Benefit Corp Vs Traditional Corporations PDF
Benefit Corp Vs Traditional Corporations PDF
Benefit Corp Vs Traditional Corporations PDF
PHTRANS/ 1101587.8
Principal Authors: William H. Clark, J r., Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP; Larry Vranka,
Canonchet Group LLC
Contributing Authors: J oshua Berick, Linklaters LLP; H. Kenneth Merritt, J r., Merritt &
Merritt & Moulton; J ohn Montgomery, Montgomery & Hansen; Peter W. Sheehan J r., Whiteford
Taylor Preston; Sabrena Silver, Linklaters LLP; Donald S. Simon, Wendel Rosen Black & Dean;
J onathan S. Storper, Hanson & Bridgett
Drafting Authors: Elizabeth Babson, Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP; Matthew Brinker, Temple
University School of Law, Class of 2012; David M. Carboni, Rutgers School of Law, Class of
2012; Elizabeth Hang, University of Virginia School of Law, Class of 2011; Steven J . Haymore,
Vanderbilt Law School, Class of 2011; Dennis P. OReilly, Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP; Dirk
R. Sampselle, J D/MBA Candidate, Pepperdine University, 2013
Reviewers and Supporters: Allen Bromberger, Perlman & Perlman, LLP; Laura J ordan, The
Capital Law Firm, PLLC; J enny Kassan, Katovich & Kassan Law Group; J ohn Katovich,
Katovich & Kassan Law Group; Peter Roth, Varnum Attorneys at Law; Kyle Westaway,
Westaway Law; Robert I. Wexler, Greenberg & Traurig LLP; J eff D. Woodward, Stites &
Harbison PLLC
Executive Summary .................................................................................................1
I. Market Demand by Consumers, Investors and Social Entrepreneurs ......................2
II. Existing Legal Frameworks Do Not Accommodate For-Profit
Mission-Driven Companies .....................................................................................7
III. Benefit Corporations ..............................................................................................14
IV. Drafting Analysis of Particular Benefit Corporation Statutory Provisions ...........21
V. Conclusion .............................................................................................................28
Appendix A Model Benefit Corporation Legislation .....................................................................
Appendix B State by State Comparison of Benefit Corporation Legislation .................................
Appendix C Alternative Corporate Structures Intended to Address the Legal Issues
Described Above ........................................................................................................
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II. Existing Legal Frameworks Do Not Accommodate For-Profit Mission-Driven
Historically, the U.S. legal system governing corporate entities and their activities has not
been structured or tailored to address the situation of for-profit companies who seek to use the
power of business to solve social problems. This white paper will not detail all of the legal
distinctions between for-profit and not-for-profit entities but, broadly speaking, at the federal
level the system is structured as a binary one, dividing business organizations into either for-
profit or not-for-profit, with U.S. federal tax law guarding the divide between these sectors and
their mandated and permissible activities.
Social entrepreneurs have recognized the limitations of the not-for-profit form and the
potential power of business and are increasingly deciding to organize and operate as for-profit
entities. This decision gives rise to a complex set of legal issues at the state level, which in turn
leads to uncertainty and impairs the growth of these types of entities and this new sector of the
(A) Background
The notion that a business corporation has as its purpose creating financial gain for its
shareholders was forcefully articulated by the Michigan Supreme Court almost 100 years ago in
the following statement in Dodge v. Ford:
A business corporation is organized and carried on primarily for the profit of the
stockholders. The powers of the directors are to be employed for that end. The discretion of
directors is to be exercised in the choice of means to attain that end, and does not extend to a
change in the end itself, to the reduction of profits, or to the non-distribution of profits among
stockholders in order to devote them to other purposes.
Dodge v. Ford does not stand alone, and cases in other jurisdictions have reiterated the
shareholder maximization duty that [i]t is the obligation of directors to attempt, within the law,
to maximize the long-run interests of the corporations stockholders.
Though still a staple in
many law school casebooks, a strict reading of Dodge v. Ford and other cases that specify
shareholder wealth maximization as a fiduciary duty has been criticized by those who believe
that these cases do not represent the current state of modern corporate law.
