English Paper 1

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Question 1
Write a composition (in approximately 450-500 words) on any one of the following subjects: [30]
(You are reminded that you will be rewarded for orderly and coherent presentation of material,
use of appropriate style and general accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar.)
(a) One should judge a man not by what he has, but by what he is. Express your views on
this statement.
(b) Write a description of the most interesting person you have ever met.
(c) It is right for a person to interfere in the affairs of another. Write for or against this
(d) Memories.
(e) Relate how travel has been of educational value to you.
(f) Write an original story with the following ending:
..It was exactly as he had said it would be.
Comments of Examiners
(a) By and large this question was attempted well. However,
some candidates got confused between what he has and
what he is. The difference between material possessions
(what he has) and character (what he is) was largely
misconstrued. A large number of candidates believed that
being poor naturally indicated that the person was of
high moral character and that if a person had many
possessions he could never be good.
(b) A number of candidates wrote about whom they wished
to meet rather than who they met. Some candidates even
wrote imaginary essays on meeting Jesus Christ or
Rabindranath Tagore. They failed to realize that the word
met was the key word. A few described more than one
interesting person without specifying WHY they found
them interesting.
(c) Very few candidates attempted this topic. Most candidates
who attempted this failed to take a clear stand. Many also
got confused by the words interfere and affairs. Some
took them to mean a love affair or even parents being too
interfering in their childrens affairs.
(d) This was by far the most popular topic and most
candidates attempted it well, barring, normal linguistic
errors. There was a variety of interesting essays.
(e) Most candidates who attempted this essay lost marks
because they had not read the question properly. They
wrote only about travel but did not touch upon its
educational value. What they wrote was general and not personal.
Suggestions for teachers
Instruct students to read the
question properly, at least two or
three times.
Teach students to organise and
sequence their thoughts and
Write at least one composition a
week for practice, on each kind
of topic, in turn.
Teachers should teach students
how to build a plot with a
beginning, a middle, and a
Only those students with a
creative bent of mind should be
encouraged to attempt the short
story topic.
Students should plan their essay
logically before starting to write.
(f) A large number of original short stories were in fact either completely lifted from school texts or
plagiarized accounts of films. Some did not end with the given statement. Many candidates were
unaware of the requirements of a short story, viz. plot, characterization, dialogue, et al.
Question 1.
Marks were deducted for gross errors like errors of agreement and number, serious tense errors,
wrong verb form, elementary errors of sentence construction, misuse of vocabulary, errors in spellings,
punctuation or lack of it, use of incorrect or irrelevant idioms, misuse of pronouns, articles and
(a) This was a reflective topic. Candidates were required to write in some detail why they think
material possessions are not important in judging the quality of a mans character. They
could agree or disagree with the statement or even sit on the fence.
(b) This was a descriptive topic. Candidates were required to describe a person that they found
the most interesting and why. The reason for this had to be included in the composition.
Aspects such as general nature, characteristics and incidents needed to be highlighted.
(c) This was a debatable topic. Candidates had to take a definite stand and express it clearly.
The stand had to be supported by effective argumentation.
(d) This was a one-word topic. The content had a wider range/scope. All relevant
interpretations/approaches were accepted.
(e) This topic called for a true account of personal experiences. Candidates needed to write
how travel has helped them learn and become more rounded personalities and how it has
added to the education acquired in school by conventional means.
(f) The story had to be original and not plagiarised or lifted partly or fully from any source. It
needed to have necessary elements such as plot and characterisation. It was not to be a mere
narration of events. Originality of thought and a creative bent of mind were given credit.
Question 2
Write a review of a book you have recently read (in approximately 300 words) for your school
magazine. Make use of the given points.
Name of the book author publisher readership cover and illustrations plot characters
insight into some interesting incidents message if any appeal the book holds for you.
Comments of Examiners
Some students were unable to comprehend terms such as
readership, cover and illustrations and appeal. The
word limit was completely ignored by some candidates.
Some reviews were only around 100 words long and
some were even longer than the compositions.
Suggestions for teachers
Give students plenty of practice on
writing book reviews, film reviews,
newspaper reports, feature articles,
FIRs and testimonials.
Instruct students to strictly adhere to
the word limit.
Question 2.
This was an exercise in amplification. If points were missing marks were deducted. There had to be
effective linking of points. Candidates could use the points in any order they chose; however, all
points had to be used. If there was no development of points, marks were deducted.
