Enerlux M Software Module Users' Manual Rev.3: Timisoara

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Operating program creating, editing, and writing
Program view property page
Time program property page
Special data property page
Hour changing rule property page
Other parameters property page
Display sequence property page
Meters reading
Reading dialogs behaviour
Meters programming
Meter internal clock programming
Operating program
Program quick writing
Clock quick writing
Special commands
Maximum demand reset
One step programming
Scripts editing and running
Meter calibration
Operating mode changing
Meter configuration
Direct access to the measuring circuit
Direct access to the meter memory
Meter calibration
Calibration start property page
Gain calibration property page
Offset calibration property page
Phase displacement property page
Checking and adjustment property page
Calibration end property page


EnerluxM.mpl module is a software library, which operates together with
Opticom2K program and enables single-phase EnerluxM meters reading, programming,
and calibration. The description is made for the maximum number of the functions that
the software can perform. Restrictions are possible regarding the rights of the current user
as they are defined in Opticom2K program or in relation with software variant.
EnerluxM.mpl library has certain types of files associated to it, as follows:

File type Default location Extension Aim
<Opticom2K installation
directory >\EnerluxM
The storage of
the current
established by
the user
(dlgs.cfg) and
of the meters

<Opticom2K installation
Program files
created by the
user or read
from the meter
Can be
read and
edited with
<Opticom2K installation
Data files
following the
meter reading
according to
IEC 1107. The
user can also
subfolders for
keeping these
Can be
read with
<Opticom2K installation
Files obtained
following the
meter reading,
comprising in
the main
concerning the
controls sent to
the meter
Can be
read with
<Opticom2K installation
Files obtained
following the
meter reading,
comprising the
information of
the types of the
data, program,
and status files.
The user can
also create
subfolders for
keeping these
Can be
read with
<Opticom2K installation
Batch of

"EnerluxM Files" folder and the associated subfolders will be created (if they do
not exist) every time the library is loaded into Opticom2K program.
Meter programming consists in writing a parameters set that will govern meter
operation in its memory. The meter-operating program can be logically divided in the
following sections:
1. Time program
It is the time program, which establishes the meter operation referring to TOU metered
energy. The meter has 4 tariff energy registers (4 tariffs). The current tariff register is
established as function of the following elements:
1.1 Type of day: There can be defined 8 such types of day. There can be defined up to 12
tariff-switching rules for each type of day (with reference to the 4 possible tariffs), the
switching being made with a resolution of 30 minutes (at hh:00 or hh: 30).
1.2. Type of week: There can be defined up to 8 types of weeks, so that each week day
(SMTWTFS) is allotted a certain type of day.
1.3 Season: There can be defined up to 12 calendar seasons characterized by the
beginning calendar date (day, month). Each season is allotted a certain type of week.

2. Special dates
As compared to the usual time program, there can be defined up to 24 days as exceptions
from the tariff program. Each day is characterized by the date and month. In case of non-
repetitive annual dates, the year shall also be specified. Each day is associated a type of
day out of the 8 possible ones and the number of days for which the rule is valid.
3. Summer-winter hour changing rule
The meter uses the European algorithm for the hour change (the last Sunday in March,
and October, respectively). The changing direction and the changing hour shall be
specified. The change of the summer hour in winter can be invalidated.
4. Other parameters
The following quantities are grouped:
4.1The communication speed according to IEC1107, to be selected out of 300, 600, 1200,
2400, 4800, 9600 string of values. Anyway the meter can be forced to communicate at a
speed different from the programmed one.
4.2 Self-reading date. One of the following dates can be chosen: 128
4.3 Number of the displayed decimal figures (2 or 3)
4.4 Display hold time for every displayed item (160) seconds.
4.5 Meter account: 16 decimal figures
4.6 Program identifier: 8 decimal figures
5.Display sequence
The meter display sequence can be displayed out of a maximum set of available
The program has certain syntax as concerns the programming lines, as shown in the table

Program line Significance
Type of day 120N(HH:MM-T;HH:MM-
N=number of 0-7 type
HH:MM activating hour=tariff
The two of them characterize the beginning
dates of the respective season
Type of
110N(DDDDDDD) N=number of 0-7 type
D=type of day associated to the week day,
Season 10NN(DD.MM-S) N=01-12 season number
DD.MM-beginning date
S-type of week
hour changing
2000(03.05;10.05;hh;s) Summer: Month 3, Sunday 5
Winter: Month 10, Sunday 5
Change at hh:00 hour
Change direction, in summer: s=+ advance
s=- lagging
Calendar date 2050(DD) DD=0128
Baud speed 2052(xxx) Xxx=300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600
Decimals after
2053(N) N=nr. Figures following the point
Display time 2054(XX) XX=0160 seconds
ID program 2055(dd) 8 decimal figures
Account 2056(dd) 16 decimal figures
Quantity to be
00NN(AAABBB) NN=00-31 number of quantity
AAA quantity code sup.
BBB quantity code inf.
If AAA=000 is a simple quantity

The program files properly edited or read from the meter bear pmsp extension. Their
implicit location is <Director instalare Opticom 2K>\EnerluxM Files\ Program\. The
programs editing and writing operations are carried out by means of a properties sheet.
Any time this sheet is activated to create a new file, its contents will be that of a self-
created program file named template.pexm. Since this file is a self-created one during
the program running, do not save your own programs in this file.

