This document provides an overview of Module 4 of a UNIX and Shell Scripting course. The module objectives are to describe various UNIX commands, which are grouped into categories like general purpose commands, file manipulation commands, text processing commands, etc. An agenda is given, allocating time periods to teaching each command category. Demonstration instructions are provided, explaining how the commands will be demonstrated to participants simultaneously during the module sessions.
This document provides an overview of Module 4 of a UNIX and Shell Scripting course. The module objectives are to describe various UNIX commands, which are grouped into categories like general purpose commands, file manipulation commands, text processing commands, etc. An agenda is given, allocating time periods to teaching each command category. Demonstration instructions are provided, explaining how the commands will be demonstrated to participants simultaneously during the module sessions.
2 Module 4 Objectives Upon completing this module, you will be able to: Describe how to execute the following UNIX commands General Purpose File Manipulation Text Processing Printing Network and Communication Compression/Decompression Process Management
3 Module 4 Agenda Topic Name Duration General Purpose Commands 45 min File Manipulation Commands 65 min Text Processing Commands 75 min Printing Commands 10 min Network and Communication Commands 10 min Compression/Decompression Commands 15 min Process Management Commands 40 min
4 Demonstration Instructions For slides 5-19
This topic comprises General Purpose Command sections. These sections will be conducted in the following manner: Instructions: Explain the command. Ask participants to do the same. Discuss the related slide.
Note: The commands would be used by the faculty and participants simultaneously.
5 Using UNIX Help (1 of 2) The man command Formats and displays online manual pages Accepts the name which is normally the name of manual page, which is typically the name of the command, function, or file
To search the specified string in all manual pages:
Command Function $ man cat Displays the manual page for cat command Command Function $ man -K ln Searches the word ln in all manual pages
6 Using UNIX Help (2 of 2) To force display all the manual pages:
Command Function $ man a cat Displays all pages containing string cat
7 Print Working Directory The pwd command Stands for print working directory of the user
Command Function $ pwd If user10 is working in directory TestD1, it will display /home/user10/TestD1.
8 Display List of Files and Directories The ls command Gives the list of files and directories
To list all files and directories including hidden files and directories: Command Function $ ls Lists all files and directories in present working directory Command Function $ ls -a TestD1 TestF1 TestF2 TestF3 .TestHidden1 .TestHidden2
Files or directories starting with .(dot) are hidden files or directories in UNIX.
9 Display Long Listing in ASCII To display long listing in ASCII collating sequence showing seven attributes of a file:
$ ls l Total 72 drw_r_xrwx 1 user1 user1 123 May 10 13:45 TestD1 _rw_r_xrwx 1 user1 user1 123 May 10 13:45 TestF1 _rw_r_xrwx 1 user1 user1 123 May 10 13:45 TestF2 _rw_r_xrwx 1 user1 user1 123 May 10 13:45 TestF3
Number of links to the file Size of the file in terms of Bytes Name of the file or Directory User who created the file or directory Last modification date and time of file and directory Group which user belongs to Permissions of the file or directory to user, group, and others
10 Display Sorted File Names by Last Modification Time $ ls -t
List of files and directories without t option Shows most recently modified file first TestF1 is most recently modified. Create User Directories The mkdir command Allows to create directories
Command Function $ mkdir TestD1 Creates the directory in present working directory with the name TestD1 $ mkdir TestD2 TestD3 Creates the directory in present working directory with the name TestD2,TestD3
12 Remove Directory The rmdir command Allows to delete one or more directories Removes directory (the directory has to be empty)
Command Function $ rmdir TestD1 Removes TestD1 directory present in current directory $ rmdir TestD2 TestD3 Removes TestD2 and TestD3 directories present in current directory
13 See List of Users Currently Logged in (1 of 2) The who command Shows the name of the users who are currently logged in Shows the terminal type and the time users logged in $ who
user1 tty3a Jun 10 09:15 user2 tty3c Jun 10 09:25 Name of the users currently logged in Name of the terminal user is using Login date and time users logged in
