Indian Agriculture - An: Country Report: India

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Submitted to

Fourth Session of the Technical Committee of APCAEM
10-12 February 2009, Chiang Rai, Thailand


MM Pandey
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering
Bhopal, India

Indian Agriculture an introduction

Agriculture has been the backbone of the Indian economy and it will continue to
remain so for a long time. It has to support almost 17 per cent of world population
from 2.3 per cent of world geographical area and 4.2 per cent of worlds water
resources. The economic reforms, initiated in the country during the early 1990s,
have put the economy on a higher growth trajectory. Annual growth rate in GDP has
accelerated from below 6 percent during the initial years of reforms to more than 8
percent in recent years. This happened mainly due to rapid growth in non-agriculture
sector. The workforce engaged in agriculture between 1980-81 and 2006-07
witnessed a very small decline; from 60.5 percent to 52 percent.

The present cropping intensity of 137 per cent has registered an increase of only 26
per cent since 1950-51. The net sown area is 142 Mha. The net irrigated area was
58.87 Mha in 2004-05. Presently, the total net irrigated area covers 45.5 per cent of
the net sown area, the remaining 54.5 per cent is rainfed. The degradation of land and
surface as well as ground water resources results in fast deterioration of soil health.
Losses due to biotic (insect-pests, diseases, weeds) and abiotic (drought, salinity, heat,
cold, etc.) stresses account for about one-fourth of the value of agricultural produce.
The storage, transportation, processing, value addition and marketing of farm produce
need to be improved to enhance household food, nutrition and livelihood security.

Indian agriculture is characterized by agro-ecological diversities in soil, rainfall,
temperature, and cropping system. Besides favorable solar energy, the country
receives about 3 trillion m
of rainwater, 14 major, 44 medium and 55 minor rivers
share about 83 per cent of the drainage basin. About 210 billion m
water is estimated
to be available as ground water. Irrigation water is becoming a scarce commodity.
Thus proper harvesting and efficient utilization of water is of great importance.

Intensive cultivation as a result of introduction of high yielding varieties in the mid
1960's required higher energy inputs and better management practices. Land
preparation, harvesting, threshing and irrigation are the operations, which utilize most
of the energy used in agriculture. The share of animate power in agriculture
decreased from 92 per cent in 1950-51 to 20 per cent in 2000-01. For desired cropping
intensity with timeliness in field operations, animate energy sources alone were no
longer adequate. Farmers opted for mechanical power sources to supplement animate

Average size of farm holdings gradually reduced from 2.58 ha to 1.57 ha (Table 1).
Small and marginal farmers have limited resources especially in rain-fed regions
where only animate power is used resulting in low productivity. Though agricultural
production is high, the per hectare productivity is much lower than world average.
There is an urgent need to increase productivity.

* Country report presented in the Fourth Session of the Technical Committee of
APCAEM, held during 1-3 December, 2008 at Chiang Rai, Thailand.
** Director, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, India.

Smaller the farm, greater is the need for marketable surplus, so that small farmers can
have a reasonable income. Achieving this goal will be possible only if we develop
and disseminate eco-technologies rooted in the principles of ecology, economics,
gender equity and employment generation. This is the pathway to an ever-green
revolution in agriculture. The estimated food requirement in India and total
production of major crops indicate that to keep pace with the present population
growth and consumption pattern, food grain requirement has been estimated to be 240
MT by 2020 and 300 MT by 2025. Annual agricultural growth should be maintained
at 6.7 per cent to meet these demand projections.

Table -1 Number and area of operational holdings by type of holding
Major size
Number, 000 Area, 000 ha
1981 1990-91 2000-
1980-81 1990-
Marginal, <1 ha 50.122
Small, 1-2 ha 16,072
Semi-medium, 2-4
Medium, 4-10 ha 8,068
Large, >10 ha 2,166
All size classes 88,883
Note : Figures within parentheses indicate per cent contribution

Non-availability of manpower during peak crop season is many times a problem. The
overall achievement in the creation of irrigation facilities has been relatively better in
India with 63 per cent growth rate compared to the world average. There is a need to
increase the utilization of rainwater to enhance the gross cropped area by 30 Mha as
the yield of food grain in irrigated areas is almost twice that in rain-fed agriculture.
Per capita availability of food grains has declined from 510 g per day in 1990 to 436 g
in 2003 and this trend has to be arrested. The infrastructure for agricultural
diversification, reducing post harvest losses of perishables, value addition to agro-
produce and branding system needs to be strengthened.

Agricultural Production and Productivity
The nation is striving to find ways and means to keep its burgeoning population
adequately fed. On the one hand it is facing the problem of declining productivity and
on the other, challenges posed by liberalization. In such a scenario, leveraging the
available natural resources and existing infrastructure is the only way to make the
ends meet. Management of the already built infrastructure in harmony with natural
systems is the clarion call of the day. Knowledge of the extent of existing
infrastructure and natural resources is one of the most basic pre-requisites to utilize
them effectively and in a sustainable manner. The discipline of agricultural
engineering endeavours to develop technologies for enhancing productivity and
reducing the cost of cultivation. Traditionally animate power was used for field
operations and processing activities. As a result of introduction of mechanical power,
agricultural engineering activities have expanded considerably. To sustain the project
population of 1.363 billion by 2025 the productivity has to be increased by 100 per
cent from the present level by intensification of agriculture. It is estimated that the
energy input to agriculture would have to be increased form the present level of 1.3 to

The constraints of low productivity in agriculture were realized and thus, central and
state governments emphasized the need for accelerated development of agriculture.
Adoption of high yielding varieties by farmers coupled with the use of higher doses of
fertilizer and assured irrigation through tube wells accelerated the pace of progress in
agriculture. As a result of adoption of improved inputs and management practices, the
total food grain production increased from a mere 50.8 million tonnes in 1950-51, to
212 million tonnes in 2006-07 and productivity increased from 522 kg/ha to more
than 1707 kg/ha (Table 2). The productivity of wheat, rice and oilseeds increased to a
greater extent than other crops. The increase in production of food grain was possible
as a result of adoption of quality seeds, higher dose of fertilizer and plant protection
chemicals, coupled with assured irrigation. The growth in production of fruits (46
million tonnes), vegetables (91 million tonnes), milk (81 million tonnes), fish (57
million tonnes) has also increased. As a result, not only the country has achieved self-
sufficiency in foods but have adequate agro-produce for export. Our agriculture is
now at the crossroads (Table 3). The use of certified/quality seeds by the farmers has
increased to 700,000 tonnes. The fertilizer consumption has increased to 21.65 million
tonnes (more than 112.69 kg/ha) in 2006-07 from 0.29 million tonnes in 1960-61. It
increased at an annual growth of 11.7 per cent. The use of technical grade plant
protection chemicals has increased to 56.11 thousand tonnes (0.4 kg/ha) from a
meagre of 8.62 thousand tonnes in 1960-61.

Crop and site specific agricultural mechanization and agro-based small and medium
enterprises in rural sector using a proper blend of conventional and renewable energy
sources will facilitate in enhancing agricultural productivity and profitability resulting
in higher income for farmers and better quality of life.

Table 2 Production and productivity in agriculture

(Area: million ha, Production & Consumption: million tonnes, Yield:
Crop 2000-
Area 121.05 122.78 113.86 123.45 120.00 121.60 124.07
Production 196.81 212.85 174.77 213.19 198.36 208.60 211.78
All food
Yield 1626 1734 1535 1727 1652 1715 1707
Production 84.98 93.34 71.82 88.53 83.13 91.79 91.05 Rice
Yield 1901 2079 1744 2077 1984 2102 2084
Production 69.68 72.77 65.76 72.16 68.64 69.35 73.70 Wheat
Yield 2708 2762 2610 2713 2602 2619 2617
Crop 2000-
Production 18.44 20.66 14.84 25.29 26.10 27.98 23.26 Oilseeds
Yield 810 913 691 1067 967 1004 895
Production 295.96 297.21 287.38 237.31 232.32 281.17 322.94 Sugarcane
Yield 68577 67370 63576 58986 63806 66828 66833
Production 11.08 13.37 11.13 14.91 13.13 13.39 14.11 Pulses
Yield 544 607 543 635 577 598 594
Production 31.08 33.38 26.07 37.60 33.47 34.07 32.92 Coarse
Yield 1027 1131 966 1221 1153 1172 1158
Milk MT Production 80.60 84.40 86.20 88.1 92.6 97.1 100..9
Fish Production 5.66 5.96 6.20 6.40 6.30 6.57 6.87
Irrigated area, Mha 75.95 78.81 75.87* 77.94* 78.00* 80.00* 82.63*
consumption MT
13.88 17.36 16.09 16.80 18.34 20.34 21.65
Per capita availability
of food grains
495.50 416.20 494.10 437.6 462.7 422.4* 445..3

Table 3 Global ranking of India in farm production and productivity
Crop Production rank Productivity rank
Paddy 2

Wheat 2

Maize 7

Total cereals 3

Groundnut 2

Rapeseeds 3

Pulses 1

Potato 4

Fruits 2
(10 per cent
Vegetables 2
(9 per cent

Farm mechanization
Mechanization is viewed as package of technology to (i) ensure timely field
operations to increase productivity, reduce crop losses and improve quality of agro-
produce (ii) increase land utilization and input use efficiency (iii) increase labour
productivity using labour saving and drudgery reducing devices besides, being cost
effective and eco-friendly. Appropriate machinery have been adapted by farmers for
ensuring timely field operations and effective application of various crop production
inputs utilizing human, animal and mechanical power sources. Diverse farm
mechanization scenario prevails in the country due to size of farm holdings (average
farm holding size 1.6 ha) and socio-economic disparities. Indian agriculture continues
to be dependent upon human (agricultural workers population 234.10million in 2000-
01) and draught animal power (27 million pairs). Hand tools and animal drawn
implements are extensively used which involve a great amount of drudgery.
Adoption of tractors has been on the increase. Sale of tractors during 2005-06
touched 292000 nos.

Mechanization indicator is one of the measures of modernization of agriculture of a
country (Table 4). The availability of farm power or energy per unit area (kW/ha) has
been considered as one of the parameters for expressing level of mechanization. Ratio
of machine work and sum of manual and machine work has also been considered to
estimate the level of mechanization. The unit farm power available from all sources
(animate and mechanical power) increased from 0.20 to 0.90 kW/ha (on the basis of
net cropped area) from 1950-51 to 1996-97. The ratio of tractive power to total farm
power has increased from 0.82 to 32.25 per cent.

