Elementary Podcast Support Pack - Series 2 Episode 9: Support Materials While You Listen Section 4

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Elementary Podcast Support Pack Series 2 episode 9


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The British Council, 2010

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

Support materials

While you listen

While you listen, read and answer the questions
below. Remember that there may be more than
one correct answer. See Answers at the end of
this support pack.

Section 1
1. Listen to Tess and Ravi. Tick all the phrases
you think are true. There may be more than one
right answer.
a) Ravi is taking Spanish lessons
b) Ravi is disappointed with his progress
c) Ravi doesn't like his teacher
d) Ravi is going to continue with his Spanish

Section 2
2. Listen to Pete talking about a watch. Tick all
the phrases you think are true.
a) It was Pete's grandfather's watch
b) The watch is worth a lot of money
c) Pete wears the watch every day
d) The watch came from a shop in Hungary

Section 3
3. Listen to the quiz about forms of transport.
Tick all the answers that you hear.
a) plane
b) car
c) bus
d) train

Section 4
4. How many people say they would like to visit
the future? Tick the correct number.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Section 5
5. Listen to Carolina and J amie in a restaurant.
What do they order for their dinner? Tick all the
things they ask for.
a) fish and chips
b) vegetarian pasta
c) steak
d) red wine

6. Now listen to Carolina and J amie's
conversation during dinner. Tick all the phrases
you think are true.
a) Carolina is going home to Venezuela for the
b) J amie is going with her
c) Carolina pays for the meal
d) J amie says he will phone Carolina before
she leaves

Section 6
7. Listen to the joke. Who has hiccups?
a) the pharmacist
b) the man
c) the man's wife
d) nobody

Elementary Podcast Support Pack Series 2 episode 9

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The British Council, 2010

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

Section 1 " I think I might stop"
Exercise 1
In the last podcast, Ravi was thinking about stopping his Spanish lessons. But Tess didn't think that
was a very good idea. Look at Ravis part of the conversation in the boxes below. Put what Tess said
into the right spaces. See Answers at the end of this support pack.
a And just think how good it'll be in Barcelona when you can do things in Spanish ordering
meals, buying postcards, ... talking to girls
b And of course it's difficult at first, but don't give up. You really should give it longer than
three lessons.
c Good. ... Now, shall we start the podcast? What have we got today?
d How many lessons have you had?
e Oh come on, Ravi. Three isn't many
f Oh dear. Why?
g Well why don't you talk to her about it? I'm sure she'll understand.
h What's your teacher like?

Ravi: I think I might stop going to the lessons.
Tess: 1.

Ravi: Oh, I don't know. I just don't think I'm getting any better.
Tess: 2.

Ravi: Three.
Tess: 3.

Ravi: I know, I know.
Tess: 4.

Ravi: It's just that .. well.. everyone is better than me. I feel really stupid sometimes.
Tess: 5.

Ravi: She's great.
Tess: 6.

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The British Council, 2010

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

Ravi: Well she doesn't understand anything I say in Spanish. But, yeah, you're right.
Tess: 7.

Ravi: Well, two or three more lessons won't hurt, will they? OK. I'll talk to the teacher and I'll carry
on going to lessons. OK?
Tess: 8.

Section 1 I think I might stop" encouraging people
Exercise 2
Here are three conversations that follow the same structure as Tess and Ravi's conversation in
Exercise 1. The three columns Conversation A, Conversation B and Conversation C have been
mixed up. The conversations are in the right order, and have the same number of "turns": 16. Can you
separate them and make three logical conversations?
With highlighter pens, colour the turns in three different colours. The first and the last turns have been
done for you. Alternatively, you can cut the turns out with a pair of scissors and arrange them on a
table. See Answers at the end of this pack.

Conversation A

Conversation B

Conversation C

I've decided to stop going to
my dance class

I think we should stop our
subscription to this magazine

Sorry, Gen, but I can't
come to your party tonight
What? I thought you
enjoyed it?

Healthy Living? Why do you
want to stop buying it?

What? Why not?

Well, I've been reading it for
a year but I don't feel any

Well, to tell the truth, I'm
trying not to drink so much!

Yes, well. I did. But the
teacher's really boring. We
always do the same thing

I thought you said she was
brilliant and an expert in
tangos and things?

What? You're worried about
becoming an alcoholic?

