Desert Magazine 1967 February

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Desert Magazine BOOK Shop

the Gulf of California, Baja California, and Decker. Facts about the mines on the eastern
Mexico's Mainland Coast. Fine illustrations.
Send for FREE Catalog of our slope of the Sierra Nevada and Inyo Mountains.
$1 1.75. Recommended Books Paper. $1.95.

ART TREASURES IN THE WEST by Sunset Staff. TERRIBLE TRAIL: the Meek Cutoff, 1845 by Clark
Descriptions and discussions of paintings, sculp- Dept. BC, Desert Magazine and Tiller. Narrates the tragic tale of the Meek
tures and artists displayed in Western museums Palm Desert, California 92260 emigrant train and lays the groundwork for a
and public places. Hardcover $11.75. solution to the Blue Bucket lost gold. $4.00.

by Richard Pourade and Marjorie Reed. With 20 HERE IS NEVADA by Effie Mack and Byrd Saw- Brief resumes of lost mine articles printed in
stage coach paintings by Miss Reed, the text yer. A complete picture of every facet of Nevada back issues of DESERT Magazine, by a former
concentrates on Ihe Fort Yuma to San Francisco in textbook manner. $12.50. editor. Hardcover, 278 pages. $6.75.
run of the tough Butterfield route. Album For-
mat, heavy art paper, $6.75. PAPIER MACHE by Mildred Anderson. Instruc- MINES OF DEATH VALLEY by L. Burr Belden.
tions and ideas for distinctive objets d' art. Nice About fabulous bonanzas, prospectors and lost
IT ALL HAPPENED IN TOMBSTONE by John gift for hobbyists. $3.95. mines. Paperback. $1.95.
Clum. Eye-witness account of famous gun battle
DESERT PLANTS AND PEOPLE by Sam Hicks. Tells TIN-CAN CRAFTING by Sylvia Howard. Patterns
between Earps, Doc Holliday and the Clantons
how primitive desert dwellers find sustenance, and instructions for making figures, ornaments,
and McLaurys by publisher of Tombstone
shelter, beverages and healing medicines in and useful objects with tin cans. $3.95.
Epitaph. Margin notes by John Gilchriese.
nature. Hardcover. $5.95.
Hardcover, 45 pages, $4.00.
RARE MAP REPRODUCTIONS from the year 1886.
DESERT GEM TRAILS by Mary Frances Strong. ON DESERT TRAILS by Randall Henderson, foun- Series I includes three maps, Arizona, California
Field guide to gems and minerals of the Mo- der and publisher of Desert Magazine for 23 and Nevada. Series II includes New Mexico,
have and Colorado deserts and adjacent areas. years. One of the first good writers to reveal Utah and Colorado. Reproduced on fine paper.
Paperback, $2.00 the beauty of the mysterious desert areas. Hen- They show old towns, mines, springs and trails
derson's experiences, combined with his com- now extinct. Each set of three, $3.75. Be sure to
GOLD IN THE SUN by Richard Pourade. Fifth in ments on the desert of yesterday and today, state series number with order.
series of historical books about Southern Cali- make this a MUST for those who really want
fornia. Covers Salton Sea, reclamation of Im- of understand the desert. 375 pages, illustrated. BOTTLE COLLECTOR'S BOOK by Pat and Bob
perial Valley and gem mining in San Diego and Hardcover. $5.00. Ferraro. Gives history, descriptions and
Riverside counties. Large format, beautiful color lists. Profusely illustrated, 107-pages. Paper-
illustrations. $9.50. STANDING UP COUNTRY by C. Gregory Cramp- back, $3.00.
ton. Best book ever written about Utah-Arizona
THE SILVER DONS by Richard Pourade recounts canyon country. Superb color. $15. EARLY USES OF CALIFORNIA PLANTS by Edward
the wresting of the Franciscan Missionary land K. Balls. Tells how native Indians used plants
by Spanish Dons and then lost to them by WARNER, THE MAN AND THE RANCH by Lorrin for subsistence. Checklist contains both popular
American pioneers. Covers Mormon Battlion and Morrison. Tells the story of the colorful trading and scientific names. $1.75.
filibusters and war in Baja California. Beauti- post, stage stop, historical battleground and
fully illustrated. $9.50. life that took place on the famous Warner PIMAS, DEAD PADRES AND GOLD by Paul V.
Ranch. Paper, $2.00. Lease. The author provides fodder to the idea
THE GLORY YEARS by Richard Pourade covers that the Black Robes hid amazing amounts of
the early boom period of Southern California REMNANTS OF THE OLD WEST by Harriett treasure in Pimeria, which is now Arizona.
when San Diego's population exploded, then Farnsworth. The old West's last living characters Paperback. $3.
collapsed overnight. Beautifully illustrated. Part were interviewed by this author and the book
of above series. $9.50. is filled with never-before published tidbits that COOKING AND CAMPING ON THE DESERT by
deserve recording. An attractive book that makes Choral Pepper. Also useful in your own back
BOOT HILL by Lambert Florin. Sixth in his series a surprisingly inexpensive and worthwhile gift. yard. Contains chapter by Jack Pepper on driv-
of Western ghost town books. Dramatic photos Hardcover. $2.95. ing and surviving in back country. Recipes are
with epitaphs and true tales out of the tragic, named for ghost towns and lost mines and sug-
comic and scandalous West. Large format. DESERT ANIMALS IN JOSHUA TREE NATIONAL gest places to go and things to do. Hardcover,
$12.95. MONUMENT by Miller and Stebbins. Excellent $3.95.
hook and first of its kind with thorough text
GHOST TOWNS AND MINING CAMPS OF CALI- and good illustrations. Color plates. $10. SONORA SKETCHBOOK by John Hilton. Revised
FORNIA by Remi Nadeau. The only good, hard- edition. Artist Hilton writes of his years of resi-
cover book on the California ghost towns. We NAVAHO NEIGHBORS by Franc Johnson New- dent in Alamos, the ancient silver capital of Son-
recommend it highly. $5.95. comb. One of the better books about Navaho
ora, Mexico. Interesting, colorfully written.
Indians by an author who lived intimately with
OLD FORTS OF THE FAR WEST by Herbert Hart. Hardcover, $5.95.
them for over 30 years. $5.95.
Maps are included with remarkably lively and
accurate accounts of Western forts back to Civil TREASURY OF FRONTIER RELICS by Les Beitz. A THE ANCIENT PAST OF MEXICO by Alma Reed.
War times. This volume covers the Southwest. collectors guide to western frontier relics with Art and architecture of pre-Conquest civilizations
Large format, good photos. $12.95. descriptions, uses and prices. Hardcover. $6.95. with up-to-date archeological information. Well-
illustrated and written with easy-to-read style.
Stanley Gardner. As fascinating as one of his
Perry Mason mysteries, the author takes you VISITING AMERICAN CAVES by Howard Sloan
into Arizona s Superstition Mountains looking
WHEN ORDERING BOOKS and Russell Gurnee. A travel book of caves
for the Lost Dutchman mine and into the Trigo throughout the U.S. with information about
Mountains in search of Nummel's lost bonanza. PLEASE history, seasons open, facilities for accommoda-
Hardcover, color photos. $7.50. tion etc. $4.95.
Add 25 cents PER ORDER
Robert L. Brown. An illustrated, detailed, infor- (Not Each Book) Eugene Woods. Presents an enticing pre-retire-
mal history of life in the mining camps deep in ment plan that's workable. Also, good travel in-
Colorado Rockies. Fifty-eight towns are included
for handling and mailing formation. Paperback, $1.95.
the almost inaccessible mountain fastness of the
as examples of the vigorous struggle for exist- California residents add 4 percent ANCIENT HUNTERS OF THE FAR WEST based
ence in the mining camps of the West. 239 sales tax, regardless of whether you upon forty years of research by the late Mal-
pages, illustrated, end sheet map. Hardcover. colm Rogers. Brings together what is known of
are a Republican or Democrat.
$5.50. Early Man in North America. Illustrated in full
color. Large format. $9.50.

2 / Desert Magazine / February, 1967

National Date Festival
Riverside County's National Date Festival will be held at the lavish fair
grounds in India, California February 17 through 26. One of the most
unusual and popular fairs in California, the 10-day event has some-
thing new every day. Residents of Coachella Valley go all out for the
event, wearing Arabian clothes and staging special sales and events.
Write to National Date Festival, P. 0. Box 1387, Indio, California 92201
for brochure and detail events.

Volume 30 Number 2
As soon as available we are adding more color photographs to
FEBRUARY, 1967 DESERT Magazine. We like to use material from our readers. Color
transparencies must be either 2^4 X 2y4 or 4 X 5 vertical. We
pay $35.00 for each transparency used. Please enclose stamped
This Months' Cover return envelope. Send to Photo Editor, Desert Magazine, Palm
Desert Scene
By RALPH PAYTON Desert, California 92260.
4 New Books for Desert Readers
6 Lost Ledge of the Sheephole JACK PEPPER, Publisher CHORAL PEPPER, Editor
Mountain Elta Shively Al Merryman Rose Holly Marvel Barrett
By JOHN D. MITCHELL Executive Secretary Staff Artist Circulation Business
7 Whatever Happened to Hell Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, Calif. 92260 Telephone 346-8144
DESERT is published monthly by Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, Calif. Second Class Postage paid at
8 Tempest in Silver Palm Desert, Calif., and at additional mailing offices under Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered
By STANLEY DEMES NO. 358865 in U. S. Patent Office, and contents copyrighted 1967 by Desert Magazine. Unsolicited
manuscripts and photographs cannot be returned or acknowledged unless full return postage is
12 A Lost Corner of Sonora enclosed. Permission to reproduce contents must be secured from the editor in writing. SUBSCRIPTION
By Spencer Murray PRICE: $5.00 per year in U.S., Canada and Mexico. $5.75 elsewhere. Allow five weeks for change
of address. Be sure to send both old and new address.
15 The Wheel Estate Way

18 Search for the White Palms


23 Photo: Morning in Carrizo Wash NAME


25 All Aboard for Perris ADDRESS ZIP CODE

26 Desert Survival NAME

29 Away From It All ADDRESS

31 Buzztail Loot
34 Gold Hill, Nevada



37 Hints for Desert Travelers Sign Gift Card: "From

By BRUCE BARRON One Year $5.00 Two Years $9.50 Three Years $13.00
40 Back Country Travel (Or 2 One Years) (Or Three One Yearsl

(includes tax and postage)
43 National Date Festival Date Binder(s) with Year(s) . • Undated

February, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 3

An entirely
in Books
for Birders
Pocket-Sized Alphabetical Check-List of v

Over 300 Birds of the Southwest By Lambert Florin By Gordon Stuart

• A quick and easy timesaver • Where to VC ith photos and lively stories about This book was printed with hand-set
locate the birds you're looking for. the dead who rest in historic graves of type by its author. It has a bit of the old
7 terrific short scenic trips where over 90 % the old West, this sixth ghost town book and a bit of the new with many historical
of the various species of birds in southern
Arizona are to be found. of Lambert Florin is consistent with his photos from private collections. This is
FOR YOUR COPY great talent for story telling and fine a fun book of personal recollections re-
Mail $1.00 to photography. The endsheet drawing of lated especially to the days when the
Julie Bulette's grave at Virginia City, author and his family rode the four-horse
Southern Arizona
rendered by Dr. David C. Mason, is stage from Escondido to San Diego. It is
Bird Life Publishers superb. salty and fresh. He tells about the day
This previously untouched aspect for when autos first came into use and aris-
collecting history has revealed startling tocratic dames of San Diego would brag,

Cooking and information which, in more than one case,

might prove formerly accepted ideas
"Lost Sonday we motahed around the
Bay," while in the horse and buggy days
they could have said, "We horsed around
wrong. For instance, an inscription on a
Camping on the monument in the Old Pioneer Cemetery
at Salem, Oregon gives credit to Capt.
the Bay."
This is the sort of book you'll read in
Desert Charles Bennett for discovering gold in
the California's Sierra, ignoring other
spurts. It is full of local color and nos-
talgia for the days of Lydia Pinkham,
by Choral Pepper documentation accrediting James Marshall button shoes and shivarees. Researchers
with a chapter on with the distinction. will find some good dope in it. Poway,
Driving and Surviving Burial customs of the different tribes Julian, Escondido, Vallecitos, Fallbrook,
of Western American Indians are de- and other back country spots of San Diego
on the Desert are covered. Plastic cover, 241 pages,
by Jack Pepper scribed, as well as mysterious mass burials,
and mummification occurrences. limited printing. $5.00.
Tracking down the story behind the
corpses which lay in graves found in re-
I COOKING and mote places, as well as those with inter-
CAMPING esting inscriptions in cemeteries, turned
into such a fascinating job of sleuthing
Books reviewed may be ordered
from the DESERT Magazine Book
! on the DESERT that Florin has herein produced his best Order Department, Palm Desert,
book of the series, even though this re- California 92260. Please include
viewer has said in the past the others 25c for handling. California resi-
couldn't have been better. Lambert Florin dents must add 4 % sales tax.
is without a doubt the most dedicated and Enclose payment with order.
the best of our ghost town writers today
and his fine books will grow more valu-
able each year, as these tangible vestiges
of history disappear. Large format, hard- THE ALL DISCOVERED AMERICA
cover, 200 pages, $12.95. By Charles Michael Boland
Although this book does not cover
desert areas, it will be of great interest
By Charles Peters to those who have fun with archeological
This title might be a bit deceptive, un- and historical items which suggest the
Cooking and Camping on the Desert is
more than just a book on preparing for a intentionally, as the area covered is the arrival of explorers prior to Columbus.
desert outing or making meals that will Mother Lode country and not the Cali- In this book, Mr. Boland includes Phoe-
appeal while in camp. This book is a brief nicians, Romans, Chinese, Irish, Scotch,
manual on how to survive in the desert , . . fornia desert. Taking the areas district
the book is a must for anyone making a by district, the author has recorded by Welsh and Portuguese among those who
trip to the desert, whether it is his first or chronological sequence all reports of gold left evidence, such as runic stones which
fiftieth. BILL HILTON, Santa Barbara News-
Press. strikes, how they came about and the re- have caused hot words among archeolo-
ONLY $3.95 sult, when there were results. There is gists, Roman implements in the bog iron
Plus 25 cents mailing charges. California information on old placer mining methods of Virginia and various indications of
addresses add 16 cents tax. Send check or and although this isn't any guided tour Phoenician travel to our shores. It is a
money order to Desert Magazine, to lost mines, hobbiests in that field will fun book, with positively presented evi-
Palm Desert, Calif. 92260 dence and plenty of fodder for contro-
find something to tie into. Paperback, 157
AUTOGRAPHED COPIES ON REQUEST versy. Hardcover, 384 pages, $4.95.
pages $3.00

4 / Desert Magazine / February, 1967

AUSTRALIANS AND THE an interest in further exploration of the
GOLD RUSH UFO phenomena that the writers have
By Jay Monaghan
New facets of the two gold rush stories
prepared this book. It avoids the "nut-
fringe," concentrating upon significant
sightings made by reputable individuals
Unusual Books
are revealed in this account of the Austra-
lians who followed gold to California,
some of whom arrived before the over-
land '49ers, and of the Australians and
of known integrity, such as airline pilots
and astronomers. It is interesting that
similar sightings have been described
of Interest
throughout the world by scientists who, Journeys With St. Francis by Alvin
Americans who reversed the direction of Gordon and illusrated by Ted De-
in the 1800s, thought they were slow
the California rush by striking it rich in Grazia. Describes in free verse the
moving meteors. Since then, astronomical
Australia. Neglected by historians, this need for the continuing faith in Our
knowledge has advanced to a point where
bright piece of business reconstructs the Little Brother of Assisi in today's
we know the descriptions could not have
Australians' experiences in crossing the harrassed world. Hard cover, 6 X 10
been bolides, but were probably some
Pacific in frail sailing vessels and Settling inches, 4-color jacket. $6.75 (plus
form of UFO. Although the author is a
in booming San Francisco, Stockton, Sacra- 27 cents tax for California addres-
mathematician and astronomer, consultant
mento and Marysville. ses).
to the Mars-Map Project, and his wife,
After learning to pan gold along the Janine, is a psychologist and data analyst,
Mother Lode, a few returned down under they have presented the material in a Pueblo of the Hearts by John Upton
and started a gold rush that outdid the readable style and in such a way that those Terrell. The story of a small Opata
'49ers stampede. Americans participated interested in the UFO enigma from a Indian Village in Sonora, Mexico and
in this second rush and contributed much practical, rather than sensational, point its brief moment in history as an im-
to the governmental reforms, including of view will find much food for thought. portant outpost in the exploration of
the introduction of the secret ballot, Hardcover, 267 pages, $5.95. the American Southwest. The author
which have served as models for the rest is a leading research historian of the
of the world. West. Hard cover, 6 X 9 inches, illus-
The book is fast-paced and colorful and trated. $6.00 (plus 24 cents tax for
brings alive the age of the sail when HISTORIC SPOTS IN CALIFORNIA California addresses).
records for speed were established during Third edition, revised by
this race to California's gold. Hardcover, William N. Abeloe Sonora Sketchbook by John W. Hil-
317 pages, $6.50. ton. A revised edition of one of the
Originally authored by Hoover, Rensch most popular books ever published
and Rensch, this is the only complete about Mexico's Sonora by one of the
CHALLENGE TO SCIENCE, THE guide to the historical landmarks of Cali- West's best known artist-authors. A
UFO ENIGMA fornia. With maps, photographs and delightful collection of short and tall
landmarks of both the historical and the tales about colorful individuals of
By Jacques and ]anine Vallee
modern era included, it presents the Sonora. $5.95 (plus 24 cents tax for
With each case thoroughly documented material with a lively text. Surprisingly
California addresses.)
and most supported by personal inter- enough, it also includes the prehistoric.
views with the witnesses, these authors The painted rocks of Poway in San Diego
present a penetrating study of the "flying are described, as are the cave paintings of Ernie Pyle's Southwest, illustrated by
saucer" legend from Biblical times to Santa Barbara region, Bishop, and petro- Bob Bales with annotation by Ed
1964. Astronomer J. Allen Hynek, who glyph and pictograph sites in other desert Ainsworth. A collection of more than
wrote the foreword, has acted as scientific areas. The capsule history contained with 50 columns by the late Ernie Pyle.
consultant to the U. S. Air Force on un- each heading is far more detailed than is $5.00 (plus 20 cents state tax for
identified flying objects for 18 years. In rsual in this sort of book. We very California addresses.)
his opinion, the subject should not be highly recommend it. Hardcover, large
Cruising the Sea of Cortez by Spen-
dismissed as mere nonsense. It is to create format, 639 pages, $10.00. cer Murray. Modern-day adventure in
a 25-foot power cruiser down the
Lower California side of the Gulf of
California. Includes maps and com-
Striking, Auithentie . . . plete information for boaters. $6.75
(plus 27 cents tax for California
They Sang For Horses: Six Faces of Mexico addresses.)
The Impact of the Horse on Russell Ewing, ed
Send orders for the above
Navajo and Apache Folklore History People
LaVerne Harrell Clark listed books to:
Geography Government
Illustrated with 6 full-color paint-
ings by well-known Indian artists.
Full color frontispiece and more
Economics Lit. & Art
Sixty striking photographs taken
especially for this volume. Tables,
than 60 sketches by Ted DeGrazia. charts, maps, a valuable book.
9x12, 225 pp. $12.00 9x12 320 pp. $10.00


.Al Box 3398, College Station, Tua .on, Arizona 85700 Palm Desert, California 92260

February, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 5


By reader request DESERT Magazine

will reprint a series of articles written
by the dean of lost mine yarns, John
Mitchell, which appeared originally
in 1940 and 1 9 4 1 .


by John D. Mitchell JOSHUA TREE NAT.

