Corporation Bank is a major public sector bank in India with over 2000 service outlets across the nation. It was established in 1906 and nationalized in 1980. The bank has many firsts and innovations to its credit, including cash management services, online educational loan approvals, and pioneering low-cost branchless banking models. It aims to become a provider of world-class financial services while meeting customer expectations and enhancing shareholder wealth through sustainable profitable growth. The bank has received several awards and high ratings that reflect its sound capital position, asset quality, and profitability.
Corporation Bank is a major public sector bank in India with over 2000 service outlets across the nation. It was established in 1906 and nationalized in 1980. The bank has many firsts and innovations to its credit, including cash management services, online educational loan approvals, and pioneering low-cost branchless banking models. It aims to become a provider of world-class financial services while meeting customer expectations and enhancing shareholder wealth through sustainable profitable growth. The bank has received several awards and high ratings that reflect its sound capital position, asset quality, and profitability.
Corporation Bank is a major public sector bank in India with over 2000 service outlets across the nation. It was established in 1906 and nationalized in 1980. The bank has many firsts and innovations to its credit, including cash management services, online educational loan approvals, and pioneering low-cost branchless banking models. It aims to become a provider of world-class financial services while meeting customer expectations and enhancing shareholder wealth through sustainable profitable growth. The bank has received several awards and high ratings that reflect its sound capital position, asset quality, and profitability.
Corporation Bank is a major public sector bank in India with over 2000 service outlets across the nation. It was established in 1906 and nationalized in 1980. The bank has many firsts and innovations to its credit, including cash management services, online educational loan approvals, and pioneering low-cost branchless banking models. It aims to become a provider of world-class financial services while meeting customer expectations and enhancing shareholder wealth through sustainable profitable growth. The bank has received several awards and high ratings that reflect its sound capital position, asset quality, and profitability.
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Scheduled Banks in India (A) Scheduled Commecial Banks !u"lic sec#o Banks !i$a#e sec#o Banks %oei&n Banks in India Re&ional Rual Bank (28) (27) (29) (102) Nationalized Bank Other Public Sector Banks (IBI) SBI and its !ssociates Old Pri"ate Banks Ne' !i$a#e Banks
(B) Scheduled Coo(ea#i$e Banks Scheduled U"an Coo(ea#i$e Banks ())) Scheduled S#a#e Coo(ea#i$e Banks (*1) #ere $e %ore concerned about &ri"ate sector banks and co%&etition a%on' the%( )oda*+ there are 27 &ri"ate sector banks in the bankin'
Sector, 19 old &ri"ate sector t*-7*7banks and 8 ne$ &ri"ate sector banks( )hese ne$ banks ha"e brou'ht in state.o/ technolo'* and !''ressi"el* %arketed their &roducts( )he Public sector banks are 0acin' a sti// co%&etition /ro% the ne$ &ri"ate sector banks( )he banks $hich ha"e been setu& in the 1990s under the 'uidelines o/ the Narasi%ha% 1o%%ittee are re/erred to as N23 P4I5!)2 S21)O4 B!N6S( 1.