Business Chinese

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The passage discusses business phone etiquette in Chinese and common business greetings. It also talks about rising real estate prices in China based on KFC's experience of frequent relocation.

When making the first contact by phone, you should say '喂,您好! (wèi, nính o ǎ!) How do you do?'. Using 您 (nín) shows more respect than 你 (nĭ). You can also ask '请问您是哪位 (q ng wèn nín shì n wèi ǐ ǎ )' politely.

Common greetings include introducing yourself and your position, welcoming the other person, and expressing pleasure at meeting them. Respectful terms like 您 (nín) and 总 (zŏng) are used.

( shngw dinhu l y ) Business EtiquetteMake a

phone call
(shngw dinhu): n make a call for business purpose
(b och linx ): v to keep in touch
Making a phone call sometimes is the first step in building business
relationships and can have important impact on the success or failure of such
In the context of business Chinese, when you make the first contact, the
first sentence should be (wi, nnh o !) How do you do? We
usually dont use (n h o ), which means hello, because (nn)
shows more respect than (n) does, and is often used to call those who
are older or with higher ranks.
Another etiquette in the context of business Chinese: when receiving a
phone call and not knowing who is calling, we often use
(q ng wn nn sh n wi ) may I know who is speaking please? But in daily
conversations, we often use a less respectable form: (n zh o shu )
whom are you calling? (q ng wn ) may I ask please? shows that
you are polite and have a good manner. (n wi ) and (shu)
both mean who. (n) in this sentence means which, (wi) is a
measure word. (n zh o shu ) is used in daily Chinese and the tone
is not so polite.
Zijin, hn goxng h nn zi dinhu zhng gutng, b och linx.
! "
= Goodbye, nice to talk with you on the phone, and keep in touch.
(shngw) means business and (dinhu) means telephone or
phone call.
Shngw dinhu yo jsh huf.
# $% &'"= Business calls should be returned
(b och linx ): v to keep in touch
(b och ) means to keep and (linx) means contact.
Gu gngs de d ynj yngp n fh w men de yoqi,
( )* + ,-. /0 12 34 + #5
zh sh w de mngpin, b och linx.
6 3 + 78 "= The sample printer offered by
your company can meet our requirements. Here is my name card, keep in
9 (Shngw wnhu) Business Greetings (Beginner)
(n) and (nn): pron you
:;<=> D y tin shngbn First day of work
L Qing: Nho, n sh xn li de ba? Rgu w mi j cu, n jio Jik,
du ma?
?@A B C + DEFG 3 H I J K LMN
OE Li Qiang: Hello, aren't you a newcomer here? And if I'm not mistaken,
you must be Jack, right?
Ji K: Sh de, zh sh w d y tin shngbn.
LMA + 6 3 : ; < =>"Jack: Yes, I am. It's my
first day here.
L Qing: Nho, w sh zhge gngs de zng jngl, w jio L Qing!
?@A 3 6P )* + QRS 3 K ?@
Li Qiang: How do you do! I am the general manager of this company and
my name is Li Qiang.
Ji K: Nnho, L Zng, ji yng nn de dmng .
LMA ?Q TU + V7"Jack: How do you
do! Mr. Li, I've heard a great deal about you.
L Qing: Bgndng, hn goxng jin do n!
?@A WXY Z Li Qiang: I am
afraid that is an overstatement. Good to meet you.
Ji K: Jin do nn w y gn do fichng rngxng.
LMA Z 3 [ \ Z ]^ _`"Jack: Pleasure
to meet you, too.
L Qing: N sh Migu rn, du ba? N de hny jing de hn b cu!
?@A ab cN DE + de f g W J
Li Qiang: You are American, aren't you? But your Chinese is pretty good!
Ji K: , xixie, nn gujing le!
LMA hii jk l Jack: Oh, thanks, I am flattered.
L Qing: W dibio wmen gngs qunt yungng hunyng n de jir.
