DHV Power Stations

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DHV Power stations

J anuary2008
DHV pow er st at i ons
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
DHV Building & Industry
One of the most prominent activities of DHV Building
& Industry is related to the construction of power
stations. For more than 20 years DHV Building &
Industry has been a leading consultant in the design,
engineering and project management of power
DHV Building & Industry employs over 600 engineers
and consultants. We offer consultancy and
engineering services in the markets oil & gas, utilities,
heavy industry, fine chemicals, petrochemicals,
pharmaceuticals , food and nutrition and micro
electronics. DHV Building & Industry has its three
main offices in Amersfoort, Eindhoven and Zaandam,
The Netherlands.
DHV Building & Industry is one of the four main
business groups within DHV. Together with the
business groups Environment and Transportation,
Water and Aviation, DHV employs almost 4000
people of which 3000 are stationed in The
Building &
Water Aviation
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Concrete structures
Equipment foundations
Steel structures
Soil survey
(Industrial) Architecture
Lighting and low voltage installations
Water intake stations
Hydraulic design
Emission calculations and trading
Environmental studies
External and operational safety
Overall project management
Civil infrastructre and layout
Logistics analysis
Location study and selection
Legislation and permitting
Maintenance management
Buildings and offices
DHV scope of supply
Power stations
To manage the complex process of building power
stations, DHV Building & Industry opts for an
integrated approach.
In this method, DHV Building & Industry, the client
and the primary technology partner set-up an
interdisciplinary project team in which members
create the entire design together. All individual
disciplines work together, emphatically participating
beyond the limits of their own professional fields.
Co-operation in this manner offers the best guarantee
of designing a power station in which design value,
technical merits and practical value have been
combined into a harmonious whole.
The positive effect of integrated design is apparent to
the client from the very beginning. At each stage the
design becomes more sharply defined and not only
gives clearer insight into the coherence of
architecture, form and technology created, but also
into investment and operational costs.
In the schematic on the left only a brief summary of
the ingredients is given which are brought into the
integrated project team by DHV.
Fire fighting and prevention
Emergency power
Client DHV
Schematic: Gelderland unit 13
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
DHV disciplines
Power stations
Like any large scale industrial size project, a power
station can be represented as a system made up of
several layers.
At the heart is the primary installation responsible for
the energy conversion and power generation. This
primary installation is supported by all sorts of
secondary installations allowing the primary
installation to perform its role. Both primary- and
secondary installations are often located in buildings
or other environments to protect them from the
elements and to shield them from the surroundings.
In these surroundings one finds the environment and
stakeholders setting limits to emissions (noise, air,
water, waste) and permits and legislations.
More and more, power stations are integrated with
external industrial processes, interfacing at all levels,
from primary to environment.
With the three parties introduced on the previous
page - client, technology partner and DHV, the table
on the left identifies our disciplines and the role they
can play at each layer of the facility.
In addition to our usual role of overall project
manager, DHV can play a significant role in almost
any aspect of the design and construction of a power
station except from the primary installation, which is
the core business of the technology partner.
Primary installation
Secondary installation
Building and premises
Environment and stakeholders
Discipl ine Primary installati on Secondary installation Bui lding and premises Environment & stakeholders
gas / steam turbine generation ash and scrubber solids buildings legislation
turbine extraction auxiliary power supply structures permitting
steam generation auxiliary steam coal storage neighbours
generator / terminal compressed air lighting environment
fuel gas drains and plumbing substation personnel
fuel oil LV electrical space condition public relations
combustion gas equipment cooling infra stucture interest groups
gas cleaning and exhaust feed water reception and fencing
cycle heat rejection fire protection
process control sampling and analysis
HV connection and distrubution waste collection and treatment
rookgasafvoer en -reiniging water supply and storage
water treatment
coal handling
Projectmanagement DHV in team with partner primary
technology and client
Procurement DHV or on behalf of DHV or on behalf of n.a.
Construction management DHV in team with partner primary
technology and client
Health, Safety en environment (HSE) DHV DHV DHV DHV
Legislati on & permitting DHV DHV DHV DHV
Logisti c anal yses DHV DHV DHV
Process DHV DHV n.a.
Mechani cal rotating DHV DHV n.a.
Mechani cal static DHV DHV n.a.
