Experimental Studies On The Combustion and Emission Characteristics of A Diesel Engine Fuelled With Used Cooking Oil Methyl Ester and Its Diesel Blends

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AbstractTransesterified vegetable oils (biodiesel) are

promising alternative fuel for diesel engines. Used vegetable oils are
disposed from restaurants in large quantities. But higher viscosity
restricts their direct use in diesel engines. In this study, used cooking
oil was dehydrated and then transesterified using an alkaline catalyst.
The combustion, performance and emission characteristics of Used
Cooking oil Methyl Ester (UCME) and its blends with diesel oil are
analysed in a direct injection C.I. engine. The fuel properties and the
combustion characteristics of UCME are found to be similar to those
of diesel. A minor decrease in thermal efficiency with significant
improvement in reduction of particulates, carbon monoxide and
unburnt hydrocarbons is observed compared to diesel. The use of
transesterified used cooking oil and its blends as fuel for diesel
engines will reduce dependence on fossil fuels and also decrease
considerably the environmental pollution.

KeywordsCombustion characteristics, Diesel engine, Emission
characteristics, Used cooking oil
HE large increase in number of automobiles in recent
years has resulted in great demand for petroleum
products. With crude oil reserves estimated to last for few
decades, there has been an active search for alternate fuels.
The depletion of crude oil would cause a major impact on the
transportation sector. Of the various alternate fuels under
consideration, biodiesel, derived from vegetable oils, is the
most promising alternative fuel to diesel due to the following
reasons [1]-[3].
1. Biodiesel can be used in the existing engine without
any modifications.
2. Biodiesel is made entirely from vegetable sources; it
does not contain any sulfur, aromatic hydrocarbons,
metals or crude oil residues.

Manuscript received May 1, 2007.
G Lakshmi Narayana Rao is with Sri Venkateswara College of
Engineering, P.B.No:3, Pennalur, Sriperumbudur, T.N, India 602 105
(Phone: +914427162321; fax: +914427162462; e-mail: glnrao_68@
S Sampath is with Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, P.B.No:3,
Pennalur, Sriperumbudur, T.N, India 602 105 (e-mail:
[email protected]).
K Rajagopal is with J awaharlal Nehru Technological University,
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India500072 ([email protected]).
3. Biodiesel is an oxygenated fuel; emissions of carbon
monoxide and soot tend to reduce.
4. Unlike fossil fuels, the use of Biodiesel does not
contribute to global warming as CO
emitted is once
again absorbed by the plants grown for vegetable oil
/biodiesel production. Thus CO
balance is
5. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration
classifies biodiesel as a non-flammable liquid.
6. The use of biodiesel can extend the life of diesel
engines because it is more lubricating than petroleum
diesel fuel.
7. Biodiesel is produced from renewable vegetable
oils/animal fats and hence improves the fuel or
energy security and economy independence.
A lot of research work has been carried out to use vegetable
oil both in its neat form and modified form. Studies have
shown that the usage of vegetable oils in neat form is possible
but not preferable [4]. The high viscosity of vegetable oils and
the low volatility affects the atomization and spray pattern of
fuel, leading to incomplete combustion and severe carbon
deposits, injector choking and piston ring sticking. The
methods used to reduce the viscosity are
* Blending with diesel
* Emulsification
* Pyrolysis
* Transesterification
Among these, the transesterification is the commonly used
commercial process to produce clean and environmental
friendly fuel [5]. Methyl / ethyl esters of sunflower oil [6],[7],
rice bran oil [8], palm oil [9], mahua oil [10], jatropha oil [11],
karanja oil [12], soybean oil [13], rapeseed oil [14] and rubber
seed oil [15],[16] have been successfully tested on C.I.
engines and their performance has been studied. The
sunflower oil, soybean oil and palm oil are edible oils and
also, are expensive. Hence they are not suitable for use as
feedstock for biodiesel production in economical way. The
non-edible oils such as jatropha oil and karanja oil, even
though attractive due to their low cost, requires considerable
amount of land and time for cultivation. These uncertainties
can prevent large-scale production and marketing of biodiesel.

