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EPA 530-R-94-037

NTIS PB94-201837
September 1994
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Office of Solid Waste
Special Waste Branch
401 M Street, SW
Washington, DC 20460
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
This document was prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA). The mention of company or product names is not to be considered
an endorsement by the U.S. Government or the EPA.
This Technical Resource Document consists of two sections. The first
section is EPA's Profile of the lead-zinc industry; the remaining section is a
Site Visit Report from a site visit conducted by EPA. The Technical Report
was distributed for review to the U.S. Department of the Interior's Bureau
of Mines and Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Department of
Agriculture's Forest Service, the Western Governors Association, the
Interstate Mining Compact Commission, and the American Mining
Congress. EPA is grateful to all individuals who took the time to review
sections of this Technical Report Document.
The use of the terms "extraction," "beneficiation," and mineral processing"
in this document is not intended to classify any waste streams for the
purposes of regulatory interpretation or application. Rather, these terms are
used in the context of common industry terminology.
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
TREATMENT OF CYANIDE HEAP LEACHES AND TAILINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2. CYANIDE LEACHING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2.1 Heap Leaching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2.2 Tank Operations (Carbon-in-Pulp and Carbon-in-Leach) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. CYANIDE TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.1 Rinsing of Heaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.2 Sulfur Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.3 INCO Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.4 Noranda Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.5 Alkaline Chlorination Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.6 Hydrogen Peroxide Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.7 AVR Cyanide Recovery Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.8 Biological Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.9 Homestake Mine, South Dakota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.10 Pintail's Biotreatment Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.11 Natural Degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4. OTHER RELATED ISSUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.1 Closure and Reclamation Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.1.1 Analytical Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.1.2 Mobility of Constituents In Heaps and Impoundments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.1.3 Reduction of Constituents in Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.1.4 Rinsing/Treatment Duration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.1.5 Water Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.1.6 Percolation of Solution through Heaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.1.7 Acid Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5. REGULATORY PROGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.1 Federal Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.1.1 Environmental Protection Agency - NPDES Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.1.2 Bureau of Land Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5.1.3 U.S. Forest Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.1.4 National Park Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.2 State Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.2.1 California . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.2.2 Colorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.2.3 Idaho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5.2.4 Montana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.2.5 Nevada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5.2.6 South Carolina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
5.2.7 South Dakota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
6. CASE STUDIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
6.1 Hecla, Yellow Pine, Idaho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
6.2 Zortman Mining, Landusky Heaps, Montana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
6.2.1 McCoy/Cove Mine, Echo Bay Mining Company, Nevada - INCO
process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
7. REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Table 1. Relative Stabilities of Cyanide Complexes in Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Table 2. Some Metal-Cyano-Complex Ions and Their Stability Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Table 3. Summary of State Requirements: Cyanide Heap Leach and
Tailings Impoundment Closure and Reclamation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Figure 1. INCO Sulfur Dioxide-Air Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Figure 2. Alkaline Chlorination Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Figure 3. Hydrogen Peroxide Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Figure 4. AVR Cyanide Recovery Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Figure 5. Biological Treatment Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
The purpose of this report is to provide information on cyanide treatment methods for heap leaches and
tailings activities associated with cyanidation operations, including disposal units that receive wastes from
such operations. Such practices not only prevent environmental degradation but also prevent costly remedial
actions under Superfund and other programs. The Agency has collected this information for use in regulatory
agencies and the mining industry to better understand treatment options. The Agency has not, however,
evaluated the efficiency of the methods discussed.
Cyanidation includes both heap leaching and tank leaching. Spent ore or tailings containing residual amounts
of cyanide are generated as wastes. These wastes are typically treated to neutralize or destroy cyanide prior to
final closure. This report discusses cyanide detoxification or treatment in terms of chemistry, duration,
removal efficiencies, and advantages and limitations. After a discussion of treatment techniques, the report
describes typical closure and reclamation activities for heaps and tailings impoundments, identifying issues
that are still outstanding.
The report also describes Federal and state requirements that apply to cyanide operations. In addition,
selected case studies at active mines are presented. The active sites were selected to reflect a range of facility
types, a large heap operation with several permanent pads, and a site using biological treatment by bacteria.
The report is based on literature reviews, publicly available documents, and telephone contacts with Federal
and state agencies.
Cyanidation uses solutions of sodium or potassium cyanide as lixiviants (leaching agents) to extract precious
metals from ore. Cyanidation techniques used in the gold industry today include heap or valley fill leaching,
agitation leaching followed by carbon-in-pulp (CIP), and agitated carbon-in-leach (CIL). Cyanidation is best
suited to fine-grain gold in disseminated deposits. Heap or valley fill leaching is generally used to beneficiate
ores containing less than 0.04 Troy ounces/ton (oz/t). CIP and CIL techniques, commonly referred to as tank
or vat methods, are generally used to beneficiate ores containing more than 0.04 oz/t. These cut-off values
are dependent on many factors, including the price of gold and an operation's ability to recover the precious
metal (van Zyl et al. 1988). For the purposes of this report, a brief description of both heap and tank leaching
is provided below. A more detailed description may be found in EPA's Technical Resource Document:
Extraction and Benefication of Ores and Minerals Volume 2: Gold (EPA 1992a, 1994), which can be
obtained from the National Technical Information System or at EPA Regional Libraries.
2.1 Heap Leaching
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Since the 1970's and early 1980's, heap leaching has developed into an efficient way to beneficiate a variety
of low-grade, oxidized gold ores. Compared to tank leaching, heap leaching has several advantages,
including simplicity of design, lower capital and operating costs, and shorter startup times. In many cases,
heaps are constructed on lined pads with ore sent directly from the mine (run-of-mine ore) with little or no
preparation. However, at about half of the heap leaching operations, ore is crushed and agglomerated prior to
placement on the heap to increase permeability of the heap and maintain the high pH needed for leaching to
occur (Bureau of Mines 1986). Agglomeration entails mixing the crushed ore with portland cement, lime,
ash, or other materials. In some cases, after crushing, sulfide ores may be treated by roasting, autoclaving,
bio-oxidation, or chlorination prior to heap leaching.
Two common types of pads used in gold heap leaching include permanent heap construction on a pad from
which the leached ore is not removed and on-off pads, which allow the spent ore to be removed following the
leach cycle and fresh ore to be placed on the pad. Permanent heaps are typically built in lifts. Each lift is
composed of a 5- to 30-foot layer of ore. On-off pads are not commonly used in the industry and are
constructed to allow spent ore to be removed after the leaching cycle and re-use of the pad (Lopes and
Johnston 1988).
The reaction of the cyanide solution with the free gold is oxygen-dependent. Therefore, the solution is
oxygenated prior to application or during spraying. The solution concentration is generally between 0.5 and
1.0 pounds of sodium cyanide per ton of solution. Cyanide solution is applied using drip or spray irrigation.
The cyanide leachate percolates through the ore and is collected by pipes located under the pile or carried on
the asphalt or plastic liner directly to ditches around the pile (Bureau of Mines 1986; Lopes and Johnston
1988). The pregnant solution is then collected in a lined pond or tank. (Bureau of Mines 1984).
Leaching occurs according to the following reactions, with most of the gold dissolving in the second reaction
(van Zyl et al. 1988):
4Au + 8NaCN + O + 2H O 4NaAu(CN) + 4NaOH (Elsener's Equation and Adamson's 1st
2 2 2
2Au + 4NaCN + O + 2H O 2NaAu(CN) + H O + 2NaOH (Adamson's 2nd Equation)
2 2 2 2 2
Leaching is generally effective at a pH of 9.5 to 11, with the optimum being approximately 10.5. More acidic
conditions may result in the loss of cyanide through hydrolysis, reaction with carbon dioxide, or reaction with
hydrogen to form hydrogen cyanide (HCN). Alternatively, more basic conditions tend to slow the reaction
process (Bureau of Mines 1984). Typically, the recovered cyanide solution, the pregnant solution, contains
between 1 and 3 ppm of gold material (Bureau of Mines 1986). Irrigation of the heap generally stops when
the pregnant solution falls below about 0.005 ounces of gold per ton of solution (Lopes and Johnston 1988).
Recovery rates for heap and valley fill leaching range from 60 to 80 percent. Leaching typically takes from
several weeks to months, depending on the permeability and size of the pile. An "average/normal" leach cycle
takes approximately three months (Lopes and Johnston 1988).
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
After leaching has been completed, such that no further recovery of gold will occur, the spent ore and
remaining cyanide solution become wastes. There are several approaches to the decommissioning of cyanide-
contaminated ore heaps and neutralizing of cyanide solutions. Typically, the heap is rinsed with water until
the cyanide concentration in the effluent is below a specific standard set by the State regulatory agency. In
some cases, analysis of the heap solids is required. The heap may then be reclaimed with wastes in place. If
the heap is an on/off pad, the spent ore will have been periodically removed to a permanent disposal area.
Solution ponds and other areas are also neutralized and closed, sometimes with residue or wastes in place,
prior to reclamation. Cyanide treatment technologies are discussed in detail in Section 3. Closure and
reclamation are discussed in detail in Section 4. State regulations and their applicability to closure and
reclamation is discussed in Section 5.
2.2 Tank Operations (Carbon-in-Pulp and Carbon-in-Leach)
In Carbon-in-Pulp and Carbon-in-Leach cyanidation methods, primary leaching takes place in a series of
tanks. Finely ground gold ore is slurried with the leaching solution. The resulting gold-cyanide complex is
then adsorbed on activated carbon. CIP conducts the leaching and recovery operations in two separate series
of tanks, while CIL conducts them in a single series. Tank operations have significantly higher recovery
efficiencies than heap leaching facilities, recovering from 85 to 98 percent of the gold contained in the ore.
Generally, CIP or CIL methods are used for high grade ore.
Oxide ores are typically beneficiated by grinding to 65 mesh and leaching with 0.05 percent sodium cyanide
over a 4- to 24-hour period with a pulp density of 50 percent solids. Sulfide ores are typically beneficiated by
grinding to 325 mesh and leaching with 0.1 percent sodium cyanide for a 10- to 72-hour period with a pulp
density of 40 percent solids. (Weiss 1985).
In the CIP method, a slurry consisting of ore, water, cyanide, and lime is pumped to the first series of tanks
for agitation and leaching. Gold is leached from the ore in the leach tank train. The slurry containing leached
ore and pregnant solution is pumped to the second series of tanks for gold recovery. In the second series of
CIP tanks, the slurry is introduced into a countercurrent flow with activated carbon. The slurry enters the first
tank in the series containing carbon that is partially loaded with the gold-cyanide complex. In the suspended
slurry, the activated carbon adsorbs gold material on the available exchange sites. As the carbon material
becomes laden with precious metals, it is pumped forward in the circuit towards the incoming solids and
pregnant solution. Thus, in the last tank, the low-gold percentage solution is exposed to newly activated and
relatively gold-free carbon that is capable of removing almost all of the remaining precious metals in the
solution. Fully loaded carbon is removed at the feed end of the absorption tank train for further beneficiation.
Tailings are discharged to a tailings impoundment. (Bureau of Mines 1978, 1986; Stanford 1987).
The CIL technique differs from CIP in that leaching and recovery of values occur in the same series of tanks.
Activated carbon is mixed with the ore pulp in the agitated leach tanks. A countercurrent flow is maintained
between the pulp (ore and leaching solution) and the activated carbon. In the first tanks of the series, leaching
of the fresh pulp is the primary activity. In later tanks, adsorption onto activated carbon is dominant as the
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
concentration of gold in solution increases and fresh carbon is added to the system. The loaded carbon is
transferred to a stripping vessel while the spent ore is pumped as a slurry to the tailings impoundment
(Bureau of Mines 1986; Calgon Carbon Corporation, undated; Stanford 1987). Tailings from tank leaching
may be treated prior to discharge to the tailings impoundment. Treatment standards for tailings prior to
discharge to the impoundment are often set by the State regulatory authority. As the tailings impoundment
becomes dewatered, reclamation may take place.
This section discusses various treatment methods for neutralizing or detoxifying cyanide solutions, spent
leached ores, and tailings. Treatment methods range from rinsing heaps with water to more complex
techniques such as alkaline chlorination and sulfur dioxide processes, which treat both solutions (spent
cyanide solutions and heap rinsate) and slurries (tailings), to recovery of cyanides. Natural degradation and
biological treatment of cyanide is also discussed. Where possible, information on chemistry, duration,
removal efficiencies, and advantages and limitations has been described, as presented in current literature.
Independent field testing or confirmation of these techniques has not been conducted by EPA.
3.1 Rinsing of Heaps
There are three fundamental approaches to the decommissioning of cyanide-contaminated ore heaps. The
first is to leave the heap alone and allow the cyanide to degrade, perhaps slowly, but without any human
intervention. The second is to dismantle the heap and treat the ore in smaller batches. This approach may be
necessary when sections of the heap have become impermeable or when it is desired to reclaim the leach pad
area for other uses. The third approach is to rinse the heap to flush out cyanide, with the rinse solution then
being treated by any of the methods described below.
Ore heaps may be rinsed with fresh water or with recycled rinse water that has been treated so that it contains
little cyanide. The rinse medium may or may not contain chemicals designed to oxidize the residual cyanide
as it trickles through the heap.
Mines using cyanide heap leaching will already have equipment available to supply rinse solution. The same
system used to apply the cyanide solution can be used for rinsing of the heap. At Echo Bay's Borealis Mine
in Nevada, the heaps were rinsed at a rate of about 0.005 gals/min/ft (Schafer and Associates 1991b) using
Rainbird sprinklers. At Brohm Mining's Gilt Edge on-off heap leach operation in South Dakota, a cyanide
neutralization solution containing hydrogen peroxide has been applied at a rate of 0.0043 gal/min/ft (Damon,
Smith, and Mudder 1992).
Rinsing also may be accomplished, or enhanced, by natural precipitation; some facilities have included
precipitation as part of their detoxification plans (WGA 1991b). However, many cyanide heap leach
operations are located in arid areas of the western United States where precipitation rates wouldn't be
sufficient to be a source of rinse water.