OST LOST mine stories leave the By the time Hermit had reached the west- Dale, operated by some Armenians from
M reader with the impression that
the richest mines were found and lost in
ern edge of the mirage his outfit was
down on the ground again and he was
Los Angeles, but it was an entirely dif-
ferent kind of ore. While it showed con-
wild Indian country by old prospectors heading for the Santa Fe depot. siderable free gold, it was nothing to be
with long whiskers. The wilder the In- "W hile the Hermit was very secretive compared with that brought in by the
dians and the longer the prospector's or about his business, he was by no means Hermit.
Desert Rat's whiskers, the richer the a total stranger to the few residents of After watering his five burros and sad-
mines seem to be. Western lore is replete the little desert railroad station. This was dle mule at the tank car on the Santa Fe
with lost mine and buried treasure stories, the third time he had shown up at the tracks, the old prospector went into camp
some of which, no doubt, have grown in store and railroad station. Despite the just behind the little grocery store and
magnitude as time elapsed. Most tradi- fact that the tall white whiskered man rode near the railroad tracks. We all naturally
tions become distorted in time. The Lost a large mule, his feet almost dragged the wanted to know where the ore came
Ledge in the Sheep Hole Mountains desert sands. The heat waves had made from, but the old man was secretive and
seems to be an exception to the rule. The him look much taller as he rode across did not volunteer the information. In
old prospector had plenty of whiskers, I he dry lake bed. After unloading six those days it was not considered good
but there were no wild Indians. r.acks of ore on the depot platform Bill etiquette to inquire too closely into a
Early one summer morning about 50 Pine, the station agent, told him that one stranger's personal affairs—especially if
years ago old Pete Ring, John Lock, of the sacks was badly torn and that he he happened to have a large six shooter
storekeeper; Jim Walsh, section foreman; could not receive it for shipment in that handy.
Bill Pine, Santa Fe station agent; and the condition. The old man returned to his The Armenian freighter told us the
writer were standing on the depot plat- pack outfit and brought another sack. old prospector had been seen around
form at Amboy, California. A group of When the torn sack was emptied out on their camp on several occasions and that
strange objects were seen bobbing up and the depot platform it almost started a they understood he was prospecting some-
down on top of the heat waves that hung stampede. The ore was a light gray iron- where in that part of the desert. Later
over the dry lake northeast of the station. stained quartz literally plastered and mat- that evening the writer visited the old
The lake bed had filled with clear water ted together with bright yellow gold. fellow around his campfire and found
and the dancing heat waves had lifted Everyone crowded around to see the ore. him reading the Psalms of David aloud
everything high into the warm air above Pete Ring exclaimed, "Jumping John D. from a large leather-covered bible which
the ground. Even old Pete Ring's mine Rockefeller, that's the richest ore that he carried in his outfit.
that stood on a small brown hill near the ever came out of the California desert." He was worried because the other Des-
eastern edge of the lake seemed to be The old man gathered the ore up ert Rats had seen his rich ore. He was
high up in the clouds with fairy palaces quickly, putting it in the new sack, afraid they would try to follow him to
all around it. As we stood looking at the weighed it and had the agent bill it to a his mine.
strange objects dancing around in the San Francisco smelter. Some very rich He told me that while prospecting in
shimmering mirage, Pete Ring remarked, gold ore was being hauled into Amboy the Sheep Hole Mountains northeast of
"Hell, that's Hermit John and his outfit." at that time from a gold mine at Virginia Dale dry lake and southwest of Cadiz

6 / Desert Magazine / February, 1967

dry lake, he had found an old Spanish
or Mexican mine that showed evidence
of having been worked hundreds of years
Whatever FROM
before. An old arrastra nearby showed
that the ore had been treated on the
ground. However, there was no water
Happened GOLDAK
other than a caved shaft near the arras-
tra that might have been a well. Two or
three old graves nearby indicated that
the former operators, or at least, some of
them, had been killed or died there. Old-
time mining tools were scattered around.
During our conversation it developed with the All New
that we had something in common. We
were both from Kentucky. We proceeded COMMANDER' 720
to celebrate the occasion with a small
nip or two from a bottle of Snake Medi-
cine I happened to have in my hip pocket.
After some talk the old man told me that
he had done considerable prospecting
around the desert, but that old Spanish
shaft was the only deposit he had ever Treasure Locator!
found that amounted to anything. The
The 'Commander' 720
ore, he said, was enormously rich and
unsurpassed for locating
there was enough in sight to make him by James Wallace buried treasure, coins, Civil
wealthy beyond his fondest dreams. His
War relics and for beach-
description of the place would locate it
combing, features the
either in the northeast corner of the U ' T ( H I S I S H E L L • • •H o t . i s n - t it? "
"Tell-Tone" Signal. Locates
Joshua Tree National Monument, or just X w as posted on a sign at the out- any metal object under dirt,
across the line to the west. This area re- skirts of Hell, California, a town whose
sand, mud, rock, etc. No
cently has been deleted from the Monu- name caused a storm of protests from
cumbersome cords —
ment boundaries. Puritan tourists who found it to be an completely transistorized,
During our conversation the prospector objectional reminder of what might be battery powered.
told me he had done some prospecting their fate. A protest reached national
around a large outcropping of iron ore proportions not more than half a dozen EFFECTIVE DEPTH RANGE
to the north of his mine, but that it was years ago via the lines of the Associated (Under Normal Conditions)
too lowgrade in gold to pay expenses of Press. But this did not daunt the brave
transportation and treatment. inhabitants who knew what they were
Early the following morning when the talking about. They remained firm in 3" Bullet
Santa Fe passenger train pulled into the their refusal to change the name, for 7" Penny
station the old fellow was observed to Hell was just that; the hottest place in 8-12" Silver
drop a letter in the slot of the mail car. the United States, the closest thing to Dollar
The next morning, after watering his what man has imagined Hell to be. 18" Pistol
saddle mule and five burros he packed However, there is no scorn as devasta- 24" Jar of
up, filled his numerous water kegs and ting as a freeway's scorn in California. Coins
followed one of the Armenian freight The State Highway Department accom- 30" Kettle
36" Placer Gold
wagons out of town. No one ever saw or plished what the puritans could not; it Deposit
heard of him again. The letter probably wiped out Hell—-lock, stock and rock 48" Metal Chest
instructed the smelter to mail the returns shop— angling their four lane, super 60" Large Metallic
to some other postoffice or to family or highway from Indio to Blythe right Object
friends in the east. He was never seen through the center of town.
around Virginia Dale or any of the other Two or three hundred people and
railroad stations along the Santa Fe. several thousand scorpions, along with
This happened many years ago, and as several mean rattlesnakes, had to find
far as the writer knows no one has ever another place to live. They disappeared ,THE GOLDAK COMPANY, INC.
found, or even looked for the Lost Ledge into the desert as quietly as their town 1544 West Glenoaks Blvd..
of the Sheep Hole Mountains. The Her- disappeared. Glendale, California 91201
Gentlemen: Please send free literature on Goldak
mit probably met the fate that has be- There is a rumor though, wafted on the treasure locators.
fallen many others on the desert wastes hot, dry desert wind, that Hell will re- D I enclose $1.00 for my American Treasure
Hunters' Guide (reg. $2.00 value).
of the Great Southwest and his bones lie locate; that even now the die hard Hell-
covered with drifting sands. If the orig- ites are looking for a place to raise their Name
inal operators were killed by bandits or city once again—not to be a memory, nor Address
Indians they probably left some treasure a thing of scorn, but a humorous fact City
buried in or around the small rock house, away from freeways and their devasta-
State _ Zip Code
the ruins of which still stand there. • ting scorn. •

February, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 7


hy Staniey Demes


sees a crazy quilt of bare founda-
tions and ramshackled walls. He marvels,
amint escarpment that promised wealth
untold. So, he returned. This time with a
legendary adventurer named William Al-
rival's sore plight—perhaps murmuring
encouragingly that breaking a mirror leads
to seven years bad luck.
too, at the old brick mill which for al- vord, a sourdough named Jackson, and There were two outstanding architec-
most 100 years has challenged decay and the ever faithful Indian George. Again tural omissions in Panamint. There was
oblivion. But it is not what he sees that Henderson's dreams of wealth were sty- no jail—criminals had to be taken to In-
affects the traveler; it's what he feels. mied. He left Panamint never to return. dependence for incarceration. Further,
As he stands on the road looking up Sur- Alvord, his partner, was more unfortun- though it was sorely needed, Panamint
prise Canyon which nestles unpreten- ate still. In the upper reaches of Surprise never had a hospital. On several occasions
tiously on the Western slope of the Pana- Canyon he was bushwacked by Jackson Panamint News editors Carr and later
mint Range, about 10 miles south of and left for vultures. All these anxious Harris cried out in their columns for a
Telescope Peak, the years roll back. probings for silver into the desolate sun- community hospital. Interestingly enough,
Breezes echo gruff, untutored voices, and scorched Panamints were futile. Silver the two crusading editors were mute con-
there is a raucous clang as the 20-stamp wasn't discovered until late in 1872 when cerning the lack of a jail.
mill's witchery produces precious silver two of the most colorful champions of Although it was not bruited about as
ingots for shipment to "Frisco," fabled the silver west, R. E. Jacobs and Bob such, the building owned and tastefully
financial capitol of the 70s. The lizard Stewart, wandered up Surprise Canyon decorated by Martha Camp, played a sig-
on the big granite boulder is unimpressed and found a huge fragment of rich silver nificant role in the development of the
that a bearded miner's pick lay on this ore. new town. In Martha's care was a bevy
same rock many years ago. And now, one The great migration to the silver dig- of attractive, if overly painted, young
looks vainly on the old dirt road for gings began. Crude buildings sprang up ladies whose lives were dedicated to two
tracks of heavily-loaded desert burros. like mushrooms after a spring rain. The things: to make money and keep miners
They're gone just like the silver city her- most useful Panamint edifice was, of content.
self. course, the Surprise Valley Mining and It cannot be doubted, however, that
The story of Panamint probably began Water Company's 20-stamp mill. It was Panamint prosperity was due to its mines.
in 1859 with the discovery of the Corn- finished in a matter of weeks while The two richest were suitably entitled
stock lode. On this' date a silver fever miners with huge stacks of ore chaffed at Jacobs Wonder and Stewarts Wonder.
began which swept the United States and the bit. Good mechanics, carpenters, and Assays of these two mines showed ore
was especially "fatal" in the Western millwrights got top wages of $6 per day. values ranging from $100 to $4,000 per
frontier where curiously every man was a Most popular, of course, were the saloons ton, the average being about $400. Stew-
modern day Jason tirelessly searching for and Panamint in those days had some art, a well known Nevada senator, later
his kind of fleece. But after 1859 many fine ones. Like San Francisco, Panamint joined with another Nevada senator, J. P.
frontier men thought of just one thing— had its own Palace Hotel. Its barroom Jones, to form Surprise Valley's biggest
to trek the unknown for silver. was built by skilled Panamint craftsmen mining combine, The Surprise Valley
William T. Henderson was such a and had a beautiful black walnut top. On Company. Stewart and Jones had other
man. Spurred on by the silver news the side walls were handsome pictures of local interests. They owned the Surprise
emanating daily from the Comstock, and voluptuous females in varying states of Valley Water Company and a toll road
from legends of the enormously rich lost dishabille. But Dave Neagle, the owner procured from grizzly Sam Tait which
Gunsight mine, the bearded prospector of this splendid saloon, was especially trailed up Surprise Canyon. Charges for
coaxed his burro across colorful Death proud of his magnificent mirror. It was ascending this road were quite nominal:
Valley. With him were S. P. George and 8 x 6 feet with double lamps on each $2.00 for a wagon, 4 bits for a horseman,
Indian George. S. P. George was weaned side. and 2 bits for a miner and burro.
on the old gunsight lore. Indian George Fred Yager early determined that his The two editors of the Panamint News,
had long since discarded the ways of the "Dexter" saloon was going to surpass at first Carr and later Harris, were rhap-
redman and made the hopes of the white- Neagle's. Fred especially wanted the sodic in their faith in Panamint's ultimate
man his own. finest mirror in town. So, he sent to San prosperity. Late in 1874 the front page
Diego for a beauty. The mirror installed of the news throbbed with excitement.
These three dreamers in I860 skirted was to be a 7 x 12 foot sparkler. Tragedy "There is reason to believe, the News
the flaming cliffs on the west side of Pan- struck, however, when an inebriated stated, that a busy population of from
amint Mountain. While Henderson found miner fell on the shimmering reflector three to four thousand souls will be in
nothing to satisfy his thirst for silver, just as it was being positioned against the Panamint in less than a year," and later,
there was something about the ancient wall. Sheltered in the confines of his "When we begin to send out our bullion
granite and metamorphic rocks of Pan- Palace, Dave must have smiled at his it will be in such abundance as will cause

8 / Desert Magazine / February, 1967

the outside world to wonder if our moun- Probably the most popular method of
tains are not made of silver." Harris' be- getting freight to Panamint was sending Mitch
ginning enthusiasm must have haunted goods via Remi Nadeau's Cerro Gordo
him later, for his paper of March 2, 1875 Freighting Company. Remi's swaggering Williams
modestly informs us that "there were only mule teams made daily trips from San
600 people at Panamint."
Despite the fact that the Havilah Miner
Fernando to the Panamint mines. Remi
was ever the epitome of optimism. Al-
proclaimed that Panamint City's silver
yield would one day eclipse the Comstock,
though untouched by such 20th Century
transportation behemoths as the cross
country truck and the jet cargo plane,
capital funneled slowly and sporadically
into the silver city. Private persons mostly
subsidized Panamints mining activities.
Remi's corporate slogan was "all goods
marked C. G. F. C. will be forwarded
Let's Go to Baja
with dispatch." This winter. That's right! I'm
Senator Jones' faith in Panamint was
shown by hard cash accumulations of par- running two big 30-day trips thru
But most characteristic of Panamint
tially developed mines. The Senator's Baja California, in old Mexico in
transportation in the early days was the
brother caught the silver virus and plunk- solitary miner who arrived on foot fol- my air conditioned station wag-
ed down $113,000 for a number of lowed by a heavily-laden burro. Within ons. Write for details.
claims in the Panamint district. Stock his hair-matted bosom slumbered the
sales never boomed. One wonders if the
wildly energetic silver sun of the Com-
stock lode were not out to eclipse a po-
lion's share of the vigor and courage of
frontier America. Courage, however, Canyonlands
wasn't always the answer on the torrid
tential rival. After all, shares in the Con
Virginia were flirting a'la Croesus with
road to Panamint. Bleached bones of un-
lucky prospectors sparkled all too fre-
National Park
the San Francisco stock exchange at the
$700 mark. More dramatic was E. P. quently in the Mojave sun. When Pana- at Moab, Utah
Raine's method of seeking money for mint hearts were at their lightest and in comfortable 4-wheel-drive sta-
Panamint. He carted 300 lbs. of rich ore silver ore seemed to stretch like a ribbon tion wagons. 1-day trips to 6-day
across the Mojave to Los Angeles. He of wealth to the center of the earth, the trips and river float trips.
staggered into the Clarendon Hotel and people of Panamint, spear headed by their
dumped the ore on a billiard table. Un- grey-haired champion, Senator Jones, at- MITCH WILLIAMS
fortunately, hotel patrons were more in- tempted to build a railroad from Shoo 156 North First West Moab, Utah 84532
terested in the fact that Raine bought Fly (Santa Monica) to Independence. Phone 253-4346
drinks for all than they were in the wel- This railroad was to make Panamint the
fare of Panamint. silver empire of the world. Already Eng-

February, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 9

land was being heralded as an inexhausti- Panamint ruins in 1964 Elias, pressed to kill Ashim. They almost
ble market for Panamint silver. Unfor- succeeded. Hiding behind cornstalks
tunately, however, the railroad was to re- along the roadside, they intercepted the
main a dream railroad. The project stage and fired into it. Ashim escaped,
clashed with the wishes of the great but his mother received a powder burn on
Southern Pacific quadrumvirate of Stan- her nose.
ford, Crocker, Hopkins, and Huntington. But it was those wily ex-New Yorkers,
The proposed Shoo Fly to Independence Small and McDonald, who turned Pana-
railroad won some initial battles—Senator mint criminology into something resem-
Jones' Chinese laborers soundly trounced bling a comic opera. From their infamous
a corps of General Huntington's forces in castle nestled in Wild Rose Canyon, these
the Cajon Pass, but the good Senator lost disheveled silver "knights" rode their
the decisive battle for his beloved rail- sleek chargers into clandestine rendezvous
road in the hallowed halls of Congress. with those jolting fortresses of the West,
The Southern Pacific, sans Winchester, Wells-Fargo stage coaches. Once, the
had a clear blueprint for winning the wily knaves hunted for a silver mine—
West. and found one. They had no intention of
Recreation for Panamint's thrifty mer- working it. As soon as they could, they
chants and boisterous sourdoughs cen- unloaded the mine on Senator Stewart.
tered, of course, in the city's saloons. Money received from the sale of the mine
Whiskey was excellent and surly Jim could not have come at a more fortuitous
Bruce dealt in a neat hand of faro. target carefully and pumped two bullets moment for the unholy pair. They had
W hether tired miners came into Dave into his erstwhile friend. A sentimental been apprehended by Jim Hume, Wells-
Neagle's to ogle at pictures of nude wrapping was given the whole affair Fargo investigator, for robbing the Eureka
ladies, to have a few drinks, or to chat when on his death bed Barstow confessed and Palisades stage. Wells-Fargo forgot
with lovely, but garishly painted young that he was drunk at the time and that to press charges when Small and McDon-
ladies, all present usually had a good his friend was guiltless. More sentiment ald turned over to them the money re-
time. Rarely was there serious gun play. was piled on when editor Harris used the ceived from the Senator for the sale of
Once a Chinese window washer served crime as an excuse for moralizing on the the mine.
as target for the six gun of a frolicsome dangers of drink. After their close brush with Wells-
and intoxicated miner, but usually life in A woman figured in one Panamint Fargo, a legend started by twinkle-eyed
a Panamint bar did little to disturb the murder. Sleek Ramon Montenegro re- Senator Stewart says that the desperados
city's reputation as an "orderly commun- sented the words Philip de Rouche used kept their eye on Senator Stewart's pro-
ity." In their more gentle moments, some to his comely escort. Montenegro, as lithe gress with his new mine. Alarmed by the
men attended the Panamint Masonic as a rattlesnake and with all its speed, undue concern of the bandits with his
Lodge. knocked down the offender. For revenge, property, Stewart devised a clever ruse to
For the respectable female, recreational de Rouche later used the butt of his gun foil the waiting thieves. He melted ore
possibilities were severely limited. Leg- to play tattoo on Montenegro's face. How- from the mine into five silver balls
endary is the dance that Miss Delia Don- ever, the handsome Latin won out in the weighing over 400 pounds each. When
oghue, proprietress of the Wyoming Res- end. Panamint sreets were a sea of flame the bandits thought the time was ripe,
taurant, threw in honor of George Wash- for one moment as Montenegro's gun they opened their saddle bags and
ington, the father of her country. To a flashed and killed the Frenchman. Taken pounced on the mine. Imagine their
four piece combo led by learned Professor to Independence for trial by Deputy amazement at the sight of the five huge
Martin and paced by the twangs of a Sheriff Ball, Montenegro was tried by a balls of silver. Legend adds that Stewart
soused harpist, doughty men danced with Grand Jury and, although pleading guilty, was horribly vilified by the disappointed
16 lovely ladies, almost the entire female was acquitted. pair for his unsportsmanlike conduct. In
population of the city. Panamint's most celebrated crime would this case, however, legend is not correct.
Panamint certainly wasn't as wicked as probably never have been committed if Remi Nadeau tells us in his book on Cali-
Tombstone, but it had its share of crime. Panamint were a stable community and fornia ghost towns that Stewart's mill
Crime in this petulant silver metropolis due process of law an accepted way of fashioned five massive ingots as a pre-
ranged from writing threatening letters righting wrongs in the silver city. A. As- caution against theft.
and petty thievery to infamous murder. him was a respected member of the Pana- The criminal activities of Small and
The anonymous letters were sent to editor mint community. He belonged to the McDonald were destined to end soon
Harris. They criticized his reporting of local Masonic Lodge and ran the town's after the robbery on Harris and Rhine's
the murder of Ed Barstow, night watch- largest general merchandising business. store in the spring of 1876. Briefly, the
man for the Panamint News building, by But like most town males, Ashim had a brigands made nuisances of themselves
gun fighter and chief undertaker Jim six gun and had experience using it. So, around Bodie. A dispute over spoils, how-
Bruce. This murder took place in Martha when Nick Perasich ran off to Darwin ever, led to a heated dispute which led to
Camp's pleasure house on Maiden Lane. leaving behind an unpaid bill of $47.50 gun play. John Small was not quite as
Ed learned that his pal Jim was making at his store, Ashim walked into a Darwin fast on the draw as his partner.
time with Sophie Glennon who, demi- restaurant. There Ashim shot Perasich Why did Panamint die? People nowa-
monde damsel or not, was his girl. He three times, killing him instantly. The days think that the silver veins were sur-
burst into the bedroom firing his six gun vendetta which resulted was not inferior face-bound and did not extend to any
blindly. Jim, drawing from his wide ex- to Mafia revenge killings of our day. great depth. This reasoning appears quite
perience in such emergencies, sighted his Perasich's brothers, led by the volatile cogent; after all, the silver city's star did

10 / Desert Magazine / February, 1967

rise and set in four short years. A contrary
viewpoint, however, was expressed by
Professor O. Loew who, late in 1875, Make Your Outings More Fun
was quoted as saying: "Never have I
seen a country where there was a greater
probability of true fissure veins than that METAL DETECTORS
Stop By And See Our . . .
of Panamint. In the Wyoming and Hem-
• Detectron
lock mines large bodies of ore will be en- Western Artiracts, Indian Collection, Jewelry
countered." But even as Loew spoke, Display, Lapidary Equipment, Tumblers, Gold • Rayscope Find
Get the Best . . .
decay burdened the wind. Editor Harris Pans, Dry Washers, Books on Treasures and

left Panamint for Darwin in 1875; Doc L">ct Mines . . . and other items of fun for
Top Guarantee . . Gold
Easy to Operate
Bicknell followed soon after. Before the entire family. For information just write
t i or call:
From Old Coins
$75.00 to
Harris packed his wagon for Darwin he $165.00 Treasures
advanced his notion why Panamint died—
the lack of road and rail transportation. COMPTON ROCK SHOP
Harris genuinely felt that a railroad could Ph. 6 3 2 - 9 0 9 6 1405 South Long Beach Blvd. Compton, California 90221

have saved the city.

