Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information

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Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.
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Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
Invent a New India Using Knowledge
/0)"1 &2 324 #' 5 *)6
Jawaharlal Nehru
Step Out From the Old to the New
7"#1 &" 8+9&"), 7:1 &" 8+9&")
Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan
The Right to Information, The Right to Live
!"# %& ;<" =7"#" > 72 &(: ?0)"@" #AB 7" <&*" A*
Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen
IS 5892 (2004): Concrete transit mixers [MED 18:
Construction Plant and Machinery]
IS 5892:2004
Indian Standard
(First Revision)
ICs 91,220
() 131S2004
NEW DELHI 110002
Price Group 3

(Reaffirmed 2003)
Construction Plant and Machinery Sectional Committee, ME 18
This Indian Standard (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by
the Construction Plant and Machinery Sectional Committee had been approved by the Mechanical Engineering
Division Council.
The transit mixer as the name implies, basically consists of a mixer mounted more commonly on a truck, but
sometimes on other suitable mobile haulage unit, for uniform mixing of various ingredients of concrete or for
agitation of already mixed concrete during its transit.
A transit mixer can perform the following three functions:
a) [t can mix coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, cement and water for production of concrete wh iIe it is
moving or stationary.
b) It can prevent segregation of already mixed concrete during transit by agitation, as a result of slow
revolution of the drum.
c) It can completely mix the shrink mixed concrete (that is concrete partially mixed in the central batching
and mixing plant) while it is moving or stationary.
This standard was first published in 1970 with the following main objectives:
a) TO guide the manufacturers and the purchasers/users by specifying working limits for capacity, general
construction and other features of the equipment;
b) To assist in efficient production by standardization of sizes; and
c) To guide the purchasers in acquiring equipment which meet certain minimum performance requirements.
As a result of continuous developments in last three decades in the technology and features of concrete mixers,
a need was felt to revise this standard. The present revision incorporates a number of moditicatioms which are
based on the feedback received from various manufacturers and users of concrete transit mixers. The major
modifications are as follows:
i) Transit agitators have been excluded from the scope of this specification. The title of the standard has
also been changed accordingly. This has been done keeping in mind that no such equipment are
manufactured in India for exclusive use as transit agitators. As a matter of fact, practically, transit
mixers are being used as transit agitators also at low speed of the mixer drum.
ii) Criteria of nominal capacity of transit mixer for agitation (see Note below 4.2.1) has been modilied.
iii) Maximum drum agitation speed (see 5.2) has been modified from 6 revlmin to 4 rev/nlin.
iv) Maximum speed limits have been prescribed for truck and mixer drum (see Note 1 below 5.6) for
movement of the transit mixer on temporaryhrneven roads and on good roads.
v) Maximum time limit (see Note 2 below 5.6) has been specified for retaining concrete in the transit
mixer. Maximum limit of 250 drum rotations specified earlier has been withdrawn.
vi) Mixer drum (see 7.2) is specified to be fabricated from abrasion resistant steel plates only. Alternative
construction of mild steel drum with renewable liner plates specified earlier hds been withdrawn.
vii) Mechanical systems for drive to the mixer drum by V-belt or by reduction gear (that is ring gear and
pinion arrangement) or by chain and sprocket as specified earlier have been withdrawn.
vii i) Power take-off for mixer drive from front-end (crankshaft) and rear-end (camshaft) of the vehicle chassis
as specified earlier have been withdrawn.
ix) Revolution counters and drum speed indicators (see 7.4) have been made optional items. These were
compulsory items in the earlier edition.
x) Minimum capacity of mix water tank (see 9, 1.2) has been increased from 150 litres/m3 to 200 litres/nl].
(Con finued on lhird cover)

IS 5892:2004
Indian Standard
(First Revision)
1.1 This standard covers inclined axis, rotary drum type
concrete transit mixers, driven by power take-off from
(he mobile vehicles engine itself or through a separate
engine for mixing and/or agitation of concrete during
transit. Agitation, mixing and discharge of concrete is
obtained by the screwing and lifting effect of the double
internal drum spirals during drum rotation.
1.2 The standard defines the various terms, designations
and standard sizes of the transit mixers. It also
specifies the requirements of construction, capacity,
performance, accessories and various other features of
transit mixers.
