Bibliography of Genetic Algorithms in Arts and Music

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An Indexed Bibliography of Genetic

Algorithms in Arts and Music

compiled by
Jarmo T. Alander
Department of Electrical and Energy Engineering: Automation
University of Vaasa P.O. Box 700, FIN-65101 Vaasa, Finland
phone: +358-6-324 8444, fax: +358-6-324 8467
Report Series No. 94-1-ART (Updated 2014/05/06 11:37 )
available at
Copyright c 1994-2013 Jarmo T. Alander
Cover image: c 2010 Anssi Jantti, All rights reserved.
GP producing graphics [1].
Product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
While this bibliography has been compiled with the utmost care, the editor takes no responsibility for
any errors, missing information, the contents or quality of the references, nor for the usefulness and/or
the consequences of their application. The fact that a reference is included in this publication does not
imply a recommendation. The use of any of the methods in the references is entirely at the users own
responsibility. Especially the above warning applies to those references that are marked by trailing (or
*), which are the ones that the editor has unfortunately not had the opportunity to read. An abstract
was available of the references marked with *.
1 Preface 1
1.1 Your contributions erroneous or missing? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.1 How to cite this report? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 How to get this report via Internet? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Introduction 4
3 Statistical summaries 5
3.1 Publication type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2 Annual distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.3 Classication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.4 Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.5 Geographical distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.6 Conclusions and future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4 Indexes 9
4.1 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.2 Journal articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.3 Theses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.3.1 PhD theses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.3.2 Masters theses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.4 Report series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.5 Patents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.6 Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.7 Subject index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.8 Annual index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.9 Geographical index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5 Permuted title index 19
Bibliography 29
Appendixes 41
A Abbreviations 41
B Bibliography entry formats 42
Chapter 1
Living organism are consummate problem solvers. They exhibit a versatility
that puts the best computer programs to shame.
John H. Holland, [2]
The material of this bibliography has been extracted from the genetic algorithm bibliography [3], which
when this report was compiled (May 6, 2014) contained 22162 items and which has been collected from
several sources of genetic algorithm literature including Usenet newsgroup and the
bibliographies [4, 5, 6, 7]. The following index periodicals and databases have been used systematically
A: International Aerospace Abstracts: Jan. 1995 Sep. 1998
ACM: ACM Guide to Computing Literature: 1979 1993/4
BA: Biological Abstracts: July 1996 - Aug. 1998
CA: Computer Abstracts: Jan. 1993 Feb. 1995
CCA: Computer & Control Abstracts: Jan. 1992 Dec. 1999 (except May -95)
ChA: Chemical Abstracts: Jan. 1997 - Dec. 2000
CTI: Current Technology Index Jan./Feb. 1993 Jan./Feb. 1994
DAI: Dissertation Abstracts International: Vol. 53 No. 1 Vol. 56 No. 10 (Apr. 1996)
EEA: Electrical & Electronics Abstracts: Jan. 1991 Apr. 1998
EI A: The Engineering Index Annual: 1987 1992
EI M: The Engineering Index Monthly: Jan. 1993 Apr. 1998 (except May 1997)
Esp@cenet patents Apr. 2002
IEEE: IEEE and IEE Journals Fall 2002
N: Scientic and Technical Aerospace Reports: Jan. 1993 - Dec. 1995 (except Oct. 1995)
NASA NASA ADS www bibliography database: Dec. 2002
P: Index to Scientic & Technical Proceedings: Jan. 1986 Dec 1999 (except Nov. 1994)
PA: Physics Abstracts: Jan. 1997 June 1999
PubMed: National Library of Medicine Jan. 2000 Oct. 2000
SPIE Web The International Society for Optical Engineering June 2002
2 Genetic algorithms in arts and music
1.1 Your contributions erroneous or missing?
The bibliography database is updated on a regular basis and certainly contains many errors and incon-
sistences. The editor would be glad to hear from any reader who notices any errors, missing information,
articles etc. In the future a more complete version of this bibliography will be prepared for the genetic
algorithms in arts and music research community and others who are interested in this rapidly growing
area of genetic algorithms.
When submitting updates to the database, paper copies of already published contributions are pre-
ferred. Paper copies (or ftp ones) are needed mainly for indexing. We are also doing reviews of dierent
aspects and applications of GAs where we need as complete as possible collection of GA papers. Please,
do not forget to include complete bibliographical information: copy also proceedings volume title pages,
journal table of contents pages, etc. Observe that there exists several versions of each subbibliography,
therefore the reference numbers are not unique and should not be used alone in communi-
cation, use the key appearing as the last item of the reference entry instead.
Complete bibliographical information is really helpful for those who want to nd your contribution
in their libraries. If your paper was worth writing and publishing it is certainly worth to be referenced
right in a bibliographical database read daily by GA researchers, both newcomers and established ones.
1.1.1 How to cite this report?
You can use the BiBT
X le GASUB.bib, which is available in our site in directory
reports/report94-1 and contains records for GA subbibliographies for citing with L
1.2 How to get this report via Internet?
Versions of this bibliography are available via www from the following site:
media country site directory le
web Finland ~TAU/reports/report94-1 gaARTbib.pdf
The directory also contains some other indexed GA bibliographies shown in table B.1. In case you do
not nd a proper one please let us know: it may be easy to tailor a new one.
1.3 Acknowledgement
The editor wants to acknowledge all who have kindly supplied references, papers and other information
on genetic algorithms in arts and music literature. At least the following GA researchers have already
kindly supplied their complete autobibliographies and/or proofread references to their papers: Dan
Adler, Patrick Argos, Jarmo T. Alander, James E. Baker, Wolfgang Banzhaf, Helio J. C. Barbosa,
Hans-Georg Beyer, Christian Bierwirth, Peter Bober Joachim Born, Ralf Bruns, I. L. Bukatova, Thomas
Back, Chhandra Chakraborti, Nirupam Chakraborti, David E. Clark, Carlos A. Coello Coello, Yuval
Davidor, Dipankar Dasgupta, Marco Dorigo, J. Wayland Eheart, Bogdan Filipic, Terence C. Fogarty,
David B. Fogel, Toshio Fukuda, Hugo de Garis, Robert C. Glen, David E. Goldberg, Martina Gorges-
Schleuter, Hitoshi Hemmi, Vasant Honavar, Jerey Horn, Aristides T. Hatjimihail, Heikki Hyotyniemi
Mark J. Jakiela, Richard S. Judson, Bryant A. Julstrom, Charles L. Karr, Akihiko Konagaya, Aaron
Konstam, John R. Koza, Kristinn Kristinsson, Malay K. Kundu, D. P. Kwok, Jouni Lampinen, Jorma
Laurikkala, Gregory Levitin, Carlos B. Lucasius, Timo Mantere, Michael de la Maza, John R. McDonnell,
J. J. Merelo, Laurence D. Merkle, Zbigniew Michalewics, Melanie Mitchell, David J. Nettleton, Volker
Nissen, Ari Nissinen, Tatsuya Niwa, Tomasz Ostrowski, Kihong Park, Jakub Podgorski, Timo Poranen,
Nicholas J. Radclie, Colin R. Reeves, Gordon Roberts, David Rogers, David Romero, Sam Sandqvist,
Ivan Santib a nez-Koref, Marc Schoenauer, Markus Schwehm, Hans-Paul Schwefel, Michael T. Semertzidis,
Davil L. Shealy, Moshe Sipper, William M. Spears, Donald S. Szarkowicz, El-Ghazali Talbi, Masahiro
Tanaka, Leigh Tesfatsion, Peter M. Todd, Marco Tomassini, Andrew L. Tuson, Kanji Ueda, Jari Vaario,
Acknowledgement 3
Gilles Venturini, Hans-Michael Voigt, Roger L. Wainwright, D. Eric Walters, James F. Whidborne, Stefan
Wiegand, Steward W. Wilson, Xin Yao, Xiaodong Yin, and Ljudmila A. Zinchenko.
The editor also wants to acknowledge Elizabeth Heap-Talvela for her kind proofreading of the manuscript
of this bibliography and Tea Ollanketo and Sakari Kauvosaari for updating the database. Prof. Timo
Salmi and the Computer Centre of University of Vaasa is acknowledged for providing and managing the
online web site, where these indexed bibliographies are located since Summer 2012.
Chapter 2
Many scientist, possibly most scientist, just do science without thinking too
much about it. They run experiments, make observations, show how certain
data conict with more general views, set out theories, and so on. Periodically,
however, some of usscientists includedstep back and look at what is going
on in science.
David L., Hull, [8]
The table 2.1 gives the queries that have been used to extract this bibliography. The query system as well
as the indexing tools used to compile this report from the BiBT
X-database [9] have been implemented
by the author mainly as sets of simple awk and gawk programs [10, 11].
string eld class
,art, ANNOTE Art
,art ANNOTE Art
aesthetics ANNOTE Aesthetics
,architecture ANNOTE Architecture
music ANNOTE Music
animation ANNOTE Cartoons
computer graphics ANNOTE Computer graphics
Audio JOURNAL Audio journal
Table 2.1: Queries used to extract this subbibliography from the source database.
You might also nd bibliographies [12] containing references to image processing, [13] ontaining refer-
ences to signal processing, and [14] containing references to computer aided design applications interesting.
Chapter 3
Statistical summaries
This chapter gives some general statistical sum-
maries of genetic algorithms in arts and music lit-
erature. More detailed indexes can be found in
the next chapter.
References to each class (c.f table 2.1) are listed
Aesthetics 3 references ([15]-[17])
Architecture 12 references ([18]-[29])
Art 33 references ([30]-[62])
Audio journal 14 references ([63]-[76])
Cartoons 16 references ([77]-[92])
Computer graphics 60 references ([93]-
Music 34 references ([152]-[185])
Observe that each reference is included (by the
computer) only to one of the above classes (see the
queries for classication in table 2.1; the textual
order in the query gives priority for classes).
3.1 Publication type
This bibliography contains published contributions
including reports and patents. All unpublished
manuscripts have been omitted unless accepted