Piping DHV DHV n.a.
Electrical HV n.a. n.a. n.a.
Electrical LV DHV DHV DHV n.a.
Instrumentation and process control DHV DHV n.a.
Civil and structural DHV in team with partner primary
technology and client
DHV DHV n.a.
Archtecture n.a. n.a. DHV or external architect DHV or external architect
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Power stations
DHV's experience in building power stations goes
way back. From the early sixties to seventies the five
125 MWe Hunze power stations in Groningen were
built and since then, many more. A quick glance at
our reference list shows over twenty power stations
built by DHV or to which DHV has made a significant
The power stations built by DHV come in all sizes and
configurations. Smaller power station extensions such
as the 40 MWe gas powered Merwedehaven
extension of 1987, up to the 630 MWe coal and gas
powered Hemweg unit 8 in Amsterdam, completed in
1992. In addition to these conventional installations,
DHV was also involved in the construction of
Dodewaard, the first nuclear power station in The
Netherlands completed in 1968.
A special group of small size power stations are the
combined cycle units built with ESTS (now known as
Danieli Corus) for various industrial facilities.
With regard to clients, DHV has built most of UNA's
(now NUON) power stations, but also Electrabel and
Essent now own or operate power stations built by
Due to many changes in the electricity production and
distribution market, clients have changed over the
EZH ->E.On, UNA ->NUON, EPON ->Electrabel,
EPZ ->Essent and Delta, Remu ->ENECO, PEB and
PGEM ->NUON, EGD and IJ sselmij ->EDON ->
NV Gemeenschappelijke Kernenergiecentrale Nederland
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
IJmond 01
Date commissioned : 1997
Type : combined cycle
Gas turbine : Mitsubishi MW 701
Duty : 144 MWe
Fuel : blast furnace gas
Efficiency : 45.6 %
The IJ mond 01 combined cycle power station is
located on the premises of Corus steel. It is fuelled
with blast furnace gas, mixed with coke oven gas and
natural gas. In comparison with traditional steam
boiler power stations suitable for the low calorie blast
furnace gasses, the IJ mond 01 is a modern combined
cycle unit with a significant higher efficiency of 45.6%
instead of 38% for the traditional installations.
To bring the blast furnace gasses at the required
pressure, a 37 MW gas compressor is fitted at the
end of the turbine shaft. Also connected to this shaft
is a steam turbine which is fully integrated with the
Corus steam system.
Scope DHV
Together with the "Bureau Nieuwbouw Centrales" of
UNA, DHV was responsible for
Civil and structural design
Tender documents
Bid evaluations
Legislation and permits
Management of design and construction
Commissioning and start-up
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Date commissioned : 1996
Type : combined cycle
Gas turbines : 3 x 60 MWe
Duty : 122-339 MWe
Fuel : gas
Steam : 200 ton/hr
The steam system of the Moerdijk power station is
integrated with the waste furnace next door:
"Afvalverbranding Zuid-Nederland" (AZN). Steam
from this installation can be used for power
generation in the Moerdijk station. Hence the range in
duty from 122 to 339 MWe. A maximum of 150 ton/hr
steam can be delivered to the Shell refinery nearby.
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Date commissioned : 2006
Type : combined cycle
Duty : 400 MWe
Fuel : gas
Essent has planned to build a new CCGT
powerplant of 400 MW at the site of Moerdijk.
DHV has in cooperation with Fichtner made the
ITT for the Power Island and the EPCM
Scope DHV
DHV has been responsible for the Civil and
structural aspects of the cooling water system,
infrastructure and the buildings.
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Lage Weide Unit 5 and 6
Unit 6
Date commissioned : 1995
Type : combined cycle
Gas turbine : ABB - GT7
Duty : 250 Mwe
Heat : 180 MWth
Fuel : gas
Cooling : canal 9 m
Lage Weide unit 6 is an extension of the Lage Weide
power station that was first commisioned in 1959. In
addition to power generation, it delivers 180 MWth
used for city heating of Utrecht and Nieuwegein.
Since the existing architecture was considered to be
of important value, the new unit was partly integrated
in the existing building. DHV played an important role
in this complex integration task.
Due to the combination of power generation (eff.
54%) and heat generation (eff. 87%), the overall
efficiency of the facility (85%) is higher than
conventional units. The use of low Nox burners and
steam injection ensures that the emissions stay within
the legal boundaries.
