FullScaleTestingER Jorgensen

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Full scale testing of wind turbine blade

to failure - flapwise loading

Erik R. Jrgensen, Kaj. K. Borum, Malcolm McGugan,
Christian L. Thomsen, Find M. Jensen, Christian P. Debel
og Bent F. Srensen

Ris National Laboratory, Roskilde
June 2004
Abstract A 25m wind turbine blade was tested to failure when subjected to a
flapwise load. With the test setup, it was possible to test the blade to failure at
three different locations.
The objective of these tests is to learn about how a wind turbine blade fails
when exposed to a large flapwise load and how failures propagate.
The report shows also results from ultra sonic scan of the surface of the blade
and it is seen to be very useful for the detection of defects, especially in the
layer between the skin laminate and the load carrying main spar.
Acoustic emission was successfully used as sensor for the detection of damages
in the blade during the test.
The report contains measurements of the total deflection of the blade, the local
deflection of the skin and the load carrying main spar and also measurement of
strain all as a function of the applied load and up to failure of the blade.
The post mortem analysis and description of how the damages propagate dur-
ing the tests are reported in a separate report [2].

ISBN 87-550-3181-1
ISBN 87-550-3183-8(Internet)
ISSN 0106-2840

Print: Pitney Bowes Management Services Denmark A/S
Ris-R-1392(EN) 3
Preface 4
1 Introduction 5
2 Blade 6
2.1 Definitions 6
3 NDT of blade 7
3.1 Ultra sonic test 7
3.2 Tap test 9
3.3 Acoustic emission 9
4 Experimental procedure 11
4.1 Loads and supports 12
4.2 Sensors 12
5 Test results 13
5.1 Global deflections 14
5.2 Local deflections 16
5.3 Strain gauge measurements 18
5.4 Acoustic emission 22
5.5 Energy accumulated in the blade 26
6 Conclusion 27
References 28

Ris-R-1392(EN) 4
This report contains a description of some of the work that was carried out in a
project called "Improved design for large wind turbine blades, based on studies
of scale-effects (Phase 1)", partially supported by the Danish Energy Authority
under the Ministry of Economics and Business Affairs through a EFP2001-fund
(journal no. 1363/01-01-0007). The project ran 1 year from 2001 to 2002. The
participants in the project were: The Materials Research Department, Ris Na-
tional Laboratory (project leader), The Wind Energy Department, Ris National
Laboratory, The Department of Mechanical Engineering (Solid Mechanics),
The Technical University of Denmark, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Aalborg University, LM Glasfiber A/S and Vestas Wind Systems A/S. It was
found to be impossible to acquire students at Aalborg University. As a result, no
work was performed there. Instead, more work was carried out at Ris National

This report only contains the results of a full scale test of a 25m Vestas wind
turbine blade. The major results of the entire project can be found in the sum-
mary-report, which also contains a list of the publications that came out of the

"Fundamentals for improved design of large wind turbine blade of fibre com-
posites based on studies of scale effects (Phase 1) - Summary Report" , Bent F.
Srensen, Erik Jrgensen, Christian P. Debel, Find M. Jensen and Henrik M.
Jensen, ISBN 87-550-3176-5; ISBN 87-550-3177-3(Internet) ISSN 0106-2840
Ris-R-1392(EN) 5
1 Introduction
The purpose of the test was to obtain detailed information about failure mecha-
nisms in a wind turbine blade, especially with focus on failures in the compres-
sion side of the blade.

Prior to the tests the blade was inspected by means of an ultra sonic test to get
an overview of imperfections and damages already present before starting the
test. This test was verified and supported by a simple, so-called tap test.

The supports and loading procedure of the blade was done in a way making it
possible to use the same blade in three failure tests, i.e. having independent fail-
ures in three different sections of the blade.

During each of the tests the damages were surveyed and measured by means of
video and photos, strain gauges, acoustic emission and deflection sensors. Two
different types of deflection sensors were mounted on the blade, one giving the
total deflection of the blade and another giving skin and main spar displace-
ments, locally. Each test was stopped at every sign of damage and inspected
visually. Cracks and propagation of the damages were identified. A simple tap
test was also done to identify the propagation of delaminations.

