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Published by d20pfsrd.com Publishing

Design & Development Peter K. Ullmann
Editing John Reyst
Layout & Typesetting John Reyst
Cover Illustration by Enmanuel Martinez
(mailto:[email protected])
Interior Illustrations:
Secret by MizuSasori
Aradia Megido by MizuSasori
Artwork part 3 (Crow section) by TazioBettin
ABLogo by AshiRox
Timelapse Lezard by Deevad
27 god symbols - Stock art (Vortain.png)" from Black Hand
The Torture and Pain by RunioRedMane

Mind over Matter: Psion and Soulknife requires the use of
Psionics Unleashed: Core Psionics System, 2010
Dreamscarred Press. See http://dreamscarredpress.com for
more information on Psionics Unleashed.
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Mind over Matter
Book 1: Psion and

About Mind over Matter
Mind Over Matter focuses directly on the wildly
popular psionics rules by Dreamscarred Press.
The series brings you new archetypes, psionic
powers, feats, and more for psionics-wielding
Psion Class Archetypes
There are multitudes of specialties for psionics that
already exist in your worlds. From sand-shifting
psychokinetics, to nefarious skulltwisters, to psychics that
can pry memories from the very stones beneath your feet,
to mediums that psychically tattoo themselves in order to
meld with the minds of beasts so that they can borrow the
powers and strengths that those beasts possess, to things
that defy explanation This is only the beginning to a
more enlightened path than many have begun to explore,
or it can lead to the dark recesses of the mind, where
negative emotions can be formed into frightening spectres
of cerebral energies.
This section presents two archetypes for the psion class.
Characters may take more than one archetype if they meet
the requirements and they do not replace the same
Psion (Nomad) Archetype: Locus
The locus uses her psychic powers to manipulate herself
into separate locations at the same time, effectively
multiplying herself for brief spans of time. She must
maintain a keen grasp on her own mental faculties, not
just to process the information being shared in her own
consciousness, but to maintain multiple projections of
herself. While this can be somewhat limiting at times, the
locus is able to lend herself a hand in nearly any situation.
After all, if you cannot trust others to get something done,
you can only rely upon yourself.
Class skills: The locus adds Perception and Bluff to their
list of class skills, but removes Fly and Survival.
Disturbed Space (Su): Once per day at 8
level, the locus
is able to take a full melee attack action against any
opponent within reach, mentally folding space to strike
their target from opposing positions. All of the locus
melee and touch attacks against that target are treated as
though the locus was benefitting from flanking.
Alternatively, the locus may make designate one of their
attacks against a secondary target within 10 feet of the
primary. They may spend 1 power point to extend the
attack against the secondary target by 5 feet, and may
spend no more than (your Constitution modifier) points
to expand their reach. If the locus uses disturbed space in


this fashion, they do not gain the flanking bonus against
any target.
This ability may be used one additional time for
every three levels thereafter, to a maximum of 4
times at 17
This ability replaces inconstant position.
Phantom Sighting (Su): Once per day at 14
level, you
are able to project a phantom version of your body, briefly,
into another location, so long as you maintain psionic
focus. Your phantom has all of your characters traits
(save hit points) and powers (but not any magical items),
and you can use your phantom to interact with others and
its environment in any nonphysical fashion. The phantom
possesses (your psion level x your Intelligence modifier)
hit points, provided that the phantoms hit points do not
exceed the total that the locus possesses.
The phantom lasts for (your psion level) minutes (though
the locus may end the effect at any time), and attacks that
target the phantom do no lasting damage, but if your
phantom is reduced below 0 hit points, the effect ends and
you are knocked unconscious for (10 your Constitution
modifier) minutes. The phantom may be projected up to a
distance of ([your psion level + your Intelligence modifier]
x 100) feet away. The phantom is able to move about
normally, provided that it does not move further than the
maximum distance allowed from the locus physical body.
This ability does not require that the phantom be in the
characters line of sight or line of effect. The character is
aware of everything that the phantom experienced once
the effect ends.
The psion is able to make a single physical standard action
via their phantom by spending 3 power points per action,
and any single physical free, immediate or swift action by
spending 2 power points per action.
A locus is unable to simultaneously use this power at the
same time as disturbed space, as they already exist in more
than one location. A locus is equally unable to use this
power in conjunction with the fission psychic power, or
other similar body-splitting or body-cloning powers.
This ability replaces accelerated activity.
Bilocate (Su): Once per day at 20
level, the locus is able
to fully manifest a complete duplicate of herself as a full-
round action, for a number of rounds equal to her
Constitution modifier (minimum 1). This duplicate
appears in any open location no more than 30 feet away.
While the duplicate has mundane versions of any magical
items the original possesses, it has all of the same abilities,
skills, feats and powers as the original, but any uses of
psychic or magical powers count against the characters
total uses per day (they are not doubled) and the two
characters share the same pool of hit points. Should the
duplicate use any magical items that the original
possesses, those items are located in the duplicates space
and do not transfer back to the original until the effect
ends; if the original uses them, the duplicate may not. They
are also both affected by any spell or effect that targets
either one of them (both positive and negative). A locus is
unable to simultaneously use this power at the same time
as disturbed space or phantom sighting, as they already
exist in more than one location. A locus is equally unable
to use this power in conjunction with the fission psychic
power, or other similar body-splitting or body-cloning
This ability replaces rapid movement.