for publication. In addition theses, PhD, MSc
etc., are also included whether or not published
Table 3.1 gives the distribution of publication
type of the whole bibliography. Observe that the
number of journal articles may also include ar-
ticles published or to be published in unknown
type number of items
book 4
section of a book 1
part of a collection 1
journal article 62
proceedings article 86
report 4
PhD thesis 6
MSc thesis 2
others 7
total 173
Table 3.1: Distribution of publication type.
3.2 Annual distribution
Table 3.2 gives the number of genetic algorithms
in arts and music papers published annually. The
annual distribution is also shown in g. 3.1. The
average annual growth of GA papers has been ap-
proximately 40 % during late 70s - early 90s.
year items year items
1989 2 1990 3
1991 7 1992 4
1993 10 1994 17
1995 28 1996 20
1997 18 1998 11
1999 8 2000 6
2001 6 2002 10
2003 8 2004 0
2005 2 2006 4
2007 4 2008 3
2009 0 2010 1
2011 0 2012 1
total 173
Table 3.2: Annual distribution of contributions.
6 Genetic algorithms in arts and music
3.3 Classication
Every bibliography item has been given at least
one describing keyword or classication by the edi-
tor of this bibliography. Keywords occurring most
are shown in table 3.3.
Total 170
computer graphics 75
music 36
art 33
genetic programming 17
animation 15
signal processing 13
architecture 12
image processing 11
patent 5
neural networks 5
L-systems 5
fractals 5
others 387
Table 3.3: The most popular subjects.
3.4 Authors
Table 3.4 gives the most productive authors.
total number of authors 264
Horner, Andrew B. 13
Latham, William 10
Jacob, Christian 8
Sims, Karl 8
Todd, Stephen 7
2 authors 4
5 authors 3
33 authors 2
219 authors 1
Table 3.4: The most productive genetic algo-
rithms in arts and music authors.
Authors 7
number of papers
(log scale)
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Genetic algorithms in arts and music
s s
Figure 3.1: The number of papers applying ge-
netic algorithms in arts and music (, N =
174 ) and total GA papers (, N = 22162 ). Ob-
serve that the last few years are most incomplete
in the database.
8 Genetic algorithms in arts and music
3.5 Geographical distribution
Table 3.5 gives the geographical distribution of authors, when the country of the author was known. Over
80% of the references of the GA source database are classied by country.
2014/05/06 special comparison all
country n % [%] [%] N %
Total 166 100.00 20961 100.00
United States 43 25.90 0.90 3 5618 26.80
United Kingdom 27 16.27 +6.28 +63 2095 9.99
Japan 18 10.84 0.95 8 2472 11.79
Germany 16 9.64 +2.98 +45 1395 6.66
Finland 12 7.23 +3.08 +74 870 4.15
China 11 6.63 +1.38 +26 1100 5.25
Spain 9 5.42 +3.35 +162 434 2.07
Canada 5 3.01 +1.40 +87 337 1.61
Portugal 4 2.41 +1.89 +363 110 0.52
Taiwan 4 2.41 +0.17 +8 470 2.24
Australia 3 1.81 0.63 26 511 2.44
Hungary 3 1.81 +1.53 +546 59 0.28
South Korea 3 1.81 0.40 18 464 2.21
Cuba 2 1.20 +1.17 +3900 7 0.03
France 2 1.20 1.38 53 541 2.58
Austria 1 0.60 +0.00 +0 126 0.60
Denmark 1 0.60 +0.31 +107 60 0.29
Italy 1 0.60 2.25 79 598 2.85
New Zealand 1 0.60 +0.45 +300 32 0.15
Singapore 1 0.60 0.21 26 169 0.81
Others 1 0.60 +0.50 +500 21 0.10
Table 3.5: The geographical distribution of the authors working on genetic algorithms in arts and music
(n) compared ( and ) to all authors in the eld of GAs (N). In the comparison column: % =
%special%all and = (1
) 100%. is the relative (%) deviation from the expected number
of special papers. Observe that joint papers may have authors from several countries and that not all
authors have been attributed to a country.
3.6 Conclusions and future
The editor believes that this bibliography contains references to most genetic algorithms in arts and
music contributions upto and including the year 1998 and the editor hopes that this bibliography could
give some help to those who are working or planning to work in this rapidly growing area of genetic
Chapter 4
4.1 Books
The following list contains all items classied as
Principia Evolvica, Simulierte Evolution mit Mathematica,
Evolutionary Art and Computers, [57]
Evolving images, [53]
Illustrating Evolutionary Computation with Mathematica,
total 4 books
4.2 Journal articles
The following list contains the references to every
journal article included in this bibliography. The
list is arranged in alphabetical order by the name
of the journal.
ACM SIGAPL APL Quote Quad, [32]
Appl. Math. Comput. (USA), [145]
Autom. Constr., [26]
Axis (UK), [88]
Build Environment, [27]
Communications of the ACM, [150]
Complexity (USA), [29]
Complexity International, [172]
Computer Graphics, [49]
Computer Music Journal, [156]
Computer Physics Communications, [147]
Computer-Aided Design, [36]
Computers in Chemical Engineering, [142]
Connect. Science, [39]
Digit. Creat. (UK), [137]
Engineering Applications of Articial Intelligence, [31]
Ethology and Sociobiology, [95]
Forma, [111]
Graphical Models, [98]
Helsingin Sanomat, [59]
IBM asiaa, [61]
IBM Journal of Research & Development, [99]
IBM Systems Journal, [45]
IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graph-
ics, [103]
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Tech-
nology, [34]
IEEE Transactions on Speech & Audio Processing, [75]
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, [64,
65, 67, 76]
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part
C: Applications and Reviews, [32]
INFORMS J. Comput., [141]
Internet Today, [129]
J. New Music Res. (Netherlands), [40]
Journal of Audio Engineers Society, [63]
Journal of Computers and Graphics, [116]
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, [68, 69, 70, 71,
72, 73, 74]
Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, [56, 82]
Kybernetes, [162]
Laryngoscope, [15]
Lighting Research and Technology, [23, 24]
Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, [16]
Muhely (The Hungarian Journal of Modern Art), [62]
New Scientist, [46]
Pattern Recognition, [97]
Scandinavian Audiology, [66]
Scientic Computing World, [139]
10 Genetic algorithms in arts and music
SIGCSE Bulletin, [90]
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, [176, 177]
The Visual Computer, [52, 127]
Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information,
and Communication Engineers D-II (Japan), [87,
total 63 articles in 49 series
4.3 Theses
The following two lists contain theses, rst PhD
theses and then Masters etc. theses, arranged in
alphabetical order by the name of the school.
4.3.1 PhD theses
Columbia University, [161]
Eotvos Lorand University, [104]
Harvard University, [77]
University of Erlanger-N urnberg, [117]
University of Michigan, [67]
University of Surrey, [180]
total 6 thesis in 6 schools
4.3.2 Masters theses
This list includes also Diplomarbeit, Tech. Lic.
Theses, etc.
Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, [110]
University of Industrial Arts Helsinki, [30]
total 2 thesis in 2 schools
4.4 Report series
The following list contains references to all pa-
pers published as technical reports. The list is
arranged in alphabetical order by the name of the
IBM, [54]
Max-Planck Intitut f ur Informatik, [115]
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, [153]
University of Vaasa, [43]
total 4 reports in 4 institutes
4.5 Patents
The following list contains the names of the
patents of genetic algorithms in arts and music.
The list is arranged in alphabetical order by the
name of the patent.
Data structure for system kitchen editing and designing,
House design system using genetic algorithm, [21]
House design system using genetic algorithm, [18, 19]
Method and device for generating musical sound waveform,
total 4 patents
Authors 11
4.6 Authors
The following list contains all genetic algorithms in arts and music authors and references to their known
Agah, Arvin, [32]
Agui, Takeshi, [87]
Ahn, Byung-Ha, [159]
Alander, Jarmo T., [1, 43]
Ala-Siuru, Pekka, [33]
Alfonseca, Manuel, [99]
Alfonso, Rafael Sanhez, [158, 160]
Anderson, Peter G., [175]
Angeline, Peter J., [132]
Aoki, A., [146]
Aoki, K., [125, 138]
Auramo, Yrjo, [66]
Ayers, L., [170, 176]
Bair, Alethea, [103]
Baker, Ellie, [38]
Baluja, Shumeet, [39]
Baum, Karl G., [105]
Beauchamp, James, [63, 156]
Bersano-Begey, Tommaso F., [178]
Beyer, Markus, [109, 110,
112, 115]
Biles, J. A., [175]
Biles, John A., [167, 177]
Bircheld, David Andrew, [161]
Blanchet, C., [24]
Boccara, M., [84]
Branke, J urgen, [17]
Brice, A. A., [142]
Bucher, Frank, [17]
Budiarto, Rahmat, [111]
Burton, A. R., [179]
Burton, Anthony Richard, [180]
Bustillo, Eduardo, [136]
Buxton, Bernard F., [80]
Byrne, J. A., [157]
Caldalda, J. J. Romero, [185]
Chan, San-Kuen, [72]
Chang, Seok C., [159]
Chen, Wen-Pin, [15]
Chen, Yeong-Chinq, [97]
Chetverikov, Dmitry, [101, 102]
Cheung, N.-M., [71]
Cho, Sung-Bae, [31]
Chou, Jyh-Rong, [36]
Clark, Sean, [129]
Coley, D. A., [27, 29]
Corcione, M., [23]
Cotta, Carlos, [106]
Crabb, J. A., [27]
Crochemore, D., [84, 86]
Daida, Jason M., [178]
Dainghaus, R., [122]
Dalhoum, Abdellatif Abu, [99]
de Vega, Francisco Fernandez, [163,
Dequn, Liang, [131]
Devcic, Zlatko, [15]
Ding, Lan, [28]
Dodgson, N., [92]
Dorado, J., [185]
dos Reis, Gustavo Miguel Jorge, [163,
Durant, E. A., [67]
Durant, Eric A., [67]
Eastman, Charles M., [26]
Ebner, Marc, [100]
Ekart, Aniko, [102]
Fernandez, Francisco, [165]
Fernandez de Vega, F., [106]
Ferreira, Anibal, [165]
Flaig, T., [122]
Fontana, L., [23]
Fovargue, A., [90]
Frade, Miguel, [106]
Franklin, M., [95]
Fujimura, Kikou, [127]
Fujimura, N., [125]
Fukunaga, Alex, [81]
Furuta, H., [16, 120]
Garigliano, Roberto, [116]
Geigel, Joe, [78]
Gero, John S., [28]
Gervautz, M., [130]
Gibson, P. M., [157]
Goldberg, David E., [152, 153, 154]
Graf, Jeanine, [119]
Greenwood, Garrison W., [75]
Griths, S., [88]
Gritz, Larry, [82, 89, 78]
Gustafson, Steven C., [148]
Hahn, James K., [82, 89]
Hahn, James, [78]
Haken, Lippold, [63, 156]
Hall, M. A., [171]
Hamer, R. D., [88]
Hamid, Mahmoud S., [34, 35]
Harvey, Neal R., [34]
Helguera, Mara, [105]
Herdy, Michael, [42]
Hirose, A., [120]
Ho, Shinn-Ying, [97]
Hobden, A., [123]
Homaifar, Abdollah, [155]
Horner, Andrew B., [170, 40, 68,
71, 72, 73, 176, 74, 152, 153, 154,
63, 156]
Horner, Andrew, [64, 76]
Horowitz, Damon, [166]
House, Donald H., [103]
Hughes, P., [56]
Hung, Chia-Young, [37]
Hung, Fei-Kung, [37]
Hwu, Jiing-Yuan, [65]
Iba, Hitoshi, [79]
Itoh, Hidenori, [111]
Jackson, D., [90]
12 Genetic algorithms in arts and music
Jacob, Christian, [96, 107, 117,
124, 126, 134, 135, 147]
Janko, Zsolt, [101, 102, 104]
Jantti, Anssi, [1]
Jochem, T., [39]
Johns, W. R., [142]
Johnston, Victor S., [95]
Jones, Mara Elizabeth, [32]
Juhola, Martti, [66]
Kane, Couro, [172]
Karimi, Koohyar, [15]
Kashiwagi, Masanori, [20]
Kelly, I., [137]
Kentala, Erna L., [66]
Kenward, Michael, [139]
Kim, Hee-Su, [31]
Kim, Jaihie, [83]
Kim, Jan T., [93]
Kim, Jeong-Hwan, [83]
Kimura, Makoto, [133]
Kimura, M., [128]
Ko, Heedong, [83]
Kosak, Corey, [108]
Krol, Andrzej, [105]
Kubai, Tokifumi, [18, 19, 21]
Kuriwaki, Masashi, [18, 19, 21]