There was another reason why Pana- Uncover f h e
PROSPECTORS history of the desert
mint became an untimely ghost town. Take along the new
Two hard-bitten prospectors, Baldwin and NOW ONLY
Wilson, discovered two rich mines in the $169.50 GOLD-MASTER Model S63
nearby Coso mountains. The two miners COMPLETE Mineral, Metal, and Treasure Finder.
told the people of Panamint that they had
It can detect gold and silver
the two richest mines in the world. Pana-
nuggets. Rings, Coins, Veins,
mint accepted their words and their en- and treasures.
thusiasm as gospel. Immediately a great • No cumbersome Earphones, a powerful speaker.
is used • Two highly sensitive loops—one for . —
exodus of wagons trailed down Surprise detecting small nuggets, one for treasures and
veins • Simple to Operate • Complete instruc-
Canyon headed for the promising capital tions . . . and fresh batteries • A small natural
of the Cosos, Darwin. Unquestionably gold nugget which it will detect is included.

the discovery of these silver mines in the Easy terms available Send today for FREE literature

Cosos provided the coup de grace for the 5% Discount F o r Cash

already stricken city as Coso mines were $29.50 Down 1011 Pleasant Valley Rd.Room 121
Bal. $10.57 Per Mo. Sweet Home, Oregon
Continued on page 35


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February, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 11

A Lost Corner of Sonora
by Spencer Murray

The imposing edifice of the mission at Tnbutama is visible atop its hill from a great distance.

4 4 X / ' O U CAN'T get there from here." Sasabe, Arizona, with a population of prised when our headlights suddenly
X That, in essence, was what the 24, faces across the border to Sasabe, picked up what once constituted El
grizzled Mexican had told us the year Sonora with about 1,000 inhabitants. The Plomo's main street. Gaunt doorways, un-
before as we stood in the dusty main two Sasabes lie 46 miles southward from seeing windows and old walls in every
street of Saric, Sonora. VC e had attemptedRobles Junction, Arizona, 19 miles of state of decline line the avenue, but no
to pass through Saric on our way north- which are dirt but which are regularly feet padded along the stone sidewalks
ward to the border crossing at Sasabe at maintained. Another 26 miles to Tucson and we could find no one to direct us to
Arizona's edge, and several maps showed make the sister border towns 72 miles the modest hut of Joaquin Oros, the rela-
that a road did, indeed, go through. But from a city of any size. The Sasabes exist tive of our friend back home. Jouncing
our new-found friend in Saric was ada- solely as a port of entry for cattle driven ahead a mile or more, passing more crum-
mant; there was no road northward out to the U.S. by vaqneros from the sizeable bling remains of miner's houses, we
of the backwater village and, moreover, ranches that dot Sonora to the west and finally spied a dimly lit window in the
if there had been no one would have :;outh of Nogales. distance and soon found ourselves at the
wanted to drive it! San Luis, south of Yuma, had been our Casa Jaquez, the only sort-of hostelry in
Twelve months later we set out again crossing point, and from there we had town and the headquarters of the wealthy
to find the questionable Sasabe-Saric followed paved Highway #2 some 200 Jaquez family who own three extensive
road; this time pushing southward from miles southeast to the roadside settlement cattle ranches in the area. Someone ran
Sasabe itself. of Los Tajitos, not far from Caborca (see to summon Joaquin Oros and over a din-
ner of chorizo we talked of the boom that
"We" were John Lawlor, past editor accompanying map). We had been asked
El Plomo had enjoyed during the 1930s
of several national magazines, book au- to look in on a relative by a Mexican
and the "road" that continued northeast-
thor, and my companion in the monumen- friend in Los Angeles. The relative lived
ward toward Sasabe.
tal task of assembling the first complete in El Plomo, north of Los Tajitos, a once-
and accurate guidebook to Sonora, Mexi- extensive mining town, but now with only We set out the next morning, follow-
co's largest state. The third member of 200 inhabitants. ing the directions given us by a member
the party was Bob Thomas, auto editor Twenty-four miles separate El Plomo of the Jaquez family, rather than the
of the Los Angeles Times who was con- and Los Tajitos, the bumpy dirt road al- dotted line that the U.S. Air Force chart
ducting a roadtest of a 4-wheel drive ternately crossing dry arroyos and jolting indicates is the only route.
International Scout for his paper. Bob over earthen dikes built by ranchers to Sasabe lies in the Altar River Valley,
had asked us where we thought he might stave off the sheets of water which occa- a scar running from near Tucson down
best put the Scout through its paces, and sionally engulf the table-like desert dur- toward the Gulf of California and along
we had suggested the Saric-Sasabe region, ing flash floods. Night had fallen before which Padre Kino had developed many
for it was the one area we hadn't covered. we reached El Plomo and we were sur- missions and visitas around the turn of the

12 / Desert Magazine / January, 1967

17th century. In those days the lush left and you're on your way. From here Santa Gertrudis de Saric, founded 13
valley harbored thousands of Indians you're on your own. You'll go from one years after Padre Kino's first visit to the
and it was Kino's goal in life to convert rancho to another and have to open—and four Pima Indian villages here. Like all
the masses to Christianity. That this was make certain to close behind you!—no the missions of the Altar River Valley,
an ambitious undertaking is evidenced by fewer than 17 wire cattle gates along the Saric flourished about 100 years then,
the old maps that show sketchily the Altar serpentine 34-mile road. You'll creep with expulsion of the Jesuits from Mex-
Valley over 250 years ago. Santa Teresa, along steep-edged canyons, bump over ico, it began a decline from which it never
San Bernardo Aquimuri, Busanic, Tucu- stony ridges and, finally, dive into a veri- recovered. Bells said to be the original
bavia, Ootcam and Santa Barbara are now table tunnel with a roof of interlocked ones hang from a gallows outside the
all but forgotten, these the names of tree branches. You can't get lost for village schoolhouse. There are no travel-
missionary outposts within present-day wherever there's a fork there's a house. er's facilities in Saric, though we were
Sonora whose ruins have crumbled to Each fork will consist of a "driveway" to befriended by a curious Mexican and put
dust and are no more to be found. At the house, while the other branch is the up in his adobe casa for the night. Gaso-
Atil and Saric vestiges remain of the old correct one. No roads to anywhere take off line may sometimes be procured from the
buildings, while at Altar, Oquitoa and from the Sasabe-Saric trail. A late model, village store, and one or the other of the
Tubutama the ruins have been restored to conventional passenger car may make the two cantinas might be open.
something of their former grandeur and journey in dry weather, but an older car The way becomes easier southward
are presently in use as churches. with relatively high ground clearance and from Saric. It is traveled by ranchers who
To shorten what would otherwise be heavy duty tires, or a pickup truck, is the use Altar as their source of supply rather
a long tale, there is a road connecting best bet. Nowhere did we have to engage than nearer Sasabe. An infrequent third
Sasabe with the more southerly settle- the 4-wheel drive on our Scout, and we class bus sometimes bangs its way between
ments within the lower Altar River Val- give credit for our success to its short Altar and Saric, too.
ley. But it is worse than poor. It's awful! wheelbase and high road clearance. A bit over eight miles below Saric the
It is unlikely the present trail follows the Nothing much remains of the mission road passes through the settlement of
the ancient route of the padres. Rather, it Cerro Prieto, a ramshackle collection of
is a series of farm roads that zig and zag crude huts inhabited by poor farmers.
between the sparsely located ranches. To Nine-and-a-half miles further the
find it, one must begin at E. L. Jones' traveler will, without forewarning, jolt
border station at Sasabe, Arizona, which into La Reforma, an agricultural commun-
lies just a few yards from the fence sep- ity of 400 souls who seemed surprised
arating the neighboring countries. Check that we, as Americans, had approached
in at the Mexican aduana, or customs town from the north.
house, a few steps on Mexico's side of La Reforma, by Sonoran standards, is
the fence. You'll need a tourist permit new. The site of neither a mission nor a
and a car permit to proceed southward, Spanish outpost, La Reforma is simply a
for the line denoting the "free zone," town of adobe-walled houses and a few
which wanders erratically as it vaguely stores where outlying ranchers come for
parallels the U.S./Mexico frontier, reach- their mail, to buy supplies, gas up their
ed here to the border. trucks and tractors and, perhaps, spend
Drive south down the only road lead- a Saturday night in one of the two can-
ing to Sasabe, Sonora, which lies unseen tinas whooping it up or playing pool, a
from the border behind a range of low Mexican rancher's favorite pastime.
hills. When your odometer has rolled up A little way out of La Reforma the
7/10ths of a mile you'll be confronted traveler will spot a towering edifice
with a stop—rather, an alto—sign. Turn glistening in the sun atop a high knoll
some miles southward. This is the re-
stored mission at Tubutama, beautifully
executed and still in everyday use after
270 years. Forgotten Tubutama is just
2.2 miles from La Reforma. The road
scrambles up the conical hill on top of
which the town lies and the visitor will
find himself suddenly transported back
to the days of colonial Mexico. Ancient
windows, built high to let hot interior
air escape from the tall-ceilinged rooms
within, face out on the neatly kept plaza,
but the mission building commands the
center of attention.
Too often restorers have attempted to
combine the architectural styling of old
with modern touches—often with horren-
dous results, but with Tubutama they ad-
T O -rut ew.F hered to the old design as closely as they
could and still keep the ancient structure

February, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 13

reasonably sound. However, niches that Camping in Altar River Valley is un- rundown cant'nias, constitute about all
once held statues brought from Spain and restricted. there is of Atil's services. But despite the
the lovely cornice decorations have merely village's shortcomings, lovers of our own
been plastered over. The padre in attend- Old West will delight in the wooden rail-
ance will let you climb the belltower for ings standing in front of many of the
a peso or two and the effort is well worth buildings where horses are tied. Here the
it. Moldering Tubiitama lies at your feet horse still vies for supremacy over the
and off to the south glisten the blue newfangled automobile. Vaq/ieros plod
waters behind Presa Cuauhtemoc, an agri- along the dirt streets astride their sun-
cultural reservoir built to dam the waters shriveled Sonoran horses, their curiously
of the Altar River and divert them to the bedecked saddles and stirrups their marks
ranches and farms below. of personal wealth.
The old Tubutama-Altar road had to South of Atil the road parallels a con-
be diverted when the dammed waters of crete-lined irrigation canal and because
the presa began to flood into the valley of its frequent use, the traveler can speed
which, at this point, is wide. The new as high as 35 miles per hour! Frequent
way below Tubtitama has not yet been sideroads lead to ranches in the vicinity
softened by decades of usage and it is but the way on to Altar and solid pave-
rough and rocky for 6.1 miles until the Facing the plaza at Atil are the dwind- ment is plain now. The heavily vegetated
dam itself is reached. It then rejoins its ling remains of the Kino mission. Just desert and the chaparral-covered hills
original route and the way becomes the rear wall and part of the two side are behind and the terrain is dotted with
smooth once again. walls still stand. Beyond restoration, the gaunt saguaro cacti and sparse desert
The next community in line lies about mission's loss left Atil without a suitable scrub.
three miles below the dam. This is Atil, house of worship until the 1950s, when a The second of the restored missions
with a population now of a scant 200 but small church was erected on a plot of is at Oquitoa, another agricultural town
which was formerly of greater size as ground adjoining the older building's in this narrow but lush river valley, which
evidenced by the rows of abandoned and remains. dates back to the early 1700s. It is 18.6
decaying adobes that line the many nar- Atil is large, by the Altar River Valley miles south of Atil, the road following
row, rutted streets. Again, Atil exempli- standards, and the lucky traveler may find the canal all along the leg.
fies the Mexico of a century or more ago, an occasional drum of gasoline on hand Padre Kino visited the site of Oquitoa
with the occupied houses fronted by which may have to be bartered for in- as early as 1693 on an explanatory jour-
barred windows. Wall sections of bared stead of purchased. Beside this question- ney toward the majestic Gulf of Califor-
adobe bricks peek through where the able facility, the small store from which nia. Four thousand Indians of the Soba
whitewashed plaster covering has fallen the sometimes-gas and limited canned tribe inhabited the banks of the Altar
away with age. goods are dispensed, and a couple of River at the site. Since they asked for
conversion to Christianity, the Mision
Cemetery at Oquitoa surrounds the church. Age of crypts is unknown. San Antonio de Oquitoa was founded in
Following the history of other Altar
Valley missions, Oquitoa flourished until
the late 1700s, then lapsed into steady
decay. The present mission site is on top
of a low hill just west of town. A steep
dirt road—an extension of Oquitoa's
main street—leads to it. Restoration of
the mission in 1959 has caused it to lose-
most of its original appearance, but a
unique conch doorway was fashioned
somewhat reminiscent of New World
design. Dating from the old days, though,
is the cemetery which at Oquitoa strangely
surrounds the mission instead of lying to
one side as was general practice.
The asphalt of Highway #2 at Altar
is only 6.6 miles southward from Oqui-
toa. The rural population increases as
one follows the irrigation canal for there-
is a growing number of roadside build-
ings and nearby ranch houses evident as
Altar is aproached. Finally, Altar is visi-
ble ahead in the distance and one quickly
finds himself back within the present age.
There is yet one more restored mission
on our circuitous route; that at Altar—
Continued on page 35

14 / Desert Magazine / February, 1967

East Living

The Wheel Estate Way

by Jack Delaney
O WEST, young man, and grow ment in mobile living and start planning ments in the United States to accommo-
up with the country." This was early for their retirement years. date these vehicles, and approximately
Horace Greeley's advice to the restless In slightly more than a century, rolling 4,400 of them are in California. Former
youth of the mid-19th century. Had they residences have progressed from crude State Controller Alan Cranston informs
ignored his advice with the excuse that covered wagons to trim travel trailers and us that there are nearly 300,000 travel
covered wagons were too small to provide modern mobile homes. Travel trailers are trailers and mobile homes registered in
all of the comforts of home, the West generally 12 to 35 feet in length, and are this state—a figure higher than the total
would never have been won. intended to provide a homelike atmos- population of Alaska.
Fortunately, many men, women, and phere for those who enjoy wandering Southern California leads the world in
children decided in favor of the trip; even around the country. Mobile homes run the number and variety of luxury parks
though the old prairie schooners could approximately 38 to 60 feet in length, and it offers to the roving public. From Ber-
have been accurately described as a bit are designed to provide a homelike at- nice Richardson, publisher of the Desert
tight under the arms. History books are mosphere for those who are tired of wan- Trailer News, we learned that the Coa-
loaded with accounts of hardships ex- dering around the country. chella Valley area alone, from Yucca
perienced by these sturdy people, but the Any impression that they are glorified Valley to the Salton Sea, has more than
suffering and misfortune was never tin cans, or free-wheeling quonset huts, 70 of them, with at least 12,000 carefree
claimed to have been caused by the limit- is incorrect. Many mobile homes contain residents. The Hemet region, about half-
ed space in their canvas-covered coaches. as much space as a typical four-room way between Los Angeles and San Diego,
In a majority of cases the tragic incidents apartment; and provide comfort, easy and halfway between the desert and the
resulted from either of two frequently maintenance, and all of the frills of ocean, is an important mobile home park
occurring conditions—a shortage of food gracious living. These include music center. There are more than 30 in this
within the wagons or an abundance of systems, air conditioning, fireplaces, artis- peaceful "Ramona" country, nestled in the
Indians without! tic furnishings, cabanas, ramadas, patios, foothills with Mt. San Jacinto as a back-
Modern day trailerites may have a sun-decks, etc. Their principle attraction, drop.
similar space problem in their "wagons" when moored in a "park," is the way of Another community where the accent
but they just squeeze into them and enjoy life they have to offer—a pleasant, satis- is on mobile homing is the Yucaipa
every moment of their jaunts. No matter fying existence of insulation from the Valley, near Redlands. More than 30
how far they travel during the day, when world without isolation from it. trailer and mobile sanctuaries serve as
they drop anchor their trailers offer all The sale of travel trailers has grown home for 5000 of the approximately
of the features of conventional homes, into a 150 million dollar business; and 20,000 people who enjoy life in this
except termites. The dream of gypsy mobile home sales have passed the billion beautiful apple country. It is here that
freedom and adventure has tempted many dollar a year mark, according to the Mo- the 1966 California Shuffleboard Tour-
couples, and families, into buying trailers. bile Homes Manufacturing Association. nament was held with more than 300
They are usually happy with the experi- There are more than 16,000 develop- players competing.
The spacious clubhouse and recreational facilities, including hot mineral water pools, of Desert Country Club Estates in Desert Hot
Springs overlooks Coachella Valley.

