Adjudication Order Against Rajamani in The Matter of Gee Gee Granites Ltd.

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In respect of
Rajamani [PAN: Not Available]

In the matter of
Gee Gee Granites Ltd.
1. Securities and Exchange Board of India (hereinafter referred to as SEBI)
conducted an examination into the draft letter of offer filed by Shri Asit Kumar
Ghosh (acquirer) to acquire 26% shares of Gee Gee Granites Limited (hereinafter
referred to as GGGL'), a company listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
and Madras Stock Exchange (MSE).
2. Upon examination it was, inter alia, observed that Rajamani (hereinafter referred to
as the Noticee) being a Promoter of GGGL had disclosed the aggregate
shareholding to the Stock Exchanges and GGGL, as required under Regulation 30(2)
read with Regulation 30(3) of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and
Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 (herein after referred to as the Takeover Regulations,
2011) with a delay i.e. on July 31, 2012 and thereby, had violated the said provisions
of law.

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Appointment of Adjudicating Officer

3. SEBI has, therefore, initiated Adjudication proceedings and I have been
appointed as the Adjudicating Officer vide order dated April 02, 2014 under
Section 15 I of the SEBI Act read with Rule 3 of the SEBI (Procedure for Holding
Inquiry and Imposing Penalties by Adjudicating Officer) Rules, 1995 (hereinafter
referred to as 'said Rules') to inquire into and adjudge under Section 15A(b) of
the SEBI Act, the alleged violation of the provisions of law by the Noticee.

Show Cause Notice, Reply and Personal Hearing
4. A show cause notice dated May 20, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as 'SCN') was
,interalia,issued to the Noticee under Rule 4(1) of the said Rules to show cause as to
why an inquiry should not be held and penalty should not be imposed under
Section 15A (b) of the SEBI Act, for the alleged violation of the abovementioned
provisions of law. However, no reply was received from the Noticee.
5. Thereafter, in order to conduct inquiry, an opportunity of personal hearing was
granted to the Noticee on August 04, 2014, vide hearing notice dated July 23, 2014.
However, the said hearing notice had returned undelivered. Accordingly, another
opportunity of personal hearing was granted to the Noticee on September 05, 2014,
vide hearing notice dated August 25, 2014. The said hearing notice was sent for
affixture at the last known address of the Noticee in terms of Rule 4(7) of the said
Rules and the report thereof is available on record. However, the said Noticee did
not attend the hearing on the scheduled date.
6. In view of the above, I note that ample opportunities and time was granted to the
Noticee for filing of reply and presenting the case in the matter. Therefore, I am
proceeding further on the basis of material available on record in the matter.

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Consideration of Issues, Evidence and Findings

7. I have carefully perused the charges leveled against the Noticee in the SCN and all
the documents available on record. In the instant matter, the following issues arise
for consideration and determination:

a. Whether the Noticee has violated the provisions of Regulation 30(2) read with
Regulation 30(3) of the Takeover Regulations, 2011?
b. Whether the Noticee is liable for monetary penalty prescribed under Section
15 A(b) of the SEBI Act for the aforesaid violation?
c. If so, what should be the quantum of monetary penalty?

8. Before proceeding further, I would like to refer to the relevant provisions of law,
which read as under:
Takeover Regulations, 2011
Continual disclosures.
"30(2) The promoter of every target company shall together with persons acting in
concert with him, disclose their aggregate shareholding and voting rights as of
the thirty-first day of March, in such target company in such form as may be
(3) The disclosures required under sub-regulation (1) and sub-regulation (2) shall
be made within seven working days from the end of each financial year to,
(a) every stock exchange where the shares of the target company are listed; and
(b) the target company at its registered office.