But as well as reading it, do
you follow their advice about
eating and exercises?

Well, not really
Well, I do some of the

Well, tangos, yes. But the

but not enough. And you
eat lots of crisps and bad food

But you went there to learn
Latin dance, didn't you?

Well, come and drink juice,

. Originally, but
Yes, but

Well, yes, I could

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The British Council, 2010

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

And you told me you thought
you were making lots of

You have to come. You
mustn't let drinks stop your
social life!

You can't stop reading the
magazine just because
you're lazy!

Yes, I know I'm a bit lazy, but
it's so expensive, too

Yes, but, well, it's the sugar.
I want to lose some weight for
the summer

Yes, but every Wednesday!
And it's the same time as the

Have you tried alcohol-free
beer? That new dark beer?

Look, you know the office
party's at El Dorado's this

Look, have you seen the
"Exercise Wednesday"

I think I looked at it a couple
of weeks ago

Yes, it tastes okay
The Christmas Party?

It's great. Every week they
suggest a new exercise and a
recipe with no carbohydrates!
Yes, well, there will be
dancing there. Why don't you
keep going to classes until

Well, I'll buy you some of
that. End of problem!

Another three months?
Tangos? Still, perhaps I could
learn to salsa as well

Same amount of sugar. Still,
yes, I suppose I shouldn't be

Gym and no chips? Great!
But I suppose it makes you
feel better

And imagine how fit you'll
be for the summer. You'll look
good on the beach

And Dave's coming too. He
said he hasn't seen you for
ages. It'll be fun

And you know J ulie? You
know she's started dance
classes too?

Conversation A

Conversation B

Conversation C

What J ulie from Human
Resources? Is she doing
Latin too?

Yes, if I could get a bit of
muscle on my arms and build
up my abs

Oh, Dave's coming? Yes,
it would be good to see him
and have a chat

Who knows? You'll have to
ask her. Now, pass me that

Now you're talking. Mister
Universe, here we come.
Cup of tea?

Right then. That's sorted.
Now, what do you fancy for

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The British Council, 2010

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

Section 1 I think I might stop" encouraging people
Exercise 3
Now you can practice this dialogue with a friend. Think of something that you don't want to do, and
see if your friend can persuade you that it's a good idea. Then change over and try to persuade your
Section 2 Would like to talk about
In this section, you heard Pete talking about his grandfather's watch. Do you have a special
possession that is very important to you? Write a paragraph describing the object and saying why it's
important to you. If you want, you can add your paragraph to the "Your turn" comments on the
website, or send your paragraph to [email protected].
Here are some phrases that might help you:

It's years old
It's made of .
It is / isn't worth a lot of money because
It is / isn't very beautiful

It belonged to
I bought it in ..
. gave it to me when I was ..
It's special / important to me because.
It reminds me / makes me think of ..

I remember when ..
I used to ..

I keep it in a box / on a shelf / in my handbag /
I [don't] wear / use it every day because..

Section 3 Quiz Exercise 1
The quiz today was about forms of transport.
Here are Tess's definitions can you remember what the answers were? See Answers at the end of
this support pack.

1. It's got two wheels and an engine.
2. It flies but it hasn't got wings.
3. It's a big thing. Lots of people sit in it, on the road, with a driver.
4. It's got two wheels but no engine - you pedal.
5. It flies and it's got wings.
6. It's a car and you pay the driver to take you where you want to go.
7. It's a ship. Cars can go on it, sometimes. It goes backwards and forwards between two
8. It's a big thing with lots of people. It runs on rails.
9. It's like a train but in the city. It's electric and it runs on rails in the city centre.

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The British Council, 2010

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

Section 3 Quiz Exercise 2
Here are some more forms of transport. Match them to the definitions. See Answers at the end of this
support pack.

cable car campervan coach hot air balloon hovercraft
jeep lorry sled underground yacht

1 It's a sort of train in the city. People go to work on it. In London it's called
'the tube'

2 It's a sort of bus, but it's for long distances and it's more comfortable.
Tourists often travel in one.

3 This is for holidays. You drive it but you sleep in it too.
4 It's like a ferry, but it goes above the surface of the water.
5 It's a big thing, you drive it, and you can deliver things from one place to

6 You travel in this on the sea, usually for pleasure, maybe for a holiday.
7 You can use this to go up or down a mountain. You travel up in the air,
above everything.

