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Lance Bennett

Professor of Political Science &
Ruddick C. Lawrence Professor of Communication
University of Washington, Seattle

Department of Political Science
Box 353530
University of Washington
Seattle, WA USA 98195
[email protected]
B.A., Political Science, 1970. University of California, Irvine. Magna Cum Laude.
Master of Philosophy, Political Science, 1973. Yale University.
Ph.D., Political Science, 1974. Yale University. With Distinction. Received the
E.E.Schattschneider Award of the American Political Science Association
for the best dissertation in American politics 1974-1975.

University of California, Irvine. Lecturer in the Social Sciences. January 1973 -
June 1974.

University of Washington:

Assistant Professor of Political Science. September 1974 - August 1976.
Associate Professor of Political Science. September 1976 - August 1982.
Professor of Political Science, September 1982 - .
Department Chair, Political Science, 1993- 1996. Acting Chair, 1997-1998.
Ruddick C. Lawrence Professor of Communication, January 2000 - .
Director, Center for Communication and Civic Engagement, 2000 -

Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government. Lombard Visiting Professor,
Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy, 1999.
Stockholm University, Department of Political Science. Olof Palme Visiting Chair
2010 (returning 2011, 2012)

Bennett, p. 2

The Political Mind and the Political Environment: An Investigation of Public
Opinion and Political Consciousness. Lexington Books - D.C. Heath,

Public Opinion in American Politics. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980.

Reconstructing Reality in the Courtroom: Justice and Judgment in American
Culture (with Martha S. Feldman), Rutgers University Press, USA, 1981;
Methuen-Tavistock, Great Britain, 1981. (Japanese translation published
2007; Re-published Quid Pro Press, forthcoming).

News: The Politics of Illusion. Longman, 1983. (Second Edition, 1988; Third,
1996; Fourth, 2001; Fifth, 2003, Sixth, 2005, Seventh, 2007, Eighth, 2009;
Ninth 2012; Tenth forthcoming). (Chinese translation published 2008)

The Governing Crisis: Media, Money and Marketing in American Elections. New
York: St. Martin's, 1992 (Second Edition, 1996).

Inside the System: Culture, Institutions, and Power in American Politics. Harcourt
Brace, 1994.

Taken By Storm: The Media, Public Opinion, and Foreign Policy in the Gulf War
(co-edited with David Paletz). University of Chicago Press, 1994.

Democracy and the Marketplace of Ideas: Communication and Government in
Sweden and the United States (co-authored with Erik Asard). Cambridge
University Press, 1997.

Mediated Politics: Communication in the Future of Democracy (co-edited with
Robert Entman). Cambridge University Press, 2001. (Chinese Translation
published 2011).

When the Press Fails: Political Power and the News Media from Iraq to Katrina
(co-authored with Regina G. Lawrence and Steven Livingston). University
of Chicago, 2007.

Civic Life Online: Learning How Digital Media Can Engage Youth. (editor) M.I.T.
Press, 2008.

The Logic of Connective Action: Digital Media and the Personalization of
Contentious Politics (with Alexandra Segerberg). Cambridge University
Press, 2013.
Bennett, p. 3
Articles (sole or first author unless noted)

"Political Scenarios and the Nature of Politics," Philosophy & Rhetoric Vol. 8, No.
1 (March 1975), pp. 23-42.

"Political Sanctification: The Civil Religion and American Politics" Social Science
Information Vol. 14, No. 6 (December 1975), pp. 79-102.

"Deep and Surface Images in the Construction of Political Issues, The Case of
Amnesty" (with Harris, Laskey, Levitch, and Monrad), The Quarterly
Journal of Speech Vol. 62, No. 2 (April 1976), pp. 109-126.

"The Growth of Knowledge in Mass Belief Studies: An Epistemological Critique"
American Journal of Political Science Vol. 21, No. 3 (August 1977), pp.

"The Ritualistic and Pragmatic Bases of Political Campaign Discourse" The
Quarterly Journal of Speech Vol. 63, No. 3 (October 1978), pp. 219-238.

"Storytelling in Criminal Trials: A Model of Social Judgment" The Quarterly
Journal of Speech Vol. 64, No. 1 (February 1978), pp. 1-22.

"Imitation, Ambiguity and Drama in the Political Order: The Civil Religion and the
Dilemmas of Public Morality" Journal of Politics Vol. 41, No. 1 (February
1979), pp. 104-133.

"Rhetorical Transformation of Evidence in Criminal Trials: Creating Grounds for
Legal Judgment" The Quarterly Journal of Speech Vol. 65 (October 1979),
pp. 311-323.

"When Politics Becomes Play" Political Behavior Vol. 1 (1979), pp. 331-359.

"The Paradox of Public Discourse: A Framework for the Analysis of Political
Accounts" Journal of Politics Vol. 42 (1980), pp. 792-817.

"Issues, Voter Choice, and Critical Elections" (with William Haltom), Social
Science History Vol. 4 (Fall 1980), pp. 379-417.

"Myth, Ritual, and Political Control" Journal of Communication Vol. 30 (Autumn
1980), pp. 166-179.

"Assessing Presidential character: Degradation Rituals in Political Campaigns"
Quarterly Journal of Speech Vol. 67 (August 1981), pp. 310-321.

"Rethinking Political Perception and Cognition" Micropolitics Vol. 2 (1982), pp.
Bennett, p. 4

"Repairing the News: A Case Study of the News Paradigm" (with Lynne Gressett
and William Haltom), Journal of Communication Vol. 35 (Spring 1985), pp.

"Communication and Social Responsibility" Quarterly Journal of Speech Vol. 71
(August 1985), pp. 259-288.

"Toward a New Political Narrative" (with Murray Edelman), Journal of
Communication (Autumn 1985), pp. 156-171.

"Toward a Theory of Press-State Relations in the U.S." Journal of
Communication, Vol. 40 (Spring 1990), pp. 103-125.

"White Noise: The Perils of Mass Mediated Democracy," Communication
Monographs, Vol 59 (December 1992), pp. 401-406.

"Constructing Publics and Their Opinions," Political Communication. Vol 10
(Summer 1993), pp. 101-118.

