TrueLINK Integrated Services is a health consulting firm that proposes to conduct a free health talk for organizations. The talk will focus on increasing awareness of silent killer diseases like hypertension and diabetes, assessing body organs using quantum analysis, and providing advice on maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. Chronic diseases have increased due to poor diets and unhealthy habits. The health talk aims to give people information to save their lives and those of loved ones. Attendees will benefit from improved health knowledge, early disease detection, and advice on nutrition and supplements.
TrueLINK Integrated Services is a health consulting firm that proposes to conduct a free health talk for organizations. The talk will focus on increasing awareness of silent killer diseases like hypertension and diabetes, assessing body organs using quantum analysis, and providing advice on maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. Chronic diseases have increased due to poor diets and unhealthy habits. The health talk aims to give people information to save their lives and those of loved ones. Attendees will benefit from improved health knowledge, early disease detection, and advice on nutrition and supplements.
TrueLINK Integrated Services is a health consulting firm that proposes to conduct a free health talk for organizations. The talk will focus on increasing awareness of silent killer diseases like hypertension and diabetes, assessing body organs using quantum analysis, and providing advice on maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. Chronic diseases have increased due to poor diets and unhealthy habits. The health talk aims to give people information to save their lives and those of loved ones. Attendees will benefit from improved health knowledge, early disease detection, and advice on nutrition and supplements.
TrueLINK Integrated Services is a health consulting firm that proposes to conduct a free health talk for organizations. The talk will focus on increasing awareness of silent killer diseases like hypertension and diabetes, assessing body organs using quantum analysis, and providing advice on maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. Chronic diseases have increased due to poor diets and unhealthy habits. The health talk aims to give people information to save their lives and those of loved ones. Attendees will benefit from improved health knowledge, early disease detection, and advice on nutrition and supplements.
TrueLINK INTEGRATED SERVICES TLISis a health maintenance and development outfit committed to the delivery of high quality health maintenance programmes. We are a team of experts driven by passion for excellence in the design of health care programmes. We have combined quality services with creativity and innovativeness to the satisfaction of our clientele that cut across corporate, public and private sectors.
Health as observed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and held by public opinion is the greatest wealth. The loss of Health is worse than the loss of Wealth. Many factors such as stress, poor diet, lack of adequate rest and exercise mitigate having a good health which terribly reduces our health status from vibrant zone (100%) to the sick zone (25%) as scientifically proven.
The incidence of chronic disease such as Hypertension, Diabetes, Cancer, Stroke, etc has increased, which can be attributed largely to drinking, smoking and eating diet woefully inadequate in nutrient. Sadly, many people discover that they have these conditions only when they develop complications and become incapacitated in their prime of life. Renowned organizations like American Diabetes Association (ADA), Center for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO) and National Cancer Institute (NCI) held that the world is fast losing the health battle to these deadly and chronic diseases.
Furthermore, research has shown that 90% of the world population don't eat right, 80% of good health is due to eating a nutrient-rich diet that includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and fish. More so, the Average Life Expectancy (ALE) in Nigeria is (47) years. Thus, there is a great need for everyone to acquire the right information and knowledge required to save our lives and that of our loved ones.Our mission at TLIS in organizing this programme is to meet such need.
We therefore propose to conduct a FREE HEALTH TALK for your reputable organization as part of our health promotion services. WELLNESS IS CHEAPER THAN ILLNESS!
Some of the benefits of this health talk are: Increased awareness of the silent killer diseases and the preventive measures to take. Opportunity to have an on the spot assessment of all the body organs using Quantum Analyzer. Information on the benefits of taking nutritional supplements to boost our daily nutrient need. Enhanced healthy workforce with increased productivity as a result of improved lifestyle. Professional and nutritional advice on how to maintain a healthy diet.
We look forward to your prompt response.
Yours faithfully,
Nutritionist:BISI (08072089979) M.D: JOY (08060836949) Head office: 9, Oremeji Street, Isolo Lagos. Branch Office: 205, Borno Way Off Ladipo Bus/Stop, Oyingbo Lagos Tel: +2348035824838, +23408036508067 Email: [email protected]
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