+ INDIAN BANKING INDUSTRIES )he Indian bankin' %arket is 'ro$in' at an astonishin' rate+ $ith !ssets e7&ected to reach 8S91 trillion b* 2010( !n e7&andin' econo%*+ %iddle class+ and technolo'ical inno"ations are all contributin' to this 'ro$th( )he countr*:s %iddle class accounts /or o"er ;20 %illion &eo&le( In correlation $ith the 'ro$th o/ the econo%*+ risin' inco%e le"els+ increased standard o/ li"in'+ and a//ordabilit* o/ bankin' &roducts are &ro%isin' /actors /or continued e7&ansion( N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 2 )he Indian bankin' Industr* is in the %iddle o/ an I) re"olution+ 0ocusin' on the e7&ansion o/ retail and rural bankin'( Pla*ers are beco%in' increasin'l* custo%er . centric in their a&&roach+ $hich has resulted in inno"ati"e %ethods o/ o//erin' ne$ bankin' &roducts and ser"ices( Banks are no$ realizin' the i%&ortance o/ bein' a bi' &la*er and are be'innin' to /ocus their attention on %er'ers and ac>uisitions to take ad"anta'e o/ econo%ies o/ scale and?or co%&l* $ith Basel II re'ulation(@Indian bankin' industr* assets are e7&ected to reach 8S91 trillion b* 2010 and are &oised to recei"e a 'reater in/usion o/ /orei'n ca&ital+A sa*s Prathi%a 4aBan+ anal*st in 1lint:s bankin' 'rou& and author o/ the re&ort( @)he bankin' industr* should /ocus on ha"in' a s%all nu%ber o/ lar'e &la*ers that can co%&ete 'loball* rather than ha"in' lar'e nu%ber o/ /ra'%ented &la*ers(C N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi ; 1.* C,-!AN. /IST,R. T/E 0,URNE. Started about 102 *ears a'o in 190-+ $ith an initial ca&ital o/ Bust 4s(D000+ 1or&oration Bank has alread* sur&assed the land %ark o/ 4s( One Eakh 1rore in business+ $ith o"er 2000 ser"ice outlets across the nation+ ser"ed b* co%%itted and dedicated 12+000 &lus 1or& bankers( Proo/ o/ $hich is seen in its en"iable track record in /inancial &er/or%ance( 3e ha"e %an* reasons to cheerF &redo%inant o/ the% is+ bein' able to &artici&ate in nation buildin' b* e%&o$erin' the rural and urban &o&ulation alike( )oda*+ $e are &roud that $e are si'ni/icant contributors to the 'ro$th o/ the countr*Gs econo%*( Nationalized in 1980+ 1or&oration Bank $as the /orerunner $hen it ca%e to e"ol"in' and ada&tin' to the /inancial sector re/or%s( In 1997+ it beca%e the Second Public Sector Bank in the countr* to enter ca&ital %arket+ the IPO o/ $hich $as o"er. subscribed b* 1; ti%es( the Bank has %an* C /irsts C to its credit . 1ash =ana'e%ent Ser"ices+ Hold Bankin'+ %.1o%%erce+ C Online C a&&ro"als /or 2ducational loans+ 100I 1BS 1o%&liance and %ore recentl*+ its &ioneerin' e//orts to take the technolo'* to the rural %asses in re%otest "illa'es throu'h lo$. cost branchless bankin' . Business 1orres&ondent %odel( !ll o/ $hich s*%bolize BankGs uns$er"ed co%%it%ent to its custo%ers to &ro"ide con"enience bankin'( !t 1or&oration Bank+ $hat %oti"ates us is the &assion to e7cel in bankin' b* %aintainin' hi'hest standards o/ ser"ice to our custo%ers+ backed b* inno"ati"e &roducts and ser"ices $hich %ake us one o/ the leadin' Public Sector Banks in the countr*+ caterin' to a $ide ran'e o/ custo%ers . /ro% indi"iduals to cor&orate clients(
N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi J 1.1 B,ARD ,% DIRECT,RS Boad o2 Diec#os Shri K( =( Har' 1hair%an < =ana'in' irector Shri !sit Pal 27ecuti"e irector Shri =ukul Sin'hal+ I(!(S( No%inee irector re&rersentin' 1entral Ho"t( Shri =( !( Srini"asan No%inee irector re&resentin' 4(B(I( Shri 1h( #anu%antha 4ao 3ork%en 2%&lo*ee irector Shri )( 4a%achandra Bhat O//icer 2%&lo*ee iector Shri S( 4a"i 1hartered !ccountant irector Shri Satish Hoel Part.ti%e non.o//icial irector Shri Su"arna San*al Part.ti%e Non.o//icial irector Shri 5enkatrao L( Hhor&ade Part.ti%e non.o//icial irector Shri #iren =ehta Shareholder irector Shri )ho%as =athe$ )( Shareholder irector Shri !Ba* Har' Shareholder irector Geneal -ana&es Shri !( =ohan 4ao Heneral =ana'er Shri =( 4( Na*ak Heneral =ana'er Shri 6( P( 4ao Heneral =ana'er Shri )( =( Eaksh%ikanthan Heneral =ana'er Shri 8( Balakrishna Bhat Heneral =ana'er Shri B( 4( Bhat Heneral =ana'er Shri 6( 4a%a =urth* Heneral =ana'er Shri #( =( !