Kuuskankare, Mika, [168]
Laine, Pauli, [168]
Lange, Brigitta, [109, 112,
115, 118]
Latham, William, [58, 61, 44,
45, 46, 47, 54, 55, 56, 57]
Laurikkala, Jorma, [66]
Learn, Andrew W., [148]
Lebby, G., [155]
Lee, Jong Won, [78]
Lewis, D. J., [88]
Li, An, [91]
Li, X. J., [145]
Li, Y., [151]
Lim, S. M., [69, 70]
Lin, Chin-Teng, [65]
Little, Gordon R., [148]
Loggi, Laura W., [175]
Lomonosov, Evgeny, [101, 102]
Loomis, John S., [148]
Louchet, J., [84, 86]
Lu, Jinghuan, [127]
Lund, Henrik Hautop, [62]
Maeda, K., [16]
Makela, Asko J., [60]
Marchand, R. G., [22]
Marks, Joe, [81, 108]
Marshall, Stephen, [34, 35]
Masui, Toshiyuki, [114, 94]
McCormack, J., [162]
McIntyre, Ryan A., [169]
McLaren, CVhristine E., [15]
Moreno, Manuel Alfonseca, [158, 160]
Murakami, N., [140]
Nagahashi, Hiroshi, [87]
Nagao, Tomoharu, [87]
Nakatani, T., [120]
Nein, His-Wen, [65]
Nettleton, David John, [116]
Neugebauer, J., [122]
Newsham, G. R., [22, 24]
Ngo, J. Thomas, [77]
Ngo, Tom, [81]
Ochoa, A., [143]
Ochoa, Gabriela, [144]
Omori, Yasuharu, [25]
Ortega, Alfonso, [99]
Papadopoulos, George, [181, 182]
Pazos, A., [185]
Phon-Amnuaisuk, Somnuk, [181]
Polichroniadis, T., [92]
Polito, J., [178]
Pomerlau, D., [39]
Provot, X., [84, 86]
Puente, Alfonso Ortega de la, [158,
Putnam, J., [173]
Pyykko, Ilmari V., [66]
Qin, Xuejie, [98]
Raerty, Kimberly, [105]
Reis, Gustavo, [165]
Ricanek, II, K., [155]
Richardson, C., [24]
Riego, A Santos del, [185]
Rodriguez, A. O., [121]
Rosete, A., [143]
Saito, Hideo, [128, 133]
Salminen, Tomi, [30]
Salonen, Ilpo, [59]
Sarafopoulos, Anargyros,[80]
Sasaki, Keisuke, [25]
Saukkosaari, Hannu, [183]
Schaefer Jr, C. G., [149]
Schmeck, Hartmut, [17]
Schmidt, Evan, [105]
Schoenauer, Marc, [172]
Schoenefeld, D. A., [141]
Schraft, R. D., [122]
Seki, Hirohisa, [111]
Seltzer, M., [38]
Sewell, R. D., [88]
Shieber, Stuart, [108]
Shin, Taehwan, [159]
Siabiris, Anastassios, [26]
Sims, Karl, [113, 47, 48,
49, 50, 51, 52, 53]
Soak, Sang M., [159]
Stevens, R. S., [88]
St uber, Kurt, [93]
Suarez, A. R., [121]
Sugisaka, M., [145]
Takagi, Hideyuki, [125]
Takagi, H., [138, 146]
Takala, Tapio, [85, 78]
Tan, B. G. T., [69]
Tan, B. T. G., [70]
Tanahashi, H., [140]
Terzopoulos, D., [150]
Thornborrow, C., [123]
Thywissen, K., [174]
Todd, Stephen, [45, 46, 47,
54, 55, 56, 57]
Tolson, Michael, [47]
Authors 13
Traxler, C., [130]
Tsai, Hung-Cheng, [36, 37]
Tsutsumi, Kazutoshi, [25]
Tuson, Andrew, [181]
Veitch, J. A., [22, 24]
Ventrella, J., [41]
Vepsalainen, Marja-Leena, [61]
Verner, O. V., [141]
Viikki, Kati, [66]
Vladimirova, T., [179]
Vucic, Vedran, [62]
Wainwright, R. L., [141]
Wakaki, Hiromi, [79]
Wakeeld, Gregory H., [67]
Ware, Colin, [103]
Watanabe, E., [16]
Wiggins, Geraint, [181, 182]
Williams, R. D., [88]
Winters, D., [29]
Wong, Brian J. F., [15]
Wong, Kit Po, [91]
Xuan, Yang, [131]
Yamada, Masashi, [111]
Yamamoto, Kenji, [140]
Yang, H. C., [151]
Yang, Yee-Hong, [98]
Yoshida, Toshiya, [184]
Yu, J. F., [151]
Yuen, J., [74]
Zhang, Y. G., [145]
total 172 articles by 264 dier-
ent authors
14 Genetic algorithms in arts and music
4.7 Subject index
All subject keywords of the papers given by the editor of this bibliography are shown next.
acoustics, [176]
double frequency, [69]
drum, [172]
aesthetics, [17, 29]
bridge design, [16]
communications, [162]
ecosystems, [162]
analysing GA
animation, [90]
animation, [47, 77, 78,
81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 41, 87, 91]
3D characters, [89]
CAL, [88]
cloth, [86]
computer graphics, [92]
computer graphics, [52, 53]
architecture, [27, 29, 18,
19, 20, 21, 25]
aesthetics, [28]
CAD, [26]
illumination design, [22, 23, 24]
art, [44, 45, 46,
48, 54, 49, 55, 56, 50, 51, 57, 47,
52, 53, 59, 58, 60, 61, 62]
articial life, [30]
bibliography, [43]
cartoons, [41]
color design, [36, 37]
colours, [42]
computer generated, [38, 39]
digital, [32]
fashion, [31]
movies, [34, 35]
music, [40]
review, [33]
articial life, [59, 129]
trees, [145]
synthesis, [74]
Avatar, [79]
art, [43]
music, [43]
special, [43]
CAD, [108, 119, 101]
buildings, [26]
color design, [36, 37]
face, [15]
graphics, [58]
structural, [77]
polyploid, [96, 135]
classier systems, [92]
design, [31]
combinations, [137]
color harmony, [36, 37]
visualization, [105]
computational geometry, [100]
shape modeling, [128]
computer games
graphics, [106]
computer graphics, [44,
45, 46, 48, 54, 49, 55, 56, 94, 50,
57, 93, 47, 107, 108, 109, 111, 113,
114, 58, 83, 117, 60, 119, 125, 127,
132, 134, 17, 136, 139, 62, 147, 148,
150, 151, 96, 97, 135, 32, 104]
computer graphics
animation, [79, 81]
art, [129]
color, [137, 105]
face, [95]
owsheet drawing, [142]
fractals, [116, 130, 131]
GP, [1]
graphs, [121, 143]
L-systems, [124, 149, 99]
labeling, [141]
lighting, [146]
Lindenmayer systems, [144]
photorealism, [101]
photorealistic, [102]
ray trace, [118]
ray tracing, [110, 112, 115]
redering, [122]
rendering, [110, 112, 115]
scene graphs, [100]
shading, [128]
stereo, [103]
superquadrics, [133, 140]
texture, [123]
texture generation, [98]
trees, [145]
computer graphics?, [120, 126, 138]
control, [67]
motion, [82, 87]
design, [120]
fashion, [31]
display, [111]
design, [31]
civil, [26, 16, 27, 25]
structural, [16]
KANSEI, [25]
beauty, [95]
simulation, [117]
evolution strategies, [75, 96, 135]
interactive, [42]
Evolvica, [96, 135]
Subject index 15
expert systems, [66]
faces, [83]
FEM, [25]
acoustics, [172]
restoration, [34, 35]
morphological, [34, 35]
aesthetics, [15]
interactive, [15]
tness function
human, [95]
interactive, [31]
neural network, [175, 179]
fractals, [116, 130]
IFS, [131, 145]
L-systems, [99]
fuzzy systems, [122]
genetic programming, [49, 50, 51,
52, 53, 82, 123, 126, 89, 178, 147,
96, 135]
genetic programming
computer graphics, [106, 1]
L-systems, [107]
music, [173]
polygonal approximation, [97]
music, [158, 160]
drawing, [121]
layout, [114]
rendering, [143]
rrawing, [17]
hearing aid, [67]
neural networks, [180]
simulated annealing, [70]
stereo, [103]
design, [22, 23, 24]
image processing
color, [137]
fractals, [131]
image registration, [101, 102]
range image, [140]
registration, [104]
restoration, [34, 35]
shading, [133]
shape, [128]
synthetic, [32]
image registration
3D, [101, 102]
Connection Machine, [49]
Mathematica, [124, 96, 135]
industrial art, [31]
interactive, [94]
interactive design, [125]
interactive GA, [119]
Internet, [129]
inverse problems
fractals, [131]
L-System, [107]
L-systems, [93, 117, 126,
134, 134, 147]
Latham, [59, 129]
layout design, [94, 108]
owsheet, [142]
labels in maps, [141]
lighting, [125]
Lindenmayer systems, [96, 135]
machine learning, [114, 28]
integration, [118]
medical imaging
visualization, [105]
neurology, [66]
plastic surgery, [15]
sensing, [67]
double frequency, [69]
music, [168, 169,
170, 40, 69, 173, 175, 176, 180]
adaptive synthesis, [183]
analysis, [171]
bibliography, [43]
composing, [178]
composition, [155, 174,
179, 181, 185, 158, 160, 161]
drum, [172]
electronic, [70, 74]
instruments, [68]
jazz, [167, 177]
jazz melodies, [182]
rhytms, [166]
synthesis, [163, 164]
tones, [63, 156, 72,
transcription, [165]
wavetables, [73]
music composition, [152, 153,
154, 157]
music?, [162]
neural networks, [157, 87, 136]
tness, [179]
training, [75]
lighting design, [23]
ray tracing, [109]
global, [77]
parallel GA, [49]
parameter estimation
texture, [98]
patent, [184, 18, 19,
20, 21]
pattern recognition, [65]
music, [159]
shape representation, [97]
mechanics, [41]
placing, [141]
articial, [96, 135]
popular, [61, 129]
16 Genetic algorithms in arts and music
neural networks, [139]
sound, [78]
AI in art, [33]
articial life, [30]
interactive, [42]
hearing, [67]
sexual selection, [95]
shape design
roofs, [25]
wind turbine, [100]
signal processing, [68, 76, 64]
audio, [71, 73, 176]
modulation, [70]
music, [184, 163, 164]
sampling, [74]
speech, [65]
tones, [72]
sound, [162]
composition, [78]
superquadrics, [133, 140]
MR, [105]
PET, [105]
animation, [80]
video tape, [48]
virtual reality, [122]
visualisation, [148]
palette design, [105]
Annual index 17
4.8 Annual index
The following table gives references to the contributions by the year of publishing.
1989, [44, 45]
1990, [46, 48, 54]
1991, [152, 153, 154, 157, 49, 55, 56]
1992, [94, 50, 51, 57]
1993, [155, 63, 156, 93, 47, 77, 52, 53, 78, 95]
1994, [38, 81, 166, 107, 167, 108, 168, 109,
110, 169, 111, 59, 39, 112, 113, 114, 115]
1995, [58, 170, 116, 26, 82, 83, 40, 117, 118,
84, 60, 85, 41, 61, 16, 119, 120, 68, 86, 171, 87, 121, 122,
88, 123, 124, 172, 43]
1996, [125, 69, 70, 42, 126, 127, 173, 128,
129, 174, 130, 131, 132, 175, 133, 134, 71, 72, 73, 176]
1997, [17, 27, 136, 89, 137, 177, 90, 28, 74,
138, 139, 178, 140, 141, 62, 179, 29, 75]
1998, [142, 76, 180, 143, 144, 181, 182, 183,
184, 145, 146]
1999, [91, 185, 147, 92, 148, 149, 150, 151]
2000, [64, 65, 18, 30, 31, 19]
2001, [96, 66, 20, 97, 21, 135]
2002, [158, 67, 67, 22, 79, 32, 33, 159, 98, 160]
2003, [99, 80, 161, 162, 100, 23, 34, 35]
2005, [24, 101]
2006, [102, 103, 25, 104]
2007, [163, 36, 164, 37]
2008, [15, 105, 106]
2010, [1]
2012, [165]
18 Genetic algorithms in arts and music
4.9 Geographical index
The following table gives references to the contributions by country.
Australia: [28, 91, 162]
Austria: [130]
Canada: [150, 96, 22, 98, 24]
China: [131, 145, 151, 40, 71, 72, 73, 176, 74, 76, 64]
Cuba: [121, 143]
Denmark: [62]
Finland: [78, 168, 59, 60, 85, 61, 43, 183, 30, 66, 33, 1]
France: [86, 172]
Germany: [93, 109, 110, 112, 115, 117, 118, 119, 122,
124, 42, 134, 17, 147, 135, 100]
Hungary: [101, 102, 104]
Italy: [23]
Japan: [79, 114, 16, 120, 68, 87, 125, 128, 133, 138, 140,
184, 146, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25]
New Zealand: [171]
Singapore: [70]
South Korea: [83, 31, 159]
Spain: [136, 185, 158, 160, 99, 163, 164, 106, 165]
Taiwan: [65, 97, 36, 37]
United Kingdom: [44, 45, 46, 54, 157, 55, 56, 57, 47,
116, 88, 123, 129, 27, 137, 90, 139, 179, 29, 142, 180,
144, 181, 182, 92, 80]
United States: [48, 152, 153, 154, 49, 50, 51, 155, 63,
156, 77, 52, 53, 95, 38, 81, 166, 167, 169, 39, 113, 58,
26, 82, 41, 127, 173, 175, 177, 178, 141, 75, 148, 149,
67, 32, 161, 34, 35, 103, 105]
Unknown country: [111, 170, 69, 174, 89, 15]
Chapter 5
Permuted title index
The words of the titles of the articles are shown in the next table arranged in alphabetical order. The
most common words have been excluded. The key word is shown by a disk () in the title eld with the
exception that it is omitted when appearing as the rst word of the title after shown keyword. The other
abbreviation used to compress titles are shown in appendix A.
[97] accurate An ecient evol. alg. for polygonal approx-
[93] activity Patterns of cluster formation and evol. in
evolving L-syst.
[176] adaptive Common tone tuning using GAs
[183] additive Opt. synthesis parameters with GAs and
self-organizing maps
[16] aesthetic Appl. of GA to design of bridge structures
[29] GA search ecacy in product spaces
[15] aesthetics Evolving attractive faces using morphing
technology and a GA: A new appr. to determining ideal facial