"A Policy Research Paradigm for the News Media and Democracy," Journal of
Communication. Vol. 43 (Summer 1993).

"Taking The Public By Storm: Information, Cuing, and the Democratic Process in
the Gulf Conflict," (with Jarol Manheim) Political Communication, Vol 10
(Oct-Dec 1993), pp 331-352.

News Icons and the Mainstreaming of Social Change (with Regina Lawrence)
Journal of Communication Vol. 45 (Summer 1995), pp. 20-39.

For Whom the Gates Open: News Reporting and Government Source Patterns
in the United States, Great Britain, and Russia, (with Mikhail Alexseev)
Political Communication Vol. 12, (1995), pp. 395-412.

The Marketplace of Ideas: The Rhetoric and Politics of Tax Reform in Sweden
and the United States, (with Erik Asard) Polity Vol 28 (Fall, 1995), pp. 1-

Regulating the Marketplace of Ideas: Political Rhetoric in Swedish and American
National Elections, (Erik Asard first author) Political Studies Vol. 43,
(December 1995), pp. 645-663.

Media Agency and the Use of Icons in the Agenda-Setting Process: News
Representations of George Bushs Trade Mission to Japan, (with Megan
Dahl) Press/Politics Vol. 1 (Summer 1996), pp. . 41-59.

Bennett, p. 5
An Introduction to Journalism Norms and Representations of Politics, Political
Communication, Vol. 13 (October-December 1996), pp. 373-384.

"The UnCivic Culture: Communication, Identity, and the Rise of Lifestyle Politics."
Ithiel de Sola Pool Lecture, American Political Science Association,
published in P.S.: Political Science and Politics, Vol. 31 (December
1998), pp. 41-61.

"Communication and Civic Engagement in Comparative Perspective." Political
Communication. Vol. 17 (Oct-Dec 2000), pp. 307-312.

Civic Engagement in the Era of Big Stories. (with Regina Lawrence). Political
Communication. Vol. 17 (Oct-Dec 2000), pp. 377-382.

Rethinking Media Politics and Public Opinion: Reactions to the Clinton-Lewinsky
Scandal (with Regina Lawrence) Political Science Quarterly Vol. 116
(Fall 2001), pp. 425-446.

Communicating Global Activism: Strengths and Vulnerabilities of Networked
Politics, Information, Communication & Society, (June 2003), 6:2,

The Burglar Alarm That Just Keeps Ringing: A Response to Zaller. Political
Communication. (June 2003), 20:3, pp. 131-138.

A Semi-Independent Press: Government Control and Journalistic Autonomy in
the Political Construction of News (With Steven Livingston). Editors
introduction to special issue of Political Communication (Oct-Dec
2003), 20:4, pp. 359-363.

Gatekeeping, Indexing, and Live Event News: Is Technology Altering the
Construction of News? (Steven Livingston first author) Political
Communication (Oct-Dec 2003), 20:4, pp. 363-380.

Global Media and Politics: Transnational Communication Regimes and Civic
Cultures. Annual Review of Political Science. 2004. 7:125-148.

Managing the Public Sphere: Journalistic Construction of the Great Globalization
Debate. (with Pickard, Iozzi, Schroeder, Lagos and Caswell) Journal
of Communication. 2004. 54-3: 437-455.

News as Reality TV: Election Coverage and the Democratization of Truth,
Critical Studies in Media Communication. 2005. 22: 171-177.

Beyond Pseudoevents: Election News as Reality TV, American Behavioral
Scientist. 2005. 49(3): 1-15.

Evitar a palavra tortura: os media norte-americanos e o enquadramento politico
do Abu Ghraib Media & Jornalismo. 2005. 7(4): 7-38 (with Regina
Lawrence and Steven Livingston).

Bennett, p. 6
None Dare call It Torture: Indexing and the Limits of Press Independence in the
Abu Ghraib Scandal (with Regina Lawrence and Steven Livingston).
Journal of Communication. 2006. 56: 467-485

The One-Step Flow of Communication, (with Jarol B. Manheim), The Annals,
No. 608, Nov 2006: 213-232.

Logo Logic: The Ups and Downs of Branded Political Communication, (with
Taso Lagos), The Annals, Vol. 6, No. 1, May, 2007: 193-206.

The Disconnection in Online Politics: The Youth Political Web Sphere in U.S.
Election Sites, 2002-2004 (Mike Xenos first author). Information,
Communication & Society. (2007) 10(4): 443-464.

Relief in Hard Times: A Defense of Jon Stewarts Comedy in an Age of
Cynicism. Critical Studies in Media Communication (2007) 24: 278-283.

Communication and Political Mobilization: Digital Media Use and Protest
Organization among Anti-Iraq War Demonstrators in the U.S. (with
Christian Breunig and Terri Givens). Political Communication (2008) 25:

Power and the News Media: The Press and Democratic Accountability.
Politischen Vierteljahresschrift (Journal of the German Political Science
Association). Special Issue: Politik in der Mediendemokratie. (2008) 42.

A New Era of Minimal Effects? The Changing Foundations of Political
Communication (with Shanto Iyengar). Journal of Communication. (2008)

Young Citizens and Civic Learning: Two Paradigms of Citizenship in the Digital
Age. (with Chris Wells & Allison Rank). Citizenship Studies. (2009) 13:

Civic Engagement: Bridging Differences to Build a Field of Civic Learning. (with
Chris Wells). International Journal of Learning and Media. (2009) 1: 1-10.

The Shifting Foundations of Political Communication: Responding to a defense
of the Media Effects Paradigm. (with Shanto Iyengar). Journal of
Communication. (2010) 60:35-39.

Narratives and Network Organization: A Comparison of Fair Trade Systems in
Two Nations (with Kirsten Foot & Mike Xenos). Journal of
Communication. (2011) 61: 219-245.

Digital Media and the Personalization of Collective Action: Social Technology
and the Organization of Protests against the Global Economic Crisis.
Bennett, p. 7
(with Alexandra Segerberg). Information, Communication & Society (2011)
14: 770-799.