?@A 3 mn 34 )* op qr st
+ uv
Li Qiang: I would like to welcome you on behalf of all the staff in this
Ji K: Zhn sh wn fn gnxi nn! Chlizhdo, yhu yo rng nn
fixn le, qng nn
LMA w x y \i zC{Z |} # ~
Jack: Thanks a million. Since I just got here, please take care
of me in the future.
L Qing: N ti kqi le. W xwng n zi zhl gngzu ykui!
?@A l"3 6 r
Li Qiang: Not at all. I hope you will enjoy your stay here.
Ji K: Xixie, w xingxn w hu de.
LMA ii 3 3 +"Jack: I appreciate that. And I
bet I will.
Key Learning Points:
(n) and (nn) are two personal pronouns in Chinese which are
represented by the same word you in English. (nn) is the respectful
form of (n) and is often used to call those who are older or have a
higher rank. Both of the words have plural forms: 4 (nmen) and 4
(n) and (nn): pron you
Z ng jngl , nnh o, zh sh nn yo de cilio.
1. A: Q RS 6 # + "
Hello, general manager, this is the material you want.
H ode, xixie .
B: +ii Ok, thank you.
Hi, n mngtin xiw y u shjin ma? W men q d lnqi ba .
2. A: < % OE 34 ,
Hi, are you free tomorrow afternoon? Lets play basketball.
H oa, miwnt.
B: H"
(shngc) Vocabulary:TU (ji yng ): v to hear much about
_` (rngxng): adj be honored
(fixn): v to give a lot of care
zC{Z (chlizhdo): v to have just arrived
(gunzho): v/n care/attention/concern
(kqi): adj courteous
b (Kk u kl y Zhnggu jmu ) Coca-Cola and
Ancient Chinese Stratagems (Advanced)
Key Learning Points (Preview):
(snshlij): n thirty six stratagems
(yqn gzng): n/v to catch something, first set it free
- (lrn): n profit
More than 20 years ago, " (kk u kl ) Coca-Cola" was looking to
break into the huge Chinese soft drink market. First, the soft drink company
provided China with four million dollars of soda processing " (shbi)
equipment" for FREE. And it also set a low price for its products. It spent a
large amount of money on " (xunchun) publicizing" its soft drinks in
China to create a market awareness. Then, as soon as the market opened and
the distributors realized the "- (lrn) profit" of doing business with the
company, Coca-Cola sold the " (shbi) equipment," instead of giving it
away for free to the bottlers and then "= (shngzh ng ) raised" the price
of its popular products. By employing this strategy, Coca-Cola made money
many times more than its initial " (tuz) investment" from the Chinese
This strategy is called " (yqn gzng) to catch something, first
set it free." It is one of the most famous stratagems in a remarkable Chinese
book called " (snshlij) Thirty Six Stratagems." The logic is as
follows: Cornered prey will often mount a final desperate attack. To prevent
this from happening, you let the enemy first believe he still has a chance for
escaping. His will to fight will be weakened by his desire to escape. When
the enemy realizes there is no chance to escape later on, it is too latehis "
(duzh) morale" will be crushed and he will " (tuxing)
surrender" without a fight.
It is often said that "F (shngch ng r zhnch ng ) business is
war," and "F (m imi r yngbng ) doing business is like
deploying military forces." Today's business professionals in China are
increasingly aware of the importance of the " (snshlij) thirty
six stratagems" and are thus willing to discuss and implement them during
their daily business affairs. And they believe that those who thoroughly
understand the essence of the book will come out victorious in today's
Key Learning Points:
(snshlij): n thirty six stratagems
The character " (sn)" means three. " (sh)" means ten. " (li)" means
six. " (j)" is the short form of " (jmu)" which means stratagem.
A: Tngshu n zujn zi kn snshlij.
I heard that you've been reading the book of Thirty Six Stratagems recently.
B: Shde. T du w de shngyi hn y u bngzh.
+" N 3+ " Yes. It's very helpful for
my business.
