This document is the Petitioner's Reply to the Respondent's Answer in a child support case. It contains 11 paragraphs rebutting and denying many of the Respondent's claims in his Answer. Specifically, the Petitioner denies agreeing to a specific monthly support amount. She also denies receiving full support for several months in 2018. The Petitioner asserts she is entitled to reimbursement for support expenses incurred due to the Respondent's failure to provide adequate and consistent support for their child as required by law.
This document is the Petitioner's Reply to the Respondent's Answer in a child support case. It contains 11 paragraphs rebutting and denying many of the Respondent's claims in his Answer. Specifically, the Petitioner denies agreeing to a specific monthly support amount. She also denies receiving full support for several months in 2018. The Petitioner asserts she is entitled to reimbursement for support expenses incurred due to the Respondent's failure to provide adequate and consistent support for their child as required by law.
This document is the Petitioner's Reply to the Respondent's Answer in a child support case. It contains 11 paragraphs rebutting and denying many of the Respondent's claims in his Answer. Specifically, the Petitioner denies agreeing to a specific monthly support amount. She also denies receiving full support for several months in 2018. The Petitioner asserts she is entitled to reimbursement for support expenses incurred due to the Respondent's failure to provide adequate and consistent support for their child as required by law.
This document is the Petitioner's Reply to the Respondent's Answer in a child support case. It contains 11 paragraphs rebutting and denying many of the Respondent's claims in his Answer. Specifically, the Petitioner denies agreeing to a specific monthly support amount. She also denies receiving full support for several months in 2018. The Petitioner asserts she is entitled to reimbursement for support expenses incurred due to the Respondent's failure to provide adequate and consistent support for their child as required by law.
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Republic of the Philippines
Regional Trial Court of Negros Occidental
6 th Judicial Region Branch 51 - Bacolod City -oOo- NOVIE E. DUNLAO Petitioner -!ersus- C"#"$ C%&' NO()*-+),6 JAYPEE S. AMOR Respondent( - - - - - - - - - - - - - - REPLY (to Answer dated August 15, 2014) CO.'& NO/ P$%"NT"00 NO#"' '( 12N$%O through the undersigned counsel unto this 3onorable Court 4ost respectfully 4anifests and a!ers5 1( $ast %ugust 15 +)1* the Plaintiff through counsel recei!ed a copy of the %ns6er 6ith &pecial and %ffir4ati!e 1efenses of the 1efendant J%7P'' &( %.OR dated %ugust 15 +)1*8 +( The 1efendant9s %ns6er to the #erified Co4plaint contained the follo6ing denials5 a( That his place of residence has no6 changed fro4 #illa &an %gustin Brgy 'stefania Bacolod City to :1;,6 $ucarno &treet 3el!etia 3eights &ubdi!ision Bacolod City8 b( &pecific denial of paragraphs ; * 5 6 , 1) 11 1+ 1; 15 and 16 of the #erified Petition for allegedly containing inaccurate state4ents of facts8 c( &pecific denial of paragraph < for being allegedly bereft of factual and legal basis e-cept for the birth of their child 3%"$'7 %N1R'% 12N%$O %.OR on October * +)1+8 e( &pecific denial of paragraph 1* the truth allegedly being that the Respondent left his %T. Card 6ith the Petitioner to enable hi4 to send four thousand pesos =Php *)))())> each 4onth for the support of the child8 g( &pecifically denial of paragraphs 1, ? +1 for allegedly being false inaccurate and for lac@ of sufficient @no6ledge as to the truth and !eracity thereof e-cept for the personal circu4stances of the parties 6ho ha!e re4ained ci!il to each other8 h( &pecific denial of paragraph +; for lac@ of sufficient @no6ledge as to the truth and !eracity8 REPLY TO ANSWER ;( By 6ay of this Reply Petitioner rebuts and denies the follo6ing allegations of Respondent in his %ns6er5 a( "n paragraph 16 the Respondent alleged that he had an agree4ent 6ith the Petitioner that he 6ould send through his e4ploy4ent agency an a4ount of 0our Thousand Pesos =Php *)))())> by 6ay of deposit in his BP" %T. Card for the support of their child( However, the Petitioner NEVER AGREED TO SUH AN AMOUNT with the Re!"on#ent( b( "n paragraph 1, not6ithstanding the falsity of the Respondent9s allegation of the e-istence of an agree4ent the Respondent alleged that fro4 .arch +)1; up until %ugust +)1; he 6as able to send the AagreedB a4ount to the Petitioner( 3o6e!er in truth and in fact the Petitioner only recei!ed 0our Thousand Pesos =Php *)))())> on .ay +)1; and another 0our Thousand Pesos =Php *)))())> on June +)1;( Thus !he #i# not re$eive %n& !'""ort (or the )ivin* e+"en!e! o( their $hi)# (or the ,onth! o( M%r$h, A"ri), J')& %n# A'*'!t in the &e%r -./08 c( &till under paragraph 1, contrary to the Respondent9s allegation he 6as not able to personally deli!er to the Petitioner the a4ount of 0our Thousand Pesos =Php *)))())> on &epte4ber +)1; for the said 2 a4ount 6as deposited to the BP" %ccount he left 6ith the Petitioner8 d( "n paragraph 1< 6hen their child 6as hospitaliCed on %ugust +)1; the Respondent alleged that his 4other A6anted to hand o!er Three Thousand Pesos =Php ;)))())>B to defray the e-penses of the child9s hospitaliCation by 6hich the Petitioner declined to recei!e( "n truth and in fact Respondent9s 4other only ca4e on the second day of the child9s hospitaliCation 6here she brought so4e snac@s and *%ve the Petitioner the %,o'nt o( on)& One Tho'!%n# Pe!o! 1Ph" /,......2, WITHOUT ANY O33ER O3 OTHER 3INANIAL ASSISTANE for the reason that she did not ha!e sufficient 4oney at hand and 6as hoping for the Petitioner9s @ind consideration8 e( 2nder paragraph 1D Respondent 6as able to gi!e their daughter an a4ount of Ten Thousand Pesos =Php 1))))())> for her birthday and the Petitioner 6as able to recei!e 0our Thousand Pesos =Php *)))())> for the 4onth of October +)1;( 3o6e!er this does not negate the fact that the *rowin* nee#! o( their $hi)# re4'ire! $on!t%nt %n# $ontin'o'! !'""ort (ro, the Re!"on#ent %n# !'$h $%nnot 5e ,et i( the !'""ort wo')# %rrive %t % ver& inter,ittent ,%nner %! it #oe! (or the )on*e!t ti,e8 f( The Respondent alleged under paragraph +1 that he sought for the Petitioner9s account nu4ber in order to include the sa4e in the allot4ent details yet the latter ga!e no infor4ation 6hatsoe!er( 7et contrary to such allegation the Petitioner responded that she 6ill open up a ban@ account through 6hich the pro4ised support 6ill be coursed through( The Petitioner w%! %5)e to o"en % 6PI %$$o'nt (or !'$h "'r"o!e %n# !ent the !%i# %$$o'nt n',5er to the Re!"on#ent vi% te+t ,e!!%*e (or whi$h the Re!"on#ent ,%#e no re!"on!e8 g( "n paragraph ++ the Respondent alleged that fro4 the ti4e he gained e4ploy4ent he 6ould send the support for their child through his 4other Ae!ery 4onth to be gi!en to the Petitioner as soon as his salary and allot4ent is released and sent by his 3 agencyB yet for the 4onth of June and July +)1* the Petitioner never re$eive# %n& %,o'nt (ro, the Re!"on#ent7! ,other nor w%! !he ever $ont%$te# nor vi!ite# 5& the !%,e 6ithin the said 4onths8 h( Contrary to his 6ord under paragraph +5 the Respondent failed to pro!ide for the support 6hich their child needed for her day to day e-penses8 i( "t 6as only on %ugust +)1* as alleged in paragraph +6 that an a4ount of 0i!e Thousand Pesos =Php 5)))())> 6as gi!en to the Petitioner through the Petitioner9s counsel for the support of their child( "t is !ery unfortunate that it had to ta@e the Petitioner a case for4ally filed in court for the Respondent to send the basic support his !ery o6n child 6ho4 he begot 6ith the Petitioner needed8 E( $astly under paragraph +, the Respondent argues that the 3on( Court should gi!e scant consideration for the a4ount of indebtedness the Petitioner see@s to reco!er as she incurred the sa4e due to the necessary e-penses she had to shell out and borro6 fro4 other indi!iduals specifically her sister for the needs of their child( 3o6e!er it is clearly stated under %rticles +)6 and +), of the 0a4ily Code to 6it5 Article 206. When without the knowledge of the person obliged to give support, it is given by a stranger, the latter shall have a right to claim the same from the former, unless it appears that he gave it without any intention of being reimbursed. Article 20. !hen the person obliged to support another un"ustly refuses or fails to give support when urgently needed by the latter, any third person may furnish support to the needy individual with a right of reimbursement from the person obliged to give support. #his Arti$le shall apply parti$ularly when the father or mother of a $hild under the age of ma"ority un"ustly 4 refuses to support or fails to give support to the $hild when urgently needed. Thus contrary to the a!er4ent of the Respondent that the indebtedness 6as incurred 6ithout his