Generally, not-for-profit entities are afforded certain tax benefits (including tax-exempt status and deductibility of
contributions by financial supporters) so long as they pursue a clearly-defined charitable purpose and comply with
other requirements. Among other things, federal tax law (i) precludes not-for-profit entities from distributing any
profits, thus making it difficult for nonprofits to attract capital; (ii) limits financial remuneration of employees, thus
making it difficult for nonprofits to attract and retain talent; and (iii) limits the revenue-generating activities of such
entities which would in the private sector ordinarily accompany sustainably operating and expanding like a
successful business. For a further discussion of nonprofits see the discussion in Appendix B.
204 Mich. 459, 507, 170 N.W. 668, 684 (1919).
Katz v. Oak Indus., Inc. 508 A.2d 873, 879 (Del. Ch. 1986). See also Long v. Norwood Hills Corp., 380 S.W.2d
451 (Mo. Ct. App. 1964); Granada Invs., Inc. v. DWG Corp., 823 F. Supp. 448, 459 (N.D. Ohio 1993).
Some commentators have suggested that the decision in Dodge v. Ford to award the shareholders a special
dividend was not based on shareholder wealth maximization principles, but rather a breach of duty of good faith to
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Dodge v. Ford remains good law and many still maintain that its theory of shareholder wealth
maximization has been widely accepted by courts over an extended period of time.
It is
against the paradigm of shareholder primacy that directors and their advisors analyze corporate
decision making.
(B) Fiduciary Duties
In the United States, corporations and other types of business entities are constituted
under state law, and their directors and managers are subject to standards of conduct imposed by
state law (both statutes as well as judicial interpretations thereof). Generally, these laws require
the directors, who are elected by the shareholders, to manage or direct the management of the
corporation's business and affairs. The directors may (and typically do) delegate some of their
authority to the corporations officers, insofar as the day-to-day activities of the corporation are
In discharging their statutory obligations, directors owe certain dutiesreferred to as
fiduciary dutiesto the corporation itself and to the corporations shareholders. Corporate law has
long recognized two basic fiduciary duties for corporate directors: a duty of loyalty and a duty of
care. Under the duty of loyalty, directors are required to pursue the best interests of the
corporation and to place those interests above their own whenever those interests conflict. Under
the duty of care, directors must exercise good business judgment and use ordinary care and
prudence in the operation of the business.
Although corporate law is state-specific, the general concept of fiduciary duties is fairly
standard across jurisdictions. Constituency statutes, discussed in greater detail below, are one
of the main statutory differentiators from state to state with respect to fiduciary duties.
Constituency statutes, which were developed mainly by state legislatures as a defensive
mechanism for local companies that are subject to a hostile takeover, give the target companys
board the discretion to favor a deal that is better for the companys employees, the community
and the local economy over a deal with a higher purchase price but more detrimental effects to
the community. If there is no competing deal, the constituency statute permits a board to
examine the potential transactions impact on the community and reject it on that basis.
minority shareholders by withholding special dividends to freeze them out. J udd F. Sneirson, Green is Good:
Sustainability, Profitability, and a New Paradigm for Corporate Governance, 94 Iowa L. Rev. 987, 1001-1003
(2009) (noting that Dodge v. Ford has only been cited by Delaware three times, twice as authority for the close
corporation issue, and arguing that it should not be taught as a case of precedential value with respect to a duty of
shareholder maximization). Sneirson describes three other cases that clearly identify a duty of shareholder
maximization of value, but dismisses the precedential value of these cases on that point and notes that they are rarely
cited for that proposition. Id. at 1004. But see J onathan R. Macey, A Close Read of an Excellent Commentary on
Dodge v. Ford, 3 Va. L. & Bus. Rev. 177, 179 (2008) (stating that the shareholder maximization ideal in Dodge v.
Ford actually drives the holding and is not mere dicta); Stephen M. Bainbridge, Corporation Law and Economics
1.4(b), 9.2, and 9.3 (2002).
