Electrochemistry Strong and Weak Electrolytes

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Subject: Chemistry Type of Lesson: Guided Discovery.

Grade: 11 CSEC OBJ: Students should understand the

conditions under which an electrical
current can be used to bring about a
chemical change.
Term: IV UNIT: Electrochemistry
Duraton: 4 minutes. Lesson: ! Strong and !ea" Electrolytes
"ee#: $
#s a result o$ this lesson% the student will be able to:
1& distinguish between a strong and wea" electrolyte based on the degree o$ ioni'ation.
(& )er$orm e*)eriments to distinguish between strong and wea" electrolytes.
Prerequisite Student Knowledge
Students should be $amiliar with:
1) #n electrolyte is a molten substance or an ionic solution that is decom)osed when an
electric current is )assed through it.
Important Points
Im)ortant )oints in this lesson:
1& Ions or electrons must be )resent $or electricity to be conducted.
(& +he electrolyte undergoes a chemical change during the )rocess.
,& Substances will conduct electricity to varying degrees.
Key Terms
Strong electrolyte !ea" electrolyte Ioni'ation
Challenge Areas
!hy are some electrolytes considered to be strong and others wea"- Com)ile a list o$ strong and
wea" electrolytes.
quipment!"aterial #eeded
Dil. .Cl% vinegar% dil. /a0.% dil. 10.% a2ueous ammonia% distilled water% 3V battery% electrical
wires% bea"er% ( gra)hite rods% a bulb
#ote to Teacher
In this lesson% students will determine whether an electrolyte is wea" or strong based on the
brightness o$ the bulb in the e*)eriments )er$ormed.
Teacher$s %esson #otes
1& Introductory %ct&ty
a. +he teacher will demonstrate the e$$ect o$ electricity on two substances labeled #
and 4% using a sim)le electrical circuit.
i. Students will be as"ed to )ay close attention to the brightness o$ the bulb
in each reaction.
ii. Students will be as"ed to share which o$ the substances would be
considered wea" or strong% giving reasons $or their answer.
b. +eacher will e*)lain that the substance that gave the brighter bulb would be
considered a strong electrolyte. +he other would then be considered wea".
&ody o' %esson
1& Stron' and "ea# E(ectro(ytes
a. In grou)s o$ two students will e*amine the e$$ect o$ electricity on dil. /a0.% dil.
10.% a2ueous ammonia% and distilled water.
i. Students will state which o$ the substances would be classi$ied as wea" or
strong. +hey must be able to su))ort their choice with a reason.
b. +he strong electrolytes are considered such because they ioni'e or $orm ions
com)letely. +he wea" electrolytes are considered such because they are )artially
In)C(ass %ss'nments
1& Students will write their own de$inition o$ a strong electrolyte% a wea" electrolyte and
Out)of)C(ass %ss'nment
1& !hich statement about conduction o$ electricity is correct- !hichever statement is incorrect%
rewrite the statement so that it is correct.
i. Electricity is conducted in a2ueous solution by electrons
ii. Electricity is conducted in a metal wire by ions.
iii. Electricity is conducted in a molten electrolyte by electrons.
iv. Electricity is conducted in an acid solution by ions.
G(ossary of Terms
"ea# e(ectro(yte # substance that is only )artially ionised
Stron' e(ectro(yte # substance that is com)letely ioni'ed
Ion*aton +he $ormation o$ ions
CSEC +uestons
1& /one
,ecommended -atera(s
1. 7erguson% 8. 9 .art% :. ;1334& C<C Chemistry% 0*$ord =niversity >ress
(. Gallagher% :. 9 Ingram% >. ;133?& Com)lete Chemistry% 0*$ord =niversity >ress
,. .olderness% #. 9 @ambert% 8. ;13A?& # /ew Certi$icate Chemistry Si*th Edition%
.einemann Educational 4oo"s
4. +indale% #nne ;133A& Chemistry B # concise :evision Course $or C<C% Stanley +hornes
>ublishers @td.

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