( 6han Heneral =ana'er Shri N( 4( Shet Heneral =ana'er Shri P( 4( Na*ak Heneral =ana'er Shri 1( 5( 4( 4aBendran Heneral =ana'er Shri B( N( Sathish Heneral =ana'er Shri 1( H( Pinto Heneral =ana'er Shri #( S( Saini Heneral =ana'er Shri =( P( 6unBu Heneral =ana'er 1.) C,R!,RATE -ISSI,N )o beco%e a &ro"ider o/ 3orld . 1lass 0inancial Ser"ices )o %eet 1usto%er e7&ectations throu'h Inno"ation and )echnolo'ical Initiati"es N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi D )o e%er'e as a 4ole =odel $ith distinct culture identit*+ ethical "alues and Hood 1or&orate Ho"ernance )o enhance ShareholderGs 3ealth b* sustained+ &ro/itable and /inanciall* sound 'ro$th $ith &rudent risk %ana'e%ent s*ste%s )o /ul/ill national and social obli'ations as a res&onsible cor&orate citizen )o create an en"iron%ent+ intellectuall* satis/*in' and &ro/essionall* re$ardin' to the e%&lo*ees 1.3 RATING ,% C,R!,RATI,N BANK 14ISIE has re.a//ir%ed the /ollo$in' &ro'ra%%es o/ 1or&oration Bank, 4s(2 billion Bond issue !!! 1erti/icate o/ e&osits Pro'ra%%e P1M 0i7ed e&osit Pro'ra%%e 0!!! 0i7ed 4atin's re/lect 1or&oration Bank:s sound ca&ital &osition+ su&erior asset >ualit* and health* track record o/ &ro/itabilit* and su&erior %ana'e%ent b* the stron' li>uidit* &osition o/ the Bank and its status as a Ho"ern%ent o$ned institution( N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi - 1.4 A5ARDS 5,N " National !$ard /or !ssistance to 27&orters /ro% the President o/ India (197-.77) " He% < Ke$eller* 27&ort Pro%otion 1ouncil !$ard successi"el* /or D *ears /ro% 1981 to 198D " Shiro%ani !$ard 1992 /or Bankin' /ro% 8nion =inister /or 1o%%erce " Best Bank !$ard /or 27cellence in Bankin' )echnolo'* /ro% Institute /or e"elo&%ent and 4esearch in Bankin' )echnolo'* (I4B))+ #*derabad (2001) " Best Bank !$ard /or Inno"ati"e 8sa'e and !&&lication on IN0IN2) (Indian 0inancial Net$ork) /ro% Institute /or e"elo&%ent and 4esearch in Bankin' )echnolo'* (I4B))+ #*derabad (2002) " Best Bank !$ard /or eli"er* 1hannels /ro% Institute /or e"elo&%ent and 4esearch in Bankin' )echnolo'* (I4B))+ #*derabad (200;) " 4unner.u& !$ards in the @Best Online and Bankin' )ea%A and @Outstandin' achie"er o/ the *ear.cor&orateA cate'ories in reco'nition o/ outstandin' achie"e%ent in Bankin' )echnolo'* /or 200J+ instituted under the ae'is o/ Indian Banks !ssociation and )rade 0airs < 1on/erences International( -A0,R REC,GNITI,NS One o/ the Best 200 co%&anies $orldo"er outside the 8S ha"in' a turno"er under a billion 8S9 . 0orbes Hlobal+ #on'kon'+ issue dated 27th October+ 200; India:s Best Public Sector Bank . Business )oda* . 6P=H Sur"e* dated 7th ece%ber+ 200; India:s Stron'est and !sia:s Second Stron'est . )he !sian Banker+ Sin'a&ore dated 1Dth ece%ber+ 200; N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 7 India:s Best Public Sector Bank . Outlook =one* + 1Dth =arch+ 200J One a%on' the Best 200?100 co%&anies in !sia?Paci/ic and 2uro&e ha"in' turno"er under a billion 8S 9 .0orbes Hlobal+ #on'kon' dated 1st No"e%ber+ 200J One a%on' India:s Best Public Sector Banks . Business )oda*+ 2-th 0ebruar*+ 200- 1.6 %I7ED DE!,SIT )he hi'h returns de&osit . it is the hi'h return ter% de&osit sche%e and interest can be &aid at re'ular inter"als "iz( %onthl*+ >uarterl*+ hal/ *earl* or *earl*( )he de&osit can be %ade /or &eriods ran'in' /ro% 1D da*s to 10 *ears( )he rate o/ interest de&ends on the &eriod o/ de&osit( It is an ideal de&osit sche%e /or those $ho can &lan /or re'ular inco%e( %I7ED DE!,SIT RATE Dua#ion 8ess #han Rs.1) 8akh Rs.1) 8akh u(#o Rs.1 Coe 7 da*s to 1J da*s N N 1D da*s to 29 da*s D(00 D(2D ;0 da*s to JD da*s -(00 -(00 J- a*s to -0 a*s -(2D -(D0 N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 8 -1 a*s to 90 a*s -(D0 -(7D 91 da*s to less than - %onths 7(D0 7(7D - %onths to less than 11 %onths 9(00 9(2D ;;0 da*s onl* 10(00O N 11 =onths to less than 12 =onths 10(0D 10(0D 12 =onths to 1D =onths 10(D0 10(D0 !bo"e 1D %onths to less than 2 Lears 10(0D 10(0D 2 Lears to less than ; Lears 9(7D 9(7D ; Lears to Eess than D Lears 9(D0 9(D0 D Lears and abo"e 9(2D 9(2D OO !s &er the Ne' Co(Gain !emium de(osi# Sche%e+ %ini%u% a%ount o/ e&osit /or **9 da:s is 4s(2D+000?. to less than 4s(1D Eakh( )hese rates are Per !nnu% and are a&&licable to /resh and rene$al o/ %aturin' de&osits on or a/ter the e//ecti"e date( Penal rate o/ interest at 1I /or all the do%estic ter% de&osits irres&ecti"e o/ the a%ount o/ de&osit /or &re%ature closure o/ the de&osits( )his is e//ecti"e /or the de&osits created or rene$ed $ith e//ecti"e date o/ 08.07.2008 !i$a#e Sec#o Banks %i;ed De(osi# Ra#es in !i$a#e Sec#o Banks Name o2 #he Bank 1D. 29 da*s ;0. JD a*s J-. -0 a*s -1. 90 a*s 91. 120 a*s 120. 179 a*s 180. 270 a*s 271. ;-J a*s 1 .2 Lears 2 . ; Lears ; . D Lears 8& to D Lears 3ith e//ecti"e /ro% Bank o/ =adura D(D0 -(D0 -(D0 7(D0 8(D0 8(D0 9(D0 9(D0 10(00 10(D0 11(00 11(00 1-.8.99 1enturion Bank -(D0 8(00 8(2D 8(D0 9(2D 9(2D 10(2D 10(2D 10(D0 11(2D 11(2D 11(2D 2J.-.99 N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 9 1it* 8nion Bank D(00 -(00 7(00 8(00 9(00 9(00 10(00 10(00 10(D0 10(D0 10(00 10(00 1.-.99 Hlobal )rust India -(D0 8(00 8(00 8(00 9(2D 9(2D 10(00 10(00 . . 11(2D 11(D0 18.8.99 #((0(1 Bank D(00 8(00 8(00 8(00 9(00 9(00 10(00 10(00 10(00 10(00 10(00 . 10.J.99 I(1(I(1(I Bank D(00 -(00 7(00 7(00 8(00 8(00 10(00 10(00 10(D0 10(D0 10(D0 10(D0 1.8.99 I((B(I( D(00 8(00 8(00 8(00 9(00 9(00 9(D0 9(D0 . . 10(D0 . 21.8.99 IndusInd Bank D(D0 8(00 8(00 8(00 9(00 9(00 10(00 10(00 . 11(2D 11(2D 11(2D 2.8.99 Eord 6rishna Bank D(D0 D(D0 8(00 8(00 8(00 8(00 9(D0 9(D0 11(2D 11(2D 11(2D 11(2D 1.D.99 )a%ilnadu =ercantile Bank -(00 -(00 7(D0 7(D0 9(D0 9(D0 10(D0 10(D0 11(00 11(00 11(D0 11(D0 7.D.99 1atholic S*rian Bank -(00 -(00 8(00 8(00 8(D0 8(D0 9(00 9(00 10(00 10(D0 11(00 11(00 19.J.99 hana laksh%i Bank 7(00 7(00 8(00 8(00 9(00 9(00 9(D0 9(D0 10(D0 11(00 11(D0 11(D0 1.9.99 0ederal Bank D(00 D(00 7(00 7(00 7(D0 7(D0 8(00 8(00 9(D0 10(00 10(7D 10(7D 1.9.99 K(< 6( Bank D(D0 D(D0 7(00 7(00 9(2D 9(2D 10(00 10(00 10(2D 10(D0 11(00 11(00 1D.12.99 South Indian Bank D(00 D(00 7(00 7(00 7(D0 7(D0 8(D0 8(D0 9(D0 10(2D 10(7D 10(7D 1D.9.99 Nedun'adi Bank -(00 -(00 8(00 8(00 9(00 9(00 10(00 10(00 10(D0 11(D0 11(D0 11(D0 1.J.99 5*s*a Bank D(7D D(7D 7(2D 7(2D 8(2D 8(D0 9(00 9(00 10(D0 10(7D 11(00 11(00 2.8.99 )i%es Bank -(00 8(00 8(00 8(00 9(00 9(00 10(00 10(00 10(D 10(D 10(D . 1-.8.99 8()(I( Bank D(D0 8(00 8(00 8(00 9(00 9(00 . . . . 11(D 11(D 1.D.99 1.< C,-!ARIS,N ,% %I7ED DE!,SIT RATES !u"lic sec#o "anks %i;ed De(osi# Ra#es in !u"lic Sec#o Banks Bank Name 1D. 29 a*s ;0. JD a*s J-. -0 a*s -1. 90 a*s 91. 120 a*s 120. 179 a*s 180. 270 a*s 271. ;-J a*s 1.2 Lears 2.; Lears ;.D Lears 8& to D Lears 3ith e//ect /ro% !llahabad Bank D(00 D(D0 -(D0 -(D0 7(00 7(00 8(00 8(00 9(D0 10(00 10(D0 11(00 1.J.99 N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 10 !ndhra Bank D(D0 D(D0 7(00 7(00 8(00 8(00 9(D0 9(D0 10(00 10(D0 11(00 11(00 1.J.99 Bank o/ Baroda D(00 D(00 -(00 -(00 -(00 -(00 7(00 7(00 8(00 9(D1 10(D0 10(D0 D.J.99 Bank o/ India D(00 D(00 D(D0 -(D0 -(D0 -(D0 7(00 7(00 8(00 9(D0 10(00 10(00 21.7. 99 1anara Bank D(00 D(00 -(00 -(00 -(D0 -(D0 7(D0 7(D0 9(00 9(D0 10(00 10(00 1-.8. 99 1entral Bank D(00 -(00 -(D0 -(D0 7(00 7(00 8(D0 8(D0 9(D0 9(D0 10(D0 10(D0 12.;. 99 ena Bank -(00 -(00 -(2D -(2D -(7D -(7D 7(7D 7(7D 9(00 10(00 10(D0 10(D0 9.8.99 Indian Bank D(00 D(00 7(00 7(00 8(00 8(00 8(D0 8(D0 10(00 10(D0 11(00 11(00 17.D. 99 Indian O"erseas Bank D(00 D(00 -(00 -(00 7(D0 7(D0 8(00 8(00 9(D0 10(00 10(D0 10(D0 1.J.99 Oriental Bank D(00 D(00 -(D0 -(D0 7(00 7(00 8(00 8(00 9(D0 10(00 10(D 10(D 1.J.99 PunBab < Sind Bank -(00 -(00 -(D0 -(D0 7(00 7(00 8(00 8(00 9(D0 10(00 10(D 10(D 18.D. 99 State Bank o/ #*derabad D(00 D(00 -(D0 -(D0 7(00 7(00 8(00 8(00 9(D0 9(D0 10(D0 10(D0 1D.;. 99 State Bank o/ India D(00 D(00 D(D0 D(D0 D(D0 D(D0 7(00 7(00 9(00 9(D0 10(D0 10(D0 1D.;. 