The Indian Standards listed below contain provisions
which through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication,
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are
subject to revision, and parties to agreement based on
this standard are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the
standards indicated below:
[sNo. Title
2932 ; 1993
Enamel, synthetic, exterior:
a) undercoating, b) finishing
Specification (secorrd revision)
4634:1991 Methods for testing performance of
batch-type concrete mixers ~ir.st
4926:1976 Specification for ready mixed
concrete (,flrst revision)
7372:1995 Lead-acid storage batteries for motor
vehicles Specification ~irst
10262:1982 Recommended guidelines for
concrete mix design
3.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following
detlnitions shall apply.
3.1 Transit Mixer A mixer generally mounted on
a truck or some other suitable mobile haulage unit,
capable of mixing ingredients of concrete and/or for
agitation of already mixed/partial Iy mixed concrete
during transit from a concrete batching plant to the
point of placement of concrete.
3.2 Gross Drum Volume This is the total interior
volume of the revolving portion of the mixer drum.
3.3 Nominal Batch Capacity of MixerThe volume
in cubic metres of mixed concrete (of 80 mm slump
and aggregates of40 mm maximum size) which may
be held and mixed properly, without spillage, in one
batch in the mixer drum.
NOTE Carrying capacity of the transit mixer will rcducc
with concretes of higher slump rind/or the uphill road gradient.
4.1 The sizes of concrete transit mixers shall be
designated by the number representing the nominal
batch capacity of its mixer drum in cubic metres
together with the suffix TM.
4.2 The concrete transit mixers shall be of the sizes
given in Table 1.
Table 1 Sizes of Transit Mixers
Designation Nrsmintil Capacity
%or Mixing For AgitMid
(1) (2) (3)
3TM 3 3.75
4TM 4 5.00
5TM 5 6,25
6TM 6 7,50
7TM 7 8.75
8TM 8 10.00
4.2.1 intermediate and other sizes shall not be
considered as standard sizes; however these may be
supplied by mutual agreement between the purchaser
and the supplier.
NOTE The nominal capacities for agitation given in Table 1
will apply when concrete is shrink mixed (that is partially
mixed) in a central batching and mixing plant with part quantity
of water to keep its slump low during transportation by transit
mixer, The remaining mixing is done after addition otbalance
quantity of water in the transit mixer at site, when it is

IS 5892:2004
a) Within llAbour when atmospheric tempemture is above
5.1 The manufacturer shall provide all necessary
b) Within 2 hours when the atmospheric temperature is
equipment andaccessories for minimum speed range
of O-14 rev/rein of the drum in both directions,
3 Thedrum oftransit mixer shall becompletely dry;illdtlle
5.2 Agitation Speed Agitation speed shall not be
aggregatesshall be in SaturatedSurface Dry (SSD) condition
(see Note under 3.3.4 of IS 10262) when dry-mix ingredients
less than 2 rev/rein of mixer drum. However, for
are received from batching plant and mixing of concrete is
concretes of lower slumps, the agitation speed can be
done in the drum of transit mixer itself
more, subject to the maximum limit of 4 rev/rein.
5.3 Mixing Speed Mixing speed of the drum shall
not be less than 4 rev/tnin. It will generally be in the
range of 4 to 6 rev/rein if partially mixed concrete is
received from batching and mixing plant and final
mixing is done in the transit mixer during its transit.
The mixer drum may be rotated at higher speed for
2-3 Ini[llttes while the truck is stationary for uniform
mixing of partially mixed concrete, if travel time of
the transit mixer is short or if dry-mix ingredients of
concrete are loaded in the transit mixer from the
batching plant for tnixing of concrete in the transit
mixer. But in any case, maximum speed of the loaded
drum shall neither be tnore than 16 revhnin nor more
than a speed resulting in the drum peripheral velocity
of 70 m/min at its largest diameter.
5.4 The number of revolutions of the mixing drum
(after addition of water in the ingredients of dry-mix
into the drum) for uniform mixing of concrete shall be
between 70 to 100 revolutions. Beyond these tnixing
revolutions, agitating speed of the drum shall be
between 2 to 4 rev/rein.
5.5 The mixer drum shall be rotated at a speed of 12-
14 rev/rein for a few seconds for thorough tmixing of
concrete before its discharge from the transit mixer.
However, this speed shall be Iitnited to the speed
resulting in the drum peripheral velocity of 70 m/min
at its largest diameter.
5.6 Speed of mixer drum may be increased up to 12
rev/m in for achieving higher rate of filling or discharge.
