Career Objective

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Mobile : 0613013454

Career Objective
To work in an organization that gives me a competitive and challenging
environment to sharpen my skill, offers excellent growth opportunities and enables me to
contribute positively towards the growth and success of the company.
Professional Synopsis
2+ years of eperience in the T ndustry with the analysis, development and testing
of enterprise and web applications with !"et and #eb tec$nolo%ies
!xtensive experience in &sp!"et' &(o!"et' )eb Services and C*!
"aving the knowledge in )pf, )cf, +in, and &ja.
!xtensive experience in developing web applications using #ava$cript, "T%&.
"ands on expertise in %icrosoft S-+ Server 200. and %icrosoft S-+ Server 2005.
!xtensive experience in developing test cases for unit ' integration testing.
!xcellent understanding of pro(ect issues and tracking of issues
!xcellent interpersonal communication skills and technical documentation skills
/ec$nical S0ills

&anguages ) *, *++' C+ ,.-,../
0ramework ) %icrosoft !1et 0ramework 2./, ,.-,../
Technologies ) ,.-,../,
%arkup &anguages ) "tml, 4"tml, 5ml
$cripting &anguages ) #ava$cript
4atabases ) %icrosoft $6& $erver 2//7 and 2//-.
8perating $ystems ) 9indows 5p , 9indows :,9indows $erver 2//7
Or%ani1ational 2perience
*urrently working as Soft#are 2n%ineer for Pro0ar3a Softec$ Pvt +t('
4y(eraba( from (une 2//;< till date.
&ca(e3ic S533ary
MC& from $t.=eter>s !ngineering *ollege "yderabad, 6"/7 4y(eraba( !
8!sc from $ri ?ivekanda 4egree *ollege *hallapalli' &"7 95nt5r!
:nter from %aruthi #unior *ollege @oduru!
Project *1
Project /itle ) %asstrade
2nviron3ent ) .1!T 0ramework ,.-
+an%5a%e ) *+. 1!T
/ec$nolo%y ), 3(ax
;atabase ) $6& $erver 2//7.
/ea3 Si1e ) 0our members.
;5ration : #an<11 to 8ct <11
This is mainly sellABuy and service =ortal which is includes the common
sellAbuy concept where user can post any item under any category which, Cser wants
to keep for sell in portal and the person who wants to buy can bid the post and the bid
information is sent to the posted user, 3nd under services this portal contains (ob
services, $%$ services, 3nd yellow pages services like information like hospitals,
hostels, tours and travels which can be posted by any user.
<ole = <esponsibilities:
nvolved in software development life cycle.
nvolved in designing user interface.
4esigning database Dueries.
*reated stored procedure for the data access from database.
*oding in *+ using ?isual studio 2//7
mplemented !rror handling mechanisms for the code.
4evising unit test plans and performing unit testing

2nviron3ent: ,.-, 3(ax ,*+.1et, %icrosoft $6& server 2//7, *$$ files.
Project *2
Project Title : Online Survey Application
2nviron3ent ) .1!T 0ramework ,.-
+an%5a%e ) *+. 1!T
/ec$nolo%y )
;atabase ) $6& $erver 2//7.
/ea3 Si1e : 0our members.
;5ration : %ay<1/ to 4ec<1/
nsighto is a one<stop solution for managing feedback via the web .This 9eb
$urvey software includes full suite of tools for creating surveys, sending email
invitations ,3nd analyzing survey data. 3nalyzing results can be done more effectively
with chart Types support. $ystem supports advanced Eeporting with the help of cross
tab reports and provides 3dvanced filtering options.

<ole = <esponsibilities:
nvolved in software development life cycle.
nvolved in designing user interface.
4esigning database Dueries.
*reated stored procedure for the data access from database.
*oding in *+ using ?isual studio 2//7
mplemented !rror handling mechanisms for the code.
4evising unit test plans and performing unit testing
.1e t 0ramework ,.-, 3sp.1et using *+, %icrosoft $6& server 2//7, *$$ files.
Project *3
Project /itle ) 9ap *ontent %anagement
2nviron3ent ) .1!T 0ramework ,.-
+an%5a%e ) *+. 1!T
/ec$nolo%y )
;atabase ) $6& $erver 2//7.
/ea3 Si1e ) 0our members.
;5ration : $ep</; to %ay<1/
)ap Content management system is an internal office application. t can be
used for uploading the content into wap application. %obile wap and 9ap content
applications are interlinked. The main functionality of this application is uploading
content based on the categories. %ain categories this portal is mages, 3udio, ?ideo,
Fame. 9e can also add a subcategory under these main categories. The user can
upload the content using browse options after adding the all category information.
Based on selection of main category, the validations are performed on the
user uploaded data. The main category of image can have the resolutions. The
uploaded validations are performed in the runtime. The content is visible to the user
based on the category selected by the user.
<ole = <esponsibilities:
nvolved in software development life cycle.
nvolved in designing user interface..
4esigning database Dueries.
*reated stored procedure for the data access from database.
*oding in *+ using ?isual studio 2//7
mplemented !rror handling mechanisms for the code
4evising unit test plans and performing unit testing
.1e t 0ramework ,.-, 3sp.1et using *+, 3(ax, $Dl $erver 2//7, *$$ files.

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