Web Dynpro Architecture

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Web Dynpro Architecture

Web Dynpro is the SAP NetWeaver programming model for user interfaces and provides support when
developing the Web representation of business applications. The Web Dynpro model is based on the Model
View Controller paradigm, and has the following features that build on the classic dynpro model:
Clear separation of business logic and display logic
Uniform metamodel for all types of user interfaces
Execution on a number of client platforms.
Extensive platform independence of interfaces
In Web Dynpro, each user interface is always made up of the same basic elements (such as UI elements or
events triggered by the user). These basic elements are declared using Web Dynpro tools. The event handling
is programmed in separate source code areas which are executed automatically at runtime when the event is
Metamodel Concept
When creating a Web Dynpro application, you use the Web Dynpro tools to describe the properties and
functions of the application. The data created in this way is stored in tables as metadata. At a later time, the
necessary source code, which is executed at runtime, is created from this metadata. Therefore, the metadata
itself is independent of the rendering technique used at runtime.

Graphical Development Tools
To support this declarative concept, the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio contains a range of Web Dynpro
tools. You can therefore generate a large proportion of a Web Dynpro application using the tools provided,
without having to create your own source code. This applies to the following parts of the application:
Data flow between the front end and back end
Layout of the user interface
Properties of user interface elements
The Web Dynpro tools enable you to create source text areas manually within generated source texts. These
areas are not changed if the source code is regenerated.
Separation of Business Logic and Display Logic
Implementing Web Dynpro enables you to clearly separate business logic and display logic. A Web Dynpro
application runs on the front end and has local or remote access to the back end system via a service. This
means that the display logic is contained in the Web Dynpro application, while the business logic and the
persistence of the business objects run in the back end system. The following options are currently available for
connecting Web Dynpro applications and the back end system:
An interface generated using adaptive RFC, through which BAPIs of an SAP system can be called
An interface for calling Web services
A self-generated interface
The source code required for connecting the Web Dynpro application can be generated from a UML
definition of the Web Dynpro interface. A UML definition can be imported into the Web Dynpro tools as
an XML file.
Implementation of the Model View Controller Paradigm
Every Web Dynpro application is structured according to the Model View Controller paradigm:
The model forms the interface to the back end system and thus enables the Web Dynpro application
access to data.
The view is responsible for the representation of the data in the browser.
The controller lies between the view and the model. The controller formats the model data to be
displayed in the view, processes the user entries made by the user, and returns them to the model.

The creation of applications using Web Dynpro is structured in Web Dynpro components. The following
sections provide a detailed description of the most important parts of a Web Dynpro component.

Web Dynpro Component
A Web Dynpro component is a reusable entity. It summarizes all components that are required as part of this
programming unit for an executable Web Dynpro application.
The Web Dynpro component concept offers a number of advantages:
Structuring of the programming
Creation of easily manageable application blocks
Reusability of whole components
Decoupling of software projects in both time and space

The Web Dynpro component contains any number of windows and views and their corresponding controllers. Additional
Web Dynpro components can also be referenced.

The creation of a Web Dynpro component is always mandatory, since the existence of the Web Dynpro window and the
views and controllers that it contains is linked to the existence of the component itself. Communication between the
elements of two Web Dynpro components and their call by a user is implemented using the component interfaces, so it
does not make sense to consider the individual parts of the component separately.
A Web Dynpro component can embed other Web Dynpro components, and correspondingly a Web Dynpro component
can be embedded in any other Web Dynpro components. This communication also takes place over the component

Lifetime of a Web Dynpro Component
A Web Dynpro components lifetime begins the first time it is called at runtime, and ends with the lifetime of the Web
Dynpro application that called and thereby instantiated the component. For embedded components this means that
during the lifetime of the embedded component, they are not instantiated until the moment when they are required.
Their lifetime ends, however, at the same time as the embedded component when the Web Dynpro application that was
originally called is ended.
It is also possible for the embedding component to create or destroy the embedded component using an appropriate API
and thus control its lifetime.

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