99 State Bank o/ =*sore D(00 D(00 D(D0 D(D0 D(D0 D(D0 7(00 7(00 9(00 9(D0 10(D0 10(D0 D.;.99 S(B() D(00 -(00 -(D0 7(00 8(00 8(00 8(00 8(00 9(00 10(00 10(D0 10(D0 . S*ndicate Bank D(00 D(D0 7(00 7(00 7(2D 7(2D 8(00 8(00 10(00 10(D0 11(2D 11(2D 1D.;. 99 8(B(I D(00 D(00 -(00 -(D0 7(00 7(00 8(00 8(00 9(00 10(00 10(D 10(D 1.J.99 North =alabar Hra%een Bank D(00 7(00 8(00 8(00 10(00 10(00 10(00 10(00 10(D0 11(00 11(00 12(00 1.12. 99 5iBa*a Bank D(00 -(00 7(00 7(00 8(00 8(00 9(00 9(00 9(D0 10(D0 11(00 11(00 8.;.99 N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 11 RESEARC/ -ET/,D,8,G. TIT8E= )o Stud* about the &re/erences o/ the in"estors /or /i7ed de&osits in kadi( TIT8E 0USTI%ICATI,N, )he abo"e title is sel/ e7&lanator*( )he stud* deals %ainl* $ith stud*in' the bu*in' &attern in the /i7ed de&osit $ith a s&ecial /ocus on cor&oration bank( )he "arious se'%ents o/ the %arkets di"ided in ter%s o/ bank Needs+ +.1 ,B0ECTI>E )o ha"e an anal*sis in"estor o/ /i7ed de&osit in kadi( )o acco%&lish this obBecti"e it has been di"ided into /i"e( )o deter%ine reasons behind o&tin' /or an /i7ed de&osit( N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 12 )o kno$ the %ost &re/erred /i7ed de&osit &olic*( )o deter%ine custo%ers &erce&tion to$ards cor&oration bank and their e7&ectation /or% &ri"ate bank( )o deter%ine the /eedback on ser"ices &ro"ided b* a cor&oration bank( )o stud* the t*&es o/ bene/its &ro"ided b* bank ser"ices( +.+ SC,!E ,% T/E STUD. ! bi' boo% has been $itnessed in bank in recent ti%es( ! lar'e nu%ber o/ ne$ &la*ers ha"e entered the %arket and are tr*in' to 'ain %arket share in this ra&idl* i%&ro"in' %arket( In /ocus and the "arious se'%ents that it caters to( )he stud* then 'oes on to e"aluate and anal*ze the /indin's so as to &resent a clear &icture o/ trends in the bankin' sector( +.* RESEARC/ DESIGN In conclusi"e research I ha"e used descri&ti"e research due to /ind conclusion and also used %ulti&le cross sectional research in %* &roBect( )his t*&e o/ research desi'n in"ol"in' the collection o/ in/or%ation /ro% an* 'i"en sa%&le o/ &o&ulation ele%ents onl* once( I ha"e collected in/or%ation /ro% 1;0 consu%ers o/ in"estin' in the /i7ed de&osit( +.1 S,URCES ,% DATA N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 1; )he data collected /or the stud* $as &ri%ar* in nature as $ell as secondar* data( 1. !ima: da#a )he &ri%ar* data collected b* sur"e* %ethod( I ha"e contacted directl* to the consu%ers and collect in/or%ation( +. Seconda: da#a Secondar* data are collected /ro% $eb site+ bro$ser+ branch %ana'er $hich needed /or research &roBect( +.) RESEARC/ A!!R,AC/ES )he research a&&roach selected is the sur"e* research( It is best suited /or 'atherin' descri&ti"e in/or%ation /ro% in"estor( In/or%ation 'athered directl* /ro% indi"iduals so+ reliable data collected /ro% the consu%ers( +.3 RESEARC/ INSTRU-ENT #ere+ I ha"e used >uestionnaire /or %* %arket research( 4esearch instru%ent %eans the b* $hich $a* collect the in/or%ation( I ha"e conducted a sur"e* throu'h >uestionnaire( Puestionnaire describe the structured techni>ues /or data collection that consist o/ a series o/ >uestions $ritten that a res&ondents ans$ers( +.4 SA-!8ING TEC/NI?UE In this research+ non &robabilit* con"enience sa%&lin' %ethod is used because I select the res&ondents done $hich are near to %* co"era'e area( +.6 SA-!8ING UNIT In this research+ the in/or%ation:s ha"e been collected /ro% the students+ e%&lo*ee+ ser"ice &eo&le+ &ro/ession+ %erchants etc( N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 1J +.