Finally, after the collapse of the blade, the failures and failure mechanisms was
investigated, the results from this study are reported in "Indentification of Dam-
age Types in Wind Turbine Blades Tested to Failure" [2].
Ris-R-1392(EN) 6
2 Blade
The blade used in the tests was a 25m blade (V52), which was supplied by Ves-
tas as part of the project. The blade is an epoxy glass fiber (prepreg) blade.
Prior to this test, this specific blade was tested in a static test to prove the
overall strength, actually as part of the design approval of the blade type [1], i.e.
the blade had already been loaded to the design load and afterwards tested with
the design fatigue loads which are similar to 20years lifetime. This blade passed
both the tests. Because this blade already had been loaded heavily, internal dam-
ages could be present before starting the test covered in this report. Therefore an
ultra sonic test and a tap test was carried out to investigate if any damage was
2.1 Definitions
The test program consists of three tests, making it possible to study, independ-
ent failures in three different sections of the blade. The three sections were cho-
sen on the basis of complexity and differences of the geometry and the calcu-
lated strength of the blade.

The three test sections were named as section 1, section 2 and section 3
and these as well as the coordinate system used in the tests are shown in the fig-
ures below.

The x-axis is along the blade, starting at the root end of the blade as indicated
on the figure above. The y-axis is in the chordwise direction, positive towards
the leading edge. The z-axis is positive in the direction of the wind. Actually
when measuring the distances on the blade, a local coordinate system is used,
as seen in the figure below. Here the y-value is taken as the curve length starting
at the trailing edge and positive towards the leading edge.

Figure 1 Definition of test sections and co-ordinate system (coordinate
system is related to the lower drawing, i.e. with the aerodynamic suction
side upwards )
11.3m 15.3m 19.3m 23.3m
Section 3 Section 2 Section 1
Ris-R-1392(EN) 7
Figure 2 Sketch of section of blade (Local coordinates)

3 NDT of blade
3.1 Ultra sonic test
Before starting the tests an ultra sonic test was carried out in the areas of the
three test sections to verify if any damages, because of the history of the blade,
or imperfections from the production of the blade, were present in blade and
therefore could be expected to initiate damage. The Danish institute FORCE
Technology carried out the ultra sonic test.
The width of the scanned zones was 0.5m and covering the area over the main
spar. Only the compression side of the blade (see figure 2) was investigated by
means of the ultra sonic tests. The tested areas had a length of 3.6m, 3.6m and
6m. This covered section 1, section 2 and section 3 as given in figure 1.
A mobile scanning system, with two transducers, was mounted on the blade
with suckers. The resolution/steps of the scans was 2.5mm. The ultra sonic
waves are transmitted to the blade through water and the reflections from inter-
faces like skin to glue, glue to main spar were measured. If any delaminations or
lack of glue is in the zone, reflections will also been seen from these.
In the figure below the result of such a scanning of the blade sections 3 are

In the scanning of the three sections the following symbols and explanations
was given by FORCE Technology. Some of the explanations are not relevant
for the actual section shown in this figure, but relevant for other sections.

Main spar (load carrying box)
Glued connection
Load in flap-wise
Structure in tension
Structure in compression
Ris-R-1392(EN) 8
i1: Skin/glue
In this area a red color indicates bad cohesion between skin laminate
and epoxy or missing epoxy.

i2: Glue/main spar
In this area a yellow/green color indicates no cohesion between glue
and main spar

i3: Delamination in laminate in main spar
In this area a yellow/green color indicates delamination in laminate in
main spar

g1: Sandwich
Transition from red to yellow/green color indicates borders of the foam
towards trailing edge.

g2: Sandwich
Transition from red to yellow/green color indicates borders of the foam
towards leading edge.

c1: Tranducer signal not good
This area could not evaluated

o1: Area with damping
Blue color indicates high damping in skin or main spar laminate, which
could be caused by porosities

o2: Damping in skin
Blue color indicates high damping in skin, which could be caused by
porosities or more likely change of thickness of laminate.

The figure below shows the result of an ultrasonic scan of section 3.

Figure 3 Ultrasonic scan from 2.2m to 3.2m (section 3)
In this scan a good adhesion between the layers is seen, even though there are
areas (marked i1, red), which indicates missing adhesion or epoxy.
In this scan red lines are seen in upper right part of the figure, which indicates
how the epoxy is put in lines during manufacturing of the blade. In other areas
these lines where much more dominant and larger areas with a bad adhe-
sion/distribution of epoxy was also seen in some areas.