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
The duration of rinsing required to reach a specified cyanide level in water leaving the base of the heap may
vary considerably. At the Borealis mine, rinsing continued for several months, with each section of the pad
being rinsed for 10-20 days. At the Gold Fields Operating Company's Mesquite mine, the heaps were rinsed
for five days. At the Snow Caps mine in California, rinsing continued for a total of 160 days, with the
effluent from the heap being treated to remove cyanide and then returned to the sprinklers.
The amount of cyanide remaining in the heap and in effluent from it at the end of rinsing program will depend
on the hydraulic behavior of the heap as well as on its chemistry. At the Gold Maple mine in Montana, for
example, it was found that a heap which had been rinsed with calcium hypochlorite during State-managed
remediation activities contained a number of zones with high levels of residual cyanide. Schafer &
Associates (1991) believe that this poor rinsing performance was partly due to the same hydraulic problems
which had resulted in poor gold leaching efficiency and had made the mine uneconomic.
3.2 Sulfur Processes
In the sulfur processes, cyanide in solution is oxidized to cyanate using sulfur dioxide or ferrous sulfate and
air in the presence of copper ion:
CN + SO + O + H O --> CNO + H SO
- -
2 2 2 2 4
The sulfuric acid formed in the reaction is neutralized with lime. Cyanate may be less toxic than cyanide to
fish, animals, and humans. Higgs and Associates (1992) report that CNO is 3,000 - 5,000 times less toxic
than CN. The International Nickel Company's (INCO) SO -air process is one of two patented sulfur dioxide
treatment processes. The other is patented by Noranda Inc. The INCO process can be applied both to barren
solutions and to cyanide-bearing tailings. Reagent requirements may be higher for tailings. The Noranda
Process has been used for wastewater solutions, but may be applicable to heaps.
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Figure 1. INCO Sulfur Dioxide-Air Process
(Source: Adapted from Higgs 1992)
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
3.3 INCO Process
Equipment requirements for the SO process are relatively simple. Wastewater to be treated is introduced
into a mixing vessel, where it is reacted with sulfur dioxide or sodium bisulfite (Figure 1). The theoretical
SO requirement is 2.64 lb/lb CN. INCO has reported actual dosages to be 3 - 5 lb/lb for clear barren
solutions and 4 - 7 lb/lb for tailings slurries. Air is sparged into the vessel. Copper sulfate is added as a
catalyst at a concentration of approximately 50 mg/l. The pH is controlled by addition of lime. The optimal
pH range is 8-10. While it is possible to feed the lime as a powder, dry feeding equipment is troublesome and
not suited to processes such as this which have short residence times. A more reliable solution is to make up
a slurry of lime and recirculate it through a ring main. Electronically or pneumatically controlled valves can
be opened to obtain long or short pulses of well-mixed slurry. Similar lime dosing circuits are used in many
ore flotation mills.
INCO tests showed that a feed stream could be reduced from 1680 mg/l CN to 0.13 mg/l CN using a
- -
retention time of 97 minutes in a one-stage reactor. A feed containing 420 mg/l CN was treated to 0.11
mg/l CN using two reactors in series with a retention time of 26 minutes in each. These tests were
conducted in a continuous flow apparatus (Ingles and Scott 1987). Total cyanide can be reduced to 0.5 mg/l
or less in low nickel wastewaters. About 1 mg/l is achievable in high nickel wastewaters (Smith and Mudder
1991). Other data from bench-scale tests indicate that CN < 0.1 mg/l is achievable.
An INCO SO -air treatment process was installed at Echo Bay's Cove-McCoy mine in Nevada in 1990. This
system is designed to treat tailings pulp (Devuyst 1992). The pulp is 40 wt percent solids and the flow rate
of cyanide to the treatment process is 270 kg CN per hour. The authors do not give a feed concentration, but
at a total mill throughput of 8,500 short tons/day this would correspond to a total cyanide concentration of
about 335 mg/l. The addition rate of SO is adjusted based on periodic analyses of the feed stream (feed-
forward or anticipatory control). Fine adjustment is provided by a feed-back or reactive control loop based
on measurements of CN and pH in the reactors and in the effluent. This system was designed to be capable
of reaching 5 mg/l CN , if necessary.
The INCO process has also been applied to the detoxification of a heap leach pad at the Snow Caps mine in
California (Vergunst 1991). The existing barren pond was converted for use as a reactor by adding an air
sparging system. Sodium metabisulfite was used as the SO source. The pH was controlled by addition of
NaOH rather than lime; manual control of pH was found to be satisfactory. The system was operated under
total recycle, with all of the reactor effluent being returned to the top of the leach pad, until total cyanide
reached acceptable levels. After 130 days of operation, the total cyanide level in the effluent was < 0.2 mg/l.
Fresh water was then used to rinse the heap for an additional 30 days, after which the heap and spent solution
ponds were deemed to have met State requirements for reclassification as "Group C" waste. This project was
carried out using existing mine equipment, a secondhand blower and some piping. Total costs to the mine
operator were under $ 125,000. A pre-construction estimate had indicated that merely doing nothing and
allowing the cyanide to degrade naturally to the levels specified by the State would have taken three years and
cost $ 1,500,000 for security and maintenance.
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Limitations to the SO process appear to be that the reaction proceeds more slowly at low temperatures. A
drop in temperature from 25 C to 5 C can cause a tenfold decrease in reaction rate. Correspondingly larger
o o
residence times and tank volumes would be required to achieve the same CN removal efficiencies at lower
temperatures. The SO process generally does not remove thiocyanate, cyanate, or ammonia. Cyanate can be
transformed into ammonia by microbial action; ammonia is toxic to fish. In addition, removal of toxic metals
may not be sufficient to meet permit requirements.
3.4 Noranda Process
Noranda, Inc. holds a patent for detoxification of cyanide in tailings effluent (US patent 4840735; Canadian
patent 1321429). The process was tested and is still in use at Noranda's Hemlo Gold Mines, Inc. Golden
Giant site in Northwestern Ontario, Canada. Although similar to the INCO process, the Noranda Process
was developed for the specific site and is well suited to ores with significant antimony or arsenic
concentrations. A representative of Noranda stated that if the cyanide mine effluents were primarily cyanide
and cyanide metals, and did not contain arsenic or antimony, then the Noranda Process would likely be less
economical than other existing methods of cyanide detoxification. While the Noranda Process has been used
to treat cyanide effluents, it may be adaptable to heap detoxification. (Noranda 1994, Konigsmann et al
In the initial Hemlo tests, liquid sulfur dioxide and copper sulfate were added to the cyanide-containing
solution to destroy the cyanide, with a typical ratio of sulfur dioxide to total cyanide in the feed solution of 7
to 1 (weight basis). Total cyanide concentrations were reduced from 47 mg/L to 0.15. Although the results
were encouraging, Hemlo had significant safety concerns regarding the storage of the sulfur dioxide, and
developed a ferrous sulfate process. (Konigsmann et al 1989)
In the Noranda Process, copper and ferrous sulfate is added to the cyanide effluent, with the following
Cu + Fe + 3OH ---> Cu + Fe(OH)
2+ 2+ - +
In the presence of hydroxide ions, the ferrous ion is oxidized to ferric oxide while the cupric ion is
simultaneously reduced to cuprous ions. The cuprous ion removes free cyanide as an insoluble precipitate of
cuprous cyanide (Konigsmann et al 1989). The formation of cuprous cyanide creates a shortage of free
cyanide ions in solution, which leads to further removal of cyanide through dissociation of soluble metal
cyanide complexes of copper, zinc and nickel into simple cyanide and metal ions. Final removal of cyanide is
completed by the addition of hydrogen hydroxide at high pH in a second stage to oxide the residual simple
Noranda claims the copper requirements are directly related to the amount of cyanide present in the
wastewater, and that a 3 to 1 ratio of copper to cyanide is sufficient for effective cyanide removal. At the
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Hemlo site, typical operating results reduced the total cyanide concentrations from 23 to 0.13 mg/L.
(Konigsmann et al 1989
3.5 Alkaline Chlorination Process
The alkaline chlorination process is one of the oldest cyanide destruction methods (Higgs 1992). In this
process, cyanide in solution is oxidized to cyanate using chlorine or hypochlorite in solution:CN + Cl -->
CNCl + Cl CNCl + 2OH --> CNO + Cl +H O
- - -
Alkaline chlorination can be applied to both clear wastewaters and slurries.
Equipment requirements for the alkaline chlorination process are similar to those for the other two oxidation
processes (hydrogen peroxide, sulfur dioxide). Wastewater to be treated is introduced into a mixing vessel,
where it is reacted with chlorine or hypochlorite (Figure 2). The pH is maintained in the alkaline range by
addition of lime. Precipitated metals are removed in a clarifier before the wastewater is discharged.
Smith and Mudder (1991) state that the first-stage reaction (cyanide to cyanate) requires approximately 15
minutes at pH 10.5. Hydrolysis of the cyanate to ammonia and carbonate requires an additional 1-2 hours.
The Giant Yellowknife mine reported that the process reduced CN from 7.8 mg/l to 0.05 mg/l. Fifteen days
retention in a polishing pond reduced CN to 0.02 mg/l. These data were averages for the 1984 operating
year. At the Mosquito Creek mine, total cyanide was reduced from 310 mg/l to 25 mg/l and WAD cyanide
was reduced from 226 mg/l to 0.5 mg/l.
Few sites are currently using this technology. The Thunder Mountain Mine in Idaho operated from 1984 to
1991 (Mohr Undated). The mine was operated as an on-off heap leach. Leached ore was treated by alkaline
chlorination. This method was also used to treat wastewater generated by rinsing of the pads during
decommissioning. Effluent from the treatment process was disposed at a "wastewater land application
facility", so that there was no direct NPDES point source discharge. However, the operator may be required
to apply for a NPDES permit to cover storm water discharges from the site under recently EPA promulgated
regulations. Mohr (Undated) does not give any details regarding cyanide destruction efficiency or operating
Generally, wastewaters which can be discharged indirectly through natural or artificial wetlands or land
treatment facilities do not need to meet the same requirements as direct discharges, because natural processes
in the wetland lead to additional cyanide destruction and metals removal.
Environment Canada conducted a study of this process at three mills in British Columbia and one in the
Northwest Territories during the period 1981 - 1983. The Giant Yellowknife mine used this process followed
by an arsenic precipitation step and a polishing lagoon to treat a wastewater which
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
had relatively low CN values. Reagent costs were very high, about CAN$ 46.50 per kg CN in 1983. This
- -
would correspond to approximately US$ 43.50 at 1992 prices. This was partly due to the additional chlorine
loading required to make the arsenic precipitation step operate properly, and partly due to the very remote
location of the mine, which resulted in high transportation costs.
Limitations of this process are that it does not remove iron cyanides, and chloramines and free chlorine
remain in solution; these are toxic to fish.
3.6 Hydrogen Peroxide Process
In the hydrogen peroxide process, cyanide in solution is oxidized to cyanate using hydrogen peroxide in the
presence of copper ion:
CN + H O --> CNO + H O
- -
2 2 2
Cyanate ion hydrolyses to form ammonia and carbonate:
CNO + 2H O --> CO + NH
- 2- +
2 3 4
This process can be applied to wastewaters. Reagent requirements increase when this method is applied to
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Figure 3. Hydrogen Peroxide Process
(Source: Adapted from Higgs 1992)
Equipment requirements for the hydrogen peroxide process are similar to those for the INCO process.
Wastewater to be treated is introduced into a mixing vessel, where it is reacted with hydrogen peroxide
(Figure 3). Copper sulfate is added as a catalyst. The pH is controlled by addition of lime. Hydrogen
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
peroxide is a strong oxidizer, which can give rise to violent explosions and fires if brought in contact with
combustible organic material (wood, old cloth rags). Specially designed storage tanks and handling
equipment must be used.
Griffiths (Degussa 1988) reported that a mine in northern Ontario, Canada was planning to use this process.
Under these cold conditions, batch tests indicated that 27 hours would be required to reduce total cyanide
from 25.7 mg/l to 0.94 mg/l. Higgs (1992) indicates that retention times should be in the range of 45 minutes
to 2 hours, but bench scale tests are needed for each individual waste stream.
An example of removal efficiencies is provided by the Annie Creek Mine (McGrew and Thrall, cited in
Brooks 1992). At this mine, effluent from a heap was reduced to 0.57 mg/l CN and 0.09 mg/l CN after
- -
97 days of rinsing with H O solution.
2 2
The hydrogen peroxide process was applied at the Timberline mine in Utah (Brooks 1992). This gold mine
operated as a heap leach operation from 1984-1986. In 1989, the operator declared bankruptcy and forfeited
the bond to Tooele County. The sheriff's department arranged for the placing of 800 pounds of calcium
hypochlorite in the solution pond, but this was found not to be sufficient to neutralize the cyanide leached
from the pile, especially after heavy rainfall events. The county, the State, and the U.S. Bureau of Land
Management decided to treat the leached ore in lifts consisting of layers one foot thick, using 0.01 gallons of
H O per ton of ore. After treatment, the ore averaged 6.3 mg/kg CN and 24 mg/kg CN . By 1991, the
2 2 WAD T
- -
cyanide levels were 2.12 mg/kg CN and 8.46 mg/kg CN in the leached ore, and 1.11 mg/l CN in rinsate
- - -
samples. The state considers the heap to be neutralized. This project was completed on a very low budget
(the $ 20,000 bond) using BLM personnel and equipment and volunteers from a nearby mining company.
The limitations of hydrogen peroxide treatment include handling and costs. In particular, hydrogen peroxide
is a hazardous material, and can be expensive. Special equipment for hydrogen peroxide service may increase
the total capital cost. The treatment process generates ammonia, which is toxic to fish.
3.7 AVR Cyanide Recovery Process
In the handling of cyanide solutions, significant efforts are taken to ensure that the pH is always kept in the
alkaline range so that toxic hydrogen cyanide gas will not be released. The Acidification-Volatilization-
Recovery (AVR) process runs directly counter to this principle. The pH of a cyanide solution is lowered by
addition of sulfuric acid so that HCN gas is formed. This gas can then be absorbed into a NaOH solution:
CN(aq) + H (aq) -> HCN(g)
- +
HCN(g) + NaOH(aq) -> NaCN(aq)
The process has generally been applied to barren solutions. However, a system to handle slurries was
designed for the Golden Cross mine in New Zealand (Smith and Mudder 1991).