(yqn gzng): n/v to catch something, first set it free
The character " (y)" means to want. " (qn)" means to capture. "
(g)" means deliberately. " (zng)" means to set free.
T mngbai yqn gzng de dol , su y q xin miy u lj jinbng nge
xi o gngs.
+ S| H
P )*"= He understands "to catch something, first set it
free," so he didn't form the merger with that small company at the beginning.
- (lrn): n profit Both the character " (l)" and "- (rn)" mean
T b gngs sh fn zh y de lrn jun gile cshn shy.
)* y ; + - l "
One tenth of his company's profit is donated to charity.
(shngc) Vocabulary:
F (shngch ng r zhnch ng ) business is war
F (m imi r yngbng ) doing business is like deploying military
(kk u kl ): n Coca-Cola
(shbi): n equipment
(tuz): n/v investment/to invest
(Shngw jisho l y ) Business EtiquetteBusiness Card
Exchanges and Introduction
Key Learning Points (Preview):
(jisho): v/n to introduce/introduction
(ninlng): n age
78 (mngpin): n business card
In China, the first time (jisho) introduction is crucial in business
relationships. It is a stepping stone for successful business cooperation.
There are two main principles about the (shnx) order you must
follow. One is related to the gender. That is, in China, we usually introduce
the men to the ladies before introducing the ladies to the men in order to
show (znjng) respect towards the ladies. The other is related to the
(ninlng) age and seniority. We usually introduce the lower
positioned people to the higher positioned first in order to show respect
towards the latter.
When exchanging 78 (mngpin) business card, you should pass your
business card with both hands toward the receiving side. You should also
take the others business card with both hands.
Key Learning Points:
(jisho): v/n to introduce/introduction
(ji) literally means betweenand (sho) literally means to
connect. But in the word (jisho), both the two characters mean to
Q ng y nx w xing nn jisho w men de d ngshzh ngChn
A: 3 34 +
Please allow me to introduce our chairman to youMr. Chen.
Nnh o, Chn xinsheng, hn rngxng jindo nn!
B: _` Z !
Hello, Mr. Chen, its my honor to meet you.
(ninlng): n age
(nin) literally means year and (lng) means age. And there are
some well-known quotations from The Analects of Confucius regarding to
(ninlng) age.
(snsh rl) means At thirty, a man should have planted his
feet firm upon the ground.
W (ssh b hu) means At forty, a man should no longer suffer
from perplexities, etc.
Nn de ninlng b w d.
+ 3 V"
You are older than I.
78 (mngpin): n business card
7 (mng) literally means name and 8 (pin) represents the meaning of
8 (k pin ) card.
Mngpin shng yn zhe w de q y dzh h dinhu hom .
78 = - 3 + "
My business address and phone number are printed on the business card.
(shngc) Vocabulary:
(shnx): n order
(znjng): n/v respect
C (shngw w ngli ): n business exchanges/doing business with
The character (shng) means commerce and (w) means affair.
(w ng ) means to go and C (li) means to come.
Tmen jinl le xn de shngw w ngli gunxi.
4 l B + C "
They have established a new business relationship.
Zh li ng ji gngs de shngw w ngli hn pnfn.
6 )* + C "
The two companies are very frequent in business exchanges.
(Shngw jicn l y zh jngji )
Toasting Etiquette at a Business Dinner
Key Learning Points (Preview):
(jngji): v to propose a toast
] (chfi): conj unless
(jngji) Toasting is an important part of dinner in China, especially
at business dinners. One should follow the basic rules when attending a
business dinner. Firstly, one should stand up and use both hands as he or she
toasts. Secondly, one should hold his or her glass with the right hand and use
the left hand to support the bottom and remember to always hold the glass
lower than those of others to show respect. Finally, many people can toast to
one person, but one should not toast to many people at once ] (chfi)
unless he or she is the leader.
Key Learning Points
(jngji): v to propose a toast
(jng) literally means to respect and here it means to offer respectfully.
