Bibliography of Genetic Algorithms in Arts and Music
Bibliography of Genetic Algorithms in Arts and Music
Bibliography of Genetic Algorithms in Arts and Music
TAU/reports/report94-1/gaOPTICSbib.pdf gaOPTICSbib.
[13] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in signal and image processing. Report 94-
1-SIGNAL, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995.
TAU/reports/report94-1/gaSIGNALbib.pdf gaSIGNALbib.
[14] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in computer aided design. Report 94-
1-CAD, University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995.
TAU/reports/report94-1/gaCADbib.pdf gaCADbib.
[15] Brian J. F. Wong, Koohyar Karimi, Zlatko Devcic, CVhristine E. McLaren, and Wen-Pin Chen. Evolving
attractive faces using morphing technology and a genetic algorithm: A new approach to determining ideal
facial aesthetics. Laryngoscope, 118(6):962974, June 2008. * ga08aBrianJFWong.
[16] H. Furuta, K. Maeda, and E. Watanabe. Application of genetic algorithm to aesthetic design of bridge
structures. Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, 10(6):415421, 1995. CCA96766/95 ga95bFuruta.
[17] J urgen Branke, Frank Bucher, and Hartmut Schmeck. A genetic algorithm for drawing undirected graphs.
In Alander [195], pages 193206. (ftp://ftp.uwasa.fics/3NWGA/ ga97aBranke.
[18] Masashi Kuriwaki and Tokifumi Kubai. House design system using genetic algorithm, 2000. (JP patent no.
2000285149. Issued October 13 2000) * ga00aMKuriwaki.
30 Genetic algorithms in arts and music
[19] Masashi Kuriwaki and Tokifumi Kubai. House design system using genetic algorithm, 2000. (JP patent no.
2000285149. Issued October 13 2000) * ga00bMKuriwaki.
[20] Masanori Kashiwagi. Data structure for system kitchen editing and designing, 2001. (JP patent no.
2001175638. Issued June 29 2001) * ga01aMKashiwagi.
[21] Masashi Kuriwaki and Tokifumi Kubai. House design system using genetic algorithm, 2001. (JP patent no.
2001084285. Issued March 30 2001) * ga01bMKuriwaki.
[22] G. R. Newsham, R. G. Marchand, and J. A. Veitch. Preferred surface luminances in oces, by evolution:
a pilot study. In ?, editor, Proceedings of the IESNA Annual Conference, pages 375398, Salt Lake City,
5.-7. August 2002. ? ga02aGRNewsham.
[23] M. Corcione and L. Fontana. Optimal design of outdoor lighting systems by genetic algorithms. Lighting
Research and Technology, 35(3):261280, ? 2003. ga03aMCorcione.
[24] G. R. Newsham, C. Richardson, C. Blanchet, and J. A. Veitch. Lighting quality research using rendered
images of oces. Lighting Research and Technology, 37(2):93115, ? 2005. ga05aGRNewsham.
[25] Kazutoshi Tsutsumi, Yasuharu Omori, and Keisuke Sasaki. Roof shape generation method for buildings
using KANSEI evaluation rules. In 2006 International Symposium on Evolving Fuzzy Systems, pages 306
311, ?, September 2006. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ. ga06aKTsutsumi.
[26] Charles M. Eastman and Anastassios Siabiris. Generic building product model incorporating building type
information. Autom. Constr., 3(4):238304, January 1995. * EI M092184/95 ga95aEastman.
[27] D. A. Coley and J. A. Crabb. Articial intelligence approach to the prediction of natural lighting levels.
Build Environment, 32(2):8185, 1997. EI M157095/97 ga97aDAColey.
[28] John S. Gero and Lan Ding. Learning emergent style using an evolutionary approach. In Michael Blumen-
stein, editor, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia
Applications, pages 171175, Gold Coast, QUE, Australia, February 1997. Watson Ferguson & Company
(Grith University). ga97aJSGero.
[29] D. A. Coley and D. Winters. Genetic algorithm search ecacy in aesthetic product spaces. Complexity
(USA), 3(2):2327, 1997. CCA25193/98 ga97bDAColey.