Table 4 Level of mechanization
Sl. No. Operation Percentage
1 Tillage
2 Sowing with drills and planters
3 Irrigation 37
4 Thresher- Wheat
Paddy and others
5 Harvesting

6 Plant protection 34.2

A number of machines and equipment suitable for different farm operations suited to
different agro-climatic regions and categories of farm have been developed and tested
(Table-5). Most of these machines are available commercially and have been well

Table 5 Present Status of mechanization in Farm Mechanization
Technology Present Status
Land Development
Land levelling and
Bull dozers, power rakes, land planes etc. are
commercially available. Animal drawn and tractor
levellers are available for wetland and laser land leveller
for large scale levelling.
Summer ploughing and
Tractor drawn mould board ploughs, disc plough and
subsoilers, para plough are available commercially.
Seedbed preparation -
conservation tillage
seeding raised bed
T/M strip till drill, roto till drill and zero till seed cum
fertilizer drill field, till planter tested in light soils of
northern India and found useful for sowing of wheat.
Seedbed preparation -
Flat bed
Tractor mounted mould board, disc ploughs, disc
harrows, cultivator etc are available commercially and
being used by the farmers. Adoption of T/m rotavator is
Seedbed preparation -
low land
Good designs of A/d and T/d puddlers, levellers, hydro
tiller and rotavator are available commercially.
Pit making Tractor mounted augers were imported and tested. Few
indigenous designs of tractor and power tiller mounted
augers were developed and commercialized.
Manure application Manual spreading and transportation through tractor is
practised. Power tiller and tractor-operated designs are
ready for commercialization.
Sowing and Planting
Drilling Animal draw, Tractor mounted and Power tiller
operated seed drills, seed cum fertilizer drill are
Planting/hill planting/
Precision drill
Dibblers, inclined plate planters and pneumatic plate
planters are available
Planting of tubers and
Potato planters of animal, tractor and power tiller
mounted are available.
Weeding and Interculture
Manual weeding and
Tools are available commercially; grubber, twin wheel
hoe, cono weeder are common on Indian farms.
Technology Present Status
Power weeders

Developed and tested. Rotary power weeder has been
adopted in different agro-climatic regions.
Power tiller operated
cultivation and earthing
Developed and tested. Power tiller mounted cultivator,
power tiller mounted earthing cum fertilizer is under
promotion in sugarcane crop.
Tractor mounted
cultivator and earthing
Commercially available
Plant Protection
Manual sprayers
Manual dusters
Commercially available on large scale
Animal operated
Few commercial models are available. Bullock drawn
sprayer for soybean and cotton is being promoted.
Engine operated
sprayers and dusters
Many models are available
Self propelled sprayers
and dusters
High capacity sprayers are commercially available.
Power tiller operated
sprayers and dusters
Few models developed by R&D Centres.
Commercialised in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and
Maharasthra. Power tiller operated orchard sprayer with
turbo nozzle has been commercialised.
Tractor mounted
sprayers and dusters
Commercially available. Few imported models field-
tested and adopted by farmers. Aeroblast sprayers are in
use for horticultural crops.
Air assisted spraying
and dusting
Manual and tractor mounted equipment have been
Harvesting & Threshing
Manual sickles Locally made available at large scale. With serrations
many designs are available for commercialization
Walking type
Walk behind type models were designed, developed,
tested and commercialised
Riding type Prototypes available
Power tiller mounted A platform type reaper made and tested
Tractor mounted A number of models are being manufactured on large
scale. Now again its scope is increasing due to the
requirement of wheat and rice straw for fodder pin poses.
Groundnut diggers Animal drawn, power tiller mounted and tractor mounted
diggers are available.
Potato diggers/sweet
potato harvesters
Animal drawn, Tractor mounted semi and automatic
potato diggers developed and tested. Power tiller
mounted potato digger is available.
Power threshers
Specialized threshers
Commercially available. Threshers for sunflower, maize,
groundnut, castor etc. have been developed.
Multicrop thresher Small and high capacity threshers developed and tested
for rice, wheat, mustard, sunflower, safflower, sorghum,
maize, pigeon-pea etc.
Combine harvesters -
Commercially available
Technology Present Status
General purpose grain
Commercially available
Straw combine Commercially available for wheat
Plot combine Limited scope. Imported models are available
Noise and Vibration on
tractors and power
Studies have been carried out which indicate that
operators of these power units are exposed to high level
of noise and vibration, which are detrimental to health
and work performance.

Modernization requires sophistication in mechanization, which is possible at
relatively large scales of operations with capital and management constraints
overcome. Marginal and small farmers are increasingly becoming part time, with
absentee farmers, periurban farmers, wage earners on a part or full time basis.
Industry and service sectors, trade and commerce unable to reduce land based
livelihoods compel rural people to remain on land based livelihoods, forcing a steady
increase in the number of land holdings but with average land holdings going down
making mechanization more challenging and difficult. Scaling down of farm
machines reduces mechanical advantages. Instead of owning farm machinery other
than hand tools, such marginal farms can meet their needs through custom servicing.
(if it is well developed).

Farm Power Availability
India has made remarkable progress in agricultural mechanization technology. The
country evolved a selective mechanization model using a power mix based on animate
and inanimate power sources. The mix of power sources includes human beings,
animals, power tillers, tractors, engines and electric motors. One of the globally used
Index of Agriculture Mechanization (IAM) is power availability per unit area. The
power availability is computed by taking both animals and inanimate power sources.
Nearly 80 per cent of the power in agriculture is contributed by inanimate power
sources. Table 6 shows the farm power availability and density of different power
sources in India. Table 8 shows the farm power availability versus food grain
production. It is apparent from these tables that agricultural productivity is directly
related to farm power availability. States with higher power per unit area also have
higher food production (Table 7). It is evident that higher power availability will
have to be ensured in the states with lower power availability. This is also true for
rainfed areas, where the power availability is barely 0.54 kW./ha. The power
availability in hilly areas is also quite low.

The increasing use of tractors and irrigation pumps operated by electric motors and
diesel engines are the indictors of the fact that use of mechanical power in India has
increased many fold during the last two decades. Power availability was 0.32 kW/ha
in 1965-66 and increased to 1.34 kW/ha in 2005-06 and needs to be increased to 2
kW/ha. The cultivable area per tractor was 2162 ha in 1965-66 and has come down
to about 50 ha per tractor in 2005-06 with the addition of a large number of tractors.
However, it is seen that the most popular model of tractor has a rating of 35 hp, which
has a command area of about 15-20 ha.

Table 6 Status of farm power sources in India
Sources Unit 1960-
116.0 124.2 149.3 183.5 214.9 227.7 Agricultural
5.8 6.2 7.5 9.2 10.7 11.4
80.4 82.6 73.4 70.9 60.3 56.5 Draft
30.6 31.4 27.8 26.9 22.9 21.5
0.037 0.168 0.531 1.192 2.472 2.812 Tractors
1.00 4.38 13.86 31.11 64.52 73.39
0 0.096 0.0162 0.0312 0.0775 0.0783 Power
0 0.054 0.0196 0.175 0.434 0.438
0.230 1.700 2.880 4.800 6.226 7.595 Diesel
1.298 9.52 16.13 26.88 34.86 42.53
0.200 1.600 3.350 8.070 13.250 14.467 Electric
0.74 5.92 12.39 29.86 49.03 53.53
1 Human = 0.05 kW, Draught animal pair = 0.38 kW, Power tiller = 5.6 kW;
Tractor = 26.1 kW, Electric motor = 3.7 kW, Diesel engine = 5.6 kW.

Table 7 Cultivated area, production and power availability in India.
Year Croppi
( per
Net sown
area per
124 140.3 173.3 38.7 1.023 264 0.55
127 141.0 178.8 42.1 1.184 174 0.73
130 142.2 185.5 48.0 1.468 119 0.87
131 142.8 186.8 53.0 1.499 84 1.05
131.6 141.2 185.7 54.83 1.630 57 1.29
135.6 141.0 191.2 56.21 1.650 50 1.44
Table 8 Farm Power availability and average productivity of food grains in
India in 2001
State Farm Power availability,
Food grain productivity,
Punjab 3.50 4032
Haryana 2.25 3088
Uttar Pradesh 1.75 2105
Andhra Pradesh 1.60 1995
Uttranchal 1.60 1712
West Bengal 1.25 2217
Tamil Nadu 0.90 2262
Karnataka 0.90 1406
Kerala 0.80 2162
Assam 0.80 1443
Bihar 0.80 1622
Gujarat 0.80 1169
Madhya Pradesh 0.80 907
Himachal Pradesh 0.70 1500
Maharashtra 0.70 757
Rajasthan 0.65 884
Jharkhand 0.60 1095
Jammu &
0.60 1050
Orissa 0.60 799
Chhattisgarh 0.60 799
All India 1.35 1723

Water is an essential natural resource for the survival of life, a key input for plant
growth and is instrumental in the upkeep of the environment. Although water is a
renewable source, it is quite dynamic and scarce. The source of all water is annual
precipitation/rainfall and it is affected by a number of factors. As a result, rainfall in
India is highly variable, irregular and undependable with widespread variation among
various meteorological sub-divisions in terms of distribution and amount. The highest
and lowest annual average rainfall in India is 10,000 mm (Khasi-Jaintia Hill,
Meghalaya) and 100 mm in Rajasthan, respectively. The distribution of water is
highly skewed and to make it better the technical feasibility of inter basin transfer of
water by linking Himalayan and Peninsular rivers has been investigated and the
proposal is under consideration of the Government of India. It is estimated that after
the development of full irrigation potential of 140 million ha as against the cropped
area of 200 million ha by the year 2010, about 60 million ha will be left as rainfed. It,
therefore, demands that every drop of rainfall should be conserved and it can be done
by in-situ and ex-situ harvesting of rainfall. Significant progress has been made in the
development of water harvesting, conservation and utilization technology. For better
water use efficiency, it is necessary to adapt efficient irrigation methods that are
technically feasible, economically viable and socially acceptable. Drip and micro
irrigation systems need to be adopted and popularized for row crops, horticulture and
especially for widely spaced high value crops in undulating terrains, shallow and
porous soils and in water scarce areas. However, the associated issues/problems of
high initial cost, clogging of drippers, cracking of pipes, lack of adequate technical
inputs and insufficient extension efforts need to be addressed on a priority basis. This
may require an integrated approach involving local R&D and extension agencies,
manufacturers and end users/farmers.

Optimum development and efficient utilization of water resources, assumes great
significance. The average annual rainfall as per the estimate of the Central Water
Commission (2000) is 1869 bcm, which is about 4 per cent of global supply. Out of
this 1122 bcm (690 bcm from surface water and 432 bcm from ground water) can be
utilized for meeting diverse demand. The spatial and temporal distribution of water
resources in the country is highly uneven. The present extent of utilization has been
estimated to be 605 bcm out of which about 83 per cent is for irrigation purposes.
The projected demand of water for various purposes by 2025 is estimated at about
1050 bcm (MOWR 1998), comprising 700 bcm of surface water and 350 bcm. of
ground water (Table 9).