[33] AI in contemporary (interactive)art

[67] Aid Hearing Fitting with GAs
[105] algorithm-generated Evaluation of gen. multivari-
ate color tables for the visualization of multimodal medical
fused data sets
[60] Alkavatko taideteoksetkin elaa? [Is art getting life?]
[64] amplitudes Low peak for wavetable synthesis
[81] animated Automatic cntr. of physically realistic g-
ures using EP
[41] Disney meets Darwin the evol. of funny gures
[78] Using physically-based models and GAs for functional
composition of sound signals, synchronized to motion
[91] Animating the evol. process of GAs
[84] animation Building new tools for synthetic image by
using evol. techniques
[56] Computer sculpture design and
[80] Evol. alg. in modeling and
[86] Evol. ident. of cloth models
[89] Gen. prog. evol. of cntr. for 3-D character
[77] Global Opt. for Articulated Figures: Molecular Struc-
ture Prediction and Motion Synthesis for
[79] Motion design of a 3D-CG avatar that uses humanoid

[47] The appl. of evol. and biological processes to computer

art and
[90] The use of to explain GAs
[88] Three-dimensional colour image and modelling for
[70] annealing Automated parameter opt. for douple fre-
quency modulation synthesis using the gen. alg.
[69] Automatic parameter opt. for double frequency mod-
ulation synthesis using the gen. alg.
[174] application GeNotator: An environment for investigat-
ing the of GAs in computer assisted composition
[156] Machine tongues XVI. GAs and their to FM matching
[16] of GA to aesthetic design of bridge structures
[120] of GA to design of articial ground
[31] of interactive GA to fashion design
[34] applications GA opt. of multidimensional grayscale
soft morphological lters with in lm archive restoration
[47] The of evol. and biological processes to computer art
and animation
[173] applied A grammar based gen. prog. technique to
music generation
[180] A hybrid neuro-gen. pattern evol. syst. to musical
[1] Applying GArphics - GAs for generating graphics
[110] Approximation der Rendering Equation durch Evol.
are Alg. en
[67] approximations Ecient model tting using a GA:
pole-zero of HRTFs
[34] archive GA opt. of multidimensional grayscale soft
morphological lters with appl. in lm restoration
[60] art Alkavatko taideteoksetkin elaa? [Is getting life?]
[55] Articial life or surreal
[57] Evol. and Computers
[43] Indexed Bibliography of GAs in and Music
[129] Organic
[47] The appl. of evol. and biological processes to computer
and animation
[61] Tietokonetaide on monien ilmioiden leikkauspiste
[159] ART-1 Music recognition syst. using and GA
[82] articulated Gen. prog. for gure motion
[77] Global Opt. for Figures: Molecular Structure Pre-
diction and Motion Synthesis for Animation
[120] articial Appl. of GA to design of ground
[30] Geneesys katsaus kolmiulotteiseen keinoelamaan nyt
ja hahmotelma tulevaisuudesta [A Review of 3D Life and
Outline of its Future]
[124] Gen. L-syst. prog. : breeding and evolving owers
with Mathematica
[145] Lifelike trees based on growth iterated function syst.
[49] evol. for computer graphics
[39] Towards automated evol. for computer-generated im-
[27] Articial intelligence appr. to the prediction of nat.
lighting levels
[85] Articial life Keinoelamaa virtuaalitodellisuudessa
hyttysia ja muita otokoita in virtual reality Gnats and
other little creatures]
[150] Articial life for computer graphics
[55] or surreal art?
[59] artist Kaarmemaiset sykkyrat pyorivat, hajoavat ja
kulkevat itsensa lapi, Tietokonetaiteilija William Latham luo
olioitaan evoluution saantojen avulla [Refers to works of com-
puter William Latham]
20 Genetic algorithms in arts and music
[62] arts Self-evolving Organisms versus fetishes
[174] assisted GeNotator: An environment for investigating
the appl. of GAs in computer composition
[36] association Automatic design support and image eval-
uation of two-coloured products using colour and colour har-
mony scales and GA
[15] attractive Evolving faces using morphing technology
and a GA: A new appr. to determining ideal facial aesthetics
[171] attributed Sel. of for modeling Bach chorales by a
[70] Automated parameter opt. for douple frequency mod-
ulation synthesis using the gen. annealing alg.
[39] Towards articial evol. for computer-generated im-
[163] automatic A novel appr. to music transcription using
electronic synthesis and GAs
[87] An GA-based construction of neural networks for mo-
tion cntr. of virtual life
[164] Electronic synthesis using GAs for music transcrip-
[165] Evol. alg. and transcription of music
[158, 160] composition of music by means of grammatical
[81] cntr. of physically realistic animated gures using EP
[36] design support and image evaluation of two-coloured
products using colour association and colour harmony scales
and GA
[121] graph drawing by gen. search
[69] parameter opt. for double frequency modulation syn-
thesis using the gen. annealing alg.
[37] product color design using gen. searching
[108] Automating the layout of network diagrams with spec-
ied visual organization
[79] avatar Motion design of a 3D-CG that uses humanoid
[59] avulla Kaarmemaiset sykkyrat pyorivat, hajoavat ja
kulkevat itsensa lapi, Tietokonetaiteilija William Latham luo
olioitaan evoluution saantojen [Refers to works of computer
artist William Latham]
[169] Bach in a box: The evol. of four part baroque harmony
using the GA
[171] Bach Sel. of attributed for modeling chorales by a GA
[169] baroque Bach in a box: The evol. of four part har-
mony using the GA
[95] beauty Is in the eye of the beholder
[95] beholder Is beauty in the eye of the
[43] Bibliography Indexed of GAs in Art and Music
[47] biological The appl. of evol. and processes to com-
puter art and animation
[92] blending Motion using a CS
[169] box Bach in a The evol. of four part baroque harmony
using the GA
[124] breeding Gen. L-syst. prog. : and evolving articial
owers with Mathematica
[16] bridge Appl. of GA to aesthetic design of structures
[25] buildings Roof shape generation method for using
KANSEI evaluation rules
[88] CAL Three-dimensional colour image and animation
modelling for
[111] cats A cradle string diagram display method based on
a GA
[65] cepstrum GA-based noisy speech recognition using
[138] CG 3-D lighting with an interactive GA
[89] character Gen. prog. evol. of cntr. for 3-D anima-
[171] chorales Sel. of attributed for modeling Bach by a
[92] classier Motion blending using a syst.
[86] cloth Evol. ident. of animation models
[93] cluster Patterns of formation and evol. activity in
evolving L-syst.
[147] coevolution Evol. and of developmental prog.
[37] color design Automatic product using gen. searching
[105] color tables Evaluation of GA-generated multivariate
for the visualization of multimodal medical fused data sets
[137] colour A two-stage evol. model for the computer-aided
design of combinations
[36] Automatic design support and image evaluation of two-
coloured products using association and colour harmony
scales and GA
[36] colour harmony Automatic design support and image
evaluation of two-coloured products using colour association
and scales and GA
[88] colour image Three-dimensional and animation mod-
elling for CAL
[137] combinations A two-stage evol. model for the
computer-aided design of colour
[103] complex An appr. to the perceptual opt. of visual-
[44] FormSynth: The rule-based evol. of forms from geo-
metric primitives
[155] composes GA music
[178] composing Musica ex machina: 16th-century coun-
terpoint with gen. prog. and symbiosis
[180] composition A hybrid neuro-gen. pattern evol. syst.
appl. to musical
[158, 160] Automatic of music by means of grammatical
[181] Evol. methods for musical
[179] GA utilising neural network tness evaluation for mu-
[152, 153, 154] GAs and computer-assisted music
[174] GeNotator: An environment for investigating the appl.
of GAs in computer assisted
[157] Neurogen, music using GAs and cooperating neural
[78] Using physically-based models and GAs for functional
of sound signals, synchronized to animated motion
[185] compositor Gen. music
[96] Computation Illustrating Evol. with Mathematica
[73] and memory tradeos with multiple wavetable inter-
[137] computer-aided A two-stage evol. model for the de-
sign of colour combinations
[152, 153, 154] computer-assisted GAs and music compo-
[39] computer-generated Towards automated articial
evol. for images
[151] connection Optimized of rational surface-based on
[114] constraints Evol. learning of graph layout from ex-
[87] construction An automatic GA-based of neural net-
works for motion cntr. of virtual life
[33] contemporary AI in (interactive)art
[87] control An automatic GA-based construction of neural
networks for motion of virtual life
[81] Automatic of physically realistic animated gures us-
ing EP
[122] controlled A fuzzy rendering syst. for virtual reality
syst. optimised by GAs
[89] controllers Gen. prog. evol. of for 3-D character
[157] cooperating Neurogen, music composition using GAs
and neural networks
[178] counterpoint Musica ex machina: composing 16th-
century with gen. prog. and symbiosis
[111] cradle A cats string diagram display method based
on a GA
[102] Creating photorealistic models by data fusion with GAs
[113] creatures Evolving virtual
[85] Keinoelamaa virtuaalitodellisuudessa hyttysia ja
muita otokoita [Articial life in virtual reality Gnats and
other little
[130] CSG-PL-systems Using GAs to improve the visual
quality of fractal plants generated with
[99] curves Grammatical evol. to design fractal with a
given dimension
[41] Darwin Disney meets the evol. of funny animated
[58] delights In the innity of computer space there is a gar-
den of unearthly
[137] design A two-stage evol. model for the computer-aided
of colour combinations
[16] Appl. of GA to aesthetic of bridge structures
[120] Appl. of GA to of articial ground
[31] Appl. of interactive GA to fashion
[36] Automatic support and image evaluation of two-
coloured products using colour association and colour harmony
scales and GA
[56] Computer sculpture and animation
Permuted title index 21
[100] Evol. of objects using scene graphs
[35] FPGA realisation of the GA for the of gray-scale soft
morphological lters
[99] Grammatical evol. to fractal curves with a given di-
[21] House syst. using GA
[119] Interactive evol. alg. in
[146] Interactive GA-based support syst. for lighting in
3-D computer graphics
[125] Interactive GA-based support syst. for lighting in
computer graphics
[79] Motion of a 3D-CG avatar that uses humanoid ani-
[23] Opt. of outdoor lighting syst. by GAs
[20] designing Data structure for syst. kitchen editing and

