Vda 4913

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VOLKSWAGEN AG EDI Implementation Guidelines

Delivery Note Data VDA 4913/4, Rel. March 1996

From suppliers to brands of Volkswagen AG, including genuine parts drop shipments

Delivery note data VDA 4913/4, Rel. March 1996 Verffentlichung: 27.11.2007
Copyright: VOLKSWAGEN AG, K-SIB 3, EDI-Koordination, Th. Sieck Seite: 1
I. VW-Guide Preface.........................................................................................................................................................2
II. VW-Guide Branching Diagram.................................................................................................................................4
III. VW-Guide Message Structure...................................................................................................................................5
IV. VW-Guide Segment Details......................................................................................................................................6
V. VW-Guide Code Index............................................................................................................................................18

VOLKSWAGEN AG EDI Implementation Guidelines
Delivery Note Data VDA 4913/4, Rel. March 1996
From suppliers to brands of Volkswagen AG, including genuine parts drop shipments

Delivery note data VDA 4913/4, Rel. March 1996 Verffentlichung: 27.11.2007
Copyright: VOLKSWAGEN AG, K-SIB 3, EDI-Koordination, Th. Sieck Seite: 2
Marques and plants in Volkswagen AG which are working on this guide (s. below) accept the delivery and
transport data in accordance with VDA 4913 in versions 1, 2, 3 and 4, depending in the application.

This guide also describes the assignment of the VDA 4913 to delivery data in VWs OT drop shipment (OT =
VW genuine parts). OT specific remarks are marked.
Deliveries in OT drop shipments to be identified by the unloading point 453TO. Deliveries in OT drop
shipments are additionally instructed by EDI message OT Streckenabruf DELJ IT/CALDEL.
The VDA 4913 for VW OT drop shipment may be sent by supplier to the IT centre Wolfsburg together with
data files for standard logistic process.
The VDA 4913 for VW plants, Audi and Lamborghini is to be addressed by the supplier to IT centre in
Wolfsburg (Station-ID R11, SSID=O0013000001VWbbbbbbR11 (b=blank), not depending on the destination
plant. The VDA 4913 adressed to Skoda can be sent to the IVZ Wolfsburg also. The data file names are

DFC.sidR11.VDA4913.VW (IVZ Wolfsburg for all european plants: VW-Nutzfahrzeuge,
Volkswagen, Not VW-Pamplona!
DFC.sidR11.VDA4913.AU Audi plants 21,22,24
DFC.sidR11.VDA4913.GY Audi Gyr (plant 26)
DFC.sidR11.VDA4913.TD TDS Emden (Audi plant 2D)
DFC.sidR11.VDA4913.LA Lamborghini
DFC.sidR11.VDA4913.CS (IVZ Wolfsburg for koda plants),

sid =station ID of the supplier/sender.

The IT Centre Wolfsburg (R11) receives the delivery and transport datas for the plants that belong to the
Volkswagen marque (=customer plant) with only one data set name. The plants IT Centres at Audi are the
destination address for delivery datas.

When an EDI-transmission is to be declared invalid it can be cancelled by repeating the procedure using the
original SLB number and with quantities zero, consecutive transmission numbers can be used; Volkswagen/
Audi also accept the repetition of the to be cancelled transmission number.

Please pay attention absolutely, that always for every different VW/Audi packaging type a separate 715th
record has to be written. Missing packaging data records lead again and again to wrong packaging stock
You may find detailed descriptions of required structure notation for packages sent to Volkswagen AG on our
website. The regulation for the structured embodiment of packages in the VDA 4913 " Package
representation in the delivery note data VDA 4913/4" - is to be followed absolutely!

The VDA-recommendation is available in German under number VDA 4913 at the VDA.

You will find this guide in the most recent version in the Internet under:


VOLKSWAGEN AG EDI Implementation Guidelines
Delivery Note Data VDA 4913/4, Rel. March 1996
From suppliers to brands of Volkswagen AG, including genuine parts drop shipments

Delivery note data VDA 4913/4, Rel. March 1996 Verffentlichung: 27.11.2007
Copyright: VOLKSWAGEN AG, K-SIB 3, EDI-Koordination, Th. Sieck Seite: 3
Record types and record type sequence of delivery note and transport data.
Supplier VW Delivery note

M/C Rep Data Content
711 02-
M 1 The header record of the delivery note and transport data set contains transmission related
data (once per transmission)
712 02 M 1 One-off data elements of shipment (once per shipment)
must follow 711
may follow 714, 715
713 02 M 1 One-off data elements of delivery note (header data)
must follow 712
may follow 714, 715
714 02/
M R Item data of delivery note (once per delivery note item)
must follow 713
may follow 714, 715
716 02 C 1 Text data on item
may follow 714
Audi expects here the "Engineering Change Status information
(not used at present by VW)
715 02/
M 1 Packaging material data (must follow each delivery note item once)
may follow 714, 716 or 715
717 01 C 1 Individual packaging data
(not used in the suppliers' transmissions)
718 01 C R Production number data
(not used in the suppliers' transmissions)
719 02 M 1 Trailer label record containing delivery note and transport data (once per transmission)
must follow 715 or 714