Ris-R-1392(EN) 9
3.2 Tap test
A simple tap test was carried out to verify and as a supplement to the ultra sonic
test. The method is based on the fact that the sound emitted when knocking on
the structure changes when the thickness or material type changes or when po-
rosities are present. It could also be caused when the skin laminate debonds
from the main spar.
The procedure used was completely manual, that is using a hammer and lis-
tening, with the human ear, to the frequency of the sound emitted. Based on the
measurements lines were drawn to indicate where debonds were observed. The
tap test verified the results from the ultra sonic test and it is a good method to
discover irregularities in the structure.
Tap tests were done several times during the tests to see how the debonded ar-
eas developed during the test. This is not reported here.
3.3 Acoustic emission
Acoustic emission (AE) from the blade was measured during the test to identify
failures and locations of the damages in the blade.
AE sensing was the most effective technique used to immediately (during
loading) indicate the location and onset of damage. This allowed the investiga-
tion into the causes and growth of the various damage types to be more effi-
ciently controlled by the test operatives. The AE data also warned of unwanted
damage such as localised crushing at loading points.
Feedback from the sensors gives the controller more confidence when apply-
ing loads during a one-off structure test. This is because he has an improved
feeling for how the blade is responding and how close it may be to failure. The
probability of an invalid test due to, for example, crush damage at loading yokes
is greatly reduced. The occurrence of unexpected damage is more likely to be
detected and conducting structure inspections between loadings is made sim-
pler. Various structure specific damage types can be identified as loading takes

Processes such as cracking, deformation, debonding, delamination, rubbing,
impacts, crushing, turbulence and others, all produce localised transient changes
in stored elastic energy with a broad spectral content. Acoustic emission sensors
detect the high frequency component of the elastic waves (or stress waves) natu-
rally generated by these energy loss processes within materials and structures.
The AE sensor used in this test was the PAC (Physical Acoustic Corp.) R15I,
these sensors are resonant at 150kHz and contain an integral preamplifier.

Two separate systems were used to record the AE activity during the testing:
A PAC SPARTAN AT system recorded the waveform characteristics of
each detected AE signal (amplitude, rise-time, energy, etc.) on two chan-
A customised system developed by Demex and Ris National Labora-
tory using LABVIEW Virtual Instruments and based around a high speed
data card digitised the entire AE signal waveform detected on four chan-
Both systems could detect a 0.5mm Hsui-Nielsen leadbreak up to 2m from the
sensor along the central loading spar and were sensitive to precursor micro-
damage AE events at the very early stages of the test. These are the kind of
Ris-R-1392(EN) 10
events that create no damage later visible to standard NDT inspection tech-
niques. The SPARTAN was especially effective at generating real-time graphs
displaying energy release rates that can be used to highlight the onset of serious
macro-damage following the precursor micro-damage. Macro-damage
events are friction dominated and produce effects which can be later detected by
standard NDT inspections. The LABVIEW used a time-of-flight Virtual In-
strument that highlighted how AE events, even those emitted at relatively low
load levels, clustered around the eventual failure points.
Attaching sensors for these short duration static tests was done simply and
quickly using tape and a standard ultrasonic couplant gel to improve contact
with the surface. This permitted rapid deployment of the sensors and redeploy-
ment when moving on to test the next section of the blade. The LABVIEW sen-
sors were positioned at areas of the blade where bending moment calculations
predicted structure failure. The SPARTAN sensors were used to record the gen-
eral activity levels in key areas, in order to help predict break point. These sen-
sors were also used to check activity levels at loading yokes, warning of any
unwanted crushing damage for example.
Ris-R-1392(EN) 11
4 Experimental procedure
Three different tests, to a complete failure of the blade, were carried out. By
using different supports on the blade this was made possible herbeby giving the
opportunity to investigate three independent failures in only one blade. The sec-
tions tested, were decided based on knowledge of calculated compression
strength and the blade geometry. One difficult task was then to find out how to
load and support the blade so that the failures happened in these regions and not
near the yokes for support and load inputs.