Table 9 The break up of the future demands into various uses
Sl. No. Purpose Projected utilization (bcm)
by the Year 2025 A.D
Domestic Water Supply
Industrial Use
Total 1050
Surface Water 700
Ground water 350
Source: MOWR (1998), Govt. of India

Although, the average water availability in the country remains more or less fixed
according to the natural hydrological cycle, the per capita water availability is
progressively reduced due to increasing population. The per capita water availability
is reducing with time, 5300 m
during year 1955 to 2200 m
as of now. It is projected
that during 2025 this availability will be 1500m
, which is at stress level and during
year 2050 it will be scarce with availability of less than 1000 m
. The average annual
precipitation including snowfall is estimated to be of the order of 4,000 billion cubic
metre (bcm). Out of this 1500 bcm flows into sea due to floods (Abdul Kalam,
2005). Floods normally affect 8 major river valleys spread over 40 million hectares of
area in the entire country affecting nearly 260 million people. Similarly drought
affects 86 million people who are spread in 14 states covering a total of 116 districts.
If we have to prevent the damage due to the flood and reduce the severity of drought,
we have to harness this 1500 bcm of water and distribute it to the drought affected
areas. Therefore, National Water Grid (NWG) needs to be developed by interlinking
of the countrys major river basins.

In India, major water resources are from rivers, lakes, canal, reservoirs, tanks and
ground water. Globally, fresh water at a tune of 3,240 m km
is being utilized. Of this,
69 per cent is being used in agriculture sector, 8 per cent in domestic, 23 per cent in
industrial and other sectors. In India, around 88 per cent water is being used in
agriculture sector, covering around 80 M ha area under irrigation. Due to
liberalization of industrial policies and other developmental activities, the demand for
water in industrial and domestic sectors is increasing day by day, which forces the
reduction of the percentage area under irrigation in the agriculture sector. Thus,
pressure lies on agriculture sector to reduce the share of water and increase the
production, which could be achieved by enhancing increased water use efficiency.

Water is drawn either from a dug well or a shallow tube well fitted with a pumpset. In
both cases a horizontal centrifugal pumpset is commonly used. It was estimated that
there are about 16.0 million electric motors and 9.0 million diesel engine pumpsets for
lifting water from various sources (Table 10) as of 2003-04. These consume about
100 billion kWh of electricity and 4.0 billion litres of diesel annually. Several field
studies revealed that most of the agricultural pumpsets selected and installed operated
at much lower efficiency than achievable. The standing committee (Government of
India) on the study of operational efficiency of irrigation pumps clearly observed that
overall efficiency in diesel operated pump sets was 12.7 per cent and 31.1 per cent in
electrically operated pump sets. The efficiency can be increased by selection of
appropriate pump, proper installation of system, selection of prime mover, selection
of proper couplings, selection of proper size of suction and delivery pipes and regular
maintenance. Because of improper management of the systems, lack of clear cut
guidelines and lack of emphasis on water management at farm level, the overall
efficiency of these systems continued to remain low. It is reported that, a farmer can
save up to Rs. 3300 per year over his present expenses for pumpset operation if his
pumping system is properly selected. Such correct selection would not only salvage
the farmer from his avoidable yearly financial loss but would also save the nation a
few hundred crores worth of power by way of savings in diesel oil consumption and
electric power.

Table 10 Population growth trends in stationary farm power sources in India
(pumpsets per million)
Electric pump 0.1 1.63 4.33 9.34 11.57 11.85 16.0
Diesel pump 0.23 1.55 3.1 4.59 5.58 5.84 9.0

Principal factors influencing watershed operations are physiography (size, shape, land
slope) soils and geography, vegetative cover, design peak runoff rate, precipitation,
socio-economic factors, organization and analysis after treatment to land with soil
conservation measures.

Agricultural Drainage
Drainage has become the part of integrated water management, removing or
conserving water as required and also being much concerned about water quality and
environmental values. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(FAO) assessment (FAO 1996) puts the developed world cropland as 1500 million ha
(Mha) of which about 1200-1250 Mha are used for rainfed cropping while about 270
Mha (about 18 per cent of the total cropland) have irrigation facilities. The area
provided with improved drainage is estimated to be of the order of 150-200 Mha (10-
14 per cent of the total crop land). Land drainage and irrigation are complementary to
each other for maintaining sustainable agricultural productivity. Large areas have
been degraded in the country due to the problem of water-logging and salinity,
especially in the irrigated alluvial tracts in north-west India (Haryana, Punjab, Gujarat
etc.). In India about 4.528 Mha and 7.006 Mha land is having water-logging and
salinity problems respectively. A survey conducted for assessing drainage problems in
Madhya Pradesh, revealed that at present, 14.06 per cent, 1.20 per cent and 0.90 per
cent of command areas are affected due to water-logging in Chambal, Tava and
Barna respectively. Farmers of temporary water-logged lands and low lying areas are
not able to remove excess water from their fields due to lack of natural or manmade
drainage network /grid. Farmers in adjoining areas of natural drains are often using
open ditches for excess water removal from their fields. Therefore, farmers either
leave the fields fallow during monsoon season or they get very low yield from their
crops. In order to restore these degraded lands drainage becomes an essential measure.
Drainage measures consist of mainly to evacuate salts and water from the crop root

The National Water Policy (2002) emphasized adoption of drainage systems and
reclamation measures for water-logged areas for sustainable development. Good
drainage absorbs and stores more rainfall reducing runoff from the soil surface that
causes soil erosion, reduces the chances of water-borne diseases, allows plant roots to
receive enough oxygen to mature properly, improves seeds germination due to
increased soil surface temperature and increases the number of days available for
planting and harvesting crops. Land drainage thus increases crop yields and land

Indian Experiences in Drainage Technology

In India, the performance of drainage systems was evaluated in fields for sandy and
sandy loam soils under Rajasthan Agriculture Development Project (RAJAD), Central
Soil Salinity Research Institute (CSSRI), Karnal under Haryana Operational Pilot
Project (HOPP) and AICRP on Agricultural Drainage. These studies revealed that
SSD systems had resulted in control of soil salinity/alkalinity effectively and
significant increase in yields (about 50 to 75 per cent) of important crops (i.e. rice,
wheat, cotton). Studies on performance of drainage systems under heavy clay soils
(vertisols) were carried out at the Water Management Research Center, Parbhani
(Maharashtra) and the Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering (CIAE), Bhopal
Drainage field studies including mole drainage conducted at CIAE Bhopal for
soybean, and water sensitive maize and pigeon pea crops. in temporary water-logged
vertisols revealed the following:
Open drainage channels at 15 to 20 m interval and 0.5 m deep with side slopes
of 1: 1 and bed gradient less than 0.5 per cent were found to be effective for
providing enough relief to crop root zone for soybean.
For SSD system drainage coefficient (DC) was found to be 5.10 to 5.34
mm/day. The SSD system with 20 m drain spacing and 1.0m drainage depth
using corrugated perforated PVC pipe of 72/80 mm diameter covered with
geo-textile filter is required for effective drainage.
Surface drainage system resulted in 25-40 per cent increase in yield over
control and the SSD system resulted in 40-64 per cent increase over control
for soybean, maize and pigeon pea. SSD also resulted in 12 - 15 per cent
increase in yield of subsequent rabi season wheat and chickpea over the
The cost of making surface drains may vary between Rs 1250 1500 /ha
depending upon the field orientation and drain layout. The total cost of SSD
systems is found to be Rs 65,000/ha due to closer drain spacing in vertisols.
The cost of mole drainage at 4 m mole spacing varies from Rs. 2000 - 2500/ha
Cost economics of drainage systems resulted into benefit-cost (B/C) ratio of
1.77, 1.35 and 1.53 for cultivating soybean, maize and pigeon pea
respectively. The B/C ratio for SSD system is 1.36, 1.44 and 1.55 for soybean,
maize and pigeon pea respectively. The B/c ratio for soybean cultivation with
mole drainage was found to be 1.91. The payback period for SSD systems for
crops sensitive to water-logging is 5-7 years.

Energy in Agriculture
Fossil fuels, which also covers electricity generation are extensively used, but these
resources are finite. It is estimated that 81792 million units of electricity and 40.12
million tones of high-speed diesel are available in the country to meet the energy
demand in 2005-06. The studies undertaken on Energy Requirement in Agriculture
has indicated that use of energy for crop production varied considerably from 9600
MJ/ha to as high as 21000 MJ/ha including seeds and fertilizer. Energy in fertilizer
contributed the maximum followed by irrigation. The average operational energy use
on all India basis for crop production increased from 3,374 to 8,138 MJ/ha (annual
growth rate of 3.6 per cent) during 1970 to 1996 period.

More than 600 million tones of biomass are available from various crops residues and
agro-wastes for fuel wood and animal feed. It is estimated that 35-40 per cent of bio-
mass is utilized for animal feed and the remaining as energy source through direct
combustion either for cooking food (improved chulha 284.89 lakhs) or for processing
of agro-produce (bagasse co-generation 84 MW). This is also available for generation
of bio-gas (27.13 lakhs plants) and gasification (28.53 MW). Bio-gas and producer
gas can partially substitute HSD in compression ignition engines. Alcohol and plant
oils are compatible with fuel injection system of compression engines and can be used
after transesterification. Solar dryers and solar cookers (456674 nos) are available to
supplement rural energy.

Rural Energy Needs
Energy in the rural sector is required for rural home management, production
agriculture, cottage industries and agro-processing. It is estimated that about 66-80
per cent of the total energy for the rural sector is used mainly for rural home
management and 16-25 per cent for agriculture production. These are met by bio-
energy, natural energy, electricity, fossil fuel and coal. Cooking alone consumes 70
per cent of the total energy, which is met by wood, crop residues, and dry animal
dung. About 3-5 kg of fuel wood per household is required for every day. Yearly
requirement of fuel wood for rural sector alone will exceed 200 million tonnes. The
rural energy needs are different from urban needs due to economic disparity (Table 11
and 12). As per NSSO Report No 404, 1997, about 78 per cent of rural households
use fire wood compared to 30 per cent in urban areas for cooking and about 31 per
cent rural homes use electricity for lighting compared to 85 per cent in urban areas.
Only about 86 per cent villages are electrified. The remaining households use
kerosene. This requires about 4 litres of kerosene per month per family. This would
require more than 300 million litres of kerosene in rural homes for lighting. One of
the reasons of poor industrialization of rural sector is due to inadequate or non-
availability of assured electricity in the villages.