[15] determining Evolving attractive faces using morphing

technology and a GA: A new appr. to ideal facial aesthetics
[147] developmental Evol. and coevol. of prog.
[184] device Method and for generating musical sound
[111] diagram A cats cradle string display method based
on a GA
[108] diagrams Automating the layout of network with
specied visual organization
[141] Placing text labels on maps and using GAs with
[32] digital Evol. of images
[99] dimension Grammatical evol. to design fractal curves
with a given
[72] Discrete summation synthesis of musical instrument
tones using GAs
[41] Disney meets Darwin the evol. of funny animated g-
[111] display A cats cradle string diagram method based
on a GA
[70] douple Automated parameter opt. for frequency mod-
ulation synthesis using the gen. annealing alg.
[17] drawing A GA for undirected graphs
[121] Automatic graph by gen. search
[143] Gen. graph
[142] Opt. of owsheet layout using a GA
[172] drum A shape opt. by GAs
[68] dynamic Wavetable matching synthesis of instru-
ments with GAs
[50] dynamical Interactive evol. of syst.
[162] ecosystems Evolving sonic
[20] editing Data structure for syst. kitchen and designing
[29] ecacy GA search in aesthetic product spaces
[97] ecient An evol. alg. for accurate polygonal approx-
[67] model tting using a GA: pole-zero approximations of
[60] elaa Alkavatko taideteoksetkin [Is art getting life?]
[163] electronic A novel appr. to automatic music transcrip-
tion using synthesis and GAs
[164] synthesis using GAs for automatic music transcription
[28] emergent Learning style using an evol. appr.
[117] Entwicklungsprogrammen MathEvolvica
Simulierte Evol. von der Natur
[40] Envelope matching with GAs
[174] environment GeNotator: An for investigating the
appl. of GAs in computer assisted composition
[110] Equation Approximation der Rendering durch Evol.
are Alg. en
[51, 52] equations Interactive evol. of for procedural models
[98] Estimating parameters for procedural texturing by
[36] evaluation Automatic design support and image of
two-coloured products using colour association and colour har-
mony scales and GA
[179] GA utilising neural network tness for musical com-
[105] of GA-generated multivariate color tables for the vi-
sualization of multimodal medical fused data sets
[25] Roof shape generation method for buildings using
KANSEI rules
[180] evolution A hybrid neuro-gen. pattern syst. appl. to
musical composition
[118] An model for integration problems
[91] Animating the process of GAs
[49] Articial for computer graphics
[158, 160] Automatic composition of music by means of gram-
[169] Bach in a box: The of four part baroque harmony
using the GA
[41] Disney meets Darwin the of funny animated gures
[117] MathEvolvica Simulierte von Entwicklungsprog.
men der Natur
[135] Principia Evolvica, Simulierte mit Mathematica
[126] Evolving prog. : Gen. prog. and L-syst.
[44] FormSynth: The rule-based of complex forms from
geometric primitives
[89] Gen. prog. of cntr. for 3-D character animation
[99] Grammatical to design fractal curves with a given
[50] Interactive of dynamical syst.
[51, 52] Interactive of equations for procedural models
[54] Mutator, a subjective human interface for of com-
puter sculptures
[147] and coevol. of developmental prog.
[32] of digital images
[134] prog. evolved
[22] Preferred surface luminances in oces, by a pilot
[39] Towards automated articial for computer-generated
[42] Evolution strategies with subjective sel.
[110] Evolutionare Approximation der Rendering Equation
durch Alg. en
[137] evolutionary A two-stage model for the computer-
aided design of colour combinations
[97] An ecient alg. for accurate polygonal approxima-
[81] Automatic cntr. of physically realistic animated gures
using prog.
[84] Building new tools for synthetic image animation by
using techniques
[96] Illustrating Computation with Mathematica
[119] Interactive alg. in design
[28] Learning emergent style using an appr.
[165] alg. and automatic transcription of music
[80] alg. in modeling and animation
[57] Art and Computers
[148] data visualization
[100] design of objects using scene graphs
[86] ident. of cloth animation models
[114] learning of graph layout constraints from examples
[181] methods for musical composition
[93] Patterns of cluster formation and activity in evolving
[109] Rayvolution: an ray tracing alg.
[112] Rayvolution: An ray tracing alg.
[115] Simulation of Global Illumination: An Appr.
[47] The appl. of and biological processes to computer art
and animation
[75] evolutionary strategies Training partially recurrent
neural networks using
[59] evoluution Kaarmemaiset sykkyrat pyorivat, hajoavat
ja kulkevat itsensa lapi, Tietokonetaiteilija William Latham
luo olioitaan saantojen avulla [Refers to works of computer
artist William Latham]
[134] evolved Evol. prog.
[135] Evolvica Principia Simulierte Evol. mit Mathemat-
[124] evolving Gen. L-syst. prog. : breeding and articial
owers with Mathematica
[15] attractive faces using morphing technology and a GA:
A new appr. to determining ideal facial aesthetics
[126] evol. prog. : Gen. prog. and L-syst.
[132] fractal movies
[116] fractals
[53] images
[161] intelligent musical materials
[38] line drawings
[162] sonic ecosyst.
[113] virtual creatures
[93] Patterns of cluster formation and evol. activity in
[178] ex Musica machina: composing 16th-century counter-
point with gen. prog. and symbiosis
[66] Experiances of otoneurological expert syst. for vertigo
22 Genetic algorithms in arts and music
[106] experience Modelling video games landscapes by
means of gen. terrain prog. - A new appr. for improving
[66] expert Experiances of otoneurological syst. for ver-
[90] explain The use of animation to GAs
[83] expression Searching for facial by GA
[95] eye Is beauty in the of the beholder
[15] faces Evolving attractive using morphing technology
and a GA: A new appr. to determining ideal facial aesthetics
[15] facial Evolving attractive faces using morphing technol-
ogy and a GA: A new appr. to determining ideal aesthetics
[83] Searching for expression by GA
[31] fashion Appl. of interactive GA to design
[76] feedback Nested modulator and FM matching of in-
strument tones
[62] fetishes Self-evolving arts Organisms versus
[82] gure Gen. prog. for articulated motion
[81] gures Automatic cntr. of physically realistic animated
using EP
[41] Disney meets Darwin the evol. of funny animated
[77] Global Opt. for Articulated Molecular Structure Pre-
diction and Motion Synthesis for Animation
[34] lm GA opt. of multidimensional grayscale soft morpho-
logical lters with appl. in archive restoration
[35] lters FPGA realisation of the GA for the design of
gray-scale soft morphological
[34] GA opt. of multidimensional grayscale soft morpholog-
ical with appl. in lm archive restoration
[139] sh Where to for neural nets
[179] tness GA utilising neural network evaluation for mu-
sical composition
[175] tness functions Neural network for a musical IGA
[67] tting Ecient model using a GA: pole-zero approxi-
mations of HRTFs
[67] Hearing Aid with GAs
[124] owers Gen. L-syst. prog. : breeding and evolving
articial with Mathematica
[142] owsheet Opt. of drawing layout using a GA
[156] FM Machine tongues XVI. GAs and their appl. to
matching synthesis
[76] Nested modulator and feedback matching of instru-
ment tones
[93] formation Patterns of cluster and evol. activity in
evolving L-syst.
[44] forms FormSynth: The rule-based evol. of complex
from geometric primitives
[44] FormSynth The rule-based evol. of complex forms
from geometric primitives
[35] FPGA realisation of the GA for the design of gray-scale
soft morphological lters
[132] fractal Evolving movies
[99] Grammatical evol. to design curves with a given di-
[130] Using GAs to improve the visual quality of plants
generated with CSG-PL-syst.
[131] fractal image An improved GA of solving IFS code of

[116] fractals Evolving

[70] frequency Automated parameter opt. for douple
modulation synthesis using the gen. annealing alg.
[69] Automatic parameter opt. for double modulation
synthesis using the gen. annealing alg.
[78] functional Using physically-based models and GAs for
composition of sound signals, synchronized to animated mo-
[41] funny Disney meets Darwin the evol. of animated
[105] fused Evaluation of GA-generated multivariate color ta-
bles for the visualization of multimodal medical data sets
[30] Future Geneesys katsaus kolmiulotteiseen kei-
noelamaan nyt ja hahmotelma tulevaisuudesta [A Review of
3D AL and Outline of its
[122] fuzzy A cntr. rendering syst. for virtual reality syst.
optimised by GAs
[87] GA-based An automatic construction of neural net-
works for motion cntr. of virtual life
[146] Interactive design support syst. for lighting design in
3-D computer graphics
[125] Interactive design support syst. for lighting design in
computer graphics
[65] noisy speech recognition using two-dimensional cep-
[58] garden In the innity of computer space there is a of
unearthly delights
[1] GArphics - Applying GAs for generating graphics
[30] Geneesys katsaus kolmiulotteiseen keinoelamaan nyt
ja hahmotelma tulevaisuudesta [A Review of 3D AL and Out-
line of its Future]
[130] generated Using GAs to improve the visual quality of
fractal plants with CSG-PL-syst.
[1] generating GArphics - Applying GAs for graphics
[167] GenJam: A GA for jazz solos
[184] Method and device for musical sound waveform
[166] rhytms with GAs
[182] generation A GA for the of jazz melodies
[173] A grammar based gen. prog. technique appl. to music