February, 1967 / Desert Magazine / IS

Acceptance of mobile home living is water from their own well. This pool is city, this spot is about six years old,
not limited to Southern California. As enclosed to provide an ideal spa for though it appears to be newly developed.
stated in the January, 1966, issue of nighttime use. It's fun to take a hot bath It appeals to permanent residents, and is
DESERT, a "survey of the city of Yuma, with your neighbors before retiring! exclusively adult (youngsters are per-
Arizona and the surrounding region will Lawrence Welk's Country Club Mobile mitted only as guests). There are 200
reveal 44 parks for those who prefer to Estates is located along U. S. Highway spaces spread out over 35 acres of beauti-
live on wheels." it was also stated that 395, about seven miles north of Escon- fully landscaped grounds. All utility wires
"while house trailers to rent are difficult dido, California. A drive through the are underground.
to locate in most areas, several mobile entrance will reveal a charming tract The whole park is terraced, from the
home parks in Yuma offer rental service." with hundreds of oak trees providing entrance at the highway level up to the
It is safe to say that the whole Pacific shade and beauty for the residents to en- spectacular view locations at the base of
Southwest section of the United States joy. It is spread out around an 18-hole the foothills. The rate for rental of a
is mobile home minded. golf course which can be viewed from space is $45 to $65 per month. This in-
Following, is brief information on a the two-story clubhouse and restaurant. cludes use of the standard recreational
selected group of places that were visited The latter is open to the public. Utility facilities, plus a putting green. A modern
by the author. Space would not permit wires are ali underground, and the devel- clubhouse is centrally located; and ac-
coverage of all, or even a significant por- opment is terraced to provide a pleasing commodations are provided for over-
tion of the total assortment; so the few view of the rolling hills from many of night guests of the residents. Fairview is
mentioned here should be considered as the spaces. truly a garden, with hundreds of shrubs
only a sample. To minimize repetition A feature of this park is a four-unit and more than 5000 rose bushes. Two
in these descriptions the term, standard motel where prospective residents may full-time professional gardeners are re-
recreational facilities, is used to cover the see if the group is right for them, or quired to keep the grounds in top con-
attractions usually featured in this area, more important, if they are right for the dition.
such as swimming pools, sunbathing group, before moving in. Standard recrea- Swan Lake Mobile Home Park, at 5800
decks, shuffleboard courts, horse-shoe tional facilities are offered, in addition to Adams Street, Mira Loma, California
courts, card tables, etc. the golf course. There are 200 spaces with (about 12 miles from Riverside) is a
Desert Crest Country Club is located on rental rates of $60 to $85 per month, luxury development. The clubhouse and
Dillon Road, about 5 miles east of Desert and no extras or assessments. Residency surrounding area are about as posh as any
Hot Springs. This is an own-your-own is limited to adults, but no strict age re- in Southern California. This is a rental
land development, with maintained streets, quirement is observed. No pets are per- type park, with 350 spaces. At the en-
sewer system, mail delivery, and under- mitted. Almost 100% of the tenants are trance, there is a small spread of shops
ground utility wires, including the tele- retired. of which the clubhouse is an integral part.
vision cable. The scene is dominated by a Art Linkletter's Sierra Dawn Estates, It features a fine restaurant and cocktail
luxurious clubhouse, with all of the recrea- in the city of Hemet, is different in that lounge. Automobiles are never seen with-
tional facilities that might be expected in it is zoned as a mobile home subdivision. in these grounds. They are parked around
a swank, country club type of playground. Lots are sold to the residents (no rental the perimeter, and electric golf carts are
These are retained by the management spaces) and each site faces on a street used exclusively on the interior roads
company for use of the residents. Ap- that is maintained by the city. There are and walks.
proximately 50% of the individual street lights, sewers, regular street num- Rental rates for spaces are $55 to $100
owners are retirees. bers, mail delivery to each mobile home, per month (the top rate is for lake-front
The price level at Desert Crest appears and city police and fire protection. All locations). There is an additional flat
to be reasonable for a high prestige utilities are out of sight, and central tele- rate of $15 per month for utilities, and
center. Lots sell for $3300 to $3950, and vision and radio antennas serve all units. a rental fee for the electric golf carts. No
the fee for club membership is $15 per A highlight of this swank "subdivision" charge is made for use of the recreational
month. Also, costs of utilities and taxes is the $350,000 recreation center, which facilities, including the driving and put-
are borne by the residents. Age restriction is owned and managed by the develop- ting greens. Children are not permitted
is 14 years or older, and pets are allowed ment company. as residents, but other pets are—if kept
if controlled. The location provides an Living in Sierra Dawn appears to be on leash. About 75% of the tenants are
unobstructed view of the colorful desert very pleasant for those who can afford still working, so this is not a retirement
with majestic mountains in the back- above-average surroundings. Price of the center.
ground. 686 lots range from $4500 to $6000, or Bermuda Palms Mobile Estates is about
Desert Crest also features therapeutic higher; and ownership involves the pay- 20 miles from Palm Springs, at 80-870
mineral baths and its main swimming ment of property taxes and utility bills. Highway 111, in Indio. Located on
pool contains naturally heated water. Also, a membership fee of $20 per month America's golden desert, this mobile home
The Caravansary, in the same general is charged for use of the facilities in the harbor is surrounded by the Coachella
area, is an adult haven that caters mainly recreation area mentioned above. There Valley's far-flung tapestry of citrus trees
to trailers. It has an attraction that is is an age restriction here—one of each and date palms. It is a modern, peaceful
important on the desert—plenty of shade. couple must be at least 45 years old (the spot with many distinctive features; and
With tamarisk windbreaks, many other other may be 40), and no dogs nor cats is convenient to shopping areas, churches,
trees, shrubs, flowers, etc., it could be are allowed. restaurant, etc. Being about a block off
called a "vacationy spot." The 65 spaces Fairview Mobile Home Park, also in the highway, it has a quiet atmosphere.
rent for $3.50 per day, $17.50 per week, the Hemet area, was selected for mention Standard recreational facilities at Ber-
or $45.00 per month. Standard recrea- because of its quiet, homelike, atmos- muda Palms are well-maintained. In addi-
tional facilities are augmented by a 104 phere and moderate rates. Located on tion, the residents enjoy a therapeutic
degree hot pool, with natural mineral Highway 74, a couple of miles out of the pool, library, billiard room, and a fabu-

16 / Desert Magazine / February, 1967

lous recreation and social hall. There is no plexes follow specific themes; such as, covered), basic cost of accommodations,
extra charge for these features. Rates for Western, Oriental, Egyptian, Italian, and and extra expenses involved in the full
the 180 spaces are $45 and $50 per even authentic New Orleans, with a roof- participation in activities. Another im-
month, with one month free the first top sleeping deck and an $8500 fountain! portant point to check is the various re-
year. During the summer months, those If one could pull away all of the addi- strictions. These are usually imposed for
who wish to leave may retain their space tions and embellishments (which would the benefit of the majority, but it is a
for $10 per month. Free grass seed is be difficult to do because of their immo- good idea to study the "fine print" and
provided for lawns, as an incentive to the bility) , he would find an ordinary mobile decide if they are acceptable before "join-
tenants to keep the grounds beautiful. No home hidden somewhere within the glam- ing the club."
charge is made for the water, from their orous accoutrements of each "work of In the numerous places surveyed by
own well, which is claimed to be the best art!" Some of the club members even have the author, a wide assortment of restric-
on the desert. This is an adult park, and travel trailers in the rear, to house their tions was noted. Here are a few of them:
pets are permitted if kept on leash. maids. No parking in streets, every home must
Bing Crosby's Blue Skies Village, in An attraction of this ritzy roost is the have metal skirting and metal awnings,
the Palm Springs area, is on Highway 500 palm trees which are lighted at standard lawn furniture only will be per-
111, adjacent to Thunderbird Country night. Standard recreational facilities, with mitted on patios and porches, all over-
Club. It has been called, in the London many plusses, are offered. Occupancy of night visitors must be registered at office,
Daily Express, the world's most exclusive the 162 spaces is on a five-year lease basis, visits of grandchildren are limited to one
mobile home site. In order to be accepted and the rate is $70 to $82.50 per month, week, children shall be confined to the
here, one must first apply for membership with no extra charges for recreation. How- space they are visiting unless accompanied
in the Club, furnish character and credit ever, a sizable budget for social activity by an adult, and the wearing of bathing
references, and keep his fingers crossed. might be advisable. This prestige colony attire is limited to the pool area only.
Because of a ruling against pets and is an interesting place in which to plant Many of he people who have dis-
children, even Bing cannot be a resident your "home," if you can pass the entrance covered the easy living secret may be
of this unique paradise; though the main examinations! descendants of the pioneers who followed
thoroughfare bears his name—Bing Mobile mansions are moved, on the Horace Greeley's advice, more than 100
Crosby Road! Other roads are also named average, only about once in four years years ago. Their appreciation of their
after show business celebrities. Imagine so selection of the proper park is import- present way of life could lead to an up-
living at the corner of Greer Garson and ant. Before setting a mobile dwelling on to-date bit of advice, especially for those
Danny Kaye! blocks one should consider the following who are on the threshhold of retirement—
Blue Skies is appropriately named be- points: convenience of location, type of "Go rest, man, and glow with the mobile
cause it is "out of this world." Its com- park (plush, country club, or cozy rose- home crowd!" •

1 Pride of Ownership
Combined with
Mobile Home
ONLY AT DESERT CREST CAN YOU FIND THESE FEATURES—Huge Clubhouse with 24,000 square feet
under one roof . . . All utilities underground . . . Paved streets with curbs and gutters . . . Complete
sewer system . . . Large lots . . . Golf Course . . . Inside and out shuffleboard . . . Complete recrea-
tional and social gathering facilities . . . Art and crafts classes . . . Equipped hobby shops.


Desert Crest Country Club Please Send Full
P. O. Box 758-D, Desert Hot Springs, Calif. Information To:
Represented by BABIN REALTY CO., Palm Drive at Pierson, Desert Hot Springs, AC 714 329-2450

February, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 17

by R. O. Schnabel
VERY SO often in the literature of trees was not stated and the story was Most references to Sabal Uresana placed
E the southwest deserts there appears
a most intriguing story about a lost
left in the realm of legend.
Since I have been a collector of rare
it in southeast Sonora. I searched first in
Alamos, but, although I found a number
canyon that is full of white palm trees palms for many years, this legend did of interesting trees there, none of them
and other kinds of vegetation. The story stimulate my imagination enough to cause were palms. I then tried the most north-
concerns a heat-addled old prospector me to delve into scientific journals in ernly location at which my quarry had
who has stumbled up a remote canyon search of a possible rare white desert been reported—the Babisso range 35 miles
in search of water. As he rounds a bend, palm. And happily, if not somewhat east of Magdalena and about 100 miles
the narrow gorge opens out into a small amazingly, I found a reference, but in the south of the Arizona border. But there,
valley, down the middle of which Spanish language! The location of the again, each road ended in a cactus patch.
courses a stream of pure water, and the palma blanca, or white palm, was in the After these two defeats, it occurred to me
desert regions of Sonora, Mexico. that Ures, the pueblo after which S. Ure-
stream is bordered by several hundred
Scientifically known as Sabal Uresana sana was named because the tree was
fan palms all glistening white in the mid-
and described as a medium sized fan first found near there, would be a likely
day sun. Under the palms are grasses and spot. Ures is a nice, sleepy, dusty little
palm with dark green fans, I soon learned
bushes equally white—truly a ghostly that the palma blanca was really the Son- town, but with no white palms today, if
scene. The prospector quenches his thirst, oran palmetto. This knowledge was con- ever they did exist there. With this third
fills his water bags, and spends several founded by specimens of other palm disappointment, I headed for home, but
hours marveling at the whiteness of his trees from Sonora in my collection which remained determined that I would return
secret world. When he returns to civiliza- are silvery or white in color (Erythea At- again to find this illusive palm.
tion he spreads the story of this magic mata, Erythea Clara) and sometimes call- One year later, while setting up my
scene and then disappears, leaving the ed locally in Sonora palma verde, or trailer at the San Carlos Bay trailer park,
location of the white canyon a mystery green palm. So now it appeared that the I casually asked the mozo sent to help
forever. green palms were white; the white palms me if he had ever seen a palma blanca.
About 10 years ago a large newspaper green! And to make matters worse, an- "Si, senor," he replied. "Look over there
other palm (Erythea Brandegeei) whose and you will see one."
in Southern California's desert published
fans are green on top and white on the
an account of this white palm canyon To my utter astonishment, there on
underside is called palma negra, or black
and even ran a picture of the palms. The the beach, not 50 feet from the Gulf of
palm, although in this case the reference
palms were obviously Washingtonias California, was a large and very green
is to the color of the freshly cut wood.
photographed through a green filter, and "white palm".
There was only one thing to do—go to
the result was an astounding portrayal Sonora and find these trees for myself. It took only a short time to find that
of whiteness. However, the locale of the So the search was on. the dirt road leading inland and north
west from San Carlos Bay followed along
a streambed lined with hundreds of S.
Uresana in all stages of development. Ul-
timately, this road leads around famous
Pico Doble and 15 miles up the coast of
the Gulf of California along which there
are several large groves with thousands
of perfect, mature specimens of palma
blanca as well as specimens of other native
S. Uresana, the cousin of Florida's cab-
bage palm, is the desert member of a large
genus of palms that range from southeast
United States into South America. It is
primarily this genus which supplies the
Latin American delicacy, hearts of palm
salad. This, and other edible uses of the
tree's growing bud, has reduced what
formerly were large stands of palms
around Alamos to the present day scarc-
ity. In addition, the use of the trunk for
building, beetle infestations, and draught
Three old Sabal Uresana amid a clump
of many smaller ones at San Carlos Bay,

18/ Desert Magazine / February, 1967

The author's daughter holds an acaulescent fan of the S. Uresana. Note the star shape fan. From the mid-rib, the leaflets grow
and lack of mid-rib. outward and upward. Each leaflet is
joined to its neighbor for almost its full
length and the unjoined tips droop down-
ward at the outer extremity of the fan
like a tassel while the unique mid-rib
curves gracefully downward from its
center point. The total effect is exotic
and a single fan bears a fascinating like-
ness to ostrich feather plumes.
The large leaf is often three feet across
and three feet long on a three to four
foot stem. Its texture is thick and leathery;
its color dark bluish-green. At times the
fan is covered with a white waxy sub-
stance which is responsible for its para-
doxical name. At maturity, the tree
reaches 30 feet and the bole is perhaps
two feet in diameter, of a ruddy color,
and self cleaning of its fans.
Why California and Arizona gardeners
have not introduced this palm into their
landscapes is a mystery, as S. Uresana has
still another attractive characteristic not
have all contributed to the shrinking coconut. But Sabal is neither fan nor found in other palms. After sprouting
palm population in southeast Sonora. feather, but an intermediate type showing from the seed, the tree enters a long
An interesting characteristic of the characteristics of both—hence the "miss- period of acaulescence—a state similar to
Sabal family makes it the "missing link" ing link." adolescence in humans. In acaulescence,
of the palm world. Of hundreds of palm Although basically a fan palm, in ma- no trunk appears above ground and the
genera, most all are either fan palms like ture specimens of palma blanca the stem, tree may remain trunkless for from two
California's Washingtonia or feather as in feather palms, projects a mid-rib to 10 years or more, and then suddenly
palms like the commercial date and the through the longitudinal center of the grow rapidly to maturity. During this
time large green, star-shaped fans with-
out the mid-rib grow on long green
stems in graceful clumps, which provide
the soft, tropical look so sought after in
southwestern gardens.
As if these were not enough virtues,
palma blanca is also weather hardy. It
florishes in the fiery summers of the
lowland Sonoran deserts and it flourishes
high in the Sonoran mountains where
frequent winter frost and an occasional
snow does not discourage it. Because of
this hardiness, it should do well in all
the palm growing areas of the south-
western states.
But what about the white palms of the
old prospector story? After visiting many
The Family Vehicle for Year-Round Fun! groves, I was about to cross off this leg-
Exclusive Sliding Canopy Top end as pure fancy. Then late one after-
Only Pullman Camper features this exclusive and patented Canopy Top which adds 36 square noon, while driving away from a grove,
feet of area and can be completely enclosed with special fitted curtains. It takes only a
minute to unsnap the tension latches and roll out on rugged nylon rollers. Guaranteed not I happened to glance back at the trees.
to rattle. IN THE TREELESS DESERT AREAS WHERE SHADE MEANS LIFE YOU ARE SAFE AND The grove was backlighted and the sun's
COMFORTABLE WITH THE PATENTED PULLMAN CANOPY. rays were glistening off the waxy white
Other Pullman Features coating on the leaves. The sun's rays
STRONG LIGHTWEIGHT CONSTRUCTION. Tubular aluminum framework provides greater were also glaring directly from the waters
strength yet reduces over-all weight and gas costs. Safety glass in all stationary windows.
LOADING MADE EASY. Extra-wide four-foot rear door.
of the Gulf onto the palms. The intense
SPACE SAVING. Door table cabinet provides storage space and doubles as table or work area. light obliterated all traces of green pig-
CLEAN, DRY INTERIOR. Water-tight and dust proof Neoprene gaskets around all windows, ment and the trees did, indeed, appear
doors and underside. ghostly white. Yes, it could be that the
Prices Start at Only $375.00 old prospector had actually seen what he
still awaits discovery somewhere in the
TELEPHONE TOpaz 2-7968 or SPruce 3-5686.
hot desert hills of Sonora. •

20 / Desert Magazine / February, 1967

HE AIR is crisp; the fierce heat of fornia Indian customs. Ten years later, birth to the first white child born in Cali-
T summer is gone. This is the perfect
time to explore the desert. And, among
while carrying dispatches to the Mission
San Gabriel, Fages crossed the desert and
The southern route to the coast—by
the most beautiful of all the desert re- explored the region above Carrizo Creek, way of the Colorado River crossing near
gions awaiting exploration, is the Anza- thus opening the trail followed by later present day Yuma, Arizona—was thus
Borrego Desert State Park—the largest emigrant trains to Warner's Ranch. Don opened by the Spanish. Except for a short
statepark in California. Covering 478,000 Pedro Fages, incidentally, climaxed his period when Indian uprisings made travel
acres of land, it rises from the bottom of career by becoming the fourth Spanish impossible, this route was one of the
an ancient sea to the 6000-foot height of governor of California, a position he held principal arteries of early travel. The
lofty San Ysidro Mountain. for nine years. Anza-Borrego Desert played host to trap-
In the spring, wildflowers spread mad In 1774 another Spaniard, Juan Bau- pers and mountain men, smugglers and
color across the dunes—primrose, sand tista de Anza, with 20 soldiers, a few horse-thieves, American soldiers during
verbena, and desert lillies are dependable muleteers and a Franciscan friar crossed the Mexican War, Forty-Niner's and later
along Rainbow Wash, Borrego Springs the Colorado Desert in an attempt to es- emigrants, the government's Boundary
Road, and Palm Canyon Road. In March tablish an overland route from Mexico to Survey expedition, and the Butterfield
or April, depending upon nature's con- the California coastal missions. The fol- Stage Company. Then, abruptly, this
tribution of early rain and warm sun- lowing year, Anza made another crossing, hazardous desert trail became a "forgotten
shine, crimson ocotillo burst into bloom. this time escorting a weary group of set- highway" in favor of more direct routes.
Naturalist activities, for those interested, tlers from Sonora to San Francisco. Dur- Traces of the old trail still stretch
are scheduled from October 1 through ing his second expedition, camps were across the miles as if waiting for stage
May 30, at Borrego Palm Canyon Camp- made at three locations within the park; coach wheels to churn up its dust. Time
ground and Tamarisk Grove. and on Christmas Eve, 1775, at Middle stands still in this corner of the desert. At
The park may be reached by a major Willows in the northern end of Borrego various times the trail has been called the
thoroughfare, State Highway 78, which Valley, a woman with the expedition gave Sonora Road, the Colorado Road, the


by Kay Ramsey

crosses through its center in an east-west

direction, with, roughly, the Borrego Des-
ert area lying above the highway in the
northern portion and the Anza Desert
lying below. Because of the danger of
bogging down in heavy sands, traffic
within the park is restricted to established
roads. Dry arroyos of the Borrego Bad-
lands offer access by 4-wheel drive ve-
hicles into remote country where you
might catch a glimpse of the elusive Des-
ert Bighorn Sheep, other remote areas
are accessible only by trails, some of
which follow the foot-paths used by an-
cient Cahuilla and Diegueno Indians.
The arrival of the first white men to
the Anza-Borrego Desert was witnessed
by these Indians in 1772. At that time
Pedro Fages and a detachment of "lea-
ther jackets," the mounted soldiers of
the Spanish Army, set out from San Diego
in search of deserters. Their pursuit led
them into the desert, where the trail was
lost, then on a northward loop through
the unexplored regions of the interior,
and eventually to the coast near San Luis
Obispo. Gages was a careful observer of
the new country and its natives; his diary
of this trail-blazing expedition contains
one of the earliest descriptions of Cali-

February, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 21

I 1 I 1 I 1 ^ 1 1 -Springs $

SHEEP "•?...
CANY0K- p " o '••.
• ' Sonta "'••
Cotoerino \

Emigrant Trail, and the Butterfield Stage at the canyon walls, enlarging the passage
Road. enough to permit the wagons to move
The American soldiers who crossed the forward. In so doing, the battalion had
Anza-Borrego Desert on one of the long- opened the first wagon road through the
est infantry marches in history left behind southwest to California. Box Canyon is
a permanent memorial of their resource- located in Blair Valley, a few miles south
fulness. In January, 1847, the Mormon of U.S. Highway 78. The site, now a his- El Cer