Social Media and the Organization of Collective Action: Using Twitter to Explore
the Ecologies of Two Climate Change Protests (Alexandra Segerberg first
author). The Communication Review. (2011) 14: 197-215.

Communicating Civic Engagement: Contrasting Models of Citizenship in the
Youth Web Sphere. (with Chris Wells and Deen Freelon). Journal of
Communication. (2011) 61: 835-856.

Multiple Engagements and Network Bridging in Contentious Politics: Digital
Media Use of Protest Participants. (Stefaan Walgrave, Lance Bennett,
Jeroen Van Laer, and Christian Breunig). Mobilization. (2011) 16(3): 325-

The Logic of Connective Action: Digital Media and the Personalization of
Contentious Politics. (with Alexandra Segerberg). Information,
Communication & Society. (2012) 15 (5): 739-768.

Facilitating Diverse Political Engagement with the Living Voters Guide. (Deen
G. Freelon, Travis Kriplean, Jonathan Morgan, Lance Bennett, & Alan
Borning) Journal of Information Technology & Politics. (2012) 9(3), 279-

Supporting reflective public thought with considerit. (Travis Kriplean, Jonathan
Morgan, Deen Freelon, Alan Borning & Lance Bennett). In Proceedings of
the ACM 2012 conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
(2012, February, pp. 265-274). ACM.

The Personalization of Politics: Political Identity, Social Media, and Changing
Patterns of Participation. The Annals. (2012). 644 (Nov 2012). 20-38.

The Critical Linkage Between Online and Offline Media: An Approach to
Researching the Conditions of Issue Spill-Over. Barbara Pfetsch, Silke
Adam, & Lance Bennett). Javnost (2013). 20(3) 9-22.

The Logic of Connective Action: Digital Media and the Personalization of Contentious
Politics. (with Alexandra Segerberg). Chinese translation published in
Communication & Society )j;]}|
/),], Vol 26,(2013) 211-246. Accompanying interview with the
editors on News, Politics, Social Movements and Digital Media, 1-33.

Bennett, p. 8
Participation in the Youth Civic Web: Assessing User Activity Levels in Websites
Presenting Two Civic Styles. Journal of Information Technology and Politics.
(2013) 10: 293-309. (Freelon, Wells & Bennett)

Grassroots Organizing in the Digital Age: Considering Values and Technology in Tea
Party and Occupy Wall Street (Agarwal, Barthel, Rost, Borning, Bennett &
Johnson) Information, Communication & Society (2014). DOI:

Organization in the Crowd: Peer Production in Large-Scale Networked Protests.
(Bennett, Segerberg, & Walker). Information, Communication & Society. (2014)
17: 232-260.

Organization in the Crowd: looking Ahead. (Bennett, Segerberg, & Walker).
Information, Communication & Society. (2014) 17: 272-275.

Book Chapters ( * - Indicates reprinted articles or selections from books):

"Public Opinion: Problems of Description and Inference," in S. Welch and J.
Comer, eds., Public Opinion: Its Formation, Measurement, and Impact,
Mayfield, 1975.

"Political Perception and Cognition: An Information Processing Framework for
Politics." In Samuel Long, ed. Handbook of Political Behavior Vol. I, pp.
69-174, Plenum, 1981.

* "Culture, Communication, and Political Control," in Myron Arnoff, ed., Culture
and Political Change (Political Anthropology Yearbook, Vol. II),
Transactions Books, 1983. (reprint of Myth, Ritual, and Political Control
from Journal of Communication).

"Rational Choice: The Emerging Paradigm in Election Studies" (with Bart R.
Salisbury) in Samuel Long, ed. Research in Micropolitics, Vol. 2, JAI
Press, 1987.

* "Repairing the News: A Case Study of the News Paradigm" (with Lynne
Gressett and William Haltom) in Michael Gurevitch and Mark R. Levy,
eds., Mass Communication Review Yearbook, 1987. Vol 6, Sage, 1988.
(reprinted from Journal of Communication).

"Marginalizing the Majority: Conditioning Public Opinion to Accept Managerial
Democracy" in Michael Margolis and Gary Mauser, eds. Manipulating
Public Opinion, Brooks/Cole, 1989.

Bennett, p. 9
"Legal Fictions: Telling Stories and Doing Justice," in Margaret McLaughlin,
Michael Cody and Steven Read, eds., Explaining One's Self to Others:
Reason-Giving in a Social Context, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1992.

"The Postmodern Election," in Richard Merelman, ed., Language, Symbolism,
and Politics. Westview, 1992.

"The Media and the Foreign Policy Process," in David Deese, ed. The New
Politics of American Foreign Policy. St. Martin's Press, 1994.

* A Policy Research Paradigm for the News Media and Democracy, in Mark
Levy and Michael Gurevitch, eds., Defining Media Studies: Reflections on
the Future of the Field. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
(reprinted from Journal of Communication).

"The News About Foreign Policy," in Bennett and Paletz, eds., Taken By Storm:
The Media, Public Opinion, and U. S. Foreign Policy in the Gulf War.
University of Chicago Press, 1994.

"The Cueless Public: Bill Clinton Meets the New American Voter in Campaign
'92," in Stanley Renshon, ed., The Clinton Presidency Westview, 1994.

The Psychology of Mass-Mediated Publics, (with John Klockner) in Ann Crigler,
ed. The Psychology of Political Communication. University of Michigan
Press, 1996.

Cracking the News Code: Some Rules that Journalists Live By, in Shanto
Iyengar and Richard Reeves, eds., Do The Media Govern? Politicians,
Voters, and Reporters in America. Sage, 1997.

* Storytelling in Criminal Trials: A Model of Social Judgment, in Lewis P.
Hinchman and Sandra K. Hinchman, eds., Memory, Identity, Community:
The Idea of Narrative in the Human Sciences. State University of New
York Press, 1997 (reprinted from Quarterly Journal of Speech).

Why Government Innovation Is Not News: The View from the Newsroom, in
Alan A. Altshuler and Robert D. Behn, eds., Innovation in American
Government: Challenges, Opportunities, and Dilemmas. Brookings
Institution Press, 1997.