14 See List of Users Currently Logged in (2 of 2) To display the names and number of users currently logged in.
Command Function $ who -q Displays only the names and number of users currently logged in When this option works all other options do not work with who. Showing two users currently logged in, root and abhishek.x.sharma
15 Display Information about Current Terminal
Command Function $ who -m Displays information about the current terminal Showing abhishek has logged in from terminal pts/2 on date and time Dec 11 10:22 Locate Specific Programs on Prompt The which command Locates a command $ which ls
16 Showing ls command file is located in the directory path /bin/ls
17 Change Password The passwd command Allows to change the password
$ passwd (after pressing enter key you will receive following three prompts.) Current passwd : New passwd : Confirm new passwd :
18 Move Around in File System (1 of 2) The cd command Stands for change directory Acts as primary command for moving around the file system
Command Function $ cd TestD1 Moves to child directory TestD1. from current directory $ cd .. Moves to the parent directory from TestD1 if you are in TestD1 Move Around in File System (2 of 2)
Command Function $ cd ~ Moves to the HOME directory Present Working Directory Command cd ~ will take you to home directory of the user.
20 Module 4 Agenda Topic Name Duration General Purpose Commands 45 min File Manipulation Commands 65 min Text Processing Commands 75 min Printing Commands 10 min Network and Communication Commands 10 min Compression/Decompression Commands 15 min Process Management Commands 40 min
21 Demonstration Instructions For slides 22-36
This topic comprises command sections. These sections will be conducted in the following manner: Instructions: Explain the command. Ask participants to do the same. Discuss the related slide.
Note: The commands would be used by the faculty and participants simultaneously.
22 Display Contents of File on Screen (1 of 2) The cat command Is most frequently used command Has three related functions with regard to the text files
To concatenate contents of a files on the screen.
Command Function $ cat TestF1 Displays the contents of file TestF1 on the screen Command Function $ cat TestF1 TestF2 TestF3 Note: Another role of cat is concatenation. Displays the concatenated contents of three files TestF1 TestF2 TestF3
23 Display Contents of File on Screen (2 of 2) To display numbers to the lines while displaying
Command Function $ cat -n TestF4 Lists line numbers while displaying contents of TestF4
24 Create New File on Screen
Command Function $ cat > TestF4 Creates a new file with the name TestF4. Press ctl+d after enter key
25 Copy Files or Directories The cp command
Command Function $ cp TestF1 TestF5 Copies contents of the file TestF1 to TestF5. If file TestF5 doesnt exist it will get created $ cp -i TestF1 TestF2 As an interactive option, prompts the user before overwriting the destination file $ cp /home/user10/TestF2 /home/user10/TestD1 Copies contents of TestF2 to the destination directory TestD1 with the same file name $ cp -r /home/user10/TestD1 /home/user10/TestD2 Copies contents of TestD1 and its subsequent directories to the destination directory TestD2 with the same names
26 Rename File or Directory The mv command Renames file or directory Moves a group of files to different directory
To confirm before renaming file or directory Command Function $ mv TestF1 TestFNew Renames the file TestF1 with TestFNew $ mv TestFNew TestF2 TestF3 TestD1 Moves the files TestFNew TestF2 TestF3 to directory TestD1 Command Function $ mv -i TestT2 TestFNew Prompts the user before overwriting the file TestFNew
27 Delete File The rm command Allows us to delete one or more files
To confirm from user to delete one or more file(s) Command Function $ rm TestFNew Removes the file TestFNew Command Function $ rm -i TestF2 TestF3 Prompts the user for confirmation before removing each file $ rm -r TestF4 Performs a recursive search for all subdirectories and files within these subdirectories and removes all of them
28 Locate File Based on Search Criteria The find command Locates files which meet the search criteria
Command Function $ find . -name TestF1 Searches file TestF1 from current directory onwards and prints its path
29 Compare Two Files The cmp command Compares two files byte by byte Displays the location of the first mismatch
Command Function $ cmp TestF1 TestF1 Compares TestF2 and TestF3 Will get result like TestF1 TestF2 differ : char 27, line 1 $ cmp TestFNew TestF2 Compares TestFNew and TestF2 Will not display any message, simply return prompt if two files are identical
30 Associate One File with Another The ln s command Creates symbolic link between files Soft link is a synonym to symbolic link
Command Function $ ln s TestF2 TestFln Creates a soft link TestFln to file TestF2
31 Page Through File The less command Does not read the entire file
To scroll forward in the file ^D option of less command Scrolls forward (Default one half of the screen)
To scroll backward in the file ^B option of less command Scrolls backward (Default one half of the screen) Command Function $ less TestLess Displays contents of file TestLess in pagewise manner
