1. This document provides steps to configure various master data settings in SAP MM, including split valuation, material groups, material types, industry sectors, company codes, MRP controllers, and creating material master records and purchasing info records.
2. Key configuration steps include defining global valuation types and categories, assigning valuation types, creating material groups and defining attributes, maintaining material type attributes, and defining fields for industry sectors, company codes, and MRP controllers.
3. Creating a material master record involves updating basic data, sales organization, purchasing, quality, and accounting views, while purchasing info records require entering vendor, material, purchasing organization, delivery time, and price information.
1. This document provides steps to configure various master data settings in SAP MM, including split valuation, material groups, material types, industry sectors, company codes, MRP controllers, and creating material master records and purchasing info records.
2. Key configuration steps include defining global valuation types and categories, assigning valuation types, creating material groups and defining attributes, maintaining material type attributes, and defining fields for industry sectors, company codes, and MRP controllers.
3. Creating a material master record involves updating basic data, sales organization, purchasing, quality, and accounting views, while purchasing info records require entering vendor, material, purchasing organization, delivery time, and price information.
1. This document provides steps to configure various master data settings in SAP MM, including split valuation, material groups, material types, industry sectors, company codes, MRP controllers, and creating material master records and purchasing info records.
2. Key configuration steps include defining global valuation types and categories, assigning valuation types, creating material groups and defining attributes, maintaining material type attributes, and defining fields for industry sectors, company codes, and MRP controllers.
3. Creating a material master record involves updating basic data, sales organization, purchasing, quality, and accounting views, while purchasing info records require entering vendor, material, purchasing organization, delivery time, and price information.
1. This document provides steps to configure various master data settings in SAP MM, including split valuation, material groups, material types, industry sectors, company codes, MRP controllers, and creating material master records and purchasing info records.
2. Key configuration steps include defining global valuation types and categories, assigning valuation types, creating material groups and defining attributes, maintaining material type attributes, and defining fields for industry sectors, company codes, and MRP controllers.
3. Creating a material master record involves updating basic data, sales organization, purchasing, quality, and accounting views, while purchasing info records require entering vendor, material, purchasing organization, delivery time, and price information.
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MM Master Data
1. Split Valuation in SAP configuration steps
Tutorial guides you how to configure split valuation in SAP MM step by step with screen shots. Step 1 :- Define Global Valuation Types IMG Menu Path :- SP! " SAP eference IMG " Material Manage#ent " $aluation and Account Assign#ent " Split$aluation " %onfigure split valuation T %ode :- !M&% 'nter Transaction code !M&% in the SAP co##and field and press enter. Select cancel In ne(t screen select )Global Types* Select Create and update the #andatory fields Create valuation type screen : + update the following fields Valuation type:- Give the ,ey to identifying the valuation type. Attributes:- Ext.purchase orders:- select e(ternal P! allowed or not. &here the possible entries are -- .o e(ternal purchase orders allowed/ 0- '(ternal purchase orders allowed/ but warning issue allowed/ 1- '(ternal purchase orders allowed. nt. purchase orders:- Select internal P! allowed or not/ possible entries are -- .o Internal purchase orders allowed/ 0- Internal purchase orders allowed/ but warning issue allowed/ 1- Internal purchase orders allowed. Acct cat. reference:- Account reference is a #andatory field. Select drop-down button and select appropriate ,ey Select %reate icon and you get a #essage as )$aluation Type MM-0 was2were created. Save icon to save the configured data. Successfully configured the split valuations. Step ! :- "efine #$lobal Valuation Categories% Select bac, button two ti#es and select global categories
Maintain the field entries as described below Valuation Category:- 'nter the valuation category ,ey Attributes "escription:- 3pdate the description of valuation category ,ey. "efault:ext.procure. :- 4efault e(ternal procure#ent Ext.procure&ent &and :- If this chec, bo( is selected/ the valuation type can not be changed at P! level. Val. type auto&atic :- This chec, bo( is used for split valuation and batch #anage#ent Select %reate icon and you get a #essage as )$altn category A was2were created. Select save icon to save the configured data. Step ' :- Assign Valuation type to valuation categories Go to Global valuation category and select types category Select re5uired valuations type and clic, on Activate button Message will be displayed as )$aluation type A4-6 activated* !. (o) to Create *aterial $roup in SAP *$ *enu Path :- SP! " 7ogistic general " Material Master " Settings for 8ey 9ields " 4efine Material Group +ransaction Code :- !MS9 'nter T %ode !MS9 in the SAP co##and filed and press enter Select ).ew 'ntries* to create new #aterial group. 3pdate the following fields *atl $roup :- 'nter the new #aterial group ,ey *aterial $roup "esc. :- 3pdate the description of #aterial group ,ey. "escription ! for the &aterial group :- 3pdate description second for the #aterial group if needed. After updating all the #andatory fields select save icon to save the configured data. '. (o) to Create *aterial +ypes in SAP SAP *$ *enu path :- SP! " 7ogistics + General " Material Master " :asic Settings " Material Types " Define Attributes of material types +ransaction Code :- !MS1 'nter T %ode !MS1 in the SAP co##and field and press enter. 