Psion (Telepath) Archetype: Mindreaver
Mindreavers are insidious manipulators that can hide
themselves within the psyches of their victims, breaking
their will or tearing their minds apart from within. They
walk a darker path that most other psions shun, mostly
because the use of their powers alters them. Mindreavers
are often easily recognized by their distinctive eyes, which
most try to conceal. They are not often welcome amongst
other psychics, and it is not uncommon for mindreavers
to be driven away or hunted by those that deeply mistrust
and misunderstand them.
Alignment: Any non-good.
Class skills: The mindreaver loses Profession as a class
skill, but gains Disguise instead.
Clouded Eyes (Ex): A mindreavers eyes develop a
shifting grey haze that clearly identifies their dark, inner
nature. For every four levels the character possesses, they
take a -2 penalty to disguise checks to conceal that they
are mindreavers, provided that the target can see their
eyes. Anyone who succeeds at a DC 10 Knowledge
(Psionics) or DC 15 Perception check realizes that there is
something dark and disturbing about the mindreaver. The
mindreaver takes a -4 penalty to all positive social
interactions with them for the next 24 hours, but also gain
a +2 bonus to Intimidate checks to affect them.
Assault the Tower (Su): A mindreaver is able to
challenge, or even break, the will of their victims. As a
swift action, the psion is able to spend power points to
impose a -1 Will save penalty to any single target on a one-
for-one basis. This penalty lasts until the start of the
targets next turn. The mindreaver may not spend any
more than ( your psion level, minimum 1) power points
in this fashion. However, the mindreaver may spend an
additional 3 power points to utilize this power on all
creatures with Intelligence 3 or higher within 30, but this
ability does not distinguish between friend and foe.
Reavers Spear (Su): At 2
level, the mindreaver is able
to manifest an intangible javelin and mentally hurl it at
any target within range as a standard action ranged touch
attack. The javelin has all of the same characteristics as a
real one and is affected by any feats the character
possesses that would enhance a real javelin. In addition to
the damage, if the attack is successful the target gains the
shaken condition for (your Intelligence modifier) rounds.
Targets may make a DC (10 + your psion level + your
Intelligence modifier) Will save to take half damage and
negate the shaken condition. The psion is also able to
spend 2 power points to increase the critical threat range
of the weapon by 1 prior to making the attack roll.
At 6
level, and every four levels thereafter, the reavers
spear increases its damage dice by a factor of 1 and the
range increases by 10, which stacks with other feats,
spells or effects that increase the damage dice or range of
the javelin.
The mindreaver is able to use this ability (3 + his
Intelligence modifier) times per day, and it replaces
mental intrusion.
Freak Puppeteer (Sp): At 8
level, the mindreaver gains
the ability to take control of others as a standard action,
just as if they had used geths mind control. However, the
movements of the subject under the mindreavers control
are jerky and grotesque, reducing the Sense Motive check
from DC 15 to DC 10 to determine that the subjects
behavior is being influenced.
The psion is able to use this ability once per day
at 8
level, and one additional time per day for
every four levels thereafter.
The psion is able to spend 2 power points to use this
ability as a move action instead of a standard action.
This ability replaces telepathy.
Cerebral Cyclone (Su): At 20
level, the psion
permanently emits a 20 aura of madness. Enemies within
this aura are affected by confusion unless they make a DC
(25 + your Intelligence modifier) Will save. The confusion
effect ends immediately when the creature leaves the
area, and creatures that succeed on their saving throw are
immune for the next 24 hours.
Additionally, within the range of the aura, the mindreaver
may spend 3 power points per target to unleash a black
tentacle of mental energy as an attack that stuns the target
for (your Intelligence modifier) rounds. The target may
make a DC 25 Reflex save to reduce this to a single round
of being dazed. These attacks are treated as touch attacks.
The mindreaver is capable of expanding the aura by 5 feet
per power point spent, but the expanded range only lasts
for a single round.
This ability replaces guarded thoughts.


Psion Feats
Amplified Folding
Your ability to fold space is magnified.
Prerequisites: Fast Step, disturbed space class feature,
base attack bonus +6
Benefit: By using the disturbed space ability, you may
make a single attack at your full base attack bonus as a
standard action against two separate foes within reach,
gaining the flanking bonus against both foes. You may not
attack the same foe multiple times.
Special: You can take this feat again at 11
level and 16

level. Each time you take it, the number of foes that you
can target increases by 1.
Extra Disturbed Space
You can use your disturbed space ability more often.
Prerequisites: Disturbed Space class feature
Benefit: You can use your disturbed space ability two
additional times per day.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects
Folding Force
You create a force pulse to push opponents away.
Prerequisites: Disturbed space class feature, base attack
bonus +3
Benefit: By using the disturbed space ability, you may
spend 2 power points to forgo its normal effects and use it
as a bull rush against a single target without charging.
When used in this fashion, your character may not take a
move action. This does not provoke an attack of
Folding Force, Greater
Your force pulse knocks down any foes near you.
Prerequisites: Improved Folding Force, disturbed space
class feature, base attack bonus +9
Benefit: When you use your disturbed space ability to bull
rush an opponent, you may use that force to bull rush all
opponents within a 10 radius.
Folding Force, Improved
Your force pulse knocks your foes down.
Prerequisites: Folding Force, disturbed space class
feature, base attack bonus +6
Benefit: When you use your disturbed space ability to bull
rush an opponent, the target of your bull rush attempt
must make a DC (10 + your psion level + your
Intelligence modifier) Reflex save or be knocked prone,
regardless of whether the bull rush attempt was
successful or not.


Psychic Sickness
When assaulting another creatures mind, you may
force them to experience symptoms of physical illness.
Prerequisites: Assault the tower class feature, base
attack bonus +6
Benefit: When using your assault the tower ability, you
may spend two power points to affect the targets
Fortitude save instead of their Will save. This does not
increase the number of power points that the mindreaver
may spend on this ability.
Your gimlet glare frightens even the hardiest of souls.
Prerequisites: Clouded Eyes class feature, Intimidate 8
Benefit: You gain a gaze special attack. When another
creature within 30 feet meets your gaze, you may spend 1
power point to force the target to make a Will save at DC
(10 + your psion level + your Charisma modifier) or
gain the shaken condition for (1 + your Charisma
modifier) rounds.
However, the terrorhaze subtly affects the mindreavers
personality. They now take a permanent 2 penalty to all
Bluff and Diplomacy checks, as they find it more difficult
to relate to others.