Question 3
Answer sections (a), (b) and (c).
(a) In each of the following items, sentence A is complete, while sentence B is not.
Complete sentence B, making it as similar as possible to sentence A. Write sentence B
in each case.
(0) (A) Though it was a cloudy day, the temperature was 45
(B) Despite..
Answer: (0) Despite it being a cloudy day, the temperature was 45
(1) (A) They are demolishing the entire block of flats.
(B) The entire
(2) (A) Anil thought the examination would be held later.
(B) Anil was....
(3) (A) I do not like this food as much as you do.
(B) You ..
(4) (A) Raju failed in the examination, yet he was not upset.
(B) In spite of ..
(5) (A) Dont lend Ramesh any money, I said to Rita.
(B) I advised...
(6) (A) As soon as the arrangements were made to release extra water from the
reservoirs, the rain came in a downpour.
(B) No sooner..
(7) (A) He had to sign or be arrested.
(B) If he
(8) (A) Meena complained of not being able to see the performance from the
back row.
(B) Meena complained that.....
(9) (A) Many ambitious people see politics as a stepping stone to personal
(B) Politics
(10) (A) Rahul has wasted his wealth and ruined his health by his drinking habit.
(B) Rahul has not only...
(b) Fill in each blank with a suitable word. (Do not write the sentence.) [5]
(1) Let us talk ______ them tomorrow about their homework.
(2) The Principal gave us a talk _______ bullying.
(3) Manoj was not at home when his grandfather passed ________.
(4) When we visited Dalhousie, we passed _______ the house in which we had
lived twenty years ago.
(5) This novel has been written _______ Jeffrey Archer.
(6) In the Middle Ages, books were written _______ a variety of subjects.
(7) He had promised her that he would come to the party but he didnt turn
(8) I was forced to turn ________ Mayas invitation as I was going to be out of
town the following week.
(9) Rashi has applied _______ a scholarship in an American university.
(10) Arjun applied _______ the university for higher studies but was denied
(c) Fill in the blanks in the passage given below with the appropriate form of the verb given
in brackets. Do not write the passage, but write the verbs in the correct order.
Breathing is good, on this we ________ (1) (can) agree. That is why sleep apnoea, a
condition in which sufferers repeatedly ______________(2) (stop) breathing and
___________(3) (awake) during the night, _____________(4) (be) so distressing and
dangerous. Doctors __________ (5) (have) long known that the majority of people
with sleep apnoea also _________(6) (have) gas and reflux, so they often _________(7)
(treat) the reflux with heartburn medication. To prove the connection between reflux
and sleep apnoea, scientists at an army hospital ________ (8) (observe) apnoea patients
as they________(9) (sleep). They _________(10) (find) that reflux could, in fact, be the
cause of many night-time awakenings.
Comments of Examiners
This question was poorly attempted by most candidates.
Common errors seen were:
Careless mistakes (words wrongly spelt sentences
wrongly copied);
Errors with tense;
Errors in Subject Verb agreement;
Errors in all aspects of usage and conversion;
Linguistic errors in restructuring;
No sooner than sentences mostly incorrect;
Confusion in the usage of prepositions;
Confusion between Past and Present Tenses;
Many candidates wrote two answers instead of one in
Sections (b) and (c) which is not accepted.
Suggestions for teachers
Give students ample practice in the
Active to Passive and vice versa
Direct to Indirect and vice versa
Clauses and conjunctions
Prepositions and Phrasal verbs
Verbs and Tenses
Subject Verb agreement
Instruct students not to write two
Question 3.
(a) In this question, the opening word of each answer (part B) had been given in the Question
Paper. No other beginning was acceptable.
(1) (B) The entire block of flats is being demolished (by them).
(2) (B) Anil was under the impression / of the opinion that the examination would
be held later.
(3) (B) You like this food more than I do.
(4) (B) In spite of failing in the examination, Raju was not upset.
In spite of having failed the examination, Raju was not upset.
In spite of his failure in the examination, Raju was not upset.
In spite of the fact that Raju failed in the examination, he was not upset.
(5) (B) I advised Rita not to lend Ramesh any money.
I advised Rita not to lend any money to Ramesh.
(6) (B) No sooner were the arrangements made to release extra water from the
reservoirs than the rain came in a downpour.
(7) (B) If he had not signed, he would have been arrested.
(8) (B) Meena complained that she was not able to see the performance from the
back row.