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Figure 4. AVR Cyanide Recovery Process
(Source: Adapted from Higgs)
The Acidification-Volatilization-Neutralization Process for cyanide recovery is illustrated in Figure 4. In this
process, wastewater containing cyanide is mixed with sulfuric acid, liberating HCN gas. The mixing vessel
must be sealed. The liquid stream leaving the reactor is stripped with a current of air in a packed column.
The HCN-laden air is absorbed in a second column containing a downward-flowing stream of caustic soda,
forming sodium cyanide. This can be returned to the leaching process. Lime is added to the detoxified
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
wastewater to precipitate heavy metals. Based on bench-scale tests, total cyanide levels were routinely
reduced from 330 mg/l to < 2 mg/l. (Smith and Mudder 1991). No examples could be found in the literature
of an application of this technology in the United States.
An early version of this technology was operated by Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting, Flin Flon, Manitoba
from 1931-1978. Four stripping towers were used in series. The cyanide content was lowered from 560 mg/l
to 44 mg/l and the resulting effluent, which contained copper cyanide, was fed to a copper sulfate plant. As
an example of duration, the process as applied at Flin Flon, Manitoba, had a liquid flowrate in the cyanide
stripping column of 107 m /hr and an air flowrate about 525 times greater. This process was also being used
in 1984 at a silver mine in Mexico. A more modern version of the process was operated from 1985-1987 at
the Beaconsfield gold mine in Tasmania. The system was designed for maximum safety, incorporating an
enclosed negative pressure system. Cyanide recoveries of nearly 95 percent were reported. (Smith and
Mudder 1991)
One of the advantages of this technology over the treatment alternative is that cyanide can be recovered for
reuse. The economics may be favorable in very remote locations where the costs of cyanide threaten the
economics of the mining project. In addition, the potential aquatic toxicity of cyanide oxidation products
(cyanate, ammonia, chloramines) does not arise.
The major limitation of this technology is that it is a more complex process than the various treatment
alternatives. Sealed mixing vessels and packed columns are required. All mining operations involving
cyanide are operated under alkaline conditions to avoid the evolution of HCN. This process may be perceived
as too hazardous because HCN is deliberately generated. It also has not been conclusively demonstrated that
this technology can achieve allowable discharge limits for CN in this country. The economics may vary
depending on the value of the recovered cyanide. OSHA, EPA, and insurance requirements associated with
the handling of free HCN in the U.S. may increase both capital and operating costs and limit the applicability
of cost estimates from other countries. Studies in New Zealand indicated that the AVR process could
generate an operating profit of NZ$ 2.15-3.20 per ton of ore processed. However, cyanide costs in New
Zealand are 3-5 times higher than those in the United States.
3.8 Biological Treatment
3.8.1 Introduction
Microbial action, either naturally occurring or as a cyanide detoxification technique, causes transformation of
cyanide to ammonia. Metal ions released from metal cyanides will be absorbed by the biomass and
thiocyanates are converted to sulfate:
Cu CN + 2 H O + O -> Cu-biofilm + HCO + NH
2 2 2 3 3
SCN + 2 H O + 2 O -> SO + HCO + NH
- 2- -
2 2 4 3 3
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Further microbial action will convert the ammonia to nitrate:
NH + 1 O -> NO + 2 H + H O
4 2 2 2
+ - +
NO + O -> NO
2 2 3
- -
The aim of biological treatment processes is to greatly increase the rate at which these natural transformations
Until recently, known applications of this technology were confined to barren solutions. A Homesite Mine
has used biological treatment on cyanide wastewaters. In addition to Homestake, biological treatment has
been applied at the Hecla Yellow Pine heap in Idaho. Hecla's treatment has reduced cyanide levels to the
State detoxification criteria of 0.2 mg/l WAD cyanide (Idaho 1993). Pintail Systems Inc. has recently applied
biological treatment to heap leaches at the Hecla Yellow Pine Site.
3.9 Homestake Mine, South Dakota
The Homestake gold mine in South Dakota has also implemented a biological treatment system. A simplified
flowsheet of he Homestake plant is shown in Figure 5.
Wastewater to be treated is dosed with phosphoric acid, which acts as a nutrient. The water is then fed to the
first set of rotating biological contactors (RBCs). These units consist of a shaft of circular plastic elements
revolving partly submerged in a contour-bottomed tank. The disks are spaced such that wastewater can enter
between them. When rotated out of the tank, air enters the spaces while the liquid trickles out over films of
biological growth attached to the media. The biomass consumes phosphate and other nutrients in solution,
and also converts cyanide to ammonia. Excess biomass flows out of the unit with the wastewater. A second
set of RBCs is used to convert the ammonia to nitrate. Toxic metals and biomass can be precipitated using
ferric chloride and a polymeric agent. A sludge of metals and microbes then settles out in the clarifier, and
can be removed for disposal. The effluent is polished using a sand filter before being discharged. (Ingles and
Scott 1987; Higgs 1992)
The Homestake mine reduced total cyanide levels from 10 ppm (feed level) to 0.3 ppm cyanide in the
The US Bureau of Mines conducted a demonstration project to study the viability of bacterial cyanide
oxidation at USMX's Green Springs mine in Nevada (Lien and Altringer 1993). Staff at the Bureau's Salt
Lake Research Center had isolated a cyanide-degrading bacterium, Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes, from a
tailings pond containing 280 mg/l CN. This bacterium was cultivated at the Research Center and introduced
into the carbon adsorption tanks at Green Springs. The tanks, transformed into bioreactors, were used to
treat water being recirculated through the ore heaps as part of the closure process. WAD cyanide was
reduced from 20 mg/l to 8.5 mg/l over a period of 15 weeks.
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
With regard to duration, performance of RBCs depends in large part on the loading of Biochemical Oxygen
Demand (BOD) per unit area of contactor surface. At the Green Springs mine, residence times in the five
carbon tanks were on the order of 80 minutes.
3.10 Pintail's Biotreatment Process
The Pintail System Inc. approach to biotreatment of heap leach pad cyanide solutions uses bacteria native to
the project environment. The process involves isolating and enhancing native bacteria with the ability to use
or transform cyanide into non-toxic components: carbon dioxide, water and nitrogen. These "working"
bacteria are grown to concentrations capable of supporting effective biotreatment, while the "non-working"
bacteria are selectively eliminated from the microbial community. Pintail has researched both heterotrophic
and autotrophic strains of bacteria for cyanide detoxification. As long as the biotreatment solutions are
heated and the solution is effectively applied to the heap, cyanide biotreatment in cold weather is possible
(Caldwell, 1993).
Pintail Systems Inc. conducted a full scale cyanide detoxification project at a heap leach pad at the Hecla
Mining Company's Yellow Pine Mine near McCall, Idaho (Pay Dirt, 1992). The Yellow Pine mine, although
located at 6,500 ft. above mean sea level, is in a geographic location that experiences extreme weather
conditions similar to an alpine location. This cold temperature environment presents hurdles to the use of
bacteria, since the bacteria live and flourish under warm temperatures. The subject of the biotreatment was a
heap leach pad 114 feet high, containing 1.3 million tons of material and cyanide solutions with an average
WAD cyanide concentration of 46.6 ppm. Bacteria used for the treatment were collected at Yellow Pine from
the soil and freshwater environments. To take advantage of the most favorable weather conditions, the
detoxification project began in March 1992 when 10,000 gallons of treatment bacteria solution were added to
the barren solution pond. In this manner, the treatment bacteria solution was applied to the spent ore by drip
irrigation. By May 1992, WAD cyanide levels were below 0.2 ppm. The project ended in mid-September of
the same year.
Biological treatment does not require the use of toxic or hazardous chemicals, apart from a small volume of
phosphoric acid, which can be stored as a dilute solution. Rotating biological contactors were originally
developed for treatment of sewage, and are an alternative to the use of the activated-sludge process with fixed
aeration basins and two stages of clarification. Their operating characteristics are well
understood.Limitations include the fact that it may not be possible to treat wastewaters containing high
concentrations of cyanide and the process may be adversely affected by cold temperatures. Capital costs may
also be higher than for the oxidation processes. Capital cost of the Homestake installation has been reported
to be about $ 10 million in 1984. In addition, system response to a sudden change in cyanide or nutrient
concentration may be sluggish. Canadian sources have voiced concerns that such a process would not work
at the low temperatures encountered in many of their mining districts.
3.11 Natural Degradation
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Natural degradation is a general term for all of the processes that may reduce the total cyanide concentration
of a waste in the absence of any human intervention. These processes include:
Microbial generation of cyanate/ammonia in soil:
CN + O + enzyme -> CNO
- -
CNO + H O -> NH + CO
2 3 2
Volatilization of cyanide from solution after absorption of CO or SO from the atmosphere and
2 2
consequent formation of acid:
CO (g) + H O -> H CO (aq) HCO + H O
2 2 2 3 3 3
- +
H O + CN -> HCN(g)
+ -
Hydrolysis in soils:
HCN + 2 H O -> NH COOH
2 4
Anaerobic biodegradation:
CN + H S(aq) -> HSCN + H
- +
HSCN + 2 H O -> NH + H S + CO
2 3 2 2
Zn(CN) + 2 CN -> Zn(CN)
2 4
Natural degradation processes, to some extent, occur in barren solution lagoons, tailings impoundments, and
heaps. The efficiency of cyanide destruction may be lower in the interior of heaps or the bottoms of lagoons.
No technology is required. Environment Canada found that total cyanide in a tailings pond at Dome Mines,
Ontario, decreased from 68.7 mg/l to 0.008 mg/l over a 15-week period from April 30 to August 6, 1980
(Todd 1986). Rates of removal at other sites may be much slower than this.
Echo Bay's Lupin mine uses natural degradation as its sole method of treatment. Tailings are discharged to a
series of two surface impoundments with a total retention time of two years. Water from the second
impoundment is discharged once a year. Water can then be transferred into this unit from the first
impoundment. The mill tailings had an average total cyanide concentration of 166 mg/l in 1991. The
effluent from the second impoundment had a total cyanide concentration of 0.019 mg/l. Effluent
concentrations ranged from 0.06-0.26 mg/l CN over the period 1985-1990. (Higgs 1992)
It is unclear, however, if natural processes can generally be used to meet Federal or state standards. One site
in Colorado (Battle Mountain Resources, Inc.) planned solely on using natural degradation to reduce cyanide
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
levels in its tailings slurry, tailings impoundment, and collection pond. Natural degradation, however, was
unsuccessful in reducing cyanide to levels required in the permit (4.4 ppm total or 3.8 ppm wad cyanide). In
1991 and 1992, elevated cyanide concentrations (up to 260 ppm total, 240 ppm free and 110 ppm wad) led to
a notice of violation and issuance of an administrative order (Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Board
While natural degradation does not require capital investment or chemical costs, it may never reduce cyanide
levels to within the limits specified by state agencies. Information on other constituents was not obtained. It
should also be noted that while natural degradation is occurring, the waste may continue to pose a threat to
humans and animals. In addition, security costs for preventing public access over a period of several years
may prove to be very high.
4.1 Closure and Reclamation Issues
Cyanide is not the only contaminant that is present in tailings effluents or heaps; numerous other constituents
may be present in the waste material and present potential problems. Nitrate and heavy metal migration are
examples of other problems that can be faced at closure of cyanide operations. Testing and analysis of
cyanide is also an issue because of problems obtaining consistent and reliable test results. Another
significant concern is the generation of acid drainage, often caused by the presence of sulfides that break
down to form sulfuric acid. Issues relating to metals, acid generation, and operational problems encountered
by some facilities are discussed in greater detail below.
4.1.1 Analytical Methods
In developing the national effluent limitation guidelines for the Ore Mining and Dressing Point Source
Category (at 40 CFR Part 440), the Agency established a technology-based standard for all discharges from
mills that use the "cyanidation" process to recover gold and silver, and mills that use cyanide in froth flotation
of copper, lead, zinc, and molybdenum ores. In this process, the Agency considered several methods (e.g.,
alkaline chlorination, hydrogen peroxide treatment, etc.) used to reduce cyanide levels in mill wastewaters.
However, the Agency found that the cyanide levels in both treated and untreated mill wastewaters were below
the 0.4 mg/l quantification limit for EPA-approved test methods (i.e., treatment performance could not be
evaluated). Therefore, the Agency established a zero discharge requirement as the national technology-based
standard. The Development Document for the Part 440 guidelines does indicate that EPA was aware of
specific sites where laboratory methods were effectively being used to quantify cyanide removal (but does not
describe the methods). The document further suggests these methods could be used by permit writers to
establish cyanide limits in individual NPDES permits on a site-by-site basis.
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Analytical methods used to determine cyanide concentrations in tailings, heap effluents, and pore water are
still being debated. At low concentrations, testing is inaccurate and measurements of cyanide may not be
good predictors of actual cyanide concentrations in the field. (Durkin 1990; Colorado 1992a; ORD 1993)
Cyanide is generally measured as one of three forms: free, weak acid dissociable (WAD), and total. Free
cyanide refers to the cyanide that is present in solution as CN or HCN, and includes cyanide-bonded sodium,
potassium, calcium or magnesium. Free cyanide is very difficult to measure. WAD cyanide is the fraction of
cyanide that will volatilize to HCN in a weak acid solution at a pH of 4.5. WAD cyanide includes free
cyanide, simple cyanide, and weak cyanide complexes of zinc, cadmium, silver, copper, and nickel. Total
cyanide measures all of the cyanide present in any form, including iron, cobalt, gold and platinum complexes.