< SA-!8E SI@E )he sa%&le size $as restricted to onl* 1;0+ $hich co%&rised o/ %ainl* &eo&les /ro% di//erent re'ions o/ kadi due to ti%e constraints( +.19 SA-!8ING AREA )he area o/ the research $as kadi( P.1,. o *ou ha"e a /i7ed de&osit &lan in *our na%eQ RObBecti"e, . )o ask /urther >uestions(S N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi !ARTICU8AR N, ,% RES!,NDENT (A) Les D8I No J2I 1D INTER!RETATI,N O/ the sa%&le size o/ 1;0 sur"e*ed res&ondents D8I o/ the res&ondents are ha"in' /i7ed de&osit &olic*( J2I o/ the res&ondents are either not ha"in' an* /i7ed de&osit &olic* at &resent( So the bankin' sector ha"in' little o&&ortunit* /or /i7ed de&osit in /uture( P.2,. I/ *es $hich bank:s /i7ed de&osit &lan do *ou holdQ RObBecti"e,. to kno$ res&ondent ha"in' /i7ed de&osit &olicies in $hich bank(S Bank name No. o2 es(onden# (A) 1O4PO4!)ION bank ;0I SBI bank J-I Bank o/ baroda 1;I Other 11I N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 1- INTER!RETATI,N ;0I o/ the res&ondents ha"e /i7ed de&osit in cor&oration bank( 3hile J-I o/ the res&ondents ha"e /i7ed de&osit in SBI bank eason "ehind is SBI is moe secue #han o#he "anks BSo%e o/ the res&ondents o&ted /or t$o or %ore than t$o ite%sS ;,. 3hat is the a&&ro7i%ate in"est%ent *ou ha"e %adeQ RObBecti"e, . to kno$ that res&ondent earnin' %one* and ho$ %uch %one* s&ends in 0(S In$es#men# (amoun#) No. o2 es(onden# (A) 10000.20000 2-I 20001.;0000 ;0I D0000.100000 ;;I =ore than 100001 11I N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 17 INTER!RETATI,N 0ro% the chart abo"e $e /ind that+ 2-I o/ the res&ondents sur"e*ed &a* an in"ested 4s10000.20000 to$ards /i7ed de&osit( ;;I o/ the res&ondents &a* in"ested 4s D0000.100000 and 11I &a* an in"ested %ore than 4s( 100001( J,. 3hat t*&e o/ 0i7ed e&osits are *ou interested inQ RObBecti"e,. )o deter%ine in"estor &re/erence /or di//erent bank(S !a#icula Co(oa#ion "ank S"i "ank Bank o2 "aoda o#he Short ter% 9 8 J - 4ein"est%ent 12 1; ; 2 4ecurrin' 11 1; 0 J )a7 sa"in' 20 1J 7 - N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 18 INTER!RETATI,N= 0ro% the abo"e 'ra&h it can be concluded that the co%&an* has better &osition in ter%s o/ ta7 sa"in'+ short ter%+ rein"est%ent+ recurrin' in the %arket than the co%&etitors but the ri"al is better in ter% o/ ta7 sa"in'+ rein"est%ent+ short ter% and ad"ance /eature than co%&an*( D,. !re *ou a$are o/ the ne$ /i7ed de&osit &lan in %arketQ RObBecti"e, . ho$ %uch e//ecti"e ad"ertisin' b* bankQS !ARTICU8AR N,. ,% RES!,NDENTS (A) Les 78I No 22I N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 19 INTER!RETATI,N 0ro% the chart 'i"en abo"e $e /ind that 78I o/ the res&ondents are a$are o/ ne$ /i7ed de&osit &olic* and 22I are not a$are o/ such &olic*( 0i7ed de&osit &olicies should be &ro%oted throu'h ad"ertisin'( -,. 0or ho$ %uch &eriod *ou ha"e in"ested *our %one* in /(d RObBecti"e, . ho$ %uch &eriod to in"estin' %one* in /i7ed de&osit b* res&ondentsQS .EAR N,. ,% RES!,NDENTS (A) T1 *ear 1DI 1.2 *ear ;0I 2.; *ear 18I =ore than ; *ear ;7I N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 20 INTER!RETATI,N 0ro% the chart 'i"en abo"e it can be seen that 1DI o/ the res&ondents &re/er a /i7ed de&osit &olic* ter% o/ less than 1 *ear+ ;0I &re/er a ter% o/ 1U2 *ears and ;7I &re/er a ter% o/ %ore than ; *ear( 7,. 3hat %oti"ates *ou to in"estin' in /i7ed de&osit &lansQ RObBecti"e,. )o deter%ine in"estor &re/erence on di//erent /i7ed de&osit &lan( S %I7ED DE!,SIT !8AN N,. ,% RES!,NDENTS (A) #i'h interest rate ;0I Securit* ;DI 0a%il* res&onsibilit* 2;I ad"ertise%ent 12I N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 21 INTER!RETATI,N 0ro% the chart abo"e it can be seen that ;DI o/ the res&ondents &urchase /i7ed de&osit &olic* to secure their %one*+ ;0I take /i7ed de&osit to 'et hi'h interest rate+ 2;I &urchase /i7ed de&osit /or the /a%il* res&onsibilit* and 12I &urchase /i7ed de&osit because o/ the in/luence o/ ad"ertise%ents( 8,. 