Instructions for the column headers and codes of the data fields.
Key M =Must (Mandatory)
K =May (Conditional)
A =Alpha numeric (Text in tables must be left-aligned)
N =Numeric (Text in tables must be right-aligned)
The use of the data elements at VW is defined in the "Verbal descriptions", if use is differing from the VDA-
VOLKSWAGEN AG EDI Implementation Guidelines
Volkswagen VDA 4913

Level 0

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4
M 1

M 99999
M 1

M 99999
M 1

M 99999
M 1

K 1

K 99999

M 1

All documented Segments/Segmentgroups are in this message structure described. A documented Segment/Segmentgroup shouldn't
have to be assigned always.
In contrast to the EDIFACT- Message layout chart the different Segment-version will be displayed explicitly.
Volkswagen VDA 4913 Publishing : 27.11.2007
Copyright: VOLKSWAGEN AG, K-SOB3, EDI-Koordination, Th. Sieck Site : 4
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VOLKSWAGEN AG EDI Implementation Guidelines
Volkswagen VDA 4913

Seg. St. Max Segmentname
No VW Rep

711 1 M 1
Initial Record containing transmission data header of delivery note and transport
this message structure described. A documented Segment/Segmentgroup shouldn't have to be assigned always.
In contrast to the EDIFACT- Message layout chart the different Segment-version will be displayed explicitly.
Volkswagen VDA 4913 Publishing : 27.11.2007
Copyright: VOLKSWAGEN AG, K-SOB3, EDI-Koordination, Th. Sieck Site : 5
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SG1 M 999999

712 2 M 1
One-off transport data

SG2 M 999999

713 3 M 1
One-off data element of the delivery note)

SG3 M 999999

714 4 M 1
Delivery note position data

716 5 K 1
Text data

715 6 K 999999
Packaging Data

719 7 M 1
Trailer label delivery note and transport data

Volkswagen AG EDI Implementation Guidelines
Volkswagen VDA 4913

Volkswagen VDA 4913 Verffentlichung: 27.11.2007
Copyright: VOLKSWAGEN AG, K-SOB3, EDI-Koordination, Th. Sieck
Generated by GEFEG.FX
Seite: 6

Counter No Des St MaxRep Level Name
0020 1 711 M 1 0 Initial Record containing transmission data header of
deli very note and transport data

Standard Implementation
Des Name from to

Status Format Status Usage / Remark
711_01 Record 1-3 M N3 M
constant "711"
711_02 Version no. 4-5 M N2 M
constant "03"
711_03 Data Receiver ID /
Customer ID
6-14 M A9 M
The customer ID agreed with Audi/VW is to be used. The customer ID
is not plant related. Different customer Ids for Volkswagen and Audi
(not each VW/Audi plant) are possible. VW Sachsen and the
Schsische Automobilbau GmbH each have their own customer IDs ,
however for these plants, the VW customer no. must be transmitted in
the delivery note and transport data. If the VDA 4913 is likewise a copy
used between supplier and carrier, the VW/ Audi ID can be put here as
data receiver. In item 09 in this case the carrier ID should be entered in
the message and sent to the carrier as well as to VW/ Audi.
711_04 Data Sender ID/
Supplier ID

15-23 M A9 M
(an9) Enlargeged supplier number including identifier for supplier plant.
The supplier ID is to be sent always as 9-digits. If suppliers plant index
is not used for differentiation, the digits 8+9 are to be filled with '00' so
that the supplier ID can be processed correctly by VW/Audi. Without
index or with use of plant index 9-digits without separators. If the plant
index is used, the supplier ID is also taken over with 9-digits (without
separators). (an6) valid for suppliers with supplier number in format
used up to now This ID is received by Volkswagen/ Audi as 5-digits
without index or with use of plant index 6-digits without separators.
When the VDA 4913 is registered by the carrier (grouped load) the
supplier ID of the data registering carrier is transmitted here. Enlarged
carrier ID is 9 digits, 6 digits for carriers with carrier ID in format used up
to now. The supplier ID is entered through the carrier in the SA 713,
delivery note data.
711_05 Old transmission no. 24-28 M N5 M
For description, see New transmission number.
In the first transmission the old transmission number =00000. Right-
aligned entry with preceding zeros.
711_06 New transmission no. 29-33 M N5 M
The data author allocates a transmission number (new) within his
application for each transmission creation process. Because the data
author gives a new transmission number each time, as well as that of
the previous transmission creation process within the application used
(as old number), the receiver can check the completeness of the
transmissions in each application. Therefore no complete ascending
number sequence is necessary. Right-aligned entry with preceding
Examples for both old and new transmission numbers:
Start: 00000 00001
or 00000 00017
Routine: 00019 00020
or 88051 88061
Reset: 99999 00001
or 89361 00011
711_07 Transmission date 34-39 M N6 K
711_08 Subsupplier no. 40-48 K A9 K
Not used by VW/ Audi.
711_09 Carrier ID 49-57 K A9 K
an9) Enlargeged carrier ID
(an6) valid for carrierh with ID in format used up to now
Volkswagen AG EDI Implementation Guidelines
Volkswagen VDA 4913