(Colorado 1992a)
Many states are continuing to debate over the proper test methods for measuring cyanide (WAD, free, or
total). A South Dakota hydrologist with the State Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR) points out that many of the commonly used test methods for cyanide leaching yield questionable
results for certain parameters. (Durkin 1990)
Mudder & Smith point out that historically, cyanide was regulated as "free" cyanide, but that newer standards
specify weak acid dissociable (WAD) cyanide. "Free" cyanide has been shown to be analytically inexact at
desired regulatory levels and WAD cyanide levels are more easily determined below one part per million
(ppm) and more relevant from an environmental standpoint. (Mudder and Smith 1992)
EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD) is currently evaluating cyanide test procedures and
methods, and is investigating a proprietary, privately developed, distillation method that appears to be
successful for cyanide analysis. One of ORD's activities includes revising the current methods for measuring
and detecting cyanide fractions and eliminating interferrents. ORD is also reviewing performance data and
problems of 17 currently used methods. Future efforts of ORD will involve continued evaluation of cyanide
species. (ORD 1993)
4.1.2 Mobility of Constituents In Heaps and Impoundments
Because of the great variability among cyanide operations, including ore characteristics and climatic
conditions, adequate characterization of wastes and materials is an important consideration for site
reclamation. Aqueous cyanide (CN) has a negative valence and reacts readily to form more stable
compounds. At a pH below 9 (approximately), cyanide forms hydrogen cyanide (HCN), a volatile gas that
rapidly evaporates at atmospheric pressure. Aqueous cyanide complexes readily with metals in the ore,
forming complexes ranging from readily soluble complexes such as sodium cyanide and calcium cyanide to
strong complexes such as iron-cyanide. The stronger complexes are very stable in natural aqueous
conditions. Tables 1 and 2 provide the solubility of some of the cyanide complexes. (Colorado 1992a)
Limited information was found on the mobility of cyanide and cyanide complexes in closed and/or reclaimed
heaps and tailings impoundments. However, at several South Dakota sites, nitrate, one of the degradation
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
products of cyanide, has been detected in areas beyond the heap. Operators have been able to meet the 0.2
mg/l cyanide detoxification criteria, but elevated levels of nitrate associated with cyanide heap leach on/off
operations have prevented facilities from meeting other site-specific state criteria. The nitrate levels in
surface runoff from the mine sites have exceeded treatment criteria and low levels of nitrate have been
detected in downgradient wells. (Durkin 1990)
In addition, the chemistry of a spent heap or tailings impoundment may change over time. Although effluent
samples may meet State requirements, the effluent characteristics may be dependent on the pH. The question
of what happens to the heap or impoundment when the pH or moisture content
Table 1. Relative Stabilities of Cyanide Complexes in Water
Cyanide Species Examples Present in Gold and Silver
Processing Solutions
Free Cyanide CN, HCN
Simple Compounds
Readily Soluble NaCN, KCN, Ca(CN) , Hg(CN)
Relatively Insoluble An(CN) , CuCN, Ni(CN) , AgCN
2 2
2 2
Weak Complexes Zn(CN) , Cd(CN) , Cd(CN)
4 4
2- 3- 2-
Moderately Strong Complexes Cu(CN) , Cu(CN) , Ni(CN) , Ag(CN)
2- 2- 2- 2-
3 4
Strong Complexes Fe(CN) , Co(CN) , Au(CN)
6 6
4- 4- 2-
Source: Colorado 1992a.
Table 2. Some Metal-Cyano-Complex Ions and Their Stability Constants
Metal Complex Ion Formula Stability Constant (at
25 C)
Cobalt (III) Hexacyanocobaltate [Co(CN) ] 1x10
3- 64
Iron (III) Ferricyanide [Fe(CN) ] 1x10
3- 52
Iron (II) Ferrocyanide [Fe(CN) ] 1x10
4- 47
Nickel (II) Tetracyanonickelate [Ni(CN) ] 1x10
2- 22
Cadmium (II) Tetracyanocadmiate [Cd(CN) ] 7.1x10
2- 16
Manganese (III) Hexacyanomanganate [Mn(CN) ] 5x10
3- 9
Source: Colorado 1992a.
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
changes is an important consideration for closure and reclamation. Modeling can be performed to assess the
long-term geochemical conditions at the site taking into consideration the chemistry of a spent heap over
time, and be used to design closure and reclamation plans. Factors affecting chemical changes in a heap or
tailings impoundment include pH, moisture, mobility, and geochemical stability of the material.
4.1.3 Reduction of Constituents in Solutions
According to Mudder and Smith, in addition to high cyanide concentrations, the post-leach solution (pre-
cyanide treatment) is likely to have the following characteristics:
High pH, 9.5 to 11
Moderate to high dissolved species, mainly sodium, calcium (from added lime), and sulfate
Potentially elevated metals of ionic-forming complexes such as arsenic, molybdenum, and
Potentially elevated metals which form soluble metallo-cyanide complexes such as iron, copper,
mercury, cadmium, and zinc. (Mudder and Smith 1992)
One site, the Pegasus Gold Relief Canyon mine, used carbon columns to reduce the levels of soluble metals
contained in its heap rinse solution. Specific metals, their concentrations and ultimate disposal practices were
not obtained. (Logue Undated)
Placer Dome, Inc.'s Campbell gold operation added an arsenic treatment step to its tailings treatment process
to remove arsenic from its tailings. Placer Dome uses an autoclave and two neutralization stages to
precipitate arsenic and heavy metals. The resulting tailings slurry is then disposed of in a plastic-lined
tailings pond. Arsenic concentrations in the tailings slurry have been reduced from around 1.2 mg/l to <0.3
mg/l since the facility added the arsenic treatment as part of its conversion from a roasting system to a
pressurized oxidation process for gold recovery. (Mining Engineering 1992)
A representative from Nevada described a problem that occurred with one mine. While recirculating the
solution during leaching, gold was removed from the pregnant solution but other metals and constituents
continued to accumulate and were not removed from the solution. As a result, during rinsing, the mercury
levels in the rinse water were 4.0 mg/l, three magnitudes higher than the primary drinking water standard of
0.002 mg/l. The tremendous amount of water required for consecutive rinses in order to reach the 0.2 mg/l
cyanide standards has also been an issue. (Nevada 1993b)
Furthermore, a research study presented at the Environmental Management for the 1990s symposium noted
that a several mines in five western states have experienced elevated selenium levels (Altringer 1991). The
US Bureau of Mines is investigating the use of biological and chemical reduction of selenium in cyanide
tailings pond water. Although high costs may make the treatment prohibitive, the research study was
successful in reducing selenium concentrations in the laboratory from up to 30 ppm selenium to 0.02 ppm.
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Details on the mine sites and specific treatment practices used were not available in the information reviewed
for this study.
4.1.4 Rinsing/Treatment Duration
Section 3 described rinsing/detoxification periods of several months; however, in practice a site may require
several rounds of rinsing in order to meet State or Federal standards. One problem that frequently has been
encountered is that rinsing/treatment is conducted and effluent standards may be met, but subsequent rinsing
or testing reveals increased cyanide and other constituent concentrations. (Nevada 1993b) Spring snowmelts
have caused effluent concentrations to rise. Several States, as well as BLM, request follow-up effluent
sampling after periods of rest or after rainy season/spring snowmelts prior to approving completion of
detoxification. (BLM 1992; Idaho 1993, South Dakota 1993) Although the reasons for incomplete or
variable rinsing have not been confirmed, Durkin (1990) proposes that non-uniform neutralization or dilution
may be factors. A number of facilities have had to switch treatment methods after a chosen method did not
reach the desired concentrations. Thus, in practice, rinsing may take many seasons, or years, to complete.
In addition, climatic conditions effect the amount of time needed for closure and reclamation. Cold weather
effectively shuts down many operations. Natural and biological treatment methods cease naturally at low
temperatures over the winter months. (Schafer and Associates 1990; McGill & Comba 1990; BLM 1992;
Higgs 1992)
Furthermore, according to a Nevada Bureau of Water Quality representative, the cyanide rinsing standard of
0.2 mg/l WAD cyanide has been difficult for many operators to achieve, and the mining community would
like to see the standard changed. Agglomerated heaps are more difficult to rinse because aggregating the
material (lime, etc.) keeps the pH elevated, which in turn makes reduction of pH and detoxification of cyanide
more difficult. The Trinity mine near Lovelock, Nevada operated an agglomerated heap; at closure initial
WAD cyanide concentrations were 400 - 500 mg/l. The facility proposed using natural degradation to reduce
the cyanide concentrations, but has had little success to date at lowering the cyanide levels via natural
degradation. A final decision on the Trinity mine was not available; the amount of time since operations
ceased also was not obtained. In several instances, the State has issued or is considering variances from the
rinsing criteria. (Nevada 1993c)
4.1.5 Water Balance
Water balance can be a concern at some sites. In arid regions, with limited water resources, the amount of
water that is necessary to rinse heaps to a required standard may be a significant concern. Conversely, in wet
climates like South Carolina, excess water from heavy precipitation can place a strain on system operations
and may make draining or revegetating a heap or impoundment very difficult. (ELI 1992) South Carolina
has experienced severe problems as a result of weather conditions, such as heavy and persistent rainfall
causing flooding, leaks, dam compromises, etc., making closure difficult. South Carolina has also had trouble
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
with revegetation at the Brewer mine facility heap leach pad; details were not available for this report. (South
Carolina 1993). Sudden snowmelt also can affect operations.
4.1.6 Percolation of Solution through Heaps
The presence, or potential for "blind-offs" in heaps may cause incomplete neutralization or treatment. Blind-
offs are less permeable lenses or isolated areas of a heap that affect percolation and flow through the heap,
leading to preferential paths for fluid migration. Research suggests that preferential flow paths and blind-offs
increase with time and volume of liquid. These preferential flow paths can limit the effectiveness of
treatment and may leave pockets of contaminants behind in a heap during closure, which then have the
potential to leach out after reclamation.
4.1.7 Acid Generation
Acid generation may be a major problem facing many mines. At one time, acid generation at cyanide sites
was not considered to be a potential problem as many mining facilities used only oxide ores (not sulfide ores).
However, cyanide leaching facilities have reported cases of acid generation. Even tailings that were originally
alkaline have subsequently experienced acid generation. Although lime may be added during cyanide
leaching, with residuals existing in tailings or agglomerated heaps, the lime component eventually washes
away through weathering leaving sulfide compounds to form acid drainage. (Ritcey 1989; California 1993b)
Colorado's Summitville mine, for example, has experienced a number of problems including acid drainage,
water in excess of its calculated water balance, liner failure, and inability to reduce silver and copper levels to
meet surface discharge limits. Following the operator's bankruptcy, the site is now undergoing costly
"removal" action under CERCLA and has been proposed for listing on the NPL. (Danielson and McNamara
The following section provides a brief overview of those Federal and state requirements that are specific and
unique to waste management at cyanide leach operations, such as programs related to cyanide tailings
impoundments, spent heaps and pads, and solution wastewater. The section is not a comprehensive summary
of all the regulatory requirements that apply to a cyanide facility but rather, introduces some of the key
Federal and State programs involved in the oversight of cyanide operations.
5.1 Federal Requirements
5.1.1 Environmental Protection Agency - NPDES Program
The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
program requires permits for all point source discharges to surface water. For most industries, technology-
based discharge effluent limits have been established using best available technology.
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
The standard established in 40 CFR 440 Subpart J for mills that beneficiate gold or silver by cyanidation is
zero discharge: such mills may not discharge process wastewater unless they are in areas where net
precipitation exceeds net evaporation. In such areas, mills may discharge the difference between annual
precipitation and evaporation, subject to National effluent limitations for total suspended solids, copper, zinc,
lead, mercury, cadmium, and pH, and subject to other standards established on a case-by-case basis.
Because tailings dams may leak, the point at which the zero discharge limitation is applied may be
downgradient of the impoundment. In such cases, seepage from the impoundment is collected in ponds and
pumped back to the impoundment during the active life of the facility.
It should also be noted that the effluent limitation guideline was developed for mills that use cyanide and
predates the widespread use of heap leaching to recover gold. However, the zero discharge standard has been
universally applied to heap leach operations. Although there are provisions for permit applicants, on a case-
by-case basis, to seek different limits based on "fundamentally different factors" that apply to their discharges
relative to those studied by the Agency in setting the standards, to date there have been no known requests for
different limits.
In many cases, seepage and runoff from impoundments, spent ore piles, and waste rock piles has not been
considered to be a point source discharge and thus has not been subject to NPDES permits. However, EPA
and States are currently in the process of developing general NPDES permits for currently unpermitted
discharges of these types under the storm water program. This program now requires permits for all point
source discharges of storm water from active and inactive mine sites, and general permits began to be
promulgated in late 1993.
The Federal drinking water maximum contaminant level (MCL) for cyanide is 0.2 mg/l. In the absence of an
effluent guideline for inactive operations, this level is often used as a measurement for acceptable effluent
quality following closure.
5.1.2 Bureau of Land Management
The Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA) requires the Department of Interior to
prevent unnecessary and undue degradation of the public lands. The Bureau of Land Management Policy for
Surface Management of Operations Utilizing Cyanide or Other Leaching Techniques, issued in August 1990,
describes minimum acceptable design requirements, mandatory waterfowl death and discharge reporting, and
quarterly inspection requirements for facilities located on Federal lands. (BLM 1990a, GAO 1991) A
Cyanide Advisory Committee oversees the cyanide policy at BLM.
BLM issued the policy in response to the increased use of cyanide heap leach technology on public lands.
The policy outlines general activities and standards to be implemented by the state or district offices. The
policy was issued to ensure that operations that use cyanide or other solutions lethal to humans, wildlife, or
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
livestock are conducted in a manner that ensures the safety and protection of the public and the public lands.
(BLM 1990a)
According to BLM, the NEPA process will be used to evaluate impacts of proposed cyanide operations. As
with other types of mining, cyanide leaching facilities must file a plan of operation with BLM. Training of
BLM personnel has and will continue to be conducted, including inspection and enforcement training, with
plans to conduct quarterly inspections of cyanide operations. BLM has plans for a core group of cyanide
management experts.
Facility requirements contained in the policy address use of best practicable technology and measures to fence
active areas including ditches and conveyances containing cyanide. All tanks containing lethal solutions are
to be bermed. Leak detection and recovery systems are required for heaps and solution containment
structures. Facilities must have overflow ponds for cyanide solution containment and for runoff from leach
pads; containment should be sufficient for the maximum operating water balance plus runoff from a 100-year
24-hour storm event. Weekly samples of sublethal cyanide solutions are to be collected from open
containment and transfer structures.