(ji) means liquor.
W men dji xing xnning xnlng jngji .
Lets propose a toast to the bride and groom.
] (chfi): conj unless
(ch) literally means to get rid of, but here it means being exclusive.
(fi) means not.
Chfi n n l xi gngfu, f uz n y ngyu n d b h o w ngqi.
You will never become good at tennis unless you work hard at it.
Chfi n m shng c iq xngdng, brn y qi du w n le.
It will be too late unless you take action immediately.
2009 Top Ten Chinese Business Quotations
1<<, }<aVc<
Jntin hn cnk, mngtin gng cnk, hutin hn mih o, dn ju
ddush rn du s zi mngtin w nshng, kn b jin hutin de
Today is cruel and tomorrow is crueler. The day after tomorrow will be
wonderful; however, most people die on tomorrow night and wont see
the sunshine the day after tomorrow.
From Ma Yun, CEO of Alibaba, Chinas largest e-commerce
P npi=p nzh !p nwi !p nxng
Quality, taste and virtue make a brand.
From Ni Gnshng, CEO of MENGNIU, one of Chinas
leading dairy products companies.

Yo bki jngzhng y bknng, shch ng kndng y u jngzhng,
bmi n jngzhng, zh bsh zh os me?
It is impossible to avoid competition for its everywhere in the market;
arent you seeking death if you really try to avoid competition.
From Zong Qinghou, CEO of Wa haha, one of the four largest
beverage producers in the world.
Ji xing rchng shnghu zhng rnmen du shu h din de yli
y yng, w men yo zu chng hlinw ng shng de shu h din.
Like how people rely on water and electricity in their daily life, we are
going to make our products like the water and electricity of the internet
From Ma Huateng, CEO of Tencent (, the most
powerful Internet company in China.

H ir de minin du sh y g m lsng chngp o, mitin du sh y g
b im chngc.
Every year is a marathon race for Haier, and everyday is a 100-meter
From Zhang Ruimin, CEO of Haier Group, the fourth largest
appliance manufacturer in the world.

Yngxio sh miy u zhunji de, wiy de zhunji sh xiofizh, jish
n zh yo nng d dng xiofizh ji xng le.
There are no experts in marketing and the only expert is the customer.
So it is crucial to impress the customers.
From Shi Yuzhu, CEO of Giant Interactive Group, the first
online game company listed on New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).
Yoy u l xi ng, dnsh byo l xi nghu!
To have a dream is important, but dont be too idealistic!
From Liu Chuanzhi, CEO of Lenovo, the fourth largest PC
maker in the world.
Ynwi g ibin b li o guq, n zh nng q chungzo wili.
You can not change the past, so you have to create the future.
From Li Dongsheng, CEO of TCL Group, the largest electronic
product manufacturer in China.
Q y l nng fxin wnt, tch wnt de rn hn du, nxi nnggu
chungzo jhu h ddo jhu de sh nnggu fxin wnt bng jiju
wnt de rn.
Many people in an enterprise can discover problems; however, those
who can discover and solve those problems create and get
From Tang Jun, Former President of Shanda
ENTERTAINMENT, a NASDAQ listed Media Company.
Zh yo y u xnxn, rn y ngyu n b hu cubi.
As long as you have confidence in your heart, you will never be
From Li Ning, CEO of Li Ning Sports Group, a leading sports
brand in China.
(shngc) Vocabulary
(cnk) adj cruel
(cn) means cruel and (k) means ruthless.
Xinsh shhu z ngsh hn cnk.
The real world is always cruel.
a (mi h o ) adj fine/ beautiful/ bright
a (mi) means beautiful and (h o ) means fine or good.
Gng mih o de wili chngxin zi w men minqin.
A brighter future lies ahead.
SFG (l xi nghu ) v to idealize
S (l) refers natural science or logic. F (xi ng ) means to think. G
(hu) is a suffix which means to transform.
A: 3wZH$%H^"
W zhn xwng shhu zhng miy u jngzhng, miy u yl.
