FM Johnston Learning
FM Johnston Learning
FM Johnston Learning
College Success
Christine A. Johnston
Rowan University, Professor Emerita
With contributions from
Jeffrey Hall, Ed.D.
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Christne A. Johnston Intentonal Learning for College Success
Editor in Chief, AVP: Steve Wainwright
Associate Sponsoring Editor: Cheryl Cechvala
Development Editor: Cheryl Cechvala
Assistant Editor: Amanda Nixon
Editorial Assistant: Lindsey Messner
Producton Editor: Charlote Dudley
Media Editor: Kristne Maglunob
Senior Project Manager: Peter Galuardi
Cover Design: Anna Magulac
Permission Editor: Karen Ehrmann
Video Producton: Ed Tech Productons
Printng Services: Bordeaux
Compositon/Illustraton: Lachina Publishing Services
Cover Image: Neale Clark/Robert Harding World Imagery/Gety Images
ISBN 10: 0984182322
ISBN 13: 978-0-9841823-2-9
Copyright 2013, Bridgepoint Educaton, Inc.
All rights reserved.
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Brief Contents
Chapter 1: Learning in the 21st Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Chapter 2: You as Learner in the 21st Century . . . . . . . . . . .29
Chapter 3: Learning To Be Intentional: Developing the
Skills of Critical Thinking, Critical Reading,
and Critical Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Chapter 4: Taking Charge of Your Learning: Developing
Your Skills as an Intentional Learner. . . . . . . . .87
Chapter 5: Building Your Future: Developing Your
Career Path as an Intentional Learner . . . . . . .123
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157
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About the Author ix
Acknowledgments xi
Chapter 1
Learning in the 21st Century 1
1.1 Get the Picture? 2
1.2 What Is Learning and Why Is It Important? 4
A Brief History of Learning 5
Learning Today 5
Learning Empowers 6
Learning Shapes Your Future 7
1.3 The Concept of Intentonal Learning 7
The Effect of the Digital Age on Learning 8
The Effects of Digital Technology on Learning 8
The Pace of Learning 9
The Effect of Digital Technology on Attention and Multitasking 9
Participatory Learning 10
1.4 A Theory of Learning for the 21st Century 11
One Model for Intentional Learning 13
The Brain-Mind Connection 14
The Concept of Patterns 15
Confidence in Yourself as a Learner 16
Conclusion 19
Chapter 1 Key Points 21
Multiple-Choice Quiz 23
Discussion Questions 24
Additional Resources 25
Key Terms 25
References 27
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Chapter 2
You as Learner in the 21st Century 29
2.1 Introducton 30
2.2 Your Knowledge of Your Learning Processes Can Enhance Your
Ability to Learn 37
Sequence 37
Precision 38
Technical Reasoning 39
Confluence 40
2.3 Diferent Patern Combinatons 41
Dynamic Learner 42
Bridge Learner 43
Strong-Willed Learner 44
2.4 Building Your Learning Profle 46
The Power of Using Your Patterns with Intention: An Example 48
Conclusion 50
Chapter 2 Key Points 51
Multiple-Choice Quiz 52
Discussion Questions 53
Additional Resources 53
Key Terms 54
References 54
Chapter 3
Learning To Be Intentional: Developing the Skills of
Critical Thinking, Critical Reading, and Critical
Writing 55
3.1 What Is Critcal Thinking? 56
Garys Journey 56
Developing Critical Thinking Skills 58
3.2 What Is Critcal Reading? 59
Reading and the Brain-Mind Connection 61
The Benefits of Deep Reading 62
Critical Reading and Your Patterns 62
Sample Reading Comprehension Multiple-Choice Question 67
3.3 What Is Critcal Writng? 69
Critical Writing and Your Learning Patterns 71
Writing for Your Audience 82
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Using Your Learning Patterns to Master Critical Writing 73
Sequence 73
Precision 74
Technical Reasoning 75
Confluence 76
3.4 Academic Integrity 76
Defining Decisions and Principled Choices 77
Sandia and Jasmyne 77
Chapter 3 Key Points 80
Multiple-Choice Quiz 82
Discussion Questions 83
Additional Resources 83
Key Terms 84
References 85
Chapter 4
Taking Charge of Your Learning: Developing Your Skills
as an Intentional Learner 87
4.1 The Need for Efectve Study Habits 88
Factors to Consider 88
Learning How to Learn 89
4.2 Three Student Scenarios 92
Dan 92
Dan as a Learner 93
Are You Dan? 93
Cassie 94
Cassie as a Learner 94
Are You Cassie? 95
Nia 95
Nia as a Learner 96
Are You Nia? 97
4.3 The Importance of Self-Regulaton and Metacogniton 97
4.4 The Acton Phases of Metacogniton 99
Phase 1: Mull 100
Phase 2: Connect 103
Connecting to Your Reading 103
FIT: Forge, Intensify, Tether 104
Phase 3: Rehearse 107
Phase 4: Attend 112
Phase 5: Express 112
Phase 6: Reflective PracticeAssess, Reflect, Revisit 113