Soulknife Class Archetypes
Those that walk the path of the soulknife hone their
minds, much like their blades, to cut to the heart of all
knowledge. Some of that knowledge propels the mind to
great creations that are stronger than steel and can be
sharper than diamonds. Other points of knowledge are
wicked and alluring, the kind of mental disciplines that
stem from darker emotions, like greed or sloth. The
mysteries of the soulknife are not as easily laid bare as
their enemies are laid low. One can only look to uncover
the mysteries and decide for themselves whether they can
be used to build a better world.
This section presents two archetypes for the soulknife
class. Characters may take more than one archetype if
they meet the requirements and they do not replace the
same abilities.
Soulknife Archetype: Attenuator
Using a combination of study, psychic energies, their mind
blades and pressure points, the attenuator is able to
weaken, disable, and eventually cripple their foes. This
requires precise movements and intensive study of the
weaknesses of various foes that the attenuator may
encounter, including those that wield psychic powers of
their own.
Class skills: The attenuator loses Profession, Craft and
Swim as class skills, but gains Acrobatics, Knowledge
(Arcana), and Knowledge (Nature) in return.
Gauge Weakness (Ex): As a full-round action, the
attenuator makes a DC (10 + CR) Knowledge (of the type
appropriate to the target) check to determine any
weaknesses that the target may possess. Success grants
the attenuator a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls
against the target for every four attenuator levels
thereafter, to a maximum of +5 at 17
level. This ability
lasts for (3 + your Wisdom modifier) rounds and the
attenuator may use this ability twice per day at 1
and one additional time per day for every four attenuator
levels beyond 1
to a maximum of 6 times per day at 17

At 5
level, and every three levels thereafter, the time to
gauge a targets weaknesses is reduced, first to a standard
action, then a move action, and finally a swift action at 11

level. The gauge weakness ability cannot be reduced
below a swift action.
This ability replaces the soulknifes bonus feat.
Pressure Strike (Ex): At 6
level, the attenuator may take
a full-round action to make a single strike with her
soulknife intended to weaken or disable their opponents.
On a successful strike, the strike does no damage, but it
applies the fatigued condition to the target for (your
Dexterity modifier, minimum 1) rounds. The target may
make a DC (10 + your soulknife level + your Dexterity
modifier) Fortitude save to reduce the condition to one
round. The attenuator may use this ability (3 + your
Dexterity modifier) times per day.
At 10
level, the attenuator applies the exhausted
condition instead of the fatigued condition. At 14
this improves to dazed, and at 18
level, it improves to
This ability replaces throw mind blade.
Disruptive Force (Su): At 10
level, the attenuator is able
to make a standard action attack with her soulknife
against the target of her gauge weakness ability. If the
attack is successful, the targets ability to use psionic
powers or spells is handicapped, and the target must
make a DC (10 + your soulknife level + your Wisdom
modifier) Fortitude check as a free action or be unable to
use their psychic powers or spells that round. The
disruptive force effect lasts for (your Wisdom modifier,
minimum 1) rounds.
The target is still able to use any spell-like or supernatural
class abilities that they possess. Targets already
handicapped by this ability may not be affected by further
uses of it until the original duration expires. The
attenuator may use this ability (your Dexterity modifier,
minimum 1) times per day.
This ability replaces psychic strike.
Attenuation Mastery: At 20
level, twice per day as a
standard action, the attenuator is capable of emitting a 10
field that functions both as a null psionics field and an
antimagic field for (3 + your Wisdom modifier) minutes.
The attenuator is immune to the effects of their own field,
but not to the effects of a null psionics field from another
This ability replaces mind blade mastery.


Soulknife Archetype: Manic Magpie
Most soulknives utilize their awesome psychic skills to
create their own special blades and wield them against
their foes. The manic magpie specializes in stealing the
weapons of others and using them to best effect. Such as
the character grows in power, they find, within
themselves, the ability to even steal psychic powers and
magical effects and use them for their own purposes.
Class skills: The manic magpie adds Sleight of Hand to his
list of class skills, but loses Swim.
Magpies Claws (Su): A mental magpie automatically
gains the feat combat expertise. Additionally, they do not
provoke attacks of opportunity when attempting a disarm
or steal combat maneuver.
If the character ever
acquires either the
improved disarm or
improved steal feats, he
gains a +1 competence
bonus to Sleight of
Hand checks in
addition to the benefit
granted by those feats.
This ability replaces
bonus feat and throw
mind blade.
Magpies Greed (Su):
At 3
level, once per
day, the manic magpie
is able to steal one-
handed weapons out of the hands of their foes. Doing so
requires both hands to be empty and a Sleight of Hand
check against the targets touch AC. The target of the theft
may make a Reflex check to avoid having their weapon
stolen. The difficulty is equal to the manic magpies Sleight
of Hand check. Should the manic magpie succeed, they
may wield the weapon as if they had just drawn it. At 7