[30] Tomi Salminen. Geneesys katsaus kolmiulotteiseen keinoelamaan nyt ja hahmotelma tulevaisuudesta [A
review of 3D articial life and outline of its future]. Masters thesis, University of Industrial Arts Helsinki,
Media Laboratory; Taideteollinen korkeakoulu, Medialaboratorio, 2000. (in Finnish;$\
sim${}tosalmin/thesis/) www ga00aTomiSalminen.
[31] Hee-Su Kim and Sung-Bae Cho. Application of interactive genetic algorithm to fashion design. Engineering
Applications of Articial Intelligence, 13(6):635644, December 2000. * EBSCO 0519389 ga00bHee-SuKim.
[32] Mara Elizabeth Jones and Arvin Agah. Evolution of digital images. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man,
and Cybernetics-Part C: Applications and Reviews, 32(3):261271, August 2002. ga02aMaraEJones.
[33] Pekka Ala-Siuru. AI in contemporary (interactive)art. In Pekka Ala-Siuru and Samuel Kaski, editors,
STeP 2002 - Intelligence, The Art of Natural and Articial, The 10th Finnish Articial Intelligence Con-
ference, pages 142143, Oulu (Finland), 15.-17. December 2002. Finnish Articial Intelligence Society.
[34] Mahmoud S. Hamid, Neal R. Harvey, and Stephen Marshall. Genetic algorithm optimization of mul-
tidimensional grayscale soft morphological lters with applications in lm archive restoration. IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 13(5):406416, May 2003. ga03aMSHamid all.jsp?arnumber=1341312.
[35] Mahmoud S. Hamid and Stephen Marshall. FPGA realisation of the genetic algorithm for the design of
gray-scale soft morphological lters. In Proceedings of the 200 IEEE International Conference on, volume ?,
pages 141144. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, ? 2003. ga03bMSHamid.
[36] Hung-Cheng Tsai and Jyh-Rong Chou. Automatic design support and image evaluation of two-coloured
products using colour association and colour harmony scales and genetic algorithm. Computer-Aided Design,
39(?):818828, ? 2007. ga07aHung-ChengTsai.
[37] Hung-Cheng Tsai, Chia-Young Hung, and Fei-Kung Hung. Automatic product color design using genetic
searching. In Andy Dong, Andrew Vande Moere, and John S. Gero, editors, Computer-Aided Architectural
Design Futures (CAADFutures) 2007, volume 10 of Architecture and Design, pages 513524, ?, ? 2007.
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. www /Springer ga07bHung-ChengTsai
Bibliography 31
[38] Ellie Baker and M. Seltzer. Evolving line drawings. In ?, editor, Proceedings of the Graphics Interface 94,
pages 91100, Ban, Alta. (Canada), 18-20. May 1994. Canadian Information Processing Society, Toronto.
* CCA 16288/95 ga94aEBaker.
[39] Shumeet Baluja, D. Pomerlau, and T. Jochem. Towards automated articial evolution for computer-
generated images. Connect. Science, 6(2-3):325254, 1994. * CCA 16309/95 ga94bBaluja.
[40] Andrew B. Horner. Envelope matching with genetic algorithms. J. New Music Res. (Netherlands),
24(4):318341, 1995. CCA31940/96 ga95aHorner.
[41] J. Ventrella. Disney meets Darwin the evolution of funny animated gures. In Proceedings of the Computer
Animation 95, pages 3543, Geneva (Switzerland), 19.-21. April 1995. IEEE Computer Society Press, Los
Alamitos, CA. * [186] CCA 43415/95 ga95aVentrella.
[42] Michael Herdy. Evolution strategies with subjective selection. In Voigt et al. [187], pages 2231. ga96aHerdy.
[43] Jarmo T. Alander. Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in art and music. Report 94-1-ART,
University of Vaasa, Department of Information Technology and Production Economics, 1995. http:
TAU/reports/report94-1/gaARTbib.pdf gaARTbib.
[44] William Latham. FormSynth: The rule-based evolution of complex forms from geometric primitives. In
J. Lansdown and R. A. Earnshaw, editors, Computers in Art, Design and Animation, page ? Springer-
Verlag, Berlin, 1989. citega:STodd92 ga:Latham89a.
[45] William Latham and Stephen Todd. Sculptures in the void. IBM Systems Journal, 28(4):?, ? 1989.
citega:STodd92 ga:Latham89b.
[46] William Latham and Stephen Todd. Sculptures in the void. New Scientist, ?(1701):?, 27. January 1990.
citega:STodd92 ga:Latham90a.