Battalion, under Lt. Colonel Philip St. torical monument, is often overlooked by
George Cooke, was en route to the coast visitors unaware of its significance.
to assist General Kearny's troops in the The terrible hardships that General
war against Mexico. They were following Kearny's "Army of the West" suffered
Kearny's approximate route, bringing up crossing the desert were a major factor
several large wagons he had been forced in their subsequent defeat at the Battle
to leave behind. One morning, three of San Pasqual. The troops arrived at
months after they had left Santa Fe, the Warner's Ranch on December 2, 1846, JACUMBA
battalion stood at the entrance to Box after a harrowing, two-month desert
Canyon. Advancing slowly, they soon crossing. Their animals had sometimes
found themselves hemmed in by a verti- been without water for two or three days
cal wall of granite 15 feet high. Un- and many had died. Ragged and exhaust-
daunted, the soldiers produced picks and ed from the ordeal seven men finished
axe's and crowbars and hammered away off a whole sheep at a single meal. Four

22 / Desert Magazine / February, ] 967

days later, riding half-dead mules and This station was a salt-grass sod house Sometimes the stories are almost alike,
wild, unbroken horses, confiscated only built during the early 1850s by James only the people involved and the exact
days before, they engaged General Andres Lassator in a small valley near a spring. location differ. Others border on fancy
Pico and the California Lancers in a When Lassator learned of the awarding and wishful-thinking.
pitched battle, the bloodiest in the entire of the mail contracts, he enlarged his sod The persistence of these tales indicates
conquest of California. house so that passengers and drivers to "lost mine" experts that somewhere
During the Gold Rush, which began could be accommodated. After the stage between the rich mines of Julian and the
two years after Cooke's march, there was line was discontinued the sod building placers near the Colorado River there
public demand for a fast stage line along became a hide-out for a Mexican bandit must be another source of gold. It is fact
the southern route. Nothing was done who, according to legend, deposited two that the mother lode of the Julian-Banner
about it until several thousand impatient gold-filled ollas—or water jars—in a District has never been located. So the
Californians signed a two-volume con- nearby canyon, now called Treasure Can- search continues, in the Badlands, in the
gressional petition demanding daily over- yon (Desert, December, 1944). Other Santa Rosa Mountains, and throughout
land mail. In 1857, a contract was award- tenants, at a later date, were soldiers of the'entire Anza-Borrego Desert. Perhaps
ed to James E. Birch and the San Antonio the U.S. Army who used the station for someday the desert will reveal the secret
and San Diego Mail Line was established, quarters while they patroled the trail of its golden treasure. And if it does,
the first official transcontinental overland across the desert. some say this will be the greatest bonanza
mail line in the United States. Coaches After Anza Desert State Park was of all times.
ran semi-monthly, instead of daily, be- formed in 1933, restoration of Vallecito In the desert resort and agricultural
tween the two towns for the next 14 Stage Station was begun. It now stands center of Borrego Valley there is a monu-
months. But they did go through on time, essentially the same as it was in the days ment to the most famous lost mine of the
pulled by a six-mule hitch. Soon everyone when it offered a haven for those who desert. It is traditional that on New Years
called it the "Jackass Mail." ventured across the desolate regions of Day, those in search of the "Lost Peg Leg
Service wasn't entirely satisfactory, the Colorado Desert. It may be reached by Mine" cast a rock upon the thousands of
however, and congress later signed a three good roads, and it is one of the principal rocks which already comprise this monu-
year contract with John Butterfield for a attractions of the park. Picnic and camp- ment, to bring them good luck in the
semi-weekly service. He bought out the grounds facilities are maintained by the coming year. Also located in the valley is
Park System and Vallecito is a lovely Park Headquarters, where maps and de-
San Antonio and San Diego Line and ex-
place to spend an afternoon. tailed information may be obtained. This
tended the route northward, bypassing the
port of San Diego. On the morning of Below the towering Santa Rosa Moun- broad valley sits on top of an under-
tains, at the other end of the park, lies a ground lake. Its waters are tapped to
Sept. 16, 1858, the first Butterfield Stage
grim and forbidding labyrinth of jagged irrigate the gladiolus, stock, and colum-
raced out of Tipton, Missouri, bound for clay hills—the Borrego Badlands. Their bine of the cut flower farms for which
San Francisco. There were 160 relay sta- bizarre shapes have been formed by cen- the community of Borrego Springs is
tions, placed about 18 miles apart, along turies of erosion and upward pressure. famous.
the 2,765 mile route. Four-horse teams This is "lost mine" territory. Tales of A visit to the Borrego Desert would
made the trip in 25 days, or less. One of black gold, of pockets of gold nuggets, of not be complete without seeing one of
the important stops for both stage lines gold-bearing quartz and gold-bearing nature's freaks, the Elephant Tree. A
was the Vallecito Stage Station in the sands, and even of emeralds, have come grove of these strange trees with mis-
Anza Desert. out of the Badlands and the Santa Rosa's. shapen trunks may be seen near Split
Mountain where a ranger is stationed to
point out the way. This is another area of
spectacular geological formation.
Excellent campsites and picnic facilities
are available for a small charge at Bor-
rego Palm Canyon and Tamarisk Grove.
the distinctive desert resort... (Many limited facilities may be found
elsewhere.) These campsites have tables
with benches, gas plates or wood stoves,
and palm-thatched ramadas. Piped drink-
ing water is available, although it is al-
ways wise to carry an ample supply while
traveling on the desert. When planning
• Superb food • Fine accommodations an extended visit, leave "Rover" at home
• Diverse recreational activities, including the use as the campgrounds have rules that permit
of the De Anza Country Club's lush 18-hole no dogs, except Seeing-eye dogs, within
golf course. Complete facilities for seminars and the grounds between the hours of 9:00
business meetings. p.m. and 9:30 a.m.
• Area Code 714. Telephone 767-5323. It is because of such rules that many
campers prefer to base themselves in
*La Casa del Zorro is located in San Diego County's beautiful
desert playground. Arriving by private or chartered fringe areas near park entrances, where
plane? The Borrego Airport is equipped with a paved
3,500-foot runway, left-hand pattern, unicorn. there are splendid camping spots. Others
Brochures available on request. prefer the conveniences of motor lodges
and hotels in Borrego Springs. •

24 / Desert Magazine / February, 1967

All Aboard for Perris by Marie vaiore

T ONE TIME Perris Valley was part engineer. The rustic two story Southern
A of the vast San Jacinto plains where
sheep of Mission San Luis Rey de Fran-
Hotel, built two years later by the Barnes-
coni family, is now an official landmark.
cia were put to range and where Indians Although Perris dates back to gold min-
roamed in quest of edible seeds. Today ing days, it found its permanent wealth
it is still an individualistic sort of country in agriculture. SEE AMERICA'S MOST
surrounded with reminders of yesterday, The Orange Empire Trolley Museum UNUSUAL EXPOSITION
but the most unique of these reminders was organized by a group of California Join Queen Scheherazade and see ONE
is not a product of nature, but one of THONSAND SIGHTS AND ONE. Riotous camel
electric rail fans interested in preserving and ostrich races, beautiful Arabian Nights
man. It is the Orange Empire Trolley the fast vanishing rail cars. Incorporated Pageant, National Horse Show, Gem and
Museum situated on a siding of the old in 1956, the organization purchased the Mineral Show, many others at Riverside
County's world famed . . .
California Southern Railroad in the small old railroad site in Perris two years later.
town of Perris. The collection includes cabooses, interur- National
bans, and early wooden cars as well as
Dating back to 1881 the line linked
Perris, in those days called Pinacate, with
San Diego. An old rock arsenal which
later models. Anyone who can remember
the cling-clang of a streetcar bell will en-
Date Festival
still stands on the grounds is believed to joy a nostalgic visit here. FEB 17-26 INDIO
have been the first post office and a Located on U.S. Highway 395 in River-
white frame house a few yards away was
the general store.
Although miners picked up mail there
earlier, the train stop hardly existed as a
side County, California, the museum is
open daily from 10:00 am until sunset.
On Sundays and holidays, the trolleys
roll down the tracks with passengers, but
for the West, for the Nation, and for
town until 1885, when its undignified the most exciting event is the rail excur- the World.
name, which meant "stink bug" was sions they sponsor from Los Angeles Where is it, and where is it needed?
changed to honor Fred Perris, an early and intermediate points to the Ramona How can it be delivered? Are dams
Pageant held each spring in the Hemet necessary adjacent to Grand Canyon
foothills. Be sure to make an early reser- National Park? What are the facts
surrounding the controversy?
vation for this one. •
Our Winter Issue, available now,
examines this crucial problem, and
includes many other interesting
stories, photos, and maps.

Order your subscription now to:

Magazine of the Golden Circle

Western Gateways • 2115 Talkington

Flagstaff, Ariz. 86001
• 1 yr. $1.80 • 3 yrs. $4.50
Send to:

City State Zip Code

February, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 25

Desert Survival

The desert can be a beautiful sight to the traveler, but to a person stranded without water it can mean a quick and tragic death.

by Joe Kraus
HE HISTORY of the desert records gallon. If he does his walking in the day- with your hands or with a sharp rock.
T thousands of lives lost due to thirst.
During the 1860s, more than 400 gold
time heat, he will be lucky to get half
that. But whether he sits out his desert
This project should be abandoned, how-
ever, if you don't hit wet sand in a hurry.
seekers along the Devil's Highway in survival or walks home to mother, he still If you do hit wet sand, stop digging and
northern Mexico died for lack of water. needs water. allow the water to seep into the hole. If
In World War II, an American army de- According to survival experts, your you dig deeper, you may strike alkali
tachment of 800 failed to reach their des- chances of finding water in the deserts water.
tination because of no water. Lack of are slim. However, a number of guide- Water is also found in dry stream beds.
water also stopped a German advance to- lines will enhance those chances. Hike down stream until you find a bend;
ward the British in North Africa. There are three basic characteristics of then dig on the low side of the bend.
On finding yourself stranded in a hot water you should always keep in mind. Because water grooves the face of the
desert, your prime concern is not how to Water always flows downhill; it grooves earth, look for canyons and hills. A likely
reach civilization, how to obtain food or the face of the earth, making creek beds, place to locate water will be at their bases.
shelter. It is water. A healthy human can canyons and washes. And it encourages Reed grass, willows, cottonwoods and
get along entirely without food for a vegetation. Considering the first point, palm trees usually mark permanent water
month; two under favorable conditions. remember that water seeks the lowest sources. Desert willows, mesquite, palo-
But a man would do well to stay alive levels available. On the desert, the water verde, and tesota line drier and deeper
for more than a week, if he did not have you need may be underground. waterbeds.
water. Fortunately, there are many dry lake Even in the driest desert, there is a
In hot deserts a man needs a gallon of beds in the desert. Go to the area which certain amount of wildlife. Where ani-
water a day. If he walks in the cool night, appears the lowest, where rainwater might mals are present, there are trails. When
he can get about 20 miles from his daily possibly collect. Then dig into the ground you come across one, keep in mind that

26 / Desert Magazine / February, 1967

water travels downhill, so follow trails gency, they employ an ingenious method Australians, in their vast deserts, have
in that direction. Should the trail become which Dr. Livingstone called a "sucking been known to quench thirst with the
more frequented as you go along, you'll well." The procedure was reported later flat-headed frog. These creatures fill their
know you made the right choice. Al- by Professor Frank Debenham of Cam- tissues to capacity with water until they
though animal tracks will lead ultimately bridge University. To make one, the Bush- look more like rubber balls than animals.
to a water hold, the distance may be far man scoops out a three-foot deep hole in Buried in the soil a foot below the sur-
greater than a human can walk. the sand, wraps one end of a long hol- face, they can withstand an entire dry
It is also wise to watch bird flights in low reed with dry grass and places it season.
early morning, but especially in the even- slantwise in the hole. The cavity is then Another strange, but good method is
ing. Birds head for water at these times, filled with excavated sand and left to what is called the "desert still." -(See
but never during the heat of the day. An sit. After half-an-hour, the Bushman DESERT, Oct. 1965 for details.) Pack-
experienced watcher of desert birds can squats beside it and sucks vigorously on aged for flyers, these plastic sheets with
even tell whether his birds are on their the end of the tube, producing a partial full instructions are available from the
way to, or from evening drink, for their vacuum which induces moisture in the DESERT Magazine Bookshop for $2.49
flight from water is characteristically sand to collect in the ball of packed grass. plus tax and 25 cents postage. No desert
heavy, accompanied by a louder flapping Sucking continues until water begins to back country traveler should be without
of wings. rise through the tube. One Bushman can one for each member of his family.
Geese often migrate through desert produce several gallons of water a day in The theory is that if the sun is shining,
country and their presence is an indica- a region where there is no water for vapor will emerge from the soil and con-
tion of water, particularly when they fly miles. There is no doubt that a similar dense against the underside of a special
low, as it is then they follow rivers or method could be used in other deserts type, water-adherent plastic. These drop-
chains of ponds or isolated lakes. Bees where damp sand lies not too far below lets are then collected in a container.
and hornets also go on watering flights the surface. In the accounts of many war-time sur-
and are excellent guides to water.
Desert plants, too, aid in survival. Fruit
of the prickly pear is high in quick-energy
sugar, and you can chew the green lobes
for moisture. Upon atolls, you will find
pigweed, a short, succulent plant about
eight inches high with fleshy, reddish-
green leaves and stems. Sometimes it
bears small yellow flowers and covers the
ground in patches. When young, its stems
contain a lot of water and chewing them
will alleviate your thirst.
The big barrel cactus, another source
of drinking water, was first used by In-
dians when far from water. Cut away the
top and either get a drink by mashing
the pulp or by sucking moisture from
chunks of pulp. Most other types of cac-
tus will produce water if you mash them
in a container.
Rainwater, of course, is one of the best
sources of water. To continue the accumu-
lation of rainwater after the rain has
stopped, tie a rag around a leaning tree
or large shrub with one end dripping
down into a container. Before it evapor-
ates, you might also be able to collect
morning dew.
Another possibility you have, if you
are on a beach, is to dig a hole at low
tide just below the water mark. The
water which runs into it may be salty and
discolored, but if you drink with modera-
tion, you can use it.
Through his wisdom, man has devel-
oped many strange ways of doing things.
Finding water is no exception. Take, for
example, the Bushmen in the Kalahari
Desert in South Africa. They obtain
drinking water from the melons for which // yon are thirsty enough, finding a water hole on the desert is a better sight than
their desert is famous, but in an emer- discovering a rich gold strike.

February, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 27

vival episodes of military personnel // you know where to look, an oasis can be jo/ind on even the driest deserts. Here a
stranded in deserts, one curious fact ap- pool is practically surrounded by sand dunes.
pears. Often the only survivors were the
weaklings. Time and again the man who
could not keep up, crawled into a hole or
found some sort of shade while the
strong ones were never heard from again.
In the arid desert, it is well to remem-
ber the strong contrasts between day and
night. As no solar heat is used to evapor-
ate water, it all goes into raising the tem-
perature. Conversely, no protective hu-
midity holds back outgoing radiation at
night, so little heat is released by conden-
sation to mitigate the fall of the tempera-
ture. For his reason, it is best to rest dur-
ing the hot daylight hours and walk only
at night. But when you walk, don't hurry.
Remember the Arab; his movements are
slow and easy.
The highest temperatures registered are
in deserts and sometimes exceed 122 de-
grees fahrenheit. This, of course, is many
degrees above blood-heat. Human life
would be impossible in such places were
it not for the cooling of the skin by the

rapid evaporation of perspiration. How-

ever, loss of body water through perspira-
tion must be replenished, or death by de-
hydration results.
Scientists have found that clothes in
desert heat reduce the loss from perspira-
tion by 20%. Man is but following the
example of the camel, whose thick coat
of hair is one of the many ways this crea-
ture conserves its private store of water.
Desert dwellers should insulate them-
selves from direct sunrays by wearing hats,
long-sleeved shirts, and trousers.
If stranded on a flat, shelterless desert,
scoop out a narrow pit in which to lie
while the sun is blazing down. For maxi-
mum shade, this trench should extend
east and west. Two or three feet of depth
can result in as much as a 40 degree dif-
ference in temperature. But before you
take to such a refuge, leave some sign of
your presence, in case help passes nearby.
A white shirt hung on an upright stick
is sufficient. It is always cooler near moun-
tain ranges as a large expanse of solid
rock will cause variations in temperature
within a wide range.
In a survival situation, overlook noth-
ing, not even that one slim chance of de-
tecting water by smell. Our sense of hear-
ing has been less neglected than our sense
of smell, but here, too, we can take a hint
from animals who cock their ears. In a
life or death situation, no sound is unim-
portant. The sooner our brains are taught
The big barrel cactus is not the only desert cactus good as a source of drinking water. to receive and analyze every sound by our
With just about any type of cactus such as the prickly pear (above) you have only to ears, the more efficient at survival we
cut off a section of the plant and mash it in a container to get the fluid. will become. •

28 / Desert Magazine / February, 1967


by Bill Barnard rest rooms, water nor other conveniences,

just unspoiled beauty.
or Red Mountain, a few miles away. Some
claims are still being worked. I would
suggest you honor the few signs which
T HOUSANDS OF people drive
through California's Red Rock Can-
yon. Those who do not stop may be com-
Due to its location, it was largely by-
passed by immigrants. It was too far
south for those going over Walker Pass
read, Keep Out, Survivors Will Be Prose-
cuted! Probably 90% or more of the
pared to one who listens to the introduc- to Bakersfield, and too far west for the canyon is open to the public, although it
tion of a song, but never hears the melody. Wagon Trains heading toward San Fer- is private property.
The canyon offers no commercial facilities. nando. In the late 1800s gold was dis- Much of the area may be traveled in a
There are no hot dog stands, nor souvenir covered. A small boom occurred then, conventional vehicle, but I would suggest
shops; nor are there camp grounds, tables, but not one to match that of Randsburg caution, particularly with house-cars and
CiT/fllGBMI t vehicles pulling trailers. Generally speak-
ing, the roads off the paved highway are
negotiable for one or two miles. Beyond
DIM noffl TO?
that, you had better reconnoiter. On the
east side of the highway is room for large
group camping of about 50 trailers. We
usually camp on the west side which has
areas large enough to accommodate small-
er groups of five to 10 trailers.
One of the best things here is the
absence of regimentation and hiking and
riding is limited only by ability. By rid-
ing, I mean horse or motor bikes. How-
ever, the right of private property must
be recognized.
During the week, the area is often
used for movie location shots. On one
early morning when we camped there,
Hoss, Little Joe, and Ben of the Bonanza
television series rode up. As the area is
rented by movie companies, it is con-
ceivable you might be asked to move to a
different camp site. No matter how nice

February, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 29

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your equipment, it won't blend well in a of all aforementioned. Then stay on the
Western movie. obvious trails unless your vehicle is
DESERT NOTES by JOHN Red Rock Canyon is best in the fall, equipped to leave them, and your first
Exquisite, full color scenes by Americas fore- winter or spring. During those periods visit to Red Rock will be only the begin-
most desert painter. Generous pack of 18 it is always pleasant. Summer, however,
beautiful notes in a handsome gift box. ning. Bisected by Interstate Highway 14
is something else. Although there are gas
Handy 4 x 5 size. Only $1.25 per box. and only 35 miles from Mojave, Califor-
Order "HILTON NOTES" today or send 10c stations a few miles away, from which
for sample and catalog showing notes, you may obtain prepared meals, gas, and nia, it is as "remote" and splendidly
prints, stationery and our famous Christmas scenic an area as you'll find close to a
cards. Dealer inquiries invited. Our 17th year
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30 / Desert Magazine / February, 1967

T HE FACT that Mike subsequently
became a longtime resident guest,
because of another matter, of the San
hollow pestle fastened to the bent top of
a small tree. With this kind of rig, the
tree carries the static weight of the pestle
cave, thence easterly to Indian Spring.
Why he took this illogical route, I can't
figure, but that is how the waybill reads.
Quentin rest home for the wayward money and by hand a man can crush out a sur- At Indian Spring his trouble started.
hunters is, in my opinion, no reason for prising amount of ore in one shift. The Any half-smart burro prodder travels
any of his disrepute to rub off on me. He crushed rock is then panned to recover only in the first and last thirds of the
came to my place the third week after the the gold. These "poverty pounders" were day in the desert summer, and finds the
big flood of 1938. It developed that we only used when rich acid, or free milling, shade of a big rock to siesta under during
both had metal detectors and were doing ore was encountered far from a commer- the broiling mid-day. So something un-
similar work. (I was looking for flood cial mill. acounted for must have happened at the
buried new cars for a big insurance hold- Before he was completely through spring, because the sun was three hands
ing-company to verify losses.) Mike's crushing out his find he was down to high before he got his animals moving;
"bug" was on the fritz and he wanted broiled rabbit, unleavened fry pan bread and it was way past noon before he found
help to fix it. Some tinkering on my part and second run coffee. An experienced enough shade to cover himself.
uncovered the trouble. As a result, we be- prospector, he knew the desert below was
came friends and pooled our "weekend Shortly after he left this shade-rest, one
becoming blistering hot. Worst of all, he of the burros developed the heaves and
area" leads of possible cache locations. had pulled the little red tin horseshoe
This is one of his that we were going to scours, the kind of poisoning stockmen
trademark off his last plug of chewing call "blind staggers, " and went down to
look for. tobacco! stay. The animal was obviously not going
The important part of the story starts So he transferred his mortared-out gold to be able to travel, so the prospector used
back in the late fall of 1925. A prospector from a tin box into two leather pokes one of his shells. Then he threw away
working in the Panamint Range west of made from the top of an old boot. One everything he had except the canteens,
Death Valley had uncovered a small poke was completely full, the other about the gold, and the ore sacks which he piled
highgrade stringer and enjoyed some tem- a third. To save weight, he cut up the on the remaining burro. The canteens and
porary prosperity. His first two burro tent and made four double-thickness pokes he carried himself.