level, the manic magpie is capable of stealing two-handed
weapons from their opponents.
At 11
level, they are capable of stealing away the
weapons of other soulknives and weapons created by
spells, which do not dissipate when the manic magpie
takes them. They are able to hold onto these weapons for
(3 + your Wisdom modifier) rounds before the weapons
dissipate as if their duration had expired. Should the
manic magpie take the weapon of another soulknife, the
original owner may treat the weapon as having been
broken and create another on their action.
When the manic magpie takes the weapon of another
soulknife, they may use any of the benefits or
enhancements that were active upon the mind blade at the
time it was taken, including any blade skills that the
original owner was applying to their mind blade, even
magical enhancements or blade skills that the manic
magpie does not possess or meet the requirements for.
Such benefits expire as they normally would.
At 15
level, the manic magpie may apply any one blade
skill that they currently possess to a stolen weapon,
regardless of what type of weapon it is, and on top of any
other benefits that may apply to
the weapon at the time of its
theft. At 19
level, this increases
to two.
At 6
level, and every
three levels thereafter, the
maniac magpie may use
magpies greed one additional
time per day, to a maximum of
six times per day at 18
This ability replaces psychic
Magpies Magic (Su): At 20

level, the manic magpie may
expend one use of Magpies
Greed to snatch and redirect a
spell or psionic power that is targeting him or an adjacent
ally. The manic magpie makes a DC (20 + your spell or
psionic power level) Sleight of Hand check; success grants
the manic magpie the ability to declare a new target as the
target of the spell or psionic power. The new target must
be a valid target for the spell or psionic powers effect, and
the redirected spell or psionic power behaves in all ways
as if its new target were the original target.
The spell or psionic power must target one creature. You
must declare using this ability after the spellcasters or
psionics target is declared, but before the targets saving
throw or attack roll is made. This power replaces mind
blade mastery.


New Blade Skills
The following blade skills are able to be selected by any
soulknife that meets the requirements.
Bent Blade Trick: Whenever a soulknife throws their mind
blade, they are able to do so in such a fashion as to make
the blade arc around targets that are standing directly in
the way of their true target. The target of your attack no
longer benefits from soft cover against your throw mind
blade ability.
Driving Attack: As a move action, the soulknife may choose
to follow along the path her mind blade as she throws it.
This action teleports the character as far as her movement
allows in a direct line along the path of the attack, until
they are adjacent to their target. If any of the characters
movement remains, they may use the remainder if they
wish to do so. If the character teleports to an adjacent
square to their target, they retain possession of their mind
blade without having to recreate it.
Psionic Bane: The soulknife may, as a standard action,
charge her blade with menacing psychic energies. Upon a
successful attack, regardless of whether the attack does
damage or not, the target must make a DC (10 + your
soulknife level) or lose (your Intelligence modifier,
minimum 1) power points. The soulknife must be 8
to select this skill.
Spiritbright Blade: As a standard action, the soulknife may
imbue her blade with the ghost touch quality for (your
Wisdom modifier, minimum 1) rounds. The soulknife
must be 4
level to select this skill.
Soulknife Feats
Avaricious Nature
You can use your magpies greed ability more often.
Prerequisites: Magpies Greed class feature
Benefit: You can use your magpies greed ability
two additional times per day.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects
Extra Pressure Strike
You can use your pressure strike ability more often.
Prerequisites: Pressure Strike class feature
Benefit: You can use your pressure strike ability
two additional times per day.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects
Improbable Throw
When wielding your soulknife, you are able to strike out
at distant targets without your blade ever leaving your
Prerequisites: Far Shot, Mind Over Matter, soulknife
level 15

Benefit: When the character makes a ranged attack with
a thrown mind blade, the attack is made normally, but the
mind blade does not actually leave the characters hand. It
is merely a psychic projection of the mind blade.
This permits the character to either throw their weapon
multiple times as a part of a full-round action, or throw
their weapon and make melee attacks in the same full-
round action. The soulknife may also benefit from any
defensive action or ability that requires them to have their
weapon in hand


Mind Over Matter
You are able to increase the range of your thrown mind
Prerequisites: Soulknife level 10

Benefit: The range of all thrown mind blades is increased
by 10. Should the character possess the enhanced range
blade skill, this feat applies before the range is doubled.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects
Mindlight Ammunition
You are able to increase the range of your thrown mind
Prerequisites: Mind Bolt class feature, base attack bonus
Benefit: The soulbolt can take a swift action to imbue a
single piece of ammunition with the brilliant energy
special ability.
Psicrystal Consumption
By cannibalizing part of
another psychics mind,
you gain access to a small
part of their personality
for a brief time.
Prerequisites: Snatch
Psicrystal, Magpies Greed
class feature, base attack
bonus +11
Benefit: By concentrating
on a loose psicrystal that you have in your possession for
an hour of uninterrupted time, you may absorb the
psicrystal into yourself, gaining the psicrystals
personality benefit for a number of hours equal to the
owners level. By doing so, you destroy the psicrystal.
Snatch Psicrystal
Using your magpies greed ability, you are able to steal
loose psicrystals away from their owners.
Prerequisites: Magpies Greed class feature, base attack
bonus +8
Benefit: The character may expend two uses of their
Magpies Greed ability to steal a held psicrystal that the
target possesses. The psicrystal may not be docked in any
item. If the manic magpie is successful in taking the
psicrystal away from its owner, the owner loses all of the
benefits of the psicrystal until they regain possession of it.
Tension Bash
You can use your pressure strike ability to inflict
nonlethal damage.
Prerequisites: Pressure Strike class feature, Strength 13
Benefit: When using your pressure strike ability, your
attacks do 1d3+1 points of nonlethal damage in addition
to its normal effects. When your base attack bonus
reaches +10, and every four levels thereafter, the damage
increases by 1d3+1 (to a maximum of 4d3+4 at 18
Tension Hammer
You can use your pressure strike ability to inflict lethal
Prerequisites: Tension Bash, Pressure Strike class
feature, base attack bonus +11
Benefit: When using your pressure strike ability, you may
instead choose to have your attacks do 1d3+1 points of
lethal damage instead of any nonlethal damage. When
your base attack bonus reaches +14, and every three
levels thereafter, the damage increases by 1d3+1 (to a
maximum of 4d3+4 at 20