Volkswagen VDA 4913 Verffentlichung: 27.11.2007
Copyright: VOLKSWAGEN AG, K-SOB3, EDI-Koordination, Th. Sieck
Generated by GEFEG.FX
Seite: 7

Standard Implementation
Des Name from to

Status Format Status Usage / Remark

If a copy of the VDA 4913 is likewise used between supplier and carrier,
the carrier ID must be entered in the messages sent both to the carrier
and to VW/Audi.
If applicable, the content in the rule will be the same as the field content
in record type 712, item13.
711_10 Key to stocklist 58 K A1 K
Not used by VW/Audi.
711_11 Delivery code 59 K A1 K
Not used by VW/Audi.
711_12 Empty 60-128 K A69 M
Filled in with blanks.
71104100474 0190613002306823069070214 10151

Volkswagen AG EDI Implementation Guidelines
Volkswagen VDA 4913

Volkswagen VDA 4913 Verffentlichung: 27.11.2007
Copyright: VOLKSWAGEN AG, K-SOB3, EDI-Koordination, Th. Sieck
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Seite: 8

Counter No Des St MaxRep Level Name

SG1 M 999999 1 712-SG2

0040 2 712 M 1 1 One-off transport data, once per shipment

Standard Implementation
Des Name from to

Status Format Status Usage / Remark
712_01 Record 1-3 M N3 M
constant "712"
712_02 Version no. 4-5 M N2 M
entry =03
712_03 Shipment Load
Reference number
6-13 M A8 M
The SLB number must be clearly marked on the bill of lading. instead
of the bill of lading the shipment order according to VDA 4922 is used,
the SLB number is entered in field 8 of the shipment order. The
reference number, which the loader allocates to the shipment/ load;
right-aligned entry with preceding zeros.
Reuse of this number is not allowed within a year. The restrictions
described below are to be observed when allocating number. For each
goods receipt plant at least one LB number is allocated.
712_04 Plant supplier 14-16 K A3 M
(an2) identifier for supplier plant (with enlarged supplier number) =code
of suppliers plant from which the goods are delivered (an1) valid for
suppliers with supplier number in format used up to now. The plant
identifier / supplier index for the delivering supplier plant allocated by
VW/ Audi is entered in left-alignment. If in the forecast delivery
schedule an agreed collective index is transmitted for all supplying
plants of a supplier, this may not be used in the delivery note
transmission. In our goods receipt system we check, whether the
forwarded index is permissible. An unauthorised deviation from the
agreed supplier index leads to major additional expenditure for
Volkswagen/Audi and errors in the subsequent systems (eg. loading
equipment control), therefore changes must be agreed upon in advance
with the relevant managers or creditors at VW/ Audi!
712_05 Carrier 17-30 M A14 M
Name and/or transport company ID, under which transport is
712_06 Carrier Transfer date 31-36 M N6 K
Date of shipment transfer to the carrier.
712_07 Carrier Transfer time 37-40 M N4 M
Time of shipment transfer to the carrier.
Form: HHMM
712_08 Gross Shipment
41-47 M N7 M
Weight of goods including packaging and / or loading equipment but
excluding the carriers' containers (instruction from bill of lading), unit of
quantity in kg, entry is right-aligned with preceding zeros, no decimal
place. The field content must be equal to the given weight on the bill of
712_09 Net Shipment weight 48-54 K N7 K
Goods weight including packaging without loading equipment and
carriers' containers. Unit of quantity in kg, entry is right-aligned with
preceding zeros, no decimal place.
712_10 Prepayment of
Charges key
55-56 K N2 K
Indicates, who pays the freight charges.
01 = carriage unpaid
03 = carriage paid
712_11 Carrier Transmission
57 K A1 K
In the case of direct delivery code 'D' is used and not the code in the
VDA recommendation. In this case Volkswagen/Audi receive no
supplier data from the carrier, the cargo data fields must therefore be
carefully and completely filled in by the suppliers.

Encoded form, 1 =transport transmission to carrier takes place
according to VDA 4913. In this case the carrier ID (record type 711,
item 09) must be filled in.
Volkswagen AG EDI Implementation Guidelines
Volkswagen VDA 4913

Standard Implementation
Des Name from to

Status Format Status Usage / Remark
712_12 Number of Packages 58-61 K N4 K
The number which is entered in the shipment contained loading unit.
Entry is right-aligned with preceding zeros, no decimal place.
712_13 Transport Partner ID 62-75 K A14 K
(an9) Enlargeged carrier ID (an6) valid for carrierh with ID in format
used up to now If shipment is transported by area carrier, VW/ Audi
carrier code is to be given (as for field 10 shipping order/ bill of lading).
The supplier must obtain the carrier code (point of consolidation) from
the relevant area carrier.
712_14 Key to means of
76-77 M N2 M
01 = Vehicle Registration Plate
02 = Freight List number
08 = Railcar number
09 = Parcel number
10 = Flight number and/ or Air waybill no.
11 = Ship name
712_15 Means of transport
78-102 M A25 M
Depending of the means of transport the registration numbers for the
vehicle, truck or swap body are to be entered as follows :