On August 14, 1990 BLM issued a Modification of Bonding Policy for Plans of Operation Authorized by 43
CFR Part 3809. This modification requires operators who use "cyanide/other leachates" to post a bond equal
to 100 percent of estimated closure costs. The bonding policy modification was applicable to leach heaps,
pads, and cyanide-bearing tailings impoundments and ponds, but did not apply to vat leach facilities using
Since the original August 1990 cyanide policy and bonding modification, BLM has issued two additional
changes to its cyanide policy. The first change, issued on October 9, 1991, was an additional modification of
the Bonding Policy. It removed the vat leach exemption from the 100 percent estimated closure cost bonding
requirement. The second change, issued on October 10, 1991, recommended rotation of trained BLM
personnel in an effort to improve cyanide inspections.
BLM policy requires bonds for the full cost of reclamation, including heap and solution detoxification and
neutralization to State and Federal standards, for all cyanide operations on Federal lands. BLM requires that
cyanide solutions and heaps be neutralized or detoxified prior to solution release to the environment.
Neutralization of cyanide solutions is also required for any prolonged period of inactivity and for temporary
or final closure. Specific concentrations for neutralization or detoxification levels are not specified in BLM
policy. Heaps must be neutralized upon completion of each heap. Flushing alternatives may be used, but
heap materials and/or discharges must meet the appropriate state and EPA discharge limits. The conditions
necessary for release of bond were not addressed in the BLM policy.
Monitoring of groundwater and surface water through closure and final reclamation is required. Specific
monitoring requirements such as the frequency, location, chemical parameters, and analytical methods were
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
not outlined in the policy and are left to the discretion of the state and BLM district offices. Additional
details on detoxification, closure, and reclamation of cyanide operations are not addressed in the BLM policy.
In 1992, BLM issued its Solid Minerals Reclamation Handbook with guidance on reclamation of mining sites
on Federal and Indian lands (BLM 1992). The manual specifically addresses cyanide heap and vat leach
systems and provides general reclamation guidance and approaches. According to the BLM, the mine
reclamation plan should cover cyanide detoxification of residual process solutions, ore heaps, tailings
impoundments, and processing components. BLM strongly encourages laboratory and pilot test studies of
selected/proposed detoxification. Concurrent reclamation during active mining also is recommended. In the
Handbook, BLM does not require any specific metal or cyanide concentrations that must be achieved.
Criteria are established on a site-specific basis reflecting any special concerns of the area. The Handbook is
written as a general "how to" manual as opposed to setting specific requirements of procedures that must be
followed. It discusses the various methods of treatment available (hydrogen peroxide, natural degradation
with fresh water rinse, alkaline chlorination, etc.) and outlines the various phases of reclamation (treatment of
cyanide solutions, disposal of treated solutions, spent heap and tailings, shaping and revegetation, surface
water diversions, process ponds, and liner disposal).
BLM recommends allowing an extended period of time, six months or more, between cessation of
neutralization and evaluation of effluent when determining the success of neutralization or detoxification.
The extended period should cover a spring run-off or substantial precipitation event. Once this has been
done, surface reclamation can begin. (BLM 1992)
BLM recommends breaching the heap pad liner or tailings containment dike after detoxification criteria have
been met, and adding sized rock to promote infiltration. Precipitation is thus allowed to drain and
accumulation of liquids is averted. Accumulation of liquids may generate leachate or adversely affect heap or
tailings structural stability. (BLM 1992)
Reclaimed heaps should be reduced in slope to at least 2h:1v, with bench terracing for slopes greater than 200
feet in length. Reclaimed tailings should have flatter slopes in order to resist erosion of fine-grained material
(wind or water erosion) and allow for revegetation. (BLM 1992)
BLM (1992) allows for land application of treated rinse solutions and pond water, and mixing of
nonhazardous pond sludges with cement and disposal (burial) onsite.
5.1.3 U.S. Forest Service
The Forest Service has not developed a cyanide policy. Cyanide leaching operations are handled in the same
manner as any other mining operation on Forest Service land, requiring submittal of a plan of operations to
the appropriate district or field office. Each operation plan must address closure and final reclamation
activities but there are no specific cyanide requirements for closure and reclamation. The Forest Service does
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
not require dilution or detoxification to specific cyanide concentrations; each plan of operation varies
depending on site operations, terrain, distance to surface water, etc. (GAO 1991; USFS 1993)
5.1.4 National Park Service
The National Park Service has published a cyanide handbook (Environmental Handbook for Cyanide
Leaching Projects, June 1986) providing general guidance on the fundamentals of cyanide leaching and
environmental safety and controls. The handbook provides a brief overview of cyanide decommissioning and
reclamation, but specific standards, such as detoxification requirements or cyanide concentrations, have not
been published. The National Park Service appears to defer to individual states, or other local authority, for
specific cyanide guidance and regulatory authority, but may be involved on a case-by-case basis depending
upon site-specific concerns. (National Park Service 1986)
5.2 State Requirements
In the following paragraphs, a summary of applicable state requirements for cyanide operations are reviewed.
This discussion does not include a complete characterization of all applicable mining programs. An attempt
has been made to highlight those factors that are unique to cyanide operations that may vary from state to
state, such as rinsing criteria. Construction design and operating standards for heaps and tailings are briefly
discussed, as they affect closure and reclamation. The requirements for California, Colorado, and Montana
are up to date as of 1992. The Agency is aware that substantive changes in the regulations in these states
have been made since that time. For more information, the reader should contact the state.
States do not have prescribed technologies that must be used for detoxification, but rather rely on
performance standards requiring detoxification to specific criteria. If a site is unable to meet criteria, a state
will often issue a variance based on an alternative treatment method or treatment standard. Alternatives are
typically supported by pathway fate and transport analysis or modeling. For detoxification and closure,
monitoring parameters typically include WAD, free and/or total cyanide, pH, and metals.
Table 3 provides a comparison summary of various state treatment or detoxification criteria for wastes and
highlights unique reclamation and/or bonding requirements. The table illustrates that there is not a uniform
standard in terms of concentration or constituent specie. Many states use these levels as guidelines and may
issue site-specific variances if a facility is unable to meet these levels. Several states are debating between
WAD cyanide and free or total cyanides, thus, the cyanide species/levels presented in Table 3 may be subject
to change. Typically, once detoxification levels are met, and approval is received from the State, final closure
begins, followed by reclamation of the site.
5.2.1 California
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Note the current WAD cyanide standard has been changed from the 1987 standard of 0.5 mg/l.
Total cyanide after extraction of soluble WAD and soluble total cyanide. Source RWQCB, 1987.
Total cyanide after extraction of soluble WAD cyanide and soluble total cyanide. (RWQCB, 1987)
California Regional Water Quality Board "Cyanidation Requirements for Cyanidation Process Wastes", April 22, 1987.
The State of Colorado has published "Guidelines for Cyanide Leaching Projects," March 1992, to present an overview of the
considerations necessary in preparation and review of reclamation permits for cyanide leaching operations.
The California Regional Water Quality Control Boards (RWQCBs) oversee rinsing and closure activities.
Once the rinsing standards have been met, reclamation is turned over to the County, and if applicable, to the
Federal land management agency. Information on the specific requirements for release of bonding for mine
sites (cyanide operations) in California was not available.
In California, selection of both rinsing/neutralization and detoxification methods is left to facility discretion.
The State requires that for detoxification to be considered complete, the residual cyanide in the tailings, leach
pad, or solution pond must not exceed the limits listed in Table 3 (for liquids: total cyanide 1.0 mg/l; WAD
cyanide 0.2 mg/l) . The state has separate requirements for solid samples, which must meet the following
levels: soluble WAD cyanide 0.5 mg/l; soluble total cyanide 2.5 mg/l; total cyanide 10.0 mg/l.
Table 3. Summary of State Requirements:
Cyanide Heap Leach and Tailings Impoundment Closure and Reclamation
State Treatment Criteria Reclamation/Bonding
California Residual cyanide in heaps, tailings or solution ponds must meet theWhere feasible State requires
following prior to discharge of wastes: spent ore to be used as backfill in
Liquid component: mine pits for reclamation.
WAD cyanide: 0.2 mg/l
total cyanide: 1.0 mg/l
Solid component:
soluble WAD cyanide: 0.5 mg/l
soluble total cyanide: 2.5 mg/l
total cyanide: 10.0 mg/l
Colorado Detoxification standards are determined on a site-specific basis by Same as other mining operations.
permit writer. They are based on ambient water quality, (However, costs estimates must
characteristics and uses of water in the area, and projected effluent reflect cyanide detoxification.)
characteristics; may address cyanide and metals. As of mid 1994,
Colorado is finalizing regulatory requirements for cyanide
Table 3. Summary of State Requirements:
Cyanide Heap Leach and Tailings Impoundment Closure and Reclamation (Continued)
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
State Treatment Criteria Reclamation/Bonding
Idaho cyanidation rules became effective January 1, 1988. Facilities existing as of the effective date are not subject to the
In Idaho, tailings impoundments that require recycling of process water to prevent a point source discharge may be exempt by
the State.
It is unclear if Idaho subjects cyanidation facilities to the reclamation requirements of the Idaho Surface Mining Act.
In Nevada, variances are available.
Cyanidation tailings generated from tank or vat leaching are not specifically called out in the Nevada regulations. The
treatment standard for cyanidation tailings prior to discharge to the tailings impoundments has not been obtained.
In Nevada, units that have a history of liner integrity problems may be required to test underlying soils using the Meteoric
Water Mobility Test.
Idaho Prior to disposal or abandonment of leached ore, concentrations of Requires permanent closure plan
WAD or free cyanide and other pollutants in process-contaminatedand possible post-closure
water draining from the leached ore must be: monitoring. No reclamation
reduced to a level set by the permit writer based on requirements specified in
disposal method, location, and potential for surface water cyanidation regulations.
and groundwater contamination;
or Bonding for permanent closure
pH between 6.5 and 9 (stabilized) . required in cyanidation
Seasonal closures must also address water balance.
Montana Water Quality Act requires no discharge from cyanide operations Same as other mining operations,
into State waters. Metal Mine Reclamation Act (includes new except cyanide operations that
standards for small cyanidation facilities): would normally qualify for the
Based on permit writer's discretion. small miner's exclusion are
to levels considered acceptable based on under applicable subject to operating and
water quality standards. reclamation requirements.
Nevada General Performance Standard that facilities may not degrade the Pond sludges, heap solids must
waters of the State. Surface water quality is set by NRS 445.253. be tested using Meteoric Water
Groundwater is set at Federal or State drinking water standards andMobility Test during closure
WAD cyanide at 0.2 mg/l. prior to reclamation.
Heaps: Spent ore must be rinsed until effluent reaches : Reclamation similar to other
WAD cyanide: 0.2 mg/l mining operations.
pH: between 6 and 9
Remaining solids tested using Meteoric Water Mobility
Tailings (vat leaching) : For impoundments that do not have
underdrainage collection systems, solids must be tested using
Meteoric Water Mobility Test.
Table 3. Summary of State Requirements:
Cyanide Heap Leach and Tailings Impoundment Closure and Reclamation (Continued)
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
State Treatment Criteria Reclamation/Bonding
South Carolina is currently considering changing limit from free cyanide to total cyanide.
South Carolina Based on permit writer's discretion. Current criteria: Closure required as part of
free cyanide: 0.2 mg/l reclamation.
In practice, level to which constituents (including CN) are reduced Under Mining Act, bond for
determine how post-closure leachate and wastes may be managed. "affected area" is approximately
$1000/acre. However, under
Pollution Control Act, (which
does not specifically provide for
bonding), one mine in the State
was required to post $10 million
financial assurance.
South Dakota Heaps: spent ore can be off loaded when effluent or pore water Same as other mining operations.
WAD cyanide less than 0.5 mg/l
pH of 6.5 to 8.5
all other parameters must meet existing State standards or
ambient concentrations
alternative treatment criteria available
Cyanide based on effluent samples taken at base of heap.
Criteria other than cyanide may be effluent samples or
pore water extracted from solid sample analysis.
Tailings (vat leach)
information not obtained
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
According to State personnel, experience has shown that particle size influences detoxification of heaps.
When a heap is composed of run-of-mine ore, rinsing can be completed within 4 to 6 days with cyanide levels
dropping to 1.0 mg/l; a long rinse may take as long as 6 months, however. Crushed and agglomerated ores
are more difficult to rinse. (California 1993c)
Mines are also required to determine the acid neutralization versus the acid generation potential of their ore
and waste rock as part of their permit requirements. (California 1993b)
Monitoring requirements for each site are typically addressed in Water Discharge Requirement (WDR)
permits. These permits are required from the Regional Water Quality Control Boards for all discharges.
Monitoring requirements are site-specific, depending on site conditions.
5.2.2 Colorado
The Colorado guidelines do not require specific methods for rinsing, neutralization or detoxification.
Detoxification standards for cyanide (heaps and ponds) are established on a site-by-site basis between the
applicant and the Division of Minerals and Geology. Colorado is currently drafting regulations for cyanide
operations. Factors taken into consideration during the permit review process include water balance of
process and detoxification solutions, ambient water quality, characteristics and uses of the water in the area,
and projected effluent characteristics. If residual metals are anticipated to be a problem, then appropriate
treatment standards are also developed for those constituents. (Colorado 1992a)
Specific practices for cyanide leaching are addressed in a Colorado-issued guidance manual for State staff
entitled "Guidelines for Cyanide Leaching Projects" (March 1992). The cyanide guidelines recommend
double liners on all surfaces that will potentially come in contact with a cyanide solution, including all pads,
ponds, piping and conveyance systems, and pretreatment areas. Soil layers are allowed as double liners if the
soil meets the "impermeable" standard of 1 x 10 cm/sec; however, to be used as a lower liner in a pond, a
soil liner must have a maximum permeability of 1 x 10 cm/sec. Colorado has not set a permeability
standard for synthetic liners. (Colorado 1992a; ELI 1992)

The State also requires leak detection systems, installed between the upper and lower liners at all leach pad
areas and pond areas. Although double liners are not specifically required around tanks or vats, a method of
detecting leakage must be provided, such as a permeable zone overlying a low-permeability layer. (Colorado
Colorado has approximately 17 active cyanide leach sites, the majority (12) of which are permanent heap
leach pads. There are three vat leach operations and one each of valley and on/off pads. (WGA 1991b)
For cyanide operations, Colorado requires surface and groundwater quality monitoring, three to four times
annually, during reclamation as well as during active operations. (Colorado 1992a)
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Bonding requirements for cyanide operations are the same as for other mining activities, but calculation of the
costs must address detoxification of the ore and process solutions by including: an estimation of the volume
of solutions in ponds during detoxification, the average residual cyanide in ore for each rinsing, and
calculation of the amount of detoxification agent for each rinse until the detoxification standard is reached.