Used cooking oils provide a viable alternative to
diesel, as they are easily available. These contain some
Experimental Studies on the Combustion and
Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine
Fuelled with Used Cooking Oil Methyl Ester
and its Diesel Blends
G Lakshmi Narayana Rao, S Sampath, K Rajagopal
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 4:2 2008

degradation products of vegetable oils and foreign material.
These impurities can be removed by heating and filtration.
Hence this does not prevent its usage as feedstock for
biodiesel production [17]. It has been reported that the cetane
number of used cooking oil methyl ester is around 49 and it
demonstrates its potential to replace diesel [18]. However not
much work has been carried out on combustion and emission
studies of used cooking oils as diesel engine fuels. Earlier
experimental work on used cooking oil supports some
favorable results on engine performance and emission
characteristics [19], [20]. Canakci [21] studied the potential of
restaurant waste oils as biodiesel feed stock by analyzing their
free fatty acid and moisture content. Pugazhvadivu et al. [22]
had carried out engine tests using preheated waste cooking oil.
Cetinkaya et al. [23] had conducted road test using Renault
Megane make automobile fueled with methyl esters of waste
cooking oil. Breuer [24] studied the effect of fuel properties
on heat release through experiments conducted with Rapeseed
Oil and its Methyl Ester. Vaughn et al. [25] arrived at the
ignition delay of a number of Bio-Esters by droplet ignition
delay experiments. Kinoshita et al. [26] evaluated the
combustion characteristics of biodiesels derived from coconut
oil and palm oil, while Sinha et al. [27] investigated the
incylinder pressure and heat release patterns of 20% rice bran
oil methyl ester- diesel blend. Hamasaki et al. [28] had
analyzed the rate of heat release of waste vegetable oil methyl
In this work, the combustion behavior of UCME is
reported. The explanation of the observed performance and
emissions has been based on inferences drawn from
combustion characteristics. Moreover this paper presents a
comprehensive analysis of UCME and its blends with diesel.
A. Preparation of Used Cooking Oil Methyl Ester
Used sunflower oil collected from the restaurants is
considered as feedstock for the biodiesel production.
Transesterification is a chemical process of transforming
large, branched, triglyceride molecules of vegetable oils and
fats into smaller, straight chain molecules, almost similar in
size to the molecules of the species present in diesel fuel. The
process takes place by reacting the vegetable oil with an
alcohol in the presence of catalyst. Methyl esters are preferred
as methanol is non hygroscopic and is less expensive than
other alcohols. In general, due to high value of free fatty acids
(FFA) of used cooking oils, acid catalysed transesterification
is adopted [29],[30]. However, FFA of the feedstock used in
this work is less and hence alkali catalyzed transesterification
process [31]-[33] is employed for the conversion of used
cooking oil into ester.
The used cooking oil is preheated in a reactor to remove the
moisture. Potassium methoxide is prepared by dissolving
potassium hydroxide in methanol. Various concentration of
KOH in the methoxide was prepared and the process is
optimized for the maximum yield. For the optimized KOH
concentration, alcohol proportion also optimized to obtain the
maximum yield. Methoxide is mixed with preheated oil and
the reaction carried out under nominal speed stirring by a
mechanized stirrer and at a constant reaction temperature of
55C for 2 hours. After 3 hours of settling period, ester
separates as an upper layer and glycerol settles at bottom
separated by decantation. These esters is washed with warm
water to remove impurities and separated. Experimentally the
process parameters are optimized. The optimum proportions
are for one litre of used cooking oil, the requirement of
methanol and KOH are 200 ml and 7.75g respectively. With
this proportion from one litre of used cooking oil, 920 ml of
UCME was produced. The important properties of used
cooking oil, UCME and diesel are given in Table 1. The fatty
acid profile of UCME is Palmitic 7.4%, Stearic 3.4%,
Oleic 41.4%, Linoleic 46.6% and others 1.2%.
XX%UCME denotes the % volume of UCME in UCME
diesel blends. For example, 20%UCME refers to 20% of
UCME and 80% of diesel in the blend.


B. Engine Tests
A single cylinder, 4.4 kW direct-injection air-cooled
stationary C.I. engine coupled with swinging field electrical
dynamometer is used for the experimental study and the
detailed technical specifications are given in Table II. Fig.1
shows the schematic diagram of the experimental set-up.