Table 11: Rural energy needs

Home management and rural industries :
66 - 80 per cent
Agricultural production
:16 - 25 per cent
Post harvest activities
:2 - 4 per cent
Animal husbandry and dairying: 2 - 5 per
Table 12: Mechanical Power in

Tractor :3.42 million
Power Tiller :0.11
Diesel engine :5.94 million
Electric Motors :14.80

Status of PHT and Agro-processing Industry
The size of Indias food industry is estimated at Rs. 2,50,000 crore. Of this, value
added processed food are forecast to rise three times from the present Rs. 80,000 crore
to 2,25,000 crore. The Indian food agro-products industry is predominantly related to
conservation and simple processed food. However, there is a trend towards value
added, easy to use convenient products. Some of the major post-harvest technology
and equipment developed in India are:

Optimum stage of harvesting, Status of traditional post harvest activities, Effect of
chemicals on yield, Groundnut stripper, Maize dehusker sheller, Crop covering
structures, Storage Structures, Crop driers, Cleaners and graders, Decorticators and
threshers, Storage structures for onion, Solar drier and seed treater, Milling equipment
for small scale operations, Leaf grinder and pyrolyser, Decorticators, Grain infestation
detector, Straw baler and feed treatment structure, Pedal-cum-power operated cleaner,
seed treater, Use of biogas in grain storage, Bottling of sugarcane juice, Rice puffing
machine, Pantnagar dal mill, Pearler for coarse grains, Sago roaster, Ginger and
turmeric polisher, PKV dal mill, Pea peeling and punching, Extraction of chillies
seed, Agro Processing Centre, Garlic bulb breaker, use of waste Kagzi lime for citric
acid, Enhancement of shelf life of fruits and vegetables, Cashewnut sheller, Water
chestnut decorticator, Mango grader, Bengal gram stripping-shelling machine,
magnetic treater for seeder, Microwave for disinfestation, Honey bee smoker, Radial
honey extractor, Effluent treatment system, Blended leather boards etc.

Post harvest characteristics of agricultural produce is affected by pre-harvest
treatments-seed rates, level of fertilizer use, nutritional balance, irrigation and
drainage, attack f diseases and pests, growth hormones and pesticides used an d their
residual toxicity, mechanical and environmental injuries during harvesting, handling,
transport and storage. A strong awareness drive is needed to provide pre-harvest
inputs for scientific post-harvest management of agricultural produce and by-
For scientific storage of agricultural produce cleaning, grading, shelling,
decortication, drying to safe moisture levels -10-12 per cent in case of cereals, 8-10
per cent in case of pulses and 6-8 per cent in case of oilseeds, are important. A
number of useful equipments- for such unit operations are available that need to be
commercialized and extended to targeted beneficiaries. Scientific storage-room,
warehouses storage bins, or even CAP storage capacity for growers to negotiate with
the forces of market enabling them to earn 25-50 per cent more net returns.

The utilization pattern of produce and their by-products governs the use of process
and machinery. By improved harvesting, parboiling, drying and milling technologies
the total out-turn of rice can be increased by 10 per cent. There is an increasing trend
towards the use of roller mills for milling wheat that give quality products. Maize is a
very versatile grain having food, feed, and industrial raw material value. It yields
numerous products employing dry milling, wet milling, fermentation and other
processes. Sorghum and minor millets have excessive fibre causing anti-nutritional
effects, to overcome this defect pearlers are used.

India is the second largest producer of fruits and vegetables (F&V) next only to
China. It is growing at a rate of 6-8 per cent annually. In the absence of awareness,
skills and proper PH-infrastructure post-harvest losses in F&V are excessive 20-40
per cent. Bumper harvests can face a slump in the market price creating disincentives
to the growers. The major reasons for these losses are:

Untimely harvest and mechanical injuries during the process.
Growth of micro-organisms (yeasts, molds and bacteria).
Life processes of these biologically active materials/post-harvest physiological
Enzymatic activities, browning, discolouration
Physical changes like desiccation, shriveling, loss of turgidity
Chemical changes such as oxidation
Spoilage and mechanical damage during harvest handling, packaging transport
and storage
Priority in Post Harvest Technology Research and Development
Post harvest technology is commodity and location specific. However, the present
requirement is to develop need-based and market driven PHT and equipment for loss
prevention and value addition to raw food materials of plant, animal and aquatic
origin for internal and international markets. Diversification in the present uses of
rainfed and other crops may be considered (Table 13). The technology so developed
must lead to rural industrialization, thereby creating employment and income
generation opportunities. Appropriate PHT would help in enhancing per capita food
and fibre availability from the limited and dwindling land and water resources.

Table 13 Present use and suggested diversification of field crops for better
domestic utilization and export promotion.
Field Crop Present Value-added
Suggested Product Diversification
Rice Milled raw and parboiled
rice, flour and flakes and
puffed rice.
Quick cooking rice, Basmati rice and
rice based extruded snack/breakfast
Wheat Noodles Puffed & flaked breakfast foods.
Field Crop Present Value-added
Suggested Product Diversification
Maize Flour and flakes, starch and
dextrins and puffed corn.
Degermed maize flour and corn oil.
Sorghum Flour, flakes and puffed
Food and feed uses.
Millets Flour and pearled millets. Food and feed uses.
Oilseeds Oil and cake. Protein rich soybean flour, protein
isolates and concentrates, dal
anologs, soy-lecithin, fatty acids and
derivatives, direct food uses of
Pulses Dal, Besan, feed (husk and
brokens) and roasted snack
Quick cooking dal, mixed and
speciality dal.
Cotton Cotton and cotton yarn,
cottonseed oil and cake.
Colour cotton, byproduct utilization
and refinement of cotton seed oil and
cake for food and feed.
Jute and
Gunny bags, carpets, ropes
and bags.
For interior decortication, blended
yarn, soft luggage, shoe uppers and
disposable sleeper, non-woven fabric
and geotextile.
Source: Ali, 1999.

Food Processing Industry
Presently only up to 6 per cent of the total produce is converted to processed and
packed foods. It is targeted to reach 20 per cent in about 10 years. The industry is
labour intensive and contributes around 50 per cent to industrial production. Multi-
National Food Companies have played a role of creating market pull and competition.
Adoption of innovative and scientific packaging methods by food industry has
enabled the manufacture of safe and quality food. More than 73 per cent of rice, 55
per cent maize, 24 per cent pulses, 45 per cent oil seeds, 45 per cent sugarcane are
processed by modern machinery besides other commercial crops. The Indian food
industry is one of the largest in terms of production, consumption and growth
prospects. However, inefficiencies in the food sector are due to 6-7 intermediaries as
compared to 2-3 in other countries and results in affecting the product quality. In
spite of this, the large food industry has come up in a big way with meeting
international quality standards, and exporting processed foods even to the developed

The future of the Indian food industry can be considered to be bright only if safe and
quality food products are made available covering the complete chain starting from
raw material production to delivery of safe food to the end user. Indian groundnut
processors are able to meet the restriction of 5 ppb afflatoxin level in peanut butter.
Now, our processors have adopted a vacuum packaging approach for roasted / fried
groundnut kernel based snack products to check off-flavour development. It should
not be a matter of surprise if Indian, paddy processing facilities of International
Standard are widely found. High value Basmati paddy is milled and exported with the
quality standards prescribed by different International Markets like USA, Middle
East, etc.

The demand for processed and convenience foods will be increasing in future and it is
expected to rise from the present level of 3 per cent to 25 per cent by 2020 AD. This
will call for development of appropriate technologies not only for value addition but
also for handling, packaging, storage, transportation and marketing of products in
domestic and international market to deliver safe food.

The food processing industry in India is labour intensive and offers a major
employment opportunity. The industry employs 18 to 20 per cent of countrys labour
force. It is estimated that per Rs. 1000 Crore investment in the large-scale food
industry provides direct employment to 54000 persons whereas in cottage scale the
employment potential is 354000 (7 times) for same investment. To provide food
security through financial empowerment the Govt. is keen to provide employment
many through this sector. Also, normally, producers do not get enough income
/returns due to low price or glut. Under such circumstances, it is a must to initiate
processing activities in the production catchments to improve the raw material quality
and enhance shelf life. Also, these units can take-up the activities of supplying
primarily processed good quality raw material to large-scale industries. Thereby
reducing the industrial load of cities and ease out pollution related problems. With
the above analysis in view, it appears necessary to develop a network- of cottage to
small-scale enterprises in rural areas for processing of agricultural produce to provide:

Opportunities of employment and income generation
Good quality food raw material to local /rural population at relatively lower rates.
Primarily processed good quality raw material to large industry in cities

Employment Potential: The agriculture processing sector has immense employment
potential for rural people, provided the primary processing activities are undertaken,
as in the past, in rural areas. Cottage and industrial level primary/ secondary
processing include, rice mills, grain mills, fruit and vegetable processing, etc. The
case of employment generation by food grain processing in production catchments
was worked out, showing huge potential even for processing 20-50 per cent of total
food grain production in rural area. However, a systematic approach needs to be

Realising the low price pattern in the production season, grape growers in
Maharashtra State have taken-up on-farm primary processing activities for producing
raisins. Quality aspects are kept in mind all throughout and the end product processed
in rural areas can be exported. There is a need to understand that 'growing' is futile
without 'processing'. It is important to appreciate that 'growing' and 'processing' are
complementary and need to be promoted together for more income to the poor.
Primary processing of cereals, pulses, oil seeds, fruits and vegetables can be
conveniently taken up for value addition and income generation.

Status of the various technologies/ equipments available for various operations in post
harvest technology, agro-processing and food industry are given in Table 14:

Table 14 Status of various process operations and equipment

Cleaning and Grading
Scalpers and precleaners Used by processing industry. Yet to become common in
farmers site
Seed cleaners & graders Used by processing industry. Yet to become common in
farmers site. Some grain mandies use these.
Gravity separator/
Used by foodgrain, oilseed and seed processing industry
Disc separators Used by foodgrain and seed processing industry
Spiral separators Used by foodgrain and seed processing industry
Vegetable cleaner Rarely used by processing industry. Mostly manual
labour is used.
Fruit and vegetable
Rarely used by processing industry. Mostly manual
labour is used. However, commercially available having
different output capacities.
Fruit and vegetable
packaging lines
Rarely used by processing industry. Mostly manual
labour is used. Only large scale fruit and vegetable
processing/trading units (like Mother Dairy, New Delhi),
etc. have these. Also export oriented units (EOUs) do
use these but not very common
Sun and solar drying Most commonly followed by farmers
Batch dryers Processing industry uses these.
Re-circulation dryers Rice mills use for drying parboiled paddy
Continuous grain dryers Rice mills use for drying of parboiled paddy
Dryers for spices and
Randomly adopted
Storage of foodgrain
On-farm Rarely done except farm houses
Rural godown Operational. Mostly the problem is of management and
not of the technology
Silostorages Commonly used by Oilseed Processing Solvent
Extraction Plants, Wheat mills (Roller flour mills), Grain
Storage agencies like FCI etc.
Milling of Cereals
Rice 65 per cent produce milled in modern rice mills, 35 per
cent milled in hullers and URD shellers.
Wheat 10-13 per cent produce milled in 820 roller flour mills,
Rest milled in over 320, 000 chakkies
Maize Only 30-34 per cent milled in modern processing units.
Rest used as feed and human food.
Minor Millets Mostly milled in Chakkies for flour0
Pasta and macroni Mostly imported units in operation for preparation of
quality product
Puffed and flaked rice About 10 per cent of production is processed for puffed
and flakes products. Basically, it is cottage to small
scale industry
Milling of Pulses
Dal milling Mostly conventional mills (ca. 11000) covert the pulses
into dal, besan, etc. Recovery is low (73-75 per cent).
Snack foods Mostly puffed/roasted products are prepared (10 per cent
of production).
Milling of Oilseeds
Traditional Kolhus and Ghanis are used in rural areas and towns for
oil expelling. Up to 15 per cent oil is left in cake.
Expellers Around 55,000 expellers are used in rural areas and
towns for oil expelling. Up to 8 per cent oil is left in
Solvent extraction over 700 units process the oil seeds, including soybean
Filtration and refining It is commonly done. Filtration is done for groundnut
and mustard oil. Other oils are refined through over 150
refineries. Also, 300 units are in operation for
hydrogenation of oils
Processing of Commercial crops
Sugarcane About 50 per cent of 300mt production processed for
Jaggery/ khandsari and rest for sugar through 430 sugar
Processing of fruits & vegetable
Dried dehydrated
Not very common. Some firms make very good quality
dehydrated leafy and other vegetables and fruits - up to
export quality
Osmosis dehydrated
Not much in use. Very few products are seen
Fruit juice concentrate

