- Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document discusses fever, including its causes, normal body temperature ranges, definitions of fever, hyperthermia and hyperpyrexia. It describes how the body regulates temperature through heat production and loss. Fever plays an important role in the immune response but can also cause physiological stress. The risks of serious infection from fever vary depending on a person's age. Treating fever is generally not recommended unless the temperature is very high or there is risk of injury. Treatment options include antipyretics like paracetamol and ibuprofen. Educating parents on fever is important to address common misconceptions.">

Fever: The Long and Short of It: Denise Goh Li Meng

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Bulletin 41 J uly 2004\5

MITA (P) No: 308/05/2005



Denise Goh Li Meng
Consultant, National University Hospital
Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
Clinical Investigator, Centre for Molecular Medicine

How is body temperature controlled?

Neurons in the preoptic region of the anterior hypothalamus function as a
thermostat that determines body temperature by regulating heat production
and heat loss. Generally, the body produces more heat than is required to
maintain body temperature. Hence, body temperature is maintained by
regulating heat loss.

Bulletin 41 J uly 2004\5
MITA (P) No: 308/05/2005

Heat production
Basal metabolic rate (influenced by body mass, age, environmental
temperature, thyroid hormone, intake of food)
Muscle contraction e.g exercise, shivering
Heat loss
Radiation (60%): influenced by vasodilatation
Evaporation (30%) e.g. sweating, sponging
Convection (10%): transfer of heat to the air
Conduction (2%): transfer of heat via physical contact

What is normal body temperature?

There is a diurnal variation in body temperature
Lowest between 2 - 6am
Highest between 5 - 7pm
Children have higher body temperatures than adults
Women have higher body temperatures than men
Commonly used cut-o ifs include
Oral: 37.8C
Rectal: 38.0C
Axillary : 37.2C
Aural: 38.0C
Note: These cut-offs are not supported by very strong scientific/
medical evidence.

What is fever, hyperthermia and hyperpyrexia?

Fever is a regulated rise in core body temperature in response to a
physiological threat to the body. It is mediated mainly by cytokines, usually
<41C and shows diurnal variation.

Hyperthermia is an unregulated rise in core body temperature and is the result
of disturbances in the bodys thermoregulatory mechanisms (i.e. perturbation
in heat production and/or heat loss). Examples include heat stroke, malignant
hyperthermia, thyroid storm. It is usually >41C and does not show diurnal

Hyperpyrexia is the term used when body temperature is >41C.

What are the effects of fever?

Bulletin 41 J uly 2004\5
MITA (P) No: 308/05/2005

Fever plays an important role in facilitating host defense by stimulating
the production of important immunomodulatory molecules and
augmenting the function of immune cells.
Studies in humans have shown that fever during bacterial infections is
associated with a better prognosis. Studies in animal models also
support the beneficial role of fever in host defense.
Harmful effects
Increased physiological stress on the body
Increase oxygen consumption
Increase workload on cardiovascular system
Increase in intracranial pressure due to increase in blood flow
Induces catabolism
Potential risks
For febrile seizures in children
For exacerbating neurological insult in children with traumatic brain

What are the risks of a serious infection when a person has a fever?

Immunocompetent Individual At risk for
Neonate (<28 days old)
Sepsis and meningitis due to group B
Streptococcus, Escherichia coli, Listeria
monocytogenes, and herpes simplex virus
Infant (<3 months old)
Serious bacterial disease in 10-15%. Bacteremia
occurs in 5%, of febrile infants who are <3
months old
Infant and child between 3
and 36 months old
Occult bacteremia occurs in 1.5%; risk is
increased if temperature is >39C and white
blood cell count is >15,000/L
*Table adapted from Behrman: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 17th ed.

Fever phobia

A term coined by Schmitt to describe the anxieties and misconceptions
associated with fever.
Fever phobia is
Highly prevalent in parents
Also prevalent amongst doctors including paediatricians
Common misconceptions include
Fever causes brain damage

Bulletin 41 J uly 2004\5
MITA (P) No: 308/05/2005

Fever causes seizures
Fever causes death

When to treat fever?

Is a good marker of the progress or recovery of a patient
May be associated with faster recovery and better prognosis
Hence, suppressing it unnecessarily may mean that we may be potentially
depriving ourselves of an important clinical sign and an important
biological defense tool
Treat the fever if
There is hyperpyrexia (>41C)
There is evidence of organ malfunction or risk for organ injury e.g.
fever in the patient with brain injury
There is a risk for febrile fit
Child is uncomfortable

How to treat fever?

Treat the underlying cause if possible or indicated
Symptomatic relief
Use tepid water
Leave a film of water
Efficacy depends on surface area covered
Maximum 60mg/kg/day
Common precautions to keep in mind
* Contraindicated in persons with hypersensitivity to paracetamol
* Avoid use in infants
* Avoid use in persons with liver dysfunction or failure
* Dose adjustment may be required for renal impairment or failure
Use only if infant >6months old
Common precautions to keep in mind
* Contraindicated in persons with hypersensitivity to non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Bulletin 41 J uly 2004\5
MITA (P) No: 308/05/2005

* Avoid use in persons with bleeding tendencies, gastrointestinal
* Avoid use in persons with renal impairment or failure

Importance of Educating Parents

Parental anxiety about fever is real and common. Treating a childs fever so as
to reduce the parents anxiety is not the ideal way of helping them deal with
their concerns. Parents will benefit if doctors educate the parents about the role
of fever, the benefits and the harms, address their misconceptions, and give
clear instructions as to when to seek medical attention.


Behrman: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 17th ed

Jiang Q, Cross AS, Singh IS, Chen TT, Viscardi R1v1, Hasday JD. Febrile core
temperature is essential for optimal host defense in bacterial peritonitis. Infect Immun.
2000 Mar;68(3):1265-70.

Kluger MR, Kozak W, Conn CA et al. Role of fever in disease. Ann NY Acad Sci.

Martin Lorin. Fever. Pathogenesis and treatment. IN: Textbook of Pediatric Infectious
Disease. 5


Schmitt BD. Fever phobia: Misconceptions of parents about fever. Am J Dis Child

Schmitt BD. Fever in Childhood. Pediatrics 1984;74(5 Pt 2);929-36.

Totapally BR. Fever, Fever Phobia and Hyperthermia: What Pediatricians Need to
International Paediatrics 2005;Vol 20(2):95-103.

* For a review of usefulness of markers, see Hsiao AL, Baker MD. Fever in the new
millennium: a review of recent studies of markers of serious bacterial infection in
febrile children. Curr Opin Pediatr. 2005 Feb;17(1):56-61.

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