32 Display First Few Lines of File The head command Displays first few lines of the file
Command Function $ head TestF1 Displays the first 10 lines of the file TestF1, if TestF1 has more then 10 lines; otherwise all lines $ head -2 TestF1 Displays the first two lines of the file TestF1, where - 2 represents any positive number n
33 Display Last Few Lines of File The tail command Reads last few lines of any text given and writes them on the screen
Command Function $ tail TestF1 Displays the last 10 lines of the file TestF1, if TestF1 has more then 10 lines otherwise all lines $ tail -2 TestF1 Displays the last two lines of the file TestF1, where - 2 represents any number n and can be negative or positive
34 Change Mode (Permission) of File or Directory (1 of 3) The chmod command Allows to change the mode (permission) of files and directories
There are three permissions to a file r read (octal equivalent 4) w write (octal equivalent 2) x execute (octal equivalent 1)
There are three entities to which any combination of these permissions are assigned: User (owner) Group Others
35 Change Mode (Permissions) of File or Directory (2 of 3) The chmod command Assuming _rw_r_ _r_ _ are the permissions for the file TestF1 from the long listing, they signify that: Owner can read and write the file but cant execute the file TestF1 Members of the group can read the file, but cannot write into the file or execute the file TestF1 All others can only read the file TestF1
36 Change Mode (Permissions) of File or Directory (3 of 3)
Command Function $ chmod 700 TestF1 Changes the existing permission of file TestF1 to rwx for user and removes all permissions for group and others $ chmod go+r TestF1 Assigns permission r to group and others $ chmod go+w,go-r TestF1
Assigns permission w to group and others and removes r permission for group and others for file TestF1 $ chmod -R go+rwx TestD1
Assigns permission r, w, and x to group and others for directory TestD1 as well as all files and subdirectories within it
37 Knowledge Check (1 of 3) If f1 and f2 are directories, explain how the command mv f1 f2 behaves when:
1. f2 exists 2. f2 does not exist
38 Knowledge Check (2 of 3) Assuming that you are positioned in the directory /home/user1, what are the following commands presumed to do? Additionally, explain whether they will work at all.
1. cd ../.. 2. mkdir ../bin 3. rmdir .. 4. ls ..
39 Knowledge Check (3 of 3) Find all files in the present directory onwards, starting with the name T.
40 Activity 1: General Purpose and File Manipulation Commands Activity time: 10 minutes Use General Purpose and File Manipulation Commands
Instructions: Create a file named TestFileCommand with at least ten lines and perform the following tasks on the file: Rename the file TestFileCommand to cmdTest. Change the permissions of the file for following: User read, write, and execute Group read Others read and execute List the first three lines of the file. List all the lines after line four. Create a soft link to the file cmdTest with name cmdTestLn.
41 Module 4 Agenda Topic Name Duration General Purpose Commands 45 min File Manipulation Commands 65 min Text Processing Commands 75 min Printing Commands 10 min Network and Communication Commands 10 min Compression/Decompression Commands 15 min Process Management Commands 40 min
42 Demonstration Instructions For slides 43-65
This topic comprises command sections. These sections will be conducted in the following manner: Instructions: Explain the command. Ask participants to do the same. Discuss the related slide.
Note: The commands would be used by the faculty and participants simultaneously.
43 Using Pipe (1 of 2) Accomplishes complex tasks with ease by combining UNIX commands
Combines UNIX commands through pipes and filters
Using pipe The symbol | is the UNIX pipe symbol. Is used on the command line Means that the standard output of the command to the left of the pipe gets sent as standard input of the command to the right of the pipe
44 Using Pipe (2 of 2) Using pipe Example $ who | sort | lpr
who | sort | lpr
who command process writes to pipe1 sort command process reads from pipe1, writes to pipe2 lpr command process reads from pipe2 writefd readfd writefd readfd pipe1 pipe2 Data flow Kernel who Process sort Process lpr Process
45 Using Filter A filter: Is a UNIX command that does some manipulation of the text of a file
Transforms or filters the data it receives via the pipes with which it is connected
Can have any number of input and output pipes pump sink filter filter pipe pipe pipe
46 Search for Specific Pattern in Files (1 of 2) The grep command Stands for global search for regular expression and print Functions as standard file searching and selection utility
Command Function $ grep Accenture TestF1 Searches string Accenture in file TestF1 and displays those lines $ grep Accenture TestF1 TestF2 Searches string Accenture in file TestF1 and TestF2 and displays those lines Displays the name of the file as well $ grep Accenture is a TestF1 Searches pattern comprising more than a single word Note: Double quotes can be used to enclose the same.