The engine is interfaced with avl indimeter software for the
measurement of combustion parameters. the pressure values
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 4:2 2008

are averaged over 100 cycles. no
, hc and co emissions are
measured using a 5 gas analyzer and the concentrations of
particulate matter are measured using avl 415 variable
sampling smoke meter. the engine tests are carried out at
various loads with diesel, ucme and its blends.

Fig. 1 Experimental set up
This paper compares ignition delay, rate of pressure rise,
peak pressure, in-cylinder pressure variation, heat release rate,
specific fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiency and
exhaust emissions of UCME and its blends with those of
A. Combustion Characteristics
This section describes the effects of percentage of UCME
in the blend on combustion characteristics i.e. ignition delay,
rate of pressure rise, peak pressure, heat release rate based on
experimental results.

1. Ignition Delay
Ignition delay of fuel is a significant parameter in
determining the knocking characteristics of C.I. engines. The
cetane number of a fuel, which indicates the self-igniting
capability, has a direct impact on ignition delay. The higher
the cetane number, the shorter the ignition delay, and vice
versa. Fig.2 shows the ignition delay of diesel, UCME and its
blends. It is observed that the ignition delay periods of UCME
and its blends are significantly lower than that of diesel and
are decreasing with increase in % UCME in the blend. This is
due to the fact that Oleic and Linoleic fatty acid methyl esters
present in the UCME split into smaller compounds when it
enters the combustion chamber resulting in higher spray
angles and hence causes earlier ignition [19]. This indicates
that UCME and its blends have higher cetane number
compared to diesel. It is noticed that for all test fuels the
reduction in ignition delay increases with the increase in load.
This may be due to higher combustion chamber wall
temperature and reduced exhaust gas dilution at higher loads.

Fig. 2 Comparison of ignition delay

2. Peak Pressure
The variation of peak pressures with respect to brake power
for diesel, UCME and its blends is shown Fig.3 It can be seen
that the peak pressure is slightly higher for UCME and its
blends when compared to that of diesel. This is due to the
lower ignition delay of UCME and its blends. The oxygen
content of UCME, which results in better combustion, may
also result in higher peak pressure compared to diesel.
Fig. 3 Comparison of peak pressure

3. Rate of Pressure Rise
Fig.4 shows the rate of pressure rise with crank angle at
rated load for the test fuels. Similar trend was noticed at all
other loads. All the tests are performed at an injection timing
23.4 bTDC. The analysis is concerned with the evaluation of
rate of pressure rise for crank angles between 9 bTDC and 4
aTDC, since the maximum Rate of Pressure Rise occurs
within this period for all fuel blends. It can be observed that
the rate of pressure rise for diesel is higher compared to those
of UCME and its blends. This is due to the longer ignition
delay and shorter combustion duration of diesel compared to
UCME and its blends.
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 4:2 2008

Fig. 4 Comparison of Rate of Pressure Rise

4. Pressure Variation with Crank Angle
The pressure variation in the cycle is important in the
analysis of the performance characteristics of any fuel. The
pressure variations of UCME-diesel blends at rated load are
shown in Fig.5. UCME and its blends follow the similar
pattern of pressure rise to that of diesel at all load conditions.
Table 5 indicates that, when compared to diesel oil, the values
of pressure data of 20%UCME and 40%UCME are lower
while for 60%UCME, 80%UCME and UCME are higher.
These distinct differences may be due to variations of
viscosity and heating value with percentage of UCME in the

Fig. 5 Comparison of In-cylinder pressure

5. Rate of Heat Release
A thorough knowledge of the heat release pattern of a fuel
is essential for the analysis of NO
formation inside the
combustion chamber and the cooling system requirements of
the engine. The comparison of heat release rate variations for
UCME and its blends with diesel is shown in Fig.6. It is
observed that the maximum heat release rate of 71.459 J /Deg.
CA is recorded for diesel at 6 bTDC, while UCME records
its maximum heat release rate of 51.481 J /Deg.CA at 8
bTDC. As the percentage of UCME in the blend increases, the
maximum heat release rate decreases and the crank angle at
which it takes place advances.
Fig. 6 Comparison of rate of heat release

B. Performance Characteristics
Engine performance characteristics are the major criterion
that governs the suitability of a fuel. This study is concerned
with the evaluation of brake specific fuel consumption
(BSFC) and brake thermal efficiency (BTE) of the UCME-
diesel blends.

1. Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC)
UCME has lower calorific value than that of diesel. Hence
the specific fuel consumption is slightly higher than that of
diesel for UCME and its blends. Fig.7 shows the BSFC of
various blends of UCME-diesel.
Fig. 7 Comparison of brake Specific fuel consumption

2. Brake Thermal Efficiency (BTE)
Fig.8 shows that brake thermal efficiency of UCME and its
blends is lower compared to that of diesel. At rated load the
BTE of UCME is lower than that of diesel by 2.5%. The BTE
of blends of UCME lie between those of diesel and UCME at
all loads. . Since the engine is operated under constant
injection advance and UCME has a smaller ignition delay,
combustion is initiated much before TDC is reached. This
increases compression work and more heat loss and thus
reduces the brake thermal efficiency of the engine. This can
also be explained by the fact that maximum efficiency is
obtained when most of the heat is released close to TDC [34].
The start of heat release much before TDC for UCME and its
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 4:2 2008

blends results in larger deviation from the ideal cycle and
hence lower thermal efficiency is recorded. Also it is noticed
from the Fig.8, that the decrease in BTE is not proportional to
the increase in % UCME in the fuel. This variation is due to
better lubricating properties of UCME as compared to diesel.
Fig. 8 Comparison of brake thermal efficiency

C. Emission Characteristics
With problems like global warming, ozone layer depletion
and photochemical smog in addition to widespread air
pollution, automotive emissions are placed under the
microscope and every possible method is attempted to reduce
emissions. Hence this study compares the emissions of
pollutants- nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, unburned
hydrocarbon emissions and smoke of UCME and its blends
with diesel.

1. Exhaust gas temperature
Fig.9 shows the exhaust gas temperature variations for test
fuels with load. It is observed that the exhaust gas temperature
increases with load because more fuel is burnt at higher loads
to meet the power requirement. It is also observed that the
exhaust gas temperature increases with percentage of UCME
in the test fuel for all the loads. This may be due to the oxygen
content of the UCME, which improves combustion and thus
may increase the exhaust gas temperature

Fig. 9 Comparison of exhaust gas temperature

2. Nitrogen Oxides Emission
Fig.10 shows gradual increase in the emission of nitrogen
oxides (NO
) with increase in percentage of UCME in the
fuel. The NO
increase for UCME may be associated with the
oxygen content of the UCME, since the oxygen present in the
fuel may provide additional oxygen for NOx formation.
Another factor causing the increase in NO
could be the
possibility of higher combustion temperatures arising from
improved combustion. It has to be noted that a larger part of
the combustion is completed before TDC for UCME and its
blends compared to diesel due to their lower ignition delay. So
it is highly possible that higher peak cycle temperatures are
reached for UCME and its blends compared to diesel.
However NO
can be controlled by adopting Exhaust Gas
Recirculation and by employing suitable catalytic converters.
Fig. 10 Comparison of Nitrogen Oxides

3. Carbon Monoxide Emission
Fig.11 shows that carbon monoxide emissions are greatly
reduced with the addition of UCME to diesel. The emission
of CO is reduced by 15% for 20%UCME and by 50% for
UCME when compared to diesel at rated load condition. CO
is predominantly formed due to the lack of oxygen. Since
UCME is an oxygenated fuel, it leads to better combustion of
fuel resulting in the decrease in CO emission.

Reduction in
CO emissions is a strong advantage in favor of UCME.
Fig. 11 Comparison of carbon monoxide

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 4:2 2008

4. Unburnt Hydrocarbons Emission (UBHC)
The unburnt hydrocarbons (UBHC) emissions with UCME
and its blends are compared with diesel in Fig.12. UBHC
emissions are reduced over the entire range of loads for
UCME diesel blends. It decreases with increase in %of
UCME in the blend. Since the UCME is an oxygenated fuel, it
promotes combustion and results in reduction in UBHC
Fig. 12 Comparison of hydrocarbon emissions

5. Smoke Intensity
Smoke or soot primarily comprises of carbon particles. The
improved combustion characteristics of UCME may lead to
fewer unburnt fuel particles impinging on cylinder walls (wall
quenching). Table 3 presents the smoke intensity of Diesel,
UCME and its blends. A vast reduction in smoke intensity is
observed with increase in percentage of UCME in the blend,
especially at high loads. UCME and its blends as fuel in diesel
engines significantly reduce smoke.