Operating program creating, editing and writing

Operating program creating, editing writing is carried out by means of PROGRAM
property sheet.
The property sheet contains the following property pages:
Program preview
TOU program
Exclusion dates
Daylight saving time rule
Other parameters
Display sequence
Pressing Exit button will close the property sheet. In case the user has made changes in
the currently loaded program, when pressing the button he will be warned concerning the
possibility of loosing those changes. The property sheet quitting is not possible during the
communication process.

Program preview

This page enables the program files loading and saving, the currently loaded program
view, the specification of the target meter parameters (address and password) as
compared to the current meters list, the specification of what is going to be written in the
meter, as well as the communication process start and control. This page is always
The list control shows the contents of the current program loaded for editing and/or
writing. Description column shows the significance of the program line, as per the
syntax, and Explain column contains a brief explanation of the program line. The non-
defined program lines bear NULL value.
Load button enables loading another program file then the current one by means of Open
standard box. If the user has made changes in the previously loaded file, he will be
warned concerning the loss of those changes.
Save button enables saving the current file loaded by means of Save As standard box.
Meter group contains the data of the current meters list, as well as General option
referring to a generic meter, which is not contained in the meters list. In case there is no
current list, only General option is present. Description combo box contains the
descriptions of all the meters in the meters list established in Opticom2K program. The
selection of the target meter is made from this combo box. If All meters check box is
selected, the programming operation will be successively applied to all the meters on the
list. If the current list is null, the combo box is invalidated. This communication option
shall be used when the meters are connected to a communication bus. Serial no and
Password editing fields reflect the contents of the current list as compared to the meter
serial no (used as communication address) and password. As far as General option is
concerned, these fields contain General series and NULL password, or that established in
the reading dialogs behaviour. The alteration of these fields is operational only during the
existence of PROGRAM properties sheet, it not being reflected by the contents of the
list used by the program.
Communication section enables the start and control of the communication operation.
The user may choose writing for TOU Program, Exclusion dates, Daylight saving
time, Display sequence, Parameters, either separately or together. The option is
expressed by selecting the requested check box. It is also permitted to alter only one of
the following parameters: the change of the summer-winter hour rule, the baud speed, or
the number of decimals displayed for monetary units. This can be done by selecting the
requested parameter from the program list and by activating Selection. Selection option
is not active for the display sequence. The use can chose to erase battery functioning
time counter together with the meter parameterisation operation. This can be
accomplished by checking the corresponding checkbox. The option is carried out only for
meters with embedded software version starting with 2.2. The communication operation
begins by pressing Start button. The communication process can be followed in WR
(number of transmitted characters) and RD (number of the read characters) fields. The
process can be stopped by pressing the Stop button. If an error appears during the
communication process, the process ends, and the user is warned by message about the
error. The properties page cannot be changed, and PROGRAM property sheet cannot be
closed during the process.

TOU program

Day types table enables specifying the switching moments during a day. It is not
necessary to fill in the whole table. Only the boxes corresponding to the transition
moments shall be filled in. Show rate transitions button pressing enables only tariff
transitions view. The types of days (except the first box) can be deleted by pressing
Delete all day types button.
Week types table enables specifying the type of day for each weekday (SMTWTFS).
Seasons table shall be completed with the day, the month, and the type of week for
maximum 12 seasons. The lines that are not complete will not be taken into account.

Exclusion dates

There can be programmed up to 25 special data characterized by date (day and month). If
the day is not repeated the next year, the year shall also be repeated (two digits). If the
day is repeated the next year, the year shall be marked with XX. Each special day is
attached a certain type of day. A special date is taken into account only if all the boxes
are filled in. The whole table can be deleted by pressing Delete table button.

Daylight saving time

The meter observes the European algorithm for the summer and winter hour changing
(the last Sunday in March, and the last Sunday in October). The March switching hour
and switching direction can be programmed (then the October switching will take place
in the opposite direction). There can also be selected Disable daylight saving rule

Other parameters


This properties sheet contains certain programmable parameters, namely:
FLAG Baud rate as it is defined in IEC1107, C mode. This speed can be ignored
by the program, which forces the communication at other speed as compared to the
programmed one.
Billing date, which is a monthly parameter and can be established between 128
day of every month.
Digits after the decimal point: The metered quantities can be displayed with 0 up
to 3 figures after the decimal point.
Display hold time: The time of displaying a quantity during the display sequence
can be programmed between 1...60 seconds.
Account and Identifier: Two programmable numerical strings of 16 and 8 figures,
which can be displayed and resituated at the meter reading.

