Wolsung Scenarios Eng PDF
Wolsung Scenarios Eng PDF
Wolsung Scenarios Eng PDF
New scenario rules will enhance your gaming experience of Wolsung SSG by
introduction of Activated Objectives of various types.
The scenarios in this publication are just suggestions of how many and which
objectives should be used. Use these rules to create your own scenarios that
picture the particular adventure you devise.
The presented set ofscenarios is suggested for tournament play, subject to
modifications by tournament organisers.
Types of Objectives:
Switch - Remains Active for the last player that
Activated it.
Stack - After Activation remains Active for the
player until the end of the game.
Depletable - it may be Activated only once.
2. Quirinale Zeppelin
The famous Zeppelin pilot McOskey has finally agreed to engage in our little venture!
That is, ifwe can provide him with the safe landing spot in the middle ofQuirinale!
This requires us to signal to him from several different places as he descends! Lets just
hope nobody directs him to the other fellows!
3. Pothill Market
The control ofthe Pothill market is crucial ifour proceedings are to be unhindered!
There should be no outsiders involved! This may be the greatest development ofthis
era and I must report it to the High Committee personally! It just needs one more
field test...
4. Stableton Cleaning
This whole place just needs some proper attention and it will shine. Just take care of
these poor lost souls in that glorious ifsomewhat neglected house. And while youre at
it, maybe send pneuma to Mayor about this pile ofbricks, it will make a great
museum! Are these gentlemen trying to install that hideous device in the centre of
that square? Thats unacceptable!
5. Showtime
Some people just cannot comprehend allusions. You have to show them exactly what
you mean. Make them remember.
Hunt and be hunted! The only thing that matters in this scenario is kiling enemy Heroes. It is vital to
choose correct targets and protect your own high value Heroes.
Start of the game: Draw cards to see who is the First Player.
Deployment zones: Decided by the second Player. (see Rulebook, p.115)
Game length: The game lasts 3 turns.
Winning: A player who killed enemy Heroes with the most Funds at the end of the 3rd turn is the
This scenario was designed for tournament play to balance out one ofthe
strategies to build the Club, which is the issue ofa rich but weak
Heroes in the company ofmany powerful Henchmen. This
scenario gives an advantage to clubs that have decided to
invest their funds in Heroes rather than Henchmen - the
richer the Hero the more tempting a target. It may
happen that one ofthe clubs will have to kill all enemy
Heroes to offset the death ofonly one Hero.