Tantric Meanings

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Anja - 6th Chakra, the third eye.

Asana - a physical posture, or yoga related position.

Amrita-female ejaculate; The Nectar of the Goddess; Fountain of youth.
Ananda- diine !liss, oneness "ith higher realms of holy peace.
Anahata - #th Chakra, the heart center.
Atman - the essence of perfection inherent to all creatures.
Bandah - muscular lock, used to direct and intensify sacred energy.
Chakras - nere centers of the su!tle !ody; seen in num!er, !ase of spine, genitals, !elly, heart,
throat, forehead $third eye%, top of
Daka- &ale 'riest, healer can em!ody shia and sere.
Shakti unconditionally.
Dakini - Female Tantrica or (ogini. )n attendant or serant to Great Goddess !y holding the
intention to em!ody *er highest "ill;
Commonly used to descri!e a 'riestess, healer, alchemist, or initiate skilled at high leel
Darma- (our soul+s purpose, a completion of karma through ,iine seritude .
Darshan - inner ision; to see a great or holy indiidual, either human or diine.
Deva - ) God, ,eity; or cosmic po"er.
Devi - Goddess; ,eity; a holy creatie po"er.
Dharma - diine duty, or highest spiritual path.
Durga - the "arrior Goddess.
Hatha - literally the -.un joins the &oon- sym!olically translates to the soul+s connection "ith the
Kama- loe.
Karma - the accumulated e/ect, in this life, of deeds and actions in past lies.
Kriya - system of internal puri0cation, cleansing process.
Kundalini- latent energy located at the !ase of the spine. 1undalini is like coiled sleeping serpent.
The yogi "orks to gently a"aken this dormant energy to attain enlightenment.
Lakshmi- Goddess of a!undance, "ealth, happiness and prosperity. The consort of 2ord 3ishnu.
Lingam - a man+s -"and of light- from 2inga, pillar of adoration and "orship of.
Lord Shiva- cosmic masculine force, igniting destruction or creation, consort and Tantric loer to .
Shakti Maha - Great, mighty one.
Maithuna - 4la!orate Tantric ritual "ith many parts, usually culminating in some form sacred se5ual
Manipura - 6rd Chakra, the po"er center, located around the nael.
Mantra - a sacred phrase of spiritual signi0cance and po"er; er!al chant.
Maya - illusion that one+s personality can use to limit or challenge the .oul.
Mudra - sacred hand gestures to focus the !ody+s energy "ith intention.
Muladhara - 7st Chakra, the root center, located at the anus or perineum.
Nadis - su!tle nere channels related to physical !ody and energy healing.
Nirvana - 8ltimate spiritual peace, a place that transcends !irth and death and a!solute freedom
from attachment is achieed. The 3edas say "hen you reach the attainment your soul no longer
needs to incarnate on the earth plane.
jas - su!tle ital force "ithin the !ody "hich can lo"er immunity and itality through forced
orgasm, e5cessie and9or genitally focused ejaculation.
!rana - 4nergy, air, !reath, life force; receied !y the !ody from pure food, nurturing, healing and
self transformation .
!ranayama - yogic !reath techni:ues; consciously control of !reathing patterns to :uiet the mind
and !alance the !ody+s natural energies..!uja - a speci0c ritual, or sacred circle of "orship.
"eiki - ;apanese "ork "hich employs 8niersal *ealing 4nergy.
Sahasara - <th Chakra, the cro"n center, located at the top of the head.
Samadhi - deep meditatie state.
Sattva- !lissful illumination, joy.
Shakti- the diine mother; the po"er of consciousness and spiritual eolution.
Shaman - )merican =ndian name for a spiritual healer.
Shaktipat - an transmission of spiritual energy usually gien !y a guru.
Sutra- lesson.
S#adhistana - >nd Chakra, the se5ual center, located at the genitals.
$ejas - 0re element of the !ody "hich can !urn out "ith e5cessie to5in intake, drug use, cigarette
smoking and een eeryday city life.
%pandishads - literally -secret teachings- the last portion of the 3edas.
&issuddi - ?th Chakra, the throat center, located at the throat.
'antra - mystic geometrical diagram used for healing meditation.
'oni- ) "oman+s sacred temple; ring like sym!ol of .hakti or female po"er
'uga - era, epoch. This age is the end of the 1ali (uga

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