Display sequence

The properties page comprises two lists:
Available items: which comprises all the quantities that can be displayed.
Display list: which comprises the quantities selected for displaying.
Each quantity is preceded by a code of 6 figures. The quantities with the first
three digits equal to zero are simple and fill in half of the memory space of the
quantities whose superior half code is different from zero. The memory space available
for the display list is equivalent to 31 simple quantities.
In order to add something new to the display list, press Insert item button, or
double click the requested item in the list on the left.
To eliminate a quantity from the display list, press Delete item button, or double
click the requested item in the list on the right.
The display list can be totally deleted by pressing Remove all. If Copy list
button is pressed, the maximum possible number of quantities starting with the first one
from the list of available quantities will be inserted in the display list.

Communication with the meters
The communication with the meters is based on IEC1107 protocol C mode provisions.
The type of transmission is asynchronous, half duplex, with the following format for the
communication word: one start byte, 7 data bytes, para parity, one stop byte.
The communication begins with a foreword at 300 baud speed, initiated by the
computer, which comprises meter selection through its address, meter type reading, and
the negotiation of the communication baud speed, and the type of communication (data
reading, program reading, or programming). Then there follows the reading or writing
operation proper.
The meter address is that which is specified in the current list chosen in
Opticom2K program, and it has to correspond to the meter series + the last two digits of
the manufacturing year. The address shall be specified only for the meters connected to
the same communication bus. In case of meters, which are read through the optical port,
the address is not necessary to be specified, and General address can be used. On the
other hand, the addresses of Pxx cu xx=0039 form are reserved to be used in
conjunction with the multiplexing parallel interface. They shall not be used if this
interface is not present at the previously selected parallel port of the computer.
The communication speed is proposed by the meter, correlated with the
previously programmed one. The communication may continue either with this speed, or
there can be forced another communication speed.
The data-reading mode requires only the knowledge of the communication
protocol. The program-reading mode requires the fulfilment of an automatic safety
algorithm ensured by the program. The programming mode requires the knowledge of the
password previously written in the meter. If no password has been previously
programmed, the specified password shall be void (equivalent also to NULL password).
Certain reading or programming functions are available only when the meter
operates in a special mode, namely the CALIBRATION MODE. This mode is operative
only if a hardware modification is made in the meter after its unsealing.
EnerluxM module accepts only ENERLUX M type meters. The access of any
other type of device, even under the conditions of observing IEC1107 requirements will
be signalled out as error.

Meters reading
The meters reading function refers to the following possibilities:
Reading of the data as supplied by the meter.
Reading of the meter-operating program as it has been previously programmed.
Reading of the meter status data (i.e. clock, display mode, operating mode).
Reading of a complete report concerning the contents of the meter memory, which
sums up all the types of the previous readings.
Following the successful reading operations, the read data will be stored in files of
MeterSerial@aallzzhhmmss type names and extensions of dexm, pexm, sexm type, rexm,
respectively (as concerns the program files, @aallzzhhmmss does not appear). Following
every successful reading operation, the corresponding file will be automatically loaded in
Opticom 2K program view zone.
The reading of the meter program and meter status is made by using a safety algorithm,
while the data reading is possible only on the basis of the data reading procedure
according to IEC1107, C mode.
All the reading operations take place by means of Read meter dialog box.

This dialog box appears after launching any of the reading controls.
If Exit button is pressed, the dialog box closes.
Meter group contains the data of the current meters list, as well as General option
referring to a generic meter, which is not contained in the meters list. In case there is no
current list, only General option is present. Description combo box contains the
descriptions of all the meters in the meters list established in Opticom2K program. The
selection of the target meter is made from this combo box. If All meters check box is
selected, the programming operation will be successively applied to all the meters on the
list. If the current list is null, the combo box is invalidated. This communication option
shall be used only when the meters are connected to a communication bus. Serial no
editing field reflects the contents of the current list as compared to the meter series (used
as communication address). As far as General option is concerned, it contains General
series. The alteration of this field is operative only during the existence of the dialog box,
it not being reflected by the contents of the meters list used by the program. Start
automatically check box will start the communication process if checked at the same
time with the dialog box launching, and Close when communication ends combo box
will automatically close the dialog box if checked in case there were no errors in the
communication process. The status of these boxes is memorized in dlgs.cfg. file. The user
may change the status of these boxes during the communication process.
Communication section enables the release and the control of the communication
operation. The communication operation is released by pressing Start button. The
communication process can be watched in WR (no. of transmitted characters) and RD
(number of read characters) fields. Pressing Stop button can interrupt the communication
process. If an error appears during the communication process, the process ends and the
user is warned through an error message. The Only current values option, when
checked causes the reading only for current register values (energies and maximum
demand). The dialog box cannot be closed during the communication process.

