Use of Heat and Mass Transfer Data Books, Steam Tables Are Permitted

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Register Number: ..
(Regulation 2009)
Sixth Semester
AER124: Cryogenic Heat Transfer
(Use of Heat and Mass transfer data books, Steam tables are permitted)
Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Answer all the Questions:-
PART A (10 x 1 = 10 Marks)
1. The thermal conductivity is expressed as
a) W/mK b) W/m
c) W/hmK d) W/h
2. Heat transfer from higher temperature to lower temperature takes place according to
a) Fourier law b) First law of thermodynamics
c) Second law of thermodynamics d) Zeroth law of thermodynamics
3. In the heat flow equation Q=kA(t
)/x,the term (t
)/x is known as
a) Thermal conductivity b) Thermal coefficient
c) Thermal resistance d) Temperature gradient
4. The temperature variation with time, in the lumped parameter model, is
a) Exponential b) Sinusoidal
c) Cubic d) Linear
5. The number generally associated with natural convection heat transfer is
a) Prandtl b) Weber
c) Nusselt d) Grashoff
6. When the bubbles formed on a submerged hot surface get absorbed in the mass of liquid, the
process of boiling is known as
a) Sub cooled boiling b) Pool boiling
c) Film boiling d) Nucleate boiling
7. A correction of LMTD is necessary in case of --------------- heat exchanger.
a) Cross flow b) Parallel flow
c) Counter current d) All of the above
8. Compared to parallel flow heat exchanger log mean temperature difference in case of counter
flow heat exchanger will be
a) Less b) Same
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c) More d) Unpredictable
9. For a radiation shield which of the following parameters should be highest?
a) Emissivity b) Reflectivity
c) Absorptivity d) Transmissivity
10. A ------------------ body reflects entire radiation incident on it.
a) Transparent b) Black
c) Grey d) White

PART B (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
11. Define cryogenics.
12. Name some commonly used cryogens in aerospace applications.
13. Write down the three dimensional heat conduction equation in Cartesian co-ordinate system.
14. What is critical radius of insulation or critical thickness?
15. State Newtons law of convection.
16. Indicate the concept or significance of boundary layer.
17. Define NTU of a heat exchanger. Is it correct to say that, larger the NTU, larger the heat
exchanger will be?
18. List down the different types of heat exchangers.
19. Mention the physical significance of view factor.
20. Define emissivity.

PART C (5 x 14 = 70 Marks)
21. a) i) Identify the mode of heat transfer in the following:
Heat transfer from a room heater.
Boiling of water in a boiler.
Heat loss from a thermos flask.
Drying of wet hot plate in atmosphere.
Heat transfer from an auto radiator.
Heating of water in a bucket with an immersion heater.
Cooling of an I.C. engine cylinder by air/water.
Condensation of steam in a condenser.
Collection of solar energy by a collector.
ii) Estimate the loss of heat through a red brick wall of length 5m, height 4m and
thickness 0.25m, if the temperatures of the wall surfaces are maintained at
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110C and 40C respectively. Thermal conductivity for red brick is equal to
0.7 W/mK.
b) i) Explain briefly the following
Aerodynamic heating
Ablative heat transfer
ii) A wire 1.5mm in diameter and 150mm long is submerged in water at
atmospheric pressure. An electric current is passed through the wire and is
increased until the water boils at 100C.Under the condition if the convective
heat transfer coefficient is 4500 W/m
C find how much electric power must be
supplied to the wire to maintain the wire surface at 120C?

22. a) In an experiment to determine the thermal conductivity of a long solid 2.5cm
diameter rod, its base is placed in a furnace with a large portion of it projecting
into the room air at 22C.After steady state conditions prevail, the temperatures
at two points,10cm apart, are found to be 110C and 85C respectively. The
convective heat transfer coefficient between the rod surface and the surrounding
air is 28.4 W/m
K.Determine the thermal conductivity of the rod material.

b) An aluminium sphere weighing 5.5 kg and initially at a temperature of 290C is
suddenly immersed in a fluid at 15C.The convective heat transfer coefficient is
58 W/m
K.Estimate the time required to cool the aluminium to 95C,using the
lumped capacity method of analysis.

23. a) A flat plate 1m wide and 1m long is placed in a wind tunnel. The temperature
and velocity of free stream air are 10C and 80 m/s respectively. The flow over
the whole length of the plate is made turbulent with the help of a turbulizing grid
placed upstream of the plate. Determine the thickness of the boundary layer at
the trailing edge of the plate. Also calculate the mean value of the heat transfer
coefficient from the surface of the plate.

b) A metal plate 0.609 m high forms the vertical wall of an oven and is at a
temperature of 161C.Within the oven is air at a temperature of 93C and one
atmosphere. Assuming that natural convection conditions hold near the plate,

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estimate the mean heat transfer coefficient and the rate of heat transfer per unit
width of the plate.

24. a) Hot oil with a capacity rate of 2500 W/K flows through a double pipe heat
exchanger. It enters at 360C and leaves at 300C.Cold fluid enters at 30C and
leaves at 200C.If the overall heat transfer coefficient is 800 W/m
K, determine
the heat exchanger area required for (i) parallel flow and (ii) counter flow.

b) Water enters a counter flow, double pipe heat exchanger at 15C, flowing at the
rate of 1300 kg/hr.It is heated by oil (C
=2000 J/kg.K) flowing at the rate of 550
kg/hr from an inlet temperature of 94C.For an area of 1 m
and an overall heat
transfer coefficient of 1075 W/m
K, determine the total heat transfer and the
outlet temperatures of water and oil.

25. a) A pipe carrying steam having an outside diameter of 20 cm runs in a large room
and is exposed to air at a temperature of 30C.The pipe surface temperature is
400 C.Calculate the loss of heat to surroundings per meter length of pipe due to
thermal radiation. The emissivity of the pipe surface is 0.8.
What would be the loss of heat due to radiation if the pipe is enclosed in a 40 cm
diameter brick conduit of emissivity 0.91?

b) The net radiation from the surface of two parallel plates maintained at
temperatures, T1 and T2 is to be reduced by 79 times. Calculate the number of
screens to be placed between the two surfaces to achieve this reduction in heat
exchange, assuming the emissivity of the screens as 0.05 and that of the surfaces
as 0.8.


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