Stephen M. Bainbridge, Corporation Law and Economics 1.4(b), 9.2, and 9.3 (accepting the theory of
shareholder maximization expressed in Dodge v. Ford). See also Macey, supra note 25, 3 Va. L. & Bus. Rev. at 179
(stating that the shareholder maximization ideal in Dodge v. Ford is widely accepted as a matter of rhetoric).
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With the increase of mission-driven and triple bottom line corporations,
constituency statutes are now being analyzed outside the context of a hostile takeover. For these
businesses, the answer to a key questionwhether a companys directors may consider non-
financial interests when making a decision as to the the best interest of the corporation
depends to a significant extent on the laws of the state where the company is incorporated. In
this regard the states can be divided into two categories: constituency states and non-
constituency states.
1. Constituency States
The directors of companies incorporated in constituency states are expressly permitted by
statute to consider persons other than shareholders in the discharge of their fiduciary duties.
Constituency statutes generally provide that, in fulfilling their fiduciary duties, directors may
consider the effects of a decision not only on shareholders, but also on a list of other
constituency groups.
These permissible constituency groups vary state by state, but usually
include employees, creditors, suppliers, consumers and the community at large.
states now have some version of a constituency statute.
Conspicuously absent from the list of
The phrase the triple bottom line was first coined in 1994 by J ohn Elkington, the founder of a British
consultancy called SustainAbility. See The Economist, Triple Bottom Line: It consists of Three Ps: Profit, Planet
and People, (November 17, 2009). Elkington argued that businesses
should considers three bottom lines of people, planet and profit rather than the traditional formula of pure profit as
the bottom line of a business. Id. Today, this term, like mission driven, sustainable, and other similar terms, is
commonly used among social entrepreneurs and investors to refer to businesses that consider other interests in
additions to profits and shareholder value maximization.
As noted above, many constituency provisions in state corporate statutes were enacted in response to takeover
activity in the 1980s as a way to protect local businesses. Eric W. Orts, Beyond Shareholders: Interpreting
Corporate Constituency Statutes, 61 GEO. WASH. L. REV. 14, 23-26 (1992). It is worth noting that these
constituency statutes are permissive rather than mandatory, i.e., they provide that the directors may consider the
interests of stakeholders other than shareholders but are not required to. See id. at 26-31 (discussing varieties of
state constituency statutes).
See, e.g., 805 ILL. COMP. STAT. 5/8.85 (2004) (stating directors may . . . consider the effects of any action . . .
upon employees, suppliers and customers of the corporation or its subsidiaries, communities in which offices or
other establishments of the corporation or its subsidiaries are located, and all other pertinent factors); N.Y. BUS.
CORP. LAW 717(b)(2)(i)-(v) (McKinney 2003) (stating directors shall be entitled to consider . . . the effects that
the corporations actions may have in the short-term or in the long-term upon any of the following: (i) the prospects
for potential growth, development, productivity and profitability of the corporation; (ii) the corporations current
employees; (iii) the corporations retired employees and other beneficiaries receiving or entitled to receive
retirement, welfare or similar benefits from or pursuant to any plan sponsored, or agreement entered into, by the
corporation; (iv) the corporations customers and creditors; and (v) the ability of the corporation to provide, as a
going concern, goods, services, employment opportunities and employment benefits and otherwise to contribute to
the communities in which it does business); 15 PA. CONS. STAT. 1715(a)(1) (West 1995) (stating directors may
consider [t]he effects of any action upon any or all groups affected by such action, including shareholders,
employees, suppliers, customers and creditors of the corporation, and upon communities in which offices or other
establishments of the corporation are located).
See ARIZ. REV. STAT. ANN. 10-2702 (2004); CONN. GEN. STAT. 33-756(D) (2007); FLA. STAT. 607.0830(3)
(2008); GA. CODE ANN. 14-2-202(B)(5) (2003); HAW. REV. STAT. 414-221(A)-(B) (2008); IDAHO CODE ANN.
30-1602 (2010); 805 ILL. COMP. STAT. 5/8.85 (2004); IND. CODE 23-1-35-1(D) (1999); IOWA CODE 490.1108A
(1999); KY. REV. STAT. ANN. 271B.12-210(4) (LEXISNEXIS 2006); LA. REV. STAT. ANN. 12:92(G) (1994); ME.