New General Feats
The following feats are available to any character that
meets the prerequisites for the feats.
Augmented Intellect
Your intellect is far keener than anyone had ever
Prerequisites: Manifester level
Benefit: Whenever you spend power points to enhance an
effect, you do so as if your manifester level were one
Critical Insight
When you perform at the peak of your abilities, you are
able to refocus your psionic might.
Prerequisites: Power point reserve, character level 7

Benefit: When you roll a natural 20 on any attack roll,
your soulknife regains 1 power point. You cannot exceed
your maximum power point reserve.
Enhanced Manifestation
You have mastered the ability to express your power.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 17, Augmented Intellect
Benefit: When using your psychic powers or psionic class
abilities, you may treat your manifester level as if it were
two levels higher (to a maximum of your character level).
Meditative Empowerment
Through the power of meditation, you are able to
recover some of your psychic strength.
Prerequisites: Intelligence 17, Knowledge (Any) 5 ranks
Benefit: You may enter a meditative trance and, after an
hour of maintaining this trance uninterrupted, you regain
a number of power points equal to your character level,
which you may use that day, but are lost when you sleep
or otherwise rest for the day. You may not have any more
unspent power points than your maximum number of
power points for the day; anything above that limit is
automatically lost.
New Powers
The following powers are just a small taste of
what the mysteries of the mind hold. Use them
Ego Lash
Discipline: Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]; Level: Dread 5,
psion/wilder 4
Display: Mental
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: Dread 9, psion/wilder 7
This fell power was developed by elder mindreavers of a
now-extinct clan to use against a rival clan of psychics that
wielded strange powers through psionic tattoos in a war
that has long-since been forgotten.


With but a touch, you transfer some of your darkest
terrors and deepest guilt from your own mind to the mind
of your target in a concentrated assault upon their psyche.
Your successful melee touch attack applies a 1d6 penalty
to the targets Wisdom score. If the targets Wisdom is
reduced to 0, they must make a DC 20 Will save. Failure
indicates that they are afflicted with a permanent insanity
and all of their ability damage is instantly restored.
When a target goes insane, roll on the following table to
determine what form of insanity strikes.
d% Insanity
1 8 Amnesia
9 20 Delirium (see Delirium sidebar)
21 48 Mania/Phobia
49 63 Multiple Personality Disorder
64 71 Paranoia
72 83 Psychalgia (see Psychalgia sidebar)
84 88 Psychosis
89 100 Schizophrenia
New Affliction: Delirium
Type insanity; Save Will DC 20
Onset 1d6 days
Effect -6 penalty to Intelligence-based checks, chance of
becoming confused, chance of altering attitude
Creatures suffering from delirium experience severe
confusion and disorientation. Delirium is generally
acquired due to a decline in cognitive faculties, and
usually manifests in those of advanced age. Typical
symptoms include attention deficits, difficulty
remembering information or details, disorganized
behavior, or even severe mood changes.
Each time a character afflicted by delirium finds himself
in a stressful situation (such as combat), he must make a
Will save against his insanitys DC. Failure indicates that
he becomes confused for 1d4 rounds.
Whenever the character uses their Bluff, Diplomacy,
Intimidate or Perform skills, they must also make a Will
save against their insanitys DC. Failure indicates that the
characters attitude toward the person they are using the
skill on changes. Consult the table below to determine
how the characters attitude changes
d% Attitude Change
1 5 Attitude positively changes by 2
6 10 Attitude positively changes by 1
Attitude negatively changes by 1
Attitude negatively changes by 2
New Affliction: Psychalgia
Type insanity; Save Will DC 16
Onset immediate
Effect Wracking pains (see below)
A creature suffering from psychalgia thinks they feel
debilitating pain where no pain actually exists. It is very
difficult to act through this discomfort. Characters
afflicted with psychalgia must make a Will save against
their insanitys DC any time they fail a Strength, Dexterity
or Constitution-based skill check or attack roll. Failure
indicates that the character suffers wracking pains that
impose a -4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and
ability checks for the next (1d20) minutes.
For full details on insanity, see the Pathfinder
RPG Gamemastery Guide.


Radiant Banner
Discipline: Metacreativity (Creation); Level: Psion/wilder 5,
psychic warrior 5, shaper 5, tactician 5
Display: Visual (see text)
Manifesting Time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: 1 min./level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless); Power Resistance:
Yes (harmless)
Power Points: 9
Summoning up your courage all into a point in your mind
and projecting it through your hands, you are able to
generate a shining silver war banner mounted on a pole
that floats directly behind the target of your power,
occupying the same space.
The target and all allies within 10 of the banner gain a +
(your Intelligence modifier) morale bonus to all attack
rolls, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws versus
fear for a number of minutes equal to your level.
Augment: For every 2 additional power points spent, you
can increase the duration by ( your character level)
Thousand Cutting Cranes
Discipline: Metacreativity (Creation); Level: Psion/wilder 4,
psychic warrior 4, shaper 4
Display: Mental and visual
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Target: 30-ft.-radius burst
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half; Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 7
You create an explosion of razor-edged paper cranes that
deals 1d6+1 points of damage per manifester level
(maximum 10d6+10) to every creature within the area of
effect. Targets wearing metal armor take half damage
from this power, while characters wearing non-metal
armor take an equal amount of damage to the armor itself.
Armor that is reduced below half its hit points gains the
broken condition; armor that has its hit points reduced to
0 is destroyed. This attack obscures all sight beyond 5 feet
for one round.
Augment: For every 2 additional power points spent, you
can increase the duration of the obscuring effect by one
Mythic Mayhem
While psychics are fully capable of following other paths
to mythic power, none are better suited than the path that
is inherently their own; that of the mind. Ones own
consciousness can be the building-blocks of greatness,
and legends are borne on the winds of imagination.
The following is intended for mythic play. You will require
the Mythic Adventures supplement from Paizo
Publishing, LLC to use the following portion of this
There are those to whom the powers of the mind come
naturally, and there are others that study for years or
decades before unlocking the ids very first secrets. For the
medium, the gifts of the universe are but a thought away.
Anything that they can conceptualize, they can create.
Mental tools that others wield in a heavy or cumbersome
fashion are deftly applied by the medium.
The medium has mastery over their own minds; not an
insignificant achievement, as most who use the psionic
arts struggle, and through their struggles, achieve
breakthroughs toward enlightenment. Not so the
medium. The medium develops abilities far beyond that of
normal psychics, and the further along their path that the
medium travels, the closer they come to achieving true
oneness with all intelligent beings.
Role: As a medium, you best serve your allies by
unlocking the secrets of your foes and providing