(Colorado 1992a)
Colorado reclamation standards are broadly defined. Reclamation must be such that "all refuse and acid-
forming or toxic producing materials that have been mined shall be handled and disposed of in a manner that
will control unsightliness and protect the drainage system from pollution." (ELI 1992) The Colorado
guidelines "require" geochemical testing of tailings, including acidification/
neutralization testing (acid/base potential) and recommend kinetic tests such as humidity cell or column tests.
Depending on the test results, appropriate design measures can be determined. (Colorado 1992a)
Heap reclamation varies depending upon the type of heap used. The Colorado guidelines recommend free
draining and expanding heaps be leveled to blend with the ground surface. The State recommends grading
the top of valley heaps and capping them with an impermeable cover. Drilling holes through a valley heap's
liner system is also suggested to allow "natural passage of water down the valley". For valley fill leach pad
areas on top of bedrock, drilling a horizontal drain through the impoundment may be done to reestablish
drainage. Reconstructed channels may be necessary through valley areas to reestablish "natural" surface
drainage systems. (Colorado 1992a)
For closure and reclamation of ponds, the Colorado guidelines state that "After all the solution in the pond
has been eliminated through spray evaporation or land application, stabilization of the pond areas can
commence." As discussed above, detoxification standards are determined on a site-specific basis. Pond
stabilization measures may include folding synthetic pond liners over any remaining sludge, or excavating the
remaining sludge, followed by grading of the surface contours. Additional details or guidance concerning
spray evaporation and land application is not provided in the state manual. (Colorado 1992a)
It should be noted that (as of Spring 1993) the Colorado legislature was considering a major revision to the
Mined Land Reclamation Act. In addition, the Mined Land Reclamation Board placed a moratorium on
approval of new cyanide operations in early 1993 (the status of the moratorium was not determined).
5.2.3 Idaho
Idaho has a program for permitting the construction, operation, and closure of cyanide operations that applies
to new facilities (effective January 1988). For facilities in existence prior to 1988, the existing general
mining (not cyanide-specific) regulations apply. (Idaho Title 1 1992)
New cyanide operations are required to meet general design standards for cover containment, impoundments,
liner criteria, and storage requirements. Site-specific determinations can be made if the State determines that
some parameters are not applicable based on ore, operations, or other site-specific factors. Surface
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
impoundments must have "efficient leak detection" and "adequate leak recovery"; however, tailings structures
more than 30 feet high are exempt from the impoundment requirements (subject to Idaho Code Title 42,
Chapter 17). (ELI 1992) Leach pads and impoundments are required to have a hydraulic liner designed for a
maximum permeability coefficient of 10 cm/sec; clay liners are also to have a minimum thickness of 12
Idaho requires a monitoring strategy in each cyanide operation plan addressing baseline water quality (surface
and groundwater), proposed monitoring, leak detection, and emergency response procedures. Ground water,
and if applicable, surface water, monitoring is required at all cyanide operations. Duration of monitoring
through closure, reclamation and post-reclamation is not identified in the regulations. (Idaho Title 1 1992)
Proposals for land application or economic reuse of cyanide solutions must be included with the permit
application. Details on land application are not specifically addressed in Idaho's Rules and Regulations for
Ore Processing by Cyanidation.
Several seasonal heap leach facilities operate in Idaho. The State has separate requirements for seasonal,
temporary and permanent closure. Seasonal closure requires an increase in freeboard to allow for seasonal
runoff and snowmelt. Cyanide concentrations are to be reduced and pH controlled (6.5-9.0) in solution and
process waters during seasonal closure. A temporary closure plan is submitted for temporary closure; it
details the procedures and schedule for treatment and drainage control. Permanent closure activities are to be
included in the operation permit application. (ELI 1992)
Prior to disposal or abandonment of the spent ore, process-contaminated water drained from leached ore must
be stabilized at a pH of 6.5 to 9.0, or WAD cyanide levels are to be reduced to 0.02 mg/l. If WAD cyanide is
used as the determining value, then other pollutants must be reduced to an appropriate level based on disposal
criteria. The other pollutants include those addressed by surface, drinking or other water quality standards
that the State deems appropriate on a site specific basis. (Idaho Title 1 1992) Financial assurance for
cyanide operations is released when the facility completes permanent closure in accordance with an approved
plan. (Idaho Title 1 1992)
5.2.4 Montana
In Montana, all cyanide operations are subject to the general regulations for mining operations adopted in
1980. Each mine must obtain an operating permit that addresses operations, practices, closure and
reclamation. In addition, Montana has a permitting program for small cyanide mines less than five acres.
The regulations for small mine cyanide operations are more detailed than the general operating permits
standards. (WGA 1991b)
In practice, the Montana Department of State Lands is using the same standards for both small and full-size
cyanide operations. The technical standards promulgated for small cyanide operations are applied to full-size
operations by the permit writer who issues the operating permit. Montana has approximately eight active,
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Nevada has approximately 90 permanent heap pads, 33 vat leach, 2 on/off pads, and 3 valley leach operations according to a
1991 summary by the Western Governors Association. (WGA 1991b)
full-scale cyanide operations (requiring permits), three of which are vat leach and five are heap leach
(permanent pads). (WGA 1991b)
Cyanide operations must have a remedial action plan for controlling and mitigating discharges; must design
and construct diversions and sediment impoundments capable of withstanding a 10-year, 24-hour storm
event; must install a leak detection system to monitor WAD cyanide, pH, and electrical conductivity; must
have groundwater monitoring wells; develop a wildlife exclusion plan; and construct cyanidation facilities to
withstand a 50-year, 24-hour storm event. Monthly construction reports and as-built drawings must be
submitted for ponds, tailings disposal units, and other facilities. (ELI 1992)
5.2.5 Nevada
Nevada is one of the leading gold producing states, with over 100 active cyanide leach operations . Nevada's
Water Pollution Control Law has cyanide performance standards for groundwater: a facility may not allow
cyanide concentrations in groundwater to exceed 0.2 mg/l WAD cyanide. (Nevada 1990) Nevada also has a
policy of zero discharge to surface waters from cyanide facilities (this is common to the other States' NPDES
programs as well).
Guidelines specific to cyanide operations for closure and reclamation are outlined in the Nevada Department
of Environmental Protection's (DEP) "Evaluations for Closure". All mining permits require stabilization of
tailings and spent ore during closure. For materials that have been beneficiated by cyanide, both free and
WAD cyanide analysis must be conducted.
At the end of active use, tailings and impoundment materials should be sampled and characterized. Spent
ore from cyanide heap leaching methods are to be rinsed until weak acid dissociable (WAD) cyanide levels in
the effluent rinse water are less than 0.2 mg/l; the pH of the effluent rinse water is between 6 and 9; and any
runoff from spent ores piles would not degrade the waters of the State. Cyanide rinsing standards apply to
spent ore whether it is left on pads or removed from pads. (ELI 1992) After a heap has met the rinsing
standards, it is allowed to drain. When drained, samples of the heap are collected, usually by drilling, and
tests are conducted to simulate the effect of fresh water percolating through the heap. This is known as the
Meteoric Water Mobility Test. (Nevada 1993a)
Nevada requires (by permit) the Meteoric Water Mobility Test for pond closure at cyanide operations, and
requires sites with a history of liner integrity problems to collect subsurface soils for analysis. Closure of
ponds in-place often involves folding the synthetic liner over the remaining sludge/residue, backfilling with
soil followed by regrading and revegetation.
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
The state's Meteoric Water Mobility procedure is used to determine the potential to degrade waters of the state. ELI 1992.
Closure is considered complete when the facility and mined areas have been stabilized and no longer have the
potential to degrade waters of the state . Variances may be granted if the rinsing standards cannot be met by
a facility and the facility provides alternative measures to inhibit migration of runoff. Once a heap or pond
has been chemically stabilized (as demonstrated by the Meteoric Water Mobility Test), then the State staff
sends a letter to the facility allowing them to proceed with reclamation.
In the Evaluations for Closure, Nevada specifies that for tailings impoundments, the saturation and
permeability of the tailings be determined and for underdrainage collection systems, the quality and quantity
of the underflow solution are to be defined before final closure. Tailings without underdrainage collection
systems are to be cored and analyzed by the Meteoric Water Mobility Test. The extent of capping and
drainage control methods will be based on the results of the underdrainage analysis. (Nevada 1990)
Approximately ten cyanidation sites have been satisfactorily closed and are ready for, or have started,
reclamation. (Nevada 1993a)
Reclamation standards are site-specific; no design standards are prescribed in the law or regulations. Heap
leaches and tailings may be regraded to enhance structural integrity, reduce runoff, reduce infiltration, and
control erosion, or they may be covered with waste rock, topsoil, or growth medium, revegetated, and runon
diverted. (ELI 1992)
The Nevada Department of Wildlife began a permit program for industrial ponds, including tailings
impoundments and all cyanide process ponds. The program was created in order to substantially reduce, or
eliminate, wildlife mortality associated with mining ponds. (GAO 1991) Numerous birdkills during the
1980s from cyanide ponds prompted enactment of the State law to protect wildlife (effective 1989). The
required Department of Wildlife industrial pond permit (also referred to as the toxic pond permit) requires
either fencing and covers on all ponds or use of dilution/neutralization. Nevada Department of Wildlife
frequently accepts dilution or neutralization of free cyanide to below 50 ppm as sufficient to avoid
mortalities. (WGA 1991b; ELI 1992)
5.2.6 South Carolina
The Department of Heath and Environmental Control (DHEC) issues construction permits for industrial
wastewater treatment systems, including mining process wastewater ponds and rinse systems for cyanide
leaching operations, and regulates discharges to surface water and groundwater. The Land Resources and
Redevelopment Division (LRRD) issues permits for operational components, including impoundments and
heaps, and requires full reclamation.
During rinsing of heaps, quarterly reports must be submitted to DHEC and the LRRD. Rinsing standards for
leached ore are being considered by the State for regulatory development, and permeability standards for
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
operating units also may be developed. The current detoxification trigger is 0.2 mg/l free cyanide, but the
State is considering changing this to total cyanide. Core samples of the heap must be analyzed before closure
can be considered complete. (South Carolina 1993b)
There are no specific regulatory standards for closure of cyanide operations, and each case is handled on a
permit-by-permit basis. DHEC and LRRD approval is needed prior to conducting closure activities, and a
deed record of cyanide unit locations is required. At present, there are four operating cyanidation units in
South Carolina; none has undergone complete closure, although several have conducted, or are conducting,
rinsing. Until firm standards are developed, site-specific considerations drive most State decision-making.
For example, the means by which a facility may manage post-operational heap leachate (e.g., discharge to
surface water, impounded in pits, treated) depend on the effluent quality achieved.
When the decommissioning (closure) requirements have been met, administrative responsibility for the mine
shifts from the DHEC to the LRRD. Once a heap has met the detoxification and closure requirements, it
must, at a minimum, re-slope to 3:1 and revegetate with perennials. The state is considering lengthening the
time needed to demonstrate revegetation success from two years to some longer period. (South Carolina
Legislation under development (the Solid Waste Management Act) may broaden the State's definition of
"industrial solid waste" to include chemically-altered materials, including wastes from cyanidation operations,
which would then subject mining wastes to solid waste disposal permit requirements. (Joy 1990)
One cyanide operation in South Carolina with on/off pads has a State industrial solid waste permit for
disposal of spent, rinsed ore that is off-loaded but that does not meet the rinsing standards of the site's
wastewater construction permit. A decision on whether other cyanidation operations will require an industrial
solid waste disposal permit has not been determined. The State will evaluate the issue during closure of those
other cyanide operations. (ELI 1992)
5.2.7 South Dakota
Concerns over the impacts of surface mining led to a State moratorium on new large-scale gold and silver
mines in South Dakota, effective in 1992. One of the instituted reforms was a requirement for large-scale
cyanide operations to develop contingency plans and obtain sufficient financial assurance to cover releases to
the environment, and submit annual reports listing annual cyanide use. (ELI 1992)
Permitting for a typical heap leach facility would involve pre-submission meetings, submission of the permit
application, a socio-economic study, a completeness review, technical review, a public notice and a public
hearing before the South Dakota Board of Minerals and Environment. (WGA 1991b)
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
South Dakota mining laws, regulations, and permit conditions require that spent ore be adequately neutralized
and designated as suitable for disposal before off-loading from heap leach pads. Heaps must be rinsed until
treatment standards are reached. (Durkin 1990)
Prior to detoxification, effluent or pore water from the ore must be characterized for cyanide, metals, anions,
cations, pH, radioactivity and total dissolved solids. The South Dakota Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR) then uses these results to designate key parameters for an individual site to
monitor throughout the treatment/neutralization cycle. Spent ore is considered suitable for disposal when the
effluent meets the criteria listed in Table 3.
South Dakota DENR requires that neutralization and off-load criteria be based on effluent samples collected
at the toe of the spent ore heap or analysis of leachate extracted from a representative solid sample (pore
water) taken from the spent ore heap. (Durkin 1990)
If detoxification (treatment) of tailings is not successful and the operator wishes to try a new treatment
method, a new treatment plan must be submitted to DENR. In cases where the treatment criteria cannot be
achieved, DENR may develop alternate, site-specific criteria, or tailings may be reclaimed such that
infiltration, percolation, and discharge are minimized, as indicated by appropriate pathway and fate analysis.
(Durkin 1990)
The South Dakota Water Pollution Control Law has set a regulatory groundwater standard for WAD cyanide
at 0.75 mg/l. Concentrations detected at or above this level prompt remedial groundwater investigations.