I wish there is no competition or stress in the society.
B: _/+`E&abSFG+cd"
i, nyng de shqng zh nng cnziy lxi nghu de shji zhng.
That exists only in an idealistic world.
WX (cubi) v to defeat
W (cu) means repress or oppress. X (bi) means to fail.
T de n l bi f ndng shl cubi.
His efforts were defeated by the reactionary force.
(q y ): n enterprise
$% (jngzhng): v to compete
?@ (yngxio): n marketing
A (zhunji): n expert
LM (chungzo): v to create
hi (shngw zuc l y ) Seating Arrangement Etiquette
At Chinese j (ynhu) banquets, the seating arrangement is probably
the most important part of Chinese dining (l y ) etiquette, especially
in Chinese business banquets. Generally, round tables are used at Chinese
banquets and the seat facing the entrance is the seat of honor. The seats on
the left hand side of the seat of honor are second, fourth, sixth, etc. in
importance, while those on the right are third, fifth, seventh and so on in
importance. The seat of honor, k (b oli ) reserved for the master of
the banquet or the c (krn) guests with highest status, is the one in the
center facing east or facing the entrance. Those of higher position sit closer
to the seat of honor. The guests of the lowest position sit furthest from the
seat of honor.
(shngc) Vocabulary
(l y ) n etiquette
(l) means polite and (y) means ceremony.
Zhnggu zg jish yg l y zh bng.
China has always been a state of etiquettes.
Dibi omen x n l y yoqi jizu.
The delegates have to be seated according to the proper etiquettes.
j (ynhu): n banquet
c (krn): n guest
k (b oli ): v to reserve
qrs+tu. (Shngdnji l de l s shn?j ) Green Business
Opportunity at Christmas
Christmas is a golden time for many businesses in China to make the most
out of the holiday season. On the Wangfujing Street in Beijing on December
16, 2009, 15 meters v (hunb o ) environmental friendly Christmas
tree was made of thousands of waste beverage bottles. Employees in
Shangri-La Hotel made Christmas trees out of waste paper, which attracted
many peoples attention. By doing so, not only do businesses t2 (yngh)
cater to the customers needs, but also show their 0 (p npi ) brands
positively. In fact, companies all over the world Wwx (byyl) spare
no efforts in making their products to meet customers green needs. After
all, y (gunzh) caring about customers needs and always putting
customers needs in the first place are the keys to business success. No
wonder businesses z{ (miozh n ) take aim at this Christmas
opportunity and just like what we say in Chinese: |=} (gk ji
sh shngd) Customers are God.
(shngc) Vocabulary
v (hunb o ) n environmental friendly
v (hun) means environment and (b o ) means to protect.
Rnmen xinzi yuliyu qngli hunb oxng qch.
People are becoming more and more in favor of environmental friendly cars.
Wwx (byyl) v spare no efforts
It is an idiom originated from a famous ancient Chinese works b
(Zhnguc) Intrigues of the Warring States. W (b) means not; w
(y) means to reserve; x (y) means remaining, and (l) means
W men ynggi byyl de mihu w men de hunjng.
We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.
t2 (yngh): v to cater to
0 (p npi ): n brand
y (gunzh): v to care about
z{ (miozh n ): v to take aim at
|=} (gk ji sh shngd): Customers are God
Chinas Most Valuable Brand
Key Learning Points (Preview): (boyun): v to
complain (xny): n reputation
In December 2009, Chinas most valuable brand list was (jixi o )
announced in New York and 100 Chinese consumer brands v (jnr)
entered the final list, including F(linxi ng ) Lenovo, and TCL.