The calculated design strength of the blade was known from the manufacturer
and the task was then to achieve a distribution of the bending moment (M) in
the blade to have the damage in a desired region.

The three different test setups, showing where the loads and supports were put
to get the failures at the predetermined locations, are shown in Figure 4 to
Figure 6. Especially in test of section 2 it was required with a more complex
loading setup to have the failure, at least according to the strength calculations,
at the chosen location.
The comparison of the calculated design strains with the calculated distribu-
tion of strain (using a simple FE 3D-beam model) with the loads during the
tests, it was found that the blade most probably would fail for section 1 at 20.3m
from the root, for section 2 in 11.5m from the root and for section 3 in 4.3m
from the root. Especially in section 2 the calculated strain and the design strain
were very close, over the whole section, and actually the blade could fail at any
location from 11.3m to 16m. Most probably close to the 11.3m chord.

During the tests the structural behavior of the blade was monitored with many
sensors. The load was measured with a load sensor, directly at the point of load
application. The global deflection was also measured at the location of the load.
Locally, the skin deflections were measured, in the test section, at five locations.
Strain measurements were done along the blade and also inside the main spar.
More than a hundred strain gauges were mounted on the blade to give the axial
strain. In case of no linearity between deflection/strain and the load the test was
stopped and the blade inspected for any damages.

Thus, each test section was subjected to a number of loading and unloading se-
quences, each time with an increasing peak load, only the last loading sequence,
i.e. just before failure of the blade, is shown in this report.

Acoustic emission of the blade was measured during the test to identify failures
and locations of the damages in the blade.

Furthermore the test sections were under constant surveillance via two remote
controlled video cameras. The video sequences were recorded on a standard
Ris-R-1392(EN) 12
4.1 Loads and supports
The three different test setups,
showing where the loads and sup-
ports were put to get the failures in
the predetermined sections, are
schematically shown in Figure 4 to
Figure 6.

During all the tests the force was
measured with load cells at the
point of load application.

In test of section 1 the load in
flapwise direction was applied at
23.3m and the support (simple
supported) was located at 19.3m to
prevent deflections in the flapwise

In test of section 2, it was required
with a more complex load and
support setup to have the failure at
the expected location. Forces were
introduced at 19.3m and 15.3m
and the support to prevent deflec-
tions in flapwise direction was lo-
cated at 11.3m. By introducing
two forces it was possible to
change the shape of the bending
moment curve by changing the
ratio between the two forces. This
could be necessary if during the
test measurements showed that the
failure not was going to happen in the decided section. But even with this so-
phisticated load setup unfortunately the failure happened very close to the yoke.

The setup for test 3 was simpler as only one force was applied at 11.3m.
4.2 Sensors
Full description of the load and deflection sensors as well as the strain gauges
are given in [4]

19.3m 23.3 m
Sec 1

Figure 4 Supports and load inputs in
the test of section 1

19.3m 11.3m 15.3m
Sec 2

Figure 5 Supports and load inputs in
the test of section 2

19.3m 11.3m 15.3m
Sec 3

Figure 6 Supports and load inputs in
the test of section 3
Ris-R-1392(EN) 13
5 Test results
The results of the three test setups are given in this chapter. The data measured
during the tests includes beside the load applied, the deflection of the blade, the
local deflection of the main spar (as defined in chapter 4.3) and the strain at
several locations.

In test of section 1 (19.3m to 23.3m) the blade failed 20.1m from the root, with
a load introduction as given in figure 4. In the figures below the large deflection
in this test is seen as well as a picture of the failed section of the blade.

Figure 7 Test of section 1, large de-
flection is seen in this test.

Figure 8 The blade failed 20.1m from
the root section. AE sensors where
mounted very close to the failure
In test of section 2 the blade failed 15.3m from the root (unfortunately at the
yoke), with a load introduction as given in figure 5.

Figure 9 In test of section 2 the blade unfortnunately failed at the loading yoke
at 15.3m from root section

In test of section 3 the blade failed 4.4m from the root, with a load introduction
as given in figure 6.

Ris-R-1392(EN) 14

Figure 10 Test of section 3 with load
introduction at 11.3m

Figure 11 Failure 4.4m from the root.

A comprehensive description and evaluation of the fractures and the develop-
ment of cracks during the tests are described in [2].