However, this speed shall be limited to the speed
resulting in the drum peripheral velocity of 70 m/tnin
at its largest diameter.
1 1he operator/tield supervisor shall ensure that the drum of
transit mixer rotates only at minimum permissible speed to
reduce its wear. Doring movement of the transit mixer on
tclllpc~rary/~l!lcvctl roads, the speed of drum shall not cxcced 4
rcv/n]in and speed of lhc t!-ack shall not cxcced 20 km per
Ihoor to avoid accidents duc to overturning. 1Iowever, drum
speed may bc incrcascd to 6 rev/nlin and truck speed may go
up to 40 km per hour, if condition of road is good.
2 Coocrctc most bc unloaded from the transil mixer within
the tbllowing time limits (see 6.3.1 of 1S4926) atier its receipt
Ii-em batching and mixing plant or aiicr addition of water to
the dry mix ingredients of concrete in the transit mixer:
6.1 Besides the vehicle chassis, tnixer drum and mixer
drive mechanism, other main components of transit
mixer are the frame structure (for mounting of mixer
assembly and accessories), water system, charging
hopper, discharge chute, controls, etc. All transit mixers
of the same size, manufactured or supplied under a
specific contract shall be physically and mechanical Iy
identical. The unit shall be designed on the basis of a
single-man control for mixing or agitation and truck
6.2 The complete assembly of transit mixer shall be
supplied with 2 coats (each of 30 microns thick) of
anti-corrosive primer and 2 coats (each of 30 microns
thick) of synthetic enamel paint or PVC paint. The
components shall be thoroughly cleaned for removal
of rust, oil, grease, dust, etc, before application of
primer coat. Painting of mixer drum shall be in stripes
of two different colour shades. Colour shades of stripes
will be as per mutual agreement between the supplier
and the purchaser. Synthetic enamel paints shall
conform to 1S 2932.
7.1 Various components of the mixer unit shall
conform to the requirements as given in 7.2 to 7.3.
7.2 Mixer Drum The rotary mixing drum shall be
tnade of high tensile strength, high manganese steel or
equally abrasion-resistant steel plates of adequate
thicknesses. Two numbers spiral shaped mixing and
auxiliary blades in the form of continuous spirals of
progressively increasing h~ight shall be welded along
full length inside the drum. The direction of helix of
these blades shall be opposite to each other., A
continuous flat (minimum size 25 mm x 4 mm) shall
be welded on the outer edge of spiral to make the
blade T-shaped for its stiffening and for extra
protection against wear. These blades shall also be of
high tensile strength, high manganese steel or equally
abrasion resistant steel plates not less than 3 mm thick.
The mixing blades shall carry hard faced bead weld
on leading edges for maximum life and for ease of
built-up on wearing. The blade formation and size shall
be such, so as to mix concrete of uniform consistency
(see 18) in the shortest time and to enable quick as

well as uniform discharge from the drum, when it is
7.2.1 Minimum Drutn Volume
The gross drum volume shall not be less than 1.7 times
of nolminai mixer capacity.
7.2.2 .Owm Opening
The drum opening shall not be less than 900 mm
diameter and shall be provided with drip ring for its
stiffening and to prevent grout running down the mixer
7.2.3 Drum Rollers
The drum shall be mounted on two sets of twin rollers
of at least [50 mm dia with suitable cover for protection
against dust/dirt. The rollers shall be of cast steel or
forged steel and shall be surface-hardened, precision
ground and fitted with anti-friction bearings.
7.2.4 The drum roller track shall be made as one piece
from wear resistant high carbon or equivalent alloy
steel bar or alloy steel casting. It shall be welded or
shrunk to the drum and subsequently machined
properly so as to ensure smooth and true running of
the drum.
7.2.5 Closed end of the mixer drum shall be bolted to
the flange of planetary gearbox. Design of planetary
gearbox shall be such that the driving mechanism is
not put to undue stresses or jerks due to minor drum
movement while driving over uneven ground.
7.3 Mixer Drive The drive to the mixer drum shall
be hydrostatic type which shall be either through power
take-off unit from the vehicle engine itself or through
a separate diesel engine, as per specific agreement
between the purchaser and the supplier. In both cases,
the mixer drum shall be rotated by an oil bath type low
speed planetary gearbox, powered by high torque
reversible type hydraulic motor through variable
displacement hydraulic pump. The hydraulic system
shall be a close loop circuit with micro filtration
arrangement. The hydraulic circuit will have a strainer
in the hydraulic tank and at least 10 micron filter in
(he suction line. A separate oil cooler with thermostat
shall be provided for controlling the temperature of
hydraulic oil. Hydraulic system shall be of proven
performance in transit mixer operation.