Means of transport (code) Position 1 - 12 Position 14 - 25
overland transport (01) truck number plate number plate of trailer
traktor number plate number plate of semitrailer
railway(08) carriage number -
shipment(11) ship's name container number
airfreight(10) flight number airbill number
postal package(09) postal package number, UPSTrackingNumber etc.
712_16 Code for item 712_17 103 K A1 K
1 = The post-code is entered in field 17.
712_17 Content in accordance
with item in 712_16
K A8 K
The post-code (the street address) of the dispatching plant is
given in left-alignment.
712_18 Target Arrival date 112-
K N6 K
The date is only to be given in the transmission of the VDA 4913 from
the supplier to the carrier. The target arrival date corresponds to the
release date in the forecast delivery schedule (arrival date).
712_19 Target Arrival time 118-
K N4 K
Not used by VW/ Audi.
712_20 Load metre 112-
K N2,1 K
Not used by VW/ Audi
712_21 Lorry type code 125 K N1 K
Not used by VW/ Audi.
712_22 Empty 126-
Volkswagen VDA 4913 Verffentlichung: 27.11.2007
Copyright: VOLKSWAGEN AG, K-SOB3, EDI-Koordination, Th. Sieck
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Seite: 9

Filled in with blanks.
712030001576300 10151 07021416220000176000017601 000110151 01Z- ZS 226
1 0702151622
Volkswagen AG EDI Implementation Guidelines
Volkswagen VDA 4913

Volkswagen VDA 4913 Verffentlichung: 27.11.2007
Copyright: VOLKSWAGEN AG, K-SOB3, EDI-Koordination, Th. Sieck
Generated by GEFEG.FX
Seite: 10

Counter No Des St MaxRep Level Name

SG1 M 999999 1 712-SG2

SG2 M 999999 2 713-SG3

0060 3 713 M 1 2 One-off data element of the delivery note, once per deli very

Standard Implementation
Des Name from to

Status Format Status Usage / Remark
713_01 Record 1-3 M N3 M
constant "713"
713_02 Version no. 4-5 M N2 M
Entry =03
713_03 Delivery note number 6-13 M N8 M
Identification number that the supplier assigns to a delivery note, entry
is right-aligned with preceding zeros, may not be reused within a year.
713_04 Despatch date 14-19 M N6 M
713_05 Unloading point 20-24 M A5 M
The unloading point transmitted in messages and documents to VW/
Audi should be as specified in the EDI forecast delivery schedule and in
the daily call off. The unloading point should be taken from the delivery
classification on paper and entered without separators:
101-01 =>10101
101/74 =>10174
Orders which do not have a clearly to identifying material receiving
location have to be arranged with the person in charge for MAT data at
713_06 Dispatch type 25-26 M N2 M
01 = HGV (Sub contractor)
02 = HGV customer
03 = HGV carriage
04 = HGV Rail
05 = Own HGV (Supplier)
08 = Railcar
09 = Post shipment
10 = Air Freight
11 = Sea freight
20 = Private package service
713_07 Customer Reference
number (LAB)

27-30 K A4 K
From the forecast delivery schedule, record type 512, item 12.
The customer reference consists of a 2-digit reference for the
scheduling plant and a two digit reference for the controller.
713_08 Contract/Order no. 31-42 K A12 K
In the delivery note and transport data only the order number given in
the forecast delivery schedule may be entered.
OT drop shipments:
SAP-Order No. (10 digits, left justified) out of 'OT Streckenabruf'
DELJ IT/CALDEL instead of Contract No. The SAP-Order No. has to be
annotated on the VDA delivery note instead of Contract No.
713_09 Process code 43-44 K N2 K
Only used by external agent, remains blank with direct data exchange
between supplier and VW/Audi
713_10 Empty 45-48 K A4 M
Filled in with blanks.
713_11 Customer plant 49-51 M A3 M
The two-digit plant code is to be given. Entry is left-aligned!
713_12 Consigment 52-59 K N8 K
Not used by VW/ Audi.
713_13 Goods receiver ID 60-68 K A9 K
Is not used in the standard logistic process at VW/ Audi.
OT drop shipments:
VW-SAP-account No. of the final material receiver is to be sent.
713_14 Empty 69 K A1 M
Filled in with blanks.
Volkswagen AG EDI Implementation Guidelines
Volkswagen VDA 4913

Volkswagen VDA 4913 Verffentlichung: 27.11.2007
Copyright: VOLKSWAGEN AG, K-SOB3, EDI-Koordination, Th. Sieck
Generated by GEFEG.FX
Seite: 11