I He S*id Sie Ititth/ref Whs a "s
by Kenneth Marquiss Cross ~ J Hk Sh

loads of highgrade gleanings brought saddle sacks, with rope slings, and dis- The overloaded burro took this insult
enough to buy another couple of good carded his wooden panniers. Into these for about an hour, then set his brakes.
burros, a big stock of groceries, boots, sacks he packed about 230 pounds of his The heat, the ominous turn of events, and
shells, dynamite, a tight snow proof tent, richest remaining ore, carefully hand now this rebellion was too much. The
and more tools. He then holed up for the sorted. These he then loaded onto his two prospector lost his temper. Jerking off his
winter to follow his find. best burros, turned the others loose, and belt, he beat the burro over the head with
It soon pinched tortilla thin, but he had started south toward the railroad at Bar- the buckle end. To escape the onslaught,
plenty of grub, was working in the under- stow. His only other baggage consisted the surprised animal jumped backwards
ground warmth and had nothing better of a canvas wrapped blanket, canteens, into a large bush—the shelter of a big
to do, so he kept drilling and mucking. a sawed-off .410 shotgun made into a desert buzztail!
By late spring he was about to call it "game-getter' pistol, a few shells, salt, There's an old adage that a rattlesnake
quits when the stringer suddenly widened matches, and the last of his flour. always buzzes before he strikes, but this
out into a beautiful vein pocket of high- Scrambling diagonally down the south- is simply not so; particularly in very hot
grade; the quartz so thickly peppered with west side of the mountains past the weather or if the snake is sudenly sur-
yellow it fit the old-timer's definition of mouth of Redlands Canyon, he camped prised. In this case, the burro took the
"dream rock." at Lone Willow Spring. The next day he rap.
Early in the operation the prospector headed south along the old Granite The setting sun and the death of his
had rigged a "Mormon Mill" adjacent Spring (now known as Granite Wells) last pack animal brought back glimmer-
to the nearby seep where he got his water. post road to the turn-off canyon that leads ings of cold reason to the prospector. He
These mills are simply a sand-weighted, south-east to the seep at Robber's Roost knew he had to cache his gold and come

February, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 31

The perfect mate for the model A. Prevent
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Magic Warming up & drying out. We had

camped in a prospector's 'gopher hole'
just north of Granite Wells one bitter
cold rainy winter night. Dad is on the left. Search is circled.

6 ISSUES back for it later. With a stick and bare gave a blank check to Whitey, drew a
(JUNE to DEC. 1966)
hands, he buried the big poke and the map, and asked him to buy a new car, go
Containing Choral Pepper's four sacks of highgrade in the nearest recover the cache—and keep the car for
soft, high ground where it would be safe his trouble.
Exclusive Report on
from wind and water. According to the By then it was the height of the pack-
Baja California waybill, it was on the easy slope of the ing season, the desert was hot, and
ONLY $3.00 nose of a little smooth ridge a short dis- Whitey already had a new car. So he tore
SEND CHECK or M O N E Y ORDER t o tance from the road and about seven miles up the check, gave the map back to the
DESERT Magazine south of Indian Spring. It was not deep, prospector, and told him as soon as the
but covered with just enough dirt to hide desert cooled and work slacked off, he'd
Dept. MB, Palm Desert, Calif. 92260
it. With some head-sized rocks nearby, take him back to get his gold and ore—
he made a marker cross on the ground by and the only charge would be gas.
placing a dozen or so side-by-side. To dis- The next thing Whitey heard about it
DESERT Magazine Bookshop tract a chance passerby, he threw his pack was from the hospital. The prospector
it * saddle and blanket into a gully in the had died and named Whitey his heir.
opposite direction from the dead burro After Whitey paid the bills, there was
Since 1937 The World's Largest
p.nd carrying only the small poke and a less than $100 left, but the map was with
Selection of Books on The West canteen, he headed for Barstow. the old man's things.
He made the railroad all right, but at Whitey's search proved fruitless and in
a price.
19 6 7
/ tried all kinds of combinations. This is
CATALOG By the time the train arrived in Los
Angeles, he was delirious. When he re- seventeen miles south of Indian Spring.

ARMSTRONG covered, his hospital nurse put an ad in

a Los Angeles newspaper to try to find
the only person he knew, and trusted, in
HI-FLOTATION the Southland. My friend Mike indenti-
fied this man only as "Whitey" and was
close-mouthed about how he came by the
tracing of Whitey's map. He did reveal
that Whitey was a produce packer fore-
TIRES WHEELS man constantly on the move, as he fol-
lowed the crops. After the nurse ran the
ad, a friend notified Whitey and he went
to see the prospector who proved to be
DICK CEPEK an old buddy of Whitey's father. Some-
one had cashed the poke of gold the old
P.O. BOX 181-D i_O 9-BO41
man arrived with and had banked the
SOUTH GATE. CAi- 90280 i_O 4 - 3 4 7 8
money (just over $2300) for him, so he

32 / Desert Magazine / February, 1967

later years, when detectors were devel-
oped, W hitey was put in touch with Mike *?tc* 70U&, .
through the people who manufactured
Mike's bug. The two started on one trip,
but a car breakdown cancelled it out.
They later drifted apart and Mike lost
track of W hitey before the next trip
jelled—or eluded him, at any rate.
After 11 Years of Research Our Map Makers Have Located
Mike and I planned to have a look, but 1. Forgotten Ghost Towns 4. Gold and Silver Mines
work always interfered. Just before Mike
2. Old Indian Villages 5. Gem Areas
was taken out of circulation, he came by
my house to give me the map, and say he 3. Lost Gold Caches 6. Indian-Military Battlegrounds
was going on a long trip. I promised to
send him a cut if I found it. Mike, how- ONE OLD COIN OR RELIC Will More Than Pay for Your Trip!
ever, overestimated his journey. They
Tell us where you are planning your trip in California and we will send
caught him near Wickenburg, Arizona!
you maps of that specific area. Each of the 6 categories is a separate
Several years later I happened to meet map so designate which categories you want.
a packing house boss and he checked
around and learned Whitey's last name.
When I caught up with him in a Central ANY THREE MAPS $4.00 ALL SIX MAPS $6.00
Postage and Tax Included
Valley packing shed, I found out why he
was named \X hitey. His head, chest and
arms were covered with a mat of the Maps Division of Border Limited Company
curliest jet black hair I've ever seen! To
my surprise, he verified everything Mike
had told me, except that he was sure the
map had said "9 miles west of Indian
Spring" instead of "7 miles south." He COWBOY BOOTS
had found what he thought was the cross
of stones about ll/ 2 miles north of Gran-
ite Wells. He had hired help and dug a
5&/rty Western
Located in "The Center" (across from the Desert Inn), The Moccasin Shop offers one of the largest
wide ditch on a 45-foot radius all around selections for foot comfort this side of anywhere. Moccasins with beautiful bead work, velvety-
the marker. All they got out of it was soft imported deerskin, rugged rawhide, durable full-grain cowhide—some for riding, some for
dust and sweat. flying, all for just plain walking comfort. Look for us on your next desert trip.
When asked if he cared if I looked
for it, he laughed and said, "Help your-
self. There's plenty of wide open desert
to look in!"
He was only partly right. The military
had taken over the area from Superior
Dry Lake to the Owl Holes (including
Indian Spring) for an aerial gunnery
range and that part is still closed to entry.
I have walked or ridden a trail bike over
scores of ridges, turned the map every ALL STEEL FRAME
which way, including making a reverse
carbon tracing, but haven't found the
cache. CAMPERS
The map I got was obviously a tracing
and it was worn, folded and wrinkled.
Maybe you can make some sense out of
it. Seven miles south of Indian Spring
puts you smack in the middle of Superior
Dry Lake—and you can take my word for A SOLID FAVORITE FOR
it, there isn't any marker cross on the FASTER, SAFER GOING!
ridges 7 or 9 miles west of Indian Other Luxury Features: Alu-
Springs. The big circular trench that minum Exterior - Beautiful
Whitey dug is still plainly visible (IF you Interior Paneling - Heavy 1 " , MACDONALD CAMPER CO. AC 213-442-5301
can get in) and that much work sure Fiberglass Insulation - 84 11015 E. Rush St., El Monte, Calif.
wasn't done for kicks. Inches Wide - Adjustable Send me FREE information and brochure on your I
Roof Vents - Three-Burner ' Campers and also the Camper Kit.
I tried every angle I could figure with
my system, and drew a blank. Perhaps Stove with Oven - Formica 1
you can inject some vitamins into your Counters . . . and More! I ADDRESS I
luck. •

February, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 33

Hunter, she married Alexander Cowan
and moved to Nevada with the Mormon
exodus there. Then, threatened with the
approach of U.S. troops, Brigham Young
called his faithful back to Salt Lake City.
Cowan returned, but his wife remained
in Nevada.
Mrs. Cowan, who by this time had be-
come plain "Eilley" opened a boarding
house, first at Johntown, then at Gold
Hill. One of her first customers was Le-
muel S. "Sandy" Bowers. Although 14
years younger than his landlady, Sandy
appealed to her so much she allowed him
to run up a considerable board bill.
Sandy had two claims across the street
from the firehouse. They weren't con-
sidered very valuable, but Eilley agreed
to accept one as a token payment on his
bill. Later, when most claim owners were
selling out at ridiculously low prices,
Eilley and Sandy clung to theirs. At about
this time, silver lode mining got into
stride. The twin claims of Sandy and
Eilley were among the first to yield hun-
dreds, then thousands of dollars. Soon the

Goldhill, Nevada pair was wealthy—and married to each

Eilley Bowers then yearned to return
to Scotland. Not that she was homesick,
BY LAMBERT FLORIN produced. The gold mines paid well, but but when she left her homeland, her
work was always impeded by a thick, people called her a fool. Now she wanted
A monthly feature by bluish material that clogged rockers and to show them!
the author of screens. The miners cursed the stuff. One
exception was a Mexican, Old Frank, Before embarking on a two-year Grand
Ghost Town Album, Tour, the couple laid plans for the build-
who had worked in the silver mines of his
Ghost Town Trails, native land. He kept insisting that the in- ing of a mansion. During their travels
Ghost Town Shadows furiating foreign stuff was ore with they sent back a steady stream of exotic
Ghost Town Treasures "mucha plata," but no one paid much items to furnish and decorate it—marble
attention to him—probably not under- mantel-pieces, crystal chandeliers and
and Boot Hill
standing that "plata" is Spanish for silver. plush furniture. When they returned, the
house was finished—the most lavish of its
SK ANYONE about Virginia City, It remained for two scholarly brothers
A Nevada, and he'll tell you all about
it. But Gold Hill, only a short distance
from Pennsylvania to study their books
on metallurgy and assay the innocuous
day, in Nevada.
Wealth and happiness were short lived
for Eilley and Sandy, however. Sandy
down the canyon, draws a blank. Hardly material. They then announced that the seldom lived at the mansion, preferring
anyone lives there anymore, but time was cursed stuff was worth far more than all the simplicity of his camp at Gold Hill—
when a goodly population resented their the gold on the mountain. It was silver and its proximity to several saloons,
town's anonymity and occasionally met in ore assaying as high as $3500 to the ton. where he threw money right and left.
the city hall to discuss the situation. One The brothers, Allen and Hosea Grosch, Eilley. down at the foot of the mountain
of these gatherings resulted in a decision didn't live to see the subsequent wealth of in her empty castle, assuaged her lone-
to form a separate county. The county silver pour from the mines of Virginia liness with excessive spending and risky
seat, predictably, was to be Gold Hill. City, Gold Hill and Silver City. Working investments. When Sandy suddenly died
But nothing ever came of it. on a silver vein, Hosea cut his foot with a in 1868, she found his claims muddled
Gold Hill was founded by dissident pick and died of blood poisoning. Allen, and her flow of wealth at an end. Desti-
citizens who claimed taxes in Virginia inconsolable over losing his brother, set tute, she mortgaged the mansion and
City were out of proportion to civic im- out on foot that winter to cross the Sierra. turned it into a boardinghouse and salon
provements. The town's first business He died in a snowstorm. where she told fortunes with a crystal
building was an eating house erected by One of the first settlers at Gold Hill ball she called a "peeping stone." These
Nicholas (Dutch Nick) Ambrosia. Soon was Eilley Hunter. Eilley had left Scot- and other ventures failed, however, and
both sides of the canyon were lined with land 15 years earlier with a Mormon mis- she died in poverty.
shanty structures, later replaced with sub- sionary, Stephen Hunter, who brought her The Bowers Mansion still stands beside
stantial buildings of lumber, brick and to Utah and later married her. Then came the Reno—Carson City highway. Al-
stone. the Mormon revelation on polygamy and though its swimming pool and grounds
The first town had been built on the Hunter took an additional wife. Eilley are open to the public, Bowers Mansion
strength of gold, at first the only metal wouldn't stand for that. After leaving hasn't lost its romantic aura. •

34 / Desert Magazine / February, 1967

A Lost Corner of Sonora Tempest in Silver
Continued from page 14 Continued from page 11
"argentiferous" and did not require
facing a small plaza and adjoining High-
way #2 in the center of town. The writer
The deluge that swept down Surprise
can recall the mission in the days before
Canyon in 1876 was perhaps the final cur-
its restoration, back before Highway #2
tain in this historic drama of the old
was paved. But now the edifice has been
West. Its rushing waters played around
plastered over and garishly whitewashed.
empty shacks and deposited layers of
With luck, the padre may let you into the
heavy silt on little more than dreams. But
belltower, but while the view of the sun-
there was one person enslaved by the
scorched desert is spectacular, the illu-
charm of the silver city, Jim Bruce. Long S « your 4-w.d. dealer or write WARN Mfg. Co.,
sion is spoiled by the strings of electric 9050 Empire Way S., Seattle, Wash. 98118
after the mines were closed this formid-
lights which illuminate the tower at night,
able faro dealer and gunfighter lived a JtW[Lftr CRAFTS CATALOG
and a neon cross.
tranquil if uncertain existence in the city
Altar, with an acceptable motel, a
restaurant or two and perhaps a half
he loved. FREE
Panamint flexed feeble muscles of Lapidary — rockhounding — jewelry making.
dozen cantinas, plus a couple of stores add up to a fascinating creative art!
silver again in 1947. On this date Nathan
and a gas station, was the end of the Elliott, movie press agent, established the GET CRAFTS BIGGEST CATALOG
journey as far as we were concerned. We American Silver Corporation in a last World's largest selection - over 10,000 items
offered...imports from all parts of the world.
had found not one, but two routes out ditch attempt to wrest silver from long STONES— JEWELRY MATERIALS
of Sasabe, either of which Arizonans dormant Panamint mines. Elliott spun a MOUNTINGS—BOOKS—CRAFT TOOLS
equipped with proper rigs can follow to sumptuous verbal web that entrapped

shortcut their trips to the Gulf of Cali- SEND FOR FREE CATALOG
many of the film Capitol's finest. Aided
fornia, its fishing and boating. We had by Vice President and Comedian Ben GRIEGER'S, INC.
come 83.7 miles from the border at Sa- 30 -1633 E. Walnut—, Calif.
Blue, the silver-tongued promoter suc-
sabe within five hours' travel time, or ceeded in raising $1,000,000. With this
155.1 miles since we had last seen High- money Panamint mines were deepened. Send for FREE Catalog of our
way #2 at Los Tajitos. Time spent log- But Elliott's hopes for a bonanza never
ging the roads for our guidebook, check- materialized. To the wonder and rage of Recommended Books
ing the names of ranches and the facili- the movie world, the great developer
ties of the towns, the location of water- vanished into protective oblivion.
holes and wells, had caused Bob Thomas, Today Panamint is deserted except for
John Lawlor and me to spend three days the Thompson sisters who live up Sur-
on the trek, but there is no reason why prise Canyon a few miles north of the old Magazine Bookshop
even the casual traveler could not make mill. They are old-time residents of the
it in an easy weekend. The whole circle PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260
area and their residence, Thompson camp,
can be made on a single tankful of gas is a soothing backdrop of green poised
and if the mode of transportation is a against bitter desolation. The Thompson
few years old, with rugged tires and ade- home is encircled by tall trees; a fenced
quate ground clearance, the curious wan-
derer bent on exploring or fishing the
yard secures a well-watered lawn which
always has the appearance of being freshly
Gulf should experience no auto trouble. mowed.' This is due to the wonderful
For the Gulf-bound down from Arizona,
either of the routes south out of Sasabe
"automatic mower" owned by these ladies,
a dusky well-fed burro.
should appear no worse than an extended These soft-spoken daughters of the Contains 36 full page maps showing the way to 90
detour and he's saved himself the bother Mojave own a number of mining claims
ghost towns in California's deserts and mountains with
mileage to the tenth of a mile. 36 photographs show
of going through Nogales, Sonoyta or in the area. From time to time they hire the old town sites as they appear today, not as they
did 50 or 100 years ago. Collect old bottles, western
San Luis. At the same time, he has pro- miners to sample ores from neighboring relics, antiques, buried treasure.
jected himself back at least a century in hills or to repair rickety scaffolding. Al-
Satisfaction guaranteed or money back
Ord.r New! Only $2.95
time, seen the vestiges of Padre Kino's though, the Thompson sisters run a re- A. L. ABBOTT
New World, and mingled with affable, Dept. D-12
laxed operation now, their mining activi- 1513 West Romneya Drive — Anaheim, Calif.
tourist-shy folks who still speak of dis- ties would be greatly accelerated by an
tances in Spanish leagues instead of kilo- increase in the price of silver. You can be FUN & PROFIT
meters or miles. assured of this not only from what they WITH METAL & MINERAL
Moreover, it's all there; right on Ari- say, but also from the silvery sparkle that DETECTORS
zona's southern doorstep. • sometimes dances in their eyes. • Dealer for
White's, Goldak, Detectron, Fisher
von Mueller, 7th edition, PP. $6.00.
ENTIRE 1964 Volume ENTIRE 1965 Volume
FREE—Indexes for Topo Maps, stock Western
Only $3.50 Only $4.00 states, each state has index.
Send Check or Money Order to
9322California Ave., South Gate, Calif.
PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260 Store Hours: 9:30 to 5:30, closed Sunday