"The Media and Democratic Development: The Social Basis of Political
Communication." In Patrick H. O'Neil, ed., Communicating Democracy:
The Media and Political Transitions. Lynne Reiner, 1998.

* "Reconstructing Reality in the Courtroom: Justice and Judgment in American
Culture" in Rose and Kiniry, Academic Thinking and Writing. Bedford
Bennett, p. 10
Books, 1998 (reprinted from Reconstructing Reality in the Courtroom
with Martha Feldman).

Media Power in the United States. In James Curran and Myung Jin Park, eds.
De-Westernizing Media Studies. Routledge, 2000.

Mediated Politics: An Introduction (with Robert Entman) in Bennett and
Entman, eds. Mediated Politics. Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Communication in the Future of Democracy: A Conclusion. (Robert Entman first
author). in Bennett and Entman, eds. Mediated Politics. Cambridge
University Press, 2001.

"The Big Spin: Strategic Communication and the Transformation of Pluralist
Democracy." (with Jarol B. Manheim) in Bennett and Entman, eds.
Mediated Politics. Cambridge University Press, 2001.

La Globalizacion, La Desregulacion de los Mercados do los Medios de
Comunicacion y el Futuro de La Informacion Publica, in Jose Vidal
Beneyeto, ed., La Ventana Global: Ciberespacio, Esfere Publica Mundial
Y Universo Mediatico. Madrid, Santillana Ediciones (Spain)-Taurus (South
America). (Globalization, Media Market Deregulation,and the Future of
Public Information in The Global Window: Cyberspace, Global Public
Sphere and the Media), 2002.

New Media Power: The Internet and Global Activism, in Nick Couldry and
James Curran, eds., Contesting Media Power. Rowman and Littlefield,
2003, pp. 17-37..

Lifestyle Politics and Citizen-Consumers: Identity, Communication, and Political
Action in Late Modern Society, in John Corner and Dick Pels, eds., Media
and the Restyling of Politics: Consumerism, Celebrity and Cynicism.
London: Sage, 2003, pp. 137-150.

Branded Political Communication: Lifestyle Politics, Logo Campaigns, and the
Rise of Global Citizenship, in Michele Micheletti, Andreas Follesdal, and
Deitlind Stolle, eds., Politics, Products, and Markets: Exploring Political
Consumerism Past and Present, Transaction Books, 2004, pp. 101-125.

Gatekeeping and Press-Government Relations: A Multi-Gated Model of News
Construction, in Lynda Kaid, ed., The Handbook of Political
Communication, Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004, pp. 283-313.

The Internet and Politics: Emerging Perspectives, (Doris A. Graber, Bruce
Bimber, W. Lance Bennett, Richard Davis and Pippa Norris) in Helen
Bennett, p. 11
Nissenbaum and Monroe E. Price, eds., Academy and the Internet. Peter
Lang, 2004, pp. 90-119.

* Communicating Global Activism, in Win van de Donk, Brian Loader, Paul
Nixon, and Dieter Rucht, eds., Cyberprotest: New Media, Citizens, and
Social Movements, Routledge, 2004, pp. 123-146. (reprinted from
Information, Communication & Society).

Operation Perfect Storm: la presse at la guerre en Irak, in Jean-Marie Charon
and Arnaud Mercier, eds., Armes de communication massive.
Informations de guerre en Irak: 1991-2003. Paris: CNRS Editions, 2004,
pp. 61-73.

The Watchdog Role (with William Serrin) in Geneva Overholser and Kathleen
Hall Jamieson, eds., The Press. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005,
pp.. 169-188.

International News and Advanced Information Technology: Changing the
Institutional Domination Paradigm? in Phil Seib, ed., Media and Conflict in
the Twenty-First Century. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. (second
author with Steven Livingston as first author and Lucas Robinson).

Social Movements Beyond Borders: Organization, Communication, and Political
Capacity in Two Eras of Transnational Activism, in Donatella della Porta
and Sidney Tarrow eds, Transnational Protest and Global Activism.
Boulder CO: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005, pp. 203-226.

The Twilight of Mass Media News: Markets, Citizenship, Technology, and the
Future of Journalism. In Timothy Cook, ed. Freeing the Presses.
Louisiana State University Press, 2005, pp. 111-138.

* Young Voters and the Web of Politics: The Promise and Problems of Youth-
Oriented Political Content on the Web. (Mike Xenos is first author). In
Brian Loader, ed., Young Citizens in the Digital Age: Political
Engagement, Young People, and New Media. London: Routledge, 2007.

*The Watchdog Role of the Press. (with William Serrin). In Doris Graber, ed.,
Media Power in Politics. CQ Press, 2007, pp. 326-336.

Civic Learning in Changing Democracies: Challenges for Citizenship and Civic
Education. In Peter Dahlgren, ed., Young Citizens and New Media:
Learning Democratic Engagement. New York, Routledge, 2007.

Press Freedom and Democratic Accountability in a Time of War, Commercialism
and the Internet (with Regina Lawrence). In Doris grabber, Pippa Norris,
Bennett, p. 12
and Denis McQuail, eds., The Politics of News: The News of Politics. 2

edition. CQ Press, 2008, pp. 247-267.

Changing Citizenship in the Digital Age. In Bennett, ed., Civic Life Online.
Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 2008, pp. 1-24.

Pahittad allmanhet: Hur Amerikanska nyhetsmedier anvander
opinionsmatningar for att dramatisera demokratin (Inventing the public:
How U.S. News organizations use polls to dramatize democracy). In Olof
Petersson, ed., Medierna: Folkets rost? Demokratirads raport 2008.
Stockholm: SNS Forlag, 2008, pp. 79-97.

Engineering Consent: The Persistence of a Problematic Communication
Regime. In Peter Nardulli, ed., Domestic Perspectives on Contemporary
Democracy. University of Illinois Press, 2008, pp. 131-154.

Identity, Technology and Narratives: Transnational Activism and Social
Networks, (with Amoshaun Toft) In Philip Howard and Andrew Chadwick,
eds., The Handbook of Internet Politics. New York: Routledge, 2009, pp.

