Емкостной делитель SMC 6000-100 кВ

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Low-Damped Capacitive

Impulse Voltage Dividers/

Basic Load Capacitors, Type SMC
100 kV – 6000 kV

Low-damped capacitive impulse voltage measuring divi- in series. They are housed in GFR tubes. The single
ders of the type SMC are used to convert the high insulating tubes are hermetically sealed with metal
lightning (LI) or switching (SI) impulse voltages from 100 flanges. The thermal expansion of the insulating fluid is
kV to 6000 kV to a level of typically 1000 V. This output compensated by means of bellows. The tube may be
voltage is measured by transient impulse recorders or equipped with silicon sheds or placed inside of
by peak voltmeters. Dividers of the type SMC are also porcelain insulators for outdoor use. For higher voltages
used the basic load capacitors for impulse voltage the capacitors are placed in several insulating tubes,
generators. which are connected in series.

Why low-damped capacitive impulse voltage dividers? At the lower end of the capacitor column the housing for
the secondary (low voltage) capacitor is placed, made of
The performance of a capacitance divider is mainly de-
several parallel capacitors to achieve the necessary low
termined by the damping of the high voltage HV circuit.
inductance value. The termination resistor for the
Dividers of SMC type have been designed with a low
connection of a 75 Ω measuring cable is included in the
damping to meet all divider requirements according to
secondary unit. The divider has to be connected to a high
IEC 60060-2 for the below mentioned test voltages and
impedance measuring unit (transient recorder or peak
to serve as the basic load for impulse generators at the
voltmeter > 1 MΩ, < 100 pF). The voltage divider is
same time.
mounted on a base frame which is equipped with
How to choose castors. For mechanical stability high dividers for high
SMC dividers version A are mainly used for impulse voltage ratings are provided with FRP struts to adjust the
voltage generators of the HIGHVOLT series L and M and divider top end to the base frame. For outdoor use the
similar generators of other manufacturers. For struts are equipped with silicon sheds.
generators of HIGHVOLT Series G the SMC divider The top electrode is optimally designed for the
versions B and C shall be applied. Depending on the respective rated voltages and wave shapes. Possible
rated voltage and the test object capacitance the version designs are single toroid, double toroid or polycon
B or C has to be selected (Tables 1 and 2). If a multiple electrodes. Standard high voltage connections and
chopping gap is planned to be used in parallel to the ground connections are made of copper foil. A cable
divider, the SMC divider version B should be used to limit winch can be mounted at the top electrode for easy
the overall maximum load capacitance. connection to the device under test. A similar solution
Type designation SMC can be installed for short circuiting and grounding of the
divider. The divider may be equipped with taps for partial
Indoor design: SMC a/b operation of the high voltage capacitor. This allows the
Outdoor design: FSMC a/bS optimum adaptation to the test to be carried out.
a = high-voltage capacitance in pF
b = rated LI voltage in kV Type and Routine Tests
S = with top electrode for positive SI voltage HIGHVOLT certifies the divider performance by different
(optional) test procedures. The reference method and step
Example: SMC 1140/1400 response measurement are used as well as calibration
Low-damped capacitive impulse volta ge measuring measurement of the single components of the complete
divider of the type SMC with 1140 pF high voltage divider.
capacitance and 1400 kV rated LI voltage (without The test reports are part of every delivery of a HIGHVOLT
special top electrode for SI voltage). divider type SMC. HIGHVOLT can supply not only a
General Design company certificate, but on request also an official certi-
ficate of the German Calibration Service (DKD) because
The high voltage capacitor is built up from single units of of its DKD Calibration Laboratory No. DKD-K-24501.
oil impregnated capacitors. Single capacitor packages This documentation is the basis for the Record of
including the necessary damping resistors are Performance which has to be established by the user of
connected a divider according to IEC 60060-2. The performance
test in customers lab can be carried out by HIGHVOLT
Dividers of the type SMC are as a service.
• applicable for the measurement of
- lightning impulse test voltages Table 1:
- tail and crest chopped lightning impulses
- switching impulse test voltages Versions of divider
- AC test voltages (at reduced level) A B C
• as basic load capacitors Version of
• and characterised by generators series L, M series G series G
- full compliance to IEC Standard 60060-2 linearity, Rated LI level
short and long term stability 1,2/50 100...2400 200...5000 1600...600 kV
- easy to install and to operate 0
- high accuracy High voltage
- high flexibility capacitance 8000...330 8000...320 1500...400 pF
- high reliability
- indoor application Rated charge: 0,8 1,6 2,4 mC
- optional outdoor application Rated secondary
voltage 1000 1000 1000 V