February, 1967 / D e s e r t Magazine / 35

Food Editor Jl<Jcc^


(with cooked carrots) 1 can Eagle Brand milk 1 cup grated raw carrots
% cup sugar 2 squares unsweetened chocolate 2 cups oatmeal
% cup shortening 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups sifted flour
I egg 1 cup Quick Quaker Oats 1 cup chopped walnuts
1 cup mashed cooked carorts V2 cup choped nuts 1 cup raisins
2 cups flour Put milk and chocolate in double 1 cup honey or corn syrup
2 teaspoons baking powder boiler and cook 5 to 8 minutes or 2 eggs well beaten
y 2 teaspoon salt until it thickens. Blend in vanilla, 3 teaspoons baking powder
I teaspoon vanilla Quaker Oats and nuts. Drop on V2 teaspoon baking soda
y 2 cup coconut greased cookie sheet, but do not V4 teaspoon salt
Cream sugar and shortening to- place close together, as they spread. V2 cup butter or margarine
gether, add egg and mashed carrots. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes Cream butter and honey (or syrup)
Sift dry ingredients together and add and remove at once after taking out in mixing bowl. Combine flour, salt,
to carrot mixture. Add vanilla and of oven. baking powder and soda; sift into
coconut. Drop by spoonfuls onto butter and honey mixture; beat until
greased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 blended. Stir in in this order: carrots,
degrees for 12 to 15 minutes. Frost ALMOND COOKIES oatmeal, nuts, raisins; fold in eggs.
with icing made of powdered sugar, 31/2 cups sifted flour Drop by teaspoonfuls onto greased
grated rind and juice of 1 orange. cookie sheet; bake at 350 degrees
iy8 teaspoon baking soda
for 20 minutes.
1/2 cup butter or margarine 1 cup butter
1/4 cup powdered sugar 1 cup sugar CARROT-MOLASSES COOKIES
1 cup unsifted-flour 1 cup dairy sour cream
Cream butter and powdered sugar 1 cup sifted flour
2 egg yolks y 4 cup nonfat dry milk
until fluffy. Add flour gradually until
well blended. Mixture will be crum- 2 teaspoons lemon rind (do not x
/4 teaspoon baking soda
bly. Press evenly into an 8 inch omit this, it gives the flavor)
1 teaspoon baking powder
square pan. Bake in 350 degree oven % cups slivered almonds
Mix and sift flour, 1 teaspoon of the !/4 teaspoon nutmeg
for about 20 minutes or until slight- y 4 teaspoon cinnamon
ly browned. soda and salt. Combine butter,
sugar, sour cream and the remaining y 2 teaspoon salt
Vs teaspoon of soda in small sauce V3 cup shortening
2 eggs
V2 cup sugar pan. Stir until sugar is dissolved. YJ cup brown sugar
!/2 teaspoon baking powder Cook slowly on low heat, stirring V2 cup molasses
1 package lemon pudding and often for about 10 minutes. Cool to 1 egg, beaten
pie filling mix luke warm. Add slightly beaten egg 1 cup shredded carrots
11/3 cups coconut yolks and lemon rind and mix well. 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
1 cup chopped dates Add sifted dry ingredients. Form y 2 cup chopped dates or raisins
While crust is baking, beat eggs until into small balls, using 1 rounded
1 % cups quick cooking rolled oats
thick, then gradually beat in sugar. teaspoon of dough for each cookie.
Place about 3 inches apart on un- Sift together flour, dry milk, soda,
Add pudding mix and baking powder, baking powder and seasonings.
mix thoroughly. Add coconut and greased baking sheet. Sprinkle a
little sugar on each ball and flatten Cream together shortening, sugar
dates. Spread mixture evenly over
with bottom of small glass. Sprinkle and molasses; add egg, then dry in-
hot crust. Return to oven and bake
almonds on each cookie and press gredients, then grated carrots, lemon
20 to 30 minutes, until puffed,
brown and set. You may cut into bars lightly. Bake in a pre-heated oven at rind and dates or raisins. Drop by
and use as cookies or cut into 325 degrees for about 14 minutes. spoonfuls on well greased cookie
squares and top with a scoop of Cool before removing from cookie sheet and bake in 350 degree oven
vanilla ice cream as a dessert. sheet. for about 20 minutes.

36 / Desert Magazine / February, 1967

Hints for Desert Travelers
by Bruce Barron
If you have completed a book-length manu-
script, you may be interested in our special
publishing plan. Under this program, many
lawyers, executives, teachers, scholars and
even housewives have seen their work pub-
lished, promoted and marketed on a digni-
fied, professional basis. All subjects con-
sidered — non-fiction, fiction, poetry, etc.
Send for our free 40-page illustrated bro-
chure today. Ask for Booklet, D.
120 W. 31st St.. New York 1. N.Y.
In Calif.: 6253 Hollywood Blvd., I,.A.
In Wash., D.C.: 1010 Vermont Ave., N.W.

TURQUOISE nugget key chain plus 175 page
rockhound catalog $1.00. Many pages in full
color showing thousands of cut gemstones,
mountings, gemstone rough from around the
world and all supplies necessary to make
jewelry for profit or fun. It's easy! Gemex

T AKE A tip from the "Old Sour-

dough" and simplify your camp
cooking with "one-pot meals." An un-
parations, how about trying some of those
pre-cooked frozen dinners available at the
supermarket? File these goodies in your
Co., Dept. DM, Hwy 76, Pala, Calif. 92059

ruly campfire or an old two-burner Cole-

man stove can hardly yield the competi-
ice chest and you will be amazed at how
they help conserve your ice supply. Choral
tion of tea kettle, coffee pot, frying pan Pepper's Cooking and Camping on the
and stew pot, especially when evening Desert has some excellent ideas on pre-
shadows are beginning to fall and rigors paring camp meals and on how to increase New Transistor Models Detect
of desert exploration have honed appe- the efficiency of your ice chest by supple- Buried Gold, Silver, Coins,
Ancient Firearms
tites to a keen edge. A little advance menting with dry ice. Fir land or underwjter
menu planning, some pre-cooking in the Some traditional combinations utilizing exploration Explore b u c k l l ,
convenience of your home kitchen, and canned goods are: wieners and sauerkraut;
Ihost towns, walls i f
abandoned shacks
use of a freezer will give you generous meat balls and spaghetti; corned beef and Work through
rewards later. cabbage; and other combinations of Chin- mud, water, jj-| Q9o
concrete, wood ' ^ up
Yes, you can pre-cook the majority of ese and Mexican foods.
Write tor FREE Catalog
your meals at home, even for an ex- Here's a winner to go with that favorite
tended outing. Some easy "single potters" RELCO Dept. D-1 8 Box 10563, Houston 18, Texas
stew recipe. When pre-cooking, eliminate
are Goulash, Chili Con Carne, Meat Loaf,
potatoes (they don't freeze well). In-
Casserole Ham Hocks and Lima Beans, D I R E C T F R O M A U S T R A L I A
stead, after thoroughly reheating, add
Stuffed Cabbage Rolls, and that old stand-
dumplings made in accordance with in-
by, Stew. Portion the amounts needed for This Month's Best Buy
individual meals and freeze in plastic structions on biscuit-mix package. Dump- MIXED AIRMAIL SPECIAL ROUGH OPAL
freezer containers or empty milk cartons. lings make a tasty substitute for both 1 oz. large Coober Pedy & Andamooka Opal
1 oz. Opal Chips Coober Pedy, 1 oz. good
If time doesn't permit these home pre- bread and potatoes! • Matrix Opal. ALL GOOD CUTTNIG OPAL.
Send personal cheque, international money
order, bank draft. Free 16 page list of all
Australian Gemstones.
Australian Gem Trading Co.
294 Little Collint Street

New, enlarged Second Edition includes 170
flowsheets, 315 pages packed with thousands
of ideas for more profitable processing of
minerals from Alumina to Zincl Articles on
marketing, chemical smelting, electrolytic re-
fining. Recognized, endorsed by leaders of
industry, hard-bound copy costs only $10.00.
Unconditional money-back guarantee. Book
sent postpaid anywhere in the world, if pay-
ment accompanies order. Mail order to:
Technical Publications Dept.,
Denver Equipment Company
1400 17th St., Denver, Colorado 80217

February, 1967 / Desert M a g a z i n e / 37

- ^ Mail your copy and first-insertion remit-
tance to: Trading Post, Desert Magazine,

CLASSITIEDS Palm Desert, California 92260. Classified

rates are 25c per word, $5 minimum
per insertion.
BAJA CAR BADGE—Status symbol for conquis- "GUIDE TO Old Bottles, Contents & Prices." 250
tadores and veterans of "the road." Free illustrations, ads, labels plus price list, $2.75.
illustrated brochure. R. Cepek, Box 1 8 1 , South Valuable cross reference to "Handbook for the
Gate, California 90280. Bottleologist; " 1000 bottles, description and • EQUIPMENT - SUPPLIES
VW GRASSHOPPER with complete body, 53 H.P. rarity, $2.75. Richard Fike, 1135 Maxfield PAN GOLD, 75 California locations—$1. Au-
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best offer. P. O. Box 4292, Sylmar, Calif. A BOTTLE COLLECTOR'S Book and "The Past In small—$3.00, large—$3.75. Postpaid. H.
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Little Glass Shack, 3161 -B 56th St., Sacra-
mento, Calif. 95820. QUALITY CAMPING and mountaineering equip-
largement of Leonardo de Vinci's swipe at
ment. Down sleeping bags, lightweight tents,
Botticelli for landscape triviality! Twentynine NEVADA TREASURE Hunters Ghost Town Guide.
Palms. (Call 367-6124 for directions). boots. Free catalog. Highland Outfitters, P.O.
Large folded map. 800 place name glossary.
Box 1 2 1 , Riverside, California.
BLYTHE TRAVELERS visit Grandmother Beer's Art Railroads, towns, camps, camel trail. $1.50.
Gallery of nostalgic oil paintings, 521 N. Theron Fox, 1296-C Yosemite, San Jose 26,
Broadway, Blythe, California. California. • FOR WOMEN
MAKE OFFER: Desert Magazine, Nov. '37 through LADY GODIVA "The World's Finest BeauTifleV."
'53, complete except '44 and '48, a few Complete beauty treatment in one jar. Write:
• BOOKS - MAGAZINES missing. Dr. Stailey, 3690 Carlsbad Blvd., Lola Barnes, 963 North Oakland, Pasadena,
Carlsbad, Calif. 92208. California 91 104.
OUT-OF-PRINT books at lowest prices! You
name it—we find it! Western Americana, GHOST TOWN MAPS—New book titled "Califor-
desert and Indian books a specialty. Send nia Ghost Town Trails " has pictures, maps to • GEMS
us your wants. No obligation. International California ghost towns. $2.95. A Abbott,
1513 West Romneya Drive, Anaheim, Calif. RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA. We have everything
Bookfinders. Box 3003-D, Beverly Hills, Calif. for the rock hound, pebble pups, interesting
"GEMS & MINERALS," the monthly guide to gifts for those who are not rock hounds.
"OVERLOOKED FORTUNES" in minerals and gem
gems, minerals, and rock hobby fun. $4.00 Minerals, slabs, rough materials, lapidary
stones; here are a few of the 300 or more
year. Sample 25c. Gems & Minerals, Mentone, supplies, mountings, equipment, black lights.
you may be overlooking: uranium, vanadium,
Calif. 92359. Why not stop and browse? Shamrock Rock
tin, tungsten, columbium, tantalum, nickel,
cobalt, gold, silver, platinum, iridium, beryl- "ASSAULT ON BAJA," E. Washburn, 3934 Shop, 593 West La Cadena Drive, Riverside,
lium, emeralds, etc. Some worth $1 to $2 a Cortland, Lynwood, Calif. $2.00 tax included, Calif. OVerland 6-3956.
pound, others $25 to $200 per ounce; an "zest of dicsovery" writes Belden,- "wide-
eyed experience" says Powell USC. POCKET GOLD, $2. Placer gold, $2. Gold dust,
emerald the size of your thumb may be
$ 1 . Attractively displayed. Postpaid. Money-
worth $1000 or more,- learn how to find,
SURVIVAL BOOKS! Guerrilla Warfare, Wilder- back guarantee. Lester Lea, Box 1125D, Mt.
identify and cash in on them. New simple
ness Living, Medical, Guns, Self Defense, Shasta, California.
system. Send for free copy "Overlooked For-
Nature. Books—Vital, Fascinating, Extraor-
tunes in Minerals,'' it may lead to knowledge CHOICE MINERAL specimens, gems, cutting ma-
dinary; Catalog free. Adobe Hacienda,
which may make you rich! Duke's Research terial, machinery, lapidary and jewelers sup-
Route 3, Box 517A, Glendale, Arizona 85301.
Laboratory, Box 666-B, Truth or Consequences plies, mountings, fluorescent lamps, books.
New Mexico 8 7 9 0 t . FRANK FISH—Treasure Hunter—said Gold is Sumner's, 21108 Devonshire, Chatsworth, Cal.
where you find it. His book "Buried Treasure
WYOMING COLLECTOR'S GUIDE. Most complete & Lost Mines" tells how and where to look,
rock collector's guide for Wyoming yet pub- 93 locations, photos and maps. 19x24 • HOME STUDY
lished. Latest information, maps, etc. $2.00 colored map pinpointing book locations. Book
ppd. Eloxite Corporation, Wheatland, Wyo. LEARN OIL painting by mail. Also casein or
$1.50. Map $1.50. Special: both $2.50 post-
82201. paid. Publisher, Erie Schaefer, 14728 Peyton acrylic. Amateur, advanced. Easy, fascinating,
"GHOST TOWN Directory of the West"—over Prive, Chino, Calif. 91710. _ naturalistic. Easy payments. Art, Box 486,
340 sites in ten western states. Pictures and Montrose, Colorado.
1200 BOTTLES PRICED"—well illustrated, conrT
maps. Price $ 1 . Pierce Publishing Co., Box plete description, covers entire field, 164
5 2 2 1 , Dept. A-9, Abilene, Texas. pages, by J. C. Tibbitts, first president of
Antique Bottle Collectors Association and edi-
ARIZONA TREASURE Hunters Ghost Town Guide,
tor of the "Pontil," $4.25 post paid. The FINE RESERVATION-MADE Navajo, Zuni, Hopi
large folded map 1881, small early map,
Little Glass Shack, 3161-B 56th St., Sacra- jewelry. Large selection of old pawn and
1200 place name glossary, mines, camps,
Indian reservations, etc. $1.50. Theron Fox, mento, Calif. 95820. Kachina dolls now in stock. Many fine old
1296-E Yosemite, San Jose, California. NEW 7TH EDITION: "Ghost Town Bottle Price baskets, moderately priced, in excellent con-
Guide "—redesigned, revised, enlarged. Lead- dition Navajo rugs, Yei blankets, Chimayo
GHOST TOWN GUIDE: Complete guide to over ing western price guide on antique bottles, $3 blankets, pottery. A collector's paradise! Open
100 ghost towns in California, only $1.95. postpaid to Wes Bressie, Rt. 1, Box 582, Eagle daily 10 to 5:30, closed Mondays. Buffalo
W. Abbott, 1513 West Romneya Drive, Ana- Point, Oregon 97524. Trading Post, Highway 18, Apple Valley,
heim, California. California.
GUIDE TO MEXICO'S gems and minerals: locali- • DESERT STATIONERY TWO INDIAN WAR arrowheads, scalping knife,
ties, mines, maps, directions, contacts. Eng- DESERT LIVINGCOLOR portraits, notecards. 69 flint thunderbird, t w o perfect bird arrow-
lish-Spanish glossary, too. $2.00 postpaid. assorted $6.90. Roadrunners, wildflowers, heads, all for $5. Catalog free. Arrowhead,
Gemac, Mentone, Calif. 92359. cactus, dozen assorted, $1.50. Free brochure. Glenwood, Arkansas 71943.
GHOST TOWN Guide to the best ones—the most Artist Henry Mockel, Box 726, Twentynine WANTED: OLD Indian basket collections in good
intact. Avoid wild goose chases. Price $1.00. Palms, Calif. 92277. condition. Indian Baskets of Tucson, 2225
Stephen's Publications, Box 132, North Holly- East Blacklidge Drive, Tucson, Arizona.
wood, Calif. 91603. • DUDE•GUEST RANCHES SELLING 20,000 Indian relics. 100 nice ancient
FREE 84 page catalog on detectors, books and arrowheads $25. Indian skull $25. List free.
C-BAR-H GUEST Ranch—Rest or Play—a real
maps. General Electronic Detection Co., 16238
western holiday. American plan includes Lear's, Glenwood, Arkansas.
Lakewood Blvd., Bellflower, Calif 90706.
three delicious meals each day, horseback AUTHENTIC INDIAN jewelry, Navajo rugs, Chi-
BOOK HUNTING is our business, service is our riding, comfortable cottages, swimming pool, mayo blankets, squaw boots. Collector's
product. No charge for search. Satisfaction ranch lodge activities, hay rides, sports items. Closed Tuesdays. Pow-Wow Indian
guaranteed. D-J Book Search Service, P. O. galore. P.O. Box 373D, Lucerne Valley, Calif. Trading Post, 19967 Ventura Blvd., East
Box 3352-D, San Bernardino, Calif. 92404. Area Code 714, CH 8-7666. Woodland Hills, Calif. Open Sundays.

38 / Desert Magazine / February, 1967

ROCK JEWELRY and semi-precious gems pamph- LOOKING FOR treasure: Complete detailed cir- TREASURE-METAL and mineral locators. Free 24
let 10c. V. S. Gordon Jewelry & Findings Co., cuit information to build low-cost transistor page booklet. GeoFinder Co., Box 37, Lake-
9210 North 7th Avenue, Lane A - l l , Phoenix, metal locator and small detector, two circuits wood, Calif. 90714.
Arizona 85021. $2. Treasure Hunter, Box 1796, Costa Mesa, NEW 1966 Goldak treasure, coin, gold, silver
Calif. locators. Goldak, Dept. DMC, 1544 W. Glen-
BUILD YOUR OWN commercial type detector. oaks, Glendale, Calif. 91201.
Find buried treasure, gold, silver, coins. Sen-
SECTIONIZED COUNTY maps — San Bernardino sitive four transistor circuit with speaker. WESTERN GOODS
$3; Riverside $ 1 ; Imperial, small $ 1 , large Easy picture-illustrated instructions, schematic,
$2; San Diego $1.25; Inyo $2.50; Kern $1.25, parts list, $5.00 prepaid. Janeston Electronics, GHOST TOWN items: Sun-colored glass, ame-
other California counties $1.25 each. Nevada Box A, Blanchard, Oklahoma 73010. thyst to royal purple; ghost railroads ma-
counties $1 each. Include 4 percent sales tax. terials, tickets; limited odd items from camps
FIND LOST or hidden treasures with new tran- of the '60s. Write your interest—Box 64-D,
Topographic maps of all mapped western
sistor metal detector, underwater metal de- Smith, Nevada.
areas. Westwide Maps Co., 114 West Third
tectors, scintillation counters, etc. Free litera-
Street, Los Angeles 13, California.
ture. Gardiner Electronics, Dept. 5 1 , 4729
OREGON BOOMS and busts map now available. North 7th Ave., Phoenix, Arizona. • MISCELLANEOUS
Complete showing of ghost towns "on either FIND BURIED coins, treasures, relics. New super- PURPLE BOTTLE? Instructions for purpling glass
folded field map $1.00 or parchment suitable sensitive, low-priced detectors for land or indoors, much faster than sunlight—no dan-
for mounting $2.00. White's Electronics, Inc., underwater use. Free information. Sensitronix, ger of breakage. $1.00. Ann Brown, 6233
Sweet Home, Oregon 97386. 2225-L Lou Ellen, Houston, Texas 77018. Warwood Road, Lakewood, Calif. 90713.
PROVEN SENSITIVE M-Scopes locate coins, relics, TWO "WILL" Forms (finest quality) and lawyer s
• MINING gold, silver, etc. Guaranteed. Terms. Free fas- 64 page booklet about "Wills "—complete,
UTAH ASSAYING Co., gold and silver specialists. cinating booklet. Fisher Research, Dept. DM7, $1.00. National Forms, Box 48313-DS, Los
Gold, silver, leod, copper: 1.50 each. Spec- Palo Alto, Calif. 94302. Angeles 4 8 , California.
trographs $5 each. 172 North 9th West, Salt POWERFUL METROTECH locators detect gold, sil- FINALLY! A vacation planning and buying index.
Lake City, Utah 84116. ver, coins, relics. Moneyback guarantee. Terms Vacation Source Guide. Nearly 600 verified
WEEKEND PROSPECTORS! Kits for 8-foot sluice free information. Underground Explorations, and approved addresses for free or inexpen-
box, portable, knocks down to 1 x '/2 x 3 Dept. 3A, Bax 793, Menlo Park, California. sive camp guides, maps, brochures, etc. Na-
feet, comes with pan and operating instruc- tional Forest Parks, every State and Province.
NEW TRANSISTOR instrument detects buried Well-known companies supplying outdoor va-
tions, $19.95. Dry washes, complete, $59.95. coins, firearms, treasures, gold, silver. $19.95,
Plans and instructions only for sluice box cationing needs; camping, trailering, fishing,
up. Free catalog. Relco A-18, Box 10563, hiking, etc. $2.50. Campers' Service, Dept. D,
kits, $2.00. Complete map of gold bearing Houston 1 8, Texas.
areas for placer mining in California, $1.00. Box 1566, Vancouver, Washington 98663.
Prospectors Supply Company, P. O. Box 1342,
Canoga Park, California.
ASSAYS. COMPLETE, accurate, guaranteed. High-
est quality spectrographic. Only $5.00 per
sample. Reed Engineering, 620-R So. Ingle-
wood Ave., inglewood, California.


