The key takeaways are that the document covers an introduction to optimization methods in management science and operations research, including linear programming formulations and applications to real-world problems.
The main topic covered in the document is an introduction to optimization methods in management science and operations research, focusing on linear programming.
The optimization problem of partitioning a set of numbers into two groups to minimize the difference in sums is used as an example.
15.053/8 February 5, 2013
Handout: Lecture Notes Optimization Methods in Management Science and Operations Research 2 Class website + more Class website please log on as soon as possible Problem Set 1 will be due next Tuesday Lots of class information on website used for Q&A and discussions No laptops permitted in class, except by permission
laptops 3 We will use clickers from Turning Technologies.
If you own one, please bring it to class with you, starting Thursday.
If you dont own one, we will lend you one for the semester.
Videotapes of classes Current plan: start videotaping lectures starting Today (I think).
In addition, PowerPoint presentations will all be available. 4 Excel and Excel Solver During this semester, we will be using Excel Solver for solving optimization problems. We assume some familiarity with Excel, but no familiarity with Excel Solver. Homework exercises involve Excel. Versions A and B (experiment starting this year). Excel Solver tutorial this Friday 5 6 An optimization problem Given a collection of numbers, partition them into two groups such that the difference in the sums is as small as possible.
Example: 7, 10, 13, 17, 20, 22 These numbers sum to 89
I can split them into {7, 10, 13, 17} sum is 47 {20, 22} sum is 42 Difference = 5.
Can we do better? Excel Example 7 What is Operations Research? What is Management Science? World War II : British military leaders asked scientists and engineers to analyze several military problems Deployment of radar Management of convoy, bombing, antisubmarine, and mining operations. The result was called Operations Research MIT was one of the birthplaces of OR Professor Morse at MIT was a pioneer in the US Founded MIT OR Center and helped to found ORSA 8 What is Management Science (Operations Research)? Operations Research (O.R.) is the discipline of applying advanced analytical methods to help make better decisions.
O.R. is an engineering and scientific approach for decision making.
9 Some Skills for Operations Researchers Modeling Skills Take a real world situation, and model it using mathematics
Methodological Toolkit Optimization Probabilistic Models Not this type of modeling Not this Adriana Lima Photo of female model removed due to copyright restrictions. Images removed due to copyright restrictions. See images of domino mosaic art at The Value of Operations Research and Management Science Making sense of data big data social network info, transactional data, polls
Dealing with complexity and uncertainty understanding systems making a good choice when there are billions of options (e.g., partitioning with 50 items) making good choices in an uncertain world
Using mathematical models to augment our own thinking. develop insights develop plans
10 11 Preview of Some Applications
Applying LP and NLP to optimal radiation therapy. How to set prices. Photo courtesy of on Flickr. License CC BY. 12 Preview Continued Find the shortest path in a network Google. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see 13 More preview Optimal strategies against adversaries. How to solve some challenging puzzles Photo courtesy of Curtis Perry on Flickr. 14 Some of the themes of 15.053/8 Optimization is everywhere
Data, Models, Algorithms, Insights, and Decisions DMAID 15 Optimization is Everywhere Personal choices best career choices, best use of our time best strategies, best value for the dollar
Company choices maximize value to shareholders determine optimal mix of products or services minimize production costs minimize cost of getting product to customers maximize value of advertising hire the best workers
16 Your class partner Introduce yourself to the person next to you (right or left), who we refer to as your partner for today. Those on aisle ends may be in a group of size 3. There will be a team project in which student groups will solve or attempt to solve an optimization that is useful in practice. This will involve collecting data, making a model and doing some analysis. Take 3 minutes with your partner to brainstorm on the type of problems you might be interested in doing a project on.
Some initial ideas for projects What did you come up with? 17 18 Midclass break We searched Google for the number of pages with the expression optimal X
There are at more than 10 expressions that have over 1 million hits. See if you can find them. 19 On 15.053/8 and Optimization Tools Rest of the class Introduce linear programming (LP) (also called linear optimization) illustrates an important optimization tool for better decision making. Efficiently solvable. LPs form the basis for solving more complex problems.
The optimization paradigm Decision variables: the elements that are under the control of the decision maker. The work schedules of each employee The level of investments in a portfolio what subjects a student should take in each semester
A single objective function (of the decision variables) minimize cost or maximize expected return or make the last semester as enjoyable as possible or 20 The optimization paradigm Constraints: restrictions on the decision variables Business rules no worker can work more than 5 consecutive days There is at most 2% investment in any stock in the portfolio students must take a prerequisite of a subject before taking the subject Physical laws No worker can work a negative amount of time The amount of a goods in inventory at the end of period j is the amount of goods arriving during period j plus the amount of goods in inventory in period j-1 minus the amount of goods that are sold in the period.