Industry is well equipped to produce and market very
good quality product which serves as raw material for
fruit based juice / drink plants
Paddy Technology for optimum stage of harvesting, threshing,
drying, cleaning, grading, storage, parboiling, milling,
rice bran stabilization, husk utilization are available in
the country yielding 68-70 per cent rice recovery. Poor
recovery with long grain rice.
Wheat Wheat is milled in burr/attrition and roller-flour mills for
whole meal flour, refined flour, suji, dalia, etc. Wheat
milling is fairly well established.
Maize Presently used for feed starches, edible flour, snack
foods (popped/ puffed ), dextrins
Sorghum and millets Used as coarse cereals for food and feed
Pulses Milled for split pulses (dal) in traditional and modern dal
mills. Recovery is poor, and broken pulses are more
readily found. Noise and dust pollution is severe.
Legumes like chickpea, peas, lentil, greengram are
roasted/ fried for snack foods. No standardized
manufacturing of dal mills.
Oilseeds Used for oil, protein and lecithin. Utilization pattern of
oilseeds in India is 5 per cent for direct food, 8 per cent
for seed and 87 per cent for oil extraction. Cake is used
as livestock feed but the bulk of it (80-85 per cent) is
Soybean Present utilization pattern is that 5 per cent for direct
food and feed uses, 10 per cent for seed and 85 per cent
for oil extraction. Oil is used within the country but 85
per cent of total soymeal is exported for livestock feed.
Only 15 per cent of soymeal is used domestically for
food (TSP, defatted soyflour) and feed.
Fruits and vegetables Production of fruit and vegetables is increasing. Prices
are low in season. Mostly consumed fresh. Post-
production losses are very high. Production of
processed products is negligible, hardly 1-2 per cent.
Handling, storage, transport and marketing
infrastructures are insufficient.
Sugarcane About 80 per cent of total sugarcane production is
crushed. Out of this half goes for refined sugar in
organized sector and half for jaggery and khandsari.
The remaining 20 per cent is for seed and chewing.
Average recovery of sugar is 8 per cent.
Spices Major spices are pepper, cardamom, ginger, turmeric,
chilli, coriander, etc. Pepper is the major export earner.
Quality is governed by cultivar, post-production care,
packaging and storage. Post-harvest losses are more.
Quality of the product in the indigenous market is poor.
Animal products Milk and milk products are being handled with
reasonably good success. Meat and egg handling and
hygienic conditions are poor. Slaughter houses are of
very old design. Goat and sheep contribute 55 per cent
of total meat production. Poultry 13 per cent.
Fish and fish products Fishes are mostly sold live/fresh in local markets and
consumed domestically except prawn and other sea
catches. Transport system is not very well developed.
Handling and storage is poor. Processing is mainly done
for export.
Cotton Cotton is the natural textile fibre and is used but other
parts of the cotton plant are not well utilized except
cotton seed. Stalk is used as fuel. There is a need to
strengthen post-harvest activities for by-products
Jute and Mesta Mini jute carding and spinning mills have been
developed. Jute sticks are poorly utilized as a fuel
source through it can yield a hardwood like structure,
paper and pulps, particle board etc. Jute fibre is used for
gunny bags, carpets, ropes and bags.
Cold chain for the
Adopted for export of fresh fruits (grapes in
Maharashtra) and vegetables.
Controlled Atmosphere
and Modified
atmospheric packaging.
Minimally adopted by few selected processing units.
Product Development Technology
Paddy (Rice) Milled raw and parboiled rice, flour and flakes and
puffed rice
Wheat Flour, maida, suji, dalia and noodles
Maize Flour and flakes, starch and dextrins and puffed corns
Sorghum Flour, flakes and puffed sorghum
Oilseeds Oil and cake
Pulses Dal, besan, feed (husk and broken pieces) and roasted
snack foods
Cotton Cotton and cotton yarn, cotton seed oil and cake
Jute and Mesta Gunny bags, carpets, ropes and bags
Popularization of soy
Limited products available
Handling And Transport
Power tiller
Tractor trolleys,
-2 wheel
- wheel
Tipping trolley
Commercially available

Women Friendly Improved Tools and Equipment for Agriculture

Women play a major role in rural India through their active participation in
agriculture. At present, the women found in the work force in agriculture and allied
sectors is estimated at about 61 million which amounts to about 30 per cent of the
total rural workers in the country. They participate in different crop production and
food processing operations as well as in animal husbandry and dairy and fishery
activities. In addition they also carry the burden of household work and management.
Studies have shown that the Indian women work for about 14-16 hours a day to carry
out various activities on farm and at home.

Rural women are usually employed in arduous field operations like sowing behind the
plough, transplanting, weeding, interculture, harvesting and threshing. The activities
in agro processing involve cleaning/ grading, drying, parboiling, milling, grinding,
decortication and storage. Women workers are also preferred in commercial
agriculture like tea, coffee, tobacco and plantation crops. Bidi making, jute retting, lac
cultivation, processing and lac products preparation, cotton picking, sugarcane
cleaning/ detopping and spice picking, with cleaning and processing also largely
performed by women.

There are more than 50 improved hand tools and equipment developed by various
research organizations in the country. Out of these, 30 hand tools/ equipment have
been identified which can be made suitable for women workers. These are listed

Seed treatment drum Naveen dibbler
Rotary dibbler Seed drill
Paddy drum seeder Rice transplanter
Cono weeder Long handled weeder (Grubber)
Weeder (Wheel hoe) Fertilizer broadcaster
Spraying safety kit Improved sickle
Sugarcane stripper Tubular maize sheller
Rotary maize sheller Groundnut stripper
Groundnut decorticator Groundnut decorticator
(sitting type) (Standing type)
Pedal operated paddy thresher Hanging type double screen
grain cleaner with sac holder
Pedal operated cleaner grader Potato peeler
Potato slicer Mini dal mill
Hand operated chaff cutter Wheel barrow
Cotton stalk puller Hand ridger
Bhindi plucker Fruit harvester

Entrepreneurship development through farm machinery manufacturing
The demand for agricultural machinery is increasing over the years. To meet the
demand from all corners of the country, it is not possible to supply the desired
machinery through centralized manufacturing. This is due to the fact that
transportation cost and repair and maintenance adds to increase in cost of equipment.
Therefore, efforts are to be made to develop decentralized manufacturing of
agricultural machinery. It will not be economical to marginal, small and medium
farmers to possess all the equipment and machineries they need in different
operations. Therefore the best option will be to hire equipment and machineries from
custom hire centers. This also will ease the burden of safe storage of these machines
and equipment when not in use and also from the point of periodical and preventive
Therefore, opening up of service centers for repair and maintenance and custom hire
centers through entrepreneurship in rural areas will augment the pace of farm
Impact of Climate and Weather on Agriculture
Anthropogenic interventions are interacting with structure and function of the agro-
eco system more intensively and producing increasingly higher amount of green
house gases. There are documented evidences of increased production of carbon
dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and other industrial gases in the past. As a result of
these global emissions mean temperature has increased by almost 0.4 to 0.7C during
last 100 years. This increase in temperature and other inter-related dynamics of
climate is going to happen at a much faster rate due to industrialization, deforestation,
encroachment of wetlands, grasslands and higher inputs of agro-chemicals for
realizing higher productivity. As a result of that annual rainfall, availability of water
and land use system is bound to be altered. Increasing temperatures will melt glaciers
and transfer water form the hills and mountains to the plains or even some of it may
escape to sea. Consequent rise in sea level will flood many coastal areas and shall
call upon relocation and rehabilitation of the communities. Redistribution of rainfall
and surface water will also impact biodiversity, productivity, both of the terrestrial
and aquatic eco-systems. In order to minimize impact or manage climate changes
large investments into proactive or anticipatory research is necessary to meet
emerging challenges of livelihood gathering by the agrarian economies like of India.

Globally about 65 per cent of the green house gases are produced by the industry and
35 per cent is contributed by agriculture and related activities. Agriculture, however,
acts both as a source and sink for the green house gases. Indian agriculture is
contributing 2.4 per cent of the methane and 1.5 per cent of the nitrous oxide of the
total world production. Impact on productivity is a net result of contrasting effects of
higher concentration of carbon dioxide and other gases as well as temperature.
Overall productivity of rice and wheat in northern India is growing to be reduced by
2070. Similarly it will be true for wheat yields in central India. Recent cold wave in
the month of January, 2003 produced very adverse effects on mango, papaya,
mustard, other sensitive crops and livestock in the northern India. There was only 20-
30 per cent seed setting in 80.000 hectares of winter maize in Bihar during the 2002-
03 season. In addition to breeding of varieties and crops which can tolerate extreme
temperatures, rainfall and greenhouse gases, there are many agronomic mitigation

In situ management of residues instead of burning, fuel saving zero tillage, water and
fertilizer management in rice, drainage of waterlogged soils, preservation of wetlands
will certainly cut down production of greenhouse gases. Now a days, there is a
greater concern on nitrous oxide emissions because of its very long atmospheric half-
life requiring special infrastructure and human resources. Sequestration of green
house gases through forestry, agro-forestry, horticultural and other plantations will
become a reality especially when the Kyoto Protocol becomes binding mechanism.
India is progressing rapidly noting its position in World Agriculture (Table 15)
ranking 1-3 in most of crop/horticultural items.

Table 15 Position of India in World Agriculture
Position of India Agricultural
commodity per
Next to
China, USA
China, USA
China, Russia
USA, Japan
USA, BRazil, Argentina, China
Brazil, Columbia, Viet Nam, Indonesia, Cote
Divoire, Mexico

Energy and Cost Effective Technology and Equipment for Sustainable
As of now, scientific management of natural resources for sustainable agricultural
production is very crucial. With the advent of high yielding crop varieties,
augmentation of irrigation facility; increased use of fertilizers, adoption of improved
agronomic practices, tools and implements; concerted efforts of scientists, planners,
governments and above all, that of farming community have lead to green, yellow,
blue, white and horticultural revolutions resulting in a quantum jump in agricultural
production. This high achievement in agricultural production has lead to food self-
sufficiency. However, this has put natural resources under intense strain resulting in
fast degradation and lowering of their production efficiency.

