Food-And-Nutrients-Basic L v27 6es s1

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Food and Nutrients

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Printed: August 30, 2014 Chapter 1. Food and Nutrients
Food and Nutrients
Explain why the body needs food.
Dene nutrient.
List and describe the ve types of nutrients.
What happens when you dont eat?
Refusing one meal wont stunt your growth. But lack of proper food over a period of time can lead to malnutrition.
That means, the body is not getting enough nutrients to grow and stay healthy. Kids who are malnourished may not
grow as tall as they would otherwise.
Why We Need Food
Did you ever hear the old saying, An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Do apples really prevent you from getting
sick? Probably not, but eating apples and other fresh fruits can help keep you healthy. Do you eat your vegetables?
Maybe you do, but you may have friends who wont touch a piece of broccoli or asparagus. Should you eat these
foods and food like them? The girls pictured in the Figure 1.1 are eating salads. Why do you need foods like these
for good health? What role does food play in the body?
Your body needs food for three reasons:
1. Food gives your body energy. You need energy for everything you do. Remember that cellular respiration
converts the glucose in the food you eat into ATP, or cellular energy. Which has more glucose, a salad or a
piece of meat? Do you remember what types of foods produce glucose? Recall that glucose is the product of
2. Food provides building materials for your body. Your body needs building materials so it can grow and repair
itself. Specically, it needs these materials to produce more cells and its components.
These girls are eating leafy green vegetables. Fresh vegetables such as
these are excellent food choices for good health.
3. Food contains substances that help control body processes. Your body processes must be kept in balance for
good health.
For all these reasons, you must have a regular supply of nutrients. Nutrients are chemicals in food that your body
needs. There are ve types of nutrients:
1. Carbohydrates.
2. Proteins.
3. Lipids.
4. Vitamins.
5. Minerals.
Carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids are categories of organic compounds. They give your body energy, though
carbohydrates are the main source of energy. Proteins provide building materials, such as amino acids to build your
own proteins. Proteins, vitamins, and minerals also help control body processes. Carbohydrates include sugars such
as the glucose made by photosynthesis. Often glucose is stored in large molecules such as starch. Proteins are found
in foods like meats and nuts. Lipids includes fats and oils. Though you should stay away from many types of fats,
others are needed by your body. Important vitamins include vitamins A, B (multiple types) C, D, and E. Important
minerals include calcium and potassium. What should you drink to get calcium? Milk is a good source.
ATP (adenosine triphosphate): Usable form of energy inside the cell; the "energy currency" of the cell.
carbohydrate: Organic compound such as sugar and starch that provides an energy source for animals.
cellular respiration: Process of breaking down glucose to obtain energy in the form of ATP.
lipid: Organic compound that is insoluble in water and includes fats, oils, and waxes.
mineral: Chemical element, such as calcium or potassium that is needed for body processes.
nutrient: Chemical in food that your body needs.
protein: Organic compound composed of amino acids and includes enzymes, antibodies, and muscle bers.
vitamin: Organic compound needed in small amounts for the body to function properly.
2 Chapter 1. Food and Nutrients
Your body needs food to obtain energy, to get building blocks for your body, and to get substances that help
control body processes.
Nutrients, chemicals in food that your body needs, include carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, and
Explore More
Use the resource below to answer the questions that follow.
Nutrition at (6:39)
Click image to the left for use the URL below.
1. What is nutrition?
2. What do organisms use "food" for?
3. What is a heterotroph? Are humans autotrophic or heterotrophic?
4. What are the three types of heterotrophic organisms?
1. Why does your body need food? Give two reasons.
2. What are nutrients?
3. What are the ve types of nutrients?
4. Why are carbohydrates a necessary part of your diet?
5. Why are proteins a necessary part of your diet?
1. Image copyright Elena Elisseeva, 2013. Leafy green vegetables are an excellent choice for staying healthy.
Used under license from

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