© HIGHVOLT Prüftechnik Dresden GmbH - 0103 - 3-61-2e.doc Subject to change without prior notice
Table 2: Electrical main parameters
Series A B C
Rated Rated Rated HV HV HV HV HV HV
lightning impulse switching Impulse AC voltage capaci- damping capaci- damping capaci- damping
(LI) voltage1) (SI) voltage2) 50/60 Hz tance resis- tance resis- tance resis-
1.2/50 250/2500 (RMS) tance tance tance
kV kV kV pF Ohm pF Ohm pF Ohm
100 90 25 8000 12,5
200 180 50 4000 25 8000 15
300 270 75 2670 37,5
400 360 100 2000 50 4000 30
500 450 125 1600 62,5
600 540 150 1330 75 2670 45
700 630 175 1140 87,5
800 720 200 1000 100 2000 60
900 810 225 890 113
1000 900 250 800 125 1600 75
1100 990 275 730 138
1200 1080 300 670 150 1330 90
1300 1170 325 620 163
1400 1260 350 570 175 1140 105
1500 1350 375 530 188
1600 1440 400 500 200 1000 120 1500 96
1700 1530 425 470 213
1800 1620 450 440 225 890 135 1330 108
1900 1710 475 420 238
2000 1800 500 400 250 800 150 1200 120
2100 1890 525 380 263
2200 1980 550 360 275 730 165 1090 132
2300 2070 575 350 288
2400 2160 600 330 300 670 180 1000 144
2600 2340 650 620 195 920 156
2800 2520 700 570 210 860 168
3000 2700 750 530 225 800 180
3200 2880 800 500 240 750 192
3400 3060 850 470 255 710 204
3600 3240 900 440 270 670 216
3800 3420 950 420 285 630 228
4000 3600 1000 400 300 600 240
4200 3780 1050 380 315 570 252
4400 3960 1100 360 330 550 264
4600 4140 1150 350 345 520 276
4800 4320 1200 330 360 500 288
5000 4500 1250 320 375 480 300
5200 1300 460 312
5400 1350 440 324
5600 1400 430 336
5800 1450 410 348
6000 1500 400 360

1) 2)
Higher rated lightning impulse voltages on request. Positive SI: The given values require a special top electrode.

Example for results of measured divider data: • Connection point for high voltage and grounding
Divider, type SMC 1330/1200S: connection
High voltage capacitance 1330 pF • Top electrode designed for rated LI voltage
Rated lightning impulse voltage level 1,2/50 1200 kV • Fixing struts, if necessary
Top electrode for rated SI voltage 1080 kV • Technical Documentation
Experimental response time 2,7 ns • HIGHVOLT calibration certificate
Partial response time 58 ns • Preparation for Record of Performance
Settling time 390 ns Options
Oscillating overshoot 26,9 %
• Adapted LV capacitors for different output voltages
Scope of supply (e. g. 1600 V)
Impulse voltage measuring / load capacitor consisting • Air cushion instead of castors
of: • Other lengths of measuring cable
• Special top electrode for SI positive voltage 250/2500
• High voltage capacitor • Cable winch at the top for connection to test sample
• Base frame with castors • Cable winch for short circuiting and grounding
• Low voltage capacitor mounted on base frame • DKD calibration certificate
• Measuring cable (Z = 75 Ω, l = 25 m)

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Table 3: Dimensions, weights
Series A B C
lightning Height*) Width = Weight*) Height*) Width = Weight*) Height*) Width = Weight*)
Impulse Length Length Length
voltage C C C
kV m m kg m m kg m m kg
100 0,90 0,65 41
200 0,90 0,65 43 0,90 0,65 65
300 1,20 0,65 48
400 1,47 0,65 52 1,47 0,65 85
500 1,79 0,65 65
600 2,14 1,20 90 1,97 1,20 115
700 2,42 1,20 105
800 2,72 1,20 110 2,52 1,20 130
900 3,02 1,20 130
1000 3,44 1,58 210 3,19 1,58 230
1100 3,74 1,58 235
1200 4,04 1,58 260 3,74 1,75 280
1300 4,34 1,58 285
1400 4,64 1,58 310 4,29 1,75 350
1500 4,94 2,10 385
1600 5,24 2,10 410 4,84 2,10 450 4,84 2,10 470
1700 5,54 2,10 435
1800 5,88 2,50 510 5,43 2,50 525 5,43 2,50 550
1900 6,18 2,50 535
2000 6,48 2,50 560 5,98 2,50 600 5,98 2,50 625
2100 6,78 2,50 585
2200 7,14 3,10 630 6,59 2,50 710 6,59 2,50 735
2300 7,44 3,10 655
2400 7,74 3,10 680 7,14 3,50 750 7,14 3,50 790
2600 7,79 3,50 1000 7,79 3,50 1040
2800 8,34 3,50 1030 8,34 3,50 1070
3000 8,89 4,00 1070 8,89 4,00 1110
3200 9,51 4,00 1300 9,51 4,00 1350
3400 10,1 4,00 1350 10,1 4,00 1400
3600 10,6 4,50 1400 10,6 4,50 1450
3800 11,2 4,50 1550 11,2 4,50 1600
4000 11,7 4,50 1600 11,7 4,50 1650
4200 12,3 5,50 1650 12,3 5,50 1700
4400 12,8 5,50 1900 12,8 5,50 1950
4600 13,4 5,50 1950 13,4 5,50 2000
4800 13,9 5,50 2000 13,9 5,50 2050
5000 14,5 5,50 2150 14,5 5,50 2200
5200 15,0 6,00 2250
5400 15,6 6,00 2300
5600 16,2 7,00 3200
5800 16,7 7,00 3250
6000 17,3 7,00 3300

Indoor design, without top electrode
for measurement of high positive switching
impulse voltages 250/2500

For further information please contact: or our local representative:

HIGHVOLT Prüftechnik Dresden GmbH

Marie-Curie-Straße 10
PF 300112
D-01139 Dresden / Germany
Tel. ++49 351 8425-632
Fax ++49 351 8425 679
e-mail [email protected]
internet http:\\www.highvolt.de

© HIGHVOLT Prüftechnik Dresden GmbH - 0103 - 3-61-2e.doc Subject to change without prior notice

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