Social Identity and Representations of Society and Politics in the News, In
Eugene Borgida, John L. Sullivan, and Christopher M. Federico, eds., The
Political Psychology of Democratic Citizenship. Oxford University Press,
2009, pp. 299 -321.

Crossing Political Divides: Communication, Political Identification, and Protest
Organization. (with Terri Givens and Christian Breunig). In Stefaan
Walgrave and Dieter Rucht, eds., The World Says No to War:
Demonstrations Against the War on Iraq. University of Minnesota Press,
2010, pp. 215-238.

The Press, Power, and Public Accountability. In Stuart Allan, ed., The
Routledge Companion to News and Journalism Studies, 2010, 105-115.

Civic Media: The Generational Shift from Mainstream News to Digital Networks.
(with Chris Wells and Deen Freelon). In Lonnie Sherrod, Judith Torney-
Purta and Constance Flanagan (Eds.) The Handbook of Youth
Engagement. Wiley, 2010, 393-424.

* Netwerken tussen activisten, diverse engagementen en de rol van het
internet. (Stefaan Walgrave, Lance Bennett, Jeroen Van Laer & Christian
Breunig). In Stefaan Walgrave, Marc Hooghe, Lance Bennett, Dietlind
Stolle (Eds.) Politieke mobilisatie en nieuwe communicatietechnologie:
een multilevel studie van de digital divide. (2010) Academia Press,
Brussels, 39-66.
Bennett, p. 13

News Polls: Constructing an Engaged Public. In Robert Shapiro and Lawrence
Jacobs (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of American Public Opinion and the
Media. Oxford University Press, 2011, 251-265.

* Digital Media and the Personalization of Collective Action: Social Technology
and the Organization of Protests Against the Global Economic Crisis.
(with Alexandra Segerberg). In Brian D. Loader and Dan Mercea, eds.
Social Media and Democracy: Innovations in Participatory Politics.
Routledge, 2012, 13-38.

Digital Media and Youth Engagement. (with Deen Freelon, Muzammil Hussain,
and Chris Wells). In Holli Semetko and Margaret Scammell, (Eds.) The
Sage Handbook of Political Communication. Sage, 2012, 127-140.

Changing Media, Changing Societies: Challenges for Communication Science
in Stark, B., Quiring, Q. & Jackob, N. (Eds.) (2014). Von der Gutenberg-
Galaxis zur Google-Galaxis. Alte und neue Grenzvermessungen nach 50
Jahren DGPuK. Konstanz: UVK. pp 25-42.

Press-Government Relations in A Changing Media Environment. in Kate Kenski
and Kathleen Hall Jamieson, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Political
Communication. Oxford University Press (forthcoming).

European Publics Online. Citizen engagement in EU vs. National level advocacy
networks (with Sabine Lang and Alexandra Segerberg). In Thomas Risse,
ed. European Public Spheres: Bringing Politics Back In. Cambridge
University Press. (Forthcoming).


Center for Communication and Civic Engagement. Founder and director. Home
of research and project based learning communities joining faculty,
students and citizens in understanding how communication technologies
can improve civic engagement. www.engagedcitizen.org.
Director, Seattle Student Voices a communication and civic education project in
15 Seattle high schools 2001-2002:
Operation Perfect Storm: The Press and the Iraq War a popular essay that was
initially published in the Political Communication Report 13(2) Fall, 2003.
This piece became widely circulated online and appeared in various
publications, including openDemocracy, Chronogram, Mountain Record,
numerous blogs, and the French Iraq War anthology above.
Bennett, p. 14
Media, Politics, and Democracy: Understanding the expanding array of media
that will define civic engagement in the 21
Century. Threshold (Cable in
the Classroom) 2004
Young Voters and the Web of Politics (with Mike Xenos) An evaluation and best
practices report on youth engagement websites and youth appeals in
political campaigns. Commissioned by the Center for Information and
Research on civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) 2004:
Young Voters and the Web of Politics 2004: The Youth Political Web Sphere
Comes of Age (with Mike Xenos) Tracking the development of campaigns
and youth web engagement networks through the 2004 election. CIRCLE
WP 42:
When the Press Fails (with Regina Lawrence and Steve Livingston) Pressthink
Becoming Citizens. A learning community involving UW undergrads helping
community high school students develop the communication skills
necessary to engage in civic life. Parallel seminar on civic learning and
changing styles of citizen identity is coordinated with grad mentors.
Citizen Roundtable. Community lecture series. UW students, faculty and
community experts present on contemporary topics.
Whats the Economy For, Anyway? Student teams designed and created content
for this resource site to help students, teachers, and citizens explore how
different societies organize their economies to serve different social
values. http://depts.washington.edu/ccce/research/citizeneconomy.html
Evolving Public Private Partnerships: A New Model for e-Government and e-
Citizenship (with Philip Howard). 2007.
Civic Learning Online. www.engagedyouth.org. A place for scholars and
practitioners to discuss research and policy aimed at promoting youth
Grounding the European Public Sphere: Looking Beyond the Mass Media to
Digitally Mediated Issue Publics. Working Paper No 43. The Research
Collegium for the Transformative Power of Europe. Free University of
Berlin. 2012. http://www.polsoz.fu-


Bennett, p. 15
Woodrow Wilson Fellow (1970)
E.E. Schattschneider Award, American Political Science Association (1976)
Communication Policy Research Award for Social and Ethical Relevance, Donald
McGannon Communication Research Center, 1994. Co-recipient with
Jarol Manheim for Taking the Public By Storm: Information, Cuing, and
the Democratic Process in the Gulf Conflict.
Ithiel de Sola Pool Career Achievement Award and Lecture, American Political
Science Association, 1998.
Doctor of Philosophy, honoris causa, Uppsala University, 2000.
Murray Edelman Career Achievement Award in Political Communication,
American Political Science Association, 2003.
National Communication Association Lifetime Distinguished Scholar Award for
Career Achievement in the Study of Human Communication, 2007.
University of Washington, James A. Clowes Award for the Development of
Learning Communities, 2008.
Swedish National Research Council. Olof Palme Visiting Chair. Department of
Political Science, Stockholm University (2010-2012).
University of Washington, Distinguished Faculty Lecture Award, 2011-2012.
AEJMC (Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication) Best
Research Article of 2011 Award from the Political Communication Interest
Group: Communicating Civic Engagement (with Deen Freelon and Chris
Wells) Journal of Communication.
International Communication Association. 2013. Outstanding Article Award. The
Logic of Connective Action (with Alexandra Segerberg) Information,
Communication & Society.


