant level of judgement exercised by the directors. Any change in such assumptions
and judgement would affect the carrying amounts of deferred tax assets to be recognised
and hence the net profit in future years.

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

Notes to the Financial Statements 135

40 Non-adjusting post balance sheet events

On 8 January 2009, the Company has signed a share transfer agreement with Xinjiang Lingxi
to acquire 70% equity interest in Palladex KR Limited Liability Company (“Palladex KR”) for a
consideration of USD7,700,000. Palladex KR is principally engaged in geological exploration of
mineral reserves in Kyrgyz Republic.

41 Possible impact of amendments, new standards and interpretations

issued but not yet effective for the annual accounting year ended 31
December 2008
Up to the date of issue of these financial statements, the HKICPA has issued a number of
amendments, new standards and interpretations which are not yet effective for the accounting
year ended 31 December 2008 and which have not been adopted in the financial statements.

The Group is in the process of making an assessment of what the impact of these amendments,
new standards and new interpretations is expected to be in the period of initial application. So far
it has concluded that the adoption of them is unlikely to result in a restatement of the Group’s
results of operations and financial position.

In addition, the following developments are expected to result in amended disclosures in the
financial statements, including restatement of comparative amounts in the first period of

Effective for
accounting periods
beginning on or after

HKFRS 3 (revised) Business combinations 1 July 2009

HKFRS 8 Operating segments 1 January 2009

HKAS 1 (revised) Presentation of financial statements 1 January 2009

HKAS 23 (revised) Borrowing costs 1 January 2009

HKAS 27 (revised) Consolidated and separate 1 July 2009

  financial statements

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

136 Five Years Summary

Year ended 31 December

2008 2007 2006 2005 2004
RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000

Assets and liabilities

Non-current assets 2,230,182 1,533,867 1,266,905 478,915 333,931
Net current assets 69,109 311,483 281,385 139,029 5,719
Total assets less
current liabilities 2,299,291 1,845,350 1,548,290 617,944 339,650
Non-current liabilities 570,160 146,967 4,419 115,824 –

NET ASSETS 1,729,131 1,698,383 1,543,871 502,120 339,650

Share capital 154,050 154,050 154,050 100,000 100,000

Reserves 1,549,387 1,517,996 1,362,163 392,618 237,715

Total equity
attributable to
equity shareholders
of the Company 1,703,437 1,672,046 1,516,213 492,618 337,715
Minority interests 25,694 26,337 27,658 9,502 1,935

TOTAL EQUITY 1,729,131 1,698,383 1,543,871 502,120 339,650

Operating results
Turnover 3,599,089 2,844,560 2,234,975 1,555,704 1,223,429
Profit from operations 237,506 440,611 368,554 247,887 194,352
Deficit on revaluation of
  property, plant and
  equipment written back – – – 1,991 –
Finance costs (115,262) (101,613) (31,213) (23,085) (15,503)

Profit before taxation 122,244 338,998 337,341 226,793 178,849

Income tax (15,483) (115,669) (116,509) (72,017) (59,454)

Profit for the year 106,761 223,329 220,832 154,776 119,395

Attributable to:
Equity shareholders
  of the Company 108,166 222,270 219,836 154,584 120,060
Minority interests (1,405) 1,059 996 192 (665)

Profit for the year 106,761 223,329 220,832 154,776 119,395

Lingbao Gold Company Ltd. • Annual Report 2008

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