Standard Implementation
Des Name from to

Status Format Status Usage / Remark
713_15 Ship to/ Customer
storage location
70-76 K A7 K
The storage location indicate the buildings, to which the deliveries
should be made and covers several unloading points. Depending on the
application, it is only relevant to Audi at the moment and is sent to the
supplier via VDA 4905/1 or VDA 4915. The storage location is an
additional piece of information to the article number and is not a key
term. Entry is left-aligned.
The "ship to" / storage location indicates the building / external service
provider, to which the deliveries should be made and covers several
unloading points.
The first three digits of the stock location (70 -72) is the Ship-To /
receipt location code. The receipt location is to be printed by the
supplier on the labels and shipment bills (VDA 4912, VDA 4939) as a
parcels address. With the Ship-To code the TSB-generator determines
the aside delivery address for the TSB-print in the AMES-T-process .
The postal addresses are available for download in the internal area of
the supplier platform. The Ship-To / receipt location is defined and
related by the plant logistics of a brand. It is a supplementary
information on the code number and no disposition keyword. Two
different receipt location keys can't be contained in one shipment (under
the SA 712) because the TSB-generator can print only one postal
address onto the shipment bill.

On position 4 - 7 the stock location of Audi, Neckarsulm, has to be
transmitted if it was transmitted in the delivery instruction (VDA 4905,
SA 512, Pos. 19)
713_16 Supplier ID 77-85 M A9 K
The 9 or 7 digit supplier ID with supplier plant index is only inserted in
this field if the of VDA 4913 is registered by the carrier (grouped
(an9) Enlargeged carrier ID
(an6) valid for carrierh with ID in format used up to now
713_17 Point of assembling 86-99 K A14 K
Currently only used by Audi-Neckarsulm, transmitted in the VDA 4905 /
VDA 4915.
Alphanumeric without spaces; entry is left-aligned.
713_18 Release no. 100-
K A4 K
Not used by VW/Audi.
713_19 Customer reference 104-
K A6 K
Not used by VW/Audi.
713_20 Customer reference
K A14 K
Not used by VW/Audi.
713_21 Empty 124-
K A5 M
Filled in with blanks.
7130380183970070214KOK0303KE54EN10312323 14 K03

Volkswagen AG EDI Implementation Guidelines
Volkswagen VDA 4913

Volkswagen VDA 4913 Verffentlichung: 27.11.2007
Copyright: VOLKSWAGEN AG, K-SOB3, EDI-Koordination, Th. Sieck
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Seite: 12

Counter No Des St MaxRep Level Name

SG1 M 999999 1 712-SG2

SG2 M 999999 2 713-SG3

SG3 M 999999 3 714-716-715

0080 4 714 M 1 3 Deli very not position data

Standard Implementation
Des Name from to

Status Format Status Anwendung / Remark
714_01 Record 1-3 M N3 M
constant "714"
714_02 Version no. 4-5 M N2 M
Entry =03
714_03 Customer Reference
6-27 M A22 M
As transmitted in the forecast delivery schedule, the reference numbers
are to be entered in the delivery note and transport data and on all
paper documents in The print form. Spaces must be used. The
reference number always begins with a blank.
714_04 Supplier Reference
28-49 M A22 K
Is not used in the standard logistic process atVW/ Audi.
OT drop shipments:
Vehicle identification number (17 digits, left justified) out of 'OT
Streckenabruf' DELJ IT/CALDEL, only with chassis specific parts. The
VIN has to be annotated on the VDA delivery note.
714_05 Country of origin 50-52 M N3 M
Encoded Form, see Appendix 10, Item 04.
714_06 Delivery quantity 1 53-65 M N10,3 M
Delivery quantity of the delivery note item in the quantity unit of the
forecast delivery schedule, right-aligned with preceding zeros, 3
decimal places.
Note: The decimal places must be recognisable on the delivery note.
714_07 Unit of quantity 1 66-67 M A2 M
ST = Piece
SA = Set
M = Metre
M2 = Square Metre
M3 = Cubic Metre
L = Litre
KG = Kilogram
T = Can
Entry is left-aligned
714_08 Delivery quantity 2 68-80 K N10,3 N
Not used.
Not used
714_09 Unit of quantity 2 81-82 K A2 K

714_10 VAT rate 83-85 K N2,1 K
Not used by VW/ Audi.
714_11 Empty 1 86 K A1 M
Filled in with blanks.
714_12 Delivery not item
87-89 M N3 M
Item of a delivery note, entry is right-aligned with preceding zeros; no
decimal places. Permissible value range 001-999.
714_13 Release key 90 K A1 K
Not used by VW/ Audi.
714_14 Batch number 91-105 K A15 K
Identification Number which the supplier allocates to a batch, this is only
relevant for 'batch suppliers'. If a delivery contains a batch for an article
number the batch number must be given in addition to the delivery line
item number. (See example). If several batches of the same article
number are contained in a single delivery, a separate
Volkswagen AG EDI Implementation Guidelines
Volkswagen VDA 4913