Reading dialog behaviour

The dialog box enables the configuration of the meter reading dialog boxes through the
selection of the following options: Starts automatically and Close when
communication ends. Default password editing field enables password configuration
for "General" options, as well as quick programming. The user can define new subfolders
for dta and report reading or use existing ones.

Meters programming
Meters programming operation implies knowing the password, which has been
previously entered into the meter (if it exists). The programming operation leads to the
change of the meter-operating mode. The programming refers to the following
Meter internal clock programming
Operating program writing
Maximum demand reset

Special commands:
Display mode programming
Passwords programming
Optical port LED behaviour programming
Meter initialisation
Meter measuring scheme

Meter internal clock programming
The control can be operated only if a communication port has been previously
selected for the optical probe, and the current is permitted to program the meter clock.
The meter internal clock programming is carried out by means of Program meter clock
dialog box.

If Exit button is pressed, the dialog box closes.
Meter group contains the data of the current meters list, as well as General option which
refers to a generic meter not contained in the meters list. In case there is no current list,
only General option is present. Description combo box contains the descriptions of all
the meters from the meters list chosen from Opticom 2K software. The target meter
selection is made from this combo list. If All meters check box is selected, the
programming operation will be successively applied to all the meters on the list. If the
current list is null, the combo box is invalidated. This communication option has to be
used only when the meters are connected to a communication bus. Serial no and
Password editing fields reflect the contents of the current list concerning the meter series
(used as communication address) and the meter password. As far as General option is
concerned, these fields contain General series and NULL password, or the password
established in the reading dialogs behaviour. The alteration of these fields operates only
during the dialog box display, it not being contained in the meters list used by the
program, as well.
Date an time section comprises the following controls:
A time control (date and hour) which enables establishing the date and hour, which will
be written in the meter. Date and hour establishing is carried out by means of up and
down arrows.
Synchronization button: Following the current hour modification, this button is pressed
to update the time control values.
Communication section enables the release and control of the communication operation.
The communication operation is released by pressing Start button. The communication
process can be watched up in WR fields (no. of transmitted characters) and RD (no. of
read characters). The process can be interrupted by pressing Stop button. If an error
occurs during the communication process, the process ends, and the user is warned by
error message. The dialog box cannot be closed during the communication process.

Operating program
The operating program writing is carried out by means of Program properties
sheet, Program preview properties page. The operating program writing means writing
into the meter the tariff program and the other parameters, either cumulatively or
PROGRAM property sheet can be accessed by means of the meter editing and
programming controls.

Quick programming (meter program, clock)

The command for quick programming enables the transmission to the meter of the
program file loaded in the main window view zone in Opticom 2K program.
The quick clock control enables sending the calculator clock current value to the meter.
If these controls are activated, similar functions dialog boxes will be displayed. If the
operation has been correctly carried out, the communication starts automatically and the
dialog box closes automatically. The communication process can be watched up in WR
(no. of transmitted characters) and RD (no. of read characters) fields. The process can be
stopped by pressing Stop button. The process also stops at the occurrence of an error, and
it can be resumed by pressing Start button, or it can be closed by pressing Exit button.
The password that will be used in the communication process will be that which is
specified at the configuration of the communication dialog boxes.

Special commands
Special commands refer to a number of controls sent to the meter which are not
comprised in the program proper. These controls can be accessed through Special
commands dialog box.

Special commands section contains the list of these controls and enables the selection of
the required control. If Exit button is pressed, the dialog box closes.
Meter group contains the data of the current meters list, as well as General option which
refers to a generic meter not contained in the meters list. In case there is no current list,
only General option is present. Description combo box contains the descriptions of all
the meters from the meters list chosen from Opticom 2K software. The target meter
selection is made from this combo list. If All meters check box is selected, the
programming operation will be successively applied to all the meters on the list. If the
current list is null, the combo box is invalidated. This communication option has to be
used only when the meters are connected to a communication bus. Serial no and
Password editing fields reflect the contents of the current list concerning the meter series
(used as communication address) and the meter password. As far as General option is
concerned, these fields contain General series and NULL password, or the password
established in the reading dialogues behaviour. The alteration of these fields operates
only during the dialog box display, it not being contained in the meters list used by the
program, as well.
Communication section enables the release and the control of the communication
operation. The communication operation is released by pressing Start button. The
communication process can be watched in WR (no. of transmitted characters) and RD
(number of read characters) fields. The communication process can be interrupted by
pressing Stop button. If an error appears during the communication process, the process
ends and the user is warned through an error message. The dialog box cannot be closed
during the communication process.
The right side of the dialog box contains the controls referring to the control that will be
sent to the meter and depends on the control chosen from Special commands list.
The special controls are as follows:
Display mode: enables the selection of the meter multiplexed display mode or the
energy exclusive display with maximum resolution.