8 This flies, but it hasn't got an engine. You ride in the basket at the bottom.
Tourists use them sometimes to see the countryside.

9 This is for travelling on the snow. It can have an engine, or dogs can pull

10 This is for driving off of the road, in difficult places. It's very strong.

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The British Council, 2010

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

Section 3 Quiz Exercise 3

Now practice using the vocabulary to complete these lists. The same word can go in more than one
box, circle or circle intersection. You can add other forms of transport if you want.
Note: there are many possible answers to this exercise discuss your diagram with a friend's.

transport with 2
transport with 4

transport with more
than four wheels
transport with no





that carries
a lot of

for long
over water

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The British Council, 2010

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

Section 4 Your turn
In Your Turn this time the question was If you had a time machine, what 'time' would you visit?
What about you? Would you like to go to the future or to the past? What would you like to see and
do? Who would you like to talk to? Do you agree with what any of the people said in the podcast?
We'd like you to tell us your opinion. Add your paragraph to the "Your turn" comments on the website,
or send your paragraph to [email protected].
Here is some vocabulary that might help you to express your ideas:

verbs times to visit things to see
to go back in time
to go forward in time
to visit
to see
to meet
to talk to
to experience
to witness
to find out
to explore
to change history
to correct mistakes
to do things differently
prehistoric times
the stone age
the age of the dinosaurs
ancient civilisations
the middle ages
the [sixteenth / seventeenth /
twentieth] century
the x dynasty
the time of
x years ago
x years in the future


Section 5 Carolina Exercise 1
Look at some parts of Carolina and J amie's conversation in the restaurant. Put the expressions in the
right places. See Answers at the end of this support pack.

Can we see the wine list please? So how's the steak?
How would you like it done? so let me pay
I'd prefer red The vegetarian pasta for me please
I'll get the bill then what are you going to have?
I'll have the steak please what does the steak come with?

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The British Council, 2010

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

1 Jamie: So, ______________________________
Carolina: Hmm. I'm not sure.
2 Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Jamie: Well I am. Carolina?
Carolina: Oh um, yes. ______________________________.
3 Waiter: ______________________________
Carolina: Oh um, I like it pink, you know, still with some blood. .
Waiter: Rare. ... So that's one steak, rare.
4 Waiter: And for you sir?
Jamie: ______________________________.
5 Carolina: ______________________________
Waiter: Chips and a mixed salad.
Carolina: Oh, OK, that's fine.
6 Jamie: Do you want wine?
Carolina: Yes OK, do you?
Jamie: Yeah, OK. {to the waiter} ______________________________
7 Jamie: Red or white?
Carolina: ______________________________.
Jamie: OK. Excuse me. Can we have a bottle of the house red please?
Waiter: Certainly.
8 Jamie: ______________________________
Carolina: It's good. .... And how's your pasta?
Jamie: Delicious.
9 Jamie: So, do you want another coffee?
Carolina: No thanks
Jamie: ______________________________. {to the waiter}Can we have the bill please?
10 Waiter: Your bill.
Carolina: Give it to me. I'm going to pay for this.
Jamie: Don't be daft - I don't want you to pay for my dinner.
Carolina: I invited you, ______________________________. Please - I want to.
Jamie: OK then well, thank you very much.

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The British Council, 2010

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

Section 5 Carolina Exercise 2
Look again at parts of the conversations. Choose all the phrases that people can say there is
always more than one correct answer. See Answers at the end of this support pack.

1. Jamie: So, ______________________________
Carolina: Hmm. I'm not sure.
a) have you decided?
b) what would you like?
c) what are you going to have?
d) what's for you?

2. Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Jamie: Well I am. Carolina?
Carolina: Oh um, yes. ______________________________.
a) I'll have the steak please
b) Steak for me please
c) I go for steak
d) I'd like steak please

3. Waiter: ______________________________
Carolina: Oh um, I like it pink, you know, still with some blood. .
Waiter: Rare. ... So that's one steak, rare.
a) How would you like it done?
b) How do you want the steak?
c) How do you want the steak passed?
d) How is the steak?