[47] William Latham, Karl Sims, Stephen Todd, and Michael Tolson. The applications of evolutionary and
biological processes to computer art and animation. In 20th Annual SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics Pro-
ceedings, pages 389390, Anaheim, CA, 1.-6. August 1993. ACM SIGGRAPH. ga:Latham93a.
[48] Karl Sims. Panspermia, 1990. ACM Sigraph Review (video tape) ga:Sims90.
[49] Karl Sims. Articial evolution for computer graphics. Computer Graphics, 25(4):319328, July 1991.
[50] Karl Sims. Interactive evolution of dynamical systems. In Varela and Bourgine [188], pages 171178.
[51] Karl Sims. Interactive evolution of equations for procedural models. In Proceedings of IMAGINA Conference,
page ?, Monte Carlo, 29.-30. January 1992. ? [189] ga:Sims92b.
[52] Karl Sims. Interactive evolution of equations for procedural models. The Visual Computer, 9(?):466476,
1993. Koza ga:Sims93a.
[53] Karl Sims. Evolving images. Paris, 1993. Koza ga:Sims93b.
[54] Stephen Todd and William Latham. Mutator, a subjective human interface for evolution of computer
sculptures. UKSC report 248, IBM, 1990. [57] ga:STodd90a.
[55] Stephen Todd and William Latham. Articial life or surreal art? In Varela and Bourgine [188], pages
504513. ga:STodd91a.
[56] Stephen Todd, William Latham, and P. Hughes. Computer sculpture design and animation. Journal of
Visualization and Computer Animation, 2(?):98105, August 1991. [57] ga:STodd91b.
[57] Stephen Todd and William Latham. Evolutionary Art and Computers. Academic Press, London, 1992.
[58] William Latham. In the innity of computer space there is a garden of unearthly delights, 1995. (CD-ROM)
IBM asiaa ga94aLatham.
[59] Ilpo Salonen. Kaarmemaiset sykkyrat pyorivat, hajoavat ja kulkevat itsensa lapi, tietokonetaiteilija William
Latham luo olioitaan evoluution saantojen avulla [Refers to works of computer artist William Latham].
Helsingin Sanomat, ?(?):D3, 16. April 1994. (in Finnish) ga94aSalonen.
[60] Asko J. Makela. Alkavatko taideteoksetkin elaa? [Is art getting life?]. In Eero Hyvonen and Jouko Seppanen,
editors, Keinoelama Articial Life, pages 273274, Helsinki (Finland), 12. May 1995. Finnish Articial
Intelligence Society (FAIS), Espoo. (in Finnish) ga95aMakela.
[61] Marja-Leena Vepsalainen and William Latham. Tietokonetaide on monien ilmioiden leikkauspiste [computer
art]. IBM asiaa, (1):1,2021, February 1995. (in Finnish) ga95aVepsalainen.
32 Genetic algorithms in arts and music
[62] Vedran Vucic and Henrik Hautop Lund. Self-evolving arts organisms versus fetishes. Muhely (The
Hungarian Journal of Modern Art), 104(?):6979, ? 1997. ga97aVVucic.
[63] Andrew B. Horner, James Beauchamp, and Lippold Haken. Methods for multiple wavetable synthesis of
musical instrument tones. Journal of Audio Engineers Society, 41(5):336356, May 1993. * EI 121094/93
[64] Andrew Horner. Low peak amplitudes for wavetable synthesis. IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio
Processing, 8(4):467470, July 2000. ga00aAHorner.
[65] Chin-Teng Lin, His-Wen Nein, and Jiing-Yuan Hwu. GA-based noisy speech recognition using two-
dimensional cepstrum. IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 8(6):664675, November 2000.
[66] Erna L. Kentala, Jorma Laurikkala, Kati Viikki, Yrjo Auramo, Martti Juhola, and Ilmari V. Pyykko. Expe-
riances of otoneurological expert system for vertigo. Scandinavian Audiology, 30(1):9091, ? 2001. * www
/Google ga01aELKentala
[67] E. A. Durant. Hearing Aid Fitting with Genetic Algorithms. PhD thesis, University of Michigan, 2002. [?]
