Paper 2 Time: 2 Hours 30 Minutes: FX X GX X F GFX X X M N

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Paper 2 Time: 2 hours 30 minutes

1. This question paper consists of 2 sections: Section A and Section B.
2. Answer all questions in Section A and six questions from Sections B.
3. Show your workings. It may help you to get marks.
. The diagrams pro!ided in the questions are not drawn to scale unless stated
". The marks allocated for each question are shown in #rackets.
$. %ou may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.
Section A
&' marks(
Answer all questions in this section.
1. )i!en
& ( 3 f x x =
& ( 1* g x x = + find
& 2(* f

& (. gf x
&" marks(
2. m and n are two roots of the quadratic equation
11 ". x x = +orm a quadratic equation with
roots 2 m+ and 2. n + &" marks(
3 &a( Simplify
log 12. log
log .

&#( )i!en that

2 2 2
2log log log " xy y x = + where / and y are positi!e integers* show that
. xy =
&" marks(
. Sol!e the simultaneous equations

3 x y + =

2 2
21 x y xy + = &$ marks(
.. )i!en the equation
2 2
&2 1( x k x k = does not touch the x0a/is*
&a( find the range of !alues of k,
&#( when 2 k = * sol!e
2 2
&2 1( . x k x k =
&$ marks(
". +ind the range of !alues of / which satisfy the following inequalities.
& (& 2( , x x
&2 $( x x +
&, marks(
Section B
&"' marks(
Answer 6 questions from this section.
$ &a( )i!en that
log 2 p =
log $ * q =
log *
log 2,.
&3 marks(
&#( Sol!e 3
1 1
x x +
= . &3 marks(
&c( Sol!e
. .
2log log & "(. x x = +
& marks(
In the a#o!e
diagram* PQRS is a rectangle. +ind
&a( the midpoint of PR* &2 marks(
&#( the coordinates of Q* &2 marks(
&c( the equation of line PS* &3 marks(
&d( the area of PQRS. &3 marks(
11 &a(
1um#er of students
per class
1um#er of classes
3. "
3" .
The ta#le a#o!e shows the distri#ution of the num#er of students per class with respect to the
num#er of classes of a school.
&i( the mean*
&ii( the standard de!iation of the num#er of students per class. & marks(
&#( Solution to this question by graph drawing (ogive) will not be accepted
Age&year( 1um#er of residents
102' "
210' $.
10"' 3
"10,' 1'
,101'' "
The ta#le a#o!e shows the distri#ution of age of 1,' residents in a !illage.
&i( the median*
&ii( the upper quartile&Q3(. &" marks(
10. The total surface area of an open cylinder of radius r cm is 24 cm
(a) (i) Show that the volume of the cylinder , V cm
is iven !y

(ii) "ind the ma#imum volume of the cylinder. $% marks&
(!) The heiht of a closed cylinder is two times its !ase'radius. "ind the rate
of chane of the total surface area of the cylinder if its radius is increasin
at the rate of 0.2 cm
at the instant the radius is ( cm.
(c) )t is iven that "ind, in terms of the appro#imate chane in when
increases from 2 to 2 * , where + is a very small value. $2 marks&
The gi!en diagram shows two sectors !"# and #$% with centres ! and # respecti!ely. )i!en
the length of arc "# is .."$ cm* calculate
&a( the length of !"* &2 marks(
&#( the length of arc $%* &2 marks(
&c( the area of the whole diagram. &" marks(
11. &a( Sol!e the following simultaneous equations
2 2
" 3 2 1. x y x y y + = + = &" marks(
&#( )i!en that
.'''& (
<1.''* find the smallest possi#le !alue of the
positive integer of n. & marks(
12. &a( Aminah #ought x chickens and y ducks for 342',. )i!en that she #ought a total of 2'
chickens and ducks altogether. A chicken costs 34x while a duck costs 34y
. +ind the !alues of x and y &$
&#( A set of 1' num#ers ha!e a mean of 13 and a standard de!iation of 2. If . is added
to each num#er* and each result is multiplied #y 3* find the mean and standard
de!iation of the 1' resulting num#ers. &3 marks(
13. 5il flows out of a container according to the equation ,'&'.2( .
h = h is the height of the oil
le!eling cm and t is the time in seconds since oil started flowing from the container.
&a( the original height of the oil le!el in the container* &2 marks(
&#( the height of the oil le!el after 2.1 seconds* &3 marks(
&c( the time when the height of the oil le!el is ' cm. &. marks(
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Tey 1yok Sun

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