Scope DHV
Together with the project team of UNA, DHV
performed the traditional task by being responsible for
the civil and structural design, the water inlet works
and the overall project management.
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Diemen 31, 32 and 33
Units 31 and 32
Date commissioned : 1970
Duty : 2 x 190 MWe
Fuel : oil / gas
Unit 33
Type : combined cycle
Gas turbine : ABB - GT13E2
Date commissioned : 1995
Duty : 250 MWe
Fuel : gas
Scope DHV
Together with the "Bureau Nieuwbouw Centrales" of
UNA, DHV was responsible for
Civil and structural design
Cooling water system
Tender documents
Bid evaluations
Legislation and permits
Management of design and construction
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Diemen 33
Heat assistance extension
Type : 3 to 7 hot water boilers
Date commissioned : 2006
Duty : 3 x 35 MWth (initially)
Fuel : gas
Purpose : city heating of IJ burg
Scope DHV
Scalable design for the provision of the heating water
supply to IJ burg, city extension of Amsterdam.
The design allows the phased installation of 3 via 5
up to 7 hot water boilers to extend the capacity of unit
The architectural design blends in well with the
existing facility. The modular concept allows easy
future extension and the interior layout meets the
functional requirements for daily operation,
maintenance, light entry, access to ventilation and
combustion air and if necessary, exchange of boilers.
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Hemweg unit 8
Date commissioned : 1994
Duty : 680 MWe
Fuel : coal / gas
Cooling : canal water 30 m
The coal fired Hemweg 8 unit, with a net power
capacity of 630 Mwe, was officially brought into
operation on September 9, 1994 by His Royal
Highness Prince Willem Alexander. The construction
of the HW8 had started 4 years earlier on March 29,
Scope DHV
The Hemweg 8 is the largest power station built by
DHV to date. As for many other power stations, DHV
was responsible for the civil and structural design of
the main installation and several supporting
installations such as the coal reception, storage and
transport system and the elaborate cooling water
system design.
Also for Hemweg 8, DHV played
an important role by being
responsible for the overall project
management during the
construction phase.
Although Hemweg 8 is a
conventional power station, the
applied technology is pretty
advanced to ensure extremely
clean, environmentally friendly
electricity production.
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Utrecht unit 11 and 12
Unit 11
Date commissioned : 1983
Type : combined cycle
Duty : 110 MWe
Fuel : gas
Cooling : canal 5 m
Unit 12
Date commissioned : 1988
Type : combined cycle
Duty : 225 Mwe
Steam : 185 MWth
Fuel : gas
Cooling : canal 8.1 m
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Velsen unit 24 en 25
Unit 24
Date commissioned : 1974
Type : conventional
Duty : 460 MWe
Fuel : blast furnace gas / oil
Unit 25
Date commissioned : 1986
Type : conventional
Duty : 360 Mwe
Fuel : blast furnace gas / oil
The Velsen power stations are unique in The
Netherlands in that they use blast furnace gases as
their main fuel source. This gas is a by-product of the
steel production process of Corus Steel. The first
power station constructed in Velsen to run on blast
furnace gas dates back to 1931. Since then, 25 units
have been built.
The Velsen 25 unit is designed to handle a variety of
fuels, i.e. blast furnace gas, coke oven gas, natural
gas and oil.
Scope DHV
Together with the client UNA, DHV was responsible
for the civil and structural design, the water inlet
works and the overall project and construction
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Gelderland 13
Date commissioned : 1981
Duty : 600 MWe
Fuel : coal / oil
Cooling : river water 26 m
1985: 50% desulphurisation of flue gas
1987: denitrification installation
1988: 100% desulphurisation of flue gas
At the time of the concept selection, the Dutch
government decided that it was important to become
less dependent on oil and that gas should be
reserved for special applications, such as domestic
heating. Therefore the aim was to use coal as
preferred fuel for electricity generation. Greenhouse
discussions were not an issue at that time.
An interesting detail is the steam driven boiler feed
water pump of 22 MW, which was more economical
than an electrically driven pump.
Scope DHV
DHV was responsible for the complete civil and
structural design of unit 13, comprising of all concrete
and steelwork. Various supporting installations such
as the cooling water system have been designed and
constructed by DHV. In addition many of the coal
conveyer systems have been designed by DHV.
