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1. To locate the neutral brush position.
2. To learn the basic motor wiring connections
3. To observe the operating characteristics of series and shunt connected motors.
In order for a DC motor to run, current must flow in the armature winding. The stator must develop a
magnetic field (flux), either by means of a shunt winding or a series winding (or both).
The torue developed by a DC motor is directly proportional to the armature current and the stator flux.
!n the other hand, motor speed is mainly determined by the armature voltage and the stator flux. "otor
speed increases when the voltage applied to the armature increases. "otor speed will also increase when
the stator flux is reduced. #s a matter of fact, the speed can attain dangerous proportions if, accidentally,
there is complete loss of the stator field. DC motors have been $nown to fly apart under these over speed
conditions. %owever, your Dc motor has been carefully designed to withstand possible over speed
DC "otor&'enerator "odule (") *+,,
-ower )upply "odule (./,+.0ac, ,+. 0dc,./,+. 0dc (") **+,
#C "etering "odule (./,.. 0) (") *1+2
DC "etering "odule (./+.. 0) (") *1,+
%and Tachometer (") *3+.
Connection 4eads (") *31,
Caution: Hig !o"tag#$ a%# &%#$#nt in ti$ 'a(o%ato%) E*&#%i+#nt, Do not +a-# an) .onn#.tion$
/it t# &o/#% on, T# &o/#% $ou"0 (# tu%n#0 o11 a1t#% .o+&"#ting #a. in0i!i0ua" +#a$u%#+#nt,
1. 5ou will now determine the neutral brush position for your DC motor by using alternating current.
6sing your EMS Po/#% Su&&")4 AC M#t#%ing an0 Moto%53#n#%ato% Mo0u"#$, connect the
circuit shown in 7ig. ,+/,.Terminals 1 and 8 on the power supply will furnish variable ./,+. 0ac as
the voltage output control is advanced.
Do not a&&") &o/#% at ti$ ti+#,
2. 6nloc$ the DC Moto%53#n#%ato% Mo0u"# and move it forward approximately 1 inches. 9each
behind the front face of the module and move the brush/positioning lever to its maximum cloc$/
wise position. Do not slide the module bac$ in wise position. Do not slide the module bac$ in
place.( you will later move the brushes again)
3. Turn on the power supply. -lace the power supply voltmeter switch to its 1/8 position. )lowly
advance the voltage output control until the ac voltmeter connected across the shunt field winding
indicates approximately *. 0ac. (The ac voltage across the shunt field is induced by the ac current
through the armature.
6. a7 Carefully reach behind the front face of the module (preferably $eeping one hand in your poc$et)
and move the brushes from one extreme position to another. 5ou will notice that the induced ac
voltage across the field drops to :ero and then increases again as you approach the other extreme
counter/cloc$/wise position.
(7 4eave the brushes at the position where the induced voltage is :ero. This is the neutral point of
your DC Moto%53#n#%ato%.
Ea. ti+# )ou u$# t# DC Moto%53#n#%ato% t# (%u$#$ $ou"0 (# $#t at t# n#ut%a" &o$ition.
.7 9eturn the voltage to :ero and turn off the power supply. )lide your DC Moto%53#n#%ato%
Mo0u"# bac$ in place and disconnect your circuit.
8. 6sing your (") -ower )upply, DC "etering and DC motor&'enerator "odules, connect the circuit
shown in 7ig. ,+/+. 8otice that the armature is connected in series with the series field winding,
across the input voltage.
9. Turn on the power supply. -lace the power supply voltmeter switch to its ;/8 position. #d<ust the
output voltage to ,+. 0dc.
:. a7 Does the motor turn fast= >>>>>>>>
(7 6sing your hand tachometer, measure the motor speed in revolutions per minute.
)eries speed ? >>>>>>>r&min
Not#: T# o&#%ating in$t%u.tion$ a%# #n."o$#0 /itin t# ta.o+#t#% .ontain#%.
8. a7 9educe the power supply voltage and note the effect on motor speed. Comments@
(7 9educe the voltage until you can determine the direction of rotation (cloc$wise or counter
.7 9educe the voltage :ero and turn off the power supply.