Passwords establishing: Enables writing the password for clock writing and/or meter
programming. The current user shall have editing rights.
The passwords have to be confirmed with the same written sequence and the two
editing fields. The password that exists in the meter can be deleted and the null password
can be written instead. Null password means: void sequence, "General" sequence or
"NULL" sequence.

Optical port LED behaviour: it enables establishing the behaviour of the optical
port transmitter, which can be exclusively meant for communication or can have the
function of energy pulses emitting.

Meter erase: it enables the erasing of current registers and/or the events and self-
readings registers. For embedded software versions of the meter starting with 2.2
version, it is possible to reset the battery functioning time counter.

Meter measuring scheme: The meter can be configured as follows:
To add the positive and negative energy
To count the positive energy only


Reset maximum demand

The dialog box closes after pressing Exit button.
Meter group contains the data of the current meters list, as well as General option
referring to a generic meter not contained in the meters list. In case there is no current
list, only General option is present. Description combo box contains the descriptions of
all the meters from the meters list chosen from Opticom 2K software. The target meter
selection is made from this combo list. If All meters check box is selected, the
programming operation will be successively applied to all the meters on the list. If the
current list is null, the combo box is invalidated. This communication option has to be
used only when the meters are connected to a communication bus. Serial no and
Password editing fields reflect the contents of the current list concerning the meter series
(used as communication address) and the meter password. As far as General option is
concerned, these fields contain General series and NULL password, or the password
established in the reading dialogues behaviour. The alteration of these fields operates
only during the dialog box display, it not being contained in the meters list used by the
program, as well. Start automatically check box will start the communication process if
checked at the same time with the dialog box launching, and Close when
communication ends combo box will automatically close the dialog box if checked in
case there were no errors in the communication process. The status of these boxes is
memorized in dlgs.cfg. file. The user may change the status of these boxes during the
communication process.
Communication section enables the release and the control of the communication
operation. The communication operation is released by pressing Start button. The
communication process can be watched up in WR (no. of transmitted characters) and RD
(number of read characters) fields. The communication process can be interrupted by
pressing Stop button. If an error appears during the communication process, the process
ends and the user is warned through an error message. The dialog box cannot be closed
during the communication process.

One step meter programming
The command can be launched can be operated if a port for the communication with the
optical probe has been previously selected. The commands are released by means of the
One step programming dialog box.

The dialog box closes after pressing Exit button.
Meter group contains the data of the current meters list, as well as General option
referring to a generic meter not contained in the meters list. In case there is no current
list, only General option is present. Description combo box contains the descriptions of
all the meters from the meters list chosen from Opticom 2K software. The target meter
selection is made from this combo list. If All meters checkbox is selected, the
programming operation will be successively applied to all the meters on the list. If the
current list is null, the combo box is invalidated. This communication option has to be
used only when the meters are connected to a communication bus. Serial no and
Password editing fields reflect the contents of the current list concerning the meter series
(used as communication address) and the meter password. As far as General option is
concerned, these fields contain General series and NULL password, or the password
established in the reading dialogues behaviour. The alteration of these fields operates
only during the dialog box display, it not being contained in the meters list used by the
program, as well.
Items to program section comprises the following controls:
Program file ombo box enables the selection of the program file. The attached
option control enables the validation of the operation.
Meter clock time control together with the attached option control enables the
transmission of the current calculator clock to the meter.
Meter account editing control enables the specification of the identifier to be written in
the meter. The attached option control enables the validation of the operation.
Display mode combo box enables the meter passing to the normal display mode.
The attached option control enables the validation of the operation.
OP LED combo box enables the optical port passing to the test output duty. The
attached option control enables the validation of the operation.
Delete controls enable deleting the current registers (Reg), the table of events
(Events) and the self-readings (Self-readings). For meters with software version of 2.2
and above, it is possible to reset the battery time counter.
Reset MD control enables specifying the cancelling option of the current power
Communication section enables the release and the control of the communication
operation. The communication operation is released by pressing Start button. The
communication process can be watched up in WR (no. of transmitted characters) and RD
(number of read characters) fields. Pressing Stop button can interrupt the communication
process. If an error appears during the communication process, the process ends and the
user is warned through an error message. The dialog box cannot be closed during the
communication process.

Scripts editing and running
The script files contain a succession of reading and writing operations. The script file
editing and / or launching is made trough the Script dialog box. This dialog box can be
invoked either from Opticom software menu or by launching Opticom program having a
valid file name as command line parameter.