[168] GAs in musical style oriented

[123] Gen. prog. for easy 3D texture
[25] Roof shape method for buildings using KANSEI eval-
uation rules
[26] Generic building product model incorporating building
type info
[167] GenJam A GA for generating jazz solos
[177] GenJam An interactive GA jazz improviser
[174] GeNotator An environment for investigating the appl.
of GAs in computer assisted composition
[44] geometric primitives FormSynth: The rule-based
evol. of complex forms from
[60] getting Alkavatko taideteoksetkin elaa? [Is art life?]
[136] global A neuro-evol. unbiased illumination alg.
[77] Opt. for Articulated Figures: Molecular Structure
Prediction and Motion Synthesis for Animation
[115] Simulation of Illumination: An Evol. Appr.
[85] Gnats Keinoelamaa virtuaalitodellisuudessa hyttysia
ja muita otokoita [Articial life in virtual reality and other
little creatures]
[173] grammar A based gen. prog. technique appl. to
music generation
[158, 160] grammatical Automatic composition of music by
means of evol.
[99] evol. to design fractal curves with a given dimension
[121] graph Automatic drawing by gen. search
[114] Evol. learning of layout constraints from examples
[143] Gen. drawing
[94] Graphic object layout with interactive GAs
[49] graphics Articial evol. for computer
[1] GArphics - Applying GAs for generating
[125] Interactive GA-based design support syst. for lighting
design in computer
[17] graphs A GA for drawing undirected
[35] gray-scale FPGA realisation of the GA for the design
of soft morphological lters
[34] grayscale GA opt. of multidimensional soft morpho-
logical lters with appl. in lm archive restoration
[120] ground Appl. of GA to design of articial
[71] Group synthesis with GAs
[145] growth Lifelike articial trees based on iterated func-
tion syst.
[30] hahmotelma Geneesys katsaus kolmiulotteiseen kei-
noelamaan nyt ja tulevaisuudesta [A Review of 3D AL and
Outline of its Future]
[59] hajoavat Kaarmemaiset sykkyrat pyorivat, ja kulke-
vat itsensa lapi, Tietokonetaiteilija William Latham luo
olioitaan evoluution saantojen avulla [Refers to works of com-
puter artist William Latham]
[170] Harmonisation of musical progression with GAs
[169] harmony Bach in a box: The evol. of four part baroque
using the GA
[67] Hearing Aid Fitting with GAs
[21] House design syst. using GA
[18, 19] House design syst. using GA
[67] HRTFs Ecient model tting using a GA: pole-zero ap-
proximations of
[54] human Mutator, a subjective interface for evol. of
computer sculptures
[79] humanoid Motion design of a 3D-CG avatar that uses
[180] hybrid A neuro-gen. pattern evol. syst. appl. to
musical composition
[74] sampling-wavetable synthesis with GAs
Permuted title index 23
[85] hyttysia Keinoelamaa virtuaalitodellisuudessa ja
muita otokoita [Articial life in virtual reality Gnats and
other little creatures]
[15] ideal Evolving attractive faces using morphing technol-
ogy and a GA: A new appr. to determining facial aesthetics
[86] identication Evol. of cloth animation models
[131] IFS code An improved GA of solving of fractal image
[175] IGA Neural network tness functions for a musical
[136] illumination A neuro-evol. unbiased global alg.
[115] Simulation of Global An Evol. Appr.
[96] Illustrating Evol. Computation with Mathematica
[61] ilmioiden Tietokonetaide on monien leikkauspiste
[Computer art]
[36] image Automatic design support and evaluation of
two-coloured products using colour association and colour har-
mony scales and GA
[84] Building new tools for synthetic animation by using
evol. techniques
[140] Recovery of superquadric primitives from a range us-
ing GA
[32] images Evol. of digital
[53] Evolving
[24] Lighting quality research using rendered of oces
[128] Shape modeling of multiple objects from shading us-
ing GAs
[133] Superquadrics modeling of multiple objects from shad-
ing using GAs
[39] Towards automated articial evol. for computer-
[177] improviser GenJam: An interactive GA jazz
[58] innity In the of computer space there is a garden of
unearthly delights
[26] information Generic building product model incorpo-
rating building type
[63] instrument Methods for multiple wavetable synthesis
of musical tones
[76] Nested modulator and feedback FM matching of
[68] instruments Wavetable matching synthesis of dynamic
with GAs
[118] integration An evol. model for problems
[161] intelligent Evolving musical materials
[138] interactive 3-D CG lighting with an GA
[31] Appl. of GA to fashion design
[177] GenJam: An GA jazz improviser
[94] Graphic object layout with GAs
[50] evol. of dynamical syst.
[51, 52] evol. of equations for procedural models
[119] evol. alg. in design
[146] GA-based design support syst. for lighting design in
3-D computer graphics
[125] GA-based design support syst. for lighting design in
computer graphics
[33] interactive)art AI in contemporary
[54] interface Mutator, a subjective human for evol. of
computer sculptures
[73] interpolation Computation and memory tradeos with
multiple wavetable
[174] investigating GeNotator: An environment for the
appl. of GAs in computer assisted composition
[145] iterated function system Lifelike articial trees
based on growth
[59] itsensa Kaarmemaiset sykkyrat pyorivat, hajoavat ja
kulkevat lapi, Tietokonetaiteilija William Latham luo
olioitaan evoluution saantojen avulla [Refers to works of com-
puter artist William Latham]
[182] jazz A GA for the generation of melodies
[167] GenJam: A GA for generating solos
[177] GenJam: An interactive GA improviser
[25] KANSEI Roof shape generation method for buildings
using evaluation rules
[30] katsaus Geneesys kolmiulotteiseen keinoelamaan
nyt ja hahmotelma tulevaisuudesta [A Review of 3D AL and
Outline of its Future]
[85] Keinoelamaa virtuaalitodellisuudessa hyttysia ja
muita otokoita [Articial life in virtual reality Gnats and
other little creatures]
[30] keinoelamaan Geneesys katsaus kolmiulotteiseen
nyt ja hahmotelma tulevaisuudesta [A Review of 3D AL and
Outline of its Future]
[20] kitchen Data structure for syst. editing and designing
[30] kolmiulotteiseen Geneesys katsaus keinoelamaan
nyt ja hahmotelma tulevaisuudesta [A Review of 3D AL and
Outline of its Future]
[59] kulkevat Kaarmemaiset sykkyrat pyorivat, hajoavat
ja itsensa lapi, Tietokonetaiteilija William Latham luo
olioitaan evoluution saantojen avulla [Refers to works of com-
puter artist William Latham]
[141] labels Placing text on maps and diagrams using GAs
with masking
[106] landscapes Modelling video games by means of gen.
terrain prog. - A new appr. for improving users experience
[59] Latham Kaarmemaiset sykkyrat pyorivat, hajoavat ja
kulkevat itsensa lapi, Tietokonetaiteilija William Latham luo
olioitaan evoluution saantojen avulla [Refers to works of com-
puter artist William
[59] Kaarmemaiset sykkyrat pyorivat, hajoavat ja kulke-
vat itsensa lapi, Tietokonetaiteilija William luo olioitaan
evoluution saantojen avulla [Refers to works of computer artist
William Latham]
[108] layout Automating the of network diagrams with spec-
ied visual organization
[114] Evol. learning of graph constraints from examples
[94] Graphic object with interactive GAs
[142] Opt. of owsheet drawing using a GA
[114] learning Evol. of graph layout constraints from ex-
[28] emergent style using an evol. appr.
[61] leikkauspiste Tietokonetaide on monien ilmioiden
[Computer art]
[27] levels Articial intelligence appr. to the prediction of
nat. lighting
[60] life Alkavatko taideteoksetkin elaa? [Is art getting
[87] An automatic GA-based construction of neural net-
works for motion cntr. of virtual
[30] Geneesys katsaus kolmiulotteiseen keinoelamaan nyt
ja hahmotelma tulevaisuudesta [A Review of 3D Articial
and Outline of its Future]
[145] Lifelike articial trees based on growth iterated func-
tion syst.
[138] lighting 3-D CG with an interactive GA
[27] Articial intelligence appr. to the prediction of nat.
[146] Interactive GA-based design support syst. for design
in 3-D computer graphics
[125] Interactive GA-based design support syst. for design
in computer graphics
[24] quality research using rendered images of oces
[23] Opt. design of outdoor syst. by GAs
[144] Lindenmayer On GAs and syst.
[38] line drawings Evolving
[124] L-system Gen. prog. : breeding and evolving arti-
cial owers with Mathematica
[107] Gen. prog.
[149] L-system Morphogenesis of path plan sequences
through gen. synthesis of productions
[126] L-systems Evolving evol. prog. : Gen. prog. and
[93] Patterns of cluster formation and evol. activity in
[22] luminances Preferred surface in oces, by evol. : a
pilot study
[59] luo Kaarmemaiset sykkyrat pyorivat, hajoavat ja kulke-
vat itsensa lapi, Tietokonetaiteilija William Latham
olioitaan evoluution saantojen avulla [Refers to works of com-
puter artist William Latham]
[178] machina Musica ex composing 16th-century counter-
point with gen. prog. and symbiosis
[156] Machine tongues XVI. GAs and their appl. to FM
matching synthesis
[141] maps Placing text labels on and diagrams using GAs
with masking
[141] masking Placing text labels on maps and diagrams us-
ing GAs with
[156] matching Machine tongues XVI. GAs and their appl.
to FM synthesis
[76] Nested modulator and feedback FM of instrument
[68] Wavetable synthesis of dynamic instruments with
[161] materials Evolving intelligent musical
[135] Mathematica Principia Evolvica, Simulierte Evol.
24 Genetic algorithms in arts and music
[124] Mathematica Gen. L-syst. prog. : breeding and
evolving articial owers with
[96] Mathematica Illustrating Evol. Computation with
[117] MathEvolvica Simulierte Evol. von Entwick-
lungsprog. men der Natur
[105] medical Evaluation of GA-generated multivariate color
tables for the visualization of multimodal fused data sets
[41] meets Disney Darwin the evol. of funny animated
[182] melodies A GA for the generation of jazz
[73] memory Computation and tradeos with multiple
wavetable interpolation
[137] model A two-stage evol. for the computer-aided de-
sign of colour combinations
[118] An evol. for integration problems
[67] Ecient tting using a GA: pole-zero approximations
of HRTFs
[80] modeling Evol. alg. in and animation
[171] Sel. of attributed for Bach chorales by a GA
[128] Shape of multiple objects from shading images using
[133] Superquadrics of multiple objects from shading im-
ages using GAs
[106] Modelling video games landscapes by means of gen.
terrain prog. - A new appr. for improving users experience
[88] Three-dimensional colour image and animation for
[101] models Building photorealistic using data fusion
[102] Creating photorealistic by data fusion with GAs
[86] Evol. ident. of cloth animation
[51, 52] Interactive evol. of equations for procedural
[104] Photorealistic 3D of Real-World Objects
[78] Using physically-based and GAs for functional com-
position of sound signals, synchronized to animated motion
[70] modulation Automated parameter opt. for douple fre-
quency synthesis using the gen. annealing alg.
[69] Automatic parameter opt. for double frequency syn-
thesis using the gen. annealing alg.
[76] modulator Nested and feedback FM matching of in-
strument tones
[77] Molecular Global Opt. for Articulated Figures:
Structure Prediction and Motion Synthesis for Animation
[61] monien Tietokonetaide on ilmioiden leikkauspiste
[Computer art]
[15] morphing Evolving attractive faces using technology
and a GA: A new appr. to determining ideal facial aesthetics
[149] Morphogenesis of path plan sequences through gen.
synthesis of L-syst. productions
[35] morphological FPGA realisation of the GA for the de-
sign of gray-scale soft lters
[34] GA opt. of multidimensional grayscale soft lters
with appl. in lm archive restoration
[87] motion An automatic GA-based construction of neural
networks for cntr. of virtual life
[82] Gen. prog. for articulated gure
[77] Global Opt. for Articulated Figures: Molecular Struc-
ture Prediction and Synthesis for Animation
[92] blending using a CS
[79] design of a 3D-CG avatar that uses humanoid anima-
[78] Using physically-based models and GAs for functional
composition of sound signals, synchronized to animated
[132] movies Evolving fractal
[85] muita Keinoelamaa virtuaalitodellisuudessa hyttysia
ja otokoita [Articial life in virtual reality Gnats and other
little creatures]
[34] multidimensional GA opt. of grayscale soft mor-
phological lters with appl. in lm archive restoration
[105] multimodal Evaluation of GA-generated multivariate
color tables for the visualization of medical fused data sets
[105] multivariate Evaluation of GA-generated color tables
for the visualization of multimodal medical fused data sets
[173] music A grammar based gen. prog. technique appl. to
[163] A novel appr. to automatic transcription using elec-
tronic synthesis and GAs
[158, 160] Automatic composition of by means of grammat-
ical evol.
[164] Electronic synthesis using GAs for automatic tran-
[165] Evol. alg. and automatic transcription of
[155] GA composes
[152, 153, 154] GAs and computer-assisted composition
[185] Gen. compositor
[43] Indexed Bibliography of GAs in Art and
[159] recognition syst. using ART-1 and GA
[157] Neurogen, composition using GAs and cooperating
neural networks
[178] Musica ex machina: composing 16th-century counter-
point with gen. prog. and symbiosis
[180] musical A hybrid neuro-gen. pattern evol. syst. appl.
to composition
[181] Evol. methods for composition
[161] Evolving intelligent materials
[179] GA utilising neural network tness evaluation for
[170] Harmonisation of progression with GAs
[184] Method and device for generating sound waveform
[63] Methods for multiple wavetable synthesis of instru-
ment tones
[175] Neural network tness functions for a IGA
[72] musical instrument Discrete summation synthesis of
tones using GAs
[168] musical style GAs in oriented generation
[54] Mutator a subjective human interface for evol. of com-
puter sculptures
[117] Natur MathEvolvica Simulierte Evol. von Entwick-
lungsprog. men der
[27] natural Articial intelligence appr. to the prediction of
lighting levels
[76] Nested modulator and feedback FM matching of instru-
ment tones
[108] network Automating the layout of diagrams with
specied visual organization
[139] neural nets Where to sh for
[179] neural network GA utilising tness evaluation for
musical composition
[175] tness functions for a musical IGA
[87] neural networks An automatic GA-based construc-