4. Waiter: And for you sir?
Jamie: ______________________________ .
a) Bring me vegetarian pasta please
b) I'll have the vegetarian pasta please
c) The vegetarian pasta for me please
d) Vegetarian pasta please

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The British Council, 2010

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

5. Carolina: ______________________________
Waiter: Chips and a mixed salad.
Carolina: Oh, OK, that's fine.
a) what accompanies the steak?
b) what has the steak got?
c) what does the steak come with?
d) what is the steak served with?

6. Jamie: Do you want wine?
Carolina: Yes OK, do you?
Jamie: Yeah, OK. {to the waiter}______________________________
a) Bring the wine list.
b) We'd like the wine list, please.
c) Could you bring the wine list, please?
d) Can we see the wine list, please?

7. Jamie: Red or white?
Carolina: ______________________________.
Jamie: OK. Excuse me. Can we have a bottle of the house red please?
Waiter: Certainly.
a) I'd like red.
b) I'd prefer red.
c) I'd rather have red.
d) I like more red.

8. Jamie: So ______________________________
Carolina: It's good. .... And how's your pasta?
Jamie: Delicious.
a) how's the steak?
b) how goes the steak?
c) is the steak nice?
d) what's the steak like?

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The British Council, 2010

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

9. Jamie: So, do you want another coffee?
Carolina: No thanks
Jamie: ______________________________. {to the waiter}Can we have the bill please?
a) I'll call the bill.
b) I'll make the bill.
c) I'll ask for the bill.
d) I'll get the bill then.

10. Waiter: Your bill.
Carolina: Give it to me. I'm going to pay for this.
Jamie: Don't be daft - I don't want you to pay for my dinner.
Carolina: I invited you, so______________________________ Please - I want to.
Jamie: OK then well, thank you very much.
a) give me to pay
b) allow me to pay.
c) let me pay.
d) leave me pay.

Section 5 Carolina Exercise 3
Now imagine that you are in a restaurant with a friend. Complete the conversation.

Your friend: So what are you going to have?
You: ________________________________________________________.
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
You: ________________________________________________________.
Waiter: With chips and salad.
You: ________________________________________________________.
Your friend: And I'll have fish and chips please.
Waiter: And to drink?
You: ________________________________________________________.
Your friend: I'll have water please.
You: ________________________________________________________?
Your friend: It's very good. And yours?

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The British Council, 2010

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

You: ________________________________________________________.
Your friend: I'd like a coffee.
You: ________________________________________________________.
[ask waiter] ________________________________________________________.
You: [ask for the bill] ________________________________________________________.
Waiter: Here you are.
You: [offer to pay) ________________________________________________________.
Your friend: No, no, let me pay my half.
You: ________________________________________________________.
Your friend: OK. Thank you very much.

Now you can practice the dialogue with a friend (or two!).

Section 7 - The joke
Exercise 1
Read the sentences below, and put them in the right order to tell the joke. You can either cut them up
and arrange them, or write the number in the space on the left. See Answers at the end of this
support pack.

"but my wife out there in the car has still got them."
"Excuse me, but have you got anything for hiccups?"
"No, I haven't" says the man
"Ow!", says the man. "What did you do that for?"
"Well," says the chemist, "you haven't got hiccups now have you?"
A man goes into a chemist's shop and says to the pharmacist
and then suddenly reaches across the counter
and 'thwack' - slaps the man's face really hard.
The pharmacist looks at him for a couple of seconds,

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The British Council, 2010

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

Section 7 Tom Exercise 1
Match the question tag to the sentences. See Answers at the end of this support pack.

aren't there? can't she? didn't they? doesn't she? don't you?
haven't you? isn't he? was it? will you? wouldn't it?

1 Ravi's going to Barcelona,
2 You live in Bristol,
3 You've got a cat,
4 You won't be angry with me,
5 There are some chocolates in the cupboard,
6 Tess can speak Spanish,
7 Carolina comes from Venezuela,
8 Mike and Amy went to the party,
9 It wasn't a very difficult exam,
10 That would be a big mistake,

Section 7 Tom Exercise 2
Fill in the gaps with the correct question tag. See Answers at the end of this support pack.

1. It isn't raining, ____________________?
2. You don't like jazz, ____________________?
3. You'll help me, ____________________?
4. J ohn can swim very well, ____________________?
5. You're going on holiday next week, ____________________?
6. You weren't in class yesterday, ____________________?
7. J ane would like a book for her birthday, ____________________?
8. Your father works in a bank, ____________________?
9. It rained a lot yesterday, ____________________?
10. Tom's got an electric car, ____________________?