Agriculture now should shift to knowledge-based from resource-based technology, in
the quest to wipe-off food and nutritional insecurity on a sustainable basis in India.
The demographic pressure is rapidly mounting on natural resources and it is estimated
to be 1.4 billion by 2025 and 1.7 billion by 2050. This scenario along with increasing
industrialization and urbanization are putting tremendous strain on the limited and
dwindling land and water resources. Unless corrective measures are taken, there may
be irreversible damage to the environment and the resource base. The challenge is to
produce enough food on sustainable basis to meet the basic requirements of the ever-
increasing population while maintaining the natural resources and preserving bio-
diversity. It, therefore, calls for knowledge and resource conservation based
technology and machines for sustainable agricultural production and productivity.

Tillage and Sowing Technology
Tillage is a physical manipulation of soil to get an appropriate soil-tilth, which can
provide favourable conditions for plant growth. Tillage is hard work and energy-
intensive. As crop cultivation became more sophisticated, tillage operations and
equipments are altered and specialized. Powered machinery and cheap fossil fuel
brought in the age of maximum tillage, resulting in loose and fine seedbed, weed and
trashes free fields and extensive mixing of soil, lime, crop residues, manures and
fertilizers, at a higher energy expenditure and overall cost of operation. It is now
being realized that extensive tillage is neither ideal nor required as it causes formation
of hard-pan, soil erosion and more energy and labour needs. All these lead us to have
a new appraisal of tillage concept. The conventional tillage operations such as
ploughing and harrowing, involve repeated soil disturbances making it vulnerable to
soil erosion, loss of soil structure, etc. While shallow tillage helps in breaking
dormancy of weed seeds by exposing seeds to light, deep tillage protects the weed
seeds by burying them deep in the soil horizon. The primary objective of tillage is to
control weeds and around 50 per cent of the energy required for tillage is spent for
weed control. Until herbicides became available in 1940s and beyond, tillage for
weed control was an integral part of crop production. With the dramatic
improvements being made in the field of herbicide technology, the necessity of soil
manipulation for weed control has decreased. Herbicides to kill weeds are more
effective and eliminate extra trips over the field, which results in both fuel (energy)
and labour (time) saving.

Tillage includes all the operations and practices that are carried out for the purpose of
modifying the physical character of soil so as to provide favourable conditions for
plant growth. Different forms of tillage, and seeding and planting system and
equipment now being advocated are conventional, minimum, reduced, conservation,
ridge and zero tillage and surface seeding and furrow irrigated raised bed planting
system (FIRBPS).

Conventional tillage is being followed by most of the farmers in the form of primary
and secondary tillage operations using ploughs, harrows, cultivators, etc. It varies
depending upon crop, soil and agro-climatic condition. It uses more energy and the
cost of operation is high. Now the trend is toward reduced tillage in India as well as in
developed countries.

Minimum tillage is the level of tillage required for crop production or for meeting the
tillage requirements under specific soil and climatic conditions. This system
eliminates excess tillage operations. Reduced tillage is defined as any combination of
tillage operations, which do less tillage than all the operations used in conventional
tillage. The main advantages of reduced tillage are less soil erosion and saving in
time and cost of operation.

Conservation tillage is a tillage system that leaves at least 30 per cent of crop
residue/stubbles on surface to control soil erosion and moisture loss. It is conducive
to sustainable agriculture. In India, residue management is very important in rice-
wheat cropping system because a large amount of crop residues are left on soil
surface, especially where combines are used for crop harvest.

In Zero tillage technology, crop seeds are sown in a single operation using specially
designed tractor operated seed-cum-fertilizer drill without any field preparation in the
presence of rice crop residues./stubbles at optimum to slightly wetter soil moisture
regime. Zero-till drilling of wheat has become very popular in Indo-Gangetic plains
of India under rice-wheat cropping system. The incentive for a change from
conventional tillage to zero-tillage has come from improved productivity, profitability
and sustainability of rice-wheat cropping system. With better herbicides and its
application technology, the necessity of soil manipulation for weed control has
decreased. Zero-tillage technology has reduced the cost of wheat sowing from Rs.
2000-2500/ha to Rs. 400-500/ha. Also, there is saving of labour and time.

Almost all the results of the experiments conducted at different places in India
revealed higher wheat yield in zero-tillage than conventional practices (Table 16). It
was observed that zero tillage system was more energy (fuel) efficient (Table 17) and
saved tractor time as shown in Table 18.

Table 16 Production, economics and energy use in zero-till drilled and
conventionally sown wheat after harvest of rice in vertisols
Parameter of comparison Previous field soil conditions
Puddled transplanted
rice/wet plastic soil
Direct-dry seeded
rice/friable soil
ZT CT per
ZT CT per
Grain yield, t/ha 5.24 5.14 1.90 5.40 5.25 2.80
Cost of production, Rs/ha 9097 1168
22.20 9548 1168
Benefit : cost ratio 3.34 2.55 23.65 3.28 2.61 20.43
Specific energy use, MJ/kg 1.24 1.79 30.73 1.35 1.74 22.41
Specific cost of
1.73 2.27 23.79 1.77 2.23 20.63

Table 17 Fuel used for wheat sowing under different tillage systems
Tillage system Fuel used, l/ha

Pantnagar Ludhiana Jabalpur Bhopal Karnal Average
Zero-tillage (ZT) 7.1 12.5 9.0 14.0 6.0 9.72
Conventional tillage
67.8 33.0 84.0 38.0 65.0 57.56
Saving in ZT over CT,
per cent
89.5 62.2 89.3 63.5 90.8 79.06

Table 18 Tractor time required for wheat sowing under different tillage systems
Tillage system Tractor time required, h/ha

Pantnagar Ludhiana Jabalpur Bhopal Karnal Average
Zero-tillage (ZT) 1.6 2.3 3.0 3.5 1.6 2.40
Conventional tillage (CT) 13.7 11.2 24.0 11.5 9.4 13.96
Saving in ZT over CT,
per cent
88.3 79.9 37.5 70.0 83.3 81.80

In FIRB Planting System crops are sown on raised beds. Generally 2-3 rows of wheat
are sown on the top of the bed, 70 cm wide, and irrigation is done through the
furrows. The inter-row bed space is used to control weeds by mechanical weeding
during the early growth of weeds. In the crop sequences, where wheat follows
soybean, maize or cotton this system of reduced tillage can be followed by reshaping
the same beds without opening up the soil for field preparation. FIRB system of
cultivation also helps in better input use efficiency. The technology is suitable for
almost all types of soil except black cotton soils.

In Rotary tillage technology (RTT), soil is pulverized, seeds and fertilizers are placed
and then soil surface is planked; all these three activities are done in a single
operation. Soil is pulverized to a depth of 10 cm and thus the existing weeds and
germinating weed seedlings are killed and incorporated into the soil along with crop
residues resulting into increased organic matter content of the soil and at the same
time it also reduces air pollution as straw burning is avoided. Tractor based RTT
consists of a rotavator and a seed-cum-fertilizer drill. It reduces the number of
operations from 6-8 to only one and thereby the total saving of energy and time is 70-
80 per cent. Tractor rear-mounted rotavator-cum-drill is priced at about Rs. 45,000
and can be driven by a 35-45 hp/tractor. Experiments conducted at DSWR, Karnal
have shown that 7-10 per cent higher grain yield of wheat can be obtained as
compared to ZT and FIRB planting system of wheat.

Ridge tillage system is a form of conservation tillage that appears to overcome many
of the soil micro-environmental, soil compaction and weed control problems
associated with other conventional and un-tilled systems. In ridge tillage system, crop
is planted on ridges formed during the previous growing season. During planting the
surface (5 cm) of the ridge is scraped into the inter-row valleys. Seeds that were shed
on the ridge in the previous season are thus moved to the valleys where seedlings can
be destroyed by inter-row cultivation. At layby, when crop plants are at least 40 cm
tall, the truncated/scraped soil is excavated from the furrows and moved back to the
ridge crests. Such soil management may affect weeds, weed control and crop-weed

Surface seeding is the simplest no-tillage system being followed/promoted in areas
like Eastern India, Nepal and Bangladesh; where wheat sowing in lowland rice fields
gets delayed considerably due to excess soil moisture. In this system, seeds of wheat,
legumes and/or other crops are broadcasted on wet soil in standing rice crop, about a
week before harvesting or on wet/muddy soil after rice harvest. This system is also
called Utera or paira cropping.

Resource Conservation Measures
Resource conservation agriculture generally implies to the systems of cultivation with
minimum tillage, in-situ management of crop residues, savings in water use and that
of inputs. Minimum tillage is aimed at reducing tillage to the minimum necessary that
would facilitate favorable seedbed condition for satisfactory germination, stand
establishment and growth of crop. Excessive tillage may be minimized either by
eliminating the operations which are not cost-effective or combining the tillage,
seeding and fertilizer application in one pass operation. Zero tillage is however an
extreme form of minimum tillage. Experiments have shown that minimum tillage has
improved soil conditions due to decomposition of plant residues in-situ, facilitated
higher infiltration due to vegetative matter present on the top soil and passage formed
by the decomposition of old roots, less compaction to soil by the reduced movement
of tractor and heavy tillage equipment and less erosion compared to conventional
tillage. These advantages are more visible in coarse and medium textured soils. Use of
appropriate equipment and power sources save considerable amount of energy and
time and thereby lead to reduction in cost of cultivation.

Energy and Cost Effective Equipment

Direct drilling equipment
No-till drilling, strip till drilling and roto till drilling of wheat after harvest of rice
were compared with the conventional tillage sowing as practiced by farmers. Brief
specifications of the direct drilling machines are given in Table 19.

Table 19 Specifications of direct drilling machines
Particulars No till drill Strip till
Roto till drill
Source of power 45 hp tractor 45 hp tractor 45 hp tractor
Type/number of furrow
Inverted T type/09 Shoe type/09 Shoe type/11
Row spacings, mm 180 (Adjustable) 200 (Fixed) 160
Working width, mm 1600 1800 1750
Drive wheel Angle lug front
Angle lug
side mounted
Star lug rear
Weight, kg 250 280 300
Unit price, Rs 15000 35000 45000

Table 20 No-tillage and minimum tillage seeding compared to conventional
tillage- sowing of wheat
Particulars No tillage

Conv. tillage
(3 passes) and
Time, h/ha 3.23
Fuel used, l/ha 11.30
Operational energy,
Cost of operation, Rs/ha 639.54
() Values show percent savings over conventional practice

The results showed that no tillage drilling was the most time, energy and cost-
effective for 70.15, 67.16 and 66.39 per cent respectively over the conventional
practice. The roto tillage seeding combined with full width shallow tillage in single
pass operation was 60.35 per cent energy efficient and 57.58 per cent cost-effective
compared to the conventional practice. The strip tillage seeding although of single
pass operation and found advantageous over conventional tillage-seeding but for the
intermittent strip tillage the operational energy and cost requirements were higher
compared to the roto tillage and no tillage seeding (Table 20).