tion of for motion cntr. of virtual life
[157] Neurogen, music composition using GAs and cooper-
[75] Training partially recurrent using evol. strategies
[136] neuro-evolutionary A unbiased global illumination
[157] Neurogen music composition using GAs and cooperat-
ing neural networks
[180] neuro-genetic A hybrid pattern evol. syst. appl. to
musical composition
[65] noisy GA-based speech recognition using two-
dimensional cepstrum
[30] nyt Geneesys katsaus kolmiulotteiseen keinoelam aan
ja hahmotelma tulevaisuudesta [A Review of 3D AL and Out-
line of its Future]
[94] object Graphic layout with interactive GAs
[100] objects Evol. design of using scene graphs
[104] Photorealistic 3D Models of Real-World
[128] Shape modeling of multiple from shading images us-
ing GAs
[133] Superquadrics modeling of multiple from shading im-
ages using GAs
[24] oces Lighting quality research using rendered images
[22] Preferred surface luminances in by evol. : a pilot
[59] olioitaan Kaarmemaiset sykkyrat pyorivat, hajoavat ja
kulkevat itsensa lapi, Tietokonetaiteilija William Latham luo
evoluution saantojen avulla [Refers to works of computer
artist William Latham]
[23] Optimal design of outdoor lighting syst. by GAs
[122] optimised A fuzzy cntr. rendering syst. for virtual re-
ality syst. by GAs
[151] Optimized connection of rational surface-based on GAs
[183] Optimizing additive synthesis parameters with GAs
and self-organizing maps
[129] Organic art
[62] Organisms Self-evolving arts versus fetishes
[108] organization Automating the layout of network dia-
grams with specied visual
[168] oriented GAs in musical style generation
[66] otoneurological Experiances of expert syst. for ver-
Permuted title index 25
[23] outdoor Opt. design of lighting syst. by GAs
[48] Panspermia
[70] parameter Automated opt. for douple frequency
modulation synthesis using the gen. annealing alg.
[69] Automatic opt. for double frequency modulation syn-
thesis using the gen. annealing alg.
[98] parameters Estimating for procedural texturing by
[183] Opt. additive synthesis with GAs and self-organizing
[75] partially Training recurrent neural networks using
evol. strategies
[149] path Morphogenesis of plan sequences through gen.
synthesis of L-syst. productions
[180] pattern A hybrid neuro-gen. evol. syst. appl. to
musical composition
[93] Patterns of cluster formation and evol. activity in
evolving L-syst.
[64] peak Low amplitudes for wavetable synthesis
[103] perceptual An appr. to the opt. of complex visual-
[101] photorealistic Building models using data fusion
[102] Creating models by data fusion with GAs
[104] 3D Models of Real-World Objects
[81] physically Automatic cntr. of realistic animated g-
ures using EP
[78] physically-based Using models and GAs for func-
tional composition of sound signals, synchronized to animated
[22] pilot Preferred surface luminances in oces, by evol. :
a study
[141] Placing text labels on maps and diagrams using GAs
with masking
[149] plan Morphogenesis of path sequences through gen.
synthesis of L-syst. productions
[130] plants Using GAs to improve the visual quality of frac-
tal generated with CSG-PL-syst.
[67] pole-zero Ecient model tting using a GA: approx-
imations of HRTFs
[97] polygonal approximation An ecient evol. alg. for
[27] prediction Articial intelligence appr. to the of nat.
lighting levels
[77] Global Opt. for Articulated Figures: Molecular Struc-
ture and Motion Synthesis for Animation
[22] Preferred surface luminances in oces, by evol. : a
pilot study
[140] primitives Recovery of superquadric from a range im-
age using GA
[135] Principia Evolvica, Simulierte Evol. mit Mathematica
[98] procedural Estimating parameters for texturing by
[51, 52] Interactive evol. of equations for models
[91] process Animating the evol. of GAs
[47] processes The appl. of evol. and biological to com-
puter art and animation
[37] product Automatic color design using gen. searching
[29] GA search ecacy in aesthetic spaces
[26] product model Generic building incorporating
building type info
[149] productions Morphogenesis of path plan sequences
through gen. synthesis of L-syst.
[36] products Automatic design support and image evalu-
ation of two-coloured using colour association and colour
harmony scales and GA
[81] programming Automatic cntr. of physically realistic
animated gures using evol.
[124] Gen. L-syst. breeding and evolving articial owers
with Mathematica
[107] Gen. L-syst.
[106] Modelling video games landscapes by means of gen.
terrain - A new appr. for improving users experience
[170] progression Harmonisation of musical with GAs
[59] pyorivat Kaarmemaiset sykkyrat hajoavat ja kulkevat
itsensa lapi, Tietokonetaiteilija William Latham luo olioitaan
evoluution saantojen avulla [Refers to works of computer artist
William Latham]
[24] quality Lighting research using rendered images of of-
[130] Using GAs to improve the visual of fractal plants
generated with CSG-PL-syst.
[140] range Recovery of superquadric primitives from a im-
age using GA
[151] rational Optimized connection of surface-based on
[109] ray tracing Rayvolution: an evol. alg.
[112] Rayvolution: An evol. alg.
[109] Rayvolution an evol. ray tracing alg.
[112] An evol. ray tracing alg.
[35] realisation FPGA of the GA for the design of gray-
scale soft morphological lters
[81] realistic Automatic cntr. of physically animated g-
ures using EP
[85] reality Keinoelamaa virtuaalitodellisuudessa hyttysia
ja muita otokoita [Articial life in virtual Gnats and other
little creatures]
[104] Real-World Photorealistic 3D Models of Objects
[65] recognition GA-based noisy speech using two-
dimensional cepstrum
[159] Music syst. using ART-1 and GA
[140] Recovery of superquadric primitives from a range im-
age using GA
[75] recurrent Training partially neural networks using
evol. strategies
[59] Refers Kaarmemaiset sykkyrat pyorivat, hajoavat ja
kulkevat itsensa lapi, Tietokonetaiteilija William Latham luo
olioitaan evoluution saantojen avulla to works of computer
artist William Latham]
[24] rendered Lighting quality research using images of
[122] rendering A fuzzy cntr. syst. for virtual reality syst.
optimised by GAs
[110] Approximation der Equation durch Evol. are Alg. en
[24] research Lighting quality using rendered images of of-
[34] restoration GA opt. of multidimensional grayscale soft
morphological lters with appl. in lm archive
[30] Review Geneesys katsaus kolmiulotteiseen kei-
noelamaan nyt ja hahmotelma tulevaisuudesta [A of 3D AL
and Outline of its Future]
[166] rhytms Generating with GAs
[25] Roof shape generation method for buildings using KAN-
SEI evaluation rules
[44] rule-based FormSynth: The evol. of complex forms
from geometric primitives
[25] rules Roof shape generation method for buildings using
KANSEI evaluation
[74] sampling-wavetable Hybrid synthesis with GAs
[36] scales Automatic design support and image evaluation
of two-coloured products using colour association and colour
harmony and GA
[100] scene graphs Evol. design of objects using
[56] sculpture Computer design and animation
[54] sculptures Mutator, a subjective human interface for
evol. of computer
[45, 46] in the void
[121] search Automatic graph drawing by gen.
[29] GA ecacy in aesthetic product spaces
[37] searching Automatic product color design using gen.
[83] for facial expression by GA
[42] selection Evol. strategies with subjective
[171] of attributed for modeling Bach chorales by a GA
[62] Self-evolving arts Organisms versus fetishes
[183] self-organizing maps Opt. additive synthesis param-
eters with GAs and
[149] sequences Morphogenesis of path plan through gen.
synthesis of L-syst. productions
[105] sets Evaluation of GA-generated multivariate color ta-
bles for the visualization of multimodal medical fused data
[128] shading Shape modeling of multiple objects from im-
ages using GAs
[133] Superquadrics modeling of multiple objects from im-
ages using GAs
[172] shape A drum opt. by GAs
[128] modeling of multiple objects from shading images us-
ing GAs
[127] transformation in space-time
[25] Roof generation method for buildings using KANSEI
evaluation rules
[78] signals Using physically-based models and GAs for
functional composition of sound synchronized to animated
26 Genetic algorithms in arts and music
[115] Simulation of Global Illumination: An Evol. Appr.
[117] Simulierte MathEvolvica Evol. von Entwick-
lungsprog. men der Natur
[135] Principia Evolvica, Evol. mit Mathematica
[35] soft FPGA realisation of the GA for the design of gray-
scale morphological lters
[34] GA opt. of multidimensional grayscale morphological
lters with appl. in lm archive restoration
[167] solos GenJam: A GA for generating jazz
[162] sonic Evolving ecosyst.
[184] sound Method and device for generating musical wave-
[78] Using physically-based models and GAs for functional
composition of signals, synchronized to animated motion
[58] space In the innity of computer there is a garden of
unearthly delights
[29] spaces GA search ecacy in aesthetic product
[127] space-time Shape transformation in
[108] specied Automating the layout of network diagrams
with visual organization
[65] speech GA-based noisy recognition using two-
dimensional cepstrum
[111] string A cats cradle diagram display method based
on a GA
[20] structure Data for syst. kitchen editing and design-
[77] Global Opt. for Articulated Figures: Molecular Pre-
diction and Motion Synthesis for Animation
[16] structures Appl. of GA to aesthetic design of bridge
[28] style Learning emergent using an evol. appr.
[42] subjective Evol. strategies with sel.
[54] Mutator, a human interface for evol. of computer
[72] summation Discrete synthesis of musical instrument
tones using GAs
[140] superquadric Recovery of primitives from a range
image using GA
[133] Superquadrics modeling of multiple objects from
shading images using GAs
[36] support Automatic design and image evaluation of
two-coloured products using colour association and colour har-
mony scales and GA
[146] Interactive GA-based design syst. for lighting design
in 3-D computer graphics
[125] Interactive GA-based design syst. for lighting design
in computer graphics
[22] surface Preferred luminances in oces, by evol. : a
pilot study
[151] surface-based Optimized connection of rational on
[55] surreal Articial life or art?
[59] sykkyrat Kaarmemaiset pyorivat, hajoavat ja kulke-
vat itsensa lapi, Tietokonetaiteilija William Latham luo
olioitaan evoluution saantojen avulla [Refers to works of com-
puter artist William Latham]
[178] symbiosis Musica ex machina: composing 16th-century
counterpoint with gen. prog. and
[78] synchronized Using physically-based models and GAs
for functional composition of sound signals, to animated mo-
[163] synthesis A novel appr. to automatic music transcrip-
tion using electronic and GAs
[70] Automated parameter opt. for douple frequency mod-
ulation using the gen. annealing alg.
[69] Automatic parameter opt. for double frequency mod-
ulation using the gen. annealing alg.
[72] Discrete summation of musical instrument tones us-
ing GAs
[164] Electronic using GAs for automatic music transcrip-
[77] Global Opt. for Articulated Figures: Molecular Struc-
ture Prediction and Motion for Animation
[71] Group with GAs
[74] Hybrid sampling-wavetable with GAs
[64] Low peak amplitudes for wavetable
[156] Machine tongues XVI. GAs and their appl. to FM
[63] Methods for multiple wavetable of musical instrument
[149] Morphogenesis of path plan sequences through gen.
of L-syst. productions
[183] Opt. additive parameters with GAs and self-
organizing maps
[68] Wavetable matching of dynamic instruments with
[84] synthetic Building new tools for image animation by
using evol. techniques
[60] taideteoksetkin Alkavatko elaa? [Is art getting life?]
[84] techniques Building new tools for synthetic image an-
imation by using evol.
[15] technology Evolving attractive faces using morphing
and a GA: A new appr. to determining ideal facial aesthetics
[106] terrain Modelling video games landscapes by means of
gen. prog. - A new appr. for improving users experience
[141] text Placing labels on maps and diagrams using GAs
with masking
[123] texture Gen. prog. for easy 3D generation
[98] texturing Estimating parameters for procedural by
[88] Three-dimensional colour image and animation mod-
elling for CAL
[61] Tietokonetaide on monien ilmioiden leikkauspiste
[Computer art]
[59] Tietokonetaiteilija Kaarmemaiset sykkyrat pyorivat,
hajoavat ja kulkevat itsensa lapi, William Latham luo
olioitaan evoluution saantojen avulla [Refers to works of com-
puter artist William Latham]
[176] tone Common adaptive tuning using GAs
[72] tones Discrete summation synthesis of musical instru-
ment using GAs
[63] Methods for multiple wavetable synthesis of musical in-
[76] Nested modulator and feedback FM matching of instru-
[156] tongues Machine XVI. GAs and their appl. to FM
matching synthesis
[84] tools Building new for synthetic image animation by
using evol. techniques
[73] tradeos Computation and memory with multiple
wavetable interpolation
[75] Training partially recurrent neural networks using evol.
[163] transcription A novel appr. to automatic music us-
ing electronic synthesis and GAs
[164] Electronic synthesis using GAs for automatic music
[165] Evol. alg. and automatic of music
[127] transformation Shape in space-time
[145] trees Lifelike articial based on growth iterated func-
tion syst.
[30] tulevaisuudesta Geneesys katsaus kolmiulotteiseen
keinoelamaan nyt ja hahmotelma [A Review of 3D AL and
Outline of its Future]
[176] tuning Common tone adaptive using GAs
[36] two-coloured Automatic design support and image
evaluation of products using colour association and colour
harmony scales and GA
[65] two-dimensional GA-based noisy speech recognition
using cepstrum
[137] two-stage A evol. model for the computer-aided de-
sign of colour combinations
[26] type Generic building product model incorporating
building info
[136] unbiased A neuro-evol. global illumination alg.
[17] undirected A GA for drawing graphs
[58] unearthly In the innity of computer space there is a
garden of delights
[106] users Modelling video games landscapes by means of
gen. terrain prog. - A new appr. for improving experience
[179] utilising GA neural network tness evaluation for mu-
sical composition
[66] vertigo Experiances of otoneurological expert syst. for