Volkswagen VDA 4913 Verffentlichung: 27.11.2007
Copyright: VOLKSWAGEN AG, K-SOB3, EDI-Koordination, Th. Sieck
Generated by GEFEG.FX
Seite: 13

Standard Implementation
Des Name from to

Status Format Status Usage / Remark

delivery line item number (Rec. no. 714) must be transmitted for each
Special charcaters are not permitted: *,#,,{,},/,(,),[,],,,

Record type Supplier Art. No. Item-No. Quantity Batch
714 191 867 765 AL 001 500 0111
714 191 867 765 AL 002 200 0112
OT drop shipments:
PIN (10 digits, left justified) out of 'OT Streckenabruf' DELJ IT/CALDEL,
only with chassis specific parts. A spezial order of VW OT department
has to be followed. The PIN has not to be annotated on the delivery
note or other shipment documents.
714_15 Code usage 106 M A1 M
S or blank = General series
E = Spare part
M = first model
714_16 Dangerous Goods
K A8 K
(an4) UN dangerous good number. in the form UNnnnn (digits 2+4)
UN dangerous good number from the regulation of the internal and
transborder transport of dangerous goods on the road and with railroad
(GGVSE, attachment 1).
The Dangerous Goods Code must be availably and correctly filled to
the ASNs of dangerous goods. The TSB generator needs the UNDG No
for the print of correct shipment documents.
UNDG No is currently not used by VW/Audi in the electronic processing
of received goods.
Indications in accordance with GGVS:
digits 107-110 =class
digits 111-112 =digit
digits 113-114 =letter
714_17 Preference status 115 M A1 M
Encoded form, see Appendix 10, Item 08.
714_18 Dutiable goods 116 M A1 M
Encoded Form:
Blank = no dutiable goods
1 = dutiable goods
714_19 Empty 2 117 K A1 M
Filled in with blanks.
714_20 Inventory status 118 M A1 K
Only for external agent usage.
714_21 Modified version code 119-
M A2 M
Relegates on state of engineering change / expiry date in field 716,
Position 3,TEXT1.

V_ relegates on expiry date in TEXT1, Position 1-6.
_T relegates on engineering change in TEXT1 ,
Position 8-23.
VT relegates on exiry date (Position 1-6) and state of engineering
change (from 8. Position) in TEXT1, Position 7 =semicolon
714_22 Original delivery not
K A8 K
In the standard logistic process at VW/ Audi the original delivery note
number is only for logistics sevice provider usage.
OT drop shipments:
SAP order position number (5 digits, left justified) out of 'OT
Streckenabruf' DELJ IT/CALDEL. The position number has to be
annotated on the delivery note.
71403 3C0 854 950 9B9 0040000000300000ST0000000300000ST 010 00043458
10 S
Volkswagen AG EDI Implementation Guidelines
Volkswagen VDA 4913

Volkswagen VDA 4913 Verffentlichung: 27.11.2007
Copyright: VOLKSWAGEN AG, K-SOB3, EDI-Koordination, Th. Sieck
Generated by GEFEG.FX
Seite: 14

Counter No Des St MaxRep Level Name

SG1 M 999999 1 712-SG2

SG2 M 999999 2 713-SG3

SG3 M 999999 3 714-716-715

0100 5 716 K 1 4 Text data

Standard Implementation
Des Name from to

Status Format Status Usage / Remark
716_01 Record 1-3 M N3 M
constant "716"
716_02 Version no. 4-5 M N2 M
Enty =02
716_03 Text 1 6-45 M A40 K
state of engineering change and expiry date best before date, trigger
from SA 714, Position 21 =1 appointment =V
Format: n6 YYMMDD, Position 1 - 6

state of engineering change, trigger from SA 714, Position
21 =2 appointment =T
Format: an15, Position 8 - 23

If state of engineering change and also expiry date was assigned, a
semmicolon (;) should be placed as a separator.
716_04 Text 2 46-85 K A40 K
Is not used in the standard logistic process atVW/ Audi.
OT drop shipments:
OT purchaser' s order number (20 digits, left justified) out of 'OT
Streckenabruf' DELJ IT/CALDEL. The OT purchaser' s order number
has to be annotated on the VDA delivery note.
716_05 Text 3 86-125 K A40 K
Is not used in the standard logistic process at VW/ Audi.
OT drop shipments:
Final purchaser' s order number (20 digits, left justified) out of 'OT
Streckenabruf' DELJ IT/CALDEL. Final purchaser' s order number has
to be annotated on the VDA delivery note.
716_06 Empty 126-
K A3 M
Mit BLANKS gefllt.
Filled in with BLANKS.