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The British Council, 2010

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

Section 7 Tom Exercise 3
Tom talked about useful expressions for different situations. Carolina has been in lots of different
situations in the podcasts, and here are some of them. Can you match the phrases to the places?
There are two phrases for each situation. See Answers at the end of this support pack.
at the airport

at the underground station

on a train

in a chemist's

in a pub

in a shoe shop

at the hairdresser's

in a restaurant

Could you tell me which line goes to Kings Cross please? J ust follow the signs to the platform.
Don't take too much off the fringe Right. Its my round
Excuse me. Am I in the right queue for immigration? So, same again everybody?
Excuse me? Have you got these in a size 5? Take one teaspoon four times a day
Have you got anything I can take for a cold? This is a quiet coach
We'd like a bottle of house red please Turn left for baggage reclaim
Ill take the black ones please I just want a trim please
Is anyone sitting in this seat? What does it come with?

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The British Council, 2010

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

Section 7 Tom Exercise 4
Tom talked about the interjection "Boo!" which is what we say when we want to frighten someone.
Match these English interjections with their meanings. See Answers at the end of this support pack.

Hey! Mmm! Oops! Ouch! Ssh! Wow! Yay! Yuk!

1. To ask someone to be quiet.
2. To say that you think something is horrible or disgusting.
3. To attract someone's attention when you want to speak to them.
4. To say that your food is really good - delicious
5. To say that something is amazing you can't believe it.
6. To say that something hurts maybe you pick up a hot plate.
7. To say that you've made a silly mistake
8. To say that you're really happy about something you've had some good news

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The British Council, 2010

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

While you listen Answers
1. a,b,d; 2. a,d; 3. a,c,d; 4. a; 5. b,c,d;
6. a,c,d; 7. C

Section 1: " I think I might stop"
Exerci se 1 Answers
1. f) Oh dear. Why?
2. d) How many lessons have you had?
3. e) Oh come on, Ravi. Three isn't many
4. b) And of course it's difficult at first, but don't give
up. You really should give it longer than three
5. h) What's your teacher like?
6. g) Well why don't you talk to her about it? I'm sure
she'll understand.
7. a) And just think how good it'll be in Barcelona
when you can do things in Spanish ordering
meals, buying postcards, ... talking to girls
8. c) Good. ... Now, shall we start the podcast? What
have we got today?

Section 1: " I think I might stop"
Exerci se 2 Answers see below

Section 3 Quiz Exerci se 1 Answers
1. motorbike; 2. helicopter; 3. bus; 4. bicycle; 5.
plane; 6. taxi; 7. ferry; 8. train; 9. tram

Section 3 Quiz Exerci se 2 Answers
1. underground; 2. coach; 3. campervan; 4.
hovercraft; 5. lorry; 6. yacht; 7. cable car; 8. hot air
balloon; 9. sled; 10. jeep

Section 5 Carolina Exerci se 1 Answers
1. what are you going to have?
2. I'll have the steak please
3. How would you like it done?
4. The vegetarian pasta for me please
5. what does the steak come with?
6. Can we see the wine list please?
7. I'd prefer red
8. So how's the steak?
9. I'll get the bill then
10. so let me pay

Section 5 Carolina Exerci se 2 Answers
1. a,b,c; 2. a,b,d; 3. a,b; 4. b,c,d; 5. c,d; 6. b,c,d; 7.
a,b,c; 8. a,c,d; 9. c,d; 10. b,c

Section 6 The Joke Answers
1. A man goes into a chemist's shop and says to the
pharmacist ; 2. "Excuse me, but have you got
anything for hiccups?"; 3. The pharmacist looks at
him for a couple of seconds,; 4. and then suddenly
reaches across the counter; 5. and 'thwack' - slaps
the man's face really hard.; 6. "Ow!", says the man.
"What did you do that for?"; 7. "Well," says the
chemist, "you haven't got hiccups now have you?";
8. "No, I haven't" says the man; 9. "but my wife out
there in the car has still got them."