Cultural practices specific to direct drilling systems were developed in terms of
frequency of irrigation and fertilizer applications. First irrigation of 40-50 mm was
critical for all the direct seeding systems for initial establishment especially in no
tillage seeding. Performance of direct drilled wheat are given in Table 21.

Table 21 Production economics and operational energy of direct drilled wheat
(HI-8498) after harvest of rice (IR-36)
Particulars Zero till drilled Strip till
Roto till
tionally sown
Grain yield, t/ha 4.84 4.62 4.78 4.60
Cost of production, Rs/ha 8635 9114 9315 10710
Benefit-cost ratio 3.64 3.29 3.34 2.79
Operational energy, MJ/ha 8114 8712 8444 9516
* Sale price of wheat (HI-8498), was taken as Rs 6.50/kg.

The results show that in direct drilling systems although the grain yields were found at
par, the benefit-cost ratio were higher at 15.2-23.4 per cent with savings in operational
energy at 8.4-14.7 per cent as compared to the conventional practice.

Raised bed planter
Raised bed planter is used for planting of crops on raised beds. Making of beds on
tilled soil, planting of seeds, basal application of fertilizer and covering and dressing
of planted beds are done in a single operation. For planting of seeds on permanent
beds the same machine is used for single operation adding to the advantage of
conservation tillage to the raised bed planting thus reducing the cost of planting
compared to those on fresh beds or flat sowings.

The production economics have shown that on permanent beds the benefit cost ratio
was higher at 15.8 per cent over the fresh beds (Benefit-cost ratio=3.26) mainly
because of the reduced cost of cultivation. In permanent beds the water retention was
higher in furrows due to compaction effect by tractor wheels helping to provide
catchment effect for longer periods by slow infiltration of water to the root zone of
crops on beds.

In general performance of wheat on fresh and permanent beds were found higher in
terms of grain yield (8.5-9.4 per cent) and benefit cost ratio (14.4-27.9 per cent)
compared to the conventional flat sown yield of grain was 4.6 t/ha while the benefit
cost ratio was 2.79.

Network for Agricultural Machinery Design and Development

The early farm machinery development in India was greatly influenced by
technological development in England. Horse drawn and steam tractor operated
equipment were imported during the latter part of the 19
century. In 1888-89, Watts
and Kaisar ploughs, corn grinders and chaff cutters were introduced at Cawnpore
(now Kanpur) Experimental Farm in Uttar Pradesh. Sardar Joginder Singh (1897-
1946) introduced steam tractors in India in 1914. He was Agriculture Minister in the
Punjab Government during 1926-37. The horse drawn equipment imported from
England were not suitable for bullocks and buffaloes being used in India. These were
suitably modified to suit Indian draught animals and as a result mould, board plough,
disc-harrow, and cultivator were introduced in India. With the establishment of
Allahabad Agricultural Institute, Allahabad, the development activities in agricultural
machinery accelerated. Meston, Shabash and Wah-Wah ploughs were introduced in
Uttar Pradesh, manufactured by the Agricultural Development Society, in the early
forties. The development of spike tooth thresher at this Institute in 1960s
revolutionized wheat threshing technology in India.

Agricultural machines are by and large fabricated by village craftsmen and small scale
industries. Tractors, engines, milling, dairying equipment and oil mills are
manufactured by organized sectors. Small-scale industries seldom have R&D
facilities and they depend upon public institutions for technological support. They
require not only drawings but also prototypes and technical guidance in manufacture
of the equipment. These industries however, upgrade the technology with experience.
The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) with the cooperation of
Agricultural Universities and industries developed simple low cost hand tools and
animal drawn region specific improved machinery to suit local cultural practices. The
ICAR also established the Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering at Bhopal to
address issues related to agricultural engineering. The CIAE provides leadership and
coordinates research through a network of research centres established all over the
country for developing commodity and location specific technologies. The CIAE also
created facilities for manufacture of commercial grade prototypes.

The ICAR for the first time sponsored a scheme to conduct a state-wide survey of
existing tools and implements used by the farmers in 1954. The results were published
in the form of a book entitled Indigenous Agricultural Implements of India in 1960.
During the sixties, ICAR made serious efforts to promote research and development
on improved farm implements by establishing 17 Research Training and Testing
Centres (RTTCs), one in each of the major states, which were operated by the State
Department of Agriculture. The major mandate of these RTTCs was to test and
modify existing implements and develop new improved implements suitable for
different agro-climatic conditions of the country. During the latter part of the sixties
(IV Five Year Plan Period) two Zonal Research and Testing Centres, one at IARI,
New Delhi and the other at TNAU, Coimbatore and four research centres at Ludhiana,
Pune, Hyderabad and Mandi were established.

In 1971-72, ICAR sponsored the All India Coordinated Research Projects (AICRP) on
Research & Development of Farm Implements & Machinery, Production of Prototype
and their evaluation under different agro-climatic conditions. With the establishment
of CIAE, the scheme was shifted to Bhopal in 1977. The research in the area of farm
machinery further strengthened with the creation of other AICRPs on Power Tiller
(1980), Utilization of Animal Energy (199 )Human Engineering and Safety in
Agriculture (1994) and a NRC on Reducing Drudgery of Women in Agriculture
(1994). The AICRPs undertake research and development keeping regional needs of
the farmers and conduct front line demonstration for pilot introduction.

Training and Testing activities for tractors and farm machinery
The Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India has four Farm Machinery Training
and Testing Institutes one each in North, South, North-East and Central India. The
Central Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute, Budni is a premier Institute
functioning since 1955. The other sister institutes are located in Hisar (Haryana),
Anantpur (Andhra Pradesh) and Biswanath Charially (Assam). The main objectives
of the institutes are training in agricultural machinery and promotion of farm
mechanization and testing of tractors and agricultural machinery.

Institutes conduct training on working principle, operation, adjustment, service,
maintenance, repair, selection and management of tractors and farm machinery for
progressive farmers, technicians, engineers, in-service personnel, defense personnel,
foreign nationals and women in farming.

Testing Activity at Budni
Test as per Central Moor Vehicle Rules 1989:
The Institute has been designated as one of the agencies for testing of tractors and
allied agricultural machines as to their conformity to the Central Motor Vehicle Rules,
1989, as amended from time to time and issuance of the certificates to that effect.

Commercial and confidential tests are carried out at the Institute for establishing
performance characteristics of machines that are in or ready for commercial
production and confidential tests are carried out for providing information to the
manufacturers on the performance of their machines and any other data that may be
required by them.

The objective of Batch Testing of agricultural tractors is to ensure continuous up
gradation in the quality of the tractors that are being manufactured in the country.
These tests are conducted at a regular interval of three years. The test reports under
batch testing programme are released in two parts. The first part contains results of
laboratory and field tests conducted at the Institute and the same is released as the
Commercial Test Report. The second part, which contains information based on the
users survey, is released as the Confidential Report so as to provide feedback to the
manufacturers for their further improvements. The batch test programme has proved
very useful.

The institute has trained more than 40,000 trainees under various courses and tested
more than 1000 tractors and other farm machinery.

Testing activities in Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institutes

Testing Activity at Hisar
The testing wing of this Institute is equipped with specialized and modern scientific
equipment/ instruments for conducting various tests on a wide range of agricultural
machines. The Bureau of Indian Standards also accredits the laboratories of the
Institute for testing of the samples under BIS central certification marks scheme. BIS
accredit the following laboratories.
i. Engine tests laboratory for testing of stationary diesel engines as per IS:10001
and petrol/ kerosene engines as per IS:7347.
ii. Centrifugal pump test laboratory for testing of centrifugal pumps as per IS:6595.

Apart from the accredited laboratories, the testing wings have following operational
laboratories for testing of other Agricultural machines.
a. Plant protection equipment test laboratory.
b. Implement test laboratory.
c. Fuel filter test laboratory.
d. Design and drawing section.
e. Instrumentation cell.
f. Computer cell & Reprographic section.

This Institute is also authorized by the Ministry to test self-propelled combine
harvesters. The testing wing is fully commissioned to take up the tests on self-
propelled combines having output capacity and engines having output capacity from
fractional horsepower to 700 kW.

Testing Activity at Anantapur
This institute has been testing various agricultural machinery/ implements operated by
animals, power tillers and tractors including engines for stationary applications such
as threshers and pump sets.

Testing Activity at Sonitpur
This institute has been testing various agricultural machinery/ implements including
components, hand tools, power operated threshers, decorticators, sheller, winnowers,
animal drawn, power tiller operated, tractor drawn and manually operated seed cum
fertilizer drill/ planters, straw reaper, mini rice mill power seed cleaners/ graders.
Samples received from BSI such as centrifugal pump, diesel engine, spark ignition
engine, sprayers, dusters, etc. are also tested.

Concerns and Strategies for Agricultural Mechanization in India
Agriculture continues to be the major occupation of the people of India and it is
endowed with varied agro-climatic conditions, which offers immense scope for the
cultivation of various kinds of agriculture and horticulture crops. India needs basic
reforms for achieving success in agriculture and horticulture. India has unparalleled
intellectual potential but timely efforts are needed to evolve a strategy, which supports
the dissemination of the technology to needy farmers. Further research, development
and policies should take into account all these issues. The onus is on the researchers
and policy makers to maintain a holistic approach to farm mechanization and
agriculture rather than looking at them in isolation.

Diverse farm mechanization scenario prevails in the country due to size of farm
holdings and socio-economic population. Hand tools and animal-drawn implements
are extensively used which involve drudgery. Presently, the contribution ff animate
power to total farm power has come down to only about 19 per cent and from rest of
the sources such as tractors, power tillers, electric motors and diesel engines; it has
increased to 81 per cent.

No doubt there have been spectacular advancements in various sectors of agriculture,
which have propelled the country from a food deficit to self-sufficient and in some
commodities a surplus nation. India is a large country with diverse agro-ecological
differences having predominance of rain fed agriculture, as irrigated agriculture is
limited to 40 per cent of the country. Farm holdings are small due to higher
population density and land fragmentation will continue in part due to 'Laws of
Inheritance' and the 'Hindu Succession Act'. The majority of the farmers have limited
surplus money to modernize farms or invest in improved inputs. Draught animals and
increased agricultural workers may remain the chief source of farm power for soil
tillage and for handling crops. Mechanical power for tillage, irrigation, harvesting and
threshing will be preferred including custom hiring by those farmers who can not
afford to own machines.