[68] Andrew B. Horner. Wavetable matching synthesis of dynamic instruments with genetic algorithms. Journal
of the Audio Engineering Society, 43(11):916931, 1995. EI M020278/95 ga95bHorner.
[69] B. G. T. Tan and S. M. Lim. Automatic parameter optimization for double frequency modulation synthesis
using the genetic annealing algorithm. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 44(1/2):315, 1996. [180]
[70] B. T. G. Tan and S. M. Lim. Automated parameter optimization for douple frequency modulation synthesis
using the genetic annealing algorithm. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 44(1-2):315, 1996. EI
M063210/96 ga96aBTGTan.
[71] N.-M. Cheung and Andrew B. Horner. Group synthesis with genetic algorithms. Journal of the Audio
Engineering Society, 44(3):130147, 1996. EEA68942/96 ga96bN-MCheung.
[72] San-Kuen Chan and Andrew B. Horner. Discrete summation synthesis of musical instrument tones us-
ing genetic algorithms. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 44(7-8):581592, 1996. EEA109965
[73] Andrew B. Horner. Computation and memory tradeos with multiple wavetable interpolation. Journal of
the Audio Engineering Society, 44(6):481496, 1996. EI M126494/96 ga96dHorner.
[74] J. Yuen and Andrew B. Horner. Hybrid sampling-wavetable synthesis with genetic algorithms. Journal of
the Audio Engineering Society, 45(5):316330, 1997. EEA78034/97 ga97aJYuen.
[75] Garrison W. Greenwood. Training partially recurrent neural networks using evolutionary strategies. IEEE
Transactions on Speech & Audio Processing, 5(2):192194, ? 1997. Altavista/Greenwood ga97dGreenwood.
[76] Andrew Horner. Nested modulator and feedback FM matching of instrument tones. IEEE Transactions on
Speech and Audio Processing, 6(4):398409, July 1998. ga98aAHorner.
[77] J. Thomas Ngo. Global Optimization for Articulated Figures: Molecular Structure Prediction and Motion
Synthesis for Animation. PhD thesis, Harvard University, Department of Biophysics, 1993. (http://www.
Observe that our server has also a selection of our papers on genetic algorithms and other compuational
topics. See our bibliographies or le for further details.
44 Vaasa GA Bibliography
le # refs updated contents GA in 1990
. 557 GA in 2002
gaACOUSTICSbib.pdf 190 2009/08/17 GA in acoustics
gaAIbib.pdf 2566 2013/06/14 GA in articial intelligence
gaAERObib.pdf 911 2014/05/06 GA in aerospace
gaAGRObib.pdf 405 2012/08/01 GA in agriculture
gaALIFEbib.pdf 184 2014/05/06 GA in articial life
gaARTbib.pdf 174 2014/05/06 GA in art and music
gaAUSbib.pdf 720 2013/05/14 GA in Australia and New Zealand
gaBASICSbib.pdf 1177 2014/04/28 Basics of GA
gaBIObib.pdf 1635 2014/05/06 GA in biosciences including medicine
gaCADbib.pdf 1407 2012/07/30 GA in Computer Aided Design
gaCHEMbib.pdf 938 2009/07/24 GA in chemical sciences ; previously in 2277 GA in chemistry and physics; divided into and 2002
gaCIVILbib.pdf 1068 2009/01/07 GA in civil, structural, and mechanical engineering
gaCODEbib.pdf 377 2008/03/20 GA coding
gaCOEVObib.pdf 232 2008/09/18 co- and dierential evolution GA
gaCONTROLbib.pdf 1881 2012/08/08 GA in control and process engineering
gaCSbib.pdf 1453 2008/03/20 GA in comp. sci. (incl. databases, /mining, software testing and GP)
gaEARLYbib.pdf 723 2014/04/28 GA in early years (upto 1989) 679 2003/07/09 GA in the Eastern Europe