3hich criteria $ill *ou consider $hile in"estin' in /i7ed de&ositQ RObBecti"e,. $hich criteria in/latin' to in"estin' %one* in 0(S CRITERIA N,. ,% RES!,NDENTS (A) interest rate ;JI Securit* ;;I !"ailabilit* o/ the bank 1JI 0acilities &ro"ided b* the bank 19I N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 22 INTER!RETATI,N =aBorit* o/ the res&ondent (;JI+ ;;I) /ound interest rate and securit* as the %ost attracted /eature o/ the all( =ini%u% res&ondents (1JI) $ant a"ailabilit* o/ bank( 9,. #o$ %uch interest rates are &aid b* cor&oration bankQ RObBecti"e, . to kno$ that res&ondents ho$ %uch interest 'ettin' in 0(S INTEREST RATE N,. ,% RES!,NDENTS (A) Eess than DI 1DI -I . 8I ;;I 9I . 11I D2I N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 2; INTER!RETATI,N 1DI res&ondent 'ettin' less than DI interest rate on there /i7ed de&osit(;;I res&ondent 'ettin' -I to 8I interest rate on there /i7ed de&osit and %a7i%u% /i7ed de&osit holder 'et 9I to 11I interest( 10,. In a *ear+ ho$ %an* ti%es the interest is &aid b* the bankQ DURATI,N N,. ,% RES!,NDENTS (A) =onthl* 19I cu%ulate 22I >uarterl* 1DI #al/ *ear 7I *ear ;7I N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 2J INTER!RETATI,N =aBorit* o/ the res&ondent (;7I) 'et *ear base interest on /i7ed de&osit( 22 I res&ondent $ants cu%ulate interest on /i7ed de&osit( 19I res&ondent $ants %onthl* base interest on there /i7ed de&osit( P, . 11 4es&ondents &erce&tion about best /or% o/ in"est%ent /or securin' their /uture( RObBecti"e,. can in"estors in"estin' %one* in other areasQS !ARTICU8AR N,. ,% RES!,NDENTS (A) 0i7ed !ssets 21I /i7ed de&osits and sa"in' a?c J9I Ke$eller* -I Securities or share i(e( bonds+ =0s 11I Insurance 1;I N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 2D INTER!RETATI,N 21I o/ the res&ondents are $ith the "ie$ that 0i7ed !ssets is the best /or% o/ in"est%ent /or securin' their /uture( J9I o/ the res&ondents are $ith the &erce&tion that /i7ed de&osit and sa"in' a?c is the best /or% o/ in"est%ent /or securin' their %one*( BSo%e o/ the res&ondents o&ted /or t$o or %ore than t$o ite%sS 1( =ost o/ the custo%er &re/errin' to in"est %one* in 0( sche%es 2( )he entrance o/ &ri"ate &la*ers $ill increase the co%&etition and it $ould be a tou'h task to secure a 'ood &osition in %arket( ;( Since cor&oration bank is lo$ leadin' $ith se"eral banks: &olicies it should be eas* /or the% to &enetrate into the %arket and secure a 'ood &osition i/ the* &a* 'reater N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 2- %INDINGS attention to the ser"ice &art &ro"ided to their custo%er and thereb* /or%in' a lon' and trusted relationshi&( J( !s seen /ro% the sur"e* that at &resent D8I o/ the custo%er are ha"in' /i7ed de&osit &olic* out o/ $hich J9I o/ the custo%er are &lannin' /or ne$ in"est%ents( So it can be a 'ood &otential /or the co%&an* and the* should %ake an atte%&t to tra& these custo%ers( ). !s ;;I o/ the custo%ers are e"en read* to 'o /or /i7ed de&osit i/ a ser"ice &ro"ider a$a* /ro% their cit* is &ro"idin' it( But intern the* should &ro"ide 'ood &roducts and ser"ices( )he co%&an* should tr* to con"ince these custo%ers and 'et the% in its /a"or( 3. 1or&oration bank could introduce %ore &lans $herein the &re%iu% &a*in' ter% is %ore than 1*ears( 4. )he custo%ers o/ bank are also /ocus on the interest rate as&ect o/ the /i7ed de&osit( 3hile other res&ondents are not concentrated on interest as&ect because the* ha"e stron' brand i%a'e( 6. )he occu&ation o/ consu%er is one reason behind in"estin' in /i7ed de&osit(