Meena complained that she was unable to see the performance from the
back row.
Meena complained that she wasnt able to see the performance from the
back row.
Meena complained that she couldnt see the performance from the back
(9) (B) Politics is seen by many ambitious people as a stepping stone to personal
Politics is seen as a stepping stone to personal power by many ambitious
(10) (B) Rahul has not only wasted his wealth but also ruined his health by his
drinking habit.
(b) The candidates were advised not to copy the sentences. This was done with a view to save
their time.
(1) to
(2) on
(3) away
(4) by
(5) by
(6) on
(7) up
(8) down
(9) for
(10) to
(c) For every appropriate verb form marks were given. The candidates were advised not to
copy the sentence.
(1) can
(2) stop
(3) awaken
(4) is
(5) have
(6) have
(7) treat
(8) observed
(9) slept / were sleeping
(10) found
Question 4
Read the passage given below and answer the questions (a), (b) and (c) that follow:
(1) My eldest boy had just turned nine. One day not long after, he was on his
way to the pool on his bike when he slammed on his brakes in front of me
and did a really neat skid. He looked back and gave me his cheesy smile of
(2) Normally that little skid would have provoked a stern warning not to wear
out your tyres. I was always taught to take care of my things and keep
them in good shape. Ive come to learn, though, that there is a difference
between the natural course of wearing things out and trying to make things
last at any price. The difference became acute to me one bright sunny day
four years ago.
(3) My then five-year-old boy had spent a normal summer afternoon playing in
the park and swimming at the neighbourhood pool. At his bath time that
night, I noticed he had small red spots all over his body. Some kind of
measles, I thought, and called my wife to take a look. By pure chance, the
next day he had an appointment with his paediatrician.
Several tests (and long hours) later, the doctors figured my son had an
illness called ITP (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura), which causes
your spleen to kill off your bodys own blood-clotting platelets. If it got
worse, he could bleed to death internally. Only time would tell whether
it would get better on its own. You can imagine the fear that crept into our
Three days into his stay at the hospital, I went to pick out a present for him. I
reached for a yellow toy convertible (he loves cars). My hand hesitated. I
knew that it wouldnt last long with a five-year-old boy. Then I thought to
myself: So what if the doors break off and the wheels fall off. If those
things happen, it will mean he is alive and well. I bought it in the hope that
he would be well enough to play with it. He was thrilled to receive it, and it
helped him pass the week he spent at the hospital.
I saw the car the other day, sitting on a shelf in his room. The wheels have
fallen off, the doors are broken and all of the chrome has worn off. I see it
and I smile to myself. My boy has been perfectly well these past four years,
and is full of vitality. His mysterious illness came and went.
(7) And I learned that things are things and can be replaced if necessary. If any
one of my three boys happens to break something or wear it out playing with
it, instead of chastising him for carelessness, I now prefer to celebrate his
boyhood. The empty shell of what once was a nice car, the balding tyre of
his new bike, the lost pieces of his Monopoly game, all bear witness to the
fact that there lives a healthy, happy boy.
Prudence and preservation have their place, as do experimentation and
curiosity. In the end, it is my relationships with my sons and my wife that
have real lasting power. I choose to celebrate our lives and live with the
Besides, I used to skid my tyres the same wayjust not in front of my dad.
Elliot Van Egmond The Globe and Mail (Adapted)
(a) (i) Given below are four words and phrases. Find the words which have
a similar meaning in the passage:
(1) strict
(2) energy and vigour
(3) scolding
(4) strong desire to know
(ii) For each of the words given below, write a sentence of at least ten
words using the same word unchanged in form, but with a
different meaning from that which it carries in the passage:
(1) shape (line 7)
(2) park (line 12)
(3) present (line 22)
(4) well (line 27)
Answer the following questions in your own words as briefly as possible:
Why is the disease ITP so serious?
What does the yellow car look like at present?
What did the writer learn from his experience?
What is most important to the writer now?
(c) Summarize the given passage in not more than 100 words. Failure to keep
within the word limit will be penalised. You will be required to:
(i) List your ideas clearly in point form.
(ii) In about 100 words, write your points in the form of a connected
Comments of Examiners
(a) (i) Many candidates wrote phrases in the vocabulary
(ii) A number of candidates made sentences using the
words given in the same meaning as used in the
(b) Most candidates tended to lift answers directly from
the passage even though they had been specifically
instructed to write in their own words.