7.3. I in the case of power take-off type units, the
vehicle chassis shall be furnished with flywheel end
(gearbox) power take-off. The vehicle shall be of
adequate horsepower rating so as to be able to supply
required power for the mixer drive under all operating
conditions (during transit as well as in stationary
condition) without affecting its own normal performance
as a truck.
1S 5892:2004
7.3.2 Alternatively, drive to the mixer drum may be
provided through a separate self-start type diesel engine
mounted suitably on the vehicle chassis between the
driver cab and the mixer drum. This engine shall form
an integral power unit of the assembly. A separate
instrument panel shall be provided which shall be
located near the diesel engine in such a way so as to be
easily accessible to the operator while standing at
ground level. The instrument panel shall contain engine
oil pressure gauge, fuel gauge, engine tachometer
(rpm meter), ammeter, temperature gauge (water
temperature gauge for water-cooled engine or engine
oil temperature gauge for air-cooled engine),
ignition switch (starting switch), engine stop switch/
arrangement. It will also have glow lamps to indicate
low engine oil pressure and failure of battery charging
system. Air-cooled diesel engines shall be equipped
with glow lamp or audible warning device to indicate
fan-belt failure.
The following arrangements will be subject to specific
agreement between the purchaser and the supplier:
a) Diesel engine to be water-cooled type or air-
cooled type;
b) Separate fuel tank for mixer engine or fuel
supply to be taken from the fuel tank of truck;
c) Separate battery (1S 7372) for mixer engine
or electric supply to be taken from the battery
of truck. For first option (that is, separate
battery for mixer engine), the standard supply
will include alternator and battery charging
system. For this option, a metallic cover shall
be provided for protection of battery.
7.4 Revolution and Speed Recording For indication
of revolutions and speed of the mixing drum, the transit
mixer shall be provided with revolution counter and
drum speed indicator as given in 7.4.1,7.4.2 and 7.4.3.
However, provision of these items is optional and these
shall be provided only if specifically agreed by the
supplier and the purchaser.
7.4.1 Revolution Counter
Revolution Counter shall be electrically operated,
limit switch type or an acceptable mechanical type,
which shall be capable of being reset for each batch.
This device shall be provided for recording total drum
revolutions during mixing/agitation of any particular
7.4.2 Drutn Speed Indicator
Drum speed indicator shall be an electrical or
mechanical type tachometer to indicate revolutions per
minute of the mixer drum.
7.4.3 Readings of Revolution Counter as well as

[S S892 :2004
Drum Speed Indicator shall be recorded on dashboard
of the haulage vehicle. These devices shall be positioned
on the dashboard in such a manner that they are clearly
visible to the operator and shall be within his reach for
8.1 The supporting frame for the mixer and its
components shall be designed for proper Ipad
distribution on the chassis of haulage vehicle and shall
be of sturdy construction.
8.2 The supporting frame of the mixer unit shall have
pre-drilled holes for its mounting on the truck chassis
by U bolts, The frame structure shall be complete
with rubber pads, U bolts, clamping pulleys and all
necessary hardwares for mounting of the mixer
assembly on truck chassis.
~ol~ Ibc mixer assembly shall be positioned on the truck
chassis at such a location so that center of gravity ot the fully
Ioadcd mixer falls bciween front and rear axle ot the chassis
and il is closer towards the front axle,
9.1 The transit mixer shall be furnished with a water
tank as described in 9.1.1 or 9.1.2 based on specific
agreement between the purchaser and the supplier/
manufacturer, The inside surface of water tank shall
be given treatment for protection against corrosion and
9. i. 1 FIWYII Wuler Tank
Where only tlush water tank is furnished, the capacity
of the tank shall be minimum 200 Iitres. The tank shall
be equipped with a glass sight gauge on which the
markings shall be clearly visible for the entire range.
The sight gauge shall be of sturdy construction and
shall be protected against damage.