NIMH Graduate Training Grant (1971-1973)
Council for European Studies Language Training Grant (1971)
University of Washington Graduate School Royalty Research Fund Research
Grants (1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1983, 2000, 2001)
National Science Foundation Research Grant: "Psychological Effects of Issue
Symbolism" (1981-1984)
Spencer Foundation Research Grant: "The News and Political Learning" (1983-
Kellogg Foundation National Fellow, Class V (1984-1987)
Fulbright Research Fellow, Uppsala University, Sweden (1989)
Fulbright Research Fellow, Uppsala University, Sweden (1990)
Swedish Institute of North American Studies, Uppsala University, continuing
funding (1989- 1995) for "The Marketplace of Ideas in Sweden and the
United States."
University of Washington, Tools for Transformation of Communication Studies
Bennett, p. 16
University of Washington, Royalty Research Fund, and Office of the Provost
funding for the WTO history project (2001-2002)
Pew and Annenberg Policy Center Contract to direct Seattle Student Voices and
Justice Talking, a city-wide high school experience-based, internet-
focused civics program (2001-2002, 2004-2005) ($500,000)
CIRCLE (Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and
Engagement) grant to assess the Youth Web Sphere in the 2002
American National Election (2003-2004)
CIRCLE grant to compare 2002 and 2004 election campaign and youth web
spheres. (2004-2005)
Charlotte Martin Foundation. Funding for Student Voices Civic Education in
Seattle (2005-2006)
Norcliffe Foundation. Funding for Student Voices Civic Education in Seattle
Belgian National Science Policy Foundation. ICTs and Political Activism (2006-
MacArthur Foundation. Civic Learning in Informal Digital Environments (2007-
2008) ($250,000)
Surdna Foundation. Digital Youth Advocacy Tool Development.(2008-2009)
MacArthur Foundation. Civic Learning Online (2009) ($100,000)
National Science Foundation. Socio-Computational Systems. Socio-
Computational Systems to Support Public Engagement and Deliberation
(Co-PI with Alan Borning, Computer Science, University of Washington)
(2010-2013) ($733,000)
Supplemented by NSF grant for undergraduate training in civic technology development 1
year $18,000
Swedish National Research Council Digital Media and Civil Society 5 years
(2011-2015) $700,000 (co-PI Alexandra Segerberg, Stockholm
German National Research Foundation Online issue networks and mass media
crossover 3 year funding (project consultant) PIs: Barbara Pfetsch, Free
University Berlin; Silke Adam, Bern University.
National Science Foundation, INSPIRE (cross directorate) grant to Social Media
Lab, Information School, University of Washington. Tools for big data
social media research. (funded collaboration 2012-2014)


Editorial boards, past Service:

American Journal of Political Science (1976-1982)
Quarterly Journal of Speech (1984-1987)
Western Political Quarterly (1984-1987)
Bennett, p. 17
Communication Monographs (1986-1989)
Journal of Communication (1985-1991)
Ablex Communication and Information Science Series (1986-1991)
Research on Language and Social Interaction (1988-1992)
Political Psychology (1998 - 2005)
Comunicazione Politica (2000-2009)
Communication Theory (2003-2008)
Critical Studies in Media Communication (2005- 2009)
e-government (2006 - 2010)

Currently Active:

Series Editor:
Communication, Society, and Politics
(book series with Cambridge University Press, co-editor with Robert Entman,
1998- ).

Editorial boards:
International Journal of Press/Politics (1995- )
Political Communication (1998- )
Journal of Communication (2005- )

Professional Service:

Foreign Policy Studies Committee, Social Science Research Council (1990-
Chair, Joint Publication Policy Committee, Political Communication Divisions of
The International Communication Association, and The American Political
Science Association (1994- ).
Chair, Political Communication Section, American Political Science Association
Chair, Carey McWilliams Award Committee, American Political Science
Association, (1997).
Board of Directors (founding member), TVW, the Washington State Public Affairs
Network (1994-1999).
Advisory Board, Reliable Resources, PEW and USC Annenberg (2000- ).
Advisory Board, DemocrIT, Swedish National Research Program on Democracy
and Information Technology. Orebro University (2001- 2005).
Advisory Board, Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and
Engagement (CIRCLE). PEW University of Maryland. (2001 - 2007).
Annenberg Policy Foundation. National Commission on the Press (2003 - 2005).
Advisory Board, Shorenstein Center on Press, Politics and Public Policy,
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (2003-2012 ).
MacArthur initiative on digital media and learning, coordinator and volume editor,
civic engagement group, 2006-2007.
Bennett, p. 18

American Political Science Association/ Midwest Political Science Association/
Western Political Science Association/ Western Psychological
Association/ Law and Society Association/ International Studies
Association/ Speech Communication Association/ International
Communication Association/ Association for Education in Journalism and
Mass Communication/ American Ethnological Society/ International
Society for the Study of Political Psychology/ International Association of
Political Consultants/ E-Voter Institute/ European Consortium for Political
Research/Association of Internet Researchers.


