English Assignment - Interview Report

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I.C NO : 801008-10-5094
MATRIX NO : D20102041392









This report is about a prominent person who has contributed to the community. The
interviewee could be a Headmaster, Doctor or an excellent Teacher. It is required to do pre-
interview outline to determine the objectives and scope of the interview. The outline will consist
about the appointment with the interviewee, the location of the interview, questions that would
be asked, items used in the interview (tape recorder, camera, pen etc.), the time frame of the
interview and the interviewee himself whether he or she is the right person who have all the
information needed that reached the purpose of the interview. The outline would help the
interviewer to be more confident in conducting the interview. To also show appreciation to the
interviewee that the session is done with homework, to show the integrity of the interviewer and
everything he or she said matters. It helps to identify the objectives, scope of the interview and
make the session simpler.

The objective of this report is to determine the techniques, skills, credibility, integrity,
responsibility and achievements of an excellent teacher, Puan Nur Ashikin Tan Bt. Abdullah and
what she had contributed to the school, to fellow teachers, to her students and the community.
Throughout the report, the interviewee will provide the steps that she undertook that made her a
sample of dedication as a teacher.
The first objective is to look at her teaching techniques. It consists on how she manages
her teaching method towards her students, the skills she used to overcome all the obstacles in her
daily basis and as a member in the school management (Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seri

Second objective is to find out how she reacts as a good teacher. It consists on the ability
towards full commitment in teaching and guiding her students to become great students and a
good human being. It also focuses on how she manages her job as a Senior Teacher to lead the
school to be a great school. It focuses on her credibility, integrity and her responsibility.
Third objective is to look at her contributions to the community. It consists about what
she had achieved throughout the years she had been a teacher. It includes her achievements for
the school, in bringing up the students and contribution to the community. It will also show how
she had handled matters at hand with proper judgments. It shows how her profession had
influenced her to be a woman of dignity towards the community she serves.

This report examines the advantages and disadvantages of being a teacher. It covers
mostly about the life of Puan Nur Ashikin Tan Bt. Abdullah as a teacher.
The advantages will include everything that she had achieved as a teacher throughout the
years. It will contain about the Falsafah Pendidikan Negara and the effects on her actions and
behaviour as a human being. It also shows that all the skills and techniques she practiced had
shown progress after years of experimenting and experiencing herself on the subjects (students,
teachers and community) she served.
The disadvantages are about, how she reacts as a normal person and why she tried so
hard not to be a teacher. The profession has taken so much of her, which sometimes she cannot
differentiate between her job and the normal life (for example: to be a good citizen and a mother
for her childrens). She always had to become a teacher in every aspect of her life. It will discuss
on how she tried to overcome and solve the problem.
This report does not examine Puan Nur Ashikin Tan Bt. Abdullahs personal life because
the interview is only focusing on her as an excellent teacher and the steps she took to be the best
among the best.

Name : Puan Nur Ashikin Tan Bt. Abdullah
D. O. B : 04th December 1967
Place Of Birth : Kuala Lumpur
Current Post : Guru Penolong Kanan Hal Ehwal Murid
Date holding current post : 15th August 2005 til current date
Previous Post : Guru Penolong kanan Ko Kurikulum
Date holding previous post : 03rd November 2003 until 15th August 2005

Educational background
Primary : SRK Convent Peel Road (1974 - 1979)
Secondary : SMK Convent Peel Road (1980 - 1984)

SMK (P) Bandaraya (1985)

SMK Aminuddin Baki (1986 1987)
Institute : Maktab Perguruan Ilmu Khas (1987 - 1989)

Institut Perguruan Darul Aman (1996 1997)

University : Universiti Malaya (1997 - 1999)

Working experience
1989 1991 : SK Renok Bam Gua Musang Kelantan
1992 1993 : SK Gua Musang 1 Kelantan
1993 1996 : SK Gua Musang 3 Kelantan
1999 2000 : SMK Panglima Garang, Budu Benta Pahang
2000 current : SMK Seri Tanjong

Current Office : Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan,
Seri Tanjong,
45000 Kuala Selangor, Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Honors achieved
2002 : Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang
2009 : Guru Cemerlang
2009 : Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang

I heard about Puan Nur Ashikin Tan Bt. Abdullah from a good friend of mine since I took
up the profession of a Teacher. She is a Teacher from the school I studied. From that time I
learnt a lot of being a good teacher. She had shown most of the criteria of being a good teacher, a
sample of dedication and commitment.
On Saturday afternoon, 28
May 2011, an arrangement was made with Puan Nur Ashikin
Tan Bt. Abdullah, an excellent Teacher of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seri Tanjong and also
a Senior Assistant of Students Disciplinary at the school. The interview was conducted in the
comfort of her home. It all started at about 3.30 pm in the evening just after she had finished all
her house chores.
Puan Nur Ashikin Tan is an average good looking woman, but something in her that
shows the woman she had become after years of being a Teacher. The way she put things out,
shows that she is a woman of experience in handling an interview. She likes to entertain
everyone with stories especially about the schools she worked before and now, and the
profession of teaching.
She states that Teachers are among the person that probably had been chosen to be a
Teacher, because she said that not everybody could be an educator unless they are Teachers. This
profession had put her in many situations that she could not think about before she became a
Teacher. This job needs full attention in every aspect, because Teachers are dealing with the
nations future assets. It needs a good guidance and tolerance to prepare them to be a good end
product to build up the country.
It was never an easy task, each day preparing the lessons for the classroom. Consulting
the students to be good, making tough decisions, the right path to take is to school everyday,
could put someone into astray but not to this woman. She puts almost of her time making just
that because of the responsibility she had in her to see her students and her country have a good
future together. Throughout the conversation she had shown confident and thoughtful in giving
her opinions and suggestions plus with some interesting stories. She spoke about the history of
the school and its achievements, its plan for the future shows that she took the teaching
profession seriously.
Teaching for her is not only a job, but more towards the responsibility that she must show
before anything else. Teaching others has made her learn more about herself. It taught her how to
conduct herself properly in the school and in the community. She stated that teaching provided
her with vast of experience than any other profession out there could offer. She had learned how
to communicate with others, handling things properly, and managing time accordingly and most
importantly for her is how to speak in public freely. She also mentioned, in a free nation we can
exercise to speak freely without any doubt.
During the interview, she also stated that in order to make education as a sole purpose in
life, it will take us on a never ending journey. Every day, we learn something new and its up to
us to justify it whether it is good or bad. The education system in Malaysia for her is one of the
best in the world. It is because the system is for everybody and no one will be left out. The
Government has given us so much to make the citizens educated and nowadays it has shown
great progress. The percentage of people that still cant read or write is lesser for a big country
like Malaysia.
Education for her, gives big opportunities for Malaysians to improve themselves and at
the same time it improves the nation. It provides more selection for the students and helps the
students who did not do well in PMR examination a chance to further their studies. The system
stands for its name and purposes. So far, it has produced many professionals in vast selections of
employment in the country.
The downturn of being a Teacher according to her is a Teacher will always be a Teacher
no matter where we are, in School, at home or in the community. In many situations or cases, a
Teacher will always have to do with everything. Everyone out there could tell, if you are a
teacher just by the way you acted, behaved, talked or even dressed and for her it is a downturn
because sometime Teachers will also need some space for themselves. It is because in every
level of community Teachers will play a big role, for example in a wedding ceremony, in a
village or even big events that need formality, Teachers have a role to play. Sometimes Teachers
need to be somebody not just to consult or solve the problems that occur in the School and in the
community, but like she said before Teachers will always be Teachers and there are always
helping hands if needed.
Although, the downturn will sometime let her down but its just a part of her task as a
Teacher. For her, that is the only thing bothering her in a good way. The responsibility towards
the students and the nation is much more important than to be bothered by some minor problems.
This is the way Teachers suppose to be. A Teacher should be tough, disciplined, responsible, not
afraid to face any obstacles, give full attention towards the job and strict to fulfill the
requirements of the education system itself. She stated in fulfilling the Education Philosophy to
build up the students physically, mentally, intellectually and disciplinal, Teachers need to be
consistence in guiding and showing the students to reach the objective. This is the main priority
for her in her job for all these years. The achievements that the school receives is just a bonus
for the Teachers. The Teachers had done their part to teach and guide the students, it means the
Teachers had done their job properly and that is the only point that matters when the students had
great achievements in their education and in their life.
The greatest achievement for a Teacher is to see her students achieve a successful life. It
is because she feels that a Teacher had done their job properly and she believes she did the same
thing. A Teacher teaches in School and sometimes outside the School. She said it is a task for a
Saint to teach people to be good, Teachers do just that. The job is like planting a tree and waiting
the fruits to ripe before we can taste its sweetness. When it is time to taste it, which is the most
pleasurable moment of all. The philosophies and advices given prove that Puan Nur Ashikin Tan
Bt. Abdullah is an Excellent Teacher. Her plans and hopes for a greater education for her
students will live on. She is a good example of being a Teacher in every aspect that needs to be

Letchmy : A very good evening to you madam. First of all, I would like to thank
you for allowing me to conduct this interview. Alright, my first question
who inspired you to become a Teacher?

Puan Nur Ashikin : Good evening, it is a great pleasure for me to do this interview. There are
two people who I would like to mention about. The first person who
inspired me was my Grandfather, Mr. Lai Ah Fook. He was with the
British Army, a Sergeant. He was the inspiring motivator and role model
for me. The way he disciplined me and I learned education is fun from
him. The second person was, Professor Nesamalar Citravelu. She was my
Lecturer when I was in University Malaya doing my Degree in Teaching.
She was a very humble person, caring and always gives me advices. She
was like a mother to me, one thing she always tells me was To be a
good Teacher, you must always be a good leaner. These two people are
the one who inspired me to take up the profession of Teaching.

