3 Benefites of CFB Boiler Over Pc-Fired Boiler

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3 Benefits Of CFB-Boiler over PC- fired Boiler



Benefits Of
CFB-Boiler over PC- fired Boiler

CFBC, although nearly 20 year old is a mature technology with more than
400 CFB boilers are in operation world wide ranging from 5MW(e)-
300MW(e) and unto 600MW(e) supercritical CFB boiler is under
contraction stage.

Moreover CFB boiler have potential to replace pulverized coal fired boiler
completely in near future. And we have number of reasons in support of
CFB boiler Over PC-fired boiler.
They are: -

3.1 Potential To Burn High Ash Coal:

And we all know that Indian coal contains large percentage of ash (upto
60%, even more). Most of PC-fired boilers are designed to handle upto 50-
55% of ash (maximum). But CFB boiler can burn upto 75% of ash coal

Conclusion: So in order to utilize our low-grade coal (upto 75%), we must
have to employ CFB boiler in current scenario

3 Benefits Of CFB-Boiler over PC- fired Boiler
Start- Up Comparison Of boilers: PC Vs CFB

Type of Start up CFB PC
Cold 6 7
9 10 hrs
(PC after 8 hrs, CFB after
48 hrs)
3 hrs 5 6 hrs
(PC after 2 hrs, CFB after
12 hrs)
2 hrs 5 6 hrs

So, as seen above, start up time of CFB is lesser in different type of start up
than PC-fired boiler.

Conclusion: Due to low start up time CFB Boilers are able to save time and
energy. Hence more economical also.

3.2 Multi Fuel Flexibility:

PC boilers can hardly burns low-grade coal of C, D, E and F-Grade of
C.V ranging from 5000 Kcal/Kg to 3000 Kcal/Kg.
But CFB boiler can handle wide range of fuel with low heating values (1500
Kcal/Kg), and high moisture content (upto 60%).

The main reason that CFB boiler is capable of using various fuels and
low-grade fuel mixes is due to large amount of heat stored in circula-ting
bed material and ash at high temperature.
List of fuels that can be burn in CFB boiler:

Coal & Brown Coal
High Ash Coal
Wood & Wood Waste
Petroleum Coke
Paper Waste
Agricultural Waste

3 Benefits Of CFB-Boiler over PC- fired Boiler
Differing Sludge
Residual & Waste Oil
Oil Shale
Classified Residues

Conclusion: Acceptance of wider range of fuels makes CFB boiler more
fuel economical.

3.3 Reduced Pulverizing Cost & Mills Performance:

CFB-Boiler PC-Fired Boiler Benefits Of CFB
Fuel Size: 6-12 mm < 75 microns Grinding Cost

Disadvantages of PC- fired boiler coal mils over CFB boiler coal mills-

Requires frequent maintenance
Power consumption is more
Affected more by foreign particles
High capital cost

Conclusion: Low O&M cost.

3.4 Lower Operating Temperature:

Furnace temperature of CFB boiler is 800-900 Degree Celsius.
Furnace temperature of CFB boiler is 1100-1400 Degree Celsius

Conclusion: This leads to reduction in material cost, O&M cost also

3.5 Low Auxiliary Fuel Support :

CFB-Boiler PC-Fired Boiler Benefits Of CFB
Auxiliary Fuel Support upto 20-30% upto 60% Less oil or gas
(Oil & Gas) consumption

3 Benefits Of CFB-Boiler over PC- fired Boiler

In CFB boiler oil is only needed for cold start-up and operation below 25%
Whereas, PC-fired boiler requires auxiliary fuel support upto 40-60% MCR .

Conclusion: Reduces auxiliary fuel cost and operation cost too.

3.6 Low Flue Gas Velocity:

Erosion is the main cause of higher maintenance in CFB boiler ,due to high
solid loading in flue gas.
CFB boilers have lesser f.g. Velocity compare to PC-boiler.
In CFB- boiler:
F.G. Velocity at superheater=8m/s
In PC- boiler:
F.G. velocity at superheater=10-12m/s

Conclusion: Low f.g. Velocity reduces the maintenance cost and also
increases the life cycle of TPS.

3.7 High Heat Transfer Coefficient:

Even though CFB boiler is designed for relatively lower f.g. Velocities, the
heat transfers coeff. Of CFB furnace is nearly double that of PC fired.