All load values in this report are normalized with one value, i.e. all load values
are divided by the same number (which is the overall maximum load during all
the tests) to ensure confidentiality.
5.1 Global deflections
The global deflection of the structure was measured during the tests of the three
sections. The deflection was measured close to the point of application of the
All measured deflection values in this report are also normalized with one
value, i.e. all deflection (global and local) values are divided by the same num-
ber (which is the maximum global deflection during all the tests) to ensure con-

The global deflection is not very sensitive to the damages that happen locally
and it is very difficult to give any criteria based on the global deflection about
how close the blade is to failure. In the figures 12 and 13 the global deflection is
given for test of section 1 and 3 and non-linearity is seen in both the figures that
could indicate damages in the blade or local buckling. Actually in figure 12 the
blade is getting stiffer for higher loads, which does not indicate any damages
but the fact that because of the large deflections, the load alone is not enough to
give an exact measure of the load (bending moment) applied. With these large
deflections the load is not perpendicular to the blade and the angle at which the
load is acting have to be taken into account.

Ris-R-1392(EN) 15
load vs. deflection
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
deflection []

Figure 12 Load vs. deflection during the test of section 1 until
fracture (load applied at 23.3m and deflection measured at
Even though the effect, which is much smaller in test of section three than in
section one (because of the size of the deflection), a non-linearity is seen in fig-
ure 13. In this figure the blade gets more flexible with increasing load and there-
fore it is indicating real non-linearity in the blade (structural or material dam-
age). It is seen that compared to the initial stiffness the blade is approximately
5% more flexible at full load, i.e. load at which value the blade failed.

load vs. deflection
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
deflection []

Figure 13 Load vs. deflection during the test of section 3 until
fracture (load applied at 11.3m and deflection measured at
Ris-R-1392(EN) 16
5.2 Local deflections
Local deflections were measured on the skin, that is the deflection on the middle
of the main spar relative to the webs of the main spar. In flapwise loading the
webs are following the blade deflection so placing the measurement system
fixed over the two stiff webs of the main spar and then measuring the deflection
in the middle of the main spar gives the local deflection of the flange of the
main spar as shown on the figure below.
This local deflection was shown to be a good quantity for describing the state
of the blade, i.e. how close the blade is to a failure (buckling of the flanges and
webs) [3].
The sensors for measuring local deflections were developed during this project.

A measurement setup including five sensors for measuring local deflections are
shown in the figure below for the test of section three.

Figure 15 System for measuring local

Figure 16 Local deflection sensors
setup for test of section 3

Legs/fixture placed
on top of stiff web
Measuring rod
Figure 14 Sketch of the system for measuring
local deflections on top of the main spar
Skin lami-
Main spar
(blue dashed lines
show loaded situation)
Sensor (local
Ris-R-1392(EN) 17
The results of the measurements of the local deflections together with the global
deflection are shown, for test of section 3, in the figures below. The data in-
cludes all data during the final loading until the blade broke at 4.4m.

All measured deflection values in this report are normalized with one value, i.e.
all deflection (global and local) values are divided by the same number (which
is the maximum global deflection during all the tests) to ensure confidentiality.

The local deflection at 4.3m is shown in figure 20 and it is seen this curve that it
is close to a not stable situation, i.e. the deflection is increasing even though
there is no increase in the load.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
deflection []


Figure 17 Global deflection of blade
measured at 11.1m, load at 11.3m
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010
deflection []


Figure 18 Local deflection at 2.9m,
load at 11.3m
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010
deflection []


Figure 19 Local deflection at 4.1m,
load at 11.3m
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010
deflection []


Figure 20 Local deflection at 4.3m,
load at 11.3m
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010
deflection []


Figure 21 Local deflection at 4.5m,
load at 11.3m
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010
deflection []


Figure 22 Local deflection at 5.3m,
load at 11.3m

This local deflection was shown to be much better to identify how close you
are to a failure. Data from all three tests are reported in [4].
Ris-R-1392(EN) 18
5.3 Strain gauge measurements
During the tests the blade was instrumented with strain gauges measuring the
strain in the axial direction (lengthwise relative to blade). In all three test sec-
tions one strain gauge was placed for every 20cm measuring the strain on the
middle of the main spar in the direction of the blade (x-direction, see figure 1)
on the external surface of the blade. For every 1.2m strain was measured at four
locations, in the middle of the flange (.1) over the webs (.2 and .3) and on the
tension side (.4) as shown on the figure below. The numbering system of the
strain gauge is so that the first three digits gives the distance from the root in
decimeters and the number after the dot gives the location according to the
figure, example 207.1 means the strain gauge is located 20.7m from the root
and the strain is measured on the skin over the middle of the main spar.