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Assess 113
Reflect 113
Revisit 113
Conclusion 114
Chapter 4 Key Points 116
Multiple-Choice Quiz 118
Discussion Questions 119
Additional Resources 119
Key Terms 120
References 121
Chapter 5
Building Your Future: Developing Your Career Path
as an Intentional Learner 123
5.1 Developing Career Opportunites with Intenton 124
Benefits of Considering Career Development Early 125
The Career Development Process 126
Finding a Good Fit 127
Drawbacks of Ignoring Career Development Resources 129
5.2 Assessing the Return on Your Learning Investment 130
5.3 Strategies to Become an Intentonal Job Seeker 133
Greg 133
The Informational Interview 137
Job Shadowing 138
Networking 139
Intentional Rsums and Interviews 140
5.4 Intentonal Learning for College Success: Conclusion 142
Chapter 5 Key Points 144
Multiple-Choice Quiz 146
Discussion Questions 147
Additional Resources 147
Key Terms 148
References 149
Glossary 151
References 157
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Dr. Christine Johnston, originator and lead researcher of the
Let Me Learn Process
has an abiding passion for helping
people understand themselves as learners and improve their
learning and their relationships with others.
As a professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at
Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, she served as Director of the
Center for the Advancement of Learning where she directed
K16 research on learning. Her professional life has included
managing the State of Illinois Department of Local Govern-
ment Affairs Internship and Urban Planning Programs, devel-
oping workforce training and management programs for adult
learners, and serving as a founding member of the first char-
ter school district in the United States to fully employ the Let
Me Learn Process- as its mission.
Johnstons work spans several decades and continents, including working with universities across
the United States, the United Kingdom, Central Europe, the Mediterranean Rim, and Australia as
well as with corporate leaders, learners returning to the workforce, and learners in formal educa-
tion settings. She has authored and coauthored five books on learning, communication, and the
Let Me Learn Process- as well as numerous articles and chapters. In 2010 she published Finding
Your Way: Navigating Your Life by Understanding Your Learning Self, as a guide for learners to
achieve greater success and fulfillment in personal and professional lives. Educators, students, job
trainers and other professionals and individuals have used the self-guided text worldwide.
Johnston earned her BA from the University of WisconsinEau Claire, her MA from the University
of WisconsinMilwaukee, and her Ed.D. from Rutgers University.
About the Author
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You are reading the first edition of Intentional Learning for College Success. There are other how-
to-succeed-in-college books on the market, but this one begins and ends with you as the focus,
the difference maker. We hope it will be your guide to success in the future wherever and when-
ever you are called upon to learn at home, at work, or within a formal academic setting.
The book is based upon new research and fieldwork into intentional learning, metacognition, and
the development of personalized learning tools and strategies. It features an advanced learning
system (the Let Me Learn Process
) that can help each reader become a more persistent, efficient,
and effective learner. Each chapter provides case studies which underscore the power and impor-
tance of being an intentional learner.
Several individuals have contributed significantly to the development of this book: Dr. Jeffrey Hall,
who first envisioned a text that would help adult learners adjust to the college learning environ-
ment; Linda C. Bateman, who looked after all the details and kept the project moving forward; and
Joel T. Johnston without whose organizing skills there would be no book.
My hope is you will be inspired and empowered by this book to continue becoming a true inten-
tional learner for life.
Christine A. Johnston
A special thanks to the following peer reviewers for their feedback and helpful guidance: Beverly
Brucks, Illinois Central College; Christie Carr, Austin Community College; Shirley Flor, San Diego
Mesa College; Debby Hailwood; Iris Lafferty; Dennis Magnuson; Karey Pharris, Pikes Peak Com-
munity College; Brandy Robinson; Buck Ryan, University of Kentucky; and Bryce Weber.
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