~. 1.2 Mix and Flush Water Tarrk
This shall be a single compartment tank (for mix water
only) or a two-compartment tank for mix and tlush
water. Total capacity of the tank may not be more than
250 I/m~ of nominal mixer drum capacity. Capacity
of the flush water compartment shall be minimum
200 Iitres. Capacity of the mix water compartment shall
not be less than 200 l/m3 of the nominal mixer drum
capacity, if dry mix is received from the Batching
Plant and mixing of concrete is done in the transit
mixer itself. However, capacity of the mix water
compartment may be reduced if the transit mixer is to
be used only for agitation of concrete or for final
mixing of shrink-mixed concrete. In such cases, the
capacity of mix water compartment will be as per
specific agreement between the purchaser and the
supplier. The tank shJl be equipped with glass sight
gauges on both the compartments on which the gauge
markings shall be clearly visible through the entire
range. The sight gauges shall be of sturdy construction
and shall be protected against damage.
The system shall be equipped with necessary plumbing
to provide for checking of the calibrations. The mix
water compartment shall be equipped with an automatic
water measuring device as described in 9.2.
NOTE Waler for Lbe entire batch. when tulicn only lion)
the truck mixer water system, shall be introduced into tbc batch
at the head section of the drum or by dual injection into tbc
head and discharge section of the drum to ensure rapid and
complete dispersal of water throughout the entire batch.
9.1.3 A water pump or pressurized tank system using
air pressure of the haulage vehicle or any other suitable
method for delivering water under pressure from the
Flush Water Tank/Mix Water Tank shall be furnished
which shall be capable of delivering not less than 160
Iitres of water per minute into the drum. The water tank
shall be provided with a pressure gauge if pressurized
tank system is used. A properly supported wash hose
with washing nozzle and a hand valve operated from
ground level shall be included in the system.
9.2 Water Measurement Devices Accurate means
shall be provided for measuring the quantity of water
flow from mix water tank to the mixer drum. Water
measuring devices may be any of the following types:
a) Autotnatic cut-off syphon type, and
b) Water meter of automatic shut-off type.
NOTE Ihe above provision of water measorcmcnt dcvicc
is only with mix water tank in accordance with 9.1.2.
9.2.1 The quantity of water delivered to the mixer
drum from mix water tank shall not vary from the
predetermined quantity by more than + I percent of
the indicated quantity.
10.1 The charging hopper at open-end of the transit
mixer shall be stationary type, properly supported in
concentric position with the drum opening. The hopper
dimensions shall be adeqttate so as to pass down all
the materials into the drum, without spillage, under
normal working conditions at a minimum rate of4 ms
per minute. The charging hopper shall be made of
abrasion resistant steel. Alternatively, it shall be
fabricated from mild steel plates with renewable
abrasive liners.
10.2 Where the purchaser so desires, a drum closure
plate arrangement shall be provided to prevent spillage
as encountered on hilly terrain, especially in the case
of concrete of higher slump. However, this is subject
to a specific agreement between the purchaser and the
supplierhnanufactu rer.

The discharge chute shall consist of a fixed U-chute
and a set of foldable distributing chute. These
chutes shall be made of abrasion resistant steel or
fabricated from mild steel plates with renewable
abrasive liners.
. The distributing chute shall be of swing away type with
fold-over extensions. The swing out fixture shall
prevent the need to remove or replace the chute for
direct discharge into high forms, hoppers or buckets.
The chute alignment shall be such that the center line
of the chute plate is at an angle not less than 40 to the
horizontal when it is in discharge position. Means shall
be provided for locking the distributing chute components
in position when the mixer is in transit. The distributing
chute shall be equipped with ratchet type or mechanical
screw jack type or hydraulic chute lift for its quicker
All attachments shall be on the outside of the chute to
ensure smooth flow of concrete.
The controls for drum speed in either direction of
rotation for its charging and discharge shall be fitted
at the rear side of the mixer unit within the reach of
the operator (see Note below). The controls shall
be mechanically or hydraulically operated and they
shall be of sturdy design and easy to operate. All
controls shall be properly Iabelled indicating their
functions and the manner in which they are to be
NOTE It specifically agreed by the purchaser and the
supplicrhnanufacturer, the controls for drum speed for its
charge and discharge may be fitted in duplicate, tha[ is, at the
rear side otthe mixer unit as well as in the cabin ofthc haulage
13.1 [nspection Hatch The mixer drum shall be
provided with 2 Nos. hatches/manholes not less than
500 cm in diameter in the periphery of the drum to
permit easy access to inside surface of the drum for
inspection, cleaning, repair, welding and building up
of worn-out spots of the drum and the blades. Hatch
covers shall be of quick-detachable type and shall have
sealing arrangements to prevent leakage. The position
of hatches shall be such that one of them can serve as
emergency discharge opening to prevent concrete from
setting inside the mixer drum in case of failure of drum
13.2 Lifting Attachments The mixer shall be
provided with eyehooks or other suitable means for its
lifting in normal position for assembly or dismantling.