protection from all of their worst fears and nightmares
directly invading their minds. Your powers help you to
lead your companions, defend them from psychic threats,
and alter reality around you to match the best that you can
Classes: The medium is a class that synergizes best with
the abilities of psychic classes. The cryptic, dread, psion,
tactician, vitalist and wilder are the most likely to walk
this path. The powers associated with the medium also
have a great deal to offer the aegis, marksman, psychic
warrior and soulknife, though other paths can prove
valuable to these classes as well.
Bonus Hit Points: Whenever you gain a medium tier, you
gain 4 bonus hit points. These hit points stack with
themselves, and dont affect your overall Hit Dice or other
Tier Path Features
1st Medium aptitude, path ability
2nd Path ability
3rd Path ability
4th Path ability
5th Path ability
6th Path ability
7th Path ability
8th Path ability
9th Path ability
10th Path ability, universal potence

Class Features
As you gain new tiers, you gain the following abilities.
Medium Aptitude: Select one of the following abilities.
Once chosen, it cannot be changed.
Cerebral Manifestation (Su): As a swift action, you can
expend one use of mythic power to manifest any one
psychic power without spending any power points or
expending your focus. This power must be one of the
powers that you already know. If the power requires a
saving throw, any non-mythic creatures affected by the
power roll twice and take the lower result. If you must
make a manifester level check for the power to overcome
a creatures power resistance, you can roll your
manifester level twice (add your tier to each) and take the
higher result. You cannot add a metapsionic feat to a
power you manifest using this ability.
Hive Mind (Su): As a swift action, you may expend one use
of mythic power to coordinate with your allies. This
allows you and each of your allies within 30 feet to
marshal your efforts to achieve the same goal, adding a
bonus equal to your tier to any single attack roll, skill
check or ability check made by you or your allies within
30 feet before your next turn, provided that everyone is
working toward the same goal or they are attacking the
same opponent.
Metaphysical Strike (Su): As a swift action, you can expend
one use of mythic power to make one melee attack. This is
in addition to any other attacks you make this round. You
must spend a number of power points equal twice to your
manifester level, and in exchange, you gain a bonus on the
attack roll equal to the number of points that you spent.
Furthermore, the attack deals 2d6 points of psychic
damage per manifester level you have. The normal
damage from this attack bypasses all damage reduction,
but the extra psychic damage is still affected by
resistances and immunities.
Path Ability: At 1st tier and every tier thereafter, select
one new path ability from the medium path abilities lists
or from the universal path abilities lists (see Mythic
Adventures). Once you select an ability, it cannot be
changed. Unless otherwise noted, each ability can be
selected only once. Some abilities have requirements,


such as a class ability or minimum mythic tier that you
must meet before you select them.
Universal Potence: At 10th tier, whenever you
successfully resist a psionic attack, you automatically heal
a number of hit points equal to your attackers hit dice.
Your psychic attacks automatically ignore the targets first
10 points of psychic resistance (if any). Once per round,
when your opponent fails a Will save against any power
or ability that you use, you regain one use of mythic
1st-Tier Medium Path Abilities
You can select these path abilities at any tier.
Abstract Familiar (Su): You are able to call upon the
services of a psychic beast; a creature born of mental
energies. Select one animal companion to choose as your
familiar from the list of improved familiars, provided that
you already have a familiar. This creature functions as any
other familiar does, including granting you an empathic
link with it as normal, except that your familiar gains the
incorporeal subtype. If your familiar dies, it can be
replaced as normal. This ability does not apply to cohorts,
eidolons or bonded mounts. By expending one use of
mythic power, you can heal your abstract familiar of a
number of hit points of damage equal to (6 x your tier).
This also clears any one condition of your choice that
affects your familiar.
Adamantine Mind (Ex): Your mind is as hard as any
armor, and is dangerous to engage. You gain a bonus equal
to your tier on saving throws against mind-affecting
effects. Whenever you succeed at a save against a mind-
affecting effect, the creature attacking you with that effect
must succeed at a Will save (at the same DC) or be stunned
for 1 round.
Artful Creation (Ex): The act of creation comes more
easily to you than to others. When you take 10 on any Craft
skill check, add your tier to the result. As a free action, you
can expend one use of mythic power to reduce the
creation time of any one item by 50%. This time reduction
does not stack with any other abilities that reduce crafting
Bolstered Protection (Su): Your mind is able to form a
more powerful protective shell around you. When
forming your astral suit, treat your level as 2 higher to
determine the number of customization points you may
spend on your astral suit. As a swift action, you may
expend one use of mythic power to activate your augment
suit ability, adding your mythic tier to the number of
points that you may spend on this ability.
Cerebral Disjunction (Su): Your psionic rage is like a
blinding whirlwind of destruction. As a full-round action,
you can expend one use of mythic power to attempt to
sunder any one item on each opponent within five feet in
a blinding flash by rolling (1d20 + your tier + your
Intelligence modifier). You may select which item(s) to
sunder. The damage from these sunder attempts ignores
hardness. If you destroy an item in this way, you
automatically inflict the dazzled condition upon that
opponent for a number of rounds equal to your tier,
regardless of whether they are immune to being dazzled
or not.
Dominating Control (Su): You gain control over
creatures of low intelligence. Using this ability is a
standard action, and requires you to make a Handle
Animal check against any creatures of Intelligence 6 or
less within 50 feet, up to a number of hit dice equal to
twice your tier. If your check equals or exceeds the
creatures CMD, you can give that creature an order that
lasts up to 1 round. For every 5 by which you beat the DC,
your control lasts an additional 1 round. If the creature
was summoned, is an animal companion, or is otherwise
under the control of another, the controller cant regain
control during this time unless it also uses this ability. If
you expend one use of mythic power when attempting to
use this ability, the duration of your control increases
from rounds to an equal number of minutes.
Focused Recovery (Ex): Your ability to maintain focus is
legendary. You add your tier to any concentration check
you make, and you do not lose your psionic focus when
you go to sleep or enter a meditative trance. As a free
action, you expend one use of your mythic power to
automatically regain your psionic focus when you expend
Foretell the Blow (Ex): A master of perception, you are
able to predict the attacks of your enemy. You may
designate any one enemy that you can see. You gain a
dodge bonus to your armor class against that foe equal to
your tier. You can only have one enemy designated in this
way at any time. If you designate a new opponent, the
bonus immediately ends for the previous target. You can
take this ability more than once. Each time you select it,
you can designate one additional enemy.