The performance, emissions and combustion characteristics of
a 4.4 kW DI compression ignition engine fuelled with UCME
and its blends have been analysed, and compared to the
baseline diesel fuel. The results of present work are
summarized as follows:
The ignition delay of UCME and its blends is found to be
lesser as compared to that of diesel. The peak pressure of
UCME-diesel is higher than that of diesel.
The engine develops maximum rate of pressure rise and
maximum heat release rate for diesel compared to UCME and
its blends. With increase in percentage of UCME in the blend,
the maximum rate of pressure rise and maximum heat release
rate decrease.
The specific fuel consumption increases with increase in
percentage of UCME in the blend due to the lower calorific
value of UCME. The brake thermal efficiency decreases with
increase in percentage of UCME in the fuel.
Increase in oxygen content in the UCME-diesel blends as
compared to diesel results in better combustion and increase in
the combustion chamber temperature. This leads to increase in
. UCME recorded higher values of NO
compared to
diesel at rated load.
Emissions of CO and UBHC decrease with increase in
percentage of UCME in the blend. It is also observed that
there is a significant reduction in smoke intensity especially at
higher loads even with 20%UCME
The used cooking oil as feedstock for transesterification
reduces the production cost of biodiesel. UCME satisfies the
important fuel properties as per ASTM specification of
biodiesel and improves the performance and emission
characteristics of engine significantly.
Authors thank the management of Sri Venkateswara College
of Engineering, Chennai for providing the necessary
experimental setup to perform this research.
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Prof. G. Lakshmi Narayana Rao received his B.E. Degree in Mechanical
Engineering fromKarnatak University, Dharwad, India, in 1992 and M.Tech
Degree in Thermal Sciences from Calicut University, India, in 1995. He
worked as Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Enginering, PSNA
College of Engineering, Dindigul, TN, India, for a period of 3 years and he is
currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Sriperumbudur, India.
His research interests are in the areas of Alternative fuels, Simulation of Heat
and Mass Transfer Systems, CFD and Renewable Energy Sources. He has
published more than thirty papers in national and international conferences
and two papers in international journals. He is life member of NSFMFP and
ISTE, India.

Prof. S.Sampath received the B.E. Degree in Mechanical Engineering from
University of Madras, India, in 1966, M.Sc.(Engg) in HEAT POWER ENGG
fromUniversity of Madras, India, in 1969 and Ph.D. in I.C.Engines fromIIT
Madras, India, in 1982 . He has a rich experience of more than thirty years in
the field of Mechanical Engineering in different cadres as Assistant Professor,
Professor and Dean (Development) and industrial experience of eight years as
Deputy Chief Engineer in SundaramClaytons Ltd., India. He is currently the
Director (Research &Development), Sri Venkateswara College of
Engineering, Sriperumbudur. His research interests are in the areas of
Alternative fuels, Simulation of heat and mass transfer systems, Combustion
in Gas turbines, Thermodynamics, CFD and renewable energy sources. He has
published ten papers in Refereed J ournals and more than twenty-five papers in
national and international conferences. He is a life member of ISTE, MCI and
SAE. He has served as a Member in the Board of Studies and Academic
Council of Anna University for 2 terms. He received Babcock Power Award
for the best paper presented in the J ournal of Institute of Energy, UK, 1988
and the Best Teacher Award for Tamilnadu and Pondicherry by ISTE in 2002.
He has guided 4 Ph.Ds

Prof. K. Rajagopal received B.Tech. Degree in Mechanical Engineering in
1976, M.Tech Degree in Heat Power Engineering in 1978 from J NTU,
Hydrabad and Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering from Indian Institute of
Technology, India, in 1991. He has rich experience of more than twenty-eight
years in the field of Mechanical Engineering in different cadres as Assistant
Professor, Associate Professor, Professor and Principal. He is currently the
Vice-Chancellor of J NTU. His research interests are in the areas of Alternative
fuels, simulation of heat and mass transfer systems, CFD and renewable
energy sources. He has published more than eighty papers in National and
International journals. He is a life member of Combustion Institute and ISTE,
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 4:2 2008

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