The attachments shall be so located that when hoisted,
adequate clearance exists between lifting slings and
all exterior parts of the equipment.
13.3 Access Ladder and Safety Guards A folding
type access ladder from ground level to the charging
hopper with a non-skid platform and hand rai Iings shall
be provided for inspection of the charging hopper and
U-chute of the transit mixer. Safety guards shall be
provided for all hazardous moving parts. Wire mesh
guard shall also be provided near the tixed segment of
U-chute to ensure safety of the operator during its
13.4 Miscellaneous Optional Accessories Based
on requirements of the purchaser, the transit mixer may
be equipped with the followihg accessories. However,
provision of these accessories shall be subject to a
specific agreement between the purchaser and the
13.4.1 Hour Meter
To record total running time (in hours) of drive unit of
the mixer drum.
13.4.2 Sun Protection of Drum
Hessian cloth jacketing of mixer drum for protection
against high outdoor temperature.
13.4.3 Thermodrum
Drum insulation by 15 to 20 mm thick insulation
material and galvanized iron sheet outer jacket for
protection against very high or very low outdoor
13.4.4 Concrete Additive Tank
Itmay be fixed near the charging hopper for addition
of additives in concrete by gravity. Alternatively, it
may be mounted at the mudguard level for pressurized
discharge of additives, with air pressure of the haulage
Lubrication fittings shall be provided for all moving
parts. Such fittings shall be easily accessible and shall
conform to the relevant Indian Standards.
A strong tool box with lock and key containing
necessary tools for normal operation/maintenance shall
be provided with each machine. An inventory of the
tools, operation and maintenance instructions and a
spare parts list shall also be provided with each machine.
The truck type transit mixer shall comply with relevant
provisions of Road Traffic Act and Motor Vehicle Act.

IS 5892:2004
17. I l~struction Plates The transit mixer shall be
f;tted with suitably located instruction plates pertaining
to warnings arid cautions describing any special or
important procedures to be followed in operation and
maintenance of the transit mixer.
17.2 Name Plate Each transit mixer shall have a
rating plate fixed to a conspicuous part of the equipment
which is not easily removable. The following
information shall be clearly marked on the rating plate:
a) Manufacturers name,
b) Transit mixer S1 No.,
c) Nominal capacity in cubic metres for mixing,
d) Year of manufacture, and
c) Total weight of mixer unit.
[8.1 The transit mixer shall be tested under normal
working conditions in accordance with the method
specified in 1S 4634 with a view to check its ability to
mix the ingredients to obtain a concrete having
uniformity within the prescribed limits. The uniformity
of mixed concrete shall be evaluated by finding the
percentage variation in quantity (weight in water) of.
cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate in a
freshly mixed batch of concrete.
18.2 The percentage variation between the quantities
of cement, fine aggregates and coarse aggregates (as
found by weighing in water) in the two halves of a
batch and the average of the two halves of the batch
shall not be more than the following limits:
Cement 8 percent
Fine aggregates 6 percent
Coarse aggregates 5 percent

(Cot~Iitnwlfiwn~ second cover)
xi) Measurement of water flow (see 9.2) by sight gauge, being highly inaccurate, has been withdrawn frolm
the recommended types of water measurement devices.
xii) Allowable tolerance (see 9.2.1) of water measurement devices has been modified from *3 percent
to +1 percent.
xiii) Charging hopper and discharge chute (see 10.1 and 11) have been specified to be fabricated from
abrasion resistant steel plates or from mild steel plates with renewable abrasive I.iners.
xiv) Provision of miscellaneous items like hour meter, sun protection of drum, thermo-drum and
concrete additive tank have been made (see 13.4), as optional items.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with 1S 2: 1960
Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised). The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.

Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau oflndian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
EIIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Review of Indian Standards
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
BIS Catalogue and Standards: Monthly Additions.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No.: ME 18 (0749).
Amendments Issued Since Publication
Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected
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