47 Search for Specific Pattern in Files (2 of 2) To search for the specific pattern in one or more files without heeding the case
Command Function $ grep Accenture -i TestF1 Searches for the pattern without heeding the case. Note: i option makes it case insensitive.
48 Usages of grep Filter
Command Function $ cat TestF1 | grep Accenture Sends the contents of file TestF1 to standard input using pipe. grep takes input from standard input in place of file, searches Accenture, and displays the lines which contain it. $ ls -l /tmp | grep 'root' Shows all processes with the word "root" somewhere in the line. That doesn't mean that all the process would be owned by root. However, by using grep filter we can cut down the number of processes we need to look at.
49 Get the Difference Between Two Files (1 of 2) The diff command Displays file differences $ diff TestDiff1 TestDiff2 $ diff TestDiff1 TestDiff2
50 Get the Difference Between Two Files (2 of 2) Represents appended line> 101 Haleem ASE Represents changed lines 8-11 of TestDiff1 with 9,10 of file TestDiff2 Represents deleted line< 101 Abhishek SSE
51 Ignore Case To ignore case while getting difference between two files $ diff -i TestDiff1 TestDiff2
Due to the use of i option, case of the letters Rachit is ignored. Represents the difference due to the case of the letters rachit
52 Ignore Trailing Blanks To ignore the trailing blanks while getting difference between two files $ diff -b TestDiff3 TestDiff4
Without b option diff identifies blank spaces or tabs as difference. Causes blanks (spaces and tabs) to compare equally even if an unequal number of blanks exist.
53 Sort Contents of File The sort command Sorts ASCII (Text) files Sorts according to the ASCII collating sequence, i.e. sorts the spaces and the tabs first, then the punctuation marks followed by numbers, uppercase letters, and lower case letters
Command Function $ sort TestF1 Sorts the contents of TestF1 and displays the sorted output on screen $ sort TestF1 TestF2 Sorts the contents of TestF1 and TestF2 respectively and displays the result on screen
54 Sort File Numerically
Sort without n Option Sort with n Option Command Function $ sort -n TestNSort Sorts file TestNSort on numbers in place of ASCII values
55 Usages of Sort Filter
Command Function $ ls | sort Gets the input from the input stream and displays list of files in sorted order $ cat TestF1 | sort Pipes the contents of TestF1 to sort
56 Remove Duplicate Contents from File The uniq command Simply fetches one copy of each line and writes it to the standard output Requires a sorted file as input
To select non-repeated lines from a file
Command Function $ uniq result Fetches one copy of each line and writes it on screen Command Function $ uniq -u result Fetches unique line from result
57 Usages of uniq Filter Command Function $ sort TestF1 | uniq Sort pipes the output to uniq which fetches one copy of each line and writes to standard output $ cat result | uniq -u Cat pipes the sorted output to uniq which selects the lines which are non repeated
58 Find Number of Words in File The wc command Stands for word count Displays count of words, lines, and characters
Command Function $ wc TestF1 5 13 57 TestF1 Displays number of lines, words, and characters in the file TestF1. This is the standard representation $ wc -w TestF1 13 TestF1 Displays number of words in the file TestF1
59 Find only the Number of Lines in File
Command Function $ wc -l TestF1 5 TestF1 Displays Number of lines in the file TestF1
60 Usages of wc Filter Command Function $ who | wc l Counts the number of users logged into your computer system The output of the who command is piped into wc command, which counts the number of lines in the output of who $ ls -l | wc -l
Counts the number of files and directories present in your current working directory
61 Remove Sections from File on Prompt The cut command From each line of file displays selected Columns Fields
Command Function $ cut -c 3-10,15-20 TestF1 Cuts characters 3 to 10 and 15 to 20, and displays that on standard output
62 Remove Selected Fields from File on Prompt Default field delimiter (Tabs and Spaces) Different delimiter (can also be used) Two options need to be used -d for the field delimiter -f for the field lists Command Function $ cut -d -f 2,4 TestF1 Extracts 2nd and 4th the fields from the file TestF1 and displays them on standard output
63 Usages of cut Filter Command Function $ who | cut -d -f 1 Extracts the users list logged into your computer system Output of who command is piped to cut command, which extracts the first field i.e. user name. $ ls | cut -d -f 1,3,5,7 Extracts the file permissions, user name, file size, and name Output of ls command is piped to cut command, which extracts fields 1,3,5,7 from the output of ls command.
