Thought Forms and Their Expression (Meme)

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It can be I think observed that thoughts and emotions tend to form associate str

uctures within our psyches. We group feelings, thoughts and experiences together
and these things become intricatley intertwined. These structures take on perso
nality of their own, a sort of coexisting ego within the self.
Take for example an addict. A person suffering form addiction has a set of feeli
ngs, thoughts, and associations within their self that form the structure of thi
s addiction. This structure is self sustaining, essentially it feeds itself, the
behaviors it produces provide more feelings, thoughts, and experiences to susta
in and grow itself. These structures have in essence a personality of their own,
revealed through the changes of behavior in the "host". Often addicts when in t
he mode of that thought structure will act in ways that may be wholly alien to t
heir "self". Honest men become thieves, meek men behave as beasts, and chaste me
n as whores.
Another pertient example can be seen in racism. Often times racism is a thought
structure passed through family culture. Racists have a strong set of feelings,
thoughts, and image structures (archetypes) associated with their belief. This s
tructure, racism, can and often does lead them to act in ways alien to their "se
lf". Many of them may be loving parents but this structure within them will lead
them to feel a callousness to the plight of children from a different race. THe
strange dichotomy can be seen in the oft heard phrase amongst racist "yeah so a
nd so is a nigger, but he's alright, he's different". How strange this juxtaposi
tion, here they see a certain memeber of their hated race as an actual person ra
ther than the negative archetype that this structure, this other ego (racism) ha
s created within them.
All of us posses these negative thought structures, these other egos living with
in us. These are the true demons of the world, far more insidious than some infe
rnal creature from without, these fallen angels live within us and can subvert o
ur true selves. We must learn to dissasemble these structure, to starve these ne
gative egos of sustenance so that we may learn to intergrate the individual part
s into a more healthy whole.
We are the sum of our parts in many ways. Each expereinece, each person, everyth
ing that touches us in some way is integrated into ourselves. Sometimes these th
ings are the seed of a rotten fruit, destined without intervention to become ano
ther demon. What is worse is that these structures are not just contained to our
selves, no! We may share, in fact we often do, these inidious egos reach out to
those around us and plant seeds of themselves in the lives of those we touch.
We must remain on guard, always vigiliant for the birth of these poisounous egos
. Our best weapon against them is an understanding of ourselves, born of a rich
and fufilled spirituality. This spirituality can provide us with a frame work, b
orn from within, to help us wrestle with the challenges that begin within oursel
ves. We must reconnect with our mythic consciousness, relearn the world from thi
s perspective to be able to see the very real interplay of the spiritual forces
around us.
A simple way to start thought is to recognize these posionous egos within oursel
ves and in the world around us, to put a name to them and become congnizant of t
hem. For myself I deem them archons.

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