b0 (Zhnggu zu y u jizh p npi ) Chinas Most Valuable
Brands was Haier Group, which has won the award for eight consecutive
years. How did Haier win the (gunjn) champion of Chinas most
valuable brand? Haier is a manufacturer for (jiyng dinq)
household electrical appliances, such as washers, air conditioners and so
on. Haier is recognized in China for its products (zhliang) quality
and customer service. There was a story about the birth of Haier V
(Ddgu) Big Sweet Potato washing machine. Once Haiers CEO
(Zhng Rum n ) Zhang Ruimin heard that farmers (boyun)
complained about the bad waterspout of Haiers washing machines,
because they washed big sweet potatoes using the washing machines. He
said: +34+. (Kh de nnt ji sh w men de kt )
A customers problem is our task. Shortly, Big Sweet Potato washing
machine was launched in the market. When Haier listened to its customers
and their f (f nku ) feedback, its (m nyd ) satisfaction
level and (xny) reputation improved.
Key Learning Points:
(boyun): v to complain Example: |
6+W" Hndu
gk du boyuan zh ji cntng de fw zhling b go. Many customers
complained about the quality of customer service in this restaurant.
(xny): n reputation Example: NC
#" Du shngji li shu, shngy
xnyu hn zhngyo. Reputation is very important to businessman.
(shngc) Vocabulary
v (jnr): v to enter
(m nyd ): n satisfaction level
= (w ngshng guw ) n Online shopping
@ (rxio) n Best seller
(t oji hunji ) v To bargain
As the holiday season is coming up soon, the Christmas shopping frenzy is
already around the corner. Will you do "= (w ngshng guw )
online shopping?" If so, you might be familiar with sites such as eBay and
Amazon, but do you know Taobao? It is China's most popular online
shopping site. According to Baidu Encyclopedia, Taobao' s "@
(xioling) sales volume" accounts for 80% of China's online shopping
market. In China, clothes, books, toys, and flowers are the "@ (rxio)
hot selling" gifts online. Alipay is the "Paypal" in China, and is also an
independent third-party payment platform.
"At the times of the '. (jnrngwij) financial crisis,' choosing a
more economical way of shopping is necessary." Some China's online
shopping "| (gk) customers" commented. Compared with the
traditional shopping methods, most people recognize that the "
(xngjib) performance-to-price ratio" of online shopping is higher.
One unique feature of Taobao is that it offers an instant messenger called
"Taobao Wangwang," where buyers can chat with their sellers. The
customers can ask for specific product information, and " (t oji
hunji) bargain."
= (w ngshng guw ) n Online shopping
" (w ng )" means network and "= (shng)" means on, so "=
(w ngshng )" means on the internet. " (gu)" means to buy and " (w)"
means thing, so " (guw)" means shopping. This phrase also can be
used as a verb which means to shop online.
+deDIF-=uAP +"
Y ude hny xuxzh rnwi, ynggi b rh zi w ngshng guw jijn
AP zhngwn de linx zhzhng.
Some Chinese learners consider that learning how to shop online should be
included in AP Chinese practice.
@ (rxio) n Best seller
" (r)" means hot and "@ (xio)" means to sell. This word also means to
sell well.
Zhge xuxio de g zh ng du wi hny kchng zhng, shngw hny
zu rxio.
Among all kinds of the Chinese language courses of this school, the
Business Chinese sells best.
(t oji hunji ) v To bargain
" (t o )" means to ask and " (ji)" means price, so " (t oji )" means
to ask a price; " (hunji)" means to haggle.
Y u de gk b t oji hunji dngzu y zh ng guw de lq. Some
customers believe bargaining is a fun part of shopping.