Letchmy : It is interesting to know that an Army officer had inspired you to become
a Teacher. Madam can you tell me about your first school that you
worked for? Please also briefly explain about your current school.

Puan Nur Ashikin : The first school that I worked for was in a remote area in Gua Musang. It
has no proper electricity and water supply. But even with the lack of
infrastructure, I managed to provide the students with the best education
that they need. Talking about the current school, I am very happy to work
for a good school like SMK Seri Tanjong. The history begins in the year
1960 and it was the first Malay medium school in Kuala Selangor. For
the first 2 years, SMK Seri Tanjong was sharing the building with
Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Asam Jawa. The first 3 block 2 storeys
building was built in the year 1963. SMK Seri Tanjong was launched by
Education Minister at that time, En. Mohd. Khir Johari. Now SMK Seri
Tanjong boasts with 6 blocks of building with a Canteen, Surau, Book
Shop, Computer Lab, Library and Football Field. Our school objective is
to provide quality education service to the community. Provide
educational opportunity to all students without favouritism. Producing a
human being with good moral values, noble and skill full to the
community. Last but not least to produce Malaysians those are loyal and
united. All that I mentioned about the School objective is actually my
objective too.

Letchmy : Madam, it must feel good to work for a nice school as this. Can you
share with me about your contribution to the school so far?

Puan Nur Ashikin : Actually, I would not boast myself with great achievements but
definately I will share some of my contributions. First and foremost the
most important thing for teaching is the resources. I definately had shared
all my resources with my fellow colleagues as for me, I am not stingy
on knowledge. The knowledge I know must reach to all the sudents,
doesnt matter if im teaching them or not. One way of making sure that
it reaches them is by sharing the knowledge that I know with my
colleagues and making sure that they passes it on to the students. The
resources are from the Internet, such as the articles, lesson or unit plans
and assessment tools. I may had been helpfull in diciplining the students
as what my colleagues have told me, since you joined this school we
found some improvements on the behavioural of your students. They
asked me how I did it and I answered, its simple. All that a Teacher has
to do is to be friends with the students. Make sure that the students can
and will come to you when they have problems. Make them feel like
their at home and with their family. Do not only practise to punish
students if they do something wrong, help them to understand that what
they have done is wrong and not to repeat them. By doing so it will build
a strong relationship between you and your students as a result will help
to dicipline them. Another thing that I think helped me to bring chances
to the school was, building communication with the students families.
What I did was, I passed a survey form to the students to bring home and
asked the parents how they would like to be contacted. The reason is to
share periodically on the performance of the students in school with their
parents. It showed a great response from the parents and it helped me to
build a strong relationship with the parents. I think thats all that i can
think of about my contributions to the school.

Letchmy : Well, it is a pleasure indeed to know that there is indeed so many things
that we can do for the school. My final question will be, What are the
teaching methods should a Teacher undertake to become a successfull

Puan Nur Ashikin : Based from my experience and what i have learned from my Teachers,
Lecturers and fellow colleagues, there are so many methods out there
which we can use to become a successfull Teacher. Firstly a Teacher
must understand the level of understanding of the students towards the
teachings in classroom. A Teacher should make sure that all the students
understand what is being teached in the classroom. They should pay
more attention to the weaker students and guide them to understand the
subject. Provide more learning materials to them and ask them more
questions to make them understand better. A Teacher should provide
more variety of instructional questions for the students to develope their
critical thinking, problem solving and performance skills. Create a more
exciting enviroment in the classroom by having students to perform in
front of the class. Do groupworks more often as they can work together
to solve a problem and help each other to understand better. Evaluate
continuously the performance of the students to find out ways to improve
students understanding towards the subject. Last but not least, build a
strong relationship with the students so that they are not afraid to come to
you when they have a problem. Make them feel comfortable and happy
to be at School everyday. By doing so will help to reduce absenteeism in

Letchmy : It was great of you to share such informations with me and thank you
very much for having this interview.

Puan Nur Ashikin : You are welcome and it was a pleasure doing this interview.

The success of a student lies in the shoulder of a Teacher. To become an effective
Teacher, one should always understand the importance of a Teacher. Teaching is a respective
profession and one should always respect the nature of the job. A noble, well behaved, good
contributor to the nation is a Teacher because they are producing good, respectful, well
mannered, with good behavior human beings to the country. From the interview report, we have
learned a lot of god aspects of a Teacher and ways of becoming an effective Teacher. I hope that
this report will be useful for the upcoming and future Teachers.


Puan Nur Ashikin welcoming me

Me starting the interview with a cup of Tea

The interview continues on the Dining table

Puan Nur shares some of her experiences before I leave

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