As an immediate action, you expend one use of your
mythic power to make an attack of opportunity against
any enemy you are using this ability on, when your enemy
has just missed on their attack roll.
Hive-Mind Intellect (Su): You have stunning flashes of
insight that reflect a level of genius unmatched by others.
You may expend one use of your mythic power as a swift
action to absorb the Intelligence bonus of every ally
within 10 feet for one single Intelligence check or any one
roll that uses your Intelligence modifier, adding their
Intelligence modifiers to your own.
Instant Recognition (Ex): You automatically identify
psionic powers that are used within 60 feet of you,
regardless of whether its a power that you know or that
you do not know, provided that you are of sufficient
manifester level to use it. You know what discipline it
comes from, its manifester level, and exactly what it does.
You automatically discover this power and you may add it
to your list of powers known, provided that you meet the
requirements and that you have not reached your
maximum of powers known.
As a standard action, you can expend one use of mythic
power to manifest this power if you have seen it used in
the last (your tier) hours, and if it is not in your list of
powers known. You must still pay the power point cost
associated with the power.
Know Thine Enemy (Su): Add double your tier as a
bonus on Knowledge checks you attempt to identify
monsters, including checks made to learn any special
powers and vulnerabilities. As a free action, you can
expend one use of mythic power to telepathically
communicate the knowledge you obtain from this check
to all allies within 100 feet.
Levitation Blockade (Su): You are able to focus your
telekinetic powers into a defensive knack. Once per round,
you can designate one opponent within your line of sight.
You may, as a swift action, slow that opponents
movement by 10 feet. You can take this ability more than
once. Each time you select it, you can designate one
additional opponent.
As a standard action, you expend one use of your mythic
power to lift a single opponent (up to large size) five feet
up into the air and suspend them in a telekinetic bubble.
Creatures caught in your power have no movement,
unless they are capable of flight. You may hold them
suspended in the air for a number of rounds equal to your
tier. You may not use this ability on more than one
creature at a time. If you use this ability on a new creature,
the effect ends immediately for the previous target,
dropping them to the ground, but doing no harm.
Linked Consciousness (Su): You can form a nearly
unbreakable mental bond between yourself and another.
You may expend one use of mythic power to form a link
between you and a living creature in your line of sight at
the time of activation. For the next 10 minutes per tier,
you can read that creatures mind as if using detect
thoughts with a range of 1 mile. This allows you to
automatically read the surface thoughts of the creature
you are linked to. Furthermore, you automatically know
the location and condition of the creature as if using
status. However, your target receives a Will saving throw
(DC 10 + your tier + your Charisma modifier) to negate the
detect thoughts aspect of this ability.
Mental Fortitude (Ex): Treat your manifestation level as
4 higher when determining the duration of powers that
you spend power points on. This doesnt alter any other
variable effects of the power.
Mind Over Magic (Su): Your own mind shields you from
spells, granting you spell resistance of 10. If you already
possess spell resistance, this increases your spell
resistance by 10. This resistance applies to both beneficial
magics (like healing) and hostile magics.
No One of Consequence (Ex): Your mythic nature is a
cloak that can shield you from the minds and memories of
others. Creatures struggle to recognize you, recall your
appearance, remember the nature of conversations they
had with you, and recount the actions you took when you
were in their presence. If a creature makes a deliberate
attempt to recall details about time spent with you, it must
succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + your tier + your Charisma
modifier) to recall anything beyond vague details. In
addition, youre under a permanent nondetection effect
with a caster level equal to your character level plus your
tier. You can end this effect at any time, and can resume it
as a swift action.
Odic Physician (Su): Using the power of your mind, you
can command a body to heal itself. As a swift action, you
can expend one use of mythic power to heal yourself or
another living creature within 50 feet of ([1d4 + your
Charisma modifier] x your tier) points of damage.
Alternatively, you can expend two uses of your mythic