;. 9econnect your circuit as shown in 7ig. ,+/A (the only change made to the circuit of 7ig. ,+/+ is that
the connections to the armature have been reversed)
1<. 9epeat -rocedures 2 through * (using the reversed armature connections shown in 7ig. A/A)
)eries speed reversed ? >>>>>>>>>>..r&min
9otation ? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
11. )tate a rule for changing the direction of rotation of a series connected dc motor.
12. Connect the circuit shown in 7ig ,+/1. 8otice that the rheostat is in series with the shunt field, and
that this combination is in parallel with the armature, across the input voltage.
13. a7 #d<ust the rheostat for minimum resistance ( approximately :ero ohms, when turned fully
(7 Turn on your power supply and ad<ust for ,+. 0dc
.7 6sing your tachometer measure the motor speed.
)hunt speed :ero ohms ? >>>>>>>>..r&min
07 #d<ust the rheostat for maximum resistance (approximately B.. ohms)
)hunt speed B.. ohms ? >>>>>>>>..r&min
#7 Determine the direction of rotation.
16.a7 9eturn the voltage to :ero and turn off the power supply.
(7 9everse the polarity of the input voltage by interchanging the power supply connection leads
18. 9epeat procedure ,A and compare your results@
a7 Did the rotation change direction= >>>>>>>>>>.
(7 Did the speed change=>>>>>>>.
.7 9eturn the voltage :ero and turn off the power supply.
19. Connect the circuit shown in 7ig ,+/1. Change either the polarity of armature terminals (or)
the polarity of segment consisting of shunt field winding C rheostat by reversing its terminals.
1:. 9epeat procedure ,A and compare your results@
a7 Did the rotation change direction= >>>>>>>>>>.
(7 Did the speed change=>>>>>>>.
.7 9eturn the voltage :ero and turn off the power supply.
18 a7 Dhile the motor is still running, momentarily open the shunt field circuit by
removing the connection lead from one of the terminals of the shunt field winding(B or 2).
Ee extremely careful not to touch any of the other terminal connections or any metal during this
procedure. Ee prepared to immediately cut power to the motor by turning off the power supply.
(7 (xplain what happens when a dc motor loses power to its shunt field.
.7 Could the same thing occur in a series field connected dc motor=
1;. Connect the circuit shown in 7ig ,+/B. 8ote that the armature is connected to the variable ./,+. 0dc
output ( terminals ; and 8 ) while the shunt field is now connected to the fixed ,+. 0dc output
(terminals * and 8)
2<. a7 Turn on the power supply. #d<ust the armature voltage to A. 0dc as indicated by
the meter.
(7 6se your hand tachometer and measure the motor speed at .,A.,2.,3. and ,+. volts. 9ecord your
speed measurement. (Dait until the motor speed stabili:es before you ta$e your measurement).
.7 9epeat (b) for each of the voltage to :ero and turn off the power supply.
07 -lot a graph #rmature volts 0s speed. Draw a smooth curve through your plotted
#7 Does varying the armature voltage (with the shunt field voltage held constant) offer a good
method of speed control=>>>>>>>>>>>..
1. (xplain how to locate the neutral brush position in a dc motor.
2. Dould the motor turn if only the armature were excited (had voltage applied across it=)
3. Dhy is it dangerous to supply power to an unloaded series connected dc motor=
6. In what two ways may the rotation of a series connected dc motor be reversed=
8. In what two ways may the rotation of a shunt connected dc motor be reversed=
9. In procedure +.@
a7 Does the motor speed double when the armature voltage is doubled=>>>>>..
(7 Dould it be correct to say F with a fixed field voltage, the speed of a shunt motor is proportional
to its armature voltage=>>>>>>>
:. Draw a circuit showing how you would connect
a7 a shunt motor to a dc supply.
(7 a shunt motor to a dc supply, using a field rheostat.
.7 a series motor to a dc supply.
8. In what two ways can the speed of a dc motor varied=
;. !f the two methods given in (*)@
a7 Dhich method gives the greatest speed range=
(7 Dhich method is the most economical (uses fewer parts)=

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