Berber Symbols
Berber Symbols
Berber Symbols
The Berber people are the inhabitants of North Africa. Nowadays there are Berber groups from Mauritania to Egypt. They inhabit the mountain
regions and parts of the Sahara Desert. Berbers refer themselves as the ma!ighan meaning "The #ree $eople". The Berber symbols% designs%
motifs and tattoos originated from pre&slamic beliefs influenced later by slamic geometric patterns and ornamentation.
Te'tiles and other ob(ects are created as an act for worship and tribute to Allah. Many ob(ects may contain a bara)a. The bara)a does not e'ist
only in amulets or talismans but in any )ind of ob(ects in order to deal with dar)er forces and curing illnesses. n North Africa there is still some
symbols to be found such as% magic s*uares and geometric figures +triangles% spirals% crosses% eight pointed stars% circles% diamonds,.
-.OLIVETREE: Strength because of its Berber name a!emmur% diverted from the term ta!mat +strength,.
..WHEAT: is associated with /ife +because of it sheath, and Death +because of the seeds being in the ground,.
0. TREE: is related to an easy life% happinness and fertility.t symbolises the centre of the world surrounded by
Beings%ob(ects and spirits. t also means /ife +because of the roots, and )nowledge +because of the leaves,.
1. SEEDS: Male seeds and it is a symbol for /ife and #ertility.
2. HAMMER: $ower% natural forces and creative power. t is a very important instrument for the blac)smith because it
enables him to change the iron into various shapes.
3. ANCHOR: Solidity% continuity% faithfulness% balance and lucidity.
4. AXE: A sharp instrument which represents anger and destruction% but as it does attac) evil forces% it is a positive
symbol. t is also associated with the lightning and rain therefore fertility.
5. ARROW: 6osmic pro(ection. Associated with lightning and represents male energy and fertility.
7. SUN: /ife% power. t is a source of /ife% heat and light but could also be an evil force because it does drain the waters
and can destroy the crops.
-8. MOON: Associated with feminity and represents change% fertility and the perpetual cycle.
--. WEAVING COMB: t represents the movement of the world% balance% cohesion and tidiness.
-.. SHIP:9 Associated with water and means strength% blessing% wisdom.
-0. CRESCENT: 6hange% revival% :penness% birth%death and resurrection of the full moon.
-1. CROSS: movement% space with different directions; up<down & North and South% left<right &East<=est.
-2. SWASTIKA: Symbol for a bird therefore the creative ta)ing off of /ife.
-3.CROSS WITH SIX BRANCHES: Movement and space but also solidity% anchoring and grounding.
-4. DIAMOND: #eminity womanhood and fertility. t is associated with the sna)e and represents the union of opposites.
AME/ TA#S:>T +8-.-8..880,