#ence $e can sa/el* sa* that cor&oration $ould be able to ca&ture the %arket better i/ it introduced &roducts?&lans $here the %ini%u% &re%iu% starts at 4s( 10000 &er annu%( )he bank is better &osition in ta7 sa"in'+ and rein"est%ent o/ than co%&etitors but not in short ter%( So bank can inno"ate its short ter% &lan( N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 27 SUGGESTI,N Bank can ad"ertise throu'h tele"ision+ radio+ ne$s&a&ers+ bill boards and &a%&hlets( )his $ould increase a$areness and arouse curiosit* in the %inds o/ the consu%er $hich $ould enable the co%&an* to %arket its &roducts %ore e//ecti"el*( )he co%&an* re&utation?brand &re/erence is "er* %ediu% in cor&orate as $ell as co%%on &eo&le( So bank can i%&ro"e its re&utation?brand( )he bank a"ailabilit* is less than other &ublic bank so it can set u& branch e"er* s%all and bi' cit*( Our e7hausti"e research in the /ield o/ /i7ed de&osit thre$ u& so%e interestin' trends $hich can be seen in the abo"e anal*sis( ! 'eneral i%&ression that $e 'athered durin' ata collection $as the i%%ense a$areness and kno$led'e a%on' &eo&le about "arious co%&anies and their /i7ed de&osit &roducts( Peo&le are be'innin' to look N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 28 C,NC8USI,N be*ond &ublic banks /or their /i7ed de&osit needs and are $illin' to trust &ri"ate &la*ers $ith their hard earned %one*( Peo&le in 'eneral ha"e been i%&ressed b* the %arketin' and ad"ertisin' ca%&ai'ns o/ /i7ed de&osit banks( ! hi'h &enetration o/ &rint+ radio and )ele"ision !d ca%&ai'ns o"er the *ears is be'innin' to ha"e it:s i%&act no$( !nother heartenin' trend $as in ter%s o/ &eo&le "ie$in' /i7ed de&osit as a ta7 sa"in' and in"est%ent instru%ent as %uch as a &rotecti"e one( ! "er* hi'h nu%ber o/ res&ondents ha"e o&ted /or /i7ed de&osit /or such &ur&oses and it sho$s ho$ banks ha"e been success/ul to attract &ublic %one* in recent ti%es( )he 'eneral satis/action le"els a%on' &ublic $ith re'ards to &olic* still re>uires i%&ro"e%ent( But therein laser the o&&ortunit* /or a relati"e &la*er like cor&oration bank( SBI has ne"er been kno$n /or &ro%&t ser"ice or custo%er oriented %ethods and cor&oration bank can build on these /actors(
B,,KS= )he /ollo$in' books+ $hich are lots o/ hel& in co%&letion o/ &roBect( )hose are stated at belo$( N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi 29 BIB8I,GRA!/. Phili& kottler @=arketin' %ana'e%ent :: the %illenniu% 2dition+ &ublished b* &rentice hall India( N(6( =!E#O)4! @=arketin' research @b* &ublished b* )ata =cHra$. hill &ublishin' co%&an* li%ited( (6 Bhattachar**a 4esearch %ethodolo'* NE5S !A!ERS 555.C,R!.C,- 555.RBI.C,- N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi ;0 !nne7ure ?UESTI,NNAIRE ! stud* o/ &re/erences o/ the in"estors /or in"est%ent in /i7ed de&osit( NA-E,NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ADDRESS,NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN,CCU!ATI,N=NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 1,. do *ou ha"e a /i7ed de&osit &lan in *our na%eQ o Les o No 2,. I/ *es $hich bank:s /i7ed de&osit &lan do *ou holdQ o o 1or&oration bank o Sbi bank o Bank o/ baroda o Other ;,. 3hat is the a&&ro7i%ate in"est%ent *ou ha"e %adeQ o 10000.20000 o 20001.;0000 o D0000.100000 o =ore than 100001 J,. $hat kind o/ /i7ed de&osit &lan $ould suit *ou best in *our %indQ N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi ;1 Co(oa#ion "ank S"i "ank Bank o2 "aoda o#he Short tea% 4ein"est%ent 4ecurrin' )a7 sa"in' D,. !re *ou a$are o/ the ne$ /i7ed de&osit &lan in %arketQ o Les o No -,. 0or ho$ %uch &eriod *ou ha"e in in"ested *our %one* in /(d o T1 *ear o 1.2 *ear o 2.; *ear o =ore than ; *ear 7,. 3hat %oti"ates *ou to &urchase /i7ed de&osit &lansQ o #i'h interest rate o Securit* o 0a%il* res&onsibilit* o !d"ertise%ent 8,. 3hich criteria $ill *ou consider $hile in"estin' in /i7ed de&ositQ o Interest rate o Securit* o !"ailabilit* o/ the bank o 0acilities &ro"ided b* the banks N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi ;2 9,. #o$ %uch interest rates are 'ettin' in *our /i7ed de&ositQ o Eess than DI o -I . 8I o 9I . 11I o V11I 10,. !t $hat /re>uenc* do *ou $ant the interest to be &aidQ o ail* o =onthl* o 1u%ulate o Puarterl* o #al/ *ear o Lear 11=C 3hich Is )he Best 0or% O/ In"est%ents? o 0IW2 !SS2)S o B!N6 2POSI)S o K232EE24L o S2184I)I2S+ i(e( Bonds+ =0s o S#!42S o INS84!N12 N( P( 1olle'e o/ 1o%&uter studies < =ana'e%ent+ 6adi ;;