Major constraints in modernizing Indian agriculture are low productivity, high cost of
production, slow diversification in agricultural exports, export of raw materials and
low value added products, difficulties of meeting quality standards; lack of
appropriate infrastructural facilities in the production catchments, supply routes and
ports, inadequate transport and marketing facilities, inadequacies of market
intelligence and trained manpower, technological deficiencies - failure to harness
latest technologies at scales compatible to small scale decentralized resource and
management constraint situation, poor quality and costly packing materials, weak
networking and reluctance of the processors to share profits of value addition with the
producers, global trade blocks and their compulsions to meet shortfalls from member
states, emergence of strong competitors and global politics etc. Other constraints are
as follows:

o Plateau in agricultural productivity and production in main grain bowl aes.
o Low annual growth rate of agricultural sector (<2 per cent).
o Declining average farm size due to rising demographic pressure
o Environmental degradation due to excessive use of agro-chemicals.
o Damage to natural resources like soil, water and biodiversity.
o Decline in total factor productivity.
o High cost of production, higher risk and low returns to farmers and poor
utilisation efficiency of inputs like water, seeds, fertilizers and chemicals
o Indebtedness of farmers due to high cost of production and low profitability.
o Excessive post harvest losses and low value addition.
o Poor quality of produces and processed products.
o Lack of modernization of agricultural markets for both durables and perishables.
o Insufficient support prices for different commodities.
o Interest rates on loan are non-conducive
o Only 29 per cent of precipitation is conservedOnly 5per cent of produce is
processed in the country as against 40-60 per cent in other Asian countries with
negligible value addition in production catchments leading to distress sale and
low returns to farmers.Huge post harvest losses in grains and perishables,
amounting to Rs 60 billion per annum;
o Increased requirements of conventional energy sources in Agriculture
compounding the energy crisis in the countryNutritional
o insecurity of rural population;
o Benefits of R&D in Agricultural Engineering not reaching the farmers effectively

Improving input use efficiency of seeds, chemicals and fertilizers and water
through engineering interventions
Reducing cost of cultivation
Improvement in production and productivityDiversification necessary to
substitute crops requiring high inputs (need for multi faceted ventures)
Reducing post harvest losses and facilitating non-land primary and secondary
processing for value addition and by product utilization
Providing nutritional security for rural populationChecking and reducing
environmental degradation (soil and water)Checking over exploitation of natural
resources (Ground water and soil nutrients)Improving power availability and
energy use efficiencyEasing the pressure on conventional energy sources by
substitution with renewable energy options in crop production and processing
Bringing more area under efficient water application methods and harnessing
available resources through watershed management, rainwater harvest and ground
water recharge
Making the fruits of R&D in engineering, available to farmers through effective
transfer of technology and commercialization
Making agriculture information-driven and the farmers information-guided
Empowerment of women by forming cooperatives and evolving woman friendly
The Indian farmers have limited access to the latest equipment and technology.
This results in high production cost and difficulty in competing in international
market for sale of surplus produce. Further, there is little feed back from the
farmers for product improvement and assessment of product acceptance. There is
a need top generate more interaction among the farmers, R&D workers,
departments of agriculture and industry.
There are wide technological gaps in meeting the needs of various cropping
systems and regions. Urgent steps need to be taken to make farm machinery
R&D Base stronger.Reduction of drudgery and improvement of safety and
comfort in agricultural sector;
Empowerment of farmers for equitable distribution and efficient utilization of
water, energy, agro processing and marketing of farm produce. The widely
fragmented and scattered land holdings in many parts of the country need to be
consolidated to give access to the benefits of agricultural
mechanization.Appropriate equipment is required to improve moisture
conservation and timeliness of operations in rainfed agriculture.
Agricultural mechanization should contribute to sustainable increase in yields and
cropping intensity so that the planned growth rates in agricultural production are
The income of agricultural workers (cultivators and labourers) should increase at
a satisfactory rate so that the disparity between urban and rural income is
eliminated so that agricultural workers are able to lead a dignified life and prevent
them migrate to urban areas.
The benefits of agricultural mechanization should be extended to all categories of
farmers with due consideration to small and marginal framers and to all regions
of the country especially the rainfed areas.
Agricultural mechanization should make the environment worker-friendly
especially for the women workers by reducing drudgery and health hazards and
by improving safety in production operations.
Agricultural mechanization should contribute to conservation of land and water
resources and more efficient use of inputs such as seeds, chemicals, fertilizer and
Loss of agricultural production, both in quality and quantity should be reduced
through timely operations and improvement in equipment and techniques.
Equipment, technologies and approaches need to be developed for loss reduction
and value addition of agriculture produce in production catchments.
Development of appropriate technologies for value addition, handling, packaging,
storage, transportation and marketing of agricultural products for safe and quality
Agricultural mechanization should lead to a reduction in costs of production of
different commodities, increase in income of farmers and an increase in the
competitiveness of Indian agricultural produce and products in the world market.
Regular training to scientists and farmers are to be extended to acquaint them
with modern technologies such as precision farming for higher input use
Conservation agriculture technologies such as zero-till drill, till pant machine,
roto-till drill, strip till drill, raised bed and furrow planting systems with straw
management will have to be adopted on large area.
Scientific water resource management through in-situ and ex-situ harvesting and
conservation of rainwater and its recycling, consumptive use of rain and ground
water, increasing ground water efficient through efficient irrigation, ground water
recharge as well as ensuring management of watersheds and command areas.

For optimum utilization of scarce natural resources, efficient irrigation systems
such as drip and sprinklers with high precision and on farm water management
practices will have to be adopted. Improving efficiency of irrigation systems and
pumping systems is essential to save energy and water.
Sustainable management of soil resources by devising efficient agricultural
production strategies and developing crop models/farming system
Integrated nutrient and pest management
Farm mechanization through custom hiring of package of farm equipment with
high capacity and high labour productivity.
Adopting farmer-friendly farming systems approach instead of the cropping
system approach. This approach would call for diversification of agriculture to
include livestock fisheries, horticulture, agro-forestry etc.
Partnership and participatory research by involving private sectors and NGOs
Promoting agri-business such as processing, marketing, infrastructure and
Promoting post-harvest technologies and value addition.
Ensuring environmental sustainability.
Reorienting agricultural research priorities. It should be programme based,
demand driven, problem solving and participatory mode.
Agricultural production and productivity has to be increased almost to double in
2025 to meet the demand of the then population. With weather conditions
becoming more erratic, to perform the farm operations timely, the energy input to
agriculture will increase from present level of 1.35 kW/ha to 2.5 kW/ha by 2025.
About 65 per cent of this power will have to come through tractors and sel-
propelled machines.
More than 60 per cent of cultivated land is under rain-fed and dry-land areas.
Development and popularization of agricultural machinery under varied
conditions are required.
High labour intensive farm operations for horticultural crops and hill agriculture
needs to be appropriately mechanized for drudgery reduction and productivity
Development of gender specific tools and equipment and imparting training to
female farmer workers on operation and maintenance of farm tools and
Farm mechanization data need to be collected and updated regularly and made
available on-line to formulate viable Farm Mechanization Policy.
The designs of agricultural machineries and equipments need to be ergonomically
evaluated to avoid accidents and other causalities.
Bio-fuels for tractors, IC engines and automobile will have to be developed and
used on mass scale.
Decentralized power supply system based on locally available biomass and
renewable sources of energy may be west up to meet the energy requirement of
rural areas.
Over 600 million tonnes of available biomass be converted to briquettes or other
forms for minimizing the dependence on conventional energy sources.
Establishment of agro-processing units in production catchments for creation of
employment and income generation to check migration to urban areas, to
minimize post-harvest losses and increase returns to the framers.
Manufacturers of agricultural machinery need training and orientation on quality
product manufacturing through modern manufacturing technology. They may be
encouraged to use standard parts.
Creation of Farm Implement Bank/Custom-hire Centres/Agro-Service Centres
involving entrepreneurs, Farmers Cooperatives/Agri-business centers to supply
machines on custom hire basis to small and marginal farmers.
Identification of agricultural equipment and machinery for promotion.

The country has made significant progress in the adoption of modern methods of
cultivation and creating infrastructure for effectively and sustainably utilizing the
national resources available at its command. It has transformed its image from that of
a begging bowl to bread basket due to the efforts of various agencies combined with
scientific and engineering inputs in agriculture. Indian agriculture has evolved into a
mature and modern enterprise over the last five decades. Farm mechanization has
reached a level of maturity pushing the net sales of machinery to over Rs 50,000
crore, almost entirely through indigenous efforts. Farm mechanization programmes
pursued in the country after attaining independence were directed towards optimal
utilization of available farm power sources. The impact of tractorization as against
oxenisation is evident from the fact that India is the largest producer of tractors in the
world. Increase in cropping intensity, timeliness of operations and reduction in
drudgery have been shown to be the needed incentives for farmers and farm workers
to adopt modern methods of cultivation. An increase of 15 per cent in productivity
and a reduction of 20 per cent in the cost of cultivation can be achieved by
engineering interventions. These interventions have been limited to a few field crops,
farm operations and post harvest activities. There is an urgent need to extend it to the
entire gamut of production agriculture in the country.

The Country has an extensive research and development system for farm machinery
design and development for production agriculture, post harvest, and utilization of
renewable sources of energy covering various zones and agro-climatic regions.
Extensive facilities for the testing of farm equipment and machinery including
different kinds of prime movers is also a part of the agricultural equipment
development network in the country which meets not only the national requirements
but is also available for neighbouring countries.

References :

1. Livestock Census Report, 2003. Dept. of Livestock & Animal Husbandry,
Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India.

2. Data Book 2007. Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi.

3. Proceedings of 20
National Convention of Agricultural Engineers and national
Seminar on Farm Mechanization for Diversification of Agriculture. Jan. 19-20,
2007. Dept. of Farm Power and Machinery, PAU, Ludhiana,

4. Singh S. 2008. Agricultural Mechanization Policy. Proceedings of Tractor &
Farm Machinery Manufacturers Meet, Nov. 16-17, 2007, CIAE, Bhopal.

5. Agricultural Engineering Data Book. 2008. Central Institute of agricultural
Engineering, Bhopal.

6. Alam, A and G Singh. Status of Farm Mechanization and Post Harvest, Central
Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal.

7. Kulkarni SD. 2005. Food Safety and Security Issues in India: Challenges and
Approach. Lead Paper for presentation in National Seminar on Post Production
Systems and Strategies to the Issues and Challenges of Food Safety and Security
during Sept. 22-23, 2005 at TNAU, Coimbatore 641003

8. Ali, N. 2004. Rural development in India through post harvest technology and
value addition activities in the agricultural production catchment. Paper
presented at the International Conference on Emerging Technologies in
Agricultural and Food Engineering to be Held at IIT, Kharagpur during 14-17
Dec., 2004.

9. Ali, N. 2008. Farm Mechanization, Status, Policies and Issues. Proceeding of
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