authoriCation the afore4entioned articles clearly states that the said third persons ha!e a right to rei4burse4ent fro4 hi4 6ho is obliged by la6 to render support to his o6n child regardless of his @no6ledge of the sa4e( *( .oreo!er the Petitioner hereby adopts and repleads the allegations e4bodied in her #erified Petition sub4itted before this 3onorable Court on %pril 11 +)1*8 5( To reiterate ho6e!er so4e !ery i4portant factual and legal 4atters sho6ing the Plaintiff9s clear and indubitable right to file this case the follo6ing points are re- asserted5 a( The Respondent being gainfully e4ployed and being the father of the child 6ho4 the Petitioner see@s to ha!e continuous support is obliged under the la6 to gi!e support under the 0a4ily Code especially under %rticle 1D5( Article !"#. %ub"e$t to the provisions of the su$$eeding arti$les, the following are obliged to support ea$h other to the who e&tent set for in the pre$eding arti$le' &&& &&& &&& (4) (arents and their illegitimate $hildren )*+ &&& &&& &&& b( The Respondent 4ust share 6ith the burden the Petitioner has to carry in supporting for the needs of their child as 4andated by %rticle +))5 Article 200. !hen the obligation to give support falls upon two or more persons, the payment of the same shall 5 be divided between them in proportion to the resour$es of ea$h. &&& &&& &&& c( By reason of the Respondent9s failure to pro!ide for the basic support necessary for the child9s 6elfare the Petitioner incurred a total debt of One 3u4ber T6o Thousand Pesos =Php 1)+)))())> for the needs of the child in the &P%N O0 OCTOB'R +)1+ 2P 2NT"$ 0'BR2%R7 +)1* OR &"FT''N .ONT3& "N TOT%$( This said a4ount can be di!ided to a total of &i- Thousand Three 3undred &e!enty 0i!e Pesos =Php 6;,5())> per 4onth 6hich includes not only the food and 4il@ of the child but also the diapers clothing 4edication and other e-penses that it needs for sustenance( %s enunciated under %rticle +)65 Article 206. When without the knowledge of the person obliged to give support, it is given by a stranger, the latter shall have a right to claim the same from the former, unless it appears that he gave it without any intention of being reimbursed. d( There has been an e-tensi!e effort on the part of the Petitioner to as@ ti4e and again for the continuous support of the Respondent for their child( ,( $est 6e forget through the filing of the %ns6er the 1efendant is dee4ed to ha!e sub4itted hi4self to the Eurisdiction of this 3onorable Court not6ithstanding his pre!ious plea in his .otion to 1is4iss dated GGGGGGGG specifically on the ground of lac@ of Eurisdiction o!er his person8 <( The period 6ithin 6hich the Rules of Court under Rule 11 only allo6s an %ns6er to be filed is 6ithin fifteen =15> days after ser!ice of su44ons( "t is to be re4e4bered that for this instant case the su44ons 6as ser!ed by the 6 sheriff on Respondent last GGGGGGGGGGGGGG( 3o6e!er in lieu of an %ns6er he opted to file a .otion to 1is4iss8 D( Thus not6ithstanding the subseHuent sub4ission of the %ns6er it 4ust not be forgotten that 6hen a 4otion to dis4iss is filed the 4aterial allegations of the co4plaint are dee4ed to be hypothetically ad4itted( This hypothetical ad4ission e-tends not only fro4 the rele!ant and 4aterial facts 6ell pleaded in the co4plaint but also to the inferences that 4ay be fairly deduced fro4 the4( =The .unicipality of 3agonoy Bulacan et al( !s( 3on &i4eon 1u4du4 Jr( I(R( No( 16<+<D .arch ++ +)1)> PRAYER /3'R'0OR' PR'."&'& CON&"1'R'1 Plaintiff 4ost respectfully reiterates her prayer in the #erified Petition filed last GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG8 Other reliefs and re4edies Eust and proper under the pre4ises are li@e6ise 4ost respectfully prayed for( .ost respectfully sub4itted this GGG %ugust +)1* in Bacolod City( LYNDON P. A8A ,ounsel for the (laintiff Roll of %ttorneys No( ;66+1 .C$' CO.P( "#-)))1++, )+-)D-11 "BP OR No( D+D+<)8 )1-)+-1* PTR No( 5**1;*18 )1-)+-1* + nd Iate %nne- %cacia Cor-Birch Roads #illa %ngela &ubd( Brgy( #illa4onte Bacolod City 61)) Tel(J 0a- No( =);*> *;+-)516J ,)<,<,+ 7 OPY 3URNISHED9 ATTY. AUDREY VIOLET A. LASON 2nit * K 5 &t( 0rancis Center &ingcang %raneta &treets Bacolod City RR No( GGGGGGGGGGG %ugust GGG +)1* E:PLANATION
Copy of the foregoing Reply 6as furnished to the other parties by 6ay of registered 4ail only and not by personal ser!ice by reason of lac@ of personnel to effect personal for4 of ser!ice( LYNDON P. A8A Reply to %ns6er 1unlaoJalluserJilang 8