REV. STAT. ANN. TIT. 13-C, 832 (2005); MD. CODE ANN., CORPS. & ASSNS 2-104(B)(9) (WEST 2008); MASS.
GEN. LAWS CH. 156B, 65 (2006); MINN. STAT. 302A.251(5) (2008); MISS. CODE ANN. 79-4-8.30 (2001); MO.
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states adopting constituency statutes is Delaware, where more than 900,000 business entities
have their legal home, including more than 50% of all U.S. publicly-traded companies and 63%
of the Fortune 500.
Most states, including those with constituency statutes, will at a minimum
consider Delaware law when interpreting local corporate law.
While it is clear that directors of mission-driven companies incorporated in constituency
statute jurisdictions may take into consideration the interests of various constituencies when
exercising their business judgment, the lack of case law interpreting constituency statutes,
coupled with the context in which many of these statutes were enacted, makes it difficult for
directors to know exactly how, when and to what extent they can consider those interests. For
example, neither the constituency statutes themselves nor state case law address questions such
as how directors should decide which parties fall within a protected constituency category, what
weight the directors should assign to shareholder and non-shareholder interests and what
standards a court should use in reviewing directors decisions to consider (or not to consider)
non-shareholder interests. Based on the limited case law available, courts seem reluctant to wade
into these issues and often fall back on shareholder primacy.
Without clear authority explicitly permitting directors to pursue both profit and a
companys mission, even directors of mission-driven companies in constituency statute
jurisdictions may be hesitant to consider their social missions for fear of breaching their
fiduciary duty.
This uncertainty and resulting hesitation makes it difficult for the directors of
mission-driven companies to feel they are legally protected in considering the interests of
constituencies other than the shareholders who have elected them (and can therefore replace
Further, permissive constituency statutes only create the option (and not the requirement)
for directors to consider interests of constituencies other than shareholders. Thus, directors have
the permission not to consider interests other than shareholder maximization of value. Mission-
driven executives and investors are often in minority shareholder positions and would prefer that
directors and officers be required to consider these expanded interests when making decisions,
REV. STAT. 351.347(1) (2000); NEB. REV. STAT. 21-2432(2) (2007); NEV. REV. STAT. ANN. 78.138(4) (2007);
N.J . STAT. ANN. 14A:6-1(2) (WEST 2003); N.M. STAT. ANN. 53-11-35(D) (WEST 2003); N.Y. BUS. CORP. LAW
717(B) (MCKINNEY 2003); N.D. CENT. CODE 10-19.1-50(6) (2005); OHIO REV. CODE ANN. 1701.59(E)
(LEXISNEXIS 2004); OR. REV. STAT. 60.357 (2007); 15 PA. CONS. STAT. 1715(A)(1) (WEST 1995); R.I. GEN.
LAWS 7-5.2-8 (1999); S.D. CODIFIED LAWS 47-33-4 (2002); TENN. CODE ANN. 48-103-204 (WEST 2008); VT.
STAT. ANN. TIT. 11A, 8.30 (2008); VA. CODE ANN. 13.1-727.1 (2006); WIS. STAT. 180.0827 (2006); WYO.
STAT. ANN. 17-16-830(E) (2007).
Division of Corporations Website, (visited on August 22, 2011).
See, e.g., Baron v. Strawbridge & Clothier, 646 F. Supp. 690, 697 (E.D. Pa. 1986) (stating that, while it was
proper for directors facing takeover attempts to consider corporations employees, customers and community, their
fiduciary duty was still to act in the best interests of the corporations shareholders). Also, it is either expressly
provided or generally understood that these non-shareholder constituencies do not have standing to sue on the basis
that the directors failed to consider their interests, making it less likely that directors will be concerned about them.
Directors who have invoked constituency statutes have usually done so when sued for breach of fiduciary duty in
the course of defending against takeover attempts. Constituency statutes are just one of many potential defenses that
directors may use, and directors have been more likely to rely on anti-takeover mechanisms that have been proven in
court and that do not call into question the directors fiduciary duties.