gaECObib.pdf 1569 2012/07/16 GA in economics and nance
gaECOLbib.pdf 177 2012/07/16 GA in ecology and biodiversity
gaELMAbib.pdf 574 2012/07/20 GA in electromagnetics
gaESbib.pdf 464 2008/08/13 Evolution strategies 1556 2011/12/29 GA in the Far East (excl. Japan)
gaFEMbib.pdf 90 2014/05/06 GA & FEM
gaFINbib.pdf 891 2013/05/22 GA in Finland
gaFPGAbib.pdf 435 2013/11/18 GA & FPGA 540 2011/12/29 GA in France 1353 2003/07/09 GA papers available via web (ftp and www)
gaFUZZYbib.pdf 1521 2012/09/21 GA and fuzzy logic
gaGAMEbib.pdf 140 2014/05/06 GA and games
gaGEObib.pdf 458 2014/05/06 GA in geosciences 1586 2004/09/22 GA in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
gaGPbib.pdf 1006 2012/07/30 genetic programming
gaIMPLEbib.pdf 1500 2012/07/30 implementations of GA 276 2003/05/23 GA in India
gaINVERSEbib.pdf 291 2010/01/08 GA in inverse problems
gaIREGbib.pdf 204 2013/10/28 image registration
gaISbib.pdf 87 2009/08/17 immune systems 2475 2013/05/14 GA in Japan
gaLCSbib.pdf 211 2012/08/08 Learning Classier Systems
gaLASERbib.pdf 58 2009/07/31 GA and lasers 649 2003/07/09 GA in Latin America, Portugal & Spain
gaLOGISTICSbib.pdf 741 2014/05/06 GA in logistics (incl. TSP)
gaMANUbib.pdf GA in manufacturing
gaMATHbib.pdf 846 2009/07/27 GA in mathematics
gaMEDICINEbib.pdf 739 2012/08/01 GA in medicine 1810 2003/07/09 GA in the Mediterranean
gaMICRObib.pdf 83 2008/03/31 GA in microscopy & microsystems
gaMILbib.pdf 113 2009/08/17 GA in military applications
gaMLbib.pdf 1231 2012/08/08 GA in machine learning
gaMSEbib.pdf 575 2013/08/15 GA in materials
gaNANObib.pdf 117 2012/07/17 GA in nanotechnology
gaNIRbib.pdf 267 2013/11/18 GA in NIRS (spectroscopy)
gaNNbib.pdf 1883 2012/06/28 GA in neural networks
gaNORDICbib.pdf 1125 2013/11/18 GA in Nordic countries
gaOPTICSbib.pdf 2168 2014/04/28 GA in optics and image processing
gaOPTIMIbib.pdf 923 2003/07/09 GA and optimization (only a few refs)
gaORbib.pdf 1704 2012/07/30 GA in operations research
...table continues on the next page...
Vaasa GA Bibliography 45
le # refs updated contents
gaPARAbib.pdf 833 2012/07/30 Parallel and distributed GA
gaPARETObib.pdf 469 2009/03/24 Pareto optimization
gaPATENTbib.pdf 462 2009/07/27 GA patents
gaPATTERNbib.pdf 1654 2012/09/21 GA in pattern recognition incl. LCS
gaPHYSbib.pdf 2313 2008/04/07 GA in physical sciences ; previously in
gaPIEZObib.pdf 57 2012/07/18 GA & piezo
gaPOWERbib.pdf 976 2012/06/28 GA in power engineering
gaPROTEINbib.pdf 491 2008/03/12 GA in protein research
gaPSObib.pdf 92 2013/08/15 Particle Swarm Optimisation
gaQCbib.pdf 547 2011/03/09 quantum computing
gaREMOTEbib.pdf 302 2012/07/20 GA in remote sensing
gaROBOTbib.pdf 775 2009/07/27 GA in robotics
gaSAbib.pdf 331 2009/07/24 GA and simulated annealing
gaSCHEDULINGbib.pdf 862 2011/12/29 GA in scheduling 295 2009/07/27 Selection in GAs
gaSIGNALbib.pdf 2587 2012/07/27 GA in signal and image processing
gaSIMULAbib.pdf 1037 2009/07/24 GA in simulation
gaTELEbib.pdf 840 2009/07/27 GA in telecom
gaTHEORYbib.pdf 2654 2012/09/17 Theory and analysis of GA
gaTHESESbib.pdf 578 2009/01/07 PhD etc theses
gaVAASAbib.pdf 284 2010/08/17 GA in Vaasa
gaVLSIbib.pdf 799 2012/07/16 GA in electronics, VLSI design and testing 1998 2008/05/22 GA in United Kingdom 129 2013/08/15 GA & X-rays
Table B.1: Indexed genetic algorithm special bibliographies available online in directory New updates only as .pdf les.