To ensure confidentiality all strain values in this report are normalized with
one value, i.e.all strain values in this report are divided by the same number.

Skin laminate
Main spar
Direction of
Towards lead-
ing edge
Strain gauge
Strain gauge
Strain gauge
Strain gauge
Figure 23 Location of strain gauges, example here given for a section
20.7m from the root section
Ris-R-1392(EN) 19
A typical strain versus load plot is shown in the figure below during the test of
section 1. It is seen that during the test the blade is partially unloaded from a
level of approximately 0.09 to 0.07 and then loaded up again resulting in the
small loops.

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15
load []


Figure 24 Strain gauge measurement during test of section 1, given at 20.7m
form root section

At a specific spot on the blade in test section 1, the skin is visually observed
to be buckling. The strain gauges in this area, showed at the same time very
high compressive and tension strains. According to figure 27 the strain gauge
located on the top of the buckling wave (strain gauge #201.1) showed tension
and in the bottom (strain gauge #199.1) showed compression as expected. The
area of this debonding of the skin laminate, indicated by the strain gauge meas-
urements as well as seen visually, was corresponding very well with the areas of
improper bonding as found in the ultra sonic measurement prior to the test. It
should be mentioned that the skin laminate is only a minor part of the load car-
rying part in a flapwise load situation. The results are shown here for the good
correlation between strain gauge measurements, the visual identification and the
prediction of the bonding situation based on the ultra sonic test of this area.
Even though the skin only contribute as a minor part to the strength of the blade
in a flapwise load situation the blade actually failed in this area of delamination
(20.1m from the root section).

Ris-R-1392(EN) 20
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15
Load []

Figure 25 Strain gauge measurements
at 19.9m (strain gauge #199.1)
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15
Load []

Figure 26 Strain gauge measurements
at 20.1m (strain gauge #201.1)

Figure 27 Photo of skin behavior (skin laminate debond from the main spar)

During test of section 3, the blade failed at 4.4m close to the largest chord. In
the figure below the strain is shown as function of the load for the strain gauges
located in the area of where the failure happened. The strain is seen to be non-
linear especially for strain gauge 45.1 which is close to the location where the
blade finally failed.
Ris-R-1392(EN) 21
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
load []


Figure 28 Measured strain on four locations during test of section 3, showing
non-linear behaviour

The strain measurements nearest to the root section are seen to be linear, i.e.
there is no indication of any failures propagating in this region.

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
load []


Figure 29 Measured strain on three locations during test of section 3, showing
linear behaviour
Ris-R-1392(EN) 22
5.4 Acoustic emission
For test section 1 the LABVIEW sensors were positioned at 20.1m in the area
of predicted failure on the compression face in order to generate a location plot
of significant AE activity. The SPARTAN sensors were used to compare the
level of activity at the 19.3m loading yoke with the activity at the 20.1m chord.
A LABVIEW system location plot was generated from data sampled during
loading up to 77% of the load at failure. This plot corresponded exactly with the
failure that occurred during a subsequent loading.

Figure 30 Blade failure at the 20.1m chord. Note position of sensor 3
X chord
Sensor 3
Fracture Zone
Figure 31 LABVIEW system localisation of AE events prior to failure.
High activity events distributed along ultimate failure chord. Note positi-
on of sensor 3.
Energy in AE hits section 1 test 5 high/low ratio 3
0 50 100
x_direction [cm]

Sensor 3
Ris-R-1392(EN) 23
The SPARTAN system displayed the cumulated AE activity levels at both the
loading yoke and the predicted failure chord in real time. As the vast majority of
activity was detected at the predicted chord, this gave a visual indicator to the
test operatives that the loading was proceeding as expected and that no un-
wanted damage types were occurring.