DOLLARS—1878 CC Mint $3.50, very good.
1878-79-80-81-82 S. Mint, 1883-84-85-99-
1900-01-04 O Mint uncirculated $3 each.
100 page catalog, Coins, 50c. Shultz, Salt
Lake City, Utah 84110.

CUSTOM FILM finishing by mail since 1932.
Morgan Camera Shop "The complete photo-
graphic store, " 6262 Sunset Blvd., Holly-
wood, California 90028.

CHIA SEED, with story: 12 ounces, $1.50; 3'/,
pound $5.00; 18 pound $21.00. Pollen Chia
Commerce, Box 215 ID, Prescott, Arizona.
boretum nursery with hi-speed hi-desert na-
tive trees. Twentynine Palms. (Call 367-6124
for directions.
CACTUS PLANTS from the Southwest, in assort-
ments of 5 and 10 different varieties. Five
plants—$1. Ten plants—$2. Postpaid in
U.S.A. Cactus, 2528 E. Madison, Phoenix,
Arizona 85034.
EL RANCHO Galapagos Cactus Growers. You
are invited to visit our greenhouses and cactus
gardens on the east slope of Copper Moun-
tain. Star Route 1, Box 710, Twentynine
Palms, California. Phone 362-4329.

400,000,000 ACRES government public land in
25 states. Some low as $1.00 acre. 1967
report. Details $1.00. Public Land, 422DM
Washinqton BuilHina, Washinnton. DC.
40 ACRES in Newberry, Calif. The land of lakes. WHY" YOU rVIOVlNGr
Total price $2950. Raw land $100 down,
$35 per month. Owner, Box 304, Hesperia,
Calif. 92345.

February, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 39

Organized outings and meetings of 4-wheel drive, camper, trailer and gem and By Jack Pepper
mineral and boating clubs in the 11 western states will be listed every month in this
column. Be certain to include the following information: complete name of organiza- For Baja aficionados there is now a
new status symbol in the form of a car
tion, place, hour and day or days, how to get there, and if restricted to members or
badge that attaches to the front or back
open to everyone. Send information as soon as meeting has been definitely scheduled. of your vehicle. Made of steel with a
EVENT. Send material to Out of This World, Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, Cali- some plate is sold by Dick Cepek, a vet-
fornia 92260. eran Baja traveler. Send for his brochure
to Box 181, South Gate, California 90280
or we have them at Desert Magazine.
TIERRA DEL SOL 4WD CLUB OF SAN DIEGO. Feb. 25-26, 1967. Fifth Annual
Another important item for campers
Two Day "Desert Safari" in Borrego (San Diego County) Badlands. All 4-wheelers now available at Desert Magazine is the
invited. For information write Tierra Del Sol Club, 5083 Conrad Ave., San Diego, revolutionary NCR Space Blanket. The
Calif. 92117. blanket only weighs 12 ounces, but will
keep you as warm as a heavy quilt. Based
AVION TRAVELCADE CLUB. Feb. 6 through March 23, tentative dates for Eastern on a super insulation proved in outer
space missions, the blanket is waterproof,
Mexico Travelcade and February 13 through March 11, Western Mexico Sports Tour.
wind proof, has grommets and is 84 X
56 inches. I have used one for several
VENTURA GEM & MINERAL SOCIETY. March 4 & 5, Ventura County Fair months and would not camp without it.
Grounds, Seaside Park, Ventura, Calif. Admission free. Camping facilities available. Retails for $7.95 plus 32 cents California
tax and 25 cents mailing charges. We
have them here at Desert Magazine.
CA of 4WD 7th ANNUAL GENERAL ELECTION DINNER-DANCE MEETING. For driver of pickups and campers the
Feb. 4-5. For details write CA of 4WD, P. O. Box 5001, Sacramento, Calif. "Pik-Pocket" takes care of the problem
of where to put all the miscellaneous
NATIONAL 4WD GRAND PRIX, Riverside, Calif. March. For details write N4WD items you usually throw on dashboards.
Made of sturdy canvas it fits between
Grand Prix, P. O. Box 301, Fullerton, Calif.
the tilt seat and the frame of your pickup.
When you tilt the seat forward it makes
PHOENIX JEEP CLUB JAMBOREE, Phoenix, Arizona. April. a V-shaped carryall with sections for
maps, fishing rods, rifles or whatever. It
retails for $9.95 plus 40 cents California
INDIO SIDEWINDER 4WD CRUISE, May 6-7. A family 4WD event open to the tax and 25 cents mailing charges . . .
public where four wheel drive enthusiasts are led on a cross country trip. See Erie or stop by Desert Magazine and see the
Stanley Gardner's "The Desert Is Yours" for description. For complete information one on my Ford camper.
write to Sareea Al Jamel 4WD Club, P. O. Box 526, Indio, Calif. 92201. Want to pan gold? An informative
book "How and Where to Pan Gold"
plus a gold pan is all you need. And we
VENTURA GEM AND MINERAL SHOW, March 4 and 5, opening at 10 A.M.,
have both at Desert Magazine. The gold
Ventura Fair Grounds, Seaside Park, Ventura, Calif. In addition to rock, gem and pan sells for $1.17 and the paperback
mineral displays and rock dealers there will be antique bottle displays and a bottle book for $2.00. In case you order add 4
dealer. percent sales tax and a total of 25 cents
for mailing.

40 / Desert Magazine / February, 1967

TRAVEL Sound Off!
Do you have any information you want
to share with other Back Country Travel-
ers? Do you have any questions about

Desert's New Section how or where to obtain an item, how to

get somewhere, condition of terrain, is
a certain area restricted? Then write to
SOUND OFF. Share your useful—or
This new Back Country Travel section, which started in last even useless—discoveries with others.
month's issue, will become a popular feature according to first com- Please do NOT send letters containing
ments received. A few are in Sound Off. The new section is designed extremely technical information such as
as a clearing house for exchange of ideas and information for the detailed data on engines, engine conver-
thousands of people who have discovered, and the thousands more sion, etc. which belongs more in motor
who will someday discover the thrill of back country travel. and technical publications. However,
helpful and easy instructions on mechani-
Along with the new magazine section we are establishing a Back cal improvements which the average lay-
Country Travel Center at the Desert Magazine in Palm Desert. Travel man could do in his garage are welcome.
information and where and how to get to places will be furnished to Address letters to SOUND OFF, Desert
readers who drop in for a jam session. Magazine, Palm Desert, Calif. 92260.
• •
In addition we are stocking unusual items which will make back Dear Jack,
country travel and camping easier. (See What's New). These items Just received the January issue. I like
will be in addition to our complete and selective books on the West. the Back Country Travel section. You
So the next time you are in Palm Desert (on Highway 111 midway may have something there. Of course,
between Palm Springs and Indio) come on in and just browse around. you'll want to add a Scout with a camper
Florence and "Barney Barnes,
Costa Mesa, Calif.
Florence and Barney have one of the best
equipped campers on a 4WD I have ever
seen. Needless to say, it's a Scout.
• •
Dear Jack,
Your new section has a lot of possi-
bilities . . . not only for us who already
know the fun of having a 4WD, but to
show desert travellers who do not know
just what they are missing. If it ever came
to the point where I would have to decide
whether to give up my TV set and pas-
senger car or my Jeep I'd keep the Jeep,
and what's more, my wife agrees!
Bill Knyvett,
9-P Indio, California.

Dear Jack,
Congratulations on the new section,
cT R.EA1>r- TO «O«/E ACAIM THE MEW INTEK-ST/^TE SuPEFt. It's something I have missed in your
S COMIN& RIGHT THR.OU&H otherwise fine magazine.
Dick Cepek,
South Gate, California.

February, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 41

Letters requesting answers must
include stamped self-addressed

DESERT Appreciated at Harvard . . . Ghost Towns A l i g h t . . . Yellow Crosses in Baja . . .

To the Editor: We have been reading with To the Editor: Christmas lighted mining towns To the Editor: Your account of the visit to
interest your series on the Magic of Baja (June- (Madrid, N.M., DESERT, Dec. 1966) are not Gardner Cave brought back fond memories
Dec. '66) as well as the previous series you entirely extinct. One of my warmest memories I did mention the yellow crosses, however, in
did on this fascinating country (May-Sept. is from 1961 when Christmas was celebrated a technical paper for American Antiquity on
'64). As you know, we have been building up a with lights on the Comstock Lode. Behind the the Baja cave paintings. I did not mention
reference library of petroglyphs for the Mu- prominent "pink Victorian" mansion in Gold them in the DESERT Magazine because I do
seum and would like to have your Baja col- Hill, two fat pinions on Twin Peaks were not believe they belong in the same period with
lection represented. The DESERT Magazine is covered with lights, while on one peak, a large the other paintings. They are painted on a clean
always fascinating. cross, probably made from telephone poles, was rock surface where the original surface had
DONALD SCOTT, lit. This sometimes shines at Easter. Further flaked away, and there is no soot nor staining
Peabody Museum down the canyon at the Dayton Consolidated in the same area. The critical question, of
Harvard University Mines (actually in Silver City), the huge bull course, is how much later were they done? I
Cambridge, Mass. wheel at the top of the mine headframe was felt the crosses were a late addition by a Span-
outlined in colored lights. It doesn't sound like ish padre, putting up his own Christian sym-
La P a z , N o ? . . . much, but in the cold, sometimes desolate snow bols to remove the hex of the "works of the
of these desert mountains, it cheered the dark devil." I also believed some time had elapsed
To the Editor: I'd like to point out a slight night.
mistake in regard to Jack Delaney's article between the abandonment of the site and the
about La Paz. The ruins photographed are not JAMES C. MARTIN, painting of the crosses, mainly on Clavijero's
the ruins of the old town. Rather, they show Carson City, Nevada. word that the recent Indians denied all know-
the Golden Belt mill, one of many which ledge of the paintings arid said they were old.
served the area. The real ruins of La Paz may This is one of those fascinating problems
be seen some distance from the Golden Belt and deserves more study. Our present know-
mill, on the other side of the highway. I have ledge is less than adequate. I'm not convinced
photos of them in my book Outlaws, Heroes yet that the paintings were made at the time the
and Jokers of the Old Southwest. Spanish were entering the area, but when we
get more facts, it might well turn out to be
PETER ODENS, the case. I am delighted to see your continued
El Centro, California. discussion of he paintings and hope you will
keep up the good work.
House of Cans . . .
To the Editor: Re your story "Reedy's Lost CLEMENT MEIGHAN,
Chicago Mine" in the Jan. '67 issue, I think University of California
the house made of empty cans and the under- Los Angeles.
ground bedroom were probably used as a rail- Editor's comment: That doesn't explain the yel-
road camp. I have also found a dump to the low doe, though, does it? C.P.
southeast that contains hundreds of old cans
and bones. It would have taken more than a Save the M u s h r o o m ! . . .
few men to make a dump of that size. When
I was last through there, the old Dos Cabezas To the Editor: The photos the author used
station was no longer standing. It has been torn with the On the Rocks photo story in the
Dec. '66 issue were good historical photos, More on the Magic . . .
to the ground. I have spent many a windy and
stormy night there and was sad to see it go. I but you might like to see how Mushroom Rock To the Editor: In your last article on The
think vandals did most'of the damage. looks today. It is alongside a paved road, now. Magic of Baja (a series that I have greatly en-
The pedestal base is almost knife-edge thin and joyed), your climb to Pepper Cave reminded
ERNIE COWAN, probably the rock won't stand much longer. me of the scramble up the Cara Pintada cliff.
Vista, California. The above photo was taken in I960. It is even I was interested in the business of the building
thinner today. We think a high protective of the ship by Padre Ugarte of the wood from
More on Scotty . . . fence should surround it to save it from vandal- Populus brandegeei. Too bad you did not get
ism, as it is so fragile. to see some of these. I saw a small stand in
To the Editor: Your Nov. '66 story about
Death Valley Scotty reminded me of an exper- H. G. GILLETTE, the Sierra Victoria (between La Paz and the
ience I had with him that led to the use of Rosemead, California. Cape) several years ago when we were collect-
the evaporative coolers now used in cars in Editor's Comment: If the Mushroom has stood ing oak specimens and it is the noblest tree on
desert areas. For many years I had a land office this long without being vandalized, it will the peninsula—very tall and of tremendous
in Lancaster. Scotty, on his trips to and from probably live out its life. Our own policy is girth. I could be wrong but I think it is the
the valley, would have his car serviced nearby against fences. We feel fences and signs are largest of the North American cottonwoods.
and then come and shoot the breeze with me. on a par with vandalism . . . they certainly I will have a book out in the spring that
I might add that he furnished most of the don't add anything to natural beauty. The most should interest you— Rock Art of the Ameri-
breeze. Our common interest was that we each effective way to prevent vandalism is by edu- can Indian—to be published by T. Y. Crowell.
owned that modern ship of the desert—an air cation, not by putting conservation on a pulpit, CAMPBELL GRANT,
cooled Franklin automobile. nor by keeping people away from nature. In Carpenteria, California.
DESERT we go about this by giving readers
One hot day he invited me to share with an enticing goal when they go to the back
him his "cooling system." These sedans had a country, but at the same time adding a dash of
split windshield and I noticed that the top of history, lore, and enthusiasm for areas where
his was open. As we drove around town a there is no regimentation and they are on their
delightful cool breeze hit me from all direc- own. It doesn't always happen on the first Creosote Picking . . .
tions, but stopped when he again parked at my trip, but once a reader becomes "hooked" on To the Editor: I found the article on Creosote
office. He asked me to look around. There on this way of life, he appreciates it so much that picking interesting, but would like information
the floor of the back seat was an elongated he doesn't want to destroy nor contaminate. as how to contact the William Strange Com-
wash tub half full of ice and beer bottles and The only people who listen to lectures on Con- pany's Imperial Valley Plant.
covered with a bunch of wet burlap sacks. servation are the people who don't need them.
Scotty was a smart old coot as he attacked his HARRY CONWAY,
We deal with the public every day of the year Quartzsite, Arizona.
heat business on two fronts—outside and inside in our approach to this problem and unless
too! This same setup carried me pleasantly we're going to have the whole country tied up Editor's Comment: Helen Brown, the author
across the hot desert sands and—to my best in regimented parks where you have to camp of the article, has written that W. B. (Bill)
recollection it was two years at least before, with mobs of people and only explore the Carsen is in charge of the buying of the bush
with much regret, I replaced it with a new- uell-beaten paths, we're all going to hare to tips for the Strange Company. His address is
fangled modern auto cooler. further the effort of making back-country travel Niland, California, and she says he has a num-
and camping an exciting escape from the super- ber of regular pickers so it is better to contact
FRANK B. RUTLEDGE, him in person than to write. The Niland Post-
San Clemente, California. ficialities of living and worth preserving. C.P.
office can tell you where to locate him. C.P.

42 / Desert Magazine / February, 1967


FLYING CARPET would be the

A appropriate mode of transporta-
tion but a car, plane, camper or travel
trailer will do when you visit Riverside Arabian Nights Pageant is presented free each night.
County's famed National Date Festival Dates and citrus are shown in dis- San Diego is about 180 miles from
which will run at Indio Feb. 17 through plays which use such themes as: Alad- Indio. Closest route is Highway 395 to
26. din's Lamp, Sinbad's Ship, Genies, fly- Highway 71 near Temecula and east on
By taking its theme from the tanta- ing carpets and other motifs from the 71 to the famed Pines-to-Palms Road
lizing tales told by Scheherazade the delightful Arabain Nights fantasies. which runs through picturesque moun-
National Date Festival has grown from For all of its romantic and exciting tain country before dropping to the desert
a modest county fair into one of the reproduction of fabled old Arabia, the floor at Palm Desert about 12 miles west
nation's most unusual expositions. National Date Festival retains the tra- of Indio on Highway 111. An optional
The usual theme, which is character- ditional features of a county fair, in- route to avoid mountain driving is 395
ized in many ways, recognizes the origin cluding a large Junior Fair and Live- to Riverside where Interstate 10 can be
of dates from the nations of the Near stock Show. A costumed street parade picked up.
East. Dates were introduced to the Cali- through downtown Indio highlights It should be borne in mind that day-
fornia desert around the turn of the Date Festival activities on George Wash- time temperatures at Indio will range up
Century as a part of a United States ington's Birthday. to the high 80s but it normally starts
Department of Agriculture effort to National Date Festival grounds are cooling about 5 p.m. and wraps are de-
diversify the nation's agriculture. on Highway 111 in Indio, about 125 sirable for viewing the Arabian Nights
Commercial date production for the miles from downtown Los Angeles, cen- Pageant.
Western Hemisphere is almost exclusive tral San Fernando Valley and most of Overnight accommodations are at a
to the 50-mile area from Palm Springs Orange Couty. These areas are connected premium in and around Indio during the
to the Salton Sea and centers in Indio. to Indio by all-freeway routes. About 10 National Date Festival so reservations
The National Date Festival heralds a miles east of Banning State Highway 111 should be made as early as possible. List-
$10-million annual harvest. intersects with Interstate 10 giving motor- ings of hotels, motels and trailer parks
Most spectacular feature of the Na- ists the option of continuing on the free- taking overnight guests are available
tional Date Festival is the colorful Ara- way or taking Highway 111 as a more through the Indio Chamber of Com-
bian Nights Pageant which is presented leisurely and scenic route through Palm merce, Arabia St. and Highway 111,
free each evening from a mammoth Springs. Indio, California 92201.
stage fashioned after an ancient Ara-
bian Village.
Beautiful costuming and lighting
created for the Arabian Nights Pageant,
help to enchance the performance of
some 150 amateur singers and dancers
in the musical extravaganza. Queen
Scheherazade, a living counterpart to
the legendary beauty and wit of old
Bagdad, reigns over the National Date
Festival with nine lovely princesses in
the Queen Scheherazade Court of
Comical camel and ostrich races are
staged daily with the National Horse
Show which is one of the nation's lead-
ing equestrian events. A large and
diverse gem and mineral show, show-
ings of desert paintings in the fine arts
department and a varied collection of
desert dry arrangements in the flori-
culture section are other attractions.

February, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 43

5 Il5ooh and

ome in an rowSe







Send for FREE book catalogue


DESERT Magazine's Book Shop and Mail Order Department offers a Desert Magazine
complete selection of books on the West. All books have been carefully Palm Desert, California 92260
selected and reviewed in DESERT Magazine.

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