7ist of #aterial types are displayed in the screen/ Select e(isting #aterial type line ite# and clic, on ).ew 'ntries* or copy as icon to define new #aterial types in SAP. *aterial +ype :- 3pdate .ew Material ,ey "escription:- Give the description for the #aterial ,ey ,ield -eference:- 9ield reference deter#ines for each field section group is set to hide/ display/ re5uired entry or optional entry. te& Category group :- Select ite# category group fro# the list Special &aterial types :- chec, the bo( for special #aterial types .ser "epart&ents :- Select depart#ents for the #aterial types as per business re5uire#ents. nternal/external purchase orders :-Select the value as per business re5uire#ents/ Possible entries are -- .o e(ternal purchase orders allowed 0 + '(ternal purchase orders allowed/ but warning issued 1- '(ternal purchase orders allowed Valuation Price Control:- Set the price control as )Standard price or #oving average price2periodic unit price* Acct. Cat. reference :- Select account category reference fro# list. The syste# uses to chec, whether the valuation class you have entered is allowed the accounting data in a #aterial #aster record is #aintained. %lic, on save icon and then select created #aterial type and double clic, on 5uantity2value updating If it is not stoc, ite# tic, only value updating/ if it is a stoc, ite# with value tic, the both 5ty updating and value updating colu#ns %lic, on save icon or ;%trl<s= to save the configured #aterial types data. Successfully you configured the new material types in SAP. 0. (o) to Create ndustry sectors in SAP Transaction %ode :- !MS> Configuration steps to Create Industry sectors:- 'nter transaction %ode !MS> and press enter fro# ,eyboard. clic, on new entries to define the new industry sectors .e(t overview of added entries screen update the following fields ndustry sector :- 'nter the new Industry ,ey ndustry "escription :- 'nter the description of industry sector ,ield reference :- clic, popup icon and select appropriate field reference fro# the list After updating the fields clic, on save icon to save the configured data. ?ou will get #essage as )4ata was saved* 1 . *aintain co&pany codes for &aterial &anage&ent IMG Menu Path :- SP! " 7ogistics " General " Material Master " :asic settings " Maintain co#pany codes for #aterial #anage#en %lic, on position icon and update %o#pany code and press enter
.e(t screen update the #andatory fields + ?ear and period After updating the fields/ clic, on save icon to save the configured data. 2. "efine *-P Controllers in SAP- *aterial -e3uire&ent Planning The following tutorial guides you how to define MRP controllers in SAP MM (Material Requirement Planning) step by step with screen shots. Configuration Steps ! "ollow the menu path and e#ecute $efine MRP %ontrollers &M' Menu Path ( SPR) * &M' * Production * Material Requirement Planning * Master $ata * $efine MRP %ontrollers %lic+ on ,-ew .ntries/ icon to define MRP controllers 0pdate the following information * 0pdate your plant +ey in the plant field1 * .nter MRP +ey and description After maintaining all the mandatory fields fields1 clic+ on sa2e to sa2e the configured data. 3ou will get a message as ,$ata was sa2ed/1 successfully MRP controllers are configured. 4. "efine *aterial *aster record 5 Create *aterial Codes Create Material Master Record The following tutorial guides you how to define material master record (material codes) in SAP step by step with screen shots. Material Master is the master record of companys main source of material-specific data. This information is arranged in several pages or views such as - asic !ata " #lassification Sales organi$ation %eneral Plant !ata & Storage Sales te't Purchasing (uality management Accounting SAP menu path )- *ogistics ++ ,aterial ,anagement ++ Material Master ++ ,aterial ++ #reate (%eneral) MM01 Create Material master MM02 Change material MM03 View material -nter Transaction #ode MM01 in the SAP command field and press enter Update the following fields Material )- -nter the new material code you wants to create Industry Sector ) . Select industry sector from the list Material Type )- Select appropriate material type Press enter and the pop-up window will be open Select the re/uired views and press enter to input the organi$ational levels. asic !ata " ) . 0pdate all the re/uired data such as material group1 unit of measure1 item category 2n the ,aterial field enter the material description 2n the basic unit of measure and material group field 3enter the unit of measure and material group3 2n the pac4ing material data field 3enter the data if the material is returnable pac4ing as 5-6P and non returnable pac4ing as *-278 Sales 9rganisation levels )- 0pdate all the re/uired data. Purchasing )- 0pdate all the re/uired information related to purchase data Accounting views )- 0pdate all the re/uired data such as valuation class1 price control1 moving price. After entering all the details1 clic4 on save icon the material. ,essage will be displayed as material code created 6. Create Purchasing nfo -ecords Purchasing Info Records Purchasing info records are created for different procurement types such as standard1 subcontracting1 pipeline1 consignment. 2t is used store information on a vendor and a material as master data at plant level or purch. org. SAP Path) - SAP -asy Access + *ogistics + ,aterials ,anagement + Purchasing + ,aster !ata + 2nfo 6ecord + #reate Transaction #ode) - ME11 . #reate ME1 . #hange ME1! - !isplay Step ") . 2n the initial screen #reate info records1 enter the following information. -nter 5endor code1 ,aterial code1 purchasing org and plant -nter the info category as standard (for normal procurement) or subcontracting (for sub-contracting) 2n ne't screen1 no need to enter any information as it copies all the data from the 5endor ,aster. Step "- 2n ne't screen1 update the following data. ". -nter delivery time and purchase organi$ation is defaulted from the ,aterial ,aster :. -nter the Standard (uantity ;. -nter the appropriate Ta' #ode <. 6em. Shelf life is defaulted from the ,aterial ,aster. =. -nter the >et Price #reate info record) purch organi$ation data : Purchase order te't is defaulted from the ,aterial ,aster data. After updating the mandatory fields1 clic4 on save icon to save the data.