Who Invented Lollipops Reading-Comprehension
Who Invented Lollipops Reading-Comprehension
Who Invented Lollipops Reading-Comprehension
Somewhere the first lollipop was created. !eorge Smith claimed that he
was the first. "n #$%&, he had an idea to put hard candy on the end of a stick.
'e liked the idea so much that he named his invention after a racing horse
named (olly )op. 'owever, the term lollipop was documented in *ngland in
#+,$. -as !eorge Smith really the first. Or, had lollipops been around since
before he was born. -e don/t know for sure because there are no definite
1utomating the production of lollipops is also surrounded by controversy.
2alifornia and -isconsin both take credit for having the first machines. The
3acine 2onfectioners Machinery 2o. of -isconsin claims they created a
machine in #$%&. Their machine could make 4% lollipops each minute. 1 man
named Samuel Born also claims to have mechani5ed the process in 2alifornia
in #$#,. 'e invented the Born Sucker Machine. "t was able to add a stick to
hard candy automatically. 6id one of these companies actually invent
lollipops. -e will probably never know for sure.
7o matter who created them, lollipops are a favorite treat for young and
old. They are made by boiling corn syrup and sugar. Then the colors and
flavors are added. 1fter the mi8ture is thick, it is rolled and cut into the shapes
we love. Some are round balls, while others are flat like 9uarters. 1fter being
cooled, they are wrapped to keep them fresh. Then they are packaged and
shipped to your favorite store. Sometimes, the sugar is rolled into long ropes
and wrapped in a circular fashion. These lollipops are usually giant in si5e and
very colorful. "t can take a long time to en:oy these treats. Other lollipops
come with a surprise center like chocolate or bubble gum. 2an you be patient
and not bite the lollipop to get to that center delight.
-hy are lollipops such a favorite. <or centuries, humans have en:oyed
sweet delicacies. 'oney was one of the first sweet discoveries.
Sharafuddhin School/English Language-Gr5
Once we tasted the sweet, golden nectar from the bees, we were hooked.
1ncient *gyptians added fruits and nuts to honey. "n the early #;%%s, sugar
cane began to be cultivated. 6uring the Middle 1ges, sweet confections
were available to the wealthy. 'ard candies were around in the form of
lo5enges during the early seventeenth century. 1s automation came along,
more and more types of confectionary delights became available.
Today, automated machines can create ;,$%% lollipops in one minute.
They can be found in stores across 1merica. (ollipops are even in the
!uinness Book of -orld 3ecords. The largest lollipop ever made weighed
4,%0# pounds and was #; feet tall =with its stick>. ?olly 3ancher was
credited with this achievement on ?une ;, %%. 1lso, the lollipop can be
credited for giving us another treat to en:oy. The @pop@ in lollipop was
used to create the name for popsicles.
So who created lollipops. 6oes it really matter. )robably not. -e
have varieties galore to en:oy. So, on 7ational (ollipop 6ay, :ust en:oy
your favorite lollipop.
#- -e don/t know who invented lollipops because...
The records were lost in a fire.
There are no definite records.
Machines to make them weren/t invented.
- Which two states claim to have had the frst machine to
make lollipops?
Wisconsin and Woming
!alifornia and Wisconsin
"aine and #ew $ork
0- Whose machine could make %& lollipops a minute when
it was invented?
George Smith's
(he )ncient Egptians
*acine !onfectioners "achiner !o+
Sharafuddhin School/English Language-Gr5
Who Invented Lollipops?
Describe your favorite lollipop. How does it taste? Why do you like it?
How do you eat it? When do you like to have one?
Sharafuddhin School/English Language-Gr5
4- Lollipops are made , ,oiling corn srup and ------+
"aple srup
;- Sugar cane was the one of the frst sweet discoveries
made , the )ncient Egptians+
,- 0oll *ancher created the largest lollipop ever made in
+- Today machines can make ;,$%% lollipops per minute. 1t that
rate, how many lollipops can be made in an &-hour shift.
Circle the word that best completes each sentence.
2+ (Her, Hers, She) was chosen to design a displa ad for
the store opening+
1+ " pancakes were 3atter than (her, hers, she)+
4+ "el ,ought a present for 5im6 and he gave it to (her,
hers, she) at the restaurant+
%+ (hat necklace was not (her, hers, she) to give awa+
5+ 0ane told (her, hers, she) friend6 7" sister wanted
us to come over+7
Write two words that rhyme with the given word.
1 (here are no defnite records+
2 !alifornia and Wisconsin
3 *acine !onfectioners "achiner !o+
4 Sugar
5 /alse
6 (rue
7 9opsicles
Circle the word that best completes each sentence.
#. Her! Hers! "he# was chosen to design a display ad for the store
. My pancakes were flatter than her! hers! she#.
0. Mel bought a present for Bim, and he gave it to her! hers! she# at
the restaurant.
4. That necklace was not her! hers! she# to give away.
;. ?ane told her! hers! she# friend, @My sister wanted us to come over.@
Write two words that rhyme with the given word.
$ossible %nswers& nation! ration! carnation! cetacean!
crustacean! dalmatian! donation! duration! formation!
$ossible %nswers& bride! cried! died! dried! dyed! fried!
glide! guide! hide! pride
$ossible %nswers& nation! ration! carnation!
cetacean! crustacean! dalmatian! donation! duration!
formation! foundation