(c) (i) Many candidates copied entire paragraphs from the
passage as points.
(ii) A large number of candidates did not write the
summary in the form of a connected passage, nor
did they use a grid.
Suggestions for teachers
In Q. 4 (a) (i), students must be told
to write ONE word only and not a
Practice in sentence making with
homonyms is an absolute MUST.
In Q.4 (a) (ii), emphasis must be
laid on not changing the form of the
given word.
Give practice in at least ONE
unseen comprehension passage per
Stress upon writing answers in
ones own words.
Stress upon adhering to the word
Give practice to students of writing
the summary in grid form.
Connected passage must be
sequential in nature.
Question 4.
(a) (i) Candidates were instructed to find words, from the passage which had a similar meaning to
those given in the passage.
(1) strict - stern
(2) energy and vigour - vitality
(3) scolding - chastising
(4) strong desire to know - curiosity
(ii) The candidates were instructed to use the following words in sentences of their own but
with a different meaning from that used in the passage. If the form of the word was
changed, marks were deducted.
(1) shape (in the passage : condition - noun) to make; physical shape
(2) park (in the passage : place to play noun) to park a car
(3) present (in the passage : a gift noun) to gift; the present tense; to be
somewhere at a given time.
(4) well (in the passage: alright adjective) well of water; oil well
(b) Candidates were required to answer the questions as briefly as possible and in their own words.
Marks were deducted for excessive length, rambling and gross error/errors. Candidates were to
draw their material only from the passage. The candidates examples and illustrations were not
(i) It is serious because it causes the spleen to kill the bodys blood clotting platelets.
It may even cause death by internal bleeding.
(ii) It is lying on the boys shelf at present. The wheels have fallen off, the doors are broken
and the chrome has worn off.
(iii) The writer learned that material things are things and can be replaced. However, one
should celebrate things like life, health and boyhood.
(iv) What are most important to the writer are his relationships with his wife and his sons. He,
therefore, chooses to celebrate their lives and live with the losses.
(c) Summary: Special Instructions:
(i) A minimum of six points were required. Marks were given for content.
(ii) Marks were awarded for expression and the candidates ability to express the points clearly
in complete sentences. Marks were deducted for writing in short phrases and for linguistic
Possible points:
Once, the authors five year old son developed a life threatening disease.
The disease causes the spleen to kill the bodys own blood clotting platelets.
The disease could cause heavy internal bleeding and death.
While his son was in hospital, he bought a car as a gift for him.
He realised that if the car broke, it meant that the boy was well.
He sees the broken car now and realises that material things are not important.
What is important is his relationship with his wife and sons.
He celebrates their lives and accepts any losses that come his way.
(any six)
(a) Topics found difficult by candidates in the Question Paper:
Question 1:
Topic (a) confusion between what he has and what he is
Topic (b) some confusion on the word met
Topic (c) misunderstanding of the words interference and affairs, and not being able to
take a stand on the topic.
Topic (f) lack of knowledge of the requirements of an original short story, and not ending
with the given words.
Question 2:
Writing a prepared book review without proper amplification of the given points in the
Question 3:
(a) many errors in Transformation of sentences.
(b) confusion in Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs, writing two answers instead of one.
(c) some confusion between Past and Present Tenses, writing two answers instead of one.
Question 4:
(a) (i) writing phrases instead of single words.
(a) (ii) changing the form of the given word or using the word with the same meaning as used
in the passage.
(c) (i) writing entire paragraphs as points.
(c) (ii) not using a grid, writing irrelevant points, and not adhering to the word limit.
(b) Concepts in which candidates got confused:
Concept of an argumentative essay
Concept of writing a short story
Words such as readership, cover and illustrations and appeal in the Book Review
Transformation of sentences with conditional clauses
Making sentences using homonyms
Concept of making a list
Concept of making a grid
Concept of writing a sequential summary
Adhering to the word limit
(c) Suggestions for students:
Before the examination:
Read newspapers and works other than text books.
Expose yourselves to fiction and print and electronic media
Increase your level of awareness and general knowledge.
Practice writing unseen passages, essays, reviews and articles throughout the year.
Develop linguistic skills and the habit of speaking and thinking in English.
During the examination:
Use the reading time judiciously, identifying key words and understanding what is required in
the question.
Read the essay topics in detail, choosing carefully the topic best suited to your understanding
and writing ability.
Manage your time as well as you can.
Revise your paper after completion to avoid any careless mistakes.

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