21 Generic optimization model (usually called non-linear programming) Let x be the vector of decision variables: Suppose f, g 1 , g 2 , , g m are functions
max f(x) Maximize the objective
s.t. g i (x) b i for each i = 1 to m Satisfy the constraints
x 0 typically but not always the case. 22 23 Linear Programming minimize or maximize a linear objective subject to linear equalities and inequalities
Example. Max is in a pie eating contest that lasts 1 hour. Each torte that he eats takes 2 minutes. Each apple pie that he eats takes 3 minutes. He receives 4 points for each torte and 5 points for each pie. What should Max eat so as to get the most points?
Step 1. Determine the decision variables Let x be the number of tortes eaten by Max. Let y be the number of pies eaten by Max. 24 Maxs linear program A feasible solution satisfies all of the constraints. x = 10, y = 10 is feasible; x = 10, y = 15 is infeasible. An optimal solution is the best feasible solution. The optimal solution is x = 30, y = 0, z = 120. Step 2. Determine the objective function Maximize z = 4x + 5y (objective function) subject to 2x + 3y 60 (constraint) x 0 ; y 0 (non-negativity constraints) Step 3. Determine the constraints 25 Terminology Decision variables: e.g., x and y. In general, these are quantities you can control to improve your objective which should completely describe the set of decisions to be made.
Constraints: e.g., 2x + 3y 60 , x 0 , y 0 Limitations on the values of the decision variables. Objective Function. e.g., 4x + 5y Value measure used to rank alternatives Seek to maximize or minimize this objective examples: maximize NPV, minimize cost 26 Maximize x 1 (A) subject to 3x 1 + 4x 2 7 (B) x 1 - 2x 5 = 7 (C) x 1 0, x 2 0 (D) is referred to as
1. Nonnegativity constraints 2. An equality constraint 3. The objective function 4. An inequality constraint (D) (C) (B) (A) 27 Davids Tool Corporation (DTC) Motto: We may be no Goliath, but we think big.
Manufacturer of slingshots kits and stone shields.
Public domain image (painting by Osmar Schindler, 1888) Public domain image (Wikimedia Commons) 28 Data for the DTC Problem Slingshot Kits Stone Shields Resources Stone Gathering time 2 hours 3 hours 100 hours
Stone Smoothing 1 hour 2 hours 60 hours Delivery time 1 hour 1 hour 50 hours Demand 40 30 Profit 3 shekels 5 shekels 29 Formulating the DTC Problem as an LP Step 1: Determine Decision Variables K = number of slingshot kits manufactured S = number of stone shields manufactured
Step 2: Write the Objective Function as a linear function of the decision variables Maximize Profit =
Step 3: Write the constraints as linear functions of the decision variables
subject to 30 The Formulation Continued Step 3: Determine Constraints Stone gathering: Smoothing: Delivery: Shield demand: We will show how to solve this in Lecture 3. Slingshot demand: 31 Linear Programs A linear function is a function of the form: f(x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x n ) = c 1 x 1 + c 2 x 2 + . . . + c n x n
= i=1 to n c i x i
e.g., 3x 1 + 4x 2 - 3x 4 .
A mathematical program is a linear program (LP) if the objective is a linear function and the constraints are linear equalities or inequalities. e.g., 3x 1 + 4x 2 - 3x 4 7 x 1 - 2x 5 = 7
Typically, an LP has non-negativity constraints. Strict inequalities are not permitted. (x > 0 is not allowed.) 32 More on Linear Programs A linear program must have linear objectives and linear equalities and inequalities to be considered a linear program.
Maximize x 2 subject to x = 3 Maximize x 1
subject to 3x 1 + 4x 2 7 x 1 - 2x 5 = 7 |x 1 | 0 Not a linear program. Not a linear program. 33 A non-linear program is permitted to have a non-linear objective and constraints. maximize f(x,y) = xy subject to x - y 2 /2 10 3x 4y 2 x 0, y 0 Minimize x
subject to x 3 Both a linear and a non-linear program. 34 An integer program is a linear program plus constraints that some or all of the variables are integer valued. Maximize 3x 1 + 4x 2 - 3x 3
3x 1 + 2x 2 - x 3 17 3x 2 - x 3 = 14 x 1 0, x 2 0, x 3 0 and x 1 , x 2 , x 3 are all integers
35 Summary Mathematical models
Optimization as a paradigm
Linear programming
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