Section 7 Tom Exerci se 1 Answers
1. Ravi's going to Barcelona, isn't he?
2. You live in Bristol, don't you?
3. You've got a cat, haven't you?
4. You won't be angry with me, will you?
5. There are some chocolates in the cupboard,
aren't there?
6. Tess can speak Spanish, can't she?
7. Carolina comes from Venezuela, doesn't she?
8. Mike and Amy went to the party, didn't they?
9. It wasn't a very difficult exam, was it?
10. That would be a big mistake, wouldn't it?

Section 7 Tom Exerci se 2 Answers
1. is it?; 2. do you?; 3. won't you?; 4. can't he?;
5. aren't you?; 6. were you?; 7. wouldn't she?;
8. doesn't he?; 9. didn't it?; 10. hasn't he?
Section 7 Tom Exerci se 3 Answers
at the airport
Excuse me. Am I in the right queue for immigration?
Turn left for baggage reclaim
at the underground station
Could you tell me which line goes to Kings Cross
J ust follow the signs to the platform
on a train
This is a quiet coach
Is anyone sitting in this seat?
in a chemist's
Have you got anything I can take for a cold?
Take one teaspoon four times a day
in a pub
Right. Its my round
So, same again everybody?
in a shoe shop
Excuse me? Have you got these in a size 5?
Ill take the black ones please
at the hairdresser's
I just want a trim please
Don't take too much off the fringe
in a restaurant
What does it come with?
We'd like a bottle of house red please
Section 7 Tom Exerci se 4 Answers
1. Ssh!; 2. Yuk!; 3. Hey!; 4. Mmm!; 5. Wow!; 6.
Ouch!; 7. Oops!; 8. Yay!

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The British Council, 2010

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

Section 1: " I've had a really awful day" Exercise 2 Answers
Conversation A

Conversation B

Conversation C

I've decided to stop going to
my dance class

I think we should stop our
subscription to this magazine

Sorry, Gen, but I can't
come to your party tonight
What? I thought you
enjoyed it?

Healthy Living? Why do you
want to stop buying it?

What? Why not?

Well, I've been reading it for
a year but I don't feel any

Well, to tell the truth, I'm
trying not to drink so much!

Yes, well. I did. But the
teacher's really boring. We
always do the same thing

I thought you said she was
brilliant and an expert in
tangos and things?

What? You're worried about
becoming an alcoholic?

But as well as reading it,
do you follow their advice
about eating and exercises?

Well, not really
Well, I do some of the

Well, tangos, yes. But the

but not enough. And you
eat lots of crisps and bad food

But you went there to learn
Latin dance, didn't you?

Well, come and drink juice,

. Originally, but
Yes, but

Well, yes, I could

And you told me you
thought you were making lots
of progress

You have to come. You
mustn't let drinks stop your
social life!

You can't stop reading the
magazine just because
you're lazy!

Yes, I know I'm a bit lazy,
but it's so expensive, too

Yes, but, well, it's the sugar.
I want to lose some weight for
the summer

Yes, but every
Wednesday! And it's the
same time as the football

Have you tried alcohol-free
beer? That new dark beer?

Look, you know the office
party's at El Dorado's this

Look, have you seen the
"Exercise Wednesday"

I think I looked at it a
couple of weeks ago

Yes, it tastes okay
The Christmas Party?

It's great. Every week they
suggest a new exercise and a
recipe with no carbohydrates!
Yes, well, there will be
dancing there. Why don't you
keep going to classes until

Well, I'll buy you some of
that. End of problem!

Another three months?
Tangos? Still, perhaps I could
Same amount of sugar.
Still, yes, I suppose I shouldn't
Gym and no chips? Great!
But I suppose it makes you

Elementary Podcast Support Pack Series 2 episode 9

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The British Council, 2010

The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.

learn to salsa as well

be anti-social.

feel better

And imagine how fit you'll
be for the summer. You'll look
good on the beach

And Dave's coming too. He
said he hasn't seen you for
ages. It'll be fun

And you know J ulie? You
know she's started dance
classes too?

Conversation A

Conversation B

Conversation C

What J ulie from Human
Resources? Is she doing
Latin too?

Yes, if I could get a bit of
muscle on my arms and build
up my abs

Oh, Dave's coming? Yes,
it would be good to see him
and have a chat

Who knows? You'll have to
ask her. Now, pass me that

Now you're talking. Mister
Universe, here we come.
Cup of tea?

Right then. That's sorted.
Now, what do you fancy for

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