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with a shareholder right of action providing the teeth to enforce such consideration. This is
particularly true in situations where a company is considering strategic alternatives and directors
discretion in making business decisions is more limited by traditional principles requiring
shareholder value maximization.
2. Non-Constituency States
In non-constituency states, including Delaware, consideration of a public mission is even
more problematic, because under the corporate laws of those states the directors are not
expressly permitted to consider the interests of stakeholders or constituents other than
shareholders in the discharge of their duties.
As mentioned above, Delaware is the state under which a majority of U.S. public
companies, and numerous private companies, particularly those with or interested in attracting
outside capital, are incorporated, due in significant part to its well-developed body of corporate
law, and Delaware does not have a constituency statute. In eBay Domestic Holdings, Inc. v.
the Delaware Court of Chancery recently reaffirmed its position that corporate
directors are obligated pursuant to their fiduciary duties to maximize shareholder value.
Chancellor Chandler also made clear that a public-service mission which seeks not to maximize
the economic value of a for-profit Delaware corporation for the benefit of its stockholders is an
invalid corporate purpose and inconsistent with directors fiduciary duties.
(C) Levels of Scrutiny of Director Decisions
It is important to note that, as a general matter, the level of scrutiny a court will give to
the decisions of a director (in both constituency and non-constituency states) is dependent in part
on the context in which the decision is being made. To use Delaware as an example again, its
courts review director decision-making in three broad categories, or scenarios: (1) day-to-day
decisions, (2) defensive decisions,
and (3) change of control decisions.
See, e.g., Revlon, Inc. v. MacAndrews & Forbes Holdings, Inc., 506 A.2d 173, 182 (Del. 1986) (stating that
directors, faced with a hostile takeover bid for a corporation, may only consider various non-shareholder
constituencies if there are rationally related benefits accruing to the stockholders).
See, e.g., CA. CORP. CODE 309(a) (West 2011) (stating that director must discharge his or her duties in good
faith, in a manner such director believes to be in the best interests of the corporation and its shareholders and with
such care, including reasonable inquiry, as an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would use under similar
circumstances); MICH. COMP. LAWS 450.1541a (2011) (stating similarly that director must discharge his or her
duties [i]n good faith . . . [w]ith the care an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would exercise under
similar circumstances . . . [i]n a manner he or she reasonably believes to be in the best interests of the corporation);
N.C. GEN. STAT. 55-8-30 (2011) (same).
16 A.3d 1 (Del. Ch. 2010) (eBay).
Id., at 34.
Id.; see id. at 33 (stating that promoting, protecting or pursuing non-stockholder considerations [with defensive
measures] must lead at some point to value for stockholders).
Defensive decisions are those taken by directors in an effort to ward off potential bidders, whether friendly or
Change of control decisions are those decisions taken by directors once it is clear that a company will be sold.
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In the day-to-day context, directors can consider non-shareholder interests as long as they
can show a rational connection between that consideration and shareholder value.
This is
because courts review director decisions in the day-to-day context under the deferential
business judgment rule. The business judgment rule is a rebuttable presumption by courts that
in making a business decision the directors of a corporation act on an informed basis, in good
faith, and in the honest belief that the action taken [is] in the best interest of the company.
other words, courts reviewing decisions made in the day-to-day context will not question rational
judgments about how seemingly promoting non-shareholder interests (such as a corporations
decision to make charitable contributions or to otherwise support the community in which their
operations are located) ultimately promote shareholder value.
Even in the day-to-day context in which directors enjoy most discretion, decisions must
show some connection to shareholder value. While it is not true that all decisions that reflect
consideration of non-shareholder interests lead to a reduction in shareholder value (and some in
fact may lead to its increase), it is true that some might result in a diminishment of shareholder
value, even over the long term. Moreover, some mission-driven business executives and
investors may be comfortable with that result in the pursuit of their social mission, whether that
mission is reflected in providing below-market pricing of health insurance to the otherwise
uninsured, accepting higher cost of production from overseas factories audited by a third party
for their social and environmental standards, or focusing on smaller, less profitable market
segments that seek better products or need basic services. In these instances, the resolution of
litigation by a shareholder seeking maximized financial return against the directors of such a
mission-driven company, even under this level of scrutiny, would be uncertain at best from the
perspective of the mission-driven company and its directors. This uncertainty can have a chilling
effect on the pursuit of social missions.