64 Paste Sections from Two Files on Prompt The paste command Pastes vertically rather than horizontally Displays two or more files adjacently by pasting them
Command Function $ cut -d -f 2,5 TestF1 > cutList1 Extracts fields 2 and 5 from file TestF1 and sends to cutList1 $ cut -d -f 3,6 TestF2 > cutList2 Extracts fields 3 and 6 from file TestF2 and sends to cutList2 $ paste cutLsit1 cutList2 Pastes two files cutList1, cutList2 vertically In the output original lines are separated by TABs by default. $ paste -d | cutList1 cutList2 Paste uses the tab as the default delimiter, we can specify one or more delimiter with d option.
65 Merge Two Files on Prompt The join command A join of the two relations specified by the lines of file1 and file2 Files are joined on a common key field (column) that should exist in both files. Both files must be sorted on the key field in the same order.
$ join -t"\t" file1 file2 01123 HP 9000/825 Hewlett Packard 02213 Sun3/110 Sun Microsystems 08412 HP 9000/835 Hewlett Packard file1 file2 01123 HP 9000/825 02213 Sun 3/110 03320 Sun 4/110 08412 HP 9000/835 01123 Hewlett Packard 02213 Sun Microsystems 03321 Sun Microsystems 08412 Hewlett Packard
66 Knowledge Check (1 of 2) What is the function of the following commands?
1. grep a b c 2. grep <Test> TestFile
67 Knowledge Check (2 of 2) Show the octal representation of the following permissions:
1. rwxr-xrw- 2. rw-r----- 3. --x-w-r--
68 Activity 2: Filter Command Activity time: 10 minutes Use appropriate filter command to accomplish the given task
Instructions: Create a file named TestGrep1 and TestGrep2, add ten to fifteen lines in each file with at least ten words separated by | (pipe sign) in each line Perform the following operations on the file: Search for the string accenture or Accenture. Cut the column 2-3 and 5-7 respectively from file TestGrep1. Paste the deleted columns on the screen. Find out the difference between both files and make changes to make them identical.
69 Module 4 Agenda Topic Name Duration General Purpose Commands 45 min File Manipulation Commands 65 min Text Processing Commands 75 min Printing Commands 10 min Network and Communication Commands 10 min Compression/Decompression Commands 15 min Process Management Commands 40 min
70 Demonstration Instructions For slides 71-73
This topic comprises command sections. These sections will be conducted in the following manner: Instructions: Explain the command. Ask participants to do the same. Discuss the related slide.
Note: The commands would be used by the faculty and participants simultaneously.
71 Print Contents of File The lpr command Prints files from the command prompts
Command Function $ lpr TestF1 Sends the file TestF1 for printing
72 Cancel Jobs To cancel the jobs that have been queued for printing
The lprm command
$ lprm $ lprm 295 Removes the job with id 295
73 Check Print Queue on Prompt The lpq command Shows the current print queue status on the named printer $ lpq
74 Module 4 Agenda Topic Name Duration General Purpose Commands 45 min File Manipulation Commands 65 min Text Processing Commands 75 min Printing Commands 10 min Network and Communication Commands 10 min Compression/Decompression Commands 15 min Process Management Commands 40 min
75 Demonstration Instructions For slides 76-78
This topic comprises command sections. These sections will be conducted in the following manner: Instructions: Explain the command. Ask participants to do the same. Discuss the related slide.
Note: The commands would be used by the faculty and participants simultaneously.
76 Send Packets To send packets to a machine known to be in the network The ping command On not receiving any reply packets, ping will exit with code 1 On error it exits with code 2 Otherwise it exits with code 0 Intended for use in network testing, measurement, and management $ ping Packet Received 0 indicates that there is no connectivity between the local and remote hosts.