The design and installation of the flue gas cleaning
filters was a joint effort of Danieli Corus and the
structural engineers of DHV.
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Eems power station
Eemshaven - Groningen
Date commissioned : 1976
Duty : 575 MWe
Fuel : oil / gas
Cooling : sea water 18 m3/s
The Eems Power station EC20 is one of the larger
power stations where DHV was involved in the civil
and structural design and construction.
In the mid nineties five modern gas fuelled combined
cycle units with a total duty of 1700 Mwe were added
to the existing station. DHV was not involved in the
construction of these new stations.
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Flevo unit 1, 2, 3 and
Units 1 and 2
Date commissioned : 1969
Duty : 2 x 190 MWe
Fuel : oil / gas
Unit 3
Date commissioned : 1974
Duty : 460 MWe
Fuel : oil / gas
1974: power station extension 25 MWe
1988: denitrification installation
1988: power station extension 120 MWe
Units 1 and 2 have been taken out of service in 1995.
Unit 3 and the 25 Mwe extension were mothballed in
2001 for market reasons. The 120 MWe gas turbine
has been upgraded to a stand-alone unit and is on
stand-by for peak shaving purposes.
Scope DHV
Together with the "Bureau Nieuwbouw Centrales" of
UNA, DHV was responsible for
Civil and structural design
Cooling water system
Tender documents
Bid evaluations
Legislation and permits
Management of design and construction
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Nuclear power station
Type : nuclear
Concept : General Electric
Date commissioned : 1968
Duty : 54 MWe
Fuel : uranium
Dodewaard was the first nuclear power plant to be
installed in The Netherlands. In 1965 the "NV
Gemeenschappelijke Kernenergiecentrale
Nederland" (NV GKN) was established to take
responsibility for the construction of the facility.
Although the design of the reactor was by General
Electric, GKN demanded that Dutch fabricators and
contractors would be involved as much as possible to
develop experience in the construction of nuclear
power plants.
One of these Dutch contractors was DHV,
responsible for the civil design and construction of the
In March 1997 the power station was taken out of
production, 7 years before the planned date of
J anuary 1st 2004. Reason for this early retirement
was the negative political climate in relation to nuclear
Today the facility is cocooned, waiting 40 years to
reduce radioactivity by 99.5%, prior to complete
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Eems EC20
Lage Weide
Merwedekanaal 456
Diemen 250
Al mere
Leiden 81
Den Haag 78
Delft 93
Ai r Products
790 Rotterdam
Rijnmond Energie
Construction by DHV
Power stations in
The Netherlands
DHV Power Stations
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Reference list
DHV Power Stations
Power station / extension Location Client Commissioned Capacity Fuel Cooling Discharge
IJ mond 01, combined cycle unit Hoogovens, steam 80 bar Ijmuiden UNA 1996 140 MWeprocess blast furnacegas canal 5 m3/s
Combined cycle unit, steam 40 bar Moerdijk EPZ 1996 310 MW eprocess gas river/cooling tower 12 m3/s
Combined cycle unit Lage Weide unit 6 Utrecht UNA 1995 225 MWe185 MWth gas canal 9 m3/s
Combined cyle unit 33 Diemen UNA 1995 250 MWe180 MWth gas canal 11 m3/s
Combined cycle unit EFG-2 preliminary design Rotterdam EZH 1994 350 MWe250 MWth gas river 8 m3/s
Hemweg power station unit 8 Amsterdam UNA 1993 630 MWe coal/gas canal 30 m3/s
Maasvlakte power station unit 3 preliminary design Rotterdam EZH 1992 600 MWe coal/gas sea 25 m3/s
Combined cycle unit AL2 Almere EPON 1991 70 MWe gas air cooling 3 m3/s
Combined cycle unit 12 MK Utrecht UNA 1988 225 MWe185 MWth gas river 8.1 m3/s
Flevo power station extension unit III Lelystad EPON 1988 120 MWe gas lake 5 m3/s
Flevo power station denitrification installation unit I Lelystad EPON 1988
Power station Merwedehaven extension unit CM4 Merwedehaven EZH 1987 40 MWe gas river 1.4 m3/s
Power station Velsen unit 25 Velsen UNA 1986 1 x 360 MW blast furnacegas/cokesoven
canal 16 m3/s
Unit 11 MK Utrecht UNA 1983 110 MWe gas canal 5 m3/s
Combined cycle unit Almere Almere EPON 1982 58 MWth oil/gas lake 1.7 m3/s