power to heal all allies within 50 feet of ([1d4 + your
Charisma modifier] x your tier) points of damage.
Psicrystal Rapport (Ex): Your mental connection to your
psicrystal is unusually potent. You add 2 to your owner
level for determining the special abilities of any
psicrystals you own. You also add your tier to the bonus
you receive from your psicrystals personality benefit.
Psychic Backlash (Su): When harm comes to you, your
mind lashes out against them. Whenever an adjacent
enemy confirms a critical hit against you, you may spend
a number of power points equal to your tier to cause 1d4
points of force damage per power point spent to that foe.
If you do not have any power points remaining, you may
expend one use of mythic power to make this attack
anyway as if you had spent a number of power points
equal to half your tier (rounded up).
Psychosomatic Affliction (Su): Your enemies defenses
are no match for your psionic powers. As a standard
action, you are able to expend one use of mythic power to
inflict a penalty on a single target within 10 feet. The
target takes extra damage equal to your tier from any
physical, magical or psionic attacks from any source for a
number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier. You
may only use this power on any given target once every
24 hours.
Resolute Dismissal (Su): Your ability to dispel psionic
effects is peerless. When attempting a dispel check, or to
overcome psychic resistance, you add your tier to your
manifester level. You may also expend one use of mythic
power to re-activate any power of yours that was just
dispelled as a swift action.
Sharpen the Mind, Hone the Blade (Su): You are able to
hone part of your very essence into a more perfect
weapon. Treat your level as 2 higher when determining
which blade skills that you may take. As a swift action, you
may expend one use of mythic power to prepare your
mind blade for a number of psychic strikes equal to half
your tier (rounded up).
Soothing Words (Su): You know exactly how to put
minds at ease with calm and welcome words. As a move
action, you can expend one use of mythic power to remove
a single mind-affecting effect from one creature within 30
feet. This ability doesnt work on effects with an
instantaneous or permanent duration.
Telekinetic Master (Su): You can use your psychic
powers to duplicate the effects of mage hand or
open/close at will as a standard action, and you can affect
unattended magical objects with mage hand. The weight
limit for these abilities increases by 5 pounds per tier.
Treat your manifester level as 2 higher when manifesting
psychokinetic charge, telekinetic maneuver, or similar
Total Awareness (Su): You know exactly what is
happening around you, whether you are awake or asleep.
You cannot be caught flat-footed except via mythic
abilities and gain immunity to non-mythic sneak attacks.
By expending one use of mythic power as a swift action,
you can negate the extra damage from a critical hit or
sneak attack, treating it as normal.
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15. Copyright Notice:
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by
E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
and Skip Williams.
Advanced Players Guide. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author:
Jason Bulmahn.
Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide, 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author:
Cam Banks, Wolfgang Buar, Jason Bulmahn, Jim Butler, Eric Cagle, Graeme
Davis, Adam Daigle, Joshua J. Frost, James Jacobs, Kenneth Hite, Steven
Kenson, Robin Laws, Tito Leati, Rob McCreary, Hal Maclean, Colin McComb,
Jason Nelson, David Noonan, Richard Pett, Rich Redman, Sean K reynolds, F.
Wesley Schneider, Amber Scorr, Doug Seacat, Mike Selinker, Lisa Stevens,
James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, Penny Williams, Skip Williams, Teeuwynn
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic, 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary,
Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C.
Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat, 2011, Paizo Publishing,
LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn,
Brian J. Cortijo, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Richard A. Hunt, Colin McComb,
Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide. 2012, Paizo
Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason
Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Hal MacLean, Jason
Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Owen K.C. Stephens, Todd Stewart,
and Russ Taylor.
The Book of Experimental Might, 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
Tome of Horrors, 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene,
with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance
Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on
original content from TSR.
Unearthed Arcana, 2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Andy Collins,
Jesse Decker, David Noonan, Rich Redman
The Iconic Bestiary: Classics of Fantasy, 2005, Lions Den Press; Author Ari
Hyperconscious: Explorations in Psionics, 2004, Bruce R Cordell. All rights
If Thoughts Could Kill, 20012004, Bruce R. Cordell. All rights reserved.
Mindscapes, 20032004, Bruce R. Cordell. All rights reserved.
Unearthed Arcana, 2004, Wizards of the Coast.
Mutants & Masterminds 2002, Green Ronin Publishing.
Swords of Our Fathers, Copyright 2003, The Game Mechanics.
Modern System Reference Document, 2002, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, based on
material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker,Peter
Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker
The Grand OGL Wiki, http://grandwiki.wikidot.com Copyright 2008-2011
Purple Duck Games; Authors: Mark Gedak, Alex Schroeder, Joel Arellano,
George Fields, Yair Rezek, Mike Whalen, Shane OConnor, Mike Rickard,
John Whamond, Bill Browne, Eric Williamson, Slatz Grubnik, Charles R.
Wenzler Jr, John Fraser, Jonathon Thompson, Thomas Boxall.
Legendary VI: Legendary Armor 2012, Purple Duck Games; Author: Marc
The Genius Guide To: Feats of Psionic Might. Copyright 2011, Super Genius
Games. Author: Owen K.C. Stephens
Pathfinder Companion: Sargava, the Lost Colony. Copyright 2010, Paizo
Publishing, LLC; Author: JD Wiker.
Psionics Unleashed, 2010, Dreamscarred Press.
Psionic Bestiary, 2013, Dreamscarred Press.
Psionics Augmented, 2013, Dreamscarred Press
Ultimate Psionics, 2013, Dreamscarred Press
Mind over Matter: Psion & Soulknife. Copyright 2014, d20pfsrd.com
Publishing; Author: Peter K. Ullmann.




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