The Script combo box contains the names of all available script files. Selecting a certain
file, the file is loaded. This is automatically done when the file name appears as a
parameter of the command line. The script file can be saved by pressing the Save as
button. The file is saved with the name taken from the combo box. The mso extension is
The operations that can be launched are enabled by the check boxes next to each
group box. The operations are:
Read the meter; one can choose the data reading, report reading or current
energy registers reading. The export in text format can also be accomplished.
Program the meter; the possible operations are: meter clock adjusting related to
PC clock and meter programming with a program file selected from the combo box
Erase the meter; the user can erase the energy registers, billing values, events
table. The MD can also be reset. ). For meters with software version of 2.2 and above, it
is possible to reset the battery time counter.
Regardless the script file content, the check boxes state corresponds to the rights
of the current user. This is also valid for the Save and Start buttons.
Meter group contains the data of the current meters list, as well as General option
referring to a generic meter not contained in the meters list. In case there is no current
list, only General option is present. Description combo box contains the descriptions of
all the meters from the meters list chosen from Opticom 2K software. The target meter
selection is made from this combo list. If All meters checkbox is selected, the
programming operation will be successively applied to all the meters on the list. If the
current list is null, the combo box is invalidated. This communication option has to be
used only when the meters are connected to a communication bus. Serial no editing
field reflects the contents of the current list as compared to the meter series (used as
communication address). As far as General option is concerned, it contains General
series. The alteration of this field is operative only during the existence of the dialog box,
it not being reflected by the contents of the meters list used by the program.
Communication section enables the release and the control of the communication
operation. Pressing Start button launches the communication operation. The operation is
automatically launched when it is started using the command line argument. The
communication process can be watched up in WR (number of transmitted characters) and
RD (number of read characters) fields. Pressing Stop button can interrupt the
communication process. If an error appears during the communication process, the
process ends and the user is warned through an error message. The dialog box cannot be
closed during the communication process.

Meter calibration (calibration mode)
The calibration mode is a meter special working mode. This operating mode
enables additional commands through the optical port, commands that are required for
the meter testing, initialization and calibration. The checking of the password and of the
safety algorithms cannot be carried out in the calibration mode. The meter-operating
mode can be activated by means of a control through the optical port, but to activate the
calibration mode and make it effective in the meter, a hardware modification, permitted
only by the meter unsealing, is required.
Change of meter operating mode
Meter configuration
Testing the meter measuring circuit
Direct access to the meter internal memory
Meter calibration

Change of meter operating mode

The command is given through Set working mode dialog box
If Exit button is pressed, the dialog box closes.
Meter group contains the data of the current meters list, as well as General option, which
refers to a generic meter not contained in the meters list. In case there is no current list,
only General option is present. Description combo list contains the descriptions of all the
meters from the meters list chosen from Opticom 2K software. The target meter selection
is made from this combo list. If All meters check box is selected, the programming
operation will be successively applied to all the meters on the list. If the current list is
null, the combo box is invalidated. This communication option has to be used only
when the meters are connected to a communication bus. Serial no and Password
editing fields reflect the contents of the current list concerning the meter series (used as
communication address) and the meter password. As far as General option is concerned,
these fields contain General series and NULL password, or the password established in
the reading dialogues behaviour. The alteration of these fields operates only during the
dialog box display, it not being contained in the meters list used by the program, as well.
Working mode section comprises Calibration mode and Normal mode radio buttons,
which enable establishing the meter operating duty following the command launching.
Even if the Calibration mode control has been activated, the meter can pass to this
operating mode only if a hardware change has been executed inside the meter. The
passage to the normal operating mode can be executed even after the hardware
modification inside the meter has been completed.
Communication section enables the release and the control of the communication
operation. The communication operation is released by pressing Start button. The
communication process can be watched up in WR (no. of transmitted characters) and RD
(number of read characters) fields. The communication process can be interrupted by
pressing Stop button. If an error appears during the communication process, the process
ends and the user is warned through an error message. The dialog box cannot be closed
during the communication process.
The control for the passage to the meter calibration mode shall be password checked as
any meter programming. After the meter passage to the calibrating mode, the meter will
make no password and safety algorithm checkings.

Meter configuration

The meters configuration can be carried out through Meters configuration dialog box.
The meter configuration refers to writing the meter series and a sequence of digital values
for the configuration of the measuring circuit in the meter non-volatile memory. The
identification sequence and the measuring circuits configuration values are taken from
enerlux. cfg. configuration file.
List content table contains on its first line the meter with its generic address (general),
and then each line of the table contains the addresses and the passwords from the
program password current list. The table cells can be edited. The table can be
automatically filled in for the meter configuration by pressing Same ID button, as well as
with the automatically incremented series by pressing ++Serial no button. The reference
is the first line of the table.
The options for the series programming are either Selected row or All meters. The
following options: Send serial no and Send config can be selected either separately or
The writing process begins by pressing Start button. The writing process can be stopped
by pressing Stop button. RD and WR controls enable supervising the communication
process. If an error appears during the communication process, the process ends and the
user is warned through an error message. The box can be quit by pressing Exit button.
The box cannot be quit during the communication process.