9. It has been alleged in the SCN that the Noticee being a promoter at GGGL was
under an obligation to disclose the aggregate shareholdings to the stock
exchanges i.e. BSE and MSE and to GGGL on April 12, 2012 for the year 2012.
However, the said disclosures were made by the Noticee only on July 31, 2012,
i.e. with a delay of 110 days. It was therefore alleged that the Noticee had
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violated Regulation 30 (2) read with Regulation 30 (3) of the Takeover

10. I find that Noticee has not made any submissions in the matter. In view of this, I
conclude that the Noticee has made delayed disclosures under the relevant
provisions of Takeover Regulations, 2011 warranting imposition of monetary
penalty under Section 15A(b) of the SEBI Act which reads as under:
15A. Penalty for failure to furnish information, return, etc. - If any person, who is
required under this Act or any rules or regulations made thereunder,-
(b) to file any return or furnish any information, books or other documents within the time
specified therefor in the regulations, fails to file return or furnish the same within the
time specified therefor in the regulations, he shall be liable to a penalty of one lakh
rupees for each day during which such failure continues or one crore rupees, whichever
is less;

11. The disclosure made under Regulations 30 (2) read with Regulation 30 (3) of the
Takeover Regulations, 2011 by promoters are made public only through Stock
Exchange and the Company. It is with this end in view that the Regulations require
the making of disclosures so that investing public is not deprived of vital
information. The disclosures made by companies listed on the stock exchanges are
the means to attain such end and therefore, dissemination of complete information is
required. However, the Noticee in this case has neglected the duty of making timely
disclosures in compliance with Regulations 30 (2) read with Regulation 30 (3) of the
Takeover Regulations, 2011.

12. In Appeal No. 66 of 2003 - Milan Mahendra Securities Pvt. Ltd. Vs SEBI the Honble
SAT has observed that, the purpose of these disclosures is to bring about transparency in
the transactions and assist the Regulator to effectively monitor the transactions in the
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13. At this instant, it is important to quote the observations of the Honble Supreme
Court of India in the matter of SEBI v. Shri Ram Mutual Fund [2006] 68 SCL
216(SC), inter alia, held: once the violation of statutory regulations is established,
imposition of penalty becomes sine qua non of violation and the intention of parties
committing such violation becomes totally irrelevant. Once the contravention is
established then the penalty is to follow.

14. While imposing monetary penalty it is important to consider the factors stipulated in
section 15J of SEBI Act, which reads as under:
15J - Factors to be taken into account by the adjudicating officer:
While adjudging quantum of penalty under section 15-I, the adjudicating officer shall
have due regard to the following factors, namely:-
(a) the amount of disproportionate gain or unfair advantage, wherever quantifiable,
made as a result of the default;
b) the amount of loss caused to an investor or group of investors as a result of the
(c) the repetitive nature of the default.
15. I observe that, from the material available on record, any quantifiable gain or
unfair advantage accrued to the Noticee or the extent of loss suffered by the
investors as a result of the default cannot be computed. It is observed that the
violation as regards Regulation 30(2) read with Regulation 30(3) of the Takeover
Regulations, 2011 by Noticee is not repetitive in nature.


21. In view of the above, after considering all the facts and circumstances of the case and
exercising the powers conferred upon me under section 15-I (2) of the SEBI Act read
with Rule 5 of the said Rules, I hereby impose monetary penalty of ` 1,00,000/-
(Rupees One Lakh Only ) on the Noticee viz. Rajamani under Section 15 A (b) of the
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SEBI Act. In my view, the penalty imposed is commensurate with the default
committed by the Noticee.

22. The above penalty amounts shall be paid by the Noticee through a duly crossed
demand draft drawn in favour of SEBI Penalties Remittable to Government of
India and payable at Mumbai within 45 days of receipt of this order. The said
demand draft shall be forwarded to the Division Chief, Corporate Finance
Department - DCR, Securities and Exchange Board of India, Plot No. C4-A, G
Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai 400 051.

23. In terms of the Rule 6 of the said Rules, copy of this order is sent to the Noticee and
also to Securities and Exchange Board of India.

Date: September 22, 2014 D. SURA REDDY

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