3.8 For Same Environmental Performance CFBC Is Very

Emission CFB-Boiler PC-Fired Boiler World Bank Req

SOx (ppm) <200 <200 with FGD 730
(>200 without FGD)

Nox (ppm) <100 <100 with SCR 365
(>100 without SCR)

In PC-fired boiler secondary system like FGD/SCR/SNCR are needed for
SOx & Nox reduction is needed, which is very costly and even unaffordable
for developing countries

3 Benefits Of CFB-Boiler over PC- fired Boiler
A) FGD (Flue Gas Desulfurification) System:

FGD is using by just 27 countries because of high cost. The figure
shows conventional limestone/lime flue-gas desulfurization. After leaving
the particulate removal device- ESP or a fabric filter (top left)-the gas enters
a spray tower or absorber (top center), where it is sprayed with calcium-
based water slurry. The calcium in the slurry and the SO
in the flue gas
form calcium sulfite or calcium sulfate, which are removed by dewatering
and settling into a thickener (center). The FGD wastes are usually mixed
with the fly ash collected in the fabric filter or ESP and lime in a pug mill
(bottom center), and they are disposed of in landfills.

Average Cost of FGD Unit : US$ 100/kw

For 210MW Unit: (210000KW * 100)
= US$21000000
= Rs.90 Crore

B) SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) System

SCR is similar to SNCR in that it uses ammonia injection in the flue gas
to convert NOx emissions to elemental nitrogen and water. The key
difference between SCR and SNCR is the presence in SCR systems of a
catalyst, which accelerates the chemical reactions. The catalyst is needed
because SCR systems operate at much lower temperatures than do the
SNCR; typical temperatures for SCR are 340 to 380C (650 to 720F),

3 Benefits Of CFB-Boiler over PC- fired Boiler
compared with 870 to 1,200C (1,600 to 2,200F) for SNCR. The most
commonly used catalysts are a vanadium/titanium formulation (V

stabilized in a TiO
base) and zeolite materials. The figures below illustrate
hot- and cold-side SCR systems

Average Cost of SCR Unit : US$ 110/kw

For 210MW Unit: (210000KW * 110)
= US$23100000
= Rs.100 Crore

C) SNCR (Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction) System
NOx emissions in the flue gas are converted into elemental
nitrogen and water by injecting a nitrogen-based chemical reagent,
most commonly urea (CH2CONH2) or ammonia (NH
; either
anhydrous or aqueous). The chemical reactions, in a simplified form,
are as follows:

SNCR technologies can reduce NOx emissions by 35 to 50
percent without significant impacts on unit performance.

2NO + CH
+ O
+ CO
+ 2H
NOx + NH
+ O
+ H
O + (H
) N
+ H

3 Benefits Of CFB-Boiler over PC- fired Boiler

Average Cost of SNCR Unit : US$ 20/kw

For 210MW Unit: (210000KW * 20)
= US$4200000
= Rs.18 Crore

Conclusion: There is no need of such costly system of SCR/SNCR
In CFB boiler because its operating furnace temperature
is low as compare to PC boiler hence Nox formation is very
Also for SOx reduction highly costly FGD system is
required in PC boiler but in CFB boiler SOx can reduced
in a cost effective manner by just injecting lime stone
in furnace.

3.9 High Combustion Efficiency:

Even though combustion temperature of CFB is low but the fuel resident
time is higher than PC boiler (a single particle can be circulated to 10-50
times depending upon the size of particle)

Conclusion: Combustion efficiency is upto 99% is possible, almost
comparable to PC boiler.

3.10 Repowering:

Repowering means conversion of older PC-boiler into CFB boiler, that can
fit into the existing support steel and also using the other existing
components like:

Boiler Drum
Steel Support
Coal Bunkers
Existing Steel Support
Fans etc.

3 Benefits Of CFB-Boiler over PC- fired Boiler

Size comparison of PC boiler firing lignite and bituminous coal and its repowering
CFB boiler.

Above figure shows how the new unit fits within the existing bay when
the only required modification to the building is a height increase. The fore-
to-aft footprint of this unit as compared to the Tychy unit is reduced by two
means: a) placing part of the superheater in the vertical downpass, thus
reducing the depth of the horizontal pass, and b) utilizing available space for
the air heater at the side of the downpass.

Main objective of repowering :
1.To increase MW output to rated capacity
2.To reduce O&M cost
3.To use poor quality of domestic fuel
4.To extend the existing plant life.

3 Benefits Of CFB-Boiler over PC- fired Boiler
The main objective of repowering is to replace existing PC
fired boiler, economically and environmentally acceptable
manner. Many PC boilers have already been repowered
successfully in many countries like USA, China, Ukraine etc.
In India this approach is also under development stage of
some older PC boiler.


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