When defending takeover attempts, directors generally enjoy significantly less deference
regarding decisions (including consideration of non-shareholder interests) that on their face do
not seem designed to maximize shareholder value. When directors act defensively, Delaware
courts apply the standards set forth in Unocal Corporation. v. Mesa Petroleum Company.
Under Unocal, Delaware courts will give directors the benefit of the business judgment rule only
if the directors can first demonstrate that they were responding to a legitimate threat to corporate
policy and effectiveness and that their response was reasonable in relation to the threat
As previously mentioned, Chancellor Chandler found in eBay that a public-service
mission was not a legitimate corporate policy, and thus taking defensive measures to protect that
mission violates Unocal.
The court stated:
Directors of a for-profit Delaware corporation cannot deploy a [policy] to
defend a business strategy that openly eschews stockholder wealth
See Aronson v. Lewis, 473 A.2d 805, 812 (Del. 1984) (stating that directors decisions must be on an informed
basis, in good faith, and in the honest belief that the action taken was in the best interests of the company).
Aronson, 473 A.2d at 812.
eBay, 16 A.3d at 33-34.
493 A.2d 946 (Del. 1985) (Unocal).
Unocal, 493 A.2d at 949.
eBay, 16 A.3d at 32, 34.
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maximization at least not consistently with the directors fiduciary duties
under Delaware law.
While the facts of eBay are unique and a different companys publicly-oriented mission may be
considered a legitimate corporate policy, Chancellor Chandlers language suggests that Delaware
courts will seek to limit the purely philanthropic ends of mission-driven companies, especially
when their directors decisions are reviewed under Unocals scrutiny.
If defending takeover attempts severely restricts directors ability to consider non-
shareholder interests, a corporate sale effectively eradicates any such ability in a non-
constituency state. A company goes up for sale when it initiates an active bidding process to
sell itself or to reorganize itself in a way that will clearly break up the company, or when, in
response to an active bidders offer, the company abandons its long-term strategy and seeks an
alternative transaction with a preferred party that will result in a change of control of the
In these circumstances, Delaware and other state case law has made clear that the
directors only duty is to maximize shareholder value by securing the highest bid reasonably
available and that concern for non-stockholder interests is inappropriate when an auction among
active bidders is in progress.
These dutiesthe duty to maximize shareholder value and the
corollary obligation to disregard all other considerationsare referred to as Revlon duties, and
originate from the landmark case Revlon Inc. v. MacAndrews & Forbes Holding, Inc.
skilled legal counsel can give directors guidance on how to attempt to circumvent Revlon duties,
there remains ambiguity about when Revlon duties are triggered. That ambiguity frequently leads
to Revlon-based lawsuits.
There is a credible view among some academic legal experts that because there is no
specific provision in the Delaware statute preventing consideration of other stakeholder interests,
if a company were to actually include the requirement of such consideration, including the
possibility of not maximizing shareholder value, in the purpose clause of its certificate of
incorporation or in defining the directors fiduciary standards, such a requirement might
withstand the courts scrutiny in a defensive or change of control situation and be given effect.
However, in addition to there being no underlying statute that permits such consideration, there
is no case law to support this view. In the absence of statutory authority or precedent and in light
of decisions including Revlon and eBay, the practical reality is that practitioners general
counsel and outside counsel are typically unwilling to recommend such a course of action
because the legal analysis is so unclear.
Id. at 35.
See Paramount Communications, Inc. v. Time, Inc., 571 A.2d 1140, 1150 (Del. 1989) (outlining two
circumstances in which directors must consider maximizing shareholder value above any other consideration).