University of Wisconsin, Madison, Visiting Professor of Political Science, Fall
Consultant to Seattle-King County and Tacoma-Pierce County Bar Associations
in evaluations of Superior and Municipal Court Judges, 1982-1988.
Master's Workshop on Political Communication, International Communication
Association, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 28, 1985.
Fieldwork in Asia (China, Hong Kong, Japan, Philippines, Taiwan, South Korea),
Latin America (Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua,
Costa Rica, Peru) and Europe (Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Yugoslavia)
studying leadership and national conflict. Sponsored by the Kellogg
National Fellowship Program, 1985-1987.
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications, guest
speaker, "The Media and Elections," Portland, Oregon, July 3, 1988.
Fulbright Research Fellow, Swedish Institute of North American Studies, Uppsala
University, Fall Semester, 1989.
Uppsala University, colloquium, "How the U.S. Media Represent Government
Opposition," Department of Political Science, September 18, 1989.
Swedish National Conference of Language Teachers, lecture, "The Media and
U.S. Elections," October 2, 1989.
Swedish Collegium of Advanced Study in the Social Sciences (SCASS),
colloquium, "Where Have All the Issues Gone?: Explaining the Poverty of
Rhetoric in American Elections," October 26, 1989.
Fulbright Research Fellow, Swedish Institute of North American Studies, Uppsala
University, August-September, 1990.
Danish Commission on National Security and Disarmament, lecture, "U.S.
Domestic Politics in the 1990s," Copenhagen University, September 19,
Conference on American Studies in Sweden, lecture, "Challenges in the 1990s:
U.S. Domestic Politics," Visby, Gotland, September 27, 1990.
Report on "The Marketplace of Ideas in Sweden and the United States," (co-
authored with Erik Asard) delivered to the board of overseers, The
Bennett, p. 19
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary
Foundation), Uppsala, November 9, 1990.
Social Science Research Council workshop on "The Media and Foreign Policy,"
New York, November 30-December 1, 1990. Chair and organizer.
Northwestern University, Distinguished Political Communication Lecture, The
Psychology of Mass Mediated Publics," April 1991.
Research Fellow, Swedish Institute of North American Studies, Uppsala
University, July-August, 1991.
Seminar for the Swedish national press, "Language, Media and Politics in
American Elections," held during "party week," the opening of the national
election campaign, Sundsvall, August 12, 1991.
Ford Foundation commissioned paper, "Why Government Innovation Isn't News,"
Ford Foundation conference on "Public Innovation and the Media:
Stimulus or Barrier?," University of Washington, September 13-14, 1991.
Social Science Research Council workshop on "The Media and Foreign Policy,
II", Seattle, September 26-29, 1991. Chair and organizer.
Russian - American Democratic Institutions Project, Conference in St.
Petersburg, Russia, May 17-21. 1992. Delivered report on press systems
in democracies.
Social Science Research Council, workshop on "The Media and Foreign Policy,
III", George Washington University, December 10-12, 1992. Chair and
Special issue of Political Communication, The Media and the Gulf War (co-
editor with Jarol Manheim), 1993.
Robert R. McCormick Tribune- George Washington University conference on
The Media, The Military, and Humanitarian Crises. May 1995.
Northwestern University, Distinguished Political Communication Lecture,
Democracy and the Marketplace of Ideas: The Rise and Fall of the New
Deal, 1995.
Special issue of Political Communication, Journalism Norms and
Representations of Politics (co-editor with Timothy Cook), Oct. Dec.
Minnesota Symposium on Political Psychology, paper, Media, Technology, and
Political Identity Minneapolis, October 4-5, 1997.
Workshop and conference series on Mediated Politics: Communication in the
Future of Democracy. Co-organizer (with Robert Entman). Funded and
hosted by the Annenberg Public Policy Center. (May, Washington DC, and
October, Philadelphia, 1998).
Arizona State University Symposium on The Media and Social Problems, lecture,
"Tabloid Journalism and Civic Decline," March 27, 1998.
Ithiel de Sola Pool Lecture, "The UnCivic Culture: Communication, Identity, and
the Rise of Lifestyle Politics." American Political Science Association,
Boston, 1998.
Holly Brontz Lecturer and University Honors Symposium guest Speaker, George
Washington University, 2000.
Bennett, p. 20
International Workshop on Communicating Civic Engagement in Europe and the
United States. Chair and organizer. Sponsored by Jackson School for
International Studies and Center for Communication and Civic
Engagement, University of Washington, May, 2000.
Salzburg Seminar, seminar leader, Political Leadership and Media Democracy
Schloss Leopoldskorn, Salzburg Austria, October 2000.
European Union-UNESCO symposium on Mass Media, Cyberspace, and Global
Politics, paper, Media Market Deregulation and Public Information,
Santiago Spain, November 2000.
Special issue of Political Communication, Symposium on Commmunication and
Civic Engagement, Editor (Oct-Dec 2000)
Stockholm International Seminar on Political Consumerism, paper,
Consumerism and Global Citizenship: Lifestyle Politics, Permanent
Campaigns, and International Regimes of Democratic Accountability
Stockholm, June 2001.
McHugh Faculty Lecture, The Dawn of Global Citizenship Colorado College,
October 2001.
International Association of Political Consultants, plenary address, Political
Communication in Changing Societies, Malta, November 10, 2001.
Free University of Berlin, Ernst Fraenkel Lecture, Civic Engagement Crisis?
Social Change and the Rise of Global Activism, John F. Kennedy
Institute, November 21, 2001.
European Union Working Group on New Media and Social Movements,
consultant, (2002-2003). Paper presented Communicating Global
Brazilian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Plenary Address,
Globalization, Democratic Change, and New Patterns of Political
Communication, Rio de Janiero, July 30, 2002.
Breaux Symposium, Louisiana State University. Paper on The Twilight of Mass
Media News: Market Deregulation, Digital Convergence, and the Future of
Public Information symposium on Freeing the Presses, Baton Rouge,
March 13-15, 2003.
Politics Online Conference, plenary speaker, Social Change and the New
Politics: Elusive Voters, Techno Leaders and the Rise of Online Activism,
George Washington University, March, 2003
International workshop on Transnational Process and Social Movements, paper
on Communicating Global Activism: Strengths and Vulnerabilities of