(ELI 1992)
The State has five leach operations, of which three are on/off pads. The fourth is a permanent heap pad and
the fifth is a vat leach operation (WGA 1991b). With detoxification of heap leaches, the State's experience
has shown that 2.5 pore volumes are required before effluent concentrations are within the required standards.
(South Dakota 1993)
During reclamation of heap leach operations, the spent ore must be used as backfill in the mine pits where
feasible. Reclamation of in-place tailings piles must not block drainage pathways.
Selected case studies at active sites are presented in this section. The active sites selected as case studies
were not selected as either good or bad models, but rather to examine a range of cyanide treatment techniques.
The three active case studies highlight a vat leach operation with INCO treatment of tailings slurry, a large
leach heap operation with several heap pads, and a site using biological treatment by bacteria. Material for
the case studies came from publicly available documents, and file materials collected from the respective
State regulatory offices. The Agency has not evaluated the efficiency of any of the methods presented. This
section was developed for informational purposes only.
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
6.1 Hecla, Yellow Pine, Idaho
Hecla Mining Company completed gold extraction from its heap leach pad at Yellow Pine, Idaho in 1992
(Minerals Today). Currently, the facility is detoxifying the cyanide in the spent ore by applying a bacterial
biological treatment method to the heap.
The bacterial solution is applied to the spent heap using sprinklers to spray the top of the heap. The solution
then percolates through the spent ore with bacteria consuming the cyanide as it progresses. After the solution
passes through the heap it is collected in a process pond and then recycled back through the heap. At the end
of treatment, the solution pond will be allowed to evaporate, materials (sludges) will be sampled and
analyzed, and the unit will be closed in place by folding the pond liner over any remaining sludge, contouring,
and revegetating. Information on the type of bacteria, additional nutrients required, and the developer of the
process used by Hecla have not yet been obtained. (Idaho 1993)
After treatment, effluent from the heap reached the 0.2 mg/l state standard for cyanide during the fall of 1992.
The Idaho DEQ wants to review cyanide levels through one wet rainy season prior to approving the start-up
of reclamation activities. The facility planned to collect effluent samples during spring sampling. Depending
on the results of this sampling, the state may approve initiation of reclamation for Fall 1993. (Idaho 1993)
The detoxified heap may not require capping. The fourth (top) tier of the heap will be removed and used to
regrade and contour the heap. A berm will be constructed around the top of the heap to prevent runoff
erosion from destroying the steep slopes of the heap. The liner beneath the heap will not be broken with
numerous perforations, but approximately three spots will be used to drain any percolated material to the
ground. The state will require 5 to 10 years of groundwater monitoring of onsite wells (for cyanides and
metals). (Idaho 1993)
An Idaho representative (Idaho 1993) stated that the biological cyanide destruction process has appeared to
work well at the Yellow Pine facility. The site has been able to meet the 0.2 mg/l WAD cyanide standard for
heap effluent, although the state is still waiting to see the results after a wet season, before it approves
closure. Metals have not been a problem at the site, although the state representative credits this to the
composition of the ore rather than the result of the biological treatment process.
6.2 Zortman Mining, Landusky Heaps, Montana
Zortman Mining, Inc. of Zortman, Montana (a subsidiary of Pegasus Gold Corporation) operates several
heap leach pads, a processing plant, and barren and pregnant leachate solution ponds. The Landusky
reclamation plan was approved in 1990 by the BLM and Montana Department of State Lands. The heaps are
low grade run-of-mine ore (neither crushed or agglomerated) that were leached in 25-foot high lifts.
(Fitzpatrick 1992; Schafer and Associates 1991a) A Montana state file lists the site as one of the 13 largest
metal mines in Montana, processing 75,000 tons of ore a day. The heaps and tailings cover 175 acres and
contain 60 million tons of material.
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Being one of the first mines permitted under the 1974 Montana Metal Mining Reclamation Act and the first
large-scale gold heap leaching operations in the US (operations began in 1979), the Zortman/Landusky site
represents the evolutionary changes in heap leach technology and regulatory requirements through the past
two decades. The first heap pad constructed at the site consisted only of a 12-inch clay layer, side berms, and
a simple reclamation plan. With each successive addition or modification there came additional permit
stipulations. The operators also voluntarily added more engineered controls. In 1990, the State required the
heaps to be neutralized to a cyanide level of 0.22 mg/l WAD cyanide, and declared that heap slopes greater
than 2:1 would no longer be acceptable.
A pilot study of rinsing techniques was begun at the Zortman Landusky heaps in 1982. It was followed with
a cyanide degradation study in 1986. These investigations were conducted as part of the detoxification and
closure program for the three heaps. The rinsing and degradation studies found that rinsing of the heaps was
an effective means of accelerating (compared to natural degradation) cyanide, metal, and nitrate removal.
(Schafer and Associates 1991a)
Prior to rinsing of the heaps, the Landusky heaps were allowed to degrade naturally (through natural
processes of volatilization, oxidation, formation of thiocyanate, and biodegradation). Natural degradation
was followed by rinsing of the heap with fresh water to reduce WAD cyanide concentrations in solution.
(Schafer and Associates 1991a)
The facility concluded that rinsing with one pore volume removes 50 to 90 percent of cyanide and metals in
pore water and was an effective means of accelerating the rate of cyanide and metal degradation in heaps.
(Schafer and Associates 1991a)
During the rinsing of the Landusky heaps, however, several issues were raised: the amount of solution
retained in the heap, long-term seepage from decommissioned and reclaimed heaps, the long-term degradation
of cyanide in heaps, and the attenuation of metals in heaps. During investigations at the site, evidence
suggested that movement of water through the heap was rapid and homogeneous. (Schafer and Associates
Periodically, Landusky land applies neutralized solution to a specified parcel of land at the site. In 1987,
during one round of land application four million gallons were applied during a five day period. Cyanide
concentrations of the water applied to the ground were above 3 mg/l (exact concentrations were not obtained
for this report).
6.2.1 McCoy/Cove Mine, Echo Bay Mining Company, Nevada - INCO process
The McCoy/Cove Mine, near Battle Mountain, Nevada, operates a vat leach operation for extraction of gold.
The facility added an INCO cyanide treatment system in 1990 to its operations after experiencing more than
1000 water-fowl deaths caused by migratory birds drinking out of its cyanide tailings impoundment (such
deaths are in violation of the U.S. Migratory Bird Treaty Act).
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
At the McCoy mine, the INCO process is used to remove cyanide from the tailings pulp after gold has been
recovered from the milling process. Prior to the use of INCO, the spent tailings were discharged directly to a
tailings pond. The liquid fraction of the tailings was reused as make-up in the leaching process. The cyanide-
containing liquid in the 145 hectare tailings pond attracted the migratory birds in a desert area with few open
bodies of water.
The system treats tailings pulp (thickener) underflow containing 268 kg WAD cyanide/hour in two parallel
reactors (40 percent solids; 8,500 stp mill throughput) to reach a target residual cyanide level of 25 mg/l
WAD cyanide (it can reach 5 mg/l WAD cyanide, if necessary). Other INCO references suggest that the
McCoy/Cove effluent has total cyanide levels below 10 mg/l. Periodic WAD cyanide analysis, as well as SO
feed, slurry flow rate, pH, and percent solids, are monitored. Tailings are disposed of in a tailings
impoundment where WAD cyanide levels are monitored daily, ranging from 4 to 7 ppm. (Devuyst 1992;
INCO 1992) The facility has cut its cyanide consumption by reusing cyanide recovered from the INCO
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Ahsan 1989. "Detoxification of Cyanide in Heap Leach Piles Using Hydrogen Peroxide", Ahsan, M Q, et al.,
In World Gold, proceedings of the First Joint SME/Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Meeting, R. Bhappu and R. Ibardin (editors), 1989.
Altringer 1991. Altringer, P B, Lien, R H., Gardner, K R, Biological and Chemical Selenium Removal From
Precious Metals Solutions, proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental Management for the
1990s, Denver, Colorado, February 25-28, 1991.
Berkeley 1988. University of California at Berkeley, Mining Waste Study, Final Report, prepared for the
California State Legislature, July, 1988.
BLM 1990a. US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, "Policy for Surface Management
of Mining Operations Utilizing Cyanide or Other Leaching Techniques" Instruction Memorandum No.
90-566, Washington, DC, August 1990.
BLM 1990b. US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, "Modification of Bonding Policy
for Plans of Operation Authorized by 43 CFR 3809" Instruction Memorandum No. 90-582,
Washington, DC, August 1990.
BLM 1992. US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Solid Minerals Reclamation
Handbook, BLM Manual Handbook H-3042-1, 1992.
BLM 1993. Personal communication between Bill Lee, Bureau of Land Management, and Michelle Stowers,
Science Applications International Corporation, on April 26, 1993.
BOM 1978. US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Processing Gold Ores Using Heap
Leach-Carbon Adsorption Methods, Information Circular No. 8770, Washington, DC, 1978.
BOM 1984. US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Gold and Silver Leaching Practices in the
United States, Information Circular No. 8969, Washington, DC, 1984.
BOM 1986. US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Precious Metals Recovery for Low-Grade
Resources, proceedings of the Bureau of Mines Open Industry Briefing Session at the National Western
Mining Conference, Denver, Colorado, February 12, 1986. Information Circular No. 9059.
Washington, DC.
BOM 1991a. US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, 1989 Minerals Yearbook, Washington, DC,
BOM 1991b. US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines, Mineral Commodities Summaries, 1990,
Washington, DC, 1991.
BOM 1993. Personal communication between Sandra McGill, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Reno, Nevada Office,
and Joe Rissing, Science Applications International Corporation, on January 21, 1993.
Brooks 1992. Reclamation of the Timberline Heap Leach: Tooele County, Utah, USDI Bureau of Land
Management, Technical Note # 386, by Steven J Brooks, 1992.
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
CA DHS 1988. California Department of Health Services, Toxic Substances of Control Division,
Alternative Technology Section, Waste Evaluation Unit, A Study of Heavy Metal Leaching of Mine
Waste Tailings, September 1988.
Caldwell, Caren S. 1993. Letter to Steven Hoffman, Office of Solid Waste, USEPA from Pintail Systems,
Inc. September 1, 1993.
California 1993a. Personal communication between Jehiel (Jay) Cass, California Regional Water Quality
Control Board, Lahonton Region, and Joe Rissing, Science Applications International Corporation, on
January 12, 1993.
California 1993b. Personal communication between Richard Humphreys, California Regional Water Quality
Control Board, and Joe Rissing, Science Applications International Corporation, on January 19, 1993.
California 1993c. Personal communication between Neil Krull, California Water Quality Control Board,
Palm Desert, and Joe Rissing, Science Applications International Corporation, on January 25, 1993.
Calgon Carbon Corporation Undated. Granular Carbon For Gold Recovery. Brochure. Pittsburgh, PA.
Carson Hill 1990. Report of Final Closure, Leach Unit 1, Carson Hill Gold Mine, Calaveras County,
California, Western Mining Corporation/Carson Hill Gold Mining Corporation, October 24,
Carson Hill 1991. Report of Final Closure, Leach Unit 2 - Detoxification, Carson Hill Gold Mine, Calaveras
County, California, Adrian Brown Consultants, Inc., July 30, 1991.
Carson Hill 1992. Report of Final Closure, Leach Unit 3 - Detoxification, Carson Hill Gold Mine, Calaveras
County, California, prepared by Adrian Brown Consultants, Inc. for Western Mining Corporation
(USA), Carson Hill Operation, January 21, 1992.
Carson Hill Undated. Excerpts from the geology and climate sections of the Feasibility Study on the Carson
Hill Mine Project. (Full citation, including date, not provided.)
Colorado 1992a. "Guidelines for Cyanide Leaching Projects", Colorado Department of Natural Resources,
Mined Land Reclamation Division, March 1992.
Colorado 1992b. Notice of Violation and Order, Battle Mountain Resources, Inc., Permit No. M-88-112,
Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Board, May 28, 1992, AG Alpha No. NRLRICACO, AG File No.
E9216915.88, and Notice of Probable Violation Abatement Requirement.
Damon, Smith and Mudder 1992. Geochemical Study of Leach Pad Cyanide Neutralization, Brohm Mining
Corporation, South Dakota, presented at the SME Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, February 24-27,
1992. SMME Preprint No 92-173.
Danielson and McNamara 1993. The Summitville Mine: What Went Wrong, Luke Danielson and Alix
McNamara, March 25, 1993.
Degussa 1988. Advances in the Treatment of Gold Mill Effluents with Hydrogen Peroxide, by Andrew
Griffiths, Degussa Corporation, paper presented at the 1988 Annual Meeting of the Society of Mining
Engineers, Phoenix, Arizona, 1988.
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Devuyst 1990. Inco's Cyanide Destruction Technology, Devuyst, E A, et al., Society For Mining, Metallurgy,
and Exploration, Inc., September, 1990. Preprint No. 90-406.
Devuyst 1992. Recent Applications of the INCO SO /Air Cyanide Removal Process, E A Devuyst, R D
Vergunst, P F Iamarino, R J Agius, INCO Exploration and Technical Services, paper presented at the
94th Annual General Meeting of the CIM, Montreal, April 27-29, 1992.
Doyle 1990. Mining and Mineral Processing Wastes, proceedings of the Western Regional Symposium on
Mining and Mineral Processing Wastes, Berkeley, California, May 30-June 1, 1990, Society for
Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Inc. Doyle, F M editor, 1990.
Durkin 1990. "Neutralization of Spent Ore from Cyanide Heap Leach Gold Mine Facilities in the Black Hills
of South Dakota - Current Practices and Requirements", by Thomas V. Durkin, Hydrologist, South
Dakota Department of Water and Natural Resources, Exploration and Mining Program, Pierre, South
Dakota, undated, but published in the AIME's Proceedings of the 4th Western Regional Conference on
Precious Metals and the Environment, Lead, South Dakota, September, 1990.
ELI 1992. State Regulation of Mining Waste: Current State of the Art, Environmental Law Institute,
November, 1992.
Engineering Journal 1988. "Tailings Retreatment in Northern Ontario: ERG Resources Starts Up Canada's
Highest-Tonnage Gold Operation", Keith R Suttill, International Editor, Engineering and Mining
Journal, page 58, September 1988.