77 Connect to Machine To connect to a machine, if we have account on a host in the local network The telnet command Used to communicate with another host using the telnet protocol $ telnet
After supplying command trying to connect If connects successfully, asks for Login: If Host is not getting connected
78 Print Network Connections on Prompt The netstat command $ netstat
79 Module 4 Agenda Topic Name Duration General Purpose Commands 45 min File Manipulation Commands 65 min Text Processing Commands 75 min Printing Commands 10 min Network and Communication Commands 10 min Compression/Decompression Commands 15 min Process Management Commands 40 min
80 Demonstration Instructions For slides 81-84
This topic comprises command sections. These sections will be conducted in the following manner: Instructions: Explain the command. Ask participants to do the same. Discuss the related slide.
Note: The commands would be used by the faculty and participants simultaneously.
81 Create New Archive The tar command Stands for tape archive Writes archives directly to tape devices Creates new archives Lists files in existing archives Extracts files from archives Command Function $ tar -cvf archive.tar TestF1 TestF2 Creates archive file archive. tar for files TestF1 and TestF2 Additionally, use of v (verbose) option displays the progress while tar works. To create archive, we need to specify the name of the archive (with f), the copy, or write operation (- c), and the filenames.
82 Extract Archive File Command Function $ tar -xvf archive.tar tar uses x option to extract files from an archive
83 Compress and Expand Compressed File The gzip and gunzip command gzip compresses the file gunzip expands compressed file $ gzip TestGipTry
85 Module 4 Agenda Topic Name Duration General Purpose Commands 45 min File Manipulation Commands 65 min Text Processing Commands 75 min Printing Commands 10 min Network and Communication Commands 10 min Compression/Decompression Commands 15 min Process Management Commands 40 min
86 Demonstration Instructions For slides 87-93
This topic comprises command sections. These sections will be conducted in the following manner: Instructions: Explain the command. Ask participants to do the same. Discuss the related slide.
Note: The commands would be used by the faculty and participants simultaneously.
87 Print Processes (1 of 3) To print currently active processes on prompt The ps command Stands for process statistics Produces a report summarizing execution statistics for current processes
Command Function $ ps By default displays all active processes
Each process assigned a unique ID known as PID. The terminal with which the process is associated (the controlling terminal). The cumulative process time (TIME) that has been consumed since the process has started. CMD is the process name.
89 Print Processes (3 of 3) To print detail information of processes on the prompt
Owner ID of Process Parent Process ID Time the process started
90 Kill Process on Prompt The kill command The only way to abort a command or process while it is executing, is to send it a certain kind of `signal, which can be sent in two ways: A single keystroke `kill' command
$ kill 2880
91 Run Processes in Background The & option with commands Multitasking system lets a user do more than one job a time Only one job can run in the foreground Rest all have to run in the background & is the shell operator used to run a process in the background $ sort -oresult TestDiff1 &
The PID of the invoked command Status of the background process after completion
92 Execute Job (1 of 2) To execute a job at a particular time on the prompt The at command Schedules a command to be run at a particular time Takes time as an input argument upon which command to be executed Sends all jobs go to the queue Executes jobs only once
Job Submitted Job Executed
93 Execute Job (2 of 2) To execute a job repeatedly at particular time on the prompt The crontab command Runs job automatically at regular interval
Job Submitted Job Executed
94 Knowledge Check (1 of 3) Of the following options, specify the name of command for running process at specified time:
1. ps 2. ls 3. at 4. Batch
95 Knowledge Check (2 of 3) Which of the following options will you choose to send any process to background?
1. ps 2. at 3. & 4. kill
96 Knowledge Check (3 of 3) List all the processes currently running.
Identify the PPID of the background process created for sort command.
97 Activity 3: Compression/Decompression Commands Activity time: 5 minutes Identify and apply the compression/decompression commands to perform given operation
Instructions: Create a file TestCmdG1 and TestCmdG2 with at least ten lines in both the files Perform the following operations: Compress both the files in current working directory. Create archive file with the name TestCmdArc.tar containing both the files. Extract the zip files. Extract the tar file TestCmdArc.tar.
98 Activity 4: Background Process Activity time: 5 minutes Execute the command required for sending sort operation to background
Instructions: Perform sort operation on file TestCmdG1 and send it to the background.
99 Module Summary Upon completing this module, you should now be able to: Describe how to execute the following UNIX commands General Purpose File Manipulation Text Processing Printing Network and Communication Compression/Decompression Process Management
100 Questions and Comments What questions or comments do you have?