Revlon, Inc. v. MacAndrews & Forbes Holding, Inc., 506 A.2d 173, 182 (Del. 1986) (Revlon); see also Plaza
Sec. Co. v. Fruehauf Corp., 643 F. Supp. 1535, 1543 (E.D. Mich. 1986) (stating [i]n a contest for corporate control,
when directors have determined that it is inevitable that the corporation be sold, . . . the directors cardinal fiduciary
obligation to the corporation and its shareholders is to ensure maximization of the companys value at a sale for the
stockholders benefit. (citing Revlon, 506 A.2d at 182.)).
Revlon, 506 A.2d 173 (Del. 1986).
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(D) Impact of Legal Framework on Mission-Driven Companies
Based on the established state legal frameworks, directors face legal uncertainty in all of
the aforementioned contexts. In the day-to-day context where the business judgment rule
applies, a judge may not find it to be appropriate to consider and advance non-shareholder
interests for their own sake (i.e., as part of the companys mission) and not as a way of
maximizing long-term shareholder financial value; in a Unocal context a corporate mission or
culture that is not based on maximizing shareholder value may not be seen as legitimate and
capable of being the subject of a defensive measure; and in a Revlon context it would certainly
be a breach of fiduciary duty based on existing case law in a non-constituency state (and since
there is a dearth of case law on the subject, arguably in a constituency state as well) to consider
non-shareholder interests if such consideration did not maximize shareholder value.
These legal uncertainties and the need for greater clarity have led to calls for new legal
solutions that address the unique needs of for-profit mission-driven businesses. However, none
of the alternatives to benefit corporations devised to date (namely, hybrid nonprofits, low-profit
limited liability companies (L3Cs) and Flexible Purpose Corporations, each of which is
discussed in Appendix B to this paper) meet the needs of the entrepreneurs, investors, and
consumers described in Section II and all have significant technical and policy issues associated
with their approach that make them relatively ineffective in serving the public interest.
III. Benefit Corporations
To date, Maryland, Vermont, New J ersey, Virginia, Hawaii, California and New York
have changed their corporate law to allow for a new entity called the benefit corporation.
Three other states (Michigan, Pennsylvania and North Carolina) and the District of Columbia,
have introduced benefit corporation legislation.
The following discussion refers to the model
See MD. CODE ANN., CORPS. & ASSNS 5-6C-01 (West 2011) (Maryland Statute); N.J . STAT. ANN. 14A:18-
1 (West 2011) (New J ersey Statute); VT. STAT. ANN. tit. 11A, 21.02 (West 2011) (Vermont Statute); VA.
CODE ANN. 13.1-782 (West 2011) (Virginia Statute); S.B. 1462, 26th Leg., Reg. Sess. (Haw. 2011) (Hawaii
Statute); CAL. CORP. CODE 14600 et. seq., available at 2011 Cal. Legis. Serv. Ch. 728 (A.B. 361) (filed with the
Secretary of State, October 9, 2011; to be codified); S.B. 79-A, 2011-2012 Gen. Assemb., Reg Sess. (N.Y. 2011)
(New York Statute). Marylands legislation was signed into law on April 13, 2010 and became effective on
October 1, 2010. Vermonts legislation was signed into law on May 19, 2010 and will become effective on J uly 1,
2011. New J erseys legislation passed on J anuary 10, 2011 and became effective when it was signed into law on
March 1, 2011. Virginias legislation was signed into law on March 26, 2011 and will become effective on J uly 1,
2011. Hawaiis legislation was signed into law on J uly 8, 2011 and became effective upon signing. Californias
legislation was signed into law on October 9, 2011 and will become effective on J anuary 1, 2012. New Yorks
legislation was passed by the legislature and is currently awaiting signature by the governor.
See S.B. 360, 96th Leg., Reg. Sess. (Mich. 2011); S.B. 26, 2011-2012 Gen. Assemb., Reg. Sess. (N.C. 2011); S.B.
433, 2011-2012 Gen. Assemb., Reg. Sess. (Pa. 2011). Benefit corporation legislation in Colorado S.B. 11-005, 68th
Gen. Assemb., Reg. Sess. (Colo. 2011) has been indefinitely postponed in Colorados Senate Committee on
Business, Labor and Technology, after compromises were made to several major provisions via amendments from
the Business Section of the Colorado State Bar.