Networked Politics, Villa Serbelloni, Bellagio, Italy, July 22-26, 2003.
Federal Center for Civic Education, Germany, and Center for Civic Education,
USA, conference on Commonalities and Differences in the Transatlantic
Relationship: Current Tensions as A Topic for Political Education. Paper
presented: Media Ownership and Civic Education: Commercial Images of
Society and the World, Hamburg, October 5-10, 2003.
Special issue of Political Communication, Framing, (co-edited with Steven
Livingston), Oct.-Dec. 2003.
Bennett, p. 21
Center for Civic Education, Scholars Conference, Manhattan Beach CA.
Keynote Address: Changing Citizen Roles, New Learning Preferences,
and Challenges for Civic Education. February 24, 2004.
Annenberg National Commission on the Press. Commission member responsible
(with William Serrin) for conference presentation on The Role of
Watchdog Journalism. Rancho Mirage, CA. February 5-8, 2004
Conference on Young Citizens and New Media. Lund University, September 24-
25, 2004. Paper on Civic Learning in Changing Democracies.
Conference on Democracy in the Twenty-First Century: Prospects and Problems.
University of Illinois, Champaign, October 24-26, 2004. Paper: Political
Communication and Democratic Governance: From Mass Society to
Personal Information Networks.
McClatchey Symposium, Stanford University, May 9, 2005. The Media After
University of Lisbon, Instituto Superiore de Ciencias do Trabajos e de Empresa,
lecture: The U.S. Media and Iraq June 30, 2005.
Conference on the 50
Anniversary of Personal Influence, Columbia University,
October 21, 2005. Presentation; The One Step Flow of Communication.
(w/ Jarol Manheim)
Annenberg Lecture, USC, January 23, 2006. The Battle for Public Information in
the U.S. from Iraq to Hurricane Katrina.
Santa Barbara Forum on Digital Transitions, advisory committee and presenter,
April 9-10, 2006.
MacArthur initiative on digital media and learning, coordinator and volume editor,
civic engagement group, 2006-2007.
Karlstad University (Sweden) Seminar on Studying Political Action. October 12-
14 2006. Digital media and Protest Mobilization
Linkoping University (Sweden) Seminar on International Governance. October
10, 2006. When the Press Fails: Political Power and the American news
Media from Iraq to Katrina
OECD/INDIRE (Italian National Institute of Education Research) Conference on
New Millenium Learners. Conference, Florence, Mar 5-6, 2007. Keynote:
Changing Citizenship and Civic Engagement in Digital Environments.
University of Surrey (UK). Conference on Young People, New technologies, and
Political Engagement. July 24-25, 2007. Keynote speaker: Digital Media
and Civic Learning..
University of Florence. Conference on Changing Politics through Digital
Networks. October 5-7. 2007. Keynote Speaker: Digital Activism.
Leeds University. Jay Blumler Lecture. When the Press Fails. December 7,
Northwestern University. Media, Technology & Society Lecture. Fair Trade
Activism Networks in the U.S. and U.K., March 6, 2008.
University of Colorado. Ralph Crossmann Memorial Lecture. When the Press
Fails. March 18, 2008.
M.I.T. Forum on Civic Engagement and Digital Media. Keynote speaker: Digital
Media and Civic Learning. April 24, 2008.
Bennett, p. 22
University of California, Santa Barbara. Steven H. Chaffee Lecture. When the
Press Fails. May 2, 2008.
Berkman Center, Harvard, Conference on Internet and Democracy, Budapest.
Digital Media and Youth Engagement. June 24-27, 2008.
SNS Sweden, National Party Week, Gotland. Polling and the News Media. How
News Organizations Dramatize Public Opinion in the U.S. July 9-10,
University of Zurich Swissnex San Francisco. September 4-6, 2008. Keynote
speaker: Media Structures and Democracy.
Hertie School of Governance, Berlin. The Decline and Rise of Public Spaces
Conference. A Digital Networked Public Sphere? October 9-11, 2008.
Internet Hungary Conference, Tihany. Keynote: Digital Media and Youth
Engagement. October 12-14, 2008.
Media and the 2008 Election conference. University of California, Santa Barbara.
Political Comedy and the 2008 Election. March 5-6, 2009.
Talk Show Democracy conference. Institute for the Humanities, University of
Michigan. Speaking Truthiness to Power. March 27, 2009.
Biennale Democrazia. Featured speaker. The Media Spectacle: How Television
News Hurts Democracy. Turin Italy, April 23-25, 2009.
Bonnier Lecture and Bonnier Visiting Professor, Institutionen fr journalistik,
medier och kommunikation (JMK), Stockholms universitet. October 27 -
November 6, 2009.
Senior Fellow, Freie Universitt Berlin, Research Group on The Transformative
Power of Europe. Fall 2009.
Networking Democracy: New Media Innovations in Participatory Politics.
Conference Keynote. Babes Bolyai University, Cluj Romania. June 2010.
Olof Palme Chair, Inaugural Lecture, Stockholm University. Political Life in Late
Modern Society: Communication, Citizenship and Participation in a Time
of Institutional Decline. October 29, 2010.
Antwerp University, Politieke en Sociale Wetenschappen (PSW) Lecture. The
Democratization of Truth: Communication, Citizenship and Participation in
a Time of Institutional Decline. May 9, 2011.
Freie Universitt Berlin. Kennedy Institute Graduate School of North American
Studies. Visiting Professor. Spring 2011. (University Lecture May 24,
University of Washington Faculty Lecture, November 30, 2011. The
Democratization of Truth: Communication and the Crisis of Contemporary
International Communication Association, 2012, Virtual Keynote Address The
Logic of Connective Action
Annenberg Networks Conference USC, Keynote Address The Logic of
Connective Action April 27, 2012.
Bennett, p. 23
Oxford Internet Institute conference Big Data, Big Challenges? Plenary Panel
"Big Data: Potential and Perils for Public Policy" Oxford University 20
September 2012.
Tsinghua University, Beijing. Conference on the Future of Global Communication
and Journalism Education. Keynote speech, "Changing Media, Changing
Societies: New Challenges for Journalism Education." December 15,
Tsinghua University, Beijing. Public Lecture The Logic of Connective Action:
How Digital Media Are Changing Public Life. December 18, 2012.
Westminster University London. Journalism 2013 Conference. Keynote: Digital
Media and the Organization of Contemporary Protest. June 13, 2013.
University of Texas, Strauss Institute, Texas Conference on Civic Life. Keynote:
Changing Citizenship and Participation in the Digital Age. November 9,
University of Missouri, St. Louis. Center for Ethics in Public Life. Conference on
the Ethics of Politics and the Press. Keynote: New Media and Politics.
November 14, 2013.

Revised February -2014

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