[106] video games Modelling landscapes by means of gen.

terrain prog. - A new appr. for improving users experience
[85] virtuaalitodellisuudessa Keinoelamaa hyttysia
ja muita otokoita [Articial life in virtual reality Gnats and
other little creatures]
[87] virtual An automatic GA-based construction of neural
networks for motion cntr. of life
[113] Evolving creatures
Permuted title index 27
[85] Keinoelamaa virtuaalitodellisuudessa hyttysia ja
muita otokoita [Articial life in reality Gnats and other
little creatures]
[122] virtual reality A fuzzy cntr. rendering syst. for syst.
optimised by GAs
[108] visual Automating the layout of network diagrams with
specied organization
[130] Using GAs to improve the quality of fractal plants
generated with CSG-PL-syst.
[105] visualization Evaluation of GA-generated multivariate
color tables for the of multimodal medical fused data sets
[148] Evol. data
[103] visualizations An appr. to the perceptual opt. of com-
[45, 46] void Sculptures in the
[184] waveform Method and device for generating musical
[73] wavetable Computation and memory tradeos with
multiple interpolation
[64] Low peak amplitudes for synthesis
[63] Methods for multiple synthesis of musical instrument
[68] matching synthesis of dynamic instruments with GAs
[59] William Kaarmemaiset sykkyrat pyorivat, hajoavat
ja kulkevat itsensa lapi, Tietokonetaiteilija Latham luo
olioitaan evoluution saantojen avulla [Refers to works of com-
puter artist Latham]
[156] XVI Machine tongues GAs and their appl. to FM
matching synthesis
28 Genetic algorithms in arts and music
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composition. In George D. Smith and Nigel C. Steele, editors, Proceedings of the International Conference
on Articial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, pages 219223, Norwich, UK, 2.-4. April 1997.
[180] Anthony Richard Burton. A hybrid neuro-genetic pattern evolution system applied to musical composition.
PhD thesis, University of Surrey, School of Electronic Engineering, 1998. (
Personal/A.Burton/work.html) ga98aARBurton.
[181] Geraint Wiggins, George Papadopoulos, Somnuk Phon-Amnuaisuk, and Andrew Tuson. Evolutionary meth-
ods for musical composition. In ?, editor, Proceedings of the CASYS98 Workshop on Anticipation, Music
& Cognition, page ?, Li`ege, ? 1998. ? ga98aGWiggins.
[182] George Papadopoulos and Geraint Wiggins. A genetic algorithm for the generation of jazz melodies. In
Pasi Koikkalainen and Seppo Puuronen, editors, Human and Articial Information Processing, Proceedings
of the 8th Finnish Articial Intelligence Conference, pages 241250, Jyvaskyla (Finland), 7.-9. September
1998. University of Jyvaskyla Finnish Articial Intelligence Society. ga98aPapadopoulos.
[183] Hannu Saukkosaari. Optimizing additive synthesis parameters with genetic algorithms and self-organizing
maps. In Pasi Koikkalainen and Seppo Puuronen, editors, Human and Articial Information Processing,
Proceedings of the 8th Finnish Articial Intelligence Conference, pages 234240, Jyvaskyla (Finland), 7.-
9. September 1998. University of Jyvaskyla Finnish Articial Intelligence Society. ga98aSaukkosaari.
[184] Toshiya Yoshida. Method and device for generating musical sound waveform, 1998. (JP patent no. 10149167.
Issued June 2 1998) * ga98aToshiyaYoshida.
[185] A. Pazos, A Santos del Riego, J. Dorado, and J. J. Romero Caldalda. Genetic music compositor. In Pro-
ceedings of the 1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation-CEC99, volume 2, pages 885890, Washington,
DC, 6.-9. July 1999. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. CCA85895/99 ga99aAPazos.
[186] Jarmo T. Alander, editor. Proceedings of the Third Nordic Workshop on Genetic Algorithms and their
Applications (3NWGA), Helsinki (Finland), 18.-22. August 1997. Finnish Articial Intelligence Society
(FAIS). (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/3NWGA/*.ps.Z) ga97NWGA.
[187] Daniel S. Weile and Eric Michielssen. Genetic algorithm optimization applied to electromagnetics - a review.
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 45(3):343353, March 1997. (89 refs) ga97aWeile.
[188] Hans-Michael Voigt, Werner Ebeling, Ingo Rechenberg, and Hans-Paul Schwefel, editors. Parallel Problem
Solving from Nature PPSN IV, volume 1141 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin (Germany),
22.-26. September 1996. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. ga96PPSN4.
[189] Francisco J. Varela and Paul Bourgine, editors. Toward a Practice of Autonomous System: Proceedings
of the First European Conference on Articial Life, Paris, 11.-13. December 1991. MIT Press, Cambridge,
MA. ga:ECAL91.
[190] John R. Koza. Genetic Programming: On Programming Computers by Means of Natural Selection and
Genetics. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1992. ga:Koza92book.
University of Vaasa, Finland 39
[191] Catherine Bounsaythip and Jarmo T. Alander. Genetic algorithms in image processing - a review. In
Alander [195], pages 173192. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/3NWGA/ ga97aBounsaythip.
[192] Cees H. M. van Kemenade. Modeling elitist genetic algorithms with a nite population. In Alander [195],
pages 316. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/3NWGA/ ga97aKemenade.
[193] D. W. Pearson, N. C. Steele, and R. F. Albrecht, editors. Articial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms,
Al`es (France), 19.-21. April 1995. Springer-Verlag, Wien New York. ga95ICANNGA.
[194] John R. Koza, David E. Goldberg, David B. Fogel, and Rick L. Riolo, editors. Proceedings of the GP-96
Conference, Stanford, CA, 28.-31. July 1996. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. prog ga96GP.
[195] Proceedings of the First IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Orlando, FL, 27.-29. June 1994.
IEEE, New York, NY. ga94ICCIEC.
(ref) = the bibliography item does not belong to my collection of genetic papers.
(ref) = citation source code. ACM = ACM Guide to Computing Literature, EEA = Electrical & Elec-
tronics Abstracts, BA = Biological Abstracts, CCA = Computers & Control Abstracts, CTI = Current
Technology Index, EI = The Engineering Index (A = Annual, M = Monthly), DAI = Dissertation Ab-
stracts International, P = Index to Scientic & Technical Proceedings, PA = Physics Abstracts, PubMed
= National Library of Medicine, BackBib = Thomas Backs unpublished bibliography, Fogel/Bib = David
Fogels EA bibliography, etc
* = only abstract seen.
? = data of this eld is missing (BiBTeX-format).
The last eld in each reference item in Teletype font is the BiBT
Xkey of the corresponding reference.
40 Genetic algorithms in arts and music
Appendix A
The following other abbreviations were used to compress the titles of articles in the permutation title
AI = Articial Intelligence
Alg. = Algorithm(s)
AL = Articial Life
ANN(s) = Articial Neural Net(work)(s)
Appl. = Application(s), Applied
Appr. = Approach(es)
Cntr. = Control, Controlled,
= Controlling, Controller(s)
Coll. = Colloquium
Comb. = Combinatorial
Conf. = Conference
CS(s) = Classier System(s)
Distr. = Distributed
Eng. = Engineering
EP = Evolutionary Programming
ES = Evolutionsstrategie(n),
= Evolution(ary) strategies
Evol. = Evolution, Evolutionary
ExS(s) = Expert System(s)
FF(s) = Fitness Function(s)
GA(s) = Genetic Algorithm(s)
Gen. = Genetic(s), Genetical(ly)
GP = Genetic Programming
Ident. = Identication
Impl. = Implementation(s)
Int. = International
ImPr = Image Processing
JSS = Job Shop Scheduling
ML = Machine Learning
Nat. = Natural
NN(s) = Neural Net(work)(s)
Opt. = Optimization, Optimal,
= Optimizer(s), Optimierung
OR = Operation(s) Research
Par. = Parallel, Parallelism
Perf. = Performance
Pop. = Population(s), Populational(ly)
Proc. = Proceedings
Prog. = Programming, Program(s), Programmed
Prob. = Problem(s)
QAP = Quadratic Assignment Problem
Rep. = Representation(s), Representational(ly)
SA = Simulated Annealing
Sch. = Scheduling, Schedule(s)
Sel. = Selection, Selectionism
Symp. = Symposium
Syst. = System(s)
Tech. = Technical, Technology
TSP = Travel(l)ing Salesman Problem
Appendix B
Bibliography entry formats
This documentation was prepared with L
X and reproduced from camera-ready copy supplied by the editor. The ones
who are familiar with BibTeX may have noticed that the references are printed using abbrv bibliography style and have
no diculties in interpreting the entries. For those not so familiar with BibTeX are given the following formats of the
most common entry types. The optional elds are enclosed by [ ] in the format description. Unknown elds are shown
by ?. after the entry means that neither the article nor the abstract of the article was available for reviewing and so
the reference entry and/or its indexing may be more or less incomplete.
Book: Author(s), Title, Publisher, Publishers address, year.
John H. Holland. Adaptation in Natural and Articial Systems. The University of Michigan Press,
Ann Arbor, 1975.
Journal article: Author(s), Title, Journal, volume(number): rst page last page, [month,] year.
David E. Goldberg. Computer-aided gas pipeline operation using genetic algorithms and rule learning.
Part I: Genetic algorithms in pipeline optimization. Engineering with Computers, 3(?):3545, 1987.
Note: the number of the journal unknown, the article has not been seen.
Proceedings article: Author(s), Title, editor(s) of the proceedings, Title of Proceedings, [volume,] pages, location of the
conference, date of the conference, publisher of the proceedings, publishers address.
John R. Koza. Hierarchical genetic algorithms operating on populations of computer programs. In
N. S. Sridharan, editor, Eleventh International Joint Conference on Articial Intelligence (IJCAI-89),
pages 768774, Detroit, MI, 20.-25. August 1989. Morgan Kaufmann, Palo Alto, CA. .
Technical report: Author(s), Title, type and number, institute, year.
Thomas Back, Frank Homeister, and Hans-Paul Schwefel. Applications of evolutionary algorithms.
Technical Report SYS-2/92, University of Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, 1992.
Vaasa GA Bibliography 43
Vaasa Genetic Algorithm Bibliography
Search & Optimise
Main features:
Over 20,000 references to published papers
by over 20,000 researchers.
Available as over 70 special bibliographies online:*bib.pdf les.
Covers all sciences and engineering elds, from basic theory to applica-
Several indexes and statistical summaries.
See what problems evolution can solve for you!
Global optimisation and search heuristics called genetic algorithm mimics evolution in nature using
recombination and selection from a set of solution trials called population. One of the most prominent
attractive features of genetic algorithms from the practical point of view of software techniques is their
simplicity, which makes them easy to implement and tailor to solve practical search and optimisation
In spite of the seemingly simple processing, the genetic algorithms are good at solving some problems
that are known to be hard. The simplicity, generality, exibility, parallelism, and the good problem solving
capability have made genetic algorithm very popular among various disciplines desperately searching
methods to solve dicult optimisation problems.

Observe that our server has also a selection of our papers on genetic algorithms and other compuational
topics. See our bibliographies or le for further details.
44 Vaasa GA Bibliography
le # refs updated contents GA in 1990
. 557 GA in 2002
gaACOUSTICSbib.pdf 190 2009/08/17 GA in acoustics
gaAIbib.pdf 2566 2013/06/14 GA in articial intelligence
gaAERObib.pdf 911 2014/05/06 GA in aerospace
gaAGRObib.pdf 405 2012/08/01 GA in agriculture
gaALIFEbib.pdf 184 2014/05/06 GA in articial life
gaARTbib.pdf 174 2014/05/06 GA in art and music
gaAUSbib.pdf 720 2013/05/14 GA in Australia and New Zealand
gaBASICSbib.pdf 1177 2014/04/28 Basics of GA
gaBIObib.pdf 1635 2014/05/06 GA in biosciences including medicine
gaCADbib.pdf 1407 2012/07/30 GA in Computer Aided Design
gaCHEMbib.pdf 938 2009/07/24 GA in chemical sciences ; previously in 2277 GA in chemistry and physics; divided into and 2002
gaCIVILbib.pdf 1068 2009/01/07 GA in civil, structural, and mechanical engineering
gaCODEbib.pdf 377 2008/03/20 GA coding
gaCOEVObib.pdf 232 2008/09/18 co- and dierential evolution GA
gaCONTROLbib.pdf 1881 2012/08/08 GA in control and process engineering
gaCSbib.pdf 1453 2008/03/20 GA in comp. sci. (incl. databases, /mining, software testing and GP)
gaEARLYbib.pdf 723 2014/04/28 GA in early years (upto 1989) 679 2003/07/09 GA in the Eastern Europe
gaECObib.pdf 1569 2012/07/16 GA in economics and nance
gaECOLbib.pdf 177 2012/07/16 GA in ecology and biodiversity
gaELMAbib.pdf 574 2012/07/20 GA in electromagnetics
gaESbib.pdf 464 2008/08/13 Evolution strategies 1556 2011/12/29 GA in the Far East (excl. Japan)
gaFEMbib.pdf 90 2014/05/06 GA & FEM
gaFINbib.pdf 891 2013/05/22 GA in Finland
gaFPGAbib.pdf 435 2013/11/18 GA & FPGA 540 2011/12/29 GA in France 1353 2003/07/09 GA papers available via web (ftp and www)
gaFUZZYbib.pdf 1521 2012/09/21 GA and fuzzy logic
gaGAMEbib.pdf 140 2014/05/06 GA and games
gaGEObib.pdf 458 2014/05/06 GA in geosciences 1586 2004/09/22 GA in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
gaGPbib.pdf 1006 2012/07/30 genetic programming
gaIMPLEbib.pdf 1500 2012/07/30 implementations of GA 276 2003/05/23 GA in India
gaINVERSEbib.pdf 291 2010/01/08 GA in inverse problems
gaIREGbib.pdf 204 2013/10/28 image registration
gaISbib.pdf 87 2009/08/17 immune systems 2475 2013/05/14 GA in Japan
gaLCSbib.pdf 211 2012/08/08 Learning Classier Systems
gaLASERbib.pdf 58 2009/07/31 GA and lasers 649 2003/07/09 GA in Latin America, Portugal & Spain
gaLOGISTICSbib.pdf 741 2014/05/06 GA in logistics (incl. TSP)
gaMANUbib.pdf GA in manufacturing
gaMATHbib.pdf 846 2009/07/27 GA in mathematics
gaMEDICINEbib.pdf 739 2012/08/01 GA in medicine 1810 2003/07/09 GA in the Mediterranean
gaMICRObib.pdf 83 2008/03/31 GA in microscopy & microsystems
gaMILbib.pdf 113 2009/08/17 GA in military applications
gaMLbib.pdf 1231 2012/08/08 GA in machine learning
gaMSEbib.pdf 575 2013/08/15 GA in materials
gaNANObib.pdf 117 2012/07/17 GA in nanotechnology
gaNIRbib.pdf 267 2013/11/18 GA in NIRS (spectroscopy)
gaNNbib.pdf 1883 2012/06/28 GA in neural networks
gaNORDICbib.pdf 1125 2013/11/18 GA in Nordic countries
gaOPTICSbib.pdf 2168 2014/04/28 GA in optics and image processing
gaOPTIMIbib.pdf 923 2003/07/09 GA and optimization (only a few refs)
gaORbib.pdf 1704 2012/07/30 GA in operations research
...table continues on the next page...
Vaasa GA Bibliography 45
le # refs updated contents
gaPARAbib.pdf 833 2012/07/30 Parallel and distributed GA
gaPARETObib.pdf 469 2009/03/24 Pareto optimization
gaPATENTbib.pdf 462 2009/07/27 GA patents
gaPATTERNbib.pdf 1654 2012/09/21 GA in pattern recognition incl. LCS
gaPHYSbib.pdf 2313 2008/04/07 GA in physical sciences ; previously in
gaPIEZObib.pdf 57 2012/07/18 GA & piezo
gaPOWERbib.pdf 976 2012/06/28 GA in power engineering
gaPROTEINbib.pdf 491 2008/03/12 GA in protein research
gaPSObib.pdf 92 2013/08/15 Particle Swarm Optimisation
gaQCbib.pdf 547 2011/03/09 quantum computing
gaREMOTEbib.pdf 302 2012/07/20 GA in remote sensing
gaROBOTbib.pdf 775 2009/07/27 GA in robotics
gaSAbib.pdf 331 2009/07/24 GA and simulated annealing
gaSCHEDULINGbib.pdf 862 2011/12/29 GA in scheduling 295 2009/07/27 Selection in GAs
gaSIGNALbib.pdf 2587 2012/07/27 GA in signal and image processing
gaSIMULAbib.pdf 1037 2009/07/24 GA in simulation
gaTELEbib.pdf 840 2009/07/27 GA in telecom
gaTHEORYbib.pdf 2654 2012/09/17 Theory and analysis of GA
gaTHESESbib.pdf 578 2009/01/07 PhD etc theses
gaVAASAbib.pdf 284 2010/08/17 GA in Vaasa
gaVLSIbib.pdf 799 2012/07/16 GA in electronics, VLSI design and testing 1998 2008/05/22 GA in United Kingdom 129 2013/08/15 GA & X-rays
Table B.1: Indexed genetic algorithm special bibliographies available online in directory New updates only as .pdf les.

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