Power station Merwedehaven unit 7 final design Merwedehaven EZH 1982 600 MW coal/gas river 25 m3/s
Power station Gelderlandunit 13 Nijmegen PGEM 1981 600 MW coal/oil river 26 m3/s
unit 12: denitrification installation 1987
unit 13: 50% desulpherization of flue gas 1985
unit 13: 100% desulpherization of flue gas 1988
Centrale Dordrecht (conceptdesign & tender docs) Dordrecht 1981 600MWe coal
Eems power station Groningen EGD 1976 1 x 575 MW gas/oil sea 18 m3/s
Power station Lage Weide unit 5 Utrecht UNA 1976 1 x 260 MW gas/oil canal 11 m3/s
Power station Gelderlandcombined cycle unit Nijmegen PGEM 1975 50 MW gas/gasoil river 1.5 m3/s
Flevo power station extension unit III Lelystad EPON 1974 25 MW gas/gasoil lake 0.75 m3/s
Power station Velsen unit 24 Velsen UNA 1974 1 x 460 MW blast furnacegas/oil canal 16 m3/s
Flevo power station unit III Lelystad EPON 1973 1 x 460 MW oil/gas lake 18 m3/s
Power station Diemen units 31 and 32 Diemen UNA 1970 2 x 190 MW oil/gas canal 2 x 7.5 m3/s
Flevo power station unit I and II Lelystad EPON 1969 2 x 190 MW oil/gas lake 2 x 7.5 m3/s
Dodewaard Dodewaard SEP 1968 50 MW nuclear river
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Crown Van Gelder
Combined cycle station - Velsen
Date commissioned : 1984
Type : combined cycle
Turbine : GE LM2500
Duty : 21 MWe
Steam : 7 MWth
Fuel : gas
The electricity generated by the General Electric
LM2500 combined cycle gas / steam turbine is used
for 50% for the paper producing process of Crown
van Gelder, the remaining 50% is delivered to the
local grid. Air heated by the turbine is used to dry
paper in the production process.
Crown van Gelder is currently (2005) upgrading the
installation with a low Nox installation to meet the
Dutch emission legislation.
Scope DHV
The installation was designed and installed by Danieli
Corus (formerly known as ESTS). The civil and
structural design of supporting structures and
buildings was subcontracted to ADCO / AETEC.
(acquired by DHV in 1992). The subcontract also
involved a dynamic analysis of the exhaust stack and
supporting structure.
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Single Cycle Station - IJ muiden
Date commissioned : 1984 / 1985
Type : single cycle
Turbine : 2 x Ruston Tornado
Duty : 2 x 5.7 MWe
Fuel : gas
Heating medium : hot exhaust air
ENCI has installed two Ruston gas turbines using the
hot exhaust gasses for sand drying in two rotary
drums. Sand with a humidity of 10% is dried to less
than 0.5%. Exhaust gas from the turbines is
superheated from 460C to 785C, prior to entry into
the rotary drums. Exit temperature is 125C. Prior to
release into the air, the gas is cleaned by gas filter.
Scope DHV
The installation was designed and installed by Danieli
Corus (formerly known as ESTS). DHV was
responsible for the civil and structural design of
supporting structures and buildings.
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Reference list
DHV Combined Cycle Stations
Combined cycle station Location Client Commissioned Electrical duty Thermal duty
Crown van Gelder Velsen Crown van Gelder 1984 21 Mwe 7 MWth
ENCI IJ muiden ENCI (Cemij) 1984 / 1985 2 x 5.7 Mwe
Cooperatieve Condensfabriek Leeuwarden Friesland Friesland Foods
Van den Berg en J rgens Rotterdam Van den Berg en J rgens
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
NV Afvalverbranding Zuid-Nederland
AZN Waste incineration - Moerdijk
Date commissioned : 1997
Capacity : 660.000 tons/yr
Type : 3 parallel lines, total
capacity 30 tons/hr
Duty : 70 MWe
Steam : 2.1e6 tons (77.6 MWe)
Fuel : Waste incineration
The waste incineration facility of AZN converts 99.8%
of the 660.000 tons/yr waste stream into electricity,
steam and reusable by-products (ashes, metals and
Steam is supplied to the neighbouring power station
of Essent and the Shell refinery. Through this
coupling of facilities the efficiency of the incinerator is
50% higher than normal, i.e. 32%
Shareholders of AZN are Essent (49.9%), Delta
(20%) and the Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij
Scope DHV
As a subcontractor to NBM-Amstelland, DHV was
responsible for the civil and structural design and
preparation of work packages.