As mentioned previous a slightly more complex loading setup was used to test
blade section 2. The strength calculations predicted failure around the 11.5m to
12m chord of the blade. However, the LABVIEW location sensors positioned
here registered almost no activity during step-wise loading. By comparison the
SPARTAN guard sensor (sensor 2), which had been positioned at the 15.3m
loading yoke, successfully warned, very early in the test, that failure would in
fact occur here.
In the first loading sequence for this test section there was an accumulated
stress wave energy count of 16000 recorded at SPARTAN sensor 2, positioned
as a guard at the 15.3m loading yoke. By comparison there was only 700 re-
corded at SPARTAN sensor 1 positioned at the 11.3m clamping yoke, far closer
to the desired failure chord. At a load cell voltage of 3.63V, it was suggested, by
the AE operatives, that the load should be released and the blade inspected. This
was due to a rapid increase in the activity level for SPARTAN sensor 2 during
the load increase to 3.63V, followed by an extremely long period during load
hold where AE activity continued.

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Time (s)
Energy at S2
Energy at S1

Figure 32 Cumulative stress wave energy trace showing the relative activities at
S2 (loading yoke) and S1 (close to desired failure chord). Note also the rapid
increase in stress wave activity at S2 indicating that failure is approaching.

Ris-R-1392(EN) 24
0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600
Time (s)



Figure 33 Stress wave activity (blue) detected during step-wise loading of the
blade (section 2). The high activity levels and long die-off time during load
hold indicates the blade is close to failure.

After inspection, the load was reapplied. Loading up to 3.63V again gener-
ated far less activity than the first loading (in accordance with the Keiser effect).
At load hold for 3.63V however, activity was again registered at Spartan sensor
2. When the load was increased further, the blade failed at the 15.3m loading
yoke. Blade failure occurs at 3.88V, thus the final inspection of the blade prior
to failure occurred after it had been loaded to 93% (3.63/3.88) of its ultimate
strength. This gives far greater possibility of interpreting failure causes and in-
vestigating initial damage than only having access to the destroyed structure and
attempting to infer causes during a post-mortem.

0 300 600 900 1200
Time (s)



Figure 34 Stress wave activity during the second loading of blade section 2.

The failure of section 2 at the 15.3m loading yoke was unwanted, but as seen
in the calculations (simple FE model) prior to the test and the AE readings dur-
ing the test it was not a surprise. At the moment of failure however the broken
blade sprang back against the clamping yoke. At this point it was observed
that SPARTAN sensor 1 signalled a significant burst of AE activity, where it
had previously been relatively inactive. A close inspection of the blade at this
area was carried out. It was eventually discovered that lateral cracking inside
the central loading spar (x =11m) had been generated and this became signifi-
cant during the testing of section 3.

Ris-R-1392(EN) 25
1150 1160 1170 1180 1190 1200
Test time (sec)

sensor 1
sensor 2

Figure 35 The first y-axis shows cumulated energy detected on S1. The second
y-axis shows cumulated energy at S2. S2 shows a gradual release of energy
typical of composite failure. S1 is almost silent until a sudden burst of energy
when the blade springs back

Despite being the simplest loading scheme, the strength calculations predicted
most possible failure chord for this test at 4.3m. The LABVIEW sensors were
positioned at the 4.5m chord, with one SPARTAN at the 7m chord and the other
at the 11.3m loading yoke. The activity levels were very low at the start of the
test, followed by a sudden burst of activity at the yoke. Inspection revealed that
the lateral cracks caused by the section 2 back lash had grown. A second
loading was attempted but AE activity at even very low loads warned that the
failure would again be this unwanted yoke damage.
In order to carry out the section 3 test successfully it was decided to make ma-
jor alterations to the load set-up. The orientation of the blade was changed and
Figure 36 Image taken from inside the central spar showing lateral
cracking (enclosed by yellow dashed lines) at approximately 11.3m
chord. This damage occurred when the blade sprang back
against the clamping yoke during section 2 blade failure.
Ris-R-1392(EN) 26
the interior of the blade was reinforced at the 11.3m loading yoke. This success-
fully prevented the growth of the lateral cracks and permitted load to failure at
the 4.5m chord. And once again, the AE activity recorded throughout this load-
ing successfully identified 4.5m as the failure chord in preference to the 7m
5.5 Energy accumulated in the blade
The energy amount absorbed in the blade was calculated for the three tests. The
energy amount is simply calculated as the force applied multiplied by the dis-
tance it is acting.
The energy absorbed (elastic energy) just prior to failure in the tests was 16kJ
for section 1, 86kJ for section 2 and 91kJ for section 3.
It is seen that the energy amount required for the failure of the blade is increas-
ing the closer the root section the failure is located as expected.