Testing the meter measuring circuit

The program enables the direct access to the values of the configuration and metering
registers of the measuring circuit and of the registers corresponding locations in the meter
internal memory.
The box comprises Registers table which besides DSP reg. value and E2 reg. Value
where there can be read/write the locations corresponding to DSP and E2PROM
registers, also comprises information columns referring to register addresses, register
type, its size, and its implicit value.
Meter group contains the data of the current meters list, as well as General option, which
refers to a generic meter not contained in the meters list. In case there is no current list,
only General option is present. Description combo box contains the descriptions of all
the meters from the meters list chosen from Opticom 2K software. The target meter
selection is made from this combo list. If All meters check box is selected, the
programming operation will be successively applied to all the meters on the list. If the
current list is null, the combo box is invalidated. This communication option has to be
used only when the meters are connected to a communication bus. Serial no and
Password editing fields reflect the contents of the current list concerning the meter series
(used as communication address) and the meter password. As far as General option is
concerned, these fields contain General series and NULL password, or the password
established in the reading dialogues behaviour. The alteration of these fields operates
only during the dialog box display, it not being contained in the meters list used by the
program, as well.
Communication section enables the release and the control of the communication
operation. The communication operation is released by pressing Start button. The
communication process can be watched up in WR (no. of transmitted characters) and
RD (number of read characters) fields. The communication process can be interrupted by
pressing Stop button. If an error appears during the communication process, the process
ends and the user is warned through an error message. The dialog box cannot be closed
during the communication process.
Moreover, this section enables the selection of the required operation (Write DSP, Read
DSP, Continuous reading), as well as of the way the operation takes place (Read DSP
after interrupt given by DSP at the meter microcontroller and Perform operation also
into E2PROM).
Generator button enables the access to the generator dialog box. This button is valid if a
communication port has been defined for the generator.
Exit button enables quitting the dialog box. Dialog box quitting is not possible during the
communication process.

Meter calibration
Meter calibration implies first of all its proper calibration as concerns the hardware
option. Calibration implies determining a set of four coefficients through calculations
made with the values shown by the meter as compared to the values of the voltages and
currents generator to which the meter is connected. Measurements shall be made after the
measuring circuit has been calibrated. Three measuring points are required for the
coefficients determining:
1. The meter base current for determining the energy pulses division coefficient as
compared to the selected CFDIV meter constant and to the APGAIN measured power
gain coefficient.
2. The minimum current for determining the offset coefficient of the measured power -
3. The base and phase displacement current between voltage and 60 degrees current for
determining the displacement coefficient - PHCAL.
The meter calibration is carried out by means of an wizard type dialog. The wizard
comprises the following pages:

Calibration start
Calibration gain
Calibration offset
Calibration phase displacement
Checking and adjustment
Calibration end

Calibration start

The dialog enables the configuration of the calibration process conditions and the
initialization of the meters for calibration.
Meter group contains the data of the current meters list, as well as General option which
refers to a generic meter not contained in the meters list. In case there is no current list,
only General option is present. Description combo box contains the descriptions of all
the meters from the meters list chosen from Opticom 2K software. The target meter
selection is made from this combo list. If All meters check box is selected, the
programming operation will be successively applied to all the meters on the list. If the
current list is null, the combo box is invalidated. This communication option has to be
used only when the meters are connected to a communication bus. Serial no and
Password editing fields reflect the contents of the current list concerning the meter series
(used as communication address) and the meter password. As far as General option is
concerned, these fields contain General series and NULL password, or the password
established in the reading dialogues behaviour. The alteration of these fields operates
only during the dialog box display, it not being contained in the meters list used by the
program, as well.
Communication section enables the release and the control of the communication
operation. The communication operation is released by pressing Start button. The
communication process can be watched up in WR (no. of transmitted characters) and RD
(number of read characters) fields. The communication process can be interrupted by
pressing Stop button. If an error appears during the communication process, the process
ends and the user is warned through an error message. The page cannot be quit during the
communication process.
Moreover, this section enables the configuration of the meter initialization with the
following options: Meter in calibration mode, DSP in calibration mode, Config.
meter according to the chosen option and Reset meter coefficients.
Meter type and SPE group contains the following controls:
- The combo box which enables the selection of the meter option
- The calibrating option Use SPE and the phases that will be ordered - Phase 1, Phase 2,
Phase 3 and the start/stop button of the generator: SPE ON , SPE OFF. These controls
are validated only when there has been selected a valid port for the communication with
the generator.
Process configuration group enables the elimination of certain properties pages referring
to calibration: Skip gain calib., Skip phase calib., Skip offset calib.