Specific dynamical analyses have been made for
walls, floors and foundations subjected to variable
loads induced by cranes, machines and trucks.
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Afval Energie Bedrijf
Waste and Energy Company, City of Amsterdam
Date commissioned : 1993
Capacity : 950.000 tons/yr
Type : 2x2 parallel roast line
Duty : 2 x 40 MWe
Fuel : solid urban waste and
sewage sludge
Afval Energie Bedrijf has installed a waste to energy
plant for the processing of municipal waste (850.000
tons) and sewage sludge (100.000 tons) into
sustainable energy and high quality building
materials. The plant is located in the Amsterdam
harbour area.
Scope DHV
DHV GRP combination was contracted for the full
engineering, project management and construction
management services. The former GRP is now part
of the Electrowatt Econo Energy Group (J aakko
Poyry Group). DHV GRP formed the engineering
combination AVI-west v.o.f.
DHV GRP combination has developed the full
engineering scope (programme of requirements,
preliminary design, detailed engineering and
specifications) and has put these in the market. Over
30 packages were tendered. In the construction
phase the DHV - GRP team was responsible for the
full construction management.
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Essent Wijster
Waste sorting and incineration - Wijster
Date commissioned : 1993
Capacity : 840.000 tons/yr
Type : 3x 18 tons/hr parallel
roast line
Duty : 54 MWe
Fuel : Waste incineration
The GAVI VAM concept is a combined waste
sorting plant and a waste incineration plant. The
incoming waste is sorted into organic material and
RDF. The RDF fraction is input for the incineration
Scope DHV
GAVI VAM has developed a tender package for the
turnkey tendering of the full plant. DHV-GRP
partnership ( as a combination named AVI consult
v.o.f.) has executed the technical analysis and
adjustment of the tender package.
After the turnkey order had been granted DHV-GRP
was responsible for the full construction management
of the plant.
Wikipedia - Fruggo 2005
DHV Power stations
J anuary2008
Profile DHV Group
Gateway to soluti ons
DHV is a leading international consultancy and
engineering group that provides services and
sustainable solutions for the following markets:
- Building, Industry and Telecommunications
- Spatial planning and Environment
- Transportation and Infrastructures
- Water
- Aviation
A total of almost 4000 socially committed DHV
professionals develop innovative concepts in the
fields of consultancy and engineering. DHV offers
recognised expertise worldwide to clients in the public
and private sectors through its closely-knit knowledge
DHV provides multi-disciplinary services for the
sustainable development of our living environment
based on mutual loyalty with clients, employees,
partners and share holders.
DHV's services include management consultancy,
advice, design and engineering, project management,
contract management and operational management.
Great Britain
Hong Kong
Sri Lanka
Czech Republic
United Arab Emirates
United States
South Africa
DHV Amersfoort - Main office
Laan 1914 nr. 35
3818 EX Amersfoort
PO box 578
3800 AN Amersfoort
Tel 033 468 36 00
Fax 033 468 36 01
DHV Eindhoven
Larixplein 1
5616 VB Eindhoven
PO box 80007
5600 J Z Eindhoven
Tel 040 250 92 50
Fax 040 250 92 51
DHV Zaandam
Korte Hogendijk 4
1506 MA Zaandam
PO box 2081
1500 GB Zaandam
Tel 075 653 03 00
Fax 075 653 03 99
J oost Stolte
Unit manager
[email protected]
Leon Blokker
Account manager
[email protected]
Eugne Grter
Business group director
[email protected]
DHV Noord Nederland
Griffeweg 97/6
9723 DV Groningen
Postbus 685
9700 AR Groningen
Tel 050 369 53 21
Fax 050 318 32 11
Gerard Schippers
Project manager
[email protected]

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