(shngc) Vocabulary:
@ (xioling): n sales volume
(l w ): n gift
. (jnrng wij): n financial crisis
| (gk): n customer
(xngjib): n performance-to-price ratio
Warren Buffett Bullish on Chinas BYD
The "Sage of Omaha" Warren Buffett has invested in " (b yd )
BYD-Build Your Dreams" CO Ltd, which is a Chinese manufacturer of
batteries, ". (sh uj ) cellphones," and electric vehicles founded by Wang
Chuanfu. Buffett " (knh o )" apparently is bullish on the rise of "
(jsh) technology" -based company BYD. In one meeting, Buffett wore the
" (biozh) logo" of BYD, showing his recognition of the company. He
also " (zngsng) gave a gift" -a wallet, to Wang Chuanfu, wishing him
" (ciq) luck in making more money." This has coincided with a
humorous connotation by some folks that BYD should mean Bring Your
Dollars. Wang Chuanfu presented Buffet a BYDs F6DM dual-mode electric
vehicle model which has revealed BYD's confidence in the field of "
(dindngch) electric vehicles." The e6 car is a type of pure electric vehicle
researched and developed by BYD itself. Comparing with other electric cars,
its running distance per charge is the longest by far in the world. The e6 cars
are expected to enter the U.S. market in 2011. Electricity is a " (wr n )
pollution" -free energy resource, so the prospect of electric cars was favored
by Buffett.
(knh o ) To be bullish on
" (kn)" means to look and watch and " (h o )" means good.
" Suzhe Zhnggu de kuis fzh n, x du l owi du
ynwi knh o Zhnggu de qinj ng r du hny xux ch nshng xngq.
With the rapid development of China, many foreigners are interested in
learning the Chinese language, for they are bullish on the future of China.
" (ciq)" Luck in making more money
" (ci)" refers to money or wealth and " (q)" refers to luck.
T zhn y u ciq, ch og du f le hndu c le.
He really had luck in making money, for he has hit the stock jackpot many
(shngc) Vocabulary
. (sh uj ): n cellphone
(jsh): n technology
(biozh): n logo
(zngsng): v to give a gift
(dindngch): n electric vehicle
(wr n ): n/v pollution/to pollute
A Glimpse of Chinas Real Estate Market: A KFC Story
Key Learning Points (Preview):
R (chochjishu fnwi) Go beyond/be out of the
acceptable range of
' (noshq) Downtown area
$% (hxn jngzhngl) Core competitiveness
Recently, KFC restaurants are reported to have to move frequently in some
areas of China. Why does such a fast-food giant have to face this
embarrassing situation? KFC restaurants in China often " (zln) rent"
their places. When their 10-year lease expires, the rent in the "'
(noshq) downtown area" has already soared to several times the original
rental price, and has "R (choch) gone beyond (jishu
fnwi) the acceptable price range of" KFC. So KFC was forced to re-select
some less-expensive locations. First of all, this proves that the original
locations' selection of KFC is correct. The success rate of its location
choices is almost 100 percent, which is one of the KFC's "$%
(hxn jngzhngl) core competitiveness." Second, the rent's soaring
suggests the " (fngdch n ) real estate" industry's rapid development
in China. The same also applies to the development of the "0
(shngp nfng ) residential building." Since 2003, China's housing prices
began nearly six-year's continuous growth, making more and more people
become " (fngn) mortgage slaves" due to high housing prices.
R (chochjishu fnwi) Go beyond/be out of the
acceptable range of
" (cho)" means to exceed, "R (ch)" means out of, so "R (choch)"
means to go beyond. " (jishu)" means to accept, and both the two
Chinese characters mean to accept." (fnwi)" means the range.
N de jig chochle w gngs de jishu fnwi, nng showi jingd
yxi ma?
Your price goes beyond the acceptable range of our company's capacity. Can
you bring it down a bit?
' (noshq) Downtown area
" (no)" means noisy; "' (sh)" means market place and " (q)" means
$% (hxn jngzhngl) Core competitiveness
In this word, the character " (h)" means core and " (xn)" means the
very center, so " (hxn)" means the very core. The character "$ (jng)"
means to compete and "% (zhng)" means to fight, so "$% (jngzhng)"
means to fight to win competition. Here the character " (l)" means ability.
Wnhul sh q y hxn jngzhngl de yunqun.
Culture is the source of core competitiveness in enterprises.
(shngc) Vocabulary
(zln): v/n rental
(fngdch n ): n real estate
0 (shngp nfng ): n commercial residential building
(fng n): n mortgage slaves

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