Volkswagen AG EDI Implementation Guidelines
Volkswagen VDA 4913

Volkswagen VDA 4913 Verffentlichung: 27.11.2007
Copyright: VOLKSWAGEN AG, K-SOB3, EDI-Koordination, Th. Sieck
Generated by GEFEG.FX
Seite: 15

Counter No Des St MaxRep Level Name

SG1 M 999999 1 712-SG2

SG2 M 999999 2 713-SG3

SG3 M 999999 3 714-716-715

0110 6 715 K 999999 4 Packaging data

Standard Implementation
Des Name from to

Status Format Status Usage / Remark
715_01 Record 1-3 M N3 M
constant "715"
715_02 Version number 4-5 M N2 M
Entry = 03
715_03 Customer Packaging
type coded
6-27 M A22 M
The packaging type is given by VW/ Audi in the first information, as well
as in the changes in the packaging instruction and in the forecast
delivery schedule as shown in the following examples:
VW0001 not SK-V-7143
VW0012 not 70-A-110671
007255 not 7-v-7255
010028 not 70-A-010028
0110302 not 7-V-11030/2
110656 not 70-A-110656
FA0011 not FA-11
In the case of non-returnable packaging or returnable packaging from
3rd party, the partners may agree a code: =>Coding: encoded Form,
see instruction
OT drop shipments:
The packaging type out of 'OT Streckenabruf' DELJ IT/ CALDEL is to be
715_04 Supplier Packaging
type coded
28-49 M A22 K
Identification Number, which the supplier allocates to a packaging type.
715_05 Number of Packaging 50-62 M N13 M
Number of packaging for each type. Right-aligned entry with preceding
zeros, no decimal place.

Number of packaging with quantity (quantity >0 of record type 714,
Pos. 6): Max. 99 packages (format n..2) Number of packaging without
quantity (quantity <=0 of record type 714, Pos. 6): Max. 999 packages
(format n..3)

Additional auxiliary packaging used (eg. aluminium frame) is likewise
added (without content).
715_06 Delivery note item no. 63-65 M N3 M
Content of the field should be in the item number of record 714,
applying to the packaging type. Entry is right-aligned with preceding
715_07 Maximum quantity 66-78 K N10,3 K
The actual maximum quantity always applies to a supply unit (a
package), entry is right-aligned with preceding zeros, 3 decimal places.
Quantity indication is in the quantity unit of record type 714, item 07.
For auxiliary packaging material the maximum quantity =0
715_08 Packag number from 79-87 K A9 K
Detailed description and examples in the EDI implementation
Guidelines under "Regulation for Representation of Package in Delivery
Note and Transport Data".
Volkswagen AG EDI Implementation Guidelines
Volkswagen VDA 4913

Volkswagen VDA 4913 Verffentlichung: 27.11.2007
Copyright: VOLKSWAGEN AG, K-SOB3, EDI-Koordination, Th. Sieck
Generated by GEFEG.FX
Seite: 16

Standard Implementation
Des Name from to

Status Format Status Usage / Remark

Number may not be reused within the year. Entry is left-aligned.
715_09 Package number to 88-96 K A9 K
As above. If this element is used, the number sequence between
NUMBER TO must be in ascending numerical order.
715_10 Packaging dimensions 97-108 K N12 K
Not used by VW/ Audi.
715_11 Stacking factor 109 K N1 K
Indication of permitted stacking capability, of the unit given in packaging
Encoded form: 1 =single layer, 2 =two layers, etc
715_12 Warehouse releas no. 110-
K A15 K
Only for logistic service provider
715_13 Label indicator 125 K A1 R
Barcode indicator of the label (VDA 4902) in data element
Valid Entry:
G =Mixed Packages (with sub-packages and different reference
M =Master-Label (with sub-packages and the same reference
S =Single-Label (1 package)
Auxiliary packaging material has no package number. Detailed
description and examples in the EDI implementation Guidelines under
"Regulation for Representation of packages in the delivery note and
transport data".
715_14 Packaging code 126 K A1 R
Valid entries:
blank = Returnable packaging
M = Returnable packaging
E = one way packaging, not returnable
715_15 Property code 127 K A1 R
Indication only for returnable packaging.

Valid entries:

K = Returnable packaging property of customer
L = Returnable packaging, property of supplier, must be
715_16 Empty 128 K A1 M
Filled in with blanks.
For all packaging material used, as well as auxiliary packaging, a 715th record must be transmitted. Subsequent records and contents
in representation of different forms of loading units are explained in the EDI Implementation Guidelines, detailed description and
examples under "Instruction for packages in the delivery note and transport data"
71503114845 00000000000010100000000300000202075887
Volkswagen AG EDI Implementation Guidelines
Volkswagen VDA 4913

Volkswagen VDA 4913 Verffentlichung: 27.11.2007
Copyright: VOLKSWAGEN AG, K-SOB3, EDI-Koordination, Th. Sieck
Generated by GEFEG.FX
Seite: 17

Counter No Des St MaxRep Level Name
0130 7 719 M 1 0 trailer label delivery note and transport data