Gain, offset and phase calibration


The dialogues enable the determination of the following:
1. CFDIV division and APGAIN gain coefficients
2. APOS offset coefficient
3. PHCAL phase displacement coefficient.
Meter group contains the data of the current meters list, as well as General option which
refers to a generic meter not contained in the meters list. In case there is no current list,
only General option is present. Description combo box contains the descriptions of all
the meters from the meters list chosen from Opticom 2K software. The target meter
selection is made from this combo list. If All meters check box is selected, the
programming operation will be successively applied to all the meters on the list. If the
current list is null, the combo box is invalidated. This communication option has to be
used only when the meters are connected to a communication bus. Serial no and
Password editing fields reflect the contents of the current list concerning the meter series
(used as communication address) and the meter password. As far as General option is
concerned, these fields contain General series and NULL password, or the password
established in the reading dialogues behaviour. The alteration of these fields operates
only during the dialog box display, it not being contained in the meters list used by the
program, as well.
Communication section enables the release and the control of the communication
operation. The communication operation is released by pressing Start button. The
communication process can be watched up in WR (no. of transmitted characters) and
RD (number of read characters) fields. The communication process can be interrupted by
pressing Stop button. If an error appears during the communication process, the process
ends and the user is warned through an error message. The page cannot be quit during the
communication process.
Moreover, this section contains SPE OFF button for the urgent stop of the station. This
button is enabled only if a valid port has been specified for the communication with the
Calibration conditions group contains the editing controls for the specification of the
electric and constructive conditions of the meter on which the calibration depends. These
values are taken from enerlux.cfg. file.
Calibration results group enables the view of the calculations made for the
determination of the coefficient, following the end of the communication process. In case
calibration develops successively for several meters, the selection of the value that is
required to be seen is made from Meter selection combo box.

Calibration checking and adjustment

Calibration conditions group contains the editing controls for the specification of the
electric and constructive conditions of the meter. These values are taken from
meters.cfg. file. The electric conditions initially correspond to the base current value.
The error can be correctly calculated if these values are the values really applied to the
Meter group contains the data of the current meters list, as well as General option which
refers to a generic meter not contained in the meters list. In case there is no current list,
only General option is present. Description combo box contains the descriptions of all
the meters from the meters list chosen from Opticom 2K software. The target meter
selection is made from this combo list. If All meters check box is selected, the
programming operation will be successively applied to all the meters on the list. If the
current list is null, the combo box is invalidated. This communication option has to be
used only when the meters are connected to a communication bus. Serial no and
Password editing fields reflect the contents of the current list concerning the meter series
(used as communication address) and the meter password. As far as General option is
concerned, these fields contain General series and NULL password, or the password
established in the reading dialogues behaviour. The alteration of these fields operates
only during the dialog box display, it not being contained in the meters list used by the
program, as well.
Communication group enables the release and control of the communication operation.
The release of the coefficients reading operation can be made by pressing Read meter
button. The release of the writing operation can be made by pressing Update meter
button. This button is validated only when values have been written in the coefficients
editing fields.The communication process can be watched up in WR (no. of transmitted
characters) and RD (number of read characters) fields. The communication process can
be interrupted by pressing Stop button. If an error appears during the communication
process, the process ends and the user is warned through an error message. The page
cannot be quit during the communication process.
Moreover, this section contains SPE OFF button for the urgent stop of the station Set
SPE button which prescribes at the generator the values of electrical quantities from
Calibration conditions group. These buttons are validated only if there has been
specified a valid port for the communication with the generator. The error calculation in
the communication processes with the meters can be made if DSP in calibration mode
option is selected.
Results group contains the editing controls for CFDIV, APGAIN, APOS, PHCAL
coefficients which can be read/written both from/in DSP and from/in E2PROM memory.
Only the coefficients that have their WR option selected will be written. The group also
contains the view fields of the calculation auxiliary quantities AENERGY, kWh/LSB,
Meter power[kWh] and Error in percentages as compared to the values from Calibration
conditions group.

Calibration end

The dialog contains the options for the meter passage to normal operation.
Meter group contains the data of the current meters list, as well as General option which
refers to a generic meter not contained in the meters list. In case there is no current list,
only General option is present. Description combo list contains the descriptions of all the
meters from the meters list chosen from Opticom2K software. The target meter selection
is made from this combo list. If All meters combo box is selected, the programming
operation will be successively applied to all the meters on the list. If the current list is
null, the combo box is invalidated. This communication option has to be used only
when the meters are connected to a communication bus. Serial no and Password
editing fields reflect the contents of the current list concerning the meter series (used as
communication address) and the meter password. As far as General option is concerned,
these fields contain General series and NULL password, or the password established in
the reading dialogues behaviour. The alteration of these fields operates only during the
dialog box display, it not being contained in the meters list used by the program, as well.
Communication group enables the release and control of the communication operation.
The release of the communication operation can be made by pressing Start button. The
communication process can be watched up in WR (no. of transmitted characters) and
RD (number of read characters) fields. The communication process can be interrupted by
pressing Stop button. If an error appears during the communication process, the process
ends and the user is warned through an error message. The page cannot be quit during the
communication process.
Moreover, this section enables the meter configuration by means of the following
options: Meter in normal mode, DSP in normal mode.

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