EPA 1984. US Environmental Protection Agency, South Dakota Department of Water and Natural
Resources, Whitewood Creek Study, Homestake Mining Company, November, 1984.
EPA 1985. US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste, Report To Congress: Wastes
From the Extraction and Beneficiation of Metallic Ores, Phosphate Rock, Asbestos, Overburden From
Uranium Mining, and Oil Shale, EPA/530/SW-85-033, Washington, DC, December, 1985.
EPA 1990. US Environmental Protection Agency. Superfund Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study
Report, Cimarron Mining Corporation Site. Washington, DC, June 1990.
EPA 1991. Mining Waste NPL Site Summary Reports, US Environmental Protection Agency, Final Draft,
June 1991.
EPA 1992a. Mining Industry Profile: Gold, Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste,
Special Waste Branch, August 1992.
EPA 1994. Mining Industry Profile: Extraction and Beneficiation of Ores and Minerals - Volume 2: Gold.
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste, Special Waste Branch, August 1994.
EPA 1992b. Predicting Acid Generation from Non-Coal Mining Wastes: Notes of July 1992 Workshop,
Draft, prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, for U S Environmental Protection
Agency, Office of Research and Development, Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, Las
Vegas, Nevada.
EPA VI 1990. US Environmental Protection Agency, Region VI, Superfund Remedial
Investigation/Feasibility Study Report, Cimarron Mining Corporation Site, June 15, 1990.
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
EPA VIII 1989. US Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII, Superfund Feasibility Study,
Whitewood Creek, South Dakota. Denver, Colorado, December, 1989.
EPA VIII 1990. US Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII, Superfund Record of Decision for the
Whitewood Creek Superfund Site. Denver, Colorado, March 1990.
EPA X 1990. US Environmental Protection Agency, Region X, Remedial Investigation Report, Silver
Mountain Mine, January 19, 1990.
EPA X 1990. US Environmental Protection Agency, Region X, Superfund Record of Decision; Silver
Mountain Mine Superfund Site. Seattle, Washington, March 1990.
Fitzpatrick 1992. Environmental Cost Impact to Gold Mine Development - The Zortman/Landusky
Experience, Fitzpatrick, J F, J M Willson, M L Clark, S W Banning, presented at the SME Annual
Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, February 24-27, 1992. SMME Preprint.
GAO 1991. US General Accounting Office, Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Mining and Natural
Resources, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, Mineral Resources:
Increased Attention Being Given to Cyanide Operations, GAO/RCED-91-145, June 1991.
Higgs 1992. Technical Guide for the Environmental Management of Cyanide in Mining, British Columbia
Technical and Research Committee on Reclamation, Cyanide Sub-Committee, prepared by T W Higgs
Associates Ltd in association with EVS Consultants Ltd, ASL Laboratories Ltd, and Gormely Process
Engineering, July 1992.
Idaho Title 1 1992. Idaho Title 1, Chapter 13: Rules and Regulations for Ore Processing By Cyanidation,
January 6, 1988, revised April 23, 1992. (Sections 01.13000 to 01.13999)
Idaho 1993. Personal communication between Jerry Yoder, Idaho Division of Environmental Quality, Water
Quality Bureau, and Michelle Stowers, Science Applications International Corporation, on May 11,
INCO 1992. INCO undated presentation notes. Included in materials sent to Susan McCarter, Science
Applications International Corporation, by INCO, October 15, 1992.
Ingles and Scott 1987. State of the Art of Processes for the Treatment of Gold Mill Effluents, Ingles, J, and J
S Scott, Environment Canada, Mining and Milling Section, March 1987.
Joy 1990. Personal communication between J Joy, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental
Control, and Joe Rissing, Science Applications International Corporation, on January 14, 1990.
Kiel 1988. Introduction to Evaluation, Design and Operation of Precious Metals Heap Leach Projects, Kiel,
J, D van Zyl, and J R Dorey editors. Society of Mining Engineers, 1988.
Konigsmann et al. 1989. Water Management and Effluent Treatment Practice, Golden Giant Mine, Hemlo
Gold Mines, Inc. Eric Konigsmann, Ernest Goodwin, and Chris Larsen, for presentation at the Canadian
Mineral Processors Conference, January 17, 1989.
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Landusky/Montana 1993a. State of Montana, Department of State Lands, letter to James Geyer, Zortman
Mining Inc., re: review of reclamation plans and monitoring, February 16, 1993.
Landusky/Montana 1993b. Zortman Mining Inc., letter to Sandra Olsen, Department of State Lands,
Hardrock Bureau, re: attainment schedule for reclamation activities, March 15, 1993.
Lien 1991. "Biological and Chemical Cyanide Destruction from Heap Leachates and Residues", Lien, R H,
B E Deinslate, and P B Altringer, February, 1991. See Lootens, D J, et al. editors.
Lien and Altringer 1993. Case Study: Bacterial Cyanide Detoxification During Closure of the Green Springs
Gold Heap Leach Operation, R H Lien and P B Altringer, US Bureau of Mines, Prepublication of paper
to be presented at the International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August
22-25, 1993. Also presented at Mine Operations and Closure Short Course, Helena, Montana, April
27-29, 1993.
Logue Undated. Nancy Logue, Pegasus Gold Corporation, Updating Pegasus Gold's Relief Canyon Mine
Reclamation Plan - 1984 Versus 1990 Standards, pages 105 to 109, undated document.
Lopes and Johnston 1988. "A Technical Review of Heap Leaching", Lopes, R.F., and R.J. Johnston, In
Environmental Management for the 1990s, proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental
Management for the 1990s, Denver, Colorado, February 25-28, 1991, D J Lootens, W M Greenslade,
and J M Barker (editors). Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc., August 1988.
Lootens 1991. Environmental Management for the 1990's, proceedings of the Symposium on Environmental
Management for the 1990's, Denver, CO. February 25-28, 1991. Littleton, CO: Society for Mining,
Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc., Lootens, D J, W M Greenslade, and J M Barker editors, February,
McGill and Comba 1990. A Review of Existing Cyanide Destruction Practices, McGill, Sandra L, and Paul
G Comba, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Reno Research Center, Presented at the Nevada Mining Association,
Nevada Department of Wildlife, Wildlife/Mining Workshop, Reno, Nevada, March 29, 1990.
Miereau 1991. Personal communication between D Miereau, Nevada Department of Conservation and
Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division, Bureau of Mines and Reclamation, and W
Keeton, Science Applications International Corporation on February 26, 1991.
Minerals Today 1993. "Hecla's Yellow Pine Unit Closes, Exploration Continues", Minerals Today, page 31,
February 1993.
Mining Engineering 1992. "Start-up and operation of Placer Dome's Campbell Mine gold pressure oxidation
plant," John Frostiak and Bret Haugrud, Mining Engineering, Volume 44, No 8, page 991, August,
Mining Journal 1990. "Cyanide and the Environment", Jim V Rouse, Director of Geohydrology, Mining
Journal, page 18, August 24, 1990.
Mohr Undated. Operational and Final Reclamation Activities at the Thunder Mountain Mine, Rick Mohr,
Coeur d'Alene Mines Corporation, undated.
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Mudder and Smith 1992. Solution Management During Decommissioning of Heap Leach Operations, T I
Mudder and A Smith, paper presented at Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration's Annual
Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, February 24-27, 1992. SMME Preprint.
Mudder and Whitlock 1984. "Biological Treatment of Cyanidation Waste Waters", Mudder, T I, and J L
Whitlock, In Mineral and Metallurgical Processing, Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration,
Inc., August, 1984.
National Park Service 1986. US Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Energy, Mining, and
Minerals Division, Environmental Handbook for Cyanide Leaching Projects, June 1986. Prepared by
Michael D Stanton, Thomas A Colbert, & Richard B Trenholme of Intermountain Soils, Inc., Denver,
CO, under contract to Radian Corporation for the National Park Service.
Nevada Undated. Nevada Regulations governing Design, Construction, Operations and Closure of Mining
Operations, NAV Sections 445.242 to 445.24388.
Nevada 1990. Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Division of Environmental
Protection, "Evaluations for Closure," October 29, 1990.
Nevada 1993a. Personal communication between Doug Zimmerman, Nevada DEQ, and Joe Rissing, Science
Applications International Corporation, on January 11, 1993.
Nevada 1993b. Personal communication between Glen Miller, University of Nevada - Reno, and Joe Rissing,
Science Applications International Corporation, on January 13, 1993.
Nevada 1993c. Personal communication between Kathy Sertic, Nevada Bureau of Water Quality Planning
and Joe Rissing, Science Applications International Corporation, on January 21, 1993.
Nevada 1993d. State of Nevada, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Division of
Environmental Protection (DEP), re: closure activities for Ren Gold Mine, package of information sent
to Joe Rissing, Science Applications International Corporation, February 16, 1993.
Noranda 1994. Personal communication between Chris R. Larsen, Noranda Technology Center, and Michelle
Sonnenfeldt, Science Applications International Corporation, on August 31, 1994.
ORD 1993. Personal communication between Ed Heithmar, U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development,
and Michelle Stowers, Science Applications International Corporation, on May 20, 1993.
Pay Dirt. 1992. Rocky Mountain, September 1992, pg. 10A.
Ritcey 1989. Tailings Management, Problems and Solutions in the Mining Industry, Process Metallurgy 6,
Gordon M Ritcey, 1989.
RM2 1991. RM2 Briefing on Cyanidation Mining, November 22, 1991. With cover memo 11/21/91 from
EPA, Linda Vlier Moos, re: Cyanidation Mining Paper.
RWQCB 1987. California Regional Water Quality Control Board "Cyanidation Requirements for
Cyanidation Process Wastes", Internal Memorandum, from Dr Ranjit S Gill, E.S. IV, to O R
Butterfield, Executive Officer, April 22, 1987.
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Salomans & Forstner 1988. Environmental Management of Solid Waste, Dredged Materials and Mine
Tailings, W Salomans, U Forstner, Editors, 1988.
Schafer and Associates 1990. Cyanide Degradation and Decommissioning of Spent Heap-Leach Ore at the
Landusky Mine, prepared by Schafer and Associates, in association with EIC, Inc., December 28, 1990.
Schafer and Associates 1991a. Cyanide Degradation and Rinsing Behavior in Landusky Heaps, Final
Report, prepared for Zortman Mining Inc. by Schafer and Associates in association with EIC
Corporation, January 22, 1991.
Schafer and Associates 1991b. Engineering and Environmental Aspects of Mine Waste Disposal, Short
Course, 1991 SME Annual Meeting, February 22-24, Denver, Colorado. With Case History: Cyanide
Degradation and Rinsing of Spent Ore Heap Leach Gold Facilities, by William M. Schafer, Schafer and
Associates, Bozeman, Montana (based on the Zortman-Landusky Mine in Montana).
Smith & Mudder 1991. Chemistry and Treatment of Cyanidation Wastes, Adrian Smith and Terry Mudder,
Mining Journal Books Limited, London, 1991.
South Carolina 1980. Mining Act Rules and Regulations, Chapter 89, South Carolina Code of Regulations,

South Carolina 1993a. Personal communication between Craig Kennedy, South Carolina Department of Land
Resources, and Joe Rissing, Science Applications International Corporation, on January 13, 1993.
South Carolina 1993b. Personal communications between Birgit McDade, South Carolina Department of
Health and Environmental Control, and Joe Rissing, Science Applications International Corporation, on
January 13, 1993.
South Dakota 1993. Personal communication between Tom Durkin, South Dakota Office of Minerals and
Mining, and Joe Rissing, Science Applications International Corporation, on January 19, 1993.
Stanford 1987. "Amax Sleeper Mine Exceeds Expectations On All Counts As Low-Cost Gold Producers."
W D Stanford, Mining Engineering: 241-46, April, 1987.
Thompson and Gerteis 1990. New Technologies for Mining Waste Management: Biotreatment Processes for
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June 1, 1990, University of California at Berkeley, published in Mining and Mineral Processing
Wastes, Fiona M Doyle, editor, SMME Publishers, Littleton, Colorado, 1990. Also in course notes for
Mine Operations and Closure, Short Course, Helena Montana, April 27-29, 1993.
Todd 1986. Cyanide Degradation Study, Gold Fields Operating Company - Mesquite, Larry Todd, Plant
General Foreman, July 1986.
US DOI 1992. US Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines, Gold Annual Report for 1991. Written by John
M. Lucas, December 1992.
USFS 1993. Personal communication between US Forest Service, Minerals Branch and Michelle Stowers,
Science Applications International Corporation on May 10, 1993.
Treatment of Cyanide Heap Leaches and Tailings
Van Zyl 1988. Introduction to Evaluation, Design, and Operation of Precious Metal Heap Leaching Projects,
Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc., D J A van Zyl, I P G Hutchinson, and J E Kiel,
editors, 1988.
Vergunst 1991. Heap Pad Detoxification at Snow Caps Mine Using the INCO Process, R D Vergunst, P F
Iamarino, B Tandi, E A Devuyst, Inco Exploration and Technical Services, paper presented at the 30th
Annual Conference of Metallurgists, CIM, Ottawa, Canada, August 18-21, 1991.
Vick 1990. Planning, Design, and Analysis of Tailings Dams, Steven G Vick, BiTech Publishers Ltd.,
Vancouver, B C Canada, 1990.
Volpe & Kelly 1985. Seepage and Leakage from Dams and Impoundments, American Society of Civil
Engineers, edited by Richard L Volpe and William E Kelly, May 5, 1985.
Washington DOE. Washington Department of Ecology, Potential Hazardous Wastes Site: Preliminary
Assessment, Silver Mountain Mine, Washington, undated.
Weiss 1985. SME Mineral Processing Handbook, Society of Mining Engineers, Weiss, N L editor, 1985.
WGA 1991a. Western Governor's Association, Mine Waste Task Force, Regulatory Issues in Cyanide
Processing - A Hands-On Conference for State Regulatory Officials, March 1991.
WGA 1991b. Western Governor's Association, Mine Waste Task Force, Abstracts of Precious Metal
Mining and Water Quality Permitting Procedures, Special project by South Carolina, Draft 1991.

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