Standard Implementation
Des Name from to

Status Format Status Usage / Remark
719_01 Record 1-3 M N3 M
constant "719"
719_02 Version number 4-5 M N2 M
Entry =02
719_03 Record type counter
6-12 M N7 M
Number of records of type 711. Right-aligned entry with preceding
719_04 Record type counter
13-19 M N7 M
Number of records of type 712. Right-aligned entry with preceding
719_05 Record type counter
20-26 M N7 M
Number of records of type 713. Right-aligned entry with preceding
719_06 Record type counter
27-33 M N7 M
Number of records of type 714. Right-aligned entry with preceding
719_07 Record type counter
34-40 M N7 M
Number of records of type 715. Right-aligned entry with preceding
719_08 Record type counter
41-47 M N7 M
Number of records of type 716. Right-aligned entry with preceding
719_09 Record type counter
48-54 M N7 M
Number of records of type 718. Right-aligned entry with preceding
719_10 Record type counter
55-61 M N7 M
Number of records of type 719. Right-aligned entry with preceding
719_11 Record type counter
62-68 M N7 M
Number of records of type 717. Right-aligned entry with preceding
719_12 Empty 69-128 K A60 M
Filled with blanks.

VOLKSWAGEN AG EDI Implementation Guidelines
Delivery Note Data VDA 4913/4, Ausg. Mrz 1996
From suppliers to Volkswagen AG, including original parts

Lieferscheindaten VDA 4913/4, Rel. Mrz 1996 Release: 22.04.2008
Copyright: VOLKSWAGEN AG, K-SIB3, EDI-Koordination, Th. Sieck Page: 18
Code Index
Item Code Code Content in record type
04 Country of Origin 3-digit numerical code, see countries' index for the foreign
trade statistics EC regulation from 1975,
permissible 000-999.
Available from:
Hermann Leins
Postfach 11 52
72127 Kusterdingen
Fax: 07071/33653

France = 001 Spain = 011
Belgium = 002 Sweden = 030
Netherlands = 003 Switzerland = 036
Germany = 004 Austria = 038
Italy = 005 Hungary = 064
England = 006 USA = 400
Rep. Ireland = 007 Canada = 404
Denmark = 008 J apan = 432
Portugal = 010 other countries = 999
Pos. 50-52

08 Preference Status
G = Goods of EU origin; all countries with preferential
= agreement
W = Goods of EC origin; preferential agreement
for goods transportation within the EFTA states
F = Finland
C = Switzerland
O = Austria
S = Sweden
N = Norway
I = Iceland
X = not yet checked, no goods origin
Pos. 115

VOLKSWAGEN AG EDI Implementation Guidelines
Delivery Note Data VDA 4913/4, Ausg. Mrz 1996
From suppliers to Volkswagen AG, including original parts

Lieferscheindaten VDA 4913/4, Rel. Mrz 1996 Release: 22.04.2008
Copyright: VOLKSWAGEN AG, K-SIB3, EDI-Koordination, Th. Sieck Page: 19
11 Packaging Codes for disposable and re-useable packaging
0000PAL 120 x 80 cm, flat pallet up to 15 cm height
0001PAL 120 x 80 cm, stacked up to 50 cm
0002PAL 120 x 80 cm, stacked up to 100 cm
0003PAL 120 x 80 cm, stacked up to 150 cm
0004PAL 120 x 80 cm, stacked up to 200 cm
0005PAL 120 x 100 cm, stacked up to 50 cm
0006PAL 120 x 100 cm, stacked up to 100 cm
0007PAL 120 x 100 cm, stacked up to 150 cm
0008PAL 120 x 100 cm, stacked up to 200 cm

Boxes, crates, packets
0001SCH Dimensions up to 30 x 20 x 14 cm
0002SCH Dimensions up to 30 x 20 x 28 cm
0003SCH Dimensions up to 40 x 30 x 14 cm
0004SCH Dimensions up to 40 x 30 x 28 cm
0005SCH Dimensions up to 50 x 30 x 20 cm
0006SCH Dimensions up to 50 x 50 x 50 cm
0007SCH Dimensions up to 58 x 48 x 36 cm
0008SCH Dimensions up to 60 x 40 x 14 cm
0009SCH Dimensions up to 60 x 40 x 28 cm
0010SCH Dimensions up to 80 x 60 x 40 cm
0011SCH Dimensions up to 98 x 58 x 36 cm
0012SCH Dimensions up to 100 x 60 x 73 cm
0013SCH Dimensions up to 120 x 78 x 110 cm
0014SCH Dimensions up to 120 x 80 x 40 cm
0015SCH Dimensions up to 120 x 80 x 90 cm
0016SCH Dimensions up to 120 x 100 x 90 cm

Only used in exceptional circumstances!!!
other packaging
0000SON other disposable packaging,
no further details
0001SON other disposable packaging >1 m,
no further details
0002SON other disposable packaging <1 m,
no further details
0000BEH other liquid container, packing drum,
can, sealed tin container (hobbock),
tank, cargo container

no further details
0000FAS barrel, no further details
0000SAC bag, sack no further details
0000BLE sheet metal packaging, sheet metal coils,
no further details
0000BUN bunches, no further details
0000UMR hoop, tightening strap, no further details
Pos. 6-27

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