Ris-R-1392(EN) 27
6 Conclusion
The test of the 25m Vestas blade showed good results using ultra sonics to scan
the blade for irregularities especially in the interface between the relative thin
skin laminate and the load carrying main spar. The detection of areas where
glue was missing was easy to identify on the basis of the images form the scans.
The method of measuring local deflections of the main spar and skin laminate
with the equipment developed in the project seems to be very promising and can
be useful for determination of how close the blade is to a failure and for calibra-
tion of FE models of blades.
Strain gauge measurements also give good indication of how close the blade
is to a failure, i.e. by showing non-linear behavior. The total deflection of the
blade does not show clearly a non-linear behavior when the blade is close to a
For large deflections during a static test, it is preferable also to measure the
angle by which the load is applied to give the possibility of calculating the real
local bending moment.
The practical benefits of the AE monitoring were seen in the three tests These
includes identification of unwanted damages at load yokes, identification of
damages making it possible to stop test and investigate damage and finally iden-
tification of how close you are to failure.
The tests has given a large number of strain gauge measurement, local and
global deflection measurements for three different sections of a wind turbine in
flapwise load situations up to failure.
The description of all the damages is fully described in [2].
The understanding of how the damages starts up (for example by delamination)
is very essential for the strength of the blade and very difficult to decide in a full
scale test even though the location of the damages is know by use of acoustic
emission sensors. Therefore it is decided, in 2
phase of this project to investi-
gate a 2D section of a wind turbine blade, loaded with similar local displace-
ments as found in the full scale test and then in loading and unloading se-
quences, hopefully describe how damages starts and propagate.
Ris-R-1392(EN) 28
[1] Static Test of Vestas blade, V52, Sparkr Center, Confidential

[2] Ris-R-1391(EN)
"Indentification of Damage Types in Wind Turbine Blades Tested to Failure"
Christian P. Debel, AFM
ISBN 87-550-3178-1; ISBN 87-550-3180-3(Internet) ISSN 0106-2840

[3] Ris-R-1393(EN)
"Compression Strength of a Fibre Composite Main Spar in a Wind Turbine
Find Mlholt Jensen, VEA
ISBN 87-550-3184-6; ISBN 87-550-3185-4(Internet) ISSN 0105-2840

[4] Ris-I-1908(EN)
V52 Statisk styrke
Christian Leegaard Thomsen, VEA
Ris-R-1392(EN) 29

Ris-R-1392(EN) 30

Bibliographic Data Sheet Ris-R-1392(EN)
Title and authors

Full scale testing of wind turbine blade to failure - flapwise loading

Erik R. Jrgensen, Kaj. K. Borum, Malcolm McGugan, Christian L. Thomsen,
Find M. Jensen, Christian P. Debel og Bent F. Srensen


87-550-3183-8 (Internet) 0106-2840

Department or group Date

VEA/VIM 16.06.2004

Groups own reg. number(s) Project/contract No(s)



Danish Energy Authority, the Ministry of Economics and Business Affairs

Pages Tables Illustrations References

29 0 36 4

Abstract (max. 2000 characters)

A 25m wind turbine blade was tested to failure when subjected to a flapwise
load. With the test setup, it was possible to test the blade to failure at three diffe-
rent locations.
The objective of these tests is to learn about how a wind turbine blade fails
when exposed to a large flapwise load and how failures propagate.
The report shows also results from ultra sonic scan of the surface of the blade
and it is seen to be very useful for the detection of defects, especially in the
layer between the skin laminate and the load carrying main spar.
Acoustic emission was successfully used as sensor for the detection of damages
in the blade during the test.
The report contains measurements of the total deflection of the blade, the local
deflection of the skin and the load carrying main spar and also measurement of
strain all as a function of the applied load and up to failure of the blade.
The post mortem analysis and description of how the damages propagate du-
ring the tests are reported in a separate report

Descriptors INIS/EDB

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